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Is it possible to cure pulmonary edema in a cat: symptoms and treatment prognosis, is it fatal? Pulmonary edema in cats: timely diagnosis and treatment Acute pulmonary edema in a cat

A diagnosis of pulmonary edema in cats always sounds like a death sentence. The sudden nature of the disease, the many reasons that cause it, the rapidly deteriorating clinical picture - this frightens the owners. To save your beloved pet, you need to overcome your own confusion and fear. Pulmonary edema is a terrible diagnosis, but not always fatal! The life of the cat depends on the quick and competent actions of the owner and the veterinarian.

In this article we will talk about what kind of pathology this is, what causes it and how it manifests itself, and whether it can be cured.

What is pulmonary edema

Pulmonary edema in a cat is not an independent disease. This life-threatening pathology is a complication of other diseases - an abnormal accumulation of fluid occurs in the cat’s lungs.

What happens with pulmonary edema

Extravascular water accumulates in the pulmonary alveoli, reaching a critical volume. Normally, the alveoli (vesicles) of the lungs are responsible for breathing and supplying oxygen to the bloodstream. The lungs, filled with fluid coming from diseased blood vessels and tissues, cannot cope with their function. The cat cannot breathe normally, suffocates, and experiences oxygen starvation.

This condition develops due to:

  • increasing permeability between alveoli and capillaries;
  • increased pressure in the capillaries of the lungs;
  • violations of the drainage function of the lymphatic system of the lungs.

Stages of pulmonary edema

Depending on which cavities the fluid has entered, edema is divided into two stages:

  1. Interstitial - fluid entering the connective tissue of the lungs (interstitium).
  2. Alveolar – fluid in a cat’s lungs fills the alveoli.

Pulmonary edema in a cat can develop rapidly (acute) or gradually (chronic).

Causes of pathology

There are many reasons why swelling occurs. They are divided into cardiogenic (heart-related) and non-cardiogenic.


Due to diseases of the cardiovascular system in the lungs, blood flow in the capillaries is disrupted. As blood flow slows, fluid from the blood vessels enters the cat's lungs.

Cardiogenic pulmonary edema in a cat occurs when:

  1. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
  2. Chronic heart valve diseases.
  3. Heart defect.
  4. Heart failure.
  5. Arterial hypertension.
  6. Cardiosclerosis.
  7. Pulmonary embolism.

Most often, these causes of pulmonary edema occur in cats of artificially bred breeds.


This type includes all other conditions that are not related to the work of the heart.

  1. Allergic reactions (including to anesthesia).
  2. Aspiration pneumonia.
  3. Injuries to internal organs as a result of falls from height.
  4. Electric shock.
  5. Reaction to medications.
  6. Choking (carbon smoke poisoning).
  7. Anemia.
  8. Heatstroke.
  9. Lung cancer.
  10. Laryngeal paralysis.
  11. Head injuries: bruise and concussion.
  12. Severe stress.
  13. Injuries to internal organs during sterilization/castration operations.
  14. Poisoning with poisons and chemicals.
  15. Bacterial blood infections.
  16. Pancreatitis.
  17. Prolonged seizures (epilepsy).
  18. Poisonous snake bites.
  19. Uremia is intoxication resulting from renal failure.
  20. Anorexia.
  21. Sepsis.
  22. Aspiration is the entry of vomit into the respiratory tract.

It is necessary to show the animal to a veterinarian in all of the above cases.

Pulmonary edema after spay/neuter surgery

Many cat owners refuse cat sterilization surgery for fear of developing postoperative pulmonary edema. Such cases have been recorded in veterinary medicine. Pathology develops as a cat's reaction to anesthesia.

Fluid in a cat's lungs after anesthesia accumulates not because of the operation itself. But because the animal had chronic heart problems. Therefore, it is important to carry out all the necessary studies before surgery to make sure that the pet does not have heart problems.


What should alert the owner and become a signal that the cat is developing pulmonary edema:

  • Loss of interest in food and games, lethargy, anxiety, restlessness.
  • The cat tries to remove the fluid by coughing and swallowing.
  • The animal has difficulty breathing: shortness of breath, breathing with effort, “belly”, rapid breathing.
  • A cat breathes like a dog: with its mouth open and its tongue hanging out.
  • While breathing, wheezing and gurgling sounds are heard.
  • When coughing, blood may be observed in the liquid secretion.
  • The tongue and gums appear blue.
  • Mucus is discharged from the nose.
  • The cat tries to expand its chest and takes a pose with its limbs widely spaced.
  • If the condition worsens, the position changes to a lateral recumbent position.
  • Interruptions in heart rhythm - alternation of high and low pulses.
  • A sharp drop in pressure and body temperature, cold extremities - collapse.

If one or more symptoms appear, you must immediately show your cat to a doctor. Pulmonary edema is a rapidly developing pathology that threatens the life of the animal. You can lose a pet in a few days or hours.


Comprehensive diagnosis of the disease includes:

  1. Chest X-ray.
  2. Echocardiography - ultrasound of the heart.
  3. Listening with a stethoscope.
  4. Analysis of urine.
  5. General blood analysis.
  6. Blood test for biochemistry.

The test results are processed by a specialist to determine the root cause of the swelling.

The diagnosis of pulmonary edema cannot be made solely on the basis of anamnesis and examination of the pet - remember this when choosing a clinic and attending physician!


Pulmonary edema in cats is a very dangerous condition., which develops rapidly and can cause death.

Cat owners should be prepared for such developments and understand that in this case time is everything.

The sooner a cat is shown to specialists, the sooner it receives first aid, the higher its chances of survival.

In a hospital setting, there are all the necessary tools for diagnosing and assisting an animal: x-rays, an oxygen chamber, injections and medications.

Competent intensive therapy at the initial stage of the disease is a guarantee of success. It is unacceptable to treat pulmonary edema on your own - it can kill your beloved pet.


The treatment regimen should be aimed at identifying and eliminating the cause that caused pulmonary edema and providing first aid.

First aid

Regardless of the root cause, first aid for this pathology includes:

  1. Therapy with diuretics - diuretics. Allows you to remove excess fluid from the cat’s body.
  2. Oxygen therapy. The animal is placed in a pressure chamber or an oxygen mask is put on it.
  3. In severe cases, intubation or artificial ventilation is prescribed.
  4. Decongestant therapy. The cat is given injections of Prednisolone, Dexamethasone or Hydrocortisone. Relieves acute hypoxia.
  5. Vasodilators open blood vessels and prevent fluid formation.
  6. Sedatives and drugs and analgesics.
  7. Novocaine blockade.

If all of the above methods do not help, surgical methods are used to remove fluid from the lungs.

Further therapy

When the crisis has passed, the cat is placed in a cool room with good ventilation, but without drafts.

Further treatment includes symptomatic therapy (coughing drugs, antibiotics) and elimination of the root cause of the pathology. Depending on the cause that led to the swelling, the doctor prescribes a set of medical measures.

If the condition is caused by injury, poisoning, suffocation, or an allergic reaction, then after the symptoms are removed, the cat’s life is not in danger. The animal is discharged from the hospital home for maintenance therapy.

If a cat has cardiogenic edema, an accurate diagnosis is made and a treatment regimen is prescribed. Many heart diseases are incurable and require lifelong monitoring and special medications.

Viral and bacterial causes are eliminated using antibiotics and antiviral agents.

The list of diseases that can provoke this dangerous pathology is impressive. Therefore, the treatment regimen in each specific case will be individual. The cat's owners will only have to strictly adhere to the veterinarian's recommendations and provide the pet with good care and nutrition.


Measures to prevent pathology should be aimed at avoiding the causes of non-cardiogenic edema and lifelong monitoring of cats with heart disease.

To reduce the risk of developing a terrible disease, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Keep all toxic substances and chemicals out of reach.
  2. Get rid of .
  3. For safety reasons, place all electrical wires in protective boxes.
  4. Carry out timely .
  5. Protect your animal from stress.
  6. Create a safe home environment for your cat.
  7. Do not let the animal out into the street or open balcony. Keep windows closed.
  8. Protect cats with allergies from contact with allergens.
  9. Ensure that cats with cardiac problems receive the necessary treatment and ongoing monitoring from a veterinarian.

Pulmonary edema in cats is a disease that is characterized by blood overflow of the capillaries and pulmonary veins, resulting in the leakage of blood plasma into the lumen of the bronchioles, bronchi and interlobar connective tissue.

Blood stagnation occurs in the lungs and, as a result, swelling of the lungs and mucous membranes of the bronchi occurs. Pulmonary edema manifests itself as a consequence of insufficient cardiac activity.

The causes of pulmonary edema can be physical overload, inhalation of hot air, sunstroke and heatstroke, the action of highly irritating gases, lobar pneumonia, pasteurellosis, plague and other diseases.

If urgent measures are not taken, the animal may die.

Symptoms of pulmonary edema in cats.

Severe shortness of breath appears, the limbs become cold, breathing becomes bubbling and difficult, the skin and mucous membranes become bluish in color, and when coughing a large amount of sputum is released, very often mixed with blood.

If these symptoms appear, the cat should be given rest by placing it in a well-ventilated, but not cold, room, given caffeine, sulfocamphocaine, cordiamine, expectorants, and urgently call a veterinarian.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of thermometry, pronounced clinical symptoms and auscultation.

Treatment of pulmonary edema.

Expectorants, cardiac drugs (caffeine, adrenaline, cordiamine, etc.) and stimulants are used. A ten percent calcium chloride solution and a forty percent glucose solution are prescribed intravenously.

If signs of hypostatic pneumonia appear, sulfonamide drugs and antibiotics are used.

Pulmonary edema in cats: causes, symptoms and treatment

No matter how hardy our pets are, they cannot live without air. Pulmonary edema in cats is oxygen starvation: every cell of the body slowly dies, literally suffocating. Do not rely on your own strength; this is not the case when you can cope with an illness without the help of a doctor. If pulmonary edema is suspected, take your cat to the clinic immediately. This is a deadly condition that cannot always be overcome, even if you provide your pet with timely assistance.

The lungs consist of alveoli that resemble bunches of grapes. Each “berry” is filled with air and entangled in a network of blood vessels. When a cat takes a breath, the blood cells washing the alveoli are saturated with oxygen, releasing carbon dioxide, which leaves the alveoli at the moment of exhalation. The cause of pulmonary edema in a cat is the filling of the alveoli with fluids, which leads to a decrease in the functional volume of the alveoli and oxygen starvation: there is no air in the alveoli - the cells have nothing to “breathe” and there is no way to get rid of processed gas

There are a lot of factors that provoke pulmonary edema. And only a veterinarian can reliably determine the cause of a serious condition:

heart problems leading to stagnation of blood in the lungs and increased blood pressure;

injuries of various types, concussion, electric shock, fall from height, etc.;

anaphylactic shock, allergy;

poisoning with medications, toxins;

seizures, epilepsy;

kidney disease, liver disease, exhaustion, neoplasms.

The first symptoms of pulmonary edema in cats are strange posture and decreased reactions to stimuli. The cat feels that she does not have enough air, stands up, leans on her widely spaced front paws and slightly stretches her head forward. Possible coughing, gagging, trembling of the muscles of the withers and back (“nervous” waves). The cat does not turn around when called or looks at the owner with a plaintive look, but does not approach - the pet looks distant, lost and frightened.

With pulmonary edema in cats, symptoms can increase rapidly, every minute, or appear gradually, coming in attacks:

the cat restlessly walks back and forth, then falls on its side, stretches out its paws and does not change its position;

breathing is frequent and shallow, the cat greedily swallows air, abdominal breathing;

wheezing and gurgling are heard in the chest, not necessarily on both sides. In some cases, there is belching with impurities of pinkish foam or mucus, coughing up liquid;

the mucous membranes are bluish or very pale, which is especially noticeable when examining the eyelids and lips. Sometimes the mucous membranes quickly turn red, and only then turn blue.

As mentioned above, at the first suspicion of pulmonary edema in cats, the pet must be taken to the clinic. They transport the cat in a position lying on its side, but do not force it down (if it wants to sit, let it sit). The box is covered with light-proof fabric to reduce the degree of excitement - in the current situation this is extremely important.

If, after radiography and examination, the diagnosis of pulmonary edema in cats is confirmed, treatment is started with a high dose of diuretics (for example, furosimide). Dexamethasone and analogs are suitable as an antiallergic and anti-inflammatory agent. Cocarboxylase normalizes heart function, sulfocamphocaine stimulates breathing. Oxygen therapy is indicated - the cat is placed in a special chamber or an oxygen mask is applied to its face. In severe cases, surgery is necessary. Pulmonary edema in cats requires complex treatment; the veterinarian must be experienced, attentive and act without relying on general schemes. It is highly advisable to leave the cat in the hospital, since without the supervision of a professional it is easy to miss the deterioration of the weakened body.

Related articles:

Pulmonary edema in cats and dogs

Pulmonary edema and hypertension in animals is a disease characterized by blood overflow of the pulmonary capillaries and veins with subsequent leakage of blood plasma into the lumen of the bronchi, bronchioles, and interlobular connective tissue. When the left ventricle of the heart fails, blood stagnates in the lungs, followed by pulmonary edema. Edema begins in the lower parts of both lungs. The mucous membrane of the bronchi also swells. In essence, pulmonary edema is not an independent disease, but a syndrome that appears as a result of heart failure.

Etiology. In cats and dogs, the development of the disease may be associated with inhalation of hot air, exposure to highly irritating gases, and physical overload, especially during long periods of hunting. Acute pulmonary edema often occurs with lobar pneumonia, heat and sunstroke, pasteurellosis, plague and other diseases. Pulmonary edema should be considered a very serious and often near-death condition.

Symptoms The disease develops quickly. There is severe shortness of breath, cyanosis, coldness of the extremities, and difficult bubbling breathing. A sick dog stands in a pose with its forelimbs spread wide apart. With a cough, a large amount of liquid serous sputum is released, often mixed with blood, which turns the sputum pink-red. On percussion there is a slight dullness of the percussion sound, and on auscultation there are moist large and fine bubble rales in the trachea, bronchi and lungs. The heart sounds are muffled, the pulse is frequent, weak in filling, sometimes arrhythmic. Death often occurs from paralysis of the respiratory center.

Diagnosis diagnosed on the basis of pronounced clinical symptoms, thermometry, and auscultation. In some cases, X-ray examinations are performed.

Treatment pulmonary edema in cats and dogs at home.

Eliminate the causes of the disease. The animal is given rest and transferred to a moderately cool, ventilated room. Expectorants and bloodletting are prescribed. Stimulants and cardiac drugs are used: cordiamine, caffeine, strychnine, adrenaline and others. A 10% calcium chloride solution and a 40% glucose solution are prescribed intravenously. The use of blockade of the lower sympathetic nodes is effective. When symptoms of hypostatic pneumonia appear, treatment is carried out with antibiotics and sulfonamide drugs. It is possible to use diuretics: furosemide or Lasix.

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> Veterinary services > Pulmonary edema in cats and dogs

Some cat diseases pose a serious threat to the life of a mustachioed creature; such ailments include pulmonary edema, when oxygen starvation occurs due to the overflow of lung cells with fluid. In such a situation, the respiratory organs no longer perform their functions normally. The owner of a furry cat should know what the symptoms of pulmonary edema are in cats in order to quickly react and take the pet to the veterinary clinic.

Pulmonary edema in a pet is not an infectious disease; it causes the veins and capillaries to overflow with blood, after which the bronchi and bronchioles fill with fluid.

Veterinarians distinguish two main types of the disease: cardiogenic pulmonary edema and non-cardiogenic. In the first case, the cause of the disease is congenital pathological processes or acquired problems associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system. In the second case, the appearance of the disease may be accompanied by the following reasons:

  • mechanical damage - various types of injuries, falls, electric shocks, etc.;
  • other diseases - kidney failure, brain damage, liver disease, hypertension, etc.;
  • sun or heatstroke;
  • incorrect use of medications – unsuitable for cats or in excessive dosages;
  • tumor processes in the lungs;
  • inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs, for example, tuberculosis causes various symptoms in cats, including swelling;
  • the poisonous effect of poisons, toxins and gases, which causes an inflammatory process in the alveoli;
  • sepsis and pneumonia;
  • reduced levels of albumin in the bloodstream of the mustache - this problem manifests itself as a consequence of poor functioning of the digestive organs. However, albumin is excreted during urination when kidney disease is present;
  • allergies or anaphylactic shock.

Owners of such breeds as: Persians, British, Sphynx, Scottish, Abyssinian, Bengal, Norwegian Forest, Maine Coons should be on their guard, because... These mustaches are most susceptible to the appearance of a dangerous disease.


  1. The pet is in a restless state - it walks from corner to corner, back and forth, after which it can fall on its side, stretch out its limbs and not change this position for a long time.
  2. The mustache's breathing quickens and becomes shallow. The cat tries to breathe with particular greed, making abdominal movements, while her mouth is open and her tongue is sticking out.
  3. The poor creature's mucous membranes acquire a blue or pale tint, which is most visible when looking at the lips and eyelids. There may also be a rapid change of color - from red to blue, and vice versa.
  4. When listening from any side of the chest, wheezing and gurgling sounds are clearly audible. Sometimes your pet may cough or regurgitate fluid from the lungs mixed with pinkish mucus.
  5. Fluffy becomes passive, reacts weakly to events happening around him, and refuses his favorite games. His gaze changes - it’s as if he doesn’t see anything.

If you suspect pulmonary edema in your pet, you must very quickly take it to a specialist for examination. When transporting, it is better to use a special box covered with a dark cloth; place the sick creature in it on its side.

There is no need to try to cure a sick pet on your own: give it drugs to stimulate breathing, take measures to pump out fluid, or perform artificial respiration. Only effective therapy and medical supervision will help the animal.


In a veterinary clinic, the doctor will first of all pay attention to the clinical manifestations of the disease. The owner should tell the specialist about changes in the behavior of the mustache and describe the symptoms in detail.

To make a final diagnosis, the sick furry will be sent for an x-ray and a biochemical blood test. In case of illness, darkening in the lung area is clearly visible in the image.

Often, at the first suspicion of pulmonary edema, a veterinarian immediately prescribes treatment and conducts other tests during therapy, because with this problem with the respiratory system, every minute is important - the mortality rate among cats with pulmonary edema is very high.

How to help your pet?

This disease poses a serious threat to the life of the tailed creature, so therapy is immediate and first of all, a high dose of diuretics (furosemide, Lasix) will be required, which will reduce the level of fluid inside the tissues.

To normalize the functioning of the heart, specialists will resort to drugs such as: cordiamine, sulfocamphocaine, adrenaline, etc.

To reduce the inflammatory process and against an allergic reaction, dexamethasone is considered effective. At the same time, the sick mustache will receive an intravenous injection with solutions of glucose or sodium chloride. If hypostatic pneumonia is suspected, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

To stimulate the breathing process, the pet will be placed in a special chamber and an oxygen mask will be placed on its face.

If tumors are detected in the lungs, doctors will use effective means aimed at stopping the growth of the tumor. In very severe situations, surgical intervention is necessary.

Whatever the cause of the disease and its severity, it is better to leave your tailed friend in a hospital, where his condition will be monitored around the clock.

Measures to prevent illness

In order to exclude the occurrence of the disease as much as possible, you should regularly take your mustache to the veterinary clinic for examinations by specialists. This is especially important for cat breeds that are at risk and purrs that are already living with cardiovascular problems.

Fluffies with signs of obesity, leading a passive lifestyle, as well as cats who have relatives with heart problems are at some risk.

If your pet is susceptible to the onset of the disease, doctors will recommend periodically performing an ultrasound of the heart or screening echocardiography. Such actions can identify problems before obvious symptoms appear.

It is very important to check the heart condition of your four-legged friend before sterilization. In some cases, fluffies do not tolerate anesthesia and the procedure itself, which causes swelling of the respiratory system (if the cat initially had heart problems).

Diagnostics and timely therapy are incredibly important - it can save the life of your beloved creature.


No matter how hardy our pets are, they cannot live without air. Pulmonary edema in cats is oxygen starvation: every cell of the body slowly dies, literally suffocating. Do not rely on your own strength; this is not the case when you can cope with an illness without the help of a doctor. If pulmonary edema is suspected, take your cat to the clinic immediately. This is a deadly condition that cannot always be overcome, even if you provide your pet with timely assistance.

The lungs consist of alveoli that resemble bunches of grapes. Each “berry” is filled with air and entangled in a network of blood vessels. When a cat takes a breath, the blood cells washing the alveoli are saturated with oxygen, releasing carbon dioxide, which leaves the alveoli at the moment of exhalation. The cause of pulmonary edema in a cat is the filling of the alveoli with fluids, which leads to a decrease in the functional volume of the alveoli and oxygen starvation: there is no air in the alveoli - the cells have nothing to “breathe” and there is no way to get rid of processed gas.

There are a lot of factors that provoke pulmonary edema. And only a veterinarian can reliably determine the cause of a serious condition:

  • leading to stagnation of blood in the lungs and increased pressure;
  • injuries of various types, electric shock, etc.;
  • , ;
  • aspiration (vomit or water in the lungs);
  • , ;
  • inflammatory processes in the lungs;
  • , liver, exhaustion, neoplasms.

Pulmonary edema is a condition in which excess fluid accumulates in the interstitial tissue of the lungs and alveoli. Under normal conditions, the fluid that accumulates in these formations is removed by the lymphatic system. In pathological conditions associated with impaired drainage function, fluid accumulates, leading to swelling of the lung tissue. Because this condition is life-threatening, it is important that pet owners are aware of the possible symptoms of pulmonary edema.

X-ray of a cat with pulmonary edema

Causes of pulmonary edema in cats and risk factors

It is possible that one of the best ways to avoid the development of pulmonary edema is to know the causes and factors involved in the development of this pathology. Most often, pulmonary edema is secondary to other diseases that interfere with the normal drainage of fluid in the lung tissue. The most common causes are: heart disease; pneumonia; anemia; hypoproteinemia; blockage of the airways.

Signs and Symptoms of Pulmonary Edema in Cats

Due to the fact that the accumulation of fluid in the lungs leads to disruption of normal breathing, the symptoms of pulmonary edema are easily detected and quite typical. However, these symptoms can be mistaken for manifestations of other diseases, so it is important to note exactly when and how these signs manifested.

Symptoms: significant shortening of inspiration; intense breath; rapid breathing; involvement of the abdominal wall muscles during breathing movements; leakage of fluid from the airways; wheezing, breathing with an open mouth; dry cough; lethargy and passivity; exercise intolerance.

Diagnosis of pulmonary edema in cats

There are several diseases that have a similar manifestation with pulmonary edema in cats, and which must be excluded, among them: dirofilariasis, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a clinical and biochemical blood test, you can also include determination of the level of natriuretic peptide, which will indicate the relationship between existing pulmonary edema and heart disease. Next, it is necessary to conduct an X-ray examination of the chest cavity, which will reveal fluid retention in the lung tissue and the possible presence of free fluid in the chest cavity. If cardiogenic pulmonary edema is suspected in cats, an echocardiographic examination of the heart should be performed to exclude cardiomyopathies and the presence of pericadial effusion.

Treatment of pulmonary edema in cats

The most important aspect in treating pulmonary edema in cats is identifying the cause of the condition. Due to the high prevalence of cardiogenic pulmonary edema, the first treatment measures should be: providing the patient with oxygen, draining fluid from the airways and chest cavity, and using diuretics until the patient’s condition is stabilized.

The cat is in an oxygen chamber.

Prognosis for pulmonary edema in a cat

The prognosis for animals with this diagnosis varies significantly and depends on the reasons that led to this condition. In cases of non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, it is necessary to identify the etiological factor and carry out appropriate treatment, because in some situations, the use of diuretics may be useless and therapy should consist of the correct choice of infusion drugs. In these cases, with correct diagnosis, the prognosis for patients can become optimistic. With cardiogenic edema, the prognosis directly depends on the severity of the disease. According to statistics, if symptoms of congestive heart failure have manifested, then the animal's life expectancy is about 18 months from the onset of symptoms. But thanks to modern approaches to therapy, it is possible to significantly improve the quality of life and the likelihood of early development of life-threatening symptoms for patients with heart failure.