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What is instability of the cervical spine: symptoms and treatment of excessive vertebral mobility. Symptoms and treatment of cervical vertebral instability Cervical disc instability

Cervical spine instability is a condition in which the neck cannot independently maintain its position. The condition is not pathological, but it leads to neurological damage to a person and can cause dangerous pain syndromes.

The spine contains 33-35 vertebrae, which make up the spinal column. The cervical region contains 7 vertebrae, numbered from the first vertebra, which connects the spine to the skull. The first vertebra is called the atlas, the second is called the axial, both have an atypical structure. Between the vertebrae there are ligaments and intervertebral discs that make up the ligamentous apparatus of the spine.

The vertebrae are surrounded by a layer of muscle that supports them in an upright position and provides support for the nerves and arteries passing nearby. All vertebrae form the spinal column, which contains the spinal cord, which performs a reflex and conductive function. It transmits impulses from the skeletal muscles to the brain and back, and is also independently responsible for the functioning of internal organs - it carries out autonomic regulation.

What is instability

There are two terms: neck instability and hypermobility of an individual vertebra. Cervical vertebrae instability is a non-pathological process in which the vertebrae are unable to maintain their shape without pain under the pressure of the head. The amount of pain corresponds to the amount of load and how far developed the instability of the cervical spine is.

Hypermobility is a diagnostic symptom that means increased mobility of the articular surfaces of the vertebra, which in turn lead to the development of instability. Hypermobility may not always lead to instability, nor is instability always caused by hypermobility.

Development of symptoms

Instability of the cervical spine is divided into the following types:

  • Post-traumatic;
  • Dysplastic;
  • Degenerative;
  • Postoperative.

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Post-traumatic instability results from the impact of a large force on the spine. Typically, injuries occur during road accidents or intense activity during sports associated with high injury rates. The impact leads to destruction of the normal joints of the spine and expansion of the ligamentous planes of the disc.

With a single injury, such a violation will always make itself known and manifest itself with repeated displacements. The articular plane loses its rigidity and cannot independently maintain its shape under load.

Dysplastic refers to disorders of bone formation. The disease most often manifests itself in the juvenile period, during the most active osteogenesis. This instability of the cervical vertebrae is caused by disrupted processes in the formation of the honeycomb structure of the intervertebral joints.

Degenerative instability is detected in the diagnosis of osteochondrosis changes and is a consequence of degeneration of the articular surfaces. Osteochondrosis is essentially the growth of cartilage tissue and its partial replacement with cartilage. The surfaces on the vertebrae become wider, ligaments may begin to attach to the cartilage and lose their stability.

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Sometimes the process can go in the opposite direction, with the growth of bone tissue, and the process of immobilization of the cervical spine will be observed - the vertebrae will not have enough space for movement, which will cause pain and stiffness. The functional part of the spine is affected and there will be noticeable neurological problems.

Postoperative pain can develop as a result of radical surgical interventions, for example, removal of a segment of the vertebral arch to release the spinal nerve from pressure. There is a violation of the supporting complex of the spine, which leads to excessive mobility of the neck. Naturally, for the formation of postoperative mobility, prerequisites are needed, for example, the presence of injuries and diseases of the vertebrae.

Despite its rare occurrence, instability of the cervical spine is a rather painful problem for society. This is due to the fact that its elimination is very difficult. In most cases, a sick person is left alone with such a pathology, especially when deciding issues of treatment tactics. After all, none of the specialists can guarantee the success of upcoming health activities. Therefore, before making a decision when choosing a treatment method, it is so important to become as familiar as possible with the effectiveness and consequences of each of them.

Step one: understanding the essence of the problem and identifying it

Normally, the mobility of the cervical segments of the spine is very high. It is caused by the summation of small volumes of displacement of each vertebra relative to each other. If neighboring vertebrae violate the permissible limits of mutual position, this does not increase the motor activity of the neck and head, but reduces it. Violation of the stability of the spine in the cervical region is nothing more than its inability to perform habitual and sometimes vital movements. This is due to dislocations, subluxations, and displacements of the vertebrae caused by the failure of the musculo-ligamentous and articular-disc apparatus, which is designed to ensure normal mobility and stability of the cervical vertebrae. In this case, symptoms such as severe neck pain, deformation with impaired mobility of the head and neck appear. The most important criterion for establishing a diagnosis is the transient nature of these symptoms. They arise suddenly as the structural elements of the cervical spine overcome a certain type of load.

The correct diagnosis is not always easy to establish, which becomes the reason for unsuccessful treatment. This is due to the existence of hidden forms of spinal instability in the cervical region. They can proceed atypically, acquiring a mask of various diseases (vertebral artery syndrome, myelopathy, dyscalgia, etc.) In this case, nonspecific symptoms arise: headaches, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, tension in the cervical muscles, numbness of the back of the head and neck. Even instrumental diagnostic methods are not always sufficiently informative. Therefore, the diagnosis should be determined taking into account the smallest details and subtleties that the patient must bring to the attention of the doctor.

X-rays of the cervical spine in different positions are the main method for diagnosing its instability.

Step two: determining the type of stability disorder and treatment tactics

In relation to the choice of treatment tactics, instability of the cervical spine can be considered from different perspectives:

  • Instability in the form of periodic pathological (excessive) mobility of the vertebrae, which is independently eliminated after the cessation of the action of the provoking factor. There are no pronounced structural changes or deformations of the spinal column. There is only pain in the neck area of ​​varying severity. In such patients, there is a weakening of hard and soft tissue structures (ligaments, muscles, articular cartilage and discs). The reasons for their occurrence must be clarified, and treatment is aimed at eliminating provoking factors and strengthening weakened elements (exercises, massage).
  • Instability in the cervical spine in the form of a violation of the normal anatomical relationships between the vertebrae, which cannot be eliminated on its own. In this case, a pronounced pain syndrome occurs in combination with deformation, dislocation, subluxation of the vertebrae visible during examination, on x-rays or tomograms. The very fact that they are not eliminated on their own indicates deep structural changes in the spinal segment. Therefore, treatment should be aimed at correcting disrupted anatomical relationships between the vertebrae and preventing their reoccurrence.
  • Instability of the cervical spine, which is persistent. In this case, there is a local or general curvature of the vertebral axis. It intensifies during exercise and is accompanied by mild pain. Most of all, such stability disorders are reflected in the form of a sharp limitation in the mobility of the head and neck. Such patients require forceful manual or surgical correction methods.
  • A combination of any kind of instability of the cervical spine with osteochondrosis and herniated intervertebral discs. Such patients require a differentiated approach to treatment with determination of the prevailing disease. For large intervertebral hernias, regardless of the type of instability, surgical treatment is recommended. In all other cases, the selection of treatment should depend on the type of instability.

Important to remember! The less time the instability of the cervical spine exists, the more acute pain and minimal deformation it manifests itself. The long-term existence of this pathological condition has the opposite symptoms!

Step three: strict implementation of all points of the treatment program

Treatment of spinal instability in the cervical region is represented by the following methods:

  • immobilization of the vertebrae using a special collar;
  • maintaining a gentle motor regimen;
  • balanced diet;
  • drug treatment;
  • performing novocaine blockades;
  • massage and manual therapy;
  • strengthening exercises and comprehensive physical therapy;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • surgery.

Neck immobilization

Achieved by using collars of a hard or soft design. The choice of product is made by a specialist, taking into account the type of instability. The point of immobilization is to provide additional strengthening to the weakened spinal segment. In this way, functional stability is achieved. A hard collar limits the movement of the neck to a greater extent than a soft one. It is used for a limited time in severe forms of instability and in the postoperative period.

The use of a fixation collar is one of the key points in the treatment of spinal stability disorders

Compliance with motor mode

Movements in the cervical spine should be limited. Sharp turns and tilts of the head, axial load on the neck, which lead to pain and displacement of the vertebrae, are excluded. Patients should remember this, especially in the early period after achieving positive dynamics during treatment. On the other hand, complete exclusion of motor activity for a long time leads to atrophy of the musculo-ligamentous and osteo-articular apparatus of the spine. Therefore, movements must be comparable to the actual capabilities of the spine.

Balanced diet

One of the important elements of the treatment program. The cause of instability in many cases is degenerative processes in bone and connective tissue due to insufficient supply of nutrients (osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, muscular dystrophy, etc.) Therefore, patients’ diets include foods containing high concentrations of calcium and other microelements, vitamins, protein (vegetables, fruits, nuts, berries, dairy products, meat dishes, eggs).

Drug therapy

Treatment with medication for instability of the cervical spine is purely symptomatic. The drugs used from the group of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (naklofen, ketanov, analgin, movalis, etc.) have only a temporary effect. They are indicated in the presence of persistent pain. If there is muscle spasm in the neck, muscle relaxants (mydocalm, sirdalud) are used. Many patients are indicated for long-term use of chondroprotectors - drugs for strengthening intervertebral joints (structum, teraflex, chondroitin complex, etc.)

Novocaine blockades

Local injection of local anesthetics (longocaine, novocaine, lidocaine) into pain points in the neck for vertebral instability is indicated in rare cases. The indication may be severe pain or muscle spasm that cannot be relieved by taking painkillers. For osteochondrosis and spinal deformities, blockades are used, including an anesthetic with a steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (kenalog, hydrocortisone, diprospan).

Massage and manual therapy

Some of the key methods for treating instability. With the help of massage, the muscles and ligaments of the spine are strengthened. Manual techniques can eliminate acute subluxations of the cervical vertebrae and relieve muscle spasms.

Important to remember! Instability of the cervical vertebrae requires long-term treatment. In most cases, its basis is proper physical activity, exercise therapy, massage and physiotherapy. Only by strengthening weakened muscular and ligamentous paravertebral structures can vertebral stability be created!


It is best to select exercises from the exercise therapy complex with a specialist. The main principle that must be observed is a gradual increase in the volume and strength of the movements performed. The exercises are simple and can be performed several times a day. If positive results are achieved, you can perform them with the help of additional devices (rubber bandage). Exercises can be like this:

  • bending the head with simultaneous pressure on the forehead with both hands, creating counteraction;
  • extension of the head with simultaneous counteraction with the hands on the occipital region;
  • lateral tilts of the head with counteraction with the hands on the corresponding temporal area;
  • rotational turns of the head with counteraction with the hands alternately in both directions;
  • starting position standing with slight retraction and simultaneous extension of the neck backwards. In this position, by bending the neck, the chin is pulled towards the sternum (their direct contact is not necessary).

Correctly selected exercises are the key to successful treatment of instability of the cervical vertebrae

The exercises are performed 8-10 times each with a delay in muscle tension for 5-7 seconds. If necessary, their number and execution time can increase or decrease.


It is an addition to exercise therapy and massage. Methods of electrophoresis, myostimulation, magnetic therapy, and water procedures are used. By increasing blood flow in the muscles, they are strengthened, spasm and pain are reduced.

Surgical treatment

It is used either in the presence of severe deformity with persistent vertebral instability, or in the absence of effect from conservative measures. It consists of artificially creating stability by fixing adjacent vertebrae with a metal plate (spinal fusion).

Treatment of spinal stability disorders in the cervical spine is a multi-stage, sequential and lengthy process. The more timely it is started, the better its results.

Instability of the cervical vertebrae is not a very common phenomenon, but extremely unpleasant. The emergence of such a problem can radically change a person’s life, and not for the better. However, if this problem is diagnosed in a timely manner and the correct treatment is prescribed, then the situation can be corrected. But to do this you need to understand what this disease is.

Why does vertebral instability occur?

It should be remembered that the cervical region is the most mobile part of the spine. It provides greater freedom of action, making it possible to bend and straighten the neck, perform lateral bends, make circular movements, etc. but at the same time, the cervical spine must combine mobility with stability. In parallel with ensuring the necessary mobility, this part of the spine must maintain certain proportions and be able to protect itself from deformation and pain during physical activity. However, some disorders lead to a violation of precisely such a parameter as stability, which results in excessive (pathological) mobility in the cervical spine, which is called instability of the cervical vertebrae.

But what are the causes of such a problem as instability of the cervical vertebrae? Various diseases that appear in the cervical region, as well as injuries to this part of the spine, can manifest themselves as destruction of the anterior and posterior fundamental structures, as a result of which a decrease in supporting activity occurs. As a result, there is a violation of the stability of this department, which in medicine is defined by the term “instability”.

In general, vertebral instability is understood as the loss of the ability to maintain natural proportions between the vertebrae of this part of the spine, resulting in excessive mobility in this part. This may manifest itself as an increase in the range of normal movements. But a characteristic sign of the problem is the displacement of the vertebrae. True, there are situations when the cervical spine is not a sign of a disease, but in this case it passes without pain, while instability is always accompanied by pain.

What are the symptoms of this disease?

This disease manifests itself with a fairly large set of symptoms, which makes its local diagnosis seriously complicated. A common problem is the establishment of incorrect diagnoses due to erroneous interpretation of the symptoms of the disease.

The main sign of the onset of the disease is discomfort and pain in the neck, which have a periodic direction. Also, pain usually increases with physical activity.

The cause of pain in this disease is the fact that the vertebrae, when displaced, compress the nerve roots of the spinal cord, and also lead to a narrowing of the spinal bed. The pain syndrome also leads to the fact that a person is forced to constantly hold his head in a certain “pain-relieving” position, which, however, is not absolutely natural. As a result, muscle overwork occurs, blood circulation is disrupted, as a result of which the muscles lose the ability to withstand the usual daily load.

What types of instability are there?

According to the causes of development, several types of vertebral instability can be distinguished:

  • degenerative instability most often develops as a consequence. In this case, the reason is that due to degenerative changes, the tissue of the disc and the fibrous ring are destroyed, as a result of which its fixing and shock-absorbing properties are lost;
  • post-traumatic instability, which is usually caused by trauma. In some cases, the cause of such instability is birth trauma. In particular, instability in the cervical spine in children is most common for this reason;
  • postoperative instability often develops after surgery as a result of disruption of the supporting structures of the spine itself;
  • dysplastic instability. This problem usually arises due to dysplastic syndrome. Dysplasia in general is a generalized definition of the consequences of improper development or formation of internal organs, tissues or the body as a whole, which can be expressed in changes in the size, shape and structure of cells, tissues or individual organs. In this case, this manifests itself in the joints of the spine and intervertebral ligaments, in the intervertebral disc or the vertebral body itself.

Overt and hidden instability

Considering the above, it becomes clear how important it is to detect instability in a timely manner, as well as to explain the symptoms inherent in it. This is especially important when treating various forms of anomalies of this part of the spine. In particular, manifestations of obvious instability are well known and have been studied quite fully. These are radicular syndrome, cervical dyscalgia, progressive myelopathy, vertebral nerve and vertebral artery syndromes.

The situation is much more complicated in cases where there is hidden instability, the treatment of which is much more difficult simply due to the ambiguity of the symptoms, which is why erroneous diagnoses are often made and the wrong treatment is prescribed. There are a number of cases in which even a full X-ray examination does not allow us to draw a conclusion about the unsatisfactory condition of the supporting devices of the spinal column in this department. For this reason, the generally accepted sequence for identifying instability has not yet been determined, namely a condition where hypermobility is caused precisely by excessive sliding of the vertebrae without the appearance of their borderline approach.

In other words, instability is usually detected by conventional X-ray examination, but the doctor can make a conclusion about the presence of the disease only if characteristic clinical syndromes are present.

Conservative treatment comes first!

It should be noted that conservative treatment of this disease is now considered the preferred option. In most cases, it gives fairly good and sustainable results. As with other diseases of the spine, surgical treatment is considered a last resort, which is used only when the disease begins to affect the functioning of a person’s internal organs. However, instability in the cervical spine often leads to such problems, since the spinal canal here is quite narrow, and the displacement of the vertebrae can have a serious impact on the spinal cord. That is why surgical treatment of this disease is used much more often than, for example, surgery for.

Otherwise, conservative methods of treating this disease do not differ from the treatment of most other diseases of the spine; the basis is gymnastics and massage for instability of the cervical vertebrae. In this case, the patient has to wear a soft or hard cervical brace, which allows the vertebrae to be held in their natural position.

The use of a corset in the treatment of this disease is often necessary, although it is a “double-edged sword.” Such a corset really allows you to keep the vertebrae in the desired position, thereby minimizing the risk of various pain syndromes and complications. But, on the other hand, its prolonged use can lead to weakening of the muscular frame and ligaments of the neck, which means that when the corset is removed, the problem will immediately return.

That is why the use of a corset is always accompanied by physical therapy exercises for instability of the cervical vertebrae. Wherein specific exercises should be selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the existing problem, since instability is a rather complex problem and requires careful attention.

The situation is similar with massages. In this case, the specialist performing the massage must be very highly qualified so that his work brings benefit and not harm.

Separately, it should be noted that instability of the cervical vertebrae does not tolerate attempts at self-medication and the use of traditional methods. This problem must be dealt with by a qualified specialist, otherwise the person risks seriously complicating the situation, and the dangers of severe compression or damage to the spinal cord in the cervical region do not need to be explained to anyone.

By the way, you may also be interested in the following FREE materials:

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Nowadays, a fairly common pathology is instability of the cervical spine, the symptoms and treatment of which can only be determined by your attending physician. The phenomenon is quite common, but unpleasant, characterized by excess mobility between two or more vertebrae. Such violations can radically affect a person’s life and change it not in the best way. But, if the disease is identified at an early stage of development, correctly diagnosed and prescribed adequate treatment, the situation can be corrected.

The cervical region provides a certain number of vertebrae, which are assigned the functions of mobility and stability. Due to this, a person can easily tilt his head in any direction, bending and unbending his neck. This is what mobility is all about, thanks to the stability between the vertebrae, balance is maintained, so they are completely protected from deformation. Instability of the cervical spine develops after injury or osteochondrosis against the background of increased mobility.

Due to the disturbed distance between adjacent vertebrae, the amplitude increases, thus causing instability, which often manifests itself along with displacement. To determine the disease, the doctor only needs to understand that the vertebrae have moved forward by 4 mm.

Medicine distinguishes between several types of disease, taking into account the circumstances that caused disorders above the spine in the neck area.

  1. Degenerative. A form that develops after osteochondrosis, due to the destruction of disc tissue and the fibrous ring. Degenerative-dystrophic changes lead to the fact that the retaining and supporting functions weaken.
  2. Post-traumatic. Instability in the cervical spine resulting from injury; in children this can be postpartum trauma, which is common.
  3. Postoperative. A form of spinal disease that worries the patient after surgery. This indicates that during the operation the condition of the supporting elements of the spine was damaged.
  4. Dysplastic vertebral instability. According to medical definitions, dysplasia is a general term that means abnormal development. Disturbances can affect tissues or the body as a whole, changing the size, shape or structure of the cell. As for dysplastic instability in the cervical spine, in this case we are talking about joints and intervertebral ligaments, as well as discs or the body itself. In most cases, this form of the disease develops against the background of dysplastic syndrome.


As a rule, instability of the cervical vertebrae is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the neck, which will increase during physical activity;
  • pain with slight turns of the neck;
  • the tone of the muscle mass increases, thus causing rapid fatigue and overexertion;
  • after some time, the neck muscles weaken and pain is felt even during palpation;
  • during compression of the vessels of the spinal cord, the patient has a headache, dizziness and surges in blood pressure;
  • some more complex cases are accompanied by disorders associated with sensitivity, weakness in the limbs, and sometimes the development of complete or partial paralysis can be observed.

A large list of symptoms complicates local diagnosis, so patients are often misdiagnosed. Most often, doctors rely on signs of pain and discomfort in the neck above the spine and prescribe treatment based on the information received. This is explained by the fact that the vertebrae are displaced and compress the nerve endings of the spinal cord, in addition, the spinal bed narrows. The pain is so severe that the patient looks for a comfortable position in which he will be comfortable, and tries to hold his head that way. But this position cannot be natural; as a result, the neck muscles quickly get tired, blood circulation in the area of ​​the neck is disrupted, and soon they cannot withstand even a small load throughout the day.

The most important indicator is the displacement of the vertebrae in the neck, a fairly serious disorder that requires treatment. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor needs an x-ray, but a vertebral displacement of 4 mm is already considered instability.


Therapy involves two main methods: pills or surgery, if the situation is really bad. Instability of the cervical spine, the symptoms and treatment of which depend on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, responds well to conservative therapy, according to qualified specialists. Surgery is not required, since medications help to obtain good results in treatment, but there are also indicators that indicate that surgery is necessary.

The conservative technique involves:

  1. Using a special head holder, there are two kinds, soft and hard.
  2. Experts recommend novocaine blockades if pain in the neck intensifies.
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
  4. Physiotherapy is prescribed.
  5. Therapeutic complex massage, but cupping, acupuncture or acupressure is allowed.
  6. Reflexology is carried out on the basis of acupuncture or cryotherapy.
  7. Possibility of treatment with physical exercises.
  8. Spinal traction.

Surgical intervention is necessary in case of instability of the cervical spine in particularly difficult situations, when not only the spine itself is affected, but also the internal organs. There are certain indications for the operation:

  1. Subluxation appeared against the background of instability.
  2. Weakening of the disease in a short period of time or the manifestation of frequent exacerbations.
  3. Individual intolerance of the patient, as a rule, occurs as a result of one of the methods of conservative treatment.
  4. Persistence of signs of instability due to more serious diseases. For example, a disc herniation or compression of a nerve ending.

During the operation, the surgeon fixes the vertebrae using a special plate; it prevents their displacement in the future, but at the same time, maintains mobility. As a rule, the plate is fixed on the side of the back; after a certain period of time, the graft can dissolve or a joint is formed in its place, which is medically called a false joint.

Instability in the cervical spine is a fairly serious problem, a pathology that needs to be studied from all sides. In addition, it is important to correctly diagnose and prescribe effective, timely treatment. Preventive measures and comprehensive rehabilitation measures help to avoid the most complex disorders; they preserve the patient’s ability to work and ensure a high quality of life.

Have you encountered instability of the cervical vertebrae? Find out effective treatment methods that will quickly relieve you of the uncomfortable consequences of the disease.

Instability of the cervical vertebrae is one of the most common diseases in the spinal column. Symptoms of the disease, such as pain, loss of mobility, or, conversely, excessive mobility of the neck, bring discomfort to the patient, radically changing his life.

Determination of instability of the cervical vertebrae using an x-ray

With timely diagnosis and a competent approach to treatment, the patient will be able to get rid of the disease in a short time and return to the previous rhythm of life.


Cervical instability is a disease that manifests itself as excessive mobility in the spine. The stability of the spine is disrupted through damage and, accordingly, displacement of the vertebral structure.

Step 0. Reasons

There are many factors in the development of the disease. Conventionally, they can be divided into four main groups.

Complications during childbirth

Complications form at the moment of birth. Among them are the following:

  • rapid labor activity;
  • pulling the child by the head, which in turn provokes a cracking of the spinal disc;
  • large fetal weight (over 3.7 kg);
  • the mother of the baby has a narrow birth canal.

Mechanical damage

Various types of injuries: falls, impacts, sports injuries, etc.

Most often, instability of the cervical vertebrae occurs in children.

In children, the spine is weaker than in adults, as it gradually strengthens as a person develops, which makes children more susceptible to the disease.

Chronic pathologies

Chronic diseases in the patient in the area of ​​the articular apparatus of the cervical spine provoke the appearance of instability. A striking example is osteochondrosis, which was not cured in a timely manner and reached an advanced or chronic form.

Step 1. Looking for symptoms

In both adults and children, the symptoms and treatment methods for the disease are identical. In general, doctors identify the following characteristic features of the disease:

  • pain syndrome (may progress after physical activity);
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • deformation of the affected area;
  • restriction of movement;
  • tension in the muscles adjacent to the affected area.

Note.The disease is often accompanied by weakness of the limbs, as well as involuntary twitching. These symptoms occur when the spinal cord is compressed by a damaged vertebrae or disc.

Step 2. Diagnose and examine

Before starting treatment procedures, the patient must undergo a diagnostic examination. First of all, doctors will collect anamnesis.

Note.Anamnesis is information received from the patient: a description of the symptoms, if any, the background of the disease (for example, injuries or falls that provoked the pathology).

Then, an examination is prescribed to make an accurate diagnosis. It includes:

  • palpation of the neck (detailed examination of the neck from different sides, emphasis is placed on the contour, swelling, changes in the skin around the affected area);
  • radiography (a specialist takes pictures of the damaged area, both at rest and during flexion).

Step 3. Conservative treatment

As practice has shown, in the early stages of development of cervical instability, both in children and adults, conservative treatment is sufficient to combat the disease.

Treatment is carried out comprehensively (taking medications, wearing a collar, manual therapy, massage, etc.) after prior consultation with the attending physician.

note. Self-treatment can worsen the patient's health condition. Consultation with an experienced physician is the key to a quick recovery.


Drug treatment is not able to relieve the patient from the pathology; it is aimed at relieving pain and eliminating the inflammatory process.

Self-administration of medications is contraindicated; a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary, who will prescribe an effective drug and indicate to the patient the duration of administration and dosage.


The collar is an effective auxiliary tool. It is made in the form of a soft frame, which, attached around the patient’s neck, limits rotation and flexion of the diseased area.

You can minimize damage and pressure on the cervical vertebrae using a special collar

Thanks to a neck brace, the load on the affected area is reduced, the risk of damage to nerve endings is minimized, and the muscles are constantly toned.

The collar should be worn throughout the day, no more than 3 hours. It must be removed at night.

The collar is prescribed by doctors. The patient is not recommended to choose a model on his own. The doctor must prescribe the type of bandage and fix it correctly on the patient's neck.

Today, manual therapy is considered one of the most effective methods of treating spinal diseases. It is recommended to carry out therapy simultaneously with physiotherapeutic procedures.

Manual therapy is aimed at eliminating pathologies in the spine: treatment, returning the displaced vertebra to its place and improving the blood supply.

Therapeutic massage will help relieve neck pain and return the displaced vertebra to its place

As a rule, the duration of the procedure varies within 30 minutes, the break between sessions is 2 days.

For detailed information about the method of manual therapy, follow the link

The procedure has some contraindications. Among them are the following:

  • infectious diseases of the spine (for example, osteomyelitis, the appearance of which is influenced by bacteria);
  • injury to the affected area (falls, blows, hematomas);
  • malignant neoplasm in the spine.

Spinal traction

Spinal traction is an effective treatment method for both children and adults.

The essence of the technique is that during the process of traction, the diameter of the intervertebral foramina increases in the patient, which in turn relieves the patient of pressure on the nerve roots, reduces their swelling, as well as the surrounding tissues.

Special traction of the cervical spine

The patient experiences a decrease in muscle and ligament tension, and the load on the spinal discs decreases. The procedure allows you to increase the distance between the discs, which was damaged by the disease.

For patients facing diseases of the cervical vertebra, it is necessary to use dry traction of a vertical or horizontal type.

Technology In the first case, the patient is placed on the couch in a sitting position, wearing a specialized collar. The patient's head is secured in a Glisson loop, and the other end is attached to a beam, to which a load is subsequently attached, gradually increasing.

In the second case, the procedure is identical. But the patient is placed not in a sitting position, but in a lying position.

The procedure has contraindications:

  • increased pain during traction;
  • infectious diseases in the spine (for example, tuberculosis);
  • malignant tumors;
  • overweight;
  • bearing a child.


Thanks to the procedure, the patient will be able to get rid of pain, muscle spasms, and also improve blood circulation in the affected area.

With the help of therapeutic massage, you can improve blood circulation in the neck and get rid of pain

There are universal rules for massage What patients need to know before starting the procedure:

  • Massage movements should be carried out smoothly and gently. During the session, the patient should not experience discomfort or severe pain.
  • All movements should be carried out in the direction of the lymph; accordingly, the specialist will begin movements from the neck to the shoulders.
  • Pressure on the spine area contraindicated during the procedure. Such actions can provoke inflammation in the vertebral area. When a specialist performs a therapeutic massage, it affects only muscle tissue.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapeutic procedures act as auxiliary measures.

Before undergoing the procedure, you must consult with your doctor. An experienced specialist will be able to choose the most effective procedure:

  • Electrophoresis makes it possible to “deliver” medications to the patient through skin channels, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. The technique eliminates pain and relieves inflammation.
  • Phonophoresis is a method based on the treatment of the spine using ultrasonic waves, which quickly relieve the patient of pain.
  • UHF therapy - the method involves influencing the damaged area using special plates that supply current. By heating the cervical region, UHF effectively fights inflammation.

Step 4. Surgical treatment

Surgery is a last resort. Necessary in cases where conservative treatment methods for several months did not demonstrate the desired result or the damaged vertebrae began squeeze nerve roots.

The main objective of the operation is to eliminate instability of the spinal motion segment and normalize the musculoskeletal properties of the affected area.

The essence of the technique is to install implants between the processes of diseased vertebrae. The patient is under general anesthesia, while the surgeon makes a small incision and installs the implant.

Modern implants are able to provide stabilization of the spine, preserving its anatomical structure and natural functioning (and therefore mobility is not impaired).

On average surgery takes no more than one hour A. Recovery patient goes by quickly, already after a couple of hours after surgery the patient can stand up and sit, the pain syndrome is practically not noticeable.


Ignoring timely treatment threatens the patient with serious complications. Among them are the following:

  • increased pain in the head area;
  • the affected area of ​​the neck becomes excessively mobile or, conversely, any movement will be difficult;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • poor coordination during walking and other movements.


To prevent instability of the cervical vertebrae in children and adults, we recommend following a few simple rules:

  • minimizing sports and household injuries (for example, falls, blows, etc.);
  • hypothermia must be avoided, as it provokes an inflammatory process in the area of ​​nerve endings;
  • practice moderate physical activity that strengthens the arms and shoulders;
  • promptly treat spinal diseases (for example, osteochondrosis).

Thus, instability of the cervical vertebrae is a serious pathology, which is accompanied by unpleasant syndromes: pain, impaired mobility, headaches, etc.

Modern medicine offers patients effective treatment methods that will help them get rid of cervical spine disease forever.

Dear readers, if you have any questions, post them below for more information. Users who have useful tips or recommendations for people facing cervical spine disease, please share your comments.