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Intestinal obstruction in dogs. Symptoms and treatment. Foreign body in a dog How to free a dog's stomach from foreign objects

Unfortunately, some animals, most often, are attracted to inedible objects like a magnet, and the owner does not always have time to keep track of his frisky pet. If you notice that a sock is disappearing from your four-legged friend’s mouth, but you haven’t had time to take your item away, the first thing to do is try to induce vomiting. To do this, you can give the animal a strong solution of salt or sprinkle the same salt on the root of the tongue.

A large amount of water (from half a liter to three liters depending on the size of the animal) poured into will help achieve the desired result. Naturally, she will not want to voluntarily drink more than she needs, or consume salty liquids. You will have to draw water into a syringe without a needle (it is more convenient to use a large syringe) and pour the liquid into the animal’s mouth, holding it tightly and making sure that it does not choke. If you do everything correctly, the hosiery will soon come out along with the vomit.

It also makes sense to go to a veterinary clinic, where doctors, using special medications, will induce vomiting in the animal and remove the foreign object from it.

Sometimes inducing vomiting does not bring the desired result, or the dog swallowed the sock several hours ago, and this method is no longer useful. In this case, it is better to wait until the item of your wardrobe leaves the dog’s stomach naturally. If you wish, you can speed up the process by giving your dog a laxative. It can be vegetable oil. Just add a spoonful of oil to your animal’s usual food and wait for the result. During walks, carefully inspect the piles your pet leaves on the ground to make sure that the eaten sock has come out.

When to contact a veterinarian

For many animals, eating a sock passes without consequences, and soon the object leaves their body naturally. However, you may also encounter unexpected difficulties. A textile product can clog a dog's intestines, causing obstruction. In the most severe cases, this can be fatal.

Cotton socks are especially dangerous. This tissue is able to effectively absorb moisture and swell in the stomach, which makes it difficult for it to move through the digestive tract.

If the sock does not come out of your pet within one or two days, be sure to contact your veterinarian. The dog may require surgery, but your pet will be healthy again.

Having an animal in the house requires the owner not only to treat his pet with care and provide food in a timely manner, but also to comply with basic home safety rules:

  • No sharp, piercing or small objects on the floor
  • No household chemicals freely available
  • Handicraft items (needles, threads) at an unattainable height
  • The dog should not see nuts, crackers, seeds

But, unfortunately, despite all the precautions, everything cannot be foreseen.

If you see that your dog has swallowed a foreign object, you must provide prompt assistance.

The sooner you seek help, the greater the chance of removing a foreign object from the stomach or esophagus without surgery using only the endoscopy method, provided that the foreign object is suitable for removal using an endoscope.

Symptoms of swallowing a foreign object

Oral cavity

  • swallowing dysfunction
  • profuse drooling
  • gagging
  • lack of appetite

Laryngeal area

  • lack of appetite
  • swelling of the larynx
  • breathing problems
  • bleeding from the mouth

Esophagus area

  • inflammation of the esophageal wall followed by wall necrosis
  • Trauma to the esophagus (wall rupture) is possible
  • the dog begins to stretch its neck
  • after eating - vomiting foam or food

Stomach and intestinal area

  • serious condition with a tendency to worsen
  • lack of appetite
  • thirst
  • nausea, vomiting
  • defecation with blood

What should you do if you suspect that your dog has swallowed a foreign body? It is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination of the animal's abdominal cavity and an x-ray examination. Sometimes an x-ray examination with contrast may be required. In this case, the dog is given a contrast agent and a series of photographs is taken to confirm or exclude the presence of a foreign object.

If a foreign body is confirmed in the intestine, surgery is prescribed to remove it. The operation consists of access to the abdominal cavity of the animal, examination of the intestines with further removal of the foreign object from the intestinal lumen. As a rule, after such an operation the animal can be fed within a few hours, which, in turn, affects the earlier recovery of the animal after the operation.

Summarizing all of the above, I would like to once again warn the owners that they must not scatter foreign objects around the apartment, and they must not leave any objects within the reach of the animal. If your pet swallows an inedible object, you should not count on “maybe it will slip through... this has happened before and everything was fine...”, it is always better to consult a doctor and help the animal. Untimely assistance sometimes results in resection of part of the intestine or death.

Take care of your pets!

The article was prepared by S.V. Kryzhanovsky,
veterinary surgeon, orthopedist "MEDVET"
© 2015 SEC "MEDVET"

A foreign body is a common pathology with which our patients come to see us.

Objects that pets can swallow vary greatly in shape and structure. For dogs, these are toys, bones, sticks, pieces of wall and floor decoration, socks, tights, stones.

It is important to contact a veterinary clinic in time if the dog has swallowed a foreign body, because the presence of a foreign object in the gastrointestinal tract injures the intestines and stomach, disrupts peristalsis and the passage of food. If a foreign body is present in a dog for several days, then there may be serious inflammation of the intestine, including necrosis of its wall and sepsis. Perforation of the intestine by a foreign body also occurs. This is a very serious complication that requires immediate surgical treatment.

Therefore, if a dog swallows a foreign body “in front of” the owner, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.


1. Refusal to eat.
2. Vomiting, especially repeated.
3. Often – absence of stool.
4. Possible lethargy
5. Possible pain in the abdominal area

Only one or more of these symptoms may be present.

However, the animal may retain appetite and bowel movements if the obstruction by the foreign object is incomplete. Especially if the foreign body is in the dog’s stomach. A foreign body in a dog's intestines often produces more severe symptoms because the lumen is narrower and the blockage has a greater effect on its function.

The same symptoms may be characteristic of many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and more. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the animal comprehensively, excluding other possible diseases.


Diagnosis of foreign bodies in animals includes x-rays in frontal and lateral projections, plain and with contrast, blood tests, and a test for pancreatic lipase. Possibly an abdominal ultrasound, tests for viral infections. These examinations will differentiate the presence of a foreign body from a viral infection, pancreatitis, liver and kidney diseases, inflammation of the stomach and intestines without the participation of a foreign body. Research must be done as soon as possible after the onset of symptoms, because if a foreign object is present in the stomach or intestines for a long time, serious complications are possible.

The main confirmation of the presence of a foreign object is usually found on an x-ray. Some objects are radiopaque, meaning they are visible on plain radiographs. This is metal, rubber. Many are not visible in regular photographs; contrast and dynamic shooting are required. An aqueous solution of barium sulfate is used as a contrast, which is given at the appointment by the doctor or the animal owners themselves. The first picture should be taken after 15 minutes. If a foreign object is in the esophagus, the barium will stop at its level or color it. If the barium reaches the stomach during this time, does not stop, does not settle on a foreign object, the next picture is taken after 4 hours (the passage of the contrast through the small intestine is assessed) and after 8 (by this time the contrast should have entered the rectum). If barium sulfate does not pass through any area, a foreign body is suspected in the dog's stomach or intestines.


If the foreign object is small, smaller than the diameter of the small intestine, and not long, it may be spontaneously removed. To speed up the process, you can give Vaseline oil at the rate of 1 ml per kg of weight. If it is large, surgery is required.

Prevention consists in removing all potentially dangerous objects from the animal’s access area and not allowing them to pick up sticks and stones or other inedible objects on the street.

Dogs are very curious by nature. but sometimes their curiosity leads to trouble. This is especially true for dogs - "vacuum cleaners" who eat a lot of strange things. What kind of items did the doctors of our clinics take out from the gastrointestinal tract of dogs - socks, panties, bags, ropes, threads, needles, toys, bones, sticks and many other finds!

The symptoms of a foreign body in a dog depend greatly on where the object is located - in the mouth, throat or esophagus, stomach or intestines.

A foreign body in a dog's mouth is usually sticks or bones that are stuck between the dog's back teeth. One of the first signs is frequent movement of the jaw, profuse salivation, the dog rubs its face with its paws, and there may also be slight bleeding from the mouth. Do not try to remove a stick or bone yourself! Even if you manage to loosen the object, it may move into the throat. Contact the nearest veterinary clinic "Your Doctor", a doctor's examination is necessary, and sedation may also be required to remove a foreign body from the dog's mouth.

A foreign body in a dog's throat often causes signs of sudden suffocation and nausea. This condition often requires immediate intervention! As first aid, the owner can lift the dog by the hind legs and shake it; in an emergency, you can sharply squeeze the chest from the sides several times.

A foreign body in a dog's esophagus: signs - vomiting after eating, dehydration. To check whether your animal is dehydrated or not, collect a fold of skin on the dog's withers and release it, it should return to its normal position quickly.

When a dog has a foreign body in the trachea and lungs, the general depression of the animal increases at an alarming rate. You must consult a doctor immediately!

A foreign body in a dog's stomach is more difficult to diagnose. Some foreign bodies can remain in the stomach for several years without visible problems. But if the foreign body moves, it can lead to periodic vomiting.

A foreign body in a dog's small intestine usually causes uncontrollable vomiting, dehydration, and severe pain in the abdominal wall.

A foreign body in the dog's rectum: if it is sharp objects - sticks, bone fragments, needles, etc. - the dog repeatedly hunches over, possible constipation, blood in the stool. It is important for owners to follow the rule: never pull on a foreign object that is protruding from your pet's rectum! This can be very dangerous, even leading to intestinal rupture. Contact the nearest veterinary clinic "Your Doctor".

Foreign body in a dog. Causes and symptoms

Almost all foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract are objects that are consumed by the animal. One exception is trichobezoars (hairballs). Threads and strings swallowed by your dog often become wrapped around the root of the tongue. Carefully examine your pet's oral cavity!

Symptoms that require you to contact a veterinarian:

  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain (the dog does not allow himself to be picked up, his back is hunched)
  • Anorexia (lack or decreased appetite)
  • Straining during bowel movements, constipation
  • Lethargy
  • Dehydration

Foreign body in a dog. Diagnostics

Diagnosis requires a general blood test, biochemical blood test, and urine test. These findings help rule out other causes of vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, and abdominal pain. It is necessary to take x-rays using a contrast agent.

A foreign body in a dog that causes intestinal obstruction, prolonged vomiting, or diarrhea can lead to significant metabolic changes in the body. In addition, a foreign body can cause perforation of the organ wall and exit into the chest or abdominal cavity, leading to profound complications such as peritonitis, sepsis and death. Many foreign bodies consist of toxic materials that are absorbed by the body - this leads to profound systemic diseases.

Foreign body in a dog. Treatment Options

There are several treatment options depending on your dog's condition. If you have recently swallowed foreign objects, you may try to induce vomiting. It is also necessary to remove mineral oil, which facilitates the passage of foreign bodies through the gastrointestinal tract within 48 hours.

Some objects can be removed using an endoscope. If the animal has symptoms such as vomiting blood or severe pain, then intravenous infusions and painkillers are necessary. Your veterinarian will suggest admitting your dog to the clinic for observation. The decision to operate is usually made on the basis of X-rays and ultrasound results. A blockage in the intestines or stomach can reduce blood flow to the GI tissues, which can become necrotic. If the foreign body is in the stomach or intestines, the object is removed by making an incision in the intestines or stomach. If there are necrotic tissues and parts of the intestine, they are also removed.

After the operation, intensive therapy is carried out with intravenous fluids, painkillers and antibiotics are administered. Feeding the dog after surgery begins 1 to 2 days later. It is advisable to use special diets for nutrition at first.

Foreign body in a dog. Forecast

In most cases, dogs with foreign bodies that do not cause blockages have a good prognosis. However, in general, the prognosis depends on several factors:

  • property location
  • duration of obstruction caused by the object
  • size, shape and characteristics of the object
  • whether or not the object will cause secondary diseases
  • the general health of the dog before the foreign body enters

Foreign body in a dog. Prevention

  • eliminate bones from the diet
  • Don't let your dog chew sticks
  • Keep an eye on the animal during games and walks; if the dog is prone to wandering, put a muzzle on it
  • Ask your veterinarian for advice when choosing harmless toys for your dog.
  • if your dog often eats strange objects, consult the doctors at our clinics; there may be a general metabolic disorder

And remember - your pet's life is in your hands.

As you know, dogs love to chew bones offered by the owner. As a rule, there is no cause for concern, and dog owners are confident in the safety of their pet. However, sometimes pets swallow bones, which can lead to deterioration of the body's functioning or even death of the pet. What to do if a dog swallows a bone? What consequences can a pet and its owner expect?


If your pet swallows a bone, don't panic. There may be no cause for concern, although there are certainly times when a dog's life is in danger. What can happen to a pet if it swallows a bone?

  1. If the bone was small in size, it is possible that it will simply be digested in the stomach and will not cause any health problems for the pet. In order to make sure the dog is safe, you need to observe it for several days. If her condition does not change in any way, there is most likely no reason to worry.
  2. If the bone is the wrong shape, it can get stuck in the mouth. This can make it very difficult for your pet to breathe. To prevent the dog from dying from lack of air, it is necessary to urgently provide assistance to the animal.
  3. Intestinal obstruction. The bone may become lodged in the esophagus or small intestine. The pet will begin to experience severe spasms, severe circulatory disturbances, tissue necrosis, and subsequently intestinal rupture occurs. The lack of proper treatment, and sometimes surgical intervention, leads to the dog dying after peritonitis.

What to do?

If a dog swallows a bone, its owner must take the necessary measures.

  1. Monitoring your pet. To make a diagnosis or make sure your pet is healthy, you need to monitor its behavior. If you notice that your pet has become lethargic, passive, has lost its appetite, interest in games and communication with relatives, then there is cause for concern. In this case, you need to contact a veterinary clinic.
  2. During the first examination, the veterinarian is not always able to correctly and accurately identify the disease. For an accurate diagnosis, you will have to undergo additional tests and carry out the necessary procedures.
  3. The dog needs careful care and observation, both during illness and after it. Even after the dog has fully recovered, continue to monitor its condition and behavior.

Don't put off visiting the veterinarian! In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, you need to see a doctor on the same day that the dog swallows the bone. The necessary help and procedures can save your pet's life!