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Can cats eat raw eggs? Can cats eat eggs Can cats eat eggs

Eggs are a valuable nutritious product rich in vitamins, amino acids and easily digestible proteins. Of course, vodka with an egg for a cat with viral diseases, despite the attractive composition of this product (eggs, of course, not vodka), will not help the pet in any way. But you can and even need to add an egg to the diet of a mustachioed gourmet. But in what form and how often to give eggs to cats, is it possible to treat a small kitten or a nursing mother, are there any contraindications to feeding eggs?

A cat is a predator whose diet should consist mainly of animal proteins. However, feeding only meat will lead to indigestion or even chronic liver or kidney disease: the proteins in the diet should be varied and of high quality. By giving eggs to cats, the owner offers the pet another source of protein, along with meat and fish. The proteins contained in the egg are digested almost completely and do not harm a healthy cat.

Proteins are made up of individual "beads" called amino acids. There are a huge number of amino acids in eggs, incl. essential - lysine, tryptophan, methionine, etc. Chicken or quail eggs for cats are a good mood, strong immunity, shiny coat, prevention of heart disease, prolongation of youth and an active period of life, strengthening of the skeletal system and much more. Whole eggs are part of any professional feed, as nutritionists have long known the role of amino acids in the nutrition of all warm-blooded animals.

In addition to proteins, eggs contain many minerals and vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The high content of phosphorus, sodium and potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium means healthy blood vessels and joints, strong bones, a balance of hormones, acids and alkalis, healthy nerve cells and much more. But be sure to ask your veterinarian if you can give eggs to cats with an overabundance of one of the listed minerals in the body. The vitamins that make up one egg - B1, B2, B6, B12, A, PP - make up for a third of the daily requirement of an adult cat.

Read also: How to feed a Kuril Bobtail kitten - menu by age

Chicken VS quail

In recent years, quail eggs have been actively recommended to absolutely everyone, calling them almost a panacea for any disease. Of course, this is a myth - eggs alone cannot cope with the disease, no matter how much we are convinced of their benefits. Quail eggs are only slightly superior to chicken eggs in terms of nutritional value, however, quail eggs for cats are slightly more useful than chicken eggs, as they are better and faster digested. Of course, a homemade chicken egg will bring more benefits than a store-bought quail egg.

Attention! Both chicken and quail eggs can provoke allergies and intolerances. Like chicken, quail eggs may contain the pathogen salmonellosis. All the stories about the elevated temperature of quails and their immunity to salmonella infection are a myth that is dangerous to health and life. Therefore, the answer to the question “Can a cat have a raw egg?” obvious - no, if you do not want to endanger your pet, yourself and your family.

How many eggs can you give a cat?

In everything you need to know the measure, no matter how useful the product is. It is important to remember that the sources of proteins, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients should be varied, so there is no point in feeding a cat only eggs and counting on any balance. Can a cat eat eggs every day? Probably not, unless you add 1/5th of an egg to salads and other dishes. It is enough for an adult pet to offer 1-2 eggs per week, if she loves it very much - up to 3 per week, no more. For maturing and miniature cats, one egg per week is sufficient, preferably in two divided doses. Eggs are offered to small kittens after getting used to cottage cheese (the first complementary food, from 1-1.5 months) and meat (the second complementary food, from 1.5 months).

Read also: How to help a cat in the heat?

What kind of eggs are healthier?

But not alcohol, cognac or vodka with an egg - such “feeding” will certainly harm a cat! Eggs need to be cooked, and always without fat. Forget about fried eggs, too - it's bad even for people. It is undesirable to offer a cat an egg in a bag, because. in a couple of minutes of cooking, the proteins will not have time to break down into amino acids (less useful), and the pathogens of salmonellosis will not die (to neutralize salmonella, you need to boil the egg for at least 4 minutes).

Do not rush to throw away eggshells. Finely ground shells are a valuable source of minerals. A little powder (literally on the tip of a knife) is added to any dish 1-3 times a week. Contraindicated with a tendency to KSD and high calcium content.

A good option is to give boiled eggs to cats, in a "pure" form or mixed with cottage cheese, vegetable puree or meat. But it is best to cook a steam omelette from eggs, without adding salt and fat. To make the omelet fluffy, add a little warm milk to the eggs while beating. By the way, a raw egg is digested much worse, despite all the myths. Therefore, do not spare a small part of the useful substances destroyed during cooking. If you still doubt whether a cat can eat a raw egg, remember that raw protein binds and removes a number of vitamins from the body, which quickly leads to their lack even with full feeding. Raw yolk is useful, but only from a fresh homemade egg.

Diet is critical to a cat's health. Its main constituents are proteins of animal origin. This includes meat products, cottage cheese and eggs. Many owners are interested in whether it is possible to give a cat a raw egg. After all, only in its raw form it is assimilated to the maximum.

Egg in cat food

Chicken eggs are a valuable product, a source of protein, vitamins and minerals. It must be periodically added to the diet of a cat receiving natural nutrition. If you feed the animal with balanced feed, he does not need additional supplements. In addition, there are also eggs.

It is even recommended to diversify the pet's meat diet with an egg. This will favorably affect the condition of the coat, it will become shiny and strong. In addition, your cat will become active, mobile, cheerful. The protein contained in the composition is completely absorbed.

Many cats like the smell of eggs, they eat them with pleasure. But this does not mean that you need to give it in unlimited quantities and uncontrolled. Everything in a cat's diet must be balanced to keep it healthy and active for years to come.

How many times a week to add an egg to the diet

Despite all the benefits of this product, it should not be given to your pet too often. An egg is just an addition to the main diet, a way to diversify and supplement it. Make it a rule to give small portions 2-3 times a week, divided into several meals. An approximate number might look like this:

  • per week, boiled eggs for adults or grown-up cats can be given no more than one piece;
  • kittens are given the product only after the age of three months, when they are already accustomed to meat and cottage cheese.

In addition to chicken eggs, quail eggs can also be offered to animals. Veterinarians consider them more nutritious, healthier, and lower in cholesterol.

Boiled or raw?

You should never give raw eggs to cats, their use will only negatively affect the health of the pet. Indeed, in an untreated state, it may contain the causative agent of such an unpleasant disease as salmonellosis. The harmful bacillus causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, which is difficult for a cat to tolerate.

The first symptoms of the disease caused by salmonella are:

  • diarrhea,
  • vomit,
  • high body temperature,
  • febrile events.

These signs can be easily confused with poisoning, but it is important to make the correct diagnosis on time and accurately. Therefore, when the first symptoms occur, it is necessary to show the pet to the doctor in order to provide qualified assistance in time.

Salmonellosis is highly contagious and can be transmitted from cats to humans. Indeed, often loving owners allow the pet to lick their hands and even their face. This is especially dangerous when there are small children in the house.

A raw egg contains avidin, a specific enzyme that reduces the absorption of biotin. Feeding a raw product will cause the cat's coat to become dull, the skin to be pale, and the general appearance to be sickly.

Therefore, there is no need to risk the health of your beloved pet and introduce into its diet only an egg that has undergone heat treatment and in an amount not exceeding the permissible norms. At the same time, you can give not only hard-boiled, but also in the form of a tender omelet. But it is important that both the yolk and protein are well steamed because salmonella dies only at high temperatures.

Many people believe that quail eggs can be eaten raw. But do not forget that pathogens of intestinal diseases can settle both on the shell and inside. And only heat treatment will save from them. No need to risk the health and life of a cat by giving him a raw quail egg.

We also note the fact that fried eggs are not the best option for animals. The fats on which they are fried will not be good for their body. Therefore, it is much more beneficial for a cat to eat boiled chicken eggs.

What's the use?

Undoubtedly, as a product rich in vitamins and minerals, the egg is very beneficial for the cat. It contains a balanced combination of the following minerals:

  • calcium,
  • magnesium,
  • potassium,
  • sodium,
  • iron.

They strengthen the bones and muscles of the cat, favorably affect the state of the nervous system, joints and vascular system. The combination of calcium and vitamin D has a great effect on the teeth, prolonging their excellent condition and strengthening. B-group vitamins are essential for the nervous system and brain.

The coat will look shiny and healthy thanks to biotin. It is also found in meat products, but in smaller quantities. Therefore, by introducing a boiled egg into the diet, you will greatly improve the health of the cat. It also contains amino acids that are essential for visual acuity.

Do not forget about the benefits of the shell, which has a lot of calcium. The shell should be washed well with hot water or scalded with boiling water, chopped well and then you can add a little to the cat's food. Thus, you will enrich your pet's lunch with the mineral complex.

Is an egg bad for a cat?

It has been observed that egg yolk can cause allergic reactions in both humans and animals. It is expressed from the gastrointestinal tract with diarrhea and vomiting, and from the side of appearance - rashes on the skin and itching.

Do not give an egg to a cat in the following cases:

  • with marked intolerance to egg yolk,
  • during pregnancy
  • with diseases of the gallbladder, as well as kidneys, liver.

Before introducing an egg into the cat's diet, it is better to consult a veterinarian and pass the necessary tests. If an excess of minerals and vitamins is found, it can bring not good, but harm.

Be more careful when feeding a cat with eggs, they are not useful for all of them. But in most cases, the vitamins and minerals contained in such a valuable product as an egg have only a positive effect on the animal, adding to its health, good mood and well-being.

Can you give a cat eggs?

Friends, we bring to your attention another article from our "gastronomic" cycle. We believe that the information contained in it will be relevant and useful for all cat lovers without exception. It is no secret that both breeders and many respected authors and experts advise adding a finely chopped egg to the basic diet of pets. Let's look at everything objectively and impartially!

So eggs. An integral part of our breakfast with you. Soft-boiled egg, hard-boiled egg, scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs… Theoretically, all this can get into your pet's stomach: either with your consent, or as a result of a daring raid on the kitchen table.

Are eggs safe for cats? We know that by nature cats are obligate carnivores. They eat meat! And meat, in turn, is the most valuable source of protein. But after all, even the most ordinary chicken egg is rich in protein? So what to do: to give or not to give? The answer is obvious: let your pet calmly eat boiled chicken eggs if he likes them! But the main thing at the same time is to observe the principle of moderation known to us!

What about raw eggs? Now, in our time, it is better not to take risks. Although strict veterinary and sanitary control has been introduced at all large poultry farms, the risk of infection with E. coli, Salmonella and Campylobacter is still present.

Theoretically, “healthy” raw eggs can certainly be given. But it should be understood that raw egg whites contain a lot of a protein called avidin. A cat's body accumulates a lot of avidin, which means that this inevitably leads to a deficiency of a water-soluble vitamin known as biotin. It is part of the enzymes that regulate the protein and fat balance of the body. Accordingly, if the egg is boiled, then the level of avidin in it will decrease, and potential risks will be minimized.

How often should cats be given eggs? Eggs are by no means categorized as an "every day" meal. For understanding, let's draw you the following proportion: one chicken egg for an average five-kilogram cat is the same as 15 eggs a day for an adult. Only a small piece (maximum half an egg) along with regular food and nothing more!

What is the best way to give eggs? Just a finely chopped boiled egg (you already know about the serving sizes). In any other types (scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, etc.), eggs are unsuitable for cats: they are fried using oil or cooking fats.

Few people know, but powdered eggshells are good for strengthening the health of kittens. You can get it with a regular food processor. Eggshells are rich in calcium; calcium, in turn, is necessary to strengthen the growing bones of the baby, as well as his tooth. Just sprinkle the resulting powder or powder on top of your regular food!

Possibility of allergic reactions. Do not discount the pessimistic scenario! Various food allergies are a common ailment in our furry pets. As soon as there are hints that your cat is allergic to food - do not risk it, do not feed eggs. In extreme cases, consult your veterinarian.

Allergies usually show up as a characteristic rash around the ears or right on the face. It is impossible not to notice her! Sometimes an allergic reaction consists of persistent vomiting and/or diarrhea. Contact your veterinarian immediately if you notice something like this; then proceed in accordance with his instructions.

What useful do we extract for ourselves from this article? Boiled chicken eggs are safe for cats, moreover, within reasonable limits, they serve as an excellent delicacy. Heed the advice of experienced experts who suggest giving pets half a chicken egg, chopped into pieces, once or twice a week.

Did we forget to mention something? Do you have something to add and how to supplement? Write to us!

Cats are naturally carnivorous creatures and their diet should be dominated by animal proteins. They require 5 times more protein than dogs!

However, a diet consisting only of meat can lead to digestive problems not only in a kitten, but also in an adult cat.

Therefore, it is so important to create a high-quality and varied diet for the kitten. Eggs are one of the sources of protein: it is almost completely absorbed by the body of the animal and does not harm its health.

Benefits of eggs for a kitten

Eggs are a valuable product rich in vitamins and minerals. They contain potassium, magnesium and sodium, calcium and vitamin D, thanks to which bones are strengthened, the activity of the nervous system and brain is normalized, blood vessels are cleansed, the condition of teeth improves, and acid-base balance is established.

The main mineral elements contained in the egg:

Biotin in the composition of eggs makes the kitten's coat beautiful and shiny. And amino acids, cysteine ​​and lutein, have a positive effect on the pet's vision. Even an eggshell will be useful for a kitten: it contains calcium carbonate. A third of the daily requirement of vitamins needed by a cat is contained in one egg. This important product is the key to a good mood and immunity, it increases activity and prolongs the pet's life.

Chicken or quail egg: which is healthier

It is believed that quail eggs bring more benefits to the body. Compared to chicken, they contain less cholesterol and have a greater nutritional value. But at present, the huge benefits of a quail product often turn out to be a myth. Store-bought eggs may be contaminated. This is due to the addition of antibiotics and harmful chemicals to the quail feed. Therefore, a homemade natural chicken egg will be much more useful than a store-bought quail egg.

How to give eggs to a kitten?

In order not to harm the health of the pet, it is better to boil the eggs for more than 4 minutes, then cut into small pieces and give them in a “clean” form, or mixed with cottage cheese or vegetables. A good option is to make an omelet out of them without adding salt and fat. You can add some milk to it.

There is an opinion that only the yolk is suitable for feeding a cat, protein is not recommended for a pet. However, when cooked, it does not cause any harm to the animal, you can safely give it along with the yolk.

Important: Do not feed your kitten fried eggs. A large amount of fat can lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Eggshells, rich in minerals, should be ground to a powder and added a small pinch to the kitten's food a couple of times a week. Remember to rinse the shell well with hot water first. Important: you can not give the pet shell with an excess of calcium in the body.

When to start feeding eggs to a kitten: frequency and feeding rules

At the age of 1.5-3 months, you can start adding the yolk to the kitten's food, it is better after the animal gets used to cottage cheese and meat. He may not want the "dish" offered to him, since the egg does not have a characteristic smell that can attract the pet's attention. You need to gently poke the kitten with its muzzle into the bowl, to show that it is safe. You can also add an egg product to cottage cheese or minced meat.

Kittens will only need one egg per week, divided into two meals. An adult animal will need 2-3 eggs per week.

Tip: kitten meat should also not be given raw, it can be scalded with boiling water, but it is better to cook it. You can use frozen meat. The fish must be well boiled and all bones removed.

Rules for feeding a kitten:

A kitten aged 1.5-2 months needs to be fed 5-6 times a day (the stomach of a small pet is very small and cannot take a large amount of food);

At the age of six months, the number of meals is kept up to three;

From eight months, food should be given twice a day, like an adult animal;

You should not severely restrict access to food for a cat: they eat fractionally and do not overeat;

Food should not be very hot or cold, ideally room temperature;

The kitten should be given finely chopped food without bones;

Teach the kitten to eat in a certain place (it should be calm and not passable).

Contraindications and restrictions on the use of eggs by kittens

Just like humans, cats can be allergic to certain foods. So, if vomiting and diarrhea occur after eating eggs, it is worth completely removing them from the pet's diet. Egg yolk intolerance can manifest as a rash or itching.

Eggs are given to pregnant and lactating animals in a minimal amount: an excess of the product may affect the development of kittens.

If your pet has a chronic disease, it is best to consult a veterinarian about his diet.

In the presence of diseases of the gallbladder, liver or kidneys, it is better to reduce the number of eggs or not feed them at all to the cat.

We talked about the benefits and harms of eggs for kittens.

When used correctly, they will become an important part of your pet's diet and improve his health. Nevertheless, we advise you to give preference not to raw, but to boiled eggs. When choosing food for a kitten, consider the individual characteristics of his body and do not abuse the amount.

Everything is good in moderation!

Feeding a domestic cat often raises questions, especially when it comes not to dry industrial feed, but to natural products. After all, the widespread belief that a cat can only eat raw fish, milk and sour cream is wrong. Therefore, owners who care about the health and well-being of their pet, before treating him with any food, are interested in whether it is possible to give it to cats? The same can be attributed to such a product familiar to the human diet as eggs. Do cats need it, and if so, in what form?

Owners often give eggs or egg dishes to their pets, but are they harmful to the cat's body? Breeders and veterinarians who adore these animals have a unanimous opinion. They believe that cat eggs should be on the menu.

But opinions about what kind of eggs they should be - chicken or from quails, boiled or raw, are largely ambiguous.

Prefer yolk or white

Both raw and cooked products contain useful components - avidin (glycoprotein) and vitamin B7 (biotin), which have a positive effect on the pet's coat. With its sufficient amount, the coat becomes smooth, shiny, and the cat looks beautiful and well-groomed.

Another controversial question - should the cat be given the whole egg or some of it? Are yolks or whites good? Many believe that since there is no avidin in the yolk, which disrupts the absorption of vitamin B7, then it is better to give it to your pet. Quite often it is given separately, mixed with cow's milk.

But not everyone agrees with this, some owners prefer to give both protein and yolk at the same time, but they are first beaten into a homogeneous mass. There is no consensus on this aspect.

The best egg for a cat is chicken or quail

Specialists refer to the main advantages of quail eggs that they do not contain salmonella, which is an infectious agent of salmonellosis. In this case, you can give the product to the animal in its raw form. But with a caveat - the product must be of high quality.

Some unscrupulous manufacturers feed quails with feeds containing harmful chemical additives, including antibiotics. Such nutrition leads to the fact that the birds are still infected with this pathogen that penetrates the testicles.

One more positive point can also be noted - quail eggs contain more useful components than chicken ones. Although their difference can not be called significant. The owners also appreciate the small size of quail eggs - if the pet does not eat a whole chicken egg, then he will certainly cope with a small quail egg and will not have to throw away the leftovers.

Which is healthier: boiled or raw product for the pussy

There is no definite answer to this question. Remembering the wild origin of cats, they are, in theory, adapted to eat raw food, and their body must be prepared for this.

But still, Murki and Vaska are by no means “savages”, they have been pets for many centuries and have rebuilt themselves in a new way. They live side by side with humans and often eat foods that they cannot get in the wild. Moreover, often pets “help themselves” without waiting for the generosity of the owner. Even some human diseases can be transmitted to cats... Yes, and many breeds have gone through a long selection, and one cannot even remember their “wild” roots.

All this allows us to lean towards the fact that it is better to boil the testicles for a pet in order to avoid digestive problems. After all, raw can contain larvae of helminths, including worms, and this is in addition to salmonella.

Veterinary experts, who know the danger of infection and the possible consequences, recommend once again to insure. Although, as in other products, the amount of nutrients in eggs decreases during cooking. The product can be given as a whole or finely chopped, the latter option is more preferable.

How much product is needed for a pet

When compiling a diet, owners usually calculate how much and what their cat needs. This is what nutritional balance is all about. Some believe that their pet needs 2 chicken or 4 quail eggs a week, while others give only half a chicken egg or one quail egg for the same period.

But it is best to choose the golden mean, and give an adult cat one chicken egg or two quail eggs. Including this product in the diet, it should be borne in mind that it is quite allergic. Accordingly, you should not get carried away. When introducing an egg into the diet for the first time, it is necessary to start with a tiny piece, and then you should definitely observe the reaction of the animal. If everything is in order, then you can enter an integer.

If the cat turns up its nose

Just like humans, cats have their own food preferences. And if some are not pulled away by the ears from this dish, others will turn their noses up from them. The thing is that the eggs are practically odorless, so the cat may not pay much attention to them. You can help your pet recognize it by gently poking its nose into the product, thus showing that this food is completely safe and edible.

If this could not convince the cat, then you should not insist. This means that the pet simply does not like eggs and it is worth looking for another way out of this situation. For example, a new product can be "disguised" by taking advantage of the fact that animals react to the flavors of the dish rather than to its appearance. The egg can be grated and added to the usual dishes.

Some cats have a weakness for fried eggs. Of course, this is not the most healthy dish, since the presence of overcooked butter will not improve the health of the animal, and the owners are unlikely to cook it separately for their purring gourmet, however, occasionally a pet can still be pampered.

In addition, you can give eggs with your favorite treats, here the pet is unlikely to be able to resist. They can be mixed with minced meat, pieces of fish, liver or other product to which the cat is not indifferent.

When can you start giving your cat eggs?

Naturally, the addition of eggs to the diet involves feeding animals that eat natural food. They are given to kittens from 3.5 weeks, this product has a positive effect on the growth and quality of the coat. It is important that the eggs are of high quality and fresh, then such food will bring undoubted benefits to the animal. Especially if you feed your pet a raw product.

It is important to take care of the health of your four-legged friend, and proper feeding is the key to health, long life and a beautiful appearance. By giving your cat eggs, you can diversify her diet and provide useful substances.

Also watch the video is it possible to give eggs to cats: