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What to do if it hurts to move your eyes. Why does the eyeball hurt when moving? Additional factors influencing the manifestation of the disease

Probably every person has no, no, and there is a feeling that the eyeball or head hurts. This pain can be different: aching, shooting, drilling or as if moving. Since such attacks happen to us quite rarely, then, naturally, we have reasonable questions: why is this happening and what should we do? And pain in the eyeball can occur for the following reasons...

The eye is one of the most sensitive organs of our body, since it contains both the endings of nerve fibers and pain receptors. They help protect it from the effects of environmental factors: dust, wind, foreign bodies, etc.

But you can’t protect against everything in the world, and that’s why pain in the eyeball appears from time to time. There can be a variety of reasons for this, for example:

  1. Fatigue.
  2. Stress.
  3. Visual fatigue.

Often, when you move your eyeballs, your head hurts. Pain may occur due to overwork of the eye muscles. This may be a consequence of prolonged focusing of the gaze in one plane (for example, when sitting for a long time at a computer or TV), or wearing incorrectly selected vision correction devices - lenses or glasses. A sign of this is usually a dull pain in the eyes.

If not only the eyeball and head hurt, but also redness of the white part or conjunctiva appears, then these may be symptoms of infectious inflammation. They may also be accompanied by paroxysmal pain when moving the eyeballs, localized in their posterior region.

Some more causes of pain

Often, pain in the eyeball is provoked by overstrain of the facial muscles - due to a headache. If it occurs when the eyeballs move, accompanied by nausea, vomiting or glare around light sources, then this may indicate glaucoma. It develops due to increased intraocular pressure, and without treatment leads to irreversible blindness.

Also, such signs, especially if they are accompanied by pressing pain and the feeling of a foreign body in the eye, may indicate an acute attack of glaucoma. What should be done in such cases? Seek medical help immediately!

Pain in the eyeball can also occur as a result of infectious diseases accompanied by high fever (flu, acute respiratory infections, ARVI). Another cause may be herpes zoster - shingles. When it affects the eyes, it not only causes severe pain in the eyes, but can also lead to blindness.

What else can cause pain?

There are also causes of pain in the eyes, such as:

  1. Eye injury. If the conjunctiva is damaged, blood may accumulate in the eye and a foreign body may become embedded in it. This is usually visible to the naked eye. Cuts, punctures and burns to the eyes are very serious, since even small wounds can not only hurt when the apples move, but also become serious complications. The following are susceptible to injury: the head and all membranes of the eye, including the retina. As a result of blows or contusion of the eye, its detachment may begin, and this is the first step to blindness.
  2. Development of infection. It often develops due to the penetration of bacteria and viruses from within the body. For example, when a person suffers from a urogenital infection, chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, herpes or caries. Sometimes determining the true culprit of inflammation does not give results, since it is supported by the body’s own due to autoimmune diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, etc. The most unfavorable among them is uveitis, since it is prone to relapses and requires long-term treatment.
  3. Impaired nutrition of eye tissue. In such cases, pain in the eyeball occurs due to insufficient blood supply (ischemia). This condition is determined by ultrasound and treated together with a cardiologist.
  4. Dry eye syndrome. Today, this is a common problem among children and adults, provoked by excessive work at the computer, in rooms with air conditioning or fluorescent lighting. What to do? See a doctor or use moisturizing drops.

Sometimes the eyeball hurts due to inflammation of the branches of the trigeminal nerve due to hypothermia or a viral infection.

Pain in the eyes appeared after an injury to the eyes or a foreign body, did they last more than 2 days, intensified when the eyeballs moved and were accompanied by problems with vision or general malaise (nausea, vomiting, headache, etc.)? All these are reasons to seek medical help from an ophthalmologist or therapist.

Video about the causes of eye pain:

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Headache when moving your eyes is an unpleasant sensation that many have experienced. It often causes fatigue and does not lead to serious consequences if you give your eyes rest. In some cases, pain in the head when turning the eyes is caused by dangerous pathologies. Let's find out which ones exactly.

If headaches that occur when moving the eyeballs go away after the eyes rest, then there is no serious cause for concern. You need to properly organize your work process, do eye exercises and, if necessary, use special ones. These measures will not help with pathological processes. You need to see a doctor.

Pathological causes of headaches when moving the eyes

They can be caused by both eye diseases and pathologies of other organs and systems of the body. Among the ophthalmological reasons:

  • Glaucoma. This is a disease associated with increased intraocular pressure. One of the symptoms of glaucoma is pain in the head and eyes, when the intraocular fluid begins to put strong pressure on the organs of vision. The disease is accompanied by vomiting, photophobia, and decreased vision.
  • Hordeolum, known as barley. This is inflammation of the eyelid gland. The headache is localized on the injured side.
  • Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. There are various forms of this pathology. One of them is viral. When it occurs, the head hurts when turning the eyes, the sclera turns red, and there is a feeling of sand in the eyes.
  • Refractive errors (astigmatism, myopia and farsightedness) and incorrectly selected correction tools.

  • Ophthalmic migraine. The disease affects one eye and the corresponding part of the head, and vision may be lost for several seconds or even hours. Pain in the head intensifies when turning the eyes to the sides and moving them upward.
  • Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids, accompanied by a painful condition of the head.
  • Diseases of the optic nerve, the common symptoms of which are throbbing eye pain and headache.
  • Myositis is inflammation of the extraocular muscles.
  • Mechanical injuries of the visual apparatus.

Other Causes of Headaches During Eye Movements

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases (flu, colds, meningitis);
  • sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, which causes nasal congestion and compression of the eye muscles;
  • allergic reactions leading to swelling;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • brain tumors.

You will not be able to establish one of these diagnoses on your own. However, if you have several symptoms of one of them, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor. Most diseases require long-term treatment. If it is not started on time, complications and serious consequences can occur, including blindness.

Date: 04/18/2016

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It can be painful for a person to move his eyes for many reasons that have completely different natures. However, any of them requires careful consideration and elimination as soon as possible. Otherwise, even a minor illness can significantly affect your vision.

Why does eye pain occur?

Eye pain, like other diseases, can act as an independent disease or become a consequence of another illness. Among the most common reasons are:

  1. Overwork. The reasons for this lie mainly in long-term work with small objects, as well as daily tedious work at a computer monitor. The pain can be especially severe in rooms with incorrectly adjusted lighting. In particular, this applies to teenagers who like to read in the semi-darkness, causing serious harm to their own health.
  2. Incorrectly selected glasses or lenses. Vision correction using optics causes virtually no discomfort and has no contraindications. However, if the glasses are chosen incorrectly, the eyes will quickly get tired, which will subsequently lead to a constant feeling of pain.
  3. Mechanical damage. Sharp pain can also be caused by the presence of a foreign object in the eye, such as a speck of dust, an insect or a splinter of wood. Most of these items are easy to see and fairly easy to remove. Small specks of dust are almost impossible to see with the naked eye. All that indicates their presence is pain, which occurs especially strongly when the pupil moves from side to side.
  4. Inflammatory processes. Most eye inflammations are a consequence of infections entering the body from outside. It can all start with slight redness of the eyeball, as well as clear mucous discharge. Over time, without drug intervention, all symptoms will worsen and it may even become painful for the patient to turn his eyes.
  5. Glaucoma. At the initial stage of development of the disease, a person experiences virtually no discomfort. However, as pressure increases, pain also manifests itself. In particular, it occurs when trying to rotate the eyes or turn them from side to side. This symptom requires immediate medical intervention, because it is fraught with vision loss.

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How is eye pain treated?

If raising your eyes and rotating them in different directions becomes more painful day by day, doctors recommend seeking help from a specialist who will prescribe effective treatment.

At the same time, folk methods will also help protect your eyes and relieve them from the primary signs of fatigue and inflammation. Among them is a medicinal tincture based on mint, which can quickly relieve fatigue and swelling from the eyes. Preparing this product is quite simple: honey, water and mint ground into powder are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. The product must be infused for 24 hours, and only then dripped into the eyes twice a day - morning and evening. The use of such a tincture has virtually no contraindications and can even be recommended as an auxiliary drug during the main treatment.

Those who find it painful to move their eyes are advised to pay attention to the healing properties of chamomile, which has also found its use in ophthalmology. It is used to prepare solutions for washing the eyes, which is especially important during periods of exacerbation of conjunctivitis. For these purposes, take 2 tbsp. spoons of dry chamomile and pour in 200 ml of hot water. It is strictly not recommended to use boiling water for these purposes, as it neutralizes the healing properties of chamomile. You can use this solution throughout the day as needed. Chamomile, in addition to its disinfecting effect, also helps restore vision.

Well-known lotions made from infused tea can also help you look up and down painlessly.

To do this, the tea leaves are poured with boiling water, cooled and infused throughout the day. What is noteworthy is that such lotions can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent, as well as for cosmetic purposes: they remove redness of the eyes and minor swelling.

These eye treatment methods are considered the most common, however, not the only ones! To improve the quality of vision and eliminate pain, linden blossom, parsley and dill seeds are perfect. However, before choosing any option you like, you should think about whether this will lead to the development of negative consequences and whether it will aggravate the situation. And only a doctor, with whom you should definitely consult, can dispel all doubts in this matter.

Sometimes a person notices that it hurts to move his eyes. This symptom may appear irregularly and is often caused by eye fatigue and general fatigue. However, the cause may also be a serious illness that needs to be treated promptly. Let's find out what diseases cause it to be painful to raise your eyes up.

Why can your eyes hurt?

Painful sensations when lifting the eyeballs can be due to various diseases, not necessarily ophthalmological. So, pain when moving the eyes upward can be a symptom of:

  • colds;
  • migraine;
  • myositis (disease of skeletal muscles);
  • blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids);
  • glaucoma;
  • damage to the oculomotor nerve and disturbances in its functioning.

Viral diseases of the respiratory system can also affect the condition of the organs, since pathogens of respiratory diseases can spread to the nerve endings of the lungs, eyes and other body systems. This provokes pain when the eyeballs move upward or in different directions.

A common cause of the symptom is partial and short-term atrophy of the eye muscles. This happens to people who spend a lot of time in front of computer monitors and various gadgets. However, this condition passes very quickly. To avoid it, you need to give rest and periodically perform special exercises for the visual organs.

In other cases, that is, with eye diseases and other pathologies, treatment is necessary. If the pain is frequent, you should not ignore this symptom. Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. He will conduct an examination, prescribe therapy or refer you to another specialist.

What do headaches indicate when you look up?

Pain in the head caused by movements of the eyeballs may indicate the presence of an illness such as frontal sinusitis. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the frontal sinus. Only an ENT specialist can diagnose frontal sinusitis. Other reasons:

  • flu;
  • stroke;
  • inflammation of the carotid artery (Horton's disease);
  • hypertension;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • tumors in the brain;
  • trigeminal neuralgia (common pathology of the peripheral nervous system).

In addition, headaches can be a symptom of a refractive error such as nearsightedness (myopia). Also, the cause is often incorrectly selected means of its correction.

If the pain gradually increases, it becomes difficult to endure, if it is frequent and does not go away for a long time, you need to go to the doctor. Taking any medications on your own is dangerous. Complications may arise. Prevention will include timely treatment of any diseases, including ophthalmological ones, gymnastics for, limiting the use of electronic devices, proper daily routine and organization of the workspace.

But .

Most often this a clear sign fatigue and eye fatigue

Keep in mind! Common causes of pain when raising the eyes are:

  • blepharitis;
  • colds;
  • glaucoma;
  • migraine;
  • myositis;
  • swelling

Another one

Know! Sometimes pain of this nature is associated with non-ophthalmological causes - intoxication, hypothyroidism, accompanied by swelling and allergies.

Other reasons

  • flu;
  • stroke;
  • myopia;
  • trigeminal neuralgia.

For your information! If discomfort occurs not only when looking up, but also to the sides, its origin can be determined based on the nature of the pain syndrome.

increase in body temperature.

In such cases

Remember! If the pain increases gradually and does not go away within a week or longer, it makes sense to be examined for the development of glaucoma.

Generally treatment .

During the examination, the specialist will be able to assess the condition of muscle tissue (including through ultrasound of the organs of vision) and prescribe appropriate drug therapy or health-improving exercises.

Prevention such pain

Useful video

Even minor pain in the eyes can be an indicator of some kind of disorder, and in such cases you should not hope that the syndrome will go away on its own. The sooner you undergo the examination, the sooner you can begin treatment and make do with “small sacrifices” without leading to the development of irreversible pathological processes.

The situation when a person has a headache, and the eyes are a source of additional discomfort, is not uncommon. You should not ignore the condition or immediately begin self-therapy. It is better to assess the full picture of the situation and seek advice from a specialist. An experienced doctor, based on one clinical picture, may suspect why attacks of headache and pain around the eyes appear simultaneously. In most cases, anxiety symptoms can be easily relieved with simple manipulations.

Types of headaches

Physiological and pathological conditions that are accompanied by pain in the head and eyes often have additional specific symptoms. Some patients constantly have pain in a certain part of the skull, for others it is difficult to determine the localization of the symptom, for others it is difficult to even move their eyeballs. The type of sensations, frequency and time of their occurrence, duration - all this helps the doctor when making a diagnosis. Systematic or prolonged attacks of eye pain and headache are usually accompanied by a number of striking clinical manifestations. Some of them affect the human psyche or lead to a decrease in the quality of his life.

Why does my head hurt and put pressure on my eyes?

Doctors give an impressive list of reasons. In most cases, timely initiation of treatment allows you to quickly and completely get rid of the unpleasant syndrome.

The main thing is not to delay going to the doctor, not to try to solve the problem with the help of painkillers and not to get carried away with traditional medicine without the permission of a specialist.


Often, a mild headache pressing on the eyes turns out to be the cause of eye fatigue due to prolonged eye strain or working at the computer. It doesn't bother you so much as it distracts you from your usual activities.

In this case, blurred vision and decreased visual acuity are observed, pain is localized in the temples and back of the head. Red eyes appear dry or, on the contrary, become very watery. If you ignore the condition, it will be accompanied by general weakness, weakness, dizziness and nausea.


The symptom occurs in one half of the head, often in the temporal region. The headache constantly hurts and radiates to the eye or bridge of the nose, sometimes a shooting type of symptom. The disease is characterized by pulsating sensations, which are accompanied by a decrease in the quality of vision and “spots”. When moving the head and eyes, under the influence of light or strong odors, the pain intensifies. The attack lasts from 3-4 to 72 hours and may not respond to analgesics and antispasmodics.

Tension headache

Physical and intellectual overload cause spasm of blood vessels in the brain, neck, shoulders and face. Soreness is noted in all of these areas, accompanied by a pressing sensation on the eyes. Prolonged physical or nervous tension is fraught with exacerbation of the clinical picture, the development of stagnation in the tissues and the transition of the condition to a chronic form.

Hypertonic disease

If a headache is accompanied not just by pain in the eyes, but by a bursting sensation, this indicates an increase in blood pressure. The condition is extremely dangerous, as it can cause a stroke.

With hypertension, the pressure on the eyes becomes unbearable. They seem to literally jump out of their orbits. Rest does not bring the desired relief. Hypotension is also accompanied by pain in the head, but at the same time the person’s eyes darken, and the eyelids become very heavy and one wants to cover them.

Increased intracranial pressure

With a rapid rise in the indicator, symptoms appear sharply and intensify with tension. Sometimes it is painful for patients to even move their eyeballs; they have to turn their entire head in the right direction. The sensation is shooting, and headache attacks almost always radiate to the eyes.

Chronic increased (or decreased) intracranial pressure is accompanied by constant dull sensations with shooting in the eyes and nausea. Symptoms worsen at night or in the morning. Even after rest, patients complain of weakness, drowsiness, dizziness and fatigue. After some time, vision problems appear.

Increased intraocular pressure

The main causes of primary pathology: hypertension, colds, diabetes, cataracts and glaucoma. Ignoring headaches and discomfort in the eye area in the last two cases is fraught with blindness. Even if you have a slight bursting sensation, you should not neglect going to the doctor. Heaviness in the eyes and changes in the quality of vision indicate the progression of the disease.

A secondary increase in the indicator is typical for injuries, inflammatory diseases, and tumors. It usually acts as an additional symptom, but may be the only manifestation of the pathology. If it is painful to move your eyes and this symptom does not go away with rest, you should check your intraocular pressure and optic nerve.

Inflammatory diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses

In some cases, lacrimation and discomfort in the eyes due to headaches complement the picture of allergic or infectious rhinitis. The symptoms are mild and disappear as the general condition improves. Sinusitis, ethmoiditis and frontal sinusitis - inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses - are accompanied by severe pain in the head, especially in the forehead. They intensify when changing body position; it is unpleasant for the patient to raise his eyes upward. Ignoring illnesses can provoke meningitis or encephalitis, and these conditions threaten human health and life.

Diseases of the eyes and paraorbital region

The appearance of pain in the head against the background of ophthalmological problems indicates the neglect of the case. Typically, such diseases begin to manifest themselves before their negative impact spreads to the central nervous system. Regular visits to the ophthalmologist for preventive purposes will reduce such risks to a minimum.

If the eyeball and head hurt, the reasons may be:

  • glaucoma - due to increased intraocular pressure, headaches appear, vision decreases, and the pupil dilates. There is swelling of the eyelids and redness of the mucous membrane. The patient is uncomfortable looking at the light. In the later stages, the clinical picture is supplemented by dizziness, nausea, and vomiting;
  • spasm of accommodation (false myopia) – pathological contraction of the eye muscle leads to decreased vision and eye fatigue. This is accompanied by headaches in the temples and frontal lobe, lacrimation and redness of the mucous membrane. A person complains of pain in the eyes and severe discomfort, which is difficult to relieve with improvised means;
  • thrombosis of the eye - blocking a vessel with a blood clot leads to impaired blood circulation in the tissues. In the initial stages of the pathology, the patient experiences vision problems in the form of “blind” spots or a veil. Pain in the eye appears when blinking, and headaches are the result of tissue malnutrition and necrosis.

Of particular danger is an ignored or incompletely treated injury to the eyeball. If a person’s vision decreases, one eye twitches, or suffers from constant headaches or attacks, this may indicate a violation of the innervation or blood supply to certain parts of the visual apparatus. Head injuries, especially the occipital part, can lead to the same consequences.

Brain diseases

Organic tissue damage, inflammation, infection and poor circulation in the brain lead to a number of symptoms. Headaches and discomfort in the eyes are not the most informative signs against their background, but they still help to suspect certain diagnoses.

The combination of two symptoms is characteristic of such diseases:

  • intracranial hematoma: the cause of the pathology in most cases is traumatic brain injury. The headache is constant and long, up to 5-7 days in a row. Painful sensations in the eyes may be accompanied by dizziness, a feeling of fullness inside the skull;
  • inflammation of the meninges - arachnoiditis, pachymeningitis, leptomeningitis - pain is prolonged and painful, almost does not respond to medication. When moving, my head starts to hurt even more. It puts pressure on my eyes from the inside, I don’t want to open them.
  • brain sarcoma – accompanied by local or general headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, weakness.

If a person has red eyes and a severe headache, do not attribute it to a cold or other “non-dangerous” illness. It is better to consult a doctor immediately and rule out brain damage. With these diseases, time is of the essence and early treatment can save lives.

Vascular lesions

Ischemic tissue damage or cerebral hemorrhage can cause the patient’s death or disability. The sooner the diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the lower the likelihood of negative irreversible consequences.

The most common cause of a combination of symptoms is:

  • Aneurysm is a lingering, pulsating pain. It is usually concentrated in the frontal part of the head and radiates into the eyes. Intensifies with movement or rotation of the eyeballs;
  • stroke - headache extends to the eyes and is often accompanied by blurred vision. This is accompanied by paralysis of the facial muscles on one half of the face;
  • temporal arteritis – the patient’s temperature rises, nausea and weakness appear. The pain is one-sided, in the temple area, radiating to the eyes, forehead, crown. The sensation is aching or pulsating, intensified by chewing.

An unpleasant condition may have other reasons. Sometimes the problem lies in the incorrect selection of glasses or contact lenses, an allergic reaction, a purulent or inflammatory process in the head (carious teeth, gum disease). A characteristic syndrome provokes osteochondrosis - with a headache in the back of the head.

What to do if your eyes and head hurt

If unpleasant symptoms occur, you should contact specialists for help. It is recommended to start with a visit to your local physician. Depending on the characteristics of the clinical picture, he will refer you to a neurologist, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist, or prescribe diagnostic tests. You should not try to get rid of the disease on your own. Analgesics, NSAIDs, antispasmodics and other tablets help relieve a painful attack, but do not always act on the cause of the condition.

Eye exercises

According to statistics, the most common cause of headaches and pressure on the eyeballs is eye fatigue. Often it is enough to give the visual organs a rest or use artificial tears to get rid of the discomfort.

A head massage and eye exercises provide a therapeutic effect. The latter are represented by a whole group of manipulations. It includes rotational movements of the eyeballs, frequent blinking of the eyelids, and fixation of the gaze on a certain point in the distance. Every 45 minutes you should take a break from work and give your eyes a rest.


Non-traditional methods of combating symptoms include the use of eye compresses, physiotherapeutic approaches, and the use of medicinal drinks. If there are no contraindications such as inflammation and fever, you should take a warm bath. When the nature of the pain is dull and weak, and not pronounced and paroxysmal, you can drink a cup of warm milk with honey or chamomile tea. This will dilate the blood vessels, relax and calm you down. To enhance the effect of therapy, apply chilled green tea compresses to the eyes.

Systematic headache, which is accompanied by discomfort in the eyes, is an alarming symptom. If the cause of the phenomenon is not eliminated, the situation will worsen. After some time, the usual methods of alleviating the condition will no longer bring results. Ignoring the problem will lead to a decrease in the functionality of the organs of vision and brain, which can lead to disability and even death.

Why does the forehead area hurt?

Most often, pain in the forehead occurs due to fatigue and mental stress. It can extend to the temples and back of the head, and spread to both eyes. Often, pain in the forehead can be combined with nausea, dizziness and loss of coordination. There is only one way out of this situation - to avoid overwork and mental stress, and when they occur, you must try to relax and rest.

Common Causes of Forehead Pain

A very common cause of pain in the forehead is sinusitis. In the presence of such a disease, patients note discomfort and tension in the affected sinus, which are accompanied by deterioration in breathing. In addition, lacrimation, photophobia and nasal discharge may occur. Sometimes the pain may not have a specific location and may be accompanied by chills and weakness throughout the body. In this case, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to avoid complications.

Increased intracranial pressure can cause pain in the forehead. It can be characterized by varying degrees of intensity. In most cases, such pain appears in the late afternoon, as well as when the weather changes. Here you also need to consult a doctor so that he can conduct an examination and prescribe the appropriate medicine.

Pain in the forehead quite often occurs with a disease such as frontal sinusitis. It usually appears in the morning and is accompanied by nasal discharge. If the disease becomes serious, a person may experience a change in skin tone, swelling in the forehead, fatigue and fever. You should not self-medicate, as it will only worsen the condition.

Rare causes of forehead pain

Acute meningitis in some cases leads to pain in the forehead. It is also accompanied by nausea and vomiting. With this disease, it is painful for a person to move his eyes and look at the light. Another disease that has similar symptoms is typhus. In any of these cases, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

The infection may cause pain in the forehead area. If it is present, a person experiences a high fever, severe fatigue and chills. In addition, it can appear with dengue fever and malaria. Various food additives can also cause pain: monosodium glucamate, niramine, nitrates, histamine and others.

Headache and painful to move eyes

I've had a headache for a week now and it hurts to move my eyes in different directions. It all started with a runny nose and I think that this is the reason for this condition. I read on the Internet that this is how sinusitis can manifest itself. Tell me, what other distinctive features are there and why might this still be the case? Should I make an appointment with a therapist or ENT specialist? There may be some treatment at home. I can add that now I have a persistent runny nose, which consists of nasal congestion and the discharge of thick green snot. Moreover, there is an interesting pattern: at first my head breaks open, it presses, then I sneeze for a minute, then a bunch of snot comes out, I wash my nose and the headache goes away. I take my temperature every day - it’s always 2-3 degrees lower than normal. Two days ago I went to the emergency room at night because I couldn’t sleep from this severe headache. They took my blood pressure and said that 115 over 70 is normal for my age. They also told me to go see a doctor. And they didn’t tell me which specialist to make an appointment with.

Hello. In the case where you have a headache and it is painful to move your eyes under conditions of nasal congestion, you can really suspect inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. It could be sinusitis or frontal sinusitis. The location and degree of inflammation can only be determined using a plain X-ray. Also, during rhinoscopy, the otolaryngologist will be able to see indirect signs that the anastomosis of the paranasal sinuses is swollen and hyperemic. Therefore, you need to see an otolaryngologist. The therapist will not be able to perform a rhinoscopy, but may give a referral for an x-ray and bacterial culture of a nasal smear. This analysis will help identify the pathogen and prescribe the correct treatment with antibiotics. Before contacting a specialist, you can use the following treatment. Take the antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab 500 mg orally 3 times a day. Take 1 tablet of Suprastin at night. Acetylsalicylic acid 1 tablet 2 times a day. Apply 2 drops of Nasonex into the nose 3 times a day. After 10 minutes - “Rinofluimucil”, 3 drops in each nostril. This will help relieve congestion and mucus. For local antibacterial effects, I recommend using Polydex or Isofra. This treatment should be used for 7 days in a row. Then, for 2 weeks, drip “IRS-19” 3 times a day and take “Polyoxidonium” 2 tablets 2 times a day.

Why can it hurt to look with your eyes?

There are often moments when, as they say, our eyes begin to let us down. Why does this happen, how does it manifest itself, and most importantly, how to get rid of unpleasant symptoms? Let's consider the current situations and come to the correct method of action before visiting a doctor.

So, your eyes started to hurt, why, when and how? These are the three most basic questions, by answering which you can roughly understand your illness and take immediate action.

Nature of pain

You can often hear: it hurts to look with your eyes. This is where it will be important to find out how much it hurts? That is, in what place and under what conditions? Does it hurt to turn your eyes or does it only hurt to lift your eyes up? Let's look at the different types and degrees of pain, as well as what causes certain symptoms.

  1. Muscle pain when moving the eyeball. This usually occurs due to unstable eye or blood pressure. It can also occur at elevated temperatures. This happens due to the fact that muscle tone sharply decreases and the eyes receive a double load. Usually, at very high temperatures, pain in the eyes and head are common complaints. Particularly painful sensations occur when rotating the eyes and concentrating on one point.

To treat this type of pain, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that causes high blood pressure or high temperature. After all, one, and the other, and the third are symptoms, not diseases.

  1. Tissue pain. Cutting, inflammatory pain in the soft tissues and mucous membranes of the eye. These pains occur when the thin mucous membrane is irritated. Usually the causative agent can be an infection or an allergen. But the difference in this pain is the lack of synchronicity. That is, if in case of internal diseases that give a reaction to the eyes, the eyes hurt equally, then, in the case of local inflammation, it is exclusively the affected organ.

Inflammatory processes can occur in any part of the eye. Usually this is connective tissue - the conjunctiva. She is the most sensitive and the first to react to stimuli. These can be various bacteria, resulting in infectious conjunctivitis or allergens (allergic, respectively).

In this case, it is possible to relieve unpleasant symptoms if the cause of the disease is eliminated. For this purpose, antibacterial drugs are prescribed that act on the microorganism, destroying it. Most often, bacterial infections appear when there is a decline in immunity. This may be accompanied by a viral infection (for example, influenza) or the postoperative period. The same applies to allergic reactions, especially chronic forms, when the body’s ability to resist weakens.

Causes of pain

We have reviewed some of them. But there are also a number of diseases that occur frequently and give painful sensations when looking at them. One of these is dry eye syndrome.

In order to understand the reason, a short preface. The human eye is an organ that must constantly remain in a humid environment. Therefore, the lacrimal glands are located here, and when blinking, the apple is, as it were, washed for further normal functioning. When there is not enough fluid, when the glands do not produce the required amount of water, then the mucous tissues dry out, the eye hurts and it hurts to blink.

Why does the syndrome occur?

The main reason is high loads. Usually people whose activities directly depend on visual work can observe unpleasant manifestations. For example, planners, designers, constructors and others.

Prevention and treatment

The main principle in treating dry eye syndrome is to moisturize. Therefore, it is necessary to use special drops, vitamins, and do preventive exercises. If possible, wash your face more often with clean water. It is also very important to monitor the air in the room. A big problem in many offices is dry air. The operation of air conditioners, heaters, in combination with materials of non-natural origin, which absorb moisture well, gives this effect.

Therefore, being in such a room, especially when working with paper and toners, for example, for printers, the air will be even drier. It is necessary to moisturize it too. A household humidifier is suitable for this. It operates silently and will maintain humidity at the desired level. Frequent fluid intake is also recommended.

Vitamins for the eyes are essential nutrition for strengthening tissues, so their use is encouraged in any case. But here you need to be careful and consult an ophthalmologist.

In conclusion, if there are no visible reasons why it hurts to move your eyes, you should immediately consult a doctor. Pain may be associated with brain processes. For example, tumors or cysts can put pressure on the visual center and cause symptoms.

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In some diseases, patients do not feel any painful symptoms as long as the organs of vision are in a relatively calm position.

But When you lift your eyes up or squint to the side, pain occurs.

Most often this a clear sign fatigue and eye fatigue, but this may also indicate the development of serious diseases, including those that may not be related to ophthalmology.

Why does it hurt to look up?

  • blepharitis;
  • colds;
  • glaucoma;
  • migraine;
  • myositis;
  • disorders of the oculomotor nerve;
  • swelling, occurring in the eye area due to inflammation in the tissues of the eyeball.

Discomfort in the eyes when looking upward often manifests itself in viral diseases of the respiratory tract.

This is due to the fact that pathogens affect not only the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, but can also spread to nearby nerve endings of the organs of vision.

As a result, pain occurs, which intensifies when looking up or to the sides.

Another one a common cause is partial atrophy of the eye muscles after prolonged work at the computer, when a person’s gaze is focused on a relatively small area for several hours.

But in these cases, the unpleasant sensations are short-term, and with timely rest and performing eye exercises, they do not even arise.

It is extremely rare that this condition occurs against the background of neuritis of the oculomotor nerve, but this is a rare disorder.

Pain in the head when raising the eyes

If you complain of pain in the head that occurs when you raise your eyes up, First of all, you should check for the presence of frontal sinusitis.

This is an inflammation of the frontal sinuses, which can be diagnosed during examination by an ENT specialist.

Other reasons Such symptoms may include:

  • flu;
  • stroke;
  • Horton's disease (inflammation of the carotid artery);
  • increased arterial and intracranial pressure;
  • neoplasms in the brain;
  • myopia;
  • trigeminal neuralgia.

It hurts to look up and to the sides

In cases where pronounced muscle pain is felt when moving the eyeball, the reason lies in an increase or decrease in intraocular pressure.

Pain can also appear when the tone of the eye muscles decreases due to increase in body temperature.

In this case, pain appears not only when looking to the sides and up, but also when trying to concentrate attention on certain points.

If pain is felt in the tissues, it is due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye. This happens when lesions of the mucous membranes of an allergic or infectious nature.

Treatment methods and preventive measures

In approximately 80% of cases, pain occurs when looking up due to overstrain of the visual organs.

In such cases no need to contact specialists if the pain disappears after a couple of days or goes away after doing eye exercises.

In this case, the development of attacks of such a disease is possible (pain in such cases becomes severe and sharp).

Such attacks must be stopped immediately, and for this it is recommended to call an ambulance.

Generally treatment such pain syndrome always depends on the reasons that caused it.

Prevention such pain consists of timely treatment of ophthalmic diseases and limiting computer work.

And if you need to spend more than 5-6 hours a day in front of the monitor, you need to take breaks once an hour and perform simple exercises to tone the eye muscles.

Useful video

This video shows how to quickly relieve eye fatigue:


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Why does it hurt to look up? What could cause the symptom?

In some diseases, patients do not feel any painful symptoms as long as the organs of vision are in a relatively calm position.

But When you lift your eyes up or squint to the side, pain occurs.

Most often this a clear sign fatigue and eye fatigue, but this may also indicate the development of serious diseases, including those that may not be related to ophthalmology.

Why does it hurt to look up?

  • blepharitis;
  • colds;
  • glaucoma;
  • migraine;
  • myositis;
  • disorders of the oculomotor nerve;
  • swelling, occurring in the eye area due to inflammation in the tissues of the eyeball.

Discomfort in the eyes when looking upward often manifests itself in viral diseases of the respiratory tract.

This is due to the fact that pathogens affect not only the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, but can also spread to nearby nerve endings of the organs of vision.

As a result, pain occurs, which intensifies when looking up or to the sides.

Another one a common cause is partial atrophy of the eye muscles after prolonged work at the computer, when a person’s gaze is focused on a relatively small area for several hours.

But in these cases, the unpleasant sensations are short-term, and with timely rest and performing eye exercises, they do not even arise.

It is extremely rare that this condition occurs against the background of neuritis of the oculomotor nerve, but this is a rare disorder.

Pain in the head when raising the eyes

If you complain of pain in the head that occurs when you raise your eyes up, First of all, you should check for the presence of frontal sinusitis.

This is an inflammation of the frontal sinuses, which can be diagnosed during examination by an ENT specialist.

Other reasons Such symptoms may include:

  • flu;
  • stroke;
  • Horton's disease (inflammation of the carotid artery);
  • increased arterial and intracranial pressure;
  • neoplasms in the brain;
  • myopia;
  • trigeminal neuralgia.

It hurts to look up and to the sides

In cases where pronounced muscle pain is felt when moving the eyeball, the reason lies in an increase or decrease in intraocular pressure.

Pain can also appear when the tone of the eye muscles decreases due to increase in body temperature.

In this case, pain appears not only when looking to the sides and up, but also when trying to concentrate attention on certain points.

If pain is felt in the tissues, it is due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye. This happens when lesions of the mucous membranes of an allergic or infectious nature.

Treatment methods and preventive measures

In approximately 80% of cases, pain occurs when looking up due to overstrain of the visual organs.

In such cases no need to contact specialists if the pain disappears after a couple of days or goes away after doing eye exercises.

In this case, the development of attacks of such a disease is possible (pain in such cases becomes severe and sharp).

Such attacks must be stopped immediately, and for this it is recommended to call an ambulance.

Generally treatment such pain syndrome always depends on the reasons that caused it.

Prevention such pain consists of timely treatment of ophthalmic diseases and limiting computer work.

And if you need to spend more than 5-6 hours a day in front of the monitor, you need to take breaks once an hour and perform simple exercises to tone the eye muscles.

Useful video

This video shows how to quickly relieve eye fatigue:


What can and cannot be done if your eyes hurt after welding?

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I really agree with the video. This is how I relieve eye fatigue.

If possible, I also apply cool compresses to the eyes. Or I simply apply cool cotton pads to my eyes for 15 minutes in the evening. Or cold slices of cucumber.

Yes, this all perfectly relieves eye fatigue!

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It hurts to move your eyes: is it worth worrying about?

Why do your eyes hurt when you move them?

When the intraocular muscles become inflamed, it is painful for a person to look up

Doctors identify several reasons why the eye hurts when turning the eye, namely:

  • Colds (ARVI, sinusitis, flu);
  • Migraine (pain radiates to the head and temples);
  • Inflammation and swelling of the soft tissues around the eyes;
  • Pathology of the oculomotor nerve;
  • Myositis or blepharitis;
  • Glaucoma.

You need to immediately make an appointment with an ophthalmologist if, in addition to pain in your eyes when turning them, you feel pain, react negatively to bright light, or feel that your visual acuity has decreased.

Pain in the eyes can occur due to pathology not directly related to the organs of vision.

Pain when moving the eyes as a symptom of a pathology not related to the eyes

Quite often, patients turn to an ophthalmologist for whom it is painful to move their eyes, but as a result of the examination it turns out that the cause of such discomfort is the development of pathology of another organ or system.

The influenza virus leads to intoxication of the body, and, as a result, the patient develops scleritis, myalgia or conjunctivitis.

Eyes may become less mobile after working at a computer for long periods of time

  • Copious mucous discharge from the nose;
  • Pain in the forehead, nasal sinuses, aggravated by palpation;
  • Labored breathing;
  • General weakness, fever.

If you have these additional symptoms in addition to pain when turning your eyes, then most likely you have sinusitis. To effectively treat this disease, you must definitely consult with an ENT specialist and undergo all the necessary tests.

Also, impaired motor activity of the eyeballs can occur due to:

In any case, to make the most accurate diagnosis and find out the cause of the development of an unpleasant symptom, you will need additional professional examination.

Eye diseases

Comparison of a healthy eye and an eye with glaucoma

Discomfort when moving the eyeball up and down, left and right can be a symptom of the development of serious inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision. Such pathologies include:

Patients with oculomotor neuritis have pain in looking up. This pathology is extremely rare, but still, when determining the causes of discomfort, there is no need to discount it.

Diagnostic and treatment methods

To find out why it hurts to move your eyes, visit an ophthalmologist

If it hurts to move your eyes and the discomfort does not go away within a few days, consult an ophthalmologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, find out the cause of the development of such a symptom, and only after that will prescribe the most appropriate course of treatment.

It is important to stop an attack of glaucoma immediately. If you find acute symptoms of such a pathology, it is better to call an ambulance. The doctor will quickly measure your eye pressure and prescribe appropriate medications.