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If the dog is coughing. The main reasons why a dog coughs as if choking, and ways to solve the problem. Allergy is defined by a number of specific symptoms

Cough in dogs can be different. A one-time, one-time phenomenon does not require intervention. But if the coughing does not stop for more than 24 hours, this is a reason for an immediate visit to the veterinary clinic.

Causes of coughing in dogs can be external, mechanical or internal in nature.

Mechanical cases include cases when the animal swallowed a foreign body, as well as chest injuries.

Internal factors of occurrence represent an extensive group. In these situations, cough is a secondary symptom and develops against the background of the underlying disease. Among the most common are:

  • allergic reactions;
  • Acute tracheobronchitis;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Infections, worms.

Types and symptoms of dog cough

Classification of cough can be carried out on the basis of different criteria:

  1. By duration- acute (10-12 days) and chronic (over 2 months).
  2. By intensity- slight coughing and with anguish.
  3. By "sound"- barking, hoarse, chesty, with wheezing, no sound.

The most common typology is the division of cough into dry and wet, according to the presence of secretions. Cough accompanies many diseases. Therefore, the assessment and diagnosis is carried out in the aggregate of all symptoms.

Common to all types of cough in dogs is the mechanism of its occurrence:

  • Short breath, reflex contraction of the laryngeal muscles,
  • Spasm of the abdominal muscles;
  • opening of the glottis;
  • Exhalation.


Allergic cough in dogs is dry. It is observed in conjunction with the following manifestations:

  1. sneezing;
  2. Watery eyes, redness of the whites;
  3. Redness;
  4. Blueness of the oral mucosa;
  5. Allergic dermatitis - rashes, small vesicles, swelling, itching.

The appearance of this species may be associated with seasonal characteristics (flowering time) or be permanent. In the second case, it is necessary to identify the allergen and eliminate it. Chemicals (household chemicals) and certain foods (food intolerances) can act as irritants.

Perhaps this is the only type of cough that does not require the use of special antitussive drugs. Treatment consists of taking antihistamine medications. Diagnostic methods - allergic tests. Until the test results are obtained, it is advisable to isolate the pet from classical pathogens - dust, plant pollen (flowering period). It is recommended to use a special, hypoallergenic food.

Kennel (enclosure) cough

Nursery (enclosure) cough is a sure sign of acute tracheobronchitis. The disease develops when a dog is infected with the rod bacterium Bordatella bronchiseptica. The causative agent belongs to the genus that causes whooping cough in humans. It is transmitted by airborne droplets. The main factors are the weakness of the dog's immune system and genetic predisposition, including structural features of the respiratory system (narrowing of the trachea).

Main symptoms:

  • Refusal to eat;
  • Runny nose;
  • Cough and vomiting with foam;
  • Elevated temperature.

Cough with this disease is dry, sharp.

Infection is possible in places with the simultaneous presence of a large number of animals. These are mainly open areas for walking dogs, shelters and unregistered kennels, veterinary clinics. It is not possible to completely exclude accidental contact with a sick animal in these cases. Symptoms of the disease appear within 2-3 hours after contact and last up to 2-2.5 weeks. Diagnosis is reduced to therapeutic methods (listening). X-rays may be ordered to rule out pneumonia.

With a mild form of the disease, antitussives are prescribed. When the cough becomes wet, therapy is changed to mucolytic drugs.

The severe form is accompanied by discharge from the eyes, nose and fever. Treatment is with antibiotics.

Dog coughing as if choking

This symptomatology is typical for a number of cases:

  • The above disease - acute tracheobronchitis;
  • Angina;
  • Problems in the cardiovascular system;
  • When a foreign body enters the throat or trachea.

External manifestations in all situations are similar - a strong, suffocating cough. When it hurts a pet and is accompanied by vomiting, the dog may try to restrain it. Not recommended independently use antitussive drugs (to inhibit the cough reflex). It would be correct to contact the veterinarian to determine the exact cause of the cough.

Cough when a foreign object is in the throat

Foreign bodies are various small objects that enter the animal's throat from the outside. These are mainly small parts of toys, bones, shoes and furniture.

In most cases, the animal, thanks to the cough reflex, gets rid of foreign objects on its own. If coughing continues or vomiting occurs, without delay go to a veterinary clinic.

It is unacceptable to extract a foreign substance at home.

Inept actions of the owner can lead to sad consequences. The object can also get stuck in the esophagus and damage it or enter the stomach. Surgery will become inevitable.

Cough with heart problems

Dry, intermittent cough is often a signal of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The heart mitral valve (mitral insufficiency) is most often affected. Deviations in the work of this important organ lead to the fact that blood does not enter the heart and accumulates in the atria.

Such a cough has characteristic symptoms:

  1. General weakness, lethargy;
  2. Fatigue, refusal to move;
  3. Dyspnea;
  4. Blueness of the gums of the animal;
  5. Breathing with wide open mouth;
  6. The dog cannot sit.

Morning or night cough in this situation indicates the development of the disease and the deterioration of the condition. The disease is common in older dogs.

Diagnosis is carried out in a veterinary clinic by ultrasound of the heart. Additionally, an ECG is prescribed, blood pressure is measured.

Therapy consists in reducing physical activity and prescribing drugs that support the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In severe cases, surgery is performed.

The second most common disease is pericarditis. This is an inflammation of the outer lining of the heart. It may have an infectious, traumatic origin. It often accompanies cancer. In addition to therapy for problems with the mitral valve, the use of diuretics is justified. They stimulate the outflow of fluid.


Pneumonia is a dangerous disease. If left untreated, it can lead to the death of the pet. There are several types of this disease in dogs. Treatment depends on the type of inflammation diagnosed.

bacterial pneumonia

The most common variant of pneumonia. Caused by numerous pathogenic microbes. Pathogens affect the lung tissue, resulting in respiratory failure. The nature of the course of the disease is acute, accompanied by a feverish state. Treatment is with antibiotics.

fungal pneumonia

It is considered a deadly form, as it is often asymptomatic. Occurs against the background of hypothermia, weakened immunity. May develop as a result of prolonged use of antibiotics. Antifungal drugs are used for treatment.

Aspiration pneumonia

Toxic damage to the lung tissue as a result of foreign fluids (usually vomit) and objects entering the respiratory tract (lower section). Treatment consists of removal of the foreign body followed by oxygen therapy of the lungs.

The main diagnostic methods are X-ray examination, serological analysis of sputum, blood test.

Regardless of the variety, there are common signs that suggest the presence of pneumonia in a pet:

  1. Loose, gurgling cough with phlegm;
  2. Decreased appetite, sudden weight loss;
  3. Fever, fever;
  4. General weakness.

Cough in infectious diseases

Cough accompanies some infectious diseases in dogs. Among the most common is tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis). The source of infection are staphylococci and streptococci. When the disease affects the tonsils.

The clinical picture is pronounced:

  • Dry, frequent cough; the dog coughs as if choking;
  • A sharp increase in body temperature;
  • Enlargement of the tonsils with the appearance of purulent plaque;
  • Refusal of solid food;
  • Rotten smell from the mouth.

Diagnosis is made by external examination of the oral cavity. Treatment is with antibiotics.

Snot and cough

The simultaneous presence of a cough and a runny nose in an animal most likely indicates that the dog has caught a cold. In the vast majority of cases, the disease occurs against the background of reduced immunity. Symptoms - dry nose, redness of the eyes, snot, dry cough.

If the body temperature does not rise, you can cope with a cold on your own. To do this, the pet must be provided with plenty of fluids, placed in a warm, well-ventilated room, and start taking immunomodulatory drugs. With a sharp rise in temperature, the appearance of a wet cough and refusal to eat, it is impossible to postpone a visit to the doctor. It could be life-threatening pneumonia.

Preventive measures are reduced to the organization of a vitamin-rich diet and proper care (keeping in cool, ventilated places, regular cleaning of eyes, ears, paws).

Dry cough

Dry cough goes away without sputum production. It is diagnosed in most diseases and is localized in the upper respiratory tract.

The main symptoms and manifestations are decreased activity, wheezing, whistling, vomiting. It is especially dangerous because it can be a sign of a serious illness and requires immediate veterinary attention.

There is a temperature

The presence of fever with a dry cough means a bacterial infection and requires a visit to the veterinarian. Treatment is with antibiotics.

no temperature

If there is no temperature, it may be due to the dry air in the room where the dog is. In this case, humidifiers and frequent ventilation will help.

Moist cough

Wet cough usually accompanies diseases of the respiratory system. The most common is pneumonia. The formation of this form occurs at the level of the chest.

The sound is muffled, gurgling. The presence of a wet cough in a dog indicates a long-term course of the disease. In the absence of timely treatment, it can lead to the death of a pet.

With phlegm and mucus

Cough with sputum and mucus is a sure sign of pneumonia. The pet must be immediately hospitalized for medical examination and appropriate treatment.

With pus

A cough with pus in a dog also indicates pneumonia and requires an immediate response from the owner. The sooner the animal starts taking antibiotics, the higher the chances of a successful recovery.

With blood

Bloody impurities in the sputum, released when coughing, indicate an advanced state of the disease. The actions of the owner in such cases are similar to those described above. Often, coughing up blood is present in oncological diseases.

With white foam

Cough with white foam most often manifests itself in three situations:

  • When a dog is infected with acute tracheobronchitis (kennel cough);
  • When a foreign body enters the larynx;
  • With heart failure.


The appearance of a cough can indicate the presence of a large number of diseases. This is usually a secondary symptom and treatment should be carried out in accordance with the main diagnosis.

List of cough medicines

Despite the concomitant nature of the cough, there are a number of safe drugs that can significantly alleviate the condition of the pet. It is important to consider the nature of the cough.

With a dry cough, antitussives are used, a wet cough requires the use of drugs with a mucolytic effect. At the same time, a visit to the doctor is mandatory for all cases of prolonged cough (over 1 day).

Cough is based on the cough reflex, which belongs to the category of unconditioned. In fact, this is a protective mechanism by which the animal clears the airways. However, coughing can be a sign of illness in a dog. To avoid serious consequences, in all cases of prolonged coughing, the pet must be shown to the veterinarian.

In pets, different diseases can have the same symptoms. Any deviation from the normal state of a caring owner causes anxiety and the need to take the pet to the veterinarian or solve the problem on their own. Before you start home treatment or seek qualified veterinary help, you need to know what exactly you are dealing with. Coughing in dogs is a widespread symptom that can indicate a variety of conditions. An informed owner will easily distinguish by ear the type and nature of the cough and will immediately understand whether his pet dog needs help or everything will pass without outside interference. Let's take a look at why pets sometimes cough as if they are choking, what are the causes that provoke coughing in dogs, and what you can do personally to help your pet.

Causes of cough

They are very different - from chronic diseases to a bone accidentally stuck in the throat. All of them differ in frequency, intensity and sound. In these pets, a cough of low intensity, strong, superficial and deep origin is distinguished.

In sound, it can be voiced when the inflammation is non-infectious, and deaf wet type, when the mucous membranes become loose due to resistance to infection.

Important! To establish the exact cause of a strong cough in a dog, you need to conduct a comprehensive examination. Without it, the appointment of the correct treatment will be impossible.

Viral diseases

This is the most common cause of coughing, which most often manifests itself during periods of seasonal viral outbreaks and is actively spreading in places of high concentration.

For this, he received the name "enclosure", because it is in nurseries that these animals are in close contact. There are several causative agents of this disease.

Bordetella bronchiseptica is one of the most common bacterial cultures that provoke coughing. Infection passes quickly, two to three minutes of close communication between a healthy pet and an infected one is enough.
Places of increased risk are pet stores, exhibitions, walking areas, fairs, kennels - in a word, places of significant concentration of dog owners and their pets.

Symptoms appear about three to four days after infection. If yours begins to cough hysterically, dryly, as if she choked on something or inhaled something, and this symptom appears from time to time, at moments of special tension or excitement, she may be infected.

Signs of a viral infection are: sore throat, enlarged swollen tonsils, irritability, drowsiness, foaming when coughing, regurgitation of recently eaten food due to pain in the larynx.

These symptoms usually resolve within one or two weeks, depending on the dog's age and immunity.

Infectious diseases can also be diagnosed by how the dog tries to restrain the urge to cough, since the contraction of the inflamed mucous membranes causes her pain.
She can shake her head, swallow, as people do, stretch her head forward, whine and make chewing movements with her jaws. Angina, pleurisy, bronchitis and pharyngitis are especially painful for these animals.

A viral disease can proceed in two stages. The first, mild, does not require medical treatment - most who cough, as if choking, endure it on their own and are almost asymptomatic, so you do not need to do anything.

The second, severe stage, with complications, is similar to canine. Her dogs endure with high fever, mucous discharge from the eyes and nose, complete loss of appetite, rabies, and a sharp decrease in weight.

The second stage is fatal if you do not contact a veterinarian in time.

Did you know? If a person, when overheated, can sweat almost the entire surface of the body, then in dogs there are no sweat glands as a way of cooling. Only a small number of them are found on the paw pads and the tip of the nose. Representatives of the canine species simply do not feel the need for this purely human system -on hot daysthey cool themselves by sticking out their tongues.

Foreign bodies

They enter the respiratory tract during greedy uncontrolled consumption of food, walks on a high lawn.

A dog can also suffer from swallowing disorders, which are provoked by problems with the nervous system and viral diseases, such as tonsillitis and SARS - they also prevent food from getting into the esophagus normally.

Foreign objects stuck in the mucous membrane cause irritation, itching, the animal begins to shake its head, sharply inhale the air, trying to push out the object that causes discomfort.
It happens that a strong cough is accompanied in a dog by the excretion of foam, stained with blood. The presence of blood in the expectoration indicates damage to the mucous membranes by the sharp edges of a foreign body.

Strong wheezing, coughing contractions of the larynx, attempts by the animal to lick, swallow, attempts to burp and at the same time the absence of vomiting are sure signs that something is stuck in your pet's larynx.

allergic reactions

In addition to a dry allergic cough, the dog shows profuse lacrimation and mucus from the nasal passages, redness of the eyes, peeling and rash on the skin under, which can be caused by: improperly selected grain feed, insect poison, pollen from flowers and flowering plants, household chemicals and active medicines .

Allergy symptoms go away almost immediately after the allergen is eliminated.

It is the internal ones that provoke the cough, since they migrate through the canine body in the form of larvae and growing individuals. A specific movement causes irritation and internal itching, which the dog tries to calm down with a dry cough or muffled wheezing, as if choking.

Especially this symptom concerns infection with hookworms - because of them, tracheobronchitis occurs in animals.

Important! If your pet is coughing up a lung cancer called adenocarcinoma, then successful treatment is almost impossible. The only thing that can be done in this case- support your pet with medication and reduce his level of discomfort.

They settle in the right atrium, feed on it, and the affected organ begins to grow in size, putting pressure on the lungs, which are also infected.

This pressure triggers the cough reflex, which can sound dry or wet. This disease is not treatable, since a massive lesion of parenchymal organs deprives the animal of viability.

Heart diseases

Animals over seven years of age who are overweight or have congenital defects are particularly prone to heart problems. Heart disease usually begins to develop from the left mitral valve - it loses its capacity.
At this early stage, only a veterinarian can notice the degradation of the organ using x-rays or echography. An unhealthy heart begins to take on a rounded shape and does not contract as often as it should normally.

Such a cough occurs in animals after a long stay in a supine position, is accompanied by arrhythmia and most often makes itself felt at night.

Oncological diseases

They appear in elderly animals and can be either independent lung or migrate to the lung tissue from neoplasms on other organs.

An increase in abnormal tissue in volumes affects the total mass of the respiratory organ - the dog's respiratory function is disturbed, it suffers from shortness of breath, may wheeze in sleep and generally reduce its activity.

Other reasons

Tracheal collapse is a problem that affects small toy breed dogs. Excess weight, low mobility, genetic predisposition affect the integrity of their respiratory tract.

If there is a significant load on the larynx, for example, when wearing a collar that is too tight or pulling on a leash, the trachea is pinched and injured, causing a hoarse cough and bleeding from the mouth with foam.

Dogs whose trachea is already injured or close to the walls often choke on swallowing or drinking water.

Did you know? The fastest hound in the world, whose record has not yet been broken by anyone, is considered an Australian Greyhound named Star. At the races dated March 1994, he reached an incredible speed of 67.32 kilometers per hour.

The short flattened muzzle in brachycephalic dogs with a short massive lower jaw provokes frequent coughing due to its structural features. Both respiration and the function of food intake are impaired in these animals.
The pleural cavity between the pleural sheets that cover the lungs and chest cavity normally contains a small amount of fluid that acts as a lubricant. It helps the body to change its shape and position during the movement of the animal.

Pathological changes in this cavity lead to the accumulation of an excessive amount of fluid in it or the leakage of air bubbles through the walls of the lungs. Any pressure on the lungs and a change in their weight leads to the appearance of a cough reflex.

Cough in dogs: how to give first aid

It is best to prevent the dog from developing diseases that provoke coughing, as if he was choking, so that later he would not have to deal with long and complicated treatment.

Optimal prevention would be to carry out preventive vaccinations and vaccinations, avoiding places of significant accumulation of animals, regular hygiene of the dog's sleeping place and its feeding bowls.
If the animal does develop a cough, you will have to act immediately.

What can you do

If the cough is of low intensity, dry, and you just noticed its appearance, do not rush to take the dog to the veterinarian or start self-treatment.

It is better to watch the animal - perhaps this is a simple irritation of the mucous membranes with dry air or solid food, and it will pass by itself in two or three days.

If your pet has been coughing for more than a week, but his general condition does not worsen, he continues to eat food and maintains his usual activity, he may have caught a viral disease of one kind or another and has a strong enough immune system to defeat this disease.
While there is no deterioration in the condition of the pet, do not provide him with medical support so as not to weaken your own immunity.

Important! The cause of coughing in pets is chronic chronic tonsillitis. For dogs, it is uncharacteristic, but such cases do occur. As a treatment, the complete removal of the inflamed tonsils is used.

If you are sure that your dog is choking on something - for example, you notice this moment or see how he is trying to get rid of an object stuck in his throat, open his mouth (well-mannered pets fearlessly show their throat to the owner) and shine a flashlight into his larynx.

You may see a foreign body that is giving your pet trouble. A small non-sharp object can be removed independently with tweezers or fingers. In this case, you need to act carefully and for sure - if you are not sure that you will not harm the animal, it is better to go with him to the veterinarian.

If your pet's cough is dry, mild, and persistent, but he doesn't show anxiety, it may be because the air in your home is too dry.
Put a special humidifier or regularly spray moisture from a spray bottle - this should improve the condition of the pet.

Try to remove any allergens that may have affected your dog in this way. If his cough is seasonal, walk him less often during the flowering of allergenic plants and review the diet for grain allergens in the feed.

What can a doctor do

A qualified veterinarian with complaints of a cough in an animal will immediately examine it and, if necessary, give a referral for additional diagnostics.

If the problem lies in a foreign object stuck in the esophagus or adhering to the mucosa, the doctor will simply remove it with medical tweezers and a special illuminated mirror - this process is called endoscopy.
If the dog is vicious and does not allow veterinarians to approach him, endoscopy is performed after the introduction of general anesthesia.

A foreign body that has fallen not into the food, but into the respiratory tract or a particularly large body is removed during surgery.

If the dog has breathing problems and loses consciousness, he is given a tracheotomy so that air enters the lungs, and then the foreign object is removed directly.

Additional diagnostics are prescribed in case of suspicion of infectious diseases or emerging pathologies that develop unnoticed by the owner. A general blood test, electroechography, x-rays will tell the veterinarian about the true reason that provokes a cough in a dog.

In the case of an infectious disease that the dog's body cannot fight, your pet will be prescribed antitussive and expectorant drugs to remove phlegm.
Antibiotics are used extremely rarely - only when traditional treatment does not work and the animal's condition worsens anyway.

A cough caused by helminthiasis cannot be eliminated or alleviated instantly, here the doctor is required to take a whole range of measures for deworming and detoxifying the body of a pet.

Did you know? The smallest dog on the planet lived in 1945. She was from Yorkshire Terriers and, with a height of 6.5 cm at the withers, had a length of only 8.9 cm. And this is in adulthood!

If your dog is found to be coughing because he has heart problems or abnormal growths in his lungs, the veterinarian will prescribe in the first case surgical correction of the disease or drug therapy, coupled with a change in diet and day, and in the second - drugs that expand the bronchi and make it easier for the animal to breathe.

Keep your pet in comfortable conditions for him, provide him with adequate feeding and remember the distinguishing signs of each type of cough - knowing them, you will be able to determine in time what is the cause of your dog's cough and provide her with the first necessary help.

An unexpected cough in a dog is not a reason to go to the veterinarian. You should not sound the alarm in advance, first you need to figure out why the dog coughed. The cough itself may be the result of the body's struggle with the disease. The first thing to do is to find out the nature of its occurrence and find ways to get rid of this disease.

The main reasons why a dog coughs:

1. The dog may have caught a cold due to hypothermia or bathing in cool weather.

Often, in hot weather, pet owners give their dogs cold water to drink or even ice cream - many believe that this is a sure way to deal with bad weather. But such procedures can lead to a cold - the dog's tonsils become inflamed and she starts coughing, trying to "get rid" of the irritant.

If your dog has caught a cold, then it is necessary to provide her with comfortable living conditions so that she can get better soon: give her a warm drink, high-calorie good food; insulate the place where the dog sleeps; limit walking time; comb your pet with a soft brush - this will help disperse the blood.

If the measures taken do not help and the dog becomes lethargic, you should contact a specialist for advice.

2. The dog has been in contact with a sick pet.

A sudden cough in a dog may be the result of adenovirus. This disease is airborne and can cause a dry, wet, barking, or mild cough in dogs. Adenovirus is often accompanied by vomiting. In a severe form of the disease, the animal has a fever, fever and copious discharge from the nose. The general condition of the dog worsens, the pet becomes lethargic, begins to lose weight, shortness of breath and drowsiness appear.

If the disease is mild, then treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis. The dog is isolated in a separate warm room, not allowed to walk. To increase immunity, a diet of easily digestible feed with a high level of vitamins is prescribed. In addition, the animal is prescribed immunostimulants. The cough itself is treated with medications prescribed by a veterinarian. Tentatively, the treatment of adenovirus is at least ten days. It should be remembered that with any form of this disease, you need to contact a veterinarian - so you can quickly cure your dog.

3. The dog is pressed on the collar and feels uncomfortable.

If you notice that your dog starts coughing after or during walks, carefully inspect the collar and try to loosen it. Perhaps the collar is pressing on the dog's throat and it is choking, which is why the cough occurs. You can read more about the dangers of a collar in the article.

4. A foreign object is stuck in the dog's throat.

If the dog is coughing as if choking, it may have a foreign object in its throat that it is trying to push out. Carefully inspect the mouth of the animal and make sure that the dog does not have any foreign objects in the mouth. Often dogs will eat something harmful or poisonous, and the cough will be accompanied by a frothy discharge, possibly even with droplets of blood. If you find any object, be it a piece of a stick or a bone, contact a specialist to remove the foreign body without harm. This will only take a couple of minutes, but it will save the dog from additional damage when removing the item on its own.
5. The dog is allergic to plants, pollen, drugs or food.

6. The dog has not been treated for worms for a long time.

If your pet has not been treated for worms, it is possible that they were the cause of the cough. Once in the dog's body, they can settle in the esophagus and cause discomfort and cough in the animal.

7. The dog coughs due to heart problems.

If you carefully examined the dog and did not find the symptoms described above, then it is recommended to examine the dog's gums. With a negative change in the work of the heart, it becomes bluish-gray. In this case, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

How to help a dog with a cough?

When a dog coughs, it is important to treat the causes themselves, not the symptoms. Watch your animal, carefully examine it, measure the temperature, inspect the skin, throat. These observations will help determine the cause of the dog's cough. Even if you decide to immediately contact a specialist, according to your conclusions, it will be easier for him to quickly make the correct diagnosis and begin treatment.

If the cough itself was a one-time incident and the dog continues to lead a healthy lifestyle without changing its behavior, then you don’t have to worry - everything is in order. In this case, it is only worthwhile to additionally observe the animal in order to finally make sure that there is no cough.

If the cough continues and the cause could not be determined, you should not treat the animal yourself, this can only aggravate his condition. It is not difficult for a veterinarian to make a diagnosis, but the lost time will make the dog experience difficulties once again.

Cough is a protective reaction of the body when foreign objects or substances enter the lungs. It clears the trachea, freeing the way for air. Isolated cases of coughing in dogs are natural and safe. But the regular repetition of a symptom may indicate a manifestation of a serious illness in an animal.

In some breeds, coughing wheezing sounds are manifested due to the structural features of their respiratory system (pugs, bulldogs, griffons).

In some cases, the dog may begin to cough due to stress - a sudden change of scenery or owner, fear.

In other cases, the manifestation of this symptom signals health problems.


Enclosure cough is a viral phenomenon that is transmitted from one animal to another by airborne droplets. Usually, symptoms of the disease appear 2-14 days after infection.

The risk group includes dogs in common enclosures, at exhibitions and competitions, in kennels, at overexposure. This type of cough indicates the development of diseases such as laryngotracheitis and tracheobronchitis.

Signs of aviary (nursery) cough:

  1. Dryness.
  2. Choppy sound.
  3. Depth of sound and appearance.

It may appear after an active walk, physical exertion, training.

Associated symptoms:

  1. Lethargy.
  2. Sneezing.
  3. Vomit.
  4. Attacks of nausea.
  5. Snorting sounds.

If not treated in time, kennel cough can develop into more serious diseases, such as pneumonia.


In addition to the previous factor, the development of pneumonia is also affected by fungi and liquids or food debris that accidentally enters the respiratory organs.

Signs of a cough:

  1. Wheezing.
  2. Wet.
  3. Depth of manifestation.
  4. Sometimes - with sputum.

In addition to these signs, there are the following:

  1. General lethargy.
  2. Lack of appetite.
  3. Sudden weight loss.
  4. Fever.
  5. Wheezing breath.
  6. Wheezing in the lungs.

Pneumonia is much easier to prevent than to cure.


Cough can also occur if a weak heart muscle presses and interferes with the respiratory system. In such cases, it meets the following criteria:

  1. Coughing.
  2. Dyspnea.

Outwardly, it seems that the dog is trying to cough or burp something, sometimes swallows air or opens its mouth, as if it does not have enough oxygen.

  1. Dry or moderately wet.
  2. Strengthening at rest.

Cough can cause tracheobronchitis.


It is a consequence of the occurrence of a cancerous tumor in the bronchi or heart muscle.

Signs of a cough:

  1. Deep.
  2. Sometimes - with sputum, bloody discharge.
  3. Dyspnea.

Associated symptoms:

  1. General lethargy.
  2. Increase in body temperature.
  3. Lack of appetite.

On a note! With oncology, the cough is constant, sometimes - incessant.


It is seasonal (spring-summer). It can be caused by severe allergies: flowers, food, chemicals, especially those that protect against ticks.


  1. Accompanying a cough with a sneeze.
  2. The cough is non-stop.
  3. Dryness.

Allergic cough is easily distinguished from other types by other accompanying allergy symptoms:

  1. Bluishness of mucous membranes.
  2. Tearing.
  3. Rash.

Rashes - a concomitant allergic symptom

The body temperature may also rise.

Perhaps in case of too fast swallowing of food or in diseases of the central nervous system. When a foreign object enters the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and irritates them, the dog begins to cough non-stop.

The action is complemented by sneezing, an attempt to burp, spit out the irritant, nausea or vomiting is possible.

Tracheal collapse

A disease that occurs advantageously in dogs of tiny breeds. Especially often observed in naughty individuals on a leash, which the owners have to pull or pull. As a result, the fragile trachea is deformed or damaged.

There is a regular cough with symptoms:

  1. Dryness.
  2. Dyspnea.
  3. Whistling when breathing.
  4. An attack of suffocation.
  5. Dry breath.

The dog may cough even while eating or drinking.

Video - About cough in dogs

The video answers questions about the types of cough and its signs in various diseases.

How to treat a cough?

Making a correct diagnosis with the presence of a cough is impossible without an experienced veterinarian. The owner's answers to the following questions will also help to recognize the symptoms:

  1. The age of the dog.
  2. Breed.
  3. Description of the type of cough and accompanying symptoms.
  4. Past illnesses.

After measuring body temperature and appropriate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the desired treatment regimen.


The treatment of aviary cough is to allocate a warm, dry corner for the animal with sufficient ventilation, but without a draft. The pet must be at rest.

Possible drugs:

  1. Expectorants;
  2. emollient drugs;
  3. Antibiotics.

The latter are best given only in cases of exacerbation that outgrows pneumonia, since antibiotics also negatively affect the dog's body.

On a note! In some cases, aviary cough goes away on its own, but it cannot be left without treatment, since the symptom threatens to acquire a chronic form.


Since a heart cough is manifested due to complications in the work of the circulatory system and its organs, an important condition is the treatment of the root cause of the disease.

To ease the coughing process for a dog, you can give it emollients and expectorants.

It is believed that after their successful removal, the cough also stops.


In most cases, it is extremely difficult to cure a cancerous tumor in a dog. But her condition can be alleviated by taking the following medicines:

  1. Steroids.
  2. Bronchodilators.
  3. Drugs that dilate the bronchi.
  4. Vitamins (A, C, E, group B).
  5. Expectorants.
  6. Echinacea.

The last 2 substances are especially useful in removing constantly accumulating sputum and blood clots inside the bronchi that make breathing difficult.


It is urgent to find out the cause of the cough and other allergic symptoms in order to remove the allergen from the field of direct influence on the animal.

To calm and relieve symptoms, prescribe:

  1. Antihistamines.
  2. Vitamins.
  3. Preparations for maintaining immunity.

Collision with the stimulus must be minimized, ideally completely eliminated.

Entry of foreign objects

Without a professional veterinarian, the owners are unlikely to help the animal in removing the irritant from the respiratory tract. It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately when signs appear, because over time the animal begins to suffocate.

The main mistake in such cases is the addition of a laxative, which will only aggravate the situation.

Tracheal collapse

Only a veterinarian can diagnose a change in the tracheal passage. He is able to change its shape and size during surgery.

Video - Dog coughing as if choking

Cough prevention

Treatment of cough as an independent syndrome or a sign of a disease requires a lot of physical and time costs. Some diseases can be cured in 2-4 weeks, others cannot be completely cured.

It is much easier to prevent coughing by following these general dog health guidelines:

Regular inspection

The animal must be periodically examined for the presence of certain signs characterizing health:

  1. Mucous.
  2. Wool.
  3. Condition of the skin.
  4. General activity.
  5. Motility of movements of the body and musculoskeletal limbs.

Attention! If at least one of the parameters is not normal, you should consult a doctor.

Vet visit

A regular visit to a specialist is a normal preventive measure for dog owners, since it is sometimes impossible to independently determine the disease.

The minimum visit to the veterinary clinic is twice a year, the optimal time is once a season.


Most diseases can be avoided if the animal is regularly vaccinated. Vaccines will help protect your pet from such diseases with a cough:

In some cases, vaccination can be carried out at home on your own, but a corresponding entry must necessarily appear in the dog's passport.

Lifestyle hygiene

The most important parameter for preventing cough is the culture of food, living and activity of a pet.

Basic requirements for a bed:

  1. The animal must have a personal couch, bed or bedding.
  2. The sleeping place should be warm enough and soft - you can cover it with blankets.
  3. Fabric covers should be cleaned and laundered regularly.
  4. The sleeping place should be in a corner with a temperature close to room temperature, sufficient lighting and ventilation.

The dog should not blow, be cold and damp - all this contributes to the development of cough pathogens.

There are also certain nutritional requirements:

  1. Food and water bowls should always be clean and food should be fresh.
  2. The pieces of food should be large enough for the dog to swallow without choking.
  3. Regular meals will help to avoid severe hunger and increased swallowing.

Especially important for strengthening the dog's immunity are regular walks in the fresh air with moderate feasible activity - jogging, playing with sticks or balls, jumping. After a walk, be sure to wash the paws, and if necessary, the body of the animal to avoid soiling the surfaces.

It is also important to monitor the emotional state of the dog. You can not forcefully pull her by the leash, pull and beat - all this can cause mechanical damage to internal organs.

We must not forget that the risk group for coughing includes puppies, old individuals, as well as weak, hungry dogs with a weakened immune system. But if the animal lives in a warm place, receives food regularly and undergoes a medical examination, coughing is not a problem for him.

There can be many reasons why a dog wheezes, and they will not always be negative, but you still should not ignore such a state of the pet. The type of wheezing will help determine the disease itself, the degree and causes. Depending on the source of the disease, it can be the bronchi, trachea and lungs, emit wet and dry wheezing.

Why is the dog wheezing

Laryngospasm or laryngeal edema. The causes of its occurrence may be various allergies or the penetration of foreign bodies into the pet's throat. An attack is sometimes triggered by tightening the collar. At the same time, the dog begins to wheeze, as if choking, and on the onset of the attack itself, it looks furious and tries to capture as much air as possible with its mouth. In the process, the mucous membranes of the dog may acquire a bluish tint. In most cases, with a timely visit to the veterinarian, laryngospasm is treated without subsequent possible complications.

brachycephalic syndrome. Dogs with a small and round skull and a flattened nose (Pekingese, pugs, and bulldogs) are susceptible to this disease. The development of the disease for these breeds is a normal biological phenomenon due to the peculiar structure of the skull. You can diagnose the disease by the following signs: narrowing of the nasal passages, swelling of the soft palate and a change in the shape of the larynx. At the same time, the dog snores, breathes heavily, inhaling, clearly sniffs, and you can notice blue mucous membranes in her.

The appearance of tumors of the respiratory system. If the dog also coughs, this may be a signal of the presence of benign or malignant tumors. Bronchitis or pneumonia. During diseases of this kind, the dog very often coughs and constantly wheezes when breathing. There is a misconception that dogs are not prone to these ailments, but they occur in 50% of 100 possible.

Types of wheezing

Dry wheezing is caused by a narrowing of the distance between the bronchi, abundant secretion or obstruction of the airways. Exhaling, the animal wheezes much louder. Moist wheezing in a dog is a consequence of the accumulation of blood or other fluids in the lungs, as this slows down the air permeability.

Wheezing, more like a crunch or crackling, is called crepitus and occurs when the alveoli swell. Such wheezing can be with pneumonia or fibrosis. Wheezing, similar to whistling, is also due to a decrease in the lumen of the airways. It is found in brachycephaly, paralysis of the vocal cords and penetration of objects into the animal's throat.

Actions of owners in cases when the animal wheezes

Of course, when wheezing occurs in a dog, it must be immediately shown to the veterinarian. As already clear from the above, it is impossible to determine the diagnosis on your own. If the owner notices the increasing nature of wheezing in the dog and strange behavior, similar to an attack, it is necessary:

  • Provide oxygen to the animal by opening the windows.
  • It is strictly forbidden to touch the dog's chest. Especially if the animal lies in a strange position.

If the dog feels uncritical, it will not be superfluous to examine its mouth for the presence of objects that have fallen there. An animal in such cases can reflexively bite a person.

Treating wheezing in dogs

Proper therapy is prescribed depending on the cause of wheezing. This can be diagnosed using x-rays, bronchoscopy, and other options for viewing the throat. If brachiocephalic pathology, laryngeal paralysis and tracheal collapse, for example, are detected, the dog will undergo surgery to cure.

In situations of swelling of the larynx and laryngospasm, the pet is treated with medication. Sometimes mechanical ventilation is used. The presence of a foreign body in the respiratory organs requires bronchoscopy and removal of the object. You can often hear that you can get rid of the object in the throat of a pet yourself, but this is not always the right decision.

It is possible to get a foreign object from the respiratory tract only in those cases when it is on the surface, that is, it can be carefully removed with tweezers or a hand. But if it is clearly visible that the object is sitting very tightly in the throat, then it is better not to engage in amateur activities, because when you try to get this object, you can seriously damage the animal's throat.

With oncological neoplasms, therapy is built strictly individually, based on the stage of the disease and symptoms. Bronchitis and pneumonia should be treated with antitussives and antibiotics.
With pulmonary edema in an animal, intensive anti-edematous treatment is prescribed. In any case, it is necessary to establish the specific cause of wheezing. This will determine the success of the treatment.

Wheezing in a dog is an unpleasant symptom, both for the pet itself and for its owner, therefore, an appeal to the veterinarian in such cases should be carried out in the near future in order to avoid more serious complications or even death.

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