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What does it take to open a pharmacy? How to open an online pharmacy or a pharmacy in a village. How to open a veterinary pharmacy. How to open a pharmacy from scratch without pharmaceutical education

Doing business in rural areas has its own characteristics, since there are significantly fewer potential clients than in an urban environment. However, it would be wrong to consider the opening of a pharmacy in a village to be a failed project in advance, because with a competent approach, you can extract maximum benefits - at least the presence of motivated employees and a low cost of renting premises.

How to open a pharmacy in a village so that it brings a stable income? What documents will be required from the entrepreneur? What equipment and machinery will you need to buy? We will answer these and other questions on the topic of rural business in this article.

Opening a pharmacy in the village: the beginning

The first thing you need to start opening a pharmacy or kiosk in a rural area is to decide on the organizational and legal form. Since an individual entrepreneur is the most profitable option in terms of taxes and deductions, it is most wise to register as an individual entrepreneur. However, this only makes sense if the individual entrepreneur has a diploma as a pharmacist or pharmacist. If there is no special education, you need to register as an LLC and hire a pharmacy manager with a pharmaceutical education and a specialist certificate.

You also need to decide on your own capabilities: if you don’t have any experience or knowledge, you can consider the option of a franchise. In this case, the franchisor will provide a full range of informational assistance and assistance in opening, right up to the ceremonial ribbon cutting.

Deciding on the format of the pharmacy

Pharmacy, pharmacy or pharmacy kiosk - all these formats have significant differences.

Pharmacy - here you can sell any prescription medicines, provide basic medical services, rent certain groups of goods, and prepare prescription medications. This is the most expensive way to open a pharmacy business, but also the most promising. Perhaps residents from all the surrounding villages will come to your pharmacy!

Pharmacy - you can sell medicines without a prescription and with a prescription, but you cannot sell narcotic, psychotropic, potent and poisonous medicines. In general, this is the best way to do business in rural areas, requiring much less initial investment.

Pharmacy kiosk – you can only sell over-the-counter medications. Start-up capital is minimal, but there are also significantly fewer opportunities for development.

The most difficult thing is collecting documents

To open your own business, you will need to work hard collecting a package of documents. Let's look at them in more detail:

1. Registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. We have already considered this point; you will need to select OKVED codes, for example:

52.31 – pharmaceutical products

52.32 – medical and orthopedic goods

52.33 – cosmetics and perfumery products

2. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the pharmacy organization. To do this, you will need to provide a bunch of contracts: for garbage and solid waste removal, for disinfestation and deratization, for washing clothes and medical examinations of employees, etc., as well as a lease agreement, a BTI plan, a certificate of ownership and many other documents.

3. Obtaining a pharmacy license. To do this, you need to provide another package of documents, including the already received SEZ conclusion, as well as copies of: certificate of state registration of a legal entity; certificate of registration of the applicant with the tax authority; extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities; Charter; documents confirming the right to use the premises and equipment; documents from specialists confirming the presence of higher and secondary pharmaceutical education. It is also necessary to attach to the application documents confirming the employee’s qualifications (certificates), as well as copies of work records. A complete list of requirements for obtaining a license is here. If a pharmacy opens in a rural area, the license is issued by the regional executive authority.

4. Permission from the fire department. Fortunately, to obtain it you only need to call the fire department, and if everything is in order, the process of collecting and submitting documents can be considered completed.

Requirements for premises and equipment

A license can only be obtained if the premises and equipment of the pharmacy meet the requirements. There are no strict requirements for the area of ​​pharmacy premises, but you need to take into account the need to equip the following premises: sales floor, material room, staff rooms, manager’s office, another room for receiving goods and a utility room.

As for the equipment, it must be registered with the Russian Ministry of Health, approved for use in the prescribed manner and have a certificate of conformity.

Let us remind you that one of the significant advantages of opening a pharmacy in a rural area is the low cost of rent!

Pharmacy staff

We have already said about the pharmacy manager - he must have a secondary pharmaceutical education and work experience of at least 5 years (or a higher pharmaceutical education and at least 3 years of experience).

Pharmacists and pharmacists, also with experience and specialist certificates, are directly involved in the sale of pharmaceutical products. If the pharmacy has an open display, you can hire a consultant; special education is not necessary for him.

Staff is another advantage of opening a pharmacy in a village. Local residents are not spoiled by a bunch of offers from employers, and are more responsible in fulfilling their official duties.

What will we sell? Features of the range

Of course, you need to take into account the specifics of rural business, so you need to pay special attention to developing the assortment. By the way, this is another advantage of a franchise - having extensive experience allows the franchisor to competently formulate an assortment policy for a specific pharmacy outlet. You need to organize the possibility of pre-ordering medicines as soon as possible, otherwise you risk losing your buyer.

Finding reliable suppliers and getting favorable conditions from them is also not an easy task. The larger the volumes, the greater the discounts, and a rural pharmacy is unlikely to be able to afford such a powerful turnover as a city one. Purchasing processes should be monitored with particular care in order to obtain “fresh” products and select products with long shelf life.

How much money is needed to open a pharmacy in a village?

No one can provide an exact cost formula for opening a pharmacy in a village, because everything depends on individual characteristics - the breadth and depth of the assortment, the cost of rent and equipment, the amount of wages, etc. On average, for the normal functioning of a pharmacy (so that there are no empty shelves ) you will need at least 450,000 rubles.

Payback periods are also different - but it is quite possible to achieve it after a year of painstaking work. On average, a pharmacy business, adjusted for rural areas, pays off in two to three years.

Many potential investors are interested in: what does it take to open a pharmacy? Is it profitable? First, the overall favorability of the pharmaceutical market is important. Judging by macroeconomic data, a review of its dynamics in Russia indicates growing demand among the population. For example, the drug market in January of this year compared to January last year grew by 4.6% and amounted to 352.5 million packages of drugs. The medicine market is structured and stabilized: the share of imported medicines in price terms is 75%, and Russian-made medicines – 25%. At the same time, imported pharmaceutical products, on average, cost 4.57 times more than their Russian counterparts.

This year, Russian manufacturers will have to comply with GMP requirements for the production of medicines, which will be beyond the capabilities of outdated production facilities. Therefore, there may be some shift in sales towards imports.

Organizational form

This article is an attempt to reasonably answer the question: is it easy for an entrepreneur to open a pharmacy? The business plan governing such investments is given below.

Let's start with the fact that when opening any business, you should take into account its specifics. What are the features of “pharmacy” entrepreneurial activity? Let's start with a typical organizational form for a private business. If the founder does not have a medical education, we are talking about opening an LLC, but if there is one, then an individual entrepreneur.

The business itself - trading in medicines in their “pure form”, that is, without government regulation - is highly profitable. However, on the other hand, if the state “let go of the reins” in it, then it will quickly turn into a primitive family business, unacceptably reducing the level of specialization and professionalism. At the same time, the risk of drug counterfeiting will increase significantly for the population.

Rent is a stumbling block

Since this article explores how to open a pharmacy from scratch, let’s start head-on, with the main price barrier, unattainable for most people. On March 4, 2003, by order of the Ministry of Health No. 80, the Russian industry standard for the pharmacy business OST 91500.05.0007-2003 deliberately set a high threshold for entrepreneurs to enter the pharmacy business.

The mechanism of high rent was used - the minimum area of ​​the pharmacy is 75 m 2. State regulation is also carried out in this area through licensing of retail trade in medicines and obtaining a pharmacy passport.

Those wishing to open a “pharmacy business” are strongly recommended to entrust control over the process of obtaining a license to a specialized organization. In this case, you will get what you want in one and a half to two months. If you try to “crank out the process” yourself, you can lose six months.

Documentary formalities of starting a business

Documents for opening a pharmacy are determined by the Regulation of the Russian Federation on licensing No. 489 of 02/04/2003: special application, state registration, EDRPOU code, documents for the premises, constituent documents, tax registration, professional certificates of managers, pharmacists and pharmacists. You will have to undergo a chain of mandatory formalities from the Moscow and federal licensing commissions, the fire service, and the SES.

We also remind you that the decision to open a pharmacy is approved by local authorities (Federal Law No. 86-FZ of June 22, 1998 “On Medicines”).

What pharmacy structure do you choose?

Before deciding what is needed to open a pharmacy, you should decide what, strictly speaking, structure will be opened. We will talk about the classification of these institutions. Some pharmacies are directly engaged in the sale of medicines, while others produce some medicines themselves. Based on the retail space used for sales, pharmacies are classified as follows: pharmacy stores, pharmacies, pharmacy kiosks, pharmacy points.

The most profitable are the latter (minimum rent). However, they open only as part of a pharmacy chain with a head outlet - a pharmacy. Also, if we go into detail, pharmacies and pharmacy points differ in the list of drugs and related services approved for sale.

Therefore, an entrepreneur trying to open a pharmacy from scratch often opens an entire network, additionally including pharmacy points. Some entrepreneurs prefer a non-standard strategy: the pharmacy itself opens on the outskirts (saving on rent), and pharmacy points in the center.

Selecting a room

The standard approach prefers the location of the pharmacy in a crowded place - in the center or in the most densely populated “dormitory areas”. Often, an entrepreneur, having bought a premises, decides: redevelopment is what is needed to open a pharmacy (don’t forget: the minimum area of ​​a pharmacy is 75 m2).

With such footage, as experience shows, it is rational to distribute the main and auxiliary premises of a pharmaceutical trading enterprise as follows: sales floor, place for storing and unpacking goods - 60 m2, administrative room - 13 m2, bathroom - 2 m2.

Continuing to discuss where to open a pharmacy, let’s formulate some basic requirements for its premises. This, of course, includes centralized electricity and water supply, sewerage and ventilation.

The floor, walls and ceilings of this pharmaceutical retail establishment must be covered with material that allows sanitary and hygienic treatment. The floor should be covered with insulated linoleum.

The general parameters of a pharmacy are also universal for an entrepreneur deciding how to open a pharmacy in a village.

Pharmacy equipment

The list of obligatory expenses for an entrepreneur includes fire and security alarm equipment ($2–2.5 thousand).

Furniture is usually located along the walls, and maximum free space is left; there should be no “dead zones”. Pharmacy cabinets and bedside tables must be resistant to disinfection. Alternatively, they can be made of glass. Their approximate cost for a pharmacy is $5–8 thousand, and for a pharmacy point - $2–3 thousand.

Those who decide to start a pharmacy business need to choose one of several options for its development, based on the amount of initial capital. You can open a small kiosk selling medicines or a classic type pharmacy, a mini pharmaceutical enterprise with the prospect of further development, or a pharmacy.

The most difficult moment in opening any pharmacy is considered to be obtaining a license to engage in this type of labor activity from the relevant body of Roszdravnadzor. Many people are hesitant to open a pharmacy business, believing that they may be denied a license due to the lack of a head pharmacy. A completely natural question arises:

Is it possible to open a pharmacy without a head pharmacy?

The answer is clear: Yes! None of the current legislation or regulations regulating the organization and implementation of pharmaceutical activities contain absolutely no restrictions in order to open a pharmacy enterprise of any type as an individual entrepreneur.

The answer is clear: Yes!

The main condition for this is the fulfillment of all the requirements contained in the “Regulations on licensing of pharmaceutical activities” (clause 4), which was approved in 2002 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (No. 489) and put into effect in 2003.

And in the outdated standards and rules for opening pharmacies, it was clearly stated that you can create an independent pharmaceutical enterprise as an individual or legal entity. This means that a pharmacy can be opened by any person who has the ability to fulfill all the requirements contained in the license giving the right to engage in activities of this kind.

But there is a small nuance. You must have a special pharmaceutical education.

It is permissible for a pharmacy owner to hire as a pharmacy manager a person with such education and at least five years of work experience in this field. The legislative acts do not say anything about the mandatory presence of a head pharmacy in order to open a pharmacy.

Requirements for a pharmacy

  • To open a pharmacy, you need to select an isolated room or building with a separate entrance.
  • There must be ways for the access of a vehicle with goods and a place for loading and unloading operations.
  • In the building where it is planned to locate a pharmacy, it is necessary to provide basic engineering communications, as well as equip it with fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems. In points where only the sale of medicines will be carried out, without their preparation, the presence of ventilation and exhaust systems is not necessary.
  • When setting up a pharmacy in a medical institution (clinic, sanatorium-resort building, etc.), the minimum area of ​​the premises should be 25 m², in any other building - at least 40 m².
  • The pharmacy must have separate premises for taking medications, storing them, a sales area and a hall for visitors.
  • The equipment of a pharmacy point should include:
  1. climate control devices;
  2. equipment and means for compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  3. lockers for employees;
  4. refrigeration equipment for medicines;
  5. showcases and counters.

The procedure for opening a pharmacy in a clinic

Step 1. Before you begin licensing a pharmacy, you need to select a premises that meets the basic requirements. It should be noted that in the clinic the choice is limited by the availability of free rooms. Therefore, you will have to be content with what the administration of the medical institution provides for rent.

Step 2. Register as a legal entity.

Step 3. Prepare a business plan.

Step 4. Fulfill all requirements and regulations necessary to obtain a license. You can become familiar with them, as well as the procedure for obtaining a license and the list of documents, by studying the following legislative acts:

  • Regulations on licensing of pharmaceutical activities, which came into force on March 30, 2003.
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Medicines” No. 86-F3 dated June 22, 1998
  • Industry standard OST 91500.05.0007-2003 “Rules for the dispensing of medicines in pharmacies. Basic provisions".

Step 5. Prepare the room and install the necessary equipment.

Step 6. Select employees. Two specialists will be required: a pharmacist with a secondary specialized education - he will work with customers, and a pharmacist (a person with a higher medical-pharmaceutical education), who is necessary to provide a full range of medicines in accordance with the demand for them. You will also need a nurse (possibly without education) to perform sanitary and hygienic treatment of the premises. All employees are required to have a health certificate.

Step 7 Obtain documents permitting the opening of a pharmacy.

List of documents required to open a pharmacy

1. Permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To get it you will need:

  • Original and photocopy of identification document;
  • Original and photocopy of TIN certificate:
  • Original and photocopy of a certificate confirming the registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • Original extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • Certificate of ownership of the premises or a lease agreement;
  • Building plan from BTI and its explication;
  • A copy of the contract for sanitary cleaning work;
  • A copy of the agreement for conducting a medical examination of personnel;
  • Sanitary and medical records of all employees, with a note about vaccinations.
2. Sanitary passport of a pharmacy.
3. Permission from municipal authorities to locate the facility in accordance with the type of activity.
4. Permission from Rospozharnadzor. To obtain which you will need:
  • Relevant documents for establishing an enterprise;
  • Confirmation that the premises are equipped with fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems in good condition;
  • List of fire safety measures;
  • Results of resistance measurements in electrical wiring.

Step 8. Obtain a license from Roszdravnadzor authorities.

The procedure for obtaining a license to engage in pharmaceutical activities is one of the longest stages. This is due to the fact that the pharmacy business is related to people's health. Therefore, it is under the close attention of medical workers and other specialists, who carry out a more thorough check of compliance with all requirements than when applying for a license for any other type of activity.

The procedure for opening a pharmacy in a village or village

The procedure for opening a pharmacy in a village is similar to the procedure described above. The difference lies only in the cost of the premises - in rural areas, renting or buying it will cost much less than in the city.

In addition, you can do without hiring staff (if the future owner of the pharmacy has a pharmaceutical education), since in the village a smaller amount of medicines is required, so the owner himself can cope with all the work.

Although the demand for medicines is not decreasing, and many pharmacies are opened every year, this business cannot be called extremely profitable. The profitability of the pharmacy business in cities does not exceed 15-16%, and in rural areas this figure is even lower. The initial investment pays off in 2-3 years. Since the cost of medicines is regulated by the state, the trade margin rarely exceeds 25-30%. To increase profitability, pharmacy owners have to use a system of promotions and discounts, extend operating hours, measure blood pressure for free, and negotiate with doctors about free appointments.

Features of the pharmacy business

To open a pharmacy, much more documents are required than when opening a classic retail outlet. It should also be taken into account that Only a person with a higher pharmaceutical or pharmacist education can register an individual entrepreneur in this area of ​​business. Without a pharmaceutical education, you have to form an LLC or JSC and hire a manager with an education.


A pharmacy can be a manufacturing pharmacy (with permission to manufacture drugs), for the sale of finished drugs, in the form of a pharmacy kiosk or point, or an online pharmacy. Based on the level of service, such an enterprise can be a so-called premium or discounter. The first provides a wide range of medications (including very expensive ones) and consultations with specialists. The second is aimed at ordinary people who do not have a high level of income.

According to the organization of the trading process, a pharmacy can be closed (the goods are located behind the counter) or open (the goods are located on shelves). Depending on the location, the pharmacy can be urban or rural. Trade in medicines in the village, according to experts, is not profitable. Is it worth opening a medicine trade in a place from which the warehouse is more than 30 km away and the population does not exceed several dozen people? Such a retail outlet can only be unprofitable.

Step-by-step instruction

To open a pharmacy from scratch, you must first register the enterprise. If you register an individual entrepreneur, then the owner must have a special education (pharmacist diploma and 3 years of experience or pharmacist diploma and 5 years of experience). If you choose an LLC or JSC, then the manager can only be a pharmacist or pharmacist with a higher education diploma.
For more details, see here: "Regulations on licensing of pharmaceutical activities".

So where to start:

  • registration of the chosen form of business activity;
  • obtaining a license and other permits;
  • choice of premises (depending on the type of pharmacy: premium, discount, kiosk, point);
  • renovation of premises taking into account all the requirements specified in the hygiene certificate (using materials for finishing that can be subjected to regular wet cleaning);
  • purchase of equipment registered with the Ministry of Health;
  • purchase of the initial volume of goods.

All these points should be contained in a pharmacy business plan. According to statistics, initial investments can reach 1 million rubles(plus 120-300 thousand rubles for the initial volume of goods).


The business plan for a pharmacy contains the same points, but the initial investment is still less. A pharmacy point performs almost the same functions as a pharmacy - it sells medicines (except for potent, psychotropic and narcotic substances), medical and orthopedic goods, perfumes and cosmetics. But the room can be from 12 m2, therefore, there is less equipment and the stocks of goods are not so voluminous.

Online pharmacy

Recently, pharmacies have appeared on the Internet. How to open an online pharmacy? Firstly, warehouse premises are required that meet all state standards, with an area of ​​(at least) 60 m2. The owner of such a pharmacy must have appropriate education and three years of work experience. A license to sell medicines is also required. The site must be made with high quality and be user-friendly. Delivery in an online pharmacy is most often around the clock. But such a retail outlet does not depend on location.


It is believed that it is quite profitable to open a pharmacy as a franchise. The first place in the ranking of such proposals is occupied by "Pharmacy 36.6", offering full support at the stage of starting a business and during its promotion. This network provides goods for sale and provides advertising promotion for all new enterprises.


  • lump sum payment - $1000;
  • initial investment – ​​50 – 100 thousand dollars;
  • payback – 18 months.

To draw up a contract, a room of at least 30 m2 is required.

Residents of the village of Serebryanka are happy: there is no need to go to Chulym for pills. The village has a pharmacy that is in no way inferior to any city pharmacy. Unfortunately, not all rural residents are so lucky.

In the photo: pharmacist Raisa Alberg

In one of the previous issues, Davyd Batzel, a resident of the village of Vozdvizhenka, again raised a difficult and very relevant topic for residents of the region: the insufficient level of medical care in rural areas. Davyd Davydovich complained that there are no first aid stations and pharmacies in the villages, and the purchase of medicines, which for older people sometimes become more important than their daily bread, turns into a real problem when frail people have to ask their fellow villagers to bring medicines from the regional center. Of course, the people living here are responsive, rarely does anyone refuse, understanding how important these pills are. But this is a purely human aspect. This situation is unlikely to be correct.

So how typical is it for the area? We were able to find other examples of solving the problem.

In the Serebryanka Village, the residents are very happy: the FAP operates successfully, where wonderful, sincere people work, ready, without exaggeration, to do everything possible and impossible for their fellow countrymen. And the pharmacy in the village is simply wonderful, as we personally saw. In terms of product range and form of service, it differs little from any city store. Located in a store in the center of the village. It works from morning to evening, perfect order and cleanliness indicate that both the owners of the pharmacy and the employee working there care deeply about the village residents and potential buyers. There is a consumer corner equipped with the necessary contact information.

There is no end to visitors; the most active are the elderly. While we were talking with the pharmacy employee Raisa Vladimirovna Alberg, buyers asked for vitamins, medications for blood pressure and to support the heart. Everyone talked about how good it was that everything was nearby, you didn’t have to travel tens of kilometers for every little thing.

A pharmacy appeared in the village two years ago thanks to the active participation of a deputy of the district council Evgenia Petrovna Gavrina. Before that, like everyone else, the Serebryanites had to go to Chulym for every little tablet. Entrepreneur Svetlana Yurievna Malkova responded with understanding to the appeal and decided to take a risk by creating a branch of the FarmLight pharmacy in a rural area. Now everyone is happy. Residents have no reason to scold local authorities and deputies for inaction, because this is not so, they really tried for their fellow countrymen.

Evgenia Petrovna herself admits: organizing the work of a pharmacy in a village is not an easy task.

-At the initial stage, we had to resolve a lot of issues, not only to determine the location, but also to ensure that it complied with the necessary sanitary and epidemiological conditions; today Rospotrebnadzor monitors this very clearly. As a result, a place was allocated in our own store, licensing was successfully completed, part of the costs was borne by the family enterprise, IP Bugrova, and this was done deliberately. We live and work here, and we want to see our fellow countrymen happy and healthy. I have always said and say: life in the village is a feat worthy of respect. Therefore, they have the right to at least basic amenities.

A professional physician with many years of experience works in the pharmacy, he is his own, local. Raisa Vladimirovna is pleased that she has such a good job that people need. Every day she hears kind words. It is also important that the workplace is official, all required taxes and deductions are taken from it, there is a work book, and social guarantees. Computer, telephone, refrigerators for storing medications, equipped bathroom - everything is very convenient.

-The assortment in the pharmacy is very wide. Everything that is in Chulym is the same here in Serebryanka. We are working with applications. We place orders by phone or online, which deliver medications from Novosibirsk companies within two days,- says Raisa Alberg.

The village of Kulikovka also has a problem with medicines. Unfortunately, the residents of Kulikovo are not as lucky as the residents of Serebryanka. There is no real pharmacy, and the head of the rural FAP placed the difficult burden of solving the problem on her fragile shoulders Lyubov Petrovna Savchenko. It was not possible to equip a modular pavilion here; there is simply no one to do it yet. Lyubov Petrovna buys the most essential things that patients may need at any time in Chulym with her own money, and then sells them to those who want them at the same price for which she bought them. This is very troublesome for her, because she has many other responsibilities, but she has not yet decided to refuse her fellow villagers:

- Almost all of our population is of age, not everyone can go to Chulym, but they come to the FAP all the time, either they catch a cold, or their blood pressure “jumps”, different situations. Of course, people would be more satisfied if there was a normal pharmacy, even a very modest one. After all, we need medicines just like we need food; we cannot do without them. Nobody obliges me to do this. Sometimes I think to myself: do you need this? But for now I’m still paying from my own wallet, although the salaries of health workers are not very high by today’s standards. It would be very good if entrepreneurs and government officials paid attention to this problem. People would be very grateful.

It is quite possible to understand Lyubov Petrovna Savchenko if one day she really says: I’m tired and shouldn’t do this. And she will be absolutely right. But people still won’t stop needing medicine after this.

The situation is typical not only for the Chulym region, but for all of Russia. Residents of rural areas suffer greatly from it. From a paperwork point of view, opening a pharmacy is more difficult than opening a store, this is due to the specificity of the product. Not every village will have such, without exaggeration, heroic entrepreneurs as in Serebryanka, who will shoulder the burden of responsibility and provide the pharmacy with the necessary sanitary conditions. Therefore, the “Rural Pharmacy” project is more social than commercial. But if you want the village to live, you just need to ask people: what do you want, what do you need in order to stay here, live, build houses and raise children?