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High blood pressure does not decrease, what should I do? Treatment of high blood pressure. What to do if you have high self-esteem

All girls who are tall or simply taller than average are divided into two types: models and everyone else. And, although there is an obvious trend throughout the world towards an increase in the height of the average person, when it comes to clothing manufacturers, a woman's height over 172 cm is considered tall. Tall girls are usually extremely shy in adolescence, as they are often subjected to ridicule and ridicule from peers of quite ordinary or even short stature. Sometimes this turns into real torture for them, from which they are unable to hide. Some of the tall girls use their height for a successful sports career, and then they are not afraid of any ridicule, since they can stand up for themselves, but the majority of girls still experience moral suffering associated with their height.

Tall girls: be proud of your model height

There is no way on earth to be or look less than you are. When a woman slouches, she visually appears even longer and awkward. Tall height combined with a slender, beautiful figure looks very sexy. Currently, many teenage girls dream of a career as a fashion model, which most of them will be destined to forget forever, because their height is less than 175 cm. Today, only those children who grew up in an environment where it is not accepted stand out from the crowd, be different from others.

Many experts in the fashion world agree that tall girls do not need to avoid high heels and wear flat soles, as has long been the custom. Perhaps this is due to the fact that fashion in general is based on the idea of ​​​​the opposite of everything rational and ordinary. Yes, women's flat shoes don't add extra inches to your height, but they also don't highlight the beauty of your long legs. There is no need to try to downplay your remarkable height, for this is something you should be proud of. You have endless possibilities to create your own unique clothing style.

Many tall girls they are worried that their boyfriend will be shorter than them. Don't worry about it. You should not show favor to a short young man just because he liked you, first of all, you should like him. Don't waste your time on guys who don't pay much attention to you. Tall men often prefer tall girls for practical reasons - it is more convenient to dance with them, and they feel more confident when going out with a tall woman.

Tall girls: highlight your beauty

If nature has given you tall height, try to emphasize your beauty with the help of clothes. Elongated silhouettes, high heeled boots, and beautiful long hair will suit you. Look for asymmetrical length fashionable dresses, straight skirts, fitted jackets and blouses. Do not try to visually reduce the length of your legs or arms - they will lose their sexuality. Emphasize long graceful hands and fingers with theatrical style gloves, a beautiful shimmering manicure, and seamed stockings are perfect for long legs.

We hope that our women's magazine with this article has dispelled your doubts about the inconveniences of being tall, which sometimes make beautiful, tall and slender women feel embarrassed about their figure and hide it in ugly shoes and clothes. Tall girls should rightfully be proud of themselves and their growth.

If your blood pressure is high, what should you do at home? High blood pressure is a common condition for modern people. The great physical and psychological stress of the current rhythm of life forces the body to work at its maximum potential. Stress, poor and irregular nutrition, poor environment and increased mental risks provoke an increase in blood pressure. How to reduce high blood pressure at home? Is it possible?

Health hazard

If a person does not pay attention to problems related to blood pressure, this can result in a risk of heart failure, myocardial infarction, stroke and a number of other diseases. There are times when a person is so busy with his usual activities, always running somewhere and in a hurry, that he does not notice the symptoms of high blood pressure. It’s not for nothing that doctors call this phenomenon the “silent killer.”

Initially, the manifestations of high blood pressure are similar to banal fatigue, when you are overcome by a headache, dizziness, and forgetfulness and apathy are increasingly common. Moreover, after a full night’s rest, most of the symptoms go away, and the person blames everything on the previous hard working day. If you ignore all this for a long time and do not consult a doctor, after a while your blood pressure rises and will inevitably make itself felt with tinnitus, swelling, and redness on the skin. Hypertension can have a number of causes, the most common being genetics, excess weight, and constant stress.

If you notice high blood pressure, what should you do at home? First of all, it is worth noting that only a specialist will be able to identify the causes and prescribe complete treatment for hypertension. However, what to do if you have an attack at home? What ways can you lower your blood pressure? Basic advice: you need to try to relax. Each person has his own techniques that he uses to relieve nervous tension. The mechanism of the negative effect of stress on the human body must be stopped through breathing exercises, a relaxing bath, and aromatic self-massage.

To reduce high blood pressure at home, sit in a comfortable position, take a few deep breaths and exhale slowly. Then inhale through your nose and hold your breath for 5-6 seconds, exhale slowly through your mouth. Do not overdo it with holding your breath, so as not to cause a lack of oxygen. Breathing exercises slightly reduce blood pressure. For the initial stage of hypertension, such a dose will be sufficient. If attacks occur frequently, you should consult a doctor.

Effective methods

An aggressive external environment, irritability, anxiety - all this negatively affects health. To protect itself, the body produces the hormone adrenaline, which triggers a number of processes, including an increase in blood pressure. To neutralize its effect, you should go for an evening walk after a hard day at work. With intense walking, the influence of adrenaline decreases, and after this the pressure decreases.

In parallel with the movement, the body is saturated with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the human condition. Relaxing music helps many people. All these methods are suitable for those who are experiencing hypertension for the first time and do not experience major problems due to it on an ongoing basis. In other cases, doctors prescribe medications to their patients.

A well-known folk treatment for hypertension is apple cider vinegar. It is found in every home, so it can be used in emergency situations to lower blood pressure. Take half a glass of natural apple cider vinegar, dilute it with half a glass of water and soak a towel with this solution. Wrap your feet, the temperature of the compress does not matter, the main thing is that it is comfortable for the skin. The wrap should be left for 10-15 minutes. It's all about the nerve endings located on the feet: vinegar acts as an irritant and lowers blood pressure. After the compress, your feet should be washed with cool water and put on warm socks.

Traditional medicine offers blood pressure-lowering recipes based on honey. To prepare a natural medicine, take carrots, beets and radishes and squeeze out the juice. This recipe requires a juicer. Add a spoonful of natural flower honey to a glass of the resulting juice. The mixture will be quite concentrated, so you need to use it 1 tbsp. l. before every meal. After a week of such treatment, attacks of hypertension will subside.

Folk recipes

Herbal medicine is useful for use at home as an emergency aid and during prescribed treatment with drugs to enhance the therapeutic effect.

Be careful, do not prescribe treatment yourself, consult your doctor, as some tablets may already contain extracts of herbs and berries; an overdose is dangerous.

Pharmacy herbal mixture for high blood pressure consists of viburnum, lingonberry, hawthorn, rowan, and cucumber. During an attack of high blood pressure, you need to drink a herbal infusion and relax and let it take effect. Unlike medications, such herbal natural medicines can become daily and preventative when prescribed by a doctor.

An infusion of motherwort, mistletoe and hawthorn leaves will quickly help with hypertension. Take the listed ingredients in equal parts, pour boiling water and let stand overnight in a dark place. The next morning you can drink 1/3 glass after meals.

If we talk about prevention, you should include more raw carrots in your diet. You can find many delicious and healthy recipes. The beneficial substances contained in carrots have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and immunity. It is advisable for hypertensive patients to consume honey; it can completely replace sugar, which does not bring any benefit. In the summer, people prone to hypertension need to eat seasonal berries: chokeberries, raspberries, strawberries - they help lower blood pressure.

Among the folk methods of lowering blood pressure, there are unexpected and pleasant ways. Just pet the cat! It’s not for nothing that many older people love furry animals, because stroking a cat’s fur really helps to calm down and relax to the quiet purr of a soft pet. Not long ago, scientists proved that the effect of therapy with cats is not only psychological, so as soon as the pressure has increased, feel free to take animals in your arms for medical purposes.


The best way a person can help himself is to lead a healthy lifestyle. You need to learn to cope with stress, control emotions, and be able to calm down. Hypertensive patients should stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. It is advisable to follow a diet, give up large amounts of sweets, fatty foods, coffee, and salty foods.

When blood pressure jumps, it is necessary to urgently carry out therapeutic measures to lower this important indicator of the body. Otherwise, a relapse leads to a hypertensive crisis, which can be fatal. First aid for high blood pressure should be provided at home, the rest of the actions are up to the doctors.

How to lower blood pressure

If a hypertensive patient has a severe headache, it is possible that there is high blood pressure. The pathology is manifested by rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, decreased visual acuity, dizziness, vomiting, and insomnia. The question immediately arises: how to reduce blood pressure at home, what medications to take from the first aid kit. Doctors recommend the following treatment measures for high blood pressure:

  1. Corvalol. Pour 45 drops of the medicine into a glass of well-warm water, stir, drink in one gulp.
  2. Morozov's drops. Combine alcohol tinctures of peppermint, motherwort berries, hawthorn fruits, valerian and Valocordin. Stir, take 30 drops at high blood pressure, diluting with water.
  3. Papaverine. Taking a single dose stabilizes intracranial blood pressure, eliminates vascular spasms, and provides a short-term period of remission.

How to reduce lower blood pressure

If diastolic pressure is high, physiotherapeutic procedures can be done to eliminate progressive hypertension. Massage using ice cubes is particularly productive. If you apply cold from the neck along the spine, the increased lower pressure will very quickly return to normal; a further increase is possible only under the influence of provoking factors.

High upper pressure with normal lower pressure

The problem with high systolic blood pressure can also be solved at home. It is necessary to take diuretics, for example, Lasix or Veroshpiron, and drink calcium ion agonists (Verapamil, Nifedipine). High heart pressure from such medications will decrease gradually, and proper nutrition, giving up bad habits, and frequent trips outside will help enhance the effect. There is no need to increase the dose of the diuretic, it is dangerous.

Increased heart pressure

At an early stage, the doctor recommends doing therapeutic breathing exercises, but in the future this method without pills will no longer help cure hypertension. Monotherapy or an integrated approach to the problem is required. To quickly stop an attack, it is better to give an injection of magnesium - this is the most effective home remedy for lowering heart pressure.

Medicines to lower blood pressure

If high blood pressure is determined, your doctor will tell you what to do. You cannot do without pills, but taking them does not need to be unauthorized. Effective methods for lowering high blood pressure are detailed below:

  1. Acripamide. The effect of the tablets begins 2 hours after taking a single dose and lasts for 6-12 hours. Afterwards, a repeat dose of the medicine is required.
  2. Dibazol. An effective way to reduce blood pressure. To stop a hypertensive crisis and stop tachycardia, you need to make a solution and use it intramuscularly or intravenously.
  3. Papaverine. Tablets as part of a complex treatment to relax peripheral blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. Take 50 g of medication for high blood pressure three times a day.

How to lower blood pressure without pills

To return high blood pressure to normal, it is not at all necessary to take pills: there are more gentle and safe methods that are easy to do at home. Before lowering blood pressure without medication, you should consult a cardiologist. In this case, we are talking about the following therapeutic measures available to adults and children:

  1. Acupuncture points. From the earlobe to the collarbone, press and make a conventional vertical line with your index finger.
  2. Diet. If you have high blood pressure, what should you do? Proper nutrition with foods that contain magnesium and calcium will help. Exclude alcoholic drinks (cognac and others), semi-finished products.
  3. Physical activity. Fresh air and cardio exercises make blood vessels strong, which will prevent blood pressure from rising.
  4. Deep Breathing Technique. Take a deep breath through the nasal passages. Freeze, mentally inflate the air, count to 7. After this, you can exhale through your mouth.

High blood pressure during pregnancy

During pregnancy, high blood pressure in the expectant mother is dangerous for the baby's life. The risk of gestosis, fetoplacental insufficiency, and premature placental abruption increases. Nausea, dizziness and vomiting make a woman irritable and nervous beyond limit. If you have high blood pressure – what to do? Safe activities during pregnancy are detailed below:

  1. Pumpkin broth with honey reduces high blood pressure during pregnancy, and to prepare it, boil 200 g of pumpkin in a liter of boiling water, strain and add a little honey. Drink the daily dose on an empty stomach, evenly dividing the portion into three approaches.
  2. Green tea with lemon should replace coffee, carbonated drinks, strong tea and alcohol. It is also important to avoid chocolate, spicy and salty foods.
  3. Pumpkin and cranberry juice are very effective drinks for stabilizing blood pressure; they help regulate vascular permeability within a quarter of an hour after the initial dose.

Folk remedies for blood pressure

When blood pressure rises, taking medications is not always appropriate. Some patients deliberately choose safe alternative methods, because they are confident that their implementation is the key to a speedy recovery. Folk remedies for high blood pressure can be an independent medicine or part of complex therapy to enhance the therapeutic effect. If blood pressure has already risen, stop delaying. Below are the most effective folk recipes to combat this dangerous symptom:

  1. Dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:3. Moisten the gauze and apply it to your feet until completely dry. The patient should lie down at this moment; complete rest is important. Carry out the procedure until the alarming symptoms are completely eliminated.
  2. Combine half a glass of melted honey, add 5 cloves of chopped garlic, pour in the juice of one lemon. Stirring, make the mixture homogeneous, leave in a warm place for up to 3 hours, then place in the refrigerator. Before going to bed, take 1 tsp. medications on an empty stomach.
  3. You can make concentrated beet juice every morning, which, if there is no allergic reaction, drink instead of the morning portion of tea. This is also a good remedy for a progressive hangover.
  4. Grind fresh cranberries, do not add sugar, place in a glass container. Take 1 tsp orally every morning. sour berry puree, but do not drink it with liquid. If you do such procedures regularly, the number of attacks will decrease.

Video: what to do with high blood pressure

(hypertension) is a disease that still, despite all the attempts made to study it, keeps many secrets. Deterioration of the condition in this pathology can occur at any time, and delay in this case often entails the most serious consequences. Therefore, people who are prone to high blood pressure (and every fifth inhabitant of the Earth can now count themselves among them) should know what measures should be taken if high blood pressure does not subside. There are many proven methods for this, which this article will focus on.

What's behind the numbers?

Blood pressure (BP), or rather its level, is an indicator of the volume of blood flowing to the organs of our body. And blood pressure numbers demonstrate the effectiveness of the functioning of the cardiovascular system and help determine the presence of disorders in it. And before we talk about what to do if high blood pressure does not decrease or is not reduced by conventional means, it is worth taking a closer look at the components of this indicator.

The work of the heart consists of cyclically alternating contractions and relaxations (in medicine - systole and diastole). During contraction, the volume of cavities in the heart muscle becomes smaller, and blood is released from them into the vessels, and during relaxation, on the contrary, it increases, and the cavities fill with blood.

During the diastole phase (i.e. relaxation), the valve that separates the heart from the vascular system (called the aortic valve) closes. This prevents blood from returning back to the heart and forces it to move through the vessels.

How blood moves in our body

There are several ways for blood to move in the human body - arteries, veins and capillaries. And often the reason that high blood pressure does not decrease is the blood circulation characteristics of a particular person. But how should this happen normally?

For blood supplied with oxygen, arteries coming from the heart serve as conductors. She moves along them at high speed, covering several meters in a second. The walls of the arteries are equipped with muscle fibers that allow them to change their diameter (increase or decrease the lumen of the vessels).

Veins allow blood with low oxygen content to pass through them and return it back to the heart. At the same time, it moves slowly, covering only a few centimeters per second. The volume of the veins changes depending on the amount of blood accumulated in them.

The smallest vessels in our body are capillaries. Their diameter is sometimes measured in microns, which corresponds to the diameter of human blood cells. It is through the walls of capillaries that the exchange of nutrients and gases occurs between the organs of the body and the blood - this is how one can primitively describe the circle of blood circulation in the body.

What do blood pressure indicators depend on?

The way the heart and the entire cardiovascular system works is primarily reflected in heart rate and blood pressure levels. It is not for nothing that in a situation where high blood pressure does not decrease, the doctor pays attention to the patient’s pulse.

The pulse is a pulse of blood that is felt at the point where the artery is close to the human skin. It occurs at the moment of contraction of the heart (systole). Moreover, at this moment, a so-called shock wave is formed in the initial section of the aorta (the main artery of the body), which is transmitted along the walls of all arteries and which can be detected in the form of vibrations. The pulse rate and its rhythm depend on the number of heart contractions.

And now about what affects blood pressure numbers.

  1. Blood pressure depends on the amount of blood circulating in the arteries. The fact is that its total volume is approximately 5 liters, and about 2/3 of its volume simultaneously flows through the vessels. When it decreases, the blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels decreases, and when it increases, an increase in pressure can be observed.
  2. In addition, it is directly dependent on the diameter of the vessels through which blood moves. The smaller their diameter, the more they resist the movement of blood, which means its pressure on the walls increases.
  3. Another factor influencing blood pressure is the intensity of heart contractions. The more often a muscle contracts, the more blood it pumps, the greater the pressure on the artery walls. By the way, often in such cases, a patient with high blood pressure does not have enough air, which can be considered a clear sign of an increase in heart rate (tachycardia).

Systolic and diastolic pressure

In medicine, it is customary to talk about two types of blood pressure: systolic (upper) and diastolic (lower). Systolic is the pressure in the artery at the moment of contraction of the heart muscle, and diastolic, respectively, at the moment of its relaxation. That is, with a pressure considered normal for a healthy adult - 120/80 mm Hg. Art., the upper pressure (120) is systolic, and the lower pressure is (80) diastolic.

High blood pressure not going down? The reasons may lie in the effect of tonic drinks (tea, coffee) or alcohol on the body, as well as physical activity and emotional stress, especially if the person is over 40 and has a tendency to hypertension. But, for your information, such an increase in pressure is not yet considered pathological, since it is a compensatory, that is, a forced, adaptive reaction of the body to specific stimuli, and, as a rule, normalizes on its own.

What causes hypertension

And hypertension, in contrast to the situation described above, is a persistent increase in blood pressure. As already mentioned, it can be triggered by both an increase in the volume of blood pumped by the heart and a narrowing of the diameter of blood vessels. And the latter can be caused by thickening of their walls and clogging with cholesterol plaques. But this is only a small part of the causes of hypertension.

This disease can accompany age-related or hormonal changes in the human body, as well as pathologies of internal organs, for example, renal failure. By the way, in these cases, high blood pressure is not reduced by medications or responds poorly to taking them. And therefore, when doctors have persistent blood pressure levels, as a rule, they refer the patient for additional examination to find out the true causes of hypertension.

Based on this, it is customary to distinguish between primary hypertension, which is called essential, and secondary hypertension, which is called symptomatic. The first type of disease, unfortunately, does not have a single cause, by eliminating which one can achieve a lasting reduction or normalization of blood pressure. And secondary hypertension completely depends on the specific cause (that is, on an existing disease), its elimination is necessary not only to reduce blood pressure, but also to avoid possible complications.

What if I don’t feel high blood pressure?

This question is sometimes asked by patients. As a rule, an increase in pressure is accompanied by certain symptoms: headache, nausea, a feeling of heat in the neck and head, lack of air, the appearance of black spots before the eyes. Each patient has his own set of sure signs that the pressure has increased.

But there is also a small percentage of hypertensive patients who (especially in the first stages of the disease) do not feel a change in their condition. That’s why they ask: “What should I do if I don’t feel high blood pressure?”

In this case, doctors insist on regular monitoring of blood pressure using a tonometer. By the way, every person over 40 years of age should have it. It is necessary to measure blood pressure regularly even if you feel well.

Having discovered that blood pressure is elevated, but your health has not changed, it is worth taking measurements every day. Preferably at the same time, after relaxing, not immediately after eating and following the instructions for using the tonometer. If a regular increase in blood pressure is detected, you should immediately contact a physician for examination and prescription of blood pressure control medications.

Medicines that lower blood pressure

Of course, if high blood pressure does not decrease for several days, this is a serious reason to urgently consult a doctor and begin treatment. After all, if primary hypertension is diagnosed, you will now have to take medications regularly, since this is still the only sure way to maintain good health.

Drugs that control blood pressure are divided into several types. And pay attention - the doctor prescribes them based on the specific situation. You should not test on yourself the medicine that helped your neighbor! It may be dangerous for you.

In situations where high blood pressure is not reduced by tablets, intramuscular and intravenous drugs are used. Their action, as a rule, has a more pronounced effect. However, such medications are used only in special cases and under medical supervision.

Impact on acupuncture points to reduce pressure

With existing hypertension, as well as with a suddenly detected increase in blood pressure, a situation may arise when it stubbornly remains at frightening numbers and does not want to fall. High blood pressure does not decrease, what should I do?

In this case, we are talking about the point under the ear, or rather, under the lobe. Find a depression under it and, pressing lightly on the skin, draw a vertical line with your finger from top to bottom, to the middle of the collarbone. This should be done 8-10 times on each side of the neck, and the pressure will decrease.

And at the level of the earlobe, half a centimeter from it towards the nose, find a point that you massage firmly (but not painfully) for 1 minute.

Treatments to help reduce high blood pressure

If the increase in blood pressure was preceded by stress or nervous tension, you should lie down comfortably (preferably on a high pillow), unbutton tight clothes and drink 20 drops of tincture of valerian, motherwort or peony, which will help you calm down. If you experience painful sensations in the heart, it is best to take a Corvalment capsule or a Validol tablet.

Unfortunately, it is now quite common for high blood pressure to not decrease. What to do if it is not possible to immediately seek medical help?

  • Doctors advise putting mustard plasters on your calves or immersing your legs in hot water - this will help blood redistribute to the lower extremities, which will slightly reduce blood pressure (but keep in mind that this advice does not apply to people suffering from varicose veins in the legs).
  • It helps to cope with a jump in blood pressure when applied to the lower back and back of the head. The heated salt is placed on a folded towel or napkin.

Effective means for lowering blood pressure

If high blood pressure does not decrease for a long time, a vinegar foot compress helps. You should take half a liter of apple cider vinegar and dilute it in an equal amount of water. After this, a towel is dipped into the mixture, wrung out and wrapped around the legs.

Please note that both wrapped feet should be flat on the floor. After 10 minutes, the compress can be removed and your feet can be rinsed with cool water. Apple cider vinegar has an irritant effect that helps in causing blood flow and thus this method is considered very effective.

In addition, a composition is prepared from tincture of valerian, hawthorn, motherwort and Valocordin. These products are poured into one bottle (in equal proportions) and, if necessary, take a teaspoon of this mixture, but first dilute it in 50 ml of drinking water.

What to do if high blood pressure does not decrease?

What to do with a persistent increase in blood pressure, of course, everyone is free to decide for themselves. The above tips have been tested in similar situations and will help you, but do not forget that hypertension is a very insidious disease. It not only causes discomfort when pressure increases, but can also have a negative effect on vision, hearing, the condition of the heart and other organs. Not to mention the fact that high blood pressure is also a constant risk of stroke, which usually ends in disability. Therefore, in a situation where high blood pressure does not decrease, what should you do? Be sure to consult a doctor! This will save you from a lot of trouble. Be healthy!

One of our acquaintances, a fairly confident and successful lady in life, after a series of hysterics thrown by me on the theme “God, I’m dystrophic,” “not hands, but sticks,” said the following: “Okay, to put it mildly, you’re a little thin, but you’re not even Can you imagine what it’s like when you don’t know what to do if you’re tall? I am also a “giraffe” and a “crane”, and in a fit of anger of some homo sapiens I am simply a “tower”.

And our friend’s parameters are the notorious 90-60-90, and screwing in a light bulb is not a problem, and she can get a sparrow instead of her uncle. All this is great, especially if you are a model, logging kilometers on the catwalk, for each of which you are paid in USD, and as a nice bonus, you have a boyfriend, Ronaldo, or a runner like W. Bolt. In general, legs do not only feed the wolf, and being tall can be an excellent platform for a career.

Our friend’s complex about height was turning into a tragedy on a universal scale. Someone is growing bones like a famous Chinese girl in order to get into the ranks of flight attendants, we were more afraid that she would someday saw them off. 1 m. 80 cm was too much for a girl from an average family with average income in Central Russia.

The shortcomings of the girl’s tall stature were immediately revealed. I often had to talk down to young people, literally. Heels and stilettos were banished to the far corner of the closet, making room for sneakers, ballet flats and some “just comfortable slippers.” Candidates for the role of “acquaintance - friend-buddy-husband” were measured with a soft pink meter, and if the guy was also 180 cm, or even taller, then he automatically got into the “giraffe” team. The question is how, but that’s another story...

What to do if you are tall

In most cases, people, like our friend, create problems themselves, and not only for themselves. A person reacts to the opinions of others and society. What they will say.. think.. will retell a hundred times in a changed mind - retold form. If you are short, then you are certainly sick, you have bad heredity, if you are average, you should not be a model. If a girl is tall, well... not feminine or something.

And if you don’t say anything to a person at all, don’t criticize him, but only point out the positive aspects in his physiology, the complexes will die in the bud. After all, the person pointing out your supposed “flaw” often has his own dark sides.

Dissatisfaction with one’s “I”, a violation of its integrity must somehow spill out. It is like a sealed vessel of boiling water. Boiling is so harmful - it is fraught with neurosis, the explosion of a vessel is much more painless. And preferably on others. If you don’t know what to do if you are tall and experience psychological discomfort about this, then we recommend taking an online psychological test that will help you raise it.

Advantages of a tall girl

Being a tall girl is not so bad and not even shameful. There are advantages to everything.

Let's take, for example, all the same models. I would like to be her, but 157 cm even with a pretty face did not make the right impression on the jury. Adriana Sklenarnikova, Eva Herzigova and Elle Macpherson like them, all of them over 180 cm, have been quite successful in their careers and motherhood. Actresses Nicole Kidman and “Black Mamba” Uma Thurman are also striking examples of this. You can get into the Guinness Book of Records by surprising Masha from the next door.

The main thing is not height, weight, chest and waist volume, but your attitude towards yourself, how you look at the world, problems, joys and hardships from your height. A six-foot tall person has a better chance of building a successful life than an average-sized person with little gray matter in the brain. People may not notice that you are quite taller than them, but they will be amazed by the depth of your eyes, intelligence, style, desire to achieve heights and simply your ability to remain human.