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What kind of husky breed is it? These magical huskies: the most detailed description of the breed and characteristics with photos. Why do huskies howl?

Ancient northern tribes managed to tame wild wolves in order to use them as carriage drivers.

To say that a person needed Huskies only to move along snowy off-road terrain would be unfair.

These dogs have become real friends for humans. They could be trusted to protect the house and children, they could warm them with their bodies during cold and snowfall. What is the relationship between Husky and modern man?

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History of the breed

The history of the appearance of the breed not known for certain, but scientists confidently declare that wolves were the ancestors of Huskies. By crossing wolves with domestic dogs, this amazing variety of today's pets was created.

In that harsh climate, when a person was forced to travel long distances and at the same time resist weather conditions, an assistant was needed. To this day, it is these dogs, harnessed to sleds, that are capable of providing uncontested cargo transportation in the harsh north.

At the beginning of the twentieth century there is unexpected event. Russian dog handlers decide that this species is no longer suitable as a labor force, which means there is no need for its preservation and reproduction. This would have been the end of our story, but suddenly the Gold Rush began in Alaska.

To get to the mine, one had to travel too long distances, requiring serious physical training. And then we remembered Husky again. Their value has increased in America. Its popularity gained new momentum and now representatives of the breed occupy worthy prizes at exhibitions.

At the mention of Husky, the imagination of each of us draws pictures of the distant snowy north. However, today we can meet them in an ordinary small Moscow apartment.

Certainly the past of the species and its origin leaves an imprint and our contemporaries, so be sure to learn about all the intricacies of care and features of keeping an animal before purchasing a puppy.

Descriptions of origin

Unfortunately, not everyone who decides to have a pet really understands all the responsibility of your desire. When choosing a friend from the animal world, many pay attention to his appearance and popularity. The Huskies will take the lead on these points.

The appearance makes a touching impression, and the origin story, in which real Siberian wolves are present in the ancestors, adds brutality.

How cute are the puppies! Fluffy lumps with blue eyes and playfully wagging tails. But these Siberian fluffies are notable not only for their appearance. They have great character, centuries of experience in serving people have made them understanding and friendly.

They are hardy, good hunters, and ideal for living in cold climates. Thanks to their dense, warm undercoat, it costs them nothing to spend the night in the snow. Thanks to their vague external resemblance to wolves and excellent training abilities, Huskies often become movie stars.

These dogs have a proportionately strong muscular body. They are dexterous and agile, accustomed to great physical activity, they constantly need it. In the breed following standards:

  • head. From the ancestors of wolves, they inherited the shape of a head with an extended nose. The head shape is triangular;
  • ears. The size is medium. The ears are located close to each other. Always in an upright position;
  • eyes. Puppies have blue eyes, then become brown. Almond-shaped, obliquely set;
  • body. A somewhat elongated body with well-developed muscles and a strong skeletal system. Wide chest;
  • height at the withers. The maximum height of an adult male is about sixty centimeters, the minimum is fifty centimeters. The maximum height of an adult female is fifty-six centimeters;
  • weight. An adult male weighs from twenty to thirty kilograms. An adult female weighs from fifteen to twenty-five kilograms.
  • life expectancy. They can live up to fourteen years.


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Husky's character unusually alive. This is a sociable, playful, agile, unusually intelligent animal. A special feature of this breed is its sportive nature. Imagine that your best friend is very passionate about sports.

In order for your communication to be close, you will have to lead an active lifestyle yourself. If you prefer leisurely walks along the embankment or the main street of the city, with a dog keeping up with you on a long leash, then the Husky is not for you.

This dog is suitable for active young people for whom morning jogging is as familiar and necessary as for their pets. Even if your morning walk was really active, it won't be enough. There should be at least two such walks a day, or even three. And remember that no weather conditions can cancel the walk.

As a watchman The domesticated breed of northern wolves does not cope well with its responsibilities. This is too good-natured and friendly animal. She is well disposed towards guests and strangers. So, if thieves break into your house, it is possible that your security guard will greet them with all his broad soul.

In relationships with children Huskies are ready to support any frisky and fun game. This breed has a protective attitude towards children. They take the child under their care and care for him to the best of their ability and understanding. They enjoy playing with children and devote all their time to them. Well, it’s not worth talking about the fact that every child will be glad to have such a cheerful and furry friend.

Husky very loneliness is difficult to bear. Do not get this breed if you work a lot and there are no other people in your home. Alone, the dog becomes uncontrollable. It can ruin furniture, chew clothes, and later becomes disobedient and untrainable.

Feeding and care

From their ancient ancestors, Huskies inherited excellent health and low maintenance. They are clean and, almost like representatives of the cat family, are able to take care of themselves. It is not recommended to bathe them more than once a year. Wool does not require special care. Shedding occurs twice a year and during this period you will have to be patient with the crumbling tufts of fur. The rest of the time there is no need for constant brushing.

As for nutrition, do not forget that you you are dealing with a predator. At least sixty percent of the diet should come from natural meat. It can be rabbit meat, poultry meat, or fatty pork. As for meat, absolutely anything goes here. The remaining forty percent should contain healthy grains and vegetables. It is recommended to periodically try adding fermented milk products to your food.

If you are a fan of ready-made food, then give preference only to premium food. Do not trust unknown manufacturers and do not try to save money on cheap food. You will pay veterinarians more for treatment.

A couple of times a year, take the time to take your pet to the vet for a routine checkup to make sure everything is okay. If a dog loses its appetite and becomes apathetic, this does not always mean illness. It is possible that she simply lacks activity. This breed is designed for serious physical activity. The lifestyle has shaped the need for these animals to lead an active lifestyle. Providing them with this lifestyle is as important as providing them with the right care and nutrition.

Buying a Husky puppy is not as simple a task as it might seem. Firstly, you cannot always trust advertisements posted on various Internet resources. And secondly, it’s not so simple find a big nursery engaged in breeding and sales. On average, a puppy without pedigree, documents and distinctive physical abilities costs about thirty thousand rubles.

The presence of documents immediately increases the cost by ten thousand rubles. Well, if you are interested in compliance with all standards and formalities, the puppy’s involvement in a famous dynasty, participation in exhibitions, etc., then the price will start from fifty thousand rubles. Such promising kids, showing from infancy artistic abilities visible immediately.

But if you are a beginner, then it’s better to look for a good and reliable friend from ordinary puppies. In order to win exhibitions and create your own show programs, it is not enough to buy a promising artist, you still need to be able to grow him into a real star.

Advantages and disadvantages

To summarize our article, I would like to systematize everything that has been said for clarity. So that those who are now thinking about purchasing a Husky can once again appreciate all the advantages and disadvantages of this breed.


  • good nature;
  • sociability;
  • ease of care;
  • cleanliness;
  • no dog smell;
  • high intelligence;
  • most often they are quiet, but they can remember their ancestors and howl at the moon;
  • for people who love to travel it will become a faithful companion;
  • gets along well with children and other pets;
  • touching appearance;
  • is not afraid of either cold or heat.


Which of the advantages or disadvantages of this breed will be the most important for you when making a decision, you will decide for yourself, and we will add several reviews from those people who are already lucky enough to be the owner of this wonderful dog. Just remember that any pet will need your love and care.

Husky is one of the oldest dog breeds. Previously, its representatives were used as sled dogs, but today they have become companions, participate in exhibitions and are excellent babysitters for children. The appearance improved by people has created an image for the breed, making it extremely popular and beloved all over the world.

It is known that sled dogs were bred by the “Okhotsk” aborigines since the Neolithic.

The Russians, who explored Siberia in the 17th century, were pleasantly surprised by the live transport. However, the need to transport food, gold and people over long distances led to the emergence of larger and more resilient individuals. They were called "East Siberian Russian dogs" and were the first true huskies.

The outbreak of the Gold Rush attracted Americans to Siberia. They brought wonderful dogs to their homeland. In 1908, the four-legged animals ended up in Alaska. American breeders began to actively breed them. This led to the fact that in 1934 the breed was officially awarded a standard, and the USA was named its homeland, which is not true.

Blue-eyed "Siberians" were bred by two breeders E. Seeley and Lorna Demidoff. Before this, dogs only had dark eyes. Since 1970, dogs began to participate in exhibitions, taking prizes. Gradually they moved away from their original role and became pets in apartment conditions.

These dogs were brought to Russia only in 1995 from the Czech Republic and Belgium. The first specialized nursery was “Akulova Gora” near Moscow.


The photo shows a husky of medium height and compact build. They have erect, pointed ears; almond-shaped eyes, located slightly obliquely; rather arched middle neck; deep and powerful chest; a pubescent tail, which in a calm state is straightened and lowered, and in an alert state is raised above the back in the shape of a sickle, but does not curl over the back.

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Representatives of the breed have dewclaws on their front paws, which they need to itch. These fingers do not need to be removed.

The standard allows any eye color from dark brown to blue. The same applies to the color of the coat, which in dogs is thick with a well-developed undercoat. The most popular color is:

  • Black;
  • White;
  • Black and white;
  • Grey-white;
  • Ashen;
  • Reddish;
  • Brown-white;
  • Spotted;
  • Brown.

Gender is not particularly pronounced outwardly. Height ranges from 50-60 cm, and weight 15-30 kg. It is important that the dog looks proportional.

Disadvantages of the breed

Before you buy a husky, you should check it for any defects. Because of them, the dog is not allowed to be bred or participate in exhibitions.

Defects are considered to be a coarse or too refined head, eyes that are set too far or too close, a massive short or long neck, and a wide, barrel-shaped chest.

It is important that the shoulder is not perpendicular to the ground. A “loose” shoulder is considered a fault. Like loose paws, as well as large or small paws. Toes pointing inside the paw are also a fault of the breed.

A curled, low or high-set tail and coarse long hair are undesirable. It should not be very soft or hard.

The requirements for this breed are high, but they are explained by the desire to create purebred individuals with an ideal standard.

Breed varieties

Today, the breed is conventionally divided into three varieties: sledding, racing and exhibition (show class).

The first ones are the largest and hardiest. Their appearance is closer to the original. Such dogs are used in their native Siberia and other remote places with harsh climates. Running specimens are small in size and lighter. They are exploited in greyhound racing.

Exhibition “Siberians” are designed for normal climatic conditions, live well in apartments and are distinguished by incredible beauty that captivates at first sight.

See also: Kooikerhondje


The description of the Husky breed should begin with its magnificent character. This is a friendly, calm, loyal and non-aggressive creature. Activity and curiosity add resemblance to a child, which even adults remain at heart. That’s why it’s so easy and pleasant for them to play around with children; they become excellent nannies.

They get along with other animals without problems, unless we are talking about small and fluffy animals. To dampen the hunting instinct and protect, for example, a cat, it is necessary for it to grow up with a Siberian. But the neighbor's rabbits, cats and birds will still be at risk.

The breed is stubborn. Its representatives learned to solve problems themselves and choose paths. Therefore, they strive to take advantage of their characteristics, even if this is contrary to the rules of the owner. Such problems can only be eliminated by proper husky training.

A dog cannot perform the role of a hunter (does not bring prey), a watchman and security guard, or a service dog. It is possible to “remake” it, but the consequences may turn out to be evil for those who want to do it.

It is difficult to find a more peaceful, intelligent and sociable animal that is devoted to its beloved owner. This is an individual personality that you can't help but fall in love with.

Care and maintenance

The most necessary things for Siberians are physical activity, mental exercises and regular long walks. They should not sit locked up for a long time, and especially alone - this will upset their psyche.

In order for the husky pictures to correspond to reality, you need to keep an eye on your pet. Hygiene procedures (cleaning eyes, teeth and ears) are carried out daily. The fur is also constantly combed out, and sometimes grooming is done. It is better to keep bathing to a minimum. Ideally, once a year is enough, but breeders bathe their dogs every few months.

In general terms, this is a very clean dog, which is distinguished by the absence of drooling and unpleasant odor. Shedding occurs twice a year naturally, without trimming.

See also: English bulldog

The Siberian Husky tends to run away, avoiding all obstacles. He can dig a hole, jump over a high fence and even break a window to escape. This makes it difficult to select content. Breeders advise choosing private houses with enclosures, but the animal will feel great in a city apartment.


Husky lives about 10-12 years. This is a healthy dog ​​with high immunity. However, she has a tendency to a number of diseases:

  • Epilepsy;
  • Various eye problems;
  • Atypical dermatitis;
  • Laryngeal paralysis;
  • Depigmentation of the nose;
  • Degenerative myelopathy;
  • Testicular tumor (in males);
  • Perineal gland adenoma.

To eliminate risks, you should check the puppy before purchasing for a veterinary passport, and also find out about the health of its parents. Of course, we must not forget about vaccinations and regular preventive examinations by a veterinarian.


The price of a husky starts from 10,000 rubles. But for this amount they usually offer a crossbreed or a puppy without a pedigree, documents and vaccinations. Good puppies are sold for 25,000 - 55,000 rubles. Show-class puppies have a price higher than others - 60,000 - 130,000 rubles.

It is better to purchase them from specially created nurseries or from trusted breeders. It is necessary to have a veterinary passport, information about parents and other documents.

The Husky dog ​​breed is no longer really a dog. This is an amazing creature that differs from the representatives of its tribe no less than the desert differs from the snow-covered taiga. Absolute trust in humans, friendliness, incredible intelligence and impressive endurance - all these features of the Husky breed invariably attract people who want to touch something ancient and real.

According to archaeologists, the history of the Siberian Husky breed began more than six thousand years ago. It was then that the northern peoples began to use dogs as mounts. The ancestors of the husky served as mushers from the tribes of the Eskimos, Yukaghirs, Nivkhs and others. For thousands of years, the role of dogs in the life of the peoples of the North was enormous, even decisive. In conditions of long winter, extreme cold and the need to overcome enormous distances on ice and snow, it was impossible to survive without sled dogs.

Over the centuries, the unique character of the Husky breed has been formed. Sled dogs were more than just friends. They saved the musher’s life by acting selflessly in any situation and without thinking about their own safety. The cruel history of the Husky breed left no chance for those who strayed from the generally accepted norm: aggressive and cowardly, lazy and disobedient, physically weak and distrustful individuals were shot. Puppies with loyalty and efficiency grew up to be ideal sled dogs, capable of covering kilometers of the most difficult trails. The dogs kept the musher warm at night, ate once every two days, and ate from the same bowl with the children (it was believed that such feeding strengthens the spiritual connection).

The official registration and first standard of the Siberian Husky breed is the merit of US breeders, although the homeland of these dogs is the Far East. Northern sled dogs first came to Alaska during the Gold Rush. In 1908, the first races were held, in which the Husky harness took third place. A year later, the “northern mice,” so nicknamed for their small size, took first and second places. The characteristics of the Husky breed - smallness, mobility, love of racing, endurance and the ability to develop enormous speed - were very popular with European and American gold miners. Every year more and more teams appeared in Alaska, consisting only of Siberian sled dogs.

In the USSR, meanwhile, a number of restrictions were introduced on the breeding of dogs, and a number of bans on the keeping of sled dogs. Mass executions of animals that did not fit into the “standard” framework were carried out. Soviet ethologists, knowing very well the origins of the husky breed and understanding how important the role these dogs play in the life of the northern tribes, developed a program to destroy sled dogs. The goal was banal and cruel: to deprive the Chukchi people of the forces and means aimed at fighting the Soviet conquerors. The description of the Siberian Husky breed was distorted to the point of absurdity, and, in the end, by 1952, one of the oldest breeds was recognized as having never existed!

But those dogs that once came to Alaska have not gone away. In 1925, a terrible thing happened - a diphtheria epidemic in the city of Nome. Leonard Seppala, an experienced musher and multiple race winner, traveled more than four hundred kilometers to deliver medicine to dying children. At the head of the team was ten-year-old Togo, who during the journey repeatedly saved the life of his musher, and therefore the lives of Noma’s children. For 80 km. From Noma, the frozen Togo, wounded and exhausted, refused to get up. Fortunately, there was a parking lot nearby where Leonard changed his harness - full of strength, young and hardy dogs, led by the famous Balto, quickly covered the rest of the journey. It was a triumph, a complete victory of man and his best friends over the elements! Every year there were (and are still being released) new films about husky dogs, in which a terrible path was recreated - a path on ice, in darkness, in frozen water, snow, a path hand in hand with the white death. And victory, no matter what. Never again was the husky in danger of extinction: after the rescue of the Noma children, the breed became famous throughout the world.

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Delightful, strong and well-built dogs, looking at the world with the slanted eyes of people from the North. Huskies with blue or different eyes are very impressive, although brown-eyed beauties are no less attractive. The Siberian Husky breed standard describes them as light, medium-bodied animals. A husky should not be heavy and massive like sled dogs designed to transport large loads. But huskies are also not fragile, like short-distance racers.

Husky is the golden mean: about 25 kg with 55 cm at the withers, with a flat, strong straight back, strong limbs and a deep, strong chest. The length of the muzzle is equal to the length of the skull, the transition is marked. The skull is slightly rounded, but not excessively broad. The muzzle is straight, elongated, tapering towards the tip, very expressive, neat, not thinned or rough.

There are two varieties of the Husky breed: show and working. The latter are simple-minded, but are distinguished by incredible innate abilities to work in harness. Exhibition animals are more attractive in appearance, but rarely show excellent results in races.

The coat is very dense, thick and warm to the touch, with abundant undercoat. The long, straight tail appears thick due to the rich, decorative fur. The undercoat supports the coat, giving the appearance of some airiness. But the husky should not be “plush” or “disheveled” - the coat lies flat. The description of the Husky breed includes more than 15 colors, many of which are not recognized by all organizations. According to the FCI standard, Huskies can be any color, from pure white to black.

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Character and training

In addition to their unusual appearance, these dogs have a unique character. Before buying a puppy, the owner must clearly understand the pros and cons of the husky breed. For example, sled dogs are not suitable for the role of protector or guard, since they are absolutely devoid of anger. They deeply trust people, seeing a person only as a friend and helper. They are affectionate, but not to the point of servility: an independent husky, walking at the head of the harness, chooses the direction, obeying intuition, and not orders.

A playful and good-natured husky will be a wonderful companion for a sporty, active person. They get along well with children, never taking offense at the child’s careless actions. They feel great in a friendly atmosphere and grow nervous if the family often quarrels and raises their voices.

To a beginning fancier, the character of the Husky breed may seem willful and even stubborn. It's all about the purpose of these dogs - to lead the sled in conditions of poor visibility, on cracking ice, where a person can only provide moral support, and the dog does the main work. When training huskies, you cannot use the generally accepted “leader-subordinate” scheme. Husky is an equal partner, highly intelligent and capable of making decisions on his own. The Husky dog ​​breed is suitable for thoughtful people who do not seek to instill unquestioning obedience in their pet. Sled dogs are sociable, easy to train, hardy, love playing sports in the company of a person, but always maintain a sense of self-esteem and some self-sufficiency.

The main feature of dogs is that they are sled dogs and are used to living on the street. The life of a husky at home is not always comfortable. Dogs can live on their own, without attachment to a person.

For healthy development, Huskies need to run and play a lot. If the dog lives in an apartment, you need to exercise it regularly, as huskies need constant activity.

Features of a husky

The specificity of the breed lies in its endurance to weather and physical stress.

  1. Expressive eyes. Huskies with blue eyes are more common, but there can be odd-eyed and brown-eyed dogs.
  2. Thick layer of fur. Due to their ability to withstand temperatures down to -60°C, huskies have a thick layer of fur even on their paws. The wool is highly insulating and dogs can sleep in the snow.
  3. Self-cleaning wool. Shedding occurs quickly, 2 times a year, without smell.
  4. Ability to change metabolism. This skill gives the animal the opportunity to run for many hours in a row without getting tired. In a harness, a husky can run up to 250 km per day at an average speed of 10-15 km/h.
  5. Not suitable for protection. They have no aggression towards humans, adore children and are very friendly.
  6. Get sick often– retinal dystrophy and diseases of the posterior musculoskeletal system.

Signs of a Healthy Husky

If you decide to buy a puppy, you need to know what it should look like in good condition:

  • eyes without discharge;
  • The medium-length coat is thick and shiny;
  • black and white, gray and white or piebald;
  • erect ears. The inner surface of the ear is clean, without discharge or dirt;
  • white teeth and correct bite. No bad breath;
  • straight and wide paws covered with thick hair;
  • uniform belly;
  • pads and paws are soft and without cracks;
  • long straight tail, without bends or curvatures.

When buying a dog online, you may encounter scammers. To avoid buying a sick dog or a mixed breed dog, follow these tips:

  1. Make sure that the puppy matches the photo that the breeders post, that it is healthy, cheerful and with documents.
  2. The price for a full-fledged purebred puppy cannot be low. If you are offered a puppy at a low price, find out what kind of catch awaits you.
  3. Call the breeder and ask for additional real-time photos of the puppy. It happens that a photo of a puppy hangs on the Internet for several months. Ask for photos from all angles: muzzle, bite, front and back views. You can ask for a video to see the puppy's behavior.
  4. Look at the anatomy, especially the bite. If the dog has an incorrect bite, you may have problems with nutrition and teeth, then the dog will not be suitable for shows. If the bite is bad, the dog is not suitable for breeding.
  5. Buy a dog with documents. Find out what authentic documents look like. Without documents, a dog is considered mongrel.
  6. The dog must have a mark. It may be on the ear or on the stomach. This indicates that the dog is registered. The brand on the documents must match the brand on the dog. Dogs may be microchipped. The chip is a capsule that is administered at the veterinary clinic. It contains information about the dog and owner. You can read information from the chip using equipment.

Signs of illness in a husky

The puppy should be very active, playing, barking, responding to touch and jumping on its feet. Signs that your dog is sick:

  • lies in the corner and shows no signs of presence;
  • does not respond to stroking;
  • eyes water;
  • bloated stomach;
  • there is discharge from the ears and nose;
  • curvatures in the tail indicate displacement of the vertebrae;
  • the dog smells unpleasant;
  • bad breath;
  • discharge from the anus.

Before you buy a dog and bring it into your home, prepare the apartment.


  • wires out of reach. If your puppy often chews on wires, you can wean him off using a spray that is sold in pet stores. You can coat the wires with lemon;
  • detergents and medications so that they do not get into the stomach or mucous membranes of the puppy;
  • valuables. The puppy may chew or swallow them;
  • shoes and clothing from accessible places;
  • carpets and rugs. Husky loves to tear up floor coverings;
  • glass jars, bottles, bags, bags and cereals in the kitchen;
  • household appliances and flower pots.

What is required for maintenance

  • Bowls made of food grade stainless steel.
  • Toys– balls, ropes and special bones.
  • Toilet diapers. They will make it easier to get used to the tray and will be useful for transportation.
  • Bed or sleeping mat. The dog should have his own place
  • Comb and a brush for combing.
  • Leather collar. Metal ones cut off hair in the neck area.
  • Leashes. They should be of different lengths or one with a lock. Husky is a sled dog and you can train it to carry you on a skateboard, roller skate or bicycle.
  • Shampoo. Wash your dog whenever it gets dirty, but not more than once a month.

How to toilet train a husky

Accustom your dog to a diaper from the first day of birth. To toilet train your puppy, soak a diaper in dog urine and place it in the toilet area. The puppy will follow the scent and go where it needs to go. The duration of training a puppy to a place is 2-3 days.

  1. Don't leave your puppy alone for long periods of time. Since the dog is very energetic, he will want to play with things that you forgot to put away.
  2. Don't let your puppy jump on the bed, sofa or other objects. The dog should have its own place.
  3. Do not feed the puppy from the table, cabinet or bed. She will begin to consider your food as hers and will constantly beg for it.
  4. Give treats only for merit or good behavior.
  5. Don't hit your puppy or lock him up as punishment. Huskies should be scolded during an offense or immediately after it. A dog has no concept of time; if you punish him for an offense after 10-15 minutes, he will not understand why he was punished. Punish the dog verbally or by poking it with its nose.
  6. Don't let your puppy chew things.
  7. It is unacceptable to play with the dog with your hands. This is how the dog begins to mistake the person for a toy.
  8. Don't go around the dog, but step over it.
  9. Don't play with your dog when he asks. Play whenever you want.

If your puppy bites while playing, stop the habit immediately with the command “fu” or “no”. It is acceptable to lightly hit the puppy on the nose. First we say the command, then we do the action.

Huskies are, first and foremost, sled dogs. They are able to make decisions on their own, as they have nerves of iron and self-confidence. Thanks to all the above-mentioned advantages, this breed of dog copes well with the work for which it was bred - running in a sled, covering long distances, carrying heavy loads, and practically not feeling cold or fatigue. Those who are fascinated by the blue eyes of a husky should immediately understand that this is not a guard dog, not a guard dog, not a hunting dog, and, of course, not a decorative dog. This is a servant for whom the meaning of life lies in work, however, recently huskies have begun to be used as companions. MirSovetov will reveal the characteristics of the Siberian Husky breed.

History of the Husky

The Siberian Husky breed was bred in the north to help people who needed to travel long distances. It is believed that a thousand years ago, people from Asia migrated north along with their dogs. There, their four-legged companions mated with wolves and among themselves, forming the so-called group of “northern dogs.” Throughout this time, dogs faithfully served man - some of them became hunting dogs, and some became sled dogs. The name of the breed “Husky” comes from the word “Eski” - this is how the Americans called all sled dogs bred by the Chukchi in North-Eastern Siberia. It was the teams of the Husky ancestors - with their endurance and speed - that helped the Chukchi in their time in battles with the soldiers of the Russian Empire, as a result of which a treaty on the independence of the northern peoples was signed.

The isolation that arose made it possible to develop a pure breed of dogs without impurities. Thanks to careful selection of animals, the Chukchi got a rather interesting breed of dogs: they were not only a means of transportation, but also real friends, as they helped the head of the family on the hunt, and in the evenings they warmed the children when it was very cold.

This continued until the beginning of the 20th century - until the government of the USSR decided that the husky was absolutely useless. Since the status of the breed was not assigned to representatives of dogs in the far north, breeding of huskies was simply prohibited. An even sharper decline in the population began when the government banned feeding fish to local dogs.

The breed was preserved thanks to... the Gold Rush in Alaska. It was there that the best representatives of the breed were taken. Gold miners bought dogs en masse from the Chukchi and transported them across the strait. Only in America did a breed of dog from the far north receive the modern name “Siberian Husky”. The last team of huskies was exported from Siberia in 1930. Alaska fell in love with a new breed of dog. Thanks to these beautiful animals, a new sport even appeared - dog sled racing.

By the way, the most famous Siberian husky in history was a dog named Balto, the leader of the team who delivered serum to children dying of diphtheria from Nenana to Nome. In memory of the husky's feat, a monument to Balto and all sled dogs was erected in Canada.

The breed was officially recognized in 1930 - and huskies received American “citizenship”. In 1932, the first breed standard was published, and in 1938 the Husky Lovers Club was founded.

If you decide to get a husky: features of the breed

Do you need a Husky dog?

Many people are fascinated by the appearance of the Siberian Husky. A real wolf with blue eyes, what could be even more mysterious and enigmatic? What if this miracle also lives in your home? Unfortunately, few people understand that a small fluffy puppy will very soon turn into a serious and strong dog that needs a lot of physical activity, without which it will, as they say, “go crazy” in the apartment. Remember that in the pictures absolutely all the puppies are cute and funny, but an adult husky wants to work: he definitely needs to move a lot. Two thirty-minute walks - in the morning and before bed - is very little for a husky.

Before getting this dog breed, consider:

  1. Husky is an expensive breed of dog, keeping it is also not cheap: food, visits to the veterinarian, toys, vitamins, treats, ammunition, training and much more that your four-legged friend will definitely need.
  2. Huskies can live in an apartment, but only if the dog has the opportunity to run without a leash for several hours a day. At the same time, it is better not to let huskies out within the city limits - it is better to go into a field or forest.
  3. Huskies, like any working dog, cannot be kept without proper training - otherwise these dogs will become dangerous to people - just like any other large dog living in the city.
  4. It is better not to consider a husky as a first dog for a beginner in dog breeding - these dogs have a strong character, so without a competent approach to training and training, you can make serious mistakes when raising your four-legged friend.
  5. Huskies rarely become attached to one owner - these dogs love and obey every member of the family.
  6. It is advisable to engage in sports with a husky - this is where your four-legged friend can reveal himself in all his glory. This could be sled dog racing or weight pulling.