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Opening a hostel from scratch. Non-residential premises for a hostel - the law on hostels. We are drawing plans: to find a room and create a hostel in it

How to open a hostel - step-by-step plan: necessary documents, advertising promotion methods, equipment, detailed calculations and payback periods.

Capital investments in business: from 500,000 rubles
Hostel payback period: 1-2 years

Not so long ago, few people knew about this type of budget hotel, such as a hostel.

The practice, so common in Europe, has begun to gain popularity in Russia over the past 5-7 years.

The opportunity to live in a comfortable environment with everything you need for little money has aroused great demand among the population.

Therefore, many entrepreneurs began to wonder, how to open a hostel.

Some of them have used this method of budget overnight stays and appreciated the benefits.

They have determined for themselves what they want the hostel to be like, they know many secrets and tricks, but they have absolutely no understanding of the organizational side of the issue.

While others are experienced entrepreneurs who know how to profitably invest in real estate.

But organizing a hostel requires a more sincere approach than the ability to count expenses.

What documents are needed to open a hostel?

Paperwork to open a hostel is something that scares first-time owners.

There's really no need to worry.

Yes, registering a business is a long and nerve-wracking process.

However, you can delegate the collection of papers to specialists for a fee.

The only thing you definitely shouldn’t do is open a hostel without permission.

Such a move is fraught with fines, problems and complete failure of the hostel idea.

To legally open a hostel, you will need the following documents:

  • or LLC;
  • tax registration certificate;
  • a document confirming ownership of the premises;
  • permission to operate the hostel based on the results of an inspection by the fire inspectorate and SES;
  • agreement for waste removal with the relevant organization.

The above list is a basis that can be “overgrown” with additional papers, depending on the current legal requirements for business.

You should carefully check the relevance of the data before registering the hostel.

It’s better to play it safe at the start than to have problems with regulatory authorities in the future.

We analyze the market before opening a hostel

The mere fact that a hostel as a business must have demand is not enough to organize a business.

It is important to analyze the niche in which you are going to open a hostel.

To do this, pay attention to competitors in the region and the general trend of hostel development.

Now there are more than 5,000 hostels and establishments of a similar format in the country.

Their number has doubled over the past 2 years, which indicates an accelerated pace of niche development and high customer demand.

It is noteworthy that half of the hostels are concentrated in two cities - St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Thus, to open your own hostel in one of them, you will have to “fight” with competitors.

At the same time, the prospects for business development in big cities are much better.

If we analyze the formats of hostel organization, the leader is premises with medium capacity (30-50 guests).

This business option is beneficial for entrepreneurs due to relatively modest capital investments and quick payback.

What are the risks of the idea of ​​opening a hostel?

An idea like opening a hostel in Moscow or St. Petersburg has risks not only because of high competition...

Any mini-hotel may encounter circumstances that could ruin its business.

Entrepreneurs must analyze potential risks before opening a hostel and think through ways to minimize them.

RiskWhy is it dangerous for business?How to avoid?
All sorts of emergencies in the hostelEmergency situations can cause harm to the hostel property or its residents. In extreme cases, lead to suspension of work.Hostel property must be insured. Provide employees with training on how to behave in emergency situations. It is important to equip the premises with fire extinguishing systems.
Seasonal fluctuations in demandIncome and business profitability are falling.It is important to be able to interest a hostel client during a recession. Think over an advertising campaign, introduce special offers.
Poor location of the hostelAudience coverage is falling. Along with it comes the profitability of the hostel.The problem needs to be “cut in the bud” even before the hostel opens. Pay attention to preliminary location analysis. Assess its prospects.
Low qualifications of employeesLoss of clients, emergence of conflict situations.You need to hire people in person. You shouldn’t skimp on training hostel workers.

How to open your own hostel and promote it: advertising methods

It is important to understand not only how to open your own hostel according to all the rules of the law, but also how you will promote it to the masses.

And the service sector is those areas that cannot do without a marketing strategy.

You should immediately realize that there is no such thing as high-quality, cheap advertising.

There are rare exceptions, but you shouldn't rely on them.

Consider the 3 main channels for promoting hostel services:

    Website and promotion of the hostel on the Internet.

    A modern business cannot do without its own website.

    Don’t skimp and order its creation from specialists.

    After all, the electronic page will be the face of the hostel.

    The website itself does not attract customers so actively, but rather is an important image attribute.

    To ensure that guests find you, use SEO optimization, contextual and banner advertising.

    This pleasure is not cheap, but the effect is noticeable.

    Another important element of the marketing policy of modern business.

    Most of the hostel visitors are students, young people, and budget tourists.

    They are attracted not just by the opportunity to spend the night, but by the spirit that reigns in hostels.

    It’s worth opening the hostel’s Facebook and VKontakte pages.

    This will allow you to share news, hold promotions, collect feedback from guests and create your own special atmosphere that you will want to plunge into.

    Hotel and hostel booking sites.

    Few people do not know about the existence of resources for online booking of accommodation.

    Hostels that are not there lose up to 90% of their potential target audience.

    Just listen to this number!

    But the registration process is simple and, as a rule, free.

How to choose a building to open a hostel?

To choose a location and decide how to open a hostel in non-residential premises or apartment, first select a format.

There are three main types:

    A large hostel that can accommodate more than 100 guests.

    In Russia, this format is not in demand due to the lack of demand and the high financial threshold for entry.

    If you are still interested in this hostel option, you will need to rent a large non-residential premises.

    To ensure fullness, you need to work on concluding agreements with companies that can hold seminars or conferences.

    Hostel with medium capacity (30-50 guests).

    The most in demand. To organize them, they usually buy 2-3 apartments located on the floor and combine them.

    This is enough to equip a hostel with a kitchen, two bathrooms, a hall and 5-6 bedrooms.

    In an ordinary apartment you can set up a hostel for 10-15 guests.

    The mini-format hostel is chosen by those who like to relax in a cozy home environment.

    This option requires the least investment, but also pays off over a long period of time.

    The peculiarity of such hostels is that the price of a bed can be 10-15% higher than that of competitors.

    And this will be justified, because the level of comfort in mini-hostels is noticeably higher.

  • advantage – the hostel is close to the city center;
  • It’s good if there are interesting sights nearby the hostel;
  • It is important for guests that there is a good transport connection near the hostel;
  • It should be easy for visitors to find the hostel, so a noticeable sign and signs are needed.

Hostel as a business: necessary equipment

Those who have stayed in hostels more than once know very well what they should be equipped with.

If your knowledge is limited to your own apartment and expensive hotels, here is an indicative list of the necessary equipment:

(in rub.)
FurnitureUsually, hostels buy wooden furniture. From the basics, you will need: a wardrobe in the hallway, a large shelf for shoes, beds and bedside tables in the bedrooms, a table and chairs in the kitchen, sofas and armchairs in the rest room.100 000
Equipment in the hostelThe list of necessary equipment depends on what services will be provided at the hostel. The minimum set includes: Wi-Fi router, washing machine, iron, refrigerator and microwave, plasma TV, storage rooms for valuables.90 000
Other things for the hostelDo not forget that you have to provide guests with textile accessories. Experience shows that for each bed in a hostel you will need 3 sets of bed linen. You will quickly see that such a reserve is justified. A sign of good manners is to provide clients with towels and disposable slippers.80 000
Creating comfortAs already mentioned, a hostel is not just a “bedroom”. This is an atmospheric place, which for many is associated with a special atmosphere. A good hostel has its own distinctive style, which is created by the interior details. These could be interesting pillows, panels, a stand with books, or special lamps.30 000

Schedule plan for how to open a hostel from scratch

To plan how to open a hostel from scratch, it is worth making a calendar plan.

It will allow you to track whether all stages of the organization are going according to the planned schedule.

Stages of opening a hostel1 month2 months3 months
Registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC
Conducting marketing research
Conclusion of a lease agreement
Repair and redevelopment of premises
Searching for staff for a hostel
Obtaining permits from SES and fire inspection
Planning an advertising campaign
Purchase of equipment and furniture
Internet connection
Installation of equipment in the hostel
Interior decoration
Start of work of the hostel

It is worth noting that in a hostel business plan, the calendar plan should be supplied not only with deadlines, but also with an indication of the performers and responsible persons.

Recruitment of staff for a hostel

In order to open a hostel in an apartment or non-residential premises, you will need to assemble a team of professionals who will work there.

Family members are often involved in cases.

It is important to hire people from “outside” only with work experience.

A big plus is knowledge of foreign languages.

The number of staff depends on the size of the hostel.

Often the level of cleanliness is the weak point of hostels.

To avoid problems, sign a contract with us for periodic general cleaning.

Also, do not forget about washing, and enter into an agreement with a dry cleaner to provide this service.

How much does it cost to open a hostel?

“The most serious risk in business around the world is the risk of being ineffective.”
Mikhail Prokhorov

So from organizational issues we came to the question, how much does it cost to open a hostel?

Regular investments in the operation of the hostel

We must not forget that a business needs not only start-up investments.

To operate a hostel you will need to invest a certain amount monthly.

Payback periods and profitability of a hostel as a business

Due to its price advantage over expensive hotels, the hostel pays for itself faster and requires less investment.

Dry calculations show that 100% occupancy of the hostel will bring about 115,000 rubles per month.

However, at the beginning of the hostel’s operation and in the low season, such an indicator cannot be achieved.

It is possible to achieve 75-85% of hostel profitability with the active use of advertising methods.

With this indicator, it is possible to recoup the investment in 1-2 years.

How to make good money by opening your own hostel, you will learn from the video:

    A hostel is a place for a budget holiday, but not a poor one.

    Guests should not see shabby doors, broken locks, mold or a non-functioning electric kettle.

    Keep an eye on the details in the hostel.

    Many people stay in a hostel just for the experience.

    Develop a special hostel design style.

    It could be a Soviet Union theme or a psychedelic creative space.

    Many guests are tourists.

    Enter additional services in the hostel: excursions, the ability to call an inexpensive taxi, free city maps.

Thinking through how to open a hostel, You should only manage personal funds, not credit.

But when business takes off, you can contact the bank or investors to get money to develop the business.

In this case, the risks are lower, and it is easier to obtain consent from sponsors.

After you promote one point, you should think about opening new hostels.

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Now there are many sources of income if you consider the option of working for someone. But many people don’t like this idea; people want to open their own business, try themselves as a manager or manager. There are more than enough ideas for starting a business today, you will learn about one of them right now.

What is the profitability of the hostel?

How cost effective and profitable are hostels? Have you ever been interested in this information? But in vain, because this type of small business is a very profitable business that can bring simply dizzying profits, but for this, of course, you should first try.

First, it is necessary to analyze the general situation of the profitability of such establishments not only in the country, but also in the city.

First of all, you need to consider the following: opening a hostel is much more profitable than a hotel. Not so much profitable, but safer and less risky. The cost of the hostel is relatively small; you do not need bank loans to purchase premises for the hostel. And also such an acquisition quickly pays for itself and begins to bring real profit.

What do you need to open a hostel? Paper aspects

Someone wants to buy a hostel that is already equipped and suitable for living in and simply become its owner, in order to make a profit over time with the help of calculations and calculations, and, of course, to proudly bear the title of hostel manager. Some people prefer purchasing a ready-made base to this option.

In order to open such an establishment, you need to fill out a lot of documentation, write a single application and go through paperwork. So, in order to open a hostel from scratch, the following is required: documentation:

  • license - a paper that is needed to open any public establishment. Today there are quite a lot of opportunities to buy a hostel franchise. That is, purchase a building that is built in strict accordance with the rules of the network of such institutions;
  • permitting documents from the sanitary and epidemiological service - this is also impossible to do without;
  • It is also important to obtain permission from the fire department.

After you have collected all the necessary papers, you will need to register with the tax office in order to formalize the activities of an entrepreneur or to certify yourself as a separate legal entity. Those who already own such small businesses assure that there is no need to give any bribes, there is no deception. The state benefits from the opening of such establishments, because this to some extent increases the number of tourists and visitors to the city.

Hostel premises

So, let's choose a place. You can rent a room for a hostel, or you can buy it if you have the finances. In any case, it should be a conveniently located non-residential building with rooms, corridors, a spacious foyer, preferably elevators and, of course, amenities. So setting up a hostel in non-residential premises is not an option. Otherwise, the cost of repairs will significantly exceed the cost of the building itself. Be sure to consider several possible options, and if none of the buildings you see suits you, look again. In large cities and regions, finding such a building is not entirely easy, but it is quite possible.

Be sure to pay attention to how radically the building will need to be converted into a hostel. People who have been successful in running hostels claim that they initially just bought commercial property that was low in price because they just wanted to sell it.

By the way, there are requirements for hostel premises, which must be followed when creating and equipping rooms. The minimum area per person is five square meters, the bed must measure at least 80 by 190 centimeters, and the distance between the beds must be at least 75 centimeters. One toilet can serve a maximum of twelve people, and a shower room - for fifteen. There can be one sink for up to six customers.

How much does it cost to open a hostel?

You can take a somewhat original step and come up with a specific concept for the establishment. For example, a hostel for climbers or for musicians and athletes.

Try to calculate your steps ahead as much as possible. Financial difficulties can become a significant obstacle to creating a small business of this type. Re-equipment, repair work, facade work, and so on - all this requires money. Therefore, the calculation “the building will cost such and such a price, but everything together is ten to twenty thousand more expensive” is wrong! In addition, cleanliness and order will need to be constantly maintained, and the payback of the hostel, although quite fast, is not instantaneous, by no means.

Personnel search- a separate topic. Choose only truly experienced people who are good at working in this field; it is better not to hire beginners when starting a business. Even if inexperienced people agree to receive very little wages, still give preference to those who know how to work, even though they ask for more money.

Let's talk about numbers

The payback period for any hostel is about six years. There are no specific numbers, since this will depend on its popularity and attendance and, of course, on the cost that you set for a night’s stay.

To some extent, buying a franchise is more profitable, especially if the establishment that is the basis of the franchise is quite popular. If you purchase a franchise unit, you are relieved of the responsibility of finding a suitable building and creating a hostel concept. The main task will be marketing, that is, advertising. You also retain the selection of personnel and general responsibilities of the franchise owner. The payback of this option is much more active. However, many people want to independently manage everything related to their business estate, so they start a business from scratch.

Hostel promotion

In order for your establishment to quickly become popular, advertising is necessary. There is no point in waiting for the hostel to promote itself, because no matter how wonderful the conditions you offer are, information does not always spread quickly. Therefore, we need to act.

1. Really experienced businessmen recommend working with an audience of schools and universities, because pupils and students often travel to different cities, and room reservations are made for a large number of people at once. Set a kind of limit: the more people there are in the group, the cheaper the rooms will be. By the way, this type of visitor is the most effective word of mouth; your task is to demonstrate the advantages of a mini-hotel.

2. Register your hostel on the most popular social networks, add friends, offer services with prices (if they are good enough) and amenities listed. This also works well. In the space provided for filling out information, indicate the coordinates of the establishment and your contacts. The Internet network is very, very wide; for young people today, the World Wide Web has become the main source of information. Therefore, place advertisements on websites and pages, create a separate website for your hostel, indicate as much information there as possible, upload as many photos as possible.

3. Specialized schools, clubs and basketball teams should also be taken into account. Organize advertising for them too. And for managers, let there be special bonuses, this will work in your favor.

4. Make commercial offers with bonuses, promotions and seasonal discounts, for example. This way the number of visitors will increase more actively.

5. Contact travel agencies. Most travel agencies immediately offer travelers accommodation, as this gives a person a guarantee that he will have a place to live immediately upon arrival, and, accordingly, improves the quality of the company’s services. Contact several travel companies, leave your contacts, and arrange room reservations. The company's employees themselves will be interested in placing a person with you, especially if you offer a good price and proper conditions.

6. Corporate clients are the heads of different firms and enterprises. Offer them your services, let your subordinates know about it. Give out business cards generously and don't be greedy with voice advertising - talk about the establishment non-stop.

Advertise the establishment endlessly. You can hire promoters to distribute flyers. You can come up with many more ways to promote a hostel, ranging from small to large-scale marketing projects.

Let's highlight the general rules of hostel management

How to properly manage a hostel so as not only not to go bankrupt, but soon to start making a net profit. We offer several simple but very effective rules.

Open a hostel - no problem! It's not that difficult if you look into it in more detail.

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Over the past few years, hostels have become very popular and in demand. Their popularity is a nuisance to large hotels, which have already begun to pale in comparison to the inconspicuous dwellings. By the way, they are inconspicuous only at first glance.

What's the advantage? There are several factors:

  1. Cheapness of services;
  2. use of a variety of premises;
  3. minimum number of service personnel;
  4. no need for huge investments.

In Russia, such places are most often associated with dormitories. On the one hand, they really resemble student rooms, on the other hand, this is a completely different direction, which is developing very quickly in European countries, where the profitability of such mini-hotels is high.

While this niche has not yet been occupied by us, and the entire sphere is considered relatively free, you can start arranging it from scratch, implementing ideas at reasonable prices. What do you need to open a hostel?

Permits and documents for opening

Those who are interested not only in the opportunity to open such an establishment in their city, but also in further development prospects (network business throughout the country), must officially register their business. To do this, you need to prepare the following documents.

  • Ownership/Rental Rights. Provide all documentation confirming your ownership of the property or the lease agreement.
  • Registration certificate. Register as a sole trader if you plan to take on one project first. In the future, when your business grows, you will be able to register as a legal entity.
  • Tax Inspectorate. Register and receive a certificate of payment of income taxes. To reduce reporting hassles and reduce deductions, start with a single tax.
  • Conclusion of the SES. The premises used must comply with all standards and requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  • Fire inspection. You need to obtain a conclusion that the premises used meet the standards and regulations, and are absolutely safe for both residents and staff.
  • Services. One of the first things you need to provide is a copy of the contract with a company that specializes in household waste removal.

Search for premises

An ordinary multi-room apartment is quite suitable. To begin with, three rooms are enough, in which you can accommodate up to three or four bunk beds. At the same time, in the process of placing beds and other necessary items, you are guided by the following rules:

  • Comfortable furniture;
  • the distance between the beds is at least 75 cm;
  • toilet, shower, from 3 to 5 washbasins;
  • hot water (required!);
  • about 5 m? for each visitor;
  • free Internet.



A highly responsible and professional person whose responsibilities include accommodating residents, organizing meals, monitoring the sanitary condition of the hostel, and working at the reception desk. You must collaborate with two administrators who will work in shifts. An additional requirement is proficiency in English.


Part-time employee or just a few days a month.


Part-time employee. Main responsibilities include cleaning rooms, stairs, kitchen equipment, and disinfecting bathrooms. All necessary cleaning equipment is provided by the hostel management.


As a rule, people from 20 to 35 years old stay in such mini-hotels. Therefore, in addition to standard equipment (individual lockers, hangers, sockets, bed linen, towels and dishes), it is also important that wireless Wi-Fi is available.

Proper advertising will attract new customers to the hostel. Even if many of them do not currently need such services, they will be informed about their availability, which means, if necessary, they will be able to use them.

Alternatively, you can attract the media, but today it is better to order posting advertisements around the city, promoting services on the Internet, placing bright posters with contact information in places where there is a large concentration/traffic of potential clients.

If you live in one of the resort towns, it would be useful to establish contacts with travel agencies that will attract tourists to your establishment, as this is affordable.

If you do not own free real estate, the main expenses will be on its purchase or rental. The most ideal accommodation is in the historical part of the city or near the center.

So, the complete arrangement of one room (4 beds, safe, locker and bedside tables, inexpensive wall decoration) will cost you about 50,000 rubles.

The average salary of one administrator is 20,000 rubles (you will have two), and a maid’s salary is up to 10,000 rubles. Furnishing the kitchen will cost 60,000 – 80,000 rubles. Bathroom and shower - within 70,000 - 80,000 rubles. Add to this Wi-Fi and breakfast delivery (at the request of clients).

Taking into account the fact that in the rented premises you will have approximately 4-5 rooms, two administrators and two maids, one kitchen and two or three bathrooms and a shower, Wi-Fi connection, then it will cost you about 500,000 rubles.

Also today, many properties enter into contracts with a security service, because there are very different people in the rooms. If you live in a tourist city, you can also prepare additional excursion options, a map of local attractions, cycling routes, etc.


For the first 6 months you don’t have to expect high occupancy. The maximum option is up to 30%. Reason 1: almost no one knows about you and there are few reviews. Reason 2: those who have been to the city more than once try not to change their habits.

If you started a business in a resort town by the sea, lake, or picturesque river, big profits await you in the summer, and the off-season period is characterized by losses. You need to prepare for this in advance.

Tourist flows may fall due to the economic or political situation. No one is immune from this.

How much will you earn?

Now that you know how to open a hostel, you are interested in the possible profit, right? According to the latest statistics, high-quality advertising will allow you to achieve 80% workload at the end of your first year of work. On average, the daily cost of accommodation varies from $20 to $25. In Moscow, St. Petersburg and other big cities it may be higher. So, per month you will receive around $4,000 - $5,000.

Considering that full payback begins at 30% occupancy of the hostel, the remaining 50% will be your net profit. Yes, you will spend on rent, utilities and possible unforeseen expenses, additional services, but you will still remain in the black.

As you can see, to open a hostel, you need to work hard and invest a considerable amount, but all expenses will pay off quickly enough if you run your business correctly, rationally and gradually. In the future, it will be possible to seriously think about opening not just one object, but several at once or even an entire network. How do you like this idea?

Check out bank offers

RKO in Tochka Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free in 10 minutes;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
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  • Up to 7% on account balance;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking – free;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Raiffeisenbank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free in 5 minutes;
  • Maintenance – from 490 rubles/month;
  • Minimum commissions.
  • Registration of salary cards is free;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking – free;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Tinkoff Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Free opening of account in 10 minutes;
  • The first 2 months are free of charge;
  • After 2 months from 490 RUR/month;
  • Up to 8% on account balance;
  • Free accounting for individual entrepreneurs on Simplified;
  • Free Internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.
RKO in Sberbank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account - 0 rub.;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Free “Sberbank Business Online”;
  • Lots of extra services.

More about the current account

  • 0 rub. opening an account;
  • 0 rub. Internet banking and mobile banking for account management;
  • 0 rub. issuing a business card for depositing and withdrawing cash at any ATM;
  • 0 rub. first deposit of cash into the account;
  • 0 rub. tax and budget payments, transfers to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in Alfa-Bank;
  • 0 rub. account maintenance if there is no turnover.
RKO in the Eastern Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Internet banking and mobile application are free;
  • 3 months of service free of charge;
  • after 3 months from 490 rub./month.
RKO in LOKO Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Cash withdrawal from 0.6%;
  • Free terminal for acquiring;
  • Internet banking and mobile application are free.
RKO in Expert Bank. Open an account

Today, many experts consider the real estate market to be one of the most promising options for investment. On the one hand, against the backdrop of currency devaluation, the rise in prices for purchasing apartments stopped for a while. On the other hand, the rental price is only increasing, since in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia, students, young families, workers from other cities and countries, and business travelers need temporary shelter. The optimal solution is to open a hostel from scratch.

The process of organizing a business is not complicated, but in addition to the initial investment, it requires a thorough analysis of the real estate market and knowledge of the main trends in its development.

Portrait of a modern hostel

Hostel is a fairly new concept for Russian tourism infrastructure. In Europe, similar establishments have existed for more than 100 years. Hostels differ from hotels in their concept and target orientation. It can be called a “youth hotel” - the rooms are located in a block or corridor system. It also contains a kitchen where each guest can prepare their own food.

Some of the hostels can be called truly student hostels - they are not designed for university students, but for active young people who love to travel, discover new horizons and at the same time do not pursue “bourgeois conditions”.

Description of the modern hostel:

  • New furniture;
  • modern technology;
  • Wi-Fi;
  • clean rooms.

In other words, this is practicality, space saving, but you will not find any similarity with breeding grounds for bedbugs, armored beds and other attributes of Soviet dormitories.

Potential clients of hostels include progressive young people who love communication, travelers, as well as successful adults with their own unique philosophy - downshifting (a lifestyle that does not accept workaholism, corporate ethics and many other social norms).

What do you need to open a hostel?

There are two options for opening a hostel: purchasing a premises that is ready for occupancy (perhaps an existing business) or organizing your own business from scratch. Each of these options has its pros and cons. Before making a choice, an investor needs to weigh everything and analyze other options, for example. You can also open such a mini-hotel as a franchise, but be prepared to pay.

Selecting a location

The owners of this business say that the hardest part of the opening process is finding a good location. It should be a comfortable building with rooms, a corridor, and amenities. Large hostels have a foyer, a reception desk, and some even have an elevator. Therefore, opening a hostel in a non-residential building is a very expensive and not always profitable option. The amount of repairs will be many times greater than the cost of the building itself and will pay for itself for a long time. You will also need to prepare a lot of permitting documentation (for example), which will take a lot of time.

You can open a hostel in an apartment with several rooms. But in this case, you shouldn’t count on a big income. Larger projects start from 150 m². There are several spacious rooms, a common living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. The decoration of the room should be in a single, carefully thought-out style.

On the scale of a large city, finding and opening a premises in which you can organize a hostel is not easy. And if you choose an inconvenient location or a place that does not meet all standards, you may never recoup the investment.


Since 2015, special GOSTs have appeared in the legislation of the Russian Federation, which regulate the work and opening of hostels.

The main ones include:

  • ceiling height – from 2.5 meters;
  • One sleeping place should have at least 4 m²;
  • for 15 beds it is necessary to equip one shower and one toilet;
  • the bathroom should be located outside the rooms;
  • Every hostel should have places for guests to communicate;
  • availability of a kettle and drinking water;
  • the presence of a kitchen is not a mandatory requirement if there is a place for a snack nearby.

Advice: Since 2015, it has been officially allowed to convert ordinary apartments into hostels. To do this, the property is converted into non-residential premises, after which commercial activities can be conducted in it.

In this case, guests should not disturb the peace and living conditions of the neighbors of this house. You cannot open a hostel on the ground floor or in the basement.

Opening a hostel in an apartment is much cheaper and easier (the cost of renting housing is lower, the cost of equipment is also relatively low). In this case, disagreements with neighbors may arise.

Room equipment

The cost of equipment depends on the region and is constantly changing. On average, the following investments will be required to open a hostel from scratch:

To a multi-bed room:

  • bunk bed – 12-30 thousand rubles. per piece;
  • bedside table - 1500 rubles per piece;
  • Microwave oven – 3-6 thousand rubles;
  • refrigerator – 15-30 thousand rubles;
  • kettle - 800-1500 rubles;
  • kitchen set – 20-30 thousand rubles;
  • washing machine – 15-25 thousand rubles.

Equipment for meeting places for guests:

  • Wi-Fi router – 1-3 thousand rubles;
  • Table, chairs – 12-20 thousand rubles.


  • shower stall - 12-28 thousand rubles;
  • dryers - 600-1000 rubles;
  • toilet - 4-7 thousand rubles;
  • hair dryer – 1-3 thousand rubles.


The number and qualifications of employees depend on the scale of the project. If you are planning to open and organize a hostel in an apartment, you can perform all the duties yourself or hire one assistant who would greet guests and ensure cleanliness and order.

To organize a hostel with an area of ​​150-200 m², you need to hire the following personnel:

  • administrator - receiving calls, accommodating guests, providing them with everything they need, monitoring cleanliness;
  • maid - carrying out regular wet cleaning, laundry, washing kitchen equipment;
  • accountant - reporting (they often use the services of third-party companies (outsourcing), which charge for the amount of work performed, since it is not practical to hire a specialist on a full-time basis).

If this option seems too costly to you, consider.

Business registration

In order to open a hostel from scratch (as when purchasing), you need to complete a considerable package of documents. A hostel is an object of tourist infrastructure, so for its operation it is necessary to prepare a legal framework. First, you need to choose a legal form (individual entrepreneur or LLC) and register with the tax office. To open a mini-hotel, you need:

  1. a document confirming ownership of real estate or a lease agreement;
  2. registration certificate;
  3. extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  4. confirmation of tax payment;
  5. work permit from the sanitary-epidemiological service;
  6. fire inspection permit;
  7. agreement for the removal of household waste, recycling of fluorescent lamps.

Depending on the specifics of the business and the choice of direction, other documents may be needed, for example, at the time of opening.


The success of opening a project from scratch depends on the number of guests. The brightest and most inexpensive establishments, while providing comfortable accommodation, are faced with a lack of clients at the start. In order for an establishment to gain popularity, it is necessary to take radical actions:

  1. inform students about your services, offering additional discounts (10% upon presentation of a student ID), try to interest them as much as possible - the more people in the group, the cheaper the rooms will be;
  2. spread the word online. Since the Internet is the main source of information among young people, it is necessary to promote the establishment in this area. Create groups on social networks, order advertising on city forums, open the establishment’s website, posting on it as many photos as possible, descriptions of conditions, advantages, features, etc.;
  3. carry out targeting of potential clients (establishing target priorities and guidelines) and work with a group of interest, for example, a volleyball or football team, a dance school, etc. (you can agree with the leaders of such classes and, when choosing your institution for accommodation, give a small part of the proceeds to them);
  4. cooperate with travel agencies, which often include the cost of accommodation in the package;
  5. make it possible to make direct bookings through web resources;
  6. create an excellent reputation - these are reviews on city forums, impressions after a visit to a hostel that was opened from scratch. Good recommendations optimize the most effective way of promotion – word of mouth.

How to open a hostel in Moscow?

Moscow is a city of great opportunities. This well-established statement is also relevant for entrepreneurs who want to open a hostel. By organizing this business from scratch in Moscow, you can be sure of a constant flow of clients in any season. The main task is to provide comfortable living conditions and actively promote your services. But it is in Moscow that there are a number of pitfalls that should be taken into account.

Firstly, there is a lot of competition. According to the Interregional Association of the Hostel Industry, today there are more than 5,000 hostels and mini-hotels operating in the Russian Federation. More than half of them are open in Moscow and St. Petersburg. This indicates a high level of competition, which is difficult for beginners to fight against.

Secondly, the cost of real estate (both purchasing and renting) is high. But this is not even the main problem. The most difficult thing is to find a suitable object, since tourists or business travelers will not waste time searching and traveling to the most remote places of Moscow, but in the center and nearby areas everything suitable can be occupied.

Advice: when choosing real estate in Moscow, do not agree to the first offer you come across if it does not completely suit you. This aspect plays a key role in the success of a business, so start your search early and take your choice very seriously.

If insurmountable difficulties arise during organization, analyze other options for starting a business, for example, where to start.

The dynamically developing market of Moscow's tourism infrastructure is making its own adjustments to organizing the business of opening a hostel from scratch. But if you organize the key points correctly, you can get a stable flow of clients and a quick return on business.

Organizing a hostel from scratch is a new format that has grown into an actively developing direction for Moscow and large cities of Russia. This trend is understandable - you can become a hostel for little money. Perhaps this is the most budget-friendly method of entering the hotel market. To open it, investments from 400 thousand rubles are required, although depending on the development path and the scale of the project, this amount can rise to 5-6 million.

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You can open a hostel only if you comply with all legal requirements and regulations. In addition, in future work, be prepared to work a lot. Even after hiring all the necessary personnel, they will still have to be monitored and constantly support the chosen development concept.

In contact with

The term “hostel” refers to a type of economy-class hotel accommodation. The services of modern hostels are most often used by avid travelers, among whom young people predominate. The demand for such housing is constantly growing, since its guests pay rent not for a whole room, but for a bed. It turns out that for a reasonable fee you can spend the night or take a break along the way. One room of such a mini-hotel can simultaneously accommodate from four to ten tenants. Most tourists are satisfied with the concept of housing, which is to provide a sufficient level of comfort and coziness for a minimum fee. As a rule, a person who is, for example, on a business trip does not need an expensive room with additional services, which he simply does not have time to fully use.

In addition, not every tourist can afford to rent comfortable hotel apartments at a higher cost in order to get acquainted with local attractions or simply explore the city. Numerous hostels, for a minimal fee, provide their guests with a comfortable, clean bed, cozy surroundings, the opportunity to visit the toilet, take a shower and use a mirror. This type of hotel accommodation is most in demand in the historical and business centers of a particular city, so that it is easier for out-of-town guests to find it.

Before opening a hostel, you will need to purchase an apartment, but it is worth considering that real estate in the most popular areas is expensive, so opening your own business in this area is quite difficult. However, you can organize a hostel in a less expensive, quiet area. In this case, the most important criterion is developed transport links. As a rule, hostels located near the center are also popular.

The main advantages of opening a hostel

Before opening a hostel from scratch, you need to consider the main advantages of this business idea:

  1. Hostels are a promising business in our country, as consumer demand for such a service is constantly growing. Most modern travelers do not use such inexpensive hotels simply because they have not heard of their existence.
  2. Over time, the popularity of hostels will not decrease. Even a consistently high increase in the average level of income of the population will not make cheap hotels less in demand. This is explained by the fact that tourists or business travelers are triggered by elementary practicality, which is expressed by a rational approach to solving the housing problem. In addition, at all times there will be a category of people with limited financial capabilities.
  3. A fairly low level of competition is a significant factor in successfully running your business. If all the “paper” nuances are correctly completed, no one will interfere with the businessman’s work productively.
  4. Small financial expenses for the upcoming finishing and furnishing of the premises. If an entrepreneur fails, the main capital, which is real estate, will remain with him, and housing, as we know, only becomes more expensive over time.

Difficulties of opening a hostel

Before opening a hostel in a residential building, it is worth understanding that converting two or three rooms is considered the simplest option. To do this, the entrepreneur needs to buy or rent an apartment on the first or second floor. If such housing is already available, many worries disappear at once. However, a businessman must remember that having opened his own mini-hostel inside a traditional city apartment, he must adhere to a number of basic legal norms, since it is difficult to leave such a business unnoticed.

A business plan for opening a hostel in an apartment implies the need to obtain a special permit if the property is part of the housing stock. Today, only housing that is located on the first or second floor (if non-residential premises are located on the first floor) of an apartment building is allowed to be deregistered. In order for an apartment to cease to be listed as an element of the housing stock, its owner must submit the following documents to the commission:

  • all real estate documents;
  • statement;
  • technical description of the apartment and its plan;
  • floor plan of the entire house;
  • ready-made project for further redevelopment of residential premises.

In addition to legal regulations and rules, it is also worth taking care of compliance with other requirements, as well as acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The entrepreneur should pay attention to the resolutions of the local authorities, which cannot contradict the main document, which clearly describes the schemes for removing the premises from the housing stock.

What are the requirements for the premises?

The apartment must be soundproofed. The entrepreneur should pay special attention to the installation of doors and plastic windows. In addition, ordinary walls of residential apartments allow all sounds to pass through, and guests, as a rule, want to get a good night's sleep. Most often, this is what they pay money for. Inside the apartment, you need to organize a small lounge with comfortable sofas and a TV, as well as improve the kitchen space. Having a kitchen can also be considered a huge advantage. A traveler will not be able to prepare a light breakfast inside a standard hotel room.

A businessman must understand that the majority of guests are young people, so a prerequisite is to have unhindered access to wireless Wi-Fi Internet. It is also categorically not recommended to save on equipping a ventilation and air conditioning system for bedrooms where several people will be located at the same time. Powerful modern climate control equipment will solve the problem.

Particular attention should also be paid to the bathroom equipment. For twelve guests, one toilet, two sinks and one shower can be installed. Sleeping places are also strictly calculated and cannot be less than the norm. The dimensions of one bed, as a rule, are 0.8 x 1.9 meters. The density of beds should not violate the basic rule. At least five square meters are allocated per living tenant. That is why a businessman, before opening a hostel, is advised to look for comfortable bunk beds. The organizer is also obliged to take care of the belongings of his guests. To do this, you will need to equip a special storage chamber, which will be under the supervision of an administrator.

When selecting materials for finishing work, it is also worth considering the fact that operational loads will always be increased. To prevent a mini-hostel from looking like an unattractive, sloppy, shabby room in a year, unsuitable for living, you cannot skimp on building materials and plumbing equipment. You don’t need to think about any additional bells and whistles, but everything used for repairs must be of the highest quality, good quality, and durable.

The same principles must be followed when it comes to purchasing furniture. Traditional factory-made products most likely will not be able to withstand such loads and will not last half the time allotted to them. The exception is exclusively metal beds. You should also take the selection of mattresses seriously. A profitable option is to order furniture from a trusted manufacturer, preferably with the condition of subsequent warranty service. In addition, before opening a hotel, it is best to carefully consider a business plan for opening a hostel in an apartment.

Hostel opening costs

If we do not take into account the main part of the costs that will go towards purchasing or renting premises, as well as its repair and redevelopment, you will additionally need to purchase:

  1. Sleeping bunks. If we talk about furnishing a three-room apartment, you will need to buy about ten beds at six to seven thousand rubles apiece. That is, this stage will cost the entrepreneur about sixty to seventy thousand rubles.
  2. To furnish the kitchen, as well as purchase all the necessary equipment, you will have to spend about seventy to eighty thousand rubles.
  3. Leisure equipment, for example, TV, Wi-Fi, etc., will cost about twenty-five thousand rubles.
  4. Plumbing equipment will cost about sixty thousand rubles.