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Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a flood? Flood: Miller's dream book. Dream Interpretation: flood on the street, in the city, big wave

Seeing a raging element in a dream means changes, unrest taking place in a person’s soul. Being in a stressful state, the body sends a message: I am exhausted, I need rest. Dreams showing a rampant natural disaster are a serious excuse to check your health. When figuring out why you dream of a flood, think: what external factors provoked the vision? Evaluate the events of recent days, possible prerequisites for the future. Stop taking what is happening to heart, otherwise you will not be able to bear the burden you have shouldered. A more specific meaning will be suggested by the details and storyline of the dream. We advise you to remember the nuances in order to conduct a correct analysis.

Elemental meaning

Did you dream of a flood at night, causing a state of panic after waking up, fear, heavy thoughts, unpleasant expectations? Most likely, problems will come in reality. Subconsciously, the dreamer understands: there is no chance to avoid difficulties. The upcoming event causes fear, which transforms into the plot of a rampant disaster.

As the classic dream book says, the image symbolizes strong emotional disturbances. The water element is a psychological projection of the sensory sphere of the human mind. Our experiences, anxieties, and fears are represented by the subconscious as a flood, creative or destructive. What do others say?


According to the dream book of an American psychologist, flooding is a depressive symbol associated with large financial losses. However, a bright, calm element speaks of a stable financial situation and a balanced internal state. Does the dream observer see in a dream a flood, carrying him away along with various debris and dirt? Miller advises to give up active work and leave ideas without implementation for now.


Explaining the meaning of the image, this interpreter says that wealth, family well-being, and happiness will soon await the observer of the dream. True, the water should be clear; dirty liquid is a harbinger of bad news.


Explaining why she dreams of a flood, the Bulgarian woman connected the raging elements with a joyless, difficult period in real life. Pay attention to the presence and size of the waves. The higher and more threatening they are, the harder it will be in reality. Problems will pile up, causing depression. If you dream of a small flood, playfully rolling light waves, expect a miraculous deliverance from misfortunes.


As this dream book says, a flood is a symbol of a panic attack. An event will occur that will lead to uncontrollable horror. Don't give in to depressive moods. Seeing yourself rapidly spinning in a whirlwind means experiencing psychological problems in reality.


The famous Austrian, deciphering a flood in a dream, associated the image with thoughts regarding a possible pregnancy. Moreover, both the dreamer and the spouse, girlfriend, relative, enemy - any important person. Gender matters a lot here. For a woman to see a flood in a dream means to be afraid of conception or childbirth in reality. For a man, such a dream is a harbinger of maturity for starting a family.

Modern interpreter

As this dream book says, a flood predicts changes that are ready to happen. Control your own feelings, moderate your worries! Otherwise, anxiety will consume you, turning your life into a stressful existence. The interpreter says: a smooth, noisy stream, slowly flooding a huge space, portends financial success and stable well-being. Did the wave bring human remains? Expect mental anguish and illness.

Ancient Slavs

The interpreter explained the flood in a dream as a real encounter with difficulties that can be overcome. The dreamer may suddenly find himself in a strange, even frightening place or difficult situation. Did you manage to get out of the water? In reality, everything will be resolved successfully, forgiveness of past grievances, clarification of protracted relationships is possible.

Many interpreters insist: the image of a flood indicates an individual’s inability to correctly express their own emotions. By keeping feelings inside, a person accumulates experiences, reinforcing them many times over. Having seen a dream with a flood, think: what did you not tell your loved ones, what omissions exist in communicating with others?

Condition after waking up

The subconscious often gives a hint, leaving a certain aftertaste. Remember the feeling that came immediately. Any negative symbolizes disturbing experiences in reality, impending bad news, and problems lurking. If, despite the frightening plot, the dream left pleasant memories, relax. There are good events and life changes ahead.

Decoding the vision in detail

The general meaning is reinforced by the features of the storyline, the nuances that determine the course of the dream. Carefully analyze the dream: what happened, how, how it ended. This way you will unravel the essence of the mysterious message.

Elemental behavior

A menacing, seething stream that destroys everything in its path symbolizes many problems that have already happened in reality or are brewing. Second meaning: a loud scandal, a conflict in which the observer will become a participant. Expect a sharp turn in life, most likely negative.

Why do you dream of a flood with slowly flowing liquid? Symbol of an impending threat. Perhaps the health of the dream observer, or property, will suffer. Do you want to maintain well-being and defend your won positions? We will have to fight, otherwise the usual way of life will collapse.

According to the dream book, a large flood wave promises mass panic.

Dreamer behavior

  • Are you observing the disaster from the sidelines? Thanks to some incident that happened, you will radically change your point of view in reality;
  • Swimming in water feeling icy cold? In reality, you will experience sincere repentance, albeit belated;
  • Are you saving a person from the power of the elements? Expect illness that disrupts plans;
  • Are you running away from a flood in a dream? In reality, you close your eyes to what is happening, hoping that the problems will resolve themselves. Incorrect position;
  • As the interpreter says, to escape from the flood is to actively resist real fate.

Water condition

For the interpretation of such dreams, the appearance of the liquid is of great importance. Dirty, muddy waves with garbage promise negative changes that bring a lot of trouble. Transparent, light water - to positive events. Were you unable to discern such details because you observed the flood from a distance? Get ready to meet material prosperity, but not soon.

Scene of the incident

If you dream of a flood on the street, expect real revival at the point you see. The reasons are different: a rally, a festive procession, folk festivals. Alternative meaning: a strong surge of emotions that suddenly overwhelms a person.

Explaining what a flood in a city may mean in a dream, interpreters warn: a disaster involving a large number of people is possible. Usually such dreams have a negative prophetic meaning. The floods are a symbol of the loss of many human lives.

According to dream books, a flood in the sea marks mental instability of the individual and depressive states. A flood in an apartment means a loss of a sense of security at home. Large natural areas mean a good increase in money.

End of the world

According to dream books, a flood as an apocalypse speaks of a complete upheaval in life. Another meaning: getting rid of damage, removing negativity from the observer of the vision.

By unraveling why you dream of a flood, you can understand yourself more deeply and recognize the carefully hidden truth. Listen to your emotions, evaluate your inner state and understand the reason for what you see. The subconscious gives a hint by sending dreams; it is important to comprehend the meaning by comparing the details.

Frightening dreams about flooding can be understood in different ways, depending on what feelings and emotions you experienced. If you calmly and solemnly watched as the elements flooded vast spaces, then this is a sign of spiritual development and change for the better. The water cleared your mind and took away everything unnecessary. Now you can calmly start life again, armed with your previous experience.

If fear comes over you along with the flood, and the panic does not go away even after waking up, then this is a signal that there has been a strong release of accumulated energy and suppressed emotions. In reality, you feel hopeless and cannot change the current situation in any way.

Dream interpretation flood

Dreaming of a flood, according to Freud’s dream book, leads to disturbing thoughts about conceiving a child and pregnancy itself. Perhaps you are thinking and worrying about someone close to you, or you yourself really want to have a child.
Flood in a dream - Vanga’s dream book. Signifies impending poverty due to the growing love of drink. Expect unexpected guests.

Why do you dream of a flood according to Miller’s dream book? Drowning people screaming in a dream are a harbinger of loss, sadness and a hopeless situation in the surrounding society.

If you see in a dream how beautiful, clear, calm waters have flooded a huge territory, then this is a good omen. Long-awaited peace and rest awaits you after a long, exhausting struggle. Your efforts will be generously rewarded with prosperity.

Dreaming of being carried away by dark, dirty streams of water is a prediction of a long-term illness that will take you away from important matters and work for a long time.

A modern dream book explains a flood in a dream as a good omen. The period of long travel, dangerous difficulties, battles and hardships is over. Now a peaceful, measured life began in complete prosperity.

If people died during the flood, then this is a sign of imminent losses that can unsettle you for a long time. You will feel the bitterness of the uselessness of your own existence.

If you yourself are caught up in a raging stream, and you cannot do anything about it, then this is an omen of a long-term illness. For this reason, you will have to postpone many important matters until later.

The Dream Book of the Ancient Slavs warns that if in a dream you are covered with dirty, muddy water, then you will find yourself in a strange, dangerous place and you need to be very careful.

If you dream of being covered in crystal clear water, then this is just a temporary postponement of important events.

If you managed to get out of the flood healthy and unharmed in a dream, then this means quick repentance for past sins. By repenting, you will find forgiveness.

The universal dream book says that every dream about a flood is a harbinger of an imminent catastrophe and unrest. This may be due to unwanted changes for which you were not ready.

Localization of elements in a dream

Why do you dream of a flood in the city? If a metropolis is flooded by raging streams of water, then this is a harbinger of an approaching catastrophe in which people will suffer.

I dream of a flood on the street. The time has come not to take risks, but to behave with restraint and caution. Avoid conflict situations. Take care of your own health and take care of your family.

In the village. If a disaster floods the entire village, destroys houses, carries away people and animals, then this is a bad sign, predicting a terrible catastrophe and a lot of misfortune that will affect not only you, but also other people.

In the mountains. A flood that started from the mountains in a dream foreshadows the loss of a trusting relationship with a loved one.

In room. If you dream that you are in a room at the time of a flood and see how water fills the entire space, this is a signal of major troubles with your superiors. Conflict can ruin your career growth.

I dreamed that there was a flood in the house, which started from the basement and flooded all the rooms. This is a warning that very soon your secret will become known to a wide circle of people.
In the apartment. If you see a pipe burst and flooding the entire apartment, then be prepared for dirty gossip.

Elemental Power

Dreaming of a flood that covered the entire city portends losses. If in a dream you stayed afloat, but lost what you had acquired, then this means financial losses. If you drowned in a dream, then this means losses on the love front.

Water flood. In a dream, you observe the elements from the roof of a house, upper floors, or any other safe place and the water does not touch you, then success in your career awaits you. You will cope with all difficulties and achieve your goal.

Flooding incoming water in a dream indicates internal conflict and personality crisis. In reality, you understand that before this you did not live at all the way you wanted, and it’s time to start all over again.

Dreaming of a tsunami or flood means imminent difficulties in resolving important issues. An explosion of emotions and global changes await you in later life.

Flood is the end of the world. In reality, it does not foretell anything terrible. Big changes await you in your personal life.

A flood wave signifies powerful emotions and inevitable change. There is no point in resisting a new life; you just need to realize that the waves of change will soon calm down. You will emerge from this flood with new knowledge.

The sea is flooding, strong sea waves are covering you. This means that you will soon be overcome by a wave of intense love and passion. And the stronger the waves in the dream, the stronger the feelings.

Flood disaster. Most often, such nightmares only frighten you in your sleep. In reality, no serious disaster will happen. This is just a warning to be careful and not take risks.

Dreaming of a hurricane and flood with downpour and thunderclouds indicates strong sexual dissatisfaction. These thoughts prevent you from living and developing normally.

Fleeing from a flood yourself in a dream is a sign that it is time to stop submitting to base passions, and listen to your reason and common sense.

If you save someone from a flood, then this is a sign of your own helplessness. In reality, you have taken on impossible obligations and are now in desperate need of help.

Water gushing out of the ground caused a flood. This dream foretells imminent surprises. If cold water comes out of the ground, it means unpleasant surprises. Hot water - to joyful changes and fun.

Why does a man dream about a flood?

For men, a dream about a flood has a hidden connotation, and suggests that in reality he experiences a strong sexual passion for pregnant women. If a man is married, then such a dream is a signal that it is time to have children.

If a man watches how water has flooded everything around him, then these are his subconscious memories of his own birth and infancy, of an inextricable connection with his mother.

Why does a woman dream about a flood?

If a woman experiences severe anxiety in a dream, which does not go away even in reality, then this signals her internal panic about an unwanted pregnancy. She is afraid of children and responsibility for them.

For a pregnant woman to see a flood in a dream, it means that she is overwhelmed with feelings. She wants peace, to feel safe and completely isolated from external bustle and problems.

Why do you dream of a flood?

Any stormy, uncontrollable flow of water in dream books means events that we cannot influence. The unexpected realization that children have grown up quickly and life has flown by.

A severe flood with clear and calm water is a good omen, promising a calm, prosperous life.

Finding yourself in the epicenter of a flood means an overabundance of strong feelings and emotions that cannot be contained. If in reality you succumb to momentary weakness and commit a rash act, this will entail losses. Therefore, try to control your emotions.

Watching a flood from the outside in a dream is a sign of a critical attitude towards yourself and your actions. You have a unique ability to see yourself from the outside and correct your own shortcomings in time.

If you dreamed that you were drowning in a flood - in fact, you have great difficulties with communication. The people around you don't want to understand you. Problems began with self-realization of my own ideas. You are scared, but because of petty worries, you may not notice the real danger.

Prevent flooding - fighting a raging stream predicts an approaching disaster. In everyday life you will have to try, but you will cope with all difficulties.

The flood caused famine and drought - a sign of personal stagnation. In ordinary life, you feel dissatisfaction and do not receive the necessary emotions. Do something you love or do charity work for.

A flood caused by heavy rain in a dream speaks of your worries about unsatisfied parental instincts.

In any case, a dream about a flood is just a signal about your internal and mental state, which is worth paying attention to. Free yourself from negative emotions, repent of past sins, clear your conscience, and let peace and tranquility come again in your soul.

None of us would like to find ourselves in the epicenter of a raging disaster, even in our sleep. But does a dream with a tsunami or flood always promise trouble? Popular dream books interpret vision in different ways.

Why do you dream of a flood - dream books of Freud, Miller, Islamic and others

The elements, stormy and uncontrollable, cause fear in many. If in a dream the sight of water swirling around you sent cold goosebumps across your skin, you can’t count on a good prediction.

A wave can drown you or give you new opportunities.

There are uncertain predictions. Their meaning depends on which sign the capricious Fortune draws next to them, plus or minus.

Calm, stagnant water that has flooded everything around and calmed down is associated by interpreters with stagnation in spiritual life. You were moving forward at a good pace, but recently development has stopped. Think about it, what is the reason?

The difference between men's and women's dreams

  1. For lonely girls, a flood threatens major troubles if the dream turns out to be a nightmare. But a light, interesting dream promises a cheerful and comfortable life.
  2. Women who have a partner should focus on their relationship with their loved one. Something is poisoning them: either slight omissions, or more serious contradictions. If you do not find out the reason for the cooling in time, the matter will end in a rupture.
  3. Married ladies who saw water swaying at the threshold of their house in a dream are advised by interpreters to urgently rush to save their marriage. Somewhere nearby, a rival is making circles, pushing the couple towards divorce.
  4. For the stronger sex, an element out of control promises an exhausting struggle for well-being - their own, if the dreamer is not married, or the whole family, when he has already tied the knot.
  5. However, a man’s dream, in which transparent bluish or soft green ridges rose high, promises to turn out to be great success. One of these waves, even if it turns out to be a tsunami, will easily catapult the dreamer to the top of the career ladder or provide an influx of money into the wallet, if you just try a little.

Freud associates flooding in a dream with pregnancy:

  • if a woman dreams of a flood, she or one of her close relatives will be in trouble;
  • A man saw a dream - he is ready to become a father and subconsciously wants his beloved to become pregnant.

A piquant interpretation: if a representative of the stronger sex sees himself in a dream sailing in a boat on water that has spilled to the very horizon, he is attracted to pregnant women.

Pay attention to details

Did the general interpretations not clarify the situation? Well, take your dream apart. Where did it happen? How? Under what conditions?

Place: on the street, in the city, in the village

Miller's dream book interprets a flood in a city unambiguously: the vision of a flooded city or village is a harbinger of disaster. You will have to behave with extreme caution, because every rash step can turn out to be fatal! But other interpreters are completely different. For example, fresh and clear water spilling over a populated area in a dream is often interpreted as an indication of an enterprise, participation in which will bring the dreamer unprecedented profits and the respect of others.

Why do you dream of a flood in the city? The waves running through the streets and pouring into courtyards embody the flow of people. Perhaps your city is only planning a massive holiday celebration, but it may also happen that it is in danger of serious unrest. Just in case, keep this in mind.

The furious elements can both destroy and ensure good luck

If in a dream a river overflowing its banks undermined the walls of your house or flooded through the threshold of your apartment, the whole family will have to go through difficult financial times. However, water rising to the windows is considered a sign of great luck befalling the dreamer. And if a stream burst into your home, picked you up along with your bed and carried you away in an unknown direction, don’t even think about getting scared! An unexpected trick of fate will reveal to you your true happiness.

Meadows and fields hidden under water promise a peaceful, prosperous life, filled with quiet family joys. If in the kingdom of Morpheus you see vast vast spaces filled with water, know that they symbolize happiness and prosperity, which can only be found after going through serious trials.

Why do you dream of a flood in a house? Sometimes a dream about a flooded house is interpreted as a symbol of the dreamer’s personality crisis.

Water quality: clear or cloudy

Cloudy and dirty slurry always means something unpleasant:

At the same time, dirty foam on the tops of the waves warns of slander that competitors will try to bring on you.

Clean and clear water, on the contrary, indicates that everything in your life will turn out well, successes and profitable acquisitions await you ahead. And even if it seems that obstacles are appearing on the way one after another, don’t even think about giving up! Obstacles will fall, and you will achieve your desired goal.

A person who finds himself in a scalding icy stream in a dream is given a chance to admit his previous mistakes, let them go and start a new life cleansed and renewed. Use it!

Some interpreters consider any water to be a symbol of prosperity, with the only difference being that clean waves symbolize domestic rubles, and dirty waves symbolize foreign currency. This is a kind of patriotism.

Video: a few more words about water

Active or passive behavior of the dreamer: watching the flood from the side or running away

If at night you watched the rising water from the sidelines and felt anxious, you are about to meet an unpleasant person who will also be very intrusive. But those who admired the flood without expressed fear will experience global changes either in their way of life or in their outlook on the world. And it’s not a fact that you won’t like them.

If you looked around with fear and longing, seeing yourself on an island surrounded on all sides by water, it is better not to make grandiose plans in the near future. The stars are not on your side, and most likely you will not be able to bring your plans to life. But those who were only curious were promised to “drown” in luxury.

A dream about people being carried away by a fast current is definitely considered bad - it predicts loss, despair and loneliness. And even if in a dream you were a member of a rescue expedition and actively tried to help those affected by the disaster, you cannot count on pleasant changes. It is believed that this dream will be followed by a difficult illness, which will force you to change your plans, and even destroy some of them.

Global disasters and participation in them

If in a dream you happened to observe a personal mini-version of the global flood, this does not mean that you will have to go to the bottom. Quite the opposite! Such dreams speak of the luck of the dreamer, who will be able to “get away with it” and remain unharmed where someone else would probably be seriously injured. In various sources, apocalyptic dreams are called either a sign of wealth that will literally fall from the sky, or a sign of the approach of a great mutual feeling, or simply a promise of a trip along a river or sea.

The end of the world in a dream does not mean the end of the world in reality

One “but”: if the water you dreamed of was dirty, things may get stuck for some time amid a mass of small but annoying obstacles.


Huge waves, inevitably approaching land, personify forces that man cannot resist. Perhaps the dreamer feels that he has lost control of the situation and can now only doomedly watch the development of events. Or the origins of the dream are hidden in the past: say, some traumatic situation left its mark on the psyche of the sleeper, forcing him to permanently await a catastrophe.

In any case, a gloomy wave of gray or black symbolizes a dangerous period during which failures will await you everywhere. But blue or clear water is associated with significant changes for the better. Having passed the test of strength, almost drowning, you will rise to life, cleared of previous fears and mistakes.

Sink or swim

You almost drowned, but still made it to shore? Such a dream can be interpreted in two ways.

Anyone who obediently watched the water roll over the city at night is too passive to achieve prosperity and needs to adjust his behavior. But the one who sought shelter, climbed a tree or hastily built a boat will not drown in any storm in life - for this he is too purposeful and confident in his abilities.

A less common, but interesting interpretation says: a person who runs away from stormy waves in a dream is actually running away from himself, diligently suppressing internal impulses and desires. Try to find a reasonable balance between “need” and “want”, otherwise you’re not far from a nervous breakdown.

Interpretation by days of the week

  1. A dream about a flood, seen from Thursday to Friday, is considered to be a symbol of fruitless efforts: try or don’t try, but you won’t be able to overcome the elements.
  2. A dream that visited a person on Saturday night, on the contrary, advises not to give up. If desired, the river can be turned back!
  3. Water that raged in a dream from Saturday to Sunday is understood by interpreters as a sign of a disease that will take a long time to cure.

Water is a changeable element. She is capable of being soft and cruel, taking the desired form and destroying any boundaries, quenching thirst and killing. This is why dreams about floods are so difficult to interpret. The smallest details, shades of mood, colors, appearance and even the temperature of the incoming water - everything has its meaning. When looking through dream books, do not forget to ask yourself more often what this or that symbol means to you personally, only then will the interpretation make sense.

In any of the well-known dream books, a flood dreamed of in a dream is not a very favorable sign. A flood in a dream has many meanings, why such a dream can be determined only after studying the predictions of various interpretations - one of them will more accurately fit a specific case and can give the most accurate description.

In modern dream books, however, there are also predictions that are opposite in meaning. Flood and inundation appears as a symbol of a calm and carefree life of peace and prosperity, which has been pacified after a long desperate struggle or grueling life trials.

A dream in which the sleeper is carried away by powerful streams of waves, a lot of water engulfing the streets, foreshadows a serious illness, due to which he will have to leave work and all real affairs and plans for a while. The modern dream book considers a flood on the street to be a symbol of a disease dormant within, be it physical or mental. Rough water flows can also be a harbinger of premature aging due to rapidly growing children or other inevitable events.

However, a flood can also be a good sign: if you see clean and calm water spilling everywhere, this may indicate:

  • resolving a long-standing problem;
  • reconciliation with oneself;
  • calm.

Miller's Dream Book

Why you dream about a flood in a city can be explained by this dream book. A populated area flooded by dark seething streams predicts an imminent catastrophe, which will entail disproportionately large losses.

Miller claims that people caught in a flood in a dream and saved can become a sign of imminent losses that will turn life into a useless and sad existence, from which there will be no bright outcome in sight. However, the dream book does not advise losing heart: large spaces filled with clear and light water mean gaining strength and new hopes after a difficult and seemingly useless struggle. Such a dream promises peace and a peaceful life after a desperate battle.

Stormy waters carry away the sleeping person along with debris and other debris, such a vision threatens:

  • emergency illness;
  • forced pause in the process of an important matter;
  • failure to achieve a goal.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud also dreams of floods, rising water and flooded streets. He believed that such dreams were associated with thoughts of pregnancy. The dream book claims that women dream of territories flooded by uncontrolled waters because of disturbing thoughts about childbirth and pregnancy. Perhaps this is due not only to the sleeping person herself, but also to the situation of her friends or relatives. Or such visions directly speak of a woman’s inner desire to give birth to a child, which emerges in the subconscious when she herself is unconscious.

Freud's dream book also warns that disturbing dreams about floods and difficult or abrupt awakenings after them may mean a fear of becoming pregnant or a fear of children. Such fears can be disturbing in later life if they are not treated by a specialist.

In the case of a man who saw a flood in his dreams, the dream book claims that the sleeper is attracted to pregnant women or dreams of having his own children as soon as possible. Moreover, the more powerful and large-scale the flood in night dreams, the more cherished this dream.

Also, such a dream can be a kind of symbol of the baby’s memory of his own birth. This memory contains a deep and strong connection between the sleeper and his mother, and it may also be a reference to the first years of the child’s life, where some fateful events could happen.

Talking of the Ancient Slavs

The Dream Book of the Ancient Slavs warns about strange and unusual events that can happen if you dreamed of a wave of muddy and dirty water covering your head. If clean water appears in such a vision, this is a warning that important matters will soon have to be postponed somewhat.

The ancient Slavs also foresaw another circumstance: if in a dream you manage to free yourself from the tormenting stormy water streams, this will lead to repentance for things that have already happened in real life. Repentance leads to forgiveness and liberation.

In addition, such night dreams may indicate a hidden fear of openly expressing one’s thoughts and emotions. If you drown in a dream, then this indicates your inability to cope with a certain situation in life, a feeling of lost control over life.

Dreams about a tsunami logically suggest that the dreamer will soon encounter difficult difficulties, which he subconsciously fears. This is a kind of warning about an imminent disaster, which can still be prevented in real life. For example, if you dream of a flooded house in which the water rises higher and higher, occupying all the free space, then such a dream warns of a possible personality crisis - after all, the house, in most interpretations, symbolizes a person and his state of mind.

But if the sleeper manages to cope with the signs of a disaster in a dream, then, most likely, he will be able to cope with the problems that are coming in real life. A similar plot, but with a drought instead of a flood, promises major failures, but with some reward for the losses experienced.

But still, even such disturbing dreams can subconsciously calm the sleeper, gently preparing him for trials in real life: in this case, he will, as it were, experience them twice and the second time he will be more prepared.

Universal dream book

This dream book of a flood in the city considers an internal explosion of emotions that did not find a way out in real life, which is why it manifested itself in a dream in a symbolic form. Also, such a dream predicts imminent changes, sometimes quite unexpected. But, most likely, the changes will not surprise the sleeper if in the dream he showed perseverance and readiness to fight the rising water: for example, this could be the loss of a job, an impending illness, or a long move.

Waves in a dream mean strong emotions and changes in life, and the more powerful the water flow, the brighter the feelings and the more dramatic the changes. The wisest decision in such a situation would be to surrender to your deepest experiences for a while, because any storm is soon followed by calm.

Hunger and drought after a flood may indicate stagnation in life. If you experience extreme hunger in a dream, this indicates dissatisfaction and emotional problems in real life.

Interpretations of psychoanalysts

According to modern psychoanalysts, dreams of floods can be interpreted from different points of view: much depends on the person’s personality, his emotional background and life situation. The state in which the dreamer was in his sleep and during awakening also speaks volumes: if he did not feel any fear, then such a plot can become a sign of change. Water carries away the old, cleanses and renews. Such a dream predicts a new life, started “from scratch” - this is a chance to forget about the difficult past and take a step towards a bright future.

However, dreams about floods almost always frighten people, although psychologists consider such moments to be useful. Disasters that appear in dreams represent a powerful release of energy, a release from excess accumulated feelings and thoughts. Tension and stress spill out in dreams, thanks to which in real life a person can become calmer and feel better and more confident.

If the sleeper is not in the very center of the flood, but is, as it were, an observer of it, then such a turn of events indicates that the person is able to look at himself from the outside. This quality can help him overcome many of his shortcomings.

A dream in which the dreamer is drowning in a stream of water suggests that he is too susceptible to emotions and is not always able to keep his mind cool. In such conditions, a person will not always be able to notice the impending danger in time, and in some cases this can become a real threat to many areas of life.

Attention, TODAY only!

A sense of danger is what a person feels when he sees a flood or a flood in a dream. But is everything so scary, and what awaits the dreamer in the future? In many ways, this depends not only on the conditions, circumstances and place where the dreaming person was struck by the elements, but also on the method of interpretation, or rather, the dream book, of which there are a sufficient number.

Why do you dream of a flood according to Miller’s dream book?

The American psychologist Miller became famous for creating his own dream book, which is, in fact, the result of many years of painstaking work. If you believe Miller, then you should not be afraid of the rampant nature seen in a dream, because a flood promises positive changes in life, and in any area.

But if you dreamed of an incredible tsunami, then you should be afraid that in the near future something bad might happen to the dreamer’s closest relatives: a car accident, fire or something similar.

A wave rolling over a participant in events and covering him foreshadows a successful outcome in business. If a giant wave comes, sweeping away everything in its path, and the sleeper simply observes this picture from the side, then reality will turn out to be more severe, and he will have to go through a whole series of tests.

Mudflows covering populated areas, or a river overflowing its banks, are harbingers of serious disasters and natural disasters. If muddy, seething streams of water carry people away in an unknown direction, then they will soon have to experience the pain of loss, and the death of loved ones will make the dreamer’s life absolutely useless and meaningless.

Flood in a dream - Vanga’s dream book

According to the Bulgarian clairvoyant, all dreams in which a flood or flood appears are a symbol of the onset of anxious, joyless days for the dreamer, full of despair and hopelessness. The magnitude of the problems depends on the size of the waves, that is, the larger the wave, the greater the trouble.

When a person sees a flood in a dream, a series of failures, troubles and disappointments awaits him, which is usually called a black streak. Small sea waves playing in the surf predict an unexpected, truly miraculous deliverance from troubles and troubles, therefore, there is no need to be afraid of such a dream.

What does it mean: you dreamed of a flood? Freudian interpretation

Be afraid of the elements that destroy your home, because this promises serious discord in the family, and the possibility of a major conflict with business partners cannot be ruled out either. Sigmund Freud always believed that floods and deluges are not good dreams, and this dream simply cannot be interpreted positively.

Anyone who sees the elements rampant in a dream can prepare for the worst, and the severity of the tests depends on the size of the waves and the width of the water streams. In order to “stay in the saddle” and not break, a person needs to gather all his will into a fist and be prepared for any surprises.

In fact, this dream warns of impending troubles, and those who are forewarned are forearmed. The final outcome of real events depends on the dreamer's willpower, his endurance, patience and wisdom.

Why do you dream of a flood according to the modern dream book?

Perhaps the dreamer will be able to avoid trouble, but only if the water does not come to his feet, because many events, like the elements, can be observed from the outside. Anyone who has seen a flood in a dream needs to be careful in matters relating to the purchase or sale of real estate.

And if a person dreams that water has reached the threshold of his home, then this promises the emergence of family quarrels and troubles. You will have to reconsider your relationship and save the family boat before it crashes on the harsh everyday reefs.

Muddy water predicts the emergence of problems in the intimate sphere, and the abundance of garbage on the surface of such water clearly indicates that someone is spreading gossip behind the sleeping person’s back and trying to discredit him in every possible way. A person floundering in a stream of water will soon fall ill or go bankrupt.

Why do you dream of a flood according to Yuri Longo’s dream book?

Becoming a victim of a flood does not bode well. Such dreams occur in people who are at the mercy of instincts rather than common sense, which is very bad both for themselves and for their immediate environment. The main thing is not to succumb to the elements in a dream, or to the influence of your instincts in reality.

Observing this natural disaster from the outside means that something will soon come true. A grandiose event awaits the dreamer, which will completely turn his life around and force him to perceive reality in a new way. These changes are irreversible and inevitable, and if they happen, they will be forever.

Why do you dream of a flood according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

If the stream of rushing water is clear, then there is nothing to worry about: temporary difficulties will arise, which will soon pass on their own. But if in a dream a person is literally overwhelmed by a dirty wave, then this means that he will become a hostage to incomprehensible and unpleasant circumstances or will find himself in a very unusual place. When the dreamer is surrounded by water on all sides, this predicts a luxurious life and a comfortable old age.

Why do you dream of a flood in an apartment or house?

If you dreamed of a flood in your own home, then you should expect family squabbles, scandals and other conflicts. The dreamer has the power to prevent all this, avoiding a serious storm. And to do this, you just need to set your priorities correctly and pay attention to your loved ones. Did you flood your neighbors in a dream? Expect quarrels and showdowns with them.

A flooded apartment, visible to everyone, is a harbinger of future bankruptcy and, possibly, poverty. Although, everything can still be corrected, because such a dream signals that a person understands the true state of affairs, but does not want to try to fix something. But in vain. Such inaction can lead to complete financial ruin.

Why do you dream about a flood on the street, a flood in the city?

If you dream of a flood on the street, in reality it promises the appearance of a large number of people on it, including the person who saw this dream. It is not necessary that these will be folk festivals or a carnival procession - the likelihood of demonstrations and rallies is also high.

There is also another interpretation regarding the personality of the sleeping person. The flood on the street symbolizes the emotional explosion that covered the dreamer. You just need to pull yourself together, calmly comprehend what is happening and make the right decision.

A flood in the city, seen in a dream, foreshadows a repetition of the same events, but only in reality.

Why do you dream of a flood in the bathtub?

A flood in the bathroom suggests that it’s time to think about your financial situation, which has been considerably shaken. Business is full of unforeseen situations, therefore, you can catch your wave and be constantly on it, or you can simply disappear unknown into the abyss. And how things will go further depends on the further behavior of the dreamer, on his enterprise and ability to make non-standard decisions.

Why do you dream about floods and incoming water?

Much depends on whether the water is cloudy or clear. If the water is cloudy, then nothing good should be expected from such a dream, but if it is clear, then there is always a chance for something good. When a person sees a flood in a dream, but only in general terms, without details, this means that he will gain fame and wealth, albeit in old age.

Incoming water is a threat to human health or property. You will have to fight for your well-being, and if you let your affairs take their course, you can lose everything.

Why else do you dream about a flood?

  • flood from the ceiling - all future events will develop without the participation of the dreamer;
  • flood in the city - there is a high probability of falling under the influence of the masses;
  • global flood - there is a serious struggle with difficulties ahead, you need to be prepared for this;
  • flood-tsunami - loss of control over the situation; the dreamer’s adjustments to the situation will not correct it;
  • flood in the room - a person does not feel protected in his home;
  • flood wave is a mass psychosis that cannot be succumbed to;
  • flood and a lot of water - amazement or shock that has no limit;
  • flood from the outside - an event will occur that can radically change your worldview;
  • territories flooded with clean water - making a profit;
  • flood - the river will overflow its banks in reality;
  • a flooded railway is a dangerous path;
  • swimming in icy water during a flood - later repentance;
  • saving someone during a flood - illness will prevent you from completing what you started;
  • global flood - cleansing from damage and the evil eye;
  • muddy water during a flood is empty gossip;
  • clear water during a flood is a bitter truth;
  • flood - what was started moves towards completion.