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Signs that your first period will begin soon. How to determine when your period will start

The most important question that plagues all pregnant women who are heavily pregnant is: “How do you know when labor is coming?”

By the end of pregnancy, you already know that a couple of weeks before giving birth, your belly drops and a small amount of weight loss occurs, and a few months before the significant event, you begin to experience “training contractions.” But how do you understand that there is very little left before labor begins - perhaps even just a couple of hours? Any expectant mother wants to be prepared for this important moment. In this regard, we will name the main signs by which you can understand that childbirth is coming soon.

Signs of labor

Bloody discharge as a sign of labor

Shortly before giving birth (from a few hours to a couple of weeks), you may remember that you have already forgotten your period, finding some reddish or brown spots on your underwear or panty liner. These are mucous secretions that indicate the activity of the cervix - its thinning, softening and expansion. In this way, the cervix prepares for upcoming birth.

But remember that spotting in late pregnancy can not only give you understand that childbirth is coming soon, but also be a consequence of having sex or a gynecological examination. But if spotting did not appear as a result of these two processes, congratulations! Very soon you will become a mother!

Child behavior

Your baby will also help you understand that labor will begin soon. A few days before the expected due date, the baby seems to calm down. Of course, all tests and studies show that the fetus is developing absolutely normally. It’s just that by the end of pregnancy the baby has already grown enough, and he simply does not have enough space to actively move inside the abdomen. In addition, the child also needs to accumulate strength before the upcoming birth, because he will need to make a lot of effort to be born.

Mucus plug

The mucus plug closes the entrance to the uterus, providing a natural barrier to infection and other unfavorable factors that could harm your baby. Removal of mucus plug - quite controversial sign of imminent labor. For some it does not appear at all due to the scarcity of mucous secretions, for some it goes away long before the onset of labor, and for others - already with the onset of labor pains. But ideally, the release of the mucus plug occurs some time after the start of bleeding - a few hours before the onset of labor.

The mucus plug can literally come out “with a pop” - due to contractions of the cervix - or it can come out “portionally” in parts. But no matter how the mucus plug comes out specifically for you, in most cases this process gives you understand that childbirth is coming soon- and there are 1-3 days left before they start!

Lower back pain as a sign of approaching labor

Periodic pain in the lower back is also a clear sign that makes it clear that labor is imminent. As a rule, this kind of lower back pain appears a week or even a few days before childbirth and only periodically. But if you feel them constantly, it is quite possible that the fetus is located incorrectly in the uterus. You should immediately tell your doctor about all your doubts and inconveniences.

Digestive disorder

About a day before the onset of labor Particularly intense bowel movements occur. you may go to the toilet more than once and in larger volumes than usual. Nature provided this phenomenon so that nothing would interfere with you during the birth process. Surely, you already know that the vagina and rectum are separated by a thin septum - and if there is an accumulation of feces in the rectum, there will be less space in the vagina for your baby to pass through.

Literally a few hours before the onset of contractions, you can understand that childbirth is coming soon, and according to other features of the “behavior” of your digestive system. You may experience nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. Your malaise is explained by the release into the blood of a shock dose of hormones that stimulate labor.

By the way, you can also confuse the first contractions with an upset stomach - after all, mild pain during the first contractions resembles abdominal pain with diarrhea.

Labor pains

Of course, in the most reliable way understand that childbirth is coming soon, are contractions. Some people confuse labor contractions with training contractions, which periodically appear during the third trimester of pregnancy. But training and labor contractions have one significant difference - they are periodic and repeated. at approximately equal intervals and gradually intensify. Something like this: contraction 40 seconds - pause 20 minutes.

Women who are experiencing their first pregnancy are afraid of missing the onset of regular contractions. In fact, it is impossible to confuse contractions with anything - these sensations are so unique. If the amniotic fluid has not yet begun to drain and contractions are infrequent, then you can take a bath or shower. This will help you reduce the pain a little. Direct the shower stream to the sacrum or lower back. It is better if someone close to you is next to you at this moment to help you with the procedure, and simply to support you psychologically. And if contractions are accompanied by the release of water or other vaginal discharge, you can be sure that labor has already begun!


A few hours before giving birth, or even at the beginning of labor, you may feel cold and chilly.

If you feel most of the signs listed above, do not worry and suddenly start getting ready for the maternity hospital. Of course, in this case, it is stupid to leave the city or go on a hike - but there is no need to rush around the apartment, frantically thinking about what to take to the maternity hospital urgently (unless, of course, your water has broken). Doctors even advise waiting out the contractions at home for a while - and waiting until their frequency becomes 5/45 (every 5 minutes for 45 seconds). And only after that you can happily pack up and go to the maternity hospital to give birth to your little one!

The menstrual cycle has certain periods - during each of them the manifestation of typical symptoms is observed. The cycle begins with the formation of a follicle - on the first day when your period arrives. An egg is released from the follicle after 11-14 days - this phase is called the ovulatory phase.

From the beginning of ovulation until the start of menstruation, the luteal phase lasts - the maturation of the corpus luteum. During menstruation, the corpus luteum separates and the follicle begins to mature again.

The most striking symptoms before menstruation begin to appear in the ovulatory phase. Within a few days the following are observed:

  • Sudden change of mood;
  • Irritability;
  • Insomnia or drowsiness;
  • Craving for sweets;
  • Chills.

During the release of the egg, the release of hormones is activated, which is why the psycho-emotional state of the woman is unstable. Precursors of menstruation are also expressed in increased fearfulness, light sleep and nightmares. Women during and before menstruation feel anxious; the danger is the effect of estrogens released in large quantities.

Premenstrual syndrome is not considered a deviation, but in medicine is considered a clinical phenomenon. PMS begins from the end of ovulation and lasts until the start of menstruation.

Signs of PMS before menstruation include:

  • Aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Tingling and nagging pain in the lower back;
  • Increased appetite - attacks of hunger can even wake a woman late at night;
  • Sensitivity, irritability;
  • Temperature rise to 37°C;
  • Increased fatigue, drowsiness.

Particular attention should be paid to the chest. A week before menstruation, the mammary glands become sensitive and painful. Wearing a bra brings discomfort, it becomes small. The breasts may increase in size and become painful when pressed lightly.

General symptoms

These symptoms may begin long before menstruation. Since they understand that menstruation will begin soon, mainly by discharge, first of all examine the pad.

When menstruation approaches, the discharge becomes white, sometimes brown, with a faint sour odor. They become somewhat richer than usual and have a curd-like consistency.

If white and brown discharge is abundant, itching or burning is felt - these are not signs of the onset of menstruation, but a symptom of a microflora disorder. Having noticed this, you need to immediately go to the gynecologist and take a smear for candidiasis.

Common period symptoms also include fatigue, lethargy, mild nausea and dizziness. Feelings of fear and anxiety often appear, and the emotional state is very unstable.

Since the first process after the release of the egg begins the release of hormones, the main symptoms before menstruation should be looked for in mood, feelings of hunger or satiety, and ability to work.

During the week

7-11 days before the start of her period, the girl gets tired faster than usual and complains of lack of concentration and drowsiness. Many begin to believe that no one understands them, they worry, fuss and quickly get irritated over trifles.

The approach of menstruation is noted by increased sweating, a feeling of heat that quickly turns into chills. The breasts begin to swell and the halos around the nipples become sensitive even to underwear - friction can cause tingling, goosebumps, and aching pain.

How to find out when your period starts:

  • By feeling the breasts, pressing on the area of ​​the areola;
  • Tracing the color and abundance of discharge;
  • Watching for outbursts of irritation and fear.

Once these symptoms begin to appear, you can expect your period in 7-9 days.

For three days

In such a short period of time, the signs of approaching menstruation may become more intense and be replaced by others. This period is considered a crisis - premenstrual syndrome worsens and reaches its climax.

Some women, three days before menstruation, feel strong fear for their lives and safety, even to the point of paranoia - this is the work of hormonal levels, providing the body with complete preparation for pregnancy and protection of the fetus.

A sign of menstruation three days in advance are nightmares - women complain of light sleep and abrupt awakening in a cold sweat. A frequent accompaniment of a crisis period is migraine, especially in the morning.

How to determine that there are 3-5 days left until your period:

  • Migraine, frequent increase in blood pressure;
  • Increased feeling of fear, anxiety;
  • Discharge of gray, white color;
  • Body temperature is possible within 37-37.5 ° C.

A girl's periods are accompanied by minor rashes on her face. Most often - on the cheeks and forehead, in the same area the oiliness of the skin increases. All these symptoms occur when you have your period.

Per day

A day before her period arrives, the girl feels a nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. When you stretch, you can feel pain and tingling that takes your breath away. Right before your period, your discharge becomes more abundant and darker in color than before.

In young girls, itching may begin at the site of the skin rash, and sweating also increases significantly. Girls notice heat in their cheeks and ears. Nervousness begins to fade, lethargy, fatigue, and desire for sweets become more apparent.

Beginning of menstruation

The first signs of menstruation are marked by nausea and characteristic discharge. The menstruation on the pad is brown in the first two to three hours, then red and bloody. The discharge is accompanied by abdominal pain, some report simultaneous indigestion.

A woman is immediately overcome by weakness and fatigue, even if her period starts in the morning. Appetite disappears, body temperature rises slightly. Many people note discomfort, twitching of the internal hip muscles and oblique abdominal muscles.

Determining days before menstruation

Signs before menstruation can be deceptive: due to general fatigue, lack of sleep or irregular nutrition, girls feel similar symptoms, but menstruation has just ended or does not occur.

To understand approximately what time remains before the onset of menstruation, you can use a pharmacy test. 11-14 days after your last period began, buy an ovulation test at the pharmacy. It is advisable to buy several and start monitoring from the 11th day.

By performing the test according to the instructions, you can determine which days of the cycle ovulation occurs on. From the day on which the ovulation test was positive, it is enough to count two weeks - your period should arrive during this period.

Since preparation for menstruation in a woman’s body depends on many factors, you should not worry if your period is delayed by 3-5 days. Analyze the events in your life during the last cycle. Delays in menstruation are completely justified and safe if at that time there were:

  • Serious shocks, stress;
  • Fasting or strict diets;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • A sharp change in climate (for example, a trip to a warm resort in winter and returning);
  • The beginning of a new season - the turn of autumn and winter, winter and spring, etc.

How to get rid of PMS

We cannot regulate hormonal processes before menstruation on our own - they are natural and should occur. But it is possible to mitigate the symptoms that change throughout the month.

To calm and relieve irritability, you can take baths with essential oils of fir, Siberian pine or lavender. You need to add 5-6 drops to a bath of water.

Aromatherapy is useful - to fumigate a standard room of 9-15 m2 you will need 15 drops of essential oil of orange, bergamot, ylang-ylang. Sweet scents, such as vanilla, contribute to nausea and are not recommended.

If you cannot overcome the feeling of fear, obsessive thoughts do not allow you to sleep, it is better to limit yourself to unnecessary exits from the house and not to approach dangerous household appliances.

How to relieve pain syndrome

Frequent airing of the room, especially before bed, will be useful. An hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey or hot chamomile tea.

Try to relieve menstrual pain with a minimum set of medications. Instead of pills, herbal compresses applied to the lower back can help. A compress soaked in a warm decoction of chamomile is applied to the lower abdomen.

During menstruation, you should not take a bath for a long time. You can stay in the water for no more than ten minutes, since during menstruation the genitals are very vulnerable. You can add a decoction of chamomile, coltsfoot, to the bath, after lying down and relaxing for a while.

Most female representatives are upset by the onset of menstruation. And in this regard, how can you understand that your period will begin soon? To do this, it is necessary to calculate the appearance of critical days; accompanying signs can help with this. But severe pain can portend serious health problems. That’s why it’s worth visiting a medical facility.

Determining the start date of menstruation

The reproductive cycle lasts 28 days. Exactly how many days are allotted for the duration of the entire period depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

How to understand that your period will start soon? Critical days involve a special cyclicity, which is divided into phases. There are 4 of them in total:

  1. From the first to the fifth day. When the level of progesterone in the blood decreases, the epithelium inside the uterus exfoliates. Thanks to him, separation occurs. In this case, a follicle appears, forming an egg.
  2. From the fifth to the fourteenth day. During this period, the menstrual cycle is not observed. Blood clots come out of the cervical canal. The estrogen content exceeds the norm, due to which the follicle opens. At this moment, the egg is in the fallopian tube, where it can be fertilized.
  3. From 15 to 23 days. If conception does not occur, then the estrogen level decreases. The devastated follicle becomes similar to the corpus luteum, which is responsible for the appearance of progesterone.
  4. From 23 to 28 days. Progesterone is required by women for healthy pregnancy and subsequent childbirth.

If conception does not occur, women will soon find out when their periods will begin. A harbinger of this is the removal of dead cells from the uterine mucosa. At this moment, female representatives feel slight discomfort, which is expressed in certain symptoms. It is this phenomenon that warns of the onset of menstruation.

Symptoms and signs of the onset of menstruation

Finding out how soon your period will come is not so difficult; you need to know the basic characteristics of the body. Therefore, certain symptoms that should be presented to everyone will help to calculate the beginning of critical days.

The main precursors of the menstrual cycle:

  1. The mammary glands slightly increase in volume. At the same time, the chest becomes slightly rougher, and pain may also be felt in this area. Minor discharge is observed, which subsequently transforms into a curd consistency. However, such phenomena are very difficult to recognize immediately.
  2. When menstruation appears, acute or weak pain occurs, because the uterus will soon bring out the endometrium. Basically, this phenomenon accompanies the occurrence of painful sensations, which manifest themselves depending on the characteristics of the body. Sometimes this is associated with hormonal failure of the system. Thus, the best solution when observing characteristic symptoms is qualified help from specialists.
  3. Minor rashes may be observed on the outer layer of the epidermis. This symptom is attributed to hormonal problems before the onset of menstruation.
  4. Before the first symptoms of menstruation appear, lower back pain occurs. Other processes observed before can also be considered a frequent occurrence.
  5. When menstruation begins, it is released. This stage refers to the necessary reaction of the body. At a specific time interval, shortly before menstruation, the body is freed from excess. Basically, pain during critical days is associated with excessive intestinal load. However, when defecating, the discomfort disappears.

Read also Peeling during menstruation

In rare cases, accompanying symptoms or signs are attributed to others. The most common phenomena: good appetite, swelling of the limbs and face. Some female representatives complain of poor health, which has come to be called PMS.

Premenstrual syndrome

Men refuse to believe that they have premenstrual syndrome. However, women claim that discomfort accompanies them throughout the entire period of menstruation. Medical professionals have different opinions about the presence of PMS, but women say it can help you detect when your period is approaching. Premenstrual doctors confirm its presence. In addition, they also identify a variety of this condition.

There are 3 main types of PMS, characterized by special symptoms:

  1. Undermined nervous and psychological state. This type is associated with an emotional breakdown, irritability, the appearance of depressive disorders, tearfulness, and undermining moral stability. When a woman gets her period, a common symptom is fatigue and nervousness that spreads to her surroundings. Changing symptoms are normal and do not indicate any health problems.
  2. Severe swelling. It spreads to the mammary glands, limbs of the arms and the abdominal area. Weakness is also observed, affecting further activities during the day.
  3. This type is the most common. It is expressed mainly in dizziness and nausea. Female representatives also note a loss of strength and emotional stress. With the onset of menstruation, the tendency to depressive disorders and weakening of the body increases.

In addition to the characteristic symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, there are also reasons that contribute to this:

  • eating junk food;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • increased level of prolactin in the body;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • commitment to conflict situations;
  • weakening of hormonal levels;
  • bad heredity;
  • insufficient amounts of certain hormones.

If this syndrome prevents a person from doing some important activity or severe pain is felt, then it is necessary to visit a medical facility. Only a doctor will explain the situation and the possibility of developing dangerous diseases.

Pain in the lower abdomen

A typical example of the onset of menstruation is severe pain in the lower abdomen shortly before the onset of discharge. Also, in this case, painful sensations can radiate to the sternum. In some cases, such signs are difficult to bear.

To improve your well-being, you should reduce physiological activity before the cycle. In most cases, this recommendation helps prevent pain in the abdomen and chest.

At what stage (what week) does labor begin? Pregnancy is considered full term . From now on, labor can begin at any time.

How to determine the onset of labor? There is no way to predict when this will happen. But there are a number of first signs by which one can judge the imminent onset of labor.

There are many theories, explaining the beginning of the birth process. In ancient times, it was believed that the triggering moment of childbirth was the constriction of the fetus in a small space and its hunger.

Modern theories suggest that labor begins due to the formation of a generic dominant in the brain, an increase in the concentration of substances in the blood of the pregnant woman that stimulate the excitability of the muscles of the uterus, an increase in the level of sex hormones estrogen, and the accumulation of additional energy in the cells.

Main signs and symptoms

Two to three weeks before giving birth, pregnant women may notice a range of signs and symptoms beginning labor:

  1. . This is due to the fact that the fetal head descends deeper into the pelvis, the fundus of the uterus decreases and begins to put less pressure on the diaphragm and stomach. It becomes much easier for a woman to breathe, and symptoms decrease. However, pressure in the bladder area increases, and the pregnant woman begins to go to the toilet more often.
  2. Anterior shift of the center of gravity. Because of this, the pregnant woman’s gait changes, her shoulders are pulled back - the proud gait of a woman.
  3. Navel protrusion. Before childbirth, due to the increased influence of estrogen, the tone of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall decreases, and the navel becomes more pliable.
  4. Behavior Changes pregnant woman: increased nervous excitability or, conversely, a state of mild apathy. This is explained by changes in physiological processes in the cerebral cortex in connection with the formation of a generic dominant.
  5. Reducing body weight pregnant woman up to several kilograms. Before childbirth, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases, metabolism changes, and the retention of excess fluid in the woman’s body decreases.
  6. Decreased fetal motor activity. This phenomenon is due to a decrease in the amount of water, fixation of the head to the entrance to the pelvis.
  7. Discomfort or nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Estrogens increase the elasticity of the ligaments, causing a slight expansion of the pelvic bones.
  8. . During the period of ripening of the cervix, its canal shortens and the activity of the mucous glands increases. Over the course of several days, discharge from the genital tract becomes more abundant, similar to thick mucus, transparent or slightly brownish, sometimes with pink streaks.

The manifestation of all these first signs of the onset of labor is not necessary for every woman. Some may be more pronounced, and some may not be present at all.

When do they start? Starting from week 37, duration harbingers of the onset of labor varies among women and can last from several hours to several weeks.

Six to eight hours before birth Some women experience a preliminary period. This time is characterized by the appearance of uterine contractions that are irregular in frequency, strength and duration.

In this case, the woman should not experience any particular discomfort, sleep disturbances or lack of appetite. Slight brown spotting from the genital tract may appear.

Gradually, uterine contractions intensify and become regular - labor begins.

How to understand that labor has begun?

The presence of regular labor, characterized by repeated painful contractions of the uterus - contractions.

The most common questions that expectant mothers ask themselves and their friends who have already given birth: “How will I know that labor has begun? Will I miss the start of labor? Are there any signs that labor is about to begin? Of course, it is difficult to predict the date of birth absolutely accurately, but there are still some signs by which you can determine that a baby may be born soon.

Usually, childbirth does not happen suddenly, our body cannot change overnight - it does not happen that an hour ago nothing foreshadowed the onset of labor, and suddenly it began suddenly. Childbirth is always preceded by some changes in the body. What should the expectant mother pay attention to?

There are so-called harbingers of childbirth- external tangible changes in the body that indicate preparation for the onset of labor. The reason for their appearance is a sharp increase in the amount of estrogen before childbirth. The activity of these hormones affects both the well-being and behavior of a woman. For some, precursors appear 2 weeks before the upcoming birth, and for others, only a few hours before it. For some, the precursors of labor are intensely expressed, for others they go unnoticed. There are several harbingers of labor, but in order to understand that labor will soon begin, one or two of them are enough.

False contractions

False contractions may appear after. False contractions are more intense than Braxton Hicks contractions, which a woman could already feel starting from. False contractions, like Braxton-Hicks contractions, are trained before the upcoming birth; they are irregular and painless, the intervals between them do not decrease. Real labor contractions, on the contrary, are regular, their strength gradually increases, they become longer and more painful, and the intervals between them are reduced. Then we can say that labor has begun for real. In the meantime, while false contractions are occurring, there is no need to go to the maternity hospital - you can safely survive them at home.

Abdominal prolapse

Approximately two to three weeks before birth, the baby, in preparation for birth, presses the presenting part (usually the head) against the lower segment of the uterus and pulls it down. The uterus, which was previously in the abdominal cavity, moves to the pelvic region, the upper part of the uterus (fundus), descending, ceases to put pressure on the internal organs of the chest and abdominal cavity. As soon as the stomach drops, the expectant mother notices that it has become easier for her to breathe, although sitting and walking, on the contrary, becomes more difficult. Belching also disappears (after all, the uterus no longer puts pressure on the diaphragm and stomach). But, having descended, the uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder - naturally, urination becomes more frequent.

For some, uterine prolapse causes a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and even mild pain in the inguinal ligaments. Some people sometimes feel as if electric shocks are running through their legs and lower back. All these sensations also arise due to the fact that the presenting part of the fetus moves down and is “inserted” into the entrance of the woman’s small pelvis, irritating its nerve endings.

During the second and subsequent births, the stomach drops later - right before birth. It happens that this harbinger of labor is not present at all.

Weight loss

Approximately two weeks before birth, weight may decrease, usually it decreases by 0.5-2 kg. This happens because excess fluid is removed from the body and decreases. If earlier during pregnancy, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, fluid accumulated in the body of a pregnant woman, now, before childbirth, the effect of progesterone decreases, but other female sex hormones - estrogens - begin to work intensively. They remove excess fluid from the body of the expectant mother. Very often, the expectant mother notices that at the end of pregnancy it has become easier for her to put on rings, gloves, and shoes - this means that the swelling in her hands and feet has decreased.

Changing the stool

In addition, hormones also relax the intestinal muscles, which can lead to stool upset. Sometimes women mistake this increase in bowel movements (up to 2-3 times a day) with dilution of stool for an intestinal infection. However, if there is no nausea, vomiting, change in the color or smell of feces, or any other symptoms of intoxication, there is no need to worry: this is one of the harbingers of the upcoming birth.

Decreased appetite

On the eve of childbirth, all desire to eat for two disappears, and sometimes you don’t feel like eating at all. All this also prepares the body for natural childbirth.

Change in emotional state

It has been noticed that many women experience mood changes a few days before giving birth. Usually the expectant mother feels tired, she wants to rest more, sleep, and apathy appears. This condition is quite understandable - you need to gather your strength to prepare for childbirth. Often, just before giving birth, a woman seeks privacy, looking for a secluded place in which she can hide and concentrate on herself and her experiences.

Changing your child's behavior

The baby also becomes quiet in the last days before birth. His motor activity is decreasing, but according to ultrasound and other studies, he is completely healthy. It’s just that the child has already gained sufficient weight and height, and often he simply has no room to turn around in the uterus. In addition, the baby also gains strength before a long day of work.

Uncomfortable sensations

A few days before giving birth, many expectant mothers experience some discomfort in the lower abdomen and sacral area. Most often, they are similar to those that occur on the eve of or during menstruation - the stomach or lower back periodically pulls, sometimes it is a mild aching pain. They appear during the passage of the mucus plug or before. Such discomfort occurs due to stretching of the pelvic ligaments, increased blood flow to the uterus, or as a result of prolapse of the uterine fundus.

Removal of the mucus plug

This is one of the main and obvious harbingers of childbirth. During pregnancy, the glands in the cervix produce a secretion (it looks like a thick jelly and forms a so-called plug), which prevents various microorganisms from entering the uterine cavity. Before childbirth, under the influence of estrogen, the cervix softens, the cervical canal opens slightly and the plug can come out - the woman will see that clots of mucus with a jelly-like consistency remain on the underwear. Cork can be of different colors - white, transparent, yellowish-brown or pink-red. Often it is stained with blood - this is completely normal and may indicate that childbirth will occur within the next 24 hours. The mucus plug can come out immediately (at once) or come out in parts throughout the day. Usually, the removal of the plug does not in any way affect the well-being of the expectant mother, but sometimes at the moment of its release, stretching in the lower abdomen is felt (as before menstruation).

The mucus plug may come off two weeks before birth, or it may remain inside until the baby is born. If the plug comes out but there are no contractions, you shouldn’t go to the maternity hospital right away: just call the doctor and get a consultation. However, if the plug comes off earlier than two weeks before the expected due date, or there is a lot of bright red blood in it, you should immediately contact the maternity hospital.

Typically, the expectant mother has two or three signs of impending labor. But it happens that there are no warning signs at all. This does not mean that the body is not preparing for childbirth: it is quite possible that the woman simply does not notice the warning signs or they will appear immediately before childbirth.

What to do if any warning signs of labor appear? Usually you don’t need to do anything, because the precursors are completely natural, they simply indicate that the body is being rebuilt and preparing for the birth of a child. Therefore, you should not worry and go to the maternity hospital as soon as, for example, training contractions begin or the mucus plug comes away.


If I were you, I would call an ambulance, or go to the hospital myself.

01/05/2019 13:52:13, 201z

Hello. Tell me 33 weeks according to ultrasound, 36 according to menstruation.
The stomach becomes hard in the evening and tingles a little at the bottom. In the morning, sometimes I have an unpleasant feeling, like before my period (my stomach doesn’t hurt, but it’s tight and my back aches)... I run to the toilet very often.... How should I react to this?)

07/16/2016 06:43:34, Nadezhdatoz

Comment on the article "How to know that childbirth is coming soon? Harbingers: 9 symptoms of impending labor"

During my first birth, my lower abdomen began to hurt very much, as if during menstruation, my stomach began to contract with some frequency and pull down. What are the warning signs of childbirth? How to understand that childbirth is coming soon? When did anyone start experiencing contractions?


The first time at 23-00, the second time at 9-30 :) I liked giving birth more during the day, the first time I really wanted to sleep)))

We are classic:) the first time my water broke exactly at midnight, there had apparently been contractions before, but I wasn’t sure that it was them:) because a few days before they looked at me so “good” that all these days my stomach hurt - kept pulling :(((
We were in the maternity hospital at half past three, so far this and that, at five they told me to save up my strength, at about two in the afternoon, if I was lucky, to wait... and then everyone started fussing and at 6.00 they laid Lala on her stomach. This is where my husband came in handy, I would have given birth alone in the hallway, probably looking for doctors!
The second time I couldn’t bear to watch at all :) PD seems to be 4, the first time the contractions started quite convincingly on the morning of the 3rd, for about an hour I kept counting, my husband was getting ready... but somehow it resolved... the second visit was on the night of the 6th... but while I was waiting for my husband to take my mother, it passed again.
And since then, contractions have always been there, but not every hour, they began regularly at six in the evening yesterday, at 11 the water broke, at about one o’clock we arrived to give up... dilatation 2, at three again 2.. I howled!! Everything is just beginning, but I’m already useless and ready to run away! At 3.20 they laid Lala on her stomach.
And even before five, this little pole was sucking with concentration almost all the time :))))
A valuable thought - to smuggle food and water at any cost! In the evening I thought I didn’t want to eat at all, but now waiting until breakfast at 9 seems worse than waiting until the end of labor!

But if there are just contractions, how can you understand that they are real? This, by the way, is a very sure sign. If suddenly “out of the blue” you go to the toilet three times properly, it means it’s already an ambulance. My training contractions began a week and a half before giving birth and were not much different...


I’ll publish a report a little later - I walked like this for 2 days)))) I arrived with 4 cm of dilation. When it started REALLY HURTING, it became clear that this was real!

I know a girl who went to the maternity hospital and back 7 times :) fortunately the doctor (or maternity hospital) didn’t leave her for stimulation, but let her continue to continue her care. I did it 2 times with a break of a week :) my real contractions were also similar to pain during menstruation, I didn’t have to run to the toilet

How does labor begin? If such measures do not give the desired effect, then help will be provided in the hospital: firstly... I didn’t feel it. strong painful contractions began when I got to the prenatal ward. and before that, maybe I wouldn’t have understood if the doctor hadn’t...


The doctor looked at me and said that my uterus was calm (of course, it was still morning!) That I apparently read a lot))) And also that I had a chance to reach 38 weeks, or at least 36, because I would need ginipral cancel.

Yeah, that’s how it is for me now. And at first, labor was also stimulated due to the breaking of water, like yours. In general, let's hope that since training is going on this time, everything will be fine with the birth :-)

premonition of childbirth. Those who have just given birth, and those who still remember. We are already languishing there in the neighboring conference - we want to give birth, but there are no urges! Signs: labor is coming soon. How to identify contractions. How does labor begin? 2-3 days before birth there is a decrease in body weight...


Nothing but terrible fatigue. I'm tired of my belly, everything has become difficult and I'm tired of living in this state. I gave birth to my first at 36 weeks, and my second at 42 weeks, although in both cases I gave birth to moderately full-term children - apparently, everyone has their own maturation period :))), as in adult life

07/28/2006 11:39:43, TatyanaL

there was no premonition. There was a fear (unreasonable) that labor would be artificially induced at the PDR. :) I definitely gave birth in the PDR. :)
The day before the birth, the weight dropped dramatically - 2 kg. I was in the pathology department, they weighed me every day, honey. the sisters couldn’t believe their eyes and reweighed it twice. :)

What are the warning signs of childbirth? How to understand that childbirth is coming soon? When did anyone start experiencing contractions? Otherwise, I haven’t had any training contractions, but I’ve been breathing easily for the second week. The contractions just started. I remember exactly the first contraction, which seemed to surround my lower abdomen.