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The best recipes for jam from paradise apples (ranetki). Unusual and delicious recipes for ranetki jam

Remember grandma's apple jam from childhood? So transparent, golden and sure to be in it whole apples there were, and definitely with ponytails. As grandma said: “The taste is in the ponytails!” Granny also affectionately called this wonderful delicacy “ Paradise apple jam».

Usually it turns out like this ranetki jam. Yummy!!! A couple of years ago, I specially copied it from my grandmother ranetki jam recipe so that she can now cook it herself for her family, and sometimes treat her grandmother. From honey clear apple jam with golden fruits inside, your children will never refuse, so it’s better to cook more at once.

Ranetki jam recipe designed for apples with a diameter of 1.5 to 3.5 cm, but it is important that in each batch of jam the apples are approximately the same size. I prefer to take larger fruits - from 3 to 3.5 cm. It seems to me that this ranetki jam it turns out the most delicious, and the fruits after candiing are more like gourmet apple marmalade. The delicacy is prepared in two, and sometimes in three stages, not in large batches. Therefore this apple jam I personally serve only to my very, very dear guests.

For apple jam need to:

1 kg apples (Ranet, Chinese or cinnamon)

1.2 kg sugar

1 – 1.5 tbsp. water

1/4 tsp. citric acid

Cooking paradise apple jam:

    We sort the apples for integrity and the absence of wormholes, then wash and dry. We pierce the bottom of each apple almost all the way through with a toothpick along the entire length of the core.

    Prepare clear syrup from sugar, water and citric acid. Immerse apples in boiling syrup. Now you can’t stir the apples, otherwise they will fall apart. You can only pour syrup over the apples, collecting it carefully with a ladle around the edges. Thus, depending on the size of the apples, 5 - 10 minutes. simmer them over low heat.

    Then remove the jam from the heat. Place a deep bowl on top of the pan, similar in diameter to the diameter of the pan, and a light weight. Place the bowl so that its bottom submerges the apples in the syrup. Now ours clear apple jam let stand for a day.

    A day later apple jam Boil again over low heat for another 5 - 10 minutes. Now take the largest apple from the pan and cut it in half. If the fruit is easy to cut and its structure resembles marmalade, then our apple jam ready. If the apple is not sufficiently saturated with syrup, then leave the jam for another 5 - 6 hours and boil again.

    Ready ranetki jam Pour hot into sterilized jars with screw caps. Stored like this apple jam in a cool cellar or refrigerator.

Fruits and berries


Jam from ranetki with tails– an original and festive idea for winter. Its amber color and unique aroma evoke thoughts of a happy, carefree childhood, fragrant sweet pancakes eaten in grandma’s yard. In order to prepare it for the winter, you will have to tinker a little, but the result can exceed even your wildest expectations! The highlight of this recipe is the clear red-orange syrup, which brings out the bright colors of the apples of paradise themselves. In order not to miss a single stage of preparing such wonderful jam, it is better to follow the recipe with step-by-step photos, and only then you can be sure that the delicacy will come out as it should. Apples from such jam are especially useful for decorating cakes, pastries, cupcakes and any similar dishes, because the well-known cocktail cherries are not cheap and have very little in common with the natural product. Moreover, it is almost impossible to prepare these cherries at home, but heavenly apples are available to any housewife, and they are clearly superior in taste and benefits to their Italian counterparts.



    Let's clean our ranetki from sepals - the remnants of the flower at the bottom of the apple, otherwise during the cooking process they will float and the jam will take on an unpresentable appearance. Be sure to leave the tails in place.

    We sort through the fruits, discarding apples damaged mechanically or by worms. Now we begin the most labor-intensive process - pricking the apples. Yes, yes, each apple is pricked in 5-6 places so that it is saturated with syrup and acquires a beautiful shade.

    Let's start with the syrup. Pour sugar into the pan.

    Pour boiling water over our prepared apples, rest for 5 minutes, and after the time is up, put this water in a pan with sugar, cover with a lid and wait until it boils. At this time, fill the ranetki with cold water for 3 minutes.

    We drain the water from the apples, you can go straight into the sink, we won’t need it anymore.

    During the syrup cooking process do not forget to remove the gray foam, otherwise the jam may acquire a similar shade. The syrup boils for about 5 minutes, after which we pour it over our apples.

    Ranetki stand in syrup for at least 8-10 hours.

    Did you survive? Great! At this stage, the main thing is to boil them correctly. Bring the pan to a boil, simmer over low heat for several minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon. Then we leave the jam for 8-12 hours, and repeat the procedure twice more: boil - leave, cook - leave. The last, fourth welding - and we are at the finish line, such jam can already be rolled into jars.

    All that remains is to pour the jam into sterilized jars, screw on the lids and turn the resulting jars upside down! Our jam from ranetki with tails is ready!

Fragrant jam from ranetki. with ponytails.

Ranetki are a variety of small apples - the most beautiful, aromatic of which make fabulously tasty jam for the winter. With ponytails! Ruddy apples in amber transparent syrup are simply a heavenly delight! And you can prepare this beauty very simply at home.


  • 1 kg ranetki
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 200 ml water

Recipe for making jam from ranetki with tails:

Ranetka jam is very easy to make. The main task is to keep the apples intact so that they do not boil and turn into mush. Ranetki in jam look simply amazing - small whole ruddy apples with tails in a transparent amber syrup - incredibly tasty and beautiful!

The amount of sugar is at your discretion. I traditionally use 1:1, but you can put more than 1:1.2, ranetki are not particularly sweet apples.

So, wash the wounds.

Prick with a toothpick on the side of the “butt” and tail so that they are better saturated with sugar syrup

Pour sugar into a saucepan and pour water, boil the syrup.

Pour ranetka apples into the boiling syrup and bring the syrup together with them to a boil, cook for 2-3 minutes and remove from heat.

Let’s cool our jam and leave the apples to soak in the syrup overnight, cover the pan with a lid or towel; putting the apples under a press doesn’t make much sense. They will soak up wonderfully.

Thus, we cook ranetka jam in two steps. Each time we boil the jam for 2-3 minutes and cool, skim off the foam. Make sure that the ranetki do not boil into mush. Stir the jam carefully with a wooden spatula, without fanaticism.

For the third time, boil the ranetka jam and pour it into prepared, clean, sterilized jars.

Close with lids, turn over and leave to cool in air at room temperature.

That's all! Wonderful, tasty and incredibly aromatic ranetki jam is ready!

In winter, you will open a jar of this amazingly delicate and beautiful jam, take a transparent apple by the tail and enjoy the wonderful taste!

Bon appetit!

I carefully sort through the apples. I rinse with running water. For jam I use apples without wormholes or cracks.

Then I cut off all the tails and tear off the leaves so that only peeled apples can be used for jam.

I sprinkle the apples with granulated sugar. I'll leave it to soak overnight and let out the juice. I also add a little water there so that during the cooking process the jam does not stick to the walls of the dish.

I put it on the stove and boil the jam for 15 minutes with breaks to cool completely. This way I maintain maximum integrity of the fruit. I boil it 2 times first.

After boiling it three times, squeeze lemon juice into the jam. It will lighten the jam a little and make it more transparent. Also, citric acid will help the apples retain their shape and not fall apart.

I add a quarter teaspoon of ground cinnamon. I simmer the jam a couple more times for 15 minutes with breaks for complete cooling.

I put the hot, aromatic jam into jars. But glass jars, as for any preservation, are first washed and sterilized.

I close the lids tightly.

I leave the jars of jam to cool. Any blanket or blanket is suitable for this. I send them for storage either in the basement or in a dark pantry where light will not reach. In a dark, cool place, such a preparation retains its appearance, fresh taste and aroma for a long time.

Ranetki is the general name for very small apple fruits. Ranetki are sometimes also called “paradise apples” or “wild ones”. The second name refers to the fruits that ripen on wild apple trees - these trees grow on the edges of forests. Their fruits are denser, but also more fragrant, than those of cultivated garden ones.

How to make jam from ranetki - selection of fruits

Different varieties of small-fruited apples have different fruit sizes. Apples can be the size of a cherry, or they can be the size of a large plum. Only the method of cutting them before cooking depends on the size of small fruits.

How to make jam from ranetki - preparation for cooking

Remove the fruits from the trees. Wash them well with water and dry. You can leave the smallest ones whole and not even remove the long tail. For medium and slightly larger sizes, cut into halves or quarters. The seeds should not be removed when cutting - they give the jam a special spicy aroma. Prick whole apples in the area of ​​the tail to the depth to the very middle. Use a wooden toothpick.

How to make classic ranetka jam

Take these ingredients:

  • Apples – 2 kg.
  • Sugar – 2.5 kg.
  • Water – 2.5 glasses.
  • Citric acid – 0.5 tsp.

How to cook:

  • Boil syrup from all the water, sugar and citric acid.
  • Dip the prepared ranetkas into the hot syrup and let them stand without boiling for 3-4 hours. To ensure that the syrup completely covers all the fruits, place a wide porcelain dish on top of them, and place some weight on it (a half-liter jar of water).
  • After 4 hours, move the basin to the fire and bring to a slow boil. Skim the foam from the jam.
  • Cook the jam for only 5 minutes. Do not stir the jam so that the apples do not lose their integrity. It’s better to take a large spoon and scoop up the boiling syrup and pour it over the fruit.
  • Remove the jam from the stove and let it sit for 8 hours. Don't forget about the loaded dish.
  • Place the bowl back on the fire and cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Soak the jam again for 8 hours without boiling, and then bring to a boil for the last time.
  • Place the hot jam into sterilized jars and screw on the sterilized lids.

To check the readiness of the ranetki, remove one apple from the syrup and cut it with a sharp knife. In properly prepared jam, a cut apple will look like marmalade, i.e. the pulp will be translucent.

How to make ginger-lemon jam from ranetki

This jam is not only tasty, but also very useful for winter colds.

  • Pour 200 ml of water into a basin and add 600 g of granulated sugar. Boil the syrup.
  • Place a quarter of a lemon, cut into slices, and 1 cm of ginger root, also cut into slices, into the syrup. Boil the ginger and lemon in the syrup for 10 minutes.
  • Place 1 kg of small apples in hot syrup.
  • Bring the jam to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Then proceed in the same way as in the previous recipe (eight-hour standing, five-minute cooking, eight-hour standing and final cooking).

How to make jam from ranetki using a mixture of fruit juices

Cook this jam in the same way as the previous two, but for the syrup, take a mixture of juices (apple - 1 glass, orange - 1 glass, cranberry - 1 glass). You will need 2.5 kg of sugar for 3 glasses of liquid, and 3 kg of small apples.

Wild ranetki jam is prepared in the same way as all the previous ones. Before the three main boils, the game should be additionally boiled in plain water until slightly softened. Then you can make syrup with this aromatic water, and use the excess for compote.