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There is a large lump on the eye near the eyelashes. Why does a lump appear on the eye: causes, symptoms, possible diseases and prevention. You might be interested

A lump on the eyelid is a fairly common ophthalmological problem. Sometimes it does not cause any problems to a person, except for an aesthetic flaw; in other cases, the disease is accompanied by fever, the formation of pus, and pain.

The term “bump on the eyelid” includes several eye diseases; therefore, in order to eliminate this defect, you need to know what disease caused its appearance.

Types of eye cones and their features

Lumps on the eyelid can occur for various reasons. By the nature of their origin, they arise in the form of:

  • barley;
  • chalazion;
  • millet;
  • boil;
  • papillomas


The most common eye disease, occurs in both adults and children. Barley appears due to blockage of the sebaceous or hair follicle.

The disease is acute, first the person notices redness on the eyelid and pain, then the diseased eyelid begins to swell. After a few days, the barley ripens - pus breaks out, after which the recovery stage begins.

Features: with barley, the temperature often rises, pain in the inflamed area, and can develop after ARVI.


  • sepsis;
  • spread of infection into the eye socket.


Very often, the culprit for the appearance of a seal on the eyelid is a chalazion. The disease occurs due to the inflammatory process around the sebaceous gland.

The process of development of the cone is slow, the compaction becomes noticeable only after it has fully matured.
Features: the disease is similar in symptoms to barley, but all symptoms are less acute. It can often be a consequence of stye.

What complications can there be:

  • accumulation of pus with subsequent development of a fistula;
  • cyst formation.


Millet does not cause any harm to health, but significantly spoils the appearance. The rashes come in different sizes, but are usually no larger than a grain of rice.

Milia (medical name) are white formations - the localization zone is the area around the human eyes.

Features: no painful sensations, usually a group of rashes appears, difficult to disguise. Often found in young people during the period of hormonal growth.


A furuncle on the eyelid is a fairly serious eye disease, in which there is purulent inflammation in the eye sac and throughout the connective tissue. A lump appears on the back of the eyelid.

When a boil develops, the inflammatory process can affect not only the eye, but also the person’s face. In some situations, the entire half of the face where the boil occurred swells.

After a few days, a yellow purulent head appears, which breaks through, the contents of the abscess come out.
Features: drowsiness, increased body temperature, after the abscess breaks out, the person feels a significant improvement in well-being.


  • infection of the body;
  • developing into a complex form.


Papilloma can appear anywhere, including in front of the eyes. Leg papillomas usually appear on a person's eyelid, but there are also flat growths that look like cauliflower.

Features: no painful sensations, more a cosmetic defect than a medical one, it is strictly forbidden to treat it yourself.

Complications: if removed incorrectly, swelling and scar formation are possible.


Let's name the main reasons for the appearance of a lump on the eyelid:

  • Chalazion - the main reasons for the development of the disease are: hypothermia, frequent viral diseases, the disease may be a consequence of non-compliance with hygiene rules.
  • Stye - Stye on the eye mainly appears due to viral and bacterial infections. Wearing contact lenses can also cause inflammation.
  • Millet (milium) - the cause of the appearance of millet in the area around the eyes is not fully understood; in medicine, several factors are identified that provoke their appearance: improper skin care, poor nutrition, excessive use of decorative cosmetics, genetic predisposition, hormonal disorders.
  • - The main cause of this eye defect is infection with the human papillomavirus. They often appear after suffering stress or due to weak immunity.
  • The boil is the main causative agent - Staphylococcus aureus. Sometimes the appearance of boils in front of the eyes indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


Often, seals in the eyes have similar symptoms, and a doctor’s consultation is necessary to confirm the diagnosis, but there are a number of characteristic features by which the type of disease can be determined.


  • the bump resembles a pea;
  • there is no pain on palpation;
  • the skin over the seal is mobile.
  • pain and itching;
  • temperature increase;
  • redness.


  • the disease begins with the formation of a painful compaction;
  • the patient feels weak and has a fever;
  • severe swelling.


  • no pain, redness, swelling;
  • group rashes;
  • size no more than 3 mm.


  • discomfort;
  • possible itching;
  • possible redness of the mucous membrane.

Traditional and folk methods of treatment


Usually, to treat chalazion, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs:

  • Levomecitin drops;
  • tetracycline ointment;
  • It is recommended to use Miramistin for eye rinsing.

In advanced cases, surgical intervention is required.

Traditional methods

The safest traditional way to treat lumps is to apply warm compresses to the sore eye.


Antibacterial medications are also indicated in the treatment of barley:

  • Tobrex drops;
  • erythromycin ointment;
  • Antiseptic solutions are used for rinsing: Chlogrexidine.

Folk remedies

For home treatment, you can use tincture of chamomile and sage. Washing with herbal decoctions quickly eliminates swelling and itching.

Another popular treatment method is applying a chicken egg to the inflammation. The egg should be at a warm temperature; it is advisable to wrap it in a cotton scarf before use.


To treat boils, antimicrobial and antiseptic drugs are prescribed. It is strictly forbidden to open a purulent formation.

Traditional methods

Aloe is often used in treatment; lotions with plant juice promote rapid healing.


Removal methods:

  • manual technology;
  • laser;
  • electrocoagulation.

Folk recipes

Viburnum and cucumber juice are often used to remove grass from the face.


Medical removal methods:

  • cryotherapy;
  • laser;
  • surgical method;
  • cauterization.

A ball of different nature may appear on the eyelid. You need to find out the cause of the defect and determine whether to see a doctor or be treated at home.

In people suffering from allergies, eye irritation, and some infectious diseases, a ball may appear on the eye. The bumps most often appear inside the eyelids, but can form on the cornea and sclera. Let's look at the most common causes of eyeball formation.

Furuncle (stye)

It looks like a red, round bump next to the eyelashes that hurts and is sensitive to light. Bacterial skin infections cause a stye to form in about 2 days. Barley (boils) appears on the upper eyelid due to inflammation of the sebaceous glands or hair follicle of the eyelash.

This is a seal on the eyelid, formed due to blockage of the sebaceous gland. often confused with barley, but they have major differences.

Stye is painful and occurs on the edge of the eyelid due to inflammation of the hair follicle of the eyelash. If the lump on the upper eyelid does not hurt, a chalazion is most likely developing. It forms away from the edge of the eyelid and only over time causes swelling and redness.

In a child, the ball on the upper eyelid develops slowly, and symptoms are not immediately noticeable. If there is redness and itching, lacrimation, swelling in the eye, the baby should be shown to an ophthalmologist.

A small ball under the upper eyelid filled with fluid. Cysts are usually harmless, but if they become severely enlarged, they impair vision.

The disease may occur due to:

  • congenital pathology;
  • mechanical trauma to the organ of vision;
  • blistering rash;
  • spontaneously.

Uneven skin color formations. As a rule, they do not threaten health, but if measures are not taken, they grow to large sizes and impair the quality of vision.

If a wart-like ball appears on the upper or lower eyelid of the eye, most likely it is papilloma, a viral disease. It is considered a cosmetic defect and can be removed through surgery.

Conventionally referred to as eye balls, this is a flat yellowish formation under the skin above the eye or on the eyelid. Caused by poor fat metabolism due to various diseases, such as diabetes. The defect does not disappear on its own.

Video: Xanthelasma. How to treat growths on the eyelids?

It is filled with liquid. It disappears after a few days, becoming covered with a crust, which then falls off, leaving no scars. Causes high fever and general weakness.

Usually the virus does not bother people. But when the immune system is weakened, it multiplies rapidly, so rashes appear on the eyes and lips.

The second name of the disease is. It looks like a small ball with a diameter of up to 0.5 cm. The disease has no specific symptoms and does not cause pain or discomfort. Usually the ball forms under the upper eyelid of newborns, adolescents, and adults. It can be a separate entity or part of a whole group.

A white ball of millet rarely appears on the lower eyelid. Such a tubercle is not dangerous, but aesthetically unpleasant. It appears in people with any skin type and condition.

If a white ball has formed under the eye, we most likely have a wen. White balls under the eyes appear at any age due to lipid metabolism disorders, kidney disease, unhealthy diet, hormonal disorders, endocrine pathologies, and high blood sugar.

When such a ball appears on the child’s skin under the eye, you need to consult a cosmetologist. Otherwise, new white balls may appear in the corner of the eye and ingrown eyelashes.

Video: Wen on the eyelid

A ball that comes out not on the eyelid, but inside the eye is called. It has a yellowish color and is located near the edge of the cornea, near the nose or on the other side.

Appears due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation, dry eye syndrome, and dust. Often occurs in those who spend a lot of time in the sun. This is not an oncological education.

is an acute or chronic inflammation of the ciliary margin. A lump appears on the lower eyelid due to a viral or bacterial infection.

If the disease is caused by bacteria, purulent rashes appear, and if the disease is caused by a virus, blisters filled with water appear. Eating sweet and spicy foods aggravates the disease.

Video: Neoplasms on the eyelids

Other reasons

These diseases do not occur on their own, but are provoked by a number of factors:

  • weak immunity;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • constant stress;
  • improper wearing of contact lenses;
  • neglect of hygiene rules;
  • high oily skin;
  • endocrine disorders leading to hormonal imbalances;
  • high oily skin;
  • old age.


Often the balls on the eyelids do not threaten health and disappear without medication. But there are lumps that grow rapidly and spoil vision. Then you need to diagnose and choose the appropriate treatment method for the bumps.

  • To cure a bacterial infection that causes the formation of tubercles, use antibacterial eye ointments (Tetracycline, Ofloxacin, Eubetal) or antibiotic tablets (Ciprolet, Ciprofloxacin).
  • Fish oil supplements are effective against bumps on the eyelids.
  • If the eyelids are painful, the doctor can use a special massage device to increase fat flow from the glands.
  • Pinguecula is treated with lubricating eye drops (Oxial, Artificial tear).
  • Inflammation in the sclera is relieved with drops of corticosteroids (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Prenacid).
  • Large balls on the eyelids are removed surgically. For example, chalazion surgery is performed on an outpatient basis in 10–15 minutes under local anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision in the skin or conjunctiva and then removes the contents of the growth.

Remember: you can only remove the eyeball with the help of a specialist, and not open it yourself.


A ball in the eyelid area is not the worst defect, but it causes discomfort, a cosmetic defect, itching, and redness. So it is better to avoid this phenomenon. Simple recommendations will help with this:

  1. Do not touch your eyes with unwashed hands. Even if a speck gets in, you should not rub the damaged area. It is better to bandage your eye and then consult a doctor.
  2. Do not forget about observing the rules of personal hygiene: use only your own face and body products, and choose cosmetics with hypoallergenic high-quality ingredients.
  3. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits to provide the body with fiber, vitamins, and improve immunity.
  4. Work out in the gym or go for a walk every day.
  5. Temper yourself by rubbing yourself with a wet cold towel and a contrast shower.
  6. Do not start infections that can become chronic.

You should not ignore balls that appear in the eyelid area, since complications from them can harm vision and the body as a whole. It is better not to experiment with your health, but to immediately visit an ophthalmologist and begin treatment.

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The appearance of a small bump on or under the eyelid is a fairly common problem. It can be caused by various factors. What to do if a ball appears under your eye? In this publication we will tell you what diseases such a ball can be a symptom of, and how to get rid of the problem.


In most cases, the ball that appears on the eyelid or under the eye is a common wen (or lipoma). This problem can occur in both men and women, regardless of age.

The appearance of wen in the eye area can be caused by various factors. Among them:

  • metabolic disorders (metabolism) in fatty tissues;
  • unhealthy diet and systematic overeating;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • increased blood sugar levels;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • diseases of the endocrine system or kidneys.

Wen under the skin is a fairly serious cosmetic defect that brings a lot of inconvenience. Sometimes other balls appear next to the lipoma, which do not look aesthetically pleasing. And in advanced cases, wen can cause pain and provoke ingrown eyelashes.

You can fight wen at home, but if traditional medicine turns out to be powerless, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

If you want to get rid of lipoma on your own, then try the following methods:

  1. Apply silver to the ball daily, which helps reduce swelling.
  2. You can dry the wen with iodine, salicylic or boric alcohol.
  3. An oil compress also helps with lipomas. To prepare it, dissolve a little salt in heated vegetable oil. Apply oil to the damaged area daily.

However, these methods may not be effective. In addition, by resorting to traditional medicine you risk introducing an infection into the skin, so if you have a small ball under your eye, it is better to consult a doctor. Today there are 3 reliable and safe ways to remove lipomas:

  1. Surgical removal under local anesthesia.
  2. Puncture-aspiration therapy - squeezing out the contents of the wen with a special medical electric suction.
  3. An injection of a medication that gradually removes the contents of the lipoma.


Barley is an infectious and inflammatory formation that can appear under the eye or on the eyelid. In most cases, inflammation of the hair follicle is caused by streptococcus or staphylococcus. However, sometimes such a disease occurs against the background of a general decrease in immunity and hypovitaminosis or as a result of internal diseases (disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, sinusitis, diabetes).

The disease develops quickly. At first, a small swelling appears under the eye, and over the course of several days the ball increases in size. After 2-3 days, a yellow abscess appears in the center of the tumor.

Treatment of stye on the eye is carried out using conservative methods. Among them:

  1. Treatment of the affected area during the formation of the ball with alcohol products (calendula tincture, ethyl alcohol, salicylic alcohol, iodine).
  2. The use of antibacterial eye drops (Levomycetin, Tsipromed, Floxal).
  3. Use of tetracycline and hydrocortisone ointments.

What to do if a ball (stye) appears under the eye, see the following video:


Chalazion (or hailstone) is a disease that is accompanied by the appearance of a small bump on the eyelid or under the eye due to blockage of the sebaceous gland. Chalazion is very often confused with barley, because their development is accompanied by the same symptoms. However, if in the case of barley an abscess appears on the 4-5th day, then the hailstone remains a dense ball.

Chaladia in most cases develops due to hypothermia of the body. Clogging of the sebaceous gland can also be caused by other eye diseases (for example, blepharitis). Among the causes of haladiasis, a decrease in immunity due to colds and viral diseases is also noted.

In the initial stages of the disease, treatment is carried out at home. Hailstone therapy includes the use of dry compresses and eyelid massage. As inflammation progresses, injections of corticosteroids are prescribed, which resolve the tumor, as well as antibiotic ointments. If conservative treatment fails, surgical intervention is resorted to.


Xanthelasma is a flat, benign, yellow formation that occurs under the eye or on the upper eyelid. Xanthelasma develops against the background of a disorder in the metabolism of fats in the body. This disease affects people suffering from obesity, diabetes, liver cirrhosis and pancreatitis.

Xanthelasma develops slowly and does not cause a person any inconvenience or pain. In addition, even in advanced cases, it cannot turn into a malignant formation. But with all this, xanthelasma is a fairly serious cosmetic defect that requires treatment.

Treatment of the disease is carried out in combination with the restoration of normal fat metabolism. In advanced cases, xanthelasma can be removed surgically using laser, radio waves or cryotherapy.

A boil is a purulent inflammation of the skin or mucous membranes. In the eye area, boils most often appear due to insufficient personal hygiene and improper treatment of microtraumas on the face.

Treatment for a boil is prescribed by a doctor. In most cases, therapy includes the use of antibiotics (dicloxacillin, tetracycline, erythromycin). In some cases, injections of novocaine are prescribed, which reduces pain.

If conservative treatment methods fail, the patient is indicated for surgical intervention. The boil is removed under local anesthesia. After surgery, antibiotics and immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed.


Papilloma is a benign formation caused by the papilloma virus. The papilloma virus is transmitted through sexual contact and household contact.

Papillomas that occur in the eye area look like small ones with a rough surface. The growth does not bother the patient, but it often interferes with blinking and is a serious cosmetic defect.

The main treatment method for papillomas is surgery. Most often, removal is carried out with a laser or liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction).


Thus, a ball under the eye can occur due to a number of reasons. Timely diagnosis will allow it to be eliminated quickly using conservative methods and surgical intervention can be avoided.

A chalazion, or meibomian cyst, is an inflammation of the cartilage of the eyelid, in which the meibomian gland becomes clogged and stops secreting, or a viscous secretion continues to leak, but very slowly. The clogged gland swells, and the resulting ball on the eyelid, fused with cartilage, can be the size of a bean. A chalazion can form in the thickness of the eyelid in just a few hours. In this case, the inflammation is completely painless for the patient and has a benign course with a good prognosis.

Reasons why a chalazion develops on the eyelid

Chalazion occurs quite often, the disease affects people of different genders and ages, but most often it affects young people, since in older patients the sebaceous glands of the eyelid work less intensively. The disease is not hereditary and does not depend on any tendency to inflammation.

Among the reasons why inflammation of the eyelid cartilage and blockage of the meibomian gland can occur are the following:

  • hypothermia and colds;
  • weakening of the body's defenses, especially after previous illnesses;
  • wearing contact lenses;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules in facial care;
  • frequent rubbing of the eyes;
  • transferred stye on the inside of the eyelid.

The appearance of chalazilon can be triggered by the patient having increased oily skin: in this case, the meibomian glands work especially intensively, and increased secretion can cause blockage of the tear outflow.

Features of chalazion manifestations and diagnostic difficulties

Chalazion is manifested by the appearance of a dense ball on the eyelid, similar to a millet grain or a small pebble under the skin. The essence of the phenomenon is that the meibomian gland swells in the thickness of the eyelid, lifts the skin and deforms the eyelid. The formation is fused to the touch with the cartilage, but the skin above it moves easily, and the nodule itself is not at all painful, elastic and dense, and does not move.

In the area of ​​the chalazion, one can observe upon examination a raised conjunctiva, which is thickened and inflamed. Sometimes it is perforated, and the contents of the nodule come out. It happens that the opening of the nodule occurs through the skin. But in any case, after the contents are released, the granulation tissue of the chalazion does not disappear anywhere and grows in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. If the chalazion does not open on its own, it can develop into a thick-walled cyst.

Patients consult a doctor with complaints of redness and swelling of the eyelid, sometimes a large chalazion begins to put pressure on the eyeball. Differential diagnosis should include neoplasms and exclude basal cell carcinoma.

Treatment of chalazion and possible prognosis for the patient

If the chalazion is small in size, absorption therapy with hydrocortisone ointment, disinfectant drops, and injections of steroid drugs has a good effect. A nodule with a diameter of more than 5 mm cannot be treated conservatively and must be removed surgically. The chalazion is excised from the mucous membrane of the eye, the contents of the cyst are scraped out, the cavity is treated with a disinfectant, then an antibacterial ointment is applied behind the eyelid, and a pressure bandage is applied to the eye. If possible, removal is performed along with the capsule, since the chalazion tends to recur. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and does not leave any cosmetic defects, since the incision is made from the inside of the eyelid.

A lump on the eyelid is an unpleasant, dangerous and fairly common pathology. There are many different ophthalmological diseases, the first sign of which may be a lump on the eyelid.

Such a neoplasm can bring not only cosmetic discomfort, but also unpleasant painful sensations. It is important to correctly establish the cause of such a pathology, since treatment should be aimed not only at relieving the symptom, but also at eliminating the cause.

Causes of pathology

If a lump appears inside the upper eyelid, then first of all the cause of this phenomenon should be established. There are many factors that can trigger the development of such a symptom. The most common ones include the following:

Formations such as bumps on the eye on the upper eyelid can be of different types. All neoplasms on the eyelid can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Xanthelasma. In appearance, this formation does not quite look like a lump, it looks more like a plaque. Often occurs during diseases such as diabetes or hypercholesterolemia.
  2. Chalazion. It occurs due to the fact that the sebaceous glands located on the eyelid become clogged. Untimely treatment can lead to the development of inflammatory processes and suppuration.

As soon as you discover a suspicious growth on your eyelid, you should immediately consult a specialist. In this case, you need to consult an ophthalmologist who will examine the upper and lower eyelids.

For the presence of pathology may indicate such signs as the presence of differences between a healthy and diseased eye, local hyperemia, which becomes more noticeable if the eyelid is slightly turned out. The color of the balls on the eyelid can be white or red; this indicator helps determine the type of neoplasm.

The doctor may also order additional tests such as laboratory blood tests, x-rays, and biopsies. Only based on the results obtained can a correct diagnosis be made and effective treatment selected.

Features of therapy

Despite the fact that a lump on the eyelid is not a fatal pathology, it should be treated immediately. If delaying treatment for a long time, the negative impact of the neoplasm on the visual organ increases. Without timely and correct treatment, such a tumor will begin to grow over time, and the pressure on the eyeball will increase.

There are many treatment options for this pathology. However, they should be selected based on the type of formation and the reason that provoked its appearance.

Drug treatment

In the first stages of development of the pathological process, it is possible to use a conservative method of treatment. It consists not only of taking medications, but also physical therapy.

For treatment, the doctor may prescribe one of the following medications:

  • eye drops that have an antibacterial effect;
  • antimicrobial agents;
  • eye drops that prevent the development of the inflammatory process;
  • ointments based on antibiotic components;
  • steroid injections, which help relieve inflammation.

For greater effectiveness, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. Such manipulations include the following:

You should pay attention to the fact that the specific drug and list of manipulations for treatment should be selected by a specialist, based on the patient’s condition. He must also draw up an individual treatment plan.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine can only give a positive effect for the treatment of bumps on the eyelid, which are in the initial stage; for more advanced cases, it is recommended to choose traditional medicine methods.

If a ball appears on your eyelid, and after using folk remedies it still continues to grow, you should consult a specialist. Traditional medicine can be used as additional therapeutic procedures to improve efficiency traditional treatment.

The most common and effective means include the following:

  • warm compresses;
  • compresses using cabbage leaves;
  • aloe juice drops;
  • dill decoction.

To make a warm compress, soak a piece of cloth in warm water. The compress should be applied directly to the affected area. It should be held for 15 minutes.

To normalize blood flow in the area of ​​the visual apparatus, it is recommended to rinse the eyes with clean water. This manipulation should be carried out in the morning and evening.

A compress using cabbage leaves will be no less effective. Egg white should be poured onto it, the whole thing should be wrapped in sterile gauze and placed on the eyelid. To maximize the effect of such manipulation, you should hold the compress for 15-20 minutes.

Aloe juice can be instilled into the affected eye, and then a light massage of the tubercle should be done. With this procedure, the tumor will be cleared of pus faster.

At the initial stages of pathology development, a dill decoction will be effective. To prepare such a folk remedy, you should take a glass of boiling water and pour a little dill into it. The resulting composition needs to be boiled a little, and after cooling, filtered. This product can be used for lotions.

Please note that it is strictly forbidden to pierce the lump yourself, as there is a high risk of infection and the development of other dangerous complications.


This technique is used only if the lump has increased to 5 mm or more. The surgical procedure involves the surgeon cutting the tumor and clearing it of pus.

On average, such an operation lasts from 10 minutes to half an hour. Upon completion of the intervention, a bandage is applied to the eye, which helps prevent bruising and infection.

Modern surgery involves removing the lump using a laser. This method is considered the most effective, bloodless and painless. The recovery period after laser excision is minimal.

Preventive measures

To prevent the appearance of a bump on the eyelid, you should follow simple recommendations. So, prevention is as follows:

  • compliance with eye hygiene rules;
  • normalization of diet;
  • using only high-quality cosmetics;
  • paying special attention to strengthening the immune system.

If an adult or child has a ball on the upper eyelid that grows and hurts, then you should immediately contact a specialist. Do not self-medicate, as lumps on the eyelid can occur for various reasons. Only a specialist can diagnose and select the correct treatment.