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How to quickly heal a burst callus on the heel. Callus on the heel: types and treatment. Therapeutic plasters for calluses

Calluses on the heels are a pressing problem for most adults. A callus is a formation on the skin, which is a consequence of the body’s protective reaction to prolonged exposure to a traumatic factor. Calluses often cause pain, and if not treated promptly, they can become inflamed and impair blood circulation in nearby tissues.

Reasons for appearance

The main reason why calluses form is wearing tight, poor-quality and uncomfortable shoes. When a certain area of ​​the foot is subjected to constant pressure or friction, the skin begins to peel off and die. A keratinized surface – a callus – forms in this area.

Other factors causing calluses may include:

  • incorrect gait;
  • flat feet;
  • diabetes;
  • playing sports, in particular running;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • the presence of other skin diseases.

Calluses often appear in women who spend a lot of time wearing high-heeled shoes, as well as in people who have problems with excess weight.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the type of callus and eliminate the cause of its occurrence.


There are dozens of varieties of calluses, but according to some characteristics they can be divided into three main groups: dry, water and core, or ingrown.

  • Dry callus on the heel. They are skin growths that increase in thickness over time if pressure or friction continues to apply to the area. Sometimes the development of this type of callus begins with the formation of a blister, which soon bursts, and the skin underneath dries out and becomes hard. The pain that occurs with dry callus depends on the depth of compression of the epidermal layer. In some cases, such calluses become covered with cracks, which is fraught with infection entering the circulatory system and suppuration of the damaged area.
  • Water callus most often localized on the side of the foot or on the back of it - where the skin is more delicate and vulnerable to injury. This callus looks like a bubble filled with a light liquid, the top layer of which is a layer of skin that has peeled off due to friction. A water callus causes discomfort, and if a blister ruptures, it can cause harmful bacteria to enter the body. This type is often called a wet callus.
  • Callus also called internal, or ingrown. This is the most problematic type of callus, which is very difficult to get rid of. It is believed that an internal callus is a type of dry callus in which a vertical core begins to develop under the outer layer of keratinized skin, which penetrates deep into the soft tissues of the foot. This callus looks like a small area of ​​rough skin and does not look different from a regular dry callus. The danger of a callus is that, as it deepens, it can reach nerve endings, which leads to severe pain and gait disturbance. This contributes to the development of joint diseases, tendon damage and inflammation of muscle tissue.

In addition to wearing uncomfortable shoes, the formation of such a callus is often caused by trauma to the skin with some sharp object, for example, a large splinter. In some cases, callus develops against the background of a fungal foot disease.

Drug treatment

How to cure a callus on the heel quickly? When prescribing a therapeutic course, the type of callus, as well as the stage of its development, are taken into account.

Dry callus

This type of callus is quite easy to cure. Daily foot baths with the addition of a small amount of salt help, as well as regular moistening of hardened areas and caring for them using laundry soap.

To treat dry calluses, salicylic ointments containing benzoic acid or lactic acid are prescribed (for example, Super Antimozolin or Bensalitin). They soften rough skin and help facilitate the removal of dead skin layers.

Water callus

With the wrong approach to treatment, this type of callus can provoke the development of severe complications. If bacteria gets into the wound, it can become inflamed and fester, so you should not allow the integrity of the blister to be damaged.

To prevent the destruction of the water callus, it must be protected from external influences. If the bubble does burst, it is necessary to disinfect the wound, and then seal the damaged area with an adhesive plaster.

The following ointments can be used as a disinfectant: Levomekol, Solcorseryl, streptocidal ointment. For these purposes, you need a special adhesive plaster, specially designed to protect against infections - for example, a plaster "Compid". If the callus begins to break out, the use of ointments that contain antibiotics is required.

You cannot pierce such calluses yourself, but there are situations when it is impossible to avoid rubbing a wet callus. Then you can carefully open the blister yourself. To do this, you need to take a sharp needle, disinfect it with fire or alcohol, then pierce the bubble with the needle and wait for the liquid to flow out. After this, you need to treat the damaged area with an antibacterial agent and apply a bandage.


Most often, such a callus appears after a foreign object penetrates the skin. At the same time, epithelial cells begin to divide more actively, which leads to the appearance of such formations.

Core callus is the most difficult type of callus to treat. You cannot simply remove the top layer of skin, since such a callus penetrates deep into the tissue of the foot. A special patch can help alleviate the condition and stop the development of this disease. "Salipod", as well as remedies for calluses on heels based on salicylic acid. Such ointments should be applied only to cleansed and dried skin surfaces.

And to completely get rid of such a callus, more serious intervention will be required. There are three ways to remove this pathology:

  • Drilling. During this procedure, the root of the callus is removed with a special drill. After cutting out the callus core, a depression is formed into which the antiviral drug is introduced. Sometimes such an operation has to be performed in several stages.
  • Laser intervention. Using a laser beam, the rod is burned out of the tissue, simultaneously destroying pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. This operation is considered the safest. Just one procedure is enough to completely get rid of calluses. After this operation there are no scars or scars, and the tissue very quickly restores its shape. The only drawback of this treatment is its high cost.
  • Cryotherapy. The procedure involves treating the problem area with liquid nitrogen. Affected tissues freeze and die under the influence of ultra-low temperatures. Within a few days, smooth, healthy skin will form in place of the former callus.

Find out all about the first signs after clicking on the link.

Read about the treatment of vitiligo with folk remedies at this address.

If you go here you can find out everything about the treatment of subcutaneous acne.

Traditional methods of treatment

How to quickly remove, heal and heal a callus on the heel? Use traditional methods! Calluses can be successfully combated by using traditional medicine. The best results can be achieved using the following recipes:

  • Raw potatoes, aloe leaves and onions are crushed to a mushy state, mixed and applied to the affected area. You need to stick a patch on top. Under the influence of this mixture, the callus softens and the next day it can be easily scraped off.
  • It helps to remove calluses and a mixture of lard and celandine juice.
  • Applying natural propolis to the diseased area will soften the keratinized tissue.
  • To eliminate dry calluses, milky dandelion juice helps well, which should be regularly lubricated on sore skin.
  • Cut off the top of the lemon, apply it to the callus, and bandage the top. This bandage should be left on all night.
  • Compresses made from glycerin and castor oil help fight dry calluses on the heels.
  • Daily 15-minute baths with a solution of potassium permanganate in water help quickly get rid of calluses. After such baths, it is advisable to lubricate the sore spots with iodine.
  • Bread crumb soaked in vinegar and applied to sore spots at night can eliminate even old calluses.
  • If the blister is damaged, it is recommended to lubricate these places with tomato paste or a tomato slice.
  • To remove a wet callus, you can apply a compress of fish oil mixed with aloe juice at night. This compress is secured with a bandage or bandage.

Hot baths with soda, mustard powder and liquid soap can help remove calluses. After such a bath, you should carefully scrape off the top layer of keratinized skin, then drop a little vinegar, citric acid or celandine juice onto the exposed shaft, and then seal it with a bactericidal plaster on top.

When to see a doctor

If acute pain, suppuration or bleeding occurs that lasts more than a day, you need to seek help from a doctor. Calluses can occur as a result of other serious diseases - eczema, diabetes, shingles, as well as a variety of infectious diseases. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo an examination even if minor skin pathologies appear.

Preventive measures

The appearance of calluses on the heels can be prevented in a timely manner by following a few simple recommendations:

  • Wear only comfortable, high-quality shoes with the ideal size. The materials from which it is made must be only natural.
  • Socks should only be used that are excellent at absorbing sweat - made of wool or cotton. Socks should fit well to the foot, but not squeeze it too much. It is advisable to choose socks without wrinkles, and you need to change them daily.
  • If you are going to go outdoors, it is recommended to treat the area of ​​the foot that is most susceptible to friction with Vaseline. In addition, for long walks or hikes you need to wear two pairs of socks - thin and thick on top.
  • If a burning sensation appears on the skin, even the slightest, you should immediately apply an adhesive plaster to the area.
  • Talc helps reduce skin friction.

Guided by these simple rules, you can significantly reduce the risk of calluses, as well as prevent the development and manifestation of complications of existing problems.

In the following video you can see effective methods of dealing with calluses on the heels:

The skin on your heels feels rough and horny, but sometimes even the softest shoes can cause a lot of chafing. This happens both with a new pair of shoes and with worn-out sandals, which, it would seem, will not cause any trouble. Calluses on the heels make it difficult to walk normally and wear your favorite shoes, and the pain and burning sensation from a burst blister is difficult to relieve. What to do if the patches no longer help.

  1. Dry ones are formed from keratinized epithelial cells. Until now, doctors cannot determine the cause of such calluses, but it is believed that it is either a fungus or a dermatotropic virus. The outline of the formation is usually round or oval.
  2. The core ones are quite painful. They are distinguished by the presence of a solid rod inside. Outwardly they resemble a bump with a small round spot in the center. A callus is the result of ignoring a dry formation on the sole of the heel. Sometimes a rod will form around an embedded splinter, so it is advisable to pull them out quickly.
  3. Wet ones are a constant companion of summer shoes. It is a bubble on the heel with liquid inside, formed from strong friction of the skin of the heel and foot against the shoe.
  4. Bloody - the result of a burst bladder. It must be handled carefully, otherwise suppuration will occur. If the wound becomes inflamed and pus appears, you should immediately consult a doctor for proper treatment.
  5. Bone has nothing to do with tight or uncomfortable shoes. It occurs at the site of a bone fracture and is not a pathology. If a callus like this appears, which is clearly visible in the picture, it means that the body has begun to heal the damage.

Mild forms of dry and wet calluses on the feet or heels can be treated on your own. If the skin lesion does not heal, you should consult a doctor to avoid complications.

Causes of calluses

No one is immune from chafing. They arise for several reasons:

  • uncomfortable or unworn shoes;
  • lack of proper foot hygiene, which causes the skin to become rough and burst;
  • frequent use of synthetic socks, which prevent the epidermis from breathing normally.

Treatment of wet calluses

When a bubble appears on the heel, which makes it difficult to walk and hurts, the first desire is to pierce it. But this can only be done with large blisters. It is important that the needle is sterile. You can take a syringe needle, or another option is to heat a regular sewing needle in the flame of a lighter. After this, the bubble is carefully punctured. If the blister is small, it is better not to touch it: it protects against infection and helps the skin heal faster. As soon as regeneration is activated in the epidermis, the liquid in the callus will begin to dissolve and the blister will disappear.

If the callus on the heel has burst, you need to try to protect the wound from bacteria. It is necessary to use a bactericidal patch; you can apply a healing antibacterial balm or ointment to the heel. If you ignore the chafing and do not treat it with anything, the risk of suppuration increases significantly. Then you will have to contact a surgeon who will treat the infected callus, apply a bandage and give recommendations for treatment.

There are no other, more professional, methods of treating wet or bloody calluses. The main thing is to change the patch on time and avoid unworn shoes or boots for a while, but it is better to stay at home for a few days until the wound heals.

Getting rid of dry calluses

They are usually located in the heel area. When the skin gets too dry, it cracks and starts to hurt. To prevent this result, you need to properly treat dry callus on the heel.

The basis of therapy is getting rid of keratinized areas on the heels. It is recommended to steam your feet in hot water, you can add a couple of drops of softening essential oil. A bath with regular baking soda helps a lot. As soon as the callus has softened and become pliable, you need to carefully remove the keratinized skin using a pumice stone or a special file. After the removal procedure, thoroughly dry your foot with a towel, and then apply a rich, nourishing foot cream or oil.

Callus therapy

It is very easy to distinguish it from an ordinary dry callus: it looks more like a bump, and in the center you can see a light oval-shaped spot. This is where the rod is located. You can pull it out using the Salipod patch. It is necessary to glue it so that the healing pad is located exactly above the “cap” of the rod.

The remedy contains salicylic acid and sulfur. Keep the patch on for 1-2 days, after which the callus core will come out. If it does not come out completely, you need to repeat the procedure a couple more times. Carefully cut off the remaining dry skin from the heel using a pumice stone or file, after steaming your feet.

Pharmacy anti-callus products

Pharmaceutical companies produce a huge number of ointments, creams and patches that will help soften the skin on the foot, heal burst blisters from wet calluses, and numb the disturbing area of ​​the skin. They are divided into several large categories.

Emollient creams

The best way to prevent heel calluses is to properly soften the skin. The following tools will do the job perfectly:

  1. Pro Linc Be Natural Callus Eliminator. The gel makes the callus more pliable and makes it easier to remove. The product is able to pull out small rods and facilitate skin healing.
  2. Oriflame Feet Up Advanced. Another emollient cream that helps get rid of dry calluses and prevent the risk of calluses.
  3. Avon Foot Works. A foot bath product that resembles a liquid gel. Add one measuring cap to a small bowl of hot water. After such steaming, the keratinized skin can be easily removed using a file or pumice.
  4. "Sofia." Excellent cream of domestic production. It will not only soften the skin, but also relieve fatigue after a long day on your feet. The manufacturer produces a cream with leech extract, urea, bee venom and glucosamine-chondroitin.
  5. Floresan Organic Foot Care. Keratolytic cream that helps get rid of cracked feet. The composition includes celandine and pine nut oil, which soften the skin and heal wounds.

Foot care creams are used as often as possible, combined with regular skin treatment with pumice.

Medicines for removing dry calluses

Emollients will help prevent calluses from forming, but if you have large calluses, creams are often useless. We have to resort to more serious pharmaceutical drugs:

  1. "Super clean." This is a liquid for burning out rough skin. You must be extremely careful and avoid contact with areas outside the dry callus. You need to drip a couple of drops onto the desired area twice a day.
  2. "Stop callus." An analogue of “Super Clean”, the principle of use is the same. It is necessary to ensure that the product does not come into contact with healthy skin.
  3. Aspirin. Grind a few tablets into powder and add a little water to get a paste consistency. Apply to heels, wrap plastic film on top or put on shoe covers, then wool socks. After 20 minutes, wash your feet and remove calluses using a pumice stone.

Therapeutic plasters for calluses

This category of medicinal products is necessary for the treatment of wet calluses. Patches can be divided into 2 large categories: preventive and therapeutic. The first ones are glued to the most sensitive places on the foot and in the heel area. If you bought new shoes, you can’t do without prevention.

Therapeutic adhesive plasters have special pads onto which a disinfectant is applied. They are glued to a wet callus to quickly heal the wound from a burst bladder.

Traditional methods

People have suffered from calluses throughout history. Before the advent of modern treatments, medicinal plants were used. With their help, it was possible to soften dry calluses and speed up the healing of wet calluses. For convenience, all traditional methods are divided according to the types of callous formations being treated.

Wet calluses

The following will help you get rid of the blister and heal the wound from a burst blister faster:

  • a compress made from a mixture of aloe juice and fish oil;
  • a piece of fig;
  • lemon zest (it is important that there is no pulp left);
  • film on the inside of a raw egg shell.

Attach a small piece of the selected medicinal product to the callus and leave for the whole day. Repeat compresses until healing.

Dry calluses

The main goal is to soak and remove rough skin so that it does not have time to crack. You can do this in several ways:

  1. Grate the onion and potatoes and mix in equal proportions. Add aloe juice. Apply the paste onto a bandage and attach to the callus. It is advisable to keep the compress for 24 hours, then treat the skin on the heel with pumice stone and apply a nourishing cream.
  2. Apply natural propolis to a piece of bandage and attach to the heel.
  3. Squeeze milky juice from dandelion and regularly lubricate your skin with it.
  4. Peel the onions, cut into 2 halves, soak one in nine percent vinegar for 24 hours. After this, separate one layer from the half and apply to the disturbing part of the foot. Keep it for half an hour, it is advisable to repeat the procedure twice a day.
  5. Soak a piece of bread crumb in diluted table vinegar, apply the resulting slurry to a bandage and cover the callus on the heel. It is recommended to apply the compress in the evening and leave it overnight.
  6. Moisten a cotton pad or gauze pad with lemon or garlic oil. Attach to the callus and leave overnight.

It is necessary to repeat the procedures until complete recovery. For the best effect, each time after removing the compress, carefully treat the skin with pumice.

Core calluses

They require special attention and proper treatment. Celandine or lemon juice will help get rid of the rod and relieve pain. It is necessary to steam your feet and carefully cut off the top of the callus with nail scissors. This will open the rod. Drop celandine or lemon juice onto its “hat,” then cover the wound with a bactericidal bandage.

Hardware treatment of calluses

If you can get rid of wet or dry calluses on your own, you can do without the help of specialists. But if the skin cracks and hurts, and signs of inflammation appear, you need to urgently make an appointment with a podiatrist.

Core callus requires increased attention and special treatment. Sometimes traditional remedies do not help to pull out the rod, so it continues to cause pain and discomfort. Doctors offer 3 methods of hardware treatment for core calluses on the heels:

  1. Drilling. At the beginning of the procedure, the doctor uses salicylic or benzoic acid to disinfect the skin and remove the top layer of dead cells on the callus. After this, the skin area is treated with an anesthetic and the actual drilling begins. Using a special attachment, the core is removed from the callus; first, large-diameter cutters are used, and as they move deeper into the skin, they are replaced by thinner ones. It is important that the rod is drilled out completely, otherwise the problem will return in the near future. A special healing and antifungal agent is placed into the recess left from the callus. The procedure is painless, and the discomfort will go away in a couple of days.
  2. Cryodestruction. The essence of the method is to burn off the callus on the heel or foot using liquid nitrogen. The procedure helps to quickly get rid of the annoying and painful formation; the doctor can adjust the depth of nitrogen penetration to eliminate the entire rod. There are no side effects or contraindications, but cryodestruction of calluses should be avoided by people with rare intolerance to low temperatures.
  3. Laser removal. Laser is usually used if cryodestruction or drilling does not help. Depending on the characteristics of the patient’s skin and the extent of callus growth, an erbium laser (evaporates keratinized skin) or a carbon dioxide laser (burns the callus layer by layer) can be used.

A callus on the heel is a problem that everyone is familiar with firsthand. You need to get rid of it in time, otherwise the situation will worsen. Timely skin treatment, hygiene and wearing comfortable shoes are reliable protection against calluses and a guarantee of healthy feet.

Video: Cosmetologist on the causes of callous formations and methods of their treatment

People say that you should take better care of your feet than your face. In their rush and worries, people very often forget about them and do not pay due attention. And if some women sometimes go for a pedicure and at least occasionally use foot cream, then most men do well when foot care comes down to washing them daily. Hence the engorgement, calluses and early loss of youthfulness of the legs. This nasty nasty thing. It does not discriminate between ages and gender, adds inconvenience, irritates and hurts.

What to do if it appears? How to quickly get rid of it?

What are the types of calluses on the heels and how to prevent them?

Types of calluses on heels

A callus may appear as:

  • keratinized areas of the epithelium ();
  • callus containing lymph (), blood (blood) or pus (festered or inflamed callus);
  • , which grows deep into the skin and hurts a lot (This variety is similar in its characteristics).

For quick healing of torn calluses on the heels, experts recommend using. This drug simultaneously has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound-healing properties.

Prevention of occurrence

Prevention methods:

  1. Use clean, comfortable shoes that fit; in the hot season, they should provide ventilation. It is advisable to wear shoes made from natural materials; they should “breathe”.
  2. Wearing socks that absorb sweat well. They should fit snugly to the leg. At the same time, they should not be tight, there should be no folds on them. Change them daily. If necessary, even more often.
  3. At the slightest burning sensation on the skin, you need to stick an adhesive plaster to the site of this outbreak.
  4. The use of talc helps reduce inevitable friction.

Treating a callus on the heel

It is better, of course, to take measures to prevent calluses on your own feet, but since this has happened, there are effective methods of treating it. It will vary depending on.


Medical professionals associate the appearance of this type of callus with a foreign object getting under the skin, which causes increased division of epithelial cells or a dermatotropic virus. This is perhaps the most intractable type. It is worth being patient and moving forward towards a cure. In this case, simply cutting and removing the top layer will not work. You run the risk of causing an infection using this method, and the tubercle will soon appear again.

The first method (Traditional medicine to the rescue)

Second method (using medications)

Apply the “” patch according to the instructions. Its active ingredients will help relieve the condition, remove calluses and return your heels to their original appearance.

Third method (Drilling)

Medical drilling procedure. The specialist selects cutters of the required diameter and drills the rod without damaging healthy tissue. Special antiviral agents are dripped into the depression formed at the site of the callus.

Fourth method ()

A laser is used to burn out the rod throughout its entire depth, after which the resulting wound is treated with the necessary preparations and heals almost without a trace.

Fifth method ()

To remove calluses with a core, in some cases cryotherapy (treatment with liquid nitrogen) is prescribed. Just a few days after this procedure, tissues killed by nitrogen are rejected, and fresh, smooth skin appears in their place.

Dry callus

A rounded hardening of the skin slightly smaller in size than a corn, causing pain, discomfort and cracked heels and is a dry callus.

The therapy process is quite labor-intensive, but always with a positive prognosis. Following all the recommendations will soon help you even forget that calluses once bothered you.

They will also help you pharmaceutical products(salicylic ointments with benzoic acid), vegetable oil(olive, flaxseed, corn), and other folk recipes listed below.

Wet callus

This type of callus is under no circumstances allowed. This way you only increase the risk of infection of the wound.

In cases where the pain is unbearable, you can take painkiller, strictly following the instructions for use.

Pregnant and lactating women should not do this.

When a callus that appears ruptures without your or someone else's intervention, gently but thoroughly wash it with soap, lubricate it with an antibacterial agent and bandage it. You can open the bubble yourself only when further rubbing of the affected area cannot be avoided. This can be done with a needle or other sharp object, after wiping it with alcohol or holding it over a flame. Further actions are similar in case of spontaneous breakout of the callus.

Tested for centuries: recipes inherited from grandmothers

Traditional medicine is rich in recipes for such an ailment, which probably every person has encountered.

Here are some common and most effective:

  • Take raw potatoes, onions and aloe leaves in equal proportions. Grind until you obtain a homogeneous paste. Apply to the callus and cover with adhesive tape. After 24 hours, scrape off the softened layer. After all this, apply foot cream. Repeat if necessary.
  • Calluses are easy to remove juice or ointment of celandine and lard in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Apply beekeeping product to sore heels - natural propolis, which should be attached with adhesive tape. Within a few days, progress from this treatment will be noticeable. The healing process can be accelerated by carefully scraping off the top layer.
  • Lubricate the skin with the milky juice of dandelion. The recipe is suitable for removing dry calluses.
  • The top of a lemon with a small amount of pulp, apply to the heel callus, bandaging tightly overnight. Be sure to steam your feet in hot water before doing this.
  • Dilute potassium permanganate until dark brown. Immerse the heel with the callus in the resulting solution for 10-15 minutes, after which the callus is lubricated with iodine. The procedure should be done 3 times a week. After 6 such procedures, not a trace of the callus will remain.
  • An old callus on the heel (and not only) can be painlessly and effectively removed if applied for 8 days (more if necessary) at night bread crumb compresses, moistened with vinegar or after an evening bath at night, a piece of aloe leaf with the inside.
  • To speed up the healing process, the callus can also be wiped tomato or tomato paste.
  • The callus will gradually smooth out if you do this at night compress: mix equal parts of fish oil with aloe juice. Apply a cotton pad soaked in this solution to the sore spot, then secure with a plaster or bandage.
  • Boil prunes in fresh milk. When warm, apply to the heel, securing with a bandage.

See a doctor urgently

If the callus on the heel hurts, bleeds, festeres, becomes inflamed, and within two weeks you need to urgently consult a doctor. What if it wasn’t a callus that overtook you at all? He will conduct the necessary research and prescribe adequate treatment.

Treatment for blisters caused by eczema, herpes, shingles, diabetes, and other infections or diseases can vary greatly, so it is important to seek prompt medical attention. Treat even minor calluses on your heels seriously. Dangerous infections can lead to serious problems, including death of vital tissue, amputation and even death.

Severe unbearable pain sometimes forces a person to change his gait due to improper placement of the feet when walking. As a result of such forced measures, all leg joints experience increased stress. To prevent the occurrence of such sad consequences, treatment of even the smallest and seemingly insignificant calluses must be carried out at the earliest stages of their development. This is another good reason to immediately contact medical specialists at the slightest suspicion of complications.

When wearing uncomfortable shoes, synthetic socks and tights, a callus may form on the heel. People with excess body weight, flat feet or other defects associated with the musculoskeletal system are predisposed to problems associated with calluses. How to get rid of calluses on your heels in a short time? When calluses appear, traditional medications are used.

Reasons for appearance

The main factor why a heel callus may appear is either the thickening of the keratinized tissue of the layers of the epidermis. The skin on the heels can become rough in all people, but older people most often face this problem.

Why calluses form in the heel area:

  • Calluses arise from new shoes, form while walking in stiletto heels, or wearing shoes of poor quality or the wrong size. If you wear synthetic socks.
  • Inadequate foot skin care
  • Excess body weight
  • Lack of vitamins
  • Fungal infections
  • Eczema on heels
  • Dermatitis
  • Increased sweating of the feet

In addition, the cause of the appearance of a bubble is professional employment, which involves standing on your feet for a long time or carrying various heavy objects. It is also possible that the skin may be prone to... This is a feature of the body, not a mechanical factor.

To quickly get rid of a growth on the heel, you need to learn to recognize what kind of callus it is before it appears completely. Initially, the skin turns red, the affected area swells and dries out. Pressing or rubbing the callus is painful. A bubble then forms and when it bursts, the skin is exposed.

When walking on the heel area, it becomes difficult to put on shoes. Calluses on the heels can dry out and go away on their own, but it is better to take measures to treat it, because when the bubble bursts, inflammation may occur.

Types of calluses

To understand what to do if you have rubbed a callus, you need to find out what type it can be classified as.

Callous growths are divided into a number of largest classes:

  • Dry calluses develop from keratinized epithelium. The main cause of such formations has not yet been clarified, but there is an assumption that the cause of development is either a dermatotropic virus.
  • Callus with a core - brings severe pain. Such calluses appear due to neglect of dry growth on the heels. It happens that an internal callus forms around a driven splinter, which requires its quick removal.
  • Callus - appears for a reason or during formation.
  • Wet calluses are a constant companion of summer shoes. Formed due to excessive footwear. When squeezed, it can burst, opening the wound.
  • Blood calluses are a consequence of bursting dropsy. This type requires careful handling, as suppuration may occur in the heel area.

Mild dry and wet calluses on the heels are possible. However, when a lesion on the foot does not heal, you need to go to a specialist so that a complication does not appear.

Dry callus

Externally, dry type calluses are a compaction on the heels, presenting a round or oval shape. They appear due to the hardening of the sole due to endless friction.

Dry callus (corns)

The formation of education is quite long.

Initially, a small compaction is formed, which after a certain period of time can increase.

A dry callus on the heel practically does not lead to pain and does not cause a feeling of discomfort. After a while, the compacted area on the heels becomes hard and can ache when moving. A person may experience a change in gait and lameness.

The presence of dry and hard calluses on the heels may indicate health problems.

Wet callus

Wet Corn

Water calluses form on the heels due to banal mechanical friction of the foot, often against shoes. Due to the friction process, the upper skin layer is damaged, and the resulting void is filled with colorless contents.

A wet callus forms on the heel, often due to wearing shoes with a fairly hard back, as well as due to walking in new shoes that have not yet been worn in to fit the model of the limb. Dropsy on the toe occurs when the toe in the shoes is too tight or the shoes are too large.

A wet callus can occur as a result of an untreated growth of the previous type. When you press on the dropsy, it bursts and a wound opens. Infection may occur, which manifests itself as redness, suppuration and in the heel area. With this callus, you need to urgently contact a specialist.

If you have a callus with dropsy on your heel, special care is required to avoid infection.

Calluses in children

Due to the inability of parents to choose the right shoes for their child, this often leads to the formation of calluses. A contributing factor is the soft and delicate skin of the heels, as well as everyday pressure on the feet.

Common calluses in children are growths and water calluses, often appearing on the heels, bottom of the big toe and in the upper area.

To prevent the occurrence of calluses, you should buy your child leather products and cotton socks, which should be washed daily.

Dry calluses in children are removed with compresses and baths prescribed by the doctor. They will help soften calluses, which will gradually eliminate them. Since it is difficult to apply compresses to a child during the day, it is recommended to treat the affected area with a nourishing baby ointment during the day to prevent it in the heel area.

There are water calluses on the heels, or you can go to the doctor, who will open the dropsy and treat it with an antibacterial medication, apply cream and fix a bandage on the heel.

Treatment of calluses

How to quickly cure a callus? Treatment of calluses on the heels is carried out taking into account the type of growth.

To heal calluses faster, a variety of treatments are used, from home recipes to pharmaceutical drugs. If the callus cannot be eliminated on your own at home, you need to go to the doctor.

Treatment of dry calluses

How to treat a callus on the heel when it is dry? It is easy to fix the problem, but it will take a lot of time to achieve it. If you follow all the instructions, very soon you will be able to forget that there was a callus on your heel.

  1. Initially, with dry formations, heels are treated by removing the hardened layer of the epidermis, which does not allow them to heal quickly. You should steam your feet in warm water, adding soda or soap solution. After manipulation, keratinized skin is easily removed using pumice and a scraper.
  2. To speed up healing, it is recommended to take baths every day, adding tinctures of medicinal plants. The procedure lasts about 15 minutes.

To get rid of dry growths on the heels, you can use pharmaceutical medications - Salicylic ointment.

Treatment of wet calluses

The unique feature of a water callus is that it can heal on its own. Lymph, which is located in the bladder, protects tissues and prevents the occurrence of trauma. After time, the liquid resolves on its own, which requires subsequent provision of the necessary conditions for healing.

Water Bubble

To do this, do not put pressure on the affected area and create comfort for your heels. The healing period for water calluses is 14 days.

Compared to other types of formations, wet callus is much easier to treat. It is important to immediately begin to fight it, because if time is lost, dropsy will turn into dry dropsy.

There is an assumption that an easy method of treating water callus is to puncture it. However, it is forbidden to open them, because there is a risk of introducing microbes into the wound. If infection occurs, the delay will be long and painful.

Before eliminating the water bubble, you should wash your feet with cold water to relieve the pain syndrome. If you steam your feet in hot water, this will provoke the spontaneous opening of dropsy and cause unbearable pain.

After washing, the feet should be dried and treated with salicylic acid, and then cover the area with an anti-callus patch. It is recommended to make compresses using lemon zest or yarrow leaves. This compress is applied for 2 hours and secured with a bandage. To speed up the opening of the bladder, you can buy special medications at the pharmacy.

There are cases when all the tried methods did not bring the desired result. Then this is the case that in this situation allows you to open the dropsy yourself. To carry out the procedure, you need to take a thin needle and treat it in an alcohol solution. Wash your hands and feet.

The water bubble is pierced from the side. When all the contents of the bladder are released, the wound is treated with peroxide. Next you need to apply an antiseptic cream and stick on a bandage.

If the dropsy bursts on its own, treatment is carried out as follows:

  1. A burst callus is treated with peroxide or washed with soap;
  2. The wound is lubricated with ointment, a folk medicine, for rapid healing of the formation.

Treatment of callus in a child

Callus on the heel can be treated without problems at the onset stage. Therapy may include the use of medications, as well as traditional methods. Before using the products, you should consult your doctor, since the child’s body may react negatively to certain products.

Core callus

  • Hot baths with soapy water – the procedure lasts half an hour, the bath temperature should be quite high. Then the heels are treated with pumice;
  • Salicylic ointment - 5% is suitable for children's skin. Use the product once a day before going to bed. Over time, the callus will begin to dissolve. If this is not observed, it is recommended to interrupt treatment for a couple of days, then try using the ointment after a hot bath;
  • Celandine gets rid of the problem due to its drying effect; the plant also disinfects and kills all microbes on the child’s affected skin. To prepare the lotion, you need to pass the fresh plant through a meat grinder and apply it to the calluses. Secure it on top with a bandage and put on a sock.

You can use the Salipod patch. It will quickly and painlessly eliminate calluses on the heels. The patch is attached to a clean, dry skin and secured on top with an adhesive tape. Wearing time is 3 days, then you need to steam the heels and remove the contents. This remedy is harmless for children.

Laser removal

Core formation requires special treatment and increased attention. It happens that traditional methods cannot get rid of the nail, so the heel area continues to hurt very much. Then how to remove callus on heels? Doctors offer hardware therapy, thanks to which it is possible to quickly get rid of calluses.

Laser removal is a painless and safe procedure; in addition, this method guarantees absolute protection against bacteria. The procedure lasts 10 minutes.

Removal process:

  1. Local anesthesia is administered using a syringe.
  2. Treat the growth with an antiseptic solution.
  3. Remove the rod.
  4. The medicine is dripped into the formed depression.
  5. Apply a soft bandage to the wound.
  6. The wound heals within 20 days.

There are also other hardware methods for removing calluses that a doctor can recommend - drilling and cauterization with nitrogen.

Treatment with folk remedies

Anyone who has had a growth has wondered how to cure a callus? What to do if calluses in the heel area fester? It is possible to recover from festering calluses using folk remedies.

Bursted Callus (Fig-1)

A doctor will also help you get rid of purulent accumulations. As a rule, the fight against suppuration takes place in the surgical department. Often, when the callus festers, it is opened and washed with a disinfectant.

Bursted Callus (Fig-2)

There are times when it is impossible to defeat a callus if it has festered without antibacterial drugs, which are prescribed exclusively by a specialist.

The most common methods for combating heel growths include:

  • Using baths - they should be done every day until complete recovery. To prepare a medicinal bath, various herbal decoctions are used. Also, to steam the skin of the heels, make a solution of soda. The manipulation should take place over half an hour. Next, the softened foot should be treated with a brush, and then cream should be applied. Often, to completely get rid of a callus, 2-3 manipulations are required.
  • Compress - from a cut yarrow leaf. The lotion is applied all night. In the morning, everything is washed off with warm water, and the feet are wiped dry.
  • Calluses are healed with onions, which are pre-moistened in vinegar.
  • An effective remedy is vinegar essence. You just need to apply 2-3 drops of the product to the formation and after a while you will see positive results. It is recommended to fix the damaged area with a bandage.
  • You can make an ointment at home. Garlic is baked and combined with butter in equal parts.
  • An excellent folk remedy is a mass of potatoes, which should be fixed on the heels as a lotion throughout the night.
  • Aspirin tablets help. You need to make a powder from 2 pills, apply it to the growth, leave for an hour.
  • Heel calluses are removed using lard and garlic. The garlic is ground and applied to a piece of lard. The compress is applied to the heel with garlic gruel until the morning, with the leg bandaged.
  • You can quickly get rid of internal calluses by applying a paste of calendula leaves mixed with hot water to your heels.
  • To combat the growth at home, take a lemon peel and tie it to the foot until the morning. Before the manipulation, the heels are steamed.
  • You can apply garlic or lemon oil using a cotton swab. After 7 days the growth will go away.
  • An interesting folk remedy is a ripe tomato, which should be applied to the heel in the morning. Thanks to the acid present in the tomato, it will destroy the callus.

If after a series of manipulations it was not possible to get rid of the problem, then you need to show the callus to a doctor. After examination, the specialist will help eliminate the formation, prescribing the best option for eliminating the growth.

Pharmacy products

Pharmaceutical production produces large volumes of ointments and creams for calluses on the heels. They help soften the skin of the feet, heal blisters that have burst, and numb the painful area.

How to treat a callus? A number of tools will help you cope with this problem:

  • Pro Linc Be Natural Callus Eliminator - calluses after smearing with the gel become much more pliable, which makes it easier to eliminate. This callus treatment helps in removing small calluses while facilitating healing of the skin.
  • Oriflame Feet Up Advanced - cream has a softening effect. It helps with dry formations and prevents the appearance of a rod.
  • Avon Foot Works - a product used for baths that resembles a liquid gel. For the steaming procedure, a measured amount of the drug is added to a bowl of hot water. After manipulation, rough areas of skin can be easily removed using pumice stone.
  • Bensalitin ointment - helps in eliminating the inflamed bladder. The cream should be applied to the formation, and a bactericidal patch should be used on top. Remove the patch after 3 hours.
  • Floresan Organic Foot Care is a cream that helps remove . The medicine contains celandine and pine nut oil, they help soften the skin and heal wounds.

What should I apply to make the callus heal? For healing, lubricate the heels with Super Antimozolin ointment. The ointment contains lactic acid. You need to lubricate the sore heel well with the drug, cover it with paper and put on a sock. Over time, the dead skin will fall off and can be removed with a brush.

Emollient ointments and creams will help prevent corns, but if the callous growth is large, creams are often useless. For this situation, strong pharmaceutical agents are used.

  1. Super celandine is a liquid that is used to burn off rough skin. You should use the medicine carefully so that it does not get beyond the dry callus. Therapy is carried out 2 times a day, 2 drops are applied to the required area.
  2. Stopcallus is a semblance of Supercleaner. The treatment procedure is the same.

To get rid of serious ingrown, core formations, corns, use a callus patch:

  1. Salipod is a special plaster in the fight against rod growths. An excellent helper in protecting the skin from bacteria.
  2. Compide - used for wet calluses. The patch prevents pressure and friction on the affected area.
  3. Urgo - a plaster is used to treat corns, dry calluses without a callus and with one. A special feature of the product is that it contains a special foam pad, which allows you to protect healthy tissues from the active influence of the drug.
  4. Leuko is a thin strip on which a medicine is placed on the inside of a plastic membrane. The patch allows air to pass through well, and the area with the medicine is reliably limited from healthy epithelium.

Patches that contain medicinal components are drugs, so you should consult a doctor before using them.

Traditional medicine recipes

There are a huge number of folk recipes to remove calluses. Here are several recipes that are the most popular and effective.

  • You will need to take equal parts of an onion, an aloe leaf and a raw potato. The ingredients must be crushed to obtain a homogeneous paste. Then the mixture is applied to the affected area and fixed with a plaster. After a day, you can scrape off the softened skin. Next, apply ointment for the heels.
  • You can easily fix the problem by using celandine juice or ointment with lard 1:1.
  • Lubricate the heel with dandelion juice. This recipe is effective in the presence of dry calluses.
  • The top of the lemon with the pulp is applied to the heel until the morning and secured with a bandage. Before use, you need to steam your feet.
  • Potassium permanganate is diluted to a dark brown hue. The heels are lowered into the solution for 15 minutes, then the formation is necessary. Treatment is carried out 3 times for 7 days. After several manipulations, the calluses will go away completely.
  • If the callus is old, it is recommended to apply a lotion made from bread crumb, which is soaked in vinegar, to the heel.
  • The water bubble will go away unnoticed if you apply a lotion of fish oil and aloe juice, combining the ingredients in equal parts. Then a cotton pad is moistened in the resulting mass, applied to the damaged area and sealed with a band-aid.
  • You need to boil prunes in fresh milk, and then apply them warm to the heel, securing them with a bandage.

These recipes will help heal the callus if you follow all the recommendations.


If calluses are about to begin to appear on your heels, their growth can be prevented by using special baths.

  • You need to add tea tree oil, baking soda, salt or apple cider vinegar to the water. Thanks to these components, the skin will soften and excess will be removed.
  • If a dry callus forms, a soap bath will help. It is necessary to grind the laundry soap to make a tablespoon, then dilute it in water and pour the finished product into a basin. This manipulation is considered the most effective in the fight against calluses. This procedure can both get rid of the rough layer of skin and make the heels soft and tender.
  • To prepare the product, you will need to pour boiling water over 8 handfuls of leaves. Cool the product and add it to a bowl of hot water. Steam your heels for about 30 minutes. To enhance the healing process, you need to lubricate your heels with a nourishing ointment.
  • The recipe includes 3 tablespoons of the product, which must be diluted in a liter of boiling water. Then the mixture is poured into a basin and hot water is added. Feet should be kept in the solution for about 20 minutes. Then wipe well and apply the cream to the calluses. It is recommended to wear socks at night.
  • You will need to pour boiling water over the straw and put it on fire. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Then remove the straw from the pan, cool the liquid, pour into a basin, dilute with water and you can steam your heels.
  • The procedure will require several crystals of potassium permanganate, a pinch of salt and water. You should not take too much manganese, as it may cause burns. Add salt to the diluted manganese and mix well. Then treatment is carried out.


Propolis is widely used to cure calluses on the heels. This product is effective both in its natural form and in combination with other ingredients.


Recipes with propolis:

  1. Pure propolis is applied to the steamed area for 3 days and fixed with a bandage.
  2. Purified propolis - 60 grams is mixed with heated Vaseline - 50 grams to obtain a homogeneous mass. Then you need to squeeze the mixture through cheesecloth and transfer it to a jar. The finished ointment is applied in a small layer to the sore heel, and a bandage is applied on top.
  3. You will need beeswax - 30 grams, propolis - 50 grams and lemon juice, combine together in an enamel vessel, heat the mixture in a water bath until smooth. The mixture is applied to the calluses and fixed for 4 days.


You can treat calluses with celandine juice. To do this, you need to cut the plant to release the orange juice. The juice should be applied to the steamed callus every day for about 2 weeks.

Celandine juice

Infusions and decoctions from the plant are also prepared. Dry herb - 50 grams, pour 250 ml of boiling water and keep in a water bath for about 20 minutes. When the broth has cooled, it is filtered. The solution is poured into the bath and calluses on the heels are treated.

To prepare homemade ointment from celandine, you will need to mix the juice of the plant with fat or take Vaseline 1:4. The product is applied overnight and secured with a bandage. Treatment lasts about 10 days.

How to prevent calluses

To prevent the formation of calluses on the heel, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  • Choose shoes that fit, are comfortable, and made from natural materials.
  • Use natural socks that should not form wrinkles and fit snugly to the foot.
  • Feet require proper attention in summer. You can use talc to prevent your feet from slipping and rubbing on your shoes.
  • If calluses appear on the damaged area, you should stick a patch on the heel.
  • To prevent flat feet, use special insoles.

Often appears on the soles of the feet, especially in the summer. Rubbing dropsy is quite simple: small pebbles or sand get into the gap between the skin and the shoes. As a result, a watery layer is formed between the layers of the epidermis, swollen with a bubble. You should not allow the dropsy to burst prematurely, since the “water” that fills it has bactericidal properties. It protects the nascent young skin from inflammatory processes and pathogenic microorganisms. But what to do if a callus bursts on your foot? To answer this question, you need to know how to treat burst calluses to avoid infection.

A burst callus can cause a lot of trouble due to pain and the possibility of inflammation, and then due to infection at the site where the integrity of the vesicle is broken. Quickly healing a burst callus means preventing the onset of the inflammatory process.

First aid

A callus can appear on any part of the foot, but the heel is most often affected. How to quickly cure a callus that has burst on the heel:

  1. Remove the affected leg from shoes and clothing (socks, tights);
  2. Wash your hands with soap;
  3. Gently wash the area around the lesion with warm water and soap, being careful not to get any liquid into the wound;
  4. Treat the burst callus with any antiseptic (furatsilin solution, hydrogen peroxide, light pink solution of potassium permanganate);
  5. If the liquid inside the wound is free of blood, and the callus itself has not affected a large area of ​​skin, you can fill the wound with BF-6 medical glue. The burning pain lasts literally 1-2 minutes. But then the wound is covered with a thin protective film, which prevents infection. A bactericidal patch should be glued on top of the treated surface;
  6. If the affected area is large, the wound should be smeared with antimicrobial ointment (Levomekol, Streptotsidovaya, Liniment synthomycin, etc.). Then it is recommended to apply a sterile bandage, which must be changed 2-3 times a day, while the ointment will protect the wound from infection by microbes and the bandage sticking.

Is it possible to smear calluses with brilliant green and iodine? This is of interest to patients who often develop dropsy. If you use the product on an open wound, you can get burned. In addition, the drugs greatly dry out delicate skin, causing cracks to appear on it.

If the surface of the dropsy is not broken, treatment is carried out using disinfecting compounds over the skin covering the wound. Zelenka protects it from inflammation. Potassium permanganate is used for daily baths, which speed up healing.

What to do if a callus on your foot bursts outside the home:

  • Apply a plantain leaf to the wound with the glossy side, after washing or wiping it from dust and dirt. Put a sock on top;
  • Pluck several carved yarrow leaves, chew them thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and cover the wound with the resulting composition;
  • If you don’t have familiar medicinal plants at hand, stick a leaf of birch, oak, poplar, or maple on the affected area;
  • Remove the shoes that are rubbing your feet, otherwise the blister may break.

Arriving home, you should quickly and thoroughly treat the callus that has burst on the heel.

Signs of infection and treatment options

The inflammatory process when pathogenic microorganisms enter the wound from a burst callus is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Painful redness around the callus;
  • Tumor of the problem area;
  • Increased temperature of the whole body;
  • Suppuration of the wound surface.

If a wet, burst callus is complicated by inflammation, it is recommended to seek medical help. Before visiting a doctor, you can apply medicinal plants that have an anti-inflammatory effect to the problem area.

How to anoint a burst callus:

  • Cut the spines along the edges of the aloe leaf and peel off the skin from the concave side. Apply the fleshy part to the wound and apply a gauze bandage. It is advisable to do the procedure at night;
  • Apply a piece of Kalanchoe leaf, after removing its skin, to the inflamed wound;
  • Before going to bed, steam the affected heel or toe in a warm solution of potassium permanganate. Wipe your leg dry, apply a plantain leaf, and apply a sterile bandage on top.

Should I pierce the callus myself?

If the water blister is large and prevents you from wearing shoes, you can help it break by piercing it yourself. Don't wait for the callus to burst at the wrong time and place. In this case, education can heal faster.

Before the procedure you need to prepare:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly and treat them with alcohol;
  2. A needle (sewing pin, pin, syringe) must be calcined over an open fire (burning match, lighter, gas burner) or disinfected by dipping it in alcohol or iodine for 1-3 minutes;
  3. Treat the area around the callus on the foot, washing with warm water and laundry soap.

It is recommended to hold the needle parallel to the surface of the leg when piercing the callus. You need to make 2 holes through which to squeeze out the liquid that filled the blister and immediately treat the surgical site with an antiseptic. The product is applied with blotting movements, without removing the skin covering the wound. It is recommended to seal the callus with a bactericidal plaster; you can also use a callus plaster.

It is forbidden to pierce a callus on your own if the wet callus is festered or filled with bloody contents.

Fast Healing Products

There are many pharmaceutical and folk remedies that are recommended to be used to smear calluses for quick healing if the surface of the blister is damaged:

  • “Rescuer” ensures rapid healing and protects against suppuration;
  • “Synthomycin liniment” helps to heal a wound during an inflammatory process;
  • Vishnevsky balm is used to quickly cure purulent pathology;
  • If you anoint the affected area with 10% Salicylic ointment, the treatment of wet calluses will be accelerated;
  • To quickly cure inflamed dropsy, Levomekol ointment is used;
  • For faster healing, it is recommended to treat a callus that has torn with an oil tincture of the herb St. John's wort (pour a glass of raw material into 0.5 liters of any vegetable oil and leave in the dark for 3 weeks). The pathology is treated by applying a gauze bandage soaked in the composition to the problem area.

Before applying pharmaceutical products to broken calluses on your feet, you must carefully read the instructions and follow their recommendations.

Ways to prevent formations

Treating water callus is much more difficult than preventing its formation. To avoid rubbing dropsy, it is recommended to comply with the following requirements:

  • It is advisable to break in new shoes using a special product to soften them;
  • use “footprints” so that the heel does not rub;
  • Don't put on shoes if your feet are wet.

The problem area should heal in no more than 2-3 weeks. For inflammation that lasts longer, the patient should visit a doctor (dermatologist, surgeon).

A wet callus, if it bursts, causes pain and discomfort to a person, so you should not delay treatment and a visit to the doctor. To prevent the development of a pathological process, if you notice increased friction, stick a piece of adhesive tape on the problem area. It is recommended to select shoes according to your foot size and wear them at the appropriate time according to weather conditions. Compliance with hygiene rules reduces damage to the feet by calluses.