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Doberman: description of the breed, characteristics and care. Doberman: description and characteristics of the breed, photo Do you need special clothing?

There are more than 500 different dog breeds in the world. If you decide to get a reliable friend and guard, pay attention to the Doberman dog. It is known about the breed of these dogs that they are excellent companions for humans, they are very smart, have a high level of intelligence and have excellent protective qualities. Before getting a puppy, study everything about the Doberman: the conditions of its maintenance and care. Assess your capabilities: can you provide your dog with the necessary walking routine and devote the right amount of time to it.

Doberman dogs, whose breed history began in Germany, were bred at the end of the 19th century. Policeman Friedrich Dobermann, who needed a good guard, became the creator of this breed. His search for a suitable dog in a shelter for homeless animals did not lead to anything, and then Doberman decided to breed a breed himself that would be distinguished by high security abilities. The description of the Doberman of those years was significantly different from the representatives of the breed that are known today. They were very aggressive, hardy, distinguished by increased viciousness and excellent reaction. They were purchased mainly for police service and investigative activities.

At that time, representatives of the Doberman dog breed were very popular and became leaders in the search service. Having conquered Germany, they gradually gained fame throughout the world. The history of the origin of this breed had another important twist. It was introduced by Otto Geller, who decided to soften their evil character. Thanks to his efforts, the Dobermans became more obedient and compliant towards their owner. Due to this, their popularity quickly grew.

The fame of Dobermans reached Russia, and in 1902, representatives of this breed were first accepted into police service. Now Russian Dobermans are high-class dogs, winners of international exhibitions and competitions.

Doberman character

What is the character of the Doberman and the characteristics of the breed? Many people consider representatives of this breed to be aggressive and vicious dogs and are afraid to have them in families with children. This is not an entirely correct opinion. A properly raised and trained dog will get along well in a family, showing respect to all its members and other pets.

The first Dobermans had a very ferocious character. Because this breed was bred to protect people and their property. But later, when breeders began to realize that such an aggressive dog would not gain popularity, they began to work to soften its character. After this, the breed began to develop, its popularity began to grow.

The modern Doberman is a friendly family member who treats children with respect and does not offend them.

These dogs are characterized by moderation in everything; they are moderately aggressive and excitable. Overly angry or nervous representatives of this breed are quite rare; as a rule, a glitch in genetics or poor upbringing of the Doberman is to blame. This is a very good-natured dog, but only as long as it is in a calm environment. If the owner is in danger, she immediately rushes to the rescue. Fighting and protective instincts are transmitted at the genetic level in these dogs and are well developed. If you want to purchase a high-quality Doberman guard for your family, training with a professional dog handler should begin as soon as the animal reaches puppyhood.

Due to the fact that Doberman dogs are very smart and have high intellectual abilities, they quickly learn to follow commands. Training a Doberman is not difficult; this dog is people-oriented and does not usually show independence.

Representatives of this breed, as a rule, are devoid of harmfulness or stubbornness, have a balanced psyche, they are always alert and ready to defend. All these features of the Doberman breed have made it popular among dog breeders.

Doberman breed standard

A breed standard is a set of identical characteristics that can be used to distinguish a group of dogs from all others. Such characteristics include the size of the animal, height, weight, body proportions, ear shape, color. What standards does the Doberman have in the breed description?

The Doberman has the appearance of a strong dog with well-developed muscles, but at the same time elegant. This is a very graceful animal with a royal bearing. Height at withers:

  • for bitches - from 63 to 68 cm;
  • for males - from 68 to 72 cm.

A male weighs on average 45 kg, a female - 35 kg.

Representatives of this breed have a long and muscular neck, but at the same time it looks very graceful. The chest is wide, the ribs protrude slightly. Strong hind and forelimbs. The Doberman's tail is set high. As a rule, it is docked, preserving two vertebrae. This is possible except in countries where docking is prohibited by law.

The skull is strong, the muscles of the head are well developed. The Doberman has powerful and wide jaws and even teeth. The eyes are oval, medium in size, and usually dark in color.

The ears are set wide apart and stand upright when cropped.

The coat consists of short, coarse hair. The color of the Doberman can be black or dark brown. They have no undercoat. It is possible for a Doberman to have a tan color. The standards allow for markings only in certain areas, such as the paws and inner thighs, throat or chest. There may be tan marks on the face - on the cheekbones and above the eyelids.

The lifespan of a Doberman is on average 12–15 years.

How to choose a puppy?

People who have chosen this breed are concerned with the question of how to choose a Doberman puppy. First of all, it is important to find an experienced breeder. By contacting the dog handlers organization, you can find out the necessary contacts. When you arrive, ask the breeder to show you certificates indicating that the dogs have passed conformation and character tests and meet generally accepted standards.

Puppy price:

  • without a pedigree - from 8,000 rubles;
  • with pedigree varies from 15,000 to 45,000 rubles.

If you bought a Doberman puppy, caring for him will not be too burdensome. Many countries allow dogs to have their tails and ears docked, so when you visit a breeder, you will see Doberman puppies wearing “horns.” Work on setting the ears can take up to a year, so check with the breeder for all the details of this process.

Caring for a Doberman puppy does not involve frequent bathing; if necessary, use a wipe with a damp towel. Ask the breeder about the puppy's nutrition; you shouldn't suddenly change the diet after you bring him home.

No less attention should be paid to raising a puppy.

Start doing this from the moment he appears in your home, then you will be able to raise an excellent companion and friend who will respect your family members and other pets. Once your puppy is older and out of puppyhood, he should begin training.

By training a dog under the guidance of specialists, you will get an excellent guard and protector for your family.

Raising Doberman puppies

You need to raise a Doberman puppy from the first days of his stay in your home. This process will be successful if you are able to immediately build a hierarchy in your relationship with the dog. She must realize and accept the fact that the leader of the team is the master, to whom she must obey. But under no circumstances use force; the dog must trust you and love you.

If there are children in the family, then you need to teach them to respect the animal, and you should not allow them to tease and anger it.

From the first days of your Doberman puppy’s stay in your home, accustom him to a place of rest, a daily routine, and walks. Walk with him in crowded places, let him get used to the noise of cars, to the various sounds of the city. Otherwise, later, when the dog grows up, it will get scared and behave inappropriately in noisy, crowded places.

Doberman dogs are quite aggressive, so do not provoke them or encourage anger and aggression in a puppy or teenager. This breed has enough innate qualities to become a reliable guard over time with proper training. Keep in mind that during walks they can show aggression towards other dogs; males especially like to fight.

The Doberman is very smart and has an excellent memory, so if you just need a well-trained dog in the house, you can teach it standard commands without any problems. This breed has innate abilities that can be developed into phenomenal capabilities, for example, in detective work. But for this, a professional dog handler must work with the dog; Doberman training should begin at 5–6 months of age.

Conditions and care of the pet

Contrary to popular belief that caring for and maintaining a pet is a troublesome task, representatives of the Doberman breed are quite easy to care for. They have no undercoat and do not shed much, so they need to be brushed once a week. It is recommended to bathe Dobermans no more than several times a year; instead of bathing, it is enough to wipe it with a damp towel.

You need to trim the claws on your dog’s paws once every 1–2 months. This must be done carefully so as not to cut the pulp with blood vessels and cause pain to the animal. Otherwise, in the future it may flatly refuse this procedure.

The Doberman is a sporty and active dog. In order to avoid health problems, she needs regular physical activity. This dog cannot be locked in an enclosure or put on a chain; it definitely needs communication and walks with its owner.

The Doberman has no undercoat, so he must live in a warm room, and not in an outdoor enclosure.

What to feed your pet?

Properly organized feeding is the key to keeping your dog healthy and active.

People who have purchased a puppy of this breed are interested in the question of what to feed the Doberman. You can choose two options for providing adequate nutrition for your dog.

  1. Feeding the Doberman with natural food.
  2. Feed your dog dry food.

If you choose the first option, you must take into account that for the full development and functioning of the dog’s body, meat and meat products must make up more than 50% of the animal’s diet, and ideally 75–80%. Don't let your pet pass and remember to include vegetables, vitamins and mineral supplements in his diet.

When choosing the second feeding option, the task for the owner is simplified. Now we offer a large selection of all kinds of dry dog ​​food, regular and specialized. The owner can only correctly determine the daily food intake based on the weight and age of the dog. Most of these foods have low energy value, which is an advantage since large breed dogs are prone to obesity. It is not recommended to give your pet different foods. Choose a Doberman dog food that is best suited for your dog and stick with it. The animal must have 24/7 access to clean water.

During pregnancy and lactation, dogs' need for nutrients, vitamins and energy increases.

Therefore, during this period, the female must be given specialized food for pregnant animals.

After the birth of the puppies, the lactating bitch must be fed according to a certain pattern, increasing the amount of food as the babies grow. During this period, it is necessary to choose industrial feed for lactating animals.

Just look at this delightful and noble dog! Meet, this is a Doberman. His image simultaneously combines power, beauty and elegance, which cannot be said about most dog breeds. The Doberman has strong and strong muscles, which complement his appearance with extraordinary beauty. The color can be black or brown, but always with reddish-red opalines.

Graceful Doberman

Doberman in our house

But the external attractiveness of this dog is not the only positive side. The Doberman is very active and fearless, thanks to which he becomes an excellent guard and protector of his owner and his home, even to the point of self-sacrifice.

Doberman training

There is a widespread belief among people that this is a rather aggressive, ferocious and dangerous dog, especially for children. But this is just a stereotype that has developed over many years, starting from the Second World War, when the Doberman was used in the Marine Corps, or incorrect upbringing.

In fact, this is a very affectionate, devoted and loving dog.

Doberman Pinschers are not dangerous for children

Moreover, on the contrary, he becomes attached to children and protects them, and in no case will cause harm.


This breed, unlike many others, does not require unusual care. The only thing that is necessary is to brush the coat once a week and wipe it with a wet towel.

A dog frolics on a pond

It is not necessary to bathe a Doberman at home in a bath with shampoo more than several times a year, as this can adversely affect the protective function of the skin. When bathing, it is best to use and then wipe dry. It is quite enough for a dog to periodically swim in natural bodies of water.


A Doberman should eat twice a day, but not once, as this will seriously harm your pet’s health.

Special fortified food

It is best suited for feeding, but do not forget about meat, since it is the source of vital proteins. Meat products should occupy a significant share in the diet, but it is also important to include vegetables and vitamins.


Since the Doberman has a athletic, athletic build, he cannot fully exist without constant physical activity. Therefore, do not be lazy, but go for a run together every evening and take a long walk in the fresh air. This will have a great effect on both him and you.

Dog lifestyle

The Doberman is not designed to sit on a chain. This is a very intelligent and smart dog that needs to communicate with its owner. Leaving it without attention and care will cause serious emotional trauma and harm to your pet.

They say that the Doberman is not a dog for beginners. And indeed it is. Its owner must have such valuable qualities as: patience, activity and initiative.

When training a Doberman, emphasize that you are the leader and owner, not him!

Dominance over an animal

If you lose sight of this important point, all your activities will not bear the desired fruit. He simply will not obey commands. Therefore, do not forget to assert your authority, at the same time, giving him your tenderness and affection. In the hands of such an owner, the Doberman will become a true loving and devoted friend.

Attitude towards other animals

If a puppy grows up in the same house with other animals, he will be very kind and forgiving towards them. But this is only for “our own people”.

Doberman loves only “his own”

He doesn't like guests, especially males and other people's cats. It is necessary to socialize him from childhood with other animals.

Dobermans do not favor strangers

However, in general, the Doberman is characterized by weak to moderate aggressiveness towards dogs and humans. He has pronounced guard qualities, defender qualities and the ability to protect the territory.

Doberman offspring

Reproduction of this breed is a very painstaking and difficult process that not every owner is able to overcome. First of all, you need to choose a good partner who will complement your dog’s valuable qualities, and not reinforce existing shortcomings.

Healthy offspring from healthy parents

But in general, breeding Dobermans is a very thankless task, because, unfortunately, puppies may be born ugly, sick, or not born at all. There is a possibility that the mother will refuse to care for and feed the babies or, even worse, kill them.

However, if you still decide to take a risk for the sake of the puppies of these noble dogs, then start with step-by-step planning for whelping. Then, during pregnancy, take care of quality feeding for the expectant mother. After all, underfeeding increases the morbidity and mortality of puppies. The intrauterine development and future health of babies directly depends on the state of the dog’s body even before pregnancy - on the presence of vitamins in the diet, the presence of untreated wounds and worms.

Pregnancy in Dobermans lasts from 58 to 72 days, depending on the number of puppies (the fewer, the longer the pregnancy).

Puppies eat milk

After whelping, when breastfeeding, make sure that the mother receives special food for the growing body. She must eat for two at once, absorbing a huge amount of vitamins and minerals from food. After all, the life of babies directly depends on the quality and quantity of milk.

Puppies nutrition

Puppies usually start feeding at three weeks of age, but if necessary, as soon as they open their eyes.

Feeding algorithm (per day):

1. One month old puppy (feed 6 times a day):

  • meat – 100-250 grams;
  • milk – 400-500 ml;
  • cereals – 70-100 grams;
  • yolk – 1 pc.;
  • cottage cheese – 100-150 grams;
  • vegetables – 130-150 grams.

2. 2-3 months (3-4 times):

  • meat – 200-350 grams;
  • milk – 300-400 ml;
  • cereals – 120-150 grams;
  • yolk – 1 pc.;
  • cottage cheese – 100-150 grams;
  • vegetables – 130-150 grams.

3. Five-month (2-3 times):

  • meat – 500-600 grams;
  • milk – 500 ml;
  • cereals – 200 grams;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • cottage cheese – 200 grams;
  • vegetables (especially cabbage) – 150 grams.

4. One year old:

  • meat – 700 grams;
  • fish – 750-800 grams (once a week);
  • milk – 500 ml;
  • cereals – 300-400 grams;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • cottage cheese – 500 grams;
  • vegetables – 350-400 grams.

Raising a puppy

However, when taking care of your baby’s nutrition, do not forget about his psychological health and maturation. It is extremely important for the Doberman to socialize and get used to society. And you shouldn’t think that if this is a guard dog, then you don’t have to communicate with it. On the contrary, how she will perceive the world depends only on your help to understand this very world.

Puppy posture training

As soon as your Doberman is no longer a puppy, begin intensive training. But never forget that this breed is very sensitive and gentle. Mistakes should be corrected with love, and best of all, under the supervision of an experienced dog handler.

Professional training

If you are still hesitating whether to get a Doberman, we hope that now your doubts will be dispelled! After all, he has amazing qualities, is intelligent, noble and, undoubtedly, will become your favorite affectionate Friend for over 10 years!

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

a brief description of
Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Endurance in the cold
Endurance in the heat

The Doberman is a dog named after its creator. There are not many breeds in the world that owe their great name to specific individuals who took part in their formation. You can remember the Jack Russell Terrier, Gordon Setter, Hamilton Hound, Dunker. Doberman is one of them.

If we compare the Doberman with other animals, it has the elegance, stature, grace, quick reaction and strength that are inherent in purebred horses. He is a "super working" dog and has earned an impeccable reputation in police, security, patrol and military service.

Dogs trained for professional activities, during the existence of the breed, were awarded many epithets: “the devil’s dog”, “a loaded pistol”, a dog of the color of “anthracite and death”. But the Rni are not as aggressive as many people think. The breed is only suitable for a trained owner who knows how to raise a Doberman, and whose pet will never become a ferocious, dangerous dog.

The Dobermann belongs to group 2 “Pinchers, Schnauzers, Molossians and Swiss Cattle Dogs” in the ICF classification, section 1 “Pinchers and Schnauzers”.

The Doberman dog as a breed was formed in Germany at the end of the 19th century. But it was then called the Thuringian Pinscher, after the name of the place of Thuringia, where Friedrich Louis Dobermann bred it.

Despite the fact that the formation of the breed is relatively recent, there is no accurate information about the origin of the breed. Information about the Doberman's breeding process has not been recorded anywhere, so the dog's history is based on guesswork and its similarities with other breeds.

The idea to develop a suitable service dog came to Doberman when, while working as a night policeman and tax collector, he realized that no breed satisfied his requirements. He dreamed of a hardy, intelligent, alert dog of medium height and smooth fur.

Friedrich Louis Dobermann was a regular at dog shows, where he looked for animals that could give rise to his dream breed. It is assumed that at the initial stage, shepherd dogs such as shepherd dogs were used in the crossing - the ancestors of the Old German Pinschers, butcher dogs - the ancestors of the Rottweilers. But this is not the whole list. Researchers also include the Blue Dane, Pointer, Greyhound, and Gordon Setter. The debate about who is the ancestor of this fantastically hardy breed continues to this day.

Doberman is the focus of the positive qualities inherent in many breeds:

  • the color and length of the hair may have come from a smooth-haired pinscher;
  • phenotype and fighting character - from the Rottweiler;
  • herding qualities - from shepherd dogs;
  • love for hunting and flair - from hunting breeds.

The original name of the breed was changed to “Doberman Pinscher” in 1894, and in the middle of the 20th century the final version “Doberman” was officially recognized.

Characteristics, description, character

The Doberman looks impressive: it is a strong, elegant dog of above average height, without pronounced massiveness or coarseness. She is well-built and graceful. The breed is characterized by a predominant black or dark brown color with rusty and red-red tan markings on the chest, throat, cheekbones, eyelids, paws and inner thighs.

The Doberman, whose character is shrouded in many rumors, alarms some, evokes a feeling of admiration in others, but leaves no one indifferent. A gentle and loving pet, a hunter and a protector coexist harmoniously in it. He is very involved in the life of the owner and his family, always wants to be aware of events. For him, everything that surrounds him: the owner’s car, his children, house, garden - is personal property. This attitude explains the pathological desire to protect, protect, defend.

Interesting! The dedication and fearlessness of dogs are immortalized in history: on the island. Guam in the Pacific Ocean erected a monument in honor of the Dobermanns who took part and gave their lives for the liberation of the island in 1944.

What are the characteristics of a Doberman?

  • Vigilance.
  • Intelligence and strength.
  • Fearlessness.
  • Irrepressible energy.
  • Unlike their ancestors, modern Dobermans are devoid of ferocity and malice. This is the result of the work of breeders who significantly adjusted the character of the dog, directing it towards peacefulness and friendliness. The breed gets along well with children, does not ignore them, and is always attentive.
  • In case of danger, their good nature is replaced by determination, courage and readiness to protect the owner.


Doberman diseases are caused by genetic defects. A healthy dog ​​can live up to 16 years. The owner's task is to regularly take the pet to the veterinarian. The dog may be diagnosed with:

  • Allergy to dust, pollen, which can even cause ulcers on the skin.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system: tachycardia, arrhythmia, heart failure, coronary heart disease. If your dog has difficulty breathing, problems with balance, or even falls when walking, then you should show it to the veterinarian; these may be symptoms of heart disease.
  • Diseases that are hereditary in nature. Among them - gastric volvulus, characteristic of all dogs with a wide chest. Poor nutrition can only provoke the problem. If this disease occurs, the Doberman begins to behave nervously, he experiences bloating and salivation, vomiting, and pain in the abdominal area.
  • Narcolepsy, which is accompanied by sleep disturbances, a drop in muscle tone after active walks or outdoor games.

Care and maintenance

When a small Doberman appears in the house, caring for the puppy takes a lot of time from the owner and family members. If there are small children in the house, they should be kept away from the puppy so that they do not unwittingly harm him. Even adults should lift a Doberman Pinscher not with one hand, but with two: under the chest and by the hind limbs. This will protect it from accidental falling.

Finding itself in an unusual environment, separated from its mother, the puppy will whine for a couple of nights. Experts advise even in such a situation to take him to bed with you, because then it will be very difficult to wean him off this. There is a way out of the situation: You need to place a bottle of hot water, wrapped in a woolen blanket, in the puppy’s sleeping place. This warm lump will remind the Doberman of the warmth of its mother.

The dog is well suited for keeping in an apartment or a house, and despite the “multifunctional” service history of its ancestors, the Doberman is an excellent companion dog.

An adult Doberman requires simple grooming. A short-haired dog needs to be brushed once a week with a special brush or rubber mitten to remove dead hair. The dog should be bathed once every 3 months, after thoroughly drying the coat with a towel.

Regular hygiene procedures include trimming nails, examining and cleaning ears, eyes and teeth. Very often, Dobermans have their ears and tail docked, which makes grooming even easier.

The Doberman requires a lot of physical activity. Slow walks are not for him; only active games and training can satisfy his need for movement. The dog is afraid of severe frost and excessive heat. It is necessary to ensure that the dog, especially at a young age, does not lie down on the bare, cold floor. If a Doberman is kept in an enclosure, it should be in the shade. Walking in extreme heat should also be avoided.

Education and training

Raising a Doberman is a responsible process that should be closely related to socialization. From the moment the puppy appears in the house, you need to consistently introduce him to family members, guests, and strangers. The dog must have the opportunity to interact with other animals and dogs during walks. The owner of a Doberman should introduce him to different situations, for example, public transport, crowds of people. This is how the dog will learn to treat others calmly and not show aggression towards them.

Dobermans have a very developed intelligence, so they are easy to educate and train. When communicating with a dog, you should not use punishment, aggression, or anger, as they can alienate the pet from the owner and undermine trust.

For inexperienced owners, training a dog can be difficult, so it is better to seek the help of specialists, because mistakes in training can lead to an uncontrollable, aggressive dog in the house that poses a danger to others.

For the Doberman breed, training is necessary for its own good. Being a service dog, accustomed to performing complex tasks together with a person, it needs skillful management and direction from a strong, authoritative owner.

Experts give several rules that will allow you to raise your dog in the right direction:

  • If the Doberman's sleeping place is located in a place close to the master's bed, then this is great. This will bring the owner and pet closer, but should not be allowed into the bed or on the sofa.
  • You cannot feed your dog from the table, as this will lead to the formation of a bad habit. There is one more nuance: the dog must calmly react to the fact that the owner can take away the bowl of food at any time.
  • Consistency is important in raising a Doberman. All family members must adhere to the same rules and requirements for the dog's behavior. “Double standards” can ruin a pet’s character.

In the hands of an experienced owner, the Doberman is highly trainable, because he has a lively mind and quick reactions.


Doberman puppies are available for sale from 1.5 or 2.5 months of age, depending on the rules adopted in the kennel. In the first case, all problems related to ear cropping and care after surgery fall on the new owner. You should know that docking is not a mandatory procedure, since the new standard considers long ears and a tail to be the norm. But the shortened tail and ears have long given the dog a special gracefulness.

When buying a puppy, pay attention to its appearance and behavior. A small Doberman must be active and mischievous. It has an almost square body, a well-defined neck, chin and muzzle with wide jaws, dark eyes, round and wide paws.

In the first days, under no circumstances should the puppy be left alone, this will be extremely stressful for him. Picking him up from the nursery before the weekend is ideal. The dog will be in close contact with the new owner for several days, adapting to new conditions under his supervision. To prevent your Doberman puppy from getting bored, you should take something from the kennel with the smell of its mother.

The psychological health of a puppy is the key to good behavior and excellent character. In order for a dog to grow up balanced, its socialization should begin as early as possible. The puppy should come into contact with new people and animals more often, and find himself in unusual situations. Doberman researchers note that the first 5 weeks of a puppy’s development are very intensive; it is during this period that the foundation of character is laid. If a person does not have contact with the puppy during this period, then the dog will be cowardly and timid in the future, and correction of behavior and character will be very difficult.


How much does a Doberman cost? The cost of puppies depends on their class, the pricing policy of the nursery and the geographical location of the breeder. Through private advertisements you can buy a Doberman for an average of 8 thousand rubles; the availability of documents for the puppy, of course, is out of the question.

Despite the large number of nurseries and the popularity of the Doberman breed, the price for them is quite high. If you decide to purchase a puppy with all the necessary documentation, you will have to focus on price tags from 15 to 50 thousand rubles.

Pet-class puppies, not allowed for breeding, and for some reason unable to participate in exhibitions, cost from 15 to 23 thousand rubles.

If not properly maintained and cared for, the Doberman can get out of control and become aggressive. That is why he needs special attention and care.

Conditions of detention

The ideal option for keeping these dogs is a country house, but some also keep the dog in spacious apartments.

In the apartment

Those who dream of a “couch” pet should give up the idea of ​​getting a Doberman. Owners of tiny apartments are unlikely to be able to provide him with the necessary conditions. Before buying a puppy, you need to carefully consider where in the apartment the dog will sleep and relax. The corridor will not work, as the Doberman likes to be near people.

The overnight stay should be located as far as possible from drafts and heating devices. It should be well lit.

It should be borne in mind that during the period of teeth growth, the puppy may begin to spoil things in the house. To prevent this from happening, you need to provide him with his own toys.

In a private house

Dobermans feel great in an enclosure. The dog must be allowed to walk without a leash. This is especially true for young individuals who need to be given an outlet for energy. But this should be done in uncrowded places. This breed is not suitable for being kept on a chain.

During the cold season, the dog should be warm; it is better to place it in a private house. Reviews from owners indicate that it easily adapts to new conditions.


Caring for a Doberman is simple - just wash it from time to time, comb its coat, and brush its teeth and ears.

  1. Once a week, the dog is wiped with a damp towel, and every few months, washed with shampoo. If you bathe your Doberman too often, his skin's protective functions will be impaired.
  2. From time to time it is recommended to examine the dog's oral cavity. If tartar occurs, your pet should be taken to the veterinarian.
  3. Clean the ears once a week with cotton pads soaked in lotion or water.
  4. If the claws do not grind well, they are trimmed (video author Anna Khanenchuk.

It is better to crop Doberman ears under the supervision of a veterinarian when the puppy reaches 2-4 months. During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to provide him with proper care and ensure that the dog does not damage his ears during games. It is better to secure them with a frame until the seams are removed.

These dogs love both kibble and natural food. Half of the diet should be meat. Cereals, dairy products, bran, boneless sea fish and vegetables are also useful. During feeding, the animal's head should be at the same level as its back.

If the dog lives in the house, you need to wash his paws after a walk. The litter should be promptly cleaned of dust and dirt. The same goes for your pet's toys and dishes.

In winter, Dobermans should be taken out for walks only in warm clothes, this could be overalls. This is the only way to avoid frostbite. During walks, the dog must be wearing a collar with a wrist loop and a muzzle (due to its impressive size and strength, it can pose a danger to other people). Spending time in the fresh air should be long and interesting.

Do you find keeping a Doberman difficult?

  • Height at withers: Males: 68-72 cm. Females: 63-68 cm.
  • Weight: male: 40-45 kg, female: 32-35 kg
  • Color: black, dark brown with bright/red markings on certain areas of the body.
  • Lifespan: 9-12 years

Advantages and disadvantages

  • excellent security qualities
  • do not require complex care
  • energetic, cheerful, smart
  • highly trainable, highly trainable
  • have an independent, willful disposition
  • can show independence of character
  • not suitable for aviary keeping in winter
  • if not properly cared for, they can be angry, uncontrollable, and stubborn

Description of the breed

Dobermanns are representatives of large, smooth-haired working dog breeds that were bred in Germany at the end of the 19th century. The creator of the breed is Friedrich Louis Dobermann, who, despite his service in the night police and tax service, made an undeniable contribution to cynology. It was he who managed to breed a fearless, ferocious breed of dogs, while preserving the best genetic qualities of their ancestors. Possible ancestors of the breed include: herding dogs, Manchester terrier, blue dane, greyhound, butcher's black and tan dogs, Rottweiler.

The external, elegant appearance of that dog leaves few people indifferent. In this breed, the refined grace of a proud aristocrat is amazingly combined with endurance, energy, lightning-fast reaction and agility.

Doberman breed standard

The Doberman Pinscher breed standard was officially approved by the FCI in 1990. These dogs have well-developed muscles, strong bones, ideal proportions, and proud posture. Height at the withers for males is 67.5 - 71.5-72 cm, for females - 62-67.5-68 cm. Medium-sized dogs are preferable to very large individuals. Weight of males - 41-46 kg, females - 33-35.5 kg. The dog's format is more square than elongated, while according to the standard, the length of the body should not exceed the height at the withers by more than 6% in males. The breed exhibits sexual dimorphism. Males are larger, more powerful and more courageous than females, have a characteristic expression and larger heads.

The head in relation to the body should be proportional, fairly large, with a strong skull. The transition from the line of the forehead to the muzzle is well defined. The neck is long, muscular, graceful. The withers are well developed and highlight the line of the back. The back and lower back are strong and gentle. At the same time, in females the back format index is several times higher than in males. The croup is slightly rounded. The chest is wide, the costal arches are rounded, slightly protruding, the belly is lean and tucked.

The nose is large, black in dark-colored dogs and lighter in dogs with brown coat color. The lips fit tightly to the powerful jaws. The bite is correct, scissor-like. The eyes are regular oval in shape, medium in size, dark in color, lively and expressive. Brown animals may have lighter eyes.

The Doberman's ears are set high, standing upright if they are cropped. According to the breed standard, the ears do not need to be cropped, but in this case they should be of medium length, and their tips should lie close to the cheeks.

The tail is set high and may or may not be docked.

The forelimbs are set straight, level, with strong, well-developed muscles. The length of the Doberman's front and hind limbs should be in harmony with the body. The hind legs are strong, muscular, and the hips are rounded.

The coat consists of short, hard guard hair that fits tightly to the surface of the dog's body. This dog has no undercoat. The skin has well-defined pigmentation. The coat is smooth and shiny. The color is black or dark brown with bright tan markings (fawn or red). Tan marks should be located only on certain areas of the body - on the cheekbones of the muzzle, above the eyelids, on the paws, under the tail, on the inner thighs.

Character and features of the Doberman

These are beautifully built, muscular, graceful dogs with royal bearing, graceful movements, which are characterized by aristocratic habits. Dogs of this breed are infinitely devoted and faithful to their owner, they will bravely stand up in case of danger to protect all members of their family, they are incredibly smart, quick-witted, and have high intelligence. With the right approach to education and training, it can be argued that it is the Doberman who understands its owner perfectly. The Doberman Pinscher breed is known for its versatile working qualities, is highly trainable and amenable to training. They are hardy, energetic, and can develop great speed. The appearance of the breed personifies pride, nobility, and unshakable confidence. We can say that this breed harmoniously combines elegance and power.

These dogs are not aggressive, but if there is a threat to the owner or members of their family, they will always come to the defense. They have security qualities, so they are quite suitable for protecting territory or personal property. If a dog suspects a threat to its owner, it will come to his defense with all its rage and courage. The Doberman is suitable as a faithful friend for single people, married couples, and families with small children. Dogs of this breed gladly take part in games with children, get along well with other pets, and are not aggressive towards their relatives. But still, if there are small children in the family, parents should monitor the communication between the dog and the child; after all, this is not a decorative, but a rather serious breed of dog that requires a special approach, proper upbringing and training.

Dobermans often participate in various competitions in agility, equestrianism, and fly-ball. Representatives of the breed, due to their universal working qualities, are used in the police, military service, and customs. This dog needs constant physical activity, since not only the health, but also the behavior of the pet directly depends on this aspect. The Doberman treats strangers indifferently, warily, quite calmly and without aggression, but only if the stranger does not pose a real threat to the safety of his beloved owner.

The breed is a low-shedding breed of dog, but at the same time, in order for the pet to look neat, it is necessary to purchase special brushes for caring for the coat, as well as special shampoos for bathing smooth-haired dog breeds. They need to be brushed once a week, during seasonal shedding - two to three times a week, using a short-toothed massage brush. You can bathe your dog using animal shampoos no more often than once every four to five months. If your pet gets dirty during a walk, you can wash it in the shower and wipe its fur with a damp towel.

The Doberman is ideal for apartment living. This breed also feels quite comfortable in private houses in the yard, but only in the warm season. Since they do not have an undercoat, in winter the dogs will need to be taken indoors or kept only in heated enclosures. Under no circumstances should you keep this dog on a leash. Representatives of the breed need long walks, physical activity, and outdoor games. Keeping dogs on a leash does not have the best effect on their psyche. The dog will become angry, nervous, uncontrollable and even stubborn.

Feeding the Doberman

For proper growth, development, and good physical condition, owners and breeders of the breed must know what to feed the dog, what should be included in the diet, and how many times the dog should be fed. Dogs of this breed are absolutely unpretentious when it comes to feeding, but this does not mean at all that you can feed the dog just anything or give treats from your table. Doberman can be fed natural food, ready-made industrial food, but only professional, high-quality dry or canned “elite” or “premium” food. A mixed feeding diet is also suitable. That is, combine ready-made food with natural food.

The basis of a natural diet should be lean meat, poultry, rabbit meat, fatty sea fish, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, wheat), fresh, baked, boiled. stewed vegetables, fresh herbs, dairy and fermented milk products. Also, once a week, dogs can be given one raw or boiled egg, bones, with the exception of tubular ones. Be sure to give vitamin and mineral complexes, which are selected taking into account the age of the dog. Porridges should be well cooked in meat, vegetable, fish broth or water. It is recommended to add vegetable oil, sour cream, and yoghurt to vegetables.

Prohibited: any harmful “delicacies” in the form of smoked meats, sweets, over-salted foods, fatty meats, raw river fish, baked goods, pasta, legumes. It is very important to follow the regime and choose the correct portion size, depending on the dog’s age, physical condition, and activity level. When feeding prepared foods, always adhere to the dosage indicated on the package. The bowl should always have fresh and clean water freely available.

Doberman training

These are very smart and highly intelligent dogs that are highly trainable and happily carry out commands and tasks assigned to them. However, every owner must remember that the Doberman has a hot character and disposition, and can be capricious. Therefore, it is very important to properly organize the education process from the first days after the appearance of a small pet in your home, and pay special attention to training. Quite often you can hear opinions that Dobermans show aggression. This is possible, but only if the dog has been improperly trained or has been physically abused. Dogs of this breed can only show anger and aggression if the owner is in danger. With proper training and upbringing, he will never show anger and aggression without reason. Puppies must be handled confidently and strictly. not allowing the baby to do that. that he will be prohibited from doing so in the future.

It is still better for novice dog breeders to enlist the support of professional dog handlers and instructors. Dogs of this breed must undergo a general training course (GTC) and, if desired, a protective guard service course (PSC).

Training should be systematic, based on the method of rewarding with treats or a kind intonation. Under no circumstances should you scream hysterically when working with a dog, much less use physical force. In this case, the dog will simply refuse to work, follow commands, and may become angry, disobedient and aggressive. Remember, dogs of this breed are self-sufficient, independent, proud, so you need to find the right approach and be an authority for your pet. Properly organized training will allow you to raise an obedient, controlled dog and at the same time a reliable and fearless protector. The protective and protective qualities inherent in nature must not only be developed, but also controlled.

History of the breed

This working breed of smooth-haired dogs was bred in Germany, the city of Apolda at the end of the 19th century. The first descendants of modern Dobermans were called. as the Thuringian Pinscher breed, but after the death of the creator of the breed, who paid great attention to the selection and breeding of purebred dogs, Friedrich Dobermann, in 1849 the breed received the official name Doberman Pinscher. Despite the fact that Friedrich Doberman was not a professional breeder, his love for dogs helped preserve the best breeding and working qualities of his ancestors, from which this amazing breed of its kind originated. After the death of the founder of the breed, Otto Geller began to improve and breed the breed, who decided to soften the aggressive, evil nature of these dogs. After several generations, fearless dogs with a balanced, calmer temperament were bred. Official recognition of the breed occurred in 1897, at an exhibition in the city of Apolda. Later, an official club for this unique dog breed was created in this city.


Unfortunately, like any living beings, other dog breeds, Dobermans are susceptible to various diseases. They have fairly good health, but still, the most typical genetic and breed diseases include:


    expansion, bloating, volvulus of the stomach;

    hypothyroidism (underfunction of the thyroid gland);

    Von Willebrand-Jurgens disease/syndrome (blood clotting disorder)

    cervical spondylopathy, spondylolisthesis, cervical syndrome;

    intermittent claudication;

    polyostotic fibrous dysplasia;


Prices for Doberman puppies

Having decided to get a dog of this breed, you need to be very careful when choosing your pet and know what you need to pay attention to when choosing a puppy. Of course, before you finally decide on this breed, you need to find out as much information as possible about the breed, about its character traits, temperament, upbringing, care and maintenance.

It is best to purchase purebred Doberman puppies from specialized nurseries or from trusted breeders who pay great attention to the pedigree and working qualities of this breed. The price of puppies depends on the pedigree and quality of the litter. You can buy a puppy on Avito or other portals without a pedigree for 7 thousand to 25 thousand rubles. The cost of purebred puppies can range from 35 to 45 thousand rubles. Breed and show class puppies can cost from 700-800 to 1000 US dollars.

When choosing, evaluate the conditions in which the dogs are kept, their appearance, and the physical condition of the kids. Doberman Pinscher puppies should have shiny fur, be moderately active, inquisitive, cheerful, and of normal build. You should not take cowardly kids, too active or puppies that show anger and distrust.