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Good and bad omens. What do folk signs mean?

Many of us believe that all signs and superstitions are a relic of the past. However, we are still afraid of black cats on the roads and broken mirrors. Let's look at the most famous signs and their meanings. Probably after this you will be able to answer the question: is it worth believing in omens?

Why can't we celebrate 40 years?

The origins of this sign stretch back to the times of Kievan Rus. In ancient times, it was customary to check a buried person after forty days for incorruptibility. In this regard, the number 40 has entered everyday life with a special mystical meaning. And if you believe esotericists, then 40 is the number of death and corresponds to the “Death” card in Tarot fortune telling. It is believed that if a person celebrates his fortieth birthday, he will attract trouble to himself.

Why can't you give a watch?

Give a watch - Bad sign. This superstition came to us from Ancient China. Residents of this country still believe that the gift of a watch is an invitation to their funeral, and they will count down the minutes until the death of the person who gave such a gift.

Why can't you take out the trash from your house in the evening?

According to popular belief, those who take out the trash from the house after sunset will become victims of gossip and gossip. The meaning of this sign and its origin are unknown. There is an opinion that people who took out the trash in the dark were hiding something. Curious neighbors saw everything and began to speculate about the contents of the trash can: after all, it’s not without reason that people take out trash in the dark!

Why do dishes break?

Many people believe that broken dishes are a bad omen. However, it is not. The ancient Chinese believed that if, for example, a cup broke, it meant that it had accumulated a lot of negative energy and broke because it could no longer withstand the pressure of negative emotions. Broken dishes must be collected immediately and thrown away from the house.

Why is my left palm itching?

People say that if your left palm itches, then this is a sign of monetary gain. If your right palm itches, then, on the contrary, you will have to give money. It is believed that the left palm is the taking one, and the right one is the giving one. So if you want to attract money, then scratch your left palm more often, then the profit itself will come to you.

Sprinkling salt - to a quarrel?

There is a popular saying that says: spill salt - expect a quarrel. This ancient sign arose at a time when salt was considered a delicacy. It was brought to the table only on holidays, as it was very expensive. If someone spilled salt, he was severely scolded for it and could even be beaten.

Breaking a mirror means grief?

The origin and meaning of this sign came to us from the ancient teachings of feng shui. A mirror, according to Chinese wisdom, is an indicator of the atmosphere in the house. If it breaks, it means that a lot of negative energy has accumulated in the house. It is believed that if you break a mirror, you will face seven years of bad luck. This consequence can be avoided if you do not look at the fragments, quickly collect them and throw them away from the house.

Is wearing clothes inside out a sign of trouble?

It is believed that wearing clothes inside out will attract trouble. In ancient times, holy fools wore their clothes inside out. Therefore, the meaning of this sign is completely justified: clothes inside out are a sign of an unlucky, sick and poor person.

Why can't you eat from a knife?

According to this popular belief, eating from a knife means being charged with negative energy. Since ancient times, knives were intended for hunting and war, so if you decide to eat from a knife, it will make you aggressive, angry and irritable.

Why can't you take pictures of people sleeping?

The meaning of this sign is still not fully understood. Many argue that it is impossible to photograph people sleeping only because in a dream a person’s soul leaves his body, and in this case the picture will show him without a soul, which can harm him.

The origin of these signs is associated with ancient beliefs, which currently have virtually no justification. But this is not a reason not to believe folk superstitions! Trust only good superstitions, then they will bring you good luck and happiness! We are waiting for your comments on the topic and do not forget to click on the buttons and

11.02.2014 15:23

Signs after death have been observed for many hundreds of years. Despite the prohibition of the church, many are trying to fulfill peculiar...

1) Be identified in a person - for a wedding or for a deceased person.
2) Losing a glove is bad luck.
3)) Breaking a mirror means bad luck.
4) If you step on someone else’s footsteps, your feet will hurt.
5) Sew up your dress, sew on a button - you will sew on a memory.
6) Clothes inside out - either you're drunk or you'll be beaten.
7) The right eye itches - looking at the cute one.
8) Those whose cheeks are on fire are the ones who are rumored.
9) If an eyelash falls out, it will be a gift.
10) It hiccupped - was it remembered for good?
11) The elbow itches - to grief.
12) The back of the head itches - to sadness.
13) Itching in the nose - good news.
14) Cheeks itching and burning - means tears.
15) The right eyebrow itches - for a date with a friend, the left - with a secret enemy.
16) If the bread or spoon falls during dinner, the guest is in a hurry.
17) Choking at dinner - the guest is in a hurry.
18) A spoon forgotten on the table goes to the guest.
19) Accidentally extinguish a candle - to the guests
20) Whoever’s ear is on fire, they say about him: the right one is the truth, the left one is a lie.
21) There is a ringing in the right ear - a good wake-up call; on the left - thin.
22) Spilling salt by accident means a quarrel (and to prevent a quarrel from happening, sprinkle salt on your head, laugh, or allow yourself to be hit on the forehead).
23) When the sun has set, don’t throw your rubbish on the street: you’ll throw it away.
24) At sunset, do not count money, do not make calculations.
25) In one hut there is no revenge with different brooms: wealth will disperse to the corners.
26) During the new moon, do not show the moon an empty wallet: it will always be empty.
27) If two people wipe themselves with one towel, they will get torn apart in the next world.
28) If you sneeze on Monday, it’s a gift for the week.
29) He sneezed - he told the truth. Sneeze for the truth.
30) He who is ticklish is jealous.
31) Elbow itches - sleep in a new place.
32) Going out in the rain is a harbinger of a successful journey, as in any undertaking.
A lot of signs are associated with animals. It was believed that they, unlike people, had a special sense of upcoming events or changes in life. With their behavior, they always helped people, warned them, or, on the contrary, gave them the go-ahead for decisive action.
1) Raven. If a raven lands on the dome or bell tower of a church, the funeral service for the deceased will be held in that church. If it hits the roof of a house, someone will die.
2) Dove. A dove will fly into the window - there will be a fire or someone will die, sometimes there will be news.
3) Cat. When a cat washes itself with its paw, it means guests, and when it sleeps with its snout under its belly, it means bad weather or cold.
4) Swallow. There is a sign that if someone kills a swallow (which is recognized as a housewife, housewife, housewife) or a pigeon, titmouse, then he will not have happiness in cattle breeding.
5) Spiders. According to Russian folk belief, all spiders are harmful - from small to large. Whoever accidentally eats a spider will suffer from dropsy or a tumor in the stomach.
6) Dog. According to popular belief, a dog howls either to a fire, or to a dead person, or to his own death. Towards a fire it howls upside down, towards a dead person - downwards, and towards its own death - sitting or lying down. If the dog reaches out to someone, then it’s for renewal.
7) Eagle owl. This bird is popularly considered detrimental because it foretells misfortune (as if). Superstitious people carry her claws with them to protect themselves from sorcery.
8) A yard bird is plucked - to bad weather.
9) A chicken stands on one leg - it means it’s cold. A hen puts chickens under her - to bad weather.
10) Crows gather in a group or bathe - a sign of bad weather.
11) Sparrows bathe in dust or chirp - it means rain.
12) Swallows fly low - to the rain, and high - to the sun.
Signs of our grandmothers for especially superstitious people. These signs will also help you protect yourself from various troubles and surprises.
1) It was the custom of some superstitions to keep hair and nails, who thought that in the next world they would have to give an account for every hair. When combing, leaving a strand of hair unbraided meant leaving the house.
2) Road. In the old days, it was not advised to travel on Monday: travel failure. It was also considered a bad omen if a hare crossed the road. And if anyone wants to quickly see the person leaving for the road, he, returning to the threshold, should look back after the person leaving.
3) Porridge. When the porridge boiling in the oven rose above the edges of the pot and leaned backwards, it was a superstitious sign of happiness and abundance, and when it leaned at the mouth of the stove - loss, damage, ruin of the house.
4) Moon. Whoever sees the new moon on the right side, according to old Russian beliefs, will receive income for a month, out of the blue, and on the left - expenses. It is also advised to hold on to money when you see the new moon so that you can make a profit for the whole month.
5) Pregnant woman. In the old days, they believed that a pregnant woman absolutely had to keep away from herself all troubles and objects of an unpleasant appearance - animals, ugly people. Otherwise, she could give birth to a child, whose face or image could bear a strong resemblance to an animal or freak that she often saw or was afraid of.
6) If anyone notices to the mother that her baby is beautiful or healthy, in a word, praises her, then the superstitious mother, so that the baby would not be taken lessons, licked his face three times and spit on the ground each time. They do the same with a child in a bathhouse.
7) Update. Anyone who accidentally spat on a dress hoped to receive or sew a new one. White spots on the fingernails also indicate updates; the value of these updates is judged by their size.
You should not leave pieces of bread or other food after eating. Mothers and grandmothers who are concerned about their child’s poor appetite tell young children that if they don’t eat enough, they lose their strength. Bread has long been considered a symbol of wealth and well-being. Therefore, according to the superstition, if a person leaves pieces of bread, then one of his loved ones is in need far from him. Or soon he himself will face financial difficulties.
You should not give things over the threshold. Also, you shouldn’t say hello across the threshold, as you risk quarreling. The threshold, according to popular belief, served as a boundary dividing space into two halves, one of which was the possession of evil spirits. And the person standing on this line seemed to have one foot in the world of evil spirits and therefore became vulnerable to them. For the same reason, it is considered a bad omen, also foreshadowing a quarrel, for two close people to walk around the pillar from different sides.
When leaving home, do not rush, so as not to forget something in a hurry, since returning is considered a bad sign, indicating failure awaiting you. By returning, you kill your beginning. If it happened that you had to return, then it is better to refuse any serious matters that day. There is also a belief that if you had to return, you should look in the mirror when leaving. However, if you do not attach importance to this folk wisdom, but you have had to return more than once, then following this superstitious rule will not harm you: you will become less absent-minded.
You cannot sew up clothes on yourself or sew on buttons, especially before the road: you will sew on the road, in other words, there is a possibility that trouble may happen to you on the road. In general, everything that is, in one way or another, connected with the human body has long been given great importance
Sorcerers and sorcerers, in order to spoil a person, made a doll that looked like him and stuck needles into it, after which the one who became a victim of the damage began to slowly fade away. Another sign is connected with this phenomenon, according to which, when talking about the illnesses, physical disabilities or wounds of another, you cannot show in yourself what hurts this person.
This series of superstitions also includes numerous signs associated with human hair: you cannot leave your hair in a comb, since in this case you leave all your worries of the current day for the next day. It is considered a bad sign to cut your own hair. Hair should not be thrown anywhere, but it is best to bury or burn it. These signs are also associated with the fact that hair carries information about a person. And if they fall into the hands of a sorcerer, he can use it to harm a person.
Under no circumstances should you wear other people's things and give away your own. Since things, being in the long-term use of their owner, are also a kind of piggy bank of his energy information. Every thing has its own energy field. All changes in a person’s energy are reflected in his things. Folk tales also indicate the antiquity of this superstition: witches often used personal items of the person they wanted to harm in their magical actions (inducing damage, the evil eye).
Breaking dishes or glass during some celebration was considered a good sign. This is where the custom of breaking dishes at weddings came from. In the Urals, in rural regions, there is still a persistent custom, according to which on the second day after the wedding, the young husband must break the plate that covered the dish of pancakes presented by the mother-in-law to her newly-minted relative.

I admit honestly: when I read signs about a person, many of them make me smile. For example, a sign about grinding teeth while eating, itching of the mustache or heels, supposedly associated with the appearance of gifts or guests. Among the same folk arts are mysterious beliefs about dandruff, pimples and warts, signs about red-haired people, wide foreheads and hooked noses. By and large, many of these signs are just folk fantasy, seasoned with good humor.

However, some signs about a person really have a solid basis from observations of life and its manifestations. Individual signs often unmistakably indicate certain events, the future behavior of a person and the world around him. Moreover, this has nothing to do with occult knowledge. If you want, call it superstition, or call it logic. But one thing is absolutely certain: sometimes it is enough to listen to folk wisdom in order to predict the development of events an hour, a day, a week and even a month in advance.

1. The right eye itches for laughter, the left for tears.

2. If you sneeze on an empty stomach on Monday, it’s a gift; on Tuesday - to visitors; on Wednesday - to news; on Thursday - to praise; on Friday - for a meeting, a date; on Saturday - to fulfillment of desires; on Sunday - to guests.

3. The right eyebrow itches - to joy, the left - to look at the sweaty horses (towards the road).

4. If a person hiccups, it means someone is remembering him. To find out who exactly remembers, they make a wish for someone they know, moisten the little finger of their right hand with saliva and run it along their right eyebrow; if there is a hair on the finger, it means that the one for whom the wish was made remembers.

5. If an eyelash falls out, it means a gift.

6. After you wash your face, you should not shake the water from your hands - this causes devils to multiply: as many splashes fly, so many devils will appear

7. Teeth grind while eating - on someone else’s bread.

8. If you go to ask for something or receive a debt and stumble while doing so, you will not receive anything.

9. Don’t allow anyone to step over your outstretched legs - you won’t grow; If you didn’t follow and this happened, ask him to step back.

10. Lips itch - kiss or give a gift.

11. You can’t sleep at sunset: you won’t live long.

12. One person accidentally steps on another’s foot - to a quarrel; To prevent the omen from coming true, you need to lightly respond in kind.

13. The tip of the nose itches - drink wine, or get some news.

14. If someone choke or choke, he must certainly put a slice of bread on the crown of his head or rub the bridge of his nose with the index finger of his right hand.

15. Starting the morning on the right foot (getting out of bed, putting on shoes) means good luck for the whole day.

16. The right palm itches - to receive money, the left - to give.

17. If someone hiccups easily, they remember him. If someone hiccups heavily, he is scolded.

18. In order to beg something from someone, you first need to walk around that person three times.

19. The right ear is on fire - they are praising or telling the truth; left - slander.

20. When a sick person begins to yawn, this means that his illness was caused by the evil eye.

21. If two people say the same word at the same time, it means that soon there will be guests or, at least, a stranger will come for something.

22. Don’t sew anything directly on yourself - you can sew up the memory.

23. Soles itch - towards the road. Feet are burning - on the way.

24. If a person is having fun and laughing on the eve of a big holiday, he will cry and be bored on the holiday.

25. If you step where an empty bucket stood, your feet will hurt

26. There’s a ringing in my ears—someone is calling me a dashing call.

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Signs associated with the human body:

Scratching your elbow means sleeping in a new place.

The mustache itches - before a gift.

My head itches - I hear swearing.

The right palm itches for profit, the left for loss.

The neck itches for the feast.

The nose itches for news, wine, christenings.

The eyebrow itches for a date, tears.

The left eye is itching to cry, the right is to look at the dear one.

Cheeks burn with tears.

Lips itch before kissing.

If you hurt your leg, you are in a hurry.

The soles itch for the road.

Biting your tongue means a quarrel.

Signs associated with the house:

You should not give or accept knives as gifts - this is a sign of enmity.

You cannot wipe the table with paper - this leads to quarrels and losses.

Also, you should not knock keys and put them on the table - this leads to conflicts.

Do not place an open umbrella in the bedroom or living room - this may cause tears to be shed.

To avoid a quarrel at a party, cross the threshold with your right foot.

Do not sweep the floor when someone dear to you has left, so as not to block his path to your home.

Do not play with a knife - a quarrel may arise.

After sunset, new bread is not cut, as this can lead to quarrels and lack of money.

The salt shaker should not be passed from hand to hand. You need to put it on the table.

If you have to pass a needle to someone, you need to lightly (jokingly) prick this person. This is done so that there is no enmity with him.

To prevent two brothers from quarreling, one magnet is sewn into their clothes.

If someone is called by the name of a person who has left, then this person will be angry when he arrives.

Signs associated with objects:

A brick falling out of the oven is not good.

If the pin was found, the friend remembered.

If the dishes are left uncleaned on the table, then the devil or other evil spirits will live in the house.

Spilling salt means quarreling; to avoid this, you need to laugh or hit yourself on the forehead.

Wipe your hands with a tablecloth - there will be hangnails.

If you step on the place where the bucket stood, then sores will spread throughout your body.

If the keys are left on the table, it means a quarrel.

A girl pricks her finger with a needle and hears praise.

Stepping over a broom means it’s hard to give birth to children.

Signs for the weather

Plants and animals turn out to be reliable weather forecasters, especially for forecasts for the near future.
Probably the most sensitive to weather changes are cats.

Signs for frost:
Cat in the stove - cold in the yard; the cat is in a ball in the cold. And wait for frost if the cat covers its face with its paw while sleeping.

Signs for warming:
The cat lies down on the floor, fast asleep; lies in the middle of the room, tail thrown back; lies stomach up; sits on the windowsill and looks out the window.

And if a cat scratches the floor, there will be a snowstorm. Some similarities can be found in the behavior of dogs. They curl up and lie in a ball - in the cold; stretch, legs spread, for warmth; they ride in the snow - in anticipation of a thaw and a blizzard. It's a snowstorm if dogs chase each other and play in the snow.

People's observation has not spared other domestic animals:
If, in good winter weather, cows and sheep from the countryside go to the barn on their own, expect a snowstorm.
The calves are playing around in a warm room - there will be a snowstorm.
If the cow's teats are warm in the evening when milking, it will not be warm, and if they are cold, it will be frosty.
In winter, goats knock their feet, flap their ears and sneeze - towards the snow.
The piglets squeal - it's freezing.
In the face of frost and snowstorms, adult pigs also squeal, and at the same time they carry straw with various debris in their mouths, apparently to protect themselves from the oncoming cold.

Signs of the Sun:
If at sunset the sky is light azure, golden, light pink, or there is a noticeable predominance of a greenish tint, the weather is good, even if the sun is covered with clouds.
The red disk of the sun sets in a cloud or fog - to rain or wind, in darkness - to drought.
After sunset, the sky in the west turned crimson red - a sign of strong wind and rain.
If the sun rises from the reddened clouds around it - to rain, in fog - to clear, quiet and stuffy weather.
If the sun rises from the reddened clouds around it - to rain, in fog - to clear, quiet and stuffy weather, in a clear sky and seems smaller than usual, and its rays are very bright - to drought.
If the sky turns red at sunrise, it means rain in one or two days; if it turns all colors, it means rain on the same day.
The morning sun is red - the weather will change for the worse, rain and wind are possible.
When the sun rises, it is stuffy (steamy) - it means rain on the same day.
The sun is covered with clouds in the morning - it will rain.

Signs for the Moon:
If the moon seems larger than its usual size and is reddish in color, it means rain.
During the full moon, the moon is light and pure in color - the weather is good, dark and pale - it means rain.

Signs on the Stars:
The stars seem very shiny - in the heat, they flicker strongly and look smaller than usual - in the rain.
A starry sky means clear weather, rare stars mean rain.
Stars in the fog mean rain, falling stars mean the wind.
If the stars twinkle strongly, and there are clouds in the morning, there will be a thunderstorm at noon.
Strong twinkling of stars at dawn means rain in the coming days.

Signs for the Wind:
Strong northern or northwestern winds mean cold, stormy weather.
A wet wind means prolonged bad weather, gusty and streaky winds mean calm weather.
If the wind increases towards night, the weather will worsen.
Strong wind and rain mean good weather.
The wind blew from the north - it was a clear and cold day.
If at noon in good weather the wind increases and white clouds like cotton wool appear in the sky, and in the evening they disappear and the wind weakens, then this means good weather the next day.

Signs for Rain:
Light rain in the morning means a good year; if bubbles form on the water from raindrops, the bad weather will be prolonged.

Signs for Rosa:
Heavy evening and morning dew means good weather, and the more abundant it is, the hotter the coming day will be. But if dew does not appear and dries quickly, the weather will worsen.

Signs for Fog:
If the fog spreads along the ground or quickly dissipates in the rays of the sun, the weather is stable, good and even hot, and if it rises in the form of a column, it means rain.

Signs for Thunder:
Dull thunder means quiet rain, and rolling thunder means heavy rain.
Prolonged rumbles of thunder mean prolonged bad weather.
If lightning flashes without thunder after rain, the weather must be clear.

Signs for the Rainbow:
If a rainbow appears in the morning before noon, it will rain; in the evening - for good weather.
If a rainbow disappears soon after rain, it means clear weather; if it stays for a long time, it means bad weather.
If rainbows appear during rain, it means rain for several days.

People's sagacity has not bypassed everyday omens for the weather. Here are some of them for rain:
Wooden lids, plugs, window frames, doors are difficult to open; dew falls on the glass in the double frames, the windows seem to be crying; in a container with water, bubbles appear on the surface; the same bubbles are visible on any surface of water.

Now let's turn our attention to the behavior of animals. Before the rain, domestic animals usually eat grass greedily (even cats and dogs) and drink little, the horse shakes its head and throws it up; the cows raise their muzzles upward, greedily inhaling more air, the cattle run away from the yard into shelters; the dog vigorously digs the ground and gets into the water; The cat shakes its muzzle, you lie down.

And this is how birds behave before the rain: chickens bathe in the sand, flapping their wings; a rooster crows for no reason in the middle of the day, a domestic goose splashes in the water and dives; rooks, crows, jackdaws, and seagulls scream loudly, often in alarm, gathering in flocks. Well, fishermen know well that before it rains, fish jump out of the water and don’t bite; earthworms crawl along the surface of the soil; Mosquitoes and midges bite harder.

But the behavior of smaller animals will help improve the weather: the cat washes itself, licks its paw; the horse snorts; the rooster crows at the beginning of the day in rainy weather; birds suddenly begin to chirp in bad weather; seagulls land on the water and swim.

Signs: Not good

· Place the bread with the top crust facing down.

· Cut the bread from both ends at once.

· Take the last piece from the plate. But if you are offered to take the last piece, grab it immediately - this will bring happiness in love or material profit.

· Spilling salt means trouble. But if you are going on some important business, a pinch of salt in your left pocket will protect you from troubles or disappointments.

· Passing a salt shaker across the table means passing on your troubles to someone.

Do not do this and under no circumstances accept a salt shaker from others, even if they hand it to you without malicious intent, out of ignorance.

· When eating, you should not let another person finish a piece, as he will eat away all his strength from the first one. You should also not let you drink after yourself, so that your thoughts will not be known.

· Stabbing bread with a knife or fork means depriving yourself of happiness forever.

· If a child brings food into the house from strangers, use any pretext to force him to take him out of the house and throw him away - the food may be a curse.
· A bad sign is a wooden chair accidentally tipping over, especially if it happened in a hospital.

· If someone moves a chair for you, under no circumstances, after sitting and getting up from it, do not put it back in its original place. When visiting, this means that you will no longer be in this house.

· If you accidentally drop a comb on the floor, do not rush to pick it up, let someone else do it, or, before picking it up, step on it with your left foot and spit over your left shoulder three times. You should do almost the same thing with dropped gloves, but if someone else picks up and hands you a dropped glove, this is a sure sign that you are in for a pleasant surprise.

· If you forgot gloves in someone's house and then returned to pick them up, then do not take them over the threshold, but enter the house, even if you are in a hurry, sit down and pull them on your hands. Only after this can you leave - otherwise you will be in trouble.

· Giving gloves means a quarrel, but if this happened out of ignorance, then you should give some money for the gift.

· Humming on an empty stomach is a bad omen; you will have to cry in the evening. It is strictly forbidden to hum while playing cards or preparing a meal made from flour (pie, pancakes, etc.).

· To always have money in your pocket, put a bent coin or a coin with a hole in it. But it will help as long as, when receiving new money, you remember to spit on it.

· Whistling brings bad luck in many cases. You cannot whistle in a mine - a collapse may occur; on a ship - the whistle scares off a tailwind; behind the scenes of the theater - the audience will boo.

Gathering around a table with 13 people is a very bad omen. If this happens, in order to avoid misfortune, you need to put out an extra utensil and not leave it empty, but fill it with the same as the guests’ plates.

· It is a bad sign to follow the guest with your gaze until he is completely out of sight. A person may turn around and then be very homesick for home and loved ones.

· An old saying says that when crossing a bridge, it is better not to talk to anyone, even to your companion.

· To protect yourself from bad omens, you need to spit over your left shoulder three times: after a quarrel or an unpleasant incident; before you go on a dangerous and risky business, and especially when you feel that someone looked at you with an unkind look.

· Knocking on wood also protects against bad omens. Nowadays, you may not have a real tree at hand, so carry at least a small piece of tree bark in your pocket.

· To protect yourself from the evil eye, mentally place a mirror between you and this person with the front side facing him or, looking in his direction, whisper: “I wish the same for you.”

· The easiest way to protect yourself from the evil eye is to pin a safety pin as large as possible closer to your heart, but so that it is not visible to others. The head of the pin should be pointing down.

· If you feel that the person walking behind wants to put the evil eye on you or cast a spell on you, sharply turn your head towards him, move your right hand back towards him and make the goat sign with your fingers: the middle, ring and thumb fingers are clenched together, and the rest are extended. In this case, the hand is directed to the ground.

· According to folk wisdom, if you drain water through a sieve three times, it helps against spoilage and many diseases.

· Bandages made of red threads on the left hand protect against the evil eye and relieve joint pain. The power of red color is also transferred to plants with red berries - viburnum and rowan. Rowan, according to legend, drives away witches.

· To protect yourself from the influence of an evil person, hang a branch of St. John's wort at the entrance to your house - it will save a person from bad thoughts. In case of family damage, the corners in the house must be baptized with a burning branch of St. John's wort for ten days. You can stick a kitchen knife into the window frame or door in the most visible place. An ordinary person will not notice this, but a person with bad thoughts will fly out as if scalded.

· When a person first leaves home after a serious illness, he must walk around the house in the direction of the sun. If you don't do this, the disease will definitely return.

· The easiest way to protect yourself from the evil eye or damage is to cross your arms or legs when talking with a person from whom you can expect trouble.

· Tie two rowan sticks with red thread crosswise and hang this cross between the lining and the top of your outerwear. Not a single sorcerer and not a single witch can harm.

Boy or girl? Signs for determining the future gender of a child.

Determining the future gender of a child is a topic that has always interested future parents. After all, you need to prepare for the arrival of a new person, and it’s easier to do this if you know who will be born: a boy or a girl. At least to come up with a name for this new person.

Of course, there is now modern medical equipment that makes it possible to determine the sex of the unborn child with almost one hundred percent probability, but there are cases when the position of the fetus in the womb is such that even an ultrasound cannot determine the sex of the child. In addition, many parents refuse ultrasound, and many simply do not have such an opportunity.

This is where signs come to the rescue, allowing you to find out the gender of the unborn child even before birth. Naturally, such signs often have no scientific basis, but for inexplicable reasons they come true.

Some signs for the birth of a child
If the tummy is sharp and protruding, then it is a boy's tummy; if it is round and wide, it is a girl inside.
Hair on the legs grows more during pregnancy - it will be a boy. If the hair doesn't grow, it's a girl.
If the father and mother are already married or engaged at the time of conception, then a girl will be born, and if not, then a boy. The boy, as it were, will replace his father and become a man in the house.
If the woman in a couple loves more, a girl will be born. On the contrary - a boy.
If before conception the spouses are often sexually active, then a girl will be born, and if with a break of several days, then a boy will be born.
If a man wears tight underwear, he will have a boy, if he wears loose underwear, he will have a girl.
If conception occurs on the day of ovulation, a boy will be born. If a couple of days before - a girl.
The expectant mother sleeps with her head closer to the north - a boy will be born, to the south - a girl.
The mother's feet have become colder than they were before pregnancy - there will be a boy.
The expectant mother becomes prettier during pregnancy - expect a boy. Appearance began to deteriorate - expect a girl. Sometimes this sign only mentions the woman's face or breasts. They say that girls "steal" their mother's beauty. Dont be upset! Pregnancy is temporary.
A needle on a thread makes circles over the belly - a boy will be born. If it sways from side to side, it's a girl.
If you have a craving for sweets or fruits, this means you are having a girl. If you like salty or sour, as well as meat and cheese, it’s a boy.
A slightly smeared nose indicates a boy.

These are the most common signs of determining the gender of a child.

Remember: the birth of a child in itself is already a great joy and, perhaps, the most significant event in your life. And what gender he is is secondary. The main thing is to be healthy.

The last sign (especially for men):

Fathers often want a boy, but then love a girl more. She reminds her father of her mother and his wife in her youth. Naturally, the sign also applies to mothers expecting girls.

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Some people, not wanting to be classified as superstitious, deny superstitions and prejudices and even healthy ones. folk signs. Unfortunately, not everyone catches the difference. Here are some of folk signs..

If a lot of sap flows from the birch in the spring or the birch blossoms before the alder, then the summer will be rainy. Yellow leaves on trees in early summer herald early autumn. The same thing predicts late flowering of rowan. If in autumn the leaves of birch trees begin to turn yellow from the top, then spring will be early; if from below, then spring will be late. If not all the leaves fall off the trees in the fall, expect a cold winter. An abundance of acorns and rowan berries and a poor harvest of mushrooms means a harsh winter. A summer rich in berries leads to a cold winter.

The stars shine brightly - for a clear or frosty day; red sunset - towards the wind; circles around the sun - to frost, and around the moon - to the wind; smoke from the chimney in a column - to frost; smoke is a rocker (i.e. the smoke spreads) - to a thaw. If dew falls at night, there will be no rain during the day; If there is frost at night, then snow will not fall during the day. The salt in the house is damp, which means it will rain. If thunder thunders in September, it foretells a long autumn, and in October - a snowless winter.

The animal world is especially sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure. That’s why they note: in which direction the animal’s back lies, on that side you need to wait for the wind. Dogs roll on the ground - there will be snow. The horse lies down on the snow - it will be warm. Field mice make large reserves - there will be a harsh and snowy winter. Birds sit on the tops of trees - for warmth. Sparrows fly in flocks - there will be a wind, and if they start chirping, there will be a thaw. If in autumn birds fly low above the ground, it will be a cold winter, if high above the ground, it will be warm. If they make nests on the sunny side of the trees, it will be a cold summer. The owl screams to the cold.

How much will accept hunters and fishermen know! If a flock of seagulls flies out to sea early in the morning, it means the weather will be good. If birds flock to the shore despite the fact that the horizon is clear, the weather will change. If fish and seals are playing in the sea, you have to wait for a storm, and if during a strong storm at least one dolphin appears on the wave, it means that the storm will soon subside. Before an earthquake, lizards and snakes crawl out of their holes, and some fish off the coast of Japan begin to behave in a particularly restless manner. A great many signs are associated with the well-being of the person himself. Who doesn’t know that rheumatism predicts bad weather?

So many will accept expressed in proverbs. “Snow on the fields - grain in the bins”; “Cold spring for oats, warm for buckwheat”; “March is dry, but May is wet, there will be porridge and loaf”; “April is warm, May is cold - a grain-bearing year”; “April with water, May with grass”: “Throw oats in the mud, you will be like a prince”; “Mow hay - don’t ask for rain”; “After the big heat, expect thunderstorms.”

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Folk signs must in no way be confused with superstitions. Many people believe that an owl's crowing is bad luck; the cat crossed the road - expect failure; a horseshoe brings happiness; the appearance of a comet portends war; scatter salt - to a quarrel; if a person forgot something and returned, then there will be no way for him; If a woman crosses the road with empty buckets, then don’t expect any good. These are all superstitions.