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Intestinal colic in adults: causes, signs, symptoms and treatment methods. Abdominal colic: causes and treatments What to do for stomach colic in adults

Intestinal colic in adults is not an independent disease; it is only one of the manifestations of diseases of the digestive system. Colic is a paroxysmal severe pain caused by spasm of the small or large intestine. The causes of this condition can be different, often only a specialist can determine them using special diagnostic methods. Therefore, if colic occurs, you should visit a doctor and undergo the necessary examination.

Causes of abdominal colic

The causes of colic in the abdomen can be different, some of them pose a danger to health, and even human life, and require surgical intervention. The most common causes of intestinal colic in adults include the following:

Symptoms of intestinal colic in adults

The main symptoms of intestinal colic are:

  • Acute, paroxysmal pain accompanied by spasm. Unpleasant sensations can increase and radiate to the genital area. When palpated, the abdominal muscles are not tense, but pain is felt in the intestinal area. The pain may persist for several hours or days, periodically subsiding and intensifying;
  • If colic is caused by acute diseases of the digestive system, then nausea, bloating, belching, and vomiting may also occur;
  • Colic is very often accompanied by diarrhea, and mucus is usually present in the stool;
  • Other symptoms include: complete lack of appetite, poor health, weakness, malaise, dizziness, etc.

In case of acute intestinal obstruction, in addition to severe colic, vomiting, bloating, and low blood pressure are observed. The patient feels weak and lethargic, and consciousness may be confused. The skin becomes pale and cold sweat appears. Intestinal obstruction is life-threatening and requires urgent assistance from specialists.

Diagnostic methods

Since there can be many causes of intestinal colic in adults, the help of a qualified specialist is required to make an accurate diagnosis. He interviews the patient and prescribes the necessary examination. The following points must be clarified: whether the patient works in hazardous work, whether he has a history of pathologies such as cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, gallstones, as well as the presence of such diseases in close relatives. After interviewing the patient, the doctor examines him.

Among the diagnostic methods for intestinal colic, laboratory and instrumental methods are used. The first of them include urine and blood tests, coprogram, stool analysis for the presence of traces of blood, etc.

Instrumental diagnostic methods include:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • sigmoidoscopy, which allows you to check the condition of the rectum and partially the sigmoid intestine;
  • colonoscopy, which examines the entire intestine;
  • computed tomography is more often used when serious damage to internal organs or tumor processes is suspected.

Treatment of colic in an adult

Treatment of intestinal colic in adults depends on the causes of this phenomenon. Therapy for this condition usually includes folk remedies, medications and diet. Medicines and folk remedies should be used with extreme caution after consultation with a specialist. According to their action, they are divided into those that fight the cause of colic, and those that eliminate the unpleasant symptom itself.

Medical treatment

The most serious cause of colic is considered to be intestinal obstruction. In this case, only a doctor should select medical treatment. It usually includes: taking broad-spectrum antibiotics, antispasmodics and ganglion blockers, as well as the use of perinephric blockade. Often, this pathology requires immediate surgical intervention.

To get rid of intestinal colic of various natures, the following drugs are most often used:

  • Activated carbon, it belongs to the adsorbent agents, you can take it for poisoning, indigestion, flatulence, intoxication and other similar conditions;
  • Sorbex is a drug similar in action to activated carbon; it is used for problems caused by poor diet or abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • Atoxil is prescribed for infectious and allergic pathologies of the intestines, acute disorders, intoxications;
  • Spasmalgon has antispasmodic and analgesic effects;
  • No-spa is the most famous antispasmodic drug;
  • Buscopan, eliminates spasms, improves the functioning of the glands, eliminates renal and intestinal colic;
  • Spasmomen, refers to M-cholinergic receptor blockers, when taken, it reduces muscle tension, eliminates spasms, and normalizes intestinal muscle motility.

Folk remedies

Among the folk remedies that help with intestinal colic, the following can be distinguished:

  1. A collection of calamus, oak bark and angelica, taken in equal quantities. This mixture is brewed in boiling water at the rate of 2-3 large spoons per liter of water and left to infuse for a day. You should drink 2 tablespoons before meals.
  2. Decoction of pomegranate peels. They are first washed well, dried and crushed. Then a mug of water is placed on the fire and brought to a boil, after which a small spoonful of crushed peels is poured in and boiled for half an hour. The product should be taken 25 ml three times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  3. Dill with milk. The milk is heated, a tablespoon of dill seeds is poured into it and left for a while. Next, the product is filtered and drunk.
  4. Pumpkin seeds. They must first be crushed, then a large spoon without a hill of seeds is poured into 250 ml of boiling water, and a small spoon of sugar or honey is added there.
  5. Lavender oil, add a few drops of this product to half a glass of water and drink.
  6. Cabbage juice. It is drunk before meals, diluted with water. Instead of cabbage juice, you can take beet or carrot juice.
  7. Tea with ginger. You can drink it throughout the day.


A diet for colic involves, first of all, avoiding fried and fatty foods, pickles and smoked foods, as well as spicy and pickled foods. Also, if you have colic, you should not eat canned food, baked goods, sweets, seasonings, or carbonated drinks. The proportion of meat in the diet is reduced and the consumption of various cereals, vegetables, fruits and fish dishes is increased.

Nutrition for colic and other intestinal problems should be balanced. It is worth eating more foods high in vitamins, microelements and fiber. The best drinks to drink are herbal teas, unsweetened fruit drinks and fermented milk drinks. During illness, you should not eat vegetables, which increase gas formation and increase flatulence. These include: legumes, corn, cabbage, radishes, turnips, radishes, etc.

Diet and lifestyle are also important. It is better to eat food often and in small portions, optimally 5 times a day. Don't overeat. When cooking, it is necessary to observe sanitation and hygiene measures. Snacks on the run, dry meals and large feasts will only aggravate intestinal problems.


Measures to prevent the occurrence of intestinal colic in adults include:

  1. Proper nutrition. Refusal of processed foods, fast food, unhealthy dishes, as well as a reduction in the diet of foods that increase gas formation.
  2. Maintaining a daily routine and an active lifestyle.
  3. Regular physical activity. Abdominal pumping is especially useful for preventing colic.
  4. Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol.
  5. Ability to cope with and avoid stress and nervous tension.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, no matter for what reason, are accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area, which are called cramps. They can manifest themselves as a feeling of heaviness, turning into pain, and other extremely uncomfortable conditions.

If we consider spasms as a reaction of the body, this is a spontaneous contraction of the walls of the stomach. This organ has a well-developed muscular system for softening food in order to further transfer it to the next stage of processing in the intestines.

The stomach produces contractile movements independently, and the person does not feel them. But when the organ is exposed to factors not related to digestion, movements resume. Then the contractions bring a feeling of discomfort, because gastric juice is produced, but there is nothing to digest in the stomach.

Spasmodic pain in the abdomen indicates the presence of serious problems in the body that can subsequently lead to surgical intervention.

There are many reasons why patients feel discomfort. These include:

  • pain on the right or in the navel area - this may indicate inflammation of the appendix;
  • stagnation of feces in the intestines is accompanied by pain in the left side;
  • acute pain in the lower back, possible cause: ;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • inflammation of adhesive scars, etc.

The above causes of abdominal pain require a medical examination; you should not self-medicate.

Particular attention should be paid to pregnant women. In recent months, cramps in the lower abdomen may indicate that the pregnancy may be terminated. The pain is accompanied by bloody or liquid discharge; immediate hospitalization is required. But often spasms in expectant mothers appear as a result of diseases of the urinary system: pyelonephritis, cystitis, etc.

If discomfort occurs in the abdominal area, a medical examination is required before treatment.

Discomfort in adults may occur due to liver failure and gallbladder dysfunction, for example, cholecystitis. Bile does not move or its outflow is disrupted. As a result of the ongoing inflammatory processes, the muscles of the bile ducts begin to contract, as do the surrounding muscles.

Cholelithiasis can cause abdominal cramps, but then surgical intervention is certainly required; stones in the gall bladder provoke pain.

Similar symptoms appear with dysfunction of the urinary system, or more precisely, caused by urolithiasis. The stones begin to move along the urinary tract, first the lower abdomen hurts, then the pain radiates to the back, to the intestines, to the groin area.

In infants, abdominal pain is caused by a digestive system that is not fully formed, dysbacteriosis, if the mother took antibiotics before giving birth.

An older child may have a stomach ache for the following reasons:

  • intestinal disorders;
  • nervous tension at school;
  • infection;
  • allergies to certain foods;
  • inflammatory processes in the urinary system.

Tonic spasms

Tonic pain is characterized by prolonged muscle tension. Such syndromes are accompanied by persistent hypertonicity of the abdominal muscular system, with the development of dense, painful muscle areas called trigger points. The movement of the damaged muscle decreases, it begins to shorten and become denser. When you try to put pressure on the compacted area, pain occurs that spreads to other parts of the human body: in the lower back, arm, leg.

The causes of tonic spasms are associated with injuries, prolonged static muscle tension, and emotional stress.

The danger of tonic pain lies in the fact that with constant pain, a person gets used to constant contractions and stops paying attention. But pain is a protective function of the body, warning of problems with the normal functioning of internal organs. Inattention to such spasms can lead to the development of complex diseases:

  • the damaged muscle is not provided with sufficient blood flow, which means that blood circulation to nearby organs is impaired;
  • the body works “idle”, supplying the seal with an increased amount of oxygen and nutrients;
  • the presence of a damaged area and untreated leads to a negative effect on the psyche, physiology and the body system as a whole;
  • the muscle in which the disorder occurred does not perform musculoskeletal functions.

Clonic spasms

This is a spontaneous muscle contraction, but occurs in periods (periods of tension and periods of muscle relaxation). The body begins to twitch involuntarily.

The cause of such spasms may be renal failure, dysfunction of the adrenal glands, uremia, or intoxication.

The use of medications to help a patient with an attack of clonic muscle contractions is not recommended. The doctor prescribes medications, taking into account the specific effects of specific drugs on the body of an individual patient. It is permissible to provide first aid before the arrival of doctors: lay him down on a level place, put something soft under his head, try to prevent the person from injuring himself.


Symptomatic phenomena accompanying spasms can be serious. It is worth paying special attention to the signs:

  • the duration of the muscle contraction period is more than 60 minutes;
  • loss of consciousness due to pain;
  • pale skin;
  • the person has not urinated for more than 10 hours;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • the patient has difficulty breathing;
  • Pregnant women experience vaginal bleeding;
  • increased body temperature, a person has a fever;
  • There is blood in the stool and vomit.

If a woman has pain on the left side, the cause may be an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, an ambulance is called immediately.

Treatment of spasms

The use of medications for spasms can lead to a response from the digestive system. A doctor should prescribe medication.

Drug treatment

Frequent involuntary muscle contractions can lead to more serious illnesses than just pain. To avoid worsening the situation, you can use medications.

To relieve symptoms temporarily, antispasmodics are used, which reduce cell tone in the muscular system of the body. They relieve pain by blocking nerve impulses traveling to the muscles.

The pharmaceutical industry produces medications in the form of tablets, injections, and suppositories.

Tablets for spasms - papaverine. Indicated for pain syndromes in the abdominal region, heart, blood vessels. Can be taken by pregnant women. Does not affect the human central nervous system. Side effect: drowsiness, allergies, possible constipation.

The medicine spasmalgon is available in the form of injections. When administered intramuscularly, muscle relaxation occurs faster.

Folk recipes

Pain in men and women arises from gastrointestinal dysfunction, bad habits, and alcohol abuse. Women experience discomfort during menstruation in the lower abdomen.

Traditional medicine in this case can help without harming other internal organs. Spasmodic plants can relieve symptoms one by one and relieve pain.

Medicinal chamomile

An infusion of this natural remedy can be taken continuously. Brew one tablespoon of the herb, let it brew and take two tablespoons every 2 hours during the day. If pain often bothers you, then take a course for a week.

The patient's menu should include more plant foods. If the pain is associated with the intestines, then it is better to boil, stew or bake vegetables. Also include onions, honey and carrots in your diet. Motherwort, oregano, mint, valerian, and lemon balm can also be mentioned as relievers.

Emergency relief of spasms

The main thing you shouldn’t do if your condition suddenly worsens is to panic. After all, nervous tension will only worsen the situation. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, since only a professional can correctly identify the problem and prescribe effective treatment.

If the attack is prolonged, you need to take strong antispasmodic medications or drink a decoction of mint, chamomile, valerian or calamus root. Taking medications is allowed only after consulting a doctor!

The problem of intestinal colic worries many adult men and women.

In cases of its occurrence, urgent treatment is required, which would include a number of measures, including diet. A diet for intestinal colic must be followed.

But before we move on to its description, it is necessary to understand what intestinal colic is in adults. Symptoms, treatment, as well as the causes of this process will be discussed below.

What kind of disease is this

Intestinal colic is a syndrome of severe pain in the stomach. What are they connected to? The pain is associated with contraction of the muscular wall of the intestine, which occurs intensely.

Such muscle contractions can occur in both adults and children.

Intestinal colic is not a separate disease that manifests itself. A spasm of the large or small intestine, which provokes stomach pain, occurs as a result of some disturbance in the functioning of the body.

Therefore, the occurrence of intestinal colic is a serious reason to seek help from a doctor.

Arriving at the hospital, a person must describe in detail the symptoms that provoke severe stomach pain. If he regularly experiences painful attacks, this should also be reported.

The patient describes his syndrome in detail, after which he is prescribed treatment.

Why does it occur?

Symptoms of intestinal colic will depend on the cause of its occurrence. Most often, intestinal colic in adults is associated with some pathologies in the functioning of their body. What can provoke intestinal colic?

Most often, pathologies of the abdominal cavity occur. If stomach colic is not treated in time, surgical intervention may be required.

For this reason, doctors conduct detailed studies of the condition of the intestines.

Microorganisms harmful to health settle in the stomach, or rather in the lymph of the abdominal cavity. As a result, intestinal colic occurs.

Spasmodic pains that occur in the abdomen need to be relieved, because they bring a lot of discomfort to the patient.

Other symptoms are also observed: the patient may experience diarrhea, a painful attack leads to difficulties in eating, after which a feeling of weakness appears.

Treatment of intestinal colic caused by viruses is the most difficult and longest.

Another reason! Intestinal colic often occurs due to diarrhea. Simply put, its appearance is preceded by diarrhea. As a result, the intestinal walls become inflamed. After this, feces and gas accumulate there.

As a result, intestinal colic appears, which can be relieved by defecation. In adults, this problem occurs quite often, because it is provoked by heavy lifting and poor nutrition.

Symptoms of the disease

  • Sudden onset of acute pain in the stomach area. The pain syndrome is accompanied by spasm. Women experience discomfort in the labia area, and men experience discomfort in the testicle area.
    Usually, the pain does not go away after several hours. The discomfort in the abdominal area does not leave the patient even when there are no spasms.
  • Constipation, fecal obstruction. This symptom may not be present.
  • Diarrhea. With diarrhea, light mucus is released along with the stool.
  • Bloating. Flatulence is present in housing and communal services diseases such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, etc.
  • There may be belching, vomiting and nausea.
  • Feeling weak.
  • Bad mood, apathy.
  • Pale and dull skin.
  • Cold sweat.
  • Lack of appetite.

Intestinal spasms almost always provoke constipation. During constipation, pain occurs throughout the abdomen. In the future, stool and gas retention may occur. At the same time, the patient's blood pressure drops sharply.

It is necessary to take timely measures to eliminate all of the above symptoms, since delaying treatment can lead not only to a deterioration in the patient’s health, but also to his death.

If a person complains of acute pain in the abdomen and other symptoms of intestinal spasm, an ambulance should be called immediately. There is no need to self-medicate.

Diet for illness

Nutrition for intestinal colic should be correct. If an adult patient experiences symptoms such as diarrhea and bloating during cramps, the diet is taken especially seriously.

So, diet for this disease is a necessity. What foods and drinks should be excluded from the diet?

  • Alcohol.
  • Kvass.
  • Chocolate.
  • Corn.
  • Coffee.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Beans.
  • Syrups.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Fried meat, fish.
  • Sauces.

Why should you not eat these foods during a stomach cramp? The fact is that these drinks and products have gas-forming properties.

Excessive accumulation of gases in the intestinal area provokes a deterioration in the patient’s condition. Rectal pain may occur during bowel movements.

If you have intestinal colic, you should not eat foods that stimulate nausea and vomiting. The diet excludes the use of:

  • Vegetables containing natural acids (onions, cabbage, radishes, turnips, etc.).
  • Spicy food.
  • Fruits containing natural acids (apples, citruses, plums, etc.).
  • Granulated sugar.
  • Starch.
  • Spread, margarine, butter.
  • White bread.
  • Dairy products.

If you add garlic and seasonings to your food during intestinal colic, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract may occur.

To solve the problem of intestinal colic in adults, it is recommended to include in your diet foods that help relieve stomach cramps.

So, in order to help a patient with this disease, you should feed him:

  1. Bananas. This product can also treat heartburn. Bananas contribute to the normalization of housing and communal services. With their help, you can eliminate the problem of irritation of the intestinal walls.
  2. Rice. Intestinal spasms can be relieved with rice.
  3. Oatmeal. If you eat this cereal, the diarrhea will quickly go away. Oatmeal has healthy dietary fiber that has a positive effect on intestinal function.
  4. Apples. Treatment of stomach cramps with this fruit should be correct. Apples contain a large amount of acids that can harm the stomach with this disease. However, if you eat them in moderation, you can remove harmful bacteria from the body. If the causes of the disease are bacteria and viruses, then 150 grams of applesauce will help the patient in treatment.
  5. Whole grain toast. After eating this toast, you can get rid of the problem of excess acidity in the stomach. Such a diet will allow the patient to reduce the feeling of discomfort and partially eliminate the problem of pain.
  6. Carrots. The carrot diet is an excellent folk remedy for constipation. If intestinal spasms are accompanied by constipation, their treatment should be accompanied by a carrot diet.
  7. Probiotic yogurt. The diet for this pathology should help supply the stomach with beneficial bacteria. With the help of a probiotic, you can improve the quality of food digestion, eliminate pain, and also eliminate intestinal spasms.
  8. Fish. Fish such as herring, salmon, mackerel and sardines contain fats that help normalize the digestive system.

How to help a patient

One of the digestive problems in adults is abdominal cramps. What to do when they occur to alleviate the patient’s condition?

The following treatment is possible at home:

  • Sedatives. Sedative tablets are given to the patient in cases where the symptoms of the disease are associated with psycho-emotional shocks and stress.
  • Antispasmodics. These medications help eliminate the problem of pain associated with this disease. They have a positive effect on the smooth muscles of the intestine, relaxing it. For example, you can drink No-shpa.
  • Warm heating pad. Patients often have to make warm compresses that are placed on the stomach. Thanks to this, the spasm is relieved and the pain goes away.
  • Enema with a decoction of mint and lemon balm. This decoction helps cleanse the intestines of feces and gases. To prepare it, you need to pour lemon balm and mint leaves with water and bring them to a boil. When the water boils, you need to reduce the heat. Cooking time – 20 minutes. The enema should be done with a warm decoction.
  • Smecta. This remedy is antidiarrheal. Smecta helps to adsorb viruses, toxins and bacteria that caused the spasm. You need to make a smecto-water mixture and drink it before meals.
  • Refusal to eat. After the first intestinal spasms occur, the patient is not recommended to eat food for 12 hours.

Traditional methods of treating illness

At home, you can implement a number of methods that will help relieve stomach cramps.

Useful video

They occur not only in infants, but also in adults. The cause of this process may be a disease of the digestive system. What do attacks in the abdominal area indicate and how to treat this pathological process? We'll tell you.

Bloating and colic in the abdomen can act as a signal of problems with the digestive tract. If these symptoms occur, you must immediately consult a specialist and identify the cause.

Abdominal colic in adults with such causes is manifested not only by diarrhea, but also by flatulence, increased temperature, cough, runny nose, painful sensations in the abdomen, and redness in the throat.

Pain in the muscle structures in the abdominal wall can intensify during physical activity. This makes it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. In such situations, you need to consult a surgeon.

Colic may indicate intestinal obstruction, impaired motility, stretching of intestinal loops, accumulation of feces, mechanical obstructions. Unpleasant symptoms may occur as a result of heavy lifting or excessive physical activity.

A woman may feel pressure on her stomach during pregnancy. This process is associated with the active growth of the uterine cavity. Against this background, gastric juice rises up the esophagus, causing not only colic, but also heartburn, nausea, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

There are many reasons for this process, and only the attending physician can determine it.

Symptoms of abdominal colic

Severe abdominal cramps in an adult may indicate a serious problem. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to additional symptoms such as:

  • attacks of acute, unbearable painful sensations. They are often accompanied by spasms. In men, an unpleasant feeling can radiate to the groin area. In women, it affects the genitals. When palpating the abdomen, the muscle structures do not tense. But the patient complains of severe colic in the abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting, belching, bloating, diarrhea or constipation. Such phenomena are most often observed with gastritis;
  • diarrhea, the presence of mucus in the intestinal tract;
  • weakness, aversion to food, deterioration of general condition.

Abdominal bloating and colic in adults can signal acute intestinal obstruction. Then pain of a cramping and excruciating nature will be observed. With further deterioration of the condition, vomiting begins. First, the impurities contain food particles, then bile and feces. In such situations, a person’s skin begins to turn pale, he becomes lethargic, and cold sweat appears. This process requires urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention.

Classification of abdominal colic

Colic occurs not only in infants, but also in adults. They are usually divided into several types:

  1. Rectal colic. This process will be accompanied by false and painful urges to empty the intestinal tract.
  2. Colic of the appendicular type. This process is observed in the first hours of acute appendicitis. It is characterized by an increasing, strong, painful sensation in the iliac region on the right side.
  3. Colic of a lead character. This phenomenon is observed in lead poisoning. It manifests itself as symptoms in the form of cramping pain in the abdominal area, tension in the muscle structures in the abdominal cavity, increased temperature, bleeding from the gums, and gray plaque on the teeth. This process is observed in those people who work in hazardous industries.
  4. Renal colic. If a patient experiences such colic in the abdomen, the symptoms will manifest themselves in intense pain that radiates to the groin and lumbar region. Discomfort may increase during physical activity and be accompanied by an increase in temperature values. The patient's blood pressure drops sharply, causing him to feel dizzy and weak.
  5. Liver colic. Discomfort manifests itself in the right hypochondrium and radiates to the shoulder region. A bitter taste appears in the mouth. Nausea and vomiting mixed with bile may occur. This process occurs with gallstone disease or acute cholecystitis.
  6. Pancreatic colic. Occurs during pathological processes in the pancreas. Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea,. First, a painful sensation is observed in the upper part of the abdominal cavity on the left. Then it becomes encircling.

If colic occurs in the abdomen, it is very difficult to determine the causes on your own. The symptoms are similar, and therefore it will not be possible to identify the affected area without diagnosis.

Diagnosis and treatment of abdominal colic

When colic in the stomach occurs after eating, you need to urgently consult a doctor and find out the cause of this phenomenon. Based on the complaints, the doctor will prescribe an examination.

It is as follows:

  • donating blood and stool urine for analysis;
  • performing ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal area;
  • sigmoidoscopy. Using a special device, the inside of the rectum is examined. This method helps to discern hemorrhoids, fecal stones and ulcers;
  • colonoscopy. The inside of the small and large intestines is examined;
  • CT scan. This technique is used if there is a suspicion of a tumor or damage to internal organs.

Once the diagnosis is made, appropriate treatment will be prescribed. Antispasmodics in the form of No-shpa or Drotaverine will help get rid of pain and spasms. As first aid, injections with Atropine, Papaverine or Diphenhydramine can be given.

In case of food poisoning, it is necessary to relieve not only pain, but also eliminate vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and dehydration. The following group of drugs will help with this.

  1. Regidron. The powder from which the solution is made. It is taken to prevent dehydration.
  2. Sorbents in the form of Smecta, Enterosgel, Activated carbon, Neo-smectin. They remove harmful substances from the body and normalize stool.
  3. To restore the flora in the intestinal canal, prebiotics and probiotics in the form of Linex, Normabact, Bifiform will help.
  4. Enzyme agents help improve intestinal motility and prevent enzyme deficiency due to pancreatitis.

To prevent the development of intestinal colic, you need to think about maintaining proper nutrition. You should exclude unhealthy foods from your diet: fried and fatty foods, fast foods, processed foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

If there is colic in the abdomen, then you need to stop eating food for several days. But at the same time it is worth observing drinking and bed rest.

When the first symptoms occur, you should urgently consult a specialist, as this symptom indicates the development of a serious illness.

A sharp painful urge to defecate, like muscle cramps, is intestinal colic, the causes of which can be very diverse. Abdominal colic leads to spasms in the walls of the colon due to the development of the inflammatory process and other provoking factors. What is intestinal colic, what are the causes, symptoms and treatment in adults, we will consider in more detail in this article.

First, colic in adults begins to manifest itself in the form of spastic contractions in the walls of the large or small intestine, gradually covering the entire intestinal cavity, leading to many unpleasant symptoms. In adults, colic is usually caused by stretching of the intestinal loop, irritation of the nerve endings in the intestinal walls against the background of:

  • excessive lifting of weights;
  • development of intestinal infections;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or oral cavity;
  • allergies;
  • intestinal obstruction with the accumulation of stool masses in the intestines;
  • motility disorders in the cavity of the large intestine;
  • eating large portions of food at one time;
  • intestinal damage from drugs or spoiled foods or helminthic infestations;
  • dysentery.

Intestinal colic in adults cannot be called an independent disease; rather, it is a sign of the development of one or another pathology in the digestive system, which can lead to:

  • spasms of intestinal smooth muscles;
  • painful attacks in the lower abdomen;
  • increased gas formation and stool upset;
  • discharge of feces with mucus.

Typically, colic in the intestines manifests itself in attacks, sometimes quite long - more than 2-3 days. Symptoms directly depend on the cause that led to the disorder in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to spasms, abdominal pain, stool disorders, diarrhea or diarrhea, adults experience heartburn, nausea, vomiting, bloating, intestinal obstruction due to impaired motility in the large intestine, accumulation of feces, leading to a narrowing of the lumen in the small intestine and spastic attacks as a result . The condition is dangerous and can lead to paralysis of the intestines and appendix. Sometimes the patient requires emergency care and inevitable surgical intervention.

The causes of colic in women during pregnancy can be due to a sedentary lifestyle, a malfunction of the digestive system against the background of:

  • non-compliance with the diet;
  • passive sedentary lifestyle, lack of gymnastic exercises.

As a rule, intestinal colic in adults manifests itself as sudden attacks, pain in the lower abdomen after overeating. Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from eating large portions of food. The fetus increases in size, begins to put pressure on the uterus, and the load on the digestive tract and intestines as a whole increases. As a result, large portions of food lead to disruption of intestinal motility and spastic attacks in the lower abdomen. Diarrhea or constipation is inevitable. If similar symptoms of intestinal colic appear, then women can take a tablet of no-shpa or papaverine to relieve pain and spasms, but in any case consult a doctor urgently.

Typically, intestinal colic in the abdomen in an adult appears suddenly in the form of a sharp pain in the lower abdomen with a return to the lower back during physical overexertion or when running fast or eating large amounts of spicy, fatty foods. The cutting pain that covers the entire lower abdomen sometimes reaches such strength that you just want to scream. Gradually it grows, radiating to the groin area and genitals due to irritation of the nerve fibers of the peritoneum and impaired discharge of gases.

With colic in the intestines, adults experience nausea, dizziness, headache, and flatulence. Also associated symptoms:

  • increased blood pressure in hypertensive patients;
  • impotence immediately after partial bowel movement;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen for a long time even after going to the toilet.

Symptoms of colic against the background of acute gastritis are observed in the form of heaviness in the abdomen, belching, nausea and vomiting. When there are cramps in the stomach, the stool passes with mucous secretions. If the intestine is clogged, then the main symptoms of obstruction are:

  • paleness of the skin;
  • cold sweat;
  • prostration;
  • severe weakness.

If such signs appear, you should urgently consult a doctor. As a rule, with intestinal colic there is no high temperature, although if the body is intoxicated by infection or helminthic infestations, it may rise to 38-39 degrees. Moreover, the symptoms are basically similar to the common cold.

In adults, the main signs of intestinal disease are acute, increasing pain involving the genital organs and radiating to the genitals. I feel very dizzy, feces pass with mucous secretions, and gas formation is impaired. There is no muscle tension, but there is severe pain and spasms in the lower abdomen, with a stomach ulcer - all signs of diarrhea.

The appearance of intestinal colic in adults requires a thorough examination, a series of tests to establish the true cause that led to such a pathology, and to determine the pathological factors that can provoke the disease. Perhaps an infectious process is occurring in the stomach or intestines. If signs of intestinal obstruction are observed, emergency surgical intervention is required. Only a set of diagnostic measures will identify pathology; symptoms and treatment will depend directly on the test results obtained. The doctor will definitely listen to complaints, feel the stomach, and identify visual signs of the disease.

The main diagnostic method is a culture test for the presence of intestinal helminthic infections and the development of dysbacteriosis. To make a final diagnosis, it is possible to redirect the patient to colonoscopy, gastroduodenoscopy, or cholecystography. Depending on the type of colic, sometimes the patient has a fever and gums bleed, which requires immediate and comprehensive treatment.

The basic principle of treatment is “do no harm.” Often, when intestinal colic appears, adults try to eliminate the pathology on their own, taking the first pills that come to hand, which can only cause complications and lead to complications in diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

First of all, it is important to identify the reasons that provoked cramps in the intestines. This may be the course of an acute infection in the body, the development of a tumor in the gastrointestinal tract, hepatitis, or urolithiasis.

As first aid, before the ambulance arrives or the doctor arrives, you can take an antispasmodic (Nosh-pa tablet, Papaverine). It is not recommended to take other painkillers unless directed by a doctor.

If these are ordinary intestinal colics, then no treatment is required; relief should come after passing gas and going to the toilet. The attacks will stop completely after 12 hours.

If attacks of intestinal colic are associated with the anatomical characteristics of the body in adults, the presence of concomitant diseases or the use of alcohol, smoking, psychotropic drugs, what to do, first of all, it is important to review the diet, eat food only in small portions, do not allow overeating (in particular salty and fried food), give up bad habits.

It is non-compliance with the diet and snacking on the run that often causes spasms and pain in the intestines. As a result, they lead to serious complications and even irreversible processes in adults, further difficult treatment: jaundice, hepatitis, rupture of appendicitis, suppuration and rupture of the appendix, neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract, necrosis of the pancreas, suppuration in the kidneys, renal failure.

In such cases, surgical intervention and emergency surgery are already inevitable. If primary symptoms appear, your doctor will tell you how to treat colic, you should not delay treatment.

If colic occurs due to overeating or eating poor quality food, you should try to induce vomiting to empty the stomach of food debris. To eliminate pain, Spazmalgon, No-shpa, Smecta, Enterosgel will help to remove toxins.

When colic occurs, sometimes, but with the doctor's permission, it is possible to perform an enema to cleanse and empty the intestines. If a viral illness appears, you can take activated charcoal.

If colic is caused by severe stress, then you should take a warm bath to calm and relieve pain.

Colic can be caused by serious gastrointestinal diseases, infection of any part of the intestine, the development of cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis or colitis. First of all, treatment of the underlying disease is required, elimination of intestinal dyskinesia, restoration of impaired motor function.

Many problems can be adjusted with nutrition. A diet for intestinal colic that includes foods containing fiber in the diet is indispensable. In case of excessive accumulation of gases, take Meteospasmil, Espumisan, Drotaverine to reduce gas formation.

To relax the intestinal muscles and normalize contractions, you can prepare an immortelle decoction as first aid; in the first hours of colic, refuse to eat at all except for drinking tea without sugar.

Among the medications, Diphenhydramine and Becarbon will help to relieve spasms and relax the intestinal muscles. It is possible to prescribe rectal suppositories (papaverine in the form of injections), as well as antibiotics for the development of colic due to intestinal damage by bacteria, toxins, and infections. Furazolidone, Gentamicin to relieve inflammation and disinfect the intestines. In case of infectious infection of the intestines, a glucose drip is prescribed. In severe cases - blood transfusion. For intestinal spasms caused by the development of a tumor, courses of radiation and chemotherapy, and the prescription of anticancer drugs are indicated.

After undergoing an examination, passing urine and stool tests, ultrasound, and establishing the true cause that provoked intestinal disorders, the doctor will prescribe appropriate therapy. Self-treatment of spasms can lead to complications and other irreversible consequences.

Treatments such as traditional methods are most likely suitable for preventing the possible appearance of waders in the intestines. Traditional methods are effective only after the true cause of pain and cramping in the abdomen has been established, only after the attending physician has made a final diagnosis and prescribed the main treatment.

To eliminate renal colic, you can prepare a decoction of sage, chamomile, knotweed, rose hips, linden blossom, and birch cones. Prepare a carrot and onion salad with honey.

Taking on an empty stomach for liver spasms will help with an infusion of senna herb, cinnamon, a decoction of oak bark or birch mushroom.

A decoction of oregano, motherwort, chamomile, and immortelle effectively eliminates diarrhea, nausea and cramps. Recipes against colic with the addition of garlic for oral administration in its natural form are popular among people.

For colic in the pancreas, a diet containing daily oatmeal jelly is effective for a beneficial effect not only on the pancreas, but also on the entire gastrointestinal tract.

If treatment with folk remedies is unsuccessful and does not get easier, then you need to consult a doctor. For colic caused by the appendix, folk remedies will no longer help; the disease may progress to a chronic stage, when surgical intervention can no longer be avoided.

For primary symptoms, you can make a decoction of blackberries, wormwood, and tarragon. If colic is caused by chemical and lead poisoning, home remedies will not help. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. After completing the main treatment course at home, it is necessary to establish nutrition. To remove residual toxins and other chemical elements from the body, include eggs (whites), cereal broths from rice, buckwheat, and oats in the diet.

First of all, to avoid such a problem, it is important to follow a diet and regulate proper nutrition. Never give up a light breakfast to start your stomach, but on-the-run snacks consisting of sandwiches should be eliminated forever. It's better to eat fruit and drink a milkshake.

If you are constantly suffering from constipation, it is recommended to drink a decoction of flax seeds to cleanse the body and completely avoid spicy, salty foods. Include protein foods in your diet, do not eat at night (it is better to drink a glass of yogurt, kefir), refuse or limit your intake of alcohol and smoking. Also, do not forget about timely treatment of colds and infectious diseases. Normal colic should not be neglected. If severe pain and spasms in the intestines begin to bother you constantly, these may be symptoms of serious ailments in the body. Only timely consultation with a doctor will help to avoid serious health problems in the future.