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Pin spell - protective and other rituals. Love spell on bulb and pins

The most complete description in all the details is how to remove a lover’s love spell from your husband using a pin with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Science is the great skeptic who denies the existence of black and white magic. Most people also do not believe in the reality of these mysterious forces... until they themselves have to face their action. One of these magical rituals is a love spell.

The concept of love spell

A love spell is a magical effect endowed with great power. Love spells are usually performed at night, before sunrise, while the victim of the ritual is sleeping. The spell begins to take effect in the morning, and the bewitched person often feels slight changes: slight dizziness, blurred vision, new thoughts that have not been observed before appear, a strong desire to go somewhere, experience new sensations, etc.

A love spell is insidious in that often the bewitched person himself does not even suspect that he is under the influence of a magical rite. His personality begins to change. But his family and friends can notice this. A love spell is a “disease,” and if the disease is neglected, it can result in irreversible and life-threatening consequences. That is why it is necessary to provide assistance to the object of the magical ritual as quickly as possible, because he is unlikely to cope on his own.

Prayers - first aid against love spells

The most effective remedy for a love spell is prayer. It helps to get rid of the imposed witchcraft spells; any other methods are not so effective. Prayer helps eliminate a love spell, but there are some nuances here too.

When to use a prayer that removes a love spell?

If the bewitched person accepted this state imposed on him, fell in love with the bewitcher, and they are happy with each other, then this means that the love spell was beneficial and it is no longer worth intervening, removing it, so as not to harm. And vice versa: if the ritual caused psychological and physical problems, caused its victim to suffer, then you should immediately begin providing first aid in the form of prayer.

What are the prayers for a man's love spell?

There are quite a lot of prayers for love spells. However, they can be divided into two large groups:

  • Prayers-appeals to various saints;
  • Household prayers (spells).

The prayers of the first group have the greatest degree of protection and effectiveness, even in very complex situations made by professionals, but they differ in a rather complex Church Slavonic language (although it can be changed to a simple modern version). Household prayers are characterized by a lighter, everyday language, but in severe cases associated with the influence of black magic, they cannot always be effective.

Depending on the purpose and purpose, two more categories of prayers for love spells can be distinguished:

  • Prayers aimed at protection against a possible love spell;
  • Prayers aimed at eliminating an already committed love spell.

Conditions for performing love spell rituals

The lapel spell must be read in compliance with certain conditions and in a certain order of actions. Only this guarantees a positive outcome of the magical ritual - the elimination of witchcraft - and will help to avoid negative consequences.

One of the most important factors is complete privacy before prayer. A person who has taken on the task of removing a love spell should not be disturbed by anyone from concentrating; he should not be distracted during the ritual. The words of prayer must be spoken clearly and carefully. You need to prepare in advance all the items that the prayer requires. In a clear sequence, without changing anything, you need to perform all the actions dictated by the ritual.

Removing a love spell must be approached with all responsibility, otherwise everything can turn out to be, at best, a zero effect, and at worst, only an even worse situation.

Strong prayers for love spells

How to remove a love spell from a husband, son or lover with prayers

Each of these prayers has enormous protective potential. They will help protect yourself and your loved ones from witchcraft.

Prayer to the Savior

Place three lighted candles near the icon of the Savior and say the words: “ Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Protect me from love spell disorder, damage and heavy gaze. Everything is Your will. Amen «.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

A powerful prayer that provides protection from a strong love spell. Place three candles next to the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, light them and say the words: “ Wonderworker Nicholas, protect me from love spells, save me from damage from the grave. Let Your will be done. Amen ". After reading the prayer, carefully cross yourself.

Prayer to the Lord

A short but very powerful prayer of protection. The words are as follows: “ Lord, deliver the servant of God (servant of God)[name of the bewitched] from love spells, lapels and any witchcraft that was done on him (her). Give physical and spiritual strength to him (her), open your heart and soul to him (her)«.

Lapel prayers

Lapel with a pin

A lapel that has proven itself on the positive side. To carry it out, you need to know the name of the person who bewitched. To remove a love spell, you need to attach a safety pin to the clothes of the bewitched person, accompanying the action with the following words: “ Just as a pin comes unhooked from a garment, so the love of a servant of God (servant of God) will cease forever.[bewitched person's name] to the servant of God (servant of God)[bewitcher's name]«.

The ritual implies that the bewitched person removing the pin from his clothes will lead to getting rid of the love spell imposed by magic.

Lapel with salt

To carry out the ritual, you will need concentration, a clean frying pan and a small amount of white and pure salt. Pour salt into a frying pan and heat it over low heat.

Accompany the heating process with the following words:

« Salt is white and pure, cleanse the servant of God [name of the bewitched]. Remove everything that has been induced and spoken, damaged and smoothed out from him. Take off everything eaten with food, drunk with drink, taken with lining. Take away everything said with evil lips, sent with an evil eye. My will is strong, my word is indestructible. Amen«.

The text of the prayer must be recited 5-7 times until the salt begins to crackle in the pan. The darkening of the salt proves the casting of a love spell on a person. After this, you need to pour the salt into a saucer and place it on the photo of the bewitched person. After several hours have passed, you need to sprinkle this salt on the photo of the love spell victim, repeating the words of the spell. Repeat the ritual for another 2 days, then throw away the salt.

There are other prayers that help protect the biofield from the influence of dark forces. The most powerful of them is prayer. "Our Father"- it can protect against any witchcraft influence. Therefore, it is recommended for every person to know it.

Love spell on a pin

Pins, like needles, are very often used in love magic as an additional powerful attribute. And to use them to win over your loved one, it’s enough to know a few simple techniques.

Magical properties of a pin

An ordinary pin, which is so often used in household items, can help attract the attention of the opposite sex.

This seemingly ordinary item has special properties due to:

  • The material from which it is made. Metal can accumulate this or that information much better than, for example, wood. The use of artificial materials in magic is generally considered undesirable. Metal objects are used not only for love spells, but also for protection. It is known that a pin pinned to clothing will reduce the negative impact and protect against the evil eye;
  • Its shape and design. Nowadays, a safety (safety) pin with a covered point is much more often used in rituals. When the pin closes, it symbolically locks away the energy that was put into the metal object.

What is a love spell on a pin?

A love spell on a pin is a magical ritual that can be used to induce a feeling of love and affection for yourself in the right person. Like similar rituals of other groups, this type of love spell cannot replace genuine human feelings. In most cases, the spell breaks down sooner or later, and the person who ordered the ritual loses control over the bewitched person. For this reason, the ritual is periodically updated.

There is a category of eternal, irremovable love spells. Usually only an experienced craftsman can perform them. However, even if the ritual was performed by a professional magician, the spell can only create the illusion of love. In the depths of his soul, the victim will be burdened by his “master”, hate and despise him. Sometimes a person wonders how he could start a family with someone who is absolutely not his type, whose habits irritate him. If your chosen one is unpleasant to you, you should think: probably a love spell was cast on you.

The ritual with a pin is well suited for those who have just begun to comprehend the basics of magical art. This item is quite easy to obtain, unlike black chicken feathers, exotic plants or animal biological material. Working with a pin does not require special skills. With the participation of this item, not only love spells are performed, but also rituals for money, good luck, etc.

How to choose the necessary attribute for a ritual?

When choosing a material for work, you must take into account the requirements of the love spell option you have chosen:

  • If there is no indication as to whether the pin should be new or old, preference should be given to new material. An item that has never been used does not carry extraneous energy that interferes with work. However, some rituals require the use of exclusively used pins;
  • Make sure that the metal object you choose is not rusty. Damaged areas will interfere with the passage of energy. Exceptions will be those cases when the use of a rusty object will be a prerequisite for successful work;
  • The design of the pin also matters. For some rituals you need a pin with an unprotected point and a plastic ball at the opposite end. This is what seamstresses usually use when sewing. In everyday life and magic, you can much more often find a safety pin, the tip of which is hidden in a place specially designed for this purpose.

Powerful ritual with a safety pin

The rituals presented below are only suitable if the man is your legal husband, that is, the marriage was registered in the registry office or consecrated in a church. Civil marriages are not taken into account!

Even if you have lived with this person for many years, but are not legally married, he is not your spouse:

  • The ritual will help protect your husband from cheating. Read the spell on the new pin: “Just as a pin is indifferent to women, so to you, (husband’s name), all women will be indifferent, except for me, (your name), your lawful wife. Amen. Amen. Amen." No special preparation is required to perform this ritual, and it is performed almost any day. It can be called a love spell conditionally. You are not imposing a non-existent feeling, but simply protecting the family from the invasion of a rival. Pin the pin to your husband's trousers. You can come up with any plausible explanation for your spouse;
  • To perform the ceremony, you will need a new pin and a piece of fabric from your husband’s clothes. Please note: the material must be taken from the thing that the husband is currently using. You need to cut a piece of fabric so as not to damage the clothing. Your actions must go unnoticed. Use a new pin to fasten a piece of fabric to your clothes and say: “The pin will not come unfastened from my clothes. So (husband’s name) could never leave me. Amen." You cannot remove the pin from your clothes even during washing. If the metal begins to rust or tarnish, the ritual will need to be redone.

The rituals will only work on a young man under 35 who has never been married:

  • Secretly take from the young man a pin that he has been using for a long time. You need to cast a spell on a metal object on Friday, which coincides with an even number, but does not coincide with a major church holiday. Take the “stolen item” in your right hand and read the hex: “The pin doesn’t love anyone, it doesn’t have a mate. And you, (boyfriend’s name), are not a pin. I will be your mate, you will love me. Amen. Amen. Amen." The enchanted item must always be carried with you. You can clip it to your clothes or simply put it in your bag pocket;
  • Buy a new pin. Go to the cemetery on Saturday (it should not coincide with a church holiday). The pin needs to be buried next to the grave and said: “Just as (the name of the person buried in the nearest grave) will never leave this shelter, just as this pin in the ground will rust and not know another fate, so (the guy’s name) will never leave (your name) ). All women will be dead to you, only I am alive.” Despite the fact that the spell says that the guy is unable to leave the woman, this ritual does not apply to eternal love spells.

Which cannot be removed in the future

If you are not a professional magician, there is a high probability that you will not be able to achieve the desired result using this ritual. Buy a safety pin and bring it to the river bank.

The ritual must be performed without witnesses early in the morning. The ceremony can only be performed in spring or summer. The pin should be thrown into the water. Leave without looking back.

Gypsy love spell for unmarried people with 7 pins

In order to use gypsy rituals, it is not necessary to be a gypsy by nationality or speak the language of a nomadic people. Gypsies also use spells in the languages ​​of those peoples in whose countries they permanently reside. The other world willingly responds to the appeals of all people, regardless of their nationality. However, when using gypsy magic you should be as careful as possible. Only gypsies can properly protect themselves from the consequences of their rituals.

A girl who has never been officially married must secretly take one pin from seven happily married women. Women should not be former widows. Attach pins to clothes that you wear frequently, so that they are not visible to others.

How to remove a love spell on a pin?

The difficulty in removing any love spell is that a person can rarely determine on his own how he was “dried.” Having found a voodoo doll in the wife’s belongings, it is easy to guess that love was imposed precisely through this magical object. A pin pinned to clothing is not proof that it was used to manipulate the human psyche. However, if you find out that this particular item made you fall in love, try the next method.

Find an old rusty safety pin. You can “age” metal on your own, just put the item in water for a while and then leave it somewhere without wiping it with a dry towel. When the material for work is ready, go with it to the deep hole. A well, cliff, etc. will also suit you.

Hold the pin in your left hand and read the lapel:

With these words, throw the pin into the hole (well, etc.) and leave without looking back.

Possible consequences

When tying a person to you with the help of a love spell, do not forget that you will have to answer for your actions. It is difficult to say in advance what exactly the retribution will be. Your health may deteriorate. Possible loss of job, financial difficulties or death of a close relative. The one you keep near you with the help of a magical ritual will also suffer.

If you wish, you can bewitch a person using almost any item used in everyday life. However, none of these love spells can replace true love. Instead of tenderness, you can get uncontrollable aggression from someone from whom you have taken away the freedom of choice.

Lapel from a mistress

No matter how wonderful the relationship in the family is, you must always be on guard, because one day thunder may strike in the house and someone will appear who can take the man away from the family. Every woman struggles with this differently. Some let go of their lover, spending nights alone and shedding tears, while others make every effort to bring their spouse back. This is where women remember the saying:

“In love, as in war, all means are fair”

and more and more often they resort to magic, wondering how to properly make a lapel from their mistress.

How to turn a husband away from his mistress, and what are the consequences of lapels for a wife?

You can always try to get your husband back by using some feminine tricks: become sexier, more attractive, more tender for your loved one, and even try to make him jealous. But what to do if the remedies tested over the years do not work? Many centuries ago, people called on magic for help, performing rituals and reading all kinds of conspiracies. With the help of a magical ritual, you can either cast a love spell on your loved one or turn away your rival. The effect of love magic is strong, and its effect is long-lasting. Sometimes, you can even turn a husband away from his wife forever, or vice versa, but here you will no longer need white magic, but black magic.

To carry out the necessary ritual, you should seek the help of a professional in this field, or you can try to carry out the ritual yourself, at home. And if everything is done correctly and correctly, then the effect of the magical act will be powerful in both cases.

But before we get interested in how to turn a husband away from his mistress, let’s find out what the lapel itself is?

What is a lapel?

We return our loved one ourselves

Lapel magic is an act whose action is aimed at changing a person’s will and consciousness, changing his feelings for a passion with whom he meets secretly from his wife (we are talking about a rival, mistress). A lapel, a dry spell, as well as a love spell, can influence a person’s energy, forming in a man love feelings or antipathy towards a particular woman. A lapel from a mistress can be carried out without outside help from sorcerers and magicians, and even at home. With the help of love lapels, you can not only turn your man away from your rival, but also safely return him to the family.

Before resorting to love magic, make sure that your husband really has a relationship on his side, or establish the fact that a love spell was cast on him by a rival. This cannot be ignored, because the husband suddenly becomes renounced, withdrawn, stops eating at home, does not participate in the life of the family, and is constantly in a state of “bewitchment.” The ritual will not work if there is no love connection between husband and wife, at least on one side. It is also important to know that you need to perform magical acts at home according to a clearly defined action plan, without violating the sequence. In addition, when performing the ritual, you need to remember that there are also likely consequences for the wife, which we will talk about a little later.

Often, the lapel ritual is used not by the offended wife, but by the mother of her son, trying to protect him from the influence of another woman, without thinking about what may await her next after this magical act. Moreover, the son himself may suffer from such actions of his mother. We'll tell you exactly how a little later.

Rules for conducting love lapel rituals

Correct execution of the ritual is mandatory

In order for a husband’s lapel to turn away from his mistress to work well, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Correctly selected moon phase. It is believed that turning a husband away from his mistress will be most effective if the ritual is performed on the waning moon. The effect of the most powerful lapel from a mistress occurs in the first days of the waning moon.
  2. The right time. From time immemorial, all love spells and love spells were carried out at night. While midnight is the best time to start the ritual, it is important to complete the magical act before the first rays of the sun appear.
  3. Concentrating on the ritual. When turning your husband away from his mistress, reading the plot, you need to take your mind off everyday worries; the wife should think only about her rival. After all, the condition for the effectiveness of the ritual is the feeling of hatred that the offended spouse or girl will experience. But as soon as the husband’s turn away from his mistress is completed, you should drive away all negative thoughts about your rival and get in a good mood, because soon you will get the man back.
  4. With the help of magic, you can bewitch your loved one only when the same powers have been used in relation to him. And even if a strong love spell was cast on him, but it has not yet manifested itself, the ritual will help stop the man and return him to the family.

Husband's lapels from his mistress

Rituals may vary

There is more than one way to turn a husband away from his mistress, and each of them has its own effectiveness and duration of action. We offer the most effective magical rituals, which, relying on reviews, allow you to turn your husband away from his mistress forever.

Ritual with a candle

This lapel of a husband from his mistress is considered very effective, and if you manage to purchase a purple candle, then its effect will be long-lasting. This is due to the fact that magical attributes that are purple are “homewreckers.”

To carry out this ritual, we take one thin purple candle (if you can’t find a purple candle, then an ordinary church candle will do). The only condition is that the magical attribute should not emit a scent and not be decorative.

So, at exactly midnight we light a candle and, looking at its flame, we focus on all the hatred for our rival. To turn your husband away from his mistress, you should stand with a candle by the window and read the following plot:

“Burn the candle, Burn... Separate your lover from your mistress once and for all. Take all your love and passion with you and extinguish it. Burn, Burn forever and ever!

As soon as the ceremony is completed, you need to put out the candle and put it in a secluded place. If after a couple of weeks the lovers do not quarrel, then the ritual should be repeated with the same candle.

Ritual on a pin

The lapel with a pin, like the lapel using a candle flame, has a centuries-old history, and therefore is recognized as a very effective ritual. It is not difficult to perform a magical act: for it you need to take a new pin and your spouse’s thing, which he wears very often. In order for the husband to stop visiting his mistress and become imbued with antipathy towards her, a pin should be attached to his clothes. While the pin is pinned to your loved one’s thing, you should read the following plot:

“Sharp pin, little pin, be with the servant of God (the name of the beloved) from everywhere, protect him from temptations and fornication, protect him from betrayal. So that he would always be faithful to me, and quickly run away from all strangers. So that he would run away from his damned mistress, and not get into the habit of going there again, so that he would not experience joy and peace with her. My prayers are as strong as a block of stone. They cannot be removed. Amen".

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lapel from a mistress Don’t be afraid to make a lapel from anyone

Turning away from your opponent, how to do it and what is important to know.

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Turning away from your mistress with a pin will help make joint meetings between lovers not as pleasant as before, which will later lead to the end of this relationship. Antipathy, lack of comfort when his mistress is next to him, the desire to quickly leave the room where there is a homewrecker - these are the consequences of this ritual.

Lapel using salt

To carry out this ritual we will need a handful of salt, a frying pan and a new knife. Pour salt into a preheated frying pan, heat the salt over low heat, mix with a knife, during which we recite the following spell 9 times:

“As this salt is salty and disgusting, so that the servant of God (the name of the mistress) would be disgusting to the servant of God (the name of the lover, spouse). Like salt on a flame, it is tormented and heated in torment, so that my betrothed, when he meets a homewrecker, is tormented by the most terrible torments and the most frenzied thoughts. Just as salt dissolves in a bubbling river, so his love for her will evaporate forever. Amen".

As soon as the ritual is completed, you should take the charmed salt, take it to a river or stream (it is important that it is a body of water with a flow, and not with stagnant water, such as a lake, dam, stakes, etc.) and pour it into the water. Afterwards, we turn around and go home, without talking to anyone or looking back along the way.

Lapel using photography

Like bindings, the lapel from the photo is considered one of the most effective. Moreover, with the help of such a magical act, you can return your lover to the family nest in the shortest possible time, discouraging him from looking in the direction of his mistress. Photography is the guardian of human energy, which means that with its help you can influence the energy field of a particular person. To perform this magical act, you need to take one photo of your mistress and a church candle. As for the photograph, it should be recent (not two years ago), and only the homewrecker should be present in it.

At midnight, light a candle and place it on the table. Thinking about all the negative moments that you had to endure because of your husband’s mistress, we hold her photo in our hands, after which we set it on fire and pronounce the following conspiracy:

“Burn, burn, lover and all the ardent feelings of God’s servants (the name of the husband and his mistress). As soon as everything burns down, quarrels will begin among you. You won’t experience those feelings together anymore, you won’t be happy and calm next to each other. Amen".

You need to say this spell as many times as possible. The main thing is to read the conspiracy speech until the entire candle burns out. As soon as it burns down, we collect the ashes from the photo and throw them out the window.

What are the consequences of the lapel ritual for the wife?

Happiness does not always come after a lapel

During lapel magic rituals, compliance with all the recommendations of the ritual is a mandatory measure. It is forbidden to experiment and omit nuances that, in your opinion, do not play a role in performing a magical act. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to eliminate the most negative consequences both for the one who performed the ritual and for the one to whom its action is directed.

If you neglect the recommendations, then all participants in the magical sacrament may experience karmic pollution, which to one degree or another affects the future fate of people. The most dangerous thing about an incorrectly performed lapel is that a person can lose his luck in life. For this reason, professional magicians and sorcerers do not advise resorting to love magic if you are driven by a feeling of revenge or self-interest.

The consequences for the one who made the lapel, and at whom its action was directed, can be very different. Please note the most important ones:

  • accelerated aging;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney diseases;
  • oncology;
  • impotence;
  • decreased immunity;
  • allergic reactions;
  • regular infection with seasonal viral infections;
  • disruption of the full functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

If a man really loved another with all his heart

It is not recommended to come between a man and a woman if they have real, sincere feelings. In this case, the magical lapel ritual will not only not work, but will also cause harm to the lover who fell in love with another woman.

This is due to the fact that a spouse who has sincere feelings in his heart will resist the effects of magic at the subconscious level, especially if the man is a strong-willed, assertive person who is not accustomed to giving up in difficult times.

Such actions can lead to:

  1. Attacks of aggression. It manifests itself especially clearly in those people who have a calm, balanced character. Often a person under the influence of a lapel ritual poses a considerable danger to all family members.
  2. Depressive state. After the lapel magic works, the man ceases to be interested in family affairs, participates in the life of the family, and shifts all responsibilities to his wife. The objects of the lapel close in on themselves; don’t even let your beloved wife in.
  3. Alcohol addiction. The power of magic is so great that some men begin to feel empty inside and begin to drink more and more often. Sometimes, depression is so severe that drugs are used to help a man forget for a while.

Back wave

Love magic rituals have other “side effects.” Thus, the consequences concern not only the person in respect of whom the ritual was performed, but also the one who carried out this act. The first thing you need to prepare for after the ritual is general malaise. Moreover, the degree of severity directly depends on the effectiveness of the magical ritual, as well as on how pure the thoughts of the person who resorted to the power of magic are.

In the event that a wife who wanted to return her husband to the family, having discouraged him from dating his mistress, was unable to correctly calculate her strength, then the reverse wave can more than overwhelm her:

  • a sharp decrease in immunity;
  • serious health problems;
  • loss of luck;
  • loss of capital;
  • discord with family, loved ones, friends.

The greatest danger for performers of love lapels is the generational curse. But, fortunately, it is extremely rare in the lives of those women who have used magic while having sincere feelings for their spouse.

Therefore, before resorting to magic to bring back your lover, think about whether there is such an urgent need for the ritual? Maybe you can try to win your husband away from your rival without magic? And remember: everything depends only on you, so don’t give up and believe in the best!

Pins, like needles, are very often used in love magic as an additional powerful attribute. And to use them to win over your loved one, it’s enough to know a few simple techniques.

An ordinary pin, which is so often used in household items, can help attract the attention of the opposite sex.

This seemingly ordinary item has special properties due to:

    The material from which it is made. Metal can accumulate this or that information much better than, for example, wood. The use of artificial materials in magic is generally considered undesirable. Metal objects are used not only for love spells, but also for protection. It is known that a pin pinned to clothing will reduce the negative impact and protect against the evil eye; due to its shape and design. Nowadays, a safety (safety) pin with a covered point is much more often used in rituals. When the pin closes, it symbolically locks away the energy that was put into the metal object.

What is a love spell on a pin?

A love spell on a pin is a magical ritual that can be used to induce a feeling of love and affection for yourself in the right person. Like similar rituals of other groups, this type of love spell cannot replace genuine human feelings. In most cases, the spell breaks down sooner or later, and the person who ordered the ritual loses control over the bewitched person. For this reason, the ritual is periodically updated.

There is a category of eternal, irremovable love spells. Usually only an experienced craftsman can perform them. However, even if the ritual was performed by a professional magician, the spell can only create the illusion of love. In the depths of his soul, the victim will be burdened by his “master”, hate and despise him. Sometimes a person wonders how he could start a family with someone who is absolutely not his type, whose habits irritate him. If your chosen one is unpleasant to you, you should think: probably a love spell was cast on you.

The ritual with a pin is well suited for those who have just begun to comprehend the basics of magical art. This item is quite easy to obtain, unlike black chicken feathers, exotic plants or animal biological material. Working with a pin does not require special skills. With the participation of this item, not only love spells are performed, but also rituals for money, good luck, etc.

How to choose the necessary attribute for a ritual?

When choosing a material for work, you must take into account the requirements of the love spell option you have chosen:

    If there is no indication as to whether the pin should be new or old, preference should be given to new material. An item that has never been used does not carry extraneous energy that interferes with work. However, some rituals require the use of exclusively used pins; Make sure that the metal object you choose is not rusty. Damaged areas will interfere with the passage of energy. Exceptions will be those cases when the use of a rusty object will be a prerequisite for successful work; the design of the pin is also important. For some rituals you need a pin with an unprotected point and a plastic ball at the opposite end. This is what seamstresses usually use when sewing. In everyday life and magic, you can much more often find a safety pin, the tip of which is hidden in a place specially designed for this purpose.

For my husband

The rituals presented below are only suitable if the man is your legal husband, that is, the marriage was registered in the registry office or consecrated in a church. Civil marriages are not taken into account!

Even if you have lived with this person for many years, but are not legally married, he is not your spouse:

    The ritual will help protect your husband from cheating. Read the spell on the new pin: “Just as a pin is indifferent to women, so to you, (husband’s name), all women will be indifferent, except for me, (your name), your lawful wife. Amen. Amen. Amen." No special preparation is required to perform this ritual, and it is performed almost any day. It can be called a love spell conditionally. You are not imposing a non-existent feeling, but simply protecting the family from the invasion of a rival. Pin the pin to your husband's trousers. For your spouse, you can come up with any plausible explanation; To carry out the ceremony, you will need a new pin and a piece of fabric from your husband’s clothes. Please note: the material must be taken from the thing that the husband is currently using. You need to cut a piece of fabric so as not to damage the clothing. Your actions must go unnoticed. Use a new pin to fasten a piece of fabric to your clothes and say: “The pin will not come unfastened from my clothes. So (husband’s name) could never leave me. Amen." You cannot remove the pin from your clothes even during washing. If the metal begins to rust or tarnish, the ritual will need to be redone.

For a guy

The rituals will only work on a young man under 35 who has never been married:

    Secretly take from the young man a pin that he has been using for a long time. You need to cast a spell on a metal object on Friday, which coincides with an even number, but does not coincide with a major church holiday. Take the “stolen item” in your right hand and read the hex: “The pin doesn’t love anyone, it doesn’t have a mate. And you, (boyfriend’s name), are not a pin. I will be your mate, you will love me. Amen. Amen. Amen." The enchanted item must always be carried with you. You can clip it to your clothes or just put it in your bag pocket; Buy a new pin. Go to the cemetery on Saturday (it should not coincide with a church holiday). The pin needs to be buried next to the grave and said: “Just as (the name of the person buried in the nearest grave) will never leave this shelter, just as this pin in the ground will rust and not know another fate, so (the guy’s name) will never leave (your name) ). All women will be dead to you, only I am alive.” Despite the fact that the spell says that the guy is unable to leave the woman, this ritual does not apply to eternal love spells.

Which cannot be removed in the future

If you are not a professional magician, there is a high probability that you will not be able to achieve the desired result using this ritual. Buy a safety pin and bring it to the river bank.

“When this pin opens again, then happiness (say your name and the name of your loved one) will drown in this river. Amen. Amen. Amen."

The ritual must be performed without witnesses early in the morning. The ceremony can only be performed in spring or summer. The pin should be thrown into the water. Leave without looking back.

Gypsy love spell for unmarried people with 7 pins

In order to use gypsy rituals, it is not necessary to be a gypsy by nationality or speak the language of a nomadic people. Gypsies also use spells in the languages ​​of those peoples in whose countries they permanently reside. The other world willingly responds to the appeals of all people, regardless of their nationality. However, when using gypsy magic you should be as careful as possible. Only gypsies can properly protect themselves from the consequences of their rituals. A girl who has never been officially married must secretly take one pin from seven happily married women. Women should not be former widows. Attach pins to clothes that you wear frequently, so that they are not visible to others. Read the spell:

“The moon is in the sky, I am on the earth. Help me, heavenly mistress of the night, to become a wife. Just as you, Luna, will never walk the earth, so I will never remain a bride.”

The difficulty in removing any love spell is that a person can rarely determine on his own how he was “dried.” Having found a voodoo doll in the wife’s belongings, it is easy to guess that love was imposed precisely through this magical object. A pin pinned to clothing is not proof that it was used to manipulate the human psyche. However, if you find out that this particular item made you fall in love, try the following method: Find an old rusty safety pin. You can “age” metal on your own, just put the item in water for a while and then leave it somewhere without wiping it with a dry towel. When the material for work is ready, go with it to the deep hole. A well, cliff, etc. will also suit you. Hold the pin in your left hand and read the lapel:

“I don’t need a rusty pin. I don’t need a love spell (the name of the one who, in your opinion, bewitched you). Go, (name of customer), to all four sides. Bewitch the wind, bewitch the earth, bewitch the sun, and let me go. Amen."

With these words, throw the pin into the hole (well, etc.) and leave without looking back.

Possible consequences

When tying a person to you with the help of a love spell, do not forget that you will have to answer for your actions. It is difficult to say in advance what exactly the retribution will be. Your health may deteriorate. Possible loss of job, financial difficulties or death of a close relative. The one you keep near you with the help of a magical ritual will also suffer. If you wish, you can bewitch a person to almost any object used in everyday life. However, none of these love spells can replace true love. Instead of tenderness, you can get uncontrollable aggression from someone from whom you have taken away the freedom of choice.

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The pin has a special meaning in magic. This seemingly insignificant item can protect a person from the evil eye, and also, with the help of this small thing, you can cause such damage that it doesn’t seem like much. And the pin is capable of absorbing all the negativity that a person has to constantly deal with. Using a small amulet as a talisman, you should take care of cleaning it by placing the pin under running water every day. This item is also widely used in love magic to cast love spells on people. Unfortunately, nowadays, many women resort to such methods to win their chosen ones.

Of the many rituals with pins, I would like to highlight a few. One of them is a strong love spell on a pin , relating to gypsy magic, one of the most powerful and mysterious, which can only be compared with Voodoo magic. However, we should not forget that with the help of love spells it is not only impossible to win the love of the chosen one, but you can also greatly harm both him and yourself and your loved ones. A love spell is not a way out of the current situation, but only an extra “hemorrhoids” that will have to be dealt with for the rest of your life.

Gypsy love spell

The ritual is performed regardless of the phase of the moon. In the evening, after sunset, you need to take one ordinary candle and one pin. A candle is lit with a match, a pin is stuck into it and a spell is cast on the candle flame:

“Kainaku-Manyan, dress his heart (the name of the beloved) in iron shackles and chain his heart to mine. Let, according to fate, only my (his name) trace, let other traces run away from him, and he from them. Let him scour the world in search of me, thirst for me and go crazy over me. And he will calm down only next to me. Kainaku-Manyan, make him a tame animal at my feet, my slave, a dumb worm before me.”

You need to put out the candle with your fingers, remove the pin from it and discreetly attach it to the clothes of your beloved man. The love spell will take effect in seven days.

Seven pin ritual

For the ritual you need to buy 7 new pins. They take one of them, open it and place it under the rug of the front door of the apartment where the chosen one lives. As soon as the loved one crosses the threshold, the pin is taken out and a spell is read on it:

“Let all your words (boyfriend’s name) be only about me (your name), let only me, (your name), be in the thoughts of (your beloved’s name). May our destinies merge forever and ever, and may our union grow stronger every year. So be it!”

You need to do this with all seven pins. Next, all the charmed pins need to be collected, wrapped in a rag and buried so that no one else will step over the bottom.

Love spell in the photo

For the ritual you need to prepare:

  • photograph of a lover;
  • three candles;
  • one pin;
  • box of matches.

In this article:

There are many different lapel rituals. Some rituals are aimed at eliminating a rival, others at causing discord in family relationships, and others at removing painful unrequited love.

Among the variety of rituals, one can highlight a special lapel on a needle or pin. Such objects have been used in magic since ancient times and carry a special meaning.

History of symbolism

Our distant ancestors also used pins in divination of various types, in evil and good magic, as well as in fortune telling. The symbolism of such objects is very simple - a pin has a sharp end on one side, and a rounded end or just metal on the other side, so it can be used for pricking - causing damage and causing harm, and for protection. When working with this item, everything depends on the will and desires of the performer.

For centuries, a pin stuck into the door was considered protection against the entry of evil sorcerers and witches into the home. A broken or bent pin thrown into a deep well could make wishes come true; over time, the tradition spread to other bodies of water, in particular fountains. Old, rusty pins can still be found in many ancient wells and fountains.

It is believed that if a person finds a pin, it will bring him good luck, however, only if he quickly picks it up from the ground and takes it for himself. In some regions, the discovery of such an object can be either a good or a bad omen, it all depends on the position of the pin: if the point is directed away from you, then good luck awaits you; if it is towards you, then difficulties and losses will be encountered ahead. In Western countries, it was believed that if an unmarried woman finds an old, bent pin on the road, then under no circumstances should it be picked up, otherwise the woman will be left without a husband for the rest of her life.

Due to its sharp tip, it is considered a very bad gift, as it can bring numerous misfortunes to the new owner, however, not if the new owner makes a return gift.

Sailors have long believed that the presence of even one pin on board a ship can lead to a leak or lead to the rupture of fishing nets.

The pin is a well-known item for magical practice.

A huge number of beliefs about pins existed in Great Britain. In the 18th century, before the wedding night, the bridesmaids had to undress the bride and put her to bed. It was believed that if even one pin remained on a woman’s clothes, she would be haunted by bad luck throughout her life. They had to not only be removed from the clothes, but also thrown into a ditch; if at least one girlfriend kept the pin, then she risked remaining unmarried for the rest of her days. And this was not the happiest fate for a resident of England at that time.

At the same time, beliefs, as always, were contradictory. In other regions of Great Britain, it was believed that if a bridesmaid managed to remove one pin from her dress immediately after the wedding, then the girl would also get married, and within the next year. But even in this case, you cannot keep this item, as this can lead to an unsuccessful marriage.

They were also used to pin the shroud of the deceased. Then it was believed that reusing pins, but on a living person, could lead to quick death, so the pins were buried with the deceased.

As already mentioned, pins were previously considered good protection against witches and sorcerers, and also made it possible to break even the most powerful negative spells. In order to protect one's home, a bottle filled with pins was placed under the floor. In England, such bottles are still found in old houses.

It was also believed that the pins could remove negative witchcraft that had already been cast.

To do this, it was necessary to fill a steel vessel with a large number of pins and place it close to an open fire. When it became red-hot, they independently found the witch who brought misfortune to the house, and pierced her heart if she did not remove the spell.

The tradition of not borrowing pins continues today. In some northern countries, if you ask for a pin, they will allow you to take it, saying:

“Take it, but I didn’t give it to you.”

You should be alarmed by the appearance of a pin on your clothes.

In the Russian tradition, borrowing pins was also considered a very bad omen. If a person lends a pin to another, then their friendship and, in general, any positive relationship will come to an end. If you need to give it, then first inject it into the hand of the one to whom you give it. In addition, in our country there is a widespread belief that if you pick it up on the street, your luck will run away for a long time.

Pins and lapel

Pins are of great importance for esotericists. Such objects are used in a variety of magical rituals, including lapels. The sharp side symbolized discord in relationships, lack of marriage and many other unpleasant things. These magical rituals have survived to this day and even today show their highest effectiveness. Below are simple and strong lapels that use pins.

Lapel from betrayal

Male infidelity is a very common and unpleasant phenomenon. To protect your family forever from the infidelity of your beloved husband, you need to take twelve pins, throw them into the fire at night and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I don’t want to burn the pin of God’s servant (name), I will turn the heart of God’s servant (husband’s name) with fire. Without me he cannot eat, he cannot sleep, he can only be with me, he can only desire me. What is said will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

An effective ritual from a rival

For the ritual you will need a new pin that has not yet been used. You need to read the words of the conspiracy on it:

“Lord God, almighty Heavenly Father, and Mother Theotokos, help me, servant of God (name), to preserve and protect my beloved servant of God (name of beloved). Protect him from my rival (name), so that he does not look at her, so that he does not want to know her, so that she is disgusting to him, as she is disgusting to me. So be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing the magic words, attach the charmed pin to any clothing of your loved one and say:

“As this pin comes unhooked, so the love of the servant of God (name of the man) for the servant of God (name of the woman) ceases forever. What is said will come true. Amen".

The simplest method that works for almost everyone

As soon as a man finds a pin on his clothes and unhooks it himself, the ritual begins to take effect.

Second version of the conspiracy

This magical ritual is no different from the previous one and operates on the same principle. Only the words of the conspiracy differ. Words:

“Most Holy Theotokos, Queen of Heaven. Help me, help me. Cool the servant of God (the name of the beloved) to the servant of God (the name of the rival) forever, cool their ardor, drive them away from the heart. He is loved by me, he is protected by me, return his body and his feelings to me. And send your love-struck sisters to your rival, so that the servant of God (the name of your beloved) will not look at her anymore, so that he will stop loving her, so that he will no longer spoil her. He shouldn’t look at her, don’t love her, don’t cherish her. Mother of God, infuse your strength into my pin. As my pin is sharp and prickly, so will my will and duty be. Just as this pin comes unhooked, so the servant of God (the name of the beloved) will get rid of the servant of God (the name of the rival). The lovers separate, separate, and scatter in different directions. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To discourage a husband from his mistress

To remove a man’s attachment to his rival, you need to pin a pin to his clothes and read the spell three times:

“Be my pin with the servant of God (husband’s name) everywhere, protect him, save him, don’t forget. Protect him from betrayal, preserve the loyalty of the servant of God (name) to me, the servant of God (name). Let my faithful husband turn away from the homewrecker once and for all, and turn back to me with all his heart. When he is with her, he will forget joy and bliss. Betrayal will not be sweet for him, but will be a burden. My will is strong, my words are true, as I said, so it will be. Amen".

After the ceremony, the husband, if he continues to meet with his mistress, will feel severe discomfort, which will lead to quarrels and discord between them. Such a relationship will become a burden for the husband and he will soon return to his legal wife, that is, to you.