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Medical assistance under compulsory medical insurance at ZAO MCC. Treatment under the compulsory medical insurance policy "United Medical Company"

The Yasny Vzor children's eye clinics offer free appointments with children's ophthalmologists under compulsory health insurance (CHI) policies.

Compulsory health insurance (CHI) is a state system of social protection of citizens' interests in the field of health care. The compulsory health insurance system (CHI) guarantees all citizens of the Russian Federation free medical care throughout the Russian Federation.

The following documents must be provided to the clinic:

  • Compulsory medical insurance policy for children (CHI) of the state standard,
  • Child's birth certificate (or passport of a child over 14 years old),
  • Passport of one of the parents,
  • SNILS,
  • Referral from the clinic at the place of registration.

Appointment under compulsory medical insurance policies at the Yasny Vzor children's eye clinic in Moscow

The procedure for organizing compulsory health insurance is regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 29, 2010 N 326-FZ “On compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation”.

All children undergoing free treatment under the compulsory medical insurance policy undergo autorefractometry at the height of cycloplegia (examination with a dilated pupil) free of charge.

The free examination package under the compulsory medical insurance program at the Yasny Vzor children's eye clinic includes the following procedures:

  • Visual acuity examination,
  • Pre-correction
  • Autorefractometry without cycloplegia,
  • Ophthalmometry,
  • Skiascopy without cycloplegia,
  • Study of binocular functions 1,
  • Determining the angle of strabismus using a synoptophore,
  • Biomicroscopy (according to indications),
  • Consultation with an ophthalmologist with examination of the fundus (ophthalmoscopy for mydriasis) 2

1. When studying binocular functions, the strabismus angle is determined according to Hirschberg.
2. Examination of the fundus with mydriasis. Mydriasis (instillation of a drug that dilates the pupil) is carried out according to indications at the discretion of the doctor.

The free treatment program within the compulsory medical insurance program includes

In the treatment of myopia (myopia):

  • Treatment of myopia and accommodation spasms using the Avetisov method,
  • Transcutaneous electrical stimulation,
  • Study of the reserve of accommodation,

In the treatment of farsightedness (hypermetropia) and astigmatism:

  • Diagnostics during treatment (visual acuity without glasses and with maximum correction),
  • Autorefractometry at the height of cycloplegia (dilated pupil test),
  • Occlusion treatment
  • Transcutaneous electrical stimulation,
  • Consultation with the supervising ophthalmologist at the end of treatment,
  • Selection of glasses (if necessary).

When treating strabismus of small and periodic angles and large angles:

  • Diagnostics during treatment (visual acuity without glasses and with maximum correction),
  • Autorefractometry at the height of cycloplegia (dilated pupil test),
  • Development of fusion reserves,
  • General or local exposure of both eyes,
  • Accommodation and convergence training,
  • Restoration of the bifixation mechanism,
  • Transcutaneous electrical stimulation,
  • Occlusion method
  • Synoptophore exercise,
  • Consultation with the supervising ophthalmologist at the end of treatment,
  • Selection of glasses (if necessary).

When treating amblyopia:

  • Diagnostics during treatment (visual acuity without glasses and with maximum correction),
  • Autorefractometry at the height of cycloplegia (dilated pupil test),
  • General or local exposure of both eyes,
  • Transcutaneous electrical stimulation,
  • Occlusion treatment
  • Exercise on the macular stimulator,
  • Consultation with the supervising ophthalmologist at the end of treatment,
  • Selection of glasses (if necessary).

All children undergoing free treatment under the compulsory medical insurance policy undergo autorefractometry at the height of cycloplegia (examination with a dilated pupil). This is an additional free service from the Yasny Vzor children's eye clinic. This examination is not included in the compulsory medical insurance register. Additional paid services that are not included in the compulsory medical insurance program are paid by the patient according to the current price list.

Rusakova Olesya Lvovna

Head of the department at the children's clinic "Krepysh" on Molodezhny Ave., 31

Stepanov Sergey Vladimirovich


Cost of seeing an ophthalmologist

Initial appointment with an ophthalmologist- 700 rub.

Repeated appointmentophthalmologist - 500 rub.

Admission under compulsory medical insurance - free

You can make an appointment by calling 260-10-03

Ophthalmology- a branch of medicine specializing in the study of the eye, its structure, physiology, anatomy. In addition, this section studies eye pathologies, methods of their prevention and treatment. In the field of ophthalmology, educational activities aimed at the prevention of various pathologies are extremely important. There is no difference between an ophthalmologist and an ophthalmologist - they are doctors of the same profile. In this case, it is worth distinguishing between an ophthalmologist and an ophthalmological surgeon.

Ophthalmologist in Nizhny Novgorod deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases, vision pathologies, inflammatory diseases of the eyes and lacrimal system. In addition, a specialist can provide emergency assistance to a person in case of foreign objects entering the eye or damage to this organ.

The main task of an ophthalmologist is to determine the cause of a person’s vision deterioration and select a method to increase its acuity. It is worth noting that it is impossible to restore vision with the help of any medications, so only glasses or lenses can be used for these purposes (as well as special physical procedures in childhood). To completely restore vision, surgery is necessary.

The most common diseases are:

  • Farsightedness and myopia;
  • Blepharitis;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Strabismus;
  • Retinal detachment;
  • Keratitis, cataract;
  • Colorblindness.

It is recommended to check visual acuity systematically (even if there is a feeling that it has not worsened). It is also important to consult a doctor promptly if you have any symptoms of eye diseases. Eye pathologies can develop quite quickly (especially when exposed to infection), so such cases should not be started without consulting a doctor.

Appointment with an ophthalmologist in Nizhny Novgorod

First of all, during the initial appointment, the doctor will collect anamnesis, listen to the patient’s complaints and use simple diagnostic methods to accurately determine the pathology. In modern ophthalmology, the following diagnostic methods are most often used:

  • Determination of visual acuity using traditional methods (using tables);
  • Autorefractokeratometry;
  • Keratotopography;
  • Pachymetry;
  • Measuring eye pressure;
  • Endothelial microscopy;
  • Computer parimetry;
  • Gonioscopy;
  • Scanning the eyeball.

The choice of certain diagnostic methods will depend on the patient’s complaints and symptoms. If necessary, the ophthalmologist can refer his patient to other specialists (for example, a surgeon or oncologist). This is possible if eye pathologies begin to progress, resulting in the spread of the disease to other tissues and systems. The impact of the disease on the brain is especially dangerous.

A qualified ophthalmologist must have high-quality ophthalmological equipment. With the help of modern equipment, a specialist can quickly check the patient’s vision, examine the fundus, and establish the causes of developing pathology.

Making an appointment with an ophthalmologist

In our medical center you can visit an ophthalmologist for free under compulsory medical insurance policy.

You can make an appointment by phone260-10-03 or