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How to live 120 years healthy and beautiful. Treatment of body and soul. development of modern ideology

We constantly ask the question: how to live long? It’s hard to believe, but there are peoples on earth for whom 120 years is not the limit! These are long-livers - Hunzakuts.

The Hunza River Valley (the border of India and Pakistan) is called the “oasis of youth.” The life expectancy of the inhabitants of this valley is 110-120 years. They almost never get sick and look young.

It is curious that the inhabitants of the Hunza Valley, unlike neighboring peoples, are very similar in appearance to Europeans (as are the Kalash, who live very close by). But unlike the inhabitants of Europe, the Hunzakuts are extremely optimistic; they are characterized by an even positive mood and cordial hospitality.

At the same time, the Hunzakuts treat with slight irony the fact that someone else in the world is called highlanders. This name should only be borne by those who live near the famous “mountain meeting place” - the point where the three highest systems of the world converge: the Himalayas, the Hindu Kush and the Karakoram.

It will be impossible to pass through these rock masses if you are not a world-class athlete. You can only “seep” through narrow passes, gorges, and trails.

Since ancient times, these rare arteries were controlled by principalities, which imposed significant taxes on all passing caravans. Hunza was considered one of the most influential among them.

Apricot Valleys

The world started talking about the Hunza people in the 1970s thanks to wandering Western hippies looking for exotic romance, a new religion and suitable corners of the Earth for a free high.

Hunzakuts live in the Happy Valley, isolated by the Himalayan landscape, lying among glacier-covered mountains at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level.

Potatoes, vegetables and hemp are grown on numerous terraced fields, which are sometimes smoked here and added as a seasoning to meat dishes and soups.

The main value of the Khunzakut gardens is apricots. All of Pakistan knows that only here do the “Khan’s fruits” grow, which ooze aromatic juice while still on the trees.

Since the valley is located halfway from the Khunjerab Pass to the beginning of the Hindustan plains, the Khunzakuts are confident that they control the route to the “upper world.” To the mountains as such.

They speak their own Burushaski language (Burushaski, the relationship of which has not yet been established with any of the languages ​​of the world, although everyone here knows Urdu, and many speak English).

He professes, of course, like most Pakistanis, Islam, but of a special kind, namely Ismaili, one of the most mystical and mysterious in religion, which is professed by up to 95% of the population. Therefore, in Hunza you will not hear the usual calls to prayer blaring from the speakers of the minarets. Everything is quiet, prayer is a personal matter and time for everyone.


The main thing that the Hunzakuts are famous for is, of course, their age. The Hunza live without disease for up to 110, or even 160 years.

The Khunzakuts bathe in icy water even at 15 degrees below zero, play outdoor games until they are a hundred years old, their 40-year-old women look like girls, at 60 they maintain a slim and graceful figure, and at 65 they still give birth to children.

Elderly people are surrounded by honor, their authority is indisputable. And how could it be otherwise: after all, the Hunzakuts do not experience senile dementia at all and, in their old age, participate in field work and make forays high into the mountains.

Glass of apricots

In summer they eat raw fruits and vegetables, in winter - sun-dried apricots and sprouted grains, sheep cheese.

However, the main secret of longevity, freshness and visible beauty lies elsewhere: in an extremely meager diet, which the Hunzakuts elevated almost to a religious dogma.

Historically, the point, of course, is the acute shortage of fertile lands and the sad need to consume as little food as possible.

Only useful animals are bred here (there is nowhere to graze, except on the mountain slopes, and there is nothing to feed them), and they are slaughtered when keeping them becomes unprofitable. Moreover, cows, sheep, and goats are small and skinny; they give little milk. Their meat is sinewy and lean, and they eat it extremely rarely.

Everyday food - raw vegetables and fruits, whole grains - sprouted or in the form of soups and flatbreads. Wheat is pounded in stone mortars and filled with water, and from this very primitive dough (without yeast) they prepare something like pancakes, drying them right on the walls of houses.

The same applies to rye, oats, barley, corn, buckwheat, rice, millet, peas, lentils, nuts, and apricot grains. Small quantities of milk and cheese are served on the table.

They hardly know alcohol here (they rarely drink watery grape moonshine).

It is also important, according to experts, that the Hunzakuts eat only what their own land produces.

One more thing is interesting: the residents have a period when the fruits have not yet ripened - it is called the “hungry spring” and lasts from two to four months. During these months they eat almost nothing and only drink a drink made from dried apricots once a day. Such a fast has been elevated to a cult and is strictly observed.

The Scottish doctor Mac Carrison, who first described the Happy Valley, emphasized that protein consumption there is at the lowest level of the norm, if it can be called normal at all. The daily calorie content of Hunza averages 1933 kcal and includes 50 g of protein, 36 g of fat and 365 g of carbohydrates.

The Scotsman lived in close proximity to the Hunza Valley. He came to the conclusion that diet is the main factor in the longevity of this people.

The main value of the Khunzakut gardens is apricots.

How to live long? If a person eats incorrectly, then nothing, not even a mountain climate, can save him from illness.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the neighbors of the Hunzakuts, living in the same climatic conditions, suffer from a variety of diseases. Their lifespan is half as long.

McCarrison, returning to England, carried out interesting experiments on a large number of animals. Some of them ate the usual food of a London working-class family (white bread, herring, refined sugar, canned and boiled vegetables). As a result, a wide variety of “human diseases” began to appear in this group.

Other animals were on the Hunzakut diet and remained absolutely healthy throughout the entire experiment.

In the book “The Hunza - a People Who Know No Diseases,” R. Bircher emphasizes the following very significant advantages of the nutrition model in this country:

First of all, it's vegetarian.
- a large amount of raw foods
- Vegetables and fruits predominate in the daily diet
- products are natural, without any chemicals, and prepared preserving all biologically valuable substances
- alcohol and treats are consumed extremely rarely
- very moderate salt intake
- products grown only on their own soil
- regular periods of fasting

To this must be added other factors that contribute to healthy longevity. But the method of nutrition is undoubtedly very significant and decisive here.

In 1963, a French medical expedition visited Hunza. As a result of the population census she conducted, it was found that the average life expectancy of the Hunzakuts is 120 years, which is twice as high as that of Europeans.

In August 1977, at the International Cancer Congress in Paris, a statement was made: “In accordance with the data of geocancerology (the science of studying cancer in different regions of the world), the complete absence of cancer occurs only among the Hunza people.”

In April 1984, one of the Hong Kong newspapers reported the following amazing case.

One of the Hunzakuts, whose name was Said Abdul Mobud, who arrived at London Heathrow Airport, bewildered the emigration service workers when he presented his passport.

The high working capacity of the Hunzakuts is the answer to the question: how to live long?

According to the document, Hunzakut was born in 1823 and turned 160 years old.

The mullah who accompanied Mobud noted that his ward is considered a saint in the country of Hunhuza, famous for its long-livers. Mobud has excellent health and sound mind. He remembers events well since 1850.

The locals speak simply about their secret to longevity: be a vegetarian, always work physically, constantly move and do not change the rhythm of life, then you will live up to 120-150 years.

Distinctive features of the Hunzakuts as a people with good health:

1) High ability to work in the broad sense of the word. Among the Hunzakuts, this ability to work is manifested both during work and during dancing and games.

For them, walking 100–200 kilometers is the same as for us taking a short walk near the house.

They climb steep mountains with extraordinary ease to convey some news, and return home fresh and cheerful.

2) Cheerfulness. The Hunzas laugh constantly, they are always in a good mood, even if they are hungry and suffering from the cold.

3) Exceptional durability. “The Hunzakuts have nerves as strong as ropes, and thin and tender as a string,” wrote McCarrison.

They never get angry or complain, don’t get nervous or show impatience, don’t quarrel among themselves and endure physical pain, trouble, noise, etc. with complete peace of mind.”

Having learned about the life of this people, you can confidently answer the question: how to live long? The secret of longevity is that you need to lead a correct lifestyle, become a vegetarian, always work physically, constantly move and not change the rhythm of life, then you will live up to 120-150 years.


A sane person has a question - why do different people, drinking the same tap water, living in the same ecological environment, some live up to 70-90 years, while others die at 35-45 years? That's a good question. So, despite the fact that the quality of water and the ecology of the environment affects human health, this is not a determining factor in a person’s life span.

Experts say that the reserves of the human body are poorly used by people, and life expectancy today can be significantly increased. The numbers are called different: 120, 150 or more years, up to unlimited longevity. If you are 20-30 years old or more, then it’s time to get down to business seriously. The fact is that, until approximately 20 years of age, the processes of growth and creation in the body predominate. From 20 to 30 years of age there is a balance. And from the age of 30-40, destructive processes begin to take over. It is very important to start taking action before destructive processes make themselves known. Obviously, the sooner you start preventing aging, the more pronounced the effect will be. If it is established that the species life expectancy of a person is 120-130 years, then why do people live on average 70? The answer is quite obvious. Various damaging factors prematurely destroy the body. If we eliminate at least some of them, then life expectancy will increase!

Destructive factors primarily include: pollution of the environment and the internal environment of the body, free radicals (lipid peroxidation, etc.), blood sugar (glycosylation or gluing of molecules), oxygen starvation of tissues, stress, overwork, etc. We’ll talk about this in this book.

What destroys our body

Free radicals

What are these “creatures” and what do they eat them with? However, the problem is that they are more likely to “eat” us. In the process of life, aggressive forms of oxygen (H2O2, HO - etc.) are formed in our body. These very active fragments of molecules have an unpaired electron and strive to enter into a chemical reaction with everything that comes their way. First of all, they are dangerous because they destroy the membranes of our cells, and also cause damage to the DNA molecule, the keeper of all genetic information. In a word, free radicals destroy everything that comes to their “hand”: molecules, cells, organs and the entire body. It has been established that they take away more than a dozen years of our lives! They are also responsible for the development of diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke and many others.

So, free radicals are aggressive forms of oxygen that oxidize various substances in our body. Some scientists put it this way: aging is oxidation. The life expectancy of laboratory animals receiving strong antioxidant substances increases by 30-40 percent or more. Today, most experts admit that it is free radicals that play a primary role in the aging of the body. The more animal products in our diet and the higher its calorie content, the more free radicals we produce. Consequently, by reducing the calorie intake and switching mainly to plant foods, we will significantly reduce the destructive effect of free radicals on our body, which will not only significantly prolong life, but also protect against many diseases.

Protein glycosylation

Most molecules must be “high-quality”, integral, etc., in order to also perform their functions efficiently. However, under the influence of glucose, many important molecules can stick together, so-called cross-linking of molecules occurs. This process is also called cross-linking or protein glycosylation. Glued molecules, of course, cannot fully perform their functions, which leads to disruption of many body functions and aging. You need to understand that all food substances that carry energy can be converted into glucose in the body. This means that the lower the total caloric content of the diet, the less glucose in body fluids, the less molecules stick together, the longer life. But of course, first of all, it is important to reduce or completely eliminate sugar consumption. It is believed that glycosylation, in its ability to shorten life, ranks second after the damaging effects of free radicals.

Products that shorten our lives

Excess cholesterol. Cholesterol, a fat-like substance, is deposited on blood vessels and makes it difficult to feed organs and tissues with fresh blood. In the “best” case, this leads to premature aging of the body, and in the worst case, a heart attack or stroke (bleeding in the brain) and death. The largest amount of cholesterol is found in fatty foods of animal origin: lard, eggs, sour cream, fatty cheeses and meats, some confectionery products, etc. The most cholesterol is found in the following foods:

Eggs - 0.57%
- butter - 0.17-0.27%
- liver - 0.13-0.27%
- meat - 0.06-0.1%

The daily norm of cholesterol is on average 500 mg. I ate 2 eggs - consider the norm exceeded. I have never heard of low cholesterol leading to any serious problems, but the harmful effects of cholesterol have been 100% proven.

In any type of meat 20-30 grams.
- cottage cheese and cheese 15 - 30 gr.
- soybean - 20 gr.
- eggs 10-15 gr.

Diet with excess animal products. First of all, animal products “tend” to rot in the intestines - this poisons the entire body. It also suppresses the immune system, and the immune system plays perhaps the most important role in the process of rejuvenation of body cells. It has been established that beneficial bacteria, including those responsible for the synthesis of vitamins, multiply on plant foods, and harmful ones on animal foods. In short, animal food inhibits many body functions. Ideally, it is better to avoid most animal products completely.

I have heard that people and animals who eat only plant foods practically do not develop cancerous tumors. This may be an exaggeration, but experiments on animals have shown that with a limited and plant-based diet, the number of tumors is sharply (up to 6 times) reduced. After entering the body, nutrients, through oxidation, break down into simpler ones. It is in this simple form that they are easily eliminated from the body. However, animal products are too “heavy” to oxidize, and therefore form a lot of under-oxidized compounds, otherwise toxins. Toxins clog the body and disrupt metabolic processes. Plant food produces almost no toxins.

Salt. It is well established that excess table salt causes an increase in blood pressure, that is, it contributes to the development of hypertension. This is an extremely dangerous disease that “hits” the target organs (heart, kidneys, etc.), and in the worst case, the brain vessels cannot withstand it - a hemorrhage occurs in the brain, often with fatal outcome. Pay attention to the following facts:

Salt cannot be digested, absorbed or used by the body. It has no nutritional value. On the contrary, it is harmful and can cause disease of the kidneys, bladder, heart, and blood vessels. Salt can cause water retention in tissues. Salt does not contain any vitamins or organic substances. Salt can act as a heart poison, increasing the painful sensitivity of the nervous system. Salt helps remove calcium from the body and affects the mucous membrane of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

If salt is so unhealthy, why is it used so widely? Mostly because of habit. The body needs natural organic sodium, but not table salt, which is an inorganic substance. You can get natural sodium, which nature provides in organic form from beets, carrots and other plant foods.

Carcinogens (cause cancer). Some margarines, in the production of which the so-called hydrogenation process was used, are dangerous. This technology produces trans isomers of fatty acids, which contribute to the occurrence of cancer and some other diseases. During the digestion of nitrites, so-called nitrosamines are formed. Nitrites are preservatives and are found in particularly high concentrations in meat products such as ham, sausages, canned food, etc. Carcinogenic (promoting cancer) also includes those substances that are formed when a black crust appears when frying foods.

Sugar. Foods containing a lot of sugar contribute to the gluing of molecules in our cells, which disrupts metabolism and prematurely ages the body. When refined sugar is absorbed by the body, minerals, in particular calcium, are removed from the bones. Excessive sugar consumption reduces calcium levels in the blood and promotes weight gain. Try to eat less sweets, buns, ice cream, and cakes. Let us note here that fermentation products (yeast in baked goods) are also harmful. It is better to use yeast-free bread, special bread, etc.

Products that prolong our life

What effects do these products have and how can they help us?! First of all, they directly (which are larger, which are smaller) prolong life. In addition, they are able to protect our body from a huge number of diseases, such as: diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer, eye diseases, many diseases of old age, etc. Many of them have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects. They are able to maintain many functions of the body at a higher level: brain, visual, sexual, etc., and even restore nervous tissue. British scientists have found that, for example, increasing the daily diet by just 50 grams of fresh vegetables and fruits reduces the risk of cancer by 20%. But what’s most interesting is that some products can restore basic body functions even in the oldest people. So, a number of food products can effectively protect us from the most serious diseases and extend life for decades. But the question arises: is it too good to be true? Why do these products have such a pronounced positive effect on our body? There are several reasons for this effect of certain products. Life extension is caused by: Antioxidants or antioxidants.

The most important reason why many plant foods have the ability to prolong life is that they contain large amounts of potent antioxidants, or antioxidants. We know that aging is primarily oxidation or souring. Eating antioxidants can significantly slow down souring, and therefore the aging of the body. But where do antioxidants come from in plants? This will become clear to us if we remember in what difficult natural conditions many plants have to exist. It is no coincidence that the maximum amount of antioxidants is usually observed in the peel and bark of plants and trees, as well as in the seeds, where genetic information is stored. So everything is extremely logical: plants are protected from souring by producing antioxidants, and we, by eating these plants, saturate our body with antioxidants and protect ourselves from souring, aging and disease.

It is believed that the most effective compounds - bioflavonoids, which best prevent the destruction and aging of the body, are found in those compounds that give plants their pronounced pigmentation or color. It is for this reason that the most useful foods are those that have the darkest color (blueberries, dark grapes, beets, purple cabbage and eggplant, etc.). That is, even without chemical analysis, we can eat the healthiest foods (fruits, vegetables, berries, etc.), giving preference to those that are most strongly colored in dark colors.

Bioflavonoids - also lower cholesterol, reduce the tendency of red blood cells to clump and form blood clots, and more. These antioxidant substances are so important that they are called vitamin P. Vitamin P is found in many plants in very decent quantities. Several hundred grams (100 - 500) of some products contain a dosage of vitamin P, which can be used to treat a number of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, eyes, etc.

Antioxidants in food. Let us remember that antioxidants neutralize free radicals, which, in turn, are one of the main causes of aging and many degenerative diseases. Plants are forced to exist in environmental conditions from which they need to protect themselves. To protect themselves, they produce various protective substances, including antioxidants. By eating these plants, we also protect our body from free radicals and the acidification they cause.

We need to pay attention to the fact that with the same amount of antioxidants, we usually eat different amounts of each food. For example, a certain spice may have as many antioxidants as beans, but obviously we can eat much more beans, so we should give it the advantage. In addition, it is important to look at the calorie content of foods. For example, the amount of antioxidants in prunes is one of the largest, but its calorie content is also high - it is better not to overuse them and eat them not in addition to other foods, but instead of sweets, buns, etc.

Alkalization of blood. Our body is a certain environment, which can be more acidic or more alkaline (pH - balance). The more acidic the environment, the faster aging, and vice versa. Many plant products can change the pH to the alkaline side and thus prolong life. You can see a table of such products at the end of the book in the appendix.

Enzymes (enzymes) Live enzymes or enzymes are extremely important for promoting health and prolonging life. The richest in enzymes are: soy sauce and soy paste, dishes made from sprouted seeds, fermented legumes, fresh kvass, etc. In general, many plant products are rich in living enzymes, but during processing (cooking, frying, etc.) they are destroyed. For this reason, it is better to eat everything that is possible in its raw (possibly fermented) form.

Alimentary fiber. The most important component of nutrition, with which you can increase your life expectancy, is dietary fiber (fiber, pectins, etc.). Fiber is a fairly rigid substance that makes up the membrane of plant cells. What is its value? Fiber has the property of absorbing and absorbing harmful substances. Since fiber itself is not digested and is excreted from the body, it also removes a significant part of any “dirt” along with it. Otherwise, these wastes would be absorbed into the blood and poison the body. There are many different harmful substances in our intestines. They can get there with food or form during digestion. In addition, our gallbladder releases a certain amount of bile into the intestines, which itself contains cholesterol. Fiber, thus, acts as a kind of janitor for our intestines. Fiber also stimulates digestion. In short, an increased content of plant products in food helps remove poisons and cholesterol from the intestines. Toxins destroy the body less, and low cholesterol prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

So, a predominantly plant-based diet with a low protein content and consisting of geroprotective (protecting against aging) products will help us: slow down metabolism, lower blood pressure, reduce the formation and reduce the destructive effect of free radicals and toxins, lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, avoid action on the body of toxins, strengthen the immune system, increase the level of anti-aging hormones, make the blood more alkaline, etc. All this will allow us to protect ourselves from a huge number of diseases and significantly extend our lives!

Products that shorten or extend life.

Our task is to minimize the consumption of products from the first group or even give up many of them completely, and begin to replace them with products from the second group! You can directly write out or print this list in order to always have it at hand.

  • Life is shortened: lard, animal oil, eggs, meat; in large quantities: sour cream, cream, mayonnaise, cheeses, cottage cheese, etc., sweets and salty foods, some margarines and canned food, baked goods and especially with yeast; products with a black crust formed during frying.
  • Life is extended by: dark varieties of grapes and everything made from them (red and purple grape juice, black raisins, etc.), the most red and even dark tomatoes and their derivatives (pastes, natural ketchups, canned food, etc.). ), beets, apples, black currants and chokeberries, cabbage, but especially red and purple cabbage and dark eggplants, dark cherries and cherries, spinach, artichokes, raspberries, pomegranates, grapefruit, strawberries, cranberries, garlic, onions, tea, cocoa and low-calorie products made from it, nuts, most types of greens. Sprouts of beans, peas, alfalfa, mustard seeds, watercress, soybeans, wheat, etc. are especially useful. However, product number 1 is Blueberries.

Since any substances are absorbed faster if they are eaten on an empty stomach, it is better to eat the most valuable foods before others or on an empty stomach and separately from the rest. You need to consume fairly large portions of the selected foods, perhaps several times a day. Better for 1-2 months. That is, to conduct a kind of diet therapy course. You can take breaks between such courses for 1-2 months. At this time, lean on other types of healthy foods. For example, in summer there are blueberries, grapes, currants, etc., and in winter raisins, beets, red cabbage, apples, tomato products, etc.

You can freeze and dry it! A recent study found that the widely held belief that frozen fruits and vegetables are less nutritious than their fresh counterparts is untrue. Frozen fruits and vegetables can be even more nutritious, taking into account the problems that arise when fresh food is stored for long periods of time or damaged in transit. Freezing technologies trap nutrients immediately after harvest. There have also been studies where fruits and vegetables left in storage at room temperature lost half their vitamin C and 70% of their folic acid within two or three days. Dried plant products also appear to retain most of their beneficial properties.

So, some products, due to the biologically active substances they contain, are able to protect us from early aging and a host of the most serious diseases associated with it.


Many destructive factors age our body. Destructive factors include the effects of both the external and internal environment of the body. These are oxygen starvation of tissues, the action of free radicals and radiation, pollution of external and internal origin, metabolic disorders (sedentary lifestyle, dietary errors, excess body weight, stress, etc.), etc.

To live longer, we need to protect ourselves from destructive influences and increase the body's resistance to them. To this end, we need to stimulate blood circulation, take antioxidants, avoid exposure to unfavorable ecology, eliminate the possibility of metabolic disorders, engage in physical activity and completely restore the body.

Throughout life, the cells of our body are constantly renewed, otherwise they divide. Division occurs at the level of chromosomes. The ends of chromosomes are protected by a kind of “tips” - Telomeres. With each division, telomeres shorten. Finally, a moment comes when they are completely depleted, and the cells can no longer renew themselves. The rate of cell division depends on the speed of metabolic processes. The slower or more economical the turnover, the longer the telomeres are preserved, the longer life! With a more economical exchange, the genetic program is implemented more slowly, which also helps to prolong life. Conclusion: if we want to live as long as possible, we must maximize the efficiency of the metabolic processes occurring in our body!

Measures that increase the efficiency of metabolism include: diet, exercise, hypoxic therapy. A noticeable slowdown in metabolism today can help extend life by several decades! If we protect ourselves from destructive factors, then apparently we can also extend life by several 10 years. In total, a 20-30 year old person, following all the necessary recommendations, can already count on a life expectancy of 120-130 years.

How to live 120 years?

Instead of the 120-150 years that humans are genetically programmed to live for, we live much shorter. If in prosperous countries the average life expectancy is steadily increasing (in Sweden and Japan it reached 79 years, and in the USA 78), then in Ukraine it is now, alas, about 67 years (life expectancy for men is 62 years, for women - 72). And most often we shorten it ourselves.

What can you do to live longer?

Fight chronic inflammation. Where there is inflammation, cells begin to divide more, and the more intense the division, the higher the likelihood that one of the cells will degenerate into cancer. That is why inflammation must be kept under control. A stomach ulcer, for example, leads to cancer in five percent of cases.

Understand the causes of headaches. It is unacceptable to jam it with painkillers every time. Most often, a headache is a symptom of hypertension, which undermines health for years and leads to a stroke or heart attack.

Eat right. The greater the body weight, the higher the risk of developing diabetes. Do not overeat and do not eat at night, so as not to get fat. Eat a little of everything - meat, fish, greens. Cut down on sugar, which quickly turns into excess fat. Undersalt your food more often. Excess salt leads to hypertension. Replace it with various seasonings - lemon juice, seaweed, garlic, herbs, etc. Be careful with fatty foods, as they are very high in calories.

Strengthen your immune system. Only not with immunostimulants that can harm, but with hardening. To improve your immune system, enjoy fermented milk products with bifidobacteria. They improve the functioning of the intestines, stop the production of putrefactive substances and poisoning of the body.

Strive for hormonal balance. As we age, insulin and cortisol levels rise, leading to obesity, diabetes, premature aging of the brain and accelerated cardiovascular disease. You can control their level with: diet (vegetables, fruits, fish, lean meat, grains, vegetable oils, less sugar, flour, cereals and caffeine), movement and stress management. A measured life and regular bowel movements help to achieve hormonal balance. Breaking your biological rhythm is dangerous to your health.

Fight physical inactivity. A sedentary lifestyle accelerates the destruction of the body, as does excessive physical activity. Take walks for 2-3 hours, but doctors do not recommend jogging today. While watching TV, try to move - preferably on a stepper exercise machine (these are pedals that simulate climbing stairs). But do not exhaust your body with sports - otherwise you will waste the precious energy necessary for life. Depression includes the mechanism of the most dangerous diseases, even cancer. Drink mild sedatives. Have fun no matter what! If you cannot cope with depression on your own, contact a specialist - a neurologist or psychotherapist.

Don't indulge in dark thoughts. Depression includes the mechanism of the most dangerous diseases, even cancer. Drink mild sedatives. Have fun no matter what! If you cannot cope with depression on your own, contact a specialist - a neurologist or psychotherapist.

Give yourself a good night's sleep. This is the advice of the German professor of medicine Peter Axt, who wrote the book “In Praise of Laziness.” Early morning rise, according to the professor, means that the whole day will pass under the sign of stress. It is much healthier to lie in bed longer.

Don't retire any longer. Half of people get sick in the first year after retirement. Because the whole way of life breaks down, a person loses his social status, depression begins, and sores appear. If necessary, try to change your profession, retrain to stay in the ranks.

Stop smoking. Otherwise, you risk getting lung cancer, which is the leader among malignant tumors and more often affects smokers.

Don't abuse alcohol. A lot of people die due to accidents, poisonings and injuries caused by vodka. If you cannot give up alcohol altogether, then give preference to grape wines.

Anti-aging diet

Grate fresh carrots, add honey, lemon juice and some fruit (the amount depends on your taste and capabilities). In the morning, at lunch and at dinner, eat only this puree for three days. On the fourth day, include potatoes, bread, apples in your diet (all in moderation), and from the fifth day you can switch to a normal diet for you, not forgetting, however, to limit the consumption of animal fats and meat. Remember that in the future you should eat less salt and sugar, limit foods containing cholesterol and starch, eat as many foods rich in fiber as possible (which are mainly fruits and vegetables), and give preference to vegetable fats and proteins of plant origin. After some time, the anti-aging diet can be repeated.

Test: your chances of longevity

The test, developed by American specialists, is adapted to our conditions. For men, the average life expectancy is 62 years, and for women - 72. From them you need to subtract or add the points scored as a result of the answers.

1) If you live in a locality with less than 10 thousand people, then add 2 years. If you live in a city with more than 1 million people, subtract 2 years.

2) If at work you are engaged in mental work, subtract 3 years, if in physical work, add 3 years.

3) If you play sports five times a week for at least half an hour, then add 4 years, if two or three times, add 2 years.

4) If you are married, add 5 years; if not, subtract one year for every 10 years of single life (starting at age 25).

5) If you consistently sleep more than 10 hours, subtract 4 years; if it’s 7-8 hours, don’t subtract anything. If you don't sleep well, subtract 3 years; Great fatigue, like too much sleep, is a sign of poor blood circulation.

6) If you are a nervous, hot-tempered, aggressive person, subtract 3 years; if calm, balanced, add 3 years.

7) If you consider yourself happy, then add 1 year, if not, subtract 2 years.

8) If you constantly break the rules while driving, deduct 1 year.

9) If you constantly lack money and are always looking for where you can earn extra money, subtract 3 years.

10) If you have secondary education, add 1 year, if you have higher education – 2 years.

11) If you are retired but still working, add 3 years.

12) If your grandparents lived to be 85 years old, then add 2 years to yourself, if both lived to be 80 years old - 4 years. If one of your close relatives, before reaching the age of 50, died of cancer, heart attack... - subtract 3 years.

13) If you smoke more than three packs a day, subtract 8 years; if you smoke one pack, subtract 6 years; if you smoke less than a pack, subtract 3 years.

14) If you drink at least a little alcohol every day, subtract 1 year.

15) If your weight, compared to normal, exceeds 20 kg, subtract 8 years, if 15-20 kg, then 4 years, if 5-15 kg - 2 years.

16) If you are a man over 40 years old and undergo a preventive medical examination every year, add 2 years, if you are 30-40 years old, add 1 year, if you are over 50 - 3 years.

Now calculate the result. The number that comes out in the end is the age to which you can live. However, you have the opportunity to increase it if you take better care of yourself and give up bad habits.

The theme of eternal life has haunted humanity for perhaps as long as it has inhabited the planet. Rulers dreamed about it, poets wrote about it, alchemists fought for centuries, and all sorts of scoundrels extracted money from gullible citizens.

It would seem that little has changed dramatically so far, and people continue to die for completely natural reasons, before they even reach a hundred years of age. However, this will change very soon, and humanity is now on the verge of huge changes, says Dmitry Kaminsky, a 39-year-old Russian millionaire originally from Moldova.

For the past couple of years, he has been investing in the Hong Kong venture fund Deep Knowledge Ventures and regularly participates in scientific conferences and medical symposiums. In an interview with “Forum,” Dmitry explained how, with the help of technology, he plans to live to at least 123 years, which of them should be invested in, who will have access to such longevity, and in which books one can glean intimate knowledge if there is nothing to invest in.

How did you come to invest in anti-aging technology?

I met several truly brilliant people, such as Alex Zhavoronkov, Charles Cantor (director of the Human Genome Project), read their books and suddenly realized that technologies that actually work in practice for extending life and slowing down aging will be achieved in the very coming years.

This will completely change the world around us, including the financial one, and it is in this area that there will be the most significant investment boom in the entire existence of mankind.

Are you saying that “anti-aging” will affect the economy and finances?

Those who are now 60 years old will live to be 120, and those who are now 40 will probably live to be 140-150 years old. But in my understanding, what is more significant is not just life expectancy, but rather the maximum duration of the active and at the same time useful for society phase of life. The development of the anti-aging industry (scientifically based and producing real practical results) will completely affect the entire world order, with consequences that will be difficult to predict.


Thanks to improved living conditions, the development of medicine and an increase in the general level of education, life expectancy has increased. Now in most economically developed countries it is at least 70 years, and, on average, has increased by 20 years over the past century.

Why do we grow old

Life expectancy is directly related to the topic of aging, as the degradation of all body systems. Logic dictates that if you defeat old age, then a long, and perhaps eternal life will come by itself. This is the path followed by scientists and the enthusiastic investors who support them.

About a hundred years ago, the science of gerontology appeared and an understanding of what exactly happens to a person during aging and what will have to be dealt with. The concept of “anti-aging” or “anti-aging” appeared, although official medicine prefers the boring word “geroprevention”.

Gerontology notes three main reasons for the aging of the body: wear and tear, loss of the ability to self-renew and restore, and the inclusion of self-destruction processes in the second half of life.

Wear occurs due to the accumulation of damage (mutations) in genes and poor ecology - radiation, lack of oxygen, stress, accumulation of harmful substances, overwork. The body stops recovering due to the evolutionary code in the DNA molecule - it gave birth to offspring and ceased to be needed by nature. And then the third level turns on, and the cells actually commit suicide. Nature considered that this would be more expedient: the entire species is immortal, and not an individual organism. The most obvious example is leaf fall, when leaves die every year, but not the tree itself.

However, in nature there are many examples of real immortality - some bacteria, cancer cells, hydra (anemone) and even rare species of jellyfish.


How does “anti-aging” medicine differ from standard medicine or exclusive medicine, such as the “Kremlin” one?

The future of anti-aging is personalized medicine (PM) or “precision medicine”. But this is far from synonymous with so-called elite, very expensive medicine. PM is characterized by preventing diseases using scientifically proven methods, slowing down aging, and if a disease does occur, treating it using the most effective method for each individual patient. The genetic characteristics of the patient and the peculiarities of the functioning of his body (gene expression) are taken into account. And then, taking this data into account, drugs and treatment strategies are selected. This method of treatment does not use statistical data from a huge number of other patients, since they are useless. The PM industry is valued at tens of billions of dollars worldwide.


According to studies confirmed by WHO (World Health Organization), a person's health and longevity are more than 50% determined by his lifestyle, followed by the influence of heredity and ecology, and only 10% depends on health care.


In the USA, Germany, France and the Soviet Union, since the twenties of the last century, they began to look for ways to extend human life. In Paris and Moscow, for example, endocrine glands from monkey donors were transplanted into people. The number of operations called “vaccinations” went into the hundreds. But the effect of the “vaccinations” turned out to be short-lived, and after a few years the human body sharply declined. And society was clearly not ready for such experiments - threats rained down, starting from the church and ending with the Ku Klux Klan.

In the modern world, not only governments, but also private individuals invest resources in anti-aging. Many businessmen suddenly realized that all the benefits of civilization pale before the opportunity to live, if not forever, then for a very, very long time.

According to research by Global Industry Analysts, the anti-aging industry was valued at $80 billion back in 2011, growing at approximately 7.8% annually by 2013, and expected to reach over $191 billion by 2019.

Both major pharmaceutical companies and research centers are playing in the anti-aging market. The Academy of Anti-Aging has been operating in the USA since 1992, uniting thousands of scientists from 120 countries, Stanford University reports success in research, and Boston University is not far behind. In the vastness of the CIS, work is in full swing at the Moscow Foundation “Science for Life Extension”, St. Petersburg, NAMS of Ukraine, and international forums “Active Longevity” are held in Kazakhstan.


It turns out that as soon as breakthrough technology appears, “anti-aging” will become one of the most profitable businesses?

Yes, it is true. Today, the very approach to business and investment is changing. The latest trend in the field of technology investment projects is Deep Knowledge Ventures - Investment in Disruptive Exponential Technologies (or, in Russian - investments in very rapidly developing technologies). The idea is that relatively small amounts are invested, but in truly breakthrough projects, and then conditions for sharp growth are created for them.

For example, Peter Thiel invested only $500 thousand in Facebook, but was one of the first. Other well-known examples: Uber, Airbnb, AliBaba. The margins (profitability) of such companies are off the charts - under a thousand percent. They take and summarize a huge amount of already existing information, and place it on “IT based” analytical platforms that are not tied to any territory.

And if recently we were surprised by a capitalization of hundreds of billions of dollars in ten to fifteen years, then soon, perhaps, advanced IT platforms will gain a capitalization of one trillion dollars in ten years or even faster.

If we are talking about IT startups -Are there any specifics for people from the CIS countries, what are the chances compared to Asians and Americans? What's the recipe for getting into the top one percent?

If a “startup” is successful, then it doesn’t matter where it started, it will quickly become international. Now projects are divided not into nationalities and countries, but into categories - super-progressive and all others.

How to get into the one percent? It’s more correct to ask the question: how to get to one hundredth of a percent? Answer: The project must be “disruptive and exponential.” In addition, it also works on the Internet and is suitable for industries capable of exponential development. This is described quite clearly in the book “Bold” by Peter Diamandis.


At the beginning of this year, Dmitry Kaminsky and scientist Alex Zhavoronkov talked about which of them would live longer. The winner will receive a million dollars in shares. At the same time, a reward was announced for the one who lives to 123 years, that is, breaks the existing record of the French woman Jeanne Calment, who lived 122 years 164 days.


Only honestly. Are you afraid of getting old?

I’m not afraid of getting old, honestly, because I’m sure that in ten, and even more so in twenty years, super-advanced technologies in the fight against aging will be in action. Given our investment strategy, I personally will be among the first to have direct access to them. Therefore, following the one million dollar prize for our 123rd birthday, we will launch a more serious and large-scale project.

I am sure that in a maximum of ten years, oligarchs and tycoons will compete not in ways to spend money and not in the cost of the most senseless expenses, such as buying an even longer ocean yacht or a famous football club. Access to the most advanced and effective anti-aging technologies will become fashionable. And competition will be waged for the right to own investment systems with a more powerful artificial intelligence coefficient.

What should mere mortals do who don’t have millions?

The level of modern medicine has already improved, and living up to a hundred years will be completely commonplace. You need to use advanced biomedical developments and follow progress and scientific news. The famous gerontologist Alexey Moskalev, a world expert in the study of geroprotectors (drugs that slow down aging), wrote the book “120 years of life is just the beginning.” It has become quite popular in Russia, and now we are going to jointly release an edition in English. Let's add a few more chapters about the most advanced biomedical technologies. Anyone who reads this book will be able to live to be 120 years old.

What will the future look like with an “ageless” population in the CIS countries and Israel, for example?

Andrey Garazha, expert in the field of applied biomedical technologies, senior manager at Kaminsky’s company Deep Knowledge Ventures.

Anti-aging will have a very strong impact on the financial world: the longer you live, the more you accumulate, the more you spend and, therefore, the more money flows back into the financial system.

You can say this - the longer a person lives, the more his value increases (for example, the longer he is served at the bank, which means he brings profit to the bank, and he earns on interest, etc.). Due to healthy longevity, the share of the working-age population is growing, which means the country’s GDP as a whole is growing.

There is also a negative side: problems with insurance companies and pension funds. Their financial balance, their business models are destroyed, because they are tied to the current life expectancy.

There are various studies on the impact of life expectancy on the economy. According to some forecasts, a collapse is coming, others talk about the importance of increasing the active age, but the ideal option is that people should be active until their death, then the costs of their medical care will be significantly reduced.

Many things will change, such as the education and work systems. A person will live longer and, therefore, will be able to receive five types of education and change a large number of professions. They will also have to be changed because professions will quickly become obsolete.

Now there are contradictions at the state level: they are trying to replace people of retirement age with young people, and send old people into retirement. In fact, today none of the countries is ready for active longevity.

It will be necessary to change the psychology of people so that they get used to the idea that they need to live to 55-60 years old, retire and not work.

The CIS will inevitably experience demographic growth and increased life expectancy, since the technologies that were in the West fifteen years ago have begun to reach us. Just the introduction of biomedical technologies already existing there will significantly prolong life.

Israel is on the list of developed countries with an aging population. They already have high-quality free medical care, they are introducing all the new things, they have excellent connections with the most advanced scientific centers in the world. The biotech industry is actively growing, a lot of new companies are emerging, and now they are extremely interested in “anti-aging”. The state wants to increase the retirement age for women to 67 years. The trend is clear: if you want to live well, work hard and for a long time.


In literature and cinema

Immortality and longevity are eternal themes that leave no one indifferent, especially creative people who have created many works. Suffice it to recall folklore with rejuvenating apples and Kashchei the Immortal, the classics - Oscar Wilde, Bernard Shaw, Jonathan Swift, Karel Capek, the Strugatsky brothers - who have not covered this topic. The ancients generally believed that immortality was the destiny of the gods, and that it was given to mere mortals for some merit, like Hercules.

By the way, the gods applied immortality to people as a punishment: Prometheus, Sisyphus, Tantalus. You can also read about this in biblical stories: Cain, Agaspherus.

There is nothing to say about today’s Hollywood cinema; there are dozens of films with a similar plot about the search for eternal youth, immortality and turning life back: “Highlander”, “Forever Young”, “The Age of Adaline”, “The Brothers Grimm”, “Dorian Gray” and many other.

In other words, the topic does not need “PR,” and as soon as real technology appears that is guaranteed to extend life by at least a decade, the name of its author will forever go down in human history.