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Hypotonic heart disease by stages. Hypotension as a symptom of the presence of an underlying disease. Diagnosis of arterial hypotension

The normal blood pressure is considered to be an average of 100/60 mmHg. If there is a deviation in the downward direction, then this condition is characterized in medicine as hypotension or vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypotonic type.

Experts have different opinions regarding chronic low blood pressure in humans. On the one hand, it can be considered a disease, on the other hand, many people live with this symptom and do not experience significant discomfort.

Unlike hypertension (high blood pressure), hypotension does not cause pathological abnormalities in the body. At the same time, treating hypotension is more difficult.

Possible reasons

Hypotension can be short-term, chronic or congenital. In each case, the condition is characterized by specific characteristics and symptoms. The causes of each form also depend on the type of VSD of the hypotonic type.

Do not forget that even rare attacks of a sharp decrease in blood pressure can become chronic. It is believed that women of retirement age, during menopause, as well as people of any age category with an individual predisposition are at risk.

The most common causes of hypotension are:

  • genetic predisposition of the body;
  • asthenic body type;
  • taking medications that can lower blood pressure;
  • dehydration;
  • blood loss (decrease in circulating blood volume);
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • injuries (especially those accompanied by blood loss);
  • vegetative disorders of the body;
  • (hypotension is considered a side effect of allergies);
  • peptic ulcers;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pre-fainting or post-fainting state;
  • weakened immune system;
  • poor nutrition;
  • excessive exposure to harmful environmental conditions;
  • poisoning or intoxication of the body.

A special form of hypotension is considered to be the case when a decrease in blood pressure is a natural protective function of the body. This condition occurs when there are sudden changes in climatic conditions or an increase in the level of physical activity. In this case, the symptoms disappear in a short period of time and there is no need to take special measures.

Characteristic symptoms

Symptoms of hypotension may vary depending on the general condition of the human body. In rare cases, a decrease in blood pressure is accompanied by pain in the heart area, numbness of the limbs, or a distinct disturbance in the heartbeat.

Such manifestations indicate serious health problems. If they occur, you should visit a therapist and cardiologist as soon as possible for examination.

The most common symptoms of hypotension are:

  • darkening of the eyes (the effect may occur gradually or suddenly);
  • a feeling of “cottoniness” in the limbs when they are sharply extended (for example, during the period of morning awakening);
  • dizziness (up to loss of consciousness);
  • pain in the temples and in the back of the head;
  • drowsiness;
  • the appearance of weather dependence;
  • heaviness in the head;
  • irritability;
  • and vomiting;
  • increased sweating;
  • shortness of breath;
  • insomnia;
  • increased fatigue;
  • memory impairment;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • decreased performance of the body;
  • general lethargy.

Treatment of hypotension is based on identifying the cause of low blood pressure. The main course is aimed at eliminating this factor, and additional measures are being taken to normalize the blood circulation process.

The danger of hypotension lies in the occurrence of oxygen starvation of the brain. This condition leads to disruption of the functioning of important internal systems of the body and the process of blood supply to organs.

The process of normalizing blood pressure is carried out using a complex technique. Some remedies restore the balance of the nervous system, others eliminate negative psycho-emotional states.

The doctor should select a treatment method after a general examination of the patient’s body. You should not draw conclusions on your own and use medications. Otherwise, you may not only not get rid of hypotension, but also worsen your own health.

How to treat with folk remedies?

Folk remedies for hypotension have a wide range. Not all of the methods can be called effective and safe. When choosing a recipe, you need to objectively assess the possible consequences and take into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Examples of traditional medicine recipes for hypotension:

  • pomegranate juice(for hypotension, pomegranate juice should be consumed freshly squeezed, it can be replaced with pomegranate seeds, the main property of such an ingredient in the diet is to tone the body, eliminate headaches and dizziness);
  • herbal decoction(mix 10 g of string, buckwheat grass, panaceria fluffy, valerian roots, licorice roots, add a liter of water and bring to a boil, take the strained broth one glass before bedtime for 30 days);
  • Rhodiola rosea extract(the drug is sold in pharmacies in the form of a tincture, the drug should be taken five drops before meals, but not more than three times a day, the course of treatment lasts an average of two weeks);
  • coffee mixture(mix ground and roasted coffee beans with honey and lemon juice, the mixture should be taken once a day, a teaspoon between meals, but no more than twice a day, the total course of treatment is approximately two weeks);
  • ginger root(grind the ingredient into powder, add half a teaspoon to tea and drink the drink three times a day for one week);
  • herbal tincture(take four parts of the root of the plant, Rhodiola rosea and rose hips, three parts of hawthorn fruit and nettle leaves, two parts of St. John's wort, pour two tablespoons of the mixture with boiling water and leave for several hours, use half a glass of decoction daily for one week three times a day);
  • Chinese lemongrass(crush the fruits, pour 40% alcohol in the proportion of one part of the ingredient - 10 parts of alcohol, take 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch (twice a day) 15 drops, the product can be diluted in water at room temperature, the course of treatment is from one up to two weeks).

If you have hypotension, you should not:

  • ignore symptoms(the consequences may entail a serious threat to human health and life);
  • overeat(excessive energy consumption leads to hypotension);
  • take medications uncontrollably(there are practically no drugs to increase blood pressure, and the wrong choice of pills can harm the body);
  • miss the opportunity to nap(sleeping during the daytime is recommended for any form of hypotension);
  • take doctor's recommendations lightly th;
  • You should never get up suddenly after sleep(at such moments a critical change in blood pressure occurs).

Prevention measures

There are several ways to prevent low blood pressure. Proper nutrition is considered one of the most effective.

The diet should include honey, royal jelly, nuts, herbal infusions (ginseng, lemongrass, Rhodiola rosea), celery, apples, as well as other components with properties to increase the vitality of the body.

Healthy lifestyle also plays an important role in normalizing the blood circulation process.

Preventive measures against hypotension include:

  • the diet should contain foods that have a tonic effect on the body (food should be enriched with vitamins, beneficial elements and fatty acids);
  • Dark chocolate, buckwheat, pomegranates, apples, liver, egg yolks, carrots, green parts of plants, etc. are good indicators for increasing blood pressure (the introduction of such products into the diet will not only increase blood pressure if necessary, but will also be a means of preventing hypotension );
  • the use of herbal biostimulants for the periodic occurrence of symptoms of hypotension (tinctures of aralia, rosea rhodiola, lemongrass, ginseng);
  • avoiding dehydration (each person is recommended to drink at least two liters of water per day);
  • daily exercise (it is enough to do a few exercises, and not spend hours in the gym);
  • healthy and complete sleep;
  • playing sports (swimming, regular jogging, at least minimal visits to the gym);
  • exclusion of stressful situations or;
  • hardening and contrast shower (invigorates and tones the body);
  • daily breakfast (you can limit yourself to portions of light dishes, but the body must receive food in the morning);
  • if symptoms of hypotension appear suddenly (if you are in good health), then you must consult a doctor in a timely manner to find out the cause of this condition (internal bleeding can cause a decrease in blood pressure, creating a threat to life).

The level of physical activity and rest must be controlled. Sudden energy expenditures or a sedentary lifestyle negatively affect the body and blood pressure levels. A person's daily activities should be balanced.

Watch the TV show “Live Healthy” with Elena Malysheva about hypotension:

When blood pressure decreases and ceases to be normal, hypotension begins. may be caused by thyrotoxicosis or insufficiency of the semilunar arterial valves - this phenomenon occurs quite often. How can you determine if you have such a serious illness?

General description of the disease

Arterial hypotension is divided into chronic and acute, primary and symptomatic. Low blood pressure in some cases can accompany other pathologies. The physiological type of the disease can manifest itself individually and in an adaptive form (inhabitants of high mountains and subtropics), as well as in athletes who overdo it with training.

The primary form of the disease is much less common. Here are two types of this pathology:

  1. Neurocirculatory hypotension. The course of the disease is unstable and reversible (sometimes it takes the form of chronic hypotension). Manifests itself as a consequence of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Can be cured with folk remedies.
  2. Idiopathic orthostatic hypotension. Fixed in case of sudden changes in the position of the body (transition to a vertical position).

The classic proportion of blood pressure in a healthy person is 120/80. There is a category of people for whom 120/70 or 150/100 is acceptable. These exceptions are quite rare, so we will not consider them in the context of the article. Arterial hypotension is often a consequence of narrowing of the vascular walls - this leads to an increase in blood pressure.

Risk groups - who should be afraid?

Predisposition to this disease can be transmitted genetically. The highest incidence rate is observed in women. The first signs of pathology are noticeable already in childhood - lethargy and inactivity. Hypotonic children get tired quickly during outdoor games.

Teenagers are also at risk during the period of hormonal changes in the body.. Hypotonic symptoms at this age mean slow adaptation of the nervous system (vegetative) to the rapid growth of all vital systems.

Risk groups also include athletes and residents of certain latitudes. Severe and prolonged stress that you regularly experience at work can also lead to the development of pathology. Here are the main production factors that put an adult at risk:

  • overheating;
  • vibration;
  • high noise level;
  • ionized radiation.

Hypertension and its degrees

Every third inhabitant of our planet suffers from hypertensive pathologies. Adults, teenagers, children - no one is immune from vasoconstriction. Some people try to treat hypertension with folk remedies, but such treatment does not always give the desired result. Complications from untreated hypertension can affect the brain, heart, and kidneys.

Stage 3 hypertension is a very dangerous pathology. There are known cases of premature death of patients with a similar diagnosis. To have a complete understanding of the disease, let's consider its stages in more detail.

Here they are:

  • Hypertension 1st degree. It is considered a mild form of pathology. Systolic pressure fluctuates at 140-159, diastolic - about 90-99 (the given indicators are measured in millimeters of mercury). Blood pressure changes abruptly. Abnormal indicators often return to normal on their own, and then begin to “jump” again.
  • Hypertension 2 degrees. The disease has a moderate course. The patient's blood pressure consistently exceeds 160-179 (systolic) and 100-109 (diastolic). The increase in blood pressure is long-lasting and rarely drops to normal levels.
  • Hypertension 3 degrees. The most advanced and severe form of the disease. Blood pressure consistently exceeds 180/110, while consistently remaining at these abnormal levels.

Note that stage 1 hypertension is a reason to think about going to a cardiologist. The disease will not go away on its own - it needs to be treated. This can be done with folk remedies or with the help of conservative medicine. Below you will find options for solving this problem.

Causes of morbidity

The variety of reasons that provoke the development of pathology is amazing. These include neuroses, psychological trauma, chronic fatigue, and harmful production. If you notice apathetic state and depression, consult a doctor without delay.

We list the main reasons for your discomfort:

  • bleeding;
  • arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation);
  • decreased cardiac output (this includes complications of myocardial infarction);
  • heart disease;
  • alcoholism;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • exfoliating;
  • cardiac tamponade;
  • anaphylaxis;
  • infectious shock;
  • diarrhea and vomiting;
  • acute pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction, ;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • diabetes;
  • long bed rest;
  • dumping syndrome;
  • adrenal insufficiency (tuberculosis, amyloidosis);
  • neurological diseases (tabes dorsalis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis).

Regular use of certain medications can also lead to an increase in blood pressure. Such substances include anesthetics, nitrates, antiarrhythmics, antihypertensive drugs, phenothiazine derivatives, diuretics and barbiturates.

With a sharp refusal of glucocorticosteroids, abnormal jumps in blood pressure also occur. An example of such a drug is prednisolone.

How to recognize the disease - symptoms of hypotension

Sleep disturbance is the first sign of impending trouble. Falling asleep worsens, the rhythm of wakefulness is disrupted, fatigue, weakness and daytime sleepiness increase. If a person has this condition, he will not be satisfied with the usual eight hours of sleep. Hypotension requires ten or even twelve hours of rest.

We list other signs of the disease:

  • increased heart rate (during high physical activity);
  • high sensitivity to heat and cold;
  • heightened perception of bright light and loud sounds;
  • decreased potency (men), disruption of the menstrual cycle (women);
  • tendency to motion sickness, drowsiness and poor performance;
  • goosebumps before the eyes;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • memory impairment, absent-mindedness, impaired thermoregulation, sweating of the palms and feet;
  • rapid heartbeat (with all types of physical activity);
  • digestive disorders;
  • heart pain.

Arterial hypotension causes constant yawning - this is explained by a regular lack of oxygen. There have been cases of fainting. Changing the position of the torso can lead to the effect of “cotton legs”.

Hypotonic patients are worried about aches and pains in the joints, changes in atmospheric pressure, and sudden changes in climatic conditions - this phenomenon is called weather dependence.

Arterial hypotension can also cause a number of symptomatic exacerbations:

  • feeling of fear;
  • causeless anxiety;
  • feeling of heart failure;
  • dyspnea.

Modern diagnostic methods

It is difficult to detect the disease - arterial hypotension can occur in a latent form for years. A full examination often begins after the patient complains. Having clarified the symptoms, the doctor prescribes additional diagnostic methods to exclude other pathologies.

These are the methods:

  • cardiointervalography;
  • general blood analysis;
  • determination of blood glucose;
  • urine test (general);
  • radiography;
  • determination of lipid profile and cholesterol levels;
  • blood pressure monitoring.

The doctor determines the degree of the disease using all available means. Hypotension is not as terrible as hypertension - stroke and heart attack are not among its consequences. The vessels remain clean, and the development of atherosclerosis is inhibited. But this is no reason to be careless.

How to treat hypotension

Symptomatic treatment of the disease is accompanied by complex therapy aimed at combating the pathological process. If blood pressure decreases within acceptable limits, treatment is not prescribed at all. Modern scientists have developed few medicinal methods of therapy. Most often, the doctor prescribes caffeine-containing medications.

  • limit alcohol consumption;
  • avoid high temperatures;
  • rationally organize the work process (you need to sleep at least 10 hours);
  • stop taking medications that increase blood pressure;
  • switch to four meals a day;
  • introduce more table salt into your diet.

If doctors have diagnosed hypotension, treatment will include a number of tonics. These medications are taken twice a day. Evening use is unacceptable.

The list of medications looks like this:

  • tincture of ginseng (dosage - 15-25 drops);
  • Schisandra tincture (only before meals, dosage - 20-30 drops);
  • Leuzea liquid extract;
  • sandy immortelle (inflorescences);
  • liquid eleutherococcus extract;
  • Aralia tincture (about 15-30 drops);
  • tincture of enticement.

When consuming caffeine, we must not forget about the possible consequences in the form of arrhythmias. You may also be prescribed Niketamide drops, injections of the same drug, and deoxycortone (as a last resort). If the pathology has affected the thyroid gland, the patient is recommended to take iron hormones. All this works in combination with herbal remedies.

Traditional medicine recipes

You can be treated with folk remedies, but before doing so you should consult a cardiologist. Drugs are prescribed strictly individually. Therapy must be combined with healthy sleep, physical activity and consultations with a psychologist. Getting rid of stress is the key to future success.

Here are a few folk recipes against the disease:

  1. Take Schisandra chinensis (fruit), grind it, pour in a 40-degree alcohol solution (proportion 1:10), and then leave for about two weeks. Dosage - 25-40 drops before meals (depending on body weight and age). Frequency - three times a day.
  2. You will need golden root extract (Rhodiola rosea). Drink a quarter of an hour before meals daily (dosage - 5-10 drops). The course of treatment is 10-20 days.
  3. Take some coffee beans (50 g), roast thoroughly and grind. Then mix this powder with lemon juice (one fruit is enough) and add half a kilo of honey. The resulting mixture is stored in the refrigerator. Use three times a day - 2 hours after meals.
  4. Making a herbal medicinal mixture. We will need the following components: Leuzea root, St. John's wort, Echinops, licorice root, volodoshka, juniper fruits, and dandelion root. The proportions are 2:3:2:3:2:1:2:2. After grinding the collection, pour boiling water (2 cups) over it. Leave in a thermos all night. Take a quarter glass three times a day. The course of treatment is two months.

Possible consequences

Complications of hypotension are quite varied. Some patients who experience a surge in blood pressure go into a state of shock. The next stage is cellular disorders. The patient experiences dry mouth, thirst, dizziness, fear and anxiety.

Some patients also face more serious problems:

  • cerebral stroke;
  • cerebral hypotonic crisis;
  • myocardial infarction (rare);
  • cardiac hypotensive crisis;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis.

To avoid a deplorable fate, lead an active lifestyle, do not neglect sports and walk in the fresh air more often. Try to get a good night's sleep. Drink green tea (not strong) - it helps normalize blood pressure. Avoid stressful situations at work and hypothermia.

Hypotension (hypotension) is a significant decrease in blood (or arterial) pressure.

This condition rarely leads to the development of any serious illness, but it may cause a person to experience discomfort.

What are the causes of hypotension, and how to deal with it?


Many people have experienced low blood pressure. This condition has a name - hypotension, with A/D values ​​reduced by more than 20% of normal (120/70).

It can be both acute and chronic. Hypotension often indicates the presence of a medical condition.

The following symptoms are observed with low blood pressure:


Hypotension can be acute, chronic, primary and secondary.

Acute form

The causes of acute hypotension are: poisoning, anaphylactic shock, sudden blood loss, disruption of the heart muscle. This phenomenon develops in just a few minutes or hours, and blood flow in the body is disrupted.

Chronic form

Chronic hypotension does not develop overnight, so all organ systems have already adapted to constant low blood pressure.

Typically, this form of hypotension is observed in people who live in unfavorable climatic conditions (tropics or north).

In some cases, chronic hypotension is considered normal. Low blood pressure is often observed in athletes, since under heavy loads the body is rebuilt: the heart contracts less frequently, which leads to hypotension.

Primary hypotension is an independent disease (in almost all cases, neurocirculatory dystonia).

The reasons for the development of this disease include: severe stress, lack of sleep, constant fatigue, psychological shock and trauma.


Secondary hypotension is a symptom of another disease. Here is a list of diseases that are accompanied by low blood pressure:

  • cardiomyopathy;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • neoplasms;
  • diabetes;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • infections.


Blood pressure is measured with a special device called a tonometer. Blood pressure is measured three times every 5 minutes. It is recommended to monitor your blood pressure throughout the day, and measure it every 3-4 hours.

It is very important to determine the type of hypotension, since the secondary form is a symptom of another disease. To exclude it, an examination is carried out, which includes the following measures: blood test (biochemical), echocardiography, ECG, etc.

Treatment options

A healthy lifestyle and regular rest are the basis for treating hypotension. This disease can be dealt with in several ways: taking medications, using folk remedies (herbs, decoctions, etc.), physiotherapy.


Hypotension is rarely treated with medication. This method is used when hypotension significantly worsens the quality of life. To treat hypotension, drugs containing caffeine are used.

These include:

  • Citrapar (for 5-7 days, one tablet every 4 hours);
  • Citramon (you are allowed to drink no more than 3 tablets per day);
  • Algon (for 5-7 days, one tablet every 4 hours);
  • Pentalgin-N (for 5 days no more than 4 tablets per day);
  • Perdolan (for 5 days, no more than 3 tablets per day).

For treatment, you can also use herbal preparations that have a tonic effect: lemongrass, tincture of ginseng (echinacea, eleutherococcus, etc.). Such tinctures are taken 30 minutes before meals in a dosage of 30 drops per glass of water.


Physical therapy is an excellent way to treat hypotension in both adults and children. Properly selected procedures will increase blood pressure to normal levels and improve general condition.

Here is a list of the most commonly used physical therapy techniques:

Home treatment and herbal medicine

Treatment at home involves following a diet, walking in the fresh air, swimming, and active recreation. For hypotension, it is useful to drink strong coffee and tea, as well as eat salty foods.

The diet of people who suffer from hypotension includes foods that increase blood pressure: liver, fresh vegetables and fruits, milk, eggs, nuts, some spices (horseradish, cloves, black or red pepper).

Herbal medicine, or the use of herbal remedies, can help increase blood pressure. For hypotension, you should drink infusions from combinations of the following medicinal plants:

  • chamomile, lemon balm, wormwood, rosehip, angelica, tartar;
  • wormwood, lemongrass, rosehip, tartar, chamomile, lemon balm, angelica;
  • viburnum, lemongrass, valerian, wormwood, immortelle, aralia.


Prevention of hypotension is simple. Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat high-quality and healthy foods, drink a lot of water, walk outside more. Don't neglect active games and sports.

Pay special attention to your sleep: every person needs enough rest and sleep. Avoid stress, as it often leads to a decrease in blood pressure.

Hypotension, unlike hypertension, usually does not lead to serious consequences. Scientists have found that low blood pressure sometimes even extends life by several years.

Chronic hypotension helps slow the development of atherosclerosis, since the vessels do not become clogged and remain clean.

Hypotension rarely manifests itself, and its symptoms hardly worsen your health.

What is hypotension? is a phenomenon that is rarely life threatening. Here's what you need to know about this phenomenon:

  • if you have low blood pressure, be sure to find out whether it indicates the development of any disease;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle and eat well, and then the chance of developing hypotension will noticeably decrease;
  • if you suffer from hypotension, start your day with a cup of strong coffee or tea;
  • try to avoid various stresses;
  • get enough sleep and do exercises in the morning.

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Hypotension is not a separate disease, but a symptom that can be a manifestation of various diseases and conditions of the body.

Hypotension is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure below normal. The magnitude of this decrease varies from person to person, but usually it is below 100/60 mmHg. for men and 95/60 mmHg. for women. And it is associated with dysfunction of the nervous system and neurohumoral regulation of vascular tone.

Causes of arterial hypotension

The reasons for the development of arterial hypotension can be very different. The mechanisms of development of this condition mainly involve disruption of the systems that maintain normal blood pressure.

In particular, a decrease in blood pressure can be caused by:

  • Decreased circulating blood volume: dehydration, blood loss;
  • Decreased heart function: heart failure, heart defects, pericardial disease;
  • Decreased arterial vascular tone: autonomic disorders, poisoning, allergic reactions;
  • Taking medications that lower blood pressure: large doses of antihypertensive drugs.
  • The most common cause of hypotension is vegetative-vascular dystonia.

In addition to lowering blood pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia is manifested by pain in the heart area (stabbing, aching nature), the pain intensifies during infectious diseases, menstruation and decreases after taking, for example, valerian or validol.

Arterial hypotension can be:

Acute And chronic(primary chronic hypotension, secondary chronic hypotension).

Acute symptomatic hypotension(sharp drop in pressure).

For example, very low blood pressure is often accompanied by acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, severe arrhythmias, intracardiac blockades, allergic reactions, and large blood loss. Emergency medical attention required.

Chronic arterial hypotension

It is characterized by a long course and the absence of pronounced symptoms of circulatory disorders. With chronic arterial hypotension, the body has time to adapt to low blood pressure.

  1. Primary chronic arterial hypotension it is an independent disease. The cause of this condition is a decrease in the activity of the centers of the autonomic nervous system that regulate blood pressure. In some people, this condition should be considered physiological (these are the constitutional characteristics of their body). In modern medicine, hypotension is considered a hypotensive type of neurocirculatory dystonia.
  2. Secondary chronic arterial hypotension occurs as a symptom of another disease in which there is a disruption in the functioning of the mechanisms regulating blood pressure. This type of arterial hypotension is characteristic of various brain diseases (tumors, injuries), nervous disorders (neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia), endocrinological diseases (hypothyroidism), chronic heart diseases (heart failure).

Hypotension can also develop due to a lack of vitamins E, C, B and pantothenic acid (B5).

Hypotension can also occur in healthy people, for example, in athletes with constant physical activity. This is the so-called “training hypotension.” In this case, low blood pressure acts as a kind of protective measure for the body. It turns out that with constant overload, the body begins to work in an “economy” mode, the heart rate becomes less frequent and the pressure drops.

Pressure also decreases when a person adapts to a sudden change in climatic or weather conditions. In addition, the pressure level is affected by: increased humidity, the influence of electromagnetic fields, radiation, etc.

Most often, low blood pressure is associated with impaired vascular tone. Normally, vessels should quickly narrow and dilate when necessary, but in hypotensive patients this reaction is slowed down. So it turns out that because of this, blood stops flowing in sufficient quantities to organs and tissues. As a result, the body's systems and organs, in particular the brain and heart, experience oxygen starvation and are unable to function optimally.

Symptoms of hypotension:

  • Increased sensitivity to heat and cold.
  • Increased heart rate and increased physical activity.
  • Impaired potency in men.
  • Disorders of the menstrual cycle in women.
  • Increased sensitivity to bright light and loud speech.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Absent-mindedness.
  • Low performance.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Flashing of flies before the eyes or darkening in the eyes.
  • Sweaty palms and feet.
  • Digestive disorders.
  • Tendency to motion sickness.
  • Pain in the heart area.
  • Palpitations during exercise.
  • Violation of thermoregulation.

A habitual headache is characteristic, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, often associated with fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and prolonged stay in an upright position. There are fainting and staggering when walking. The condition is relieved after a walk in the fresh air or physical exercise, applying a cold towel to the head, or rubbing the temples. Patients are usually irritable, emotionally unstable, lethargic, apathetic, and experience constant weakness that does not go away even after long sleep.

Primary hypotension must be distinguished from secondary arterial hypotension, which accompanies pituitary failure, tuberculosis, peptic ulcer, acute and chronic infections.

During the day, fatigue and apathy appear, and a feeling of heaviness in the head. The peak activity of hypotensive patients usually occurs in the late afternoon.

Many people with hypotension constantly yawn, but not because they are tired, but because they “don’t have enough air.” This also sometimes causes fainting or dark vision, legs become weak when suddenly moving from a horizontal to a vertical position ( orthostatic hypotension). Even loss of consciousness is possible.

Occasionally, aches and pains in the joints and muscles of the arms and legs are bothered, which occur at rest and go away after physical activity. Low blood pressure leads to poor blood supply to the muscles, and during movement the blood circulation improves, the pressure rises and the pain goes away.

Hypotonic people are also weather dependent and sensitive to fluctuations in atmospheric pressure. In addition, they have a pronounced sensitivity to changing climatic conditions.

Patients cannot stand for a long time, in a queue, at a bus stop, or in a stuffy room.

Sometimes the symptoms worsen: there is a feeling of fear, anxiety (often causeless), a feeling of lack of air, palpitations and a feeling of interruptions in the functioning of the heart. But these are signs of neurosis that require treatment from a neurologist.

With increased physical activity, people with hypotension may experience an increase in pulse and heart rate, sometimes causing discomfort in the heart area and shortness of breath.

Deterioration in health most often occurs in spring and summer, after colds and infectious diseases.

Unlike hypertension, hypotension does not lead to such terrible consequences as heart attack and stroke. The chronic form of the disease inhibits the development of atherosclerosis - the vessels remain clean. According to scientific data, low blood pressure increases life expectancy by an average of 10 years.

Some hypotensive people become hypertensive with age or with artificial increase in blood pressure. Moreover, hypertension, which developed from hypotension, has the most severe course, with a large number of complications, and is the most difficult to respond to conventional therapy.

During pregnancy, hypotension leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus, as a result of which it grows and develops poorly.

With severe hypotension, cardiogenic shock may occur due to impaired peripheral circulation. In this case, the patient’s pulse is weakened, blood pressure is not determined, and urination is suppressed. Symptoms of oxygen starvation and fainting are possible. In this case, it is important to immediately consult a doctor, after which the patient must be laid on a flat surface and provided with access to oxygen.

In old age, with vessels affected by atherosclerosis, atherosclerotic hypotension may occur, characterized by loss of vascular tone and heart muscle as a result of atherosclerotic changes. At the same time, the vessels are so severely affected by atherosclerosis that they turn into limestone sticks, and the heart muscle is so weak that it can barely pump blood.

Prevention of hypotension

A healthy lifestyle is the best way to prevent hypotension . This includes a balanced diet, physical activity, proper rest and procedures that strengthen blood vessels (massage, contrast shower, hydromassage, swimming). It is better to include exercises that can be performed while sitting or lying down. Do all exercises carefully and monitor your well-being.

Movement helps remove metabolic products that accumulate in the body, but most importantly, it stabilizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. During movement, the tone of blood vessels increases and blood circulation in them improves, causing pressure to increase. Therefore, an active lifestyle becomes the main cure for patients with hypotension, of course, if they find enough willpower to lead it constantly.

Start doing vigorous exercise in the morning, and during the day find time for active brisk walks or light jogging.

Treatment of hypotension will be more effective if a person learns to competently alternate physical activity and rest, because overwork can only aggravate the manifestations of hypotension.

Stress should be avoided. It is important to enjoy work, to feel needed and indispensable both at work and in the family. Negative emotions for a hypotensive person often become a decisive factor provoking a sharp and severe decrease in blood pressure.

It is also worth monitoring your blood pressure levels yourself and undergoing regular preventive examinations with a cardiologist.

Diagnosis and treatment of hypotension

Hypotension can be detected by systematic changes in blood pressure at different times of the day (the so-called pressure profile). In some cases, daily blood pressure monitoring may be necessary.

Diagnosis necessarily includes a search for the disease that led to a decrease in blood pressure. For this purpose, a cardiologist, in addition to a detailed survey and examination of the patient, may prescribe an ECG (including an ECG during exercise and daily ECG monitoring), Doppler echocardiography and other studies.

Hypotension is treated by a cardiologist; quite often such patients are seen by a neurologist. But there are few medicinal methods to combat hypotension. For example, general stimulants are prescribed - drugs containing caffeine.

  • It is necessary to limit alcohol consumption, and also avoid prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures (as vasodilatation of the skin helps lower blood pressure)
  • All drugs that can cause hypotension should be discontinued
  • Rational organization of work and rest, night sleep of at least 10 hours, nutritious and varied meals 4 times a day
  • It is advisable to sleep with the foot end of the bed raised (to reduce nighttime diuresis). People with hypotension are often considered by loved ones to be “sleepyheads,” but they actually need more time to sleep. According to doctors, a healthy person usually needs 6-8 hours of continuous sleep. For a hypotensive person, sleep less than 10-12 hours may not be enough. This is especially true during cold weather with low atmospheric pressure, when some hypotensive people can literally “hibernate.” This is a protective reaction of the body.

When you wake up, it is better not to get up immediately, because if a hypotensive person gets up suddenly, his vision may darken and this will end in loss of consciousness. Therefore, when you wake up, you need to lie down for a while, do some light gymnastics while lying down, then sit up in bed, sit without hanging your legs. After this, lower your legs from the bed and sit still, then do not stand up abruptly.

Before lifting, in a lying position (on your back, on your side), it is useful to perform breathing exercises for 5-10 minutes. The simplest thing is diaphragmatic breathing, in which, as you inhale, the stomach actively moves forward, and as you exhale, it gently tucks inward. This type of breathing improves blood flow and at the same time improves the tone of the nervous system.

  • Massage, including acupressure, and reflexology also helps with hypotension. Massage for hypotension strengthens the body, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, muscular systems, and metabolism. Aromatherapy is also effective. For example, sage essential oil increases blood pressure, enhances microcirculation, and improves the body’s adaptation.
  • Vascular training helps with hypotension: contrast shower, dousing with cold water, bath or sauna, hydromassage, various types of therapeutic showers and baths. But temperature changes should not be too sudden. It is better to pour over your head so that there is no difference in the tone of the blood vessels of the head and the rest of the body.
  • Unlike hypertensive patients, hypotensive patients are advised to increase their salt intake. Sodium in table or sea salt binds water in the body, increases the volume of circulating blood and thereby increases blood pressure.
  • Proteins, vitamin C and B vitamins have been found to be useful in the treatment and prevention of hypotension. Among them, a special place is given to vitamin B3 (yeast, liver, egg yolk, green parts of plants, milk, carrots, etc.). Seafood, fruits and vegetables, foods rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium are very healthy.

All efforts should be aimed at raising and strengthening vitality.

Of course, if hypotension develops as a complication of another disease, treatment of the underlying disease is necessary.

Important! Treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. Self-diagnosis and self-medication are unacceptable!

Hypotension, or arterial hypotension, is a condition of the human body characterized by a decrease in blood pressure below normal levels. Normally, the ratio of systolic and diastolic pressure is 120/80 mm Hg. with small permissible deviations. With hypotension, systolic pressure drops below 95 mm Hg, and diastolic pressure drops below 65 mm Hg. Treatment of hypotension is necessary only in cases where low blood pressure adversely affects the general condition of the body.

If blood pressure readings decrease only under certain conditions, or if a person feels well with such blood pressure readings (that is, this can be explained by the individual characteristics of the body), then we can talk about physiological hypotension. There are several types of physiological lowering of blood pressure:

  • orthostatic hypotension – occurs when the body suddenly moves from a horizontal to a vertical position, or during active physical activity;
  • postprandial (“afternoon”) hypotension – characterized by low blood pressure after eating;
  • hypotension as an individual feature and a variant of the norm that does not cause any subjective sensations;
  • adaptive compensatory hypertension of people living in high mountain areas.

In cases where a decrease in blood pressure affects the general condition of a person, they speak of pathological hypotension.

Etiology of the disease

Depending on the etiology and course of the disease, the following forms of hypotension are distinguished: primary and secondary, acute and chronic.

Primary arterial hypotension occurs as a result of functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, leading to disruption of the regulation of vascular tone. The causes of hypotension often come down to vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD), a condition of the body in which the activity of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the control and coordinated functioning of all systems and organs, is disrupted. VSD occurs as a result of hormonal imbalances, psychological trauma, stress, neuroses, occupational hazards, and alcohol abuse. As a consequence, there is a violation of the regulation of the activity and adaptability of the cardiovascular system by the nervous and endocrine systems, which entails a violation of heart rate, thermoregulation, decreased vascular tone, etc.

Secondary arterial hypotension can occur as a concomitant pathology with certain diseases of the thyroid gland, anemia, hepatitis, tumors, gastric ulcers, as well as when taking a number of medications.

Symptoms of hypotension

Characteristic signs of arterial hypotension are weakness and lethargy, headaches and sensitivity to temperature fluctuations and changes in atmospheric pressure, a tendency to dizziness and “air sickness,” a predisposition to fainting, menstrual irregularities, decreased libido, etc. The disease is more common in young than in older people.

Hypotonic patients often complain of sleep disturbances, a feeling of weakness and lethargy in the morning, after waking up, a feeling of lack of air, pain in the heart and stomach, and headaches. They have a tendency to decrease appetite, stool retention, and also in women the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and in men potency decreases. When examining hypotensive patients, one may note pallor of the skin, sweating of the palms and feet, increased heart rate and irregular pulse, decreased temperature and blood pressure.

Depending on which symptoms of hypotension predominate - headache or pain in the heart, cardiac and cerebral types of hypotension are distinguished. In the first case, the main signs of hypotension are a dull, aching pain in the heart, without irradiation to the left arm and shoulder blade, which cannot be relieved by taking nitroglycerin. Pain can occur both at rest and after severe physical activity. The duration of pain can vary from several hours to several days. A set of light physical exercises can help reduce pain and improve general condition.

The cerebral type of arterial hypotension is characterized by complaints of frequent headaches, concentrated in the frontal and temporal regions, occurring after prolonged mental or physical stress, eating in excess, during weather changes, etc. Additional signs of cerebral hypotension are dizziness, nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound stimuli, and recurrent joint and muscle pain. The condition is aggravated if the patient is in a stuffy room and does not move from a vertical to a horizontal position for a long time.

The disease is characterized by a seasonal deterioration in health (spring and summer). In addition, relapses of hypotension occur after suffering from colds and infectious diseases. In older people, due to the natural increase in blood pressure with age, hypotension usually disappears and blood pressure returns to normal.

Treatment of arterial hypotension

The basis of treatment for arterial hypotension is a combination of a healthy lifestyle with proper rest and the use of tonics. As an auxiliary therapy, caffeine or caffeine-containing drugs are prescribed - Algon, Acepar, Pentalgin-N, Perdolan, Citramon, Citrapar, etc. The use of adaptogens - herbal preparations with a general tonic effect - tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, echinacea, pantocrine, lemongrass, etc. is also effective.

Treatment of hypotension also involves eliminating factors that contribute to lowering blood pressure (extreme physical activity, professions that require long periods of standing in an upright position, etc.). You can combat hypotension with the help of physiotherapeutic procedures carried out 1-2 times a week for a long time. This can be therapeutic massage, sauna therapy, various types of electrotherapy (electrosleep, darsonvalization, galvanic collar), hydrotherapy (circular and contrast showers, baths, etc.).

Non-traditional methods of treating hypotension

At home, hypotension can be managed by consuming medicinal herbs, following a diet, and monitoring the ratio of exercise and rest. The best means of restoring normal blood pressure levels are light physical activity in the form of walking, swimming, and outdoor games. Rest is also important for the treatment of hypotensive patients, since long sleep (at least 10-12 hours) is a protective reaction of the body for them. People with hypotension are susceptible to sudden, brief loss of consciousness—fainting. First aid consists of giving the body a horizontal position, in which the level of the head should be lower than the level of the legs. Taking the “coachman pose” is also effective.

Not least in the treatment complex is a special diet for hypotension. For people suffering from hypotension, it is very useful to drink coffee and tea - natural tonic substances. In addition, vascular tone is affected by the amount of salts in the body, so hypotensive patients are recommended to eat salty foods. Proteins and vitamins B and C are useful and effective for the prevention and treatment of hypotension. Therefore, the daily diet of patients suffering from hypotension should include foods that increase blood pressure - liver, milk, eggs, vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc. It is recommended to include nuts, cheese, sorrel, carrots, stimulating seasonings and spices (cloves, mustard, horseradish root, black and red pepper, raw onion) in the menu of elderly people with low blood pressure. All of these products contribute to increased blood pressure.


For the treatment of arterial hypotension, it is advisable to use various preparations from medicinal plants. Here are several options for combinations of herbs, the use of which helps fight hypotension at home.

  1. An infusion from a collection of wormwood herbs, tartar and chamomile flowers, lemon balm leaves, angelica rhizomes and rose hips.
  2. A collection of wormwood herbs, immortelle flowers, schisandra shoots, viburnum leaves, aralia roots and valerian rhizomes.
  3. A collection of rose hips, viburnum shoots, tansy seeds, peppermint leaves, oat straw, celandine grass and hawthorn flowers.

Today there are quite a lot of similar recipes for herbal remedies to increase blood pressure, but using folk remedies for hypotension without prescribing and selecting appropriate dosages of herbal preparations by a doctor is inappropriate and sometimes unsafe.

Before undertaking treatment for arterial hypotension, a mandatory consultation with a specialist is necessary who will determine the cause of the disease and develop tactics to combat it.