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How to treat allergies in dogs. All the necessary information about whether suprastin can be used by a dog Antihistamines for dogs

Suprastin belongs to the group of antihistamines, which is excellent for allergies. The tool blocks the production of histamine, quickly relieves itching, eliminates spasms, and has a calming effect.

The active ingredient of the drug is chloropyramine hydrochloride. The drug enters the bloodstream quickly enough and reaches its maximum concentration in a couple of hours. The medicinal composition begins to act a quarter of an hour after its administration. This drug can be used not only for the treatment of people. Veterinarians often recommend giving a dog Suprastin for allergies.

General information about the drug and its action

The medicine is produced in two forms:

  1. Pills(25 mg) - white or gray-white, each disk has a chamfer and an engraving of the name of the drug. Lactose monohydrate, potato starch, sodium carboxymethyl, gelatin, talc, stearic acid were used as auxiliary components.
  2. Solution(in an ampoule - 20 mg) - intended for injection intramuscularly and intravenously, without color, with a slightly pronounced characteristic odor. In addition to the main element, the composition of the solution includes water.

Suprastin is successfully used in veterinary practice. Although it is considered obsolete, it is able to provide the necessary assistance for allergies. It is used to stop attacks of bronchial asthma, from Quincke's edema, seasonal hay fever, allergic conjunctivitis, itchy papules from insect bites, on the eve of vaccination.

The main active component of the medicinal composition is quickly absorbed in the intestinal tract, penetrating into tissues and organs, not excluding the brain. This means that your pet may experience a somewhat inhibited reaction, a state of drowsiness, disobedience. The drug is excreted from the body by the kidneys. And if your dog is experiencing problems with this paired organ, treatment with Suprastin should be carried out carefully, monitoring the general condition of the animal.

Tablets begin their action in half an hour, which lasts up to twelve hours. After the injection, relief occurs after 10 minutes, but the effect of the injection is short - no longer than three hours. Often, doctors practice a combination - first an injection is given, and then a pill is given. This measure allows you to extend the effect of the drug for one day.

Indications for use in dogs

An allergy in dogs is a strong reaction of the body to any pathogens. For some breeds, they are completely harmless, for others they are a mortal danger. With severe symptoms, it is necessary to take urgent measures to treat your pet. The main signs on which a decision is made to use Suprastin for dogs are:

  • severe itching, in which the animal begins to constantly comb out, from which combing is formed.
  • redness on the skin in the back, abdomen, armpits, ears and fingers.
  • redness of the eyes, watery eyes, cough;
  • increased sweating;
  • signs of swelling on the paws;
  • gag reflex, diarrhea;
  • the appearance of mucus from the nasal passages;
  • unpleasant smell from the wool and skin of the animal;
  • dry skin, hair loss.

It should be remembered that allergies in dogs are much more complicated than in humans. The animal begins to itch strongly and lick its paws, which causes serious irritation and weeping sores. During this period, your dog may begin to develop otitis media and conjunctivitis.

Contraindications and possible side effects

It is believed that Suprastin for allergies can be given to a dog in any case. At the same time, it is necessary to act quickly and effectively in order to help your pet get rid of unpleasant sensations as soon as possible. After the first doses of the drug, it is necessary to organize observation of the animal in order to exclude the manifestation of adverse reactions.

When an animal is weakened by a disease, there is a greater likelihood of negative reactions expressed by anxiety, strange behavior, and heart problems.

It should be noted that this medicine does not always have a similar effect on the animal's body and the phenomena occurring in it. In addition, the medicine itself can become an activator of new allergenic processes or aggravate existing problems. Cases of this nature are quite rare, the cancellation of treatment is replaced by the normalization of the general condition.

All components of the drug can not have a significant effect on the body. But there is a possibility of responses to poor tolerance of individual components.

To reduce the risk of side effects and overdose, you should clearly know how much to give the dog Suprastin for allergies.

Instructions for use Suprastin for dogs and dosage

The daily dosage of Suprastin for dogs in tablets is 2 mg per kilogram of body weight. In this case, the amount of the drug received is distributed into three doses. It must be remembered that the size of a four-legged friend is of great importance in determining the dose, for this reason, dogs of small breeds should be given half a tablet, medium - one, the largest - from one and a half to two.

The calculation of the dosage of Suprastin in ampoules with intramuscular injection of the solution has the same condition for the dimension of the animal, and doses are taken in 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 ml, respectively.

Experienced veterinarians advise small breed animals to give second or third generation drugs. (You can read about the generations of antihistamines.) The medicine does not harm larger animals if it does not suffer from chronic pathologies and does not have serious physiological problems. For older dogs, caution should also be exercised in the use of Suprastin.

Allergy medicine is allowed to be given even to puppies who are one month old from birth.

Based on the progressivity of the disease, the duration of the treatment course may be different. Relief of symptoms for a short period can last no more than one week. And when one use of Suprastin gave a good result, treatment can be stopped. But it will be better if at such moments you consult an experienced doctor.

Even for a pregnant or lactating dog, Suprastin is not harmful, but at the same time it should be used in the minimum doses specified for animals of small breeds. But if the body's response to the drug turned out to be unfavorable, it is necessary to contact a specialist who will adjust the dosage and timing of treatment.

When using Suprastin for allergies, care must be taken in the treatment of elderly animals suffering from pathologies of the liver and paired organ.

Overdose symptoms

The following manifestations are considered to be its signs:

  • motor excitement, in which it is necessary to carefully observe your pet;
  • increased anxiety;
  • deviations in coordination and stability;
  • sudden seizures;
  • dilated and immobile pupils;
  • dry mouth;
  • deviations in the emission of urine.

When most of these signs appear, gastric lavage should be performed or a sorbent given to the dog to reduce the strong effect of the drug.

The opinion of dog owners and veterinarians about the drug

Reviews about the use of Suprastin in veterinary medicine are different. Many note its high efficiency, when others do not observe a positive effect. The effect of the drug on the allergen largely depends on the individual characteristics of the animal. From the reviews of pet owners it follows that Suprastin helps better in the form of injections. It does not bring much harm to the dog, there are practically no side effects.

My pug was bitten by a midge last year. The muzzle of the poor fellow was swollen, his eyes swelled strongly, tubercles appeared. We were very scared, because it all happened at night. They gave me half a Suprastin tablet and went to the vet in the morning. Everything ended well!

Irina, 27 years old

Suprastin tablets did not help us. I gave them to the dog for several days, until the veterinarian made an injection at the second appointment. It was only after the injection that the first signs of improvement appeared.

Denis, 32 years old

I didn’t try Suprastin’s injections, but I gave them in tablets - it didn’t help. I treat my dog ​​for allergies exclusively with Tavegil.

Alexander, 55 years old

I prescribe Suprastin to my pets, there is nothing to worry about, it helps a lot. The main thing is to determine the correct dose. Of course, injections give the best result, but not all of them can be done at home.

Zhukov I.N., veterinarian

A good drug, does not harm the animal. Proper treatment - and your pet will get rid of allergy symptoms without any problems.

Zvontseva I.V., veterinarian

How much and how to store

The price of Suprastin is from 130 to 160 Russian rubles, depending on the form of release. To purchase a solution of Suprastin, a prescription is required, the tablets are freely available in a regular pharmacy.

The drug must be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.

What to replace

Suprastin analogs will come in handy if this particular drug is not at hand, or if for some reason it does not suit your dog. Substitutes for this medication include:

  1. - antiallergic agent, blocks histamine H1 receptors. It is classified as an antihistamine. The drug is able to selectively inhibit H1 receptors and reduce the permeability of the capillary system.
  2. Bravegil- helps with plant allergies, reactions to insect bites, contact dermatitis. Available in the form of tablets and solutions for injection.
  3. is another antihistamine. Blocks the effects of histamine chemicals in the body. It is used in the treatment of sneezing, helps in getting rid of hives and other allergenic symptoms.
  4. - the drug begins to act an hour after application. It does not have a sedative effect on the body. Great for allergic rhinitis.
  5. - blocker of histamine receptors. Available in the form of tablets and drops for internal use. It is an excellent anti-allergic medicine.

Often there are situations when, when an allergy occurs in dogs, specialized veterinary drugs are not at hand. Then medicines from human pharmacies come to the rescue.

Instructions for use are slightly different, due to the nature of metabolism. This will be discussed below.

The cause of the external manifestation of allergies in dogs is the release of histamine into the blood under the influence of various factors. Once in the bloodstream, it acts on the vessels: it narrows the large ones and expands the small ones. Therefore, there is an increased permeability of the capillary network and, as a result, Quincke's edema, skin hyperemia, the appearance of a nodular rash, itching.

Tavegil is an antihistamine that blocks H1 receptors. Other names - Clemastin, Angistan. Its action is based on reducing the body's response to histamine, as well as increasing the ability of blood serum to bind this substance.

In dogs, as in humans, tavegil has an antiallergic and antipruritic effect on the body. And also, reduces the permeability of blood vessels, has a slight sedative effect.

Other indications

Histamine acts on the body not only in case of an allergic reaction. Another of its effects is a quick and powerful effect on many internal organs. For example:

  • it causes an involuntary spasm of the muscles in the intestines, leading to diarrhea and abdominal pain;
  • affects the release of adrenaline, which speeds up the heartbeat and increases blood pressure;
  • in large quantities can cause anaphylactic shock, convulsions, loss of consciousness.

In these cases, it will also be effective to use Tavegil in tablets or injections, in case of an emergency.

Dosage of tablets and solution

Tavegil is prescribed to dogs in daily dosages of 0.015-0.02 microns / kg of body weight, orally before feeding, twice a day. The drug is well absorbed and begins to act on average after 15-20 minutes. The action lasts about 10 hours.

How long is the course?

The duration of treatment is up to 10 days, although it is possible to increase the course if necessary. For a quick effect, it can be used subcutaneously, intramuscularly and intravenously, in case of urgent need.


The use of the drug is possible from the age of at least 6 months and weighing more than 5 kg, in the appropriate dosage.

Due to the peculiarities of the development of the nervous system of dogs at a young age, reactions such as irritability, nervousness, convulsions, nausea, vomiting, as well as exacerbation of symptoms of allergic reactions, may occur.

Pregnant and lactating

The use of tavegil can cause heart defects in puppies, as well as deformation of the limbs. This has been confirmed by clinical studies. In the second half of the term, the use of the drug is possible only for vital signs, in the case when it is impossible to replace the medicine for one reason or another.

Since Tavegil is excreted in breast milk in small quantities, it is safe to use for lactating bitches.

Breed exceptions

An exception to the application lies in the difficulties of the correct dosage for dogs of the Toy group due to their low weight and high content of the active substance in the preparation.

Since Tavegil is available in the form of tablets of 0.0001 g and 2.5 mg each, at the minimum dosage one tablet is designed for a dog weighing 10 kg. There is a special risk for dividing in half on it. If the dog weighs less than 5 kg, it is recommended to choose another drug, as the wrong dosage is possible.

Side effects

Diarrhea and nausea are also possible. With severe symptoms of an overdose, it is necessary to induce vomiting if it does not occur spontaneously. If more than 2 hours have passed since taking the drug, gastric lavage is required. In the future, symptomatic therapy is carried out.


In veterinary medicine, a wide range of antihistamines of three generations is used, the action of most of them is similar, but there are nuances.

Closest to Tavegil manifest themselves Diphenhydramine and Setastin (Lederix). They also reduce the response to histamine, have a slight sedative and anti-inflammatory effect. They are prescribed for all types of allergies.

Diprazine- effective for itchy dermatitis, has a hypnotic effect.

Diazolin- the action is aimed at blocking serotonin receptors. In dogs, it has a strong sedative effect, depresses the central nervous system. Assign for eczema, reactions to insect bites, food and drug allergies.

Suprastin- prescribed for all types of allergic reactions. Available in ampoules and tablets. It is more convenient to use on dogs of the Toy group, as it has a lower dosage of the active substance, compared to Tavegil.

Ketotifen (Zaditen)- the essence of the drug is that it inhibits the release of histamine from mast cells, thereby preventing the development of severe allergic reactions and edema, as well as bronchospasm. Produced in Slovenia, Switzerland and India.

All of these drugs are first-generation antihistamines. Second-generation H2 receptor blockers have a prolonged action, since they bind to them non-competitively.

In veterinary medicine, the following drugs are most often used:

  • Astemizol– especially effective for hives, allergic rhinitis and food allergies. Produced in Belgium;
  • cetirizine- differs from other drugs in the absence of a sedative effect.

Third-generation drugs have a selective effect and are more effective in relieving an allergic reaction, they are not addictive and do not depress the central nervous system.

  • Bikarfen- combines antihistamine and protvoserotonin action. Effective in atopic dermatitis, hay fever, conjunctivitis.
  • Adekin (Peretol, Tsiprodin)- used for urticaria, pruritus, serum sickness, increased reaction to insect bites.

Important! According to the observations of specialists, drugs of the same group have a similar mechanism of action on the dog's body. With a slight effect of the initially prescribed drug, other drugs from the same generation will also be ineffective.


Antihistamines should always be in the veterinary first aid kit of dog owners. Sometimes when an acute allergic reaction occurs, the count goes on for minutes.

And no matter how much we want to protect pets from diseases, the allergen can be found in the most harmless product. And in the summer, the reaction to insect bites accompanies almost all smooth-haired dogs.

In contact with

Antihistamines for Dogs: A Brief Overview

Allergies are not unique to humans. Many pets can suffer from this disease. For example, dogs often have an allergic reaction to flea and other insect bites. And our four-legged friends often suffer from atopic dermatitis or experience various unpleasant sensations after vaccinations and deworming. Therefore, it is desirable to have antihistamines for dogs in the veterinary medicine cabinet for every owner of a furry pet.

When Antihistamines May Help

These drugs are also prescribed for neurodermatitis and the appearance of various allergic reactions. They can occur when changing food, mosquito bites (in the nose, paw pads, stomach), inhaling the smells of household chemicals, aerosol deodorants or perfumes. The introduction of the vaccine can lead to anaphylaxis. It also happens that against the background of drug therapy being carried out for any disease, a hypersensitivity reaction is manifested.

Antihistamines can also be used for motion sickness while traveling, with nausea during pregnancy, and with debilitating itching. Occasionally, drugs with a strong sedative effect are prescribed for motor excitation.

What is used for dogs

Most often, in veterinary practice for dogs of all breeds, the same drugs are used that are used to treat allergies in humans. But the sensitivity of receptors in animals is somewhat different, and the development of side effects in the form of slight motor inhibition and drowsiness is of little relevance. Therefore, it is possible to use most of the existing antihistamines.

Most often, dogs are prescribed Suprastin, Tavegil, Bravegil, Dimedrol, Benadryl, Claritin, Fenistil, Telfast, Zirtek, Peritol. Some of them are available not only in the form of tablets, but also in injectable form. Intramuscular or subcutaneous administration of the drug may be required with the rapid development of a severe allergic reaction.

In addition, there is a specially developed veterinary antihistamine drug - Allervet.

Features of Allervet

This drug is similar to diphenhydramine in terms of the structure of the active substance and the mechanism of its action. It is available in two concentrations: 10% for large animals (mainly livestock) and 1% for small pets. This remedy is for intramuscular injection only. It is suitable not only for the relief of hypersensitivity reactions, but also for the course treatment of diseases caused by allergies.

How to use antihistamines

When choosing a drug from the permitted list, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of its use and the weight of the animal. For small breeds, it is better to use 2-3 generations or Diazolin. This will reduce the risk of side effects in the form of anxiety, heart rhythm disturbances and changes in urination. The same tactic is recommended for older dogs or pets with chronic diseases of the internal organs.

But in the case of severe allergic reactions, it is better to take stronger remedies. In such a situation, the need for rapid relief of symptoms is more important than the potential harm in the development of side effects.

Permissible single and daily doses are calculated either according to the "children's" scheme (per kilogram of weight, according to the instructions), or some part of the tablet is taken. The latter method is very approximate and is used for emergency care or for a single prophylactic dose of the drug. The bioavailability of antihistamines in dogs is significantly lower than in humans. Therefore, the inaccuracy of dosage for large breeds is unlikely to lead to pronounced side effects.

For suprastin, the maximum daily dose should be no more than 2 mg per 1 kg of dog weight, while it must be divided into 2-3 doses. Bravegil and Tavegil can be given at the rate of 0.02 mg per 1 kg of weight 2 times a day. Pipolfen (active ingredient promethazine) is prescribed at a dose of 1-2 mg per 1 kg of animal weight every 12 hours. And for Peritol (cyproheptadine) a single dosage of 2-12 mg per 1 kg.

If the veterinarian has prescribed antihistamine treatment for the dog, you can not purchase a special veterinary drug. Almost any medicine available in the home medicine cabinet is suitable, you just need to correctly calculate the required dose.

  • Allergy 325
    • Allergic stomatitis 1
    • Anaphylactic shock 5
    • Urticaria 24
    • Quincke's edema 2
    • Pollinosis 13
  • Asthma 39
  • Dermatitis 245
    • Atopic dermatitis 25
    • Neurodermatitis 20
    • Psoriasis 63
    • Seborrheic dermatitis 15
    • Lyell's syndrome 1
    • Toxidermia 2
    • Eczema 68
  • General symptoms 33
    • Runny nose 33

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Is it possible to give Suprastin to a dog with allergies?

An allergy in a dog is a pronounced reaction of the animal's body to pathogens that may be harmless for some breeds, and deadly for others.

Regardless of the cause that caused it, allergies are expressed by the following symptoms:

- severe itching, the animal constantly itches, as a result, scratching appears on the skin;

- redness of the skin (on the back, abdomen, armpits, on the ears and between the fingers);

- lacrimation, redness of the eyes;

- secretion of mucus from the nose.

- the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the skin and woolen cover;

- dry skin, hair loss.

Allergies in dogs are much more severe than in humans. For example, if a person who has inhaled pollen that is dangerous for him will experience only swelling of the mucous membrane, rhinitis, sneezing, then in a dog the same phenomenon will also be accompanied by swelling of the limbs. The animal constantly scratches and licks its paws, which leads to severe irritation and weeping ulcers. During this period, the dog develops otitis media and conjunctivitis.

First aid for a dog with allergies "Suprastin"

At the first symptoms of an allergic reaction, the most correct decision would be to take your pet to a veterinarian, who, after conducting an examination, based on the individual characteristics of the dog's body, will prescribe treatment. However, this possibility is not always available. When asked whether it is possible to give Suprastin to a sick dog with allergies, experts answer in the affirmative.

To relieve severe itching, give the pet any antihistamine, Suprastin is the most common. The daily dose is 2 mg per 1 kilogram of animal weight, divided into three doses.

Tablets can be replaced with injections. Most often, Suprastin injections are made at the withers or hind limb. Before administering the drug, you should carefully read the instructions so that the dog cannot be poisoned.

An allergy dog ​​can also be given diazolin, diphenhydramine, calcium chloride. Since the last medicine is very bitter, it is diluted with milk and a little sugar is added. A bath with a string will help relieve itching, rubbing itchy places with a swab dipped in a decoction. Hydrocortisone spray is very effective for itching. You can also make it at home. To do this, add 4 ampoules of hydrocortisone, 2 tablespoons of glycerin, and 3 tablespoons of medical alcohol to boiled cold water (350 ml).

The use of "Suprastin" from allergies in dogs

The antihistamine drug "Suprastin" greatly facilitates the life of the animal during a severe attack of allergies. The medicine blocks the production of histamine, quickly eliminates itching, relieves spasms, and has a calming effect.

The active ingredient of the drug is chloropyramine hydrochloride. The drug is absorbed into the blood very quickly, and after two hours its concentration in the blood of the animal reaches its maximum level. The effect of the drug is observed after a very short time - 15-20 minutes.

Each drug has contraindications and side effects, in "Suprastin" they are observed in rare cases. Side effects are expressed mainly in fatigue, weakness or irritability, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea or constipation.

In case of poisoning with "Suprastin" and an overdose in dogs that occurs after a certain time, the dog's stomach should be immediately washed out and dehydration prevented. For this purpose, veterinarians use a glucose solution and an isotenic sodium chloride solution. After that, the dog should have increased urination.

Allergy Prevention

Every owner of a four-legged friend knows that if his pet had an allergy, then his task is to eliminate all possible irritants so that the dog does not have to experience all these troubles again. For example, if the cause of the allergy was low-quality cheap food, it should be replaced with a hypoallergenic super-premium class. From time to time, the pet should be given absorbents - activated charcoal, enterosgel; lactobifide to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; anthelmintic. Everything possible must be done to exclude the dog from contact with insects.

Is it possible to give a dog Suprastin

Allergies are common in many mammals. Pets can also suffer from this disease. As veterinary practice shows, most often dogs are prone to allergic reactions to insect bites in the warm season. In addition, dogs also suffer from atopic dermatitis, while experiencing itching, burning, and general weakness. This is why antihistamines should be in every responsible dog owner's veterinary medicine cabinet. Is Suprastin among them?

Antihistamines: what, why and when

Allergic reactions in pets, including dogs, can occur when changing food, biting mosquitoes and ticks, inhaling vapors of household chemicals, deodorants. Rarely, administering vaccines to dogs has resulted in anaphylactic shock. And in this case, it is impossible to do without antihistamine drugs. It also happens that against the background of ongoing drug therapy in a caudate patient, a hypersensitivity reaction manifests itself. Also, antihistamines can be used for motion sickness of pets on trips, nausea during pregnancy. Sometimes veterinarians prescribe drugs with a strong sedative effect for motor excitation of dogs.

In veterinary practice, the same drugs for allergies are used as for the treatment of people. We are talking about Tavegil, Bravegil, Claritin, Dimedrol, Telfast, Benadryl, Fenistil, Zirtek, Suprastin. Some drugs are produced by manufacturers in the form of tablets, while others are in the form of pills and injections. Intramuscular administration of such drugs may be required with the rapid development of allergic reactions.

Suprastin for dogs

So, this drug is used in veterinary practice. Although it is considered obsolete, it belongs to the category of first-generation antihistamines.

The basis of the pharmacological action of Suprastin is the blocking of H1 receptors, followed by stopping the action of the released histamine on cells and tissues.

The tablet form of this drug begins to act within 30 minutes after ingestion. The pharmacological action of the drug lasts for 12 hours. As for the injectable form of the drug, it begins to act 5-10 minutes after administration, but the effect of the injection remains for a short time - for 3 hours. Often, doctors practice the introduction of an injectable form of the drug first, then a tablet. This achieves a lasting effect of treatment with Suprastin throughout the day.

The instruction to the drug informs that it is used for the relief of attacks of bronchial asthma; angioedema; seasonal hay fever; conjunctivitis of allergic origin; itchy papules from insect bites; before vaccination.

It should be borne in mind that the main active ingredient of the drug is quickly absorbed in the intestines, penetrates into all tissues and organs, including the brain. This means that the dog may develop a reaction of general inhibition, drowsiness, disobedience. The drug is excreted from the body by the renal system. Therefore, in the presence of kidney disease in dogs, Suprastin should be used carefully, monitor the general condition of the sick pet.

The dosage of this antihistamine for small dogs is 0.5 ml per injection, for medium - 1 ml, for large - 2 ml. If the owner is unable to administer the liquid form of the medication, the dog should be given pills. Representatives of small breeds are given half a tablet of Suprastin, medium - whole, large - one and a half to two.

It should be noted that the bioavailability of antihistamines in dogs is lower than in humans, therefore, the risk of adverse reactions from taking them is less.

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Allergic reactions in pets are accompanied by skin itching, redness and swelling of tissues, lacrimation, inflammation of the conjunctiva, hair loss, and other signs. There are many reasons for a negative immune response to an irritant - from a genetic predisposition to a reaction to prohibited foods: sweets, chocolate, ice cream, processed cheese.

What are antihistamines for dogs? What drugs are effective in acute immune response? How to give allergy pills? What side effects are possible during a course of treatment with antihistamines? Answers in the article.

What is an allergy in dogs

Under the influence of certain stimuli, reactions occur in the animal's body, during which the immune defense mechanism is triggered. With increased sensitivity of cells to the action of certain substances, allergic inflammation develops, histamine is released, which provokes a non-infectious inflammatory process.

Mast cells are released, the sensitivity of receptors increases, vascular permeability increases, the intercellular space is filled with fluid.

Allergy symptoms develop:

  • tissue swelling,
  • redness,
  • severe itching,
  • rashes
  • skin peeling,
  • conjunctival injury,

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Negative factors that provoke allergies:

An allergic reaction happens:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

Note! Symptoms in the first case are pronounced, complex, without timely help, the animal can die from suffocation with severe swelling of the tissues. Anaphylactic shock is not only possible in humans: dogs are also at risk of dangerous complications with a complex of severe allergy manifestations. In the chronic form of the pathology, any contact with the allergen gives a response, the degree of which depends on the sensitivity of the animal's body and the general condition.

Allergen classification:

  • medicinal;
  • food;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • response to household allergens;
  • reaction to cold and heat;
  • allergy to cosmetics;
  • response to wool, house dust.

The main signs of allergies:

  • redness of tissues;
  • skin itching;
  • the appearance of dandruff;
  • increased sweating;
  • swelling of tissues - from mild swelling to pronounced edema;
  • red spots and blisters;
  • small rash;
  • lacrimation;
  • sneezing
  • focal hair loss;
  • the appearance of white spots on the skin;
  • swelling and swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose, eyelids, throat;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • restlessness, irritability, the dog shakes its ears, often itches.

Treatment of allergies with antihistamines

To eliminate signs of an acute immune reaction in dogs, the same drugs are used as for the treatment of humans, but the dosage is adjusted according to the weight and age of the pet. A good effect is given by a specially developed drug for the treatment of animals - Allervet.

Dogs of small breeds better tolerate the use of modern names with a minimum list of side effects and prolonged action (2nd and 3rd generation). Allergy pills and injections for dogs are selected by a veterinarian.

With pronounced redness, severe swelling, 1st generation drugs are needed. In a serious condition of the animal, allergy injections are prescribed. The drugs have a lot of side reactions, but they act quickly, actively suppress the inflammatory process with a powerful release of histamines. Names: Suprastin, Diazolin, Tavegil.

With chronic allergies or mild symptoms, safe remedies with a delicate effect on the body are needed. Tablets for allergies in dogs of new generations (second and third) are sufficient to receive 1 time per day. The dosage can be adjusted by the veterinarian, taking into account the condition of the pet. Names: Allervet, Desloratadine, Levocetirizine, Benadryl, Claritin.

An overview of effective antihistamines:

  • Allervet. Medication for the treatment of allergies in pets. Good effect in serum sickness, conjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis, anaphylactic shock. Veterinary pharmacies receive an injection solution, the effect resembles the body's reaction to the use of Diphenhydramine. The active substance is diphenhydramine hydrochloride. For small animals, the concentration of the drug is 1%. From 0.2 to 0.4 cubic cm of the drug is administered per 1 kg of animal weight. The exact rate is determined by the veterinarian. The maximum number of injections per day is 4. The drug relieves tissue swelling, reduces capillary permeability, and has an antiemetic, analgesic effect. The action begins 30 minutes after intramuscular injection, lasts from 4 to 6 hours. Allervet is not prescribed for diseases of the central nervous system, problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland, individual intolerance.
  • Suprastin. Chlorpyramine hydrochloride is the active ingredient in an antiallergic drug. The composition is used in the form of tablets and solution for injection. 1st generation drug, a wide range of side effects, combined with the rapid removal of signs of acute allergies. Suprastin is used for a severe form of the immune response: Quincke's edema, severe itching, risk of suffocation, clear signs of allergy. The dosage is calculated by the veterinarian. It is important to take into account not only the breed and weight of the pet, but also the degree of spread of symptoms, the general condition of the dog, and contraindications. No more than 2 mg of chlorpyramine hydrochloride is allowed per 1 kg of pet weight. With heart defects in a dog, severe damage to the genitourinary system and respiratory tract, Suprastin is not prescribed.

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About the normal body temperature in a dog, as well as the causes and symptoms of deviations, is written on this page.

A few more effective remedies for four-legged friends:

  • Dimedrol. The drug of the 1st generation in tablets and ampoules, injections are used more often due to high efficiency. The active substance is diphenhydramine. 1 ml of solution contains 10 mg of active substance. Diphenhydramine is rapidly absorbed and begins to act within half an hour after injection. The course of therapy - no more than 7 days.
  • Tavegil tablets. The drug based on clemastine hydrofumarate acts quickly and effectively, but has side effects. Drowsiness and lethargy in small dogs is less common than in humans, but there is a negative effect on the cardiovascular system. The permitted dosage for small dogs is no more than 0.02 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The animal receives the drug twice a day. The daily allowance cannot be exceeded. Allergy symptoms disappear after 4-5 hours, the maximum concentration of clemastine hydrofumarate persists for 6-12 hours. Tavegil is similar in action to Suprastin (also 1st generation). In chronic allergies, a “softer” drug of the second or third generation is needed.

If for some reason it is impossible to visit a veterinarian with the development of an acute allergy, then you can give the dog a “children's” rate of the drug. It is better to reduce the daily allowance than to exceed it, especially for 1st generation antihistamines. For owners of small dogs, veterinarians recommend keeping Allervet in the first aid kit to quickly relieve signs of allergies. It is useful to have knowledge on the topic of acute immune reactions in dogs in order to respond in a timely and competent manner to a drug, food allergy or tick bite. The best option is to always have the phone of an experienced veterinarian at hand, who can be contacted at any time of the day or get advice remotely using modern video communication tools.

  • know the signs of allergic reactions;
  • minimize pet contact with allergens of various kinds (section "Reasons");
  • when bathing small dogs, use zoo shampoos previously diluted with water;
  • when bitten by a tick, remove the arachnid from the pet’s body as soon as possible, monitor the condition of the dog. In case of an allergic reaction and suspicion of infection with serious diseases, be sure to contact a veterinary clinic;
  • do not give prohibited foods;
  • clean your home more often, be sure to collect wool with a vacuum cleaner;
  • for washing and dry cleaning of bedding, beds, dog houses, use odorless products or with a soft aroma;
  • before a course of drug therapy prescribed by a veterinarian, give an antihistamine if the breed is genetically prone to an acute immune response to stimuli. Many doctors recommend giving an allergy pill to prevent negative reactions before vaccinations, especially if the animal's body reacted negatively to the vaccine the previous time;
  • do not get involved in household chemicals if a pet prone to allergies lives at home;
  • in case of an acute immune reaction to drugs, it is imperative to write down the name of the drugs that provoked negative manifestations. Always indicate to the veterinarian the names to which the dog is allergic;
  • to prevent exacerbations, avoid contact with allergens.

Owners should be aware of the main signs of allergy in small breed dogs, take the pet to the veterinarian in time if negative symptoms appear. The chronic form of allergy negatively affects the condition of the animal, worsens the general condition and appearance. All types of antihistamines are given to dogs only on prescription. The dosage is calculated individually, taking into account weight and other factors. Some medicines for humans are less effective when used in dogs: this point must be taken into account, always consult a veterinarian.

What allergies do dogs have and how to deal with them most effectively? How to recognize the symptoms in a timely manner and with what drugs to eliminate them? The answers to these and other questions can be found in the following video:

Suprastin (chloropyramine) is one of the most popular first-generation anti-allergy drugs in Russia. The medication effectively relieves itching, relieves spasms and swelling, and soothes.

Use in veterinary medicine

Suprastin treats not only people, but also animals. It is rapidly absorbed in the intestines, therefore it is one of the most effective remedies for allergies.

When to apply

Allergic attacks in animals are much more severe than in humans. If a person “gets off” with swelling of the mucous membrane, runny nose and sneezing, then the paws of pets also swell. The dog constantly licks the limbs and scratches the skin, which leads to ulcers and non-healing dermatitis. For some breeds, a seizure can be fatal.

Your dog may have an allergy if the following signs are observed:

  • skin redness;
  • lacrimation;
  • eczema of the external ear;
  • cough;
  • nasal discharge;
  • swelling;
  • abnormal sweating;
  • rashes in the armpits and on the abdomen;
  • unpleasant smell of wool;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • hair loss;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.

Irritation is caused by smells of household chemicals, aerosols or perfumes. Also, an attack is possible when changing food, a bee or mosquito bite. It is necessary to give suprastin to a dog with allergies in order to quickly relieve an attack.

Veterinarians also prescribe this antihistamine in the following cases:

  1. Before deworming (especially breeds prone to drug intolerance).
  2. Before routine vaccinations and during drug therapy (to exclude anaphylactic shock).
  3. For the relief of symptoms of neurodermatitis.
  4. With bronchial asthma.
  5. From seasonal pollinosis.
  6. To eliminate Quincke's edema.
  7. In case of motion sickness in trains.
  8. Pregnant dogs with nausea.
  9. With motor excitation (suprastin has a slight sedative effect).

Product characteristics

Suprastin is available in the form of tablets and in ampoules (in the form of a solution for injection). The main component is chloropyramine hydrochloride. The content in one tablet is 25 mg, in 1 ml of solution - 20 mg.

In addition to the main element, the ampoules contain water for injection. The tablet form includes excipients such as gelatin, stearic acid, starch, talc and lactose.

The drug is rapidly absorbed by the intestines. The maximum concentration of the main substance in the blood is reached two hours after application. Chloropyramine hydrochloride penetrates into all organs, including the brain. The animal may experience a state of drowsiness, lethargy.

Which form is preferred

If the condition of the dog is quite tolerable, tablets are mainly prescribed. Relief occurs after 30 minutes, the effect lasts up to half a day.

If an allergic attack is acute and develops rapidly, it is better to resort to an injection. The injection is usually made in the hind paw or at the withers. The drug begins to act after 10 minutes, but the effect is shorter - up to 3 hours.

Suprastin is given to a dog during or after a meal. Veterinarians usually combine both forms: they give an injection, and after a while they prescribe pills. So the effect of the drug stretches for a day.


According to the instructions, the daily rate for a dog in tablets is 2 mg per kilogram of body weight. The dose must be divided into three doses.

The dose of intramuscular injection is calculated according to the same principle:

  • small breeds - 0.5 ml;
  • medium - 1 ml;
  • large - 2 ml.

If the weight of the dog is unknown and there is no way to find out, do not risk it. It is better to reduce the dosage, in order to avoid complications and unpleasant consequences.

Suprastin injection is carried out as follows:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. The medicine should not be cold.
  3. Draw the substance into the syringe, remove all bubbles.
  4. Hold your pet during the procedure so that he does not twitch during the injection.
  5. Slowly inject the solution intramuscularly.
  6. An insulin syringe is suitable for dwarf breeds.

It is almost impossible to make an injection yourself. If you are not confident in your abilities and you do not have an assistant, it is better to use the tablet form of the drug. Suprastin well helps to stop an allergy attack. If the symptoms disappeared after a single dose, you should not continue treatment. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. It is best to consult your veterinarian about this.

Puppies and toy breeds

The bioavailability of suprastin in dogs is much lower than in humans, so there is less risk of side effects. And yet, the medication can be quite difficult to perceive dwarf pets. Veterinarians recommend second- or third-generation antihistamines for these dogs.

Puppies are given medicine only from the 30th day of life. The dosage is the same as for small breeds. If the dog is prone to allergies, it is better to consult a veterinarian before taking suprastin.

Pregnancy and feeding

Suprastin for dogs, pregnant or lactating, is not harmful. But the dosage in this case should be minimal - 0.5 tablets. Each breed has its own characteristics. Therefore, before starting treatment, consult your veterinarian.

For allergic dogs, it is better to look for analogues.

Elderly age

It is better for elderly pets to refrain from suprastin, since the advanced age of dogs is one of the contraindications for taking this drug. If the body is weakened, the risk of side effects becomes higher. It is better to look for analogues.

Possible Complications

Suprastin is quite effective when you need to quickly remove allergic symptoms. For the most part, the medication is harmless and easily tolerated. But sometimes unwanted side effects are possible: restlessness, strange behavior, and heart problems. The risk of complications is higher if the dog's body is weakened due to age or disease. In rare cases, a first-generation antihistamine can itself provoke new allergic reactions. In this case, treatment should be stopped immediately. After a while, the condition returns to normal.


If suprastin is chosen for the treatment of a dog, follow the dosage. Its excess increases the risk of negative reactions.

Signs of an overdose:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • lack of coordination (it is difficult for the dog to stay on its paws);
  • convulsions;
  • dilated pupils;
  • dry mouth;
  • problems with urination;
  • increased anxiety.

In such cases, it is necessary to do a gastric lavage or give the pet a sorbent.


Suprastin is recognized as a fairly safe medicine. The main contraindications include:

  • puppy age (up to 1 month);
  • kidney disease (since it is this organ that removes the drug from the body);
  • advanced age of the pet.

The drug is addictive, so long-term use is not recommended.


There are four generations of antihistamine drugs. Depending on the age, size, and health of the dog, the veterinarian may prescribe any of these.

First generation

These medicines are easy to digest and relieve symptoms quickly. Their action is relatively short. Depending on the form of administration, the effect ends after 3-8 hours. As side effects, lethargy, drowsiness, and addiction can be distinguished. This group, along with suprastin, includes diphenhydramine, as well as the drugs Tavegil and Bravegil.

Second generation

The action of the drugs is no longer so fast, but longer. You can take one tablet per day. The effect persists for another week after the end of treatment. Antihistamines of this group are devoid of side effects of first-generation drugs: they do not cause drowsiness and addiction. However, they also negatively affect the contractile function of the heart muscle. These include: Zirtek, Claritin, Lomilan.

Third and fourth generation

These medicines have all the advantages of the previous group, but do not affect the cardiovascular system. They can even treat elderly dogs. These are Telfast, Trexil, Gismanal.


Hormonal drugs quickly and powerfully stop an allergic attack. They suppress a number of inflammatory factors: histamine, cytokines, serotonin. The edema subsides in the animal, itching and redness of the skin disappear. This group of drugs is recommended for the treatment of severe and prolonged forms of allergies.

But there are a number of side effects: an increase in blood sugar levels, effects on the hormonal system, immune suppression, increased susceptibility to various infectious diseases.

Treatment with these drugs should be approached competently and resorted to only on the recommendation of a veterinarian. Corticosteroids include hydrocortisone, prednisolone, dexamethasone.

Other Methods

Calcium chloride is good for allergies. So that the bitter taste does not scare away the dog, the medicine is diluted with milk and sugar is added. A bath or a decoction of the string will help relieve itching. Places of scratching and redness can be wiped with a swab.

A hydrocortisone spray is also effective. It can be prepared at home. To do this, 4 ampoules of hydrocortisone, 3 tablespoons of alcohol and 2 tablespoons of glycerin are added to 350 ml of boiled cooled water.