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And feed the cat after sterilization. What to feed a cat after surgery: important features of recovery. Choosing a natural diet for a sterilized cat


A gentle, balanced diet is important for a pet that is recovering from surgery. After surgery, cats are characterized by weakness and drowsiness, and the pet becomes inactive. This condition is normal during the recovery period. In order for the cat to return to its normal state as quickly as possible, to become active and cheerful, it is necessary to carefully monitor its diet. A proper diet speeds up the healing process and prevents the development of complications.

The cat may refuse to eat for 1-2 days after surgery. Poor appetite after surgery is normal, but if you regularly refuse food, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian. The cat should not receive solid food for 24 hours after surgery. 5-6 hours after the procedure, you can offer your pet clean water. On the second day, soft food and food with a puree-like consistency should be given in small portions 3-4 times a day.

The purpose of postoperative nutrition is to compensate for the lack of nutrients that the cat has lost during the period of illness and treatment. Food should be rich in minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The cat's body is extremely sensitive, so it is recommended to buy specialized veterinary food with a suitable consistency, high nutritional value and a balanced composition. These foods contain all the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

High-quality veterinary food is produced by Royal Canine (Recovery canned food for post-operative animals). Additionally, baby food is an excellent food for convalescent cats. Salt- and sugar-free meat and vegetable purees are made from high-quality natural ingredients, so they can be safely given to your cat after surgery. Spices and foods with strong odors (such as sardines) should be avoided. A weak digestive system after illness may not be able to cope with such food. If the cat ate dry food before the illness, it is not recommended to give it after surgery. Many veterinarians offer dry food, but canned or pureed meats will be more beneficial during the recovery period.

Food for cats should not be hot, and you should also avoid feeding cold foods. Before feeding your cat, make sure that the food is at a comfortable body temperature.

“Defabergerization” is the name given to this delicate procedure in veterinarian slang. One of the simplest from a professional point of view, but at the same time very serious from the point of view of the impact on the health of the animal.

You will need

  • - stimulant or anti-stress drug
  • - warm and soft bedding
  • - spacious carrying basket where the cat can lie horizontally


Not 14 hours before the procedure. Animals are usually given general anesthesia, which induces vomiting, and undigested pieces of food can enter the respiratory tract. Therefore, the optimal time for this is before 11 am. The cat can be fed in the evening, he will spend a good night with a full stomach, and in the morning he will empty his intestines. And there will be no embarrassment on the veterinarian’s examination table.

Give an injection of a biostimulant the day before (for example, Gamavit; in case of stress associated with transportation or castration, it is indicated in the instructions) or give an anti-stress drug. You should not “distract” the animal with valerian, it stimulates the nervous system. Support the day before is especially important if the animal is aged or has recently been ill.

Be close to the cat when he comes out. Animals in this state behave inappropriately: they climb up, fall, cannot land correctly, this results in fractures, bruises, and even death. After the operation, the cat should be placed in a warm place, with access to fresh air (but not placed in a draft). It is best to close it in a portable basket. When the cat comes to his senses and wants to drink, you need to bring him warm and clean water (milk is not needed, its usefulness for cats is questionable, and it can provoke a vomiting reaction). You can feed the animal after at least ten hours. Veterinarians advise communicating with your cat kindly, calmly and patiently.

Diet and supportive care. After castration, cats' hormonal levels change and their metabolism slows down. This means that the problem of obesity and liver and kidney diseases is increasing. Therefore, you should take care of the diet in advance: choose ready-made food for neutered cats, or build a balanced diet from natural products.


The optimal age for castration of a male cat is 7-9 months. It is advisable to have the operation before the sexual instinct awakens.

Helpful advice

If the owner thinks that after castration the cat will stop tearing up furniture and marking the owner’s boots, then this is not so. The number of “hormonal” outrages may decrease. But deviations in behavior, psychological problems and banal revenge on the owner are not solved by castration. In order for the animal to learn to go to the toilet where it needs to be, there are special sprays with pheromones.


  • Castration and urolithiasis, the opinion of veterinarians.

Castration inevitably becomes a difficult ordeal for a cat. If the owners decide to do this, their direct responsibility is to ensure that the operation is as painless as possible for the animal.

The cat must be properly prepared. During the operation, the animal’s bladder and digestive tract must be empty, so the cat cannot be given water 12 hours before, or even given an hour an hour before.

Treatment of the wound

If after surgery the doctor treats the wound with Terramycin or Alumazol spray, they will remain on the skin for some time, in this case there is no need to treat the wound. If there was no such treatment, the wound must be washed with 3% peroxide or furatsilin solution, dissolving one tablet in a glass of water. It is not recommended to treat the wound with brilliant green or an alcohol solution of iodine; they can dry out the skin.

To prevent the cat from disturbing the wound by licking it, he needs to wear a special collar on his neck, which will prevent him from reaching the back of the body. The collar is removed only when eating. It is necessary to ensure that the cat does not rub the back of its body on the floor.

The filler used at this time should be soft so as not to disturb the wound. It is better if it is white or at least a light shade, in this case the owners will be able to immediately notice the bleeding that has begun.

Possible complications

Owners should be alert to an increase in the animal's body temperature. The normal temperature for a cat is 38-39°C. In the first three days it will inevitably be elevated, but if the temperature has not dropped on the fourth day, this is a reason for an urgent visit to the veterinarian. Moreover, you need to show the animal to a doctor if the wound begins to fester. In this case, the veterinarian will prescribe an antibiotic.

On the first day after surgery, a decrease in temperature (less than 37 degrees) may be observed, while the animal sleeps. The cat needs to be warmed up by applying a heating pad and rubbing its paws. If this does not help, the cat still does not move or wake up, you need to urgently call a veterinarian or take the cat to the clinic.

You should also take your cat to the clinic if the stitch starts to bleed.

After castration, a cat may suffer from constipation. Stool retention is inevitable during the first two to three days after anesthesia, but if the cat does not have stool for more than four days, it is necessary to start giving him a laxative. Of course, you cannot do this without first consulting a veterinarian; only he can choose the appropriate drug, taking into account the health condition and characteristics of the body of a particular animal.


  • Caring for a cat after castration

In recent years, more and more owners are deciding to sterilize their cats. And this is not just a matter of reluctance to have kittens: it has long been proven that animals who have had their uterus and ovaries removed before puberty and the first heat are 70-80% less likely to develop mammary cancer. So if you do not plan to engage in “breeding cat breeding”, there is a point in carrying out such an operation.

As a rule, young cats tolerate surgery relatively easily, but caring for a cat after sterilization can present certain difficulties. Especially if the breeders have never done this. In this article you will find answers to particularly pressing questions.

Important! We strongly do not recommend taking the operated animal home right away! It’s better to trust the professionals and leave the cat in a hospital for two to three days. Your pet will be under constant medical supervision during the most dangerous period.

So, your pet successfully underwent surgery, and you brought her home. During this period, you should closely monitor her condition, since many postoperative complications appear two to three days after surgery. The most dangerous signs are as follows:

  • Bleeding from the external genitalia.
  • Lethargy, depression or weakness.
  • Complete lack of appetite and even thirst. Note that polydipsia (increased thirst) after surgery is an absolutely normal and completely physiological phenomenon. But if it is not observed, something is clearly wrong.
  • Constant shaking.
  • Increased or decreased body temperature.
  • Unsteady gait.
  • Pale or severely hyperemic (reddened) mucous membranes.
  • Labored breathing.
  • or problems with bowel movements after surgery.

If you notice any of these signs in your cat after surgery, notify your veterinarian immediately. In addition, it would be a good idea to check how well your pet tolerated the injections of drugs used for anesthesia. If you react poorly to them, the following signs may be observed:

  • Swelling of the muzzle.
  • Hives.
  • Limping (if the injection into the muscle was unsuccessful). This may also be indicated by a strong pain reaction that manifests itself when you try to palpate the area of ​​interest to you.
  • Hypersalivation, that is, excessive salivation (after anesthesia this is a fairly typical phenomenon).

About proper watering and feeding

As practice shows, approximately half of the normal amount of food and water can be given to a cat within 12 hours after returning from the clinic. But only if there are no separate instructions from your veterinarian.

Read also: How many months can a cat be castrated: development of the pet, features of the procedure

In principle, an animal under 16 weeks of age recovers relatively quickly from surgery, and at this time it can be safely fed a “half” food norm. What to do when the animal doesn’t have much of an appetite? In this case, you can try to interest him by using a small amount of sugar (ideally maple) syrup.

To do this, take a cotton swab, lightly moisten it with a sweet solution and thoroughly wet your pet's upper lip with it. She will lick up the liquid and her appetite will probably be aroused. Feeding your cat will become much easier. Keep in mind that in cases where the animal is taken from the clinic in the evening or even at night, it will not have an appetite until the morning, and this is a completely normal physiological reaction of the body. Do not try to force water and food, the next morning the animal will probably eat itself.

It is generally not advisable to leave anything other than a small volume of clean drinking water overnight. Offer your first meal in the morning, carefully observing the pet's behavior and possible pathological effects. If during this time (or after feeding) your cat begins to vomit or have profuse diarrhea, contact your veterinarian immediately, as there is nothing you can do at home.

Important! When your pet arrives from the veterinarian with a surgical collar on its neck, do not remove it under any circumstances. If the cat is too uncomfortable to eat with it, then the collar can be removed during feeding... be sure to return it to its place as soon as she eats.

When removing the ovaries and uterus, veterinarians use quite powerful and serious drugs. Therefore, in the postoperative period, under no circumstances give your animal any medications without first consulting with a specialist. The interaction of various drugs can lead to unpredictable consequences. If a specialist has prescribed any medications for your pet, be sure and exactly (!) follow all the advice of the veterinarian and his recommendations.

About the condition of the seams

As for postoperative sutures, recently they are increasingly using suture material that can independently dissolve in the animal’s body. In general, it is better to consult a veterinarian in advance about this: it is possible that you can remove the stitches yourself. In other cases, let a specialist do it. In addition, young animals are often sutured directly to the internal organs, and the outside is closed with surgical polymer glue. It is clear that in this case there is also no need to remove anything.

All postoperative care for a cat consists of preventing the animal from removing the protective layer and scratching its stomach until it bleeds.

For older cats, special surgical diapers are also used. They fix the seams and prevent the pet from scratching and licking them. The owner is required to inspect postoperative sutures at least twice a day and, if necessary, contact a veterinarian immediately.

Read also: How does a cat's character change after castration?

It is important to make sure that the post-operative wound heals normally. Take as a “role model” the condition that was observed immediately after the animal was discharged from the clinic. If the condition of the incision worsens, it’s time to sound the alarm. This is especially true when the surrounding area of ​​the seam is very red, exudate appears, there is a bad smell from the seam, or it is simply very hot to the touch. In this case, you must immediately contact a veterinarian, as the consequences of delay may be too serious.

By the way, how are seams treated? Oddly enough, no way. In most cases, everything heals well on its own. If the suture area is inflamed and swollen, you need to think not about how to treat it, but about a quick visit to a veterinarian!

Other Notes

Animals who have undergone this operation receive a small green tattoo (this practice has been spreading in our country in recent years). As a rule, it is done near the surgical suture. To create it, special automatic instruments are used, completely sterile. It doesn't cause any problems. However, this does not at all negate the need for daily inspection of the “tattoo”. The signs that something is wrong are the same as in the case of stitches.

Do your best to prevent licking the post-operative area, as this is guaranteed to lead to serious problems. This is why we have already mentioned the surgical collar. Typically, it should be used for at least ten days after the cat is discharged from the clinic. If even after this period the seam has not yet completely healed (the animal is old, weakened), you should consult a veterinarian about extending the time of wearing the collar.

"Outdoor games"

The cat should not jump or play for at least seven days after surgery. This period is very dangerous due to the increased risk of suture dehiscence (or infection of the postoperative area). To make this rule easier to follow, you need to do the following:

  • Place the operated pet in a small room or carrier.
  • The size of the room/cage is selected so that the cat cannot run or even turn around there.
  • If you have stairs in your home, do not allow your pet to climb them.
  • Try to control the animal even when it is about to visit the tray. Don't let your cat play with other animals or people. Also, don't let your pet jump on furniture.

Many cat owners periodically ask themselves the question: should they sterilize their pet? Sometimes the decisive factor in this matter is that as the cat grows up, it begins to mark corners in the apartment during heat. Not only does she mark everything around, but she also yells all the time. And such a period can last up to two weeks every three months, but it happens even more often.

This behavior of the animal is not only annoying, but you also want to help him. How to do it? There are different methods, but they are short-lived. So it turns out that the most effective is sterilization, which will save everyone from inconvenience and unnecessary offspring.

Once the cat has been sterilized, she the physiology of the body changes. As a result, after surgery, changes occur not only in the body. As all owners notice, after sterilization the pet’s appetite changes. It is considered normal that a sterilized cat requires less food than a fertile cat. In fact, quite the opposite happens. This, of course, manifests itself more in cats: they begin to eat more, since the procedure of eating replaces all other joys for them.

How to feed a cat before and after sterilization

To sterilize a cat, you should take her age into account. You can't do this at an early age. The optimal age for a kitten is nine months. At this time, cats are already in their first heat. Of course, everything depends on the breed, because growing up is a purely individual moment. Before nine months, the operation should not be performed so as not to harm your pet.

The operation and postoperative period must comply with the norms and rules for caring for a sick animal. Although such an operation is common and considered safe, there may still be different nuances: the cat may have a bad heart, an allergic reaction to anesthesia, and so on.

Therefore it is worth adhere to certain requirements and conditions for the cat’s recovery after surgery.

  • Since the operation is performed under general anesthesia, its effect on the cat is such that it can sleep until the next morning. At the same time, her sleep will be periodically interrupted. You need to provide care for your pet:
    • a) monitor the cat’s body temperature and prevent its body from becoming hypothermic;
    • b) to prevent it from suffocating, watch where the animal is trying to bury its nose;
    • c) do not place the operated patient even at a small height;
    • d) if the cat sleeps with its eyes open, drops should be instilled in it to prevent drying out of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  • If necessary (as determined by the doctor), you will need to take a course of antibiotics. This means that you need to free yourself from other activities in order to care for the animal.
  • Caring for and monitoring the seam will help avoid unnecessary complications. The cat will try to lick this place and tear off the blanket. If everything is done correctly and she does not have the opportunity to get close to the seam, then after two weeks the blanket can be removed.
  • Don't be alarmed if your pet doesn't go to the toilet for a while. It may be that after sterilization she urinates, and “mostly” begins to walk some time later.
  • After the operation, the animal can only be given water for the first day (however, it all depends on the animal itself). Your doctor will tell you what to feed your cat after sterilization.

Proper nutrition for a sterilized animal

We have already found out why to sterilize a cat and what measures to take in the postoperative period. Now it remains to figure out what to feed such an animal. First of all I need to give you more to drink, since usually after surgery, cats develop a disease associated with stones in the bladder.

The basic principle in feeding a sterilized cat is what she ate before they decided to sterilize her:

  • if the animal was fed with industrial feed, then nothing needs to be changed;
  • Feeding homemade food to which the cat is accustomed should also be left at the same level.

If everything remains at the same level, then the question: how to feed a sterilized cat is inappropriate? Actually this is not true. There are certain restrictions on how to properly feed your pet due to the consequences of the operation.

After sterilizing a cat, you should know the following: changes in her diet:

  • Since most castrated (sterilized) dogs begin to gain weight immediately, they should be limited in food intake. The restriction should begin with reducing the portion of food and increasing the amount of water to drink. Further feeding is carried out in the same volume as before, but in smaller doses.
  • The food must be given in such a way that it contains either no or minimal phosphorus and magnesium. That is, fish must be excluded - it contains these elements. This is done to avoid kidney and bladder stones.
  • After sterilization, an animal may begin to drink less or stop drinking water altogether. In this case, you can add water to the food. Industrially produced food, such as canned food in packs or jars, contains a lot of liquid and this is quite enough for the normal functioning of the cat’s body.
  • A sterilized animal needs to add vegetables to its diet. This, of course, should be done in such a way that your pet does not turn away from the imposed feeding.
  • Do not mix industrial feed (canned food) and homemade food. If the morning feeding consisted of natural food, then in the evening you can give chicken or beef. Natural meat must be cooked.

How not to feed a cat after sterilization

In order for your pet to eat as an animal should, you should understand for yourself which foods are contraindicated for him. First of all, he cannot eat everything that people eat, then eat those delicious but unhealthy foods which we like so much.

Many people simply don’t think about what to feed a sterilized cat. Everyone wants to pamper their pet, making it worse. If the owner really wants his beloved animal to be healthy and beautiful, it should be limited in products such as:

A sterilized animal quickly gains weight, and if it is also given fatty foods, this process will go even faster. Fatty foods include: lamb, pork, goose and duck. Such products are poorly absorbed by the body and, moreover, should not be given raw. If the animal loves raw meat, you can sometimes pamper it, but only after freezing the meat.

Just like dogs, cats are harmed by chicken bones.

The food should not contain any sugar or salt, or spices. All this is retained in the body and leads to obesity and other diseases, especially in sterilized animals.

Any type of sausage, fried and smoked meat is strictly prohibited for cats. And if you give an animal, for example, meat with potatoes or various types of legumes, then indigestion is guaranteed.

The main principles of feeding and health of cats

Sterilization of cats is routinely part of our everyday life. The females of our favorite purring animals, even if they are always at home, still follow the reproductive instinct. They cause a lot of trouble to their owner. Few people will like the constant meowing and restless behavior of a house lady. The animal itself suffers. Hormonal imbalances appear in the body, leading to undesirable consequences for the health of the pussy. A sterilized cat is deprived of the reproductive instinct, so it becomes calmer and more balanced.

A sterilized cat loses energy and begins to sleep partly. Sometimes he sleeps anywhere.

But there are also disadvantages after surgery on a cat. The energy needs of animals become 20-25% lower.

Animals' metabolism slows down, they become prone to gaining excess weight. Cats no longer have to take care of their offspring and get their own food. Having nothing else to do, the animals begin to happily absorb ready-made food and actively beg for it. Pets urinate less often. It is more common in sterilized cats.

The right diet

Dry or natural food? This is a bone of contention among cat lovers.

To mitigate these problems, it is important for the animal to choose the right diet and diet. The cat must be fed strictly according to the schedule, once or twice a day. You can divide the prescribed portion of food into three times.

Attention! It is important to know! A cat is a carnivorous animal, so half of its diet should consist of meat. It contains the amino acid taurine, which is necessary for the proper metabolism of a domestic animal. With a lack of taurine in pets, vision is impaired and immunity is weakened.

How long after sterilization can you feed a cat?

After the operation the animal 3–6 hours will be under anesthesia. Do not leave your pet unattended during this period. When she wakes up, the animal needs to drink water from a pipette.

You can feed your cat every other day, but do not force her to eat.

Let her eat on her own when she feels like it. It is especially important to choose the right homemade food for your cat. After all, the animals are not allowed to strain for some time. Food should be easy to digest.

What to feed a sterilized cat

You should treat your sterilized cat with kefir.

Good types of products:

  • millet and buckwheat porridge, boiled in water;
  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • minced boiled lean turkey, beef, chicken;
  • boiled ground egg, if raw, then only from domestic chicken or quail.

It is better to combine these types of feed. It is unlikely that picky people with mustaches will agree to eat porridge with water. It is mixed with minced meat.

Attention! It is important to know! You should not give raw store-bought eggs to your cat. They are carriers of a dangerous disease - salmonellosis.

Meat for cats

The choice of meat should be taken with special responsibility.

Choose meat for your pet carefully. A stale, stale product will cause undesirable consequences in the body of a weakened animal.

Constant nutrition for a sterilized cat

Gradually, when the pet gets stronger, the following is introduced into its diet:

  • Lean meat broths.
  • Vegetables (cabbage, carrots, cucumber, beets).
  • Boiled offal, which contains beneficial nutrients, 1-2 times a week.
  • Porridge (wheat, rice, barley, corn).
  • Boiled potatoes pre-soaked in water.
  • Low-fat dairy products (cream, milk, sour cream, yogurt, fermented baked milk cheese).
  • Greens, sprouted or brought from the street.

To prevent urolithiasis, add more liquid to pussy foods. Cook chopped soups - mashed potatoes, minced meat, herbs. Get creative when preparing pussy food.

Don't get carried away by one type of product. For example, modern commercial chicken meat is stuffed with hormones and drugs. There are especially many toxic substances in chicken liver, because it is this organ that accumulates toxic substances. The temperature of the cat's food should not be very cold or hot.

Canned food at home

Homemade canned food will undoubtedly please your lady at home.

  1. Freeze chicken necks, wings, pig ears, and cartilage for four days in the deep freezer.
  2. Offal: liver, heart, chicken gizzards, boil lungs.
  3. Pass meat products through a meat grinder.
  4. Add vitamin B 12 to the resulting mixture. Capsules with vitamins are purchased at the pharmacy; the amount in canned food depends on the weight of the animal.
  5. Pack the finished product into plastic bags and freeze or put into glass jars and seal with iron lids.

Dry food for sterilized cats

An example of dry food packaging for a sterilized cat.

Specialized stores sell canned food for cats. They have the inscription: “For sterilized cats.” These products contain the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The food is enriched with immunostimulants and microelements. But canned food has a high price and not everyone can afford it.

There are also dry food for this type of animal. The pet is given its favorite “drying” in small quantities. But after feeding them, the cat should drink a lot of water.

Attention! It is important to know! Raw, unfrozen meat and fish should not be fed to cats, as there is a possible risk of infection. Fresh, fresh meat is especially harmful for cats, as it threatens the pet with protein intoxication.

What foods are undesirable?

Fish in large doses is harmful to sterilized cats!

The following foods are limited to a minimum in a cat’s diet:

  • fish - contains a large amount of phosphorus;
  • oatmeal - it has a lot of magnesium;
  • semolina porridge - does not contain vitamins, but is high in calories.
  • cream, sour cream, milk with a fat content of more than 10%;

Prohibited for use:

  • fried, cooked, pickled dishes;
  • canned fish;
  • sausages;
  • legumes

Individual features of feeding sterilized cats

If a sterilized cat has weak bones, then include capelin in her diet.

You need to approach feeding your pet individually. A type of food suitable for one cat may not be digestible by others. Not all pussies like raw milk, due to their bodies being lactose intolerant. Consider the breed of the animal, such as weak bones.

Fish rich in the elements calcium and magnesium cannot be excluded from their diet.. Cheap capelin and pollock diversify the cat's diet. Raw meat products can be given to a cat, but they must be frozen for at least four days in the freezer. It is during this period that helminth eggs in the product die.

If the animal still gains excess weight, limit the amount of food it eats. Canned food sold in stores labeled “Anti-obesity” is just a ploy by manufacturers.

Feeding area

Cat bowl. It must be kept clean.

Pet stores sell special dishes for feeding animals. It must be kept clean. Leftover food sours and causes... Cats prefer to drink water from a large container. Pamper your furry pet by setting up a basin for this purpose. The water should be clean, without a high content of salts. Give your cat a comfortable place to feed where she will not be disturbed. After eating, do not play with the animal.


If you feed your pet correctly, he will always be healthy; with fluffy shiny fur and joyful eyes. A well-groomed pet friend will appreciate your concerns and thank you with his devotion and affection.

Many cat owners who have chosen a female kitten as a pet believe that if she lives in the house without going outside, they will not have the problems that cat owners have. The vocal exercises typical of cats during the period of searching for a partner will not be heard, and there will be no constant markings of the apartment’s territory.

Unfortunately, with the onset of puberty, cats also very clearly express their desires during the period of heat. Not every owner can withstand heartbreaking meowing around the clock, and the lack of the possibility of procreation is fraught with various diseases for the cat. And if the cat does find its way to freedom, then it will have to place the unexpected offspring “in good hands,” which is not very easy to do.

Hormonal medications offered by experts to solve this problem can also affect the health of a pet over time, causing serious illnesses. The only correct solution is to go to a veterinary clinic where they perform cat sterilization operations. Such an operation will free the cat from the desire to procreate, and its owners from listening to plaintive meows and worrying about the placement of unplanned kittens.

Not all veterinarians, after performing a cat sterilization operation, warn its owners that some of the cat’s habits will change significantly. It is quite natural that she will become much calmer and more affectionate, but the significantly increased appetite of your pet will come as a surprise to many. An empty bowl of food causes real panic in the cat, and begging for food becomes its main activity.

Naturally, if you do not limit your pet’s diet, then after a couple of months its weight will increase significantly, and this can cause new problems related to the cat’s health. What is the reason for such increased interest in food? This is explained simply - of the two basic instincts an animal has, only one remains in a sterilized cat.
If before the operation she was interested in the possibility of procreation, and for this it was necessary not only to find a partner, but also to eat well, now the cat is no longer interested in finding a partner. The only pleasure available was food.

At the same time, most animals do not have a feeling of satiety, which means that no matter how much food is in the bowl, it will be eaten without a trace.

Often cat owners believe that their pet's bowl should be constantly filled with food. However, this is a huge mistake, which they try to correct only when they notice the rapidly increasing weight of the cat.

How to organize proper nutrition for a sterilized cat

After surgery, there is no need to radically change the type of food your pet eats. If your cat is accustomed to eating natural products, then you should not look for a replacement in the form of ready-made food. Industrial feed should be treated more carefully than before sterilization. The food must be of high quality and specialized, that is, intended for sterilized cats.

Although, as mentioned above, cats have a complex relationship with the feeling of satiety, high-quality food will allow the cat not to leave her bowl hungry. Nutritious food rich in protein will allow your cat to temporarily forget about the need to eat.

To avoid gaining excess weight, cats, like people, need a proper diet. It is necessary to teach her that food appears in the bowl only in the morning and evening. The rest of the time it should remain empty. If the cat is accustomed to three meals a day, you can meet her halfway; however, the amount of food intended for the day should be divided into three feedings.

Selection of ready-made food

To paraphrase a famous cat food advertisement, we can say - if pussy could read, she would never buy Whiskas! Every cat owner who treats their pet with love understands that economy-class food is not of high quality. High-quality food does not come cheap.

In order to understand how different categories of feed differ, it is enough to carefully study their compositions. Fine print on the packaging will tell you exactly what is included in each food. It immediately becomes clear that saving on your pet is not worth it - trips to the veterinarian will cost much more than the amount saved.

Some manufacturers produce premium foods that are almost as good in characteristics as diets included in the super-premium category. It is these foods that you should pay attention to when choosing food that is included in the line designated “For sterilized cats.”

If your cat is gaining excess weight, it is a good idea to purchase food that is labeled “Anti-obesity.”

This lump has less calories, so sometimes you can pamper your pet with a small handful of your favorite dried goods without causing damage to her health. To prevent urolithiasis, which also affects cats, special foods are also produced.
They contain more vitamins, but the amount of phosphorus and magnesium is reduced to a minimum. High-quality preventive feeds prevent the appearance of stones, since the components present in their composition simply dissolve them.

We should not forget that a cat eating dry food definitely needs a bowl of fresh water. When choosing food, you need to make sure that it has the inscription “Prevention” on it. Medicinal feeds are purchased only on the recommendation of a veterinarian.

Natural food for cats after sterilization

When using natural food in a cat's diet, you should not treat it with ready-made foods made in production. An exception is made only for wet food, most often using it in the form of treats to add variety to the cat's diet. Since the cat is small, but a predator, the food for it should be appropriate to its status - meat should make up at least half of its diet.

The meat can be almost any kind, but the main thing that must be observed is that it must be lean. You can feed a sterilized cat raw meat, however, to avoid infection with worms, it should be frozen first. At least once a week you need to give your cat offal, pre-boiled. They contain many substances that are beneficial for cats.

Without spending too much time, you can prepare homemade canned food for your cat. The most popular option is when all the ingredients of future canned food (chicken necks, cartilage, pig ears) are frozen, but not boiled. Beef or chicken liver, stomach and heart can be boiled or frozen. Rice or buckwheat is boiled without salt.

Nutritional supplements are calculated based on the number of servings of the finished product, and vitamin B 12 is based on the weight of the animal. Pass all the components of the feed through a meat grinder (it is better to use an electric one) and package it in a plastic container. If desired, the product can be rolled into jars. To make the food more liquid, you can add low-fat broth to it.

Vegetables, both boiled and pureed raw, are required in the diet of a sterilized cat.

You can’t do without dairy products - kefir, cottage cheese, cheese. There are different opinions about sour cream. Some cat nutrition experts believe that it can be given, but only with reduced fat content. According to others, cats can do just fine without sour cream.

You should know that fish is extremely harmful for a sterilized cat, so even boiled fish should not be included in the cat’s diet. You should also forget about fried, smoked, pickled and spicy foods, although some cats love to enjoy such “delicacies”. I hope we answered the question: “What to feed a sterilized cat?”