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Dwarf Pomeranian breed description. Pomeranian Spitz: features of the breed Spitz about the breed character

As a rule, Pomeranians are good-natured, playful, very active dogs. People who decide to start breeding a breed such as Spitz are often attracted by the character of the individual no less than their miniature size and original appearance.

Pomeranian Spitz character and habits

Traits characteristic of this breed include:

  • good nature and sociability;
  • activity and cheerfulness;
  • easy, friendly disposition;
  • the ability to accurately determine the owner’s mood;
  • quick wit, high intelligence;
  • courage and curiosity;
  • loyalty, great affection for the owner;
  • well-developed guard instinct;
  • the desire to always be in the center of attention;
  • the ability to quickly adapt to any circumstances.

The Pomeranian's habits include a love for long walks and bathing. On the street, the dog actively runs, rolls on the ground or dives into the snow. She tolerates long trips easily, happily traveling in a bag when carried or even in the arms of her owner.

The Spitz always happily takes part in the game, runs quickly, and its movements are sometimes so light, as if the dog does not touch the ground with its paws. To earn praise, the pet is capable of the most breathtaking tricks. It is not surprising that these dogs, which are highly trainable, often perform in the circus arena.

What to pay attention to when raising a Pomeranian?

If your pet is a Pomeranian, the characteristics of the breed will affect the characteristics of its upbringing. You should be patient, act with both affection and a firm hand, without allowing your pet to dominate. There are usually no problems with training: Spitz dogs are very intelligent. They learn commands by about five months of age.
However, the Pomeranian Spitz, whose character is not as simple as it seems at first glance, can also bring trouble to its owner. It should be remembered that:

  • The Spitz's intelligence also leads to negative consequences. Such dogs very early understand what weaknesses the people around them have, and strive to take their rightful place in the “pack”.
  • The miniature Pomeranian Spitz is distinguished by the courage and disposition of a large dog, so during walks you need to carefully ensure that the pet does not try to compete with other dogs in strength.
  • Dogs have a ringing voice and are not averse to barking loudly. This noise can be tiresome and annoying. This feature is partially corrected by proper upbringing from an early age.
  • It is not recommended to give Spitz dogs to families with small children, as during play the child may accidentally hit or even cripple the dog.
  • Until the Spitz has learned the rules of behavior, get ready to correct the consequences of his minor pranks in the house.
  • Dogs treat strangers with distrust, so socialization of the puppy begins as early as possible.
  • The Pomeranian gets along well with other animals, but its love of dominance can cause problems.

Despite some shortcomings, the character of the Pomeranian allows him to become an excellent friend and companion!

What breeds of Spitz are currently known? I would like to say right away that there are several of them. In our article we will look at them. The first species we will describe is the Pomeranian, the pros and cons of the breed will also be listed below.


The dog resembles a teddy bear, although it cannot be called a toy. After all, the dog has such qualities as attentiveness, intelligence and devotion. Of course, we cannot forget about the cheerful disposition. All these qualities make a dog a truly true friend. Despite his dog, this dog has a bright personality. He can charm even those who are completely indifferent to decorative dogs. The first Spitz dogs appeared in the former province of Pomerania.

According to the standard, the Pomeranian Spitz is a small dog (height no more than 23 cm) of a strong build, with a short muzzle, a voluminous chest and small ears. Males look denser and more massive than females.

Despite their small size and decorative appearance, dogs of this breed have all the features of a real dog. The Pomeranian is always ready to follow the owner, and can even stand up for him if necessary. The Pomeranian Spitz dog breed has qualities such as excessive suspicion and alertness.

In general, such a dog is a wonderful companion that easily adapts to the temperament and mood of the owner. He plays with children with great pleasure. The dog is also not averse to having fun with adults, but then he will be more restrained and tactful.

We figured out what the Spitz dog breed is. The price for one Pomeranian ranges from $500 to $1,500.

German Spitz

The German Spitz is a fairly ancient breed. All representatives have a cheerful disposition. They are active, sociable and cheerful. Dogs of this breed are smart. Therefore, they can be taught various tricks, as well as commands. When trained correctly, they demonstrate excellent obedience. These dogs shouldn't be allowed to be held in your arms all the time, and neither will jealousy. Otherwise, there may be problems with education in the future. Life expectancy is on average 13 years.

German Spitz: breed varieties

There are several "growth" varieties. The first is the Wolfspitz (the largest representative). The average height at the withers is 50 cm. This variety can have only one color - wolf.

The second type is the large spitz (grossspitz). The height at the withers is on average 46 cm. The colors can be solid (white, brown and black). This dog can be used as a guard.

The third variety is the medium Spitz (Mittelspitz). The height is on average 34 cm. According to the standard, there can be both two-color representatives and one-color ones.
The fourth is a small Spitz (height at the withers - 25 cm). The color is the same as the medium ones.

American Eskimo Spitz

The German Spitz is the progenitor of the breed. Recognized only in 1995. This dog is very smart, he can easily perform various tricks. Since the dog is easy to train, it can participate in various competitions, for example, agility. The dog needs regular, active walks. Otherwise, the American Spitz will become lazy and fat.

The disadvantages of the breed are the following: its representatives are quite noisy and “talkative”. Therefore, such dogs need to be raised well, not allowing them to often show off their loud voice, especially in the presence of strangers.

What types of American Eskimo Spitz are there? Breed varieties:
. toy (average weight 3.8 kg, height at the withers - 26 cm);
. miniature (weight ranges from 4.5 to 9 kg, and height - from 30 to 38 cm);
. standard (height at the withers is on average 43 cm, and weight is 13 kg).

Despite their differences, all these representatives have a playful, kind disposition, as well as an easy-going character.

Japanese Spitz

Let's start describing the breed with external data. This dog is funny and smiling. He is very active, smart, with a bold character. There are very few Japanese Spitz dogs in the country. The first representative of the breed was brought by trainer Nikolai Pavlenko. The only breed standard was drawn up in 1948; 39 years later it was revised.

The Japanese Spitz is a decorative dog with white fur. The dog's ears are set high, the tail is fluffy, lying tightly on the back. The height at the withers is on average 34 cm. Japanese Spitz females are significantly smaller than males. Weight ranges from five to ten kilograms.

Representatives of the breed look larger due to the large amount of wool.
Please note that Spitz dogs love to bark. The disadvantages of the breed are considered to be noisiness and cowardice.

The Spitz has excellent pigment - the eyes and nose are black, the lips are always in contrast.
The character of the breed is friendly and cheerful. They lack hunting instincts; dogs get along well with other animals.

We figured out what the Spitz dog breed is. The price for one small representative of this species ranges from 500 to 2000 dollars.

Wolf Spitz

The blood of the Norwegian Elkhound, Samoyed, Pomeranian and Chow Chow flows in the veins of the representatives of the breed.

The Wolf Spitz is a medium-sized dog. Its body is square in shape. The average weight is 27 kg and height is 47 cm.

Representatives of the breed have a very beautiful head shape, they have a “fox” muzzle, erect, triangular ears, set high, and the tail is curled into a ring. Their fur is thick and long. The color is zone-gray, there must be a black mask.
Representatives of the breed are physically strong, healthy, and have a good disposition. They become attached to their owners and get along well with children.

Eurasian Spitz

What is a Eurasian Spitz? Let's begin our description of the breed by telling where this species came from. This wonderful dog was the result of crossing a German Wolf Spitz and a Chow Chow. There is also Samoyed blood involved. The homeland of the Eurasian Spitz is the city of Weinheim (this is in Western Germany).

The result was a very energetic dog with a self-confident, upturned, snub-nosed muzzle. Her ponytail is effectively thrown behind her back. The dog has a friendly, calm disposition.

The Eurasian Spitz is medium in size. The height of males is on average 56 cm, and females - 53 cm. Colors can be different: fawn, red, zone, blue, black, etc.

You need to carefully care for your Eurasian Spitz. It should be brushed regularly. Frequent water treatments are harmful for such a dog. The Eurasian Spitz often takes part in sledding and skiing. Such a pet will happily give its owner a ride. Agility and frisbee are great activities for fun together.

Even though dogs love to play, they are quite serious. If necessary, the Eurasian Spitz will be able to stand up for the owner. In the absence of a threat, he will behave reservedly with strangers.

Italian Volpino Italiano

Considering the Spitz breeds, let's pay attention to the Italian Volpino Italiano.
This is a fairly ancient breed. Florence is considered its homeland. This is a compact, strongly built dog. European Spitz have a square body.
The most famous fan of the breed is Queen Victoria. After visiting Florence, she fell in love with these spontaneous dogs. Therefore, I took several representatives with me to the UK.

What is it, Volpino Italiano? This is a small, strongly built dog. Its body is square in shape. The tail is fluffy, thrown over the back. The head is small, the muzzle is pointed, “fox-like”. The forehead is wide and the ears are set high. The eyes are beautiful, dark, quite large, expressive. At the withers, the height of the dog is 28 cm, its average weight is 5 kg.

The fur of the representatives is thick, straight, long and lush. The area has a chic collar. Popular colors are snow white. Various shades of red and fawn are also allowed. The coat needs to be brushed at least once a week. Volpino is cheerful and good-natured. Such dogs do not like to be alone; they are ready to spend time with their owners for days. It is easy to train and quickly remembers commands. Gets along well with other animals. This Spitz also communicates well with children.

Pros and cons of the breed

First, about the pros. These include the character of dogs and their appearance.

If we talk about the minuses, then these are, of course, “talkativeness”, suspicion and wariness. Almost all Spitz dogs have these qualities. The price can also be considered a disadvantage, since such dogs cost a lot. Spitz dogs also require careful grooming. Some owners recommend taking their pet to the groomer several times a year, then there will be fewer problems.

People's opinion

People love all Spitz breeds, each in their own way. Anyone who has already acquired a representative of one of the above species believes that his pet is the best. Indeed, the external characteristics of such dogs are simply magnificent. All Spitz look like little bear cubs.

If we remember such a disadvantage as excessive “talkativeness,” then the owners confirm it. After all, Spitz love to “talk” or bark at someone. But even this does not reduce the love of owners for their pets.


Now you know the Spitz breeds. As you can see, all these dogs are interesting in their own way, each species has its own characteristics. But we can say with confidence that all Spitz are very beautiful and mischievous animals.

Update: October 2017

There are two recognized types of Pomeranians: German (fox) and teddy bear. There is a separate type of doll (toy or baby doll). The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) considers all these Pomeranians to be a variety of the German Spitz. The American, English and Canadian Kennel Clubs have recognized the Pomeranian as a separate breed. However, the bearish type did not find support in any of the standards. But this did not affect his popularity. Today, the bear variety is the most fashionable characteristic of the Spitz exterior.

Bear-type Pomeranians are characterized by the following breed characteristics:

  • small size and funny appearance;
  • an interesting, full, shortened muzzle, making it look like a toy bear;
  • a chic two-layer fur coat consisting of dense soft undercoat and medium-length guard hair;
  • energy and demands on daily activities;
  • restlessness and cheerful disposition, hot temper;
  • devotion and the need for constant communication;
  • Difficult coat care (professional help may be required);
  • excellent guard qualities;
  • love to bark;
  • when feeding, preference is given to dry food;
  • may suffer from early tooth loss.

Breed characteristics

Is it difficult to care for a Bear-type Pomeranian?
This is not the easiest breed to care for. “Bears” have a very thick undercoat. If you don't brush it regularly, it will mat. There are no particular difficulties with feeding and walking.
Preferred conditions of detention
Poms are versatile dogs. They feel equally at home in a country house or in a cramped apartment. A warm coat will prevent them from freezing outside, but still, this is an indoor dog.
Why do the smallest “bears” often get sick and live short lives?
The smaller the dog, the greater the demand for it. Unscrupulous breeders reduce the size and take it to the point of absurdity. Dwarfs with genetic problems are born. Please note that height below 18 cm means fragile bones, inadequate functioning of internal organs, and often mental disorders. The lower weight threshold is 1.36 kg. Such dogs do not participate in breeding.
Need for activity
The baby needs constant exercise. An adult Spitz should be walked in any weather, with the exception of strong sunshine. During walks they organize active games.
All Spitz are intelligent breeds. However, Pomeranians can be stubborn and tend to dominate. But with due diligence, they can be quickly taught basic commands. Difficulty arises only with excessive barking. It's not easy to break this habit.
Do Bear Pomeranians shed?
“Bears” shed no less than other bears. They have a denser coat, and if you brush it often, you may get the impression that the hair is not falling out at all. If the animal has not been mated, then the molting is not noticeable at all.
Do representatives of the breed need to be cut?
The haircut gives the Pomeranian a shape and makes it easier to care for. This is not a mandatory procedure. The shape of the haircut is chosen by the owner at his own discretion. You can't cut your dog's hair too short - it's harmful to health, and the hair may not grow back later.
How many times should I bathe?
Bathe your pet as needed, but not more than once a month. Water procedures are not best reflected on a chic fur coat.
Do Pomeranians need clothes and shoes for walking?
Puppies need more protection. In cold and rainy weather, it is better to dress an adult pet in a jacket or raincoat. He doesn't need shoes.
Can I buy for a child?
“Little Bear” does not show aggression towards children. However, this is not the most suitable breed for a child under 7 years old. Children can play with him, but it is better to entrust the upbringing to the elders.
Which owners is it suitable for?
They feel good in a large family. Also suitable for a lonely person if he has time for his pet. This breed is not suitable for busy people and homebodies who value peace.
Can it be kept with other animals?
If Pomeranians grew up around other animals, they behave calmly towards them. They react aggressively to unfamiliar living creatures and can get into fights with large brothers, forgetting about their tiny size.

Advantages of the breed

  • Miniature and unusual appearance - with such a friend you will not be left without attention.
  • Inexhaustible friendliness - the owners assure that there is no more cheerful animal. They were even nicknamed “smiling dogs.”
  • Playful temperament - games can go on all day long, especially if there are children in the house.
  • Devotion to their owner - they will wait for you from work, get bored in your absence and be incredibly happy about the opportunity to communicate with you.
  • Unpretentiousness in maintenance - it doesn’t matter to them where to live, as long as their beloved owner is nearby.
  • Flexibility and adaptability - the dog will adapt to your schedule and will get up no earlier than you.
  • Endurance - a fur coat protects the animal from cold and overheating.
  • Cleanliness - from puppyhood, little “bear cubs” monitor their cleanliness. They lick themselves like a cat.
  • Good health in the absence of problems at the genetic level - if pommies are well cared for, they live a long time.
  • Trainability – If exercised regularly, you can teach your pet different tricks.

Difficulties in maintenance and upbringing

  • Increased excitability - dogs have good hearing and react to all rustles outside the door.
  • They often start fights. They rush into battle with opponents who are several times their size.
  • High activity - the pet does not sit still, it loves to play. If you do not direct the energy of such a dog in the right direction, then it can create discomfort.
  • Barks a lot and loudly - not everyone is able to control this behavior, which can irritate both family and neighbors.
  • Can show aggression towards strangers - socialization needs to be done as early as possible.
  • High price – good puppies are expensive, and demand exceeds supply. Therefore, more and more often people who are far from this are taking up breeding. As a result, bear-type Pomeranians appear that not only do not meet the breed standard, but also have serious health problems.

What do breeders think about “toy” (toy or baby doll) Pomeranians?

Now it is difficult to say how the first baby-doll Pomeranian appeared: whether it was the result of thoughtful selection or just a breeding marriage. The important thing is that some dog lovers liked Toy Spitz even more than their larger counterparts. The fashion for “cute” dogs crossed all reasonable boundaries when the owners of the European Boo and the Japanese Shunsuke created accounts on social networks for their pets. People write there on behalf of dogs, illustrating the events with multiple photos.

Fashion trends towards minimalism have also taken hold of breeders. Tiny creatures with a touching appearance began to appear into the world. In different countries they are called baby doll, baby face or toy oranges. But the desire to make the dog's size more compact began to take on dangerous shapes. There are breed standards that require a muzzle size of 3–5 centimeters and a height of at least 18 cm. In fact, some breeders neglect them. PR marketing does its dirty work.

Wanting to make more money from fashionable “mini bears”, would-be breeders are breeding dogs with the dwarfism gene. This is a disease, and not a growth feature. Extremely shortened muzzles (sometimes reaching 1 cm) look beautiful only in pictures. Such animals live short lives, they suffer from iringomyelia (a disease of the nervous system), and have problems with breathing, heart, and bite. All this leads to the degeneration of the breed.

If you want your Pomeranian to look like the famous “bear cubs” on the Internet, engage in grooming. A good haircut shapes the appearance of your pet. In the salon, the master evens out the length of the guard hair and undercoat. As a result, dogs become like teddy bears. Specialists cut the hair on the face so that the eyes look rounder and the cheeks look plump.

But don't overdo it. Too short a haircut is not acceptable. The owner of the famous Boo wrote that she cuts her baby’s hair this way because of skin problems. Don't experiment. The hair does not recover after such a haircut and grows in clumps, making caring for it problematic.

Photo of Pomeranian Spitz

Dog character, behavioral characteristics

After the owner of a miniature Pomeranian named Boo created a social network page for her pet, the “bears” became stars. They look so touching in the photo that it’s hard to give up such a pet. But before you go to the kennel for a puppy, you need to learn more about the dog's behavior. In appearance, they resemble a miniature version of the wayward Chow Chow, but their personalities are different.

Dogs become attached to their owner and, over time, adopt their habits. With a calm owner they behave quietly, with an active owner they behave more emotionally. However, it is not recommended to leave them alone for a long time. This is serious stress for dogs, and they will not endure it in silence. Barking and howling will be heard far away.

Behind the cute face and fluffy fur are real athletes who achieve good results in various competitions. Agility is the best choice for them. They love to play at home, in the country, and during field trips. The only thing that can distract you from playing is the noise at the door. Here his watchdog instinct wakes up: the dog greets the guest with a ringing bark, even if he was just walking by.

These are self-confident dogs that can stand up for themselves. With active socialization and a competent approach to education by the owner, even the not-so-brave bear-type Pomeranian becomes brave and sociable. The description of the breed confirms this. They do not tolerate violence. Good results can be achieved through firmness and consistency.

Caring for a bear-type Pomeranian: combing, cutting, bathing and other hygiene procedures

City dwellers often refuse the idea of ​​having a pet because they are afraid of chaos. Especially if we are talking about such a fluffy and active dog as a Pomeranian. In fact, caring for a “bear” is not that difficult. However, grooming will most likely have to be done by professionals.

Grooming, coat care

Bear Pomeranians look great thanks to their unique coat. It shapes the appearance of the breed. Grooming involves brushing, trimming and bathing. Pets shed several times a year. Shedding is most intense during puppyhood. During this period, pomas bear little resemblance to bears. During molting, they are scratched daily. Later, a good combing twice a week will be enough.

For hair care you need to purchase:

  • soft powder brush;
  • metal combs with rare and frequent teeth;
  • single-sided thinning scissors for thinning fur coats;
  • scissors with rounded ends for removing excess hair.

While combing, you can use an anti-tangle spray if your pet is prone to their formation. In other cases, the fur coat is sprayed with water with the addition of a special antistatic conditioner. Dry hair should not be scratched.

Bathe pets as rarely as possible. After a walk, just wipe your paws with a damp cloth. During bathing, the ears are covered with cotton swabs. Take them out only when the wool is dry. Dry the fur coat with a hairdryer, after wiping it with a towel. It should not be left to dry naturally.

Grooming is best done by a specialist. You should not shave your dog in the heat. This won't help her. Her fur coat is a natural protection against overheating. Moreover, the undercoat of Poms often does not grow back. After such grooming, the pet may remain bald. If a dog participates in exhibitions, then a model haircut is not suitable for it. In the ring, the Pomeranian “bear cub” should look natural, without signs of grooming.

Caring for your teeth, ears and eyes

Teeth are the weak point of dwarf breeds. They must be regularly looked after. Inspections are done weekly. The plaque is removed and checked to see if any food remains remain. Once a month, and sometimes more often, you have to remove tartar, and veterinarians recommend brushing your teeth with a special brush every day.

The ears are examined at least once a month. Clean them with a cotton swab and a special liquid. The claws are carefully trimmed with pliers. This must be done very carefully so as not to touch the living part of the claw.

Eyes are washed with boiled water. You can use a weak chamomile infusion. If the little bear’s eyes begin to water, and greenish or brown secretions accumulate in the corners, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Feeding the Spitz

Food for a miniature Spitz is selected taking into account the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The basis should be animal proteins. Food is enriched with vitamins and microelements in the required amount. You cannot overfeed an animal; it is as dangerous as malnutrition. The pom should completely eat the entire portion without requiring supplements.

Choosing the type of feeding

First, in a new home, the puppy is given the food that he is accustomed to from the breeder. Then the owner has the right to decide: leave everything as is, or switch the pet to a different diet. You immediately need to decide what to feed your orange: will it be natural feeding or ready-made food. Dry diets cannot be mixed with regular foods.

Dry food has many advantages: it is balanced and easy to dose. Therefore, experienced dog breeders often choose this type of feeding. Only premium class food is suitable, or better yet, Super-premium. Advertising is no help here. Don't look for good food on supermarket shelves; its place is in a specialty store.

Natural feeding complicates caring for pets: it takes much more time. Food from the table is not suitable; it must be prepared separately. The menu for the “bear cub” is compiled individually. Its basis is meat, some fish, cottage cheese and vegetables. The daily intake of vitamins and mineral supplements is calculated separately.

Natural feeding

The Pomeranian menu may be the same. It is more important to balance it in all respects. The basis of the diet is meat and offal (at least 30%). These are beef, lean lamb and chicken. Pork is not suitable. The meat is cut into small pieces. It is given raw or boiled. Adult dogs can boil offal.

Porridge makes up 10% of the pet’s diet. Usually they take rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Fish is given twice a week, replacing meat with it. River fish is boiled, sea fish is given raw. Spitz love eggs. They are fed boiled. Fermented milk products are beneficial for dogs. It is better to chop the vegetables and mix with vegetable oil. You can put them out.

New products are introduced gradually. To develop teeth, you can give dogs bones (not tubular ones) and crackers. You cannot accustom your pet to harmful foods: sweets, flour, spicy, salty and smoked foods. Beans, semolina, pearl barley and millet porridge are also avoided.

Ready-made rations

To avoid harming the dog, you should not use cheap food. Miniature Spitz eat little, so it’s better not to skimp on food - you’ll have to spend less on a veterinarian. For pets, food of at least the “Premium” class is suitable, and preferably “Super-premium” or “Holistic”.

Don't believe advertising. Take a moment to read the ingredients on the food label. Responsible manufacturers always describe all ingredients in detail. There should be no inscriptions “meat products” without a detailed listing of the type of meat and offal. The main component usually comes first. Naturally, it should be meat, but not cereals. Products of plant origin should also be present there, but in smaller quantities. Vitamins and minerals are also added.

You cannot buy food that contains dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers, or various substitutes for natural products. These components are included in cheap foods that cause a number of serious diseases in dogs.

Feeding the puppies

When picking up a puppy from the kennel, you need to provide him with the food he is used to in his new home. With dry food, everything is clear: you need to buy high-quality food, provide your baby with constant access to water, and correctly calculate the daily intake.

With a natural type of food, you need to provide the puppy with vitamin supplements. He especially needs them during the period of changing teeth and “baby hair”. You need to choose vitamins intended for small breeds.

Tendency to diseases

Spitz are dogs with good health. They are distinguished by their longevity. With good care they live up to 20 years. But even they can be plagued by diseases that you need to know about:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (necrosis of the femoral head, subluxation of joints, dislocation of the patella);
  • complications during labor;
  • bulging eyes characteristic of dwarf breeds;
  • eye diseases (including cataracts, entropion, retinal dysplasia and atrophy);
  • complications with teeth (especially during their change).
  • inguinal and umbilical hernias;
  • heart diseases;
  • breathing problems, frequent coughing and sneezing.

Choosing a puppy and caring for it

You need to buy a puppy from nurseries with a good reputation. But no matter how big the name of the breeder may be, when choosing a pet from him, always look at the conditions of detention and the condition of the baby. When they are puppies, all Pomeranians look like little bears. They change with age. Bear type puppies acquire characteristics characteristic of the breed. When choosing a “bear cub”, look at its parents. If they have the characteristics characteristic of this type of Pomeranian, then most likely their offspring will be the same.

You need to prepare for the arrival of your baby:

  • close all the cracks where a miniature Spitz can crawl;
  • remove the wires, otherwise he will start chewing them;
  • hide all small items from the lower shelves;
  • make the trash can and chemicals inaccessible;
  • secure the open balcony.

First days in a new house

For the little bear, you need to choose a place in the house that is away from heating devices and drafts. He will like it if his bed is in your bedroom: there is always someone to talk to there. Instead of a bed, you can buy a special house with a mattress. It is easy to carry and takes up little space.

As soon as you cross the threshold of your home with a puppy in your arms, immediately put it on the floor. The baby must get used to the new housing. Don't pick him up unless necessary. If you do not have the opportunity to be with him all the time, arrange an enclosure for the puppy. This should be a safe place where your pet will not harm itself while you are away. But he cannot be left alone for a long time.

Training and education

This is an intelligent and understanding breed. If you are persistent and consistent in your upbringing, you will help your little bear quickly master basic commands. But we must not give any concessions. The animal will quickly notice this and become cunning.

The biggest enemy of Pomeranian training is frequency. Education needs to be done constantly. This does not mean that you need to spend days on end on the playground; it is enough to develop rules of behavior and always demand their compliance from your pet. If today you forbid your dog to ask for food from the table, then do it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Otherwise, one handout will nullify the results of hard work.

Spitz have a pronounced dominance. They guard their territory and, with loud barks, notify the entire area of ​​the approach of strangers. This behavior is characteristic of the breed. But if the dog begins to show aggression, such behavior must be stopped immediately.

How to teach cleanliness?

In the first days, the puppy will leave puddles wherever necessary. There is no point in scolding him for this. Better take a closer look at how he behaves before committing a “crime.” As soon as he starts to wiggle, immediately take him to the diaper. In a few days the pom will understand what they want from him. Praise your child if he does his business in the right place.

Breed standards

Usage Guard dog, companion.
Appearance Proportionally built body, square body, thick hair on the cheekbones, giving the dogs a plump appearance, the muzzle is slightly flattened.
Temperament, behavior Calm and affectionate, playful and active.
  • Form: small, wedge-shaped
  • Scull: average size
  • Forehead: rounded in shape, with a soft transition
  • Muzzle: from 3 to 5 cm
  • Cheeks: covered with thick fur
  • Jaws and teeth: teeth are small (42 teeth in a set), scissor bite, level or pincer bite is acceptable, possible absence of premolars
  • Nose: black, small, round, raised up
  • Eyes: black, located closer to the nose
  • Ears: small, triangular in shape, set high.
  • Back: short, straight
  • Small of the back: short, strong, slightly convex
  • Croup: short, wide
  • Stomach: moderately fit
  • Neck: moderate length
  • Breast: deep
  • Tail: fluffy, medium length.
  • Front legs: straight, wide frontal line
  • Hind legs: muscular, stand straight and parallel to each other.
Gait Loose, soft and light.
Wool Double coat.
Color Plain (cream, zone-gray, orange, cream-sable, zone-sand), party color (two-color), black, white.
Height Height at withers:
  • Males 18–22 cm;
  • Females 18–20 cm.
Flaws Deviation from the above parameters is a disadvantage.

Historical reference

These dogs once weighed much more. Until 1700, they were bred in Pomerania and were white in color. Later the nobility became interested in them. As a result of selection, their weight and size have decreased to what we are used to.

In the 18th century, the dog of common people turned into the star of secular salons. Queen Victoria began buying smaller Pomeranians and founded her own kennel. In 1871, thanks to her efforts, a breed standard was adopted. The fashion for miniature Spitz dogs has also come to Germany, the USA, Holland, Russia, and France.

Now it’s hard to believe that Pomeranians are an offshoot of Icelandic and Scottish sled dogs. Modern pomas will not be able to pull a team like their ancestors. These are lap dogs. But their temperament was preserved. If you want to have a loyal friend, choose a Pomeranian “bear”.

The Dwarf Spitz is an incredibly active breed of small dog.

Outwardly, it looks like a small bear cub, due to its structure and very thick, dense fur.

The Pomeranian Dwarf Spitz is very temperamental and can attack representatives of larger breeds.

Therefore, it is very important to raise him correctly in order to protect him from such manifestations of character in the future.

The Dwarf Pomeranian has ancient but unclear origins.

Images of Ancient Egypt and Greece are associated with this breed, finding similarities with the description of those dogs.

Another version considers their origin from northern breeds living in Iceland and Lapland, indicating the special thick wool characteristic of them.

But nurseries note that the bear-type Pomeranian Spitz impoverishes the breed. The structure of its respiratory system has many defects, which makes dogs weaker, rapidly reducing their life expectancy.

Many nurseries refuse to breed bear-type Spitz in order to preserve the purity of the breed.

Before buying a pet, make sure that:

  • he eats on his own;
  • has a clean, shiny coat without large yellow dandruff;
  • the skin fits tightly without forming folds;
  • no wounds, redness, areas of skin without hair;
  • ears erect, clean and smooth;
  • non-protruding eyes of a black or brown shade without discharge;
  • clean nose;
  • pink tongue, gums without whitish spots,
  • it is important to check how many teeth there are: there must be at least 12; straight or scissor bite;
  • in girls they check for the absence of an inguinal hernia, in boys it is acceptable, but surgery will be required;

The puppy must be active, move well and quickly, have no joint problems, and be willing to make contact.

Special beds are purchased for sleeping places; the floors must always be clean to avoid infections.

A cage is used for transfer. , tray or newspaper.

When buying a puppy, you should find out what food was used for feeding. Usually they choose super class dry food.

It is acceptable to feed natural products: lean meat, sea fish, dairy products, cereals, vegetables.

It should be remembered that even super class food does not always cover the need for minerals, so additional multivitamins may be necessary.

The coat is brushed regularly at least 3 times a week. Wash up to 5-6 times a year.

The short-haired “plush” look of the toy is created using a haircut. Pomeranians are very active and require regular long walks to burn off excess energy.

It should be brought up strictly and fairly, otherwise the dog’s desire to dominate will put the owner in a dependent position.

When raising a boy, it is necessary to remember that despite being kept at home, nature will take over, and he will begin to lift his paw, marking his territory.

In this case, it is necessary to teach the boy to go to a bottle of water, otherwise he will need a street walk.

The Dwarf Pomeranian is a breed of dog that has an endless supply of energy that overwhelms this animal. Constantly looking for adventure and eager for action, Pomeranians need an owner who can satisfy their passion for an active life. After physical activity in nature, the dog will look like a ball of dirt, and therefore you need to learn how to care for the animal. If you are impressed by the well-groomed, eye-catching, fluffy fur of a truly beautiful creature, then do not be put off by the small hassle of care. As you know, art requires sacrifice. Albeit not large, in the case of a dwarf Spitz, because it is enough to spend at most 10-15 minutes a day on care.

The Pomeranian Dwarf Spitz is not a cowardly breed, and your guests can feel the anger of the pet on their pants, which will warn the opponent with a ringing bark before a planned attack. Just raise the dog, walk it, then it will be more obedient and much calmer.

Breed standard (briefly).

Male weight: 1.8-3 kg.

Bitch weight: 1.6-2.6 kg.

Male height: 18-22 cm.

Bitch height: 16-20 cm.

Color: about 12 varieties of colors.

Difficulty of care: above average.

Coat care: requires constant care.

How many times to bathe: as it gets dirty.

Preferred living conditions: only in the house.

Can they live in an apartment: Yes.

Lifespan: 12-16 years old.

Country: Germany.

Date of birth of the breed: around 1870.

FCI Group: Group 5: Spitz and primitive types.

FCI Section: Section 4: European Spitz.

FCI Standard No.: 97.

Pomeranian Spitz price.

"By hand": up to $200.

PET class: from $300 to $500.

BRID class: from $700 to $1500.

SHOW class: from $1200 - $2000 and more.

Education and training:

Difficulty of education: below the average.

Difficulty of training: below the average.

You can train your child with: 8-10 years.

Purpose of the breed.

Initial purpose: companion.

Where is it currently used: as before, in our time the Pomeranian is a friend of the family.

Attitude towards living beings.

Strangers: incredulous.

Children living in the family: normal.

Animals: need socialization.

Activity level and walking:

Need for activity: high.

Playfulness: Very playful.

Duration of walking: more than 1 hour a day.

Walking intensity: walks, active games.


Beautiful, mesmerizing appearance. You will receive a lot of attention to yourself and your dog from passersby.

An active, cheerful disposition will not let you get bored for a second.

A good watchman for apartment residents.

Does not freeze in the cold season.


Barking, which can be a lot. We need to educate.

Spitz can be aggressive towards other animals.

They require activity, and therefore the owner of the Spitz needs an active one.

The price for a purebred Spitz puppy is steep, to put it mildly.

Ideal companions for:

Active people or lovers of long walks.

Those who need a ringing watchman.

Connoisseurs of beautiful haircuts.

Bad choice for:

Lazy people or busy people. A Spitz needs plenty of walking hours.

Barking can be a problem if not controlled.

Careful coat care is required, so the Spitz is not a breed for lazy people.

Families with small children. The Spitz is an adequate breed, but parents should always monitor the interaction between the dog and the child.

Character of the Pomeranian Spitz. Who is a dwarf spitz suitable for?

The Pomeranian's temperament, like many small dog breeds, is as hot as hell. These small animals feel much larger in size than they actually are, and therefore fearlessly rush at their opponent, no matter what size he is. The rage of this fluffy can be experienced by strangers or guests who come for tea. Before entering your house, they will first hear a threatening bark, and if this is not enough, they will be forced to experience the power of the needle teeth. Of course, the heat of this dog can be extinguished by training, allowing the pet to communicate with its own kind and allowing excess energy to escape through walking. Everything is in the hands of the owner!

The Dwarf Spitz is a dog for active people who love an active lifestyle or love to take long walks. Single people, a married couple or a large family with older children can create ideal living conditions for a dog if they treat it with love. The breed will also be a good choice as a gift for a growing child who will be able to independently raise and care for a Spitz. A child who is at least 7 years old can adopt a dog, but even at that age one cannot completely entrust the child’s upbringing. The parent, when necessary, must take part in solving the problem himself.

History of the breed (briefly).

The very first Pomeranians weighed about 14 kg. But dog breeders quickly realized that a dog with this level of aggression must weigh at least 4 times lighter. Just kidding, in fact, Spitz came to England in 1870 from Pomerania, back when Queen Victoria was reigning. It was in England that dog breeders developed the dwarf form of Spitz that we know today. Breeders from other countries liked the “updated” Spitz, and they began to strive for a new breed standard. Nowadays, these dogs are also incredibly popular thanks to the famous puppy named “Boo,” who conquered the Internet with his cute appearance.

Maintenance and care of the Pomeranian Spitz.

It may seem that caring for the coat of a Pomeranian Spitz requires special knowledge, but what is needed is not so much knowledge as perseverance and 10-15 minutes of time a day to maintain the beauty of the pet. In this matter, the main thing is consistency, otherwise the spitz’s catchy coat will become tangled and turn into a complete disgrace. The breed should be bathed as infrequently as possible. It will be enough to bathe 4-6 times a year, but common sense is also needed here. If after walking the animal looks like a doormat, then you should immediately arrange a bath day. For bathing, use a special shampoo for dogs, after consulting with the seller about choosing a shampoo specifically for the Pomeranian.