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What to take to the sea? Vacation packing list. What to take with you on a seaside holiday: a list of necessary things for a family trip to the seaside

Hurray, this long-awaited day has finally arrived - the first day of vacation, and you can rightfully start getting ready for your trip! However, this is not as simple a matter as it might seem at first glance.

In one novel, I remember, it was described how one millionaire traveled around the world - he did not have huge luggage, he carried with him a small case containing a million dollars, and in each city the first thing he did was go to the store and buy himself everything he needed - from a toothbrush to cognac.

If you do not belong to the glorious cohort of millionaires and are forced to carry everything you need with you, let’s try to pack this most “necessary” so that you don’t forget anything, don’t lose anything, and at the same time don’t collect a whole suitcase of unnecessary things.

Choosing and buying a suitcase

First of all, you need to decide where you will pack your things. Do you have a wonderful, comfortable bag? Forget! It will come in handy when you go to visit your grandmother in the village.

If you are going to a resort where you are going to impress everyone around you with your stunning look, you will need at least a couple of glamorous outfits. And they are unlikely to withstand a long flight in a soft bag without loss of quality.

Conclusion - we buy a suitcase . How choose a suitcase? The “correct” suitcase is light enough, but at the same time dense, so that the things in it will not get wrinkled. The metal (preferably steel) handle should be disassembled and removed when you need to roll the suitcase on wheels - instead of a handle, a strong loop is provided for such a case. At the same time, the wheels should not be too small, otherwise they will fly off on the first bump.

First– fabric: this suitcase is lightweight, it is best to take it with you if you are going to travel by train.

Second– plastic: also lightweight, but at the same time holds its shape, and if metal shavings are added to the plastic – even better.

This suitcase will handle air transport perfectly. There are also leather suitcases, but they are very expensive and also heavy. This option is suitable if you don’t drag it yourself.

What to take with you on vacation?

Let's say your trip lasts two weeks. What to take with you to look decent in any situation? We offer an approximate list of things that will make you feel comfortable:

Two swimsuits – separate and one-piece;
- a pair of sundresses made from wrinkle-resistant fabric;
- shorts or breeches made of light fabric;
- jeans;
- several T-shirts and T-shirts;
- Evening Dress;
- a smart blouse with a smart skirt;
- sweater or jacket (in case of cold weather);
- a long-sleeved shirt made of light translucent fabric (this will come in handy while walking around the city or sightseeing);
- elegant shoes;
- sneakers;
- two pairs of comfortable summer shoes (for example, ballet flats and low-heeled sandals);
- plastic or rubber slippers;
- underwear;
- medications you may need;
- pareo or just a large thin scarf;
- sunglasses;
- sunscreen cosmetics;
- ordinary cosmetics;
- hat or baseball cap.

This is, so to speak, " minimum program" In addition to the items listed, take, for example, a tracksuit if you plan to visit the fitness center at the hotel, or scuba diving equipment if you like this type of recreation.

But we would not recommend taking a beach bag, beach towel, mat and similar things with you. They are cheap, so you can easily buy these accessories on the spot, thereby saving space in your suitcase and getting a nice souvenir to remember your vacation. By the way, in reputable hotels a beach towel is provided in the room.

Of course, you need to add personal hygiene items to the list.

Follow the list!

The easiest way not to forget anything is to make a list of necessary things in advance, including every last detail - a pen with a notepad, a toothbrush with toothpaste, handkerchiefs, etc.

Try to save this list until the end of the trip - it will help you pack your things before the return trip and nothing Don't forget at the hotel.

Let's pack

Start packing with the most large of things. That's right, these are shoes. Each pair should be placed in a bag and all this wealth should be placed at the bottom of the suitcase.

It is customary to pack clothes like this: Turn inside out, fold the sleeves towards the middle, then fold the item in half and place it in the suitcase. Skirts, shorts, and T-shirts can simply be folded neatly in half.

Anything that does not wrinkle can generally be rolled up with a tight roller and shoved into free places. You can fill the remaining gaps with all sorts of little things: socks and underwear, jewelry and hygiene items, napkins and combs will go here...

Of course, an evening dress requires more care, so it needs to be carefully folded and placed on top of everything else.

If the hotel does not have the opportunity to use an iron, don’t worry, just hang your clothes on hangers over a bathtub filled with hot water. In half an hour or an hour they will be as if ironed.

What should you take besides a suitcase?

Every woman knows: to feel comfortable on the road, you need to have a small bag on hand with things that you may need at any time. Therefore, what will go into the suitcase is what can be safely checked in as luggage, and in this handbag you will put the following:

- comb;
- cosmetics and mirror;
- wet and dry wipes;
- deodorant;
- medicines;
- book or magazine;
- camera;
- products;
- drinking water.

Of course, all our advice is approximate and conditional; you yourself must choose from them what suits you and make your own list.

Few people like to pack their bags, even if they have an exciting journey ahead. Start preparing for your trip in advance; there are things that should not be done the night before departure. These include: issuing bank cards, purchasing currency, choosing an international communication tariff, copying documents, washing clothes, purchasing medicines. Make a list of things and pack them properly. Act according to plan and then you will have time to do everything and will not forget anything.

We pack our suitcase. List of necessary things

List of things you need for your trip

To maintain lists, there are ready-made interactive tables with standard options; you can create your own Excel table and save it on your computer or use a mobile application. I write lists by hand on A4 sheet, mark what I have collected with pluses, and cross out what is unnecessary. Do what is convenient for you, the main thing is that you can not only look at your list, but also interact with it. A well-written list will come in handy on every trip. I have two basic lists: summer and winter, there are not many differences in them, because... The principle is the same - all things are divided into categories.

Documents and money

It is better to keep money and documents separately. When traveling, it is convenient to have a hip purse or pocket-wallet, which hangs around the neck and is not considered a separate piece of hand luggage.

  • International passports. Save copies of all passports on a virtual disk (Yandex, Google), you can make photocopies. There is no need to take a Russian passport when traveling abroad
  • Medical insurance (can be in electronic form)
  • Flights. Print boarding passes for online check-in
  • Driver's license, international driver's license. If you are driving your own car: documents for the car, green card insurance
  • Hotel reservations, confirmation of apartments and other types of accommodation
  • Your notes: route, phone numbers, addresses, contacts
  • Money on credit cards, cash in rubles and foreign currency. Divide into several parts and put in different places


For chronic diseases, take the medications prescribed by your doctor.

  • For headaches
  • Painkillers
  • For indigestion
  • For spasms
  • Aspirin
  • Germicidal patch
  • Chapstick

Personal hygiene items

You should not take large packages, they weigh a lot and can leak in your luggage. If you run out of any cleaning supplies, you can always buy them locally.

  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • Razor and shaving products
  • Comb
  • Wet wipes and disposable handkerchiefs
  • Shampoo, shower gel, soap. Give preference to 2-in-1 products and single-use packaging. Keep in mind that most hotels will have this all in the room
  • Deodorant
  • Manicure accessories (file, scissors). Do manicure-pedicure and other procedures before your trip
  • Decorative cosmetics. Lipstick/lipgloss, long-lasting mascara, small mirror
  • Hairpins, hair bands
  • Creams that you use in small quantities. Sun cream


Before traveling, check and charge all devices and clear memory. Don't forget to take chargers, extra batteries, rechargeable batteries and adapters. To protect your mobile phone and other important things from moisture, there are waterproof cases.

  • Mobile phone. Set up a favorable tariff plan for the duration of your trip.
  • Camera/video camera with memory card
  • Laptop, tablet (if you need them)
  • When traveling by car, a navigator with loaded maps. Can be replaced with a tablet or smartphone
  • Hairdryer (if the hotel does not have one and you use it)


Take complementary items: several T-shirts with one pair of trousers and shorts. One hat, one pair of outdoor shoes, a jacket, sweater, etc. Give preference to comfortable clothes, do not wear high heels, evening dresses and jewelry. Leave room in your suitcase for shopping.

  • Several changes of underwear
  • Headwear according to the season
  • Outdoor shoes and slippers. Don't buy a new pair that hasn't been worn yet; it can rub your feet. In the cold season, it is very important that your shoes do not get wet; treat them with a special product
  • Swimsuit or swimming trunks for a beach holiday, visiting the pool or sauna


Things that do not fall into the category, for example:

  • Umbrella
  • Corkscrew
  • Wrist watch
  • Small souvenirs for new friends
  • Guide
  • Toothpicks
  • Folding knife


When all things are laid out, you can start collecting them. Divide your things into 2 parts: what you will carry with you (carry-on luggage) and what you will check in as luggage.

Suitcase You should never hammer it all the way. Firstly, you may be overweight (most airlines have a baggage allowance of up to 20 kg). Secondly, it will be inconvenient for you to look for your things or get them at the request of a customs officer. Thirdly, you will not have room for souvenirs and other purchases.

Pack all liquids in tight bags, distribute clothes, shoes and other contents evenly; most suitcases have a special pocket for underwear. Many people advise rolling clothes, I fold them in a pile, filling the gaps with hosiery. Organizer covers help you neatly place and protect items inside your suitcase. Place a folding bag with a zipper on top; if you overweight, you can put some things into it, and then use it for going to the beach or shopping.

There are always things that need to be packed at the last minute: house keys, phone, food for the road. Mark them separately on your list so you don't forget. To protect your suitcase from dirt and mechanical damage, you can wrap it with film or buy a beautiful cover, with which your suitcase will be visible on the luggage belt.

Take a list of the things you planned to take with you, it will help you not to forget anything on the way back.

Are you traveling?

Check your debts online and pay off your debt at least 2 weeks before departure.


Documents, money, credit cards (MANDATORY!) and things, the absence of which upon arrival will cause you serious inconvenience, must be taken to the airport. What if your luggage accidentally flies to another place? Don't be afraid, this happens extremely rarely, but just in case, you need to provide for all situations.

Before packing your clothes, find out what the weather will be like. If you are traveling to a warm coast, remember that the air temperature is indicated in the shade. That is, if it is written that in Hurghada it is +21-23, this means that in absolutely cloudless weather (and believe me, it will be cloudless) the temperature will reach +28-30 degrees. You understand, at this temperature, one light windbreaker will be enough for evening walks. Things should be as versatile as possible and combine with each other. This will allow you to create the maximum number of looks with a minimum amount of clothing. Don't take expensive designer items with you. This rule also applies to jewelry. If you still decide to take them, pack them in your hand luggage. It is better to pack clothes in bags, since you will be taking cosmetics with you that can stain things. Shoes, especially heels, are best placed in the center of the suitcase so that sharp edges do not damage the upholstery or compromise the integrity of the luggage.

Do not take gels, shampoos, creams, personal hygiene products, etc. with you. All this can be purchased upon arrival at the supermarket closest to the hotel. If you have a specific one that is difficult to find in a regular store, pour shampoos and creams into more compact tubes. Pack thermal water and other liquids whose volume exceeds 100 ml in your luggage. Pack liquids in plastic bags so that yours, for example, nail polish remover, does not spill and stain all your clothes. Place your manicure accessories in your suitcase too. Carrying piercing and cutting objects as hand luggage is strictly prohibited. Beach towels can also be purchased upon arrival. In addition, in some hotels, beach towels are already included in the price and are provided.

Of course, you need to take your phone, laptop or tablet, camera, chargers in your hand luggage. Think carefully about whether you need a hairdryer and iron on vacation. Many hotels do not provide an iron upon request, but force you to dry-clean your items for very impressive sums. As a rule, a hotel hairdryer will not do normal styling: it will either be low-powered or awkwardly attached to the wall. Following this reasoning, it makes sense to take a hair dryer and iron with you. Just buy special compact road equipment. And don’t forget about the adapter for the outlet, otherwise all your devices may be useless.

Be sure to take analgesics, antiseptics, antidiarrheals, antipyretics, personal medications and vitamins you need. In many countries, the medicine can only be purchased with a doctor’s prescription, and most likely, the name of this medicine will be different, so it is unlikely that you will be able to navigate the pharmacy yourself when purchasing the medicine. It is better to take all necessary medications with you. Have a nice trip!

And everything would be great, if not for one circumstance - you need to pack your suitcase and bag.

It would seem that what is so difficult about this? However, the whole problem lies in one main question: what necessary take it with you on vacation? You shouldn't forget anything, but your bags shouldn't become a burden.

In this regard, I would like to say: you need to take a vacation not what you can will be needed, namely something you can't do without.

Do you feel like all things are necessary? Then, we'll help you clear away the unnecessary stuff and present a list of things you can't do without during your seven-day beach vacation.

Before you start packing your suitcase, check out this list.

TOP 15 most necessary things on vacation at sea

1. Swimsuit or swimming trunks

Perhaps, let's start with what it will be impossible to do without on the beach - a swimsuit for girls and swimming trunks for men, as well as a children's swimsuit. Your family will spend more time in them than in any other clothing.

The brand presented us with chic swimsuits for girls, but H&M took care of the ladies with. Read about this in our previous materials.

Available swimsuit options can be found at.

If you take your child with you on vacation, read our review.

Therefore, the most necessary thing on vacation can be considered a swimsuit.

2. Beach dress or jumpsuit

This time you can’t do without not only a swimsuit, but also a fashionable beach dress - this is a must-have for this year. Designers offer fashionistas to choose bold outfits to suit their taste: short, long, with waistbands. A home, strapless and so on.

It would be great to take a fashionable crop top with you as well. This top is comfortable in hot weather. , read our previous review

To complete your wardrobe, bring shorts or a skirt.

4. Vacation shoes

5. Sunglasses

A walk in the sun, relaxing on the beach - how can you do without sunglasses? Many of us do not part with this accessory even in the fall. And this is correct - glasses not only hide your eyes from the sun, but protect them from harmful effects.

Buying sunglasses online is very easy, you just need to follow the advice of our experts - check out the review.

6. Towels

Although most resorts provide towels, for hygiene reasons you should always bring your own. Choose a towel large enough to lay out on the beach. Or bring a beach mat with you.

You can buy a good beach towel in the online store. There you will find not only quality, but also an excellent choice.

7. Sunscreen

A seaside holiday means spending a long time under the sun. Each of us already knows that the sun can be harmful to our body and skin, so it is important to protect ourselves from its negative effects.

Each of us has a different skin type, which means it is very important to know before purchasing.

High-quality cosmetic products for sun protection for adults and children can be ordered in the online store.

8. First aid kit

When talking about safety at sea, we must not forget about the first aid kit. The scorching sun, unfamiliar food and a foreign city can bring their own surprises. To be able to provide first aid to one of your family members, be sure to take a first aid kit with you! It is advisable to put in it: antipyretics and tea for colds, nasal drops, a patch, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green.

You can order medications for delivery at an online pharmacy.

9. Swimming equipment

What kind of vacation would it be without inflatable mattresses and circles? This is both fun and relaxation at the same time, and for children it is also safe.

If you already know which watercraft to choose for yourself and then it’s time to place an order online: a large assortment of different mattresses can be found on.

10. Entertainment

A holiday at sea is not only about a beautiful tan and enjoying the sea, but also about having fun!

To avoid getting bored at sea, take badminton with you. You can play it together or even in pairs - and you are guaranteed fun for the whole day.

If you are relaxing with friends, then your option is a frisbee, or simply a “flying saucer”. Playing in a fun company will provide you with a great mood for the whole day.

But for children, a real kite will be a great entertainment! You just have to show your child how to control it - and you will have the opportunity to relax a little in silence, or have fun with your baby.

You can buy a badminton set at. The set includes two rackets and a case for them. If you suddenly decide to play it at night, then you simply cannot do without a glowing shuttlecock, but you can order it. You can buy an inexpensive Frisbee flying saucer in the online store. For a kite, go to.

11. Beach bag

You won't be able to get by without a bag at sea. Even if you are staying in an expensive hotel, and everything you need will be provided on the spot, you will still have to carry sunscreen, a bottle of water, a towel, and so on to the beach. It’s much more convenient to put it all in a spacious bag.

And, of course, girls cannot do without a handbag: they will have to put a smartphone, keys, wallet and other small things in it. We invite you to plunge into the world. Not only are they on trend, but they will also free up your hands and you won't have to worry about losing the accessory.

We have already written about how to make purchases on, so we are sure that it will not be difficult for you to order there too.

12. Hats

Under no circumstances should you go anywhere during the day without a hat. You risk getting sunstroke, and this is very dangerous to your health!

A cap, a Panama hat, or a scarf can serve as a headdress. A hat has become a popular option for girls this summer. You can read more in our review. From it you will learn where to buy stylish hats online so as not to spend extra money and time on shopping trips.

13. Cosmetic bag

We cannot do without hygiene products and cosmetics on vacation. Often it is the cosmetic bag that takes up a considerable part of the space in the suitcase, but we have already told you how to save space in the suitcase and not forget anything.

Don’t forget: on long trips, and especially at sea, it is important to take only the most necessary things.

The only additional advice is to take thermal water with you so that the sun does not dry out your skin. You can buy good thermal water directly from a well-known manufacturer -.

14. Gadgets

To avoid getting bored, be sure to take your smartphone and tablet with you on vacation. But don't forget to bring a charger or spare battery with you.

A device that can help you out when the battery is almost empty and you urgently need to make a call can be bought in the online store.

15. Camera or video camera

Don't forget about such an important thing as a camera, because it will help you capture your vacation for life!

Everything we've listed fits perfectly into one vacation suitcase, and you won't have to drag additional bags along with you.

During the summer holidays, many compatriots try to go on vacation to the sea. The beach, sun, swimming and entertainment - all this helps to restore working capacity and improve health. To make your vacation a success, make a list of the necessary things at sea in advance - clothes, medicines, documents, etc. Take this moment seriously, otherwise your whole family trip will be overshadowed. Thanks to this, packing your suitcases will take place without any incidents.

What to take to the sea

It is necessary to make a list of things for a vacation at sea in advance - preferably 3-4 or more days before departure. Otherwise, in your haste, you will forget many essential things. In addition, this approach will help you get rid of unnecessary things that you really won’t need on a beach holiday. Organize all your useful accessories into specific categories so you don't miss out on anything. The universal list should consist of:

  • clothes for adults: separately for women and men;
  • children's clothing;
  • baby food;
  • personal hygiene items;
  • medicines;
  • technology;
  • cosmetics;
  • products.

What clothes to take to the sea

The most difficult part of packing a suitcase is choosing the right clothes. In this case, you need to provide for absolutely everything, because, for example, no one can guarantee that there will be no cool weather in your chosen vacation spot. In this regard, take care in advance of choosing more or less warm clothes - just in case. At the same time, give preference to light-colored fabrics made from natural threads - linen, but cotton is better. In such clothes, the skin will “breathe”, so you will not “burn” from the heat.

To a woman

The answer to the question of what clothes a woman should take to the sea is one of the most difficult. It is recommended to take clothes at the rate of one outfit for two days. When going to warm countries, it would be a good idea to take some sportswear with you - it will come in handy on some excursions. Try to exclude all those products that are not useful to you. Your significant other will help you evaluate the outfits. An approximate list of things needed for a holiday at the resort:

  • swimsuit – 1-2 pcs.;
  • jeans/pants, skirt, shorts – 1 piece each;
  • pareo, tunic, elegant blouse, evening dress, night pajamas - 1 piece each;
  • T-shirts, T-shirts – 3-4 pcs.;
  • bra – 2 pcs.;
  • panties – 1 pc. on every day;
  • sandals, ballet shoes, beach slippers/flip-flops – 1-2 pairs each;
  • cardigan, windbreaker or warm blouse – 1 pc.;
  • sports pants or a whole suit - 1 pc.;
  • light shirt with sleeves (if you get badly sunburned) – 2 pcs.;
  • headdress – 1-2 pcs.

To a man

To answer the question of what things a man should take to the sea, try to give preference to products made from natural fabrics in a light shade. At the same time, it would be nice to take a couple of T-shirts or shirts in a dark shade, which are perfect for going to a disco or some kind of party. An approximate list of necessary men's clothing should look like this:

  • light and classic trousers – 2 pcs. and 1 piece;
  • shorts, swimming trunks, light shirt - 2 pieces each;
  • T-shirts, T-shirts – 1 pc. on every day;
  • sandals, slates, summer shoes – 1 pc.;
  • underwear (pants) – 1 pc. on every day;
  • socks – 3-4 pairs;
  • headdress (for example, a hat) – 1 pc.

To kid

Make a list of necessary clothing for your upcoming trip and for the youngest members of your family. A small child will need no less a list of clothes than his mother or father, but try to take a minimum of things - only the most necessary ones. A set of clothing sets that your baby will really need during a trip to the seaside may include:

  • shorts, skirts;
  • socks;
  • 2 T-shirts for every day;
  • 2 swimsuits;
  • 2 caps/panamas;
  • clothes for the evening;
  • cotton clothes with long sleeves (if the child suddenly gets sunburned);
  • warm clothes;
  • sandals;
  • sneakers for excursions.

List of necessary things at sea

To answer the question of what to take with you to the sea, carefully read the lists below, which will help you prepare the necessary things for your upcoming trip. To some, they may seem very large - in this case, simply cross out unnecessary items and thereby reduce the number of things you take with you. To ergonomically pack as many items as possible into one suitcase, use special vacuum packaging/bags and a vacuum cleaner.


Before you start packing your luggage, take care of your documents and money - these are the two most important components of any vacation, because... everything else can be bought. Without the necessary documents, the upcoming trip will be disrupted at the airport. Don’t forget that your passport with money should be in your attention area not only during preparations or customs control, but also during your entire vacation. For the trip you will need:

  • passport;
  • tickets;
  • vouchers;
  • medical insurance;
  • driver's license (if you want to rent a car);
  • photocopies of documents;
  • money, bank card.


A summer holiday by the sea will help you relax and gain strength before the upcoming workday, but don’t forget to take a first aid kit with you. The fact is that there is always a risk of getting severely sunburned or scalded by too hot sand. In addition, there is a high chance that drinking too much cold drinks can give you a sore throat. In this regard, try not to leave preparing your first aid kit until the last minute. What medications might be helpful? The first aid kit should include a thermometer, iodine, bactericidal adhesive plaster, cotton swabs, as well as medications:

  • from poisoning;
  • from thrush;
  • headache;
  • from sore throat;
  • from the manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  • from burns;
  • on temperature;
  • from insect bites;
  • painkillers;
  • cardiovascular.

Hygiene products

Don't forget about personal hygiene items, without which it is better not to go on vacation. Although, if you forget to take something with you, then don’t despair - you can buy hygiene products at your vacation spot, and some of them are available directly at the hotel. True, their cost will be an order of magnitude higher than the statistical average. Be sure to bring a towel, toothbrush and toothpaste. In addition, the list of necessary things at sea may consist of:

  • handkerchiefs;
  • wet wipes;
  • soap;
  • shampoo;
  • shower gel;
  • tampons;
  • gaskets;
  • cotton swabs and disks;
  • perfume/eau de toilette/cologne;
  • toothpicks.


Before going on vacation at sea, a woman needs to stock up on the necessary cosmetics. Their number will depend on how long you plan to rest. Try to reduce the list of necessary products - it is recommended to reduce their use during vacation to a minimum. A sample list for this category would include:

  • sunscreen for body;
  • day moisturizer;
  • after-sun body cream/lotion;
  • night cream;
  • foam sponges;
  • milk;
  • tonic;
  • lipsticks;
  • a small palette of shadows;
  • matting powder;
  • simple and waterproof mascara;
  • eyeliner, lip pencil;
  • nail polish;
  • means for removing waterproof cosmetics and nail polish.


Among other things, the list of necessary things at sea should include equipment that you may need during your vacation. Moreover, it is not a fact that upon arrival you will find it in the hotel or guest house where you decided to stay. A camera or smartphone with a good camera is an integral part of any trip - with the help of one of these devices you can capture many pictures for memory. The list of equipment and other necessary things may consist of:

  • camera and/or camera;
  • memory cards;
  • flash drives;
  • laptops/netbooks/tablets;
  • mobile phones;
  • chargers;
  • selfie sticks;
  • iron;
  • small teapot;
  • plastic box for food;
  • plastic hangers;
  • beach bags;
  • sunglasses;
  • umbrella;
  • books.

What to take to the sea with a child

When planning to swim in the sea water and relax on the beach with the whole family, think about what your child will need. First of all, put a few of your baby's toys in your backpack or trunk. Stock up on baby creams, underwear, shorts, tank tops, T-shirts, a couple of pajamas or sleep sets. For a girl, take a couple of sundresses or dresses, trousers for the evening, a light jacket, for a boy - a long-sleeved jacket, sweatpants, shorts. From shoes, choose items for the beach, walks and in case of cold weather. Don't forget to take inflatable rings.

What not to forget on vacation

The list of things to do at sea must necessarily include such basic things as hairpins and combs. The simplest thing that is often forgotten at home is a pen - although it can be very necessary, for example, to fill out a migration card. Tourists often forget to take chargers for mobile devices and a toothbrush with them. In addition, even scissors can come in handy on a trip.

List of things to take on a plane

In order to safely endure the flight, especially for those people who are afraid to travel by air, you need to take a few important things with you. You should always have a smartphone or tablet at hand - you can also take a laptop, but using it on an airplane will not be very convenient. Record your favorite movies, books and games on your mobile device in advance. In addition, be sure to study the rules for importing and exporting items into and out of the country to avoid any problems at the border. In addition to your smartphone or tablet, you can take with you on the plane:

  • documents, money;
  • light but warm clothes, because... Air conditioning is constantly running in the aircraft cabin;
  • a minimum set of vital medications, although the plane always has its own first aid kit;
  • wet wipes;

What products to take on the road

If you want to save a little on food in the first days of your vacation, then make a list of suitable products. It is recommended not to take perishable or specific-smelling food with you. It is best to place all products in a special transparent container - this is necessary in order to speed up and simplify the inspection procedure. Try to bring food that can be prepared as simply as possible without being too crumbly. A good option might be:

  • regular bread (can be with grains);
  • sausage with cheese;
  • vegetables (cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes);
  • cutting in vacuum packaging;
  • nuts;
  • baked piece of meat;
  • yogurt, kefir in secure packaging;
  • chocolate bars;
  • glazed sweets;
  • buns.
