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Focal endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy. Is pregnancy possible? Treatment, prevention of hyperplasia and the ability to get pregnant


So, a woman dreaming of a child receives a diagnosis: endometrial hyperplasia. Many questions immediately arise, the main one of which is whether the coexistence of endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy is possible. Then a lot of related experiences arise:

  • Will I be able to get pregnant?
  • How will this diagnosis affect the child?
  • Is it possible to cure her?
  • Will pregnancy occur after endometrial hyperplasia?

If a woman receives such a diagnosis after childbirth, then the next question arises: is such a diagnosis compatible with breastfeeding? The answers to these questions are given in the article.

Chances of conception

Uterine endometrial hyperplasia is an abnormal thickening of the endometrial layer, which is a benign process. At risk are:

  • teenagers at puberty;
  • women during menopause;
  • women, regardless of the period of life, who are in a bad environment.

The answer to the question whether it is possible to get pregnant with endometrial hyperplasia of the uterus depends on the form of the disease. There are four main forms:

  1. . This form is the safest. With it, only some thickening of the endometrial layer is observed. Simple glandular endometrial hyperplasia is not compatible with pregnancy.
  2. Glandular-cystic form. This subtype of the disease is the most pronounced. In this form, the endometrium grows to form cysts.
  3. . With this type of disease, the endometrium grows in patches.
  4. . The most dangerous type of disease, during which the structure of the cellular tissues of the glandular layer changes. Often this form leads to uterine cancer.

Previously, it was believed that hyperplasia was a sentence to a childless life. However, medicine is developing. After determining the severity of the disease and completing a course of treatment, pregnancy occurs successfully.

Of course, such a disease prevents a woman from becoming pregnant, as it is associated with hormonal disorders and prevents the egg from entering the ovulation phase. For example, due to hormonal imbalance, glandular endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy are incompatible. Therefore, will pregnancy occur with the glandular form, the answer is no.

In fact, the first three forms of the disease do not pose a serious danger to a woman’s health. Of course, if treatment began on time. With the atypical form, things are more serious.

The focal form and pregnancy are compatible. This is the only possibility when you can get pregnant with endometrial hyperplasia.

Features of pregnancy in the focal form

There are known cases of those who became pregnant with the focal form. However, these cases are rare. Women who become pregnant with this disease require constant monitoring by doctors.

When an egg is fertilized and attaches to the uterus, pregnancy occurs. However, there are risks during pregnancy during hyperplasia:

  • early miscarriages;
  • fetal pathologies;
  • the risk of growth into a malignant formation, due to a surge in hormones in a pregnant woman;

In rare cases, pregnancy can regulate progesterone levels, leading to regression of the disease.

Treatment of pathology

After treatment of hyperplasia of all forms, a woman can safely begin planning a pregnancy. First of all, doctors use conservative treatment methods:

  • first stop bleeding, if any;
  • then hormone therapy is prescribed;
  • then the hormonal status is fixed;
  • After bringing the hormonal levels in order, pregnancy may occur. But the woman is registered for another 5 years.

If such methods do not produce results, then surgical treatment is resorted to. Conducted. The image shows a schematic diagram.

Treatment can also be carried out using traditional methods. The most popular are:

  • treatment with leeches;
  • treatment with boron uterus;
  • homeopathy.

Don't self-medicate! Any traditional methods should be discussed with your doctor to avoid complications.

Pregnancy after treatment

Is it possible to get pregnant after curettage of endometrial hyperplasia? After completing the course of treatment, the pregnancy problem goes away on its own. Usually, after eliminating hyperplasia, nothing else interferes with conception, and the woman becomes pregnant naturally. However, there are also complications. If a woman cannot become pregnant after treatment, she is offered two options to solve the problem:

  1. IVF or in vitro conception. In this case, an egg is fertilized in a test tube and implanted into the uterus. The embryo develops naturally, and the woman gives birth to a healthy baby (see).
  2. ICSI is one of the IVF options. The difference is that a sperm is introduced into the cytoplasm, not an embryo. There is no threat to development.

So, after treatment, a woman is able to give birth to a healthy child, and the pregnancy proceeds calmly. However, relapse often occurs after childbirth.

Endometrial hyperplasia during breastfeeding

Does the disease affect the baby if the mother is breastfeeding? No. However, there is no need to delay treatment.

The main reason for the development of endometrial hyperplasia during lactation is hormonal changes during childbirth. In addition, concomitant diseases appear:

  • ovarian cyst;
  • endometriosis;
  • myoma;
  • mastopathy.

Another important reason is the absence of menstruation after childbirth (amenorrhea).

Features of pathology during breastfeeding

  • spotting during the period when menstruation has not yet occurred;
  • after delays, heavy bleeding;
  • cycle failure;
  • chronic weakness and fatigue;
  • decreased immune functions of the body.

If such symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor. Otherwise, you can get complications such as the transition of hyperplasia to an atypical form, the development of malignant tumors, and infertility.


During the feeding period, treatment of hyperplasia can proceed favorably. There is no need to put it off; the doctor will select a regimen that will not affect the child. The doctor will choose one of the treatment methods for lactation:

  • medicines;
  • surgical intervention;
  • mixed.

A woman is treated with medications for up to six months. If a relapse occurs after this, the doctor prescribes surgery:

  • laser surgery;
  • cryodestruction;
  • scraping.

In very extreme and advanced cases, removal of the uterus is prescribed.

After treatment, a woman during lactation should adhere to the following rules:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • doctor's examinations;
  • increasing immunity;
  • avoiding stress;
  • quick response to any deviations in health.

With such actions, the health of the woman and child is not in danger.

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Hormones rule the female reproductive system. Therefore, any deviation from their natural balance in the body will lead to diseases that prevent pregnancy. Endometrial hyperplasia will also interfere with pregnancy. A dangerous pathology will not allow conception to take place and will disrupt the timing of the menstrual cycle. And one of its forms “accompanies” cancerous tumors. In order not to “miss” the development of the disease, it is important for women who dream of conceiving to undergo regular gynecological examinations.

The endometrium is the layer lining the uterine cavity. He is directly involved in ovulation every month. A gradual increase in size of its connective tissues occurs towards the significant day of the possible fusion of male and female reproductive cells. Such changes are necessary so that the fertilized egg can securely attach itself to the uterine cavity and continue its development in the endometrial tissue. If the inner layer of the uterus is too thin, the conception that has already taken place will be interrupted, causing a spontaneous miscarriage.

However, there are situations in which infertility is caused by the growth of the endometrium. This deviation is associated with disturbances in the woman’s hormonal background, to which the uterine layer reacts sharply. A lack of progesterone in combination with an excess of estrogen does not allow the endometrium to develop in a natural cyclical form. It grows constantly, so a woman has...

Endometrial hyperplasia is a strong pathological growth of the uterine mucosa of a benign nature. It is accompanied by disturbances in the structural features and functionality of tissues.

Hyperplasia of the endometrium of the uterus is dangerous because it disrupts the menstrual cycle and causes heavy uterine bleeding outside of cycles. However, the most dangerous are cysts and, which cause the development of malignant tumors.

It is difficult to determine the reliable cause of the “quarrel” between progesterone and estrogen. However, doctors believe that this process is influenced by the following factors:

  • Ovarian tumor;
  • Cysts on the ovaries;
  • Neuroendocrine disorders;
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • Diabetes;
  • Impaired functions of the adrenal glands and liver;
  • Hypertension;
  • Uterine fibroids;
  • Obesity.

It should be noted that there are serious provoking factors affecting a woman’s hormonal imbalance:

  • Inflammatory and infectious processes;
  • Surgical interventions on the uterine cavity (curettage, abortion and other mechanical damage to the mucous membrane);
  • Reduced immune defense;
  • Frequent long-term stress.

Endometrial hyperplasia is a formidable pathology that ranks second among diseases of the reproductive system. It becomes a common cause of female infertility.

Endometrial hyperplasia: is it possible to get pregnant?

Planning pregnancy for women who have a pathology of endometrial growth is a thankless task. The lack of regular ovulation caused by hormonal imbalances and structural disorders of the uterine mucosa will not allow conception to occur.

It should be noted that in some cases pregnancy with endometrial hyperplasia is possible. However, it won't last long. Such conception ends in spontaneous miscarriage or serious disturbances in the development of the fetus.

Let's consider the forms of the disease that differ in histological variant, and the likelihood of conception with them.

For glandular-cystic and glandular-stromal forms

The glandular form is a benign process of change in the uterine mucosa. It is characterized by a violation of the location of glands in the stroma, which become tortuous. It develops in acute and chronic forms.

The presence of cystic changes in the thickening layer of the endometrium indicates pronounced disorders in which cystically enlarged glands are recorded. Due to such transformations, the woman does not ovulate. That is, talking about pregnancy with stringy endometrial hyperplasia is pointless. Conception is impossible.

With an atypical form

This pathological form is more complex. With atypical hyperplasia, the glands grow even faster. However, their structural changes, which cause the development of malignant tumors, are more dangerous for women’s health. Infertility is a faithful companion of the disease.

Hyperplasia is divided into forms according to its localization.

In focal form

Focal hyperplasia is characterized by the localization of “affected” endometrial cells in a specific area of ​​the uterus. Its development is recorded in polyps, the unchanged layer of the endometrium, and cysts.

In 5% of all reported cases, mucosal hyperplasia looks like the formation of an endometrial polyp (separate parts of the mucosa grow with the underlying stroma). If in glandular forms the glandular component is fixed as the main one, then in fibrous polyps there is more connective tissue.

With diffuse form

The changed layer affects the entire surface of the uterine mucosa. The layer increases evenly. At the same time, the proliferation of endometrial cells grows in parallel with the volume of the mucosa.


The diagnosis of “endometrial hyperplasia” is not a death sentence. If the pathology is detected on time and the course of therapy is chosen correctly, then the woman’s opportunity to become a mother returns.

The doctor will be able to choose the right treatment regimen after a detailed examination, which will reveal the stage of the disease and its form. To do this, a histological examination of endometrial samples is carried out. The main direction of diagnosis is to understand and eliminate the factor that caused pathological hormonal changes. Having received the necessary data during the study, the doctor prescribes an individual treatment regimen.

If the pathology is at the initial stage of its development, treatment is carried out with hormone-based drugs. Their task is to balance the ratio of estrogen and progesterone in a woman’s body.

During therapy, the doctor prescribes the following medications:

  • Oral contraceptives or hormonal drugs;
  • Medicines from the group of gestagens (Duphaston);
  • Vitamin complexes;
  • Iron supplements.

Remember that independent selection of medications and their dosage is unacceptable! Only the attending physician should select medications and determine the specifics of their administration. It takes into account many factors: age, the woman’s health and weight, the presence of other diseases.

If conservative therapy is unsuccessful or the disease is advanced, hysteroscopy is used to scrape out the “excess” layer of the endometrium. This type of surgery is safe. It allows you to preserve a woman’s reproductive capabilities.

In most cases, therapy lasts at least six months. The same amount of time will be needed to restore hormonal balance, the menstrual cycle and the ovulation process.

Is it possible to get pregnant after treatment for hyperplasia?

If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, a successful pregnancy will be a woman’s reward for long-term treatment. However, it is better to plan such a conception. Pregnancy after treatment with hormonal drugs is planned a month after the “serious” drugs are discontinued. After surgery, the rehabilitation period is longer, about six months.

To increase the chances of pregnancy after endometrial hyperplasia, a woman needs to follow these rules:

  • Undergo preventive gynecological examinations;
  • Any vaginal bleeding or unusual discharge should prompt immediate medical attention;
  • Control your weight;
  • Avoid emotional turmoil and stress;
  • To refuse from bad habits;
  • Balance your diet.

After a complete treatment and rehabilitation course, repeated diagnostics are carried out. With its help, the success of therapy is determined.

IVF for hyperplasia

If, after long-term therapy, the long-awaited conception does not occur, doctors recommend that the woman seek the help of in vitro fertilization. However, this does not mean that “test tube pregnancy” can be used without treating the pathology.

Endometrial hyperplasia and IVF are as incompatible concepts as this disease and natural conception. After all, changes in endometrial tissue will not allow you to “select” the necessary eggs, because ovulation does not occur with pathology. Even if a miracle happens, the prepared zygote will not be able to “catch” onto the layer of the uterus to continue its development.

However, after removing the “extra” and dangerous uterine layer and normalizing the hormonal balance, a woman has every chance of becoming a happy mother.

Article outline

Nowadays, many girls suffering from hyperplasia are wondering: is endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy compatible? After all, the opportunity to have children is one of the main roles in the life of every girl. But because of hyperplasia, this chance is at risk, because this disease threatens infertility. Also, if a woman is diagnosed after childbirth, then the question arises about the possibility of breastfeeding during endometrial hyperplasia.

The concept of hyperplasia

First of all, this is a gynecological diagnosis, during which endometrial tissue in the uterine cavity begins the process of intensive growth in the wrong places. This pathology develops due to an imbalance of hormones in a woman’s body. The amount of estrogen (sex hormone) is in excess. But the production of another hormone, progesterone, on the contrary, is minimal, which is why the question “is it possible to get pregnant” often has a negative answer. The next stage of pathology is the formation of a benign tumor, due to which ovulation becomes impossible.

Supposed causes of hyperplasia, according to doctors:

  • estrogen levels increase in a woman’s body;
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory processes;
  • violation of the metabolic process (metabolism);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • many abortions;
  • fibroids in the uterine cavity;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • curettage performed in the past;
  • presence of endometriosis;
  • liver pathologies;
  • presence of polycystic disease;
  • tumors of the genital organs, as well as tumors of the mammary glands;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • gynecological operations;
  • presence of ovarian dysfunction.

How does hyperplasia affect pregnancy?

There is no possibility of conception or successful pregnancy with this diagnosis. Due to hormonal imbalance and large expansion of the endometrial mass, ovulation is not possible. Moreover, the other structure of the mucous layer of the uterus does not have the ability to accept an embryo.

If pregnancy does occur, which is extremely rare, there is practically no chance of successfully carrying the child to term. Pregnancy with endometrial hyperplasia threatens:

  • Improper fetal development;
  • Congenital pathologies of the baby;
  • Miscarriage;
  • Freezing of the fetus in the first trimester.

During early pregnancy, due to the high probability of transition from a benign tumor to an oncological disease, experts strongly advise artificially interrupting the pregnancy and carrying out subsequent treatment. Whatever happens, before planning a pregnancy you should undergo a medical examination and, if necessary, begin treatment.

Is it possible to get pregnant with endometrial hyperplasia?

For a very long time, there was an opinion that it was impossible to get pregnant with endometrial hyperplasia. However, now medicine is moving forward with great strides and is succeeding in many ways, as well as in the treatment of this disease. At the moment, there are a large number of specific effective therapy regimens for hyperplasia, which makes the possibility of conceiving and bearing a child quite real. In order to be able to give birth to children, the expectant mother should undergo a thorough examination by a doctor, who will assess the current form and severity of the disease. Based on these data, the specialist will be able to determine a personal bias in the treatment of the patient.

Possibility of pregnancy after treatment

If you follow an individually selected course of treatment, then in many cases fertilization is still possible. But what to do if the long-awaited pregnancy after endometrial hyperplasia does not occur? There are only two possibilities to solve this problem:

  • IVF involves the artificial placement of a previously fertilized embryo into the uterus.
  • ICSI, this procedure is one of the variations of IVF. The only difference is that the sperm, and not the embryo, is introduced into the cytoplasm.

Based on this, it is worth understanding that modern medicine gives us the opportunity to have children, even after such a terrible illness. But it is still worth remembering the possibility of relapse after childbirth, although the chance of the disease returning is very small. In this case, the woman may be recommended surgery to remove the endometrium. After the operation, the woman’s well-being should improve and there can be no more relapses.

Features of pathology during breastfeeding

Does hyperplasia affect a baby when breastfeeding? The clear answer is no. Since this disease is located in the uterine cavity and has nothing to do with breast milk. But still, there is no need to put off treatment for a long time. Since this threatens with various complications, malignant tumors, as well as infertility.

The main symptom of hyperplasia after childbirth is constant disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Symptoms such as:

  • Bloody discharge before menstruation;
  • Frequent bleeding after a delay.

The main reason for the appearance of hyperplasia during breastfeeding (hereinafter referred to as breastfeeding) is hormonal changes after the birth of a child. If a nursing mother notices symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor, who, in turn, will prescribe the correct treatment, which can be carried out in several ways:

  • medicinally;
  • Surgically;
  • Combined.

It is worth mentioning that with hepatitis B treatment is symptomatic. With conservative treatment, medications are prescribed that correct the production of hormones and reduce the severity of adverse symptoms.

In later stages of the disease, the doctor prescribes surgery. There are operations: with radical measures and removal of the uterus, as well as with preservation of the reproductive organ.

It is worth remembering that the sooner you contact a specialist, the greater the likelihood of detecting the disease and the higher the chances of a woman’s full recovery. And also fewer bad consequences for your body and the health of your baby.

Endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy are several concepts that are completely incompatible with each other. Of course, any deviations from the norm are fraught with consequences for both the expectant mother and her child, but there is no need to panic ahead of schedule. The problem can be brought under control, conception is unlikely to occur, and successfully treated after pregnancy. However, in order for everything to go really well, you need to eliminate attempts at self-medication once and for all.

Questions: is it possible to get pregnant with endometrial hyperplasia?

Issues of pregnancy planning are currently being carefully studied, so no one can reliably say what the prognosis will be for patients with hyperplasia. Everything depends not only on the quality of the treatment provided, but also on the individual characteristics of the female body. It is he who is sometimes able to work miracles, even when it seems that there is no hope. Pregnancy is not excluded, so the patient should not lose hope.

When trying to have a baby you need to:

  • Change your lifestyle for the better;
  • Get rid of bad habits;
  • Adjust nutrition;
  • Establish a strict sleep and wakefulness schedule;
  • Pass a detailed examination;
  • Treat yourself according to your doctor’s instructions;
  • Constantly see specialists.

No one says that everything will be very simple and the long-awaited pregnancy will occur in just a few months. A lot of effort will be invested in making your dream come true, but it is definitely worth fighting for your own happiness.

Sometimes the whole process takes up to several years, with daily procedures and medications! However, in the end, the patient gets exactly what she originally wanted - a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Incompatible: endometrial hypoplasia and pregnancy

During pregnancy or in the process of IVF conception, women look after themselves very carefully and react sensitively to any, even the most minor changes in their own body. You can feel negative changes even on an intuitive level, when the problem does not even make itself felt. This is why the diagnosis of endometrium usually sounds like a death sentence. The first thing a woman needs to do is to give up any kind of panic. It is not the best helper and can even harm the body.

The following actions will be:

  • Assessment of current health status;
  • Visiting a qualified doctor;
  • Passing the examination;
  • Obtaining a treatment plan;
  • Strict compliance with doctor's instructions.

Of course, no one will prescribe strong drugs to a woman throughout pregnancy, regardless of the stage of hypoplasia.

If such a need really exists, the woman will be faced with a difficult dilemma: to sacrifice her health or the health of her unborn child.

This decision is the most difficult for a mother. Just a few decades ago, a choice inevitably had to be made. Today the situation has changed radically and doctors are trying to save both. And, as practice shows, this can be done quite successfully.

Hyperplasia is a serious problem that can easily prevent a woman from becoming pregnant in the future. However, this will all happen much later. The main problem at a particular moment in time is to bear and give birth to a child who is already in the womb. Often, uterine pathology appears directly during pregnancy.

During this period, attention is given entirely to the baby, so the woman takes care of her own health. This is why the disease is dangerous! It affects and progresses asymptomatically until it reaches critical sizes.

  • Keep the situation under constant control;
  • Take special preventive measures;
  • Do not exhaust the body;
  • Take vitamin complexes.

As a rule, the tumor does not have time to grow much during pregnancy. But then, after childbirth, there will be only two scenarios: the tumor will either disappear spontaneously or will have to be treated. In any case, there is no need to give up and let this matter take its course.

Information: focal hyperplasia - what is it

Focal hyperplasia is a gravid glandular form, especially dangerous during pregnancy. And, meanwhile, reviews from those who have already overcome this illness are quite positive! Having already carried and given birth to a child, the overwhelming percentage of women were able to cure the tumor and then even became pregnant again, simply by taking therapeutic treatment. There are very, very few people who have been cured surgically, but such a situation is quite possible.

The key to a speedy recovery are:

  • Desire to be treated;
  • Constant monitoring of the situation, which causes altered hormonal levels;
  • Timely administration of medications.

Are endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy compatible (video)

Glandular hyperplasia and endometrium are very unpleasant and insidious diseases that have every chance of developing into a malignant form. Meanwhile, with a competent approach, such an outcome can be completely avoided! Especially if you constantly monitor the situation and consult your doctor. Treatment will take a certain period of time, but sometimes they are quite compatible even with pregnancy.

It is often diagnosed when a woman is being examined for infertility. With such a pathology, it is not only very difficult to get pregnant, but it is absolutely forbidden to do so.

However, don't be upset. Endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy go well together, but only after a course of treatment. To date, treatment regimens have been developed that allow you to successfully conceive and carry a baby to term.

Endometrial hyperplasia is its excessive growth. The cause may be chronic inflammation, but most often this condition occurs with absolute or relative high levels of estrogen.

These female sex hormones promote the growth of the endometrium in the first phase of the cycle. They are produced in the ovaries by maturing follicles. However, after ovulation, progesterone becomes the main hormone, which protects the endometrium from hyperplasia.

Therefore, this disease occurs with prolonged exposure to estrogen on the uterus, when there is no protective effect of progesterone. This is possible both with inadequate hormonal therapy with estrogen, and with various diseases, for example, obesity, PCOS.

Endometrial hyperplasia is a consequence of prolonged progesterone in the body. In addition, it produces estrogens, especially when there is a lot of it. In the presence of ovarian tumors that produce hormones, their number also increases, causing hyperplasia.

With such conditions, ovulation, as a rule, does not occur. And even if this happens, implantation of the embryo and its development into the altered endometrium becomes almost impossible.

And even if pregnancy occurs, there is a very high probability that it will develop with pathologies. In addition, bearing a baby in the presence of benign formations is contraindicated, as it accelerates the onset of a malignant process. Therefore, endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy can trigger the development of uterine cancer.

For the prognosis and development of treatment tactics for this disease, its form is very important. It can be determined by obtaining it using scraping. It is better to perform this procedure under hysteroscopy control. This increases the efficiency of the operation.

This manipulation is also the first stage in the treatment regimen. Hormone therapy is then carried out. When choosing drugs, the patient’s age, weight, and concomitant diseases are taken into account.

The goal of treatment is to prevent the development of cancer and infertility. If the patient wishes to become pregnant, prepare her for this.

Pregnancy is also best combined, since it is least likely to lead to cancer and is easier to treat. If complex atypical hyperplasia is diagnosed, treatment will be longer and more complex. After completing the reproductive function, the patient may be offered removal of the endometrium or uterus, especially in case of relapse of the disease.

If, during an examination, a diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia is made, and IVF or ICSI is planned by a couple in the future, then the disease must first be treated, otherwise attempts will be unsuccessful. After successful therapy, conception occurs.

However, endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy can only be combined if treatment is successful. But how well the disease responds to treatment depends on its neglect and individual characteristics. Relapses are possible, the need to change the drug, increase the dose. Constant monitoring by a doctor is important.

Thus, endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy are compatible, but only after successful treatment of the disease. Conceiving with such a diagnosis is not only problematic, but also extremely undesirable, since the likelihood of pregnancy complications and the development of cancer increases.