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Male native name. Beautiful, modern, Russian male names. Male baby names. How to name a boy beautifully

Hooray! An ultrasound showed who lives under my mother’s heart. “Son,” you are touched. “Heir!”, the future father rejoices. This is the moment when a woman begins to refer to her belly quite specifically, and that means it’s time to call it “belly.” And although it is not the name that makes a person, often disputes from the series “Vladlen, Dionysus or Vanya” lead to the fact that the baby remains a “baby” until the very moment of receiving a birth certificate. It is right in such a situation to gather for a family council. And you need to go there, armed with information about what rare and beautiful names there are for boys.

Our ancestors believed that the name determines the fate and character of a person. For example, by calling their son Lazarus, adults believed that God himself would help him in life. And the Fadeev’s parents hoped that their children would become successful and deserve praise in everything. They expected protection from Alexei, and courage from Brave.

The name is protection and the basis for personal development

In Indian tribes it was customary to give a person two names. One of them is false. It became public and was determined as the child grew up, when he showed any of his special qualities or skills. For example, "Keen Eye".

And the other thing was true and secret. It was carefully hidden, especially from strangers. It was believed that the enemy, who learned the secret of your naming, would gain power over your destiny, life and death.

In Christian families even today, during the sacrament of baptism, the child is given a second name, which is recommended not to be advertised to strangers. The clergyman determines it according to the church calendar, taking into account the baby’s date of birth and the Orthodox name book. So, the child is named according to the calendar. That is, in honor of a certain saint, whose day coincides with the day the child is born or falls on the eighth or fortieth day from birth.

They say that the name of a ship determines the success of its voyage. That’s why parents often name their baby, taking into account the possible energetic influence of the Universe.

From a psychological point of view, a name is one of the main indicators of personality. This way the child can realize his gender identity, isolate himself from other people and take the path of independent development. Even new generations remember their ancestors based on their names.

How to name your son: 5 rules

All conversations regarding the influence of a person’s naming on his fate need not be taken seriously. But when choosing a beautiful and unusual name for a baby, you still need to take into account certain, quite mundane, nuances. There are five basic rules to follow when naming your son.

  1. Consonance with full name. Agree, the full name “Romeo Emelyanovich Sisev” will always attract undue attention to the child. Not every teacher will say “Gremislav Abdelkhakimovich Eldarkhanov.” And Prince Mikhailovich Zhuk, quite likely, having matured, will want to change his name. Therefore, if the family surname is not elegant, it is better to find an unpretentious, simple name for the baby. For example, “Vadim Mikhailovich Zhuk” will look much more advantageous.
  2. Compatibility with patronymic. There are several recommendations here. First you need to take into account the nationality of the father. For example, if the father is Armenian Gegham, then it is better to name the boy accordingly. Agree, the combination “Avetis Geghamovich” sounds strong in comparison with the combination “Vasily Geghamovich”. Another tip: focus on the length of the middle name. Short names are better suited for bulky middle names, and vice versa. For example, “Lev Konstantinovich” sounds more melodic than “Innokenty Konstantinovich”. Also, you should not give your baby a “name” that ends with the letter that the father’s name begins with. For example, “Vadim Maksimovich”. Also think about avoiding the accumulation of vowels and consonants at the junction of the first name and patronymic. Because there is a high probability that in a conversation people will involuntarily distort them. An example of a not entirely successful combination: “Peter Vladimirovich.” But combinations play well when there are beautiful sound matches or names begin with the same letter: “Andrey Alekseevich”, “Elisey Evgenievich”.
  3. Correspondence to time and place. No one condemns parents’ love for popular television products, but it’s unlikely that Batman or Nolik will feel comfortable in the village of Michurino. Edward and Barak will also look special in the Slavic environment. And Tirrion or Mason during puberty will not collect autographs, but will carry bruises home. Therefore, think carefully about your decision before naming your boy with a name that is too unusual.
  4. Transformation. Almost all names have derived variations. They are transformed into diminutive forms or nicknames. And the latter may turn out to be offensive. This must be taken into account so that the child is not teased later. Please note that mom will be able to call Maxim “Maksyusha or Masya”, and friends - “Max” or “Maksyukha”. It’s more difficult with Gleb. Parents will address him: “Glebushka.” And peers will immediately twist it: “Bread.”
  5. Unisex names. Psychologists recommend to parents: “When naming your son, avoid options with vague gender references.” For example, these are the names Zhenya or Valya, which are suitable for both girls and boys. This is especially important if the child’s last name is not declined. For example, surnames like “Viligura” or “Katz” do not give an idea of ​​who their bearer is - a guy or a girl. Therefore, “Sasha Shuvalov” is still an acceptable option, but “Sasha Koval” is alas. This combination can provoke problems with the child’s self-identification and suppress exceptional masculine traits in character.

In Russia, the tradition of naming a child after relatives remains. For example, like a great-grandfather. This custom is a matter of debate. Some young parents are against him, because they believe that the baby can absorb the negative experiences of his ancestors and repeat their fate. And other mothers and fathers insist: naming according to the generic principle is additional protection.

It is better not to name your son after a relative who suffered a brazen, painful death or who had problems with the law. Psychologists also advise not to take your father's name. Otherwise, little San Sanych may grow up not to be a loving son and helper, but to become an irritable and insecure eternal competitor to his father.

In pursuit of fashion: how do Ikars and Masons live?

Parents want their son to have a rare, energetically strong and fashionable name. But when considering unusual names for boys, it is important not to go too far. Fashion is a changeable thing. It is enough to look at history. Remember how, based on the events of 1917, the boys were named October, Revo, Vladlen.

During the Soviets, Perkosrak (in honor of the launch of the first space rocket) and Dazdraperma (in honor of May Day) were popular.

Subsequently, after the collapse of the USSR, there was a wave of naming children based on TV series. Enrique, the Masons, the Cruzes, Rogelio, and Guillermo were registered.

But practice shows that after a few years all the tricky options not only lose relevance, but even look funny. But traditional names in our culture like Nikolai, Vladimir, Oleg and Alexei always sound decent.

Today there is a tendency for Old Church Slavonic names to come back into use. And among them there are unusually beautiful names for boys. For example, in 1990, only seven Platons were registered throughout Russia. And in 2015, this male name was already among the ten most popular in the country.

What are men called: interesting facts

Male names are divided into soft and hard. In the first case, boys grow up calm and docile. In the second - stubborn and strong.

Soft ones include those in which there are many vowels, as well as quiet sonants - th, r, l, m, n. This is Ilya, Benjamin, Mikhail.

But in hard ones, voiced paired consonants predominate in the company of the growling letter “P”. These are the names of Yegor, Gregory, Dmitry.

There are also neutral options that endow their owner with moderate determination and wisdom. This applies to Arkady, Andrey, Pavel.

Romans are born in February, and Marks are born in July.

If parents cannot come to a common decision on what to name their son, then they can resort to the help of a calendar. Observations by old-timers show that completely different options are suitable for children born at different times of the year.

It is better to name winter boys by choosing from the following list: Roman, Anatoly, Peter, Semyon, Arseny, Ivan.

Spring children are comfortable if their names are Danila, Styopa, Nikita or David. For summer, good options are Sergey, Kostya, Nazar, Mark, Matvey or Pasha.

And the autumn baby will be in harmony with the name Timofey, German, Fedor or Anton. There are even special layouts where options suitable for naming are listed by month.

Naming by number and horoscope

Even adults resort to the help of numerology. To do this, the number of the baby’s date of birth is calculated and a name corresponding to this number is selected in special literature. Also, adults often pay attention to compatibility with the baby’s zodiac sign. And they even look at the combination with the names of the parents themselves in order to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings at the energetic level.

The most common name on the planet, given to more than 300 million men, is Muhammad. In Muslim culture, this is the customary name for all first-born children. But in Moscow, according to the capital's civil registry office, since 1991, Alexander has always been in the lead. In 2015, Muscovites also often registered boys as Maxims, Artems, Mikhails, and Daniils.

Top 30 trendy boy names

Today there are special thematic sites where you can find an unusual name for a boy, find out its meaning and see what children are called in different countries.

Based on the statistics of traffic to such resources, we can compile a list of the most popular modern male names. The top 30 trendy boy names of 2017 are given below.

  1. Diaz. This is the Spanish version of the biblical name Jacob, which is more familiar in our environment. Translated as “following on the heels.”
  2. Matvey. Translated from Hebrew as “given by the Lord.”
  3. Artem. In Greek it means "healthy" or "unharmed."
  4. Janis. Greek version of the Russian name Ivan. It means “God’s grace” or “God’s mercy.”
  5. Maksim . From Latin - “greatest”.
  6. Dmitriy . From Greek - “dedicated to the goddess of fertility and agriculture Demeter.”
  7. Timofey. From Greek - “who worships God.”
  8. Daniel. Translated from Hebrew as “God is my judge.”
  9. Novel . From Latin - “Roman”.
  10. Arseny. Comes from the Greek - Arsenios. The meaning is “courageous”, “mature”.
  11. Egor . Russian transformation of the Greek name George. Meaning: "farmer".
  12. Kirill . From ancient Greek - “lord”, “lord”.
  13. Mark. From Latin - “hammer”. However, from French it is “marquis”. There are also versions that the name is dedicated to the god of war, Mars.
  14. Andrey . From ancient Greek - “brave”, “courageous”.
  15. Nikita. From Greek - “winner”.
  16. Ivan. Comes from the ancient Hebrew John - “merciful by God.”
  17. Alexei . From ancient Greek - “protector”, “protector”.
  18. Bogdan. The Slavs interpreted this name as “God’s gift.”
  19. Ilya. Transformation of the Hebrew name Eliyahu - "believer" or "power of God".
  20. Yaroslav . Has Slavic roots. In different sources it is translated as “bright”, “glorious”, “strong”.
  21. Timur. A variation of the names Damir and Tamerlan. Translated from Mongolian as “iron”.
  22. Mikhail. From ancient Hebrew - “like God.”
  23. Vladislav. In Slavic culture - “possessing glory.” The Polish version is "good ruler".
  24. Alexander . From Greek - “protector”.
  25. Sergey . From Latin - “noble”.
  26. Gleb. In Scandinavian culture - “favorite of the Gods.” The Slavic version of the origin compares this name with the words “block” and “pole”.
  27. Demid. Has Greek roots. Translated - “advice of Zeus.” Zeus in mythology is the heavenly ruler, the world ruler.
  28. Denis. Derived from the ancient Greek - Dionysios. Interpreted as “reveler”, “merry fellow”.
  29. Ruslan. From Turkic - “lion”.
  30. Paul . From Latin - “baby”.
  • Abram (Abraham, Ibrahim) - patriarch (Old Hebrew). Name days February 17, August 2,
  • Habakkuk (Abvakum) - hugging (ancient Hebrew). Name day July 19, December 15
  • Augustus, Augustine - sacred (lat.). Name day June 28
  • Averyan, Averky - invincible (lat.). Name day December 18
  • Agathon – kind, noble (ancient Greek). Name day - March 15, September 10
  • Aglay – brilliant, magnificent, beautiful (ancient Greek). Name day - March 22
  • Agniy – pure, immaculate (ancient Greek). Name day - January 27, August 12
  • Adam - clay (Hebrew). Name day January 27
  • Adrian - originated from Adria (lat.). Name days - February 26, March 18, September 8
  • Azarius - God's help (ancient Hebrew). Name day December 30, February 16
  • Akim (Joachim) - God's protege (ancient Hebrew). Name day - September 22
  • Alan - oak (Old Hebrew). Name days - November 25, December 27, December 31
  • Alexander - defender (other gr.). Name days - August 25, March 29, November 6, March 28
  • Alexey - protector (other gr.). Name days - March 30, October 11, August 22
  • Albert - white (lat.). Name days - April 21, September 25, November 28, December 7
  • Alfred - advisor (German). Name days - January 16, September 28, October 25, November 8
  • Ambrose – immortal, divine (ancient Greek). Name day - August 9; 20th of December
  • Amos - bearer of a burden, heaviness (ancient Hebrew). Name day - June 28
  • Ananias - the grace of God (ancient Hebrew). Name day - February 8, April 30
  • Anatoly - eastern (other gr.). Name day - July 16, August 6
  • Andrey - courageous (other gr.). Name day July 13, December 13
  • Anikius - victory (ancient Greek). Name days - July 6, September 3
  • Anisius - useful (ancient Greek). Name day - January 12
  • Antigonus – child (ancient Greek). Name day - October 26
  • Antipus – stubborn, strong (ancient Greek). Name day - April 24
  • Anton, Anthony - entering into battle (other gr.). Name day - August 22, July 23
  • Apolinarius - destroyer (lat.). Name day - April 4; October 13
  • Apollo - similar to the sun (ancient gr.). Name day - June 18
  • Arefiy – farmer (Arabic). Name days - October 11, November 6
  • Arius - brave (ancient Hebrew). Name day - June 18
  • Aristarchus - chief (other gr.). Name day - January 17
  • Arkady is a resident of Arcadia (another gr.). Name day - January 26, March 6
  • Arnold is a singer (scandi). Name day - January 15, February 19, July 18
  • Artem, Artemy - healthy (other group). Name day - November 2, July 6
  • Arsen, Arseny - courageous (other gr.). Name day - August 21, February 1
  • Arthur - bear (Celtic). Name day - November 1, December 11
  • Arkhip is the best rider (other group). Name day - January 17, September 19
  • Askold - golden voice (scand.). Name day - August 6
  • Athanasius - immortal (other gr.). Name days - January 31, March 7, September 4
  • Athos - rich, unenvious (ancient Greek). Name day - November 15
  • Benedict - blessed (lat.). Name day March 27
  • Bogdan - given by God (other gr.). Name days - March 4, September 15, July 17
  • Boniface - fatal (lat.). Name day - July 12, September 4
  • Bogolep - pleasing to God (other glory). Name day - August 6th. 4 September
  • Boris - glorious in wrestling (other glory). Name days - May 15, August 6
  • Bronislav - glorious in defense (other glory). Name day - August 18, September 1
  • Vadim - caller (other glory). Name day - April 22
  • Valentin - strong, strong, tenacious (lat.). Name days - May 6, August 12, July 19
  • Valery - cheerful (lat.). Name day November 20, March 22
  • Varlaam, Varlam - son of God (ancient Hebrew). Name day - December 2, November 19
  • Bartholomew (Old Hebrew) – son of the fields. Name day - May 5
  • Vasily - royal (other gr.). Name day - January 14, August 24
  • Benedict - blessed (lat.). Name day - March 27
  • Benjamin - beloved son (Heb.). Name day - January 27, April 13
  • Vincent (Latin) – victorious, overcoming. Name day - August 18, December 24
  • Victor - winner (lat.). Name day - November 24, April 28, April 2
  • Vilen - short for Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
  • Vissarion - forest (other gr.). Name day - June 19
  • Vitaly is a lover of life (lat.). Name day - May 11, February 7
  • Vladimir - owner of the world (other glory). Name day - February 7, July 28
  • Vladislav - glorious (other glory). Name day - October 7
  • Vladlen is short for Vladimir Lenin.
  • Vlas, Vlasiy - clumsy (other gr.). Name day - February 16, February 24
  • Vsevolod - omnipotent (other glory). Name days - February 24, May 5, December 10
  • Vukol (ancient Greek) – shepherd. Name day - February 19
  • Vyacheslav - most glorious (other glory). Name day - March 17, October 11
  • Gabriel - Fortress of God (ancient Hebrew). Name days - April 9, July 26, November 21
  • Galaktion (ancient Greek) – milky. Name day - January 25, December 20
  • Guidon (Old German) - suppressive. Name day - March 31, June 12
  • Hector (other gr.) – guardian. Name day - December 11, July 17
  • Helium (another gr.) – the sun. Name day - July 27
  • Henry - leader, ruler (German). Name days - January 19, April 7, July 13
  • Gennady - well-born (other gr.). Name day - September 13
  • Georgy is a farmer (another gr.). Name days - May 5, November 16, December 9
  • Gerasim - venerable (other gr.). Name day - December 2, February 11
  • Herman - true (lat.). Name day - July 12, August 21
  • Hermogenes (other gr.) – born of Mercury. Name days - February 9, August 6
  • Gleb - protected by God (Old German). Name day - July 3
  • Gordey, Gordiy - formidable (other gr.). Name day - January 16
  • Gregory - awake (other gr.). Name day - October 13, June 28
  • Gury - lion cub (Old Hebrew). Name day - July 3, October 17
  • Darius - possessing (ancient Greek). Name day - April 4; August 17
  • David - beloved (ancient Hebrew). Name day - May 20, September 19
  • Daniel - God is my judge (Heb.). Name day - December 30, December 24
  • Dementius (lat.) – tamer. Name day - March 22
  • Demid (ancient Greek) – ruling. Name day - July 16, September 15
  • Demyan - conqueror (other gr.). Name day - October 30, October 11
  • Denis - dedicated to Dionysus (ancient Greek god of wine). Name day - January 17, October 18
  • Dmitry - belonging to Demeter (ancient Greek goddess of fertility). Name day - November 8, April 26
  • Dominic (lat.) – lordly. Name days - January 10, September 16
  • Dormedont (ancient Greek) – chief. Name day - October 2
  • Dorofey (ancient Greek) - a gift from the gods. Name day - March 3, November 18
  • Eugene - noble (ancient Greek). Name day - March 4, December 26
  • Evgraf (ancient Greek) is a handsome man. Name day - December 23
  • Evdokim - glorious (ancient Greek). Name day - July 31
  • Evlampios (ancient Greek). - blessed. Name days - March 18, October 23
  • Eumenius (ancient Greek). - merciful. Name day - September 31
  • Eustathius (ancient Greek) – balanced. Name day - February 17, September 20
  • Evstigney (ancient Greek) is a good sign. Name day - August 18
  • Egor - from the ancient Greek George - farmer. Name day - December 9
  • Elizar (ancient Hebrew) – God’s help. Name day - June 17
  • Elisha (ancient Hebrew) – saved by God. Name day - June 27, August 20
  • Emelyan - flattering (ancient Greek). Name day - August 31, January 21
  • Eremey (ancient Hebrew) – messenger. Name day - January 14, May 14
  • Ermil (ancient Greek) – living in the Hermes Grove. Name day - January 26, December 31
  • Ermolai (ancient Greek) – messenger of the people. Name day - July 26
  • Erofey (ancient Greek) – sanctified by God. October 17, December 11
  • Ermak, Ermolai - people of Hermes (ancient Greek). (Hermes is the ancient Greek god of trade). Name day - August 8
  • Efim - complacent (ancient Greek). Name day - January 8, February 2
  • Ephraim - fruitful (Old Hebrew). Name day - March 20, June 21
  • Zahar - memory of the Lord (ancient Hebrew). Name day - September 18, February 21
  • Zinovy ​​- living in a godly manner (ancient Greek). Name day - September 30, November 12
  • Zosima (ancient Greek) – living. Name days - June 1, November 6
  • Iakinthos (ancient Greek) – yakhont, hyacinth. Name day - January 6, July 16
  • Ivan - the mercy of God (ancient Hebrew). Name days - January 20, July 7, September 11
  • Ignat, Ignatius - fiery (lat.). Name day - January 11, February 2
  • Igor - warlike (candidate). Name day - June 18, October 2
  • Izyaslav - who recognized glory (other glory). Name day - July 6
  • Iliodor (ancient Greek) – gift of the Sun. Name day - October 11, December 2
  • Hilarion - cheerful (ancient Greek). Name day - January 3, August 31
  • Elijah - the fortress of the Lord (ancient Hebrew). Name day - January 27, August 2
  • Innocent - innocent (lat.). Name day - April 1, July 19
  • Joseph - multiplying (ancient Hebrew). Name day - November 22, January 8
  • Hypatius (ancient Greek) – the highest. Name day - January 14, June 3
  • Hippolytus - unharnessing horses (ancient Greek). Name day - February 12, August 28
  • Heraclius - “The Glory of Hera”, Hera is the goddess of love and marital fidelity. Name day - November 4, March 22
  • Isaac - laughing (Heb.). Name day - January 27, May 31
  • Isidore (ancient Greek) – a gift from the goddess Isis. Name day - February 8, December 20
  • Casimir - reconciler (Western Slav.). Name day - March 17
  • Callistus (ancient Greek) – the most beautiful. Name days - March 19, September 1, September 14
  • Kalistrat (ancient Greek) is a wonderful warrior. Name day - October 10
  • Kapiton (lat.) – stubborn. Name day - March 20
  • Carp (ancient Greek) – fruit. Name day - June 8, September 24
  • Kasyan - belonging to Cassius (lat.). Cassius is a Roman family name. Name day - June 28
  • Kim - abbreviation for "Communist Youth International"
  • Cyprian (ancient Greek) – from the island of Cyprus. Name day - March 23
  • Cyrus (ancient Greek) – lord. Name day - March 13
  • Cyril - ruler (ancient Greek). Name day - January 31, October 1
  • Claudius (lat.) – lame. Name day - April 2, November 19
  • Clement - merciful (lat.). Name day - January 17, May 5
  • Kondratiy - quadrangular (ancient Greek). Name day - July 19
  • Konstantin - hard (lat.). Name day - June 3, October 15
  • Roots, Cornelius - dogwood berry (lat.). Name days - March 5, September 26
  • Xenophon (ancient Greek) – a stranger. Name day - February 2, June 9
  • Kuzma, Kozma - world order (ancient Greek). Name day - November 14
  • Lavrenty is a resident of the city of Lavrent (lat.) (Lavrent is a city in central Italy). Name day - August 23
  • Lazarus - God helped (Heb.). Name day - November 30
  • Larion (ancient Greek) – cheerful. Name day - November 3, December 2
  • Leon (lat.) – lion. Name day - February 2, July 14
  • Leo is a lion. Name day - March 5
  • Leonidas - like a lion (ancient Greek). Name day - June 18, August 21
  • Luke, Lukyan - light (lat.). Name day - October 28, June 16
    Lup (lat.) – wolf. Name day - September 5, November 8
  • Makar - happy (ancient Greek). Name days - February 1, March 4
  • Maxim - the greatest (lat.). Name day - February 3, May 15
  • Maximilian - “the greatest of the Emilian family” (lat.). Name day - August 17, November 4
  • Mark - hammer (lat.). Name days - January 17, May 8
  • Markel (lat.) – warlike. Name day - March 22, August 20
  • Martyn (lat.) – dedicated to the god of war Mars. Name days - April 27, October 25
  • Matthew - God's gift (ancient Hebrew). Name day - June 26, November 29
  • Meletius (ancient Greek) – caring. 25 February
    Methodius (ancient Greek) - seeker. July 27, April 19
  • Menaeus (ancient Greek) – month. Name day - July 23
  • Myron - from the name of fragrant oil (ancient Greek). Name day - August 21
  • Mitrofan - revealed by the mother (ancient Greek). Name day - August 20, December 6
  • Michael is like a god (Old Hebrew). Name day - November 21, September 19
  • Micah (ancient Hebrew) – who is like God. Name day - January 18
  • Mokiy (ancient Greek) – a mocker. Name day - May 24
  • Modest - modest (lat.). Name day - May 29, December 31
  • Moses - saved from water (ancient Egyptian). Name day - January 27, September 15
  • Mstislav - glorious in revenge (other glory). Name day - June 27
  • Nazar (ancient Hebrew) – dedicated to God. Name days - June 17, October 27
  • Nathan - given by God (Heb.). Name day - December 22, April 18
  • Nahum - comforting (ancient Hebrew). Name day - December 14
  • Nestor - returned home (ancient Greek). Name day - March 13, October 11
  • Nikander (ancient Greek) – victorious warrior. Name day - June 28, November 17
  • Nikanor (ancient Greek) – winner. Name day - January 10. 12 June
  • Nikita - winner (ancient Greek). Name day - April 16, September 28
  • Nikephoros - bringer of victory (ancient Greek). Name day - May 26, November 26
  • Nicholas - conqueror of nations (ancient Greek). Name day - May 22, December 19
  • Nicodemus (Old Greek) – conquering people. Name day - August 3, September 15
  • Nikon (ancient Greek) – winner. Name day - March 1, November 20
  • Nile (ancient Greek) – black river. Name day - February 8, March 20
  • Niphon (ancient Greek) – sober, reasonable. Name days - January 5, August 24
  • Oleg - sacred (scanned). Name day - October 3
  • Onesimus (ancient Greek) – useful. Name day - May 23, October 11
  • Onuphrius (ancient Egyptian) – sacred bull. Name day - June 25
  • Orestes (other gr.) – savage. Name day - November 23, December 26
  • Ostap - stable (ancient Greek). Name day - September 11, October 3
  • Pavel - small (lat.). Name day - July 12, November 19
  • Pamphilus (ancient Greek) is a common favorite. Name days - March 1, August 25
  • Paramon (gr.) – durable. Name day - August 26, December 12
  • Pankrat, Pankratius - omnipotent (ancient Greek). Name day - February 22, July 22
  • Panteley, Panteleimon - all-merciful (ancient Greek). Name day - August 9
  • Patrick (Latin) – the son of a noble father. Name day - March 14, June 1
  • Paphnutius (ancient Egyptian) – belonging to God. Name days - January 27, October 8
  • Pakhom (ancient Greek) – strong. Name days - January 21, May 28
  • Pimen (ancient Greek) – mentor. Name day - February 23, September 27
  • Peter - rock (ancient Greek). Name day - January 29, July 13
  • Plato - broad-shouldered (ancient Greek). Name day - April 18, December 1
  • Prokhor - sang (ancient Greek). Name day - January 17, August 10
  • Rem is an abbreviation of the phrase “world revolution”
  • Renat (Latin) – reborn. Name day - September 7, November 12
  • Robert - brilliant glory (Old German). Name day - April 25, June 7
  • Rodion is a hero (ancient Greek). Name days - January 17, April 21, November 23
  • Roman - strong (lat.). Name day - October 14, December 1
  • Rostislav - increasing glory (other glory). Name day - March 27
  • Reuben (Old Hebrew) – son.
  • Ruslan is a lion (Iranian). Name days - June 11 and October 16
  • Savva is an old man (ancient Hebrew). Name day - January 27, April 7
  • Savely - hard work (ancient Hebrew). Name day - June 30, December 3
  • Samson (ancient Hebrew) – like the sun. Name day - March 5, November 28
  • Silvan (lat.) – forest. Name day - January 25
  • Serapion (ancient Greek) – Egyptian God of life, death and healing. Name day - March 5, July 26
  • Seraphim (ancient Hebrew) – fiery, fiery. Name day - August 1, December 10
  • Sylvester (lat.) – forest. Name days - January 15, May 8
  • Samuel is the name of God (ancient Hebrew). Name days - March 1, September 2
  • Svyatoslav - glorious in holiness (other glory). Name day - July 6
  • Sebastian - highly respected (ancient Greek). Name day - December 31, April 3
  • Semyon - heard (ancient Hebrew). Name day - January 17, February 16
  • Sergei - highly respected (lat.). Name day - July 18, October 8
  • Simon (Heb.) – noble. Name day - February 16, August 18
  • Spiridon (lat.) – illegitimate. Name day - September 12, December 25
  • Solomon - peaceful (ancient Hebrew). Name day - December 15
  • Spartacus is a resident of Sparta (ancient Greek). Name day - April 19
  • Stanislav is famous for his article (other glory). Name day - April 24
  • Stepan - crown (ancient Greek). Name day - January 9, September 28
  • Taras - leading to confusion (ancient Greek). Name day - March 10, March 22
  • Terenty - patient (lat.). Name day - January 17, November 23
  • Timothy - worshiper of God (ancient Greek). Name day - February 4, June 23
  • Timur - iron (Turkic). Name day - June 23, May 16
  • Tikhon - successful (ancient Greek). Name days - April 1, October 9
  • Tryphon (ancient Greek) – living luxuriously. Name day - February 14, May 2
  • Trophim - breadwinner (ancient Greek). Name day - January 17, April 28
  • Ustin - fair (lat.). Name day - June 14
  • Thaddeus - gift of God (ancient Hebrew). Name days - January 17, September 3
  • Fedor - gift of God (ancient Greek). Name day - July 25, December 16
  • Felix - happy (lat.). Name day - July 16
  • Theophanes (ancient Greek) – revealed by the gods. Name days - January 23, March 25
  • Theophilus (ancient Greek) – lover of God. Name days - April 13, May 9
  • Philaret (ancient Greek) – loving virtue. Name day - March 7; October 24
  • Philemon (ancient Greek) – beloved. Name day - May 12, December 5
  • Theophylact (ancient Greek) – God-protected. Name day - March 21
  • Ferapont (ancient Greek) – satellite. Name day - July 9, September 12
  • Philip - lover of horses (ancient Greek). Name day - November 27, July 13
  • Thomas is a twin (ancient Hebrew). Name day - July 13, October 19
  • Photius (ancient Greek) – light, bright. Name day - August 25
  • Frol - colored (lat.). Name day - August 31, December 31
  • Chariton - generous (ancient Greek). Name day - June 14, October 11
  • Harlampios (ancient Greek) – shining with love. Name day - February 23, June 13
  • Christopher (ancient Greek) – anointed. Name day - August 7, September 12
  • Edward - guardian of wealth (Old German). Name days - March 15, October 13
  • Eldar - gift of the sun (ancient Greek). Name day - April 9, December 2
  • Elim (Heb.) – silent. Name day - August 12
  • Emil (ancient Greek) – affectionate. Name day - January 13, July 31
  • Erast (ancient Greek) – lover. Name day - November 23, January 17
  • Eric is a noble rich man (other Scand.). Name day - May 18
  • Ernest - noble (other German). Name days - January 12, March 27, June 30
  • Julian (lat.) – from the Julian family. Name day - January 21, February 11
  • Julius - on behalf of the ancient Roman hero Iulus Ascanius (lat.). Name day - June 16, October 20
  • Yuri is a farmer (ancient Greek). Name day - February 17, August 13
  • Just (lat.) – fair. Name days - January 17, May 9
  • Jacob - next on the heels (Old Hebrew). Name days - January 17, May 13, July 13
  • Yang - God's mercy (Heb.). Name day - May 4
  • Yaroslav - glorious with vitality (other glory). Name day - June 3

A name is something given to us by our parents. This is what we give to our children. It is very important, because it can become a reliable amulet and protective talisman for you.

Sergey. Sergei means "clear". Clarity is the purity and strength of the mind. This name is a good universal amulet, as well as a kind of lucky talisman. True, Sergei may still have frequent problems with his opponents.

Anton. A strong name that protects its owner from a love spell and from clouding of mind. There is weak resistance to the evil eye and curses. Anton is a warrior who fights for his freedom and recognition, so he is not always able to defend himself, because the essence of this name is fight.

Alexei. Translated from Greek it means “protector”. Protection is always good. The amulet from this name is good, but not always stable. This inconstancy prevents Alexei from being protected from the evil eye or love spell.

Michael. This name is controversially suitable for describing the ideal protection for a boy or an adult man, since the camp of specialists is divided into two large parts - those who believe that this name is one of the best, and those who consider it mediocre in terms of protection. Because of this confusion, we only give it sixth place on our list.

Kirill. This name means “lord,” which hints at a special energy. Kirill is his own boss, so simple evil eyes are definitely not scary for him. Do you want to provide the boy with protection and strength? — call him Kirill.

Valery. The meaning is similar to Cyril, but is interpreted a little differently. This is a stronger name-amulet, because it was always worn by the most persistent men. It provides stable protection from almost all types of energy effects.

Victor. The winner is the winner. The highest level of energy can give Victor protection from everything that comes from evil and hostile people. We give bronze to this excellent name, which is both beautiful and a talisman.

Igor. From time immemorial, Igor was painted with calmness, strength and equanimity. These qualities help you see the world in the right light, abstracting from everything that may be unnecessary. Igor is not at all bothered by the possibility of being damned. He knows it won't affect him. This makes Igor the most powerful amulet name on our list. Almost the strongest.

Alexander. An ancient name meaning “protector of the family.” This spiritual talisman is capable of providing stable protection not only to the boy or man himself, but also to his entire family. Thus, Alexander is the best name for protection from filth, evil eye, envy, curses and all invisible problems.

Don't forget that a name is like a name for a ship. Whatever you name a boy, that’s how his life will be. Our ancestors believed that names have special magic that gives a person strength, luck and protection.

We also advise you to familiarize yourself with female amulets names. Find out how strong your name is, or help yourself decide what to name your future child. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.10.2016 06:02

The presence of damage or the evil eye on a person always manifests itself in troubles and poor health. However, there are several...

Most of the Russian male names that we come across every day are so familiar and familiar to us that we perceive them as Russian names, without especially thinking about their origin. In fact, there are literally only a few native Russians left in modern society. Indeed, Russian male names with Slavic roots turned out to be supplanted over time by names of Greek, Latin (Roman), Jewish, and Scandinavian origin. Today, most male names, borrowed long ago from other nations, are considered Russian, although in fact they have foreign roots.

Russian male names of Slavic origin

Among the first male names that appeared in Rus', there are very few that have “survived” to this day. The vast majority of truly Russian Slavic male names have long been forgotten and exist only in archival materials left by our ancestors. It’s a pity, because these are very beautiful male names!

Russian male names of Greek origin

Borrowed male Greek names have taken root in almost all European languages. They are also in Russian. Many Russian male names of foreign origin have Greek roots. After the adoption of Christianity in Rus', children were given names at baptism. The priest chose the name of the child according to the Saints.

Russian male names of Latin (Roman) origin

Among Russian male names there are many that have Latin roots. The meaning of these male names is based on Latin origin.

Russian male names of Jewish origin

Many male names also have Jewish roots. Even the seemingly Russian name Ivan is actually of Jewish origin, and it is derived from the Hebrew word Yahweh, which means God had mercy.

Unusual “new” male names were invented during the boom in neologisms in the USSR. Some of these male names were known earlier, but in consonance with the realities of Soviet times they became more widespread.

In Ancient Rus' they believed that along with a man’s name, those properties that are contained in the lexical meaning are also transmitted. It was believed that you should not tell your name to a stranger, so as not to be influenced by his witchcraft. Ancient male Russian names and their meanings were unique characteristics of people.

It so happened that Russian male names are represented not only by native Russian names, but also by Greek, Roman, and Jewish names. That is why the choice of names for parents is great. In Russian families, parents can give their son any name they like. Honoring their ancestors and traditions, Russians name their sons after their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, prominent historical figures, politicians, and artists.

It must be said that most of the modern Russian male names do not actually have Slavic or Russian origin. And all because in the 19th century they forgot about the original Russian names, replacing them then with more sonorous and interesting Byzantine, Greek, Babylonian and Syrian names.

Hebrew names, for example, Daniel, Gabriel, Zakhar, Semyon, are currently extremely popular in Russian families. And all because they are beautiful, sonorous, but at the same time quite strong and strong-willed.

If you don’t want to deviate from traditions and want to give your son a traditional Russian male name, then take a closer look at the following names: Bronislav, Bogdan, Vladimir, Gleb, Yaroslav. Agree, these Russian male names are not devoid of nobility, strength, and courage, characteristic of strong and hardy Russian heroes.

According to the biblical legend, the first man's name was Adam, which means his name is the first male name in the history of mankind. Now, after many hundreds and thousands of years, male names number in the hundreds in the name books of all countries and cultures, without exception. And yet, the male name, like the female one, has, and continues to, conceal a secret...

Male names in different cultures of the world

Modern male names in different cultures have a wide variety of variations. But each individual culture, be it Slavic, Western, Eastern or Central European, has its own naming traditions. In some countries, men are named in accordance with the social status of the families in which they are born, in others the naming occurs in accordance with religion and belief, and there are still other cases in which this process is treated in an extremely simple manner, as in the West and in particular in the USA.

In Slavic culture, for example, the process of naming a future man is treated extremely responsibly. Here men are always given names that correspond to their religious affiliation, and they try to give men names that could impart at least some biblical energy (although there are exceptions). Previously, newborn children were named this way only temporarily, and a man could receive a full name only after reaching nine years of age - then the name was chosen in accordance with habits, habits, hobbies or personal qualities.

At the same time, in medieval Europe the name was given such attention as is not given to this day in any culture. There, the choice of name was based on several factors at once. One of them was the determination of the social status and belonging of the child and his family to one or another social stratum. But in the higher societies of that time, the name was more of a “label”, serving solely to distinguish a person from the crowd and identify him in this way.

And in China, men and women are named for completely different reasons. There, what is primarily taken into account is not the energy and meaning of the entire name, but the meaning and symbolism of each individual hieroglyph, imprinted in the full written version of the name. Hieroglyphs in this culture are divided into favorable and unfavorable, those associated with a certain element, and vice versa.

Today, a lot has changed - in many cultures, modern people have simply forgotten about the centuries-old traditions formed by our ancestors, while in others they try to adhere to the traditions of naming men, as well as women, modifying generally accepted ancient traditions and rules. But one thing has not changed - the name should belong to every man and woman, without exception. But now there is no need to associate it with religion, profession, craft or habits. Now you just need to choose the male name that will meet the wishes of your parents. And no one will ever make any claims about this.

Modern naming traditions

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Modern naming traditions for men, as well as women, have been simplified to the point of impossibility. Literally thirty years ago, our ancestors were still trying to name future men in accordance with the main Slavic tradition - in honor of the Saint, who is venerated on the birthday of a child. Now, a lot has changed and you can call it by any name, not only Slavic, and not only church. And besides, given the richness of the Russian name book, it would be stupid to ignore name options that do not correspond to our cultural traditions and religion.

For Muslims, everything is simpler - here they adhere to only one tradition, which is correct in the opinion of the majority. It consists in naming the future man with such a masculine name that will carry favorable energy and mean something positive, correct from a psychological, cultural, and moral point of view.

The most common names among Muslims are still the names of the prophets, as well as some variations of the names of Allah. Historical name variations are also not excluded. True, there is one important rule - you cannot use exactly one of the hundred names of Allah; you need to add the prefix “Ab” to it, which means “slave”.

But in America and most countries of the modern West, the naming of a future man is no longer accompanied by any traditions. Now the naming procedure itself in the West sometimes resembles some kind of insanity. Children are named after singers, football players, famous politicians and just friends. And it doesn’t matter what the name means or what energy it has. And many parents even come up with something that makes them shiver. Although in Slavic culture these cases are no exception - for example, in Ukraine after the “Revolution of Dignity of 2014” many parents called their children “Maidan” and not only...

Name and religiosity: the main criterion for division

Religiosity in terms of naming men still remains as important a criterion as before. And it is worth noting that religiosity remains the only factor that most new parents still pay attention to.

On our portal, all male names, along with other criteria, are divided into categories and in accordance with religion. This:

  • Orthodox;
  • Catholic;
  • Muslim;
  • Jewish.

How to choose a suitable male name in modern times?

Choosing a good male name in modern times is not so easy, even though there are thousands of variations of male names, one way or another related to different religions, social factors, cultures and more. Ideally, you need to follow the traditions of the culture to which the child belongs - this is the first thing. That is, the ideal option is to find a name that matches the culture. But now this is not easy to do, because names from all cultures are mixed in one name book.

Thus, you can move on to another option, which involves choosing a modern male name in accordance with religion. Yes, yes, religion still remains almost the most important criterion. But naming in accordance with religion must be done carefully and adhering to traditions. For example, Orthodoxy recommends naming future men after the names of Saints, whose name day is celebrated on the child’s birthday. In addition, over time, a second name may be given - a church name. It is given at the time of baptism.