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Archbishop Luka Father Felix Stanislavovich Voino Yasenetsky. Doctor from God: the life path of Archbishop Luke (Voyno-Yasenetsky). Link to the Arctic Ocean

Complete collection and description: Priest Surgeon Luka Voino Yasenets prayer for the spiritual life of a believer.

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Saint Luke of Crimea - surgeon, professor of medicine, saint and confessor

There is a strange rumor going around Russia that a priest-surgeon already lived in Soviet times.

He will put the patient on the operating table, read a prayer over him, and with iodine, and put a cross “in the place where you need to cut. And after that he takes up the scalpel.

And the operations of that surgeon are excellent: the blind saw the light, the doomed rose to their feet. Either science helped him, or God. “Doubtful,” some say. “So it was,” say others.

Some say: "The Party Committee would not tolerate a clergyman in the operating room for anything." And others answered them: “The party committee is powerless, because the surgeon is not just a surgeon, but a professor, and not a priest-father, but a complete bishop.”

“Professor Bishop? It doesn’t happen,” say experienced people. “It happens,” people no less experienced answer them. “This professor-bishop also wore general's shoulder straps, and in the last war he managed all the hospitals in Siberia.”

In Kyiv, where the family subsequently moved, Valentin graduated from a gymnasium and a drawing school. He was going to enter the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, but after thinking about the choice of his life path, he decided that he was obliged to do only what was “useful for suffering people”, and chose medicine instead of painting. However, at the medical faculty of the Kyiv University of St. Vladimir, all the vacancies were filled, and Valentin enters the Faculty of Law. For some time, the attraction to painting again takes over, he goes to Munich and enters the private school of Professor Knirr, but after three weeks, homesick, he returns to Kiev, where he continues drawing and painting. Finally, Valentine fulfills his ardent desire "to be useful to the peasants, so poorly provided with medical care", and enters the medical faculty of Kyiv University of St. Vladimir. He studies brilliantly. “In my third year,” he writes in Memoirs, “an interesting evolution of my abilities took place: the ability to draw very finely and the love of form turned into a love of anatomy. “

In 1903, Valentin Feliksovich graduated from the university. Despite the persuasion of friends to do science, he announced his desire to be a “peasant”, country doctor all his life, to help poor people.

The Russo-Japanese War began. Valentin Feliksovich was offered service in the Red Cross detachment in the Far East. There he headed the Department of Surgery at the Kyiv Red Cross Hospital in Chita, where he met sister of mercy Anna Lanskaya and married her. In Chita, the young couple did not live long.

From 1905 to 1917 V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky works in urban and rural hospitals in the Simbirsk, Kursk and Saratov provinces, as well as in Ukraine and Pereslavl-Zalessky. In 1908, he came to Moscow and became an external student at the surgical clinic of Professor P.I. Dyakonova.

In 1916 V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky defended his doctoral dissertation “Regional anesthesia“, about which his opponent, the famous surgeon Martynov, said: “We are used to the fact that doctoral dissertations are usually written on a given topic, in order to receive higher appointments in the service, and their scientific value is low. But when I read your book, I got the impression of the singing of a bird that cannot but sing, and I highly appreciated it.” The University of Warsaw awarded Valentin Feliksovich with the Chojnatsky Prize for the best essay, blazing new trails in medicine.

From 1917 to 1923, he worked as a surgeon at the Novo-Gorod hospital in Tashkent, teaching at a medical school, which was later transformed into a medical faculty.

In 1919, the wife of Valentin Feliksovich dies of tuberculosis, leaving four children: Mikhail, Elena, Alexei and Valentin.

In the autumn of 1920, V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky is invited to head the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy of the State Turkestan University that opened in Tashkent.

At this time, he actively participates in church life, attends meetings of the Tashkent church brotherhood. In 1920, at one of the church congresses, he was instructed to make a report on the current situation in the Tashkent diocese. The report was highly appreciated by Bishop Innocent of Tashkent. “Doctor, you need to be a priest,” he said to Voyno-Yasenetsky. “I had no thoughts about the priesthood,” Vladyka Luka recalled, “but I accepted the words of His Grace Innokenty as God’s call through the lips of a bishop, and without thinking for a minute: “Very well, Vladyka! I will be a priest, if it pleases God!”

In 1921, Valentin Feliksovich was ordained a deacon, and a week later, on the day of the Meeting of the Lord, His Grace Innokenty ordained him to the priesthood. Father Valentin was sent to the Tashkent Cathedral, with the responsibility of preaching. In holy orders, Voyno-Yasenetsky never ceases to operate and read legacies. In October 1922, he actively participated in the first scientific congress of doctors of Turkestan.

The wave of renovationism of 1923 reaches Tashkent as well. Bishop Innokenty left the city without handing over the see to anyone. Then Father Valentin, together with Archpriest Mikhail Andreev, took over the administration of the diocese, united all the remaining faithful priests and church elders, and arranged a congress with the permission of the GPU.

In 1923 Father Valentin accepts monastic vows. His Grace Andrei, Bishop of Ukhtomsk, intended to give Father Valentine the name healer Panteleimon, but, having visited the liturgy performed by the tonsured, and listening to his sermon, he settled on the name apostle, evangelist, physician and artist, St. Luke.

On May 30 of the same year, Hieromonk Luke was secretly consecrated Bishop in the Church of St. Nicholas Peace of the Lycian city of Penjikent by Bishop Daniel of Volkhov and Bishop Vasily of Suzdal. The exiled priest Valentin Svendidsky attended the consecration. His Grace Luke was appointed Bishop of Turkestan.

In March 1924, Bishop Luka was arrested and sent under escort to the Yenisei region, to the village of Khaya on the Chuna River. In June he returned to Yeniseisk, but soon followed by an exile to Turukhansk, where Vladyka served, preached and operated. In January 1925, he was sent to Plakhino, a remote place on the Yenisei beyond the Arctic Circle, and in April he was transferred back to Turukhansk.

On May 6, 1930, Vladyka was arrested in connection with the death of Ivan Petrovich Mikhailovsky, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine in the Department of Physiology, who shot himself in an insane state. On May 15, 1931, after a year in prison, the sentence was (without trial): exile for three years in Arkhangelsk.

In 1931-1933, Vladyka Luke lived in Arkhangelsk, receiving outpatients. Vera Mikhailovna Valneva, with whom he lived, treated patients with home-made ointments from the soil - cataplasms. Vladyka was interested in a new method of treatment, and he applied it in a hospital, where he hired Vera Mikhailovna. And in subsequent years, he conducted numerous studies in this area.

In November 1933, Metropolitan Sergius proposed to His Grace Luke that he take up a vacant episcopal chair. However, Vladyka did not accept the offer.

After a short stay in the Crimea, Vladyka returned to Arkhangelsk, where he received patients, but did not operate.

In the spring of 1934, Vladyka Luka visits Tashkent, then moves to Andijan, operates, gives lectures. Here he falls ill with papatachi fever, which threatens with loss of vision, after an unsuccessful operation, he goes blind in one eye. In the same year, finally, it was possible to publish Essays on Purulent Surgery. He performs church services and directs the department of the Tashkent Institute of Emergency Care.

December 13, 1937 - a new arrest. In prison, Vladyka is interrogated on a conveyor belt (13 days without sleep), with a demand to sign protocols. He declares a hunger strike (18 days), does not sign protocols. A new deportation to Siberia follows. From 1937 to 1941, Vladyka lived in the village of Bolshaya Murta, Krasnoyarsk Region.

In 1943, His Grace Luke became Archbishop of Krasnoyarsk. A year later, he was transferred to Tambov as the Archbishop of Tambov and Michurinsky. He is there continues medical work: in his care 150 hospitals.

In 1945, the pastoral and medical activities of Vladyka were noted: he was honored with the right to wear a diamond cross on his hood and was awarded a medal “For valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”.

In 1945-1947 he completed work on the essay "Spirit, Soul and Body", begun in the early 1920s.

On May 26, 1946, His Grace Luke, despite the protests of the Tambov flock, was transferred to Simferopol and appointed Archbishop of Crimea and Simferopol.

The years 1946-1961 were entirely devoted to archpastoral ministry. The eye disease progressed, and in 1958 came complete blindness.

However, as Archpriest Yevgeny Vorshevsky recalls, even such an ailment did not prevent Vladyka from performing Divine services.

His Grace Luke died on June 11, 1961, on the Day of All Saints who shone forth in the Russian land. Vladyka was buried in the city cemetery of Simferopol.

In 1996, the Most Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate decided to classify His Eminence Archbishop Luke as a locally venerated saint, as a Saint and Confessor of the Faith. On March 18, 1996, the holy remains of Archbishop Luke were uncovered, and on March 20 they were transferred to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Simferopol. Here, on May 25, a solemn act of canonization of His Eminence Luke to the ranks of locally revered saints took place. From now on, every morning, at 7 o'clock, in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Cathedral of Simferopol, an akathist is performed to the Saint at his shrine.

Saint Luke the Confessor, Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea

A saint is not a superman or a hero in the usual sense of the word. A saint is recognized not in loud words and grandiose deeds, but in everyday affairs in the implementation of professional duty, in the utmost personal honesty and decency, in the ability to courageously and steadfastly endure trials, to remain calm and presence of mind in the face of formidable dangers, relying in everything on good Will and the wise Providence of God… The memory of St. Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky is still alive among the older generation. It is this example of a spiritual feat, shown to those who lived recently, that already helps our contemporaries, especially the younger generation, to understand what holiness is.

Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'

Valentin Feliksovich Voyno-Yasenetsky, circa 1910

Brief Life of Saint Luke

Saint Luke (before monastic tonsure - Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky 1877-1961), Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea, was born on April 27, 1877 in the city of Kerch, into the family of a pharmacist. His parents soon moved to Kyiv, where in 1896 he simultaneously graduated from the 2nd Kyiv Gymnasium and the Kiev Art School. He was going to enter the Academy of Arts, but the desire to bring direct benefit to the people made him change his plans.

Valentin Feliksovich studied for a year at the Faculty of Law, then moved to the Medical Faculty of Kyiv University. In 1903 he graduated with honors from the university.

In January 1904, during the war with Japan, he was sent with the Red Cross hospital to the Far East and worked in Chita as the head of the surgical department of the hospital. Here Valentin Feliksovich met a sister of mercy, whom the wounded called "holy sister", and married her. From 1905 to 1917 V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky worked as a zemstvo doctor in hospitals in the Simbirsk, Kursk, Saratov and Vladimir provinces and practiced in Moscow clinics. During this time, he performed many operations on the brain, organs of vision, heart, stomach, intestines, biliary tract, kidneys, spine, joints, etc. and made a lot of new in the technique of operations. During the First World War, a religious feeling awakened in him, forgotten by a lot of scientific work, and he began to go to church constantly.

In 1916 V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky defended his dissertation in Moscow on the topic: "Regional anesthesia" and received a doctorate in medicine. Warsaw University honored his dissertation with a major Hainitzky Prize. In 1917, Voyno-Yasenetsky received a competitive position as chief physician and surgeon of the Tashkent hospital. In 1919, his wife died of tuberculosis, leaving four children.

Voyno-Yasenetsky was one of the initiators of the organization of Tashkent University and since 1920 he was elected professor of topographic anatomy and operative surgery of this university. Surgical art, and with it the fame of prof. Voyno-Yasenetsky all increased. In all sorts of complex operations, he sought and was the first to apply methods that later received universal recognition. His former students told wonders about his marvelous surgical technique. Patients came to his outpatient appointments in a continuous stream.

He himself found more and more consolation in faith. He attended the local Orthodox religious society, studied theology, became closer to the clergy, took part in church affairs. As he himself said, one day he spoke at a diocesan congress "on one very important issue with a big heated speech." After the congress, Bishop Innokenty (Pustynsky) of Tashkent told him: "Doctor, you need to be a priest." “I accepted this as God's call,” said the archbishop. Luke, - and, without a moment's hesitation, he answered: "Very well, Vladyka, I will."

In 1921, on the day of the Meeting of the Lord, prof. Voyno-Yasenetsky was ordained a deacon, on February 12 - a priest and was appointed junior priest of the Tashkent Cathedral, while remaining a university professor. In May 1923 Father Valentin was tonsured a monk with the name Luke, in honor of St. the apostle and evangelist Luke, who, as you know, was not only an apostle, but also a doctor and an artist.

On May 12 of the same year, he was secretly consecrated in the city of Pendzhekent as Bishop of Tashkent and Turkestan. From that time on, Vladyka's way of the cross begins. He had to endure many arrests, torture, exile, which, nevertheless, did not weaken his faith and ardent zeal in serving his neighbors. (The first arrest took place in May 1923; Vladyka returned from his last exile in 1943 and was appointed to the Tambov cathedra.)

It should be added that, taking the priesthood, prof. Voyno-Yasenetsky received an order from Patriarch Tikhon, confirmed by Patriarch Sergius, not to leave scientific and practical activities in surgery; and all the time, in whatever conditions he found himself, he continued this work everywhere. He invariably went to the hospital and to lectures in a cassock with a cross, icons hung in the operating room, so that each operation was consecrated with prayer.

Bishop Luke did not forget his pastoral duties either. All the numerous churches of the city of Yeniseisk, where he lived, as well as the churches of the regional city of Krasnoyarsk, were captured by the renovationists. Bishop Luke, with three priests accompanying him, celebrated the Liturgy in his apartment, in the hall, and even ordained priests there, who came hundreds of miles away to the Orthodox bishop. From January 25, 1925 to September 1927, Bishop Luka was again Bishop of Tashkent and Turkestan. From October 5 to November 11, 1927 - Bishop of Yeletsky, vic. Oryol diocese. From November 1927 he lived in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, then in the city of Krasnoyarsk, where he served in the local church and worked as a doctor in the city hospital.

In 1934, his book "Essays on Purulent Surgery" was published, which became a reference book for surgeons.

From the very first days of the Great Patriotic War until the end of 1943, Bishop Luka worked as the chief surgeon and consultant of the Krasnoyarsk evacuation hospital for the seriously wounded.

In the autumn of 1942, he was elevated to the rank of archbishop with an appointment to the Krasnoyarsk cathedra. On September 8, 1943, he was a member of the council that unanimously elected Metropolitan Sergius as Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. In January 1944 he was appointed Archbishop of Tambov and Michurinsky.

In 1946, he was awarded the Stalin Prize for his outstanding scientific works “Essays on Purulent Surgery” and “Late Resections for Infected Wounds of Large Joints”, which still do not lose their significance.

In addition to writings on medical topics, Archbishop. Luke compiled many sermons and articles of spiritual, moral and patriotic content. In 1945-1947. he worked on a large theological work - "Spirit, Soul and Body", in which he developed the question of the soul and spirit of man, as well as the teaching of Holy Scripture about the heart as an organ of knowledge of God. He also devoted much time to strengthening parish life. In 1945, he expressed the idea of ​​the need to elect a patriarch by lot.

In February 1945, for archpastoral activity and patriotic merits, archbishop. Luka was awarded the right to wear a cross on his hood.

In May 1946 he was appointed archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea. According to the recollections of people who knew him, “when Vladyka served, it was impossible to enter the temple - there were so many people there. He possessed not only the gift of words and great erudition, great intelligence and high culture, he possessed genuine spiritual strength and could infect with his faith a person who was an atheist to the marrow of his bones.”

In 1956, Archbishop Luke became completely blind. He left practical medical activity in 1946, but continued to help patients with advice. He ruled the diocese to the very end with the help of proxies. In the last years of his life, he only listened to what was read to him, and dictated his works and letters.

Archbishop Luke died on June 11, 1961, on the day of All Saints who shone in the Russian land. A huge number of people came to his funeral, so that the authorities, who tried to prevent the “walking procession”, could do nothing.

On July 2, 1997, in Simferopol, the city where the saint lived in 1946-1961, a monument was unveiled to him.

At the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2004, St. Luke was canonized for general church veneration. His memory is celebrated on May 29th. st./June 11 a.d. st, and also on January 25 (February 7) - together with the holy new martyrs and confessors of Russia and on December 15 (December 28) - the cathedral of all Crimean saints. The relics of Vladyka Luke rest in the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Simferopol. He is venerated as a saint by other local Churches, in particular by the Eladic Orthodox Church. The main supporter of his glorification in Greece is Archimandrite Nektarios (Antonopoulos), abbot of the monastery of Sagmata. In 2001, a silver shrine was brought from Greece for the relics of the saint.

Saint Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky. Icon painted for the church of St. Sergius, Abbot of Radonezh, Chelyabinsk

Herald of the path of salvation, confessor and archpastor of the Crimean lands, true guardian of fatherly traditions, unshakable pillar, mentor of Orthodoxy, God-wise doctor St.

Like an all-bright star, shining with virtues, you were, saint, create an equal soul to an angel, for this sake of holiness it is honored by dignity, in exile from the godless there was a lot of suffering, and having remained unshakable by faith, you healed many with medical wisdom. The same now, glorify your honest body from the bowels of the earth, wondrously glorified by the Lord, and let all the faithful cry out to you: Rejoice, Father, St. Luko, praise and affirmation of the Crimean land.


Life with canon and Akathist

Life of the Confessor Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea

Book about the life of St. Luke

The gift of a preacher was “discovered” by the future St. Luke by Bishop Innokenty of Tashkent. “Your job is not to baptize, but to preach the gospel,” he said to the newly ordained priest, Fr. Valentin Voyno-Yasenetsky. “I consider it my main hierarchal duty to preach about Christ everywhere and everywhere,” he declared in the Simferopol Cathedral on October 31, 1952. And this principle endured until the last days.

Bishop of Tashkent and Turkestan Innokenty (Pustynsky) and Priest Valentin Voyno-Yasenetsky

What was Vladyka Luke talking about in the temple? And how did he say? An eyewitness, Archpriest Yevgeny Vorshevsky, testifies: “Archbishop Luke himself folded the holy antimension and finished the service of the Liturgy. Before his leave, he went out to deliver a sermon. The whole temple was frozen in anticipation. And then the preacher's mouth was opened. Each word came from the depths of the heart, it was filled with deep faith and devotion to the will of God. From all sides of the temple came wailing and silent sobs. The words of the archpastor fell like ripe grains and penetrated deeply into the hearts of the listeners. Everyone felt renewed after preaching such fortitude and faith.”

Sermons of St. The bows are short, he does not tire the listeners with "many words". The topics are very diverse, but the gospel remains the center and axis of all speeches. Often he refers to subjects that, due to poor preparation or fear of an official shout, the priests did not touch at all. So many sermons are devoted to the compatibility of science and religion. With all the power of his erudition, drawing on the facts of evolutionary teaching, physiology and psychology, the preacher defends the gospel doctrine of the triune composition of man: spirit, soul and body - the trinity to which he dedicated his famous monograph. Defending the faith from attacks, St. Luke cites the testimonies of prominent scientists and philosophers, refers to the history of human thought. He repeatedly warns his listeners against the sin of fanaticism, hatred for dissidents, for people of other views. “Take care of any foreign faith, never humiliate, do not offend” (Word on the Feast of Mid-Midday, 1953).

Summing up the results of his church life, St. Luke claimed that during the 38 years of his priesthood he delivered 1,250 sermons, of which at least 750 were written down and amounted to twelve thick typewritten volumes. The Council of the Moscow Theological Academy called this collection of sermons "an exceptional phenomenon in modern church theological life" and elected the author an honorary member of the Academy.

Today, to the great joy of believers, the works of the saint have become available to a wide range of readers.

Sermons on the Azbuka.ru website

Sermon on Perseverance in Prayer

Archbishop Luka (Voyno-Yasenetsky)

Often in words and in letters they ask me to teach how to pray. The first thing I answer to this request is the need for constancy in prayer. There are a lot of people who remember to pray to God when He visits them with some kind of misfortune or severe sorrow, but usually they do not pray to Him at all. Such prayers are unlikely to be heard by God.

The ancient Romans had a wise proverb: an incessantly dripping drop hollows out a stone. Only incessant, like falling drops, prayer softens hearts frozen without prayer.

To those who ask me to teach prayer, I give two most important pieces of advice: to be constant in prayer, not to leave a single day of life without it, and to be deeply attentive to every word of prayer. Do not imitate sectarians who, in their pride, despise the prayers of great saints and compose their own stereotyped, very little spiritual prayers.

The devil and his angels are trying with all their might to divert our attention from the deep and blessed words of church prayers written by holy people. They persistently and deftly divert our mind somewhere to the side, especially when the words of the prayer refer to them themselves, when we ask God for protection from them, the damned ones. Only deep attention when reading church prayers can protect us from these intrigues of theirs. It is much more difficult when reading prayers by heart than when reading them from a prayer book.

It is very important to develop the habit of catching ourselves in every distraction and rereading those words from which the demons managed to divert our attention. The easiest way to achieve this is through the daily Jesus Prayer, repeated at least a hundred times by the rosary: ​​"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner (or a sinner)".

At the end of each prayer, with the words: “have mercy on me, a sinner,” you should remember your most serious and nasty sin, and when you become stronger in this habit, gradually learn to remember all other sins.

Each of the hundreds of Jesus prayers will peck at your heart, just as an incessantly falling drop of water pecks at a stone - and your cold heart will be softened and warmed by the great Jesus prayer.

The same will be the effect of other great prayers, especially the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian, read, unfortunately, only during Great Lent.

The holy words of this prayer will have a beneficial effect on you when you repeat it often: get used to feeling disgust for those vices that Ephraim the Syrian speaks of, asking God to deliver him from them - to the spirit of idleness, idle talk, to the condemnation of others; get used to asking God for the virtues of chastity, humility, patience and love, and the memory of your sins. This is what I say to people who ask me to teach them how to pray.

But, of course, fervent prayers alone are not enough to become a temple of the Spirit of God, to become close and even a friend of our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is necessary to fulfill all the great commandments of Christ, and above all the commandments about love and mercy towards neighbors. We would have to say a lot about this, repeating more than once what was said to you before.

I will only speak about how the hearts of those blessed ones are transformed who are firm and constant in prayers and good deeds. I will say that every good deed leaves a greater or lesser trace in the heart of the person who did it.

Even a low bow of a beggar who received alms from your hands will undoubtedly leave a mark on your heart. And these traces, more and more often remaining in the heart of the one who does good, will act on him, like a drop that constantly drips and gouges a stone. They will soften the heart that does good and purify it, purify it and gracefully change it. And the more good deeds you do, the higher and higher your immortal spirit will ascend from earthly dirt and untruth to heaven, in which the all-perfect and absolute truth of God reigns.

You will rise higher and higher from the earth and breathe more and more pure air of heaven, you will draw closer and closer to God. And when your earthly path ends, death will not be joyful, but joyful, for it will only be a transition to eternal bliss. May our Triune and All-Holy Great God grant us all this!

O great and glorious servant of God, our holy father Luko, accept this laudatory singing from us unworthy, both brought to you with the love of a son. By your intercession at the Throne of God and by your prayers, affirm all of us in the Orthodox faith and good deeds. Save those who are in this life from all troubles, sorrows, illnesses and misfortunes, save them from torment in the future. And vouchsafe in eternal life together with you and with all the saints to sing to our Creator: Alleluia.

Kontakion 13 Akathist to St. Luke

Prayer to Saint Luke

O all-blessed confessor, our holy hierarch Luko, the great saint of Christ. With tenderness, bow down the knees of our hearts, and falling to the race of your honest and multi-healing relics, like a child of the father, we pray to you wholeheartedly: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the Merciful and Humane God. To him you are now in the joy of the saints and with the faces of an angel you stand. We believe more, because you love us with the same love, with which you loved all your neighbors, being on earth.

Ask Christ our God to confirm His children in the spirit of right faith and piety: may shepherds be given holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: observe the right of the believer, strengthen the weak and weak in faith, instruct the ignorant, and rebuke the opposite. Give us all a gift that is useful to everyone, and everything is useful for temporary life and eternal salvation: affirmation of our cities, fruit-bearing land, deliverance from famine and destruction. Consolation to the grieving, healing to those who are ill, return to the path of truth, blessing to the parent, upbringing and teaching to the children in the fear of the Lord, help and intercession to the orphans and the poor.

Grant us all your archpastoral blessing, and have such a prayer intercession, let us get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and discord, heresies and schisms.

Guide us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous, and pray for us to the almighty God, that in eternal life we ​​will be able to glorify with you the unceasingly glorifying the Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The prayer was compiled by Archpriest Georgy SEVERIN, rector of the Church of the Three Hierarchs in Simferopol

Veneration of the saint

On the website of the "Society of Orthodox Doctors of Russia" Museum of St. Luke

On the website of the Krasnoyarsk diocese Life of St. Luke

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Saint Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky is without a doubt one of the brightest saints of modern times. The future saint was born in Kerch (Crimea) in 1877 in a family with Polish noble roots. The young boy Valya (St. Luke in the world - Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky) was very fond of drawing and even wanted to enter the Academy of Arts in the future. Later, the gift of drawing proved to be very useful in the work of a traditional healer and teacher. The future Archbishop Luka entered the medical faculty of Kiev University and brilliantly graduated at the age of 26, immediately starting work in Chita in a military hospital (at the time the Russian-Japanese war had just begun). Valentin married in the hospital and four children were born in their family. Life brought the future saint, first to the Simbirsk and then to the Kursk province.

Being an active and successful surgeon, Valentin Feliksovich performed many operations, conducted research in the field of anesthesia. He put a lot of effort into the study and implementation of local anesthesia (general anesthesia had negative consequences). It should be noted that people close to this great surgeon always assumed his future as a future researcher and teacher, while the future Saint Luke of Crimea himself always insisted on direct work, helping ordinary people (he sometimes called himself a peasant doctor).

Valentin took the priesthood unexpectedly for himself, after a brief conversation with Bishop Innokenty, which took place after Valentine's speech with a report refuting the theses of scientific atheism. After that, the life of the great surgeon became even more difficult: he worked for three - as a doctor, as a professor and as a priest.

In 1923, when the so-called "Living Church" provoked a Renovationist schism, bringing discord and confusion into the bosom of the Church, the Bishop of Tashkent was forced to hide, entrusting the administration of the diocese to Father Valentine and another protopresbyter. The exiled Bishop Andrei of Ufimsky (Prince Ukhtomsky), while passing through the city, approved the election of Fr. Valentine to the episcopate, accomplished by a council of clergy who remained faithful to the Church. Then the same bishop tonsured Valentine in his room as a monk with the name Luke and sent him to a small town not far from Samarkand. Two exiled bishops lived here, and St. Luke was consecrated in the strictest secrecy (May 18, 1923).

A week and a half after returning to Tashkent and after his first liturgy, he was arrested by the security forces (GPU), accused of counter-revolutionary activities and espionage in favor of England, and sentenced to two years of exile in Siberia, in the Turukhansk region. There, in remote Siberia, Saint Luke worked in hospitals, operated and helped the suffering. Before the operation, he always prayed and drew a cross on the body of the patient with iodine, for which we often invite the ball for interrogations. After a lengthy exile even farther — to the shores of the Arctic Ocean — the saint was returned, first to Siberia and then completely released to Tashkent.

In subsequent years, repeated arrests and interrogations, as well as keeping the saint in prison cells, greatly undermined his health.

In 1934, his work Essays on Purulent Surgery was published, which soon became a classic of medical literature. Being already very ill, with poor eyesight, the Saint was subjected to interrogation by a “conveyor belt”, when for 13 days and nights in the blinding light of lamps, investigators, replacing each other, continuously interrogated, forcing him to slander himself. When the bishop began a new hunger strike, he, exhausted, was sent to the casemates of state security. After new interrogations and tortures, which exhausted his strength and brought him to a state where he could no longer control himself, St. Luke signed with a trembling hand that he acknowledged his participation in the anti-Soviet conspiracy.

In the last years of his life, the saint worked on the publication of various medical and theological works, in particular an apology of Christianity against scientific atheism, entitled "Spirit, Soul and Body." In this work, the saint defends the principles of Christian anthropology with the help of solid scientific arguments.
In February 1945, for his archpastoral activity, Saint Luke was awarded the right to wear a cross on his hood. For patriotism, he was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

A year later, Archbishop Luka of Tambov and Michurinsky became a laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree for the scientific development of new surgical methods for the treatment of purulent diseases and wounds, set out in the scientific works "Essays on Purulent Surgery" and "Late resections for infected gunshot wounds of the joints."

In 1956, he was completely blind, but continued to carry out his service to people - as a bishop and as a doctor. Bishop Luka Voyno-Yasenetsky (Crimean) rested peacefully on May 29, 1961. His funeral was attended by all the clergy of the diocese and a huge crowd of people, and the grave of St. Luke soon became a place of pilgrimage, where numerous healings are performed to this day.

short biography

Valentin Feliksovich Voyno-Yasenetsky was born $27$ April $1877$ in Kerch. The name Luke, by which Voyno-Yasenetsky is also known, he received during his tonsure in honor of the doctor St. Apostle Luke.

Valentin studied at the gymnasium and at the art school in Kyiv. After graduating, Voyno-Yasenetsky went to St. Petersburg to enter the Academy of Arts, but realized that his job was to help sick people. As a result, the young man chose the Faculty of Medicine, which he graduated with honors.

Remark 1

Most, as the young doctor believed, the inhabitants of the "outback" needed his help, so Voyno-Yasenetsky preferred career growth to work as a simple zemstvo doctor. However, at that moment the Russo-Japanese War began, and the young surgeon, as part of the Red Cross detachment, went to the Far East. It was there in $1904 in Chita that Voyno-Yasenetsky began an independent practice, he was entrusted with a whole surgical department.

Some time later, together with his young wife, he moved to the Simbirsk province in the town of Ardatov, where Voyno-Yasenetsky became the chief physician of the local small hospital. He had to work very hard.

In connection with the accumulating fatigue, the surgeon soon left the hospital and moved to the village of Verkhny Lyubazh, Kursk province, where he received patients at home, since the hospital was not completed. Here he had to fight epidemics of serious infections: typhoid fever, smallpox and measles.

In $1907, Valentin Feliksovich was transferred to Fatezh, but did not work there for long, as he refused to interrupt the reception in order to call the chairman of the council. The doctor was fired and called a "revolutionary".

After that, leaving his family with his wife's relatives in Ukraine, Voyno-Yasenetsky went to Moscow and got a job at the clinic of Petr Dyakonov, where his main goal was to prepare a doctoral dissertation on regional anesthesia, which did not bring him money. Therefore, in parallel, in $1909, Valentin Feliksovich got a job in the hospital of the village of Romanovka, Saratov province, as the chief physician, and a little later, the town of Pereslavl-Zalessky near Vladimir.

In $1916, Voino-Yasenetsky defended his dissertation. One of the most difficult periods for Valentin Feliksovich was $1917$. He discovered pulmonary tuberculosis in his wife. Considering that a warm climate can help in healing, he transports with his family to Tashkent and gets a job as the head physician in the city hospital. In October 1919, Voyno-Yasenetsky lost his wife.

Soon the surgeon was appointed teacher of anatomy at the new regional medical school, and six months later he also became an employee of the medical faculty of Turkestan University.

In February 1921, the surgeon Voyno-Yasenetsky became a priest, and a little later, in $1923, he took the monastic vows and was elevated to the rank of bishop, although he did not leave the work of a surgeon, head physician and head of the department.

In Tashkent, Voyno-Yasenetsky was taken to prison. He spent three years in the camp. And in $1926$, when he returned to Tashkent, everything he did was forbidden to him. Voyno-Yasenetsky led services in the church of St. Sergius of Radonezh and received patients free of charge.

However, in May 1930, misfortune again falls on his shoulders. He is arrested and sent into exile for three years for allegedly inciting Professor Mikhailovsky to commit suicide.

Returning to Tashkent again, Voyno-Yasenetsky got a job as head of the new department of purulent surgery at the Institute of Emergency Care. In the spring of $1934, after suffering pappatachi fever, Valentin Feliksovich became blind in one eye. However, this did not prevent him from becoming the head of the surgical department of the Institute for the Improvement of Physicians.

At the end of $1937, Voyno-Yasenetsky was again arrested on charges of deliberately killing patients during operations. He survived $13$-day interrogation by the conveyor method, spent four years between cells and hospitals, but he endured everything and never renounced the priesthood. He was exiled to Siberia in the village of Bolshaya Murta in March $1940$. At the end of September $1941$, after numerous requests, he was transferred to Krasnoyarsk to treat the wounded.

At first, he was looked at with caution, but the Russian Orthodox Church significantly supported the defense, and the attitude towards it in the government began to change. As a result, Valentin Feliksovich was provided with everything necessary for life. At the beginning of $1944, part of the hospitals from Krasnoyarsk were transferred to Tambov, and Voyno-Yasenetsky also ended up there, becoming the head of the local diocese. In $1946$, Voyno-Yasenetsky was appointed Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea.

In $1958, Archbishop Luke lost his sight, but refused the operation, as he believed that he must accept the will of God. Nevertheless, he continued his episcopal service until the end of his life.

$11$ June $1961$, Voyno-Yasenetsky died. Many people came to say goodbye to the archbishop.

Contribution to medicine

Remark 2

The great doctor had a life full of trials, but despite this, Voyno-Yasenetsky treated people with amazing humanity, he not only saved lives, but remembered each of his patients for life. The great doctor tried to convey this approach to his students. He noted that the most important thing in the work of a surgeon is not the treatment of the disease, but the patient, and the approach is not to the case, but to a living suffering person.

In $1921$, he presented his own technique for the surgical treatment of liver abscesses. He spent a lot of effort on studying the mechanisms of the development of purulent processes, which resulted in a report in $1922$ at the $I$ Congress of Medical Workers of the Turkestan Republic. Also, Voyno-Yasenetsky made several reports on the methods of surgical treatment of tuberculosis and purulent inflammatory processes of various localizations. The most famous work, which today is the reference book of every surgeon, was "Essays on Purulent Surgery".

While still working in Romanovka, Valentin Feliksovich performed the most complex operations on the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, brain, eyes and heart, being one of the first in the country. In $1915, his book "Regional Anesthesia" was published, for which he received the Choynacki Prize.

An interesting fact is that after the arrests, the name of the surgeon was erased from official medicine, and even the Essays on Purulent Surgery were destroyed.

In $1944, Valentin Feliksovich completed a book on the treatment of infected gunshot wounds of the joints, where he also described the tactics of managing patients with osteomyelitis. Thanks to him, the wounded not only learned to save, but also to return to them the possibility of independent movement.

In $1946$, Voyno-Yasenetsky received the Stalin Prize for the development of new surgical methods for the treatment of purulent wounds and diseases.

Somehow more often it happens that from our days, especially glorified saints are separated, if not millennia, then centuries. But church history knows many people who can safely be called our contemporaries.

One of these remarkable and somewhat unusual figures is St. Luke, Archbishop of Crimea and Simferopol.

First of all, his unusualness lies in the fact that all his life he combined spiritual service with the work of a practicing surgeon. And they usually add to his church titles: doctor of medical sciences, professor of surgery, winner of the Stalin Prize for the book Essays on Purulent Surgery. (By the way, on its cover, after the “secular” surname of the author, “Archbishop Luke” is written in brackets).

The memory of St. Luke of Crimea is venerated three times a year:

  • June 11 - the day of rest;
  • March 18 - the acquisition of relics;
  • February 7 - the day of the Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.

"I love suffering..."

This is the name of the autobiographical book of St. Luke, in which he also tells about his "walking through the torments" ...

Serve the Suffering

Valentin Feliksovich Voyno-Yasenetsky did not dream of becoming a doctor at all, he wanted to become an artist and, having graduated from the gymnasium and the drawing school, at first he even prepared to enter the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.

But on mature reflection, the young man decided: it is necessary to do what is useful for suffering people, and he entered the medical faculty of Kyiv University in order to become a zemstvo doctor upon graduation. However, life made its own adjustments: the Russo-Japanese War began, where a recent graduate went as a surgeon. Here began his first practical experience.

Throughout his life, the saint combined prayer and scientific work. At the same time, Dr. Voyno-Yasenetsky began his scientific research, thanks to which, when he returned to Moscow, he was hired by P.I. Dyakonov, a famous scientist.

In 1915, the young surgeon's monograph "Regional Anesthesia" was published, for which he received an award from the University of Warsaw.

The further fate of the future archbishop was very dramatic. His wife fell ill with pulmonary tuberculosis, and the family, which already had four children, decided in 1917 to move to Tashkent with its more favorable climate. However, this did not save the woman.

“I will be a priest, if it pleases God…”

After her death, Valentin Feliksovich, on the urgent advice of Bishop Innokenty of Tashkent and Turkestan, not being afraid of troubled times, took the priesthood and began to serve the Lord. At the same time, Father Valentin did not refuse from medical practice, working just the same for wear and tear.

In 1923, Priest Valentin took secret monastic tonsure and was named after Luke.- Apostle-evangelist, artist and doctor. In the same year he was elevated to the rank of bishop.

The Bolshevik authorities could not allow the doctor to openly preach the Christian faith, and the biography of St. Luke was "enriched" with arrests and exiles, the geography of which is very wide: the Yenisei, the Arctic, Arkhangelsk, the Krasnoyarsk region, as well as transfers from diocese to diocese.

But everywhere the saint did not cease to heal the sick for free, regardless of persons, positions, belonging to other faiths. There were rumors among the people that it was possible to be healed, even if during the divine service one touched the cassock of the doctor-archbishop. He was engaged in both science and putting things in order in church parishes.

After the war, Vladyka Luka moved to the Crimea. Only the place of his ministry has changed, but the style of life and attitude to his work - both pastoral and medical - remained the same ... He continued to operate, even having already gone blind in one eye.

The earthly path of St. Luke ended on June 11, 1961. He was buried in the cemetery of Simferopol, and in 1996 the relics of the archbishop were found incorrupt and moved to the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Convent. There is also an icon of the saint.

Read Also:

In 2000 Saint Luke was numbered among the confessors- after all, in the most difficult times, he did not renounce his faith and, which especially irritated the authorities, he came in vestments even to operations, before which, moreover, he would certainly pray and baptize patients. Icons always hung in the ward and office.

Help Saint Luke!

Saint Luke was remembered by those around him primarily as a simple man, but with unshakable faith in God. It was this faith that helped him successfully carry out the most complex operations, often in the most incredible conditions, and heal patients with practically incurable ailments.

How does a saint help? Archbishop Luke of Crimea is considered the patron saint of physicians. Surgeons especially turn to him in their prayers for help in their work. The sick also pray to him:

Turning to the holy face ...

Icons of St. Luke are found in many Orthodox churches. The most famous, except for Simferopol:

Many believers testify that when they come to the temple to pray to St. Luke, they feel the healing power emanating from his icon, which has a beneficial effect on their physical condition and life in general.

This is the true meaning of this image - to receive help by praying to a person who possessed a Divine gift.

Prayer to Saint Luke

O all-blessed confessor, our holy hierarch Luko, the great saint of Christ. With tenderness, bowing the knee of our hearts and falling to the race of your honest and multi-healing relics, like a child of the father, we pray with all your heart: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and philanthropic God, to whom you are now in the joy of the saints and with the faces of an angel stand.

We believe more, because you love us with the same love, with which you loved all your neighbors, being on earth. Ask Christ our God to confirm His children in the spirit of right faith and piety: may shepherds be given holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: observe the right of the believer, strengthen the weak and weak in faith, instruct the ignorant, rebuke the opposite.

Give us all a gift that is useful to everyone, and all the same for temporary life and for eternal salvation useful. Our cities are affirmed, the land is fruitful, deliverance from prosperity and destruction, consolation for the grieving, healing for those who are ill, return to those who have lost their way on the path of truth, blessing to the parent, upbringing and teaching the child in the Lord’s passion, help and intercession for the orphans and the poor.

Grant us all your archpastoral blessing, and have such a prayer intercession, let us get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and discord, heresies and schisms. Lead us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous, and pray for us the almighty God, so that in eternal life we ​​will be able to glorify with you the consubstantial and inseparable Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to order a prayer service

You can order a prayer service in any church. During the service, which is called a prayer service, they turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, or any saints who want to ask for help. Saint Luke is most often prayed for deliverance from the disease.

And although the Christian tradition prescribes a person to endure illnesses with patience, like a “bitter medicine”, to see them as a means of atonement for committed sins, it is not a sin to pray to God for healing or alleviation of suffering.

Prayers are not only pleading, but also thanksgiving God for what He sent down. Don't forget about it.

A prayer service can be ordered in any church by writing a note “On Health” and indicating in it the names of those for whom prayer will be offered.

A prayer service can be served along with an akathist. This service is very nice and warm. Many practice reading an akathist at home. Here is a prayer appeal to St. Luke:

Chosen as a hierarch of the Orthodox Church and a confessor, having shone forth to our country, like a luminous luminary, having worked hard and endured persecution for the name of Christ, glorifying the glorifying Lord, who has given us a new prayer book and helper, we sing laudatory singing; but you, as if you have great boldness to the Lord of Heaven and earth, free us from all mental and bodily ailments and strengthen us in good standing in Orthodoxy, but we all call you with tenderness:

Interlocutor angels and mentor men, Luko, the most glorious, like the Evangelist and the Apostle Luce, he is the same name, from God you received the gift of healing human ailments, lifting many labors in healing the illnesses of your neighbors, wearing the flesh, you did not care for the flesh, but the good deeds of the Heavenly Father glorified thou. The same gratitude in tenderness we call you:

Rejoice, holy hierarch and confessor Luko, good and merciful doctor.

Seeing in people during healing, like in a mirror, the wisdom and glory of the Creator of all kinds of God, you always ascended in spirit to Him, God-wise; with the light of your God-reason, illumine us too, but let us cry together with you: Alleluia.

Thou hast enlightened thy mind with Divine teachings, O all-glorious Luko, rejecting all carnal wisdom, with reason and will obeyed the Lord, like an apostle. For thee, according to the word of Christ: come after Me, and I will make you fishers by man, leaving all your work after Him, and you, holy, having heard the Lord Jesus calling you to serve, accept the priesthood in the Orthodox Church. For this sake, as a God-wise mentor, we humbly sing to you:

Rejoice, for you have shown your souls eternal care; Rejoice, joyful guardian angel of yours.

Rejoice, thou who didst succeed in learning and astonish the sages of this world; Rejoice, from those who do iniquity dodge your footsteps.

Rejoice, preacher and contemplator of God's Wisdom; Rejoice, golden-spoken teacher of true theology.

Rejoice, guardian of apostolic traditions; Rejoice, zealot of Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, star, showing the way to salvation; Rejoice, candle, kindled by God, dispersing the darkness of wickedness.

Rejoice, revealing schismatics; Rejoice, thirsting for witnesses and justifications of the Lord.

Rejoice, holy hierarch and confessor Luko, good and merciful doctor.

By the power of the grace of God, even in temporal life, thou didst receive the gift, holy Luko, to heal ailments, and all those who diligently flow to you to heal bodily and, especially spiritual, diseases, cry out to God: Hallelujah.

Having vigilant care for the salvation of the souls entrusted to you from God, Luko is blessed, pastoral to a soul-saving life and in word, and in deed, incessantly instructed them. For this sake, accept from our zeal the praise worthy of you brought:

Rejoice, full of Divine reason; Rejoice, blessed by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, enriched by the poverty of Christ; rejoice, shield, protect piety.

Rejoice, good shepherd, wandering in the mountains of wisdom seeking; Rejoice, worker of the grapes of Christ, strengthen the children of God in faith.

Rejoice, unshakable pillar of Orthodoxy; rejoice, firm stone of faith.

Rejoice, detractor of soul-destroying unbelief and renovationist schism; Rejoice, wise strengthener of those who labor in the spiritual.

Rejoice, pointing out a quiet haven from the world to the persecuted; rejoice, as we accept the cross, thou hast followed Christ.

Rejoice, holy hierarch and confessor Luko, good and merciful doctor.

Having a storm inside the thoughts of many, the servant of God is perplexed, what the Lord is talking about him, when he understands him, she is worthy to be a bishop of the city of Tashkent, both betraying everything to Christ God, to Him you thanked for everything, calling: Blessed be God, pour out Your grace on Your bishops, and sing to Him: Alleluia.

Hearing the people of Orthodoxy, in the persecution of beings, about the beneficent kindnesses of your soul, God-bearer Luko, and seeing you at the degree of hierarchship, like a worthy vessel of Divine grace, all weak healing and impoverishing replenishing, marveling at the wonderful providence of God about you and bringing you blessings:

Rejoice, bishop, named from the Samago of the Lord; Rejoice, about the inscription of the episcopal rank on your book, a mental foreshadowing received.

Rejoice, hierarchs are a fair decoration; Rejoice, shepherd, ready to lay down your soul for the sheep of Christ.

Rejoice, bright luminary of the Church; Rejoice, partaker of the apostles.

Rejoice, fertilizer of confessors; Rejoice, rejecting all concern for yourself.

Rejoice, quencher of grief; Rejoice, sadder about human ignorance.

Rejoice, you who sought salvation with the right doctrine; Rejoice, thou who didst not put this teaching to shame by thy life.

Rejoice, holy hierarch and confessor Luko, good and merciful doctor.

Desiring to keep the redeemed with the rich Blood of Christ from eternal death, in the days of terrible persecution, you received the episcopal rank from the hands of the Orthodox bishops, Saint Luko, and you did the good work of the evangelist, denouncing, forbidding, imploring with all long-suffering and teaching and singing to God: Hallelujah.

Seeing the angels of the rank of your great deeds, being surprised, when, according to the commandment of the Lord: blessed exile for the sake of truth, for those are the Kingdom of Heaven, in the fortress of your heart you meekly suffered imprisonment and exile for the name of the Lord and the Holy Church of Christ, with great patience arranging your salvation, by example edifying the souls of his faithful. We honor thee, diligently honoring love, with these praises:

Rejoice, candlestick, placed on the church candlestick; Rejoice, ascetic, the image of long-suffering love is manifest.

Rejoice, defending thee with the faithful; Rejoice, in the hands of the tormentors for the faith, humbly surrendered to the night.

Rejoice, humiliated by the accomplices of unrighteous judges; Rejoice, meekly going into captivity with humility.

Rejoice, for the sake of truth, you endured separation from your Tashkent flock; rejoice, as if you were sure of separation from you sobbing.

Rejoice, for the Lord crucified, ulcerated and eared; Rejoice, deceitful mouth of the godless.

Rejoice, righteous mouth of heavenly truth and prophetic in exile; Rejoice, like a martyr in Heaven about your patience rejoicing.

Rejoice, holy hierarch and confessor Luko, good and merciful doctor.

The silent preacher of the mystery of the Most Holy, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity was thou in prison and in the cities of Siberian exile, enduring the famine, the scum of the northern country and the cruelty of the godless slanderers. For this sake, the Crimean Church preaches the majesty of God, manifested on you, St. Luko. We are one in heart and with one mouth we sing to God: Alleluia.

Thou hast shone, like a radiant star, to the Krasnoyarsk flock and Tambov, illuminating the souls of the faithful and dispelling the darkness of wickedness and godlessness. And the words of Christ will be fulfilled on you: blessed are you, when they reproach you, and they give you up, and they say every evil word against you, lying, for my sake. For you, persecuted from city to city and patient with slander, zealously fulfilled the archpastoral ministry and satiated you with the sweetness of your writings, all those who are hungry and thirsty for truth, who gratefully cry out to you:

Rejoice, mentor, guide everyone to Heaven; Rejoice, sincerely jealous of the glory of God.

Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ; Rejoice, patient for Christ the Lord of prison and beating.

Rejoice, true imitator of His humility; Rejoice, receptacle of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, thou who entered with the wise into the joy of thy Lord; Rejoice, accuser of covetousness.

Rejoice, showing the destruction of vanity; Rejoice, thou who called the wrongdoers to conversion.

Rejoice, for Christ is glorified by you; rejoice, for you put Satan to shame.

Rejoice, holy hierarch and confessor Luko, good and merciful doctor.

Although it is worthy to accomplish a feat, prepared from God, you put on all the weapons of God and began to fight against the world rulers of the darkness of this age, the spirits of wickedness in high places, girding your loins with truth and dressing in the armor of truth, quenched you, confessor Luko, all the arrows of the evil one , singing to Sodetel and God: Alleluia.

A new persecution of lawless and godless people has been raised up on the Orthodox Church and in the depths of a distant taiga country, expelling you, Saint Luko, and having been close to death, saved by the hand of God, you cried out with the Apostle Paul: until this hour, we are hungry, and thirsty, and naked, and we suffer, and we wander. We persecute, we endure; like the scum of the world bykhom, all the trampling hitherto. For this sake, leading such a thing about you, we indulge you:

Rejoice, blessed confessor of Christ; Rejoice, fierce scum and suffering in exile.

Rejoice, near death, but saved by the Lord; Rejoice, showing complete self-sacrifice.

Rejoice, thou who hast lost thy soul to the Bridegroom Christ; Rejoice, Lord, crucified on the Cross, always before you in anticipation.

Rejoice, unremittingly abiding in vigils and prayers; Rejoice, consubstantial Trinity true zealot.

Rejoice, quick and unmerciful doctor of all illnesses; Rejoice, from incurable purulent diseases and wounds of the suffering, you are healed.

Rejoice, for by your faith you have healed relaxation.

Rejoice, for the works of your medical healing bring the former to faith.

Rejoice, holy hierarch and confessor Luko, good and merciful doctor.

Having been a wanderer in the earthly vale, patience, abstinence and purity, you showed the image, confessor Luko. When the fatherland was in trouble from the invasion of the foreigner, showing the love of the gospel, you worked day and night in the medical clinic, healing the ailments and wounds of the leaders and warriors of the earthly fatherland, surprising all those who create misfortune with unmemorable malice and love, and turned many of these to Christ, in a hedgehog to Him : Alleluia.

All filled with the love of Christ, good-hearted Luko, you laid down your soul for your friends, and like a guardian angel you were near and far, taming evil-doing, reconciling hostile and arranging salvation for everyone. Remembering your labors for the benefit of the people of your fatherland, we gratefully cry out to you:

Rejoice, showing wondrous love for the earthly fatherland; Rejoice, teacher of humility and gentleness.

Rejoice, courageously enduring exile and cruel torment; Rejoice, suffering for Christ and being tormented.

Rejoice, firmly confessing Him; Rejoice, conquering the malice of enemies with the love of Christ.

Rejoice, merciful Father, seeking the salvation of many; Rejoice, tempted by great sorrows.

Rejoice, in their persecution, wonderful patience; rejoice, for you prayed for the enemies of the Lord.

Rejoice, for your love conquers all enmity; rejoice, as the cruelty of your heart conquer the cruelty.

Rejoice, holy hierarch and confessor Luko, good and merciful doctor.

Thou art all, like Saint Paul, in order to save at least some, to St. Luko, performing an archpastoral feat, in the Tambov region, renewing and building churches with many works, strictly observing the statutes of the Holy Fathers, you did not stop serving the salvation of your flock, purely singing God: Alleluia.

The branches of humanity will not be able, according to their heritage, to utter many of your good deeds, when you appear on the Crimean land, like a child-loving father, to the holy hierarch Father Luko: your generous right hand is everywhere reachable. But we, wishing to imitate your mercy, in surprise cry out to you:

Rejoice, ray of God's love; Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of Spasov's mercy.

Rejoice, for you have distributed all your own to the poor; Rejoice, thou who didst love thy neighbor more than thyself.

Rejoice, feeder and caregiver of the suffering orphans; Rejoice, helpless elders and elders to the guardian.

Rejoice, for thou didst visit the sick and prisoners in prison; rejoice, for you anticipated the needs of the poor in many places of your fatherland.

Rejoice, as if you were merciful to the poor, you arranged meals for them; rejoice, as if you rejoiced in the depth of your mercy, the Mother of God.

Rejoice, earthly angel and heavenly man; Rejoice, for to whom in sorrow, like an angel of comfort, thou hast appeared.

Rejoice, holy hierarch and confessor Luko, good and merciful doctor.

You did not stop serving the salvation of your Crimean flock for many years, in the image of the Shepherd Christ, on the shoulders of those who erred on earth, brought you to the Heavenly Father, hoping for God’s mercy consoling, to correct your life, your teaching words attracted you all, in a hedgehog with a pure heart to sing to God: Hallelujah.

Having been a faithful servant of the Tsar of Heavenly Christ God, the holy hierarch Father Luko, tirelessly proclaimed the word of truth in all the churches of the land of Tauride, feeding the faithful child with the soul-saving food of the teaching of the gospel and strictly obeying the church charter. The same, like a good shepherd, we glorify the sits:

Rejoice, tireless preacher of the gospel truth; rejoice, as if the flock of verbal goodness handed over to you by God has saved you.

Rejoice, guarding your own sheep from soul-destroying wolves; Rejoice, strict guardian of the rank of the church.

Rejoice, protector of the purity of the Orthodox faith; Rejoice, for by you the Holy Spirit wrote words of salvation.

Rejoice, wise man of this age who preached the existence of God; Rejoice, as your word, like gilded robes, dressed in the mysteries of faith.

Rejoice, lightning that casts down pride; Rejoice, thunder, frighten those who live lawlessly.

Rejoice, planter of church piety; Rejoice, archpastor, spiritual shepherds instruct and admonish unceasingly.

Rejoice, holy hierarch and confessor Luko, good and merciful doctor.

Singing at your tomb, servant of God, does not stop in the days of your blessed dormition. Many more, leading you God-bearing and equal to the angels, having gathered from all the limits of your earthly fatherland, to make a conciliar prayer for your soul, ascending to the heavenly abode of the Heavenly Fatherland, singing to God: Alleluia.

A light, in the Church of Christ, burning with the light of the immaterial grace of God, you were, Saint Luko, illuminating all the ends of our earth. Remembering the blessed Assumption and your great glory in Heaven and on earth, with joy we bring you this praise:

Rejoice, luminary of the unfading Light of the Infinite; Rejoice, for I have glorified yours for the sake of the good deeds of the Heavenly Father.

Rejoice, servant of God, who ended piously; Rejoice, having acquired faith, hope and love from the Lord.

Rejoice, with Christ, whom thou hast loved, united forever; Rejoice, the Kingdom of Heaven and the glory of the eternal heir.

Rejoice, for the light of your good deeds is enlightened before men; Rejoice, thou who taught many by the commandment of Christ and created I.

Rejoice, hierarch, from the Eternal Bishop Christ filled with gifts of grace; Rejoice, swift helper to those who call upon you.

Rejoice, new luminary and affirmation of the Crimean lands; Rejoice, blessed patron of the Christian family.

Rejoice, holy hierarch and confessor Luko, good and merciful doctor.

Grace, given from above, knowing, reverently kiss your honest image, Saint Luko, expecting you to accept what you ask from God. The same, falling to your holy icon (if you say before the relics: to your holy relics), we pray with tenderness: strengthen us to stand well in the Orthodox faith, and pleasing good deeds, silently sing to God: Alleluia.

Singing God, marvelous in His saints, we praise thee, Christ's confessor, saint and intercessor before the Lord. You are all in the highest, but you do not leave the lower ones, Father Luko, you reign with Christ and intercede for us sinners before the Throne of God. For this sake, in tenderness, we call you:

Rejoice, Light impregnable to the viewer; Rejoice, for the angels rejoice in you and the people rejoice in you.

Rejoice, enlighten the unbelievers with your deeds and writings; Rejoice, strengthen and affirm the unfaithful and faint-hearted.

Rejoice, for thou art worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, having reached heavenly villages through confession.

Rejoice, for the sake of Christ's reproaches, you are patient and receive eternal glory with Him; Rejoice, guide of our souls to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, intercessor before the Throne of God for us sinners; Rejoice, praise of Orthodoxy and our land of joy.

Rejoice, thou who wast worthy to be in the host of saints; rejoice, partaking of the cathedral of all the Crimean saints.

Rejoice, holy hierarch and confessor Luko, good and merciful doctor.

O great and glorious servant of God, our holy father Luko, accept this praiseworthy singing from us unworthy, brought to you with love by sons! Through your intercession at the Throne of God and your prayers, affirm all of us in the Orthodox faith and good deeds, save us from all troubles, sorrows, illnesses and misfortunes that are found in this life, and deliver us from torment in the future and make us worthy in eternal life together with you and with all the saints sing to our Creator: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1st, and kontakion 1st.

Interlocutor of angels and mentor of men, Luko, the most glorious, like the Evangelist and the Apostle Luce, he is the same name, from God you received the gift of healing human ailments, lifting many labors in healing the diseases of your neighbors, wearing the flesh, you did not care about the flesh, but the good deeds of the Heavenly Father glorified thou. The same gratitude in tenderness we call you:

Rejoice, from youth you subdued your mind to the yoke of Christ; Rejoice, former settlement of the Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, blessedness of the merciful, according to the word of the Lord, inheriting; Rejoice, by the faith of Christ and the knowledge of the God-given healing of many sick people.

Rejoice, merciful physician who suffers bodily ailments; Rejoice, skillful healer in the days of war of leaders and warriors.

Rejoice, mentor of all physicians; Rejoice, quick helper in needs and sorrows.

Rejoice, affirmation of the Orthodox Church; Rejoice, our illumination of the earth.

Rejoice, praise of the Crimean flock; Rejoice, decoration of the city of Simferopol.

Rejoice, holy hierarch and confessor Luko, good and merciful doctor.

The Holy Confessor, Archbishop Luke successfully combined in his person a good shepherd, who heals spiritual ailments, and a physician, who relieves bodily ailments. And now, through sincere prayers to him, he continues to perform numerous healings.

Useful video

Luka (Voyno-Yasenetsky) (1877 - 1961), confessor, archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea, saint.

Memory - March 5, May 29, in the Cathedrals of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, Voronezh, Crimean, Kursk, Rostov-Yaroslavl saints.

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IN to the world Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky, was born on April 27, 1877 in Kerch, in the family of a pharmacist Felix Stanislavovich and his wife Maria Dmitrievna Voino-Yasenetsky. His father was a zealous Catholic, he often went to the church and prayed for a long time at home, but he did not force his family to accept Catholicism. Maria Dmitrievna was Orthodox by birth, although she did not go to church, she prayed at home. According to the laws of the Russian Empire, children in such families had to be brought up in the Orthodox faith. Valentine was the third of five children.

His parents soon moved to Kyiv, where in 1896 he simultaneously graduated from the 2nd Kyiv gymnasium at the Kiev Art School. The young man showed artistic talent, and there was also a direction imbued with a religious idea. Valentin went to churches and to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, made many sketches of pilgrims, for which he received an award at an exhibition at the school. He was going to enter the Academy of Arts, but the desire to bring direct benefit to the people made him change his plans.

Valentin Feliksovich studied for a year at the Faculty of Law, then moved to the Medical Faculty of Kyiv University.

He studies brilliantly. “In my third year,” he writes in his Memoirs, “an interesting evolution of my abilities took place: the ability to draw very subtly and love for form turned into a love for anatomy ...”

In 1903 he graduated from the university with honors. Despite the persuasion of his friends to take up science, he announced his desire to be a "peasant", zemstvo doctor all his life, to help poor people.

In January 1904, during the war with Japan, he was sent with the Red Cross hospital to the Far East and worked in Chita as the head of the surgical department of the hospital. Here Valentin Feliksovich met the sister of mercy Anna Lanskoy, whom the wounded called "holy sister" and married her.

Valentin Feliksovich Voyno-Yasenetsky, circa 1910

From 1905 to 1917 worked as a zemstvo doctor in hospitals in Simbirsk, Kursk, Saratov and Vladimir provinces and practiced in Moscow clinics. During this time, he performed many operations on the brain, organs of vision, heart, stomach, intestines, biliary tract, kidneys, spine, joints, etc. and made a lot of new in the technique of operations. In 1908, he came to Moscow and became an external student at the surgical clinic of Professor P. I. Dyakonov.

Surgeon V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky (left) performs an operation in a zemstvo hospital

During the First World War, a religious feeling awakened in him, which had been forgotten by a lot of scientific work, and he began to go to church constantly.

In 1916, he defended his dissertation in Moscow on the topic: "Regional anesthesia", about which his opponent, the famous surgeon Martynov, said: "We are used to the fact that doctoral dissertations are usually written on a given topic, in order to receive higher appointments in the service, and their scientific value is not great. But when I read your book, I got the impression of a bird singing, which cannot but sing, and highly appreciated it. " Received a doctorate in medicine. Warsaw University honored his dissertation with a major Hainitzky Prize.

In 1917, he received the position of chief physician and surgeon of the Tashkent hospital by competition, and he teaches at a medical school, which was later transformed into a medical faculty.

In 1919, his wife died of tuberculosis, leaving four children: Mikhail, Elena, Alexei and Valentin.

Wife of Valentin Feliksovich Anna Vasilievna Voyno-Yasenetskaya (Lanskaya)

Valentin Voyno-Yasenetsky was one of the initiators of the organization of Tashkent University and since 1920 he was elected professor of topographic anatomy and operative surgery of this university. Surgical art, and with it the fame of prof. Voyno-Yasenetsky all increased. In all sorts of complex operations, he sought and was the first to apply methods that later received universal recognition. His former students told wonders about his marvelous surgical technique. Patients came to his outpatient appointments in a continuous stream.

He himself found more and more consolation in faith. He attended the local Orthodox religious society, studied theology, became closer to the clergy, took part in church affairs. As he himself said, once he spoke at a diocesan congress "on one very important issue with a great heated speech." After the congress, Bishop Innokenty (Pustynsky) of Tashkent told him: "Doctor, you need to be a priest." “I had no thoughts about the priesthood,” Vladyka Luke recalled, “but I accepted the words of His Grace Innocent as God’s call through the lips of a bishop, and without thinking for a minute: “Very well, Vladyka! I will be a priest, if it pleases God!"


7 On February 1921 he was ordained a deacon, on February 15 - a priest and was appointed junior priest of the Tashkent Cathedral, while remaining a professor at the university. In holy dignity, he does not stop operating and lecturing. In October 1922, he actively participated in the first scientific congress of doctors of Turkestan.

The wave of renovationism of 1923 reaches Tashkent as well. Bishop Innokenty (Pustynsky) left the city without handing over the cathedra to anyone. Then Father Valentin, together with Archpriest Mikhail Andreev, took over the administration of the diocese, united all the remaining faithful priests and church elders, and arranged a congress with the permission of the GPU.

In May 1923, he took monastic vows with a name in honor of St. the apostle and evangelist Luke, who, as you know, was not only an apostle, but also a doctor and an artist.

Bishop of Tashkent and Turkestan

12 On May 1923, he was secretly consecrated Bishop of Tashkent and Turkestan in the city of Pendzhekent by Bishop Daniel of Bolkhovsky and Bishop Vasily of Suzdal. The exiled priest Valentin Sventsitsky attended the consecration.

10 June 1923 was arrested as a supporter of Patriarch Tikhon. He was charged with an absurd charge: relations with the Orenburg counter-revolutionary Cossacks and connection with the British. In the prison of the Tashkent GPU, he completed his work, which later became famous, "Essays on Purulent Surgery".

In August he was sent to the Moscow GPU.

In Moscow, Vladyka received permission to live in a private apartment. He served with Patriarch Tikhon the liturgy at the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Kadashi. His Holiness confirmed the right of Bishop Luke of Turkestan to continue to practice surgery.

Bishop in Moscow Luka was arrested again and placed in Butyrskaya and then in Taganskaya prison, where he suffered a severe flu. By December, the East Siberian stage was formed, and Bishop Luka, together with Archpriest Mikhail Andreev, were sent into exile on the Yenisei. The path lay through Tyumen, Omsk, Novonikolaevsk (now Novosibirsk), Krasnoyarsk. The prisoners were transported in Stolypin wagons, and the last part of the journey to Yeniseisk - 400 kilometers - they had to overcome in the fierce January cold on a sleigh. In Yeniseisk, all the remaining open churches belonged to the "living churchmen", and the bishop served in the apartment. He was allowed to operate. In early 1924, according to a resident of Yeniseisk, Bishop Luka transplanted the kidneys of a dying man from a calf, after which the patient felt better. But officially, the first such operation is considered to be performed by Dr. I. I. Vorony in 1934, transplanting a pig kidney to a woman with uremia.

Second arrest

IN In March 1924, he was again arrested and sent under escort to the Yenisei region, to the village of Khaya on the Chuna River. In June he returned to Yeniseisk, but soon followed by deportation to Turukhansk, where he served, preached and operated.

In January 1925, he was sent to Plakhino, a remote place on the Yenisei beyond the Arctic Circle, and in April he was transferred back to Turukhansk.

All the numerous churches of the city of Yeniseisk, where he lived, as well as the churches of the regional city of Krasnoyarsk, were captured by the renovationists. Bishop Luke, with three priests accompanying him, celebrated the Liturgy in his apartment, in the hall, and even ordained priests there, who came hundreds of miles away to the Orthodox bishop.

Bishop of Tashkent and Turkestan (repeatedly)

25 January 1925 was again appointed to the Tashkent and Turkestan department.

Bishop of Yelets

WITH October 5 to November 11, 1927 - Bishop of Yelets, vicar of the Oryol diocese.

From November 1927 he lived in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, then in the city of Krasnoyarsk, where he served in the local church and worked as a doctor in the city hospital.

Third arrest

6 In May 1930, he was arrested in connection with the death of Ivan Petrovich Mikhailovsky, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine in the Department of Physiology, who shot himself in a deranged state. On May 15, 1931, after a year in prison, a sentence was passed (without trial): exile for three years in Arkhangelsk.

In 1931-1933 he lives in Arkhangelsk, conducts outpatient reception of patients. Vera Mikhailovna Valneva, with whom he lived, treated patients with home-made ointments from the soil - cataplasms. Vladyka was interested in a new method of treatment, and he applied it in a hospital, where he hired Vera Mikhailovna. And in subsequent years, he conducted numerous studies in this area.

In November 1933, Vladyka did not accept the offer of Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky) to take up a vacant episcopal chair. After a short stay in the Crimea, Vladyka returned to Arkhangelsk, where he received patients, but did not operate.

In the spring of 1934 he visits Tashkent, then moves to Andijan, operates, gives lectures. Here he falls ill with papatachi fever, which threatens with loss of vision, after an unsuccessful operation, he goes blind in one eye. He performs church services and directs the department of the Tashkent Institute of Emergency Care.

In the same year, finally, it was possible to publish Essays on Purulent Surgery. "Perhaps there is no other such book, - wrote the candidate of medical sciences V.A. Polyakov, - which would be written with such literary skill, with such knowledge of the surgical business, with such love for the suffering person."

Fourth arrest

Bishop Luke. Tashkent, NKVD prison. 193 7

13 December 1937 - a new arrest. In prison, Vladyka is interrogated on a conveyor belt (13 days without sleep), with a demand to sign protocols. He declares a hunger strike (18 days), does not sign protocols. A new deportation to Siberia follows.

Bishop Luke. Tashkent, NKVD prison. 1939

From 1937 to 1941 he lived in the village of Bolshaya Murta, Krasnoyarsk region. The Great Patriotic War began. In September 1941, Vladyka was taken to Krasnoyarsk to work at the local evacuation center - a health care facility from dozens of hospitals designed to treat the wounded.

Archbishop of Krasnoyarsk

B was elevated to the rank of archbishop.

At the end of 1943 he moved to Tambov. Although his eyesight began to noticeably deteriorate, he is actively working in evacuation hospitals, makes presentations, lectures for doctors, teaches them both in word and deed.

Tambov Archbishop

IN In January 1944 he was appointed Archbishop of Tambov and Michurinsky. He continues medical work: 150 hospitals are under his care.

By the time of the stay of archp. Luke in Tambov includes a page of memoirs about him V.A. Polyakov. He's writing:

“One Sunday in 1944, I was summoned to Tambov for a meeting of chiefs and chief surgeons of hospitals in the Voronezh military district. At that time I was the leading surgeon of a 700-bed hospital in Kotovsk.

A lot of people came to the meeting. Everyone sat down in their places and the chairperson had already risen at the presidium table to announce the title of the report.

But, suddenly, both doors opened wide, and a man of huge growth in glasses entered the hall. His gray hair fell down to his shoulders. A light, transparent, white lacy beard rested on his chest. The lips under the mustache were tightly compressed. Large white hands fingered a matte black rosary.

The man slowly entered the hall and sat down in the front row. The chairman asked him to take a seat on the presidium. He went up to the stage and sat down in the chair offered to him.

It was Professor Valentin Feliksovich Voyno-Yasenetsky.

At the end of 1943, the second edition of Essays on Purulent Surgery was published, revised and almost doubled, and in 1944, the book Late Resections of Infected Gunshot Wounds of the Joints was published.

There is evidence that he was a member of the Academy of Medical Sciences. However, there is no information about this in official biographies.

In addition to writings on medical topics, Archbishop. Luke compiled many sermons and articles of spiritual, moral and patriotic content.

In 1945-1947. he worked on a large theological work - "Spirit, soul and body" - in which he developed the question of the soul and spirit of man, as well as the teaching of Holy Scripture about the heart as an organ of knowledge of God. He devoted a lot of time to strengthening parish life. In 1945, he expressed the idea of ​​the need to elect a patriarch by lot.

In 1945-1947 he completed work on the essay "Spirit, Soul and Body", begun in the early 1920s.

Archbishop Luke surrounded by flock

Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea

IN In May 1946 he was appointed Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea.

In Simferopol, he published three new medical papers, but his eyesight was getting worse. His left eye had not seen the light for a long time, and at that time a cataract, complicated by glaucoma, began to ripen on his right.

In 1958, Archbishop Luke became completely blind. However, as Archpriest Yevgeny Vorshevsky recalls, even such an illness did not prevent Vladyka from performing divine services. Archbishop Luke entered the church without outside help, kissed the icons, recited the liturgical prayers and the Gospel by heart, anointed with oil, delivered heartfelt sermons. The blinded archpastor also continued to govern the Simferopol diocese for three years and occasionally receive patients, astounding local doctors with unmistakable diagnoses. He left practical medical activity in 1946, but continued to help patients with advice. He ruled the diocese to the very end with the help of proxies. In the last years of his life, he only listened to what was read to him and dictated his works and letters.

The funeral of Archbishop Luke, Simferopol, 1961

The most contradictory opinions were given about the character of Archbishop Luke. They talked about his calmness, modesty and kindness, and at the same time, about his arrogance, imbalance, arrogance, painful pride. One might think that a person who lived such a long and difficult life, filled to the limit with the most diverse impressions, could manifest himself in different ways. It is quite possible that his great authority in the field of surgery, the habit of unconditional obedience to those around him, especially during operations, created in him intolerance for other people's opinions even in those cases when his authority was not at all indisputable. Such intolerance and imperiousness could be very difficult for others. In a word, he was a man with the inevitable shortcomings of any person, but at the same time a staunch and deeply religious person. It was enough to see how penetratingly, with tears, he performed the Liturgy to be convinced of this.

Having taken up theological sciences already at the age of more than forty, Archbishop. Luke, of course, could not achieve such perfection in this area as in medicine; or what some other hierarchs have achieved, having dedicated their whole lives only to theology. He makes mistakes, sometimes quite serious ones. In his main theological work "Spirit, Soul and Body" there are very controversial opinions, and the article "On the sending of disciples by John the Baptist to the Lord Jesus Christ with the question of whether He is the Messiah" was generally banned and was not printed. On the other hand, his sermons, to which Vladyka attached exceptional importance, considering them an integral part of divine services, are distinguished by simplicity, sincerity, immediacy and originality.


IN In November 1995, by the Decree of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Luka was canonized as a locally venerated saint. And on March 20, 1996, in Simferopol, the relics of St. Luke were transferred from the cemetery near the Church of All Saints in a procession to the Holy Trinity Cathedral. From now on, every morning, at 7 o'clock, in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Cathedral of Simferopol, an akathist is performed to the Saint at his shrine.

July 2, 1997 in Simferopol, the city where the saint lived in 1946-1961. a monument was unveiled to him.

In August 2000, at the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, he was canonized for general church veneration.

Many cases of healing after a prayer appeal to St. Luke are documented. In 2001, a silver shrine for his relics was brought from Greece - the Greeks honor the Crimean saint, many people were healed there through prayers to him. At present, in Ukraine, Russia, Greece, many churches in the name of St. Luke have been opened.

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Tone 1

IN Announcer of the path of salvation, confessor and archpastor of the Crimean land, true guardian of fatherly traditions, unshakable pillar, mentor of Orthodoxy, God-wise doctor, St.


Tone 1

I the skin is an all-bright star, shining with virtues, you were a saint, you created a soul equal to an angel, for this sake of holiness he is honored by dignity, in exile from the godless he suffered a lot and remained unshakable by faith, healed many with medical wisdom. The same now, glorify your honest body from the bowels of the earth, wonderfully found, the Lord, and let all the faithful cry out to you: Rejoice, Father, St. Luko, praise and affirmation of the Crimean land.


ABOUT all-blessed confessor, our holy hierarch Luko, the great saint of Christ! With tenderness, bow down the knees of our hearts, and falling to the race of your honest and multi-healing relics, like a child of the father, we prayed with all your heart: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and philanthropic God, to whom you are now in the joy of the saints and with the faces of an angel stand. We believe more, because you love us with the same love that you loved all your neighbors while on earth. Ask Christ our God to confirm in your holy Orthodox Church the spirit of right faith and piety: let her shepherds be given holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: observe the right of the believer, strengthen the weak and weak in faith, instruct the ignorant, oppose denunciation. Give us all a gift that is useful to everyone, and all the same for temporary life and for eternal salvation useful. Our cities are affirmation, the land is fruitful, deliverance from prosperity and destruction. Consolation to those who are ill, healing to those who have lost their way on the path of truth, a return, a parent's blessing, a child in the Lord's passion, upbringing and teaching, help and intercession to the orphans and the poor. Grant us all your archpastoral and holy blessing, so that by your overshadowing we will get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and discord, heresies and schisms. Grant us God-pleasing to pass the field of temporary life, guide us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous, deliver us from air ordeals and pray for us the almighty God, but in eternal life with you we unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, He deserves all glory, honor and holding two forever and ever. Amen.