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How is blood plasmapheresis done? The procedure for blood purification using plasmapheresis. What types of plasmapheresis are there?


Plasma purification by plasmapheresis is recommended not only for diseases of the circulatory system and hematopoietic system, but also for a number of severe hereditary autoimmune pathologies, metabolic disorders, severe allergic and dermatological conditions. The prescription of a course of procedures and the choice of method of their implementation should be carried out by an experienced specialist, depending on the diagnosis and individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

What is plasmapheresis

The method of hardware blood purification, performed extracorporeally (outside the body) for therapeutic or donor purposes, is called plasmapheresis.

  • Other names for the procedure are plasmaphoresis, plasmacytopheresis, plasmapheresis, lymphopheresis, hemapheresis. Blood purification by plasmapheresis is carried out by dividing it into a liquid component (plasma) and formed elements (leukocytes - white blood cells; erythrocytes - red blood cells; platelets - blood cells involved in the coagulation process), after which:
  • blood cells return to the systemic circulation;

the removed plasma is either disposed of, or cleared of toxic substances and returned to the patient’s body, or used for transfusion or obtaining components of blood products (during donor plasmapheresis).

  • During the procedure, the following categories of toxic substances are removed from the patient's plasma - antibodies, antigens, hormones, high-molecular lipids, metabolic products (uric acid, creatinine, urea), inflammatory mediators, which makes plasmapheresis effective for allergies, autoimmune pathologies, skin diseases, liver diseases , renal apparatus and gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). After the procedure, the following physiological changes are observed in the body:
  • reducing the concentration of toxic substances in the bloodstream (the effect lasts for several hours);
  • reduction of swelling (fluids from tissues replenish the insufficient volume of circulating plasma);

artificial hypovolemia (reduction of blood volumes in the systemic circulation) is a catalyst for the body’s natural defenses.

According to the method of carrying out the plasma purification procedure, a distinction is made between hardware (using special equipment) or discrete (manual) plasmapheresis. Different methods of processing the obtained material subdivide plasma purification methods into centrifugal, membrane, sedimentation, and cascade variants of plasmapheresis.

The purpose of the procedure divides it into therapeutic and donor types.

By purpose

Plasmapheresis is carried out not only for therapeutic purposes of purifying the patient’s plasma, treating diseases of the blood and hematopoietic system, but also for the purpose of collecting material for use for donor purposes. In this regard, a distinction is made between therapeutic (medicinal) and donor forms of the procedure, which can be carried out by any method of collecting and processing plasma.

Therapeutic plasmapheresis

The therapeutic or therapeutic form of plasmapheresis is aimed at eliminating the causes or consequences of various pathologies. During the procedure, part of the patient’s plasma is replaced either with donor plasma or with special therapeutic saline solutions.

According to reviews from specialists and consumers, plasmapheresis has a good effect in cosmetology in the presence of serious skin problems caused by hormonal or metabolic disorders (for example, furunculosis).


This form of procedure is carried out with the aim of transferring the plasma of a healthy person (donor) to other patients or for using its components in the manufacture of blood products. Donor plasmapheresis is a regulated procedure regulated in the Russian Federation by the “Law on Donation,” which describes the maximum volumes of plasma removed and the frequency of the procedure.

By method of implementation

The use of special equipment in the process of filtering material taken from a patient or separating blood plasma from its elements in a discrete way (filtration and sedimentation method) divides plasmapheresis into an automatic or discrete (manual) type of procedure. The methods differ in the nature, speed, and cost of the procedure.

Discrete plasmapheresis

The use of special equipment when performing automatic plasmapheresis allows you to speed up the procedure, use less biological material for filtration, and carry out plasma purification mobilely, without pauses. With this method, there is no damage to cellular elements. Blood sampling is carried out in the same way as with the discrete method, through the insertion of a special needle or catheter into a vein.

According to the method of plasma removal and processing

Various methods of processing the material obtained as a result of plasmapheresis subdivide the procedure into membrane, centrifugal, cascade, and sedimentation methods of plasma purification.

There is a method using freezing - cryoplasmapheresis. The procedure for cleansing the body by removing and purifying part of the patient’s blood has been improved since the days of simple bloodletting, from simple filtration of the material to the development of modern techniques (cascade method using hardware techniques).

Membrane plasmapheresis

To carry out membrane plasmapheresis, a special apparatus is used with filters in the form of pores that allow the liquid part (plasma) to pass through and blood elements (cells) to be retained. The method is distinguished by high speed, preservation of the integrity of the biological material (cells are not damaged), sterility, and the absence of contraindications.


The method is based on the laws of physics. Using a special Hemophenix device, the blood taken from the patient is rotated at high speed, during which it breaks up into fractions. When using this method, only cellular structures are returned back into the patient's bloodstream. It is considered an outdated method of purifying biological material, since blood elements are severely damaged.

Cascade plasmapheresis

Biological material obtained through plasmapheresis undergoes double purification. First, the cells are filtered, then the liquid part. With this method, the plasma is freed from large molecules of proteins and lipids. Repeated filtration allows only low molecular weight proteins (albumin) to pass through. This method shows high effectiveness in the treatment of severe autoimmune pathologies, surgery and resuscitation.

It is almost never used in modern medical practice; it is considered the cheapest option for plasmapheresis. Blood is divided into fractions without additional equipment or devices, but only due to the force of natural gravity (a method of settling biological material). Large volumes of blood cannot be purified with this technique, so it is suitable for the treatment of a very limited number of diseases.

After collecting the material from the patient, the plasma is frozen at a temperature of -30°C, then heated to +4°C and subjected to a centrifugation procedure. The settled part of the liquid is disposed of or sent for purification for further donor use, the rest of the plasma is returned to the patient. This method is effective in eliminating the consequences of severe intoxication lesions.

Indications for the use of plasmapheresis

The procedure is recommended for pregnant women with severe toxicosis, Rh conflict, fetoplacental insufficiency and other medical problems associated with the woman’s condition that can cause a miscarriage. The main indications for plasmapheresis are diseases of the circulatory system, including those of a genetic (hereditary) nature:

  • poisoning with poisons, toxic substances;
  • endocrine myasthenia (an autoimmune disorder that causes weakness and muscle atrophy);
  • thrombocytosis (hematological pathology characterized by an increase in the number of blood platelets);
  • erythroleukemia (a form of acute leukemia);
  • leukocytosis (change in blood composition, characterized by an increase in the number of leukocytes, the reaction of the hematopoietic system to a provoking factor (infection, immune reaction, etc.));
  • porphyrin disease (porphyria) (disorders of pigment metabolism with a significant increase in the number of blood porphyrins of a genetic nature);
  • DIC syndrome (disseminated intravascular coagulation, consumption coagulopathy, thrombohemorrhagic syndrome) (disorders of coagulation processes due to the release of thromboplastic substances from body tissues);
  • myoglobinemia (excess myoglobin in the blood due to injuries to skeletal muscles or against the background of other pathological processes occurring in them);
  • chronic polyneuropathy (systemic damage to peripheral nerves);
  • Rufus disease, Guillain-Barré, Goodpasture, Gasser syndromes;
  • sickle cell anemia (a hereditary form of hemoglobinopathy associated with a disorder in the structure of hemoglobin cells);
  • hyperviscose syndrome (characterized by a state of increased blood viscosity);
  • hereditary form of hypercholesterolemia (high blood cholesterol);
  • intravascular hemolysis (processes accompanied by physiological breakdown of red blood cells);
  • delayed thrombocytopenia (decreased platelet production);
  • thrombocytopenic acroangiothrombosis (autoimmune disease combining signs of hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and hemorrhagic syndrome)

According to experts, the plasmapheresis procedure produces a good therapeutic effect for a number of diseases and conditions caused by changes in blood composition or malfunctions of the hematopoietic system. The method is used as an adjunct in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system - myocarditis, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, vasculitis, recovery after myocardial infarction;
  • allergic or autoimmune pathologies – atopic dermatitis, hay fever;
  • sepsis, purulent infections after surgery
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the kidneys and renal apparatus - infections of the genitourinary system, glomerulonephritis;
  • liver diseases - autoimmune hepatitis;
  • dermatological diseases - herpes, pemphigus, psoriasis;
  • respiratory diseases - bronchial asthma, hemosiderosis.

Medical prognosis

A few hours after the procedure, the level of toxic substances in the patient’s blood is restored to the values ​​​​preceding plasmapheresis. In this regard, doctors recommend taking treatment courses consisting of 4-6 sessions. With each subsequent procedure, blood parameters will level out, viscosity will decrease, due to which the rate of oxygen delivery to tissues and organs will increase.

Cleansing the body will occur gradually, from improving the condition of blood vessels and tissues, ending with changes in cellular structures.


  • Plasmapheresis may be accompanied by negative consequences for the body, adverse reactions and phenomena. Reducing the risk of complications depends on the professionalism and experience of the specialist performing the procedure, the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, and the conditions of the method. Plasmapheresis is contraindicated in the following conditions and diagnoses;
  • reduced blood viscosity;
  • pathological processes of venous vessels;
  • anemia in old age;
  • blood clotting pathologies;
  • some liver diseases;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • irreversible pathologies of internal organs;
  • heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmia, tachycardia);
  • states of shock.

According to patient reviews, after the procedure, some of them felt bouts of nausea, changes in blood pressure, and headaches.

  • More serious side effects include:
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • allergic reactions to donor plasma or plasma replacement substances;
  • autoimmune reactions from the renal apparatus as a reaction to donor plasma;
  • infection as a result of plasma exchange;
  • sepsis due to violation of the rules of antisepsis and asepsis;
  • removal of not only toxic, but also beneficial elements from the blood;
  • internal bleeding due to clotting problems;
  • decreased immunity during the procedure and a day after it;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • thrombosis due to an insufficient amount of anticoagulants used during the procedure (for example, heparin).
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Plasmapheresis is a blood purification procedure that involves its purification and reversion of elements to the carrier. The session takes place outside the body, called an extracorporeal procedure.

Manual plasmapheresis is a discrete procedure in which a dose of blood is taken from the patient. It is put into a centrifuge and divided into two parts. One part is formed elements, the second is plasma. The second part is processed, and the first is sent back to the donor. The automatic method involves the continuous implementation of the procedure using hardware.

  • It involves dividing blood into parts:
  • shaped elements;

plasma fluid.

  • The plasma is utilized and used for various hematopoietic preparations. It contains the following components:
  • blood clotting substances;
  • antibodies;
  • sugar;
  • enzymes;
  • hormones;


Therapeutic effect - the blood is cleansed of toxins without losing beneficial cells.

Blood is the ligament for the body. It is sensitive to the appearance of pathologies in organs. The substances contained in it have a positive effect, the body works without interruption.

Toxins are cleared through the liver and eliminated by the kidneys. In some diseases, organs are not able to cope with their work. Then you should resort to the procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages of blood purification with plasmapheresis

  • The procedure helps the body get rid of harmful substances:
  • pathological protein formations;
  • protein breakdown products;
  • uric acid;


  • Advantages:
  • eliminates antibodies, antigens;
  • ensures sufficient oxygen supply to cells;
  • blood flow improves;
  • side effects are minimized;
  • first assistant for acute intoxication of the body;
  • an effective technique for severe manifestations of allergies;
  • helps with liver dysfunction;
  • helps improve blood composition.

The therapeutic method allows you to solve the pathology of swelling.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • expensive sessions;
  • one session is not enough to completely eliminate the disease; up to 10 procedures are required;
  • beneficial immunoglobulin and various proteins are removed;
  • There are a number of contraindications.

With a constant supply of toxins, the cleansing effect will not last long - up to 24 hours.

Indications and contraindications

Plasma exchange can help save the patient’s life in some diseases. The doctor determines a mandatory session in the following situations:

  • erythroleukemia;
  • leukocytosis;
  • thrombocytosis;
  • anemia;
  • thrombocytopenic acroangio thrombosis;
  • porphyrin disease;
  • poisoning;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • other blood diseases.

Relative indications for plasmapheresis:

The procedure is useful for atherosclerosis, cancer and purulent processes. It is useful to conduct sessions before IVF, Rhesus conflict. The event is successfully used to eliminate about 200 diseases.

The technique can be used at any age. To save a child's life, the membrane principle is used.

When elderly patients feel unwell, the selective technique provides a good result. It helps to quickly cleanse the blood in case of skin diseases. Its effect allows you to get rid of the negative effects of antibodies and allergens.

When treating dermatological diseases, 7 sessions are sufficient. You can feel the positive state of the body after the second operation.

Plasmapheresis and its contraindications

  • heavy bleeding;
  • instability of lower blood pressure indicators;
  • blood clotting deficiency;
  • complications from infection;
  • irreversible organ damage;
  • menstruation.

Hemodialysis is contraindicated for “bad” veins. If there are contraindications, in some cases it is better to use laser coding and hemosorption.


There are a number of types of surgery. They all have pros and cons.

The manual procedure is used infrequently, in cases where there is an alternative to the hardware method:

  1. Gravitational. The session takes place under the influence of gravitational forces. The blood settles in the bag, and the plasma remains outside. A simple, cheap technique. Disadvantage - allows you to clear a low-volume dose. Harm - there is a possibility of infection.
  2. Filtration. A variation of the gravitational method. The lymph is lowered into a container, a special membrane removes the liquid consistency and the antibodies contained in it. The technique is cheap and helps to skip a high-volume part of the blood.

The hardware system provides for cleaning through the use of a highly functional apparatus.

The centrifugal process involves determining the venous fluid of the carrier into a centrifuge. At high rotation speeds, the liquid part and cells quickly separate from one another. Two process methods are defined:

  1. Manual method. Blood is collected into a clean container. Then it is determined into a centrifugal apparatus.
  2. Automatic method. The lymph enters the apparatus through a special tube, dispersing into plasma and blood. The blood is then mixed with saline solutions and sent back into the host’s vein. The effectiveness of the method is the possibility of a significant choice of settings, reducing the patient’s sensitivity to the procedure.

Membrane method. Its difference lies in the presence of plasma filters. They conduct plasma and retain formed elements.

The useful application of the process is as follows:

  • does not harm cells;
  • minimal contraindications;
  • protecting the patient from infection;
  • high speed of the technique;
  • has an indication for patients with oncology;
  • sterile state of plasma filters.

Cascade method. The liquid undergoes double processing. The cell part is selected, then the plasma is filtered. Large proteins and molecules are separated. The method is used for atherosclerosis, autoimmune, chronic pathologies of the skin and nervous system.

Cryoplasmapheresis. Plasma is frozen at -30⁰C. Afterwards it is heated to +4⁰C, then flows through a centrifuge. Having eliminated the sediment, the blood flows to the patient’s vein without losing protein compounds. The downside is the inaccuracy of the session.

Rules for plasmapheresis

To prevent the procedure from becoming dangerous to the patient’s health, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it, take tests, and undergo an examination.


The preparatory stage includes the following tests for plasmapheresis:

Grade Definition What happens with the help of
Blood pressure determination A low indicator value is not suitable for the process. It is carried out with a tonometer in the doctor’s office.
Glucose test Necessary for diabetics, high blood sugar levels are detected. Selection on an empty stomach from a venous vessel.
Protein levels are determined A low coefficient indicates a contraindication for the session. Fence from a vein on an empty stomach.
Wasserman reaction Helps determine the presence of syphilis. Selection from a venous vessel.
Coagulogram, indications for clotting duration The study helps determine increased blood loss or the direction of blood clots. Before the process, taking medications that affect clotting is prohibited.
General analysis The composition is assessed and hemoglobin is determined. Taking blood from a finger or vein.
Electrocardiography The use is as follows: on a sheet of paper, the current amplitude intervals that occur in the heart muscle are recorded; The general condition of the heart is assessed. The bursts are recorded by the device through electrodes.

House rules before the event:

  1. Do not drink alcoholic beverages or coffee for 2-3 days.
  2. Drink water 2-2.5 liters per day.

On the day of the event, food should not burden the stomach.


The event must take place in a specially equipped room. When plasma fluid is restored, the patient should not be in pain.

  1. The patient lies on the couch in a supine position.
  2. A catheter is inserted into a venous vessel to draw blood. The puncture site is the elbow bend.
  3. The devices provide for the double use of needles: plasma fluid is released through one, and blood is returned to the bloodstream through the second.
  4. The fluid is stored in a hemocontainer. Then it is divided into two parts. The technique depends on the type of device. Plasma is removed. Replaced with donor hemosorbent or a designated set of substitutes, according to the selected volume.
  5. The second needle returns the liquid in the amount that was taken.
  6. The process may involve administering medications prescribed by your doctor along with the return of plasma.

The quality of the liquid composition after cleaning is determined by the doctor. Medical workers monitor blood pressure, fluid composition, and heart rate.

The duration of the process is 60-120 minutes. On average, 30% of the blood is cleaned in 60 minutes. The device can clean about 40 ml at a time. Centrifugal devices can process 100 ml in 60 seconds. In 60 minutes, 800 ml of harmful fluid leaves the body.

Proportions must be observed to avoid complications.

To reduce the risk after the event you should:

  1. Lie down on the couch for 60 minutes.
  2. Do not take a hot bath for 48 hours and protect yourself from ultraviolet rays.
  3. Do not use traditional methods of treatment.
  4. Do not drink hot coffee or tea.

In some situations, the doctor may prescribe bed rest for the patient.

The dangers of plasmapheresis

The danger of plasmapheresis depends on the professionalism of doctors and medical staff. The following symptoms will help rule them out:

  • thrombocytopenia caused by a lack of anticoagulants;
  • the presence of weakness, the patient may constantly feel sick;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • decreased immunity;
  • More serious side effects include:
  • citrate poisoning;
  • infection from donor plasma, allergy to it;
  • blood loss due to problematic clotting;
  • reduction in pressure when taking large volumes.

A negative consequence is metabolic disorders and the presence of medications in the blood. Dangerous in case of pathological kidney damage, as a result of a negative reaction to donor plasma.

Plasmapheresis is a modern method that allows patients to eliminate blood contamination. It helps quickly, effectively copes with a number of diseases and does not have many contraindications.

A lot of harmful substances enter the human body along with the necessary beneficial elements. The blood delivers all these substances to the organs.

Its plasma contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates, hormones, other microelements, as well as toxins that are carried throughout the body by blood.

They accumulate over time, having a destructive effect on cells and tissues, affecting the immune system.

Plasmapheresis- this is the natural removal of poisons from the blood using a method of membrane separation of its components.

Brief information about the procedure

Plasmapheresis is a method of blood purification.

Plasmapheresis procedure consists of taking a small amount of blood from the body and passing it through a device that separates the blood into plasma and blood elements. The plasma is removed and the particles are sent back into the body.

Sometimes the plasma is affected by cold, this process is called cryoapheresis.

Exists two types of cleansing– using gravity and special filters. In the first case, the blood is driven through a centrifuge, in the second - through membrane filters.

Session duration about 90 minutes. It does not cause any discomfort to the patient. The patient lies down in a chair and catheters are inserted into the veins in the arms. Then you can read or listen to music.

The patient's condition is monitored throughout the entire procedure. Per session up to 30% of blood is restored, therefore, to cleanse all the blood, it is necessary to undergo at least three sessions.

The amount of blood restored during one procedure is determined by the doctor individually, based on the patient’s weight, age and general condition.

Since blood purification is not an easy procedure, after it the patient will have to spend about 1 hour under the supervision of a doctor.

When the patient's condition returns to normal, he is sent home.

There is no need to prepare for blood plasmapheresis. Just like you don’t need to follow any special recommendations after cleansing. Although, in some cases, doctors give certain advice.

Plasmapheresis devices

They are stationary and portable. Through mobile devices Blood purification can be carried out even at the patient’s home.

Modern devices take small portions of blood and purify them one by one. The convenience of portable devices is that they can be moved within the hospital and placed near the patient so as not to disturb him with movement. The portion of blood taken reaches 40 ml, the valve interrupts the blood flow.

It returns to normal and returns to the body. After this, the next dose of blood is taken. Therefore, a person does not feel any discomfort at all.

In a minute, a high-quality device can pass through itself and return it to the body. up to 0.5 cup of blood.

To prevent blood clotting with certain techniques, they are used anticoagulants, which are administered in portions.

There are devices equipped two catheters: blood is taken out through one, and returned through the other. The plasma obtained through the devices fully complies with all standards and is ready for use.

Indications and contraindications for plasmapheresis


Absolute contraindications:

  • Stomach ulcer with bleeding;
  • Problems with blood clotting;
  • Relative contraindications:
  • All types of shock;
  • Severe liver diseases,
  • Acute infectious hepatitis;
  • Anemia in patients over 70 years of age in combination with heart disease;
  • Poorly defined venous network.

Side effects

In general, the procedure was well tolerated. In extremely rare cases it happens slight nausea or headache. However, these unpleasant manifestations pass very quickly.

The procedure can only be unsafe for people with poor blood clotting - bleeding may occur.

During the processing of blood, so that it does not clot, it add anticoagulants. Such manipulation in case of poor coagulation can cause a lack of coagulation at all.

Types of plasmapheresis

Plasmapheresis can be hardware (membrane) or non-hardware (discrete). Let's take a closer look at each type.


Discrete plasmapheresis is performed via centrifuge and sterile disposable plastic containers with preservative.

Blood is drawn, the containers are centrifuged, then the plasma is extracted, and the blood cells after dilution with saline. the solution is returned to the patient.

At the same time, salt compounds are introduced to replenish the volume of withdrawn plasma. If necessary, medications are administered. In just one plasmapheresis session up to 600 ml of plasma is removed.

This is the most affordable way duration of 1 procedure– 2-2.5 hours.


Membrane plasmapheresis is a special method of blood purification, which is based on plasma purification through special membrane.

Too large protein molecules, which contain harmful substances, inflammatory elements, allergens, hormones, fats, antigens, remain in a special filter by transfusion, and the purified blood is returned back.

Plasmapheresis during pregnancy

Plasmapheresis is prescribed as in preparation for pregnancy. The procedure is highly recommended for expectant mothers who smoke to remove poisons accumulated in the blood from cigarettes.

If during pregnancy a woman has toxicosis, two procedures will be enough to significantly improve her condition.

The use of plasmapheresis makes it possible to reduce the number of intrauterine infections, low weight and oxygen starvation several times. The procedure reduces the risk of bleeding during childbirth, as it restores the composition of the blood and reduces the likelihood of blood clots.

A procedure is prescribed for

  • recurrent forms of gestosis,
  • low effectiveness of drugs,
  • severe swelling.

There are types of antibodies that are present in the blood and interfere with conception. Cleansing the blood of these components helps to conceive and carry a baby to term.

In many countries, plasmapheresis is used as a method of treating infertility.

Complications after plasmapheresis

Possibility of complications decreases subject to the following conditions:

Despite the fact that the procedure brings great benefits to the body, in the presence of certain diseases, plasmapheresis can also cause harm.

Complications of the procedure:

  • Pulmonary edema;
  • Allergies, including anaphylactic shock;
  • Blood clotting disorder;
  • Infection with hepatitis, HIV;
  • Hypotension;
  • Phlebitis;
  • Death from complications.

How often can plasmapheresis be done?

Doing plasmapheresis in poor environmental conditions and for people leading a normal lifestyle (drinking alcohol, cigarettes) – once every 6 months.

It is most effective to carry out the procedure after 2 days, so that during this period harmful substances from the organs enter the blood.

The more clinical symptoms appear, the more procedures are needed.

As a warning or in case of an acute illness, three procedures are enough.

Chronic disorder requires 6 sessions.

Plasmapheresis and hemosorption

Both types of cleansing are used very widely.

Hemosorption– blood purification using sorbents.

Sometimes both methods are prescribed in combination. They usually accompany drug treatment.

If plasmapheresis better normalizes the level of immune cells in the body, and also has a positive effect on the properties of the blood, then hemosorption very well cleanses the blood of any poisons.

Hemosorption is prescribed for

How additional treatment used when

  • systemic lupus,
  • asthma,
  • psoriasis,
  • cold allergy,
  • nutritional allergies.

The neutralizer of harmful substances during hemosorption is activated carbon and ion exchange resins. Resins have a narrow spectrum of action: a specific resin is used for a specific type of poison.

Both procedures are serious interventions in the body. It should be taken into account that in this case part of the blood is extracted, its formula changes, a large number of blood elements die and are removed, which cannot be replenished so quickly.

This is a huge burden on the entire body, especially on the hematopoietic organs. All systems and organs lack intercellular fluid to restore plasma volume.

Plasmapheresis price

The cost of plasmapheresis depends on the type of blood purification, the city and the clinic in which the procedure is performed. On average, prices for one plasmapheresis session are as follows:

  • membrane - 7000-7500 rubles;
  • discrete – 5500-6000 rubles.

Blood and urine tests should be taken before starting treatment. It is also necessary to consult with a nutritionist-gastroenterologist and develop a special diet.

After a course of plasmapheresis, the cost of which is not small, the patient will feel full of strength for a long time.

Plasmapheresis is a procedure performed for medical reasons. During this process, human blood is divided into cells (leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets) and plasma. Depending on the purpose for which it is used, there are two types of procedures: therapeutic and donor.

Blood purification through plasmapheresis

During the procedure, which is used for medicinal purposes, the blood is separated, removing the plasma. It is the latter that contains allergens, toxins, autoantibodies, etc.

The blood cells are returned back into the bloodstream and the plasma is utilized. Such an event allows you to reduce the concentration in the body of substances that cause harm (toxins, poisons, antibodies, etc.).

Donor plasmapheresis is carried out in a similar way, but for healthy people.

The plasma obtained as a result of blood separation is preserved in order to transfuse it into a sick person in the future or create blood products from it.

Types of procedure depending on the method of blood separation

There are different types of separation:

  1. Sedimentation - plasma is obtained by settling. Blood cells gradually precipitate;
  2. Centrifugal - the separation process is accelerated due to the action of centrifugal force;
  3. Filtration – special filters are used;
  4. Membrane plasmapheresis - special semi-permeable membranes are used that retain cells but allow plasma to pass through;
  5. Cascade - the resulting plasma is passed through the filter again. As a result, it is divided into albumin and lipoproteins.

Indications and contraindications for prescribed plasmapheresis

For medicinal purposes, the procedure is performed for many diseases and pathological conditions. For example, it is recommended for exogenous intoxications - food poisoning, drug overdose, after chemotherapy.

It is also carried out in cases of endogenous intoxication - in severe diseases that are accompanied by severe intoxication (eg osteomyelitis, paraneoplastic syndrome, severe infectious processes).

Plasmapheresis is prescribed for autoimmune pathologies, for example, it is used to treat bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, glomerulonephritis, Guillain Barré syndrome, and is used for multiple sclerosis.

It is indicated for blood diseases: multiple myeloma, macroglobulinemia, paraproteinemia, thrombocytopenic purpura, monoclonal gammopathy. The indications also include diseases such as amyloidosis and hypercholesterolemia with atherosclerosis.

Absolute contraindications: bleeding disorders, ongoing bleeding. Relative: acute infectious processes, menstruation, hypoproteinemia, unstable hemodynamics, risk of bleeding (eg, with a stomach or duodenal ulcer).

The benefits and harms of the plasmapheresis procedure

In many commercial medical institutions, patients are misled by prescribing this measure when it is not necessary.

For example, many claim that it has undoubted benefits for women, as it rejuvenates the skin. Similar myths include its ability to cleanse the body of toxins, normalize hormonal levels, metabolism, and immunity.

It is also not true that it can be used to prevent various pathologies. The procedure is not capable of improving blood microcirculation in tissues and organs; more precisely, there will be an effect, but not from the procedure, but from the heparin that is used during the session.

To cleanse the blood, plasmapheresis will be sufficient: the concentration of certain substances in the biological fluid of the body will decrease. It cannot prevent their formation or get rid of the cause of the disease, moreover, it is used only in combination with other therapeutic measures. Therefore, it is prescribed only when there is an increase in a certain substance in the blood that negatively affects the body, and the risk from the procedure is significantly lower than the harm from the pathology itself.

Complications that may occur:

  • pulmonary edema;
  • allergies, including anaphylactic shock;
  • bleeding disorder, bleeding;
  • infection with hepatitis B and C virus, HIV;
  • phlebitis;
  • hypotension;
  • mortality – 1 patient out of 5 thousand.

Plasmapheresis for psoriasis

This method of treating psoriasis is based on replacing its own plasma with blood products, blood substitutes, and electrolyte solutions. As a result, toxins (products of impaired/increased metabolism), bacteria, viruses, and free hemoglobin are removed from the body. During the session, special filters or a centrifuge are used.

With psoriasis, a person’s performance increases, the protective functions of his body are enhanced, and resistance to the effects of negative factors is enhanced. This measure allows you to restore the detoxification organs, therefore slowing down the development of pathology. Blood loss leads to the activation of the body's defenses, the mobilization of iron reserves, tissue proteins and other necessary substances.

Plasmapheresis increases the functional activity of hematopoietic cells, improves microcirculation, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and removes decay products of tissues, cells, microbes and toxic substances.

After the first procedure, psoriasis may worsen sharply, but subsequently there will be regression of the rash. At the second stage of treatment, selective phototherapy, photochemotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation, retinoids and synthetic cytostatics are used. As a rule, 7 to 10 sessions are performed every other day or two.

Plasmapheresis for autoimmune disease – multiple sclerosis

In this case, this event will cleanse the liver and blood. Harmful substances will be removed from the body. The virus will disappear from the plasma. Toxins and poisons will be removed from the blood. In this case, interferons are not washed out. It is worth noting that after a course of therapy for multiple sclerosis, the condition always worsens, as mentioned above.

The deterioration of the condition is observed over several days, but in some patients the discomfort continues for another 1-2 weeks.

During this period, you need to be especially careful, take care of yourself in every possible way and prevent the occurrence of discomfort. You can take some painkiller, for example, paracetamol, you need to drink pentoxifylline or actovegin.

Then, after a specified time, the condition improves. It is recommended to consume more foods containing proteins before the procedure and throughout the course.