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How to train a puppy - rules you must read. How to train a pet correctly: secrets of successful dog training Where to start training a dog


First, train the dog using the pointing method, that is, with a treat. Exercise your dog on an empty stomach so that he is motivated to work. If a well-fed dog does not listen to you and does not want treats, switch to feeding the dog at the time of training, for example, cut the meat into pieces and give porridge after the lesson is completed. For a dog on dry food, it’s even easier - just give a piece of food each time after the command is executed.

Teach your dog the “Near” command. Place treats in a pouch on your belt and keep your dog on a leash. Walk holding the piece next to your left leg, at the level of the dog's muzzle. When you reach the turn, say the command “Near” and after the turn give a piece. When this stage is completed, repeat the same thing, only take out the treat just before the turn. Start training at home, go outside only after strengthening the basic skills, continue outside in a quiet place, start all over again. Only after the dog begins to do everything without hesitation, go out into a crowded street where there are distractions.

Teach the “Come to me” command. Start working from home. Take a treat, show it to the dog and command: “Come to me.” When she approaches, give her the treat. The distance doesn’t matter, you can just take a step back so that she follows you. The more often you practice at home, the better. When outside, continue training on a long leash, and start working in a quiet place without people or dogs. If the dog does not want to run up on command, pull it up with small jerks using a leash. Be sure to constantly practice the command at home, rewarding the dog each time. If you follow the command unquestioningly, try working outside without a leash.

Teach your dog the “Sit” command. Take a treat, show it to the dog, bring it to your nose, and use your other hand to sit the dog down. As soon as she sits down, give her a piece. Say the command once - when the dog sits down. To practice endurance so that she doesn’t break away, say “Sit” and give her a tasty morsel. One team - one piece. Then you give the command “Walk” and release the dog.

After any command is carried out, begin alternating treats with praise (Good! Well done!). Under no circumstances should you give a treat along with praise—either this or that. Remember, a command can only be given once. If after this the dog does not comply with the command, punishment must follow.

Terriers were originally hunting dogs. They excelled in catching burrowing animals. Nowadays, most representatives of this breed are decorative, “sofa” pets. And fashionistas have turned the toy terrier into a prestigious accessory.


Raising a puppy of any dog, including one, begins with accustoming it to a nickname. This can be done while feeding the baby. Place some food in a bowl and call the little terrier by name. He will definitely come running to his owner's feet. Pat him on the head, put the bowl on the floor and praise him. The smartest kids remember their name already in their third year of schooling. And for some it takes up to two weeks.

The next obligatory command for a puppy is “no” or “fu”. If a child chases other animals with shoes or furniture, this must be strictly prevented. Grab the puppy by the scruff of the neck, stop him, and gently place him on the floor. Firmly say “ugh” or “no”. Take the object from the mouth. If the little terrier obeys, treat him with a treat. This procedure must be practiced to such an extent that the dog immediately stops any activity upon hearing these commands.

It is imperative to teach your dog the “come to me” command in the first months of its life. This skill will help you avoid unpleasant situations while walking. Call the puppy by name, adding “to me.” At the same time, pat your thigh with your hand. When the baby comes up, give him a tasty piece. This way he will very quickly understand the meaning of this command.

Another necessary skill is cleanliness. You need to train your puppy to use the toilet outside after 2.5 months, when all vaccinations have been completed. At first, the baby will have to be taken out into the yard often - 5-6 times a day. This should be done immediately after eating and sleeping. When the dog does its business, be sure to praise it. Carry treats with you and treat your puppy. By about 3-3.5 months, the small terrier will relieve itself only outside. Unless it leaves a couple of puddles on the floor at night. But by 6 months, all dogs should stop soiling the house.

The commands “lie down”, “sit”, “fetch” and other decorative dogs are taught at will. The most important thing is to teach the puppy “politeness”. He should not bark loudly just like that, rush at people and other animals, or spoil things.

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The Irish Wolfhound is one of the largest dog breeds with a stern appearance and reserved character. At the same time, she feels quite good in a city apartment. Having chosen a wolfhound as a companion, try to raise him correctly so that your life with this dog will be problem-free and joyful.


The upbringing of any large dog must begin from the first days of its appearance in the house. Wolfhound is no exception. First of all, train your dog to have his own place. Prepare a comfortable bed for her, designed for her growth. Place it away from drafts and out of the way. The puppy must understand that this is where he is safe and can rest. Don't touch him when he's going to bed. However, if the dog rests in the wrong place - on a sofa or bed - move him to a bed.

Teach your wolfhound persistently. Please note that he is a greyhound; such dogs are not known for perfect obedience. However, the dog must learn the commands “Fu”, “Place”, “Sit” and “Come”. Train until he starts doing them. Don't forget to reward the animal with a treat for obedience.

Wolfhounds behave quite quietly and prefer to sleep in a secluded corner most of their free time. However, the dog should run properly at least once a day. In city walks you will have to wear a muzzle and on a leash. Release the animal into the wild only in deserted places. The wolfhound is a non-aggressive dog, but it scares passers-by with its mere appearance.

Irish Wolfhounds do not rush at strangers, but they are not averse to chasing other animals. Don't let them run around uncontrollably. When removing the leash, be sure that the dog will return to you upon request.

Do not allow your pet to pester strangers or fawn on them. Wolfhounds can be too intrusive - teach your pupil to restrain his emotions. Don't take him to crowded places. Please note that representatives of this breed do not like loneliness. Don't leave the animal alone for long. Every day, communicate with him for at least half an hour - play, talk, teach commands.

An important point in living together with a wolfhound is caring for its fur. Wash your pet at least twice a month, preferably with a special shampoo for wire-haired dogs. Every other day, the wolfhound's thick coat should be combed with a wire brush and a long-toothed metal comb. Carefully cut off the tangles with scissors. The dog must be accustomed to these procedures from childhood - then it will not be difficult for you to manage an adult dog.

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It's no secret that dogs are smart animals. They are easy to train, so you can teach your dog to follow commands even at home. You just need to know the basics of training psychology.

Where to begin

In order to prepare for the first lesson, you will need to stock up on a collar, leash and treats for your dog. Treats during training are mandatory and necessary for additional motivation of the animal. After all, how else can you show your pet that he is doing the right thing?

Where are dogs trained? The location must be chosen based on whether the dog knows the area. If the place is unfamiliar, then before starting you should give the animal the opportunity to sniff it to make sure it is safe and there is no threat. This is important because it will be difficult for the dog to train in an unknown place.

During training, you need to be alone with the dog. This condition must be observed so that the animal is not distracted from following commands.


You can use dry food as a treat. It transports well and does not stain your hands. But if your dog does not want food, then you can use any other treat that your pet prefers. Now you can even buy special cookies for training.


To prepare your dog for the training process, run him a few laps around the stadium and give him a good walk. But as for time, it’s better to choose it for yourself. During the summer, it is better not to carry out training during the daytime, but if that is when you have free time, stock up on water.

Basic principles of training

The total training time should not exceed an hour, but it is better to split it into several small approaches. For example: give her a command, after completing it, let her run, and then continue what she started. During the entire training period, the dog must follow all your commands.

The main commands that are included in the basic training complex include:

  • Team to me. This is the first task that a dog must perform. She studies in conjunction with a nickname. Call the dog by name and lure it with a treat; after completing it, be sure to praise the animal.
  • The team is nearby. For this task you will need a collar.
  • Command to sit. Can be learned in conjunction with the previous task.
  • The command is to lie down. Be sure to teach this to your dog only after teaching it to sit, a treat will help.
  • Aport. This is a more complex command, along with it you can teach the dog to guard a place.
  • Excerpt for a dog. This is the main thing an animal needs to learn. After all, your dog will need endurance to complete your other tasks.
  • The commands are fu and dai. The first is needed to prohibit the dog from doing anything, and the second to wean him from picking up unnecessary things from the ground.

At what age are dogs trained?

If your dog is still a puppy, then you need to train him from the first days of being in the house. But you should take into account the age of the dog. Training should begin at three months; before this time, teach him to walk with a collar, respond to a nickname, follow the command to come to me, and toilet train him.

After the dog has mastered the initial commands, move on to the next stage, but repeat what you have learned. As a new task, teach your puppy the give command. This can be useful after he picks up something from the floor or ground.

After reaching the age of three, repeat everything previously learned. At this age, the dog is easy to train in a playful way.

Training small dogs

If you have a small dog, it will be easier to train than a large one. Since small dogs love to run at any age, the very first command may be “come to me.” This will definitely come in handy if your pet runs too far.

Usually small breeds become real members of the family. And so the next command should be "place". It is this that will allow you to teach your dog not to run on beds or sleep with its owners in the future.

You can also teach your dog the following commands: fu, next and restraint. These are the main tasks that a small breed dog should face.

Should I train an adult dog?

It often happens that it is not a puppy that is taken into the house, but an adult dog. Is it possible to train an adult dog? It is possible, but it will take more time than usual. If the dog is old, this means that you will first need to eradicate its old habits, and only then accustom it to new ones.

How to train an adult dog:

  • All commands are pronounced in a clear and calm tone.
  • For completing a task correctly, praise her, pet her, or treat her with something tasty.
  • Pay attention to gestures. The dog must understand more than just voice commands.
  • During training, never use aggression towards the animal. Don't scold or hit your dog. This can lead to the development of fear.

How to train a hunting dog

As for training hunting dogs, you will have to work on it. In such breeds, some manifestations of character should be suppressed. A hunting breed dog will not work without proper training and education.

The basics should be devoted to 6 to 9 months. During this period, dogs need to be trained to obey, taught clearly, not to follow commands and quit, and also trained to command me using a whistle or horn.

As early as 10 months, you can start learning special commands. That is, to accustom the dog to hunting. The connection between dog and hunter is important here. On the one hand, she should not be afraid of her owner, and on the other hand, she should be obedient and not get lost in different situations.

Hunting dogs have the ability to accumulate experience and compare behavior, so such an animal should not be treated as a collection of reflexes. Hunting breeds are characterized by the presence of powerful intelligence.

The most trainable dogs

Everyone knows that each type of dog is characterized by certain character traits, behavior and learning ability. The best dog breeds that are easy to train include:

  • German bearish. Good-natured and calm. It is necessary to train from a very early age in order to avoid the manifestation of a difficult character in the future.
  • Italian Cane Corso. An ideal watchdog, remembers a large number of commands, but may have difficulties communicating with other breeds.
  • Basset Hound. Agile, agile and resilient. They love children.
  • German Shepherd. Balanced and loyal.
  • Black Russian Terrier. Aggressive and distrustful. It is easy to train, but it must be trained by a strong-willed person who is able to show the dog a place.
  • Maltese. They are easy to train, but are classified as decorative breeds.

General rules for self-training

With the right approach, any breed of dog can be trained, regardless of age. To learn commands correctly, you must follow the following rules:

  • Carry out training in stages.
  • Encourage the dog.
  • Show strength of character towards the animal, but not aggression.
  • Understand your pet's personality.

If you are persistent and devote a lot of time and attention to your four-legged friend, teaching him commands and rules of behavior, then he will definitely become the best companion for you on the path of life. Remember, it's never too late to start training! In addition, you can teach your pet all the necessary skills yourself if you listen to our recommendations.

A story about dog training at home.

The relationship with a pet begins when the puppy crosses the threshold of the owner’s apartment. While still small and defenseless, he already needs the care and guardianship of his person. But without the right recommendations, it is impossible to build the right relationship between the owner and the pet. So where should you start training?

First of all, train your dog correctly. Thanks to education and the ability to recognize different commands, the pet and the person will find a common language and understand each other. In fact, this is not difficult to learn, you just have to do the exercises regularly and at the same time.

Oh strange world

Adaptation of a pet begins when it first finds itself in a new home. It is important not to miss this moment, but to establish new rules for the pet. At such a young age, it is easier for animals to learn new information. To understand a puppy's adaptation, you need to imagine yourself in an unfamiliar house with strangers. Discomfort is expressed in questions: how to behave, why people don’t like it, and what to do? Why do they constantly scold or praise for something? And it’s much easier to get comfortable in a new territory, where they will clearly show and tell you what you can and can’t do. Life is much easier under these rules, and unfamiliar company becomes clearer and closer.

The same applies to animals. At first they had a family to which they were accustomed. But then something unpleasant happened: the animal finds itself in a frightening environment, where every object conveys danger. The initial task of a person is to secure the space for the pet and create the most comfortable conditions for learning. The person training the dog bears great responsibility for its further behavior. If, for example, his dog attacked someone, then who is blamed: the dog or the owner? The answer suggests itself.

Where to start

The first days of the puppy's life in its new home have begun. The owner should start training the puppy with the basic rules. This means that eating, toileting and sleeping take place in strictly designated areas. The rules are being implemented gently. If everything is done correctly, then you need to pleasantly reward the animal: praise it or give it food that it loves. Over time, the dog will understand why it is praised and will strive to please its owner.

Of course, things don’t always go smoothly and the way you want. If the pet does not obey and continues to do things in its own way, a soft punishment system is introduced, and then a hard one (if necessary). The latter is almost never used, because small puppies quickly understand how to perform any action correctly.

How to properly train a puppy

The owner needs to repeat training the puppy 10–15 times a day and more if there is free time. Skills are acquired through practice. List of basic skills:

1–3 months what a puppy should know

A lot of time passed, and the pet began to get used to the new environment, the people around him, and became attached to the owner. 1 to 3 months of age is very important for remembering basic commands. But the puppy also needs to get used to the collar and leash, perceiving them neutrally, and be calm about water procedures and cleaning. In addition, the owner is obliged to teach the puppy how to communicate correctly with other dogs. For example, if a puppy begins to howl or rush at its relatives, you need to shout the command “no”, “fu”, “come to me”. If the animal does everything correctly after pronouncing the command, the owner must express his approval.

The owner's approval during training is very important for the dog. After all, she becomes attached to the owner and treats him with respect, and his opinion becomes paramount for her over time. Approval can be expressed in several ways:

  • praise (kind words spoken by the owner in moments of good mood);
  • physical approval (patting, stroking, accompanied by affectionate words);
  • reward (give a new toy, treat).

How to get a dog used to a collar

A collar is unpleasant and painful, but very necessary for the dog itself. The collar is also very convenient to use during training; it develops endurance and willpower when worn correctly. Some owners allow their pets to roam completely freely. This is the wrong approach: the puppy can become interested in anything and run away, getting lost so far that the command “come to me” will no longer be heard.

Besides, a pet can easily tag along with a passerby, especially at a young age, when it is not so strongly attached to its owner, get hit by a car, interfere with cyclists, and simply play for too long. With a collar, such problems cannot arise, because the pet is always under close supervision.

The collar should be associated with something pleasant, and not with pain and inconvenience. To do this, wearing the collar must be accompanied by pleasant encouragement from the owner. When the puppy runs 10 steps away from the owner, you should call him with the command “come to me,” put on a collar and reward him with a treat. Every day this exercise should be repeated 4-5 times, gradually removing the treat until the collar becomes familiar.

The collar can also be used as punishment. If the dog does not respond to any command, you can easily pull the collar, which will cause unpleasant associations in the dog, and it will stop performing the action that the owner does not like.

How to train a dog up to 6 months old

After your pet has learned the basic commands during training, you can teach it more complex commands: “give”, “fetch”, “lie down”, “sit”. The “fetch” and “give” commands are easy to learn. To do this, you need the puppy’s favorite toy, which should be thrown away by shouting “fetch.” If the puppy runs up to the toy, you should say “to me.” When the pet brings a toy in its teeth, you need to say “give” and take the toy. What to do if the puppy does not react in any way to throwing a toy? In this case, after the throw, the owner needs to say “fetch”, go for the toy and give it to the puppy. As soon as he approaches the owner with the toy, say the command “give” and take it away. Over time, the dog will begin to associate the command with action.

The “down” command is easy to learn. To do this, the dog must be wearing a collar and on a leash, while knowing the basic commands. When the dog sits next to the owner, you will need to show her his favorite treat by pointing your hand down. Usually the dog lies down and sniffs the treat. During this moment, the owner must be told “lie down.” This exercise is repeated 3-4 times a day until the dog understands what is required of it.

The “sit” command is the simplest. As you can see, almost all dogs perform it, since it is often very necessary. For example, if the owner needs to wait outside. The training takes place using a treat, which is brought to the dog’s nose and lifted up. When your dog sits, you need to say “sit” and give him a treat.

When training a puppy, it is better not to repeat commands 2 or more times, because in this case the dog will not carry them out right away. If a dog follows commands without permission, it should be punished, not rewarded.

Most owners of four-legged friends are interested in teaching their pets various tricks. And many of them succeed. What determines success or failure in dog training - is it the dog's breed or the approach the owner uses? In fact, various factors are important, including the actions of the owner.

If a funny toddler comes into the house, the owners do not immediately come to mind with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200braising and training him, but in vain. When can you start this process, and what nuances should you consider?

Most owners make the common mistake of thinking that their dog should have a carefree childhood. They allow the puppy to do whatever he wants for almost six months, without limiting his actions in any way. And then, when the dog is 6 months old, they begin to correct its essentially established behavior.

But with this approach, in almost 100% of cases, owners face a number of problems. First of all, the dog will be surprised by such a change, because he is not used to obeying and following commands. A grown-up animal is more difficult to train, because the pet is already spoiled by attention, carelessness and is not ready to give it up. So, the “the sooner the better” approach is the most rational solution.

Where is the best way to start training a dog?

Education and training are two important processes that occur simultaneously, and in both cases consistency, systematicity and regularity are important. You cannot work hard on the court all week and then stop training for a month - in this case you should not expect lasting results.

The owner must establish a number of rules in the very first days and not deviate one step from their implementation. For example, they might look like this:

  • It is forbidden to damage shoes;
  • You can’t sleep on furniture;
  • only special devices are used as toys;
  • It is forbidden to feed the puppy from your table, etc.

Moreover, endurance will be required not only from the pet, but also from the owner and his family members. In honor of the holiday, you can’t let your baby sleep on the sofa and kick him out the next day. It is recommended to start training with simple tasks that can be given at home.

The puppy must learn the commands "", "", "", "", etc. In the future, they will form the basis for more serious training. You should not hope that the baby will immediately successfully complete tasks, even if he belongs to the smartest of the breeds. Well, who doesn’t experience difficulties doing something for the first time? In this case, it is important to be patient and not get angry or scold your pet.

Frequent classes are encouraged, but with mandatory intervals. The puppy should not get tired of training; it is important that he always responds with pleasure to the invitation to both play and learn. You should not forget about encouragement; puppies respond well to affection, kind words, and, of course, treats.

Mastering basic skills

Each command is another step in the right direction, giving the dog new knowledge and the owner confidence in his own skills as a trainer. But each of them has its own characteristic features:

  • To me! One of the main required skills, and at first it is best to practice it during walks. When the puppy plays and frolics, it is necessary to periodically call him, and when he responds and approaches, encourage him in every possible way.
  • ! This is the next command in which you cannot use the method of sharply pulling on the leash. Such an action may irritate the pet, but will not force it to obey. In this situation, it is better to make patting movements on the thigh, and also slightly increase the tension of the leash.
  • Sit! The dog must master this command simultaneously with the previous one. When the pet approaches the owner, he should be told “sit!” You can help by gently pressing on the croup. Quite often, puppies do not understand what the owner wants, so it is recommended to pull the leash upward, and then the dog will have to sit down.

These are the basics of learning to start with. When the dog performs them promptly, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli, the tasks can be made more difficult.

Features of training adult dogs

There are often situations when an already adult dog, fully formed in all respects, ends up with the owner. In this case, you can train your pet, but it will require a lot of attention and patience. If we are talking about serious dogs,

Dog training is something that owners of these smartest animals face. And you shouldn’t think that highly intelligent dogs of service breeds are already born with working skills, while hunting dogs can immediately follow the trail of their prey. In order for the dog to show obedience, respect and perform even complex tricks, the owner will need a lot of time, effort and patience.

When can you start training?

When a puppy appears in the house, owners have many questions. And one of them: at what age can a puppy be trained? And rightly so, it should be asked as early as possible so as not to miss time.

A baby can master his first skills and rules of behavior from the first days of his arrival in a new home. From 1 month. And don’t think that a funny toddler with a cute face is not capable of mastering commands. In the period from 1 to 3 months, the pet can learn to respond to its name, learn its place, bring objects and give them away.

At the same time, it is necessary to decide whether the puppy will be trained at home or whether professional help will be required. Owners should evaluate their capabilities and skills in this area, determine what, in addition to obedience, they expect from their pet.

In addition, the breed characteristics, size of the dog, character and other nuances are important. So how to properly raise a puppy?

What are the rules for training dogs?

Before starting to teach a pet basic skills, every owner must understand the truth: there are no stupid dogs. You should not think that raising a dog belonging to the smartest breeds is easier than raising a dog with average intelligence. After all, with the wrong approach, the pet will use intelligence and cunning to avoid training.

When something doesn’t work out for a puppy, you can’t blame everything on his weak mental abilities. Perhaps training the dog is too much for the owner.

How can you make this process as comfortable and efficient as possible? First of all, a novice trainer should take care of a calm environment in which the puppy will not be distracted or frightened, and it is best to begin training in familiar, home conditions. In addition, other aspects are important:

  • what kind of praise is best to use;
  • what mistakes should be avoided;
  • How can you learn to better understand your four-legged friend?

To understand how to train a dog at home, dog experts recommend the following stable dogmas:

  1. Puppies, like adult dogs, have difficulty understanding difficult to pronounce words that have many syllables, especially if the owner does not pronounce them expressively. Commands should be pronounced clearly and moderately loud.
  2. The duration of the first classes should not exceed 10 minutes, but you can do 2-3 approaches per day.
  3. Each lesson begins with repetitions of already acquired knowledge.
  4. Before training, the dog should be given time to frolic so that the dog gets rid of excess energy and calms down.
  5. Do not train dogs immediately after eating, late in the evening, or if the pet has just woken up. In these situations, you should wait for a more convenient time.
  6. As a rule, raising a puppy combines both reward and punishment. But rough physical force is not recommended: hitting, grabbing by the scruff of the neck or screaming. Tell the trainer in a rather stern voice: it’s bad, it’s impossible, ay-ay-ay, or shame in other words.
  7. Dog training at home, which takes place in a playful manner, is quite effective: the good mood of all participants is the key to fruitful work.
  8. You cannot force a puppy and force it to follow commands. The process will be more fruitful if he is interested.
  9. Praise naturally helps in training and should not be stingy: the dog responds well to the joyful voice of the owner.
  10. You can train a dog if you say the command 1-2 times. Phrases like “fu, fu…” said a hundred times not only do not give a positive result, but also allow the pet to not strive to quickly complete tasks.
  11. In order to reap the benefits of raising a dog for up to a year as early as possible, you should work with your pet daily so that he does not forget the knowledge he has already acquired. Don’t think that this will take a lot of time: 1 course of repetitions lasts on average 10 minutes.

Experts warn that if you do not pay attention to such little things, you can make mistakes that will be very difficult to correct.

If you plan to train a dog on your own, then it is worth remembering that these animals are very sensitive to changes in the owner’s mood: they are able to detect irritated notes in the voice and react to sharp gestures. Therefore, dog handlers suggest where to start training - with a good mood and a friendly attitude towards your pet, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a big dog or a tiny baby.

The first knowledge acquired by the pet

We have already managed to find out at what age a puppy can be trained, but what should be the first steps in raising it if we are talking about the age of 1–3 months?

  1. First of all, it is recommended to accustom your pet to cleanliness. However, often used by owners, poking their muzzle into puddles will not have a positive effect. It is worth being patient and watching the baby. As soon as he starts to worry and whine, you should go outside with him. If this cannot be done (for example, when the pet has not been vaccinated), it must be placed on a diaper or in a tray.
  2. In addition, you need to start training your puppy by teaching him his nickname. To do this, it should be said every time you need to attract the pet’s attention. However, you cannot replace the command “near!” with a nickname; it is a signal for the next actions.
  3. Then you can begin to teach the basics of dog training, asking your pet to follow simple commands. During games, he can easily master the “near!” command, which is recommended for very young children. It should be said before feeding, and during walks, a treat should be used as a stimulus. As a result of this approach, the dog will associate this phrase exclusively with positive aspects. This is a great option for teaching your puppy to follow commands without using threats or punishment.
  4. If your dog is showing obedience more and more often, you should give him treats less often. But at the same time, we must not forget that the baby must be praised so that he continues to try.

If the puppy is given the necessary knowledge correctly, the rest of the learning process will be easier.

Puppy and leash: how to make training comfortable

Perhaps this is the most serious problem, and you can often see how the owners literally drag the poor guy who does not want to come to terms with his situation. How to accustom a puppy to a leash quickly and painlessly? Step-by-step plan:

  1. Introducing the collar. If puppies are marked almost from birth by wearing a colored thread, and later it is replaced with a ribbon-collar, then there will be no problems. Otherwise, you will need to wear this accessory for a while, periodically extending the wearing time.
  2. Learning to walk on a leash. First of all, you should learn how to train your dog to use a leash. To do this, it is enough to fasten the equipment at home so that your pet can run with it. Ideally, the baby does not pay attention to this object, and can run for about half an hour without showing interest in the leash. Usually by 3 months the pet is fully vaccinated, and by this time the owner should know how to raise a puppy in outdoor conditions. And the first thing a child must master for his own safety is walking on a leash. At this important moment, you should be careful and walk next to the puppy, avoiding pulling on the leash. If the baby runs in the wrong direction, you cannot correct his movement by pulling the leash. You should pick him up and move him to a safe place. This is one of the axioms of how to properly raise a puppy: he should be given the opportunity to choose a route until he begins to perceive fastening the leash as a good sign of a quick walk.
  3. Walk on a leash without pulling it. It is not good for a well-bred puppy to pull on its owner, so the owner should pay special attention to this moment and choose a weaning method - loyal or harsh.

In the first case, you need to stop every time the puppy starts to pull on the leash and wait until he pays attention to the owner. At this time, you should treat him with a treat and encourage him with a kind expression, and then slightly change the course of action. After 3-4 weeks, the baby will understand that his haste leads to movement stopping completely.

For large puppies aged 4–5 months, this manipulation can be replaced with a more strict method - jerking.

In this case, it is better to use a children's strict collar with rounded teeth and a leash made of nylon thread as ammunition. The pet should be given 2-3 meters of freedom, but as soon as it starts to pull on the leash, it should be stopped with a jerk. Usually a week is enough for the dog to realize that pulling on the leash causes discomfort.

In the future, there will be no difficulties in raising a puppy and accustoming it to behavior on the street, especially if you follow the rules and consistency.

There is another 4th stage - learning to walk side by side. It is recommended to use a loose leash for walking until the pet can master the basic commands - ew, place, sit, next. Afterwards, you can begin a more complex task: teach your pet the “near!” command. In this case, it is recommended not to overload the dog with activities, otherwise it will be difficult for him to concentrate.

You should sit him next to your left leg, and hold the free end of the leash and a treat or toy with your right hand. Then you need to start moving with the command “near!”, maintaining the half-tight position of the leash, not allowing the pet to overtake the owner. The main thing is to understand how to train a puppy and show persistence: any attempts to pull on the leash must be stopped immediately!

As soon as the puppy has taken the desired position, he should definitely be praised, and for this it is enough to say “good” and repeat the command so that he understands what he has done to deserve the owner’s approval.

During 1 walk, 2-3 approaches are enough.

Give me your paw, four-legged friend!

Any well-mannered dog should be ashamed if it does not know the command “give me your paw!”, no matter how many months or years old it is. This task is not so much an indicator of good manners as a convenient skill that makes caring for a pet easier.

How to teach a dog the command “give me your paw!”, and most importantly, why? First of all, the command will come in handy when your pet needs a manicure, wash its paws, or inspect its pads. Many tricks contain a similar element. To teach your puppy to give paw, you can use the following method:

  1. Using the command “sit!”, you need to sit the pet in such a way that it can reach the owner without getting up.
  2. Then you should take the tidbit in your right hand, show it to the puppy and hold it in your palm.
  3. You need to wait until attempts to get to the treat using your nose are unsuccessful, and the pet uses its paw.
  4. As soon as the puppy’s limb is on your hand, you need to say the command and hold the paw for a few seconds.
  5. Afterwards, you should carefully lower the paw, praise the baby and give away the earned treat.

Now we need to clarify how to teach a dog to give a paw so that he doesn’t forget this command in a few days. You need to refresh your baby's memory every day by asking him to give you a paw 3-4 times, doing several approaches a day.

Mastering important commands

Professionals know how to properly train a puppy and can tell you how to do it yourself. Typically, learning basic commands begins at 3–4 months of age, and the complex includes extremely useful skills that even the most careless student can master.

"Near!". It is almost impossible to raise an obedient dog without training this command. To master it, it is advisable to have an assistant who will hold the puppy in his arms or an adult dog by the collar. The owner should praise the dog and treat it with something tasty, and then ask another person to move the pet 2-3 meters away from him and hold it at such a distance, but so that the dog can see the owner. After 5–10 seconds, the owner commands “near!” and slaps his hand on his thigh, and the assistant lets him go.

If the dog refuses to run, then you should lure him with a treat.

When the command is executed correctly, you should praise him for his efforts, and then consolidate the skill by repeating the exercise several more times.

"Ugh". Obedience is important for a trained dog, and this command allows the owner to correct the behavior and actions of the pet. It should be worked out using the method of coercion, or rather punishment, since the dog hears this only when it behaves incorrectly. Most often, owners begin to use the word “fu” from the first days of the arrival of a new family member in the house, since the baby immediately gets involved in research activities and is not always within the limits of what is permitted.

However, serious mastery of this skill occurs at a later period: at the age of six months, when the puppy is already familiar with basic commands and completely trusts its owner. Of course, this is the most unpleasant dog command, which limits the rights and freedoms of the pet, so dog experts recommend selecting training individually, based on the characteristics and temperament of the dog.

The main thing is that the goal of interrupting the pet’s unwanted attempts without putting your hands to it is achieved.

The following techniques can be used:

  1. You should call the puppy by name, and if he ignores, say clearly and strictly “ugh!” Afterwards you need to call him over and lure him into playing.
  2. If the dog is distracted by the owner's calls, but not enough to run to him, the owner can tease him with a treat or toy.
  3. When the dog already knows some commands, you can clap your hands, and as soon as the pet is distracted, give it quickly and clearly from the previously mastered tasks. This will certainly confuse the puppy, which means the result has been achieved.
  4. If the dog shows stubbornness and still commits an offense, he should be caught up, restrained and said a few phrases in a frustrated and offended voice, and shamed.

Composure is a basic skill in training, allowing the dog to carry out other commands more efficiently, and the owner not to waste time. As for the very concept of endurance, it is the fixation of the accepted position for the required period, i.e. the dog will sit or lie until the owner gives the go-ahead.

Additional commands

First, you need to bring the dog to a place chosen in advance, command “sit!”, and when the dog sits down, add “wait!” Afterwards, the owner should slowly back away from the pet, and if the pet is about to move in his direction, repeats: “sit, wait!”

For the first attempts, 5-6 steps are enough, and if the puppy shows restraint, you need to immediately return to the dog, reward and release, giving the command “walk!” The initial exposure time is 10 seconds, but should be gradually increased, as should the distance. The further the owner goes, the longer it takes him to return.

Raising a dog at the initial stage means not taking your eyes off your pet, and as soon as he is about to jump up, repeat the command in time. If the puppy shows excitement and cannot sit still for a second, he needs to be returned to his original place, calmed down and calmly begin training.

"Sit!". A basic skill that is the starting point for many teams. Dogs remember it very quickly, as it is a comfortable position for dogs that does not require any effort.

You just need to help your pet a few times by saying “sit!”, lightly pressing on the croup area, and when the dog sits down, give him a treat and praise so that he understands what is required of him. Subsequently, the skill will need to be consolidated, but after 5–7 days the pet will be able to perform this simple task without a word.

Adult dog training

It is believed that it is easiest to raise an animal during puppyhood, and there is some truth in this. But what if the pet came into the house a little later? Don't despair and give up. How to train an adult dog?

They describe a number of subtleties that are best taken into account so that training and education do not become stressful for a new family member:

  1. There are various rules for training dogs, among them the one that indicates that if a pet has just appeared in the family, there is no need to overload it from the first days. You need to wait for the pet to calm down and get used to new people and surroundings.
  2. Training an adult dog at home will not be successful if the owner does not confirm his authority and establish contact with his pet.
  3. Raising a dog that has already had a certain, not always positive, experience is a difficult task. Therefore, if knowledge and experience do not allow you to train dogs on your own, you should seek professional help.
  4. If the owner is ready to educate himself in order to choose the best method for his pet, then it is worth looking for theoretical dog training lessons that include modern approaches without traditional rewards and punishments. In most cases, changing owners is a huge stress for these animals, so harsh methods can only increase the dog’s nervousness.

How to train a dog using the latest stimulus-response technique based on the work of I.P. Pavlov? This method helps to teach an adult pet commands, developing conditioned reflexes based on innate ones. To develop a conditioned reflex in your pet, experts recommend buying a clicker in the pet products department - a box that, when pressed, you can hear a click.

Just like training a puppy, training a dog begins with practicing familiar material. In addition, a calm environment and comfortable conditions should be ensured. After a couple of days, you can replace home exercises with street training.

As soon as the pet begins to correctly follow commands, after each success you need to reward the pet and press the clicker.

This contributes to the development of a conditioned reflex: completing the task - click - get a treat.

Owners may be wondering when to start introducing distractions? This can be done when the dog makes tangible progress. If he is distracted during training, then you should not punish him for this, just press the clicker, thereby returning the animal’s attention.

As soon as the dog understands that obedience is well rewarded and it is worth being more active, the clicker will no longer be needed. Do not forget that puppies require less time to master tasks than an adult animal, so you should not demand the impossible from your pet.

When purchasing a four-legged friend, the owner should not be afraid of the fact that he does not know how to raise dogs. In fact, most pets need a strong hand and a consistent approach, and this is often enough to make the dog obedient and willing to follow commands. If they get a less flexible individual, the owners always have the opportunity to turn to professionals for help.