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What is the cause of uterine enlargement? Big uterus. Signs of an enlarged uterus

Enlarged uterus - this diagnosis can often be heard by women during a scheduled or unscheduled examination by a gynecologist. As medical statistics show, many gynecological diseases and pathologies are accompanied by an increase in the size of the uterus. It is about why the uterus can be enlarged, what reasons provoke this change in size and how diagnosis is carried out, characteristic symptoms and will be discussed further.

What does the term mean?

Any woman can hear how the uterus is enlarged, but not every woman can remain calm. But in order to be able to fully understand what this diagnosis represents, the reasons why the uterus may become enlarged, it is worth considering what is normal.

The uterus is enlarged and is a smooth muscle organ located in the pelvic area and has a pear-shaped shape. At one time or another in life, the shape and size may change - if a woman has not yet given birth, then the length of the uterus will be no more than 7-8 cm. But if she has already given birth, the length will be greater and equal to 8-10 cm, with a width of 4- 6 cm. A diagnosis is not a death sentence; the main thing is to understand what provokes the increase and take certain measures.

Signs of pathology

Speaking about what symptoms indicate that the uterus is enlarged, in most cases the process occurs without symptoms - here gynecologists make the diagnosis when a deviation is accidentally detected during a scheduled or unscheduled examination of the patient.

However, some women who carefully monitor their health and are attentive to external signals may develop symptoms that are consistent with the diagnosis. Many reasons can cause the uterus to increase in size, but the following symptoms may indicate a pathological deviation:

  • monotonous aching attacks of pain in the lower peritoneum;
  • periodic urinary incontinence and a feeling of discomfort both during and after sexual intercourse;
  • a woman’s menstruation is profuse and painful, bloating of the peritoneum and an unpleasant, uncomfortable feeling of a full stomach;
  • pain radiating to the lumbar region and frequent attacks of dizziness and headaches;
  • between menstruation, the patient is worried about very heavy and prolonged bleeding and sudden, for no apparent reason, weight gain due to hormonal dysfunction;
  • breast swelling and pain when touched;
  • a drop in hemoglobin levels in the blood;

If there is at least one, or even several signs, it is worth visiting a gynecologist for an examination.

Reasons provoking the development of pathology

According to doctors, the following reasons can provoke an enlarged uterus:

  1. A woman is approaching the development of menopause - the uterus is enlarged, the reasons are due to age-related changes in the body, in the coordinated functioning of the reproductive system. The result is an enlargement of the uterus, the reasons being age.
  2. Myoma – an enlarged uterus is caused by the fact that a benign tumor is growing in the organ. It is diagnosed in women of the reproductive age group, and in the absence of treatment, the consequences can be female infertility and the inability to bear a child, transformation into a malignant neoplasm. The uterus is enlarged, the cause in this case is fibroids. As for what triggers the development of fibroids, the reasons may be hormonal imbalance and irregular sex life, a large number of abortions and traumatic births, heredity and diseases such as obesity or diabetes, problems with the thyroid gland. Characteristic symptoms are constant, aching pain in the pelvis and lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, and frequent bouts of constipation. In addition, women are diagnosed with problems with going to the toilet and urinating, pain during intercourse, as well as heavy menstrual bleeding.
  3. Ovarian cyst. Can cause irreversible changes in the size of a woman's uterus. Hormonal imbalance, as well as hypothermia and injury to the abdominal area can provoke the development of cysts. With regard to the symptoms that characterize the cyst, there are problems with going to the toilet and the process of urination, pain in the peritoneum, very painful, as well as heavy menstruation.
  4. Uterine adenomyosis - the endometrium of the muscular organ - the uterus, will grow into other layers, accompanied by a total proliferation of the muscular layer, provoking an unnatural increase in size. Doctors do not talk about what can provoke the pathology, although some authors say that there may be a malfunction of the hormonal system, surgical interventions on the uterus, tubal ligation as a method of sterilization and abortion. Signs of pathology are cramps in the lower abdomen and heavy, prolonged uterine bleeding, pain of an increasing nature.
  5. Malignant nature of the neoplasm. As a rule, oncology more often affects women during menopause - cancer can cause the uterus to increase in size. Factors predisposing to the development of malignant tumors are excess weight and polycystic ovary syndrome. Symptoms of the development of a malignant neoplasm that affects the female genitourinary system are a malfunction of the urinary system, as well as sharp and severe pain that accompanies sexual intercourse, bleeding between menstruation, and monthly bleeding can be especially heavy.
  6. Pregnancy is molar. Doctors talk about the development of a rare anomaly in the placenta - a characteristic symptom is the unnatural growth of fetal tissue in all directions. As a consequence of proliferation, there is an increase in size and deviation from the norm of the uterus. Pregnancy can be triggered, according to doctors, by a genetic error during egg fertilization.

Diagnosis of pathological changes

To make a correct and accurate diagnosis, in particular, to clarify whether the uterus is enlarged in size or not, and if it is enlarged, what reasons provoked the deviation, the doctor prescribes, in addition to a standard examination on a gynecological chair, a series of clinical studies. In particular, such studies are the following:

  • X-ray studies;
  • collection of biological material for research means taking blood and conducting both general and detailed research;
  • conducting a histological examination - we are talking about performing a biopsy procedure;

If the pathology is diagnosed in the early stages, then the pathology is amenable to hormonal and drug therapy. Forecasts clearly indicate a complete recovery, allowing one to avoid unnecessary surgical intervention and surgery.

The uterus is a smooth muscle unpaired hollow organ that is located between the rectum and the bladder. Enlargement of the uterus most often occurs due to a woman's pregnancy. However, this process may also indicate the presence of a pathological process.

As a rule, the size of this organ is comparable to a woman’s fist. If the size becomes larger than normal, we can talk about such a process as uterine enlargement. The causes of this disease are varied and may indicate the presence of diseases such as a tumor, fibroids, adenomyosis, or ovarian cyst.

Most often, a woman does not realize that the uterus is enlarged. The reasons for this are related to the asymptomatic course of the disease, especially at the initial stage. However, there are some signs that a woman should pay attention to:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Menorrhagia (excessive bleeding during menstruation).
  • The appearance of significant blood clots during menstruation.
  • The appearance of sudden bleeding.
  • Anemia.
  • Changes in hormonal levels and sudden weight gain.
  • Flatulence.

So, let's look at why the uterus enlarges. The reasons may be related to the appearance of fibroids. Its development occurs due to increased levels of estrogen with a simultaneous lack of progesterone in the woman’s blood. Fibroids are growths or benign tumors of an organ. By the age of 35, almost a third of the female population acquires this disease. In the absence of signs, it is detected during a routine examination and confirmed by research methods such as ultrasound and hysteroscopy.

An ovarian cyst can also contribute to an enlarged uterus. The causes of this disease may be associated with irregular menstrual cycles, obesity, Ovarian cyst - a round-shaped protrusion that forms on the surface of the organ. A cyst is usually a cavity that is filled with a specific fluid. It is most often detected when specific symptoms appear and during

With adenomyosis, the endometrium grows in the muscles of the reproductive organ, which leads to the appearance of such a phenomenon as an enlarged uterus. The causes of the pathology may be associated with stressful situations, passion for solariums or sunbathing, genetic predisposition, and previous uterine surgeries. The disease is diagnosed during examination, colcoscopy, and hysteroscopy.

The development of a disease such as uterine cancer also contributes to pathological enlargement of the organ. The causes of the appearance may be endocrine disorders, fibroids, obesity, anovulation. The leading research methods are histology and ultrasound.

During the examination, the attending physician may detect an enlarged uterus and prescribe additional tests for the woman to make a more accurate diagnosis.

Quite often you can find enlargement of the uterus, which occurs in females. And to find out the cause of this physical condition, in medical practice they use x-rays, blood tests, and uterine biopsies. Not many people know that if the uterus is enlarged, what does it mean.

As a rule, a woman's uterus is comparable to her fist and is orange in color. An enlarged uterus means that it is larger than normal, that is, larger than normal size. Most women do not know that their uterus is enlarged. Your healthcare provider will be able to recognize an enlarged uterus through an internal examination.

Symptoms of an enlarged uterus depend on the cause

The main reasons for an enlarged uterus in a woman


Adenomyosis is a condition of the uterus where the endometrial lining turns into the muscular wall of the uterus. This condition can cause spotting between periods, heavy menstrual bleeding, and cramping and pain.

Uterine cancer

The main symptom of uterine cancer is vaginal bleeding after menopause. Endometrial cancer is the most common form of uterine cancer. Uterine cancer can also cause the uterus to become enlarged.


Uterine fibroids are tumors or growths of the uterus. Uterine fibroids almost never develop into uterine cancer, and are not associated with a greater risk of developing uterine cancer. Uterine fibroids cause heavy bleeding during menstruation, prolonged periods, difficulty urinating, constipation, pelvic pain, pressure and enlargement of the uterus.


Sometimes menopause can also cause the uterus to expand. This is usually the result of changes in hormone levels in the body. An enlarged uterus may be due to fluctuations in hormone levels, which could mimic pregnancy. It is also caused by enlargement of the uterus as a result of sexual activity, but this condition may not continue for a long period of time.

Most often, a woman is not aware of the changes that have occurred. The doctor informs her about the problem at the next examination. There may be several reasons for this not always good phenomenon, and some deserve close attention.

Causes that are not pathologies


The uterus can be enlarged due to certain diseases. This symptom often accompanies fibroids. This is a benign tumor that forms on the muscle layer. Its cause may be lack of sexual activity, difficult childbirth, abortion, and hormonal imbalances. As a rule, hormonal therapy is prescribed to treat fibroids; less often, the tumor is surgically removed. However, both treatment methods are often combined.

The uterus increases in size with endometriosis. With this disease, the endometrium of this organ grows, and in some cases extends beyond its limits. The causes of endomitriosis are quite varied, so the doctor will not give a definite answer, since this area has not yet been fully studied. Treatment of the uterus for this disease is hormonal, less often surgical.

One of the reasons for the increase in the size of the uterus is cancer. This phenomenon occurs because a malignant tumor grows on the mucous membrane. In this case, a woman may be bothered by bleeding outside the menstrual cycle, with the exception of menopause, difficulty urinating, severe pain during sexual intercourse, and others. In this case, surgery is indicated, since conservative treatment methods often do not give positive results. However, in any case, you will need to contact a specialist who, based on the tests, will prescribe the optimal treatment. It is also important to visit a gynecologist twice a year, then you will be able to catch the disease at an early stage. This will make it possible to heal faster.

A lot depends on the health of a woman’s reproductive system: realization as a source of new life, harmonious sexual relationships, general health and blooming appearance. Failures in this system are sometimes very costly. One of the symptoms of trouble is an enlarged uterus.

The first thing that is assumed in the presence of this symptom is that the woman is pregnant. But if the uterus is enlarged and the pregnancy test is negative, or the patient is in menopause, the gynecologist understands that there is another reason for the atypical condition of the reproductive organ.

Dimensions - normal and pathological

The main purpose of the uterus is to create conditions for the full growth and development of the fetus. It consists of a body and a cervix, inside which the cervical canal passes. There are three layers in the structure of the reproductive organ:


Internal mucous membrane undergoing monthly cyclic changes.


Middle muscle layer.


Outer serous membrane.

Basic parameters of the uterus of a nulliparous woman:

  • Length – 4.5 cm;
  • Width – 4.6 cm;
  • Anteroposterior size – 3.4 cm.

If a woman has a history of pregnancy and childbirth, it is considered normal when her uterus has increased by 0.5-1 cm in all respects.

During menopause, it decreases in size by an average of 35%, that is, the above parameters decrease by 1-2 cm. The decrease in size occurs slowly, over 20-25 years after the last menstruation.

Organ weight:

  • For a nulliparous woman – 45-60 g;
  • For a woman who has given birth – 80-100 g;
  • In perimenopause – 40-45 g, in old age – 20-30 g.
Any deviations from the norm force the doctor to look for the causes of uterine enlargement, because ignoring this symptom can cost a woman her life or complete loss of fertility.

Possible signs of pathology

At an appointment with a gynecologist, as well as during diagnostic procedures, an enlarged uterus and its causes can be identified by visual examination of ultrasound results or by palpation of the organ. Its increase in size usually manifests itself with clear signs.

In most cases, a woman consults a doctor with the following symptoms:

  • Heavy menstruation, accompanied by cramps, anemia;
  • Menstrual irregularities, no periods;
  • Increase in abdominal size;
  • Feeling of pressure on internal organs;
  • Swelling and spasms of the lower extremities;
  • Pain radiating to the back;
  • Frequent constipation;
  • Bleeding after menopause;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.

In each specific case, the clinical picture includes different symptoms or a combination of them.

Main reasons for the increase

If a woman of fertile age has a uterus of dimensions that does not correspond to the phase of the menstrual cycle, the gynecologist, first of all, assumes pregnancy. In its absence, various conditions and diseases of the reproductive system are diagnosed.

Cyclical hormonal changes

Estrogen and progesterone have a great influence on the changes that occur in the female body during the menstrual cycle. Menstruation is the shedding and expulsion of the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterine cavity).

Cyclic changes after menstruation lead to enlargement and proliferation of the endometrium, and to its loosening. At the same time, the uterus increases slightly in size, its cervix shortens.


When reproductive function declines, the hormonal level of the female body fluctuates. Under the influence of a decrease in estrogen levels, the menstrual cycle loses its regularity, and the uterine cavity slightly expands.

In addition, the woman feels pressure surges, emotional instability, and bouts of heat throughout the body.


Benign formations in the thickness of the walls of the uterus, inside its cavity (submucosal fibroids) and under its serous membrane (intramural fibroids) can significantly increase the size of the organ. At the same time, it reaches significant sizes, compresses nearby organs, and provokes the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding between periods, an increase in their volume;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Bloating;
  • Constipation;
  • Urinary problems;
  • Myometrial compaction diagnosed by palpation.
When the uterus enlarges to a size corresponding to 12 weeks of pregnancy, surgery is performed to remove the tumor. If fibroids have led to a slight enlargement of the organ, hormonal therapy is prescribed.

During menopause, this problem may disappear without treatment, as a decrease in estrogen levels leads to spontaneous reduction and disappearance of fibroids.


When endometrial cells spread throughout the reproductive system and beyond, a woman is diagnosed with endometriosis.

Areas of the internal functional membrane on the cervix, in the peritoneum, in the ovaries, in the vagina are subject to cyclic changes in the same way as the internal functional layer. Endometriosis is accompanied by an enlarged uterus and the following symptoms:

  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Vaginal discharge is brown;
  • Lower abdominal pain;
  • History of infertility;
  • Pain during intimate contacts.

In some cases, endometriosis stimulates the development of cancer pathology.

Cancer of the uterus

If the uterus is enlarged, in search of the cause of this condition, it is important to show oncological vigilance, since cancer of the body or cervix of this organ responds well to treatment in the first stages of the disease.

The development of a malignant tumor of the reproductive system occurs at any age, but most often it forms after 50 years, during menopause. Main symptoms:

  • Increase in organ size;
  • Pain during intimate contacts;
  • Bloody vaginal discharge;
  • Urinary dysfunction.

If uterine cancer is suspected, the doctor prescribes analysis of discharge from the vagina and cervical canal for liquid cytology, diagnostic curettage and histological examination of the material. Once the diagnosis is clarified, surgical or hormonal treatment is prescribed.


Any causes of uterine enlargement other than pregnancy require clarification of the diagnosis. In addition to examining the patient in a gynecological chair, the doctor prescribes additional laboratory and instrumental tests:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Blood test for biochemistry;
  • Analysis of a vaginal smear for vaginal microflora and cytology;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • Colposcopy;
  • Hysteroscopy;
  • Biopsy of pathological formations in the cavity and tissues of the uterus.
Interpretation of diagnostic results is carried out only by the attending physician; you should not draw conclusions and assumptions on your own. Knowing in which cases the uterus enlarges, the gynecologist will prescribe effective treatment or refute the assumption of a possible disease.