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Medicines and folk remedies for the treatment of a lazy stomach. Folk remedies will help wake up a lazy stomach What is a lazy stomach

Functional dyspeptic disorder is popularly called a lazy stomach. This type of disease is considered common among people of different ages. The pathology is accompanied by insufficient and difficult digestion of food. The disease is accompanied by pronounced symptoms.

A lazy stomach occurs in both adults and children of different ages. This pathological process is usually understood as insufficient functionality of the gastric cavity. In medicine, this disease is called functional dyspepsia. During the study, no deviations were detected. All blood, urine and stool parameters are within normal limits.

But at the same time the person complains about the sensation. When you eat a small amount of food, you feel full.

The main function of this organ is the enzymatic grinding of products, rhythmic mixing of the food mass, and peristaltic contractions. The gastric cavity becomes lazy if there is insufficient implementation of all of the above actions.

Causes of a lazy stomach

Lazy stomach syndrome occurs for various reasons such as:

  • poor nutrition with snacks on the go, the use of fast foods and processed foods, insufficient fluid intake, high fat and carbohydrate content;
  • long-term adherence to a diet lacking mineral components and vitamins in foods;
  • age indicators with aggravated enzyme deficiency;
  • formation of neoplasms in the gastric cavity. Tumors prevent food from being fully digested;
  • frequent nervous shocks, mental disorders or prolonged depression.

The cause of the pathology is diseases of the internal organs of a chronic nature, kidney or liver failure.

Symptomatic picture

In the absence of timely treatment, a functional disorder can lead to serious pathologies. Many patients simply ignore the signs, citing self-recovery of the body.

If you have a lazy stomach, the symptoms are characterized by:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • quick satiation even with small amounts of food;
  • a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the epigastric region;
  • discomfort in the solar plexus area after a meal;
  • flatulence;
  • an increase in the number of bowel movements. Diarrhea may occur;
  • loss of strength, weakness, chronic fatigue;
  • painful sensations in the abdomen;
  • heartburn and belching with sour contents.

In addition, the clinical picture depends on the type of pathology.

In medicine there are:

  • fermentation form. If a lazy stomach is detected, the symptoms will be accompanied by increased formation of gases and rumbling. The patient also often complains of a frequent urge to defecate;
  • ulcerative form. This type of syndrome leads to constant and frequent pain in the gastric cavity;
  • putrefactive form. Manifested by decreased appetite, general malaise, poor health;
  • pancreatic form. As a result of the development of such an illness, a person becomes more irritable. He often suffers from diarrhea. In addition to all this, the patient complains of rumbling in the stomach and loss of appetite.

Only an experienced doctor can determine the type of pathological process based on the symptoms of the disease.

Diagnostic measures

If the stomach does not want to function fully, then you need to urgently seek help from a doctor. The doctor will ask about any complaints, conduct an external examination, and then prescribe an examination.

It implies:

  • donating blood for general and biochemical analysis;
  • delivery of urine and feces to detect impurities and bacterial agents;
  • conducting an X-ray examination using a contrast agent;
  • performing ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal organs;
  • carrying out manometry and scintigraphy.

Fibro- and phagogastroscopy is considered one of the mandatory types of diagnostics. Such techniques allow you to fully examine the organ from the inside. To identify the cause of a functional disorder, gastric juice is examined. This will help determine the acidity level and take the right measures.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of a lazy stomach involves complex therapy. It includes:

  • taking medications;
  • use of traditional methods;
  • diet;
  • change in lifestyle.

Complex therapy gives more results and allows you to eliminate any cause of the pathological process.

Drug therapy

Drugs are prescribed by a doctor after performing diagnostic measures. When the cause of the pathology is Helicobacter pylori infection, the doctor prescribes antibacterial agents. Often, the regimen includes two medications at once - Amoxicillin and Clarithromycin. They must be taken at the same time.

To eliminate heartburn and belching, antacids are used:

  1. Rennie.
  2. Gastal.
  3. Maalox.

In appearance they resemble milk gel. After consumption, it is evenly distributed on the walls of the organ and protects from adverse effects.

To get rid of diarrhea, the doctor may prescribe antiemetic and antidiarrheal medications. They help normalize the water-salt balance in the body.

For rapid regeneration of the gastric walls, bismuth-based drugs are prescribed.

Traditional methods

Treatment with folk remedies for a lazy stomach should be carried out only after consultation with a specialist. Plants and some types of foods are considered safe and beneficial. But if the proportions are not observed during cooking, the opposite effect can be observed.

There are several effective recipes.

  1. Dried fruit mixture. Helps with persistent constipation. If the patient has prolonged diarrhea, then this remedy is prohibited from use. To make the composition, you need to take dried apples, raisins, dates, prunes, dried apricots, and figs. Each ingredient will require 100 g. Dried fruits are thoroughly washed and passed through a blender or meat grinder. The resulting slurry should be seasoned with liquid honey. To improve taste and increase health benefits, you can add walnuts, flaxseeds or sunflower seeds. You should eat the prepared mixture every morning on an empty stomach. You can have breakfast only after 30 minutes.
  2. Flax-seed. It is best to prepare an infusion from such a product. To make it you will need 20 g of seeds and 200 ml of cool water. The components are connected to each other and left overnight. In the morning the drink is filtered. For taste you can add raisins, carrots or honey. This remedy is used 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening on an empty stomach. The remaining flax seeds should be eaten at night just before going to bed. And the next morning drink a glass of water.
  3. Chamomile decoction. This product can be used instead of tea. To make it you will need 10 g of dried flowers and 200 ml of boiled water. Brew for at least 15 minutes, then strain. Take after meals. Instead of chamomile infusion, you can make a mixture of mint, St. John's wort and sage or chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort.

To make a sluggish stomach work, folk remedies should be taken for 3-4 weeks. A positive result will be noticeable only 10–14 days after application. Therefore, you should not expect a quick effect.


Proper nutrition will help you get rid of unpleasant symptoms instantly. The diet excludes the use of:

  • fatty and fried foods;
  • spices and herbs;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits with peel;
  • legumes;
  • fresh bread, buns, sweets;
  • fatty meats and fish.

It is better to eat often, but little by little. The volume of one serving should not exceed 150 g in the first days, and 200 g in subsequent days. Must adhere to a strict drinking regime. It is allowed to drink fruit drinks, compotes, weakly brewed black and green tea, decoctions of rose hips and herbs, mineral and purified water without gases. It is better to avoid fast foods, snacks and semi-finished products completely.

Preventive actions

A lazy stomach is considered one of the common problems. To avoid the development of such a process, you need to follow some recommendations.

  1. There are foods high in fiber: baked apples and pears, cereals, stewed vegetables.
  2. Do not overeat, especially before going to bed.
  3. Give your body a rest once a week. You need to stop eating heavy foods. On a fasting day, it is better to drink mineral water without gases, kefir, and chicken broth.
  4. Physical training helps a lot. Every morning before breakfast you need to do special exercises.
  5. Give up bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.
  6. Avoid stressful situations. Yoga, water aerobics, and swimming will help you get out of depression.
  7. Drink fermented milk products at night. This will improve digestion and the state of microflora.

A sluggish stomach leads to fermentation and putrefactive processes. This leads to gradual intoxication of the body and deterioration of the general condition. You should not let the disease progress, but consult a doctor when the first signs appear.

The term “lazy stomach” is a set of dysfunctions of the digestive system. The disease occurs in 60% of the world's population. This prevalence is associated with the impact of negative factors influencing from outside. The pathology is accompanied by a pronounced symptom complex and requires an integrated approach to therapy.

General information about the disease

Lazy stomach syndrome is an unconventional name for stomach disorders that are associated with the digestion of food. The medical name of the pathology is functional dyspepsia. The difficulty in diagnosis and therapy lies in normal blood and urine tests. But the patient complains of a gradual increase in symptoms: nausea, heaviness in the stomach, discomfort. The bottom line is that during normal functioning, the organ breaks down foods through the release of enzymes, but in case of disturbances, digestion does not occur and unprocessed food enters the intestines.

The disease is classified according to a number of characteristics:

  • Flow forms:
    • organic - the primary complication of diseases of the digestive system;
    • functional - not accompanied by pathological changes in the structure of the organ.
  • Complicated forms:
    • - increased gas formation due to the reaction of food to enzymatic juice;
    • putrefactive - the amount of protein significantly exceeds the norm, which dulls hunger;
    • ulcerative - sensation of an open wound in the organ;
    • pancreatic - in addition to stool disorders, the patient’s psychological instability is also observed.

The deviation can be observed even in an infant.

Who is at risk?

A person whose diet is poorly balanced is at greater risk of developing this disease.

Before treating a pathology, it is necessary to understand what provoking factors influence its development and progression. The disease occurs equally often in men, women, and children. The disease usually affects people who face the following circumstances, such as:

  • nervousness and frequent stressful conditions;
  • infectious infection;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • incorrect medication regimen;
  • problems with intestinal smooth muscles;
  • increased production of hydrochloric acid;
  • changes associated with age;
  • concomitant pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of pathology

A lazy stomach appears immediately after a person has eaten or after a short period of time. The symptoms feel like an attack and last for a short time. The main signs of lazy stomach syndrome are as follows:

Children with this pathology become capricious.

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • feeling of overeating, even if the portion is small;
  • discomfort in the solar plexus;
  • flatulence and sounds of the stomach;
  • increased frequency of bowel movements;
  • diarrhea;
  • rapid fatigue (if the child has a deviation, he is lethargic, capricious);
  • heartburn;
  • belching.

Treatment of the syndrome

Symptoms of a lazy stomach often coincide with temporary disorders triggered by a sudden stressful situation, taking medications or a malfunction in diet. In this case, you can eliminate the pathology yourself. But if symptoms appear for a long time, you need to contact a gastroenterologist so that he can prescribe adequate therapy. You can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract using the following methods:

  • taking medications;
  • use of traditional methods;
  • physiotherapeutic effects;
  • maintaining a special diet.

If, during diagnostic procedures, additional pathologies are discovered in the patient, for example, bacterial infection or an inflammatory process, a comprehensive therapeutic intervention is carried out.


Antisecretory drugs may be included in the course of therapy.

It is possible to force the stomach to work through medications only after all diagnostic measures have been carried out. Typically, several groups of medications are used simultaneously for therapy:

  • antisecretory agents;
  • antacids;
  • medications that stabilize his motor function;
  • painkillers;
  • accelerating food digestion;
  • vitamins.

Therapy with folk remedies

You can also get rid of lazy stomach syndrome using unconventional methods. In most cases, they are based on the use of plant components that improve digestion. Treatment with folk remedies can be carried out by the following means:

  • Dried fruits - activate the gastrointestinal tract. Usually the product is prepared with seeds, nuts and honey.
  • Flax seeds - speed up the digestion of food. The seeds are eaten in the morning on an empty stomach (1 tbsp) and washed down with water. Another recipe is also known:
    1. Pour 20 g of seeds with a glass of boiling water overnight.
    2. In the morning, add raisins, grated carrots and honey.
    3. Drink every 12 hours on an empty stomach.
  • Herbal infusions - chamomile, sage, mint and St. John's wort relieve pain and improve food absorption. You can prepare medicinal plants in different ways: as a decoction, infusion or tea.

Digestion is one of the processes that ensures the vitality of the human body. The stomach performs an important function. It grinds and processes incoming food with its further movement into the intestines. For a number of reasons, this natural process may malfunction - the contractile function of the organ’s muscles is disrupted, digestion slows down, and food lingers in the stomach for a long time. Such situations are not uncommon. When seeking medical help, the patient is diagnosed with dyspepsia or lazy stomach syndrome.

This condition can occur in an adult or a child. It is not an independent disease, but is defined as a complex of disorders. The patient requires additional diagnostics, and then the prescription of treatment procedures - taking medications, using physiotherapeutic methods, vitamin therapy and herbal medicine. The restoration of the functions of the patient’s digestive organs is facilitated by a transition to a special diet and lifestyle changes.

Causes of lazy stomach syndrome

The syndrome in which the stomach is called “lazy” develops under the influence of certain factors:

  • pathologies of human eating behavior, which are expressed by signs characteristic of anorexia or bulimia;
  • unbalanced diet, daily consumption of “junk” food;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • stable state of stress or increased nervousness;
  • insufficient oxygen supply to the brain due to the consequences of a stroke;
  • complications after head injuries;
  • the presence of ulcerative and tumor processes in the stomach;
  • problems in the functioning of the kidneys and liver, violations of their functions;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • consequences of surgical interventions performed on the stomach;
  • development of systemic sclerosis;
  • the presence of infectious diseases, Helicobacter pylori infection of the stomach;
  • difficulty defecating due to impaired intestinal motility;
  • metabolic pathologies (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and others).

Uncontrolled and long-term use of hormonal drugs, antibiotics, poisoning of the body with toxins, including alcohol, nicotine, low physical activity are factors that increase the likelihood of developing dyspepsia. The condition is often diagnosed in people from older age groups, which is associated with the presence of functional disorders.

Forms and characteristic symptoms of pathology

Depending on the factors that provoked the development of lazy stomach syndrome, there are two forms: organic and functional. The first is a consequence that provokes another, primary disease of the gastrointestinal tract. The functional type of dyspepsia is not associated with the presence of any pathology, it occurs due to a decrease in the performance of the organ, and there are several types - uncomfortable, ulcer-like.

Lazy stomach syndrome has specific symptoms. Most patients complain of the following symptoms:

  • feeling of satiety even after eating a small amount of food;
  • stable feeling of discomfort, fullness in the epigastric region;
  • the appearance of nausea, vomiting after eating and during the meal, loss of appetite;
  • excessive gas formation in the intestines;
  • the presence of heartburn and (or) belching;
  • severe and regular stomach pain;
  • change in the frequency of rectal emptying, diarrhea is possible;
  • pain in the stomach (are characteristic signs of ulcer-like type of dyspepsia);
  • weight loss.

Possible complications

If several of these symptoms appear and recur, you should seek medical help - assess the condition and performance of the gastrointestinal tract using diagnostic procedures. Many patients consistently do not pay due attention to the signals of their body and do not take measures to get rid of lazy stomach syndrome; this condition is especially dangerous for a small child. Violation of the digestive process leads to the fact that the body experiences a significant deficiency of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. Their deficiency disrupts metabolic processes, which leads to the emergence and development of pathologies of organs and systems, and provokes diseases.

Necessary research

When visiting a medical facility with symptoms of dyspepsia, the doctor prescribes tests and instrumental diagnostics for the patient. The clinical laboratory will conduct research on:

The gastroenterologist will give the patient a referral for the following procedures:

  • endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs;
  • X-ray (contrast esophagography) of the stomach and duodenum.

Effective treatments

Getting rid of lazy stomach syndrome will be effective if several methods are comprehensively prescribed and used. Not only drug treatment is recommended for the patient, its main goal is to eliminate the preconditions that caused dyspepsia. Maximum attention must be paid to nutrition; it is this that is “obliged” to produce the main therapeutic effect. A proper diet requires adherence to the rules and principles:

  • eat often (at least 5-6 times a day);
  • portions should be small;
  • food should not irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive organs or increase the acidity of gastric juice;
  • the digestion process should not be hampered by eating unhealthy, heavy foods;
  • use fasting days if recommended by a doctor;
  • increase drinking water consumption.


To treat lazy stomach syndrome, the patient may be prescribed medications from several groups. Their choice is determined by the characteristics of the patient’s condition, which were confirmed by the results of diagnostic procedures. Therapy of dyspepsia involves the use of the following drugs:

  • drugs to restore gastric secretion (“Cimetidine”, “Ranitidine”);
  • antacids to neutralize the aggressiveness of stomach acid (Maalox, Almagel, Gastal, Phosphalugel);
  • antibiotics for the purpose of antibacterial and antimicrobial prophylaxis (Macmiror, Metronidazole, Amoxicillin);
  • prokinetics to stimulate gastric motility (Cerucal, Reglan, Itomed, Motilium);
  • probiotics to restore natural microflora (Bifidin, Linex);
  • sedatives and sedatives to normalize the nervous state (“Persen”, “Dormiplant”);
  • painkillers (“Papaverine”, “Drotaverine”).

Vitamin complexes

Getting rid of the manifestations of dyspepsia is possible with the help of vitamin therapy. Its result is the restoration of the body's metabolic processes, which contribute to achieving the goals of reducing the manifestations of symptoms characteristic of the condition and strengthening the body's immune defense. The source of necessary vitamins can be pharmaceutical preparations or special nutrition.

Vitamins A, B6, B12, PP, and folic acid help stimulate the performance of a lazy stomach.


Manifestations of dyspepsia can be reduced by treatment with physiotherapeutic methods. Their use leads to achieving the goals of restoring the motor ability of the stomach, its secretion, and achieving psychological comfort.

Doctors consider the most effective types of physiotherapy to be carried out in courses:

  • medicinal baths (nitrogen, pine);
  • impact on the collar area using galvanization;
  • electrosleep;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • SMV therapy (low frequency);
  • treatment with natural mineral waters (sodium-calcium or bicarbonate-chloride composition).

Herbal medicine

Traditional recipes qualitatively complement the main treatment of lazy stomach syndrome. Traditionally, herbs are used to prepare decoctions (chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort) and flaxseed. The doctor may recommend one of them as the main component of the treatment or advise a combination of them. The choice of raw materials, the specifics of the recipe, the dosage of natural medicine, the duration of the course of treatment and other factors in each case are determined individually for the patient. The doctor evaluates the effectiveness and appropriateness of therapeutic measures.

Gastroparesis, “lazy” stomach syndrome, is a pathological condition characterized by delayed evacuation of food and impaired motor competence of the organ. The disease can provoke a list of symptoms varying in severity and nature. Usually the disease occurs chronically over a long period of time.

Causal series

A lazy stomach, the symptoms of which can quite significantly disrupt the quality of life, is one of the most common reasons for turning to specialists in gastroenterological diseases. The syndrome is also called functional dyspepsia, since in this case the stomach cannot cope with its functional tasks.

Doctors name the following common causes of the disease:

  • stressful circumstances, nervous disorder;
  • parkinsonism, cerebral blood flow disorders (for example, stroke);
  • brain injuries;
  • anorexia/bulimia;
  • metabolic pathologies – hypothyroidism, diabetes, etc.;
  • stomach surgery;
  • systemic sclerosis;
  • adrenal gland defects;
  • malignant processes in the gastric cavity;
  • ulcerative pathology of the stomach.

A predisposing factor to the disease is poor food hygiene. We can talk about eating poor quality, junk food, overeating, or the habit of snacking “on the run.” Smoking has a negative effect on the stomach because it slows down the digestion of consumed foods. Certain groups of pharmacological drugs (for example, anticholinergics), as well as chemotherapy, can cause a syndrome called “lazy stomach”.

Pathogenetic links of dyspepsia

The development of the pathology in question is based on disturbances in gastrointestinal motility and the production of hydrochloric acid (HCl). The average numbers of stimulated and basal HCl production in the majority of patients fluctuate within normal limits. In patients with a tendency to the ulcerative variant of the pathology, HCl levels are close to the secretion figures observed in duodenal ulcers.

Dyspepsia is not uncommon in diabetes. It is caused by damage to the nerve endings and muscles of the gastric walls, resulting from persistently elevated blood sugar.

Nutritional dyspepsia develops with poor nutrition. There are several types of this violation:

  1. putrefactive - observed after eating foods rich in proteins, especially meat (the situation is aggravated in cases when it comes to products that are not the first freshness);
  2. fatty – appears as a result of the entry into the stomach of food containing refractory fats (they are found in lamb, pork);
  3. fermentative – occurs due to excessive consumption of foods that cause fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract (kvass, sugar, honey, beans, varieties of cabbage, some fruits).

The stomach does not cope well or does not cope with its duties in processing food due to poor contractility. Food is not crushed as it should be, lingers in the gastric cavity, and provokes the appearance of classic symptoms of dyspepsia.

Symptomatic pattern of gastroparesis

As a rule, manifestations of dyspepsia are observed after a meal. They are especially pronounced when there is a violation of the diet, consumption of spoiled foods, junk food, and alcohol.

A lazy stomach has the following symptoms:

  • heartburn is one of the main signs of dyspepsia;
  • reflux;
  • discomfort in the epigastric region;
  • soreness, heaviness in the epigastric region;
  • abnormally fast satiety;
  • a feeling of distension, fullness of the gastric cavity even after taking a moderate portion of food;
  • flatulence, rumbling in the peritoneal cavity;
  • nausea, occasionally – vomiting of gastric, undigested contents;
  • loss of appetite;
  • intestinal disorder.

It is important that many of the listed symptoms can also occur when there is no food in the stomach. The patient still feels fullness and hardness in the stomach.

Signs characteristic of the “lazy” stomach syndrome often indicate the development of many other pathologies of the digestive canal organs. Such diseases include various forms of gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, cirrhotic liver disease, etc.

It is customary in modern medical practice to distinguish two types of dyspepsia of functional origin:

  1. Ulcerative dyspepsia is a type of pathology manifested by frequent, intense pain in the epigastrium.
  2. Discomfortable type - a disorder characterized by heaviness, abdominal discomfort, often gagging, prolonged nausea.

Since eating food and certain categories of foods often leads to discomfort in the abdominal cavity, patients deliberately skip meals. As a result, such people experience excessive weight loss and the functioning of other organs is disrupted due to a deficiency of essential nutrients in the body. For example, limiting milk consumption leads to the development of osteoporosis because calcium is not supplied in sufficient quantities.

Diagnostic principles

Discomfort in the abdomen should not be ignored. They are symptoms of dangerous diseases, the timely diagnosis of which facilitates, shortens the necessary therapeutic course, and saves lives. The optimal solution is to contact an experienced specialist who will determine the scope of diagnostic procedures and prescribe the correct treatment.

If you suspect a “lazy stomach” syndrome, it is advisable to conduct a comprehensive laboratory test:

  • clinical capillary blood tests;
  • biochemical study of venous blood;
  • fecal tests (coprogram, bacterial culture, test for “hidden” blood, helminthiasis);
  • bacteriological examination of blood, feces for the presence of the microorganism Helicobacter pylori or urease analysis.

In addition to laboratory methods, instrumental methods are used to assess the condition of the body. In cases of dyspepsia, ultrasound, endoscopy, and radiography of organs located in the abdomen are indicative.

During gastroduodenoscopy, a flexible probe with a special device at the end is inserted into the upper part of the digestive canal through the mouth, allowing the endoscopist to examine the cavities. The tube penetrates the esophagus, then into the stomach and 12 s.c. The image is displayed on the device monitor. In this way, it is also possible to obtain tissue samples for histological examination if necessary.

X-ray using barium solution allows you to confirm/exclude a gastric ulcer, and ultrasound helps to study the condition of the parenchymal organs of the abdominal cavity.

Treatment for a lazy stomach

The therapeutic strategy directly depends on the underlying disease that caused the “sleeping” stomach syndrome and consists in eliminating the causative factor. The fight against the disease should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor - only in this case can you count on a high-quality result.

Complex treatment involves the following activities:

  1. Elimination of the cause of indigestion.
  2. Maintaining an appropriate diet. It is necessary to avoid foods that cause putrefactive fermentation processes (yeast, sugar, spices, fats, preservatives), fast food, and alcohol.
  3. Work on the culture of eating (eat slowly, chew food well, do not talk while eating, do not go hungry, do not overeat, do not have dinner very late, etc.).
  4. Healing inflammatory foci that may be present in the body. The use of antibiotics may be required if the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection is laboratory confirmed.
  5. Restoring the digestive ability of the gastrointestinal tract (fighting bloating, nausea, etc.).
  6. Normalization of the nervous system. It is recommended to avoid stress and anxiety. The doctor may also prescribe pharmacological sedatives.
  7. Strengthening the immune system (for example, vitamin complexes containing beneficial microelements).
  8. Physical activity. Adequate sports activities bring the body into shape and improve mood.

Doctors advise drinking more clean water, as it tones the “asleep” stomach, cleanses the body, and prevents constipation. Sometimes nutritionists recommend arranging “fasting” days for the gastrointestinal tract (we are not talking about fasting).

You should not self-medicate. A qualified specialist will help bring your stomach back to normal. He will determine the true cause of the disorder and tell you how to correct it correctly.

The diagnosis of “lazy stomach” means a number of disorders in the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract. Sad statistics claim that in Russia 65% of the country's population suffers from dyspepsia.

Typically, such a diagnosis implies the presence of disruptions in the process of digestion of food by the stomach, as well as problems with its emptying. In other words, the stomach cannot digest the incoming food and push it further into the intestines. As a result, food accumulates and the patient experiences a feeling of stuffiness and discomfort. If left untreated, food begins the process of decomposition right in the stomach.

Lazy stomach syndrome can occur not only as an independent disease, but also as a complication of other diseases that may not even be related to the digestive system.

This disease comes in two varieties:

  1. Functional, in which only digestive disorders are present, and the organs are not damaged;
  2. Organic, in which there are structural changes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It tends to occur as complications against the background of other diseases.

Causes of the disease

The main reasons for the development of the disease are:

  1. Poor nutrition, particularly when food consists predominantly of one nutrient;
  2. Psychological disorders (neuroses, depression, chronic fatigue);
  3. Gastritis, in which the secretion of hydrochloric acid increases;
  4. Abuse of medications, especially antibacterial or hormonal ones;
  5. Violation of intestinal and duodenal motility;
  6. Lack of physical activity;
  7. Poisoning of the body with chemicals.
  8. Other diseases in which illness is normal (allergy to certain foods, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, etc.)

Symptoms and diagnosis of dyspepsia

This disease is very easy to diagnose, as it is characterized by clearly expressed symptoms:

  • Nausea, regardless of when your last meal was;
  • Regular heartburn;
  • Bloating;
  • Belching;
  • Symptoms of peptic ulcer disease, which are essentially false, but stimulate the disease;
  • Brief pain not associated with food intake.

More on the topic: Stomach does not work: what to do?

But even if you detect all the symptoms at once, you should not think that this is definitely dyspepsia. Perhaps this is ordinary indigestion, which you can easily cope with on your own by drinking chamomile tea, or taking medications from the Almagel, Phosphalugel, Maalox series.

If symptoms and signs persist for a long period of time, to make a diagnosis, you should consult a doctor, who will collect tests and, based on them, will be able to accurately diagnose the disease.

Common diagnostic measures for a lazy stomach include:

  • Taking the patient's medical history;
  • Collection of medical history;
  • Clinical and biochemical blood test;
  • Coprogram;
  • Ultrasound of the digestive system;
  • CT scan of the stomach;
  • Colonoscopy and many others.


This disease can be treated with several methods, including treatment with folk remedies. If you choose the latter, it is still worth consulting and agreeing with your doctor. Treatment using official medicine can be divided into non-drug and medicinal.

The essence of non-drug treatment is to find a way to make a lazy stomach work. You can try the following:

  • Walks in the fresh air for at least 30 minutes;
  • Limit exercises related to the abdominal press;
  • Eliminate foods that cause heartburn from your diet;
  • Do not tighten the belt on clothing or avoid wearing it altogether;
  • When sick, sleep on a high pillow.

And if the diagnosis was made on time, then they will be quite enough to obtain the desired effect. In this case, there is no need for drug treatment.

With medical treatment, experts prescribe laxatives to help cope with the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Also, for a lazy stomach, it is customary to prescribe the following medications:

  1. painkillers from antispasmodics to relieve pain in the abdominal area;
  2. hydrogen pump blockers to reduce acidity levels;
  3. enzymes to improve the patient’s digestive processes;
  4. H2-histamine blockers, the action of which is similar to hydrogen pump blockers, but they are a little milder.

More on the topic: Gastric removal: how is the operation performed? Meals after

If lazy stomach syndrome develops as a complication of the patient’s psychological problems, then in addition to the above medications, the patient is recommended to undergo a course of treatment to stabilize the psycho-emotional state. Because the patient should ask himself whether it makes sense to treat the symptoms, and not the disease itself, which could easily come back again.

In addition to taking medications directly for dyspepsia, specialists also diagnose and identify the specific pathology that causes the symptoms of a lazy stomach. These include:

  • Helicobacter pylori infection;
  • peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cholecystitis;
  • diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis and other diseases of the pancreas;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • duodenitis and others.

Treatment with traditional medicine means eating food that normalizes the microflora, stabilizes the pH of the stomach, improves peristalsis not only of the stomach, but also of the intestines, and also minimizes the influence of negative factors.

Traditional healers advise first to stabilize the diet, include healthy foods in it, increasing the amount of thermally processed vegetables, you should also reduce or eliminate the intake of junk food and try to avoid stressful situations.

Dried fruits are an excellent way to stabilize the stomach. In folk medicine, there is a special nutritional mass made from dried fruits, which perfectly triggers peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract.

Her recipe is as follows: you need to collect prunes, dried apricots, raisins, dates, figs and dried apples, 100 grams each. Then pour boiling water over them, then grind them using a blender or food processor, giving the products a uniform consistency. Add 100 grams of flax seeds, nuts and honey. Move everything carefully and consume this product one teaspoon twice a day thirty minutes before breakfast and dinner.

Another effective way is to use decoctions of chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort. All these medicinal herbs relieve inflammation and soothe. You can also drink green tea and add mint or sage to it.