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Gymnastics for the eyes to improve vision Avetisova. Gymnastics for the eyes of Avetisov: what exercises should be done. What is the reason for the decrease in visual functions of the eyes?

Visual impairment occurs in almost every person on Earth. This is mainly associated with regular overvoltage. Scientists and doctors are constantly developing methods to prevent and stop vision damage. An example is Avetisov’s eye gymnastics.

What is the reason for the decrease in visual functions of the eyes?

Vision is a process that supplies the brain with 90% of information from the environment. The eyes are the most important organ, but not everyone treats them with care. They, like all components of the body, need rest and activity. Therefore, doctors recommend regularly doing eye exercises.

The main reasons for decreased visual function:

  1. Incorrect load on the muscles of the eyeball. They are responsible for the curvature of the lens, through which the ability to see is manifested. Regularly looking at the same objects located at a constant distance leads to loss of muscle tone.
  2. Insufficient blood flow. The retina, which is involved in visual ability, reduces its functions due to blood deficiency.
  3. Age. In older people, the pigments in the retina begin to deteriorate, and all the tools for transmitting images from the environment begin to age. Vitamin A from food can help with this problem.
  4. Constant eye strain. The retina is sensitive to light, so its excess or deficiency negatively affects its performance.
  5. Drying of the mucous membrane. The eyeball is regularly washed with a special secretion. If there is not enough of it, the mucous membrane will begin to dry out.

These reasons are removable. To do this, you will need to perform special complexes to maintain the tone of the muscles of the eyeball. You can view them using the method developed by Avetisov.

Who is Avetisov?

E. S. Avetisov is a scientist who brought the fundamentals of ophthalmology to a completely new level. He devoted his activities to various visual impairments and developed methods to combat eye diseases.

One of these methods was eye exercises according to Avetisov.

Gymnastics is still an effective way to prevent and treat vision problems.

Avetisov’s main achievement is the development of a method for training the eye muscles from childhood. This gymnastics became a real breakthrough in medicine of that time. He was the first to define his profession as a pediatric ophthalmologist.

Features and principles of exercises

The main feature of eye gymnastics developed by Avetisov is the prevention of problems leading to vision damage. He believed that the sooner a person begins to monitor his vision, the higher the chance of preventing eye diseases.

Principles of the developed complexes:

  • The exercises included in gymnastics can be performed easily, without special equipment;
  • Charging duration – 15 minutes;
  • Any place to do it - home, work, walk, trip;
  • fast, noticeable results with regular use;
  • direct connection with increased concentration.

Avetisov developed a unique scheme, which is still used today as one of the best. This is noted by patients who are satisfied with the results.

Sets of exercises for the eyes

Gymnastics consists of three complexes, each of which is focused on different muscle groups. Execution starts slowly with 4 hikes. Subsequently, they increase to 12. The posture for performing the exercises is sitting or standing with a straight back.

Complex 1

It is focused on blood flow to the eyeball and improving fluid circulation. Four exercises:

  • Exercise No. 1. Close your eyes for 5 seconds, open them. Repeat 8 times. If it is difficult to perform, then 6 movements;
  • Exercise No. 2. Blink rapidly for 10–15 seconds. After performing, lightly massage the eyelids with your fingers;
  • Exercise No. 3. Apply light pressure to closed eyes and wait 4 seconds. Repeat 5 times, with short stops;
  • Exercise No. 4. Press the area above the eyebrows with your index fingers. Execution time – 15 seconds. Muscle resistance should be felt.

Complex 2

It acts to strengthen every muscle in the eyeball, which helps avoid vision problems. Four exercises:

  • Exercise No. 1. Look one by one, moving your gaze, from the highest point to the lowest. The delay in each of them is 3 seconds. Run 10 times;
  • Exercise No. 2. Direct your gaze to the following points: right, up, left. Walk along them in the opposite direction. Focusing at each point – 2 seconds. Do 10–12 times;
  • Exercise No. 3. Alternately look from left to right. 4 second delay. Perform 10–12 times;
  • Exercise No. 4. Make rotational movements with your eyeballs to the right. Then repeat the same to the left. The number of rotations is 6–10 times.

Complex 3

It helps maintain the ability of the eyes to refract light rays and also trains visual functions. Four exercises from exercises according to Avetisov, which are performed standing:

  • Exercise No. 1. Look into the distance, extend your right hand forward with your index finger. Alternately look at the distant point and at the finger. Repeat 10–12 times;
  • Exercise No. 2. Look closely at the raised finger of an outstretched hand. Slowly bring it to the tip of your nose, without looking away. Repeat up to 12 times;
  • Exercise No. 3. Similar to the second exercise. You just need to look at the finger with different eyes one by one. While one eye is working, the other is covered with the palm. Repeat 8 times on each side;
  • Exercise No. 4. Make a dot on the transparent glass from the window. Move your gaze from a point to an object on the street and back. Repeat for 5 minutes.

The benefits of exercise according to Avetisov

The complexes require a minimum of time to perform, but the benefits from them help reduce the symptoms of some diseases and prevent the appearance of others. An additional advantage of eye exercises is that they can be performed in any conditions.

The benefit of the technique lies in its full impact on all muscle groups of the eyeball.

This is necessary for the prevention of diseases that reduce the degree of visual abilities.

Patients respond positively to Avetisov’s technique. There is an increase in visual acuity and improvement in eye condition in a short time. Gymnastics is especially useful for a modern person who is constantly burdened by prolonged sitting at the phone or computer.

The article has been verified by a medical practitioner. Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya, 5 years of experience.

The professor was convinced that the prevention of eye diseases should be addressed from childhood. If you strictly follow the doctors' recommendations, you will never suffer from visual impairment.

Avetisov's gymnastics is a set of simple exercises that help strengthen the optical system and train accommodation (focal adaptation due to contractions of the ciliary muscle).

Advantages of gymnastics according to Avetisov:

  1. The exercises were developed by a professional in the field of ophthalmology. Professor Avetisov developed a scheme that is still one of the best.
  2. The scheme includes simple and easy exercises that do not require training or special equipment.
  3. Gymnastics takes only 15 minutes a day.
  4. You can do the exercises at home, at work, or while traveling.
  5. When performed regularly, gymnastics quickly produces results.
  6. Many patients also noted increased concentration and attention.

You need to do gymnastics daily. The exercises will be especially useful if you work a lot on the computer, read books and watch TV. Gymnastics also helps patients with nearsightedness (myopia).

The first results are observed within a few days. That's what the professor said, and that's what the patients say. Gymnastics according to Avetisov includes three sets of exercises for the eyeball, which have different effects on individual muscle groups. These exercises help ensure visual acuity and prevent ophthalmic diseases.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Exercise for the eyes according to Avetisov trains and strengthens the eye muscles, and also improves blood supply to all structures of the organ. The main emphasis is on training the accommodation of the lens when looking at objects at different distances.

Physical education can serve both as a prevention of myopia and as a general strengthening therapy for the visual system. You can use it to relax in between hard work at the computer or reading.

Complex efficiency

Avetisov’s gymnastics for children is most effective. The child’s eyes are still quite flexible and easily respond to corrective therapy. At a young age, it is much easier to “pump up” the muscles of the ciliary body that control the lens and “teach” them the correct movements.

In adults, the technique is mainly used as a preventive measure against the onset or worsening of myopia. Quite often there is a real improvement in vision, but this is not the main goal of gymnastics and cannot be guaranteed.

The effectiveness of the method is higher when correcting acquired pathologies. If the visual impairment is congenital, exercise will most likely not be able to affect its causes.

The benefits of using the complex can be increased significantly if you combine gymnastics with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle in general.

It is important to maintain lighting conditions and alternate periods of work and rest, preventing your eyes from becoming overly tired.

Like any other workout, Avetisov exercises can only be effective if performed regularly. Pronounced improvements are observed only after 6-9 months of systematic training. The result cannot be quick, because the problem did not appear in a couple of days.

Advantages of the technique

The system was developed by a professional ophthalmologist who devoted more than one year of his life to studying the physiology of the visual system and the mechanisms of vision. This provides some assurance that all exercises are carefully thought out and actually have an optimal positive effect.

In addition, it should be noted the simplicity and accessibility of the technology. You can conduct training at any time, anywhere, with any initial level of training. No special devices, complex equipment, or specific location are required. The duration of the entire lesson is no more than 10 minutes.

Systematic exercise not only strengthens the eyes and has a beneficial effect on vision, but also improves brain function, increases attention, concentration, and discipline of a person. https://www.youtube.com/embed/mF-uRePOfus

Indications and contraindications

The author of the method claims that the sooner a person starts classes, the more effective they will be. It is best to start training your eyes as early as childhood. The complex ensures the normal formation of the visual system and helps to avoid future problems.

Other indications:

  • long work at the computer. Exercise gives rest to tired eyes and protects against the development of computer syndrome.
  • progressive myopia. Exercises strengthen the muscles of the ciliary body, preventing further deterioration of vision at long distances.
  • chronic eye fatigue. Gymnastics improves blood circulation and tones all organ structures.

You should not perform Avetisov’s eye exercises for any physical damage to the eye, retinal detachment, inflammatory processes, or after surgery. In these cases, it is not recommended to artificially stimulate blood flow, or actively contract the muscles of the organ.

Why does vision deteriorate?

As experts note, this is due to modern gadgets: computers, laptops, netbooks, mobile phones and tablets. For every person, vision is a tool for existence. The current trend is that in the current generation, vision deteriorates from a young age.

Heredity plays an important role, which is why we experience vision loss. If someone in your family suffered from myopia or farsightedness, then this disease is likely to be passed on to you. Such people are recommended to watch their eyes from adolescence.

Various diseases, neurological problems, magnesium deficiency, stress, spinal disc displacement, lack of sleep, and overwork lead to loss of vision.

Features of the exercise

The set of exercises begins gradually. Experts recommend doing eye training every day, at the same time, increasing the load every day. Ideally, the duration of gymnastics is not 15-20 minutes a day. For beginners, 4-5 minutes is enough.

Those whose work is connected to a computer take a break every hour; this rest is devoted to gymnastics so that the eyeballs reach a state of peace and relaxation.

Professor Avetisov divided his entire gymnastics program into three groups.

First group

Set of exercises No1:

  1. Close and open your eyelids 6-10 times. At each eyelid position there is a five-minute pause.
  2. You need to blink intensely for 15-20 seconds. After this, stop blinking and use your fingertips to massage your closed eyelids.
  3. Through the eyelids, press down on the eyeballs for three seconds.
  4. At the site of the superciliary arch, you should not press too hard with your relaxed index fingers, trying to overcome the resistance of the surrounding muscles.

This complex will improve blood flow and fluid circulation.

Second group

Set of exercises No. 2:

  1. Sit comfortably and keep your back straight. Move your gaze from the floor to the ceiling twelve times, stopping your gaze for 3-5 seconds, keeping your head motionless.
  2. Expand your focus. Look to the left, then diagonally, gradually raise your eyes up, and along the same diagonal, lower your gaze to the bottom right corner. In this case, the head remains in a continuous position. Do 12 approaches in each direction.
  3. Move your gaze from the left fixed point to the right side, and back. We keep our head straight, without moving along with our gaze. Repeat twelve times.
  4. After you have completed all the above exercises, roll your eyes clockwise and then counterclockwise. Repeat twelve times.

Third group

Set of exercises No3:

Take a comfortable position, your back is perfectly straight. Select the farthest point on the horizon. Extend your arms as far as possible and put your index finger in front. Move your gaze from the tip of your index finger to the horizon twelve times.
Touch the tip of your nose with your index finger, focusing your gaze on the index finger. Ten times.
Follow your hand and index finger first with your left eye and then with your right. Ten approaches for each eye. If you can’t cover your eye, do it with your palm.
On a well-washed window you need to draw a dot

The degree of transparency is important. Focus on this point and sharply shift your gaze to something else

Ten reps.

All of the above exercises are done in a standing position, without leaning on anything.

Third series of exercises. Improved accommodation

Exercises in this series are performed from a standing position.

  • "Near and far." Stand up straight. Extend your arm slightly forward and keep your index finger 25-30 cm from your nose. Focus on the tip of your finger for 3-4 seconds, and then move your gaze to the farthest corner of the room. Return your gaze to the tip of your finger, and again shift your focus a few meters ahead. Perform the exercise 10-12 times. Take a rest;
  • "Zooming in and out." Focus on the tip of your index finger, which you still hold in front of you. Then slowly move your finger towards your nose and touch the tip. The eyes continuously follow the movement of the finger and converge at one point, looking at the tip of the nose. Move your finger back and follow this movement with your gaze. Then bring your finger closer and away again. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times at a slow pace;

  • “Bringing closer and farther away in turns.” In this exercise, everything is done with each eye in turn. Cover your left eye with your left hand, and your right hand and right eye perform “zooming in and out” 6-8 times. Then change your hand and eye, and do 6-8 repetitions in the same way;
  • "Dot". Using a marker, draw a small dot on the window glass at eye level. And outside the window, select an object or item that is at the farthest distance from you along the straight axis of your vision. Focus on the window point for 3-4 seconds, and then move your gaze along an imaginary straight line to the selected object and stay on it for 3-4 seconds. Return back to the point, and then turn your gaze back to the distant object. The maximum time for performing the exercise is 5 minutes. If your time is limited or you are in a hurry, perform 10 repetitions. This exercise is incredibly useful for accommodation and the ability of the eye to focus on both near and distant objects, so it is recommended to perform it more often and for longer in combination with other exercises. Professor Avetisov advises to increase the exercise time over time to 7 minutes.

Gymnastics according to Avetisov is simple, but highly effective. The therapeutic effect is achieved after a month of systematic exercise, but some claim that they feel improvement after 2-3 workouts.

And this is not surprising, because the exercises are based on the principle of alternately tensing and relaxing the eye muscles, which ultimately leads to balancing visual function and eliminating the negative consequences of eye fatigue.

There is another wonderful “side effect” of exercise.

By training the orbicularis oculi muscle, bags under the eyes are eliminated and small wrinkles that arise as a result of squinting, a symptom by which all myopic people are “recognized,” are smoothed out.

Visual gymnastics according to Avetisov can be supplemented with light physical exercises, such as turning the head from side to side, tilting the head forward and backward, circular movements of the head and the like. You can also stretch the shoulder girdle and massage the collar area. Ladies can complete the exercise by applying their favorite moisturizing or nourishing cream to the lower eyelid area.

At the beginning of the article, we mentioned that Avetisov’s eye gymnastics primarily has a beneficial effect on people whose eyes are “minus”, i.e. for those who are myopic (people who have poor distance vision). Can people with pluses - farsighted people - perform this set of exercises? Of course they can. It will be useful for everyone to relieve fatigue and spasms from the eyes, tone the muscles. Even for those people who do not complain of poor vision.

Exercises for myopia

Myopia or myopia is an acquired defect in the perception of distant objects to varying degrees. Classical medicine believes that it is impossible to completely cure it, and glasses prescribed for this diagnosis only have a compensating effect. Moreover, over time, as the disease progresses, a person has to choose glasses with more and more diopters.

There are non-traditional methods of vision correction for myopia. These are sets of special exercises developed by various authors, which can not only stop the deterioration of vision, but also get rid of myopia completely, under one condition - the exercises must be performed daily.

One of the sets of exercises that eliminates myopia and glasses was developed by Windolf, a student of Dr. Bates. The basis was taken from the research of Dr.

In his technique, Windolf pays attention to focusing vision

The main essence of the exercises is to:

  • relax your eyes and your whole body;
  • take some bright object in your hand and, placing it directly in front of you, blink for a while with both eyes;
  • then, without ceasing to look at the object, you need to squeeze the eye muscles, trying to pull the eyeballs inside the eye sockets, however, at the same time you need to continue blinking.

Exercises of the technique

All gymnastics exercises according to Avetisov can be divided into three groups. They need to be performed without overexertion, at a comfortable pace, which can be increased over time. At first, each task is performed about 4-5 times, gradually the number of repetitions should increase to 8-12 per workout.

Group 1

The tasks included in the first group are aimed at improving the functioning of the blood supply system to the eyes, stimulating the circulation of tear and other fluids inside the eye. They need to be performed only while sitting, while completely relaxing.

Step 1. Each eye in turn is tightly closed and held in the closed position for about 3-5 seconds. The open position is also maintained for about 3-5 seconds.

The eyes close one by one

Step 2. Blink your eyelids quickly for a short period of time - up to 10-15 seconds. Next, a 7-10 second pause is made.

Rapid blinking

Step 3. Lightly massage the closed eye with a finger (it is most convenient to do this with the index finger). Move your finger in circles, massage one eye for 1 minute.

Eye massage

Step 4. Both eyes are closed, and pressure is applied to each eye with three fingers of both hands. Duration – no more than 1-3 s.

Step 5. Both eyes are covered with eyelids, and the skin in the area of ​​the superciliary arch is pressed with your fingers. At this time, your fingers should provide slight resistance to the movement of the muscles of the forehead and eyelids.

Fingers press the skin in the area of ​​the superciliary arch

Group 2

This group of tasks is performed in a sitting position, and the person’s head must remain motionless at this time. Exercises strengthen the eye muscles.

Step 1. The gaze of the eyes is calmly and slowly directed to the ceiling, and then just as slowly moved down to the floor.

Eyes go up and down

Step 2. The gaze is directed to the left, and then to the right, after which - vice versa.

The gaze moves left and right

Step 3. The gaze is directed along the diagonals of an imaginary rectangle in which the eyes are inscribed.

The gaze is directed along the diagonals of an imaginary rectangle

Step 4. Imagine an imaginary clock face. The gaze circles him clockwise, and then counterclockwise.

The gaze circles an imaginary dial

Group 3

The exercises listed and described below will help train accommodation. They are always performed standing.

Step 1. The eyes, and with them the gaze, are directed forward, strictly straight and held there for about 3 seconds. After this, the eyes focus on the tip of the finger on the right hand, which is pointed forward (preferably the index finger). It should be located directly in front of the face, approximately at the level of the nose, at a distance of about 25-30 cm. The finger is removed after about 3-5 seconds.

The gaze focuses on the tip of the finger

Step 2. This type of exercise will help improve the quality of your near vision. The left hand is extended and placed in front of the face. The gaze is directed to the index finger of this hand and lingers on it for no more than 3-5 seconds. The next stage is to bend the arm, and the finger needs to be brought closer to the nose until its image begins to bifurcate.

One hand stretches out

Step 3. The right hand is extended approximately at the level of the face, and the finger (index) is pointed upward. The eyes are directed at it for about 3-5 s, then the palm closes the left eye for 5 s, and at this time the other hand bends and unbends in the same way as in the previous exercise, that is, the distance from the fingers to the eyes should change. The exercise is repeated with a change of hands.

One hand closes the eye

Step 4. This task has a simple and understandable name - “Mark on the glass.” To perform it, people with low vision do not need to take off their glasses. It is very simple to do: on the glass of any window in an apartment or at work, approximately at eye level, a mark measuring about 3-5 mm is glued or drawn with a marker. After this, the person must select some object outside the window, but it must be in the line of sight when looking at the mark. Now the task itself: the gaze is initially directed to the mark and lingers on it for about 1-2 s, then it is transferred to the selected object behind the window glass, also for a couple of seconds. You can practice with two eyes at once and take a break with each.

Exercise “Mark on glass”

Video – Gymnastics according to Avetisov

This course of exercises really has a beneficial effect on the eyes and can improve the condition of the eyes if performed regularly. Of course, it will not return vision, but it will strengthen the entire eye system. This is the fundamental technique, and most others are based on it.

Execution technique

The exercises are divided into three subgroups, each of which has a specific effect on the structures of the eye. It is recommended to follow the order, starting with the first complex, then moving on to the second and third.

Exercises should be done daily, morning and evening, and throughout the day as needed.
All exercises are performed calmly, slowly, thoughtfully, with a straight back and even breathing.

It is important to maintain good posture as it promotes abundant blood supply to the brain and eyes respectively.
You should start exercising with 4-5 repetitions of each movement, gradually increasing this number to 10-15 times when the body gets used to the load.
Don't strain your eyes. If you experience discomfort, you need to pause and give yourself a rest.

Pros and cons of farsightedness: symptoms and causes

Improved blood circulation

Tasks in this group prepare the eyes for stress, improve nutrition of all organ structures, and stimulate the movement of intraocular fluid. They should be performed in a sitting position.

  1. Close your eyes tightly, wait 3 seconds, open your eyes again, look ahead for 3 seconds. Repeat the cycle 4-5 times.
  2. Blink as fast as you can for 15-20 seconds. After this, rest for 10-15 seconds, do not blink. Do 3-4 repetitions.
  3. Massage your closed eyes with your index fingers. Light circular movements will help the muscles relax.
  4. Apply gentle pressure to the closed eyelid with three fingers for a few seconds. 3-4 pressures will relieve tension from the deep muscles that rotate the eyeball.
  5. Press your index fingers into the skin in the middle of your eyebrows so that you feel resistance when you close your eye. Blink slowly 5-6 times, overcoming it.

These wonderfully relaxing manipulations can be done together or separately at any time when you feel fatigue or pain in the eyes, for example, between exercises of the second and third groups.

Muscle strengthening

The exercises are performed while sitting, with the gaze directed forward in the starting position. When moving the eyes, the head should remain in place without turning. Each item in the description corresponds to one cycle, which must be repeated from 5 to 15 times, depending on the level of training.

All movements of the gaze should be performed slowly, being sure to fixate for a moment at the end points and paying attention to everything that is between them. Take your time doing the exercises

  1. Look as far as you can, then slowly lower your eyes down.
  2. Move your gaze to the left, trying to see your left ear, then smoothly move your focus point to the right and try to see your right ear.
  3. Raise your eyes as far as possible to the left, look down to the right. Do the required number of repetitions, then change the diagonal.
  4. Describe circles of different diameters with your gaze, from the smallest to the largest possible. Perform a clockwise rotation approach, then reverse direction and repeat.

Once your eyes get used to the strain, you can add additional shapes to move your eyes. For example, you can move your gaze along a square, a rhombus, a figure eight, an infinity sign, or a five-pointed star. Any unusual muscle movements are useful.

Accommodation training

These exercises should be performed standing with your back straight. Each of the cycles can be performed in three versions: with two eyes, only with the left and only with the right eye. The inactive eye should be covered with the palm of your hand or thick paper, but not squinted. Perform each cycle 10-15 times. Exercises should not strain your eyes, make sure that your facial muscles are relaxed.

  1. Extend your hand with the pencil clamped in front of you so that it is positioned vertically. Instead of a pencil, you can raise one finger. Look at it for a few seconds. After this, move your gaze into the distance, to the horizon, and also linger.
  2. Extend your arm again, lift one finger. Smoothly bring your hand closer to your face until you touch your nose with your finger, then also smoothly move it back. The gaze is always focused on the finger. Thus, we follow an object, the distance to which is constantly changing, and the lens is forced to adjust in order to see clearly.
  3. Find a clean, transparent window facing the street and draw a dark dot of small diameter on it at eye level. Move your gaze from the point to some distant object outside the window and back. Do it for 5-7 minutes, this perfectly trains accommodation and relaxes the eyes.

List of the most effective vitamin complexes for the eyes

A set of exercises according to Avetisov

To treat spasm of accommodation, many different techniques of varying degrees of complexity and effectiveness have been invented. The advantage of the Avetisov complex, in addition to its good effect, is convenience: for classes you do not need special equipment, space, or preliminary preparation.

Exercises should be performed slowly, with maximum range of motion of the eyeballs.

You should start with 4-5 repetitions of each exercise, then you should increase the number to 10-12 times. After each exercise, you should rest for a few seconds.

The whole complex can be divided into three groups depending on the purpose of the exercises.

The first group is aimed at increasing local blood flow and improving fluid circulation inside the eyeballs. Performed while sitting, with a straight back.

Exercise numberDescription of the techniqueResult
1 Close your eyes as much as possible for a few (4-5) seconds. Then open your eyes for the same amount of time and relax. Repeat 6-8 timesHelps relax the eyes and improve microcirculation in them, and also strengthens the orbicularis oculi muscle
2 Blink for 15 seconds at a fast pace (4-6 times per second). After this, you should rest for 10 seconds. Total exercise time 1-2 minutesImproves blood circulation in the eyelids
3 Massage the eyeballs with your index fingers through closed eyelids for 60 seconds in a circular motion, pressing on the eye with medium intensityRelaxes muscles and improves blood circulation
4 Press the eyeball with three fingers for 1-3 seconds. Break 3 seconds. Repeat 6-8 timesImproves circulation of intraocular fluid
5 Press the skin in the area of ​​the brow ridges against the bone with your index fingers so that they prevent the muscles of the forehead and upper eyelid from closing the eyes. Try to close your eyes for a few seconds. Repeat 4-6 timesStrengthens the orbicularis oculi muscle, improves blood circulation in the eyelids

The second group of exercises strengthens the oculomotor muscles. Also performed: sitting, with a straight back

It is important not to move your head while performing, only your eyes.

Exercise numberDescription of the techniqueResult
1 From the position of your eyes straight, slowly turn your gaze to the ceiling, then also slowly lower your gaze as far as possible. Repeat 8-10 timesTrains the superior and inferior rectus muscles of the eye, improves their coordination when moving up and down
2 Perform the same as the first exercise, but you should move your gaze from left to right and vice versa. Repeat 8-10 timesTrains the external and internal rectus muscles of the eye, improves their coordination when moving left and right
3 At the same pace as the previous exercises, move your gaze diagonally from corner to corner. Repeat 8-10 timesTrains all groups of extraocular muscles, including oblique muscles, improves their coordination
4 Move your eyes slowly clockwise 3-5 times, then the same amount counterclockwiseTrains all groups of extraocular muscles

The third group of exercises trains accommodation - the ability to see clearly at different distances, to focus on close and distant objects.

Exercise numberDescription of the techniqueResult
1 Place your finger at a distance of approximately 25-30 centimeters from the tip of the nose. Fix your gaze on your finger for 3-5 seconds, then move your gaze into the distance, concentrating on the far point of vision for the same time. Repeat 10-12 timesReduces fatigue and makes working at close range easier
2 Extend your arm forward. Focus on the tip of your finger and watch for 5 seconds. Slowly bring your finger closer to your face, continuing until the finger begins to double. Repeat 6-8 timesMakes it easier to work at close range
3 Fix the finger of one hand at a distance of approximately 25-30 centimeters from the tip of the nose. Look at the finger with both eyes for several (3-5) seconds, then close one eye with your free hand. Look with one eye, then open both eyes and change hands. Close the other eye. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times. There is a modification of this exercise in which you should bring your finger closer, as in the second exerciseTrains the cooperative work of both eyes (binocular vision)
4 ‘Mark on glass’. It is performed standing near the window at a distance of approximately 30 centimeters. Draw or stick a colored mark on the glass measuring 3-5 millimeters. The exercise should be performed with glasses or contact lenses. Focus on some distant object outside the window so that your gaze passes through the mark on the glass. After a few seconds, turn your gaze to the mark, then again to the object outside the window. The duration of the exercise is 7 minutes, but you can start with 4-5 minutes. You can perform the exercise alternately with one eye or twoTrains accommodation and binocular vision

Eye exercises according to Avetisov

Before starting regular training, you must obtain consultation and permission from an ophthalmologist. If discomfort or pain occurs when performing an exercise, you should stop exercising or exclude this item from the complex. In this case, specialist advice is also required.

First complex: increasing blood supply

A group of exercises in this complex, acting as a warm-up, prepares the accommodative apparatus of the eye for increasing load. Improving and stabilizing blood circulation and microcirculation of intraocular fluid helps relieve tension from the muscles surrounding the orbit of the eye.

The exercises are performed in the specified order until you feel slightly tired. At first, the number of repetitions can be reduced. The complex is performed in a sitting position with a straight back, keeping your head straight and looking in front of you.

Carefully and carefully touching the eyelids, massage them with the pads of your index fingers for 1 minute.
Squeeze your eyelids forcefully and close your eyes. Stay in this state for 3-5 seconds

Open your eyes, look relaxed in front of you for 4-6 seconds. Repeat 6 to 8 times.
Blink quickly for a quarter of a minute. Rest, look straight - 5 seconds. Repeat up to 6 times.
Close eyes. With your index and middle fingers connected, lightly but noticeably press on the eyeball, as if pressing it, for 2-3 seconds. Take a break: take a deep breath, exhale slowly. This exercise can be done 4-6 times.
Press your index fingers firmly onto your brow ridges. Alternately frown your forehead and squint your eyes, creating resistance with your fingers against the muscles of the upper eyelid and forehead. Repeat up to 8 times.

Second complex: strengthening the motor muscles of the eye

The purpose of the exercises of this complex is to strengthen the oculomotor muscles, relieve tension and fatigue. With regular exercise, the progression of myopia (myopia) stops and visual acuity increases. Perform while sitting, keep your back and neck straight, but do not strain. Do not change the position of your head.

  1. On the count of 1, 2, look up. Count 3, 4 - stop. 5, 6 - look down. 7, 8 - do not change position. Count slowly, breathe freely. Perform smoothly. Repeat 8-12 times.
  2. Sticking to the same count, do the exercise, moving your eyes from side to side, trying to move your gaze to the left and right as much as possible.
  3. Look down to the left, move your gaze diagonally up to the right. Do it 8 times. Rest for half a minute. Repeat, starting from a down-to-right position, moving your eyes to an up-to-left position. Do 8 repetitions.
  4. Move your eyes in a circle, first clockwise, then counterclockwise, 6-8 times in each direction. Try to cover as large a viewing radius as possible without changing the position of your head.

At first you may feel tired. This is normal. Over time, the muscles will be trained, and instead of fatigue, a pleasant feeling of warmth and lightness will come.

Third complex: improving accommodation

This complex is aimed at strengthening the ciliary muscle responsible for accommodation. Conditions for execution are specified in each exercise.

  1. Take a comfortable position - standing or sitting. Place your hand at a distance of about 30 cm from your eyes and focus your gaze on your index finger. Move your gaze forward and find a point or object at least 3-4 m away. Wait until your vision focuses on this object. Then turn your gaze back to your finger. Repeat up to 10-12 times.
  2. The starting position is the same as in the first paragraph. Without taking your eyes off the finger, slowly bring it closer to your nose, bringing your eyes to the bridge of your nose. Return your finger and eyes to their original position. 10 repetitions will be enough.
  3. Perform the first exercise separately for each eye 8 times. Close the “non-working” eye with your free hand.
  4. Go to the window. Draw on the glass with a felt-tip pen or stick a small mark. A small picture with fine details will also work. Stand so that you can clearly see all the details of the drawing. Look at the image carefully for half a minute. Turn your gaze to a fairly distant object outside the window, trying to see it as clearly as possible. Repeat this sequence of actions 8 times.

Gymnastics according to Avetisov for the eyes gives a guaranteed effect if used for preventive purposes. There is no doubt its value for regular exercise to relieve stress. It is useful and necessary to engage in this training to prevent further aggravation of the symptoms of myopia and farsightedness.

The meaning of accommodation

Many outstanding scientists and doctors have studied visual impairments, among them our compatriot Eduard Sergeevich Avetisov, who devoted many years to the study of myopia and strabismus. As a result of his work, he developed a comprehensive methodology for strengthening and developing everyone, which is based on training the accommodative ability of the lens.

The lens is a tiny clear lens that refracts light rays and focuses them on the sensitive nerve tissue of the retina. With the help of muscles, it can change its surface, providing optimal refraction in different conditions. Thus, the eye perceives objects located near a person and in the distance differently. This process is called accommodation.

For a number of reasons, the lens loses its ability to adequately respond to changes in distances. leads to deterioration of vision, especially at long distances. In ophthalmology this pathology is called

Several sets of exercises have been developed for correction and improvement - these are the Utekhin, Dashevsky, Avetisov - Mats systems. Each of them is effective and can prevent vision deterioration, and in some cases even improve it. But they all require special equipment, a large number of lenses with different optical powers and medical knowledge to properly organize the process. In the classic version, these trainings take place in a clinical setting under the supervision of a physician.

How to use a charger for children

Visual receptors, like the entire body, actively develop in children in the first ten years of life. Therefore, specifically during this period, children's eyes are exposed to unkind influences: computer, TV, books, childhood traumas.

In order to prevent deterioration of a child’s vision, as well as to avoid various diseases associated with the eyes, experts recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

Spend time outdoors with your child. Physical activity, outdoor games, light running, riding bicycles and scooters are required.

All this will contribute to the performance of children's eyes.

From a young age, you should pay attention to the child’s posture. If there is a violation, it will not hurt to consult a doctor

Due to crooked posture, blood circulation is impaired, which has an extremely negative effect on vision.

Protect your child from computers and televisions. You are allowed up to 15 minutes of watching TV per day in a well-lit room.

Gymnastics for a child is carried out after consultation with a doctor.

Professor Eduard Sergeevich Avetisov is a leading figure in Soviet and Russian ophthalmology. He devoted a lot of time and attention to the problems of preventing visual disorders. After all, it has long been known that a disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Prevention of eye diseases in school-age children is especially appropriate and effective. Children who have mastered and regularly do simple eye exercises are, for the most part, protected from the occurrence of eye diseases in the future.

E.S. Avetisov noted the fact that among myopic people the number of practically healthy people is 2 times less than the statistical average. This circumstance, according to the professor, indicates how important the overall health of the body is in the prevention and treatment of eye diseases. A sufficient level of physical activity and good conditioning dramatically increase the chances of any person to avoid myopia.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Avetisov are various eye movements and exercises to train accommodation. Regularly performing such exercises during pauses in visual work is an important part of combating visual fatigue and preventing myopia in people who read a lot and.

E.S. Avetisov recommends that when performing exercises, adhere to the maximum amplitude of eye movements at an average or slow pace. When starting classes, you need to gradually increase the load, starting with 4-5 repetitions of each exercise with a gradual increase to 8-12.

Gymnastics according to Avetisov consists of three groups of exercises, each of which has its own goal.

Group 1 (improving blood supply to the eyes and increasing the circulation of intraocular fluid)

Note: The starting position for this group of exercises is sitting

Exercise 1

Alternately close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds and then open them for the same time.

Exercise 2

Blink your eyes quickly for 10-15 seconds, then pause for 7-10 seconds. Do this 3-4 times.

Exercise 3

This exercise improves blood circulation and relaxes the eye muscles. Using your index finger, massage the corresponding closed eye in a circular motion for 1 minute.

Exercise 4

Close your eyes and lightly press the eyeballs with three fingers of the appropriate hand for 1-3 seconds. Repeat this manipulation 3-4 times.

Exercise 5

Press the skin of the corresponding brow ridge with the index fingers of each hand and close your eyes, while your fingers should exert resistance on the muscles of the upper eyelids and forehead. Repeat 6-8 times.

Group 2 (strengthening the extraocular muscles)

Notes: The head does not move during this group of exercises. Starting position – sitting.

Exercise 1

Slowly raise your gaze to the ceiling, and then move it to the floor. Do this 8-12 times.

Exercise 2

Slowly move your gaze horizontally: first to the right, then to the left. Do this 8-10 times.

Exercise 3

Slowly move your gaze along the diagonals: first to the right-up, then to the left-down and back, then move your gaze along the other diagonal - left-up, right-down and back. Repeat this 8-10 times.

Exercise 4

Move your eyes in a circle, first counterclockwise, then clockwise. Do 4-6 repetitions.

Group 3 (for accommodation training)

Note: all exercises from this group must be performed standing

Exercise 1

Look forward for 2-3 seconds, then focus your gaze on the finger of your right hand, placing it in front of your face at a distance of 25-30 centimeters at the level of your nose. After 3-5 seconds, lower your hand. Repeat 10-12 times.

Exercise 2

This exercise helps the eyes work at close range. Extend your left hand in front of your face and look at its index finger for 3-5 seconds. Then begin to bend your hand, bringing your finger closer to your nose until you notice a split in the finger. Do this 6-8 times.

Exercise 3

Extend your right hand with your index finger in front of your face and look at this finger for 3-5 seconds. After this, covering your left eye with your left palm for 3-5 seconds, bend and straighten your right hand, changing the distance from its index finger to the eyes. Do the same, extending your left hand and covering your right eye with your right. Repeat this 6-8 times.

Exercise 4 (“Mark on glass”)

Note: If you wear glasses, keep them on during this exercise.

Attach a colored mark 3-5 mm in size on the window glass at eye level, then in the distance outside the window, find an object located in the line of sight passing through the mark. Look at the mark for 1-2 seconds, then look at a distant object for 1-2 seconds, then look at the mark again, then at an object in the distance, etc... This exercise is recommended to be performed for 7 minutes, but In the first 2 days of classes, limit this time to 5 minutes. Practice making a mark on the glass 2-3 times a day with both eyes and one eye.

As you can see, eye gymnastics according to Avetisov is varied and consists of many exercises. Almost all modern sets of eye exercises use exercises from the Avetisov technique. Here, for example, is a video demonstrating one of these complexes:

Recently, schools have increasingly used an alternative to eye gymnastics by E.S. Avetisov -.

It should be noted that working with the eyes using the Avetisov method gives only a preventive effect, preventing the appearance of accommodation spasm, congestion in the eyes and computer vision syndrome. For those who already wear glasses, classes using the Bates system, aimed at relieving abnormal tension in the eye muscles by performing, will be much more effective.

In the age of computers and televisions, the strain on the eyes is high. If you do not pay enough attention to your health, a natural result will occur - eye fatigue, and visual impairment may occur. Unfortunately, many believe that the situation is irreversible. A number of scientists have proven that by regularly taking care of your health, you can not only slow down, but also cure it.

In addition, by doing appropriate exercises, you can become much more resistant to the destructive effects of visual stress. Avetisov’s system suggests performing certain sets of exercises that allow you to solve these problems.

A little about the author

Professor Eduard Sergeevich Avetisov is rightfully considered a leading figure in ophthalmology in Russia and throughout the world. In his scientific activities, he devoted most of his time to studying issues related to visual health. The results of his research were treatment methods, measures, ensuring the prevention of such diseases.

He believed that in order for a person to have healthy vision, it is necessary to pay special attention to this issue in the first years of life, when a person’s body is forming.

Avetisov argued that in childhood it is important to do. This significantly increases their chances of avoiding eye diseases throughout their lives.

The professor drew attention to the connection between the presence of myopia and the general state of human health. As a rule, among those who suffer from such disorders, there are half as many healthy people as among people with normal vision. He believed that if you ensure an active lifestyle and engage in health promotion, this will reduce the likelihood of eye diseases in the future.

The essence of the professor's developments

Avetisov argued: fighting eye fatigue, doing preventive exercises that train the main eye muscles will ensure healthy vision based on regular performance of appropriate exercises.

What is Avetisov’s eye gymnastics based on?

The exercises presented are very varied. Many sets of exercises to strengthen vision use those proposed by Professor Avetisov.

It should be noted that the complex under consideration is primarily intended to provide a preventive effect on vision.

With the rapid development of science and technology, the number of people with ophthalmological diseases has increased fourfold. Every third person has some form of visual impairment. Decreased visual acuity significantly affects the quality of life. Treatment of such diseases must be comprehensive. Doctors often recommend that patients do eye exercises. One of the most popular and effective techniques is eye gymnastics according to Avetisov.

Authority of opinion

Eduard Avetisov was a world-famous scientist. It was he who largely determined the development of the fundamentals of ophthalmology. This man was the chairman of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Ophthalmologists and the Problem Commission on Ophthalmology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, as well as the main scientific department of the Helmholtz Institute.

Eduard Sergeevich mainly studied binocular vision, optical nystagmus, myopia and low vision, oculomotor disorders, eye refraction, optometry, low-energy lasers and ways to help children with ophthalmological diseases.

It is not surprising that Avetisov was able to develop effective and safe eye gymnastics that could solve the problems of patients even decades after the end of his career.

Avetisov emphasized that ophthalmic disease is easier to prevent. It is difficult to treat such pathologies, and in most cases they have a chronic basis.

Principles of gymnastics according to Avetisov

The professor was convinced that the prevention of eye diseases should be addressed from childhood. If you strictly follow the doctors' recommendations, you will never suffer from visual impairment.

Avetisov's gymnastics is a set of simple exercises that help strengthen the optical system and train accommodation (focal adaptation due to contractions of the ciliary muscle).

Advantages of gymnastics according to Avetisov:

  1. The exercises were developed by a professional in the field of ophthalmology. Professor Avetisov developed a scheme that is still one of the best.
  2. The scheme includes simple and easy exercises that do not require training or special equipment.
  3. Gymnastics takes only 15 minutes a day.
  4. You can do the exercises at home, at work, or while traveling.
  5. When performed regularly, gymnastics quickly produces results.
  6. Many patients also noted increased concentration and attention.

You need to do gymnastics daily. The exercises will be especially useful if you work a lot on the computer, read books and watch TV. Gymnastics also helps patients with nearsightedness (myopia).

The first results are observed within a few days. That's what the professor said, and that's what the patients say. Gymnastics according to Avetisov includes three sets of exercises for the eyeball, which have different effects on individual muscle groups. These exercises help ensure visual acuity and prevent ophthalmic diseases.

Features of the exercises

During the exercises, the person should be comfortable, so you can be in an upright sitting or standing position. On average, gymnastics takes 15 minutes. If discomfort occurs, you should stop.

How to influence your vision:

  1. Improve blood supply to the eye. You need to blink slowly and quickly, massage your eyes through the drooping moving eyelid.
  2. Strengthening the eye muscles. You need to make slow and smooth movements with your gaze.
  3. Improve image clarity. You need to focus your gaze on distant and close objects.

First set of exercises

This group of exercises helps improve microcirculation of fluid inside the eye and stabilize blood flow. The exercises must be performed in the specified sequence. If you experience discomfort or pain, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

First scheme:

  1. Squeeze and unclench your eyelids, holding each position for 3-5 seconds. 6-8 approaches are required.
  2. Blink quickly for 25 seconds, rest for a couple of seconds and repeat blinking.
  3. Massage your closed eyelids with the pads of your index fingers for a minute.
  4. Lightly press the eyeballs through the eyelid for 3 seconds. After rest, repeat the exercise 3-4 times.
  5. Using the pads of your index fingers, press on the skin of the brow ridge, providing resistance to the muscles of the forehead and movable eyelid. It is recommended to repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

Second set of exercises

This set of eye exercises strengthens all muscle groups of the optical system and reduces the chances of suppression of visual function.

Second scheme:

  1. Without changing the position of your head, move your gaze from the ceiling to the floor. Repeat 8-12 times.
  2. Move your gaze from right to left, down and up, diagonally and back. Do not change the position of your head. Repeat 8-12 times.
  3. Move your gaze to the right, left and back. Repeat 8-12 times.
  4. Move your eyes in a circle, first clockwise, then back. Repeat 8-12 times.

Third set of exercises

This group of exercises is designed to improve accommodation, the most important function of the optical system. It is better to perform the complex while standing, without changing your posture or position.

Third scheme:

  1. Focus your gaze on the far point, then move to your index finger, extended at a distance of 25-30 cm from the nose. Repeat 10-12 times.
  2. Look at the finger 25-30 cm from the face, bring the finger closer to the nose, and look behind it accordingly. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Repeat the previous exercises, but alternately with each eye, covering with the second palm. Work each eye 8-10 times.
  4. Place a mark on the glass with a colored marker and focus your gaze on a distant point outside the window. Look at the mark for a couple of seconds, then move your gaze to a distant object. Repeat 7 times.

Gymnastics for children

Professor Avetisov considered the main advantage of his method to be its effectiveness in children of preschool and school age. The benefits of gymnastics are due to the fact that at this age students experience increased stress, read and write a lot. Modern children also use phones, tablets and computers, which only increases the negative impact on their eyes. The sedentary lifestyle of modern children also contributes to a decrease in visual acuity.

Today, a large number of children have vision problems and wear glasses. It is to prevent the consequences of such a lifestyle and high loads that gymnastics according to Avetisov is recommended.

Of course, it is more difficult to captivate a child with such exercises and force them to repeat them daily. At a young age, it is rarely possible to assess the consequences of technology abuse. Parents need to first control the child, and then achieve his interest. We need to explain to him how important it is to take care of his health, especially the state of the visual system.

The best option would be to talk with school authorities and introduce breaks into the program that will allow children to complete exercises between lessons and during long reading periods.

Principles of prevention for children

In addition to performing exercises according to Avetisov, the child must withstand stress during the development process. Prevention of diseases not only of the eyes, but also of other organ systems is carried out through complex action.

Principles of prevention:

  1. Regular exercises to strengthen the optical system of the eyes. This is how the child increases resistance to the negative effects of TV and computers, reading, and trauma.
  2. Physical activity at a young age helps improve the performance of the visual system. Children benefit from walking, running, jumping and active games, which have a beneficial effect on the growing body.
  3. A child's posture is very important. A curved spine interferes with normal blood supply to the brain, which has a negative impact on visual acuity.
  4. Staying in front of the TV or computer monitor for a long time should only be done in the correct position, with a direct look at the screen. It is strictly forbidden to look at the screen without additional lighting, otherwise the focus will change and severe overvoltage will occur.

The benefits of Avetisov’s technique

Performing all the exercises requires very little time, but ensures the health of the visual system for many years. You can train your eye muscles almost anywhere; it is prohibited only when driving a vehicle.

Eye gymnastics for the most part has only positive reviews from patients. It makes it possible to quickly get rid of the symptoms of eye pathologies and significantly improve visual acuity. The modern generation especially needs gymnastics: it helps preserve vision during prolonged use of the computer and phone.

This effect from a set of simple exercises is due to the involvement of all muscle groups. The technique allows for the prevention of deterioration in visual acuity.

Avetisov’s exercises make it possible to improve the condition of patients with myopia, the causes of which were overwork, negative visual habits and poor lifestyle.

Gymnastics according to Avetisov is recommended for children. Many teachers use his exercises during the educational process. This helps children relax and not be distracted. Parents also note that children who constantly do exercises not only see better, but also make progress in their studies.

This is explained by the fact that the child learns to take care of his health, learns to be less overtired, and becomes more collected and attentive.

Any ophthalmologist will confirm the safety and effectiveness of the technique. It is recommended for both healthy people and patients with myopia and other abnormalities.

When is eye gymnastics according to Avetisov most effective?

The exercise plan indicates that Avetisov’s gymnastics is varied, it allows you to influence the optical system comprehensively. Many other complexes are based on the professor's exercises or even borrow them.

However, it is worth remembering that eye gymnastics according to Avetisov is a preventive measure that cannot get rid of serious progressive diseases of the visual system. It only prevents spasms, congestion and computer syndrome.

Patients with reduced visual acuity can also try the Bates technique. It helps relieve tension in the eye muscles through relaxation exercises. Isaeva’s technique is preferable because it can be performed while lying down. It is also recommended for people who work primarily on their feet.

Gymnastics for vision can be performed at any time of the day, once a day. Unpleasant sensations may occur if the exercises are performed incorrectly, so it is better to consult an ophthalmologist. If you do everything in moderation and do not overstrain your eyesight, the results will not keep you waiting.