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Rating of dogs by intelligence. List of the smartest dogs. Small Dogs Top Smart Dogs

Considered man's best friend, dogs are renowned for their loyalty, eagerness to please and, of course, intelligence.
The owners value their pets and consider them family members and treat them
treats for dogs. They know that dogs are very smart and can be trained to do a whole range of tricks! However, the level of intelligence varies greatly from breed to breed. As you might imagine, measuring a dog's intelligence is not that easy, however, there is an internationally recognized study that was conducted specifically for this purpose. A book called The Intelligence of Dogs, published by Stanley Coren, a psychology professor at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, classifies dog breeds according to their level of intelligence. This classification is now accepted as the official description of the differences between dog breeds in terms of their ability to train. So, is your dog the smartest dog in the world? There is only one way to check this.
We present to your attention the 25 smartest dog breeds:
25. Hungarian Vizsla (Vizsla)

The Hungarian Vizsla is a medium-sized dog bred for hunting birds and game. They are known for their excellent sense of smell and, as you can imagine, are easy to train.
24. Irish Water Spaniel

The Irish Water Spaniel is a strong, medium-sized dog developed in Ireland, where it was used for hunting game and birds. This is an energetic companion and is sometimes called the clown of the spaniel family.
23. Pomeranian

The Pomeranian is a small-sized Spitz-type dog. Their weight reaches 3.5 kilograms, and the height at the withers ranges from 13 to 28 centimeters. The Pomeranian is an intelligent dog, especially popular with the British royal family.
22. Malinois / Bernese mountain dog

The Malinois is a medium-sized dog used for detecting explosives and narcotics, search and rescue missions, and so on, while the Bernese Mountain Dog is a large breed developed in the Swiss Alps, where it was used to help local shepherds.
21. Weimaraner

The Weimaraner is a short-haired dog breed bred in Germany to hunt large game. These are very cheerful and energetic dogs, notable for their unusual light gray or blue eyes. They are athletic dogs that are easy to train. They show excellent results in a number of dog sports disciplines.
20. Cocker Spaniel

The Cocker Spaniel, originally bred as a hunting dog in Great Britain, is a small, long-haired dog from the spaniel family. There are currently two subspecies of this breed, the American Cocker Spaniel and the English Cocker Spaniel.
19. Brittany

The Breton Epagnole, named after the French northwestern province of Brittany where the breed was developed, is a hunting dog used for hunting birds. With proper socialization and training, these dogs make excellent companions, family pets and field game dogs.
18. Flat-Coated Retriever / Miniature Schnauzer (Standard Schnauzer)

The Flat-Coated Retriever and the Miniature Schnauzer together took 18th place. The Flat-Coated Retriever is an active dog with many talents and a great desire to please people. The Miniature Schnauzer is a strongly built, squat and very intelligent dog that is easy to train.
17. Kurzhaar

The shorthaired pointer is a medium to large dog bred in the 19th century in Germany for hunting. These dogs, as a rule, get along well with children, are smart, courageous, playful, eccentric, easy to get along with and easy to train.
16. Collie / Keeshond

In 16th place are Collie and Keeshonde, a pair of fluffy and adorable dogs. The collie was bred in Scotland and northern England. This is a medium sized dog, active by nature, which was kept as a helper, hound and just a family pet. The Keeshond is also a medium-sized dog with a plush, double-layered silver-black coat with a curled tail.
15. Schipperke / Belgian Shepherd

The Schipperke breed was developed in the early 16th century in Belgium. This is a small dog that was used to help shepherds. Distinguished by its black coat, the Belgian Shepherd is an active and loyal medium-sized dog that loves children.
14. Tervuren

The Tervuren, also known as the Belgian Cattle Dog, is another long-haired dog developed in Belgium that was used to help shepherds herd livestock. Tervurens are very energetic, smart dogs that always need to be occupied with something. They also love to compete in agility and obedience competitions.
13. English Springer Spaniel

The English Springer Spaniel, developed in England in the 18th century, is a breed of hunting dog from the spaniel family. These dogs were used to fetch shot game. The average lifespan of an English Springer Spaniel is 15 years and these dogs are always eager to please. They are easy to train and ready to obey.
12. Miniature Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer was developed in Germany as a cross between the Miniature Schnauzer and one of the smaller dog breeds. These dogs were used to exterminate rats. Thanks to their intelligence and excellent disposition, dogs of this breed are among the most popular in the world.
11. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi has been a favorite of the British royal family for over 70 years. This is one of the smallest herding breeds. These dogs are easily recognized by their distinctive large and erect ears. These dogs love their families, are always willing to learn and are very easy to train.
10. Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Cattle Dog is another herding dog breed bred in Australia for long-distance herding of livestock. These dogs are famous for their endurance, lively mind and ability to train. These dogs are ranked tenth on the list of the smartest dogs in the world.
9. Rottweiler

Developed in Germany, the Rottweiler is a large, tough and muscular dog that was once harnessed and pulled carts. Today, due to their calm disposition, lively mind and willingness to work, Rottweilers are used as rescue dogs, guide dogs or police dogs.
8. Continental Toy Spaniel

The Continental Toy Spaniel, easily recognized by its characteristic long and fluffy ears shaped like butterfly wings, is a breed in the Toy Spaniel family. This breed was developed in France. The Continental Toy Spaniel is a popular dog breed known for its intelligence and cheerful disposition.
7. Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever, most commonly known as the Labrador, is a large and playful dog breed originating in Canada, where they have been the most popular dog for many decades. Labradors are famous for their intelligence and friendly disposition. They are often used as guide dogs and therapy dogs.
6. Sheltie

The Sheltie is a medium-sized dog bred in Scotland, where it was used to help shepherds. Shelties are active and energetic dogs that always strive to please their owners, are easy to train and are willing to work hard.
5. Doberman

The Doberman Pinscher is a medium-sized short-haired dog. Dobermans were originally bred to be guard dogs, but now they have a friendly disposition. These are loyal and intelligent dogs that are easy to train.
4. Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever is called a retriever due to its ability to retrieve shot birds and game. This large dog breed was developed in Scotland. The Golden Retriever ranks 4th on the list of the most intelligent breeds in the world and is capable of performing various roles - guide dog, hunter's assistant, sniffer dog, rescue dog and many others.
3. German Shepherd

Despite being one of the most popular breeds in the world, German Shepherds are actually a relatively new breed. This breed was originally bred to help shepherds. However, it is now used for a variety of activities, including rescue missions, police and military work, and even filmmaking.
2. Poodle

This breed was developed in Germany, but was later developed in France. There are several subspecies of poodles ranging from toy to medium-sized dogs. Poodles have thick, curly coats of varying shades. These dogs are highly intelligent, very energetic and social, so they constantly need physical and mental exercise.
1. Border Collie

The Border Collie was developed in the area straddling the border of England and Scotland. Initially, these dogs were used to help shepherds. These are extremely energetic dogs with exceptional intelligence, which is why they are in first place in this classification. According to the study, one of the dogs of this breed learned more than a thousand words and performed corresponding actions after hearing people pronounce these words.

The developed dog breeds are unique in their own way, each breed has its own characteristic, for example, the chow chow has a blue tongue, Newfoundlands are excellent swimmers and lifeguards, some breeds have developed working qualities, while other dogs have intelligence.

Many people strive to have a smart dog that can obey its owner perfectly, follow commands and learn new tricks in a short period of time. When deciding to purchase an animal capable of learning, the question arises: “which breed of dog is the smartest?” However, we should not forget that to develop a dog’s intelligence, you need to make efforts, and not expect that it will grow smart on its own.

Scientific Research on Identifying Smart Dogs

American professor of animal psychology at the University of British Columbia, Stanley Coren, conducted extensive research and in 1994 published the book “Dog Intelligence,” which examines instinctive, adaptive and obedience intelligence. The study included a survey of 200 professional dog obedience experts, including trainers and dog show judges.

Despite the compiled rating of smart dogs, the author of the book does not recommend relying on research results as 100% reliable. The rating was compiled taking into account the animals' ability to understand and carry out commands the first time, without taking into account their creative side and ability to understand other things.

Border collies, German shepherds and poodles are considered the smartest breeds. The intelligence of representatives of these breeds corresponds to the intelligence of a two-year-old child. A striking example of highly developed intelligence is a border collie named Chaser, Chaser’s “vocabulary” numbers more than 1000 words.

List of smart dog breeds

Excellent training abilities (understanding a new command in less than for 5 reps and following commands the first time) the following breeds have:

Breed Distinctive features
Representatives of the breed have developed intelligence, ingenuity, they are distinguished by dexterity and a high level of energy.
Poodle An active breed with high mental potential. Loyal companions, they establish excellent contact with people of different ages and with animals.
German Shepherd A service dog with endurance and courage.
Golden retriever A friendly dog ​​that performs its duties well in search and rescue operations. Loyal companions tend to strive to please their owner.
Doberman A hardy and fast service breed that shows fearlessness in dangerous situations. True friend.
Sheltie A working breed characterized by a high level of intelligence and increased activity.
Labrador Retriever Family and sporting dog. Representatives of the breed are affectionate, intelligent, active, friendly animals.
Papillon Representatives of the breed are characterized by cheerfulness and endurance. The Papillon is a big dog in a small body.
Rottweiler A set of certain qualities allows dogs of this breed to be used as service dogs, herding dogs, and companions. Loyal and loving animals, affectionate with family members.
Australian Cattle Dog Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their natural agility, energy, curiosity and ability to obey.

Excellent training abilities, namely to understand a new team for 5-15 repetitions and its implementation the first time have:

11. Pembroke Welsh Corgi
12. Miniature Schnauzer
13. English Springer Spaniel
14. Belgian Shepherd (Tervuren)
15. Schipperke
16. Collie and Keeshond
17. Kurzhaar
18. Flat-Coated Retriever, English Cocker Spaniel and Miniature Schnauzer
19. Breton epagnol
20. American Cocker Spaniel
21. Weimaraner
22. Belgian Malinois and Bernese Mountain Dog
23. Pomeranian

25. Vizsla
26. Cardigan Welsh Corgi

It should be noted that several breeds share one place. For example, 16th place was shared by a long-haired collie, a short-haired collie and a keeshond.

For dog breeds with average training abilities, namely command understanding for 15-25 repetitions, relate:

27. Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Puli and Yorkshire Terrier
28. Giant Schnauzer
29. Airedale Terrier and Bouvier des Flanders
30. Border Terrier and Briard
31. Welsh Springer Spaniel

33. Samoyed dog
34. Field Spaniel, Newfoundland, Australian Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Gordon Setter, Bearded Collie
35. Cairn Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Irish Setter
36. Norwegian Elkhound
37. Affenpinscher, Australian Silky Terrier, Miniature Pinscher, English Setter, Pharaoh Hound, Clumber Spaniel
38. Norwich Terrier
39. Dalmatian

Ability to learn a new team for 25-40 repetitions and executing the command the first time have:

40. Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Bedlington Terrier, Fox Terrier
41. Curly-coated retriever, Irish wolfhound
42. Kuvasz, Australian Shepherd
43. Saluki, Finnish Spitz, Pointer
44. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Drahthaar, Black and Tan Coonhound, American Water Spaniel
45. Siberian Husky, Bichon Frize, King Charles Spaniel
46. ​​Tibetan Spaniel, English Foxhound, Otterhound, American Foxhound, Greyhound, Korthals Griffon
47. West Highland White Terrier, Havanese, Deerhound
48. Boxer, Great Dane
49. Basset Hound, Shiba Inu, Staffordshire Bull Terrier
50. Alaskan Malamute
51. Whippet, Shar Pei, Wire Fox Terrier

53. Ibizan dog, Welsh terrier, Irish terrier, Boston terrier, Akita inu

Below average abilities when understanding commands is required 40-80 reps, have breeds:

55. Skye Terrier
56. Norfolk Terrier, Sealyham Terrier
57. Pug
58. French Bulldog
59. Brussels Griffon, Maltese
60. Italian Greyhound
61. Chinese Crested
62. Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Vendean Basset Griffon, Tibetan Terrier, Japanese Chin, Lakeland Terrier
63. Old English Sheepdog
64. Pyrenean mountain dog
65. Scottish terrier, St. Bernard
66. Bull Terrier
67. Chihuahua
68. Lhasa Apso
69. Bullmastiff

For dogs with the lowest learning abilities who need 80-100 reps to remember commands include:

70. Shih Tzu
71. Basset Hound
72. Mastiff
73. Beagle
74. Pekingese
75. Bloodhound
76. Russian greyhound
77. Chow-chow
78. English Bulldog
79. Basenji

Some of the breeds at the bottom of the list could compete in intelligence with those dogs that, according to research, turned out to be the smartest. The fact is that any dog ​​is capable of learning, but certain breeds require more training time and more patience on the part of the owner. Certain breeds, due to their natural independence and stubbornness, do not want to obey the owner at his first request.

Every person obsessed with the idea of ​​​​buying a smart dog should ask himself the question “What is it for?” Owners of a border collie, an active and intelligent dog, may regret their choice if they do not give the dog the opportunity to realize its intellectual abilities. If the owner himself leads an inactive lifestyle and is not ready to work with the animal in terms of its mental development, then it is better to pay attention to calmer breeds that do not require much attention. Even the smartest dogs without proper training can turn out to be the most disobedient, and the owner risks being stupider than the pet. When choosing a breed, you should first evaluate the animal's energy level, not its intelligence.

Dog breeders are often concerned with the question of which breeds are included in the list of the most trainable ones. When purchasing this or that purebred dog, it is important to know that the mental abilities of our smaller brothers are absolutely different. Varying degrees of training, stress resistance, level of obedience. Therefore, it was decided to identify the top 10 smartest dog breeds.

One of the psychology professors at the University of British Columbia set out to find out which breed would be the smartest. To do this, we had to go a long way, developing special questionnaires for professional trainers. As a result, more than two hundred questionnaires were sent out, which contained questions on which it was necessary to rate 110 types of purebred pets. In order for the assessment to be more truthful and objective, each coach’s ward had to show their work and obey the person unquestioningly.

The undoubted leader in this list was the Border Collie breed. Perseverance in work, excellent obedience - these are her main qualities. Possessing good herding skills, the breed has proven itself to be an excellent partner.

Gets along well with children and is unpretentious in attention. In fact, the Border Collie breed is the smartest in the world.

Most active

The second place in the top 10 is firmly assigned to poodles. Several centuries ago, the poodle was widely used as a swimmer for shot ducks. Since that time, poodles have not forgotten their skills and feel great in the aquatic environment. However now The breed is bred only for decorative purposes, and is not used in hunting, but this does not prevent it from being in second position after the leader. Main qualities:

  • intelligence;
  • activity;
  • high level of learning ability.

The top three most intelligent purebred representatives are closed by the German Shepherd. An absolutely cute breed, endowed with a share of cunning and ingenuity. Having its own character, the dog is easy to train, however, it will not allow itself to be bullied. More games, more affection - German Shepherds love to have fun. It is not surprising that this particular breed is the most in demand in law enforcement agencies - an excellent sense of smell along with its rather large size gives the dog a significant advantage. If we add to all this the nature of a workaholic, then this becomes an excellent set for a service breed.

The most family-friendly

After the brave defender comes the breed, the family's favorite. Devotion, intelligence - all this is about the Golden Retriever. A kind, large dog with long hair will be an excellent family companion. Also herding instinct will help the dog to be a faithful protector of even the smallest child. Golden retrievers are very often chosen as guides for blind people - they will not allow you to stumble. Even in difficult situations, such as a missing person, the dog will be an excellent bloodhound, having an excellent sense of smell. This breed is very pleasant to keep at home, since just its appearance will evoke positive emotions.

The rightful fifth place is taken by the handsome Doberman. Such sensitive dogs cannot be found anywhere. Loyalty for them is main priority, will protect the owner to the last. She has a lot of internal strength to endure a long, grueling run, and will come to the finish line first.

However, a Doberman dog very capricious and will not always follow your commands. But you shouldn’t punish her for disobedience; she doesn’t tolerate insults. It is important to know that Dobermans are willing and able to learn, and if everything works out, in the end you will get the main prize - a discreet and smartest dog in the world. The most important thing is more perseverance and attention from the owner. Do not forget that Dobermans tolerate moving very well, but do not take punishment well.

Most beautiful

Right behind the Doberman comes the Shetland Sheepdog, or Sheltie. A mini version of the beautiful Collie breed, the Sheltie was originally bred for herding purposes - guarding a flock of sheep, or leading a herd of cows to watering. At first, this was the only job of the Sheltie breed. Then, the time came when people realized that such a gorgeous dog should be decorative. Small size, shiny long coat and cheerful disposition– Shelties have it all. He gets along well in new conditions and finds a common language with his family. As a result: a family companion, a devoted animal, good at active activities and training - will be an excellent solution for a large and friendly family.

The seventh top place is headed by the Labrador Retriever breed. He trains well, does not have a menacing appearance, however, he is a devoted defender. These qualities good for families with children. The love for an active life and outdoor games makes the breed irreplaceable. Labradors are very smart and love attention to themselves. An ideal option for those families who are committed to a healthy lifestyle and love outdoor games.

Tiny Papillons firmly took eighth position in the ranking of the most intelligent breeds. Miniature dogs of decorative breeding have a very loud bark, and can warn their owner not only about the arrival of mail, but also about a suspicious person in your home. Constant travel will not tire a devoted dog, but, on the contrary, will give it incentive and good spirits. The trainability of this breed depends on the dog’s mood, however, may surprise you with its performance. Tiny creatures love training and tricks of varying complexity. Despite their size (their height rarely exceeds 30 centimeters), Papillons are very courageous and courageous pets.

The penultimate place in the top ten smartest breeds is occupied by the Rottweiler breed. Huge teeth and gigantic size along with the dark color make the breed menacingly scary. However, it all depends on what kind of work the owner does with the dog. If there is more aggression, then naturally the pet will be unfriendly. But everything needs to be done in moderation. And if the balance is maintained, you will get an excellent obedience dog. Here it should be noted that the owner must have character, since the breed is very capricious and is not easy to train instantly. Character traits:

  • force;
  • perseverance;
  • performance.

The ten most intelligent purebred dogs are occupied by the Australian Cattle Dog. Diligence, interesting coat color, kind character - all this can be found in this breed. The dog is an excellent guide and shepherd, and will happily take on training with new teams. Good mood and active games- favorite activities of the Australian shepherd. She loves children and is ready to run around the yard with them all day long; she will be happy if she is treated to her favorite treat. The main advantage of this breed is reliability. The only thing she may not like is being in a confined space; she prefers to spend more time in the fresh air.

The rest of the breeds are not the dumbest breeds, it just takes a little more time to teach them different commands. Of course, it all depends on the coach, how much time was spent so that the dog could repeat this or that task. The main point in training is the repetition of commands with some frequency. Otherwise, the dog will again need some time to remember what it was taught two months ago.

Choosing a breed when you want to have a puppy at home can cover a wide range of requirements. However, many people put intelligence, intelligence and learning ability first. If you are interested in the smartest dogs, you should familiarize yourself with the following rating so as not to make a mistake when choosing a pet. It’s so great when a dog masters not only the very basics, but also learns to understand a person’s gestures and gaze, navigate situations independently, make the right decisions, and doesn’t just wear slippers.

The Australian Cattle Dog is traditionally placed in 10th place in the ranking, which, unfortunately, is an expensive rarity in our country and is only offered in kennels in the largest cities at high prices. This is an intelligent and friendly dog, it is always on the move, and it needs to be provided with conditions for play and activity. She doesn't need serious care, but she's definitely not suitable for apartment living.

The Rottweiler takes 9th place in the ranking - it is a common and not too expensive dog with a puppy costing from several thousand to several tens of thousands of rubles in nurseries and from private hands. When filling out the top 10 smartest dogs in the world, one cannot leave aside this muscular handsome man who has:

  • high intelligence;
  • unpretentiousness to living conditions;
  • strength and excellent health.


If you are interested in smart dogs, it is worth paying attention to the possibility of adopting a Doberman with approximately the same cost of a puppy and the same prevalence. But this dog needs a domineering owner and serious physical activity, it is active and can be prone to aggression. But in general, the Doberman is a smart guy, and that’s why he ended up in 8th place in the ranking.


The Papillon with its small size, irrepressible activity and cheerfulness was also included in the ranking of the smartest dogs. 7th place was given to this breed for its ease of training, ability to find a common language with people and other manifestations of intelligence.

But it is worth remembering that such dogs tend to bark a lot, and their fur is constantly in need of care; it will have to be brushed daily. This is also not the cheapest breed, and you can find it in large or specialized nurseries.

The Labrador Retriever, who loves to swim, is not afraid of the cold, and loves people and large families, deservedly took 6th place in the top smartest dogs. This is a good-natured dog that gets along well with children - it is difficult to anger him. Due to the prevalence of the breed, it will not be difficult to find a puppy, and at a price from several thousand to several tens of thousands of rubles, it can be bought both in a nursery and from private hands.

5th place is occupied by Sheltie - as the most adapted breed to humans, capable of recognizing even intonations. This active dog requires daily exercise, it is attached to its owner, and requires attention and love. You can buy a puppy for a couple of tens of thousands of rubles in a nursery or from breeders.

The mind of this breed can play a cruel joke - realizing that it is being treated rudely, that the owner is not in a good mood, the dog can simply refuse to carry out the command, or even run away.

When considering the top 10 smartest dog breeds, one cannot leave aside the golden retriever, which ranks 4th. This breed is very popular and widespread; you can literally find a puppy in your own or a neighboring yard if you contact one of the owners, and you won’t need a lot of money. This is a sociable dog that understands people well, is distinguished by its tenderness, and also loves to swim.

Moving on to the top three, it’s worth remembering the German Shepherd. She is fearless, easy to learn, adapts well to different conditions, and knows how to make informed decisions. Buying a puppy is not difficult, you will have to spend from a couple of thousand to several tens of thousands depending on the pedigree and its availability, and in any case you can get a reliable guard and a devoted friend. It is not for nothing that this breed is so actively exploited in official areas - it is really easy to train and perfectly finds a common language with people, and understands everyone around them well.

The noble poodle came in second place. This dog has a specific coat, which is even called hair, and it is completely safe for allergy sufferers.

A poodle can be purchased inexpensively from private hands - or pay

There are more, but purchase from a nursery with a pedigree. They are quite common; in a large city you can easily find a breeder, and more than one.

The first place and title of “The smartest dog in the world” rightfully belongs to the border collie. She is considered the smartest due to her exceptional ability to concentrate and the highest rates of learning ability. But this is a high activity dog ​​that will require a lot of play and may have problems with children. This is not the cheapest dog, but a couple of tens of thousands of rubles is more than enough to buy a good puppy.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, there are many breeds of dogs with high mental performance - and everyone can choose an option to their liking, choosing just the kind of pet that will suit you in all respects. You can find both rare and common dogs, and as for the cost of purchasing a puppy, this is worth mentioning separately. For each breed, there are wide gradations of prices, because puppies are offered both with and without pedigree, and one of the parents or both may have a pedigree. Parents can be exhibitors, winners, or just beautiful animals.

In addition, puppies are widely sold - half-breeds, mixed breeds of various breeds. Their cost is usually low, but if you want to see the qualities of a purebred dog, mixed breeds can greatly disappoint you. Which, however, should not exclude the desire to adopt a simply beautiful puppy if you really like him - with a careful approach, even the simplest yard dog can demonstrate miracles of intelligence, trying to please a kind owner.

Which dog breed is the best? Any dog ​​lover will immediately answer that this is the breed of his favorite. It is useless to argue with him, because the pet's love and devotion will outweigh an objective assessment.

Even the assessment of specialists cannot be called completely justified, because Different breeds are bred for different purposes. But, we can separate them into groups according to their valuable properties.

Intelligence, beauty, loyalty, size and strength. Here are the criteria by which you can identify the best dog breeds.


No matter what purpose the breed is bred for, the dog’s intelligence will always be the most important indicator. When they talk about intelligence, they mean three of its facets:

  • instinctive;
  • adaptive;
  • obedience.

Instinctive intelligence called the dog’s excellent performance of genetically assigned functions.

Adaptive Intelligence necessary when performing some task only on your own.

Obedience– the ability of an animal to learn commands given by a person.

But this approach to determining the intelligence of a breed is not absolute, because a good sled dog, for example, should be able to drive a team, independently choosing the best path, and the habit of independent actions reduces obedience.

The genotype of dogs of recently bred breeds is very different from the genotype of a wolf, so they learn commands much faster than representatives of ancient breeds.

  1. remembers unusually quickly, but what’s amazing is that he is able to predict the owner's command.
  2. able to think, can experience a feeling of compassion. He studies easily, with pleasure, it’s not without reason that you can meet him both as a circus performer and as a security guard.
  3. able to remember a command after five repetitions. Excellent mental abilities easily allow you to master the skills of a security guard and bloodhound.
  4. Intelligence is perfectly characterized by the scope of application of its abilities: customs, police, companion for a blind man.
  5. sometimes called a dog with human thinking.
  6. willingly learns, understanding and remembering commands well, but due to the mobility of the nervous system, she is a little timid.
  7. remembers a new command after five repetitions, but Successful learning requires strong motivation.
  8. learns with pleasure, can withstand even routine, but knows how to get around the owner's prohibitions - such an extraordinary use of intelligence.
  9. He has an excellent memory, he is smart, and is able to make his own decisions. Physical activity is necessary to develop intelligence.
  10. enjoys learning, loves challenging tasks.

The Doberman is able to intuitively understand any situation, and evaluates people's intentions by intonation.


When people call dogs the most loyal creatures in the world, they are not mistaken, they are not exaggerating. A loving dog is devoted to his owner until his last breath. This is why we become so attached to our pets.

You can get obedience from a dog, but love and devotion must be earned through a kind, caring attitude.

However, there are also top 10 best dog breeds based on their devotion to the owner:

  1. called a symbol of devotion. The animal becomes attached to its owner forever and is very sad without him.
  2. chooses the owner once and for all, He will follow his master everywhere and will give his life without hesitation.
  3. - an affectionate and kind dog, becomes attached to all family members.
  4. They become so attached to their owner that separation even for a couple of hours becomes torture for them.
  5. Collies are strongly attached to the whole family and have difficulty experiencing loneliness. They may even get sick from melancholy.
  6. The affection for its owner is amazing: never gives up, always ready to defend.
  7. loves his owner endlessly, ready to be with him for days.
  8. adores its owner and often fights for his love. Will rush to defense in absolutely any situation.
  9. very attached to all family members, but especially loves the owner.
  10. symbol of brutality, loves and protects the whole family.

A boxer cannot be given to other people - he will not get used to it and will become aggressive.


There is no concept more ambiguous than the concept of “beauty”. For some, a huge dog is charming, for others, a tiny dog ​​is charming.

  1. very beautiful: symmetrically colored muzzle with a stripe, almond-shaped blue eyes outlined in black. The dog looks like a young, full of strength wolf.
  2. not only beautiful in appearance, but also very affectionate, There is a constant expression of a smile on the face.
  3. - a miniature spaniel with round sad eyes. Kind, delicate, playful dog.
  4. Playful little dog — — looks like a toy bear or a fox.
  5. Ears similar to the wings of a butterfly, hence the name.
  6. The Bobtail is a long-haired white or blue-gray dog. Gray-blue specimens usually have blue eyes.
  7. - small, cute, cheerful creature with an unusually beautiful face and fur.
  8. – a powerful dog with a very beautiful tricolor wool.
  9. – a proportionally built dog with slanted eyes, at the same time similar and like a fox and a wolf.
  10. with luxurious wool.


  1. The English Mastiff is the largest breed: at the withers – 90 cm, weight 100-110 kg.
  2. reaches 80-87 cm at the withers with a weight of 70 to 90 kg.
  3. The Iberian Mastiff, with a height of 77-81 kg, weighs 70-100 kg.
  4. The Spanish Mastiff reaches 77-80 cm at the withers and weighs 80-100 kg.
  5. grows up to 77-78 cm, weighs 60-80 kg.
  6. can grow up to 70-90 cm with a weight of 80-100 kg.