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B vitamins - description, functions, sources and use of B vitamins. Vitamin B complex in tablets: list and names of drugs, features of use for cerebral complications due to diseases of the spine Drugs

B vitamins are one of the most important groups of vitamins for human health, in the treatment of joints and other diseases, in eliminating pain and inflammation. Let’s look at B vitamins in tablets, the names of the drugs, their prices and purposes, as well as how to choose the right vitamins for yourself, why the dosages of these vitamins are inflated by manufacturers of supplements and medications, and why you shouldn’t be afraid of this. And is it even necessary to take additional B vitamins?

B vitamins play the most important role in human health, being responsible for its functioning and the course of metabolic processes. There are a huge number of different processes in our body and only about 500 are known to man. B vitamins are responsible for the functioning of the body both at the molecular level, participating in cell division and growth, and at the level of entire systems: cardiovascular, muscular, bone, nervous, and are responsible for the functioning of the immune system.

B vitamins play a special role in the proper functioning of the nervous system and help the body cope with nervous disorders, depression, stress, and prevent the destruction of brain cells and the onset of serious diseases of the nervous system.

Official medicine is of the opinion that a healthy person does not need to take these vitamins additionally. With rare exceptions, a person gets enough B vitamins from food.

But then quite fair discussions flare up. Firstly, there are almost no healthy people. Almost - this is because everything happens. Perhaps somewhere in Tibet you can find one like this. And this is a serious statement. It is not known who is considered healthy. Any deviation in any direction is considered a manifestation of an unstable condition and illness.

Sports, ecology, overexertion, stress, injuries, chronic diseases, poor nutrition (and this is generally a jungle to understand), excesses in food or vice versa restrictions, alcoholism, other bad habits, congenital and genetic abnormalities, even pregnancy - these are all unstable conditions , excessive stress on the body and manifestations of the disease.

Much in our lives still remains unclear and depends on the characteristics of an individual organism. And you have to decide for yourself what is needed and what is not. ( C "est la vie Se - French. Se la vie - Such is life.)

B vitamins for joints

And joint diseases include not only numerous arthritis and arthrosis, but also hernias, protrusions, curvatures, and degenerative changes in bone and cartilage tissue.

Nutrition and proper therapeutic physical activity are the main components of treatment.

In most cases, it is because of nutritional problems that metabolic disorders and degenerative changes occur in the tissues of the body. Therefore, having reached a state in which there is a lack of one or another element, a disease occurs.

B vitamins are very important for the health of the musculoskeletal system and the entire body. Therefore, it is logical that in order to eliminate the painful condition at all levels it is necessary to increase the amount of B vitamins.

Initially, the benefits and necessity of vitamin B for our vital functions were identified, but later scientists discovered that other important compounds can also be attributed to vitamin B. Since then, all these substances of the same type have been called B vitamins.

B vitamins– these are water-soluble nitrogen-containing substances, which include vitamins and vitamin-like substances that are important in the processes of metabolism and tissue trophism. They either must be supplied with food, or if there is a shortage, they must be synthesized by the body.

The list of activities and directions of vitamins and vitamin-like substances of group B is very extensive and covers almost all known vital processes of the body.

Without knowing exactly the cause of diseases of the joints and joints, but knowing that the basis of everything is a violation of metabolic processes, it becomes clear why one of the components of the complex treatment prescribed by doctors is the use of B vitamins.

This large group includes: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 or PP (nicotinic acid), B4 (choline), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B7 or H (biotin), B8 (inositol ), B9 or Bc or M (folic acid), B10 or H1 (para-aminobenzoic acid), B11 or BT or T (carnitine), B12 (cyanocobalamin).

The sources of some B vitamins are only plants, others have only animal origin, and still others have both. Therefore, proper, nutritious and varied nutrition is an important condition for the body to obtain B vitamins.

Often, none of us can boast of this, and taking such vitamins and substances in the form of supplements becomes the only true and correct option, especially during periods of increased stress on the body.

Even if we eat well, and a personal chef and a nutritionist monitor this, it is still impossible to track the amount of substances, much less increase them if a problem arises. That is why, without even asking how we eat, the doctor prescribes this important group of vitamins.

In order not to satisfy only the interests of the doctor or, on the contrary, his indifferent attitude when the first vitamins available are prescribed, we ourselves must figure out which drugs are best to take for the best result.

Norms of B vitamins per day

Any vitamins and B vitamins as well is a vague and uncertain concept. The norms of vitamins for each of us at different times of life and situations are different. So far, scientists have not sufficiently discovered and illuminated this issue. Vitamin standards vary depending on age, lifestyle, environment and the presence of other concomitant diseases. And all this changes in our lives constantly.

Determining the norms will require a lot of work, research time and money, above all. In this case, you can only average these indicators.

Essential nutrient standards were once defined as an indicator vital necessity(minimal amount). That is, less than this norm causes disruption of the body’s vital functions, leading to illness and death. There was no talk about treatment with vitamins.

When compiling a complex of vitamins and indicating dosages, manufacturers rely on officially accepted DV standards (daily/daily consumption norms)- these are the very minimum dosages that were once accepted as necessary to prevent diseases from vitamin deficiency (vitamin deficiency).

These are doses averaged for all population groups, which are used to calculate food calorie standards, create diets, food baskets for the population, nutritional recommendations, and the like. Now there is a lot of controversy among scientists regarding these indicators, which have long been unreliable and do not reflect the needs of various population groups and do not correspond to the latest discoveries and research.

That is why there is another version of the rules that take into account the latest developments and research, but they remain unofficial for now and there are many reasons for this.

Well-known and reputable manufacturers create their own complex products, focusing on the latest scientific achievements. Taking into account the different needs for nutrients, complexes are produced for different needs and groups of people, which is absolutely correct.

That is why there are vitamin complexes for men and women, pregnant women, athletes, children, teenagers, the elderly, etc. Everyone needs their own dosages of certain substances.

You probably know that during pregnancy the need for folic acid (vitamin B9) increases many times over. This means that a pregnant woman cannot take regular vitamins, but switches to vitamins for pregnant women, which take into account the new needs of the body. Athletes have their own needs for certain substances and their dosages need to be increased. In older people, when metabolic processes naturally decrease and the absorption of nutrients decreases, this is exactly what needs to be taken into account. Everything is logical.

However, by law, manufacturers are required to indicate official standards and build on something common when creating combinations of vitamins and minerals. As a result, many people look at packaging of high-quality vitamins with huge percentages that exceed the norm, and panic.

Perhaps our manufacturers, without indicating all these norms and percentages of the established norms, do not want to bother us once again, as happens with imported drugs: the less you know, the better you sleep? Who knows... I would like to believe that this is only for the sake of caring for customers.

As for complexes for joints and bones, they have their own combinations and dosages that are designed to better support the body in this direction. This also applies to B vitamins. After all, doctors prescribe them (in this case, when treating joints) as part of additional therapy.

We will examine the topic of norms of vitamins taken, their quantities and why manufacturers repeatedly increase the norms of vitamins in vitamin-mineral complexes in more detail.

It is important to remember that in addition to those used minimum standards and indicating the percentage of this indicator and the most adequate modern standards, there is also maximum standards some substances, exceeding which is not recommended to avoid complications. Sometimes this indicator is called toxicity threshold. In large volumes, beneficial substances become poisonous and toxic to the body.

The maximum levels of many vitamins, minerals and vitamin-like compounds are either not discovered and not studied, or they are very difficult to achieve, or so far no one has allocated funds for extensive research. Let us stick to what is and is known.

However, I also want to warn you. We are all different and if, even taking into account all the recommendations and dosages, vitamins are not absorbed (strongly yellow-colored urine, a sharp change in well-being, allergic reactions), then this or that drug is not suitable for you, there is some other problem that is interfering absorption of nutrients and needs to be understood. That's how it is, it's not easy.

Below is a list of B vitamins. Let's look at the norms of vitamins, their functions in the body and how much they need to be taken. Maximum quantities are also indicated, which it is advisable not to exceed in order to avoid undesirable consequences. The types of food products containing this or that vitamin are briefly indicated.

B vitamins*: names, designations, standards

Vitamin Action Recommended norm (M-men, F-women)/per day
Maximum dose per day Contents in products
B1 (thiamine)Takes part in metabolism and in obtaining energy from food. Important for skin, hair, muscles, brain, nervous system M -1.2 mg;

F-1.1 mg.

In Russia: adults - 1.5 mg.,children - from 0.3 to 1.5 mg.
undefinedContained in most foods taken: meat, cereals, milk, vegetables, fruits.
B2 (riboflavin)Helps with energy, antioxidant. Important for skin, hair, blood, brain. M -1.3 mg;

F-1.1 mg.

In Russia: adults - 1.8 mg, children - from 0.4 to 1.8 mg.
undefinedContained in most foods: dairy products, cheeses, meats, whole grains and cereals, green leafy vegetables.
B3 or PP (nicotinic acid, niacin) Help in obtaining energy. Important for skin, blood cells, brain, DNA production, nervous system. M -16 mg;

Zh-14 mg.

In Russia: adults - 20 mg, children - from 5 to 20 mg.
35 mg (in Russia 60.0 mg)
Present in foods, it is synthesized by the body from the amino acid tryptophan with the help of vitamin B6. Present in: meat, poultry, fish, whole grains, mushrooms, potatoes.
B4 (choline)Essential in the production of acetylcholine, which is necessary for nerve and brain actions and muscle contraction. Plays a role in the metabolism and transport of fats M -550 mg; Zh-425 mg.3500 mgIt is synthesized in small doses by the body when necessary, but it has not yet been clarified how, in what quantities and when. Found in foods, especially milk, eggs, liver, salmon and peanuts.
B5 (pantothenic acid) Helps convert food into energy. Participates in the production of lipids, neurotransmitters, hormones, cholesterol and hemoglobin M -5 mg;

Zh-5 mg.

In Russia: adults - 5 mg,children - from 1.0 to 5.0 mg.
not installedFound in almost all foods including chicken, egg yolks, whole grains, broccoli, mushrooms, avocados, tomatoes
B6 (pyridoxine)Participates in the synthesis and metabolism of amino acids. Helps reduce the risk of heart disease. Helps convert tryptophan into niacin and serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in sleep, appetite and mood. Participates in the production of red blood cells and the functioning of the immune system.
Age 31-50 years:

M -1.3 mg;

F-1.3 mg.

Age 51+ years:

M -1.7 mg;

F-1.5 mg.

In Russia: adults - 2.0 mg, children - from 0.4 to 2.0 mg.
100 mg (in Russia 25.0 mg)
Refers to under-received vitamins for most people of different groups. Vitamin B6 deficiency is common. Contained in: meat, fish, poultry, legumes, soy products, potatoes, fruits (non-citrus): bananas, watermelon.
B7 or H (biotin)Helps convert food into energy and synthesize glucose. Participates in the metabolism of fats and fatty acids. Required for healthy bones and hair. M -30 mcg;

F-30 mcg.

In Russia: adults - 50 mcg, children - from 10 to 50 mcg.
not installedUsually there is no shortage, it is present in many foods: whole grains, organ meats, egg yolks, soybeans, fish. A certain amount is produced by bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. However, it is not yet clear how much and how it is used by the body.
B8 (inositol)Takes part in fat and cholesterol metabolism and is necessary for the cells of the gastrointestinal tract, eyes, heart, and brain. Has calming properties M -300-1000 mg (not precisely defined); Zh-300-1000 mg (not precisely defined). undefinedPresent in sufficient quantities in food. There is usually no deficiency, but it is possible due to severe stress, illness, bad habits
B9 or Bc or M (folic acid) Vital for creating new cells, metabolizing amino acids, creating blood cells. Prevents brain and spinal defects when administered early; should be taken regularly by all women of childbearing age, as women may not know they are pregnant in the early weeks of pregnancy. May lower homocysteine ​​levels and may reduce the risk of heart disease. May reduce the risk of colon cancer.
Eliminates the risk of breast cancer among women who drink alcohol.
M -400 mcg;

F-400 mcg.

In Russia: adults - 400 mcg, children - from 50 to 400 mcg.
1000 mcgRefers to substances that are under-received by most people of different groups. Sometimes folic acid masks B12 deficiency, which can lead to severe neurological complications. Must be taken in sufficient quantities along with vitamin B12. Contained in: whole grains and cereals, asparagus, spinach, broccoli, legumes, orange juice, tomato juice.
B10 or H1 (para-aminobenzoic acid) Takes part in many metabolic processes. It is an antioxidant, promotes the production of B9, activates gastrointestinal microflora, promotes protection against UV radiation and much more. M -100 mg; F-100 mg.4 g (therapeutic dosage, not exactly established) Usually comes in sufficient quantities from food with a normal varied diet. Possible deficiency after serious illness, injury, or surgery.

Sources - products of animal and plant origin

B11 or BT or T (carnitine, L-carnitine) Takes part in hematopoiesis and blood clotting, has fat-burning properties, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, and much more. M - up to 300 mg; F - up to 300 mg.not installedIt is synthesized by the body in sufficient quantities. Required in increased quantities during physical activity. It is a common sports supplement. Contained in products of plant and animal origin.
B12 (cyanocobalamin) Helps lower homocysteine ​​levels and may reduce the risk of heart disease. Helps in the creation of new cells and the breakdown of certain fatty acids and amino acids. Protects nerve cells and stimulates their normal growth. Participates in the synthesis of red blood cells and DNA. M -2.4 μg;

F-2.4 mcg.

In Russia: adults - 3.0 mcg, children - from 0.3 to 3.0 mcg.
undefinedRefers to important and often under-received vitamins. Some people, especially older people, are deficient in vitamin B12 and have trouble absorbing the vitamin from food. Vegetarians often don't get enough B12 because it is found in animal products. Often must be taken as a supplement.

Lack of vitamin B12 can lead to memory loss, dementia,
numbness in the arms and legs.

Found in: meat, poultry, fish, milk, cheese, eggs, whole grains, fortified soy dairy products.

*— these tables are based on research data from Harvard Medical University dated August 14, 2017 (latest edition) and the norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation (MR

The listed vitamins and vitamin-like substances are usually classified as group B vitamins. But most often, the following basic vitamins and substances are present in vitamin-mineral complexes or group B complexes:

  1. B1 (thiamine),
  2. B2 (riboflavin),
  3. B3 or PP (nicotinic acid),
  4. B5 (pantothenic acid),
  5. B6 (pyridoxine),
  6. B7 or H (biotin),
  7. B9 or Bc or M (folic acid),
  8. B12 (cyanocobalamin).

Unfortunately, on many of our vitamins the norms are not indicated, but simply the amount of substances is given.

B vitamins in ampoules and tablets. What's better?

B vitamins are available in injectable and tablet form. What is better to use and choose?

As you can see from the table above, B vitamins are very important for the body. Nature itself has made sure that there is no shortage of them in our lives. With food (with normal nutrition) we get enough of these vitamins, with rare exceptions, and what we don’t get can be synthesized by our body independently.

But various diseases, injuries, stress, and environmental conditions disrupt this process of obtaining and assimilating B vitamins. Then medications come to the rescue. Exactly. B vitamins in increased (therapeutic) dosages are already considered drugs and are prescribed by doctors of various specialties for neurology, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and others.

Which is better and more effective to use? Tablets or injections of these vitamins?

First of all, it must be said that B vitamins are quite difficult to absorb by the body through the digestive system. Some are able to accumulate and even undergo an metabolic cycle in the body. It takes a lot of time. Many vitamins in this group require other internal factors and elements to be absorbed. If this process is disrupted somewhere, then the vitamin simply passes by.

In case of increased stress, any chronic diseases, deviations or deficiencies in nutrition, the best choice would be a complex vitamin preparation with a high content of B vitamins, or a separate complex of B vitamins.

However, there are other situations. Diseases that, reaching a peak, disrupt normal life activities and force you to consult a doctor. In this case, prompt treatment and elimination of painful symptoms are necessary. It is in this case that significantly increased therapeutic dosages are used. If the situation allows, the doctor will prescribe them orally (tablets). If not, you will have to undergo a course of injections. Injections of increased amounts of B vitamins are prescribed by a doctor!

It is possible that certain B vitamins may not be absorbed through the digestive system. This is preceded by diseases, surgeries, long-term treatments and much more. These are also indications for injectable drugs.

Vitamin B injections are very painful and even the use of an anesthetic (painkiller) such as lidocaine does not help.

B vitamins - milgamma

In our country, the drug Milgamma is quite common and well known. The drug is presented in the form of ampoules with liquid contents for intramuscular administration and in tablet form.

Milgamma- a combination drug for the prevention of degenerative diseases of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Contains vitamins B₁, B₆ and B₁₂, as well as lidocaine (pain reliever). It has an analgesic effect, improves blood circulation, stimulates the regeneration of nerve tissue, and improves the conduction of nerve impulses. /Wikipedia/

Apart from the quantity of substances, there is no other information on the packaging. However, this is a medicine and the timing and dosage of the drug is supposed to be prescribed by a doctor.

Now let’s move on to analogues of group B drugs that can compensate for the lack of group B vitamins. We will look at what you can drink and what you can’t and how to drink it.

B vitamins in tablets: drug names, prices, effectiveness

B vitamins - Berocca

The drug from our pharmacies is B vitamins - Berocca. One of the purposes is nervous tension, depression and stress.

According to the presented table and standards of substances, as well as maximum dosages, we see that the vitamins in the preparation, although presented in increased dosages, do not have upper limits. And the absence of indications of exceeding the standards does not raise unnecessary questions in your mind. Everyone is happy.

Of course, this does not mean that vitamins are good or bad, and in certain situations, if you know how and when to take them, then you can supplement with this complex. If a doctor prescribes it, then you will go buy it without question. In any case, it is better to take mono drugs (one substance or one group) when prescribed by a doctor.

Vitamin-mineral complexes with B vitamins

If you decide to enrich your diet with B vitamins without consulting a doctor and without knowing how much and what you may be missing, then I recommend starting with a regular high-quality vitamin and mineral complex. Believe me, in any case, it is impossible to imagine any complex without these important vitamins.

In nature, B vitamins are not found separately; they always interact with each other. This is why in very rare cases it is necessary to purchase these vitamins separately. It is much more correct to use a group of these vitamins. After all, only in interaction do they have a beneficial effect on the body.

Let's consider a very rich vitamin-mineral complex, which is intended for men, but we will analyze specifically the group of B vitamins. The indicated huge percentage of the norm for these particular vitamins on imported drugs always causes bewilderment.

Now Foods, Adam, Premium Men's Multivitamin, 180 Softgels

A very popular vitamin and mineral complex from a company known for its quality and variety of various supplements. Now Foods . Here we see not only vitamins, their quantity and norm from the minimum established value, but also the form of the vitamin. If you do not tolerate this form well, then you can choose a complex where this vitamin is presented in a different form. It’s very convenient and you don’t have to tear out your hair: “What should I do? The doctor prescribed vitamins, but they don’t suit me and my stomach hurts!”

This complex is positioned as a supplement for men involved in sports. Understanding the increasing needs for these vitamins for athletes, taking into account the poor digestibility and difficulty of absorption of B vitamins and other scientific research in this area, the manufacturer has repeatedly increased the doses of the vitamin and honestly indicated the excess from the standard norm.

But look carefully: multiply increased doses of vitamins do not have an established upper limit, and those that do do not exceed the maximum dosages. These dosages are calculated for 2 capsules and if you do not have strong physical activity, you can reduce the dosage by half.

Rainbow Light, Just Once, Food Based Multivitamin, 120 Tablets

Another quality complex. We will also consider only B vitamins.

U RainbowLight General purpose vitamins are hard to find. All complexes are developed taking into account the needs of different population groups and have their own norms and dosages. This complex is positioned as based on natural food products. Sources of vitamins are natural raw materials, which are closer to the body and have a higher degree of absorption. Therefore, here the norms from the minimum dose are not so high. A balanced group of essential B vitamins is presented in preventative average, but currently optimal, dosages. If you look at the composition, then again there is no unacceptable overestimation of standards.

Complex preparations of B vitamins

Now let’s move on to preparations containing B vitamins. If they include additional vitamins and minerals, then this is a way to help the absorption of B vitamins. Here, manufacturers suggest that such complexes are taken when problems and abnormalities arise, which require an increased amount of substances. This supplement not only enriches nutrition, but is designed for therapeutic effects.

Rainbow Light, Complete Vitamin B Complex, Food Based Formula, 90 Tablets

Vitamin B3 (niacin) is interesting because it has a high dosage both for therapeutic effects and in normal conditions, but the specified maximum dose can cause an allergic reaction. Sometimes you even have to put up with this during treatment. This is worth considering.

All other vitamins have a fairly high dosage, but do not have maximum established doses. That is why it is better to consult a doctor when taking such a complex. If you do not need such doses of vitamins, then it will not harm, but it will pass by. All the benefits will end up in the toilet. The result will be too expensive urine.

Thorne Research, Essential B Complex, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

A very high-quality complex from a well-known, reputable company Thorne Research . The dosages are simply scary. Positioned as the most bioavailable. It is better not to take such a complex on your own. Take when indicated for additional intake of B vitamins.

Solgar, B-Complex 100, 100 Vegetarian Capsules

A very high-quality complex with highly absorbable B vitamins from a well-known manufacturer Solgar . Everything that is possible is indicated. If you have any intolerances (for example, gluten) or are a vegetarian, you will be sure of what you are taking. Doses are naturally therapeutic and best taken as directed. Follow the link and watch. The main thing is that now you know what to look for and how to choose.

Doctor's Best, Highly Active B Complex, 30 Vegetable Capsules

Highly active complex B in the price/quality category from the company Doctor's BEST . Again, equine, judging by the percentage of the daily value, the dosage of the most important vitamins. Take as indicated.

B vitamins for children

MegaFood, B Complex for Children, 30 Tablets

Firm MegaFood positions its vitamins as completely natural, food-based from vegetables, fruits and herbs. You can even take it on an empty stomach without fear of irritation. Special highly active B complex for children. Here, the manufacturer took into account children's recommended dosages, but the importance of B vitamins here also makes it possible to increase, sometimes significantly, the old minimum standards. Naturally, it is better to take even such a mild complex after consulting with a specialist if any problems arise. Otherwise, it is better to buy a regular vitamin-mineral complex, which will certainly contain the optimal combination of B vitamins.


In conclusion, let's summarize. What you need to know and who are B vitamins indicated for?

  1. B vitamins, with some exceptions, do not require additional intake, as they are found in most food products of animal and plant origin.
  2. To prevent diseases, it is enough to take a regular vitamin-mineral complex, where the group of B vitamins will be represented and optimally balanced. It is better to choose such a complex taking into account age, gender, physical and mental stress. Research shows that with reasonable dosages, supplemental B vitamins will be beneficial in any case.
  3. In case of deviations in health, after and during treatment, in case of chronic diseases, in the postoperative period, stress, the body's needs for B vitamins greatly increase, which requires their additional intake in the form of supplements (tablets or injections).
  4. The most useful and necessary supplements of B vitamins are for the elderly, pregnant women who limit themselves in nutrition and diet, have bad habits, nervous diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  5. Lack of vitamin B12 is usually observed in vegetarians (dietary restrictions).
  6. Lack of vitamin B12, B6 and folic acid is typical for older people (problems with absorption and assimilation of substances).
  7. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is required in increased quantities for pregnant women and during childbearing years (in case of ignorance about pregnancy) due to its extreme importance for the intrauterine development of the child.
  8. This group of vitamins has proven itself and is prescribed by doctors as part of treatment for neurological diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  9. B vitamins can accumulate in the body, undergo a multi-year metabolic cycle, and be synthesized when necessary. However, they are poorly absorbed from food and require many internal factors and stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract for effective absorption.
  10. B vitamins occur naturally and work in synergism to help each other, making it a more effective group of vitamins to take in supplement form. B vitamins are taken individually when a deficiency and other characteristics are established.
  11. The main amount of B vitamins does not have a maximum dosage per day. The exceptions are B3, B4, B6, folic acid, B10. In very large dosages they can cause side effects. This can be avoided if the dosage is selected correctly, taking into account age, gender, stress and disease.

That's all. Do not be ill!

B vitamins are natural substances that enter the human body with food. They are extremely important for normal life. These vitamins play a special role in the functioning of the nervous system. If not enough of them enters the human body, then this in itself can lead to malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous system (in particular, to the occurrence of polyneuropathies). In addition, in a number of pathological processes in nervous tissue, B vitamins have a therapeutic effect due to their ability to influence metabolism and restore nerve fibers. That is why this group of drugs is widely used in the treatment of neurological diseases. In recent decades, B vitamins have begun to be used for problems with any part of the nervous system, because the role of their deficiency has been proven even in the development of thinking disorders. This article will focus on the main aspects of the use of B vitamins in neurological practice. You will receive information about the types of B vitamins existing on the pharmaceutical market and the features of their use.

When they talk about the effect of B vitamins on the nervous system, they usually mean the three most important of them: vitamin B 1 (thiamine), vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin). These substances are essential for the functioning of our brain and nerves.

How do individual vitamins work?

For prevention purposes, it is enough to simply eat well, getting the required amount of each B vitamin from food.

B vitamins are unequal in their effects. Each of them has its own tasks, which we will talk about now.

B 1 performs the following main roles:

  • ensures the processing of carbohydrates by nerve cells, maintaining energy potential;
  • carries out the conduction of nerve impulses along the peripheral processes of nerve cells (axons), thus realizing impulse transmission;
  • deals with the construction of nerve cell membranes;
  • participates in the healing of damaged nerve processes (regeneration).

In 6 it works like this:

  • participates in the synthesis and destruction of biologically active substances that are transmitters of information in the nervous system (dopamine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, serotonin and others);
  • regulates protein synthesis and fat metabolism;
  • ensures the transmission of impulses at the point of contact of two nerve cells (synapse);
  • fights free radicals, that is, it is an antioxidant.

At 12 is needed for:

  • building the myelin sheath of nerves;
  • synthesis of acetylcholine (a substance through which impulses are transmitted between neurons);
  • reducing pain associated with damage to nerve fibers.

Of course, these are not all the functions of B vitamins. Above is only a small part of their work, which relates specifically to the nervous system. And the role for the whole organism is much broader.

Due to such a key role of B vitamins in metabolic processes in the nervous system, they are usually called neurotropic.

Neurotropic vitamins of this group have a unique property: when used simultaneously, their effect is significantly greater than simply the sum of their individual effects. This means that simultaneous administration of all three drugs at once is much more effective than using them individually. Therefore, several decades ago, pharmaceutical companies focused their efforts on creating combined forms of B vitamins in order to improve the quality of treatment and increase the ease of use of drugs. For example, previously it was necessary to perform three different injections so that the patient could receive all three neurotropic vitamins. And today there are drugs that contain all three components in one ampoule. Agree that this is much more convenient and causes less inconvenience to the patient. The same can be said about tablet forms. B complex vitamins in the form of tablets and dragees are available in pharmacies.

Diseases of the nervous system, in the treatment of which B vitamins are used

The role of B vitamins in relation to the nervous system is considered not to be fully understood. More and more new information is coming in after various studies. And in connection with new data, the list of neurological diseases in which neurotropic vitamins have a therapeutic effect is constantly expanding. Great prospects open up for them in the future. The list of neurological problems for which B vitamins can be used consists of:

  • various types of polyneuropathies (primarily and);
  • neuropathies of individual nerves (traumatic, infectious and others);
  • neurological complications of osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine (lumboischialgia, cervicalgia, cervicobrachialgia, thoracalgia, radicular syndromes);
  • tunnel syndromes (, tarsal canal and others);
  • neuropathic pain (for example, with);
  • myelopathy;
  • acquired mental disorders, in particular - some varieties;
  • pyridoxine-associated epilepsy in children.

The therapeutic effect consists of stimulating the healing of nerve fibers and their sheaths, improving conductivity along the nerves. Due to this, the severity of motor and sensory disorders in patients decreases. In addition, in case of damage to the nervous system, the administration of vitamins of this group allows one to achieve a clear analgesic effect for neuropathic pain. Recently, the influence of B vitamins on vascular and neurodegenerative diseases has been actively studied. It has already been proven that due to a multi-stage biochemical process, B vitamins can slow down the progression of atherosclerosis and reduce the risk of thrombosis. Therefore, their use may be useful in preventing the occurrence of cerebrovascular accidents ().

I would also like to dwell on the point that many of the above diseases of the nervous system can sometimes be associated with insufficient levels of the triple B vitamins in the body. However, there are no other reasons for the occurrence of these diseases. For example, polyneuropathy can occur on its own only with a deficiency of vitamin B1 or B6, and a long-term deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause damage to the spinal cord. Research has found that a deficiency of B vitamins often occurs when:

  • poor nutrition (since the human body receives the bulk of vitamins from food);
  • alcohol abuse (because this usually also leads to poor nutrition, and the body requires a lot of vitamin B1 to break down alcohol);
  • drug addiction (due to an antisocial lifestyle);
  • disruption of absorption processes in the intestine (malabsorption syndrome, duodenal ulcer and other diseases);
  • after surgical operations on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • when taking a number of medications (for example, isoniazid for tuberculosis or diuretics for edema).

It is noteworthy that B vitamins exert their therapeutic effect not only in conditions of their deficiency. Due to the peculiarities of their participation in metabolism, their fairly large doses are necessary for the body to fight many diseases and in cases where there is no shortage of them.

Features of the use of B vitamins

In the pharmacy chain you can purchase each of the B vitamins separately or a mixture of them in one ampoule

B vitamins are water-soluble, which allows them to be easily absorbed when taken orally and interact with the natural environment of the body. However, vitamin B1 in small doses in the form of tablets is destroyed in the intestines by enzymes and, accordingly, is poorly absorbed. If you try to increase the dose, this generally leads to a blockade of the transfer of the vitamin from the intestines to the blood. How to be? Medicine has found a way out of the situation. Sufficient concentrations can be achieved by parenteral administration, as well as by using a fat-soluble form of vitamin B1, which can dissolve in fats. This form of vitamin B1 is called Benfotiamine. Benfotiamine is resistant to gastrointestinal enzymes, which makes it possible to absorb large doses and achieve the required concentration of the drug in the blood.

Another feature of the application is the following: individual vitamins B 1, B 6, B 12 cannot be used as a joint injection with one syringe, that is, in the form of a mixture. The fact is that these vitamins can be purchased separately at the pharmacy (ampoules of vitamin B1, ampoules of vitamin B6, ampoules of vitamin B12). In these cases, it is strictly forbidden to combine a solution from one ampoule with a solution from another in the same syringe. But given the frequent need to use these vitamins at the same time, the pharmaceutical industry has solved this problem. Mixtures of these vitamins have been synthesized, which are already mixed in one ampoule and do not inactivate each other, but on the contrary, enhance the effect. Since then, if it is necessary to use all three vitamins at the same time, only industrially prepared mixtures are prescribed. Some of them also contain lidocaine, which is an anesthetic. It is able to enhance the analgesic effect of B vitamins, as well as make the injection itself insensitive to the patient.

The next feature of the use of B vitamins is a potential allergic reaction to them. In principle, any medicinal substance may not be individually tolerated by the patient; it is impossible to predict such a reaction. But you should be more careful with vitamins B 1 and B 12. Allergies to these vitamins, although rare, do occur, so this fact must be taken into account by both medical personnel and the patient.

List of B vitamins that can be found at the pharmacy

The world of business also affects the pharmaceutical industry. Regarding B vitamins, it looks like this: the main three vitamins are represented by a huge number of drugs. That is, a variety of medicines have the same active composition. The difference lies only in the manufacturer and sometimes in additional substances, and, of course, in price. Some manufacturers claim that the effectiveness of the drug is affected by the degree of purification. We do not undertake to evaluate B vitamins according to this indicator. Let us compare them only in terms of composition and forms of release. To avoid getting into trouble and not overpaying for the same substances, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of B vitamins below.

So, the most common B vitamin complexes are:

  • Milgamma;
  • Combilipen;
  • Vitaxon;
  • Vitagamma;
  • Binavit;
  • Neurorubin;
  • Neurobion;
  • Compligam B;
  • Trigamma.

What do all these drugs have in common? All of these medications are available in the form of solutions for intramuscular injection. 1 ampoule of any of them contains 100 mg B1, 100 mg B6 and 1 mg B12. As you can see, the active ingredients are absolutely identical both in composition and dosage. Some of the drugs additionally contain 20 mg of Lidocaine for an analgesic effect (all of the above, except Neurobion and Neurorubin). There is one more difference: Neurobion and Neurorubin contain 3 ml of solution in one ampoule, and all others contain 2 ml. However, this does not affect the total dose. That is, in order to get the same amount of mg of vitamins, you need to inject, for example, Combilipen 2 ml, and Neurorubin 3 ml.

And, of course, the price. According to this indicator, all drugs differ significantly from each other. Those produced abroad are much more expensive than domestic analogues. However, their similarity in composition and dosage allows you to choose a medicine that everyone can afford.

In addition to the release form in the form of an injection solution, all of the above drugs, except Trigamma, Vitagamma and Binavit, are also available in the form of tablets or dragees for oral use. This provides a continuous course of treatment for certain neurological conditions, which is very convenient. The composition and dosage in the case of tablet forms are much more varied than in injection forms. Let's take a closer look at this point.

Milgamma compositum (this is what the dragee is called) and Vitaxon contain a fat-soluble form of vitamin B 1 (benfotiamine) 100 mg and vitamin B 6 100 mg. Combilipen tabs contains the same amount of benfotiamine and vitamin B6 as Milgamma, but in addition also 2 mcg of vitamin B12. Neurobion consists of 100 mg of thiamine, 200 mg of pyridoxine and 200 mcg of cyanocobalamin (the manufacturer writes that each tablet contains an excess of vitamin B 12 in the form of an additional 20%, that is, only 240 mcg). Neurorubin - Forte Lactab contains 200 mg of vitamin B1 (not benfotiamine!), 50 mg of vitamin B6 and 1 mg of vitamin B12. Compligam B complex contains a whole range of B vitamins:

  • 5 mg thiamine (vitamin B 1),
  • 6 mg pyridoxine (vitamin B 6),
  • 6 mg riboflavin (vitamin B2),
  • 0.6 mg folic acid (vitamin B 9),
  • 9 mcg cyanocobalamin (vitamin B 12),
  • 60 mg nicotinamide (vitamin B 3),
  • 15 mg pantothenic acid (vitamin B 5),
  • 150 mcg biotin (vitamin B 7),
  • 100 mg choline (vitamin B 4),
  • 250 mg inositol (vitamin B 8),
  • 100 mg para-aminobenzoic acid (vitamin B 10).

As you can see, tablet forms vary greatly in dosage and composition, which means they cannot always serve as an identical replacement for each other.

There are B vitamins that so far only come in tablet forms. Among them, Neuromultivit, Neurobex and Neurovitan are widespread. Neuromultivit is similar to Neurobion in composition. Neurobeks exists in two forms: Neo (vitamin B 1 50 mg, vitamin B 2 25 mg, vitamin B 6 10 mg, vitamin B 5 25 mg, vitamin B 9 0.5 mg, vitamin B 12 5 mcg, vitamin B 3 100 mg, vitamin C 175 mg) and Forte (vitamin B 1,100 mg, vitamin B 6,200 mg, vitamin B 12,300 mcg). Neurovitan has an interesting composition: octothiamine 25 mg (this is thiamine + thioctic acid, which is an antioxidant), riboflavin 2.5 mg, pyridoxine 40 mg and cyanocobalamin 0.25 mg. It is possible that soon manufacturers of only tablet forms will begin to produce injectable forms, since often the treatment process first requires parenteral administration of vitamins.

I would like to note the fact that the B vitamins in these preparations are medicines. They cannot be taken independently and uncontrollably, carelessly thinking that they are just vitamins. Yes, these are vitamins, but in medicinal dosages, so only a doctor should prescribe them.

From all of the above, it turns out that the arsenal of B vitamins for combating the pathology of the nervous system is very wide. Currently, the attending physician has the opportunity to choose a drug based on dosage and price category, which is a definite plus. And given the emerging new information about the role of B vitamins in the functioning of the nervous system, it can be assumed that the list of these drugs will soon be replenished with new drugs with different dosages and composition.

When I decided to write this review, I considered the complete one I bought. vitamin B complex not just very good, but the best, taking into account the forms of vitamins in its composition and price. First of all, I liked the fact that B12 is presented in its active form - in the form of methylcobalamin, and not cyanocobalamin, as is usually the case. However, after studying the information in more detail on the Russian and foreign Internet, I realized that there are better B-complexes.

You can find the results of my research at. In this review I will not delve into this, but will simply tell you what, in my opinion, are the best B vitamin complexes you can buy in the online store.

BioActive Complete B-Complex from Life Extension

Not just a full complex of B vitamins, but also bioactive - somehow some of the vitamins were enzymatically activated, which is why they, you need to understand, acquired additional power. This is the B-Complex that I bought for myself.

I read in reviews of this product that not all vitamins are presented here in active form. But the main thing for me was that B12 is in the form of methylcobalamin, and there seems to be no such hype and controversy about the other B vitamins. In addition, they are all found in abundance in plant foods, so their deficiency in the body of various types of vegetarians and those who actively include plant foods in their diet is a rare case. But B12 is yes...

It contains a complete set and in decent dosages.

The complex contains:

  • Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1.
  • Riboflavin, B2.
  • Niacin is B3.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Folic acid, or B9.
  • B12, of course.
  • Biotin, also known as B7.
  • Pantothenic acid, or B5.
  • Inositol, aka B8.
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), also called B10.

The dosages, I must say, are not entirely lethal, and I like it. In addition, I even take one capsule, and not 2, as the manufacturer recommends - it seems to be enough.

For completeness, this complex seems to be missing rooms 4 and 11.

B4- this is choline, but personally I don’t need it here. It's full of it, which I use daily. However, the same as in soy.

B11- this is l-carnitine, or l-carnitine, levocarnitine in our opinion. But Wikipedia says that it is called B11 by mistake - it is simply similar to the B vitamins, but does not belong to it. In general, levocarnitine is synthesized in abundance by the human body, and it makes sense to take it additionally only if there are some serious problems with the kidneys or if it is deficient in the body due to genetic characteristics. I’ve seen how some lifters actively grab it, but Wikipedia breaks it down here too: it says that, despite years of research on l-carnitine, taking this substance does not lead to an increase in physical performance.

Compared to the Life Extension complex described above, Thorne Research's options lack inositol (B8) and para-aminobenzoic acid (B10), but do have some choline (B4) in the form of citrate. The dosages of other vitamins differ, sometimes more and sometimes less (if you compare the amount in one capsule).

In general, the composition is not the best option. But it has one major advantage: this B-Complex is hypoallergenic, unlike the Life Extension I bought.

B-Complex from Country Life

This complex has everything that Life Extension has, plus the addition of choline in the form of phosphatidylcholine, derived from, and alpha lipoic acid - a good additional antioxidant. Here is his page on iHerb.

Life Extension vitamins have half the price per jar, but have twice as many servings. Although the dosages are generally smaller. However, there is also a jar for 240 capsules - it’s more profitable to take it.

By the way, the composition contains another name for adenosylcobalamin - dibencoside. It is the same. But, however, it is not specified (unlike the Thorne Research complex) exactly how much is there and how much is methylcobalamin. But since dibencoside is first on the list, it seems there is more of it. If desired, you can request information from the manufacturer.

The complex does not contain gluten, as, in my opinion, in principle, all supplements from the Country Life brand do. And I note that in terms of the completeness of the vitamin composition, this B-Complex is the best.

Although, unfortunately, there is no ideal solution on iHerb yet. But those that you can buy are still better than drugs with B complex vitamins, which are available for sale in our pharmacies, and cheaper than their analogues, which are sold in our sports nutrition stores.

But for myself, I still found, although not ideal, an option that completely suited me.

Garden of Life MyKind Organics B-Complex

Complex MyKind Organics B-Complex manufacturer Garden of Life not just completely natural, but even certified organic. It also contains plant sources of B vitamins themselves: organic vegetables, fruits, herbs. Only B12 is obtained from yeast, since it cannot be obtained from plants, but the yeast in the preparation is not active.

Here is the product page on iHerb.

Not the entire spectrum of B vitamins is presented in a complex; some “buffs” are missing. But all the main ones are in place. My body seems to have enough.

The dosages are also not too large. However, as in the case with, due to the high degree of naturalness of this supplement, its absorption, in my opinion, is much better. And just like multivitamins, I usually only take half a tablet a day, not a whole one. And a surge of energy, strength, vigor, and concentration is felt even with half a dose.

I chew it and drink it. The taste is quite pleasant - it tastes like fruits and berries.

The price, of course, for the MyKind Organics series from Garden of Life is quite steep. But what I wrote in my review of multivitamins in this series, I’ll write the same here: in fact, buy them profitable, because they are better absorbed and act more effectively than their less natural counterparts. And the tablet, moreover, can be divided into two days of administration without any significant loss of this very effectiveness. Therefore, I recommend at least trying this B-complex. Maybe you'll get into it too.

Happy shopping!

If you have never shopped at the iHerb online store, take a look at the section. There are a number of features.

B vitamins are essential for the normal functioning of the body. In nature, these substances are found in foods of animal and plant origin, some of them can be produced by intestinal microflora. In the pharmacy they are presented in the form of concentrated preparations - tablets and solutions. In addition to the letter designation, each of the vitamins has its own special name.

List of drugs

There are many multivitamin complexes that include several B vitamins. The most popular are:


Includes vitamins B6, B9, B12. Take 1 tablet per day for 20-30 days.

Suitable for the prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular accidents, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, angiopathy (damage to blood vessels) in diabetes mellitus.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

To the complex 50

Consists of a number of vitamins from B1 to B10, as well as B12 and herbal components. Take 1 tablet per day during or immediately after meals.

Effective for diseases of the nervous and digestive systems, problems with vision, skin, hair and nails.

Includes vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, B12. Take 1 capsule daily with meals for 6 weeks.

It is used for increased physical and mental stress and stressful situations.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance.


The active ingredients are: vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, ginseng root extract, ascorbic acid, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, molybdenum, chromium. Take 1 tablet with water during breakfast. Course – 30-40 days.

The multivitamin complex is intended for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the nervous system, increasing performance, resistance to physical overload and stress.

Contraindications: high blood pressure, excitability, epilepsy, impaired iron absorption, hypercalcemia, age under 15 years. Take with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Doppelhertz active Magnesium plus B vitamins

The composition includes vitamins B1, B6, B9, B12, as well as magnesium. Take 1 tablet per day for 30 days.

It is used for unbalanced nutrition, excessive physical and mental stress, and heart problems.

Combilipen Tabs

Contains vitamins B1, B6, B12. Take 1 tablet 1-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

The drug is most often used in the form of solutions for intramuscular administration. Injections are prescribed for neuralgia, neuritis, polyneuropathy (including alcoholic and diabetic).

Contraindications: acute heart failure, pregnancy, lactation, childhood, hypersensitivity.

Mega B Complex

Includes all vitamins from B1 to B10, as well as B12, calcium and phytocomponents. You should take 1 tablet 1 time per day for 1-2 months.

Effective for metabolic disorders, heavy physical and psychological stress.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, childhood, individual intolerance.

Milgamma Compositum

Consists of vitamins B1 and B6. Take 1 tablet per day orally with plenty of water. If necessary, increase the dose to 3 tablets per day. The course of treatment is 4 weeks.

Prescribed for neurological diseases accompanied by a deficiency of these substances.

Contraindications: decompensated heart failure, fructose intolerance, pregnancy, lactation, childhood, hypersensitivity.


Consists of vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12. Adults take 1-4 tablets per day, children - from 0.5 to 3 tablets per day, depending on age. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

Used for diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, liver, anemia, dermatitis, baldness. Also indicated for people who abuse alcohol and smoke.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity. Drinking alcohol is prohibited during treatment.

Neuromultivitis (Neurobion)

Contains vitamins B1, B6, B12. Take 1 tablet 1-3 times a day for 4-6 weeks.

Effective for neurological diseases, fatigue from increased psychological stress, recovery from illness.

Contraindications: diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, lactation, age under 18 years, hypersensitivity.


Contains vitamins B1, B6, B12. Adults take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day, children 1-2 tablets 1-3 times a day, depending on age and disease.

Indicated for disorders of the nervous and digestive systems, manifestations of deficiency of B vitamins (dermatitis, baldness, acne), and circulatory disorders.

Contraindications: intolerance to the drug components, acute thromboembolism, erythrocytosis, erythremia, age under 2 years.

Tablets with B vitamins Tiens

Contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12. Take in the morning after breakfast with water, adults – 2 tablets per day, children – 1 tablet. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Normalizes metabolism, fights diseases of the nervous system, promotes hematopoiesis, restores the structure of skin and hair.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity.

During pregnancy

While carrying a child, it is extremely important to receive the required amount of vitamins and vitamin-like substances of group B. Typically, vitamins of this group are included in multivitamin complexes for pregnant women, such as Vitrum Prenatal, Materna, Pregnavit, Pregnakea, Elevit Pronatal.

For children

Modern vitamin complexes for children include tablet preparations, as well as syrups and drops: Adivit, Alphabet - Our Baby, Multi-Tabs Baby, Pikovit, Polivit-Baby, Sana-Sol, Unicap.

Perhaps everyone knows that B vitamins are beneficial for the body, but what exactly are these benefits? The fact is that they help obtain energy from carbohydrates and fats, are responsible for the production of hormones and neurotransmitters, ensure the functioning of the nervous system and skin health. These are essential substances for our body.

The role of B vitamins for the body

Vitamins are special substances that catalyze a number of chemical reactions occurring in the body and control the production of macroelements. And ultimately they support the functioning of the entire organism.

Each group of vitamins is assigned a letter of the Latin alphabet. But, oddly enough, it was not vitamin A that was first isolated in 1912, but a complex of B vitamins. It was a water-soluble crystalline substance. The author of the discovery, Casimir Funk, called this substance a “vitamin,” that is, a vital substance.

In 1913, biochemists McCollum and Davis discovered another “vital substance.” It was called "fat-soluble factor A." The vitamin that Funk isolated a year earlier was assigned the second letter of the Latin alphabet - B. All vitamins discovered later also received the corresponding letter - C, D, etc.

Over time, it became clear that the same crystalline substance isolated by Funk was a whole complex of biologically active compounds. They began to be given serial numbers - B1, B2, etc.

Currently, group B includes 8 essential vitamins. They are coenzymes, that is, substances with the help of which biochemical reactions occur inside cells.

A lack of vitamins makes the processing of proteins, fats or carbohydrates ineffective. Because of this, the nervous system, heart cells, and muscles suffer, hemoglobin synthesis is disrupted, and immunity decreases.

It is not possible to create a depot of B vitamins in the body - they practically do not accumulate in tissues. There is an advantage to this - an “overdose” of these compounds is practically impossible. But, of course, you should not take doses tens of times higher than permissible.

Group B: so different and yet together

B vitamins include B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. The numbers are not in order, since not all of the discovered substances turned out to be indispensable for the body. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  • B1, or thiamine, ensures energy metabolism and efficient utilization of carbohydrates. If this substance is not enough, the body “switches” to other macroelements to obtain energy, which leads to impaired development and muscle dystrophy. Products of incomplete breakdown of carbohydrates accumulate, and as a result, heart pain and problems with the nervous system. Another function of B1 is the absorption of iron by the body.
  • B2 - riboflavin. In its free form, it is contained in the retina of the eye and protects it, so it is prescribed for cataracts. In addition, it regulates immunity, participates in biochemical reactions and accelerates the metabolism of vitamin B6.

Previously, riboflavin had several names. Ovoflavin is a vitamin isolated from eggs. Lactoflavin - from milk. Hepatoflavin - from the liver.

  • B3 is an antipellagritic factor, also called vitamin PP. It is what helps cell division and protein synthesis, cellular respiration in mitochondria and many other processes. Steroid hormones, fatty acids and some other compounds are formed with the participation of this vitamin.
  • B5, or pantothenic acid. With its help, more than a dozen different biochemical reactions occur in the body. This includes the synthesis of hormones, the production of hemoglobin, and energy metabolism. In addition to all this, this substance supports our intestinal microflora.
  • B6, or pyridoxine, helps reduce the risk of heart attack and affects the balance of the female hormonal system. It supports the synthesis of hemoglobin and other proteins. And gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is produced with its help, helps relieve excitement of the nervous system and prevents seizures.
  • B7, or vitamin H, also known as biotin, ensures healthy skin and hair, participates in the synthesis of fatty acids and other biochemical reactions.
  • B9, Bc and M are different names for folic acid. This substance is critical for pregnant women. Taking a multivitamin with folic acid can prevent 92% of cases of birth defects of the nervous system. In addition, lack of B9 leads to the development of anemia.
  • B12 is known as an anti-anemic factor. Until 1926, anemia caused by a lack of this substance was a fatal disease. The first “cure” for it was... raw liver. In 1955, an antianemic factor was isolated from the liver and its structure was deciphered.

Substances with vitamin-like activity are also included in group B. They act almost like vitamins, but can be produced by the body itself or by intestinal microflora in the required quantities.

  • Vitamin B4, choline. This substance prevents the development of fatty liver and is part of almost all cells.
  • B8 - inositol. It helps maintain the condition of hair, visual acuity and, like choline, protects the liver from fatty degeneration. This substance is also called "anti-alopecia factor".
  • B10, para-aminobenzoic acid, or PABA. With its help, DNA and RNA are synthesized and the functioning of the nervous system is controlled.

If the body has a sufficient amount of these biologically active substances, it works normally. But as soon as the concentration of a certain vitamin becomes less than normal, the entire system fails.

What happens when there is not enough vitamin B

Most often, there is a deficiency not of just one substance, but of several vitamins at once. This condition is called polyhypovitaminosis. At the same time, micronutrient deficiency affects both adults and children and is observed all year round, regardless of the season.

The most common signs of a lack of B vitamins are fatigue, irritability, decreased memory and attention, poor appetite, insomnia, and bruising on the skin. “Balls” in the corners of the mouth, which are called angular stomatitis, appear due to a deficiency of vitamin B2 or B6. With a lack of vitamin B5, peeling and dermatitis appear on the skin.

Anemia can develop with a deficiency of vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9 and B12. Each of these substances is responsible for the formation of hemoglobin and the synthesis of red blood cells, so they must be taken in combination.

If peeling appears on the skin, every little thing causes irritation, and fatigue accompanies the whole day, you should consult a therapist.

The doctor will examine you and, if necessary, refer you to the right specialist. Most likely, the patient will be asked to donate blood for analysis, and may be referred for additional tests to rule out more serious diseases.

Foods High in B Vitamins

A natural way to prevent B vitamin deficiencies is to watch your diet. It is enough to eat a varied diet, if possible avoid semi-finished products, canned food and refined foods. In refined foods (for example, polished rice), few vitamins remain - they are concentrated in the shell. During preservation, most of the group B compounds are destroyed.

Here is a list of foods that contain B vitamins in abundance.

  • The largest amount of vitamin B1 is found in pork tenderloin. Also, do not give up peas, oatmeal (not instant), and buckwheat.
  • B2 is found in the liver and heart, as well as in cheese, eggs and oatmeal.
  • The liver is rich in vitamin B3, as well as eggs and legumes - soy, peas, beans.
  • Nicotinic acid is found in the liver, as well as in peanuts, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, meat, poultry and buckwheat.
  • Liver, soybeans, corn and rice will help cope with biotin deficiency.
  • Folic acid is found in parsley and spinach. But it’s easier to get the daily requirement of this vitamin from liver, cottage cheese, soybeans, beans or millet.
  • Finally, anti-anemic factor B12 can be obtained from liver, mackerel, sardines, herring and other fish. It is also found in beef, cottage cheese and hard cheeses.

Synthetic vitamins and dietary supplements

If signs of hypovitaminosis have already appeared, the pharmacy comes to the rescue. Here you can find several dozen names of vitamin preparations, complexes and dietary supplements enriched with vitamins. It’s not easy to choose just one among them.

Monopreparations and complexes, consisting of several interrelated components, help to cope with a specific problem. For example, for anemia, drugs containing iron, vitamins B6, B9, B12, C and some microelements are effective. For neurological problems and skin diseases, medications containing a complex of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 can help.

Multivitamins, which contain a complex of vitamins and minerals, usually contain small doses of active ingredients. They cover the body's need for these compounds and compensate for their lack in food.

If single drugs are more often used for treatment, then multivitamins are a reasonable choice for the prevention of hypovitaminosis.

Dietary supplements contain natural substances that have biological activity. Sometimes they are additionally enriched with a premix of vitamins, which enhances their effectiveness. Often these are extracts or extracts from plants, preparations based on yeast, food albumin or other products of animal origin.

B vitamins are vital substances. To avoid their deficiency, you need to monitor your diet, maintain its diversity and take a course of multivitamins and/or dietary supplements several times a year to prevent hypovitaminosis. If symptoms of vitamin deficiency have already appeared, then you should consult a doctor and start taking special treatment complexes.


1 Morozkina T.S. Vitamins: A short guide for doctors and students of medical, pharmaceutical and biological specialties / T.S. Morozkina, A.G. Moiseenok. – Mn.: Asar LLC, 2002. – P. 3.

2 Morozkina T.S. Vitamins: A short guide for doctors and students of medical, pharmaceutical and biological specialties / T.S. Morozkina, A.G. Moiseenok. – Mn.: Asar LLC, 2002. – P. 8.

3 Morozkina T.S. Vitamins: A short guide for doctors and students of medical, pharmaceutical and biological specialties / T.S. Morozkina, A.G. Moiseenok. – Mn.: Asar LLC, 2002. – P. 11.

4 Savchenko A.A. Vitamins as the basis of immunometabolic therapy / A.A. Savchenko, E.N. Anisimova, A.G. Borisov, E.A. Kondakov. – Krasnoyarsk: KrasSMU Publishing House, 2011. – p. 37.

5 Savchenko A.A. Vitamins as the basis of immunometabolic therapy / A.A. Savchenko, E.N. Anisimova, A.G. Borisov, E.A. Kondakov. – Krasnoyarsk: KrasSMU Publishing House, 2011. – p. 43.

6 Tseytsel E.I. Primary prevention of birth defects: multivitamins or folic acid? / E.I. Tseytsel // RMJ. 2012. No. 21. pp. 1122-1132.

7 Morozkina T.S. Vitamins: A short guide for doctors and students of medical, pharmaceutical and biological specialties / T.S. Morozkina, A.G. Moiseenok. – Mn.: Asar LLC, 2002. – P. 43.

8 Savchenko A.A. Vitamins as the basis of immunometabolic therapy / A.A. Savchenko, E.N. Anisimova, A.G. Borisov, E.A. Kondakov. – Krasnoyarsk: KrasSMU Publishing House, 2011. – pp. 78-93.

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10 Morozkina T.S. Vitamins: A short guide for doctors and students of medical, pharmaceutical and biological specialties / T.S. Morozkina, A.G. Moiseenok. – Mn.: Asar LLC, 2002. – P. 9.

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