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Gleb male name. Male name Gleb - origin and secrets

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Gleb, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

What does the name Gleb mean? favorite of the gods (the name Gleb is of Scandinavian origin).

Short meaning of the name Gleb: Glebka, Glebushka.

Patronymic name Gleb: Glebovich, Glebovna; decomposition Glebych.

Angel Gleb Day: The name Gleb celebrates name day once a year: August 6 (July 24) - Holy Martyr, Right-Believing Prince Gleb (and his brother Boris).

Signs of the name Gleb: It’s threatening against Boris and Gleb, thunderstorms burn haystacks, so they tried not to go out into the field: “Don’t touch Gleb and Boris for bread!”, “Boris and Gleb - the bread is ripe.”

  • Gleb's Zodiac - Cancer
  • Planet - Moon
  • Color Gleb Gleb - light blue
  • Auspicious tree - apple tree
  • Gleb's treasured plant is clover
  • The patron of the name Gleb is the grasshopper
  • Talisman stone Gleb Gleba - moonstone

Characteristics of the name Gleb

Positive features: Willpower, practicality, reliability, goodwill, thriftiness, lack of vanity. It is not difficult for Gleb to determine his life path. Having chosen a certain direction, he strictly adheres to it. As a child, the name Gleb stands out among children for its seriousness and taciturnity. He resembles Nekrasov’s little “peasant” boy. He loves to help his father with household chores. He has skillful hands, capable of any craft. The diligence characteristic of Gleb helps him in his studies and responsible matters.

Negative features: Categorical, willful, stubbornness, gloominess. Gleb may lack a sense of humor. Many Glebs are difficult to lift.

Character of the name Gleb: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Gleb? Gleb is taciturn, somewhat gloomy, as they say, in his own mind. Most of all he loves handcrafts and work outside the team. It is difficult to get along with people; he believes only in deeds, but not in words. Gleb is a thrifty owner, he never takes on debt, but he himself does not give. It is impossible to deceive him. All his life, a man named Gleb builds and improves his family nest, constantly caring for his household. But here’s the paradox: his relatives don’t like him because of his penchant for moralizing. Offended, the name Gleb will spend hours repairing a perfectly good car or sitting in the cold on the ice of the river, trying to catch a perch. It is impossible to convince him of anything. They say about such people: “Not a man, but a flint.”

The name Gleb came into use relatively recently, but in a short time it managed to gain popularity. It is especially often chosen in Russia and Ukraine. The meaning of the name Gleb and the boy’s fate are quite good. In this article we will learn all the intricacies of this name form and try to understand whether it is worth calling your son by this name. After all, many parents want their children to stand out from the rest, and such a name certainly will not go unnoticed.

Origin and meaning of the name Gleb

If we talk about the origin of this name, then it is worth mentioning two versions. According to the first, Gleb is a name that came from Old Scandinavian culture and there it had the translation “favorite of the gods.” Such a translation cannot promise anything bad to a person, because initially he is the favorite of his patrons. There is also a version that at first the name sounded like Gottlieb.

As for the second version, Gleb is an Old Slavonic name, the name given to boys who were born in the lower classes. In ancient times, the Poles especially liked to call their sons this way. Because there the name form had a translation - “earth”. Boys with this name also have their own patron - Prince Gleb Vladimirsky.

This is how the meaning and origin of the name Gleb is interpreted by modern scientists.


Astrologers around the world have been conducting research for quite some time, studying the origin and meaning of this name. And in the end, they came to the conclusion that such boys are born very calm and reasonable; from childhood they are confident in themselves and their abilities. And also in the character there is responsiveness, goodwill and gentleness. It is pleasant to communicate with such people because they are incredibly friendly.

Gleb has a strong spirit and easily overcomes any difficulties that may come his way in life. Gleb is practically invulnerable, never gives in to emotions and shows restraint in everything. He knows exactly what he wants to achieve, and most importantly, he always achieves what he wants.

Even as a little boy, he strives for self-development and self-knowledge, which is not observed in all children. This meaning of the name Gleb for a boy and a man is absolutely accurate. But there are also minor discrepancies with the interpretation.


The meaning of the name Gleb and fate for the boy have many pleasant surprises in store. His childhood is absolutely carefree, every day is filled with positive and joyful moments. The boy has a very good character; there is a whole list of positive qualities.

Little Gleb never throws hysterics at his parents, which children love to do. He is distinguished by his kindness and openness, always friendly with adults and his peers. He is never in a bad mood; quite rarely Glebushka deceives his parents and other adults.

He constantly makes his mom and dad happy. Because he tries to help his mother in any matter, sometimes he even comes up with tasks for himself, fantasizes a lot and has a wonderful imagination. It happens quite rarely that Gleb does not obey his father or mother.

He respects his father more in the family and strives to be like him. What’s also especially interesting is that this baby knows how to reason and think through his decisions. Even in kindergarten, he thinks about his actions several times, deciding whether it is worth doing or not. Such character traits are not so common in young children.

He has many friends and enjoys making contact with peers. Gleb is a very sympathetic boy who is always ready to help. If he plays in a group, he doesn’t get cocky and generally always tries to be on an equal footing with all the guys, regardless of his position. Gleb loves to learn something new, but does not have a great desire for learning. This is due to a complete lack of perseverance.


The meaning of the name Gleb and the fate for the teenage boy prepared a good one. First of all, this is due to the fact that it has practically no disadvantages. He retains the same qualities that he had in childhood. The young man remains just as restless, but has great spiritual kindness, and, if necessary, comes to the aid of friends and acquaintances. He has positive thinking and is generally an optimist in life. Some may consider this a flaw, but he always speaks the truth to his face, no matter what it is. In addition, the boy loves to joke and is almost always in a good mood.

Every person has flaws, and the ideal Gleb was no exception. His flaw is that he does not know how to show callousness. Gleb is very easy to offend, but he quickly forgets this offense and does not hold a grudge against anyone at all. He himself can justify the offender, arguing for his action by the fact that every person has his own shortcomings. But there is something that the boy cannot forgive - this is betrayal. And here it doesn’t matter at all who this person turned out to be: a girl, a mother, a friend, or just a passerby.


At school he performs well. Almost all subjects are given to him equally easily. However, teachers face a difficult task - they need to push Gleb in time so that he takes up his studies. This is not due to the laziness of the teenager, but to the fact that he is not purposeful. But he is distinguished by his excellent work ethic. At school he can make a good leader, since the boy has natural inclinations, and very good ones. But the character, meaning and fate of the name Gleb promise a man many positive moments in life.


Growing up, Gleb acquires even more positive qualities. To the list of those qualities that have already been listed, determination, which was lacking in adolescence, is also added. An adult man becomes self-sufficient and self-confident; if you entrust him with some work, he will definitely complete it efficiently and on time. This speaks of his responsibility and diligence.

As for his surroundings, Gleb communicates not only with relatives and employees, but also with completely new people whose company he finds himself in. It is very easy to find contact with Gleb, since he is a sociable person and easily joins in the conversation, even if a topic is being discussed that was unfamiliar to him until that moment. That's his character.

The meaning of the name Gleb gives a man a special charm with which he easily seduces women. He is not a fan of long-term relationships, so he has quite a lot of women. Moreover, getting a new lady is not too difficult for him. This man values ​​his freedom very much and is in no hurry to buy an engagement ring. However, somewhere in his thoughts, he dreams of finding the very woman with whom he would like to create a strong family.

When it comes time to choose a profession, Gleb gives preference to creative specialties. Because he fantasizes a lot and loves to express himself.

Women in Gleb's life

As already mentioned, according to the meaning of the name Gleb for a boy and an adult man, a person does not seek to burden himself with a serious relationship. He enjoys high popularity among women, and all thanks to his imagination and activity. He has a good sense of humor, which girls especially like. But this is just a theory, since in practice more than half of men with this name get married quite early. Moreover, as a wife they choose a woman who does not have any special principles, and she should also be cheerful and carefree.


The meaning of the name Gleb also implies that the man is awarded a certain character, with quite good qualities. So, Gleb has the following advantages:

  • He's an optimist.
  • A very friendly and cheerful person.
  • Always tries to think positively.
  • In any situation he stands for justice to prevail.
  • Very persistent and purposeful, especially in adulthood.

People are very drawn to Gleb, even those who, it would seem, have never had friends at all. Success is simply built into his character. After all, no matter what this man undertakes, he will definitely achieve success. It doesn’t matter what kind of activity it is: just a hobby or work.

If you are looking for a reliable and loyal friend, then take a closer look at men named Gleb, because he is always ready to help a friend out of trouble or just listen to him. But be careful, because Gleb will never forgive betrayal. Even the smallest thing that the other person wouldn't pay attention to can ruin your relationship forever. In this regard, the man is absolutely irreconcilable.

Having matured, Gleb can change, and it is not a fact that these changes will be for the better. And I would like to note that not every man with such a name form fully fits the given description. After all, character is influenced not only by the name, but also by many other factors, including the date and time of birth.


  • The stone that will certainly bring good luck is the moonstone, but it must always be nearby.
  • Gleb has two patron planets - the Moon and Jupiter.
  • The man is in the power of the element of Air.
  • Gleb has a totem animal - a grasshopper, which is as restless as the owner of the name himself.
  • The most suitable zodiac signs for the name are Cancer and Scorpio.
  • The happiest day, which is suitable for solving serious issues, is Monday.

All these symbols correspond to the character, fate and meaning of the name Gleb and help its owner in every possible way.

DOB: 1934-05-21

Version 1. What does the name Gleb mean?

The origin is unclear, perhaps from the Russian word “block” or “globa” (pole). Since childhood, he has attracted the attention of others with his not childishly serious and calm character.

It is often said about him that he looks older than his age, and this is because of his slowness and prudence. With age, he gives the impression of being somewhat gloomy, although those around him know him as a good-natured person and have respect for him.

If Gleb is the leader of the team, his subordinates will consider themselves lucky, since Gleb is not only strict and objective, but also friendly. Gleb's authority is not questioned, and everything that he achieved in life is the result of his labors. He will always prefer concrete deeds to verbose promises.

It is quite in his character to take his future wife down the aisle on the second day after meeting him. Gleb trusts his wife undividedly; such exceptional trust makes him patient with her possible shortcomings. If he doubts his wife’s fidelity, interrogations and investigations cannot be avoided. But Gleb’s house, and at the same time his wife, is in charge. Gleb is a jack of all trades. In his apartment, everything is in its place, he makes the shelves, mezzanines himself, and glazes the balcony without much asking. The wife's parents love Gleb. For children, he is an irreplaceable nanny; he does not consider it shameful to wash diapers and cook porridge. He almost never drinks alcoholic beverages.

His marriage to a woman named Sophia, Tamara, Valentina, Danuta, Venus, Evgenia, Maya, Nellie, Raisa, Maria is usually successful. It will be difficult for Gleb to get along with Borislava, Victoria, Juliet, Ekaterina, Inna, Lada, Lydia, Svetlana, Yana.

DOB: 1872-01-24

Version 2. What does the name Gleb mean?

Gleb - from other scand. favorite of the gods.

Derivatives: Glebka, Glebushka.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Boris and Gleb - the bread is ripe.

Don't rely on Gleb and Boris for bread.

Thunderstorms burn the haystacks for Boris and Gleb, so they tried not to go out into the fields.


Gleb matures early. He seems older than his years because of his thoughtfulness, thoroughness, and prudence. A specific person, he does not tolerate empty words and promises from others and does not make them himself. He is loved for his good nature and decency. He trusts his friends and wife completely. Those around him see him as a person with whom one cannot be false and petty.

DOB: 1843-10-25

Russian writer

4th version of the interpretation of the name Gleb

Gleb - “left to God” (Russian-German)

He grows up as a weak boy and is often sick. But his health depends on his mental state. Gleb needs to take care of his back, especially his lower back and sacrum.

It usually takes a long time to get ready for any task, but is very resilient. His life is not always happy, but he is capable of incredible efforts in overcoming obstacles. He is open to the world around him. He is restless and often suffers from an inferiority complex.

Gleb is the type of business person, but he rather struggles with himself than with difficulties in achieving his goal. Highly excitable, cautious. For a long time he resists establishing friendly relations with a new acquaintance, avoids familiarity and feasts. Before he allows you to approach him, he will weigh all the pros and cons. He is wary of tender feelings towards women until he gets used to the idea that this is possible. He is objective, tactful and somewhat indecisive. He has a hard time enduring failures, which make him need defensive behavior, which often turns into aggressiveness. Tries to hide his true feelings.

Gleb is a real polyglot; languages ​​come easily to him. He is attracted to scientific research. If in his youth he chooses a profession, he will certainly achieve it, putting maximum effort into it during the learning process. He rarely changes jobs because he has difficulty getting used to a new team. He lacks intuition, this makes it difficult for him to communicate with others, it is difficult for him to choose and make the right decision. Gleb has an analytical mind; he tries not to give in to emotions and not express his feelings openly, for fear of finding himself in an unpleasant situation and looking funny. This gives the misleading impression that he is cold. Gleb respects only those he loves; he is indifferent to others.

His sexuality is high, but is under constant control. Gleb lacks determination. Moreover, he respects women too much to act boldly; he is afraid of offending them, and at crucial moments, when he needs to give an answer, he still asks himself questions. While he is thinking, the favorable moment passes. The same applies to work. She dreams of living with her family and her own house on the coast, away from prying eyes. Doesn't strive to shine at any cost. He slowly and hesitantly goes through the path of life, but if we do not talk about problems in adolescence, then his path is relatively calm, without nervous shocks, ups and downs.

“Winter” Gleb is a dreamer and humorist. He is cheerful in company, women love him, but he is rather wary of them.

“Autumn” is less constrained in communicating with the weaker sex, and in this regard he may have some problems. The best combination of the name “winter” and “autumn” Gleb with patronymics: Mikhailovich, Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Andreevich, Savelievich.

“Summer” is a very indecisive person, unsure of himself. Has a penchant for professions related to cinema and theater arts: graphic designer, director, playwright.

“Spring” Gleb is an eternal actor. Loves art, is well versed in music and painting. Such a Gleb will be protected from unexpected patronymics: Arnoldovich, Georgievich, Adamovich, Kazimirovich, Stepanovich, Timurovich, Andreevich.

DOB: 1930-04-23

5 version of the meaning of the name Gleb

GLEB - favorite of the gods (ancient Scand.).

Zodiac sign - Cancer.

Planet - Moon.

Color - light blue.

A favorable tree is an apple tree.

The treasured plant is clover.

The patron of the name is the grasshopper.

Talisman stone - moonstone.


From an early age, Gleb is not childishly serious and calm. He seems older than his years because of his leisurely and thorough manner. He is very good-natured, everyone respects him for his prudence. Gleb is a concrete person, does not tolerate empty words and promises from others and does not make them himself. He completely trusts his friends and wife - so much so that it is simply impossible to deceive him without feeling like a complete scoundrel.

DOB: 1925-07-21

Soviet theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR

6 version of the meaning of the name Gleb

Gleb rarely smiles, he is too serious. Somewhat gloomy, very modest, unusually decent. Enjoys the respect of others.

If Gleb becomes a boss, his subordinates consider him an exemplary leader. Moderately strict, objective, friendly and rightfully authoritative. Gleb achieves everything through his hard work and exceptional performance. But in the house the leader is his wife. Gleb happily allows her to dominate, since he cannot bear the double load. He is very jealous; is jealous of the spouse with or without reason towards everyone around him indiscriminately.

Gleb has golden hands, he does all the small housework himself, he simply doesn’t have time for anything big. Loves children. Most often sons are born. He is very strict with the boys.

Name day named after Gleb

May 15, July 3, July 19, August 6, September 18, September 23,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people named Gleb

DOB: 1934-05-21

Soviet and Russian director, screenwriter, People's Artist of the RSFSR

DOB: 1872-01-24

Soviet statesman, energy scientist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences

Gleb Kotelnikov

DOB: 1872-01-30

Soviet inventor, creator of an aviation backpack parachute

DOB: 1843-10-25

Russian writer

DOB: 1930-04-23

Soviet and Russian writer, TV presenter, Honored Artist of Russia

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided by logical thinking in their actions. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

B- strong, disruptive character, desire to achieve success in everything. In relationships they take the initiative and very often have a possessive attitude towards their partner. Such people have high stress resistance. They constantly strive for a luxurious life and know how to earn a lot of money.

Name as a phrase

  • G- Verb (Speak)
  • L- People
  • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • B- Buki

Name Gleb in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Gleb in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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During the growth of cities, this name lost its popularity; city residents undeservedly considered the name too rural. Today the topic of our article is Gleb: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits a boy with this beautiful name. We will begin, as in other articles, with the history of its origin...

Gleb: exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, guy, man with that name?

In this article you will learn:

Origin and meaning of the name Gleb

The name Gleb took root in Russia a very long time ago. The reason may be that it is one of those names that has no foreign roots and is considered originally Russian. Another reason for the love for this name is the Orthodox Saint Gleb, the blessed prince.

Here's his story:

Grand Duke Vladimir, who baptized Rus', had two half-sons: Gleb and Boris. They were pious and very friendly brothers, both of them eradicated paganism in Murom and Rostov. In 1015, after the murder of Boris in an internecine struggle, the third brother Svyatopolk the Accursed was afraid of Gleb’s revenge and sent a messenger to him with news of the fatal illness of his brother, who was already deceased at that time.

Gleb, without thinking twice, gathered a small squad and headed to Kyiv. On the way, he fell from his horse, broke his leg and continued his journey through the water from Smolensk. Then he received news of the death of his father and brother. While mourning his dead relatives, Gleb was attacked by armed mercenaries of Svyatopolk and killed him. The body was buried on the banks of the Dnieper. Gleb and Boris are considered the first Russian saints, but the date of their canonization, due to the range of years, is not exactly known.

How the origin of the name Gleb influenced its meaning

There are several possible origins for this name:

  • The first version says that the name Gleb came to Rus' from Scandinavia, is derived from the ancient German Gottlieb, translated as “favorite of the gods,” “heir of god,” “under the protection of the gods.”
  • The second version tells us that this name is Slavic and scientists claim a connection with the Russian word “Lump”.
  • The third version says the name Gleb has Old Slavic roots and comes from the word “gleba”, which is still used in Polish with a meaning similar to the word “earth”.

What character might the boy Gleb have?

The name Gleb has absorbed the best qualities of a real man, a protector of the family.

The most outstanding traits of his character:

  • Responsibility for the business and loved ones;
  • Kindness and restraint:
  • Neatness at home and at work;
  • Strong and strong-willed character;
  • He never leaves things he starts unfinished.

From childhood, he needs to develop a sense of humor; if this is not done, his seriousness and calmness may be perceived by others as gloominess, although those close to him know that he is very good-natured. Among other things, he is artistic, prone to drawing and music.

What fate could Gleb have?

Gleb may seem taciturn and very serious. His own principles are important to him, which he is ready to defend with particular tenacity.

When working, for him the family comes first, its comfort and stability, and only then career advancement. Nevertheless, having achieved a high position, he commands respect from employees with his fairness, his word always has a basis, and his authority is beyond doubt. He always creates a friendly atmosphere in the team.

Very often he chooses a rare profession to which he remains faithful. He gets used to people at work rather than makes friends. He does not like familiarity and noisy parties, and rarely drinks alcohol. He behaves a little shyly with women, but is ready to get married quickly - without procrastinating.

Love and family

A woman can reveal passion and romance in him. He evaluates the object of his affection for a long time and precisely, since he experiences his failures and disappointments hard. But no matter how contradictory it may seem, he is always ready to engage in sexual contact immediately.

He expects openness and complete dedication from his partner; he does not like constrained women in bed. She loves caresses and aesthetics in sex. The most suitable sexual partners: Dina, Lyubov, Tamara, Ada, Maya, Raisa, Maria.

The name Gleb has the strongest energy in combination with the patronymics Andrianovich and Andreevich.

In family life, the dominant role is given to the wife. He is tolerant of his wife's shortcomings. He is very jealous of his companion of other men; if doubt arises about the woman’s fidelity, he is even capable of organizing an investigation. Strives to create a strong family for life, where harmony, comfort and warmth will reign.

Gleb can be described as a hospitable host. A successful marriage can happen with Tamara, Evgenia, Maria, Raisa, Maya, Sofia. If he chooses Ekaterina, Lydia, Victoria, Inna, Svetlana as his wife, it will be very difficult to get along.

Character traits

  • If Gleb’s patronymics are Vasilievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Dmitrievich, Mikhailovich, Ilyich, Sergeevich, Alekseevich, Ivanovich, Petrovich, then he is a very reasonable and reliable person, in extreme cases he can quickly make the right decision and does not give in to panic.
  • Capable of heroic actions in moments of danger. Very responsive, will come to the rescue in any difficult moment. Well developed physical strength and endurance.
  • He controls his emotions well; external stimuli do not greatly influence his behavior. He loves risk and excitement, and takes losses painfully.
  • A man with this name is popular with the opposite sex. He does not feel financial need, even if he temporarily has difficulties finding a job, he will always find a way to earn money. Likes to give expensive gifts to loved ones and does not attach importance to the price. There is quite a chance to become the head of the information department, the director of a small plant, or become an indispensable link in any company.

Characteristics of the name Gleb, character traits and fate

What will the child named Gleb be like?

Little Glebka is very kind to his family and loves to spend a lot of time with his parents. From early childhood he behaves calmly and seriously, sometimes he can seem like a sad boy.

Here are the traits inherent in him in childhood:

  • He is eager to help his elders, loves to fix and make things.
  • A very diligent and diligent child. Those around him give him much more years than he actually has.
  • Quite often he does not have a bright appearance and a quiet voice. May lack decisiveness and leadership qualities.
  • It is important for parents to teach him to distinguish sincerity from tactlessness, to explain that not every deception should result in breaking off the relationship forever.

Famous people named Gleb

  • Holy Martyr Gleb - Prince of Murom Gleb Vladimirovich - canonized together with his brother Boris; memory July 24 (August 6)
  • Uspensikiy G. Ivanovich (1843–1902) – Russian writer.
  • G. Maksimilyanovich Krzhizhanovsky (1872–1959) - public and political figure, author of the song “Varshavyanka”, literary critic.
  • G. Petrovich Struve (1898–1985) - literary critic, translator, historian; in the USA, where he taught at various universities, published collected works of Russian poets: N. Gumilyov, N. Zabolotsky, Anna Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam, N. Klyuev.
  • G. Pavlovich Glebov (real name Sorokin) (1899–1967) - People's Artist of the USSR; Soviet actor, since 1926 - on the stage of the Belarusian Theater named after Kupala.
  • G. Aleksandrovich Strizhenov (July 21, 1925, Voronezh - July 21, 1925 in Voronezh) - Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1974), Soviet theater and film actor. Brother of actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1988) Oleg Aleksandrovich Strizhenov.
  • G. Anatolyevich Panfilov (born May 21, 1934 in Magnitogorsk) - Honored Artist of the RSFSR, Russian film director, Husband of actress Inna Mikhailovna Churikova.
  • G. Olegovich Pavlovsky (born March 5, 1951 in Odessa) - publicist, Russian politician, political scientist.
  • G. Borisovich Grebenshchikov (born December 14, 1984) - son of B. Grebenshchikov, works as a DJ gebe
Published: 2017-02-26, Modified: 2017-02-26,

Name Gleb very rare and quite ancient. The origin of the name Gleb is not entirely clear; there are several options. It may have originated from the Old Norse word " Goodleyfre", which means - give under protection, favorite of the Gods. In addition, the meaning of the name Gleb for a boy can be interpreted as favorite of the Gods, from the Old Germanic word " Gutleib».

The name Gleb is quite beloved in Rus', perhaps because it was included not in the list of overseas names, but in the Russian Orthodox holy names. The attractive energy of this word also plays an important role. In this word one can clearly hear goodwill, firmness, thoroughness, and thriftiness. Next we will tell you what kind of character and fate Gleb will have.

What does the name mean?

We can say with confidence that a person with the name Gleb is very lucky with it, despite the fact that in recent years it has not been particularly popular. It lost its attractiveness when city life became fashionable, as it sounded somewhat peasant-like. Although today this situation is not improving much.

The secret of the name Gleb: a person named by this name is inclined to be thrifty and efficient, most often these qualities are decisive in the path of life. Since childhood, Gleb has been growing up as a fairly serious and thorough person. They say about him that this child is mature beyond his years, as he is unhurried and reasonable. He loves to tinker, enjoys helping adults, and is quite diligent, although somewhat stubborn and self-willed.

As he grows older, those around him begin to respect him. Gleb is a good-natured person. If he occupies a leadership position in the team, then his subordinates are lucky, since, although he is strict, he is objective and friendly. His authority is not in doubt; everything he achieves in life is the result of his personal labors.

Having become an adult, it is unlikely that Gleb’s main goal will be a career; the main thing for him is to provide for his family, raise and put his children on their feet, equip his home and household. But despite this designation, another option is not excluded, where Gleb wants to achieve a higher position in life. Gleb has a fairly strong character, so he can easily achieve his goals. Gleb has a good sense of humor.

Great people with this name

Famous people with the name Gleb are quite common. One of the famous people is the owner of this name Gleb Panfilov, film director and People's Artist of Russia. We can safely say that this man achieved everything in his life thanks to his work and talent. Working and studying in absentia his favorite business, Panfilov, without stopping, and without ever doubting, moves towards his cherished goal. And finally, at the age of forty-three, he receives the position of director.

In the future, his films win all kinds of prizes, and the most important thing is the viewer’s affection. Gleb Panfilov achieved his goals in life, no matter how difficult it was, and all this thanks to his name and hard work!

Characteristics of the name Gleb. He respects a man’s ability to behave with dignity and masculinity, even when there is an opponent in front of him. For women, in his understanding, softness and femininity are necessary, but not excessive hardness. Gleb is not inclined to throw words to the wind, and in turn does not like empty promises. And in general, it should be noted that Gleb believes actions more than words.

Name Astrology

Let's look at what the name means in Astrology:
  • Zodiac sign corresponding to the name: Sagittarius;
  • Patron planet: Jupiter;
  • Character traits: Confident, firm, economical;
  • Name colors: White, green and blue are all shades;
  • Lucky Color: Shades of deep blue;
  • Patron saints of the name: Gleb of Vladimir (July 3), Passion-Bearer Gleb (August 6);
  • Talisman stone: Sapphire and star stones.