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Characteristics of a Leo woman by zodiac sign: fatal temptress. Leo woman born in the year of the Snake. Leo and zodiac signs

Leo women are not able to waste time on trifles. They do not play games that do not bear fruit. However, women born under the sign of Leo often face difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex. A persistent and purposeful Leo woman often faces the problem of relationships with men. It is difficult for her to find a partner whom she could listen to, and it is almost impossible to build a destiny with a person who will obey her in everything. So who suits the Leo woman according to her horoscope?

Life and love of a Leo woman

This woman simply loves glitter and chic. The status of her future chosen one is very important to her, so she prefers strong and rich men. He must be completely delighted and absorbed by her greatness. If a weak and poor man gets in the way of a lioness, then their life together is unlikely to be successful.

The Lioness woman has a very strong personality, therefore, most likely, she will morally crush her chosen one, and their family life will not find proper happiness. That is why women born under the sign of Leo are very selective and do not strive to quickly create a family. They calculate every action or action a hundred steps ahead. Even if a lioness is madly in love, she will not jump into the meeting of feelings as if into a pool headlong.There are many fans around the Leo woman. She is used to constant attention and is not going to lose it. She is beautiful and graceful, she knows her worth and does not enter into casual relationships. But the one who aroused the interest of a woman born under the sign of Leo can consider himself really lucky, because, most likely, he became a finalist and beat out many applicants. In order to better understand who suits the Leo woman according to the horoscope, you need to take a closer look at the characters of the applicants. After all, the lioness simply cannot stand indecision; she always knows what she wants and achieves it with ease. Despite the fact that passions boil around the lioness, she knows how to remain wise and reasonable in any situation.

Habits of a Leo woman in love

For a true lioness, the topic of close relationships is not the initial goal. Therefore, this woman’s partner will not be able to wait for passion in flirting or in bed. But you shouldn’t think that lionesses are frigid, they’re just focused on more important goals. A woman born under the sign of Leo always considers every worthy partner as a future husband.

Therefore, from the very beginning, a lioness can seriously frighten her partner with excessive persistence. The Leo woman is literally created for life in a family. Representatives of this sign make wonderful wives and good mothers. Despite the fact that the Leo woman does not like to bring the topic of close relationships to the fore, the one who suits her horoscope should accept it. After all, a Leo woman in a relationship cannot tolerate cheating and betrayal. She

hardly will forgive his chosen one for such an oversight.

Signs that suit a Leo woman

In order to check who is suitable for a Leo woman according to her horoscope, it is enough for her to know the date of birth of her intended partner:

  • Leo women are well compatible with Taurus. They are just perfect for each other. They will easily find common interests and easily adapt to each other in a serious relationship. The family of these two signs will be happy and harmonious.
  • A Leo woman would be well suited to a man born under the sign of Gemini. He will persistently seek the favor of his lioness and will ultimately win desired. After the birth of your first child, problems may arise. But this couple will be able to get through a lot thanks to their perseverance and joint efforts.
  • Cancer can be a wonderful passion for a Leo woman. Thanks to his romantic inclinations and desire to conquer new horizons, he will easily conquer the selective heart of the lioness. Such relationships will be strong and happy.
  • A Leo man and a Leo woman have a huge chance of becoming the most ideal couple. Thanks to common interests and support, this union is able to go through all the hardships of life. They love to have fun and spend money. The lioness in this union can truly open up without fear.
  • If a Scorpio man appears in the life of a Leo woman, then this relationship will resemble a wild flame of fire. Everything will be there: jealousy, passion, and desire. In such a marriage, there is a high probability that both spouses will find happiness.

Leo woman born in the year of the Snake

Leo-Snake is a woman who always strives to create harmony in relationships, and she succeeds. Typically, a Leo woman born under the sign of the Snake always tries to be one step ahead of her partner.

Sometimes this is what prompts a partner to constantly strive for his beloved, and sometimes this leads to separation and shattered dreams. Despite this, such women can foresee how the relationship will develop, so they can deftly do everything necessary to preserve the marriage bond.

Leo Woman Born in the Year of the Tiger

The Leo-Tiger woman is very attentive and sensitive. She often feels her beloved, in the literal sense of the word. She is ready to change a little for her beloved, but she is not going to overstep her principles. This woman always wants to know the truth, even if it brings her a lot of worries. Despite the fact that the lioness calculates all the moves in her life, the Leo-Tiger woman is capable of making decisions in a fit of emotion, without even thinking about the consequences. This often becomes the cause of undesirable situations in a woman’s life, which she later regrets for a long time.

Therefore, when asking the question: who is suitable for Leo (woman) according to the horoscope, one should take into account compatibility with all signs.

1. Sexual horoscope of a woman with the sign Leo

What a beauty these Lionesses are! Become, character, manners, intelligence... And in love? She doesn’t hesitate when starting a novel. She is not shy when shedding her clothes. If you like a man, he won’t let you go! Especially if the last time turned out to be the sweetest...

Do you think they don’t know how to be affectionate and insinuating? Their touch is softer than poplar fluff - until their claws are released. Their purring first excites, and then puts them to sleep - unless it turns into a roar. And how deftly they jump onto their arms and rest their heads on the shoulder!

True, not everyone is given the opportunity to carry the zodiac Lioness in their arms. But those who are full of strength and charged to the brim with energy will be admitted! And then, with considerable probability, they are eaten...

Bigger, better, stronger!

The sexual horoscope of a woman of the Leo sign is clear and unambiguous: firstly, there must be a partner; secondly, he must be the best. Not the best available, but the best in principle. Otherwise, the Lioness will be disappointed, and the unlucky partner... for starters, he will cry.

The Leo woman is insatiable. Having fallen asleep in exhaustion and complete numbness of sensitive places, within an hour she will begin to wake up her beloved: why are you oversleepy? It's time to indulge in vicious passion! The more satisfying her sexual feasts are, the stronger her desires!

Is there a limit to the sexuality of an experienced, mature Lioness? Theoretically yes. No practical confirmation has been received yet...

Gluttony does not mean promiscuity

But no matter how “hungry” the Lioness is, she will not rush to waste prey. All her desires, all whims and orders are addressed not to a crowd of fans, but to her beloved and only one! Let it be new every day...

Giving herself over to sex with unparalleled enthusiasm, the Lioness - probably the only one among women - does not think about how she looks in one position or another. Her sensations are so strong and her experiences are so deep that she often loses control of herself.

Therefore, for dating a woman of the Leo sign, it is better to choose deserted places. Otherwise, the crowd of listeners under the window will bore you with applause and encores.

2. Erotic horoscope of a woman with the sign Leo

It is generally accepted that all men divide all women into two categories: “full speed ahead” and “the end of the world.” In fact, this approach is much more characteristic of Leo women. Finding herself in a male company (women are not accepted: they are not rivals), the Lioness identifies several suitable candidates and immediately charms her victims. And then he chooses the best - meticulously and carefully...

If the Leo woman decides to while away this evening in an intimate company, do not doubt her success. She will simply rank everyone, choose a couple of prettier boys, and leave the “non-rival” ones to swallow their tears and bite their elbows. Then the poor things will hiss: what is so special hidden in the Lionesses that all the men stand at attention in front of them?

Really, what?

Lionesses are beautiful. They are clumsy as children, angular as teenagers, and become charming in adolescence. An adult Leo woman is charm, this is charm, this is the magic of plasticity and the power of strength.

The femininity of Lionesses has no expiration date. Having reached its peak at approximately 28 years of age, the attractiveness of these ladies remains at a high plateau until old age. Wrinkles and slightly roughened skin do not spoil their divine figures and do not hide the vibrant sparkle of their eyes.

See a Lioness and fall in love

Every Leo woman loves universal admiration and is ready to bask in the hot male gaze ad infinitum. Her innate taste helps her choose outfits that highlight her imperishable beauty and aristocratic stature. An irresistible love for shoes teaches her to choose shoes accurately. Animal instinct helps to find a perfume whose charms will merge with her own scent into a scent that is captivating for men and unforgettable for young men.

It is useless to even try to reveal all the secrets of the Lion's charm. The erotic horoscope of a woman of this sign leaves no doubt: first, main, best! In a word, queen!

3. Sexual horoscope of a Leo man

The sexual horoscope of the zodiac Leo is not very diverse. The natal chart instructs the sign to experience an enduring interest in women of various ages, classes, and types of appearance. However, it is difficult to call Leo active!

By seeking agreement, Leo is ready to perform real feats. In bed, Leos are tireless only until they satisfy their own passion.

In most cases, a lion's temperament is enough for a woman. But if the lady is not completely satisfied or dreams of a continuation, she will have a hard time: Leos sleep soundly. The royal sign suppresses all attempts of the opposite sex gently, affectionately - and steadily.

When quantity does not turn into quality

Polygamy is so natural for the zodiac Leo that he often arranges kaleidoscopic adventures for himself. Having visited his beloved brunette in the morning, he rushes to his even more beloved blonde. After a short rest, he retires with his new chosen one - so that at night he can climb into bed with his lawful wife and then turn around like an adult.

The next day, and the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow (and so on), history repeats itself. Of course, due to external influences, Leo may stop. But this does not mean that all the sexual possibilities of Leo will fall on the only lucky one. She will receive exactly the same amount of attention and affection as she received when she was one of many.

Years do not correct Leo

With age, Leo's sexual aggressiveness not only does not decrease, but often even increases. At the same time, like any king, the zodiac Leo strives to choose more and more refined objects of adoration. Surprisingly, the number of young ladies who want to be in the lion’s embrace does not decrease over the years.

The experienced Leo's arsenal of sexual preferences is small. He gets used to loving women in one or two positions, and resolutely refuses to diversify his intimate menu. Leo gets the desired freshness of sensations from frequent changes of partners. But all the more valuable are the cases when one beloved occupies the entire lion’s being!

The secret is that Leo is essentially a monogamous person. And in endless sexual journeys he searches for that very soul mate who was assigned to him by providence. But Leo is rarely lucky.

4. Erotic horoscope of Leo

Zodiac Leo is powerful, bright, attractive. Surely he knows how to show off to his future partner! Imposing manners, an aristocratic appearance, a dosed manifestation of one’s own importance - yes, any woman who craves personal happiness, in nine cases out of ten, will consider Leo to be the best candidate!
And he will be wrong. A romance with a Leo is interesting, but not easy. Leo is jealous! It’s good if the lion’s jealousy is restrained by a powerful mind, but if Leo’s mind is weak, he will sharpen his claws on every pillar.

And Leo’s manners - especially over time - change for the worse. No, Leo is not getting rougher. But he exudes less affection, taking it for granted that his woman loves him anyway.

Leo is sensitive - but not to everyone

And this is a great blessing! He, of course, does not tolerate pretense: fake orgasms cause Leo to feel pitifully disgusted. But to a woman whose look is full of sincere gratitude, Leo is ready to give a palace!

Leo's love for the mother of his children is always high and strong. No, Leo will not give up cheating just because his wife is raising adorable “lion cubs”. But the best share of the sexual “pie” rightfully belongs to her, the Tsar’s chosen one.

There is no point in fighting for Leo's attention. The king of the zodiac circle will not ignore any attractive person, but will not even lift an eyebrow if a woman seems insufficiently attractive to him. No “combat” makeup, revealing outfits and copious amounts of drinking will help here. Because ostentatious sexual indifference is an element of Leo’s erotic appeal.

5. Leo and the signs of the Zodiac

With Aries to Leo You can’t live peacefully – at least not at the beginning of a relationship. Restless Aries runs around Leo and tries to push the ruler in the right direction. Leo tolerates generously, but Aries pushes - with his horns! And sometimes mercilessly. Leo would have slammed the insolent man long ago - but it’s too good for him in bed with Aries...

Taurus, caught in the arms Leo, it would be good to moderate your ardor. No, in sexual terms there is no need to moderate anything: the more active and inventive Taurus is, the stronger his union with Leo. In terms of reforms to the surrounding world order, it is better for Taurus to trust Leo, and not drag his partner into a bright future without his consent.

Twins– the best trainer Leo in sex! Only Gemini knows how to surround Leo from all sides. Only Gemini manages to subject Leo to caresses, from which he either purrs or boils with passion. Leo women are especially comfortable in the arms of Gemini men.

Leo and Cancer or fall in love with each other at first sight and forever; or they build, build, build relationships for a long time, painfully and fruitlessly - and then this hut falls apart. Then Leo will put the burden of his sexual uncontrollability on Cancer. Then Cancer will get bogged down in soul-searching, not giving Leo due honors...

Lion and Lioness capable of living one life for two - if one does not pay attention to the shortcomings of the other. Zodiac Leos, in complete harmony, are like different facets of one diamond: each sparkles in its own way, but one is inseparable from the other. Scandals and fights provoked by adultery? It brightens up everyday life so much!

Virgo knows how to charm Leo, but cannot put a short leash on the animal. And if he can’t, then he doesn’t strive. But when Virgo has nowhere to strive, she looks to the side. And he sees countless flocks of Lions there, each of which walks on its own. Virgo cannot resist trying to tame the new Leo. Although few Leos will turn into a pet cat to please Virgo...

Libra with Leo they get along, but not for long. Or long, but unstable. Leo (everyone) is irresistibly attractive to Libra, and Libra (all Libra) is an object of admiring adoration for Leo. Well, how will you get along if every meeting is a new acquaintance, and calling a partner in an intimate moment by someone else’s name is easy for both Libra and Leo.

Sexual relations Leo and Scorpio looks like a holiday. They sparkle with fireworks, bubble with champagne, blaze in the fireplace - and torment you with hangovers. The best way to overcome post-holiday pain is a new round of fun. The trouble is that Scorpio suffers with passion and taste, but Leo does not understand this attitude to life...

For Leo and Sagittarius love affair is the most interesting of adventures. Rival intrigues in such a connection are completely excluded, but mutual assistance in all endeavors is ensured. Both Sagittarius for Leo and Leo for Sagittarius are a role model, a leader who you want to help. It is believed that two leaders in one team do not get along, but Leo and Sagittarius refute dogmas.

Oh, how it suffers a lion in company Capricorn! Beyond words... The question is, what connects this couple then? There is no clear answer. Because the connecting factors of this alliance easily turn into dividing factors. And yesterday’s subject of controversy can today become a unifier of interests. Leo and Capricorn are never bored together – including in bed!

As the lord of all things, a lion fails with Aquarius. Aquarius rejects any attempts to command with liquid coldness. The impulses of the lion's passion are drowned in the enveloping ingenuity of Aquarius. But if Leo’s love fury heats Aquarius to a boil, a real geyser of feelings arises!

Pisces was initially given to Leo to be devoured. But if Leo Pisces doesn’t notice, they will swim closer and give the mustachioed arrogant slap in the face with their tail: how dare you miss such pretty Fishes? The sexual relationship between Leo and Pisces always delights both signs unexpectedly. However, those around her find her scandalous, even if Leo and Pisces are spouses.

6. Leo stones help you follow the will of the stars

Leo is self-willed, and if he does not have enough strength to subjugate the world, he will have a hard time...

Lionesses are very artistic, bright in nature, they love to show off and make a lasting impression on others. In relationships, Leos do not really like to take initiatives, preferring to be conquered, while they are very susceptible to compliments and, to some extent, even outright flattery, sincerely believing that they deserve all this. Often Leos are absolutely confident in their irresistibility. In bed, it is the process that attracts them most. Leo women are very hot and temperamental, they can directly declare their desires and preferences. An interesting fact is that some Leos are very fond of affection at that moment, while they are still fully dressed. The feeling of clothing in intimate areas can excite a Leo like few other things.

A Leo woman extremely rarely makes it difficult for herself to try to seduce someone, because she believes that she is already quite attractive and interesting to people of the opposite sex. A lioness usually chooses as partners those men who are ready to obey her and not really bother this “royal person” in bed. We can say that the feeling of strength and irresistibility is her main feature. She seeks admiration and worship wherever possible. She can be faithful and devoted if a man was able to awaken her feelings. The Leo woman loves to manipulate the men who are next to her. She experiences passionate desire quite rarely, but achieves satisfaction easily and quickly. However, the Leo woman is not always ready for extravagant poses and bold experiments during lovemaking, which can often be due to elementary laziness. The Leo woman does not like problems and difficulties, so she extremely rarely enters into casual relationships, although the presence of fans flatters her.

Sexuality of the Leo Woman

Don't expect the Leo woman to meet you halfway. She is so convinced that possessing her is happiness for any man that she sees no need to seduce him. Flirting, freely expressed ambiguities - a style of behavior that she considers innocent and which she likes. She will not lust after any man because she is too content and satisfied with herself to be sexually aggressive. Her goal is simply to make herself admirable. Her style is best described as sensual, seductive and lazy. She seems to instinctively understand how strongly men react to her. One movement of her commanding finger - and they are in a hurry to obey the royal order. This is precisely an order, not an invitation, since she cannot even imagine that a man would dare to refuse her.

When a Leo woman is disappointed by her lover, she does not rant or rebuke him. Her silent contempt is a much more dangerous and powerful weapon. The lady does not need words to express disapproval. Many men were destroyed by the contempt of the Lioness, and few had the courage to repeat the “feat” that caused this contempt. Collecting the torn and frayed pieces of their ego, they crawled away in agony. She is rarely in a bad mood. By nature, she is usually optimistic, cheerful, and introspection is not for her. The Leo woman does not torture herself about her desires. Why should she do this? What Leo wants, he gets. But if a man becomes significant in her life, then he will be treated like a king, as the husband of a royal person deserves. She creates an atmosphere of grandeur and beauty in her home, where she will host luxurious receptions.

Dressing in a provocative style, she is not at all trying to seduce her lover - she needs to manipulate him. What a big difference. When the time comes, she will do everything slowly, voluptuously, solemnly - not so much for his pleasure as for her own, received thanks to his amazed admiration. Woe to the lover who does not understand this and tries to take her too quickly or by force. Then the Lioness will show her claws!

She doesn't feel any particular need to be original or creative in the bedroom. Like men of this sign, she is characterized by a commitment to traditional love techniques, which seem to the Leo woman to be completely clear, simple and correct. Why gild an already beautiful lily? Although, when her feelings are touched, she becomes a fiercely sexual partner, and many men are “decorated” with scars to prove it. Then he expects praise for his sexual prowess. The Leo woman knows that she is a healthy, strong animal - the queen of all jungle cats.

In bed she tries to dominate, but usually she is satisfied with equality of power. In love foreplay, a Leo woman enjoys having her lover gently caress her face, neck and ears with his tongue. She also loves it when he runs his tongue along her legs, down her legs and up to her inner thigh. A favorite way is to let the man penetrate halfway, then exchange thrusts with him in joint action. She likes to make love in the light so that her partner can admire her body and talk about it. An almost painful need to be seen in a favorable light makes her prefer the position in which the woman is on top, so that the man can see her and admire the sculptural beauty of her body.

Admiring your partner is an essential part of the love process. She always chooses her bras and panties very carefully to make sure that when she gets naked she will look very exciting. The Leo woman's relaxed and positive approach in bed calms men who doubt their strength. She is so confident that everything will be perfect that it usually happens. Why shouldn't this be the case? The lucky man makes love to her!

So, what can we say about the queen among the zodiac signs - the Leo woman? Ardent and enthusiastic, cheerful and open, they make amazing friends and lovers. The Leo woman is the epitome of romance: passionate, poetic, fiery and adoring. Never doubt, however, that she expects love to be returned with the same intensity and enthusiasm, passion and devotion. These women are born between July 23 and August 22.


    Love the element. This woman is fire. She is emotional but has a kind heart. She is one of the most romantic of all lovers, she is faithful and noble. It is bright like the sun and warm like summer. This is how she attracts people to her. Tends to be quite popular. She is known for her full mane of shimmering hair and almost cat-like eyes. This woman is the queen among all zodiacs. So behave accordingly.

    • Leo girls treat guys with the utmost respect and will place them on a very high pedestal. In return, she expects you to do the same. You are “her Leo, the leader.”
    • For truly meaningful relationships, she chooses the most unique people who are different from her usual fans.
    • Ruled by the 5th house, her sign rules the heart. She is an extrovert by nature and her sign is fixed.
    • A Leo woman's potential partner should be sensitive and intelligent. Intelligence is a must. Leo is constantly asking questions, so you must be able to reason and formulate, and also know everything under the sun. You must have the strength and confidence to always be ready to take the initiative into your own hands. These qualities are very attractive to her and she will purr with pleasure and enjoy herself. They do not always want to decide everything and take responsibility.
  1. Independence. She wants to be sure that the person next to her craves independence, just like she does. She's looking for a guy who will guide her, not control her. Any partner of such a Lioness girl must have a strong and somewhat independent character, otherwise your romance will become the subject of this girl's dominance over you.

    Leo women love to be admired. Yes, they love praise for their special uniqueness and creativity, as long as the praise is sincere. Compliments can take you far and will often make her blush. Leo women are known to love creativity and hate established routines. Win her over by loving her unique style and the way she lives her life. And always be on time, otherwise you will face retribution!

    Intensity of emotions. When angry, the Leo woman can be fiery and dramatic. The best thing to do in this case is to let her keep her pride, apologize and show her that you care. No matter how reserved and distant she may seem, know that she is grateful to you. Leo women love tolerance in character. In case you encounter an angry Lioness, make sure to express your opinion firmly but calmly.

    In her head. Underneath that shiny outer lace and nail polish, you may be surprised to find an insecure woman. She has a fragile heart under the shield of a smile and laughter, so you must have a sensitive heart. She will be very shy at the beginning of the relationship if she really likes you. You need to not just date her, but become her friend and talk to her. The way to a Leo's heart is through friendship. They value friendship and trust with all passion.

    Lion Cub vs Lioness. The young Lioness will appear arrogant, vain and flashy. But a mature Lioness will seem very generous. Her level of generosity and caring will become so high and warm that she will tend to forget about herself.

    Leos in general love luxury things. Her tastes are known for their extravagance and grandeur. She purrs when, during courtship, she is presented with good quality wines or chocolate, or when invited on a date with a reservation in this elegant upscale restaurant. If you can't afford it, your Lioness would prefer a picnic in the park or a slow walk through the city at night or a nice dinner at home. She loves sparkling lights and deep romantic situations.

    Love. The Leo woman looks at love with caution. She knows that love is like kryptonite for her fragile ego. She will fight back before she gives someone the power to rip her heart out. She will be very vigilant and, above all, protect herself.

    • When a Leo woman gets into love, she tends to be very shy. You may have to give her some guidance and make the first moves, as well as reassure her that you are serious about your intentions. She longs for your love, but she is too insecure to ask you for it. She will enjoy your movements.
    • If you neglect your cat's ego for too long, she will withdraw from you and become destructive and moody. A Leo woman's pride is always on the line, and no matter how loud she roars, her ego is thin and fragile.
  2. Leos can be self-indulgent, stubborn, and prone to resentment if they don't get what they want in the way they want it. At other times, they can be needy and demanding. Don't let the Leo woman feel like she is giving and not getting the same in return. On the positive side, they are warm, demonstrative, theatrical, and show-loving.

    Family. Her family is her pride and her life. So get ready for your Leo friend to shed buckets of tears at her family members' weddings and family gatherings, or when looking at family photos. Lions love big numbers, just think of a lioness and her cubs.

    • The phrase “I love you” signifies vulnerability for Leo women. Leo women are protective of their well-being and will find pleasure in making fun of you, teasing you and making you nervous. She's as playful as a kitten and will likely start teasing you once she gets used to you.
  3. Need romance. Leo will love everything that has the magic of the moment and romance. Leos are dreamers and their day consists of random moments. She may even respond romantically in return. Your Leo will appreciate anything you put your idea into, whether it's a sudden trip to nowhere, red roses hidden in her mailbox, or a homemade map under her doorway, and so on. If a Leo woman loves you, then she will go more than halfway, as long as your plan works, and she will see everything in rosy color. Take care of her or she will seriously doubt the correctness of her choice regarding you. She loves luxurious romantic gestures and the courtship process. Nothing is ever too much as long as it is sincere.

  4. Under the sheet. Your kitten needs a man who can make her purr. Yes, it is necessary to be dominant in bed when it comes to it. Your kitten is a delight and will do everything in her power to please you. In bed, the Leo woman wants you to be her leader (Leo). Take the challenge and show her passion and romance and she will be all yours. It is believed that Leo's favorite area is the lower back. A back and neck massage is a pleasure for her. Some Leo women can be quite strange and love to play seduction with furry handcuffs and a blindfold.

    • Match
    • The lioness craves respect from her significant other. She will not hesitate to slam the door when trust is broken or in doubt. She is very proud and it will be difficult to get her back.
    • The Leo woman enjoys a partner who can expose her inner sensitive side that she hides for protection.
    • The Leo woman may act like a femme fatale, but this is all because she wants to be perceived as such. This is a defense mechanism. She may love to play and provoke, but she will never deceive or do anything mean. If you even hint at deception on her part, it will upset her.
    • Reserved Leo women are secretive and careful with their emotions. It will take time to gain her trust.
    • “Why is my Lioness different?”
    • Remember, this is only her zodiac sign (the zodiac sign describes the personal path through which your life gains meaning and you gain strength). To get an accurate description of her personality, you should look up her rising and moon signs. Her moon sign describes her inner emotions, and her rising sign will tell you about the social mask she puts on in public. They should not be confused with her zodiac sign. These are very different concepts.
    • Libra and Leo: A Leo woman will be captivated by the charm of a Libra. He will seem very funny and outgoing, but deep down he longs for true love, so he is careful with his affection. The Leo woman will become shy once she starts to like his affection for her. Libra men will be captivated by her bright personality and will use their aggression to lure her into a loving relationship. The Leo woman will be in awe of his aggression, and will easily allow him to take the place of leader. They both are extremely fond of romantic gestures and gifts, and declarations of love will flow like a stream. Leo is quite selfish and cares more about himself, while Libra believes in the concept of “Us” and this helps strengthen the bond. The “dangerous” sexual aura of Libra will be new to the Lioness.
    • Sagittarius and Leo: a fiery duet in which both signs are open-minded. Leo will soon discover that Sagittarius never compromises. Spontaneity, laughter, adventurism and passion are all things that these two will experience in the future. It all starts, as always, with a charming friendship. This is a great couple. Ideal matches are usually made with Sagittarius men whose name begins with the letter of the second half of the alphabet.
    • Leo and Gemini: The relationship will be like a burning house. In each of them there is a child, and a playful and cheerful side will only benefit. From the very first second, a sexual attraction to each other will appear between them. They will attract each other, and at the same time oppose each other, a rather strange combination. Both are social people and love to have fun and attend parties together. Sex will be a tender and joyful event; the couple will especially enjoy a sensual full body massage.
    • Aries and Leo are also part of the same group of fire signs, but the relationship will be freer. When these two decide to enter into a serious relationship, they should become more aware of their partner's affection needs. Both love to be always on the move, and this works well for both sides. Both are passionate natures and will enjoy sex. When they join forces to implement a joint project, it is doomed to success.
    • According to her zodiac sign, she may be Leo, but have a moon in Pisces and an ascendant in Virgo. The Ascendant (rising sign) in Virgo means that people perceive her as a soft, creative and timid person, and the moon in Pisces means that she can be extremely sensitive and passive. Her Leo nature may manifest itself in loving and caring about her appearance, her need for emotional excitement and craving your attention, or her temper and laughter after a while, or her tenacity.


    • Don't pollute the air of her self-confidence with your complexes. She craves balance and self-confidence. She wants to see someone next to her who can calm her down and plunge her into a state of seriousness and back.
    • Don't take your horoscope too seriously, every person is unique and you need to treat people that way...

Leo men and women are temperamental and passionate lovers who are unrestrained in sex and are not afraid to carry out the craziest experiments in bed. They never submit to their partner and take an active position in sexual relationships. Not everyone can endure the constant desire for dominance, which is why representatives of this sign often change partners and find it difficult to build harmonious relationships.

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Erotic horoscope for a Leo man

In intimate relationships, Leo men prefer vibrant sex in a luxurious place. They love big beds and a mirrored ceiling in which they can watch their impeccable sex techniques. Leos are not interested in classic poses; they love positions that express their dominance over a woman, for example, “doggy style.”

The representative of this sign will not allow his partner to lie and do nothing. She should show emotions in every possible way, admire her man and moan loudly during intercourse. Leos don't care what their neighbors think of them. Their lovemaking takes place with the creaking of the bed, romantic music and voluptuous moans.

Leos often rent an expensive hotel room for an intimate date. They love to indulge in lovemaking in a swimming pool or a luxurious jacuzzi with lots of foam, rose petals, candles and champagne.

Leo's sexual temperament:

  • passion;
  • impatience;
  • spontaneity;
  • activity;
  • authority;
  • looseness;
  • narcissism;
  • unrestraint.

Men of this sign view sex not only as a way to satisfy physical needs, but also as a means of self-affirmation and emotional release. They love open relationships, but are not ready to share their partner with anyone else, because they are very jealous and possessive by nature. It is difficult for them to find the love of their life, but if this happens, they will be faithful to their chosen one until the end of their days.

Representatives of this sign treat sex as an integral part of their life. They need regular intimacy to feel happy and wanted.

Erogenous zones

The main erogenous zone of a man is the back. Leo loves erotic massage: it can bring him to a strong erection.

Leo men love to be kissed on the neck, gradually going down to the lower back. They are turned on by biting the earlobe, languid sighs and dirty curses from the girl’s lips during sexual intercourse. They love it when women completely submit to their will in bed and play the role of a slave.

How to surprise a Leo in bed

To surprise Leo in bed, you need to know several dozen Kama Sutra poses, be flexible and flexible, ready for sex at any time of the day or night, have perfect control of your body and have beautiful sexy outfits. Leos love lace and silk underwear, fishnet stockings, high-heeled shoes, latex suits and other clothes and accessories that highlight all the feminine charms.

Leo's sexuality knows no boundaries, so a woman needs to be prepared for an intimate marathon, during which she will have to change more than 5 positions. The girl must be ready to make all Leo’s erotic fantasies come true, otherwise she will not be able to satisfy the man’s sexual needs and there will be no second date.

Leo is best compatible in bed with:

  • Aries. A woman of this sign is able to constantly surprise and maintain passion in relationships. An Aries girl will be happy to make love to a Leo man even in a public place, respond to all his caresses and pick up the frantic rhythm of the sexual race.
  • Sagittarius. Such girls usually do not have complexes in bed and are willing to have sex at any time and anywhere. Sagittarius women love to arrange surprises of an erotic nature and delight their partner with a hot striptease and revealing translucent dresses that expose their private parts.

Intimate horoscope for a Leo woman

A Leo woman in bed is characterized by the following qualities:

  • confidence;
  • tirelessness;
  • ingenuity;
  • dominance;
  • courage and readiness for new things.

This woman likes long foreplay, erotic massage, experiments with food in bed (strawberries, cream, honey, ice and others). She is capable of being affectionate and gentle, allowing you to do whatever you want to her, or she can behave like an angry lioness, wanting to tear her partner to pieces, but at the same time not allowing herself to be touched again.

Such a girl chooses the most expensive and high-quality underwear for herself and does not skimp on creating her own image. She has a lot of accessories and sex toys in her arsenal, since the Leo woman regularly visits specialized stores.

Erogenous zones

A Leo woman may develop a desire for sexual intimacy when her partner begins to stroke her back, running his nails down along her spine, and sprinkle kisses on her neck, shoulder blades and lower back. What excites these girls most of all is when a man caresses the hollow above the buttocks, runs his hand along the waist line, going down to the inner surface of the thighs and buttocks.