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How to treat allergic rhinitis. How to treat allergic rhinitis? Treatment with traditional and folk methods What to do with an allergic rhinitis in an adult

417 10/22/2019 6 min.

Allergic rhinitis is one of the most common forms of chronic runny nose. It occurs through direct contact with an allergen and can occur seasonally or year-round. There is still no effective way to treat this disease; therapy is aimed only at eliminating symptoms and risk factors.

Traditionally, medications are used, but there are also a large number of traditional medicine methods. They are effective for the prevention of rhinitis, for treating the disease in children, during pregnancy, or in case of increased sensitivity of the body to medications.

Description of the disease

Chronic allergic rhinitis is inflammation of the nasal mucosa due to direct contact with an irritant, or allergen. The disease is accompanied by profuse, colorless nasal discharge, sneezing and itching. Drowsiness, swelling of the eyelids and conjunctivitis are often added. There is nasal congestion and deterioration in breathing.

The disease usually occurs in spring or early summer when plants are flowering, but can occur throughout the year. Allergens can be any substance, food or ordinary house dust. The severity of the disease and external manifestations depend on age, type of allergy, immunity and concomitant diseases.

Read how allergic rhinitis is treated with folk remedies.

In medicine there are several synonyms for this disease. The disease is known as hay fever, hay fever or seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis.

Treatment at home

The disease cannot be cured; therapy is symptomatic and preventive. That is why, for allergic rhinitis, not only medications are often used, but also traditional methods at home. If you ignore the course of the disease, there is a possibility of complications developing (conjunctivitis, bacterial infections, sinusitis or pulmonary edema).

Nasal rinsing

This simple procedure helps cleanse the nasal cavity and removes allergens and infections that have entered the nasal passages. For rinsing, use a small teapot with a narrow spout, a syringe or a syringe without a needle.

It is better to use a saline solution, which thins mucus and has an antiseptic effect. To prepare it you need to mix 1 tsp. salt per 1 liter of water. In addition to saline solution, decoctions of sage, chamomile or calendula are also used.

To rinse your nose, you need to tilt your head, pour the contents of the container into one nostril, and then into the other, the liquid should get inside the nasal passages. It is recommended to do it every day during seasonal exacerbations, and for acute rhinitis - 2-3 times a day.

Read how to use Aquamaris to rinse your nose.


For allergic rhinitis, steam inhalation also demonstrates effectiveness. The procedure is easy to carry out at home; hot steam thins nasal mucus and helps normalize breathing. The nasal mucosa is moisturized, naturally cleared of allergens and bacteria. For inhalation, use a pan filled with water, but it is safer to use a nebulizer - a special device that can be purchased at a pharmacy. The following compositions are used for steam inhalation:

  • saline solution;
  • soda solution;
  • herbal preparations;
  • water with added essential oils.

To avoid thermal burns, water for steam inhalation should not be hotter than 50 o C. When carrying out the procedure for children, the temperature should be lowered by 10-15 o C.

Read how to do inhalations correctly for allergies.

Inhalations should not be carried out immediately after eating, at elevated body temperature and chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Warming up

The mechanism of action of this procedure is similar to inhalations, but in this case, the walls of the nose and mucous membranes are heated without the use of hot liquid. At home, it is most convenient to use heated salt, cereal or a hot egg. When the sinuses are exposed to a heated object, blood flow increases and the mucus thins.

Warming is not recommended for young children, as they have a lower temperature sensitivity threshold. It is strictly forbidden to warm your nose in case of bacterial infections or sinusitis, as this will increase the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Read how to treat allergic rhinitis during pregnancy.

Essential oils

A popular treatment method is essential oils. Essential oils of eucalyptus, juniper, fir or tea tree are dissolved in water at the rate of 8-10 drops per 1 liter. After this, they can be used for instillation, rinsing or inhalation. Natural essential oils have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing effects. As a result, the allergens that caused the attack are eliminated and breathing improves.


The technique was developed in oriental medicine; today it is used as a physiotherapy for chronic rhinitis. Nasal massage can reduce swelling, improve blood circulation and relieve nasal congestion. Main methods:

  • It is convenient to massage the sinuses with your thumbs, making rotational movements clockwise for 2-3 minutes;
  • massage your forehead with three fingers of each hand;
  • Apply the pads of the little finger, middle and ring finger of both hands to the area of ​​the lower eyelids, smoothly move them in a vertical direction up to the corners of the lips.

Acupressure can be performed even on small children, but it is not recommended for use in cases of severe inflammation around the nose, which is often observed with a prolonged runny nose.


You can get rid of the signs of allergic rhinitis during the next exacerbation by eating certain spices and foods. The most effective of them are garlic, onion, red pepper, wasabi and mustard. Keep in mind that spicy foods can have a negative impact on your digestive health, so this method should be used with caution.


The use of medicinal herbs is one of the most ancient but effective methods of treating a runny nose. There is a wide variety of recipes from medicinal plants; they are used to create decoctions, solutions for washing and instillation, etc.

The following herbs are used for allergic rhinitis:

  1. Herbal collection. The finished composition can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently, for example, by mixing 1 tsp. dried linden flowers, elderberry, willow bark and tea rose petals. Bring to a crushed state, pour in 200 ml of warm water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Drink the medicine during the entire exacerbation up to 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  2. Chamomile. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects. Chamomile can be used to prepare a decoction for drinking (1 tablespoon of flowers per 200 ml of water) and for a compress.
  3. Green tea. Used as a healing and immunostimulating agent. Green tea for rhinitis is recommended for drinking, rinsing or instilling in the nose.
  4. Nettle. It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and is used to create a decoction. To do this, pour 50 g of dry nettle leaves into 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Take before meals 3 times a day.
  5. Ginger. Relieves inflammation, promotes tissue regeneration and destroys some pathogenic bacteria. Grind the ginger, mix with 1 tsp. honey, and then moisten the tampon in the prepared composition. Use as a compress twice a day.

Natural components of home remedies can cause allergies, which leads to side effects and worsening of a runny nose. If the condition worsens, you should stop taking the medication and take an antihistamine as quickly as possible.

To create home remedies based on medicinal herbs, you need to use only fresh ingredients, observing the dosage and expiration dates.

  • decoction of chamomile, calendula or nettle;
  • beet juice;
  • eucalyptus oil, juniper oil, menthol.


Compliance with simple preventive measures can reduce the number of attacks of allergic rhinitis and reduce the severity of the manifestations of the disease. To avoid rhinitis you should:

  • avoid direct contact with the allergen;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning of the house;
  • adjust nutrition, exclude allergenic foods;
  • give up pets if you are allergic to animal fur or saliva;
  • wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat during flowering periods;
  • temper yourself, take vitamin supplements to strengthen your immune system;
  • Treat all respiratory diseases in a timely manner.

If you have allergic rhinitis, it is recommended to purchase a humidifier and air purifier for your home, which will help normalize the microclimate in the room. In spring and early summer, you should not open windows wide or install fine mesh or gauze on the window.


This video will tell you about treating allergic rhinitis at home.


  1. Allergic rhinitis is a form of rhinitis that occurs upon direct contact with an irritant. Occurs in a seasonal or year-round form.
  2. Home treatments for the treatment of a runny nose include nasal rinsing, steam inhalation, heating and acupressure.
  3. Herbal medicine helps relieve symptoms and improve health. As part of it, herbal preparations, decoctions and infusions of chamomile and nettle are used.
  4. For treatment, you can use homemade drops based on aloe, Kalanchoe or beet juice, and natural essential oils.
  5. To prevent illness, you need to reduce the likelihood of contact with an allergen, as well as strengthen your immune system and treat illnesses in a timely manner.

Allergies can manifest themselves differently in each person, but most often they manifest themselves as a runny nose. The cause can be various irritants, in any case, this phenomenon causes a lot of inconvenience. But questions arise: if you have been diagnosed with an allergic disease, what remedies will be effective and what can be done to minimize the likelihood of a relapse?

What is allergic rhinitis

May be accompanied by rhinorrhea (nasal discharge). Its occurrence is characterized by difficulty breathing, swelling of the nasal passages, itching or burning, stuffy nose, and sneezing. It is possible that these symptoms may be accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis). But in each specific case, a person may notice additional individual manifestations. Also, in a certain month of the year you may experience a constant runny nose. The reasons for such manifestations vary.

Why does allergic rhinitis occur?

Allergic rhinitis develops against the background of hypersensitivity to a particular allergen. It appears immediately or 20 minutes after contact with the irritant. For humans, such an allergen can be plant pollen, dust accumulated on the shelves of libraries or at home, certain medications, and certain foods. In addition, allergies to cats, insects, and fungi (mold or yeast) may develop. But some people face this problem due to genetic predisposition.


But how to distinguish an allergic runny nose from a common cold? Some signs are noted below:

  • Itchy nose.
  • Colorless watery discharge. When exposed to an irritant, bouts of prolonged sneezing may begin.
  • A feeling of nasal congestion, which becomes more noticeable at night.
  • Often such rhinitis is accompanied by conjunctivitis, itching in the eye area and even swelling of the face. Also, the appearance of a cough cannot be ruled out, and this, in turn, can lead to bronchial asthma.
  • Examination by an otolaryngologist shows a pale and loose nasal membrane, with watery discharge. Pharyngitis may develop.
  • While indoors, a person feels a constant runny nose. The reasons for this vary, but usually allergies are caused by chemical odors, tobacco smoke, perfumes, powders and other household chemicals, industrial fragrances or new furniture.

Consequences of allergic rhinitis

If a person has an allergy, its symptoms will constantly occur a short time after contact with the irritant (it is individual for everyone). If then the symptoms will be present for a long time while the trees, shrubs or weeds are blooming. From frequent scratching, such people even develop a transverse fold on the nose. In addition, constant congestion of the nasal canals leads to the fact that a person begins to breathe only through the mouth. This circumstance usually leads to stagnant processes and the formation of polyps, the development of sinusitis or otitis media. Swelling of the mucous membrane can lead to blockage of the paranasal sinuses. In addition, the sense of smell and, as a result, the sense of taste often disappears. If rhinitis is seasonal, complications are usually not observed.


In some cases, the patient’s condition can be aggravated by improperly selected nutrition. Sometimes the most effective thing is to remove certain foods from your diet. For example, if a person has a reaction to pollen, it is important to determine at what period it manifests itself. Poplar, hazel, birch and other trees usually bloom in the spring months. If allergies appear during this period, it is better to exclude potatoes, parsley, honey, pears and apples from the diet. This is necessary to avoid cross-reaction. If irritation begins in August and September, when ragweed and quinoa bloom, it is advisable to avoid mayonnaise, cabbage, watermelon and honey. But this is not the entire list of products, since there are many things that can cause cross-allergy. You should definitely consult an allergist.

Determining the nature of the disease

Before deciding how to treat allergic rhinitis, it is important to determine the source of the problem. By finding out the cause, you can cope with the disease. But to determine the source of the allergy, it is important to see an allergist, who will prescribe tests. This may include blood donation or skin testing. Having recognized the source of irritation, you need to minimize your contact with it. If it turns out that this is a reaction to flowering, then it is better to go on vacation during this period; if these are food products, then they must be excluded, and so on.

Allergic rhinitis: how to treat this disease

For seasonal rhinitis, be sure to rinse your nose. Pharmacies sell an inexpensive device called “Dolphin”, which is convenient for carrying out this procedure. It consists of a bottle, tube and cap. With its help, you can regulate the flow of fluid and reduce discomfort to a minimum. You can make your own medicine for allergic rhinitis, which will be used for rinsing. To do this, add 1/4 teaspoon of soda and salt to a glass of water and add a few drops of iodine. The product is placed in the device. If you wish, you can buy a solution in sachets at the pharmacy. In addition, a spray for allergic rhinitis based on sea water works great. This could be “Aqua Maris”, “Aqualor”, “Marimer”, “Allergol”.

Treatment program

As already mentioned, before treating an allergic rhinitis, it is important to find out its nature. If you don’t know what causes irritation, treatment becomes useless and can sometimes cause harm to your health.

Having identified the nature of the disease, you can proceed to the following steps:

  1. Getting rid of inflammation that appears on the nasal mucous membranes.
  2. Allergy-specific therapy.

Anti-inflammatory treatment

Most often, in order to get rid of inflammation, an integrated approach is used, which involves several drugs. So, how to treat allergic rhinitis, what drugs are prescribed by doctors?

These are usually antihistamines, available in the form of tablets or drops. Today, doctors advise using second-generation drugs, such as Cetrin, Zodak, Kestin, Claritin, and third-generation drugs, such as Erius, Zirtec, Telfast. Depending on the age of the patient, the dosage is adjusted. Typically, the course of treatment should last two to three weeks. But if you contact a doctor, he will prescribe the number of days at his own discretion (taking into account the patient’s condition). It is worth noting that it is prohibited to prescribe such medications yourself. Before treating an allergic rhinitis without consulting a doctor, you should think about the fact that these drugs always have side effects and very often they have a cardiotoxic effect, having a negative effect on the heart. The latest generation of medicines are considered less hazardous to health, but their cost remains high.

Sprays and drops for rhinitis

If these drugs fail to bring relief, the next step will be nasal drops for allergic rhinitis and sprays that act directly on the nasal mucosa. For mild symptoms, Cromoglin, Cromosol, Cromohexal, i.e. derivatives of sodium cromoglycate, are usually prescribed. These products are available in the form of sprays. They must be used as long as the exacerbation lasts, three times a day, making one or two injections. The result can be noticed only after the fifth day, and sometimes even later. Usually, treatment of allergic rhinitis in children cannot be done without these drugs. Since these remedies are more preventive, the course can last up to four months. But doctors do not prohibit the use of such sprays all year round.

The Nazaval remedy has also gained popularity. It is based on plant cellulose. This is applied up to six times a day. After injecting its contents into the nose, a membrane is formed on the mucous membrane, which serves as a barrier, preventing the irritant from affecting sensitive areas. If the disease is acute, this remedy will be ineffective.

For severe allergic rhinitis, you can use sprays such as Nasonex, Aldecin, Nazarel, Benarin, Nasobek, Flixonase. The doctor will help determine the duration of the course of such treatment.

Error when treating with drops

Often, when using nasal drops for an allergic rhinitis, a person makes the mistake of using vasoconstrictor medications for a long time. Usually these remedies (Naphthyzin, Vibrocil, etc.) help make breathing through the nose easier. But using them for a long time, the patient increases the likelihood of developing drug-induced rhinitis. Sometimes, depending on the severity, surgery may be necessary to get rid of the acquired disease. If you have allergic rhinitis, it is advisable not to use these drops. You can make an exception only if there is severe nasal congestion, but then you need to switch to intranasal glucocorticoids.

Allergen-specific therapy

Some people may not benefit from any type of allergic rhinitis medication, while others may have contraindications to such medications. In these cases, you can resort to a completely radical method of control - allergen-specific therapy. But such treatment should only be carried out by an experienced doctor and only in a hospital setting. The principle is to administer a specific dose of the allergen to the patient. Gradually the dose should be increased. All this is necessary so that the body can develop resistance to the irritant. If the treatment is successful, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis completely disappear. Thousands of people have already tried a similar method and were satisfied with the result, since they were able to get rid of the symptoms that tormented them.

You can also use a homeopathic remedy for allergic rhinitis called “Rinosennai” in treatment.

Traditional methods

As you know, traditional medicine helps in the fight against many diseases, but, unfortunately, it cannot cure allergic rhinitis. Often, treatment with mixtures, infusions and decoctions can worsen a person’s condition, since allergies can worsen from such exposure. You should not listen to the advice of neighbors and friends who were allegedly cured of an allergic rhinitis using folk methods. There is only one safe “home” method for relieving the condition - rinsing the nasal canals with saline solution. But it is worth considering that this measure is not a treatment, so it is better not to delay, but rather purchase drops for allergic rhinitis in a pharmacy on the recommendation of a doctor. This is necessary, since simply using a saline solution is not capable of bringing a tangible, lasting therapeutic effect.

Allergic rhinitis during pregnancy

When an allergic reaction begins to develop, women and doctors sound the alarm, since many treatment methods, including traditional ones, cannot be used. The disease itself has virtually no effect on the fetus. But if treatment methods are incorrectly selected, or if the condition develops into a more severe form, the threat to the baby increases. To identify the cause of the allergy, a woman needs to undergo a blood test. You cannot take a skin sample at this time.

Methods of treatment during pregnancy

Firstly, it is worth remembering that antihistamines are prohibited, as they can harm the fetus. If there is an urgent need for them, it is better to give preference to third-generation products. But the dosage is strictly prescribed and regulated by the doctor.

Treatment should be local and affect only the nasal canals. Therefore, the doctor may prescribe a spray or drops for allergic rhinitis containing sodium cromoglycate. In any case, the basis of such preparations should be plant cellulose. But it is important to note that in the first three months of pregnancy you should also not use nasal corticosteroids.

Lifestyle with allergic rhinitis

The main task when allergic symptoms occur is to reduce contact with the irritant to the possible minimum. But it can only be identified after diagnostics. Next, the doctor must give his recommendations.

All allergens are divided into:

  • household (house dust, feather pillows);
  • food (various products);
  • industrial (powders, detergents);
  • pollen;
  • epidermal (animal hair, bird feathers);
  • fungal.

Once the allergen is identified, it is easier to think through further measures. For example, with a food allergy, a person takes tests that will show which foods are incompatible with the body. They will have to be removed from the diet.

If the cause of irritation of the mucous membrane is pollen from trees and flowers, then you will have to stop traveling outside the city. You can arrange evening walks around the city (from 22:00). It is at this time that the concentration of pollen in the air decreases. Also, in the first half of the day you should not open your windows. You can install an air purifier in your apartment. Many companies strive to make their cosmetics using herbs. People with pollen allergies should avoid using such substances. Also, during the period when flowering begins, you can take a vacation and try to leave your region. It is better to choose the sea or mountainous terrain as your destination. In these areas, pollen concentrations are always minimal.


Unfortunately, modern medicine has not yet developed measures that allow for prevention and reduction of the likelihood of developing allergic rhinitis. If the disease has already overcome a person, all prevention comes down to reducing contact with the irritant, and also selecting a suitable remedy for allergic rhinitis. This is necessary because without proper treatment, the disease will begin to progress. In this case, all existing symptoms will intensify.

Allergies and pets

Approximately 15% of the population faces the challenge of developing an allergy to pet dander. But a person’s reaction occurs not to the wool itself, but to what is on it. Animals can lick themselves and leave their saliva and skin particles on the fibers. They are the ones who cause irritation of the mucous membranes. But how? Animal cells are quite strong proteins; when they enter the human body with a weakened immune system, they begin to be perceived as a threat, and a defensive reaction is triggered. The side effects of these “contacts” manifest themselves in allergies. These may include watery eyes, skin rashes, rhinitis and asthma attacks. Most often, people are allergic to cats, but other animals can also be sources of such painful symptoms.

How to cope with pet allergies

Often there is no way to prevent this reaction to fur. But it is possible to minimize the risk of developing this type of allergy. For this, preparation begins from childhood. If a child has a tendency to allergies, you should not immediately give away a cat or other animal. If the baby continues to be in contact with the pet, his body will be able to develop a protective function, as a result, allergies can be avoided in adulthood.

Treatment methods

If a reaction to wool has already developed, you can use modern methods that are usually used to treat other types of allergies.

  • As in other cases, it is important to use antihistamines. They are necessary in order to neutralize the effects of substances that cause symptoms. For example, it could be Claritin or Benadryl - they are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The doctor may also prescribe medications that are available only by prescription (for example, Allegra).
  • Decongestants can also help here, since wool allergies can cause swelling of the mucous membranes. Such drugs do not allow mucus to stagnate. Such drugs include Sudafed.
  • The doctor may also prescribe other medications that successfully cope with asthma and allergic symptoms. For example, prescription steroids such as Flonase or Nasonex are usually prescribed for treatment.

Other events

In addition to treatment, it is worth following simple rules that help reduce the chances of exacerbation or the appearance of symptoms. The recommendations apply to pet owners.

  1. Bathe your pet and brush it.
  2. Regularly organize wet cleaning of rooms.
  3. The animal should lie and sleep on its own bedding, and not on the owner’s bed or chair.
  4. After handling your pet, always wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  5. To reduce hair loss, try to give your pet a balanced diet.

By choosing the right treatment and taking all preventive measures, you may be able to get along with your beloved pet in the same area.

To more accurately understand what this disease means, it is necessary to know the mechanisms of development of the pathology. The basis of any allergic reaction is an excessive and incorrect reaction of the immune system to allergens (substances that contribute to the development of such a reaction). There are also haptens - substances that turn into allergens only when combined with body proteins.

If there is a predisposition to pathology, these substances, when they enter the body and mucous membranes, form an excessively violent and pronounced reaction. The condition is accompanied by damage to one's own cells and tissues, acute inflammation with the formation of pathological reactions, namely swelling, itching, mucus secretion, difficulty in normal breathing and many associated manifestations.

Allergic rhinitis is a disorder of the local immune response in the nasal mucosa. In response to antigen penetration, reagins (class E immunoglobulins) are synthesized, and mast cells are also activated, releasing mediators - histamine, bradykinin and leukotrienes, which are responsible for the development of rapid and acute, pronounced inflammatory reactions.

Often, such response characteristics are inherited from parents or arise from long-term pathological effects on the immune system: frequent contact with hazardous substances, work in hazardous industries, constant colds, foci of chronic infection - in a word, all influences that lead to prolonged overstrain of the immune system.

Hay fever occurs at the flowering stage and is formed as a reaction to pollen from wind-pollinated plants. The most common weeds are wormwood, quinoa and other herbs, pollen of trees and flowers, cereals, bush plants, both ornamental and cultivated.

For a year-round person, typical household irritants are:

  • mold fungi;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • dust mites;
  • particles of insects living in apartments;
  • dandruff;
  • saliva particles
  • animal hair, bird down and feathers;
  • chemicals used in everyday life.

Occupational hazards such as industrial or construction dust, soot, and volatile chemical compounds can become dangerous.

In addition to contact with the nasal mucosa, the following factors also influence the frequency, severity and extent of reactions:

  • general condition of the body;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • accommodations;
  • taking medications, including those used topically in the treatment of colds;
  • adenoid vegetations;
  • polyps;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • bad habits;
  • hormonal fluctuations and stress.

According to statistics, about 20% of cases are of seasonal origin, and about 40% of people suffer from a progressive, long-term illness. The rest of the patients suffer from episodic exacerbations of this pathology, sometimes with an unknown cause.

External signs are pronounced and cause the patient a lot of discomfort. These include severe nasal congestion with the inability to breathe normally, sneezing due to itching and burning in the nose, and the release of copious clear mucus. In some cases, such manifestations are combined with redness of the eyes, lacrimation and cough, sore throat, especially with seasonal hay fever.

Symptoms often worsen when going outside, but at home, with closed windows and using an air conditioner with a HEPA filter, they are alleviated or go away completely. In rare cases, severe symptoms are present, with severe malaise, headaches and even low fever.

Against the background of the main symptoms, a few hours or days after the onset of the clinical picture, symptoms of coughing may occur, especially in a supine position due to irritation of the back wall of the pharynx with nasal mucus. There may be a feeling of stuffiness in the ears, a feeling of fatigue, and irritability.

Due to the constant use of scarves or napkins, symptoms in adults such as redness, peeling of the wings of the nose and nasolabial folds are possible. In severe cases, headaches are possible, and due to severe dryness of the mucous membranes, nosebleeds are possible. Due to tissue hypoxia, dark circles and swelling in the area around the eyes form.

After a full diagnosis of the disease, taking into account the symptoms, its treatment should only be carried out by an allergist-immunologist or an ENT doctor. The medical specialist will select the necessary medications and inform the patient about non-drug methods of alleviating the condition.

It is important to understand that any remedy for allergic rhinitis, even if it is a local drug or an over-the-counter remedy freely sold in pharmacies, must be prescribed by a doctor. The participation of a doctor in the treatment process is necessary for its effectiveness and safety.

The following medications are commonly used:

  • antihistamines orally or in the form of local nasal preparations (sprays, drops);
  • drugs with anti-inflammatory effects from other groups of drugs - mast cell membrane stabilizers, topically in the form of drops and sprays;
  • preparations for irrigating the mucous membrane and mechanically washing away bacteria, reducing swelling and itching (sprays and nasal douches based on saline solutions of sea water);
  • protective nasal sprays that create a thin film on the surface of the nasal mucosa and mechanically prevent contact;
  • corticosteroid anti-inflammatory drugs of local action, and in severe situations - orally and by injection;
  • symptomatic drugs (vasoconstrictors, facilitating nasal breathing) in a limited course.

The doctor will decide on medications to treat allergic rhinitis based on the results of the examination and the severity of the manifestations - seasonal or year-round.

Various allergens become the triggering factor for the disease. These are substances that, when entering the body of a person sensitive to them, can cause an allergic inflammation reaction.

In an ordinary person, exposure to such substances does not cause a single symptom, but in a patient sensitized to this allergen, the disease will manifest itself with all the characteristic signs.

The allergen enters the nasal mucosa most often through airborne droplets; less often, a reaction develops under the influence of contact or food allergens.

The most common causes of the disease:

  • pollen of various plants;
  • household chemicals and cosmetics;
  • impurities and other harmful agents that occur in production;
  • medications: nasal drops, ointments and other medications can cause allergic rhinitis;
  • saliva, fur, feces or fluff of pets;
  • dust, where mites may be located, as well as some types of fungi;
  • insect particles and their metabolic products.

In fact, any substance that causes a perverted hypersensitivity reaction in the human body can become an allergen. Sometimes the cause of allergic rhinitis can be a reaction to the wind, a sharp decrease or increase in temperature and other climatic conditions.

In rare cases, the triggering factor is stress, hormonal imbalance and other psychosomatic disorders.

The predisposition to the development of allergic rhinitis can be influenced by persistent viral diseases, foci of chronic infection, and inflamed adenoids in children. Often the disease develops as a result of frequent and prolonged colds.

Allergic rhinitis manifests itself with a variety of symptoms. Some of them appear a few minutes after contact with the allergen, others develop several days or even weeks later.

Typical early symptoms of the disease:

In childhood, the manifestations of the disease are more pronounced. The lack of full nasal breathing can lead to disruption of the normal growth of the facial part of the skeleton.

Parents also pay attention to other signs of the disease:

  • problems with sleep and appetite;
  • nasal tone of speech, snoring and snoring during sleep;
  • the baby is lethargic, has trouble concentrating, is developmentally delayed, and has difficulty learning new information;
  • with pronounced swelling of the nose, the child is characterized by a constant half-open mouth, smoothness of the nasolabial folds and tension of the wings of the nose.


Is it possible to get rid of the disease forever? The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the degree of development of allergic rhinitis. Mild forms of ENT disease can be completely cured even with the help of symptomatic medications. But chronic allergic rhinitis is quite difficult to treat and requires long-term use of antihistamines and topical steroids.

Complex therapy is the key to successful and quick elimination of the problem. Treatment of allergic rhinitis in adults should be carried out using local and systemic antihistamines. To reduce the likelihood of adverse reactions, doctors recommend using only second or third generation medications. The most effective and safe medications include:

  • "Claritin";
  • "Zodak";
  • Telfast;
  • "Gismanal";
  • "Trexyl";
  • "Rupafin."

Antiallergic drugs can negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys and heart, so before using them you should consult with an allergist.

To get rid of allergic rhinitis, you must strictly follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding the duration of therapy and dosage of medications. As a rule, treatment of mild rhinitis takes no more than 2-3 weeks.

Allergists advise using antihistamines for any manifestations of allergies. These substances suppress the vigorous activity of the body that develops in response to the antigen. The products are represented by 3 generations of drugs.

1st generation antihistamines (suprastin, diphenhydramine, tavegil) have a fast, powerful effect, short duration of action and side effects such as drowsiness and relaxation. In addition, these drugs quickly become addictive to the receptors, so they have to be changed every 2-3 weeks. Treatment of allergic rhinitis with these tablets is usually carried out in childhood, when a runny nose prevents the child from resting and getting enough sleep.

Treatment with 2nd generation antihistamines is carried out in adults suffering from seasonal hay fever. These drugs do not penetrate the brain, so they do not cause the characteristic lethargy. In addition, loratadine and ebastine are not addictive and can be prescribed for a long term. They remain in the body for a long time and do not require a repeated daily dose.

3rd generation drugs are more advanced. Treatment of allergic rhinitis with such drugs is safe. They are not addictive, do not require frequent administration, and leave a long-lasting effect after stopping use.

  • How to recognize
  • Main differences
  • Symptoms

A runny nose (rhinitis) is a term that describes symptoms caused by irritation or inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Its symptoms are similar to sinusitis and include:

  • sneezing;
  • nasal congestion due to blockage of the nasal passages.

Our nose produces mucus (a viscous clear liquid) that traps substances such as dust, pollen, dirt and microorganisms (bacteria and viruses). When there is too much mucus, it begins to flow out of the nose in the form of drops. This is how a runny nose occurs.

  • The usual duration of rhinitis is up to six weeks. This is the so-called acute rhinitis. If the symptoms of a runny nose last longer than 6 weeks, then doctors talk about a chronic runny nose.
  • A runny nose is usually caused by infection or chemical irritation. Chronic rhinitis can be caused by allergies or other factors.

How to distinguish an allergic runny nose from a normal one?

Allergic rhinitis, known to most people as hay fever, is a very common medical problem, affecting more than 15% of the adult and child population.

Year-round allergic rhinitis is caused by an allergen with which the patient can have contact at almost any time of the year.

Examples of such allergens: car exhaust; cosmetics; hairspray components; cigarette smoke; household chemicals; toiletries; furniture upholstery; dust mites; Pets.

Seasonal allergic rhinitis is caused by an allergen that exists only at certain times of the year.

Patients may experience the most severe symptoms when flowering plants produce pollen, when ragweed is in bloom, or during wheat harvest.

Trees, grasses, and all types of weeds can cause seasonal allergies.

During the monsoon season, residual moisture causes rampant growth of mold and mildew, which is also a common cause of seasonal allergic rhinitis.

Unlike the symptoms of ordinary rhinitis, which develop gradually and progress slowly, the onset of allergic rhinitis can be sudden. But how to distinguish an allergic runny nose from a regular one, if the main symptoms (the runny nose itself and the congestion that accompanies it) are the same for these ailments?

  • Allergic rhinitis causes itching in the nose, which is absent with a common cold. Itching is often felt in the back of the nose, where you cannot scratch with your finger. As a result, the patient may continually wrinkle their nose and rub their nose with their hand in a gesture known as the "allergic salute."
  • With a normal runny nose, a person sneezes rarely and deeply. In allergic rhinitis, contact with the allergen on the nasal mucosa causes an attack of sneezing (10 to 20 times), which can be mild and relatively quiet.
  • Cold rhinitis, unlike allergic rhinitis, rarely causes ophthalmological problems. Allergy patients may complain of excessive watery discharge from the eyes.
  • Patients with allergic rhinitis may have blue-black circles under the eyes.
  • Allergic rhinitis can affect your sense of smell more than the common cold. And the inability to normally perceive odors radically reduces the taste of food.

Before starting treatment for allergic rhinitis, consult with an allergist. Only he can tell you in detail how to recognize an allergic runny nose in your particular case.

Sometimes several symptoms of different diseases can appear in one person. In some patients, allergic rhinitis may be complicated by vasomotor rhinitis, deviated nasal septum, or nasal polyps.

Use of aerosol decongestants to treat chronic sinusitis or vasomotor rhinitis may result in drug-induced rhinitis.

Nasal symptoms caused by more than one problem are difficult to treat and often require the collaboration of an allergist-immunologist and an otolaryngologist (colloquially referred to as an “ear, nose, and throat” doctor).

How to recognize allergic rhinitis and make the correct diagnosis?

  • Your allergist-immunologist may begin asking questions about your lifestyle to look for clues about the cause of your symptoms. He will likely ask you about your home and work environment, whether you have pets, eating habits, your family's medical history, and the frequency and severity of your symptoms.
  • You may need to take several tests. For example, a small dose of a suspected allergen is injected into the skin to test how your body reacts to it. This test is the simplest, most sensitive and generally least expensive way to make a diagnosis. Another advantage is that the results are available immediately. In rare cases, you may also be asked to have a special blood test for allergens.

Let's look at the difference between an allergic runny nose and a cold. Here are a few key differences.

  • Cold rhinitis is the most common infectious disease. Most infections last a relatively short period of time, from three to seven days. Otherwise, rhinitis may be associated with other causes, such as purulent sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses).
  • With year-round allergic rhinitis, a runny nose may continue throughout the duration of contact with the allergen.
  • And with seasonal allergies, a runny nose occurs during the appearance of pollen and (less often) mold fungi.
  • Patients with seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis may also complain of allergic conjunctivitis, asthma and eczema.
  • Allergic rhinitis usually develops at a young age (in 80% of patients it will appear before reaching 20 years of age).
  • Family history is also important because allergic symptoms and asthma tend to run in families. That is why people whose relatives suffer from allergies should know the difference between an allergic runny nose and a cold.
  • People with allergic rhinitis may develop gray-blue or purple circles under the eyes.
  • With allergic rhinitis, the patient experiences temporary relief from taking antihistamines.
  • Acute illness due to a viral infection will cause more generalized symptoms of rhinitis and sometimes fever.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes with associated symptoms may allow the doctor to suggest a viral or bacterial cause of rhinitis. And wheezing or eczema suggests an allergic cause.

Children attending kindergarten or school can get colds 8 to 12 times a year. It usually begins with a feeling of nasal congestion, soon followed by a runny nose and sneezing. Over the next few days, nasal mucus may change color from clear to yellowish, and a slight fever and cough may occur.

Our immune system is designed to fight harmful substances such as bacteria and viruses. But when allergic rhinitis occurs, the immune system reacts to harmless substances (pollen, mold, and pet dander), considering them a threat to the body.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis include:

  • discharge of mucus from the nose;
  • sneezing;
  • redness around the nose, itching and watery eyes;
  • swollen eyelids;
  • itching in the mouth, throat, ears and face;
  • a sore throat;
  • dry cough;
  • headaches, nasal pain;
  • partial loss of hearing, smell and taste;
  • fatigue;
  • dark circles under the eyes.

Risk factors for symptoms of allergic rhinitis include:

  • Having relatives with allergies.
  • Cases of allergies (food allergies or eczema).
  • Passive smoking.
  • Male gender.

Many people suffering from allergies in the form of a runny nose ask their doctor: will the allergy disappear when they change their place of residence?

Allergist-immunologists rarely recommend moving to another area as a cure for allergies. This will likely result in a person getting rid of one allergen (say, ragweed), but becoming more sensitive to other allergens in the new place of residence.

Additionally, the process of moving can have a devastating financial and emotional impact on a family.

It is not for nothing that they say that prevention is better than cure. To prevent the development of allergies in the form of a runny nose, you should avoid contact with the allergen and control the environment. For example:

  • Wash bedding weekly.
  • Clean carpets regularly. It is best to avoid large rugs altogether and wash small rugs frequently in very hot water.
  • Use house dust sprays.
  • Get rid of animals or minimize contact with them.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Use blinds instead of curtains.
  • Install fine air filters in your home.

Medicines such as antihistamines, decongestants, and corticosteroid nasal sprays may help control allergy symptoms. Some traditional methods can also be used to treat the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

During the first contact, the body's immune system is disrupted. It perceives the allergen as a foreign object and produces protective antibodies.

At the first stage, the disease does not yet manifest itself with any symptoms from the nasal cavity. A repeated encounter with this or a similar allergen is accompanied by an inflammatory reaction and a massive release of biologically active mediators.

Immune cells begin to attack not only the allergen, but also cause an increase in the permeability of the vascular wall, leading to the development of edema. The severity of the signs of such an allergic reaction depends on the type of allergen, how it entered the patient’s body and how long its exposure lasted.

Genetic factors may play a certain role in the development of allergic rhinitis - the risk of developing allergies increases if both parents have a history of allergic diseases.

Nasal drops

Allergies are very difficult to cure. And some medications only help relieve symptoms without affecting the underlying mechanism of pathogenesis. However, this is also an important aspect of therapy. After all, such treatment reduces the patient’s discomfort and improves his quality of life. To relieve swelling and inflammation and ease breathing, you can use vasoconstrictors in the form of drops (Naphthyzin, Oxymetazoline, Phenylephrine).

What other local remedies can be used to treat allergic rhinitis? Cromones are actively used in modern therapy. These drugs stabilize cell membranes, which have a major effect in the pathogenesis of allergies. As a result, histamine, a mediator of inflammation, is not released into the tissue. Local swelling does not develop, there is no redness, or increased mucus secretion. A representative of such drugs is Cromohexal.

Regular antihistamines are also available in drop form. Allerodil spray has long been used in the practice of allergists. Treatment of year-round and seasonal rhinitis can last up to 6 months.

In the treatment of rhinitis, combination drugs are used. An example is Vibrocil spray. It contains a first-generation antihistamine and the vasoconstrictor drug phenylephrine. Vibrocil can be used even in young children, while treatment with other similar drugs is impossible at this age.


Treatment of severe nasal allergies is impossible without hormonal drugs. Now this is not so scary, because local inhalation forms of solutions have appeared. Therapy with these drugs has a minimal number of side effects. They are not absorbed from the mucosa and almost do not penetrate into the local bloodstream. Due to this, systemic effects are not recorded when using hormones.

Topical hormonal solutions include Nasonex, Avamis, and Fliconase. They come in the form of a spray and are easy to dose. They can be used both in adult practice and in young children (from 2.5 years).

Hormones suppress inflammation in the nasal cavity and eliminate allergy symptoms. Swelling of the nasal membrane goes away, mucus secretion decreases, and the sinuses are drained. This significantly eliminates the discomfort of the disease.

Types and forms of allergic rhinitis

Experts distinguish year-round and seasonal variants of the disease.

Seasonal form (hay fever, hay fever). Associated with exposure to pollen from plants, trees and shrubs (“pollen allergy”), the so-called spring allergy. This is the most common type of allergy in European countries. Hypersensitivity to several allergens is common; less commonly, a reaction to only one plant can be observed. Seasonal rhinitis occurs with a series of annual exacerbations during the flowering period and then a long remission occurs.

Regular and frequent exacerbations of rhinitis can cause irreversible restructuring of the nasal mucosa and the transition of the disease from a seasonal to a permanent form.

Year-round (permanent) form. It develops as a result of regular contact with a damaging allergen, for example, house dust. With this form, typical allergy sufferers are observed constantly. Unlike the seasonal form, sneezing attacks occur less frequently, and the discharge is thicker and mucous. In addition to problems with the nose, eye symptoms (lacrimation, photophobia, conjunctivitis, etc.) and hearing problems (congestion, otitis media, etc.) are observed.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of allergic rhinitis begins with the elimination of allergens. However, measures to prevent contact with the allergen should be taken in conjunction with drug treatment.

To eliminate pollen allergens, you need to stay indoors as much as possible during flowering plants, do not open windows in the apartment and wear safety glasses. When traveling by car, use the air conditioning without lowering the windows. If possible, try to change your place of residence during the flowering season or take a vacation.

If you are allergic to house dust, you should use protective coverings for bed linen, give up down pillows, mattresses, and woolen blankets, replacing them with synthetic ones, and wash them once a week at a temperature of 60°C. There should be no carpets, thick curtains or soft toys in the room.

Wet cleaning should be done every week using washing vacuum cleaners (with disposable bags and filters or with a water tank). Particular attention should be paid to cleaning furniture that is upholstered with fabrics. It is advisable to install an air purifier in the apartment. Cleaning should not be done by the patient himself.

If pets are the allergen, then it is necessary to urgently get rid of them and not get new ones.

How to treat allergic rhinitis in the presence of an inflammatory process? In this case, they resort to the complex use of a number of drugs.

Most often, second-generation antihistamines (Cetrin, Claritin, Zodak, Kestin) and third (Erius, Telfast, Zyrtec) are prescribed in the form of tablets or drops. They are used orally once a day according to the age-specific dosage. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, but in rare cases it is less than 2 weeks. Although these medications are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, it is strictly forbidden to prescribe them to yourself, especially for a long time, since many of them have a negative effect on the heart and depress thinking abilities.

The safest drugs are considered to be the latest generation of drugs, but their high cost is often a limiting factor, especially with long-term use.

If previous measures for the treatment of allergic rhinitis were not effective enough, then the doctor prescribes “local remedies” that act specifically on the nasal mucosa.

Mild rhinitis is treated well with nasal sprays: cromohexal, cromoglin, cromosol. They are used 1-2 drops 3 times a day during an exacerbation.

It is necessary to take into account that the effect of such treatment occurs after 5-10 days (sometimes later). Therefore, their action is considered more preventive than therapeutic. These medications are most often prescribed for mild cases of the disease. The course of treatment is at least 2-4 months. Year-round use of the drugs is possible.

In the presence of severe rhinitis, nasal corticosteroids are prescribed (Aldecin, Nasobek, Baconase, Nasonex, Flixonase, Nazarel, Benorin), which are also available in the form of sprays. They are used 1-2 times a day, according to the age category. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

The main mistake made in the treatment of allergic rhinitis is the use of vasoconstrictor drops for a sufficiently long time to facilitate nasal breathing (naphthyzin, vibrocil, etc.). Their use always leads to the development of drug-induced rhinitis, so it is advisable to use these drugs only in cases of severe nasal congestion before prescribing intranasal glucocorticoids.

How to treat allergic rhinitis in patients who respond poorly to conservative treatment or have contraindications to medications? In this case, it is advisable to discuss with your doctor the possibility of allergen-specific immunotherapy. The essence of the treatment is that the patient is given small doses of the allergen (most often in the form of an injection), gradually increasing the concentration in order to develop resistance to them. Successful treatment often leads to complete disappearance of symptoms of the disease.

The most effective method of folk treatment for allergic rhinitis is considered to be fasting or an individually selected diet. In addition, traditional treatment includes quite a few ways to reduce the body's reaction to the allergen. These include the following herbal infusions:

  • Collection No. 1
    4 tablespoons St. John's wort, 5 tablespoons centaury, 3 tablespoons dandelion root, 1 tablespoon corn silk, 2 tablespoons horsetail and 4 tablespoons chopped rose hips. Everything is crushed and mixed. 1 tablespoon of herb is poured into 300 ml of warm water and infused for 24 hours. Then bring to a boil, cover for 4 hours and filter. Drink 50-70 ml 3 times a day. The medicine must be stored in a cool, dark place. The course of treatment is 6 months. Drinking alcohol during treatment is strictly prohibited.
  • Collection No. 2
    50g calamus root, 50g elecampane root, 100g wild rosemary, 100g coltsfoot, 150g cypress seed. Grind everything and brew. Leave for 9 hours. Take 2 tablespoons 4 times a day on an empty stomach
  • Collection No. 3
    3 cups of chaga, 50g of wormwood, pine buds, dry yarrow and rose hips. Grind and add three to four liters of warm water. After 2 hours, put on the fire and bring to a boil, simmer for about 10 minutes under the lid. Then remove the pan from the heat and wrap it in a blanket so that the heat remains for the whole day. Then the broth is filtered and 400 g of honey, 1 glass of aloe juice and 1 glass of cognac are added. Leave for 4 days, stirring. Then they are bottled and stored in a cool, dark place. Use 3 times a day on an empty stomach according to the following scheme: the first 10 days, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, the second 10 days, 2 tablespoons, the next 10 days, 1 tablespoon. The course of treatment ends with the medicine.

However, it must be remembered that the treatment of allergic rhinitis with folk remedies has contraindications and is not suitable for everyone, so before use it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Allergic rhinitis is a disease that affects not only the body of an adult, but also a child. It can be triggered by a certain allergen that concentrates in the nasal passages. This condition can be cured not only with the help of medications, but also with traditional medicine methods. It is possible to achieve maximum effect only with an integrated approach.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis in a child should be based on safe means. Before starting therapy with folk remedies, you need to get permission from your doctor.

Proper nutrition

When a child’s body reacts to plant pollen with an allergy, then first it is necessary to determine the type of herbs and plants that cause irritation of the mucous membrane. You will need this information to accurately understand permitted and prohibited foods. In spring, you should not eat pears, apples, potatoes, or honey. In autumn, unfavorable foods are mayonnaise, honey, and watermelons.

The condition of the respiratory system largely depends on how fresh the air is in the room in which the child sleeps, does homework, or just plays. It is worth abandoning carpets, as they are a reservoir for dust accumulation. Does not overload the baby’s room with soft toys, heavy curtains, or porous wallpaper.

It is better to fight the signs of allergic rhinitis when the cause of the disease is already clear. For these purposes, it is necessary to perform skin pores and take a blood test. Therefore, try to limit the contact of the child’s body with allergenic plants. During the period of their flowering, it is better to take your child to the sea and do not let him eat the above products.

If a child is struck by an allergic runny nose, then it is very useful to rinse the nose. For these purposes, it is better to use the Dolphin device. For this procedure you will need a special solution. To prepare it, you will need to take a dessert spoon of salt, ¼ spoon of soda and a few drops of iodine. The link describes how to rinse a child's nose.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis in children with herbs is similar to therapy in adults, which will be discussed above.

Allergies in adults

It is quite possible to cure the presented pathology using folk methods, if you strictly adhere to the exact dosage.

To perform this treatment you will need a rubber bulb. The most important ingredient in this medicine is salt. It is she who kills all bacteria and microbes that contribute to the occurrence of a runny nose.

To prepare the solution, you need to take 0.5 dessert spoon of salt and add it to a glass of warm water. Pour the solution into the bulb and place the tip into the nasal passage. You need to suck in the salty liquid through your nose. Do the same for the other nostril. This therapy should be carried out 3 times a day until the disease disappears. But the manipulation must be performed carefully, because if the pear is handled incorrectly, the mucosal tissue can be damaged, which will lead to bleeding.

Medicinal collection

Allergic rhinitis can be eliminated using the following herbal collection:

  • tea rose inflorescences - 100g,
  • willow bark - 50 g;
  • linden inflorescences - 50 g;
  • elderberry inflorescences - 20 g;
  • meadowsweet grass - 10 g.

To prepare, take the ingredients provided and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Wait half an hour and take the medicine 250 ml 3-4 times a day. Therapy should be carried out until the disease completely disappears.


The presented plant allows you to eliminate inflammation very quickly. Tea made with ginger is considered the best remedy for eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Ginger is actively used in folk medicine and for other purposes. Here you can find a recipe for ginger tea for cough.

You can take ready-made ginger tea, brew it and drink it. Or you can take 50 g of the main ingredient and pour a glass of boiling water. You can sweeten the drink with a spoon of honey. When drinking tea, it is possible to thin bronchial secretions, ease breathing and eliminate a runny nose.


How to distinguish allergic rhinitis from ordinary rhinitis

A common runny nose, as a rule, is accompanied by other symptoms of ARVI: fever, cough, headaches, etc. With allergic rhinitis, the main complaint is nasal congestion and swelling.

Allergic rhinitis begins after encountering the causative agent. A common runny nose appears upon contact with pathogenic viruses and bacteria against the background of reduced immunity.

The duration of a simple runny nose is a maximum of two weeks; allergies last for months with periods of remissions and exacerbations.

Discharge from allergic rhinitis is clear and watery. With a normal runny nose, the discharge is thick, yellow, and then turns green and disappears.

One of the confirming factors of the allergic nature of the runny nose is the positive dynamics in response to antiallergic therapy. In cases with a common runny nose, there will also be changes, but not as obvious.

When it is not possible to recognize the nature of rhinitis based on history and appearance, they resort to various diagnostic methods that will help identify its cause.

Hyposensitization method

If the antigen is known, the person is injected with this substance in very small quantities. In this case, the body adapts to the foreign protein, and its new appearance does not cause a violent reaction. Hyposensitization is possible in individuals with monoallergy who do not suffer from bronchial asthma or autoimmune diseases.

Allergies need to be treated. Whether you do this using traditional methods or consult a doctor is up to you. However, remember that some techniques can be dangerous.

But there is one method that can be used in such patients. This is rinsing the nasal cavity with a saline solution. At the pharmacy you can purchase ready-made solutions of sea water in the form of a spray or drops. Such drugs include Aqua Maris and Aqualor.

Allergic rhinitis should only be treated by a doctor. The specialist will give the necessary recommendations and select the appropriate means or combinations thereof. In this case, the individual characteristics of the disease are taken into account. You should not take any medication on your own without consulting a doctor.

Drug treatment of the disease

Diagnosis of allergic rhinitis is carried out in various ways. First of all, the specialist collects a detailed medical history about the connection between the symptoms of the disease and potential allergens.

Skin tests The essence of the technique: scratches are made on the skin using a special sterile scarifier (small blade). A pre-prepared allergen is applied to these scratches and the reaction is assessed after 10-15 minutes.

  • Positive: There is swelling, redness or itching in the area of ​​the scratch.
  • Negative: no changes on the skin.

Such research produces a large number of false results. In addition, you can only react to 10-13 allergens at a time. These tests are not used in young children, as well as during exacerbation of the disease and while taking hormones and antiallergic drugs.

Immunoblotting method The essence of the procedure: allergens are placed on special paper depending on the mass of their molecules. On the test they are in the form of separate sections. When antibodies to certain antigens are detected in the blood, the reagent on this test strip darkens.

There are several allergen panels, each of which contains the most significant allergens of its series. For example, the air panel includes animal hair and fluff, pollen, dust mites and others.

Studying fingerprint smears The essence: during the next exacerbation, an imprint is taken from the nasal mucosa, which is stained and analyzed using microscopic equipment.
With an allergic rhinitis, an accumulation of eosinophils, mast and goblet cells is determined. Determination of the level of allergen-specific IgE using various tests. The essence of the technique: these tests allow you to detect the level of specific immunoglobulins of class E, which appear when exposed to certain allergens. Provocative analysis for allergens. The essence of the method: they are carried out rarely and only in specialized hospital settings. To carry them out, the patient is injected with a small amount of the suspected allergen and the body’s reaction is observed. If nothing happens, the dosage of the allergen is gradually increased over several days.

Mast cell membrane stabilizers (cromoglycic acid, Ketotifen). They stop the release of histamine, which is the main mediator of the inflammatory response. Often used when allergic rhinitis is combined with bronchial asthma or broncho-obstructive syndrome.

Tavegil and other drugs in this group cause a pronounced hypnotic side effect and last only 5-7 hours. In most cases, drugs of other generations are chosen; Claritin or Kestin have a negative effect on the heart muscle, which limits their use in elderly patients and people with problems of the cardiovascular system. The effect appears quickly and lasts longer than the previous group; Cetrin, Trexil Act quickly and for a long time. They do not cause drowsiness and do not affect the heart.

More information on the topic:

An antihistamine, widely used for the treatment and prevention of all kinds of allergic diseases. It is produced..

sprays based on antihistamines, such as Vibrocil, Allergodil. Relieves symptoms of nasal congestion and can be used for several weeks;

decongestants Naphthyzin, Nazol. They are rarely used in the treatment of this disease, but in case of severe swelling they can be used for short-term relief of symptoms. Not for use in small children and pregnant women;

moisturizing solutions and sprays Humer, Aqualor. These products wash away allergens from the mucous membrane and partially reduce swelling. Can be used throughout life, used in children of any age, pregnant and lactating women;

sprays based on topical glucocorticosteroids Flixonase, Avamis. They have no general effect on the body. They are used for a long time, the effect appears only 4-5 days after the first use and accumulates over time. Effective in the fight against polypous allergic rhinosinusitis. Used in children from three years of age.

  • antiallergic drops Lecrolin);
  • washing the eyes with chamomile decoctions;
  • ointments based glucocorticosteroids;
  • inhalations with herbs;
  • moisturizing throat sprays and lozenges.

An obligatory component of therapy is the maximum limitation of contact with the allergen or its complete elimination. After conducting diagnostics and identifying causally significant allergens, the specialist makes recommendations. Allergens by nature can be:

  • food;
  • household (house dust, feathers in pillows);
  • epidermal (animal hair, etc.);
  • pollen (plant flowering);
  • industrial;
  • fungal.

When diagnostic testing results in positive results for any food item, it is removed from the diet. If you are allergic to pollen during an exacerbation of the disease, you should not go out into nature and open windows in the house, especially in the first half of the day. It is also not recommended to use herbal preparations and cosmetics based on them. When certain plants bloom, changing your region of residence is the most radical way to combat allergic rhinitis.

For household allergies, you need to thoroughly clean your home three times a week (or more often if possible). During this event, it is best to wear a mask to prevent dust allergens from entering the mucous membranes of the nose. It is best to use pillows and blankets made of synthetic materials. It is recommended to get rid of dust sources, such as carpets and large soft toys.

Dust mites are the most common household allergen. Therefore, during harvesting, you can use acaricidal preparations that destroy them. Curtains and curtains should be replaced with blinds, and furniture in the house should be made of materials that are resistant to frequent rubbing. Vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters are very effective in combating household allergens.

Inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, provoked by the influence of household and specific allergens, is called allergy or allergic rhinitis. The penetration of dust and pathogens into the body stimulates the activity of the mucociliary system. When air is inhaled, irritating substances settle on the surface of the ciliated epithelium, which covers the entire inner surface of the nasopharynx. Within 15-20 minutes, the hairs contained in the mucous membrane literally push out all foreign objects from the nasal canals.

Molecules of some substances (dust, gases, perfumes) are absorbed into the nasal mucosa within a few minutes even before the nasopharynx self-cleaning mechanism is activated. With a single contact with irritating agents, mast cells (mast cells) are formed in the tissues of the nasopharynx, and with repeated penetration of allergens, they are destroyed and, accordingly, histamine and arachidonic acid are released.

Delayed relief of allergic reactions is fraught with severe swelling of the nasopharynx, the development of respiratory failure and suffocation.

Taking into account the characteristics and mechanisms of development of ENT diseases, treatment of allergic rhinitis begins with the elimination of provoking factors, i.e. antigens (allergens). And only after this the patient is prescribed medications, with the help of which it is possible to stop all the unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

How to treat allergic rhinitis in adults

To know exactly how to cure pathology in adults quickly and safely, you need to consult a doctor to make a diagnosis, rule out the infectious nature of the runny nose and prevent possible complications.

Initially, if an allergy is identified, the doctor will tell you how to cure the pathology, using the whole range of measures. You need to start not with “heavy” medications, but with separation from the irritant; this is the most effective and safest method of therapy. In case of seasonal irritation during flowering or dangerous season, it is recommended to change the region by going on vacation or visiting. If this is not possible, you need to create the most comfortable environment in the house:

  • use air conditioners and air purifiers with HEPA filters;
  • An option to reduce the concentration of pathogens in the air is a fine mesh fabric on the windows, which should be frequently moistened during periods of plant dusting, which retains some of the irritants;
  • remove all dust containers that can accumulate pathogens - thick curtains, upholstered furniture (or cover it with special covers), soft toys, books;
  • in windy weather, use a mask and goggles to protect your eyes and respiratory organs;
  • walk after rain and in high humidity, when returning home, take a shower and immediately change clothes.

The more difficult question is how to treat a disease that has a year-round course. In this case, what is important, first of all, is everyday life and the elimination of irritating factors, and if the pathogen is precisely known, identified by the results of skin tests or blood tests, a targeted fight against the causally significant factor.

For example, if it is dust mites, surfaces in the house must be periodically treated with acaricidal sprays or solutions, and general cleaning must be carried out frequently. But the problem of how to cure allergic rhinitis cannot always be solved by non-drug methods, or if separation from the irritant is impossible due to circumstances. Then the use of medications is necessary.

For pathologies in children, strict selection of medications and medical supervision at all stages of treatment and prevention are very important.

The following tools are widely used:

  • preparations for rinsing the nasal cavity based on saline solution, sea water;
  • indifferent protective sprays that create a mechanical barrier on the nasal mucosa;
  • 2nd and 3rd generation antihistamines - they are the safest;
  • drugs based on glucocorticosteroids (hormones) and vasoconstrictors are used in the acute phase of the disease, in strictly limited courses.

A specific list of remedies and drugs to treat allergic rhinitis in children, depending on the severity of manifestations and age, is determined only by a pediatric allergist-immunologist after an accurate diagnosis.

Physiotherapy using a traveling magnetic field makes it possible to treat many diseases, because this particular physiotherapy method has a minimum of contraindications. Physiotherapy promotes better absorption of medications, reducing the drug load on the body. The magnetic field, due to its ability to increase blood flow, makes it possible to quickly relieve inflammation, reduce pain and speed up recovery.

It is important to know how to cure rhinitis, or at least avoid complications for a long time through specific immunotherapy (ASIT).

Today this is the most effective method that is applicable outside the period of exacerbation. With the help of ASIT, the body's resistance is formed through a course of administration of subthreshold doses, which leads to the development of tolerance (immunity). Complete completion of the course followed by complete prevention helps to get rid of the pathology for an extremely long period - up to 5-7 years or more.

Ask a question to the doctor

Still have questions on the topic “How to treat allergic rhinitis”?
Ask your doctor and get a free consultation.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis should be comprehensive and include the following components:

  1. Eliminate or significantly reduce contact with the allergen.
  2. Medications.
  3. Specific immunotherapy (SIT).
  4. Surgical interventions to improve breathing through the nose and eliminate purulent foci.
  5. Physiotherapy and reflexology.
  • use air purifiers, filters, respirators and other protective equipment;
  • remove carpets, soft toys, pets and even aquarium fish from the house;
  • carry out regular cleaning of the premises and change of bed linen;
  • during the flowering season of plants, leave the house less or change the geographic region altogether;
  • adherence to the principles of a hypoallergenic diet is of certain importance, especially during the period of seasonal exacerbation of pathology;
  • After visiting the street, regularly rinse your nose, eyes and take a shower.

Partial elimination of the allergen will relieve the severity of symptoms, but will not eliminate them completely. Therefore, various medications are almost always used for treatment.

Non-drug treatment

Drug therapy is a forced and often necessary measure that can greatly improve the lives of patients. It usually includes several components, so medications from different groups are used. Treatment should be carried out only when the allergic nature of the disease is proven. Only a doctor should prescribe any medications for allergic rhinitis.

Basic therapy is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease and is carried out constantly under conditions of contact with the allergen. In the absence of exacerbation, an allergist-immunologist may prescribe allergen-specific immunotherapy. This is the best remedy for allergic rhinitis. If any complications arise, they are also treated.

Very often, with this pathology, patients use vasoconstrictor nasal drops (xylometazoline, oxymetazoline, naphazoline and others) for a long time. Chronic use of drugs from this group leads to the development of a condition such as drug-induced rhinitis, which may require surgical intervention.

These medications most effectively affect the development of the rapid phase of the allergic reaction and eliminate sneezing, itching and rhinorrhea (profuse watery discharge). Their effect is associated with the blockade of histamine receptors in the body, a neurotransmitter that takes part in the development of allergies. All antihistamines are divided into three generations. With each of the latter, the number and severity of side effects, as well as the possibility of addiction to these medications, decreases.

First generation drugs include, for example, diphenhydramine, suprastin, fenkarol and pipolfen. Compared to them, second-generation antihistamines (loratadine, astemizole, cetirizine, azelastine) do not contribute to the formation of addiction with long-term use, do not enhance the effect of alcohol, and do not reduce mental and physical performance.

Also, these drugs do not cause drowsiness or muscle relaxation. Third generation agents include fexofenadine, levocetirizine, desloratadine, quifenadine and sehifenadine. They are more effective and have no cardiotoxic side effects. The forms of release of antihistamines are tablets, sprays and injection solutions.


In severe cases of the disease, a spray for allergic rhinitis is used, which contains glucocorticoids. Hormonal preparations for local use make it possible to transfer the course of allergic rhinitis to a milder phase. The overall effect on the body is minimal if they are used in recommended dosages. Glucocorticoids are inhaled through a specially designed nasal nozzle.

These drugs include beclomethasone (Becotide), flunisolide (Ingacort), triamcinolone (Azmacort), nasonex, budesonide (Pulmicort). The duration of treatment is determined individually. The use of these drugs requires medical supervision. Glucocorticoids can be combined with antihistamines.

Sodium cromoglycate (inthal, cromohexal) is a safe drug that can be prescribed additionally if antihistamines do not completely eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis. This drug inhibits the release from mast cells of substances involved in the development of allergic reactions. The use of sodium cromoglycate is especially recommended in cases where rhinitis is combined with latent bronchial obstruction or bronchial asthma. With regular use, the drug reduces the symptoms of allergic inflammation in the respiratory tract.

This product is produced in the form of an aerosol, solution or capsules, which are used for inhalation. The drug is also available in spray form. If allergic rhinitis requires long-term treatment, oral medications that stabilize mast cell membranes can be used. These include ketotifen, which is taken in the form of tablets or syrup.

One of the main symptoms of allergic rhinitis is rhinorrhea. Its occurrence depends on the increased work of the serous and serous-mucosal glands of the nasal mucosa. Excessive secretion of liquid secretion is associated with dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system with a predominance of the influence of the parasympathetic department. Therefore, for rhinitis of allergic origin, anticholinergic drugs can be used.

Atrovent is one of them. The drug blocks acetylcholine receptors and suppresses those reactions that develop under the influence of this substance. Atrovent has a predominantly local effect. It is prescribed as a nasal aerosol. It is used for one or two months, and the effect after discontinuation lasts about a year.

Many patients are interested in how to get rid of allergic rhinitis forever. Allergen-specific immunotherapy helps cure this disease completely in many patients. Such treatment is carried out by specialist doctors only in an allergology office or hospital. The essence of this method is the introduction of allergens in small doses in gradually increasing concentrations, and as a result of this, resistance to them is developed.

There are various methods and regimens of immunotherapy. Most often, allergens are administered by injection. If this treatment option is carried out successfully, then the symptoms of allergic rhinitis may completely disappear. The sooner immunotherapy is started, the greater the likelihood of developing complete resistance to allergens. But it is important to remember that this method of treatment has its contraindications.

Like a cold, a runny nose of allergic origin must be stopped in its infancy. According to observations, untimely treatment of the disease leads to inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis), auditory tube (otitis media), and larynx (laryngitis). What should be the treatment for allergic rhinitis? Therapy involves the use of local medications that can eliminate inflammation, swelling and burning in the nasopharynx.

It is worth considering that antiallergic sprays, such as Kromosol, Nazaval and Kromoglin, are advisable to use in the treatment of mild ENT diseases. In addition, they can be used as prophylactic drugs to prevent exacerbations of seasonal rhinitis. The above-mentioned agents form a protective film on the surface of the mucosa that is impermeable to allergens. Their use prevents the penetration of irritants into tissues and, accordingly, an allergic reaction.

It is recommended to treat moderate allergic rhinitis using the following nasal medications:

  • "Aldecin";
  • "Benorin";
  • "Flixonase".

Cold rhinitis is a reaction of human skin to cold. According to experts and doctors, the exact irritants are not fully understood and have not been studied. However, there are effective methods for treating and preventing allergic reactions to cold.

Despite the fact that the causes of allergies to cold are not fully understood, there are several official assumptions.

1. The cause of an allergic reaction can be not only cold, but also a sharp change in temperature or contact with cold water. Often in the summer, leaving the water or moving from a sunny area to the shade can provoke an allergic reaction and a runny nose.

2. Regular stress is considered to be a common cause of allergies to cold.

3. Allergy to cold can be caused by intoxication of the body, diseases of the biliary tract, pancreas, and liver.

4. Rhinitis can be caused in people who are prone to other allergic manifestations and reactions.

5. Often the cause of allergies to cold is intestinal dysbiosis.

6. A person’s immunity can weaken due to various chronic diseases: cholecystitis, sinusitis, caries, etc.

7. Allergy to cold can occur as a result of diseases that affect metabolism and the entire body as a whole. For example, with mycoplasma pneumonia, mononucleosis, mumps, rubella, measles.

It should be noted that specialists and doctors, when treating cold allergies, place the main emphasis on prevention. This is no coincidence. To cure rhinitis, comprehensive treatment should be carried out. However, if the cause of an allergy to cold is an advanced disease, attention should be paid to its symptoms. Only after they have been eliminated can treatment of rhinitis begin.

In order to achieve a positive result in the treatment of rhinitis, you should definitely consult with an allergist. Only a specialist can prescribe the correct treatment. As a rule, a specialist prescribes antihistamines. They effectively block the allergic reaction to cold.

When an allergic reaction to cold occurs, areas with a rash may appear on the skin. They should be treated with antiallergic ointments and liquid creams. For complex forms of dermatitis, hormonal agents will help.

A mild allergic reaction to cold can be cured without the use of medications. To do this, preventive measures should be observed.

1. You should harden yourself all year round.

2. It is necessary to carefully monitor your diet. If you experience an allergy to cold, you should avoid eating various spices, citrus fruits, smoked foods, strawberries, chocolate, eggs and coffee.

3. Do not use aggressive cosmetics (soaps, gels, etc.). They should be replaced with drugs with a mild pH content.

4. Before going outside, take care to protect the skin of your face and hands. To do this, use fatty creams and ointments.

5. Minimize contact with synthetic fabrics. Linen should be linen or cotton. If possible, wear special thermal underwear.

In winter, do not forget to wear warm and high boots, mittens or gloves, and a hat when outdoors. In severe frosts, your nose and mouth should be covered with a wool scarf.

Performed in cases where the allergen has been accurately identified. The procedure is carried out in a hospital setting or in a specially equipped room. The essence of this method is the subcutaneous introduction of the allergen into the body in mini doses.

Gradually the amount of allergen is increased by 2 times or more. This allows the immune system to learn to produce protective antibodies that block the allergic reaction, which leads to a reduction or disappearance of allergic rhinitis.

The procedures are performed outside of exacerbation. To obtain the full effect, 3-4 courses of SIT may be needed. If the patient has a reaction to several allergens, this method is not very effective. If the cause of the disease is unknown, then performing SIT does not make sense.

Treatment of complications and surgery

If an infection occurs, then antibacterial agents may be prescribed. Nasal polyposis is treated with glucocorticoids. The duration of the course in this case is at least 3-6 months. If necessary and there are no contraindications, such therapy can be continued under the supervision of an otolaryngologist and an allergist-immunologist.

In some cases, surgical intervention is not excluded. When is it performed?

  • If, with the help of conservative treatment, it is not possible to achieve a lasting improvement in the condition and restoration of nasal breathing.
  • For irreversible forms of hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates.
  • If there are anatomical abnormalities of the nasal cavity.
  • If there are pathological changes in the paranasal sinuses (for example, a cyst) that cannot be eliminated in any other way.

For this disease, surgical treatment is required in the following situations:

  • curvature of the nasal septum, spines and ridges on it, which interfere with breathing through the nose;
  • the presence of polyps and purulent sources of infection in the nose and sinuses;
  • with enlargement of the inferior nasal concha.

Allergic rhinitis and pregnancy

Pregnancy in approximately 30% of women contributes to the emergence or exacerbation of allergic diseases. Many drugs and examination methods are not used during this period, which causes certain difficulties when choosing therapy. Therefore, allergic rhinitis in pregnant women should be treated only under medical supervision.

They usually try to limit the use of antihistamines due to their possible adverse effects on the fetus. If a prescription is necessary, third-generation antihistamines are used in minimal dosages. As a local treatment, sodium cromoglycate or nazaval is used (an otorhinolaryngological filter in the form of a spray that protects the nasal mucosa from contact with allergens). In the first trimester, it is better not to use nasal glucocorticoids.

Features of treatment

How to get rid of allergic rhinitis? Drug treatment should be aimed at relieving the symptoms of the disease, treating concomitant pathologies (otitis, sphenoiditis) and preventing exacerbations of allergies. It should be understood that inflammation in the nasopharynx can be fraught with serious consequences and serious complications. Untimely treatment of allergic rhinitis leads to the development of bronchial asthma.

To cure allergic rhinitis in adults, you need to strictly adhere to a program of treatment and prevention of ENT disease, which implies:

  1. elimination of provoking factors, i.e. allergens;
  2. creating and maintaining a hypoallergenic lifestyle;
  3. following a hypoallergenic diet;
  4. use of symptomatic medications;
  5. undergoing anti-inflammatory therapy.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, you should avoid contact with objects and substances that could potentially worsen your health. By creating a hypoallergenic lifestyle, the likelihood of expanding the spectrum of sensitization is significantly reduced.

For example, you suffer from an allergy to the fur of a four-legged pet - a cat, a dog, a guinea pig, etc. When allergic rhinitis worsens, allergists recommend limiting contact not only with pets, but also with other objects and substances that are highly allergenic. These include:

  • household chemicals (cleaning products, washing powders);
  • food products (milk, honey, nuts);
  • medications (contraceptives, antibiotics);
  • pollen of plants (linden, birch, cereals).

If you do not protect yourself from exposure to potentially dangerous substances in time, in the future this may cause the development of an additional allergic reaction.

Ask a question to the doctor

During pregnancy, an exacerbation of allergic rhinitis is often observed due to changes in hormonal levels. In parallel, the so-called vasomotor rhinitis of pregnant women may occur in the first trimester. After childbirth, the patient's condition improves.

To relieve symptoms during pregnancy, topical antiallergy sprays are used. It is forbidden to use vasoconstrictor drops during this period. In cases of critical nasal congestion, you can use children's nasal drops, where the dosage of drugs is lower.

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use antihistamines if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the unborn child. Antihistamines of 2 and 3 generations are chosen.

In childhood, antihistamines in Fenistil drops can be used from one year onwards. Antiallergic and glucocorticosteroid sprays can be used in children after 3 years of age.

Allergic rhinitis is an unpleasant pathology that can bother the patient constantly or occur with periods of exacerbations and remissions. For treatment, medications are used, contact with the allergen is eliminated, and physiotherapy methods are used.

How to cure allergies to cold

The symptoms of allergic rhinitis are the same as those of a common runny nose. It passes with discharge, sneezing, and accumulation of mucus. Sometimes it burns in the throat. The nasal mucosa becomes inflamed and swollen.

From old recipes

To treat a long-term runny nose, take:

  • centaury – 5 parts;
  • rose hips (dry fruits) – 4 parts;
  • St. John's wort – 4 parts;
  • dandelion roots – 3 parts;
  • horsetail – 2 parts;
  • medicinal chamomile – 1 part;
  • corn flowers (stigma) - 1 part.

All these herbs and roots were dried in the winter, so there was something to treat. They were mixed and 3 tablespoons were taken from the collection. In the evening, pour three glasses of well water and let it brew overnight. In the morning they put it on the fire, but did not boil it. As soon as the water began to bubble, they immediately turned it off and wrapped the saucepan in a warm scarf.

Seasonal allergic rhinitis can be caused by pollen from all plants, various spores of shrubs, and weeds. These are the most active air allergens. But there are also household irritants, when the body reacts sharply to animal hair in the house, dust mites, dandruff, soot and ash, worms, chemicals and carpet fibers, even soft toys. You can defeat allergic rhinitis with these recipes.

Pharmacies provide antihistamines, but they are dangerously addictive.

Simple and accessible recipes that will answer the question of how to quickly cure allergic rhinitis will help get rid of this disease. They are effective if treated patiently and persistently. Every herb on Earth knows its worth, and you cannot treat it with distrust.

Celandine and chamomile

Here, for example, is celandine. Able to remove all dirt from the body. Brew a teaspoon of herb in two glasses of boiling water and let it steep for four hours. After straining, take the infusion in the morning and evening, one-third of a glass (200 ml).

And medicinal chamomile pleases the eyes not only with its color. Any inflammation in the body, she immediately enters into a fight with it and wins. Take a tablespoon of the flowers and pour boiling water over them, a glass is enough. After 20 minutes of boiling, the medicine is ready. Chamomile teas wonderfully heal and soothe all inflammatory processes.

A handsome peony decorated every home. Don’t you know that its root is a nodule, if you remove the skin and chop it and take 3 tablespoons before meals, it will relieve sneezing and runny nose. Just two days and there will be no trace of the disease.

Blackhead will help get rid of allergic rhinitis. Brew a tablespoon of herb with a glass of boiling water and drink with tea.

If you know for sure that you react sharply to pollen, brew valerian and gargle with the decoction, rinse your nose, and wash your face. Motherwort will also have this neutralizing effect. Place a few drops of plant juices into your nose to make breathing easier: red geranium, calendula, coltsfoot. Knowing how to quickly cure an allergic runny nose, herbal recipes will solve this problem forever.

You can’t start an allergic runny nose. If you don’t start treating it right away, you will often have to walk around with swollen eyes and nose. Let nature's pharmacy be your healer.

Early symptoms usually include:

  • frequent sneezing, which is almost impossible to stop, and most often it occurs in the morning;
  • clear discharge that lasts for several days; if it is accompanied by a secondary type of infection, then it acquires a thick structure;
  • in addition to the flow of fluid from the nose, a sore throat is often associated;
  • itching is felt not only in the nasal cavity, but also in the eyes, and sometimes they water.

Late signs include:

  • the presence of irritability and fatigue at home and at work;
  • violation of olfactory functions, respiratory functions are carried out through the oral cavity;
  • pain in the facial area;
  • sleep disturbances, sometimes leading to insomnia, as a result of difficulty breathing;
  • snoring, which is often observed in childhood, with a similar phenomenon;
  • changes in mood, predominance of irritability;
  • prolonged cough that does not go away with medication;
  • as a consequence, the development of sinusitis and other serious pathologies in the body.

Additional symptoms, which do not occur in all cases, but still occur, include: redness in the upper lip and eyes, headaches, as well as loss of appetite and treatment of such phenomena should be immediate.

In an unfamiliar room, a person experiences nasal congestion and runny fluid, which indicates the onset of a runny nose. This allergic reaction manifests itself to dust, unusual furniture, and paint in the room.

Smells from tobacco smoke, as well as perfumes, can also cause itching and nasal congestion.

Congestion manifests itself more during the period when a person goes to bed. The eyes turn red and signs of conjunctivitis appear, causing discomfort.

The doctor most often confirms the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis if there are several of the above symptoms, since they indicate precisely this origin of the disease.

Many patients, when a runny nose occurs from an allergen, use vasoconstrictors, which causes even more harm to the nasal passages, and also worsens the condition and adds additional unpleasant reactions.

Types of allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is represented by several types. A proper understanding of this phenomenon is necessary, so each of them must be studied.

So, experts identify the following types of allergic rhinitis:

  1. Year-round . Its characteristic feature is constant contact with a specific allergen, which has an impact on the negative consequences of the body.
  2. Seasonal view . If a certain type of allergen is present in the air at a particular time of year, many allergy sufferers will react to insects or pollen during the summer season.
  3. Professional . This type assumes the fact that a person, due to his professional activity, is constantly in contact with a certain allergen that can cause allergic rhinitis.

A runny nose caused by allergies is divided into the degree of damage to the body:

  • mild degree, in which there is practically no congestion, and sleep is not interrupted at night;
  • the middle and severe stages prevent a person from leading life as before and disrupt sleep due to severe congestion.

What will a runny nose from allergies ultimately lead to?

With frequent contact with a particular allergen that can provoke an allergic rhinitis, it will appear immediately after interaction with the irritating factor.

If a person dependent on external allergic factors has hay fever, then the symptoms will be obvious during the period when trees continue to bloom or there is the presence of pollen from growing flowers.

If congestion does not go away after the allergen season, then it can lead to mouth breathing. This is harmful to the body because it leads to the formation of polyps in the nasal cavity and sinusitis.

In more advanced cases, the sense of smell and taste disappears, which significantly worsens the quality of life.

If rhinitis manifests itself as a seasonal phenomenon, then the development of complications most often does not occur.

Methods for treating allergic rhinitis

Before prescribing therapy against allergic rhinitis, the specialist will draw up a program according to which the patient will get rid of unpleasant sensations.

If one of the prescribed remedies causes skin irritation, it must be discontinued immediately, as it will negatively affect the health of a person prone to a runny nose.

The first thing the treating specialist will do is to identify the nature of the origin of the allergic runny nose and find the allergen. Then you can proceed to the following stages of treatment:

  • treatment for inflammation in the nasal cavity.
  • specific therapy aimed at combating a certain type of runny nose.

Many people are interested in whether allergic rhinitis can be treated? An important rule that is established by all treating specialists is the “dust-free” regime, which means regular wet cleaning in the room where a person susceptible to allergic rhinitis is kept.

Special aerosols sprayed into the nasal mucosa allow you to create a protective barrier against the allergen. It is important in order to protect the body from the entry of a provoking factor that delays the treatment of allergic rhinitis.

How to treat allergic rhinitis? Antihistamines prescribed by the attending physician are selected taking into account the patient’s current symptoms and lifestyle.

One of the effective remedies for eliminating seasonal allergic rhinitis is a drug called “Dolphin”. They wash the nasal cavity against a runny nose.

The manufacturer created it with a bottle, straw and cap for easy use. It allows you to stop unpleasant symptoms and alleviate the patient’s condition by relieving the runny nose.

You can make your own wash and use it at home. To do this you need to follow the following recipe:

  • put 1/4 of a spoonful of salt and soda into a glass of warm water;
  • add a few drops of iodine from the pharmacy to the glass;
  • The prepared product can be placed in a device with a rinsing spout.

This solution is sold in the form of sachets. It can be purchased at your local pharmacy, but can also be prepared at home.

Seawater-based sprays are often used to eliminate allergy symptoms.

These include the following medications:

  • Marimer;
  • Allergol;
  • Aquamaris;
  • Aqualor.

If the allergy is mild, then doctors prescribe medications in the form of tablets and syrups against the runny nose.

These are tools such as:

  • Semprex;
  • Kistin;
  • Klerasil;
  • Erius.

Antihistamines are applied to the nasal cavity: and Histimed.

If a person is struck by a moderate or severe form of allergic rhinitis, then it is advisable to use drugs with a sedative effect, soothing at night and eliminating the symptoms of the disease.

These include Fenistil and Clemastine. It is important to remember that their dosage is chosen by the attending physician.

Such funds are not used for a long time.

Anti-inflammatory treatment

Usually, the inflammatory process is eliminated by means used in combination. Recently, doctors prefer to prescribe second-generation drugs. These include: Kestin and Claritin.

Sometimes I use products belonging to the third generation of drugs: Telfast, Zyrtec and Erius. The course of administration and dosage is selected by the treating specialist.

He carries out diagnostic measures and, depending on the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, as well as the age of the patient, selects a treatment method and medications.

The course of treatment is selected depending on the patient’s condition and most often lasts up to three weeks.

Prescribing medications for the common cold on your own is prohibited, as this can cause serious harm to human health.

It is important to remember that remedies for the common cold are cardiotoxic, that is, they have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system of the human body.

Therefore, preference should be given to the latest generation of drugs, the risk of which is much lower than those produced in the past. However, the cost of these medicinal drugs is higher than those of the previous generation.

Allegard- the best remedy for allergic rhinitis

The use of sprays and drops for allergic rhinitis

If the above drugs do not have the desired effect in ridding the body of allergic rhinitis, drops or sprays for the nasal cavity should be used, they can relieve allergy symptoms.

Sprays are usually used several times a day, spraying one to two times.

The result will be noticeable after the first three days, and sometimes earlier. Most often they are used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis in a small child.

Since the course of taking these drugs is preventive, sometimes doctors allow them to be used for four months from the moment of first use.

Sometimes, for preventive measures, the patient irrigates the nose for a year in order to achieve a lasting result after eliminating the allergic rhinitis.

To eliminate chronic allergic rhinitis, use the remedy “Nazval”. It is used no more than six times in one day.

After the product enters the nasal cavity, it forms a protective barrier that helps protect against the allergen entering the nose. In the acute form of the disease, this medication is completely useless.

A severe form of allergic rhinitis is treated with the following drugs:

  • Benarin;
  • Nazarel;
  • Flixonase;
  • Nasobek.

Errors when using drops

Doctors during acute and chronic periods of allergic rhinitis recommend using vasoconstrictors. These include Vibrocil and Naphthyzin.

They are able to eliminate swelling and temporarily stop the flow from the nose.

However, patients with allergic rhinitis often make the mistake of using them for too long.

Such use can lead to drug-induced rhinitis. It may be more dangerous than an allergic rhinitis. Sometimes, to get rid of it, surgical intervention is required to eliminate this pathological feature.

This medication is used for severe congestion, which makes it difficult for a person suffering from allergic rhinitis to breathe.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine knows many recipes for various diseases. However, allergic rhinitis is not one of those ailments that can be treated with herbs and herbs. This is a very specific disease, expressed in special symptoms, which requires only drug therapy.

Often, the use of infusions and herbs can aggravate the situation, since an allergic runny nose can worsen when receiving a new allergen included in a traditional medicine recipe.

The only safe method related to traditional medicine is to rinse the nasal cavity with a saline solution. This is only the slightest help for allergic rhinitis, which can make breathing easier, but not a complete treatment.

Therefore, there is no need to delay going to your doctor and purchasing drops against allergic rhinitis and congestion. Purchasing drops against allergic rhinitis is necessary in order to achieve a lasting effect, and not relief for a while.

Allergic rhinitis during pregnancy

If a woman is expecting a child and she begins to have an allergic rhinitis, doctors are concerned about her condition, since there is little that can be prescribed for her from actively used medications.

They are prohibited during pregnancy, and traditional methods also cannot be used. The disease allergic rhinitis has virtually no effect on the condition of the fetus, but treatment methods, including the use of traditional medicine and medications, can cause harm.

Neglecting such recommendations can lead to miscarriage. In order to identify the cause of an allergic runny nose, the doctor asks the woman to go to the treatment room and take a blood test, since skin scrapings cannot be done during this period.

Treatment methods during pregnancy

The first thing that is important to remember is the ban on treatment with antihistamines that have a negative effect on the condition of the fetus.

If they are necessary for medical reasons, only a qualified medical specialist who is observing the woman during this period can prescribe a clear and competent dosage.

He will prescribe third-generation drugs that have less impact on the cardiovascular system. From this we can conclude that during pregnancy, women are also treated for allergic rhinitis.

On the recommendation of a doctor, nasal sprays can be administered. They should not contain harmful components. The first three months of bearing a child should pass without the use of medications against allergic rhinitis.

How to live with allergic rhinitis?

First of all, you need to consult a doctor and identify the cause of the allergic reaction. If it is defined, then it is easier to adjust your lifestyle to this unpleasant phenomenon.

If it turns out that the cause is a food allergen, there is a special analysis that allows us to identify which specific product causes discomfort to the human body. It is excluded from the daily diet.

The reason may be “household dust”; in this case, you should regularly carry out wet cleaning, but use gloves and a mask to protect against dust particles.

Habitual dust collectors should be removed from the home.

These include:

  • Stuffed Toys;
  • carpets;
  • mattresses;
  • curtains.

If you experience an allergic rhinitis due to flowering, you should not travel out of town. It is recommended to walk around the city only in the evening, when the air becomes fresh and the blooms are not so noticeable when you have a runny nose.

Allergic rhinitis is a consequence of contact of the human body and an allergen. It manifests itself in unpleasant symptoms and requires prompt treatment.

To do this, they find out the problem, that is, a specific allergen, and prescribe medications that are effective in eliminating congestion and eliminating allergic rhinitis.

Today, allergic reactions, including seasonal and year-round rhinitis, are one of the most common pathologies in society. From 10 to 30% of adults suffer from a runny nose, year-round or seasonal; among children this figure reaches 42%. Quite often, without proper treatment and prevention, this condition threatens to develop into more severe and complex forms of the disease, such as bronchial asthma and asthmatic bronchitis. The disease negatively affects the quality of life of adults and children, reducing the effectiveness of professional activities and studies.

Many people do not consult a doctor for a long time, mistaking the symptoms of allergic rhinitis for a cold, which is why the condition can be complicated by secondary lesions of the sinuses, tonsils, and middle ear, but without proper treatment there is no improvement. Therefore, the patient needs to understand what kind of pathology it is, distinguish between symptoms similar to ARVI and manifestations of other diseases, and know how diagnosis and treatment are carried out.

Allergic rhinitis: what is it?

A runny nose is an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa, leading to swelling, irritation, and itching. When the disease occurs, mucous discharge is formed, and the microbial component makes it thick and purulent. Unlike infectious, which is caused by viral, microbial, and less often fungal pathogens, this is an inflammatory process caused by exposure to irritants on the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity.

According to the form they are distinguished:

  • year-round - manifests itself constantly or periodically, at any time of the year upon contact with a hazardous substance;
  • seasonal, or hay fever, is characterized as excessive sensitivity to pollen of plants, flowers, and weeds; manifestations occur only during periods of flowering or pollination of a causally significant plant.

For hay fever, seasonality is typical with several periods (mid-spring, then late spring - early summer, late summer - early autumn), depending on the region and specific weather conditions, with fluctuations of a couple of weeks.

In addition to pollen, which is considered one of the most well-known irritants, reactions can occur to household dust, chemical products (household chemicals, paints, varnishes, cosmetics, perfumes); food components; for medications and wool, for pet dander, micro mites, poultry down and feathers.

Mechanisms of disease

To more accurately understand what this disease means, it is necessary to know the mechanisms of development of the pathology. The basis of any allergic reaction is an excessive and incorrect reaction of the immune system to allergens (substances that contribute to the development of such a reaction). There are also haptens - substances that turn into allergens only when combined with body proteins.

If there is a predisposition to pathology, these substances, when they enter the body and mucous membranes, form an excessively violent and pronounced reaction. The condition is accompanied by damage to one's own cells and tissues, acute inflammation with the formation of pathological reactions, namely swelling, itching, mucus secretion, difficulty in normal breathing and many associated manifestations.

is a violation of the local immune response in the nasal mucosa. In response to antigen penetration, reagins (class E immunoglobulins) are synthesized, and mast cells are also activated, releasing mediators - histamine, bradykinin and leukotrienes, which are responsible for the development of rapid and acute, pronounced inflammatory reactions.

Often, such response characteristics are inherited from parents or arise from long-term pathological effects on the immune system: frequent contact with hazardous substances, work in hazardous industries, constant colds, foci of chronic infection - in a word, all influences that lead to prolonged overstrain of the immune system.

Causes of the disease: development of seasonal or year-round runny nose

Hay fever occurs at the flowering stage and is formed as a reaction to pollen from wind-pollinated plants. The most common weeds are wormwood, quinoa and other herbs, pollen of trees and flowers, cereals, bush plants, both ornamental and cultivated.

For a year-round person, typical household irritants are:

  • mold fungi;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • dust mites;
  • particles of insects living in apartments;
  • dandruff;
  • saliva particles
  • animal hair, bird down and feathers;
  • chemicals used in everyday life.

Occupational hazards such as industrial or construction dust, soot, and volatile chemical compounds can become dangerous.

In addition to contact with the nasal mucosa, the following factors also influence the frequency, severity and extent of reactions:

  • general condition of the body;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • accommodations;
  • taking medications, including those used topically in the treatment of colds;
  • adenoid vegetations;
  • polyps;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • bad habits;
  • hormonal fluctuations and stress.

According to statistics, about 20% of cases are of seasonal origin, and about 40% of people suffer from a progressive, long-term illness. The rest of the patients suffer from episodic exacerbations of this pathology, sometimes with an unknown cause.

The main symptoms of allergic rhinitis

External signs are pronounced and cause the patient a lot of discomfort. These include severe nasal congestion with the inability to breathe normally, sneezing due to itching and burning in the nose, and the release of copious clear mucus. In some cases, such manifestations are combined with redness of the eyes, lacrimation and cough, sore throat, especially with seasonal hay fever.

Symptoms often worsen when going outside, but at home, with closed windows and using an air conditioner with a HEPA filter, they are alleviated or go away completely. In rare cases, severe symptoms are present, with severe malaise, headaches and even low fever.

Allergic rhinitis: additional symptoms in adults

Against the background of the main symptoms, a few hours or days after the onset of the clinical picture, symptoms of coughing may occur, especially in a supine position due to irritation of the back wall of the pharynx with nasal mucus. There may be a feeling of stuffiness in the ears, a feeling of fatigue, and irritability.

Due to the constant use of scarves or napkins, symptoms in adults such as redness, peeling of the wings of the nose and nasolabial folds are possible. In severe cases, headaches are possible, and due to severe dryness of the mucous membranes, nosebleeds are possible. Due to tissue hypoxia, dark circles and swelling in the area around the eyes form.

After a full diagnosis of the disease, taking into account the symptoms, its treatment should only be carried out by an allergist-immunologist or an ENT doctor. The medical specialist will select the necessary medications and inform the patient about non-drug methods of alleviating the condition.

How to treat allergic rhinitis in adults

To know exactly how to cure pathology in adults quickly and safely, you need to consult a doctor to make a diagnosis, rule out the infectious nature of the runny nose and prevent possible complications.

Initially, if an allergy is identified, the doctor will tell you how to cure the pathology, using the whole range of measures. You need to start not with “heavy” medications, but with separation from the irritant; this is the most effective and safest method of therapy. In case of seasonal irritation during flowering or dangerous season, it is recommended to change the region by going on vacation or visiting. If this is not possible, you need to create the most comfortable environment in the house:

  • use air conditioners and air purifiers with HEPA filters;
  • An option to reduce the concentration of pathogens in the air is a fine mesh fabric on the windows, which should be frequently moistened during periods of plant dusting, which retains some of the irritants;
  • remove all dust containers that can accumulate pathogens - thick curtains, upholstered furniture (or cover it with special covers), soft toys, books;
  • in windy weather, use a mask and goggles to protect your eyes and respiratory organs;
  • walk after rain and in high humidity, when returning home, take a shower and immediately change clothes.

How to treat year-round runny nose

The more difficult question is how to treat a disease that has a year-round course. In this case, what is important, first of all, is everyday life and the elimination of irritating factors, and if the pathogen is precisely known, identified by the results of skin tests or blood tests, a targeted fight against the causally significant factor. For example, if it is dust mites, surfaces in the house must be periodically treated with acaricidal sprays or solutions, and general cleaning must be carried out frequently. But the problem of how to cure allergic rhinitis cannot always be solved by non-drug methods, or if separation from the irritant is impossible due to circumstances. Then the use of medications is necessary.

Remedies for the disease

It is important to understand that any remedy for allergic rhinitis, even if it is a local drug or an over-the-counter remedy freely sold in pharmacies, must be prescribed by a doctor. The participation of a doctor in the treatment process is necessary for its effectiveness and safety.

The following medications are commonly used:

  • antihistamines orally or in the form of local nasal preparations (sprays, drops);
  • drugs with anti-inflammatory effects from other groups of drugs - mast cell membrane stabilizers, topically in the form of drops and sprays;
  • preparations for irrigating the mucous membrane and mechanically washing away bacteria, reducing swelling and itching (sprays and nasal douches based on saline solutions of sea water);
  • protective nasal sprays that create a thin film on the surface of the nasal mucosa and mechanically prevent contact;
  • corticosteroid anti-inflammatory drugs of local action, and in severe situations - orally and by injection;
  • symptomatic drugs (vasoconstrictors, facilitating nasal breathing) in a limited course.

The doctor will decide on medications to treat allergic rhinitis based on the results of the examination and the severity of the manifestations - seasonal or year-round.

How to treat allergic rhinitis in children

For pathologies in children, strict selection of medications and medical supervision at all stages of treatment and prevention are very important.

The following tools are widely used:

  • preparations for rinsing the nasal cavity based on saline solution, sea water;
  • indifferent protective sprays that create a mechanical barrier on the nasal mucosa;
  • 2nd and 3rd generation antihistamines - they are the safest;
  • drugs based on glucocorticosteroids (hormones) and vasoconstrictors are used in the acute phase of the disease, in strictly limited courses.

A specific list of remedies and drugs to treat allergic rhinitis in children, depending on the severity of manifestations and age, is determined only by a pediatric allergist-immunologist after an accurate diagnosis.

Physiotherapy using a traveling magnetic field makes it possible to treat many diseases, because this particular physiotherapy method has a minimum of contraindications. Physiotherapy promotes better absorption of medications, reducing the drug load on the body. The magnetic field, due to its ability to increase blood flow, makes it possible to quickly relieve inflammation, reduce pain and speed up recovery.

It is important to know how to cure rhinitis, or at least avoid complications for a long time through specific immunotherapy (ASIT).

Today this is the most effective method that is applicable outside the period of exacerbation. With the help of ASIT, the body's resistance is formed through a course of administration of subthreshold doses, which leads to the development of tolerance (immunity). Complete completion of the course followed by complete prevention helps to get rid of the pathology for an extremely long period - up to 5-7 years or more.

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