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Which anti-inflammatory eye drops to choose, their composition and methods of use. Anti-inflammatory eye drops Combined anti-inflammatory eye drops

It is necessary to use a variety of eye drops for inflammation quite often, but it is dangerous to select them without the advice of a doctor, since the causes of the disease must be taken into account.

Redness of the eyes caused by the development of the inflammatory process can occur as a result of the negative effects of the following factors:

  • prolonged heavy load on the organs of vision as a result of working with documentation or at the computer;
  • pollution of the surrounding atmosphere from automobile exhausts, dust, emissions from industrial enterprises;
  • allergy;
  • non-compliance with the rules for selecting and wearing glasses and lenses;
  • the occurrence of pathological processes in the body - ARVI, diabetes mellitus, impaired blood circulation;
  • external adverse influences - strong wind, frost, heat, dry air.

Most often, the eyes become inflamed as a result of the development of various diseases - blepharitis, glaucoma, conjunctivitis or corneal damage.

Types of eye drops for inflammation

Anti-inflammatory eye drops are selected according to the identified provoking factor. There are two basic groups.

  • Glucocorticosteroids - GCS. These are types of steroid (hormonal) drugs - synthetic or natural.
  • Non-steroidal - NSAIDs. These anti-inflammatory drops are widely used.

In terms of functionality, these groups of dosage forms are almost identical, since they are aimed at relieving swelling, redness and inflammation.

But it should be borne in mind that these eye drops are characterized by varying strengths and have specific contraindications. Therefore, independent selection without the recommendations of an ophthalmologist is excluded.

Nonsteroidal drugs

A variety of ophthalmic anti-inflammatory drugs based on non-steroidal components have been used in medical practice for more than a hundred years. They are used with caution by pregnant and lactating women. Not prescribed if individual intolerance is detected.

  • Indocollier

The active substance is indomethacin. Thanks to the ability to prevent complications and the emergence of new foci of inflammation,

Indocollier Prescribed mainly after surgery in the eye area. After exposure to these drops, pain is additionally eliminated.

  • Diclofenac

Apply Diclofenac not only for the treatment of inflamed eyes, but also as a prophylactic agent. These drugs are particularly effective in eliminating pathologies of non-infectious nature.

They are included in the treatment complex during rehabilitation after cataract operations.

  • Diklo-F

Good performance of drops Diklo-F is based on use as an active ingredient diclofenac sodium, allowing you to quickly stop the development of inflammation.

Drugs with additional analgesic and antipyretic properties are prescribed after mechanical injuries or operations.

Steroid (hormonal) drugs

Glucocorticosteroids are based on hormones, natural from endocrine glands or synthetic. This category usually includes complex antiallergic eye drops for eye inflammation, which require caution when prescribing.

  • Sofradex

Wide-spectrum drugs with antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties quickly relieve redness, itching, and pain that occur with a variety of eye diseases. These include , blepharitis, scleritis, infected eczema of the eyelids.

Contraindications are fungal and viral infections, glaucoma, individual intolerance, tuberculosis. It is not recommended to treat with the drug Sofradex hyperemia of the eyes, if the nature of the disease is not identified. They are not prescribed for purulent complications of inflammatory foci on the tissues of the eyes.

  • Tobradex

Inflamed eyes are successfully treated if you apply drops in accordance with the instructions. Tobradex. This is due to the presence in the structural formula of two basic components - dexamethasone and tobramycin. These drugs provide a complex effect because they have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Prescribed to eliminate and prevent infections in the period after operations. Recommended for mechanical trauma, after diagnosing blepharitis, keratitis,. They show positive dynamics if the eyes become inflamed due to a bacterial infection.

  • Dexamethasone

Drops Dexamethasone treat eyes well for inflammation caused by development iritis, keratoconjunctivitis, episcleritis. It is recommended to bury them if detected choroiditis, chorioretinitis, sympathetic ophthalmia.

Possesses Dexamethasone not only anti-inflammatory, but also anti-allergic abilities.

Other varieties

Since the eyes can become inflamed due to the development of infections of different nature - bacterial, viral, fungal, the selection of medications is carried out individually.

Drops containing a certain type of antibiotic actively combat inflammatory manifestations.

  • Albucid

The key operating element is sulfacetamide. Recommended for infectious inflammatory diseases localized in the anterior parts of the eyes. Used to prevent purulent inflammation in children immediately after birth.

  • Vitabact

Thanks to the presence of piloscidine, the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms is blocked. Renders Vitabact beneficial effects in the treatment of keratitis, .

  • L-Optic

The therapeutic ophthalmological effect is based on the constituents of the drops: levofloxacin. Indications for use are blepharitis, dry eye syndrome.

  • Uniflox

New generation antibiotic drops - ofloxacin effectively eliminate eye inflammation caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

Other varieties are also used - Tsiprolet, Tobrex, Chloramphenicol.

For the treatment of other viral diseases accompanied by inflammation, the following remedies for redness and irritation are used in adults.

  • Acular LS

Due to ketorolacatromethamine, which is an active component, drops quickly relieve swelling, reduce temperature, and remove redness.

They are considered the most effective drops for eye inflammation, simultaneously relieving swelling and fatigue. They accelerate regeneration, eliminate pain, and normalize lacrimation.

If the eye becomes inflamed due to the development of an allergic reaction, then characteristic symptoms include swelling, itching, and watery eyes.

Once an ophthalmologist has identified inflammation associated with an allergy, you will need antihistamine anti-inflammatory drops for eyes.

This group of drugs includes Cromohexal, Lecrolin, Allergoflal. If a child over two years of age requires medication, then High-chrome, after three years they are prescribed Ketotifen, Allergodil, Opatanol. Indicated for children from five years of age Cromoghlin.

Universal drops

It is necessary to select suitable remedies for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes in situations where the cause of this condition is long-term intense work at the computer or with documents.

Most often, it is necessary to remove redness from the eyelid, artificially moisturize the cornea, using high-quality universal products with complex action.

  • Visine

Means with local decongestant And vasoconstrictor action, quickly eliminate redness from tissues.

  • Okumetil

Variety of drugs with antiallergic and vasoconstrictor effect. Okumetil quickly eliminates inflammation and fatigue from the eyes, relieves puffiness.

  • Polinadim

Combination naphthyzine and diphenhydramine Provides a calming and cooling effect. The mucous membranes are moisturized, and eye fatigue goes away.

  • Alomid

Preparation with a basic component boatsamid quickly relieves inflammatory manifestations, starts regeneration processes, and moisturizes the eyelids.

Inflammation of the eyelids can be observed with the development of an abscess, phlegmon, blepharitis, and the appearance of stye. For treatment, the treatment complex includes drops such as Sulfacyl sodium, solution Erythromycin, Penicillin.

Methods for using drops

There are inexpensive but effective drugs in the arsenal of medicinal varieties, but these criteria are not fundamental. The ophthalmologist must decide which drops will be most suitable in a particular situation. After purchasing the recommended medications, it is important to follow simple usage techniques:

  • wash their hands and carefully wipe their eyelids using a Chlorhexidine solution;
  • gently pull back the lower eyelid slightly;
  • the required number of drops is instilled into the eye sac;
  • blot off excess with a sterile cotton swab.

Some drops cause a burning sensation, tearing, and some turbidity, which is necessarily reflected in the instructions. Usually these manifestations disappear without a trace after 10 - 15 minutes. If discomfort persists longer, other remedies may be needed.

Allergy is a disease characterized by a wide variety of symptoms and affecting many organs. One of these organs is the eyes. Often, during allergic attacks, people feel a burning sensation in their eyes, their lacrimation increases, and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye occurs. If you experience similar symptoms, then you should not despair, because there is a reliable remedy that is always ready to come to your aid. These are eye drops designed to combat allergies.

Why do eyes get irritated due to allergies?

The physiological structure and location of our visual organs means that the eyes are one of the first targets when allergies occur. Dust, pet hair, cosmetics, household chemicals - all this can cause an allergic reaction in the eye area. Plant pollen has a particularly strong effect on the eyes. This type of disease is called seasonal allergies (hay fever). Allergy symptoms can be expressed in redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes, photophobia, burning, swelling, excessive lacrimation or, conversely, dry eyes.

Watery eyes are a normal reaction of the body to eye irritation. However, until the cause of the irritation is eliminated, lacrimation will continue. Thus, to eliminate lacrimation, it is necessary to ensure that the tissues do not react through inflammatory processes to foreign agents. Allergy medications are designed to solve this problem.

However, it should be borne in mind that inflammatory processes associated with the eyes can occur not only due to allergies. Therefore, before starting treatment with specialized drugs, it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, as well as the etiology of the disease. As a rule, watery eyes are not the only symptom of allergies. It may be accompanied by other manifestations, for example, allergic rhinitis, stomatitis, skin rash, etc. Also, as allergic manifestations on the skin or mucous membranes develop, a bacterial infection may join them. This can be facilitated by the patient scratching the affected areas due to unbearable itching, as a result of which they begin to bleed. This significantly complicates the treatment of the disease and may require the use of drops with antibacterial or antifungal properties.

The most common eye diseases caused by allergies are:

  • allergic dermatitis,
  • keratoconjunctivitis,
  • conjunctivitis.

Although allergic dermatitis does not directly affect the eyes, it can irritate the skin around them or the skin of the eyelids. Sometimes the eyelid area may be affected. Also, with allergies, damage to the cornea (keratitis), blood vessels and retina, and optic nerve are not excluded, which can ultimately lead to deterioration of vision. That is why it is necessary to promptly treat eye diseases that are allergic in nature.

The direct mechanism of inflammation is associated with the release of special substances by the cells of the immune system - prostaglandins and histamines, as well as with a decrease in capillary permeability, due to which fluid flows from them into the surrounding tissues, and swelling occurs around the eyes and on the eyelids. Allergic symptoms associated with the eyes can often be one of the elements of the body's systemic allergic reaction to an irritant.

Treatment of ocular manifestations of allergies

Eye drops, as a local treatment, are highly effective and fast-acting, since they can deliver the drug directly to the area of ​​inflammation. According to the principle of action, eye drops are divided into several types:

  • vasoconstrictors,
  • antihistamines,
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
  • steroidal anti-inflammatory,
  • moisturizing.

Each case of allergy has its own characteristics, and therefore the choice of a certain category of drugs is the prerogative of the doctor. If inflammatory processes associated with the eyes occur, it is best to consult an ophthalmologist.

However, it is useful for any patient to know how eye drops for allergies work, what contraindications and side effects they have. Drugs of different classes can be used either separately or together. However, many drugs contain several components with different effects.

Particular care should be taken in selecting drugs intended for the treatment of children. There are no special versions of anti-allergy drops intended exclusively for children, so you need to look at the instructions to find out at what age it is safe to use the drug. In addition, not all allergy medications are approved for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Drops with a vasoconstrictor effect

The main purpose of vasoconstrictor drugs is to reduce swelling. Thanks to the vasoconstrictor effect, the permeability of small capillaries decreases, swelling disappears, and along with it, inflammation of the tissues surrounding the eye decreases. However, these drugs should not be used for a long time, since they can be addictive, and stopping them can lead to all the unpleasant symptoms quickly returning. In addition, such drugs should not be given to children. Examples of such drugs are Vizin, Okumetil, Octilia, Montevisin.


Description: drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. The main component is the alpha-adrenergic agonist tetrizoline. Relieves corneal irritation and eye redness.

Indications: relief of swelling and inflammation of the conjunctiva during allergic reactions

Contraindications: age under 2 years, angle-closure glaucoma, endothelial-epithelial corneal dystrophy. The drug is prescribed with caution for ischemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dry rhinitis and keratoconjunctivitis, glaucoma, hyperthyroidism, in old age, during pregnancy and lactation.

Instructions for use: 1 drop 2-3 times a day into the affected eye. The duration of treatment should not be more than 4 days, otherwise treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Antihistamine eye medications

The components that make up this type of drops have antihistamine activity. This means that they block the effect on the body of a special type of substance – histamines. These substances are responsible for the most unpleasant symptoms associated with allergies. There are two types of drugs of this kind. Some block histamine H1 receptors in tissues, while others prevent histamines from leaving the mast cells where they are formed.

The most popular drugs of this type:

  • Allergodil,
  • Cromohexal,
  • Opatanol,
  • Lecrolin,
  • Spersallerg,
  • Allomide.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a class of drugs widely used to treat various inflammatory diseases, and allergies are no exception. In addition to the ability to relieve symptoms of inflammation, these drugs also have an analgesic effect. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components are found in the following popular allergy drops:

  • Akular,
  • Indocollier.

Corticosteroid ophthalmic anti-inflammatory drugs

Drops containing these drugs are used in cases where conventional anti-inflammatory and antihistamines do not help. They are highly effective, but at the same time they have many side effects. In particular, with their long-term use, intraocular pressure may increase. In addition, the use of steroid drugs can provoke a bacterial infection. To prevent this from happening, the hormonal active ingredient is often combined with an antibacterial component. Examples of such drugs:

  • Dexamethasone,
  • Lotoprednol,
  • Prenacid,
  • Maxidex.

Corticosteroids may also be included in eye ointments to treat inflammation and redness of the eyelids associated with allergies.

Moisturizing drops

Often, with allergies, patients note dryness in the eyes and insufficient hydration, which causes pain and burning. In this case, moisturizing drops can come to the rescue. They are sometimes also called artificial tears.

Natural tear

Description: Drops that help replenish the deficiency of tear fluid. The drug does not completely replace the fluid produced by the lacrimal gland, but comes into contact with it and improves the hydration of the cornea. The drops also reduce irritation caused by dry eye syndrome. Contains dextran and hypromellose. The drug is supplied in 15 ml bottles.

Indications: Dry eye syndrome, corneal syndrome.

Contraindications: The drug is not recommended for use in children due to insufficient data on its safety. The drug is prescribed with caution during pregnancy and lactation. It is not recommended to combine the drug with other eye drops.

Application: 1-2 drops as needed in the area of ​​the conjunctival sac. If there is no effect within 1-2 days, drug therapy should be stopped and seek help from a specialist.

Rules for instilling eye drops

The specified dosage should be adhered to. You cannot change the dosage or interrupt treatment on your own, without the doctor’s permission. If the patient wears contact lenses, they must be removed before instillation. The lenses are reinserted 10 minutes after the procedure. Some drops must be stored in the refrigerator; you should understand this point by reading the instructions for the drug.

Before the procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands, rinse your eyes and remove moisture from your eyelids with a dry towel. If the drops were stored in the refrigerator, then before instillation it is necessary to warm them to room temperature.

Drops should be instilled in a supine position or with your head thrown back. Taking the bottle, you need to turn it upside down, and with the other hand pull down the eyelid and look up. Then you should squeeze out the drop without touching the bottle with your eye, so that it falls into the space between the eyelid and the eyeball.

After completing the procedure, you need to close your eye and lightly massage the inner eyelid, but you should not squint your eyes or rub your eye as hard as you can.

List of inexpensive eye drops for allergies

On sale you can find various drops for allergies, differing in both composition and price. However, more expensive does not always mean better. You can also find inexpensive drops with a good effect. In addition, the price of the drug is influenced by the place of its production, the number of active ingredients, volume and number of units in the package.

The most effective eye drops for allergies

There are no most effective allergy drops that would suit everyone in all situations. In principle, this is true for any medicine. After all, each patient and each case of illness has its own characteristics. One drug is suitable for some, another for others. You should also take into account your doctor's recommendations. But as for advertising and advice from friends, they should be treated with a grain of salt. In one case, we are talking about the desire of producers to make money, and in the other, it is about a subjective opinion that may not be suitable in another situation.

Name Main Components Operating principle
Acular ketorolac NSAIDs
Allergodil azelastine histamine receptor blocker
Visallergol olopatadine mast cell stabilizer
Visine tetrizoline vasoconstrictor
Visoptic tetrizoline vasoconstrictor
Dexamethasone dexamethasone
Hyphenation hypromellose moisturizer
Diclofenac diclofenac NSAIDs
Indocollier indomethacin NSAIDs
Combinil ciprofloxacin, dexamethasone
Cromohexal cromoglycic acid mast cell stabilizer
Lecrolin cromoglycic acid mast cell stabilizer
Maxidex dexamethasone steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
Montevisin tetrizoline vasoconstrictor
Okumetil zinc sulfate, naphazoline, diphenhydramine anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor, histamine receptor blocker
Octilia tetrizoline vasoconstrictor
Olopatallerg olopatadine mast cell stabilizer
Opatanol olopatadine mast cell stabilizer
Polinadim naphazoline, diphenhydramine vasoconstrictor, histamine receptor blocker
Prenacid desonide steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
Sigida Crystal naphazoline vasoconstrictor
Natural tear hypromellose, dextran moisturizer
Sofradex framycetin, gramicidin, dexamethasone antibiotic, steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
Spersallerg antazoline, tetrizoline histamine receptor blocker, vasoconstrictor

Inflammation is a kind of protective reaction of the body. In the event of an injury or when an infection enters the body, a complex pathological process occurs, in response to which our protective cells launch fight mechanisms. At the site of inflammation, we observe redness, swelling, pain, lacrimation and itching (if we talk about the eyes).

The pharmaceutical industry today offers various eye drops for inflammation that can speed up the healing process and make a person’s life easier. However, for them to be truly effective, you need to choose them correctly. To do this, it is necessary to understand the cause of inflammation.

Ophthalmic types of inflammation

To understand what and how we are going to treat, let's understand a little medical terminology and the names of the main ophthalmological diseases. The ending “-itis” in the diagnosis indicates inflammation, but judging by the name of the disease, which structural element is affected can be clearly seen in the table:


What part of the eye is inflamed?


Mucous membrane


Edge of the century


Lacrimal sac



Anterior choroid


Interior of the eyeball, pus in the vitreous

Hair follicles of the skin of the eyelids.

The inflammatory process can be triggered by a virus, bacteria, fungi, allergens, and iron mites. Depending on the causative agent of the infection, these types of drops are used in ophthalmic practice.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops can relieve inflammation of a non-infectious nature and reduce pain. The effect occurs due to inhibition (that is, slowing down) of the synthesis of prostaglandins (pain mediators).

To designate this group of drugs, two abbreviations are used: NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and NSAIDs (the decoding is the same, only P means “drugs”).

Representatives of drops containing NSAIDs:

  • Indocollir (active ingredient indomethacin);
  • Uniclofen, Diclofen (diclofenac);
  • Acuvail, Medrogil (ketorolac).

Such drugs are prescribed for the treatment of conjunctivitis of non-infectious origin, for eye injuries, welding in the eyes, as well as in the postoperative period to prevent the development of inflammation after treatment of cataracts, lens replacement, etc.


Steroid drugs are glucocorticosteroids, that is, they are of hormonal origin and have a more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Thus, Dexamethasone is considered one of the most potent anti-inflammatory drugs.

Steroid drops also have antiallergic and immunosuppressive properties, therefore they are used in the treatment of non-infectious inflammation when the NSAID group does not bring the expected effect, and in therapy against allergies when antihistamines do not cope with their task.

For all their positive effects, steroids have a lot of side effects. For example, they can increase intraocular pressure, and the healing of corneal wounds after ophthalmic surgery becomes longer.

Due to many contraindications and side effects, hormonal drops are prescribed only by a doctor. Most often they are prescribed for severe allergic conjunctivitis, chronic iridocyclitis, uveitis, and iritis.

Do not use drugs in this group if the infection is caused by bacteria or fungi, there are open wounds or ulcerative lesions of the cornea.

Examples of steroid eye drops: Dexamethasone, Oftan-dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Fluorometholone. This group includes the well-known hydrocortisone eye ointment

Combined products: Sofradex, Tobrex, Dexona, Maxitrol. We'll talk about them a little later.


These drugs have found their use in the treatment of bacterial inflammation of the eye.

Their prescription is justified for all diseases ending in -itis: blepharitis, conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, as well as barley, furunculosis and abscess.

Such drops necessarily contain an antibiotic (tobramycin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin), and combined preparations may contain two antimicrobial substances and a hormone.

Cheap drops for eye inflammation:

Cheap antimicrobial agent based on sulfonamide. It has a bacteriostatic effect (slows down the growth and reproduction of bacteria, thereby reducing their number and displacing them from the body).

It is used for purulent inflammation of the conjunctiva, eyelid (blepharitis) and, very importantly, for therapeutic and preventive purposes for blennorrhea in newborns

The big minus is that the drops burn if they come into contact with the eye. It also happens that their action is not enough for a complete recovery.

Another inexpensive drug, a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Successfully fights both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The active component penetrates well into the vitreous body, cornea and iris, but does not enter the lens.

Levomycetin is approved for use in children from 1 month of life

Other good drops:

Among antibiotic eye drops, the drug Floxal based on ofloxacin has proven itself well. It quickly relieves inflammation in both adults and newborns.

An eye ointment is also produced under the same name, which, due to its viscous consistency, remains in the conjunctiva longer, which means the frequency of its use decreases

A fast-acting bactericidal (that is, kills bacteria) antibiotic tobramycin copes with gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

The drug works locally, but it is not recommended to combine its use with other aminoglycosides intended for systemic action in order to avoid toxic effects on the body


In case of treatment of severe or mixed infections, ophthalmologists have in their arsenal combined agents that include a hormone and 1-2 antibiotics.

The best drops against eye inflammation with this composition are presented in the table:

All of them relieve the inflammatory process within half an hour, but due to possible side effects they should not be used for independent treatment.


Seasonal inflammation can be purely allergic in nature. Typical signs of its manifestation: eyes water, there is itching and redness, vision becomes blurred. At the same time, a person may have nasal congestion, sneezing, swelling of the face, mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, and so on.

Seasonal allergies are treated symptomatically. In addition to taking medications orally, there are antihistamine drops. They contain active substances that block the release of free histamine, which causes all the unpleasant symptoms of allergies.


Cromoglycic acid stabilizes mast cell membranes, locally relieves swelling, irritation, and pain in the eyes; patients note a noticeable improvement after starting to use the drug.

Cromohexal can also be used for dry eye syndrome. The preservative benzalkonium chloride, which is part of the medicine, can cause unpleasant sensations in the form of tingling.

Analogues of Cromohexal are drops Ifiral, Kromofarm, Lecrolin, Allergokrom


The active ingredient is azelastine. It can be used from the age of 12 for the treatment of year-round and seasonal allergic conjunctivitis. If the allergy is seasonal, it is recommended to instill 1 drop up to 4 times a day, if it is year-round - twice a day. After 6 weeks of use, be sure to take a break.


Viral conjunctivitis, often found in children, is often treated with interferon drugs, for example, Okoferon, Oftalmoferon. The mechanism of action of such drops is based on activating the body’s defense mechanisms and stimulating the production of its own interferon.

Before using the drug, the eyes should be thoroughly cleaned of discharge and crusts.

If the disease is caused by a herpes virus, the treatment regimen includes eye ointment with acyclovir or ganciclovir (Zirgan).


Homeopathic remedies include substances of plant, animal, and mineral origin. In this area, for inflammation of the eyes, the German drug Oculoheel is used, which has proven itself as an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and analgesic agent. Its action is aimed at activating the body's defenses.

Oculoheel is approved for use by children from infancy, it is well tolerated, the effect is visible almost immediately


These are drops whose purpose is to protect and protect our eyes. Their composition is similar to the tear formula. They help relieve fatigue, tension and redness that arise from prolonged work at the computer, lack of sleep, and prolonged exposure to dry air.

The best eye drops for redness and fatigue: Hilo-chest, Artificial tears, Visine.

We treat inflammation of the eyelids

For blepharitis, therapy will again depend on the cause of the inflammation, but preference is given to dosage forms in ointments and gels, since they linger longer behind the eyelid and have a longer lasting effect.

If the cause of blepharitis is demodex, use Dexapos eye drops and ointment with dexamethasone (or hydrocortisone) and gentamicin. If the inflammation is of an allergic nature, hydrocortisone eye ointment is prescribed. If seborrheic blepharitis is diagnosed, Oftagel or Artificial tears are added to the hormonal agent.

With this disease, careful hygienic care of the eyelids is extremely important. So, you cannot use cold water to wash your eyelids, only warm water. After washing, a special eyelid massage is recommended, which the doctor will tell you about.

During illness, it is extremely important to get a full night's sleep, limited viewing of TV or computer, it is recommended to follow a dairy-vegetable diet, but you will have to give up sweet, salty, and fried foods for now.

So, we have seen what eye drops that relieve inflammation exist. Let's not forget that vision must be protected, because through it we receive more than 80% of the information about the world around us. Therefore, in case of any eye inflammation, immediately consult a doctor and start treatment on time.

Anti-inflammatory eye drops reduce swelling and pain in the eyes due to inflammation.

What is eye inflammation?

Inflammation is the body's response to injury, infection or irritation

Eye inflammation is your body's response to injury, infection or irritation.

In some cases, inflammation may occur in response to normally harmless substances such as dust, grass or pollen. This is an allergic reaction.

The immune system can also cause inflammation in response to the body's own tissues. This is called an autoimmune reaction.

What causes eye inflammation?

Inflammation is your body's response to injury, infection, or irritation.

Eye inflammation can be caused by:

  • allergies.
  • eye infections (viral, bacterial or fungal)
  • autoimmune diseases
  • eye injury.

It becomes obvious that there are many causes of inflammation, so eye drops for inflammation should only be prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

Allergic causes of eye inflammation

Allergic reactions are a common cause of eye inflammation.

For example:

  • Drug allergy
  • Food allergies
  • Hay fever, or an allergic reaction to allergens such as animal dander, dust, cosmetics or pollen
  • Allergy to insect bites

Infectious causes of eye inflammation

Infections can cause inflammation in various structures of the eye. Infections (viral, bacterial, fungal) cause diseases such as:

  • Blepharitis (inflammation of the edge of the eyelids)
  • Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye)
  • Dacryocystitis (inflammation of the lacrimal sac)
  • Endophthalmitis (severe infection inside the eyeball)
  • Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea)
  • Scleritis (infection of the sclera, that is, the white membrane of the eyeball)
  • Iridocyclitis (inflammation of the anterior choroid)
  • Uveitis (inflammation of the deeper parts of the choroid of the eye)
  • Neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve)
  • Styes (localized bacterial infection of the hair follicles of the eyelid skin)

Drops for eye inflammation

Eye drops for inflammation have different effects on inflammatory mediators

Eye drops for inflammation are divided according to the mechanism of action they have. A common property of all anti-inflammatory eye drops is that they act on inflammatory mediators. Thus, swelling, pain and inflammation in the eyes are reduced.

There are three main groups of drugs for eye inflammation:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drops (NSAIDs). For example: Diclofenac, Indocollir, Benoxy
  • Steroid anti-inflammatory drops.
  • Combined forms of drops. For example: “Tobradex”, “Maxitrol”, “Garazon”, etc.

When using eye drops for eye inflammation, you should regularly visit your ophthalmologist.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drops

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops are used for infectious inflammation

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops are used for all inflammations of an infectious nature.

Most people take NSAIDs without any side effects.

If side effects occur, they are usually an allergic reaction or corneal complications. You cannot prescribe such drugs yourself. It is necessary that treatment be carried out under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.

Steroid anti-inflammatory drops

Prescribing only eye drops for inflammation will not eliminate the cause of infectious diseases

Drugs in this group are prescribed in similar cases as NSAIDs, but in more severe cases. In addition, they are widely used for autoimmune causes of eye inflammation.

However, prescribing only eye drops for inflammation will not eliminate the cause of infectious diseases. Therefore, antibacterial or antiviral drops are often prescribed in parallel.

Combined anti-inflammatory drops

Combination anti-inflammatory eye drops contain two drugs: an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory agent

Combined anti-inflammatory eye drops contain two drugs: an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory component (most often a glucocorticoid). They are used when inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection.

After eye surgery, combination anti-inflammatory drops are prescribed to prevent infection and reduce the inflammatory reaction of the eye.

There is a whole spectrum of inflammatory diseases of the eyeballs. Some inflammatory reactions occur in response to surgery, some to the introduction of a viral or bacterial agent.

Despite the nature of the eye damage, treatment in such cases is mandatory! Fortunately, the modern pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of anti-inflammatory eye drops.

The use of anti-inflammatory eye drops is indicated in the following cases:

  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Corneal erosion.
  • Inflammation and damage to the cornea after injury.
  • Postoperative photophobia.
  • As an addition to the use of antibiotics.

Anti-inflammatory eye drops should not be used in the following cases:

  • Individual sensitivity to the components of the drops.
  • Keratitis caused by the human herpes virus.
  • Bronchial asthma that occurred while taking acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Having hemophilia.
  • During the period of breastfeeding a child

There are four broad categories of ophthalmic anti-inflammatory drugs:

  1. Corticosteroids (drugs of hormonal origin)
  2. Mast cell stabilizers (their effect is similar to antihistamines)
  3. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  4. Antihistamines.

Combinations of corticosteroids and antibiotics

Examples - betamethasone + neomycin, dexamethasone 0.1% + neomycin / polymyxin B / tobramycin, dexamethasone 0.05% + ramicetin / gramicidin, prednisolone 0.5% + neomycin.

Before measuring pressure, drops are placed in the eye.


Examples are antazoline sulfate, azelastine hydrochloride, olopatadine, epinastine hydrochloride, ketotifen.

Use - allergic conjunctivitis, seasonal and perennial conjunctivitis.

Read what are the best drops for cataracts on our website.

Additional information - These drugs act quickly, not counting oral antihistamines if symptoms are severe or not limited to just the eye. They have antibacterial properties. They can be used simultaneously with a mast cell stabilizer (ketotifen also has mast cell stabilizing properties).

Long-term use can lead to chronic renal failure. The course of treatment should be clearly defined together with the attending physician and not exceeded.

Mast cell stabilizers

Examples are lodoxamide, nedocromil sodium, emedastine, sodium cromoglycate, .

Use - allergic, seasonal and spring conjunctivitis.

Systemic side effects are headache, dizziness and taste disturbance.

Can be used simultaneously with antihistamines.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Examples are diclofenac, ketorolac, flurbiprofen sodium, nepafenac.

Use: postoperative inflammation during cataract surgery, pain after accidental or surgical injury to the cornea. Diclofenac is also quite effective for seasonal allergic conjunctivitis.

You can find out how to treat dacryocystitis.

Action - stops the formation of eicosanoids (substances that promote the production of cells, which in turn participate in the inflammatory response).

The dose depends on the conditions of use. A single dose is possible, a one-time dose is possible.

A list of eye drops for allergies can be found in ours.

List of inexpensive children's drops

  • Timofoprim-polymyxin B.
  • Allergan.
  • Irwin.
  • Bluff-10.
  • Amikin.
  • Vigamox.
  • Alcon.