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What are the symptoms of lactic acidosis? Acidosis: causes, forms, manifestations, diagnosis, how to treat, when it is dangerous Symptoms of the disease Acidosis

The medical term “acidosis” refers to a condition of the human body in which the acid-base balance is disturbed.

Causes of acidosis

Violation of the acid-base balance occurs as a result of insufficient oxidation and excretion of organic acids. In general, in a healthy person these products are eliminated from the body quite quickly. In some diseases and conditions (for example, during pregnancy, intestinal disorders, fasting, febrile illnesses, etc.) they are excreted very slowly. In mild cases, this is manifested by the appearance of acetone and acetoacetic acid in the urine (this condition is called acetonuria), and in severe cases (for example, with diabetes) it leads to coma, shock and even death of a person.

Thus, the causes of acidosis, or more precisely, the factors that accompany the development of this condition, can be:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Strict diets, fasting;
  • Smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • Poisoning and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Diseases characterized by metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, febrile conditions, etc.);
  • Dehydration of the body (regardless of the cause that caused it);
  • Malignant formations;
  • Oxygen starvation (for heart failure, states of shock, anemia);
  • Kidney failure;
  • Poisoning by chemicals, the metabolism of which can lead to the formation of excess acids;
  • Respiratory failure in severe form (with emphysema, pneumonia, hypoventilation, etc.);
  • Kidney loss of bicarbonate;
  • Hypoglycemia (a condition characterized by a decrease in blood glucose levels);
  • Circulatory failure (for example, with pulmonary edema);
  • Taking certain medications (for example, calcium chloride, salicylates, etc.).

It is worth noting that it is not always possible to determine the cause of acidosis.

Classification of acidosis

Based on its origin, acidosis is divided into:

  • Respiratory (develops due to inhalation of air with a high concentration of carbon dioxide);
  • Non-respiratory (caused by an excess of non-volatile acids);
  • Mixed.

In turn, non-respiratory acidosis is classified into:

  • Excretory: develops as a result of a dysfunction in removing non-volatile acids from the body, most often in kidney diseases;
  • Exogenous: characterized by the entry into the body of an increased amount of substances that are converted in the process of acid oxidation;
  • Metabolic: caused by the accumulation of endogenous acids in tissues due to their insufficient binding and/or destruction. The most difficult condition.

According to the pH level (at a norm of 7.25-7.44), acidosis is divided into:

  • Compensated - a shift in blood pH towards the lower limit of the physiological norm to 7.35;
  • Subcompensated – more pronounced shift to the “acidic” side – pH 7.35-7.29;
  • Decompensated – decrease in pH level less than 7.29.

In the case when the pH level in the body reaches extremely low (less than 7.24) levels (in fact, as well as extremely high values), denaturation of proteins occurs (i.e. loss of their natural properties), and the function of enzymes also decreases, cell destruction occurs – this can lead to the death of the body.

Acidosis can cause critical conditions such as:

  • Increased blood clotting;
  • Brain dysfunctions;
  • Decrease in circulating blood volumes;
  • Critical fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • Dehydration;
  • Peripheral thrombosis;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Infarction of parenchymal organs;
  • Coma;
  • Death.

Symptoms of acidosis

Symptoms of acidosis are difficult to differentiate from signs of various diseases, and in mild forms they are not at all associated with a violation of acid-base balance.

Symptoms of mild acidosis may include:

  • Short-term nausea and vomiting;
  • General malaise;
  • Fatigue;

More severe conditions of acidosis may be accompanied by:

  • Cardiac arrhythmia;
  • Central nervous system disorders: lethargy, dizziness, confusion, drowsiness, loss of consciousness;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Hyperpnea (increased depth of breathing and then its frequency);
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Signs of a decrease in the volume of extracellular fluid (ECF), especially with diabetic acidosis;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Increasing deafness.

Severe acidosis can lead to circular shock, which develops as a result of impaired myocardial contractility and the response of peripheral vessels to catecholamines.

Diagnosis of acidosis

As mentioned above, the symptoms of acidosis are not specific. In addition, they are very often masked by signs of the underlying disease, so the diagnosis cannot always be established immediately.

For an accurate diagnosis, patients undergo the following studies:

  • Blood test to determine the pH level in the urine;
  • Arterial blood analysis for the presence of serum electrolytes;
  • Analysis of arterial blood to determine its gas composition.

The last two studies allow us to determine not only whether a person has acidosis, but also its type (respiratory or metabolic).

A number of additional studies may be needed to determine the cause of acidosis.

Treatment of acidosis

Due to the fact that the described condition is the result of a disruption in the functioning of body systems, the goal of treating acidosis is to eliminate the factors that became the trigger. In particular, we are talking about the treatment of underlying diseases, pathological conditions or dysfunctions, which provoked a shift in the acid-base balance of the body.

Correction of severe forms of acidosis involves:

  • Elimination of the provoking factor;
  • Normalization of hemodynamics: improvement of rheological properties of blood, restoration of microcirculation, elimination of hypovolemia;
  • Correction of electrolyte metabolism;
  • Elimination of hypoproteinemia;
  • Improving renal blood flow;
  • Strengthening the hydrocarbonate buffer system;
  • Improving oxidative processes in tissues by introducing ascorbic acid, glucose, riboxin, thiamine, insulin, pyridoxine;
  • Improving pulmonary ventilation (switching to artificial ventilation in extreme cases).

Targeted correction of the acid-base state by introducing buffer solutions is carried out only at a pH level of less than 7.25 (with decompensated acidosis).

Symptomatic treatment of acidosis involves drinking plenty of fluids, ingesting soda, as well as eliminating associated symptoms (malaise, nausea, arrhythmia, high blood pressure, etc.). In case of poisoning, drugs are prescribed that remove toxic substances from the body; in severe cases, dialysis is performed.

Treatment of acidosis in children is similar to the treatment of this condition in adults.

The acid-base balance in a healthy body is maintained at a constant level; the blood has a weak alkaline reaction. When it deviates towards acidification, metabolic acidosis develops; when alkalization occurs, alkalosis develops. An imbalance in the acidic direction is more common and is encountered by doctors of all specializations.

Acidosis itself never occurs; it always develops as a consequence of some disorder or disease. There are many causes of acidosis: from diabetes to ascorbic acid overdose. In all cases, the processes in the body proceed similarly: biochemical reactions slow down, proteins change their structure. This condition is very dangerous, including organ failure and death.

Metabolic acidosis - what is it?

Proteins are present in every cell of our body. They are found in hormones, enzymes, and the immune system. Proteins are amphoteric, that is, they have the properties of both acids and bases. They perform their function within a fairly narrow range pH: 7,37 — 7,43 . With any deviation from it, proteins irrevocably change their structure. As a result, enzymes lose activity, ion channels are destroyed, cell membranes cease to perform their functions, receptors fail, and the transmission of nerve impulses is disrupted.

The body protects itself from such serious consequences with the help of a buffer system at several levels. The main one is bicarbonate. Salts of carbonic acid and bicarbonates are constantly present in the blood, which, when the acid content in the blood increases, immediately neutralizes it. As a result of the reaction, carbonic acid is formed, which decomposes into carbon dioxide and water.

The concentration of blood bicarbonates is maintained by the kidneys; here the reverse process occurs: excess hydrogen ions are excreted in the urine, and bicarbonate is returned to the blood.

If acids in increased quantities come from outside or are formed in the body, acidosis develops. It is characterized by a drop in pH to 7.35 and below. The reason for the shift in acid-base balance may be an increased intake of carbon dioxide into the body, disorders in the kidneys with the cessation of their work to restore bicarbonate reserves, and excessive removal of bases through the gastrointestinal tract. Acidification and distorted metabolic processes can be caused, in which case metabolic acidosis occurs.

Causes and development factors

To treat acidosis, it is not enough to introduce the missing bicarbonates into the bloodstream. Moreover, in some cases their administration can be dangerous. To eliminate acidosis, it is necessary to understand under the influence of what factors it began to develop.

Possible causes of metabolic acidosis:

  1. Lack of insulin or severe. Because of this, the tissues do not receive nutrition and are forced to use fats, which are broken down to form acids.
  2. Increased formation of lactic acid in liver diseases, insulin deficiency in diabetes, lack of oxygen in tissues due to diseases of blood vessels, lungs, and heart.
  3. Excessive alcohol consumption, accompanied by vomiting and subsequent periods of hunger.
  4. Prolonged fasting or severe excess of fat in food.
  5. Intoxication of the body when consuming: ethylene glycol - alcohol, an antifreeze component; salicylic acid more than 1.75 g per kg of weight; methanol.
  6. Poisoning by toluene vapors, which is contained in paints, varnishes, glue, and solvent.
  7. Decreased glomerular function due to nephropathy, pyelonephritis, nephrosclerosis, treatment with certain drugs: anti-inflammatory drugs; amphotericin is an antifungal drug; tetracycline – antibiotic; lithium preparations – psychotropics; acetazolamide (Diacarb); Spironolactone (Veroshpiron) is a diuretic.
  8. Loss of bicarbonates from the gastrointestinal tract due to diarrhea, external fistulas.
  9. Overdose of metformin, a drug prescribed for non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Taking Metformin by patients with impaired liver or kidney function.
  10. Insufficient production of aldosterone or deoxycorticosterone by the adrenal cortex.
  11. Excess potassium due to impaired excretion by the kidneys.
  12. Administration of acids in parenteral nutrition or ammonium chloride to relieve edema.
  13. Massive tissue necrosis due to prolonged compression, burns, myopathy, and gangrenous changes in diabetes mellitus.

Types of disease

Depending on the cause of the accumulation of acids in the blood, acidosis is divided into types:

Type of acidosis Violation Causes
Due to a lack of glucose, the body is forced to meet its needs by breaking down fatty acids. The process is accompanied by increased formation of keto acids. Diabetes mellitus: – insufficient dose of insulin or spoiled drug, – severe insulin resistance due to long-term lack of compensation. Prolonged fasting, alcoholism.
Increased concentration of lactic and pyruvic acids. Their formation increases with a lack of oxygen. Mild form - after strain on the muscles, especially in untrained people. Severe – with liver diseases, which normally cleanses the blood of acids. It can be observed in diseases that lead to oxygen starvation: cardiac, pulmonary, vascular, and with a lack of hemoglobin. The likelihood of lactic acidosis is increased by uncontrolled use of Metformin in diabetes.
Renal tubular No acids are formed. Acidity increases due to lack of bicarbonates. Proximal acidosis is a violation of the return of bicarbonates to the blood. Distal – insufficient removal of hydrogen ions.

Proximal acidosis - nephrotic syndrome, hepatic vein thrombosis, myeloma, cysts, long-term use of diuretics, aldosterone deficiency.

Distal acidosis - pyelonephritis, nephropathy, taking medications that can affect the rate of urine filtration in the glomeruli.

Acidosis due to intoxication Acidification by breakdown products of substances, for example, oxalic acid when consuming ethylene glycol or formic acid when poisoning with methanol. Failure to comply with safety precautions when working with toxic substances, consumption of surrogate alcoholic beverages, overdose of medications.

A combined form of acidosis also occurs, especially in patients with chronic metabolic disorders. For example, the risk of acidosis due to high sugar in diabetes is significantly increased by alcohol consumption and.

According to the degree of compensation, acidosis is divided into 3 forms:

  • compensated acidosis: symptoms are rare, acidity is close to the lower limit of normal, the condition is stable. No special treatment is required, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of the disorder;
  • subcompensated acidosis: borderline condition, observation required;
  • decompensated form of metabolic acidosis– Blood pH has decreased to life-threatening levels or continues to decrease. Urgent hospitalization, acidity correction with special solutions, and, in some cases, resuscitation measures are required. Without treatment, decompensated acidosis can cause coma and lead to death of the patient.

Criteria for determining the degree of metabolic acidosis:

Symptoms and signs

From the point of view of pathophysiology, acidosis is a typical process accompanied by general symptoms. Compensated acidosis can be recognized only by changes in the composition of blood and urine. The patient’s symptoms at this moment completely depend on the disease that caused the acidity shift.

As the condition worsens, the first common sign for all types of acidosis appears - increased, rapid breathing. It is explained by an increase in carbon dioxide content in the blood during the operation of the body’s buffer systems. When oxygen starvation of tissues begins, shortness of breath occurs, breathing takes on a pathological form - it becomes noisy, pauses between breaths shorten, and then disappear altogether.

With metabolic acidosis, there is a sharp release of adrenaline and its precursors, so the work of the heart accelerates, which causes the pulse to increase, the release of blood per unit of time increases, and the pressure increases. Gradually, the proteins of cell membranes lose some of their functions, hydrogen ions enter the cells, and potassium leaves them. Calcium leaves the bones and hypercalcemia occurs in the bloodstream. Due to excess blood electrolytes, the symptoms are reversed: blood pressure drops and arrhythmia occurs. Such signs indicate that acidosis has reached a severe stage.

Common symptoms also include vomiting and diarrhea. They are caused by intoxication with ketones, substances taken from outside, or an increase in nerve tone, which leads to increased work of the digestive glands and spasms.

Symptoms from the central nervous system are also observed: the patient plunges into a broken, sleepy state and feels lethargic. Apathy may alternate with irritability and anger. As acidosis increases, the patient loses consciousness.

Signs characteristic of certain types of metabolic acidosis:

  • For ketoacidosis, the smell of acetone from the skin and from the patient’s mouth, severe abdominal pain, and tension in the abdominal wall are typical. In diabetes mellitus, ketoacidosis begins only with high sugar levels, which is accompanied by thirst and dry mucous membranes;
  • the initial signs of acidosis caused by taking medications include a decrease in their effectiveness;
  • when metabolic acidosis is accompanied by severe intoxication, the patient may experience uncharacteristic breathing - shallow, irregular;
  • if acidosis is caused by kidney disease, especially renal failure, signs of hypocalcemia are often observed: cardiac fibrillation, muscle cramps. The patient's breath may smell like ammonia;
  • increased formation of lactic acid during lactic acidosis is manifested by pain in the muscles, which intensifies with load on them. If the cause of lactic acidosis is lung problems, the patient's skin first turns gray, gradually turns red and becomes covered with sweat.

Diagnosis of acidosis

Diagnosis of acidosis is carried out in two stages. The first is to determine whether there is a shift in blood acidity and its type. The second is to identify the cause of metabolic acidosis.

The acid-base state, or pH of the blood, the content of oxygen and carbon dioxide in it can be determined in the laboratory using a gas analyzer. Blood is drawn from the radial artery, sometimes from capillaries on the finger. The analysis takes no more than 15 minutes.

To determine the type of acidosis, in most cases, studies on the level of glucose and lactate in the blood and ketone bodies in the urine are sufficient:

Diagnosis Test results, mmol/l
Blood glucose Ketone bodies Blood lactate
Norm 4,1-5,9 not detected 0,5-2,2
Ketoacidosis for uncompensated diabetes >11 >1 norm
non-diabetic normal or slightly higher
Lactic acidosis norm norm > 2,2

At the treatment stage, it is necessary to eliminate the disorder that caused the acidosis. To identify it, many studies can be carried out, depending on the diseases previously diagnosed in the patient and the clinical picture.

The main ones are general and various biochemical blood tests, general urine analysis.

Possible deviations:

  1. Protein, renal epithelial cells, casts in the urine, and an increase in blood creatinine indicate problems with the kidneys.
  2. Sugar in the urine indicates a high level in the blood, most often due to diabetes or acute pancreatitis.
  3. The growth of blood leukocytes indicates that acidosis arose due to inflammation and disruption of the functioning of one of the internal organs. Neutrophils are increased during a bacterial infection, lymphocytes - during a viral infection.
  4. An increase in bilirubin concentration or a decrease in blood proteins is observed in liver failure and cirrhosis.

Based on the test results, ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging may be prescribed. The scope of research is determined by the doctor, taking into account the suspected cause of metabolic acidosis.

Treatment options

The first thing to do when the above symptoms appear is to call an ambulance, since treating metabolic acidosis at home is ineffective and deadly. Often recommended treatment with soda is absolutely useless. When sodium carbonate enters the stomach, it will be completely neutralized by gastric juice; not a single gram will be able to enter the blood, therefore, its pH will remain unchanged.

In a hospital for the treatment of acidosis, they first try to eliminate the cause that caused it. In diabetes, blood sugar is reduced by intravenous insulin. For nondiabetic ketoacidosis, parenteral nutrition or glucose drips may be required. Dehydration is treated with volumetric administration of saline. If, when potassium is returned to the cells, there is a lack of it in the blood, potassium chloride is administered. In case of kidney failure and poisoning with deadly substances, the blood is purified using hemodialysis.

Intravenous administration of alkaline solutions is used as a last resort, as they can depress breathing, reduce blood pressure, worsen the effect of insulin, and in case of overdose, alkalosis can occur. The most commonly used are sodium bicarbonate and trometamol.

Sodium bicarbonate is used for severe metabolic acidosis, when the pH drops to 7.1, and low blood pressure in the patient. Can also be used for loss of carbonates through the gastrointestinal tract and drug overdose. The required quantity is calculated using the formula. The solution is administered slowly, under constant monitoring of blood composition.

Trometamol is able to bind a larger number of hydrogen ions, not only in the blood, but also inside cells. This drug is used in cases where prolonged acidosis can be dangerous for the patient’s heart. A prerequisite for the administration of trometamol is normal kidney function.

If treatment was carried out in a timely manner and complications were avoided, acidosis is eliminated on the first day, and after a week the patient will be discharged.

One of the most important indicators of human health is the acid-base balance. In the process of life, the body produces a lot of acids, which are usually quickly excreted in the urine, sweat or through the lungs. But with some diseases or acid-base balance disorders, acidosis occurs. a condition in which acids accumulate in tissues and act

destructive on them. Most often it occurs due to a lack of minerals from food. In the process of neutralizing acids, salts are formed, which are removed from the body. If there are not enough alkalis for this, then acidosis forms.

Causes of acid-base imbalance

Most often, acids accumulate due to metabolic disorders. For example, with renal failure, diabetes mellitus or thyrotoxicosis. This can also happen due to poor nutrition, when there is an insufficient amount of carbohydrates and an excess of fat in the food, during fasting or prolonged use of low-carbohydrate diets, as well as after taking certain medications, for example, salicylates and drugs containing Lack of alkalis to neutralize acids can be caused by for loss of sodium biocarbonate by the body during vomiting, diarrhea and other digestive disorders.

Less common is the so-called respiratory acidosis, which occurs due to circulatory failure and dysfunction of the respiratory system. This leads to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood. The reason for this may also be a person’s prolonged stay in a closed room without ventilation.

Symptoms that can help identify acidosis

Even mothers of small children need to know what this is, because this condition is especially difficult for them. Lack of acid neutralization leads to headaches, lethargy, sleep disturbances and low blood pressure. Constipation is common

or diarrhea and vomiting. With acidosis, there is increased breathing, a sour or chemical odor from the mouth and skin. The accumulation of acids in tissues can lead to gastritis and ulcers, intestinal inflammation and cystitis. The production of acidic sweat causes eczema and other skin diseases, such as cellulite. Arthritis or gout develops due to the accumulation of salts in the joints. Severe cases can lead to central nervous system depression and coma.

How to prevent acidosis?

What this is, everyone, even a healthy person, needs to know. Indeed, very often women’s passion for dieting and fasting leads to acidosis. And in children it can appear due to poor nutrition, for example, a passion for baking, fast food and a lack of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet.

Acidosis can also appear due to prolonged physical exertion or oxygen deprivation. Therefore, in order for a healthy person to prevent this condition, you need to monitor your diet, walk more in the fresh air and give up bad habits. The diet should be dominated by raw plant foods. You need to give up sausages, animal fats, confectionery and canned foods. It is necessary to drink as much fresh water as possible. And to quickly relieve the symptoms of acid poisoning, you can drink a soda solution.

Acid-base balance is one of the important indicators of health. As a rule, during the process of life, many different acids are formed in the body, which are quickly excreted through the lungs or with urine, then. If the balance is disturbed, acidosis may appear - a condition in which acids accumulate (accumulate) in tissues and destroy them. Often this pathology appears due to a lack of minerals in adults and children. The disease is characterized by a shift in the acid-base balance towards a decrease in pH and an increase in the acidity of its environment.


Acidosis is not a disease, but only a condition of the body caused by an imbalance in the acid-base balance, which occurred as a result of insufficient excretion and oxidation of organic acids. As a rule, these products are eliminated quickly during normal functioning of the body. Only in some diseases and conditions do they come out slowly. The most common causes of acidosis are:

  • respiratory failure due to pneumonia (pneumonia), emphysema (pathological expansion of the air spaces of the distal bronchioles) of the lungs, hypoventilation (rare shallow breathing);
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • fasting, diet;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels);
  • renal failure;
  • smoking;
  • loss of appetite, poisoning, other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • pregnancy;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • poisoning with harmful substances;
  • oxygen starvation (with myocardial infarction, heart failure, anemia, shock);
  • loss of bicarbonate (acid salts of carbonic acid) by the kidneys;
  • use of drugs (calcium chloride, salicylates and others);
  • conditions of the body that provoke metabolic disorders (circulatory failure, diabetes mellitus, febrile conditions).


According to its origin, acidosis is divided into: non-respiratory (this condition is caused by an excess of non-volatile acids), respiratory (gas acidosis) develops due to inhalation of air with a high concentration of CO2 (carbon dioxide) and mixed (caused by various types of acidosis). The non-respiratory (non-gas) type also has its own classification:

  1. Exogenous. A state of increasing acid concentration, which is caused by the intake of a huge number of substances into the body that are converted into acids during metabolism.
  2. Excretory. It develops when the function of removing non-volatile acids from the body is impaired. Often occurs in renal failure.
  3. Acute metabolic acidosis. The most complex type of pathology, which is characterized by the accumulation of endogenous acids in the body as a result of their insufficient binding or destruction. Divided into:
  • lactic acidosis develops due to an excess of lactic acid in the body;
  • hyperchloremic, in which the acid balance is disturbed due to the high chlorine content in the blood plasma;
  • diabetic, appears as a complication of diabetes mellitus and indicates the presence of ketonemia (high levels of acetone bodies in the blood) and hyperglycemia (increased amount of glucose in the blood serum).

The pH value also affects the acid-base balance, therefore, if, at a norm of 7.25 - 7.44, the pH level in the body reaches low (less than 7.24) or high (more than 7.45) values, protein denaturation occurs (i.e. e. loss of their natural properties), decreased enzyme function and cell destruction - this condition can lead to the death of the body. Acidosis according to pH level is classified as:

  1. Compensated acidosis. A shift in blood pH occurs towards the lower limit of the physiological norm - up to 7.35. There are often no symptoms.
  2. Subcompensated. Shift to the “acidic” side – pH 7.35-7.29. Possible arrhythmia, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea
  3. Decompensated acidosis. A decrease in blood pH level less than 7.29. In this condition, disorders of the digestive system, heart, and brain are clearly expressed.


Manifestations of imbalance in the human body are difficult to distinguish from the symptoms of other diseases. As a rule, with a mild form of acidosis, a person cannot even suspect a shift in the acid-base balance. Therefore, only an experienced specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. Although there is General signs of acidosis in humans:

  • short-term vomiting, nausea;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • general malaise;
  • dizziness;
  • cardiac arrhythmia (impaired rhythm and heart rate);
  • dyspnea;
  • increased blood pressure (blood pressure);
  • drowsiness;
  • increasing stupor
  • increased heart rate;
  • lethargy;
  • confusion;
  • state of shock;
  • hyperpnea (increased frequency and depth of breathing).

In children

As a rule, acidosis in children occurs when there is a large combustion of fats as a result of the lack of carbohydrates. This often happens when a child has diabetes or poor diet. Other causes of acid-base imbalance in children are diarrhea, kidney failure, poor intestinal absorption, and Addison's disease. Main Symptoms of acidosis in a child are:

  • loss of appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • depressed state of the central nervous system (CNS);
  • rapid breathing;
  • stupor;
  • disturbance of peripheral microcirculation (pallor, marbling of the skin);
  • stomach problems;
  • diarrhea, vomiting, leading to dehydration;
  • Diabetics have a characteristic rotten odor from the mouth;
  • headache;
  • heat.

Large toxic breath - the main sign of acidosis, as a rule, rarely occurs in newborns. Only when there is a metabolic type of acid-base imbalance, the breathing of babies becomes irregular and incorrect. With respiratory distress syndrome (respiratory failure), accompanied by a mixed severe type of acidosis, the child’s breathing becomes paradoxical - pendulum-like air movements appear from the lung on the healthy side to the opposite side and back.


If any of the symptoms of acid-base imbalance occur, a person should definitely consult a doctor. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. For this The doctor may prescribe the following diagnostic methods:

  • blood test for serum electrolytes (blood is taken from an artery);
  • urine pH level analysis;
  • blood gas analysis(arterial blood is taken from the radial artery at the wrist, but venous blood does not allow an accurate determination of the pH level).

As a rule, all blood tests (for the level of serum electrolytes and gas composition) show both the presence of the disorder itself in the body and its type (metabolic, respiratory and others). Often, to determine the factors causing acidosis, the doctor may prescribe additional diagnostic methods (urinalysis, ultrasound).

Treatment of acidosis

Due to the fact that the appearance of acidosis is caused by a disruption in the functioning of the body's systems, treatment of this condition is reduced to the treatment of the underlying disease or dysfunction that provoked a shift in the acid-base balance. Acidosis of any kind can lead to critical conditions of the body, so it is necessary to seek help from a specialist if symptoms appear. Usually, Correction of severe forms of pathology involves:

  • strengthening the buffer hydrocarbonate system;
  • improvement of pulmonary ventilation;
  • elimination of hypoproteinemia(decrease in protein concentration in blood plasma);
  • normalization of hemodynamics: elimination of hypovolemia (decreased blood volume), restoration of microcirculation;
  • improvement of oxidative processes by introducing glucose, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid, Thiamine, Riboxin, Insulin;
  • correction of electrolyte metabolism;
  • elimination of the provoking factor;
  • improvement of renal blood flow.

Symptomatic treatment of the disease involves ingesting sodium bicarbonate (soda), drinking plenty of fluids, and eliminating associated symptoms (nausea, malaise, arrhythmias). In case of poisoning, drugs are prescribed that remove toxins from the body; in severe cases, dialysis (cleansing) is performed. With a moderate disorder, it is necessary to limit the consumption of protein foods. Drug treatment includes the use of calcium carbonate.

To treat metabolic disorders, nicotinic and glutamic acids and Cocarboxylase are prescribed. For acute forms of acidosis, rehydration salt is used. Dimephosphone is also often used to correct the pathological condition. In the treatment of lactic acidosis, the drug Dichloroacetate is used, which activates a complex of enzymes. In addition, the patient must maintain a proper and balanced diet and avoid coffee and alcohol.


The best way to prevent acid-base imbalance is to eat healthy foods. One-sided nutrition is the main reason causing this pathological condition. This is, as a rule, the predominance of confectionery, bakery, and meat products in the diet. Although proper nutrition alone is not enough, doctors also advise including moderate physical activity. After all, sports activities significantly improve ventilation of the lungs, so a large amount of oxygen enters the body, which promotes the metabolism of acids.

Acidosis develops due to the accumulation of products that are formed during excessive oxidation of organic compounds, when the body does not have time to remove them in a timely manner. This is caused by both internal and external reasons. Internal factors talk about pathologies of the functions of various systems, which lead to metabolic disorders and the accumulation of metabolites formed during oxidation. External causes include, first of all, inhalation of an air mixture in which there is an increased content of carbon dioxide. The most severe complications of acidosis are shock or coma. Death is also possible.

Regardless of the etiological factor, the acidotic state leads to serious complications. These include:

  • pathology of brain functioning;
  • thrombotic disorders;
  • decrease in the total amount of circulating blood;
  • infarction conditions of various organs;
  • coma;
  • death.


    There are several criteria by which one can distinguish between types of acidotic conditions.

    The development mechanism involves the following options:

    • respiratory acidosis (occurring due to increased carbon dioxide content in the air);
    • non-respiratory acidosis;
    • acidosis of mixed origin.

    Non-respiratory acidosis is also divided into:

    • excretory (occurring when there is a pathology in the excretion of metabolites due to a violation of the functional state of the excretory system);
    • metabolic (developing with the accumulation of endogenous acid metabolites in the body);
    • exogenous (arises due to an increase in the concentration of acidic metabolites, which, in turn, developed due to the excess intake of certain products into the body).

    Acidosis is also classified according to the pH value of the medium:

    • decompensated;
    • subcompensated;
    • compensated.

    If the acidity index reaches the minimum permissible values ​​(below 7.24), this can lead to denaturation of proteins in the tissues of the body, destruction of the cell wall, cell death, pathological changes in the functioning of enzymes, which together lead to irreparable consequences including death.


    Acidosis is a pathological condition and is not classified as a separate disease. It occurs as a result of the action of etiological factors on the body, which include:

    • abuse of diets and fasting;
    • bad habits - drinking alcohol and smoking;
    • poisoning;
    • pathologies of gastrointestinal tract functions;
    • metabolic disorders (diabetes, fever, circulatory pathologies);
    • bearing a child;
    • oncological processes;
    • dehydration;
    • pathologies of the excretory system;
    • hypoglycemic conditions;
    • insufficient oxygen consumption during shock, anemic conditions and pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
    • excessive excretion of bicarbonate;
    • taking certain medications (calcium chloride, salicylates);
    • pathologies of the respiratory system.


    The symptoms of this disease are quite difficult to differentiate from signs of other pathologies. Manifestations of the main symptoms include:

    • vomiting and nausea;
    • increased body fatigue;
    • tachycardia;
    • shortness of breath;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system (loss of consciousness, lethargy, dizziness, fainting, increased need for sleep);
    • signs of shock.

    Mild forms of pathology may not cause the development of a clear clinical picture.


    The following diagnostic procedures are used for this condition:

    • assessment of blood gas levels; for this purpose, blood is taken from the radial artery, venous blood - only if it is impossible to take arterial blood;
    • determination of pH in urine;
    • determination of the level of electrolytes in the blood serum, which allows you to differentiate the types of acidotic conditions.

    The doctor also conducts an examination and collects anamnestic data, which can help in establishing the cause of the pathological condition.


    Since acidosis is caused by pathologies of many systems, to treat it, first of all, it is necessary to determine the main cause and direct efforts to eliminate it. That is, therapeutic measures are taken in relation to the underlying disease.

    For metabolic acidosis, therapy should include administration of the missing fluid through intravenous infusion. Severe forms of acidosis should be treated with medications that contain sodium bicarbonate. Infusion and drinking forms of this drug can increase the pH level to the required values. Also, bicarbonate must be added to glucose infusions or saline sodium chloride solution, the proportions are determined by the degree of metabolic disorders.

    If pronounced signs of a painful condition occur, symptomatic therapy may be prescribed. If acidotic pathology occurs as a result of toxic substances entering the body, measures must be taken to remove them. Sometimes dialysis may be required.

    It is worth noting that it is important to cure the underlying pathology that caused the development of acidosis.

    If its etiological factors are not eliminated, the acidotic state may reoccur, which has a detrimental effect on the functioning of all internal organ systems. Therefore, it is necessary not only to normalize the pH of the environment, but also to find out and correct the reason that caused the increase in acidity inside the body. This will allow you to avoid undesirable consequences, which include severe pathologies - shock, coma, and death.


    The occurrence and development of acidosis can be prevented by leading a correct lifestyle. You should also not allow situations in which metabolic processes within the body may be disrupted. You can reduce the likelihood of an acidotic state if you follow a number of measures:

    • consume enough fluid;
    • control the quality of drinking water, determine hardness indicators;
    • create a correct diet;
    • promptly treat metabolic disorders;
    • engage in physical exercise, which helps improve blood supply to all organs and also normalizes the functioning of the respiratory system.


    With timely diagnosis and prescription of correct therapeutic measures, prognosis of the outcome of acidosis may be favorable. In cases of advanced disease, a number of serious complications can occur, which include shock and coma. In rare cases, acidosis can be fatal. Therefore, it is important to carry out the necessary diagnostic measures in a timely manner and provide competent medical care, which should include bringing the pH value back to normal.

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