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My cure for psoriasis. Garlic regulates blood pressure. Symptoms and types of psoriasis

Black bread with aromatic sunflower oil, salt and flat ovals of garlic... Delicious! But even if you can't chew garlic cloves like apples, you need them. This is one of the cheapest products. It will prolong and make your life easier and get rid of many health problems that spoil your mood every day.

Undeserved insult

Garlic was not always considered a gastronomic delight. Popular with Italian farmers and the Indian poor, it earned the contempt of the wealthy English and wealthy Americans, who considered the spicy vegetable a lower-class food.

Time passed, social boundaries blurred, and the West learned to treat the experience of “backward” peoples with interest and respect. Oriental spices, including garlic, have found their way into almost every world cuisine. Pilaf without garlic? Guacamole without spice? Fresh baked meat? Hard to imagine.

But the taste of garlic is not its main and first advantage. The merit of garlic is its exceptional health benefits.

1. Garlic prevents cancer

Not any type of cancer, but at least colon and stomach cancer. However, be careful: no preparations with garlic extract will protect against cancer. Only fresh vegetables.

2. Garlic protects against viruses

Thanks to the antioxidants that garlic contains in abundance. You will not get rid of all viruses at once, but if you eat garlic not only on holidays, you will stop picking up every flying bacillus. And if you get sick, you will get over the disease easily and quickly, without complications.

3. Garlic regulates sugar levels

4. Garlic heals skin

In particular, we are talking about acne. It is unlikely that inflammation of the sebaceous glands will go away in a week if you eat half a head of garlic every day. But external use of garlic - in the form of compresses on acne-affected areas - quickly helps improve the appearance of the skin. It is best to apply garlic at night and wash thoroughly in the morning.

5. Garlic gets rid of baldness

Another way to use garlic externally. Scientific research has approved folk experience: garlic helps hair grow where it started. Grind the garlic into a puree and massage it into your head every day.

6. Garlic protects against ticks

Scientists have said that those who regularly eat garlic are less likely to complain of tick bites.

7. Garlic regulates blood pressure

Garlic is directly indicated for hypertensive patients: if you eat it every day, your blood pressure will less often jump to prohibitive levels.

8. Garlic treats psoriasis

The anti-inflammatory effects of garlic help reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. During periods of persistent remission and during exacerbations, eat garlic: it can significantly reduce the frequency and alleviate the severity of the disease.

9. Garlic helps with herpes

You probably shouldn't make garlic compresses if you have genital herpes. But in normal cases, when a “cold” appears on the lip, garlic is irreplaceable. As soon as herpes begins to appear - the first itch, when the pimple itself has not grown - apply a clove of garlic. And the swollen bubble will shrink if you “burn” it with garlic.

10. Garlic helps remove splinters

Don't worry about picking at the skin with a needle and tweezers. The splinter will come out on its own if you apply a finely chopped piece of garlic to the affected area. Secure the garlic with a bandage and leave it alone for an hour.

11. Garlic relieves toothache

If your teeth suddenly hurt, place a garlic clove on the sore spot. The pain will subside.

12. Garlic eases allergies

Allergy sufferers need garlic, especially those who suffer from allergies to pollen and other volatile compounds. Garlic esters reduce inflammation of the respiratory tract and weaken the body's response to allergens.

13. Garlic helps with osteoarthritis

Garlic, onions and leeks reduce pain from hip osteoarthritis and slow the progression of the disease. Use internally.

14. Garlic helps you lose weight

Sly garlic has a special effect on fat cells, preventing them from growing exponentially. Eat garlic and lose weight!

How much garlic do you need?

When it comes to compresses and rubs, use the amount of garlic indicated in the recipe. For a splinter - a small piece to cover the skin puncture site. For treatment - more, depending on the affected area.

In all cases where it is beneficial to consume garlic internally, one clove per day is sufficient. But only fresh. Pickled, stewed, boiled and fried, garlic will be just a fragrant seasoning.

If you know folk recipes and methods of treatment using garlic, please write about it in the comments below.

Psoriasis refers to dermatological pathologies in which characteristic rashes appear on the skin. In the fight against this incurable disease, various medications are used today, intended for both oral and external use. A good therapeutic effect is achieved with the parallel use of traditional recipes. For example, garlic for psoriasis helps to increase the body's protective properties, so that the immune system begins to perform its functions more effectively.

Can patients with psoriasis eat garlic?

Some experts consider garlic and psoriasis to be incompatible concepts. This is due to the fact that with such a disease, people must observe a special diet, which excludes a wide range of products, in particular spices, herbs and hot seasonings. But, at the same time, most doctors specializing in the treatment of psoriasis do not object to their patients using garlic in the fight against this incurable disease.


Garlic is not only a vegetable, without which many dishes lose their piquancy and taste.

It has unique healing properties, thanks to which it is actively used in folk medicine in the treatment of various diseases, in particular psoriasis:

  1. It is able to increase patients' appetite and normalize digestive, metabolic and metabolic processes.
  2. It has a calming effect and also stabilizes the functioning of the cardiac and vascular systems.
  3. Able to remove harmful cholesterol from the body.
  4. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Increases the body's protective functions, making it more effective at fighting infections and viruses.

But, before using traditional recipes, patients should consult with their attending physicians, since each body is individual and therefore may react differently to the vegetable.

Rules of application

Despite the huge number of beneficial properties, garlic alone will not bring the expected results.

This spicy and pungent vegetable should be used when carrying out complex therapy, which includes:

  • taking medications with systemic and local effects;
  • carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • compliance with dietary nutrition;
  • application of folk recipes.

Thanks to complex therapy, including recipes with garlic, patients will be able to strengthen the immune system and eliminate the external manifestations of psoriasis. After completing a course of treatment, patients will transfer the disease into a state of stable remission, and will prevent the development of relapses over a long period of time. The main condition that patients must comply with is following all recommendations, not violating permissible dosages and taking into account existing contraindications.

Effective recipes

Garlic has a wide range of beneficial properties. But the main feature of the vegetable is its ability to quickly and effectively destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, people will be able to cleanse the respiratory tract and oral cavity of harmful microflora by chewing garlic pulp for several minutes. With its help, you can not only speed up the healing process of psoriatic plaques, but also remove them from the skin, returning the epidermis to its natural appearance and structure.

  1. Initially, you should contact your doctor and get advice.
  2. People who suffer from peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, gastritis, epilepsy, kidney pathologies, hemorrhoids in the inflammatory stage, or vegetable allergies should not use folk recipes. Garlic therapy is also not recommended for expectant mothers.
  3. People who are hypersensitive to this product may develop a local allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of skin rashes, but can progress to the form of dermatitis.

In the absence of contraindications, patients can use the following recipes:


  1. Tincture designed to strengthen the immune system. To prepare the healing solution, you need to chop the garlic cloves to make a paste (200g).
  2. After this, the mixture is placed in a glass container and filled with vodka (300 ml).
  3. These components must be mixed well and infused for 15 days.
  4. The dark glass container should be placed in a cool place, protected from sunlight. The contents of the container should be shaken periodically.
  5. After 15 days, the tincture must be filtered through a piece of gauze. Store the collected liquid in a cool place, such as a refrigerator, on a side shelf.
  6. Patients should take the drug 25 drops added to milk (100 ml). Every day you should drink the drink half an hour before your main meals, but no more than three times. The duration of therapy is several months. For example, experts recommend starting treatment in October and ending in April (minimum 50 days).


  1. Oil intended for external treatment of lesions. To prepare it, one head of garlic is crushed to a mushy state.
  2. The mixture is transferred to a dark glass container and filled with sunflower oil (250 ml).
  3. Within a week, the components should be infused in a cool and dark place (they should be shaken periodically).
  4. After filtering the oil, psoriatic plaques need to be treated.

Carrot-garlic mixture

Two garlic cloves are crushed and the pulp is mixed with the same amount of freshly squeezed carrot juice. Patients are recommended to make applications, the duration of which should vary from 15 to 20 minutes. The pulp should be applied directly to psoriatic plaques, preferably in the evening.

People suffering from psoriasis are ready to use any means of treatment to prevent the disease from progressing. Many have experienced the effectiveness of traditional methods. Does garlic help with psoriasis? As surprising as it may sound, yes.

Garlic is a storehouse of vitamins and other useful elements necessary for human life. For comparison, this vegetable contains five times more vitamin C than carrots. Vitamin C and other beneficial components of garlic have antioxidant properties. When ingested, they reduce the level of oxidative stress, which is beneficial for psoriasis patients.

In addition, psoriasis affects various internal organs and systems. Garlic has a positive effect on many of them.

The healing properties of the vegetable include the fact that it:

  • Increases appetite and improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Stabilizes metabolic processes;
  • Has a calming effect, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Removes cholesterol;
  • Increases the body's ability to resist infection and viruses.

All this has a strengthening effect on the body, which is very necessary for those who suffer from psoriasis. Also, the use of garlic will be useful based on the fact that the disease can be triggered by completely different factors and malfunctions in different systems.

Is it possible for psoriasis?

To understand the benefits of garlic for psoriasis, you need to take into account the factors that provoke the disease. Despite the fact that scientists have not yet fully studied the causes of rashes, it is known that the disease often occurs as a result of malfunctions in the body's immune system. Garlic is known for its ability to activate the immune defense of the human body.

Of course, it is useless to treat psoriasis with garlic alone, but even doctors recommend using this vegetable as part of complex therapy for the disease. In addition to strengthening the immune system, using garlic for psoriasis will speed up the healing process and help prevent relapse of the disease. There are also those who claim that garlic is prohibited for psoriasis, but such statements are groundless, because if you follow the rules of use and contraindications, the remedy turns out to be effective.

Effective garlic tincture

Consider a recipe for garlic tincture, which is intended for oral use. Take 200 g of garlic and peel it, then grind it to a paste. The easiest way to do this is with a blender. Pour 300 ml of vodka into the prepared slurry and place the mixture in a dark glass container. Leave to infuse in a cool place. After 2-3 weeks the tincture can be used.

Before use, the garlic tincture must be strained using cheesecloth. The method of use is very simple: take 25 drops of garlic tincture and add them to 100 ml of milk. As a last resort, milk can be replaced with plain water, but this is not advisable. Drink the tincture 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The prepared product can be stored in the refrigerator.

It is recommended to take garlic tincture during the period of time when the risk of relapse is particularly increased. For many, this time falls during the off-season, when the skin needs additional care and its receptors cannot cope with the process of thermoregulation on their own.

You can prepare a product based on garlic for external use. It will nourish, moisturize and tone the skin, which will have a beneficial effect on the fight against psoriasis and its prevention. For cooking you will need garlic and sunflower oil.

Take 1 head of garlic, peel it and grind it in a blender to a pulp. Then add garlic to 250 ml of sunflower oil, preferably unrefined. Mix everything well and pour the mixture into a dark glass container, leave to infuse for a week in a cool place. During this time, the container must be shaken regularly.

After a week, apply the prepared mixture to areas of the skin affected by psoriasis several times a day, giving it time to absorb. This procedure will significantly improve the condition of the skin, remove excessive dryness and improve the appearance of the skin.

Nutrition according to Pegano

The American doctor Pegano has developed a specific nutrition system that is designed for people with psoriasis. The doctor is confident that it is quite possible to solve the problem with the disease and for this you need to stick to a diet. Exact adherence to Pegano’s recommendations has allowed many to improve the dynamics of disease progression and prevent relapses over many years.

The diet begins with a short mono-nutrition. The doctor offers two options: eat only apples for 3 days or eat different fruits for 5 days, with the exception of citrus fruits. Then the diet should be structured in such a way as to normalize the acid-base balance. To do this, the daily diet should include about 75% alkali-forming foods and about 25% acid-forming foods.

The main alkali-forming products are:

  • Fruits (except currants, plums, cranberries);
  • Vegetables (except legumes and pumpkin).

Alkaline levels in the body also increase with the consumption of freshly squeezed juices, exercise and positive emotions.

Acid-forming foods are meat, cheese, sugar, butter, that is, everything that contains large quantities of fats, proteins, starches and oils. Their use should be kept to a minimum.

Vegetables and psoriasis

Vegetables are alkaline-forming foods, so their consumption for psoriasis is completely permitted. However, how to prepare them plays a big role. It is best to eat fresh or stewed vegetables. Under no circumstances should they be fried to avoid being greasy.

  1. It is not recommended to use a lot of spices when cooking vegetables, especially spicy ones.
  2. The restriction is imposed on vegetables that contain red pigment - tomatoes, red bell peppers, radishes, etc.
  3. Vegetable salads should be seasoned with a small amount of vegetable or olive oil, but in no case with mayonnaise.

All these restrictions are not as difficult as they seem at first glance, so many people have no difficulty adapting to such a diet.

Psoriatic skin lesions are an autoimmune disease and are difficult to treat. That is why, when diagnosing psoriasis, complex therapy is prescribed, which also includes the use of traditional medicine recipes. Onions and garlic show good results in healing psoriatic plaques.

Treatment of psoriasis with garlic

The use of garlic for psoriasis gives a good effect, which is explained, first of all, by the vegetable’s ability to activate the human immune defense. It can be used both inside and outside.


To treat the disease, you can prepare a tincture from garlic. You need to peel two or three heads and grate them. You will need 200 grams of the resulting pulp. It needs to be filled with alcohol (300 ml) and mixed thoroughly. Pour the mixture into a dark glass bottle and leave for two weeks in a dark place. The container with the tincture must be shaken daily.

When the infusion time is over, the mixture must be filtered. It is ready to use. The bottle should be stored in the refrigerator (on the shelf in the door).

You need to take the composition according to certain rules:

  • 25 drops of tincture are dissolved in half a glass of milk;
  • drink the drink half an hour before meals two to three times a day.

To get lasting results and put the disease into remission, you need to take the drug for at least 50 days.

Garlic oil

External use of products based on garlic also shows a good therapeutic effect. Garlic oil is the most popular among patients. In addition to a pronounced bactericidal effect, the product has the ability to nourish and moisturize damaged skin.

To make garlic oil, you need to prepare the following products:

  • a head of garlic;
  • unrefined sunflower oil (250 ml).

Peel the vegetable and chop thoroughly. You can take a blender or use a grater. Pour the resulting slurry with oil and mix well. Transfer the mixture into a dark glass bottle and leave for a week to infuse. During this period, all the beneficial properties of the vegetable will be transferred to the oil. The container must be shaken daily.

Before starting therapy, the oil must be filtered. Use the product to treat all inflamed areas of the skin.

Garlic and carrot juice mixture

In the treatment of psoriasis (as an external remedy), a mixture of carrot and garlic juice has worked well. Areas of skin covered with psoriatic plaques should be treated every day with a mixture of two cloves of vegetables and carrot juice.

The composition is used in the form of applications. It is best to carry out the procedure in the evenings, leaving the mixture for twenty minutes.

Treatment of psoriasis with onions

Onions for psoriasis are used according to the following scheme:

  • you need to take an onion head, remove the skin from it and grind it thoroughly to make a paste;
  • fold the gauze in two layers and place the resulting mass into the fabric;
  • apply to the inflamed surface and hold for two minutes;
  • then rinse under cool running water;
  • apply a healing cream to the surface of the inflammation.

The procedure is performed once within seven days.

Onion pulp can be rubbed into the scalp if plaques have formed here.

23 Sep 2016, 22:31

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Modern skin diseases are represented by a variety of different types and types. The most common of these is psoriasis. Most often, in the initial stages of manifestation, it is confused with the manifestation of an allergy, which is why they begin to treat it incorrectly from the very beginning. This leads to a deterioration in the general condition and progression of the disease.

What is psoriasis and where does it come from?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease. It is not an infection. Among the main symptoms are: skin itching, redness, severe peeling.

The main problem of this disease is the accelerated process of cell division, due to which they simply do not have time to mature and are separated by peeling, thereby disrupting intercellular contact, which is why “scales” are formed. These problems greatly affect the body's immune system. After all, the protective elements are forced to fight their own cells, which causes persistent, chronic inflammation.

Among the causes of this dermatological problem are:

  • Immunity problems. In this case, the impetus for the onset of the disease is a malfunction in the functioning of the immune system, causing an autoimmune reaction in the body, due to which a large number of T-lymphocytes accumulate under the skin. This in turn leads to thickening and inflammation of these areas of the integument.
  • Heredity. This implies a hereditary predisposition. Scientists have identified some DNA sections that have the same mutation in lichen planus.
  • Gene mutations.
  • Problems with the endocrine system.
  • Changes in the level of sex hormones.
  • Stressful situations, prolonged depression, psychological problems.
  • Changes in lipid levels.

None of the above reasons can be the only impetus for the manifestation of the disease. Often several factors come together. At the same time, the environment, lifestyle, and trauma can significantly aggravate the manifestation and course of psoriasis.

Symptoms and types of psoriasis

The main symptom of psoriasis, along with redness of the skin, is a rash on the skin, gray or white, on which “scales” of skin can be clearly seen and felt and can be easily separated. This is precisely what is associated with the second name of the disease - “scaly lichen”. However, this case has nothing in common with the common method of transmission of lichen. This disease is not transmitted through contact and use of the same household items.

Most often, rashes form on the flexure areas of the joints: elbows, inner sides of the knees, edge of the scalp, hands, shoulders. That is, those places that are most often subject to friction with clothing.

The size of the spots can be completely different. Initially, they may appear as spotty redness of a bright red or burgundy color, with small bumps. Subsequently, their sizes will increase.

When the scales formed on the surface of the stain are removed, a white (thermal) film appears underneath them. If you remove this too, blood may bleed, but not in a profuse flow, but in a drip-like “rash.” This is a distinguishing feature of psoriasis from other dermatic diseases.

Treatment methods for psoriasis

Before starting treatment for psoriasis, it is worth remembering that it is a chronic disease. Accordingly, it cannot be completely cured. One way or another, it will appear periodically. The main thing here is not to delay the course of the disease and take timely measures.

The clinical manifestations of “squamous lichen” can only be reduced by complex therapy. Here, tablets alone or ointments alone will not be enough. Treatment should be large-scale, in all directions at once: both medications and local treatment of the localization of spots. Physiotherapeutic methods in this case will also give a positive result.
The main emphasis in the fight against psoriasis is on products for external use. They include a whole range of substances that help relieve itching, reduce redness, get rid of skin inflammation and reduce excessive cell division.

The main components of medications for psoriasis are:

  • hormone-containing substances - reduce inflammation and aggressive reaction of the immune system;
  • vitamin D – used in combination with ultraviolet rays;
  • tar - directly affects foci of inflammation in the hairline area;
  • zinc (activated) – relieves itching and redness of the skin.

Among the main methods of combating the disease are:

  • medicinal – prescribing drugs taken internally to relieve inflammatory processes and affect the immune system;
  • products for external use – ointments, compresses. Used directly on areas of inflammation, relieve visual symptoms;
  • physiotherapy in the form of ultraviolet irradiation is used to normalize skin processes.

In addition to traditional medicine, folk recipes made from natural ingredients can be used. But here it is worth remembering that before using this or that method of treatment, you must always consult with your doctor. Indeed, depending on the stage and degree of the disease, a seemingly harmless method can lead to irreversible consequences and deterioration of well-being.

Experts in the field of alternative medicine recommend using traditional proven recipes in combination with the measures described above. Please note that they are not able to replace drug therapy, but can enhance its effectiveness. Traditional recipes for the treatment of psoriasis are primarily aimed at making ointments and compresses from plants and natural elements. However, there are also decoctions intended for oral administration. Here are some proven and effective ways to treat psoriasis at home.

Recipes for decoctions for psoriasis

The effect of decoctions for psoriasis is aimed at calming the nervous system, purifying the blood, and normalizing the functioning of the immune and hormonal systems.

A good helper in this matter would be Bay leaf. It can be purchased in any store in dried form. Here you will need 7-8 medium-sized leaves (this is approximately 20 grams). They need to be broken and steamed with 2 cups of boiling water (400 ml). The resulting solution should be boiled and cooked for 10 minutes. After which the liquid should be cooled and taken orally 10 ml (half a glass) 3 times a day for a week.

The best is considered to be a decoction of 5 medicinal herbs, which include: chamomile, St. John's wort, tricolor violet, lingonberry. To prepare the drink you will need:

  • chamomile flowers - 4 tablespoons,
  • St. John's wort (herbal mixture) – 4 tablespoons,
  • tricolor violet (herb only) – 3 tablespoons,
  • Lingonberry (leaves) – 2 tablespoons,

The above herbs are mixed in the proportions listed. The drink must be prepared strictly before taking it. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture with 1 tablespoon of boiling water, and leave in a tightly closed container for at least 30 minutes. Then add 1 tablespoon of Eleutherococcus extract to the resulting mixture and it is ready for use. But you need to drink it once a day and only in the morning.

Chicken egg ointment for psoriasis

Egg ointment is the most popular today due to its ease of manufacture and effectiveness. To do this you will need 1 raw egg, 1 tbsp vinegar, 1 tbsp butter, any percentage of fat content. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until smooth and refrigerated for 7 days. After it has infused, you can apply it to the affected areas of the skin up to 6 times a day.

Herbal baths and lotions for psoriasis

Herbal baths have already proven themselves to be one of the most effective ways to treat skin rashes. The key here is to use the right mixture of herbs. Sage, string, chamomile and celandine will give a good effect. They need to be brewed in equal proportions and poured into the bathroom before use. It is recommended to take such water procedures for at least half an hour.

For lotions, dried horse sorrel along with celandine, ground in a coffee grinder, is ideal. Herbal powder (100 g) should be poured with birch tar and mixed thoroughly. The resulting mixture should be applied to the affected areas for at least 15-20 minutes and only before bedtime.

An old remedy for treating psoriasis with pork fat

It’s worth noting right away that this method, despite its high efficiency, is not the most pleasant. After all, pork lard should be taken orally. To prepare the medicine, you should take half a bottle of 0.5 vodka, six tablespoons of aloe juice and two hundred grams of pork fat. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and placed in the oven in a clay or metal container that can withstand high temperatures. This could be an aluminum pan. Enameled dishes or pots with plastic handles are not suitable for this. The mixture should be kept in the oven for four hours. After this, the product must be cooled and can be consumed. It is taken three times a day after meals. A single dose should not exceed fifteen milliliters. The recommended course of treatment is one to two months.

Infusion of celandine for psoriasis

Please note that this product should be used with extreme caution, because celandine is a poisonous herb, so failure to comply with the dosage can lead to unpleasant consequences. One teaspoon (without a slide) of crushed dried celandine should be poured into two glasses of boiling water. Leave the resulting mixture for an hour and strain. Take this infusion four times a day, half a glass, strictly after meals. The recommended course of treatment is fifteen days. After this, you should definitely take a break for two weeks and, if necessary, repeat the course.

Sea buckthorn oil for psoriasis

Sea buckthorn is famous for its miraculous properties. The berries of this plant are useful and help cope with burns, heart disease and gastrointestinal tract diseases. Sea buckthorn oil is considered the most effective. It has anti-inflammatory properties and also has an antifungal effect. This remedy also helps to cope with problems of the immune system and is used as a general strengthening composition during vitamin deficiency or seasonal viral diseases. The effectiveness of sea buckthorn oil for psoriasis is due to the fact that with this disease there is a weakening of the immune system. You can take this remedy for three months. It is consumed in the morning half an hour before the first meal in the amount of one teaspoon. It is not recommended to dissolve sea buckthorn oil in water or drink large quantities of it.

Celandine for external use for psoriasis

Celandine for psoriasis can be used not only for internal, but also for external use. Please note that this recipe is only relevant from spring to early autumn. After all, it involves the use of celandine juice. Areas of the body affected by psoriasis should be wiped with a freshly cut plant several times a day. This can be done throughout the entire above-mentioned time period.

Please note that celandine, which is sold in pharmacies in the form of an extract, not suitable for treating psoriasis. After all, it contains a high concentration of the poison of this plant. This product is good for cauterizing warts.

Lard ointment for psoriasis

To prepare this remedy you will need half a glass of rendered lard. Please note that this ingredient must be unsalted. It should be mixed with half a glass of caustic sedum. This herb can be harvested from spring to late summer. The resulting mixture must be scrolled through a meat grinder. Lard and sedum are passed through the finest screen. After this, add two or three tablespoons of camphor oil to the mixture and place on low heat. The future ointment must be heated for half an hour, stirring constantly. Remove the product from the heat and cool. After this, it is completely ready for use. It should be stored in the refrigerator. Apply an ointment of lard, sedum and camphor three to four times a day. A generous layer of it is applied to areas of the body damaged by psoriasis.

Salt bath for psoriasis

Psoriasis is a disease that is afraid of a salt environment. Daily baths with salt will help you improve the condition of your skin and remove dead skin particles in a gentle, gentle way. Preparing such a bath is very simple. You can use sea salt for this. Please note that it should not contain dyes or flavors. If you don’t have sea salt on hand, regular rock salt will do. A whole pack of this product should be poured into a bathtub filled with moderately warm water and stirred until completely dissolved. Take this bath every day half an hour before bedtime. You should lie in it for fifteen to twenty minutes. Please note that areas of skin affected by herpes should not be wiped with a towel, but blotted with a soft cloth.

Garlic compresses for psoriasis

Garlic has healing properties. It is rich in vitamins and nutrients. With the help of this root vegetable, you can fight seasonal viruses, strengthen the immune system, and even clean blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. Garlic is also highly effective in the treatment of psoriasis. Experts in the field of alternative medicine recommend using compresses with this remedy. Several large cloves of garlic should be squeezed out using a press. Pour the resulting slurry with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse under a tightly closed lid for two hours. Moisten cotton napkins in the resulting infusion and apply to areas of the body affected by psoriasis until the tissue is completely dry. This procedure can be carried out several times a day.

In folk medicine there are many different herbs and substances that help quickly relieve the main symptoms of psoriasis. The main thing to remember is that treatment should be carried out comprehensively, and not with decoctions or ointments alone. Each of the proposed remedies can be alternated. For example, one day a bath, another compress. However, if the prescription states that the treatment should be carried out in a course of 7–10 days, it should not be interrupted under any circumstances.