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Fire dragon woman for a year. Dragons will achieve success in the year of the yellow dog

In 2018, it wouldn’t hurt for Dragons to get dark glasses so that the kaleidoscope of colorful events that the Dog is going to spin around his formidable charges doesn’t confuse them. Everything will happen! Good and not so good, surprising, routine, predictable, fantastic... Fasten your seat belts, grab the handrails and look forward with hope: the roller coaster that the yellow dog will put you on is about to take off.

General predictions for 2018 for the Dragon

It cannot be said that the Dog disliked the Dragon for some reason. Rather, she will not like some of the methods with which the toothy lizards are accustomed to conducting their business. An assertive, slightly despotic, uncontrollable ward in his aspirations will from time to time cause slight irritation in her, which is why the mistress of the year will teach him a lesson a couple of times. But don’t rush to get upset: these will be purely educational measures, after which the good-natured dog will immediately take pity on the Dragon, caress and elevate him.

So take any click on the nose as a hint to reconsider your behavior and draw conclusions. If you manage to understand where you were wrong, the delighted Dog will immediately dump a bag of prepared gifts on you and make sure that none of them slip past your hands.

The greatest danger for the Dragon this year will be in the areas of interpersonal relationships, health and finances. In the first case, the cause of grief will be a close relative who has given the toothy lizards an impressive turn with his rash behavior - and the Dragons will have to decide how to get her out of the way. In the second, you will have to be wary of all kinds of injuries (the idea of ​​mastering a snowboard, alpine skiing or paragliding in 2018 will clearly not be the best in the Dragon’s life). Well, fate itself will dig the financial hole, scaly and toothy. As you know, you can’t argue with her, but you can come to an agreement. Therefore, those who do not give up their clawed paws, but begin to intensively climb to the top, in a couple of months will not only restore their shaky financial situation, but will also remain profitable.

The main task of the wise sign in 2018 will be to rethink their views on the world, learn to find true values ​​among heaps of shiny but empty Christmas tree tinsel and find spiritual harmony. The matter is not easy, but the Dog will help you cope with it, just give her a chance.

A lot of exciting events await the Dragons in 2018

Love horoscope and family relationships

Not everything is clear here. On the one hand, Dragons, who entered the year as proud loners, run the risk of going through the entire 12 months as bogeymen, limiting themselves to casual relationships and frivolous romances for one or two days. On the other hand, it cannot be said that our charming monster experienced serious worries about this. On the contrary, the Dragon will become confident in his irresistibility to the opposite sex and will begin to enjoy life to the fullest, changing partners like signets.

Carefully! The dog will look at these amusements with disapproval and by the fall he will make sure that the loving lizard is left completely alone. The stars advise Dragons to moderate their ardor a little and devote some of their free time to their relatives: you see, warm family evenings will melt the heart of the mistress of the year and she will change her anger to mercy, organizing a meeting with true love for her ward.

Couples in a relationship, regardless of whether they have a stamp in their passport, will enter a deep crisis in the fall. To prevent matters from dividing property, the Dragon will have to curb his temper and become more restrained in expressing emotions. And also come up with a joint activity for yourself and your partner. For example, turn a cluttered loggia into a cozy place for romantic tea parties. Or learn how to weave baskets from wicker. Or go on a journey as savages. By the way, this year the frantic lizard will be attracted to Western Europe and the far North. Perhaps the climate there will slightly cool down the excessive ardor of our hero?


All year long, the financial boat of the Dragons will be thrown up and down. At the end of winter, the hardworking Dog will suddenly feel as if her scaly ward is trying to achieve material wealth in roundabout ways, without making the necessary efforts, and she will block the financial flows replenishing the Dragon’s piggy bank. We'll have to tighten our belts, enter austerity mode and prove in practice to the four-legged moralist that even the most royal lizards are not afraid to get their paws dirty with labor. If you are diligent enough, the Dog will quickly admit his mistake and will do everything to reward you for the forced hardships.

You will have to fight seriously for your well-being

The second half of the year will be especially generous with bonuses. Money will literally fall at the dragon's feet! A bonus, a salary increase, an unexpectedly returned old debt that you have already given up on - just have time to line your pockets. In addition, this time is ideal for making large purchases or real estate transactions. Need a new sofa? Consider it already in your living room. Are you planning to change your car? You will easily be able to find exactly the one you dreamed of - not damaged and without a twisted mileage. Are you thinking about moving into your own home? Rest assured, the Dog will find one in which water does not drip from the taps, and cockroaches do not nest under the floor.

However, if the Dragon tries to hide and wait out a difficult period without making serious efforts to correct the situation, he will not have to count on the favor of the furry patroness. And even when the financial crisis is behind us, do not forget: the Dog will vigilantly monitor how its gifts are managed. Avoid stupid spending and gambling, otherwise by autumn an ​​even deeper financial abyss will open under your feet.

Career and business

As in the case of finances, the first 6 months will become a kind of test of strength for the Dragon. Ambitious lizards aiming for the boss's chair will be given a chance to show their energy and enterprise, but the Dog will not help them conquer new career heights. At least at first. To win the tailed one over to its side, the Dragon needs:

  • improve relationships with colleagues - in the year of the friendly dog, luck will, for the most part, be on the side of team players;
  • make new acquaintances - some of them will have brilliant prospects hidden behind them;
  • be patient.

And then, from July-August, the career of our ambitious monster will move up. And it will even have time to accelerate to a decent speed. The main thing at this time is to carefully monitor the road so as not to fall into a pothole placed on the Dragon’s path by envious people. Unfortunately, many of these will appear in the fall. However, they can also be regarded as a sign of success, because losers are not envied. Perform your duties more carefully so as not to give your enemies a reason to complain to your superiors, and do not share personal information with just anyone.

You will have to endure several serious battles with ill-wishers

In 2018, it is better for Dragons to avoid business trips: the benefits from them will be enormous, and the effort, nerves and time expended will be enormous. Settle down at home and improve your professional skills; you will probably soon receive an interesting offer that you will be sorry to refuse. First of all, this applies to artists and, in general, everyone whose work in one way or another requires the presence of creativity.

Predictions for male Dragons

Spectacular and extremely attractive to the opposite sex, the Dragon man will be wildly popular with women in the coming year until August. At this time, you can safely flirt with every young lady making eyes at the “mighty and terrible” lizard, lavish and receive compliments, start affairs and do crazier things in a fit of feelings. But do not forget that the Dog will start all this not for fun, but to help the ward meet his soul mate. So don’t jump around for nothing for six months! Having noticed a princess suitable in spirit and interests, take her by storm and drag her with all possible gallantry to your cave: the hour is uneven, some knight who has jumped out of the ground at the wrong time will take your lady away from you!

If a Dragon man experiences a lull in his personal life, his professional life will begin to move. The changes will be global - right up to changing jobs. Well, if you take this step deliberately, and not in the heat of a quarrel with your boss or succumbing to the call of fellow adventurers, the scaly one will quickly get out onto the path leading to the golden mountain.

In summer, Dragon men should take care of themselves. Give up extreme sports and too active recreation in favor of the sea, walking tours and socializing with friends. To have a good time, you don’t have to storm Elbrus and dive with sharks.

Predictions for women

The beautiful and feminine Dragons will be able to handle anything this year

If the Dragon woman decides to move her career upward in 2018, she will experience dizzying success. New subordinates will perceive our heroine’s appointment favorably, new responsibilities will be easy, and things will roll like clockwork. However, the Dragoness, like no one else, should be wary of secret spiteful critics who will stop at nothing to denigrate her in the eyes of her management and partners. Carefully check all the information that comes to you so as not to follow the lead of provocateurs or take rash steps.

On the love front it will be turbulent: for some - meter-long armfuls of roses and dinner in Venice, for others - scenes of jealousy and loud slams of doors. However, how events develop will, in most cases, depend on the behavior of the Dragoness herself, so sharpen your claws, ladies, and take fate into your graceful but strong dragon paws.

In the fall, be able to find an opportunity to take a couple of weeks of rest and recharge with good impressions. By November-December, the blues will begin to search for you intensely - do everything to ensure that its searches are fruitless.

In the heat of your love search, do not miss a new interesting acquaintance whom the Dog will put in your path. If you behave correctly, over time you will find in him a close friend who will lend a shoulder, wipe away your tears, and slap the offender in the face when the need arises. And don’t believe anyone who says that friendship between a man and a woman does not exist!

What will the year be like depending on the element?

Fire, metal, water and other elements will begin to make their own adjustments to the life of Dragons throughout 2018. And all that remains is not to yawn and to make the most of the clues of fate provided to them.

The Fire Dragon (1916, 1976) should firmly remember that the Dog is a sincere creature, and try to be less deceitful. An innocent, but revealed deception will turn a loved one against him, ruin his business reputation and lower the degree of trust among friends. On the other hand, the lizard itself can become a victim of cunning manipulations. Watch what you sign and do not invest in dubious enterprises!

If the Water Dragon (1952) gets rid of his complexes, becomes more decisive and learns to listen to the voice of his heart, he will succeed in all areas of life, from professional to personal. In the middle of the year, unfree representatives of this sign will face minor difficulties in relationships: the other half of the waterfowl lizard suddenly decides to play Othello and will calm down only after her beloved surrounds her with increased attention and care.

A pet of the water element needs to learn to be more persistent and firmer

In the spring, love will sprout in the hearts of the Wooden Dragons (1904, 1964). If this happens to a lonely lizard, you can completely surrender to the new feeling, not caring about the possible difference in age or social status. But for ringed Dragons, the affair will backfire! It’s better to focus your efforts on bringing the novelty that both of you so lack into your relationship with your current partner.

The Earth Dragon (1928, 1988) will have a successful year in all respects. A dog born under the sign of the same element will forget about its usual impartiality and will shamelessly play along with the “countryman”. The main thing for such a Dragon is to find a healthy balance between career and personal life, so as not to overstrain yourself trying to be on time everywhere. Those who are thinking about offspring have every chance of meeting a stork in 2018. Buy baby vests and design a nursery!

The Metal Dragon (1940, 2000) will have to rattle a lot of iron in clashes with competitors, but in the end he will win back a comfortable cave with European-quality renovation and golden mountains. Just don’t forget to take off your armor when returning home - your significant other may not appreciate your fighting spirit and go looking for someone with a softer disposition.

Forecast for 12 zodiac signs

Let all Dragons belong to a single scaly and fire-breathing tribe, each of them is born under their own Zodiac sign. And when making forecasts for the year, this must be taken into account.


The Aries Dragon has worked well under the leadership of the lively Rooster and therefore has every right to rest. Before calling knights to battle, kidnapping beauties and planning other fateful changes, take a time out and relax thoroughly.


A rich emotional life awaits the Taurus Dragon. Meetings, acquaintances, friendship, love, adventures - a fire-breathing bull can expect anything but a gray, dull routine. The only thing is that we will have to make sure that this flurry of events does not knock our hero off his feet and drag him away to God knows where.


The Gemini Dragon, with its usual duality, will want opposite things: exciting adventures and peace. You'll have to listen to the voice of the more boring half of your soul and play less pranks - love or financial scams may not end very well for the lizard.

For the Gemini Dragon, the most important thing is harmony with oneself


In 2018, the Dragon-Cancer will face several difficult situations, which will have to be resolved to the utmost. Look for support from your family and friends and remember: sooner or later the clouds will clear and the sun will come out from behind them.

a lion

Dragon-Leo will be tempted to have an affair at work. You shouldn't do this if you don't want your professional reputation to suffer damage! And even more so, you should keep your feelings in check if you are not free. Believe me, the love intoxication will dissipate sooner or later, and the other half may never forgive.


Female Virgo Dragons will be finely tuned to love and will certainly find it - this year they will literally radiate femininity and charm. But men born under the combination of these signs will chase a long ruble and may end up left without money and without relationships.


The Libra Dragon, under the auspices of the Dog, will find enviable harmony in the family. But in the business sphere there will sometimes be incredible confusion! Arm yourself with the scales that your sign has so successfully provided you with, and regularly put emotions and feelings on one bowl, and cold calculations on the other. When you manage to bring them into balance, the troubles will stop.


The Scorpio Dragon will spend a significant part of the year in a love frenzy, but all his hasty romances will not end in anything. If a double-tailed sign wants a serious relationship, he will have to pay close attention to his inner content. Engage in self-improvement, and your soulmate will find you.


The Sagittarius Dragon will not go wrong by being completely immersed in the worries of arranging his personal life. Lonely lizards will meet a worthy partner, married ones will strengthen their marriage, and some will be welcomed into the family.


The Capricorn Dragon will have no time for serious achievements throughout the first half of the year. The end of winter will lead to a loss of strength, spring will turn your head, summer will relax you with warmth and the promise of a quick vacation... But the brave lizard will meet autumn fully armed and will be able to make an important decision that circumstances will require of him.


The Aquarius Dragon will unexpectedly discover abilities in himself that he had not previously suspected, which will allow him to significantly advance in his career or even change his field of activity. Don't be afraid of changes, but introduce them into your life wisely so as not to mess things up.


The Pisces Dragon will decide to pay more attention to the family and will be absolutely right - the other half will blossom, loved ones will adore the scaly relative, the children will turn into a model of obedience. But try not to lose sight of your affairs, otherwise by autumn they may be in a deplorable state.

Video: eastern horoscope 2018 for the Dragon

Many Dragons in 2018 will have to shed a lot of sweat to prove to the Dog that they are worthy of all the blessings of life. But sooner or later, the furry ruler of the coming 12 months will realize how wrong she was in suspecting the Dragon of dishonesty, and will begin to apologize, showering him with her favors. Don't give up and be persistent, even if things don't go smoothly at first. Luck will certainly find you.

Years of birth of representatives of the Dragon sign: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.

Dragon: briefly about the sign

The Dragon has natural strength and magnetism and has a passion for everything unusual and extravagant. The dragon is always full of energy and enthusiasm, so it is often difficult for household members to tolerate its excessive activity. Dragons never have enough; they constantly want more. The Dragon is an idealist who strives to realize all his ambitions, and those who dare to stand in his way can seriously suffer from the red-hot flames of all-destroying anger. The dragon does not tolerate failure; he is always confident in himself and in his superiority. The dragon always gets what he wants, even if he doesn't really need it and doesn't act wisely.

Eastern horoscope for the Dragon for 2018: the main thing

For the Dragon, 2018 is an ideal period to rethink their life values ​​and get their finances in order.

2018 Score for Dragon: 5/10

Motto for the Dragon for 2018:"Be careful!"

Dragon Predictions for 2018

In the compatibility tables of the eastern horoscope, the Dog sign is opposed to the Dragon sign, so for the latter, 2018 promises to be tense, at least harder than 2017. However, the elemental sign - "Earth Yang", the main element of 2018, is in harmony with the stable element of the Dragon, which also belongs to the element - Earth. This combination suggests that in 2018 the Dragon will be able to confidently cope with the problems that it will face, especially if it can foresee them in advance. In 2018, the Dragon needs not only to closely monitor his finances, but also his love. Perhaps events will not develop in the direction you would like, but often you will not be able to change the situation in any way, even with additional efforts. The Dragon must understand how important useful connections and acquaintances are, since they can influence his decisions and choices. Old enemies or rivals from the past may reappear and interfere with your life plans. To get fewer bites from the Yellow Earth Dog, the Dragon must learn to be softer and tame his pride and stubborn nature. Unaccustomed to compromise, the Dragon must understand that sometimes he must show humility, otherwise he may lose much more than he will concede.

Family and love relationships

Throughout most of 2018, the Dragon will face unpleasant situations and encounters that he will regret, but it will be too late. A dragon who is married or has been living with a loved one for a long time will face numerous conflicts and disputes in the family. You may even have to live separately for a while or return to your parents. Dragons in a couple should not overly criticize their partner in order to avoid the “Boomerang effect”, which can lead to a break in the relationship. Betrayal of a loved one or loved one is also possible in 2018.

Single and lonely Dragons will avoid love relationships and will not be able to open their hearts and truly trust anyone. A single dragon may have to face unrequited love, because of which he will be very worried and suffer. It is in the interests of the Dragon to lock the doors to his rich inner world and not let in unfamiliar people and ill-wishers who like to feed themselves with other people's energy and failures. Obviously, for marriage or the birth of children, the Year of the Dog cannot be called successful for representatives of the Dragon sign. A child born in the year of the Dog will never be able to become close to his mother or father Dragon, so it is better to wait.

Work and social life

In the professional sphere, you should also not expect great success. It is high time to abandon unnecessary and frozen projects that require a lot of time, financial investments and do not bring profit. In 2018, Dragons need to try to change their views on their profession and really evaluate their ambitions. The Year of the Dog is an ideal time to conduct various studies and develop one of the many hidden talents of the Dragon. In 2018, you can lose money, but at the same time gain a very dear person, and this will happen at the most unexpected moment. Financial investments can be very risky, so it is better to wait until next 2019 to invest. Now is the time to listen to the wise advice of friends and put them into practice. In 2018, the Dragon will still experience positive emotions, for example, when he goes on vacation, and it is recommended to discover new countries. We also advise Dragons to prepare for the trip in advance and thoroughly, and not to grab the first last-minute ticket that comes their way, in order to avoid fuss, haste and, as a result, a spoiled vacation. Unfortunately, the Dog does not get along with the Dragon in any way, so you will have to be alert and careful throughout not only the entire vacation, but throughout 2018.

Lucky and favorable months for the Dragon in 2018: month of the Dragon (April 2018), month of the Monkey (August 2018), month of the Rooster (September 2018), month of the Rat (December 2018).

Unfavorable months for the Dragon in 2018: Month of the Dog (October 2018).

The coming time is completely given over to the power of the graceful Yellow Dog. This symbol of the year has very extraordinary character traits; he is capricious, but fair. Fate invites each zodiac representative to experience their own lines of fate. What awaits the Dragon in 2018 according to the eastern horoscope? What life events do the brightest representatives of the zodiac constellation need to prepare for?

As the eastern horoscope for 2018 indicates, the Dragon in this period must listen carefully to his own inner voice. The Dog gives all zodiac representatives an excellent quality of intuition during this period, so Dragons must clearly realize that their future fate depends on their actions. Intuition and inner voice will definitely warn representatives of the zodiac world about dangerous situations. In order for success to never leave the Dragon, it is necessary not to follow paths that contradict their desires.

A very difficult period is expected for the Dragon in terms of communication and close relationships with a partner. Firstly, this year representatives of the zodiac will try in every possible way to evade responsibility, which neither colleagues nor loved ones like. Secondly, representatives of the zodiac in this period will be maximally concerned with their own problems and worries. Because of this, others will consider the latter to be selfish. In order to achieve mutual understanding and not lose loyal comrades and loved ones, the Dragon needs to learn to balance between the feelings and desires of the people around him, as well as between his own needs.

The zodiac sign Dragon, which is quite successful in life, the eastern horoscope warns the latter that in the coming period they will have to worry a lot and actively develop. Due to such circumstances, some representatives of the star world will not have enough time to complete all their affairs. Such a lack of free minutes threatens the latter with nervous anxiety and increased irritability. It is very important for these zodiac signs to find time for positive relaxation. It is not at all necessary to spend most of the day on the couch if the Dragons do not want this; you can relax with an active option, for example, going to a ski resort. The advice of the year is the fact that representatives of the star world need to radically reconsider their thinking and their capabilities. In addition, they should not take on a huge number of diverse events only on themselves. Ideally, the Dragon will set a specific goal, then achieve its implementation, and then again conceive the desired ideas.

does not recommend the latter to live according to the “pattern” in this period in time. There is no need to be afraid of unoriginal ideas and non-standard situations. By acting in unusual ways, you can sometimes achieve more tangible benefits in life than when people live by their own principles.

Dragons should not be afraid of difficult tasks. Before you start solving them, you need to make a clear plan. Perhaps, in order to resolve a certain problem, Dragons will need quite a lot of time, but the latter need to be patient in order to receive all the benefits of life that exist. Among other things, in the coming period it is very important to set yourself a specific goal, which will become a stimulus for real life. The Dragon needs to understand that nothing is given for nothing, everything must be achieved in a difficult and difficult way. Only the idea of ​​obtaining greater opportunities will help representatives of the zodiac sign not to fall into obvious despair and not lose pleasure from life’s moments.

The Eastern (Chinese) horoscope for 2018 for the Dragon advises representatives of the zodiac world not to lose touch with elderly relatives. It is possible that the latter can bring significant help to young descendants. In addition, the advice of older people is often wiser and more correct than the advice of young friends.

The love sphere of the Dragon's life promises to be successful. The time is ideal for finding a partner for later life or for building a serious relationship with existing lovers. Throughout the year, representatives of the zodiac sign will have to go through a fairly large number of acquaintances. For some representatives, new acquaintances will become faithful comrades or worthy business partners. And other representatives of the star zodiac will be able to choose a life partner from their new acquaintances.

In 2018, the Dragon is recommended to mentally return to the past. It is likely that they have made mistakes in recent years, and now the time has come when they can all be corrected. But you can’t stay in the past; you need to draw the right conclusions from past relationships and try to make sure that mistakes are never repeated in the future.

Lonely Dragon representatives should think about family life. If there are problems with choosing a life partner, then you should pay special attention to the colleagues around you. Family Dragons will enjoy comfort and mutual understanding during this period. But in order to save a marriage, you must constantly take care of strengthening it. Representatives of the zodiac world who wish to procreate should not think about possible future children this year. The best time for this is yet to come.

As for career, life lines in this area are quite successful. The entire year is good for climbing the career ladder. But the Dragon does not need to rely on the help of anyone; it is important to rely only on himself. If possible, then representatives of the zodiac sign need to think about advanced training. It is likely that some Dragons will abruptly change their work activity to the completely opposite one.

The Dragon woman's horoscope for 2018 confidently states that the lady will become a leader in her family during this period. She will be endowed with responsible and stable qualities, so the Dragon woman will succeed in many things. A very favorable time for various types of acquaintances. Single ladies can look for a life partner from a sufficient number of new people. Career women will be able to acquire reliable and faithful partners. In addition, new people will have a positive effect on the morale of the Dragon woman.

But the Dragon man’s horoscope for 2018 recommends that the latter devote most of his time to the career sphere of life. Transactions with real estate and securities will end successfully. There is no need to be afraid to take risks, but in any situation, before taking risky actions, you need to think carefully about everything. During the year, men need to find time for active recreation. It is not recommended to give up all other benefits of life for the sake of a career. The love part of life is in a calm and stable position.

Horoscope for Dragon for January 2018

Single representatives need to prepare for romantic dating. IN First of all, they need to take care of their positive mood, and also try to forget minor problems and troubles. A positive attitude will help Aries establish relationships with new acquaintances, one of whom may well become a companion in later life. The career sphere of life requires determination; the time has come to finish the things started in the past period.

Dragon Horoscope for February 2018

The winter and windy month is ideal for serious relationships. If representatives of the zodiac world have a life partner, then you need to do everything possible to please him. Newness in a relationship will definitely strengthen the marriage. But lonely Dragons are recommended to take a short rest and devote all their free time to career problems. The last month of winter is dangerous in terms of the manifestation of colds, so it is important for Dragons to take care of thorough and effective prevention against numerous diseases.

Horoscope for Dragon for March 2018

The wonderful smell of spring attracts and enchants the Dragons; they want novelty and a change in the meaning of life. A unique time has come to set certain goals for yourself, and then actively move towards their implementation. A good month for romance and falling in love. Single representatives of the zodiac sign can enjoy romantic dates with their lovers, but family Dragons are recommended to devote most of their personal time to family values, for example, children.

Dragon Horoscope for April 2018

Despite the fact that nature is actively beginning to blossom, Dragons are still advised to take a break from their busy life. If there is a real opportunity, then you need to go on a tourist trip. If this is not possible, then it is important to take a break from all your acquaintances and close friends for a couple of days. A wonderful period of mental decisions. During this month, it is best to make the necessary plans in your mind, and then actively implement them in real life. The dragon should not forget about his health at this moment.

Horoscope for Dragon for May 2018

The thirst for interesting adventures will push lonely Dragons to the most reckless actions. Due to such circumstances, representatives of the zodiac may find themselves in ambiguous situations. It is very important to be careful about new acquaintances; perhaps some of them will not actually be as positive as it all seems at first glance. In May, it is important for Dragons to take careful care of their own health. If the latter have chronic ailments, then it is important to use various medications to prevent their aggravation.

Dragon Horoscope for June 2018

The hot month is positively suitable for the implementation of previously conceived plans. Although the time is not suitable for everyday work, representatives of the zodiac sign must find the strength within themselves to take a leading position and start their own business. During this period, it is necessary to be wary of the machinations of ill-wishers. Some Dragons may wish to go back in time and remember past relationships. It is very important to prevent this step, since returning to past relationships very often cancels out future plans.

Horoscope for Dragon for July 2018

A wonderful time for romantic trips, ideal if these trips are made together with your lover. If the Dragons are in free flight, then in July there is no need to strive to find a soul mate. The time is perfect for peace and solitude, and all your ideas can be solved in other months. When exposed to the sun's rays, Dragon representatives should not forget to use protective creams against skin burns.

Dragon horoscope for August 2018

Representatives of the star world need to devote most of their free time to their own family. Relatives and friends really need support, and Dragons have already forgotten a little about family feelings. Since autumn is coming ahead, you can begin active preparation for this period. The first thing you need to focus your attention on is the general state of your physical health. Hardening procedures and switching to a balanced diet are useful.

Horoscope for Dragon for September 2018

The first month of autumn is wonderful for romantic dates. Some representatives of the zodiac world will meet their lovers at work. It is necessary to treat official connections with great responsibility and understand that such connections, as a rule, provoke the emergence of gossip from colleagues. However, things are going great at work; the Dragon wants to work and earn a sufficient amount of material wealth.

Dragon Horoscope for October 2018

Representatives of the Dragon are recommended to devote this period of time to their career field. The month is well suited for active actions and leadership positions. If the Dragon is faced with a choice about changing jobs, then all proposals need to be carefully considered.

Horoscope for Dragon for November 2018

There is no need to rush headlong into an incomprehensible pool; it is important to think everything over carefully, and then give potential employers a positive or negative answer. There is a slight lull in love, but the Dragon is very pleased with these circumstances.

Dragon horoscope for December 2018

The last month of this period does not need to be spent in sorrows and worries; it is important for representatives of the star zodiac to remember that all bad things always end in good. Despite the fact that the Dragon will be full of problems and worries, they need to find time for positive relaxation. This winter month, dangerous colds or viral diseases may develop, so representatives of the zodiac world need to take effective preventive measures in advance.

Dragons love to attract the attention of others and always be in the center of events. Last year they had such an opportunity and were able to enjoy their glory to the fullest, but the Yellow Dog will moderate their ardor a little. As a result, Dragons can literally descend from heaven to earth.

For representatives of this fire sign, 2018 will not be the most stable and calm period. If it seems to the Dragons that luck and success are completely on their side, they need to prepare for a sharp and unexpected fall.

2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

Many Dragons may begin to complain about fate already in the first half of the year, accusing the Dog of unfair and biased treatment of their loved ones. But only they themselves can change the current order of things. The Mistress of the Year will simply try to convey to the Dragons the idea that in order to achieve the desired success, they must gather strength and be purposeful, without being distracted by trifles and without expecting the constant smiles of Lady Fortune.

Those Dragons who can analyze their own behavior and take the main annual message seriously will achieve success in almost all endeavors. But individuals who have not drawn up a specific plan, who will not correctly calculate their strengths, are unlikely to be among the Yellow Dog’s favorites, and life will begin to resemble a swing.

The intensity of this period will literally go off scale. Pleasant events will begin to happen in the life of the Dragons, but they are constantly replaced by problems. The stars predict that unpleasant surprises can be expected from relatives and close friends, while the Dragons will have to deal with all the consequences on their own. But they will never be able to leave a loved one alone with their problems.

The situation in the financial sector may be quite problematic. Many Dragons, from the first months of the year, will have to learn to save and rely only on the funds that were accumulated earlier.

The second half of 2018 may turn out to be a turning point, but for this the Dragons will have to start working systematically and confidently moving towards their goals. Thanks to this approach, not only will your financial situation improve, but money will literally begin to flow like a river. The stars do not advise those representatives of the sign who do not know how to engage in long-term planning to despair, because in this case you can simply write step-by-step instructions for yourself every day and carry out everything planned on time.

During vacation, Dragons need to be more careful, as there is a risk of serious injury. Therefore, you should give up extreme tourism, because a relaxing trip will give you no less pleasant moments and memories. The horoscope advises Dragons to pay attention to the countries of Northern or Western Europe.

The Yellow Dog will not greatly infringe upon the Dragons; for example, the sphere of personal relationships will be quite successful. The stars have prepared quite a large number of interesting meetings and acquaintances with unusual and bright personalities for representatives of this sign. Not only will prospects for personal growth appear, but new acquaintances can also help in building a successful career. There is a possibility that a new turn in life will bring into it a person who will help quickly resolve complex problems.

The most important thing is that the Dragons can please the new mistress of 2018. Also now we need to learn to distinguish between imaginary and true values. All unimportant details should fade into the background, and moral standards and human relationships should come to the fore.

2018 is ideal for engaging in self-development or devoting time to studying psychology. These directions will be of interest to almost all representatives of this sign. The Stars advise Dragons to find new priorities for themselves that will help them become better. This year will not be a period of testing, but will become a new direction in the lives of individuals who in the future dream of finding complete harmony not only with themselves, but also with the world around them.

Dragon love horoscope for 2018

The Mistress of the Year will support the Dragons' desire to improve relationships with their loved one and return harmony and tranquility to the family. The stars advise representatives of this sign to show a sincere desire to settle down and spend more time with loved ones. It’s worth spending more time with your significant other, as constant absences and get-togethers with friends will lead to a series of quarrels and problems.

Those Dragons who have tied the knot a long time ago can be engaged in home improvement or make long-planned, but constantly postponed repairs.

Don’t worry that questions related to the choice of repair will lead to scandals; everything will go very smoothly and quietly. In addition, repairs will not require much effort or money; relatives themselves will volunteer to help.

Dragon parents should pay attention to the company in which their children spend time. There is a high probability that the sharply deteriorated character of a completely calm and quiet child was the result of outside influence.

Single individuals who have not yet met their soulmate will face a difficult year. Friends and relatives, as if by agreement, will constantly arrange dates and meetings with strangers, but all their efforts will be in vain.

Dragons will have the opportunity to meet an interesting and unusual person in 2018, and this will happen completely by chance. But in all other respects, during this period many individuals will be faced with simply a huge number of one-day novels.

Dragon career and work horoscope for 2018

In 2018, the Dragons should not stop, especially if a long-awaited promotion appears on the horizon, otherwise they may find themselves in the last ranks of applicants for the vacancy.

Only those individuals who demonstrate their leadership qualities and determination will be able to achieve the Dog’s favor and patronage. The relationships that have developed within the team will be no less important during this period.

In the past, Dragons enjoyed luck and good fortune, which is why they began to look down on colleagues who were not so successful, which caused antipathy towards themselves.

In 2018, it will be possible to implement all work projects only if there is coordinated team work, so you should not be afraid to once again ask your colleagues how they are doing and try to establish friendly relations with everyone.

Dragon financial horoscope for 2018

This year will turn out to be quite difficult financially for Dragons, because representatives of this sign, who are rarely thrifty, will begin to spend all their earnings on shopping or having fun with friends.

It is important to remember that the Dog does not take kindly to senseless spending of money. If the Dragons cannot restrain themselves, they will have to tighten their belts in the second half of the year. To appease the Dog, you need to demonstrate a reasonable and respectful attitude towards money. Thanks to this behavior of its wards, the totem of the year will replace anger with mercy and provide an opportunity to make a profitable investment.

Dragon financial horoscope

Dragons who work for themselves will feel more confident. Previous efforts to establish your own business will gradually begin to bear fruit and long-awaited dividends. But you shouldn’t spend all your profits at once to celebrate, because it would be much better to use the money for further business development. Thanks to this approach, Dragons will be able to end the year with a good profit or expand their living conditions, which many representatives of this sign have long dreamed of. The dog will patronize all transactions related to real estate, because the mistress of the year always values ​​coziness and home comfort, especially if they were created for a large family.

The horoscope warns Dragons against gambling. If it’s hard to give up such a hobby, it’s best to do it with your family, which will protect you from major financial losses. You should avoid playing poker or playing cards with strangers, as there may be an experienced swindler among them.

Dragon health horoscope for 2018

This area will require increased attention from Dragons in 2018. The stars warn that during this period there will be a high probability of injury. You need to be most careful when handling fire and various hot objects. Therefore, when relaxing in nature, you should not get too close to the fire, so as not to accidentally get seriously injured.

The stars give a special warning to the Dragons regarding existing bad habits. 2018 will be the period when it is not only necessary, but also possible to give up smoking and alcohol addiction. If you do not heed this advice from the stars, there is a risk that already in the second half of the year there will be a sharp deterioration in your health and an acute exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

It is worth remembering the benefits of proper and balanced nutrition - you need to add porridge to your diet, which will be an ideal breakfast option, fresh vegetables, and lean meats.

Dragon health horoscope

Dragons are literally prescribed active physical activity and sports by the stars. Now is the perfect time to join a gym or swimming pool. Most importantly, Dragons should pay special attention to exercises to develop endurance. The fact is that this aspect of physical development very often remains far beyond the attention of representatives of this sign.

Horoscope for the Dragon woman for 2018

The Yellow Dog will patronize all Dragon women, so there is no need to be afraid of unpleasant gifts from fate. In general, the whole of 2018 will turn out to be a completely calm and successful period, but you will have to go through a couple of unpleasant moments.

The Dog has prepared many gifts for the Dragon women, among which will be a very interesting and memorable acquaintance with a romantic twist. In the lives of beautiful representatives of the sign, a man will appear who has tender and strong feelings for them. Since the Dog is a very sociable and friendly sign, you can count on the appearance of a new and faithful friend in your life.

Horoscope for the Dragon man for 2018

Dragon men have always been able to please women, and in 2018 the stars will provide a lot of opportunities for single individuals to meet their soulmate. From the first days of the year, Dragons will enjoy increased attention from representatives of the opposite sex, which they will like.

However, the Dog does not like this behavior, so the Dragons better decide on their chosen one, otherwise, already in the second half of the year, all the advantages of this situation will result in constant quarrels and conflicts. In 2018, Dragon men will make interesting acquaintances, which in the future may develop into strong and faithful friendships.

Dragon horoscope for each month of 2018

Dragon Horoscope for January 2018

Dragons will feel the wind of change from the first month of 2018. The stars advise sticking to old connections in friendship and love, but at work you can become more active in searching for new like-minded people.

Dragon Horoscope for February 2018

The horoscope advises Dragons to set a specific goal and work hard to achieve it. Now you need to show not only others, but also yourself the leadership qualities and makings of a responsible leader.

Dragon Horoscope for March 2018

Now you can make bold plans and set global goals, even if at first they seem impossible. To achieve everything, in March Dragons need to use a rational approach to solving problems.

Dragon Horoscope for April 2018

In April, Dragons may encounter not very pleasant situations that will knock them out of their usual rut. But don’t worry, because with a little effort you can quickly correct the situation to your benefit. The situation in the financial sector is expected to be quite stable.

Dragon Horoscope for May 2018

The stars advise you to prepare for a rather busy, active and dynamic month. But we must not forget about the need for proper rest. You shouldn’t constantly chase success and well-being, as you need to devote time to your family.

Dragon Horoscope for June 2018

This month, envious people and ill-wishers may appear next to the Dragons, so you should not share your plans and achievements with everyone. In June, single individuals can meet their soulmate, so you should not refuse invitations to parties and work trips.

Dragon Horoscope for July 2018

In July, Dragons may feel very tired, but because of this they should not refuse to work, since their professional duties must be completed on time and perfectly. The financial situation will be quite stable, but you won’t have to count on an improvement in your financial situation.

Dragon Horoscope for August 2018

This month is ideal for relaxation and travel, which Dragons have been dreaming about for quite some time. There is a high probability that lonely individuals on a trip will meet their fate.

Dragon Horoscope for September 2018

With the onset of autumn, Dragons can get a little respite, which will allow them to take care of their own health and appearance. Despite the fact that towards the end of the month these individuals will again find themselves in the cycle of events, the stars advise that they slow down a little and try to look at life from the other side.

Dragon Horoscope for October 2018

Dragons need to stop wasting their strength and talents on various trifles, since now the time is coming when they can think about missed opportunities. The horoscope advises to carefully work on the mistakes that were made earlier, and in the future try not to repeat them.

Dragon Horoscope for November 2018

This month is suitable for resolving important business issues, conducting negotiations and concluding contracts. In almost all affairs and undertakings, Dragons will be accompanied by luck and success.

Dragon Horoscope for December 2018

At the end of the year, Dragons need to take stock and complete previously started tasks and projects. It is also useful to spend time on your own health, play sports, avoid overload and try to achieve harmony not only with yourself, but also with the world around you.

In 2018, the eleventh sign of the Eastern horoscope – Dog – comes into its own. What will the horoscope for 2018 be like for the Dragon, one of the strongest and brightest symbols in the Circle, what can representatives of this sign expect from an honest but stubborn Dog?

A person born in the year of the Dragon is immediately noticeable: he is bright, self-confident, behaves well in public and simply cannot help but attract attention. Being in the center of events is a natural state for the Dragon. And the worst punishment for him is invisibility and dullness - the attention of others is simply necessary for this sign.

The dragon is curious, like a cat, he definitely needs to be aware of events. A craving for everything new, curiosity and, at the same time, determination make this sign one of the luckiest in the eastern circle of the horoscope. However, his inherent inquisitiveness and curiosity lead to unexpected results: the Dragon sometimes finds it difficult to stay within limits. His desire to learn new things destroys established boundaries - from professional restrictions to norms of behavior. And such a destruction of foundations often entails negative consequences.

2018 will pass under the sign of the Yellow Earth Dog. And this symbol will bring a lot of new and interesting things to the Dragon. “A lot” is the key word: the year will be full of all sorts of events, both good and not so good.

On the positive side, it is worth noting a good chance to make a large purchase: the thrifty and homely Dog will readily provide the Dragon with such an opportunity. Moreover, he will select the most successful option from those presented: for example, he will help you find a reliable and durable car or an apartment with an excellent layout in a good area. True, to make such a purchase you will have to try - the Dog is not very enthusiastic about the Dragon’s methods of earning money, since he prefers hard physical work. But if your behavior at the beginning of the year corresponded to her ideas about correctness, then get ready for a reward on her part: many benefits are guaranteed to you in the second half of the year.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Dragon man

The Dragon man is gallant and amiable, he knows how to attract the attention of women. And the New Year of the Dog will provide him with such an opportunity: at the beginning of the year, the Dragon will not stop seeing women. But it’s worth remembering: The Dog doesn’t really like the Dragon’s methods, and if he doesn’t establish strong and reliable relationships with his chosen one in six months, all female attention will turn out to be a negative side: quarrels, squabbles, hysterics at the slightest reason and without it are guaranteed to him .

There is a high probability of making new acquaintances, which are quite capable of developing over the years into a strong friendship. True, the Dragon will have to make an effort to win the favor of a new person, but the sincerity inherent in this sign will help convince an acquaintance of selflessness.

Eastern mystics warn the Dragon man: this year it is worth giving up too active and reckless rest, especially in the second third of the year. Try to put aside your usual high-energy activities: in addition to the adrenaline rush, they can also cause very serious injuries. It is better to plan a relaxing holiday with your family during your summer vacation.

Horoscope for the Dragon woman

The dog is a feminine sign, and therefore it shows special affection towards the fair sex. Despite the fact that in general this sign is not the most favorable for the Dragon, the Dog will not give tricks to female Dragons.

Among the surprises the mistress of the year had in store for the Dragonesses, lurked a new acquaintance. A person will appear in your life who cares about you. Moreover, this will not necessarily be a romantic interest - the Dog highly values ​​​​friendship and loyalty, and therefore may well reserve the appearance of a new boyfriend or girlfriend for you. Yes, yes, the Dog is sure that friendship between a man and a woman is possible - and we will not convince her of this now, right?

But autumn may not be a very good time. Autumn blues often affect the cheerful and cheerful disposition of Dragons, and in the year of the Dog, the Dragon woman can not only fall into despondency for a few days, but earn real depression. Don't let the sad autumn Dog, afraid of rain and puddles, influence you! Drive away the melancholy, don’t take quarrels with friends to heart, and delight yourself with all sorts of little things more often.

Love horoscope for 2018

The attention that the Dragon so loves will be provided to him in the new year. The dog is generous with gifts and does not like to waste time on trifles: Does the Dragon like new faces around him? The dragon will get them! But otherwise, the Yellow Dog will show its character: in order to keep a new person in its environment, the Dragon will have to try.

In the New Year, the Dog promises free Dragons an easy, non-binding relationship: flirting that can develop into a relationship for one or two nights, meeting a couple of light kisses, meetings filled with weightless romance - nothing serious, as he usually characterizes such things. The Dragon.

Autumn can be a really difficult time for this sign. Married Dragons will have a quarrel with their spouses: heavy, ugly, with a scandal and breaking of dishes. And you will have to try very hard to prevent a breakup. The same advice can be given to unmarried Dragons who are just building a serious relationship: do not provoke your “halves”, control yourself, otherwise you will have to look for a new couple. The reason for the quarrels is banal: it is difficult for the Dragon to resist flirting with new acquaintances, and from flirting to betrayal for this sign, as a rule, there is only one step.

Money horoscope for the Dragon for 2018

The dog loves work, and it has a special love for physical labor. The dragon, by nature, prefers other ways of earning money; he is especially good at leadership roles. Therefore, the Dog will initially have a very negative attitude towards the Dragon: in the first half of the year, some financial difficulties and even an outright lack of money are possible.

But then, when the Dog understands that the Dragon is actually working, just in a way that is not usual for it, it will reward it a hundredfold for its neglect. In the second half of the year, you can expect a variety of receipts: someone will pay back a debt that you have already forgotten about, management will unexpectedly decide to raise your salary or issue a substantial bonus. And, by the way, the Dragon is one of those signs who, even in a crisis, will not be left without New Year’s bonuses: the “thirteenth salary”, so beloved by the people, will become the Dog’s farewell way to make amends.

In the middle of the year, more precisely, in its second half, the Dragon will face large expenses: a large and long-awaited purchase, for which the Dragon has been saving for a long time, is very likely. Moreover, there is no need to be afraid: the purchase will definitely be successful, because the Dog lives by the principle “everything goes into the house” and welcomes large and useful acquisitions.

Career horoscope

The Dragon’s sense of purpose can be envied: it’s worth a lot to go so stubbornly towards the goal, given his character that does not tolerate boundaries! And these efforts will not go unnoticed: the Dog appreciates such perseverance. So those Dragons who not only dream, but are planning a promotion, can breathe freely: a new step in the career ladder will be overcome. True, this will most likely happen in the second half of the year, since at the very beginning the cautious Dog only looks closely at the Dragon, testing its strength.

New acquaintances, which the Year of the Dog will be so generous with, can also bring useful connections, and this, in turn, will have a very favorable effect on business - especially for those Dragons who are busy with their own business. But in the fall, both men and women of this sign should exercise caution - it is very likely that you will have ill-wishers at work who are quite capable of stealing an idea or taking credit for your achievements, denigrating you in the eyes of your superiors. Try to be more attentive and slightly extinguish the fire of friendliness - probably because of your loyalty to others, you do not see envious people.

Health horoscope

Dragons have long been famous for their fairly good health. And 2018 will not be a special exception: many will be able to avoid even the usual acute respiratory infections in the spring. However, you shouldn’t relax - summer is ahead, and the Dog has prepared an unpleasant surprise for this time of year. Unpleasant for fans of active, reckless, from the point of view of a cautious Dog, recreation. Such Dragons should expect all sorts of injuries - from cuts and dislocations to more serious fractures and damage. By the way, something similar threatens those who neglect basic safety rules - both at home and at work. Too correct, as the Dragon thinks, the Dog is able to teach a lesson to everyone who does not appreciate the delights of a quiet, peaceful pastime. Therefore, advice: instead of rafting or skydiving, choose sunbathing on the beach or visiting museums - the Dog will definitely appreciate this.

Well, we can’t help but say a few words about the most difficult period for the Dragon in 2018 – autumn. Calmness is what will help Dragons survive this difficult time of year. Quarrels with friends, scandals in the family, troubles at work can cause a real mental disorder in the Dragon. And depression for this sign is very difficult and drags on for a long time. Therefore, the main goal of the Dragon is to try not to take all troubles to heart. And if you manage to avoid the lingering blues, then by the New Year the Dragon will return to its usual state - sparkling fun, the real soul of the party.

Celebrities born in the year of the Dragon

The list of famous people born in the year of the Dragon is long. After all, the Dragon was literally created to bask in the rays of glory. A born leader who loves to be the center of attention, the Dragon does everything to achieve success and recognition. That is why there are so many people of art among the Dragons: actors, directors, representatives of the elite and bohemians.

Celebrities: Salvador Dali, Marcello Mastroianni, Marlene Dietrich, John Lennon, Sarah Bernhardt, Lewis Carroll, Bernard Shaw, Sigmund Freud, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Che Guevara, Nicholas II, Immanuel Kant

Eastern horoscope for 2018

Other horoscopes for 2018

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