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Non-standard ways to attract clients. Rituals to attract clients and customers. stage, how to choose the most effective ways to attract clients

The first thing an entrepreneur thinks about after opening his business is how to find clients? In this article we have collected standard methods, online methods and unusual ways to attract clients from the West.

This selection will help you choose a way to attract customers for a regular store, online store, and service business. These techniques can be used to find clients for realtors, online stores of children's clothing, car washes and any business in general.

Standard Methods

First, let's look at simple ways to attract customers. These techniques are very popular and have already proven themselves very well among marketers.

Some methods at first glance may seem very banal and unworkable, but for each product there is always its own target audience. The same is true when it comes to attracting clients. Some methods are suitable for one business, and some for another.

Method 1: Discounts and promotions

The most important and effective way. To attract a client, it is enough to increase the price by 40%, and a week later reduce it by the same 40% and sell goods under the pretext of generous discounts. People have always loved discounts and promotions, so almost every entrepreneur uses this trick.

In addition to the usual discounts, you can come up with many other interesting promotions: “Two things for the price of one!”, “February 28, 28% discount on all products!”, “Exclusive socks as a gift when purchasing in the amount of 3,000 rubles!” etc.

A time limit on them works well with promotions. For example, “This week only, 50% discount on all down jackets!” The less time a buyer has to think, the more likely it is that he will come to you and buy something on sale.

Method 2: Holiday promotions

Be sure to organize promotions for the holidays. This is especially true for restaurants and bars or some other entertainment places where people can theoretically come to celebrate, for example, a birthday.

You can organize promotions not only for birthdays, but also for some unusual holidays. For example, Doctor's Day is probably celebrated by students of medical universities; upon presentation of their student cards, you can give them some kind of discount and then they will definitely come.

Method 3: Gifts

Who doesn't love gifts? Of course everyone loves them! If you do them more often, then the attitude of buyers towards your business will be more loyal and most likely they will come to you next time.

You can give some souvenirs that they can put in a prominent place in their apartment and constantly remember your store when they see them.

For the New Year, you can give beautiful Christmas tree decorations with the logo of your brand and then you will be remembered every year.

Method 4: Gift Certificates

Not everyone knows what to give to their friends and family, so they give gift certificates. They are a must have in your store.

The person who comes to you to spend their gift certificate may like your store and become a regular customer. And if he likes it, there is a high probability that he will call or at least tell his friends about the store. As a result, a good flow of visitors is created.

Method 5: Acquaintances and friends

The best option to get your first clients is to ask all your acquaintances and friends to talk about your business on social networks. Of course, this is a very simple, but effective method. It can start a chain of word of mouth and as a result you will have real buyers.

A huge plus is that your friends and acquaintances are unlikely to ask you for money to advertise your business.

Method 6: Free Shipping

Those who are thinking about how to attract customers to a small store that has not yet acquired a base of regular customers should simply make free delivery.

You need to inform your buyer about free shipping. You should shout that it is free and that it is generally very profitable. You can come up with such a promotion: “If you order in the amount of 5,000 rubles, delivery is free!” Then if the buyer has 4,800 rubles in his basket, he will definitely buy something else so that delivery will be free.

Method 7: Loyalty cards

An excellent option are loyalty cards. They allow you to attract more customers and make them come to you again and again.

Initially, in your store you put an inflated markup on goods. Then, after the first purchase, register a loyalty card for your client and say that now there is a 10% discount on it and if you reach a purchase amount of 10,000 rubles, the discount will increase to 30%.

As a result, the next time the customer needs to make a purchase, he will immediately remember your store and not some other one. Such cards are not suitable for all businesses. For example, it is perfect for a car wash, because the client needs to wash his car regularly, but it is not suitable for a construction company engaged in the construction of cottages, since people usually do not build more than one cottage.

Method 8: Store Location

As a rule, to attract the attention of buyers to an offline store or business providing some services, it is enough to choose a good passage place.

Open in shopping centers, in the city center, near the metro or in any other crowded place and then you can save a lot of money on attracting customers.

Entrepreneurs who open their own business in their backyard in a residential area very often wonder how to find clients. This is the wrong approach from the start.

Method 9: Thematic location

If you are going to open some kind of offline store, then you need to do this based on the environment.

There are always many businesses built around large universities: shawarma shops with cheap food, stationery stores, businesses that print and bind diplomas. These businesses cater to the audience that walks near the university every day.

Another example, if you are going to open a children's clothing store, then the best location option would be to open next to a children's hospital or next to a children's entertainment center, that is, to open where there are a lot of children with their parents.

Method 10: Employee Uniforms

The uniform concept of employee uniforms makes customers think that everything in the store is arranged as it should. Create a dress code that matches your logo or your brand colors.

In some cosmetics stores, even the makeup of the sales staff is considered a dress code. They are forced to paint their lips bright red.

It is especially important to introduce a dress code in stores. If you have five salespeople and they all wear different clothes, such diversity will cause chaos in the minds of buyers.

Method 11: Music

Buy equipment and make sure that pleasant music is constantly playing in your store. Music is a very powerful marketing tool that affects the functioning of the brain, with its help you can attract customers and make them stay in your store longer.

When selecting tracks, consider the theme and audience of your store. For youth stores, it is worth including modern music that will be familiar to people under 30 years old. For stores whose target audience is older, it is worth playing calmer, relaxing music.

Method 12: Product display

Proper display of goods can also increase store traffic. The showcase that is located by the window must be beautifully decorated so that passers-by will want to come to you. To make it look beautiful in the dark, you can hang it with garlands.

Inside the store, place products that are not selling well or that are about to expire at eye level and within arm's reach. Products placed in such places are sold much more often.

Method 13: Store Layout

Study how customers move around your store. Perhaps some shelving is in the way for them to get to the desired product and they have to go around half the store.

As a result, due to improper layout and walking back and forth, buyers become tired and want to quickly leave you home and lie down on the sofa.

Try to ensure that matching products are as close as possible to each other. An excellent example would be grocery stores; there are always chips or crackers opposite the beer and customers don’t have to go to the other end of the store to get them.

Method 14: Convenience for buyers

Do everything to ensure that customers do not feel inconvenienced when interacting with your business. This technique implies different things depending on the niche.

In online stores, it is very important to make convenient delivery and payment. Make as many different options as possible so that the client can choose exactly the one that would be convenient for him.

Method 15: Be better than your competitors

One of the most effective methods if you want to attract customers is to be better than your competitors. Usually it is because of this that buyers choose where to buy a product. Where they see positive things for themselves they go, but where they don’t see things, they accordingly don’t go.

Analyze your competitors, identify their weaknesses and make them positive aspects of your business. Provide a larger assortment, low prices, beautiful design, or something else.

Method 16: Quality

If you do not want to scare off your customers, then always monitor the quality of the products provided. Poor quality food, clothing or legal services will definitely scare off clients, and they will also tell their friends about how bad things are with you.

Also, monitor the quality in everything: repairs, the appearance of employees, flowers in pots standing on the windowsill. There are no unimportant things that you don’t have to do. Absolutely everything is important to the client and all the disadvantages that he notices in your business will affect his decision to come to you again or not.

Method 17: Word of mouth

This method will help you find clients absolutely free. Word of mouth assumes that your customers will tell their friends about your store, and those will tell their friends, and those will tell their friends, and so on.

It should be noted that unpleasant impressions will spread throughout the city much faster than pleasant ones. And if some auto mechanic from your service forgets to fix the brakes on a client’s car... Believe me, negative reviews spread very quickly and can ruin your business.

Method 18: Holding competitions

This method assumes that you can post information about the competition and attract customers on the Internet or from the street. Competitions can be very different; its focus and topic depends on the niche in which you work.

It is logical that for a children's shoe store, competitions should be appropriate. For example, who can draw a dog faster?

The most important thing to achieve in holding competitions is a large number of people. Someone will bring their friends to the competition, they will learn about your store and in the future they will become not just participants in the competition, but buyers.

Method 19: Catalogs and magazines

Place a display in your store with free catalogs and magazines. Buyers will be able to take them home, study them in detail and return to you in the future to buy some product.

This is especially true for furniture stores. You can also write interesting articles in catalogs, such as “What color of furniture will go with your wallpaper?”, “How to furnish a small room?” and so on.

The downside is that you will have to spend money on producing these magazines. Yes, they will increase loyalty to your brand, but the costs may not be worth it if you want to get customers as quickly as possible.

Method 20: Distributing leaflets

Distributing leaflets is perhaps the most banal way to attract attention, but if you are thinking about how to attract new clients without investing huge amounts of money, then this method is suitable for you.

This method is not suitable for online businesses and for businesses that are not located in a busy area. The higher the traffic, the more leaflets you can distribute and, accordingly, the more visitors you will receive.

Method 21: Flyers in mailboxes

A popular method of attracting new customers is to distribute flyers to mailboxes. This will be especially true for shops or other businesses that are located not far from residential buildings.

While checking their email, potential clients will see your advertisement and may come to you. The only negative in this case is that many consider advertising in mailboxes to be terrible spam. They collect it, don’t read it, and immediately throw it away. Therefore, there will always be some percentage of the budget wasted.

Method 22: Door handle hangers

This technique is very similar to the previous one, but unlike the usual stuffing of leaflets into a mailbox, in this case we make special leaflet hangers that hang on door handles.

This method will be more expensive than the previous one, but a huge advantage will be that many more people will read your advertisement.

Method 23: Cold calling

A very annoying way to find clients, from the clients' point of view. You pick up the phone and call all potential clients without prior arrangement. In some countries, this technique is even prohibited.

I would like to note that cold calling works great if you can offer a potential client better or cheaper products that he really needs.

It is smart to call shop owners and offer them cheaper and better software for their business. It is not at all wise to call people and ask them to buy a smartphone from your store.

Method 24: Business cards

Come up with a beautiful design for your business cards and distribute them. If you open an art school, you can distribute your business cards at the checkout counter at art supply stores. Of course, for this you need to negotiate with the owners of other stores.

This method won't give you dramatic gains, but it works great in the long run.

Method 25: Announcement on poles and stops

If you are looking to attract customers to a new store, then this could be a very good option. Advertisements are placed on special poles or stops and will be seen by a large number of people in any case. Advertising at bus stops is especially noticeable. While waiting for their bus, people from absolute inactivity begin to study the environment around them and your advertisement may catch their eye.

Try to make unusual colored ads so that you can stand out from the crowd and grab people's attention. There is almost no point in printing black and white advertisements. They are boring and people study them very reluctantly.

Method 26: Billboards

Large billboards are usually chosen by large companies that can afford them. Their designers and marketers develop the ad, then print it, rent a billboard, and then hang the ad.

Method 27: Advertising on transport and in transport

Advertising on public transport, for example on trolleybuses, is expensive and is very well remembered by a huge number of people. It will be seen by pedestrians, passengers, other drivers, people from the windows of offices, restaurants and apartments. To do this, you definitely need to hire a designer who will develop a unique and unforgettable design.

Method 28: Newspapers and magazines

Regular newspapers and magazines are becoming less and less popular every year. Accordingly, the effectiveness of advertising in them also decreases, but in any case, someone else uses them and this may be the target audience of your business, so you absolutely cannot reject the option of advertising in newspapers and magazines.

Method 29: TV

This method will certainly find its audience of potential buyers. But due to lack of experience, you may not end up with an attractive video. As a result, it is more profitable to spend the money spent on an advertising campaign somewhere else.

Method 30: Radio

You can also find a potential client on the radio. Here you don’t have to invest in creating a video; you just need to come up with a speech and hire a speaker who will speak it. It should be borne in mind that the main audience of radio listeners are car enthusiasts.

An important detail in radio and television advertising campaigns is that one person must see or hear the same advertisement many times. Only then will it fit well into the brain and the person will remember you when he needs the services you provide.

Online methods

Currently, it is much more profitable to figure out how to find a buyer on the Internet than to use outdated standard methods. A huge advantage of Internet marketing is fast feedback. You can place an ad and get 50 new clients within an hour.

A huge number of people use the Internet, which means that here you will find the target audience for absolutely any business.

Different methods require different investments. In some cases, you need to invest a lot of money, in some, little, and some methods will allow you to get a large flow of clients by investing only your time and effort.

Method 31: Own website

If you are thinking about how to find clients via the Internet, then the first thing you need to do is your own company website. Then you will buy advertising on different platforms on the Internet and direct users to your site.

An important clarification: you don’t just need to order website development, you need to order high-quality website development from professionals. Of course, you can do it for 20,000 rubles, or your neighbor will do it for free, but believe me, such sites will make no sense.

You need a professional design that will attract customers and a professionally developed technical part. A good website will cost you 100,000 rubles.

Method 32: SEO

Once you have developed a good website, you should pay attention to SEO. This is search engine optimization of websites, if done correctly, you will be able to find clients through search engines such as Yandex, Google and others. Your site will be in the first positions in search results, potential buyers will click on them and get to your site.

This method closely overlaps with the previous one. If the site was initially made well, then you will be able to achieve some results in SEO, but if it is poorly done, then perhaps this method will not work at all.

Method 33: Contextual advertising

Have you ever seen that after you searched for something on the Internet, that thing haunted you on other sites? For example, you chose which boat to buy, searched for them on the Internet and then on cooking sites you were offered to buy a boat. It would seem, why do advertisements for boats appear on a website about cooking? This is called contextual advertising, it displays what was once interesting to you or may be interesting to you.

You can use it to attract customers to your business, it costs money and you must have experience in setting up ads. You can find clients using Yandex Direct or Google Adwords - these are the two most popular platforms in Russia for working with contextual advertising.

Method 34: Targeted Advertising

With this tool, you don't have to think about where to find buyers for your online store or offline business. It is enough to know the portrait of the target audience. You configure: gender, age, city, marital status, place of work, interests and other parameters. As a result, advertising will only be shown to your target audience.

Method 35: Teaser advertising

To find clients on the Internet, you can use teaser advertising. This is one of the cheapest options for attracting customers, and it is very difficult to reach the target audience.

An advertising campaign in teaser networks will be successful only when you can collect fairly extensive statistics and understand how to set them up correctly. This will require money and time. In the end, the result may not please you. There is a chance that you will attract too few new customers and your advertising costs will not pay off.

Method 36: Advertising on Social Networks

An excellent way to attract customers is advertising on social networks. You can find clients on Instagram, VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and other social networks.

This is usually done like this. You select the community in which you would like to advertise. The community audience should be interested in your product. For example, a children's clothing store is well advertised in communities for mothers. Then you write to the community administrator that you want to place an advertisement, he sends you a price list and if you are satisfied with everything, you pay and your advertisement is published.

Method 37: Your own page on social networks

Another great option is maintaining company pages on social networks. You can tell interesting stories, communicate with your customers, or post information about new products or promotions.

You need to design your posts beautifully, and you also need to always think about what you write. One wrong post can ruin your company's reputation forever, so in large organizations this is done by an individual or an entire team.

Method 38: Repost competition

A very common method of attracting new customers on the Internet is reposting contests. On your company’s page, you publish a competition post, which users must repost to their page. Their friends will see the repost and may also want to take part in the competition, or simply become interested in your store. After some time, you sum up the results and choose a winner.

The number of followers on your page can grow very quickly if you regularly run such contests.

Method 39: Private messages on social networks

You can independently find clients in contact and write to them in private messages. For example, your organization is recruiting personnel. Visit the job search community and search for entrepreneurs who need employees. Then you offer them your recruitment services.

The only disadvantage of this method is that social networks may think that you are spamming and ban your account. Therefore, under no circumstances should you do this from your main account, and when you establish contact with the client, invite him to continue communicating by phone or in another messenger.

Method 40: Thematic forums

You can also find buyers for an online store or offline business on thematic forums. Of course, forums are dying out and every month their audience is becoming smaller and smaller, because most people go to communicate on social networks.

Promoting your business on forums assumes that you will be active, constantly communicate with users and sometimes insert your advertisements. If you register on the forum and immediately start advertising your business, you will most likely be banned, because other forum residents will not know about you and you will not have a reputation.

Method 41: Advertising on Youtube

Youtube is increasingly becoming a replacement for TV, especially among young people. Here you can find bloggers with your target audience and order advertising from them.

There may be several options:

Method 42: Own YouTube channel

You can not buy advertising from anyone, but simply create your own channel on Youtube and post your videos on it. This is a very complex and expensive method. You will need time to create content and you will also need expensive equipment.

After all your efforts, your videos may not get as many views as you would like, resulting in wasted time and money. This is a very risky tool for attracting customers, but if you manage to create interesting videos that get a large number of views, you can insert advertisements for your company into them.

Method 43: CPA networks

Clients can be found using CPA networks. Such networks work according to the following principle: there is a webmaster, and there is a customer (that is, you and me). We enter into an agreement with CPA networks that we want to receive the services of webmasters. After the contract is signed, thousands of webmasters will advertise your business, but you will have to pay them some percentage of the profits.

This is a very effective method if you want to get new clients as quickly as possible.

Method 44: Buying Leads

This method is similar to the previous one, but the organization is slightly different. There are services for buying and selling leads (applications). Webmasters place advertisements on their own websites and sell leads to such services, and we, in turn, can buy these leads for our business.

Typically, such services sell leads for services: legal services, medicine, construction, etc. For example, you can take a look at a couple of such services: lexprofit.ru, leadia.ru

Method 45: Freelancing

If your business provides some services, then you can try to find your clients on freelance sites. On such sites, the customer and the contractor meet, they discuss terms, working conditions and begin to cooperate.

The more positive reviews there are on your account, the more likely it is that the customer will choose you as a contractor for their project. You should constantly review your order feed and send your proposals as early as possible, because there is a lot of competition among performers in this area.

Method 46: Direct publication of advertising on websites

To quickly find clients, you can find some interesting thematic sites, contact the administration and place your advertisement on their site. Advertising formats can be very diverse:

The most important thing is that the site on which you advertise is visited. Therefore, when choosing a site for placement, be sure to ask administrators to show statistics for their project.

Method 47: Notice boards

If you want to find a buyer for your product, be sure to post it on all possible message boards: Avito, Yandex Market, From Hand to Hand and others.

People very often choose what to buy on such message boards and they can be a great way for you to get new customers. Mostly posting on such boards is free and you will only need time to upload all your products there, but in some cases posting may be paid. Also, you can order promotion of your product and then it will be shown above your competitors.

Method 48: Advertising in smartphone applications

When entrepreneurs think about advertising on the Internet, regular advertising on websites usually comes to mind. But there are also mobile devices. Every year, users are increasingly using them and making purchases through their smartphone.

Method 49: Developing Your Own Application

Companies with their own mobile application always make potential buyers more loyal to them. By developing your own application, you will make the life of your customers much easier, because the application is always more convenient than the mobile version of the site.

The main difficulty in this case is the cost of development. Once you order an already expensive application development, you will have to regularly update it to work on new devices and operating system versions, and all this costs money.

Method 50: Email newsletter

Mailing is one of the most popular methods to attract the attention of old customers, so from the day you founded your company, try to collect the mailboxes of your customers by any means. In the future, you will be able to send information about discounts and new products to them.

Sending emails when the user was not your client and did not leave you their email is usually considered spam. In this case, it is difficult to accurately reach your target audience, so tens of thousands of letters are sent. This method rarely produces good results, so we do not recommend it.

Method 51: Congratulations!

Always try to congratulate your clients on their birthday, new year, beginning of spring or any other holidays. Such mailing reminds of your business and usually does not look like spam in the eyes of users.

Address your clients by name “Egor, Happy Birthday!” and make your newsletters unique. For example, if Egor bought a bucket in your store, you can send him “Egor, Happy Birthday! We hope that our bucket will serve you faithfully!” Such a newsletter will be remembered much more than some template messages.

Unusual methods

In this section we will look at unusual advertising methods to attract customers. Some of them are difficult to implement, some may not bring results for certain niches, but nevertheless, such methods of attracting and retaining customers are very often used.

We'll look at subtle marketing techniques. Some methods will be challenging or even shocking. Be sure to read them, and it’s up to you to decide whether to use them for your business or not.

Method 52: Spells and prayers

Let's start with the most unusual method. Believing entrepreneurs can try spells and prayers to attract customers to the store. A huge advantage is that this technique does not require money or a lot of time.

Unbelieving entrepreneurs, after using all the methods available to them to attract clients, can also try this method.

Method 53: Unusual sign

An original sign will always attract more customers than a regular one. Template inscriptions on a red background have not attracted anyone for a long time. They only catch the eye, but do not make people want to go into the store.

For example, for a fishing store you can make a sign in the form of a huge fish or even a shark. You can go further and place a huge figurine near the entrance to the store. For example, a pet supply store might supply a huge dog. It will definitely attract people's attention and some will even take pictures in front of your store.

Method 54: Unusual office or store design

If you have already come up with an unusual sign, then don’t stop there. The unusual interior design of the room will also attract buyers. And even if some come to you just to look at the interior, still some percentage of them will make a purchase from you or tell their friends about your unusual store.

The main disadvantage in this case is the cost of repairs. Together with design services for concept design, the cost of creating an interesting interior will be very expensive and not many entrepreneurs in Russia do this.

Method 55: Unified Design Concept

Think over a unified brand concept. To understand how this works, just look at large brands like Macdonald’s - their website, pages on social networks, restaurant, uniforms, logo, packaging, mobile application are combined with each other in color scheme and concept.

A unified style always gives a feeling of completeness and there is no chaos in the clients' heads when they encounter you.

Method 56: Logo

Particular attention should be paid to the logo. Try to make it provocative and memorable. Of course, there is no need to go to extremes and draw something too provocative, because this logo will be used absolutely everywhere: on a sign, website, packaging. And if you yourself are ashamed to look at it, then your clients shouldn’t even see it.

If you have no design experience at all, we recommend hiring a professional to create a great logo for you.

Method 57: Themed decorations

Always decorate your store. On New Year's Day, put up a Christmas tree and hang garlands, put up flowers on March 8, and a tank on February 23. This applies not only to offline businesses, but also to online stores. Be sure to change your avatars on social networks before the holidays.

All people give gifts to each other during the holidays, and this technique will allow potential clients to understand that you, just like them, participate in the life of this world. As a result, their loyalty to your brand will increase and they may purchase from you.

Method 58: New unusual technologies

Providing customers with new and innovative technology will make you stand out from your competitors. Let's give simple examples: buying an electric car with Tesla autopilot for a taxi service will absolutely lead to an increase in customers. Even if the customer doesn't need to go anywhere, they will still order a taxi because they just want to ride in a Tesla.

In the future, after people see or use your unusual technologies, they are very likely to become your regular customers.

Method 59: Exclusive Products

Offer your customers exclusive products that no one else has. They can be very expensive and most likely not a single customer will buy them from you, but they will come just to look at them and some percentage of them will make a purchase of another product.

Also, exclusive products create the feeling that the store has a very large assortment and even has something unusual. This technique is suitable for any business, even a butcher shop. You can put some exotic meat on display. People will leave you with a purchased turkey and think about this exotic meat and your store for a long time.

Method 60: Parking

In some niches or cities, car parking is simply a must. For motorists, this can be a critical factor when choosing which store to go to.

If you do not want to lose a certain percentage of potential clients, before renting a premises, think about whether the availability of parking spaces will be important for your target audience or not? Parking is especially important for automotive businesses: car services, car washes, spare parts stores, etc.

Method 61: Pleasant smells

Scent marketing involves the use of special equipment that distributes pleasant odors throughout the room. For each niche, experienced specialists select a specific set of scents.

This tool is very often used by entrepreneurs to attract customers and create a pleasant atmosphere. If you believe the statistics, scent marketing affects the work of the brain, increases the concentration of visitors on purchases and increases the average check.

Method 62: Positive employees

The smile of another person always gives positive emotions. And receiving emotions when purchasing a product has a very good effect on brand loyalty. Therefore, you must make your employees smile at your customers.

Perhaps someone will say that a smile will not be sincere, but this marketing tool really works, so regardless of sincerity, it should be used.

Of course, not every niche needs this. In the funeral service or medical business, it is unlikely that anyone would like to see an employee smile when a client purchases a memorial or learns that he has a serious illness.

Method 63: Advertising on wheels

By renting a truck with a special sound system that is designed to inform passersby, you can attract the attention of the entire city. It’s not every day that cars drive around the city saying that a new store has opened and you should definitely go to it.

In addition to a special sound system, the truck must be beautifully decorated and, of course, there must be an advertising poster on it.

The downside is that in some cities this advertising method is simply prohibited.

Method 64: Be a sponsor

In order to find clients for your business, you can become someone's sponsor. We're not talking about multi-million dollar contracts where your logos are plastered on race cars. We are talking about smaller investments.

You can sponsor some kind of competition, then people participating in it will learn about your business, or you can sponsor famous personalities and give them some things. Another option is to participate in charity events; you will simultaneously help others and raise awareness of your brand.

Method 65: Free Stickers

Print out as many stickers as possible with your store's logo and address and hand them out to your visitors. People love stickers and if they look cute, there's a good chance they'll stick them somewhere.

This method is rarely used in Russia, but has long been widely used in the United States.

Don't limit people in the number of stickers. If one person wants to take 15-25 stickers, then this is quite normal. Just place the jug at the entrance to the store, make a sign informing that the stickers in it are free and anyone can take them.

Method 66: Advertising with public figures

The advantages include wide coverage when purchasing advertising, and the disadvantages are its cost. Many famous personalities do not hesitate to inflate the price. As a result, the budget spent on an advertising campaign may not pay off.

Method 67: Invite famous people to your store

You can not only buy regular advertising from famous personalities on their pages on social networks, but also invite them to your store. Of course, the costs in this case will be much higher, but a large number of visitors will visit your store live.

As a pretext for holding an event, you can organize an autograph session for a musician, or a master class from a famous football player.

Method 68: Provocative Marketing

Provocative advertising campaigns can spark conversations among your potential customers. Some marketers come up with insulting, provocative ads using obscenities, and in some cases this approach works great.

The most important thing in provocative marketing is not to go too far. Otherwise, you may be subject to a huge number of lawsuits from offended people or your competitors.

This tool is unlikely to suit all niches. For example, in the tombstone manufacturing business, you can hardly come up with something like this.

Method 69: Conduct master classes

If your niche allows it, then you should definitely conduct master classes regularly. With their help, you can convert master class participants into buyers. Accordingly, the more people come to your master class, the more buyers you will receive as a result.

This may not be the easiest way to find new clients. You will have to spend a lot of money, time and effort, but nevertheless, this method works great and can show stable results.

Method 70: Participate in exhibitions and conferences

Let's start with a simple example. Are you interested in computer games? If yes, then you probably know about the E3 conference, which is held every year and attracts a huge number of gamers. Also, a large number of game manufacturers come to it and demonstrate their products.

If your niche allows you to do this, then you should definitely participate in exhibitions and conferences. On them you can meet your target audience, communicate and study them.

Method 71: Hold exhibitions and conferences yourself

In addition to speaking as an exhibitor, you can hold exhibitions and conferences to attract buyers on your own.

You can simultaneously make money from holding a conference and advertise your brand well. The main disadvantage of holding conferences is the high costs. You will have to spend a huge amount of effort and time organizing all business processes, as well as a huge amount of money. Usually such conferences are held by large companies that can afford it.

Method 72: Offer drinks

Offer your customers free drinks: tea, coffee or water. This is especially important in the service sector. Even night butterflies offer their clients tea or coffee, and small or large businesses should do this all the more.

Drinking tea can increase customer loyalty and then they will tell their friends about you. As a result, you will have new clients.

Method 73: Motivate employees and customers to refer their friends

A great way to attract new customers is to motivate your employees and customers to refer their friends. You can issue special cards for each client and transfer a percentage of their friends’ purchases to their account.

This scheme works great and has already been time-tested, so we highly recommend using it.

Method 74: Percentage of sales for sellers

You can pay your sales consultants or any other employees who somehow interact with the client a percentage of sales. Due to the fact that how much they earn will depend on them, they will work much more actively.

Practice shows that sellers advertise the product and your store much more actively and generally behave more kindly towards customers.

Method 75: Cooperation with other businesses

Look around, maybe other businesses need your products or services. If you provide truck rental services, you can contact the owners of, for example, grocery stores and offer them rental equipment on more favorable terms.

Even if your business was originally created as a B2C business, there is nothing wrong with making additional profits from B2B.

Method 76: Foreign market

Take a look at foreign markets; it may be much easier for your company to find buyers in another country. This is especially true if you are selling something unusual.

Any business - be it a start-up or a long-running one - needs clientele. It is the end consumer of goods and services that serves as a source of financial resources, which means that it gives your business the opportunity to grow and develop. A lot has already been said about how to attract clients, but such information will never be superfluous. No matter how much marketing research is conducted, questions always remain, for example, why, given equal conditions, the client chooses one of the offers. However, these are special cases; in general, customer preferences can be calculated with a fairly high degree of probability, which is what marketers do within the same company, city or country. There is also international marketing. And all these specialists are looking for an answer to the same question: “How to attract clients?” The accumulated material is very interesting, so today we will study it.

A mysterious creature called "client"

It is very important to have a good idea of ​​who our client is. This is a key concept because it allows you to focus your efforts and direct them towards achieving specific goals. Since it is much easier to attract customers of one target group, we must first figure out in which direction we need to act.

In general, all potential clients are divided into corporate and private. Every company is primarily attracted to citizens of the first category, since they represent an entire segment in the consumer market. It is difficult to get such a client, but the benefits from such transactions are very good. However, you should not focus on large production, because an attentive attitude towards each individual customer can ultimately work into your hands, because he may one day lead an entire corporation with him. Therefore, when discussing how to attract clients, we can confidently say that individuals are the category that is most worth working with.

The most popular ways to get new clients

In fact, private businesses do not always have a team of marketing specialists on staff, so they have to get out of the situation using proven means. At the same time, businessmen often adopt methods to attract customers from their competitors and quickly adapt them to their own needs. We will consider both typical and non-standard methods of winning new consumers of goods or services.


Who among us has not paid attention to such signs? Promotions, sales, discounts - all this attracts the consumer, and he will most likely take an interest in at least the terms offered. If you are looking for a way to quickly attract customers, then you need a bright and well-designed banner in a crowded place. Moreover, the content can be different: a bonus for the procedure received in a beauty salon or lending with preferential terms - it doesn’t matter, the most important thing is that the person receives your message in an accessible form.

It is very important that, by resorting to such a method of stimulating customer activity, the service seller counts on the population’s commitment to “free cheese.” Even if a person does not really need what you offer, he may be interested in the product solely because the conditions seem favorable to him. As a result, he can not only take advantage of the offer himself, but also tell others.

We continue to attract freebie lovers

Indeed, a huge number of advertising gimmicks are connected precisely with this. Marketers play on people’s impulsiveness, and therefore try to make their “web” as attractive as possible. When talking about how you can attract customers, you cannot ignore such a method as planned price reductions. “All seasonal procedures are 40% cheaper”, “The entire range of the outgoing summer is now 60% more affordable!” - these and similar slogans gather customers at tremendous speed.

The principle of providing a discount on a product also works very well. This method always works, regardless of whether we understand market mechanisms or not. This can be seen very clearly when the price tag is 999 rubles or 2990.

Promotions and discounts are rather crude mechanisms; moreover, if business owners are asked how effective the promotion was, they cannot always answer. The product or service has been sold, but not at the original price. Has sales increased enough to cover this difference? It is precisely so that you understand well how to attract profits and customers that today we want to reveal the best ways to attract them.

Increased loyalty

Only the laziest businessman does not use the listed methods, but their effectiveness may vary. Therefore, in order for them to actually work, we recommend that you use the following methods. First of all, it is advisable to limit the validity period of your offer. Such a marketing ploy will make it possible to instill in a potential client the idea that conditions may soon change in a direction unfavorable for him.

The second option is similar to the first, but has some nuances. In this case, the main task is to colorfully describe the advantages of the product (service), and then mention that their quantity is very limited. This could be a VIP collection or a unique offer that is difficult to refuse.

Let's talk a little more about how to attract new clients. Agree, initially a person doesn’t care whether he goes to you or to the company opposite. Offer the first person to purchase a product or service a valuable prize. This does not necessarily have to be a product; a free consultation with an expert (a master class on makeup or appearance care) is perfect.

And finally, you can come up with some kind of souvenir for your first clients. This could be a cosmetic bag, a flashlight keychain with a logo, some companies practice serving sweets and fruits, especially if the visit is timed to coincide with some holiday. It's a small thing, but nice.

Do you want to attract more clients, but don't know how? Come to us, we will reveal to you the secrets of attracting clients!

By popular demand, I want to reveal the secret, how to attract clients!

To date, to attract clients– we came up with a lot of methods and tricks.

The main thing is to try to constantly expand information about your company, about your store, about your salon, so that a large number of people learn about you, and then you can stimulate your customers (make a win-win lottery in your store, make sure people see small savings when purchasing your product, etc.).

All these tricks will definitely attract people to you!

How to attract clients?

Initially, expand information about your brand!

You can use quite common and simple methods in this matter!

They are not very expensive, and for some they may even seem very effective!

So, what do you need to do to get people to know about you?

    Hand out leaflets.

    To begin with, you need to come up with a bright and memorable leaflet design so that a person becomes interested and thinks to himself: “Let me take it, maybe I’ll find something for myself there? What are they offering here?

    Be sure to have all your contacts on your flyer: addresses, contact numbers, interesting information about your product that you are selling, and it would also be nice to come up with some kind of benefit for the client!

    You can hand out leaflets on the street, put them in doors, or put them on tables in supermarkets!

    This is a good way to attract clients!
    People who are interested in your services will not bypass you!

    Post advertisements.

    This is one of the easiest ways to attract clients!

    But, it has quite significant disadvantages!

    First of all, few people look at bulletin boards!

    Secondly, the nature of all the advertisements that hang on the boards is predictable for many; people may think that there, as always, there is an offer to buy real estate, offers for loans.

    Quite often, people have a bad opinion about companies that post information about themselves and their services on boards, poles, and trees.

    If your company has a good name, this method is not for you!

    This is one of the most worthy ways to express yourself!

    You can place attractive information about your product: on Billboards, on trolls, in the media, and advertise on television.

    You also have the opportunity to choose any color and size, as well as type, for your advertising - it can be either a banner or a video.

    Tell about your product through your friends.

    You can ask everyone around you: be it friends, classmates, classmates, various acquaintances, relatives, to tell you about your product!

    This method has good advantages!

    The very first thing is that it is very simple! And secondly, any buyer trusts his environment.

    If, for example, your friend tells you: “Darling, I advise you to go to that handbag store, they have great discounts, a huge selection and reasonable prices! I have never seen such a huge assortment of bags anywhere!”

    After these words from your friend, won’t you want to visit this store?

    Want to attract clients– use this method as an additional option in promoting your name!

    Incentivize your customers.

    I want to tell you one interesting story, you will immediately understand what will be discussed in this paragraph :)

    “My husband and I arrived at a hotel that was located on the ocean to relax. In the evening we decided to go to a cafe. In the very first minutes the waiter came running to us, he asked about our preferences and a few minutes later brought us 2 beautiful cocktails! The most amazing thing is that he didn’t charge us a penny for these cocktails and said: “This is a gift from our establishment for a charming couple.”

    We were pleasantly surprised and of course did not hide our admiration!

    After this incident, we now constantly went to this cafe just to enjoy its atmosphere!

    But this time, for money;)"

    So let's analyze this story now!

    What did the waiter achieve?

    He showed his respect as well as his interest, thus gaining himself regular customers.

    This method is called client stimulation!

    Remember, my dear future businessmen, the buyer is attracted by only one thing - the opportunity to save his money.

    When you evoke this instinct in him, in the future, you can easily manipulate him.

    Most people will choose the product that will be discounted!

    We are all looking for benefits!

    Take note of this!

    Showcase your product.

    How attract clients– show them your product!

    People who travel on trams and subways see every day how sales representatives walk around the cars and perfectly demonstrate to everyone how great the flashlight works and how it can be easily mounted on the ceiling.

    After such a funny sight, people begin to be interested in this product!

    Give the opportunity to taste your product.

    You must give people the opportunity to try your product so that they are eager to buy it!

    If, for example, you are the owner of a sports club, give your clients the opportunity to attend their first swimming or belly dancing lesson for free.

    It is clear that if a client is interested in this service, he will definitely purchase it!

    Schools and beauty salons use this method!

    Buy a coupon.

    Want to attract clients– take advantage of discounts through the purchase of a specific coupon.

    You buy a paper coupon for ridiculous money - and you are given a good discount on some service!

    Discount cards, promotions, sales.

    Your customer saves, and thus you get regular customers!

    Give your customers the opportunity to win a prize.

    This gets people excited and many people like to compete)

    Some service or product is given to the client as a gift, or at a big discount.

    For example, “Order 2 pizzas from us - and the third one - we will deliver it to your home completely free of charge!”

    Let your imagination run wild :)

    Two packs for one price!

    For example, you sell a body scrub at a price of 125 rubles, but for some reason no one buys it, especially since it is already dusty in the warehouse.

    And next to it on the shelf is a cream soap for 25 rubles, which is popular among customers.

    You combine these 2 products into a gift set and set a price of 140 rubles.

    The buyer will immediately think: “Oh, I finally found an economical, and most importantly, wonderful gift! It would be more expensive separately!”

    So you have solved the problem by killing 2 birds with one stone: make a profit and get rid of the “dusty” product!

How to attract clients? A few tricks!

    Pamper your regular customers.

    This applies to restaurants, cafes, various salons, etc.

    Your staff can offer a regular customer a cup of coffee with a piece of candy while he waits in line, or while he walks around and chooses a custom-made kitchen for himself.

    Be sure, he will come to you very often and will also bring his friends to you!

    And this is what we are trying to achieve :)

    Your staff must be polite.

    Remember, no discounts and no bright advertising about your product will make up for the guilt if your staff treats your customers with disrespect and irritation!

    All your achievements, as well as your efforts, can be thrown into the trash! All this will give your business a bad name and bad information will spread about you.

    Try to choose your staff carefully!

    Bright sign.

    Make an attractive sign for your restaurant, beauty salon, store!

    It will be good if it can be seen from afar.

    There is no need to skimp on light bulbs that will beautifully illuminate the name of your business at night.

    Queue at the checkout.

    Many shoppers are very annoyed by the queue at the checkout.

    Try to think through this moment in advance to prevent this from happening!

    The smile of your cashiers + a free gift = will cheer up your customers and they will forget how long they stood to buy this item.

    The smell is important.

    For most customers, the smell in stores is very important.

    It happens that your staff decides to have lunch with a sausage sandwich at work - I assure you - you will lose 30% of customers because of this little thing!

    Don't let this happen!

    Create a separate office for staff so they can have lunch in peace, or use products that neutralize unpleasant odors in a minute.

    In my practice, there was a case when I went shopping and picked out a bag for myself!

    I saw a beautiful sign for one of the stores, which lured me to go in.

    As soon as I entered this store, probably not even 5 seconds passed before I flew out of there like a bullet, and with a cough too!

    There was such a mixed smell of onions, sausage and socks that I couldn’t eat at all for half a day.

    So judge!

    It seems like a nice little store, but because of such a little thing it could lose a real customer!

Want to cheer yourself up?

Be sure to watch this positive video!

Perhaps it will be an impetus for you in promoting your product!

Don’t be stingy, it’s better to try to implement all the methods to promote your name into reality: leaflets, tastings, lotteries, media, discounts!

All your money spent will pay for itself, and the effect of such a powerful promotion complex will be noticeable immediately, and success will not be long in coming.

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Do you have few clients? Low sales? What are you doing to attract them?

If you decide to become an entrepreneur, you must understand that the amount of profit depends on the number of clients in your business. But people will not buy low quality goods and services. Therefore, before you think about attracting potential buyers, take care of the quality of your offer and improving your service system.

You've probably heard about the formula: no clients = no sales = no business = no client acquisition system = no clients. It's a vicious circle.

But let's figure out why it can happen that there are few or no clients at all:

  1. The offer is not relevant or of low quality.
  2. There is no understanding: how to attract, retain and how to work with them.
  3. Wrong target audience. The entrepreneur does not understand who his product/service is for and does not know the desires and needs of his customers.
  4. No control. The owner does not collect data about his advertising campaigns, marketing moves, or the effectiveness of certain tools.
  5. The offer is no different from the actions of competitors.

Many beginning entrepreneurs do not ask themselves the question “Where to get clients?” But this is their big problem. After all, it’s quite easy to figure out what to do. But first you need to figure out whether people need it. How can you develop your business if there is no stable high “flow” of customers? In order to find it, you should take care of the competent one. All entrepreneurs in relation to marketing are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Think that they don't need marketing at all. They are convinced that they can do just fine without it, and they don’t understand why they should spend money on it.
  2. Understand the importance of marketing and try to study its features. They try different possibilities, test them in their business, and this gives them a good flow of clients.

Often new entrepreneurs think: “I will create my own business, my own offer and clients will find themselves.” But time passes, and there are still no buyers. What's the matter? For that To quickly attract new clients, try these few proven strategies:

  • Increase confidence in your offer

Many people are prevented from taking this step by uncertainty: “What if no one needs this? What if your competitors have a better product/service? What place will I occupy in the market?

The truth is that there will always be people who do something better or worse than you. So believe in your idea and don’t be afraid to boldly express it.

  • Think strategically

Once you start a business, you will immediately need clients. So take care of this in advance. Talk to your friends and acquaintances - maybe they know who would benefit from your offer.

  • Make your social media work for you

Many clients find what they need by simply scrolling through the news feed in . Make sure your profile helps you promote your business and is attractive and credible.

  • Don't be afraid of cold calling

Some people want to gain loyal customers right away. But this is not always possible. Often you have to work first before people start talking about you and getting to know you. Many people are embarrassed to try cold calling. But if done correctly, it can be an excellent channel to attract new customers.

IMPORTANT: On June 18, 2018 we are holding a powerful FREE online master class about how to properly set up an automated sales funnel for YOUR business. Create a system that will bring you twice as many conversions automatically!

Everyone who registers will receive a PDF book “Automated Sales Funnel” from Oles Timofeev as a gift!

These techniques will help you at the very beginning of your journey. But what if you have been working in the market for some time? If you have your own audience, but it’s small? You want to develop your business further and make more profit. Then these 7 ways to attract clients just for you:

1. Contextual advertising

The user will see you immediately on the first pages of the search. Where your ad appears does not depend on where you rank in the search results. A very common tool for such advertising is Google Adwords.

2. SMM

In the 21st century, social networks are expanding their range more and more. The daily number of registrations on various sites is simply staggering. Therefore, promoting the offer on these platforms is a good decision. You can do this through advertising, useful posts, interesting photos and competitions. You can sell your product/services directly from social networks, gathering an army of loyal fans of your business.

3. Email-newsletter

Almost every Internet user has email. That's why email newsletter is an effective channel for attracting customers. With its help, you can notify customers about innovations and various promotions. You can send them useful information and offer paid products. Properly constructed marketing makes sales more and more, and customers more and more loyal.

4. Viral marketing

This type of advertising works for you. All that is required is the creation of an original picture, video, audio recording, etc. that could hook the user. In turn, a person, becoming interested, will share this with his friends, and they will share it with theirs... and so on along the chain. This type of marketing works great on social media. Thus, successfully created content will allow you to introduce your offer to those people who have not heard anything about you before. Sometimes people don’t even realize that the material is advertising in nature and go to your website/blog/group.

5. Teaser advertising

A teaser is a small message that is posted with an original picture. For example, if you want to advertise your new line of yogurts, place a teaser ad, say, on information portals.

For example, the message “Have you seen him yet?”, which comes along with an enticing picture, can attract the attention of many users. A simple feeling of interest is triggered, and the person clicks on the advertising link. This is a fairly cheap and effective form of advertising.

6. Targeted advertising

For example, you are looking for boots. We went to where we found exactly what we wanted. We closed it and went on to explore the Internet. And then you see that your shoes are chasing you. They entice you to return to the site. Reminds you that you forgot to make a purchase. This is targeted advertising.


Tell your friends, relatives, and acquaintances about yourself. It is quite possible that one of them will become your first buyer. But even if this does not happen immediately, they may contact you in the future. People make a deal more easily if they know the person. This creates a certain level of trust. In addition, they can tell their friends and acquaintances about you, and they can tell theirs. And among this number of people there will definitely be someone who will be interested in your activities.

Good at first for attracting clients There are various promotions, discounts, gifts for the purchase of goods or services. Or you can offer introductory services to people, e.g. they are inexpensive and help potential clients get to know your company, creating a certain positive opinion in their minds. For example, if you have your own printing house, you can offer all clients to develop a design as a gift. For such a promotion, think about what will make the most impression on you, what you want the client to buy from you in the future, what service you could provide quickly and at no extra cost, etc.

For search clients you can hire sales managers. Direct marketing is an effective way to attract buyers. A good sales manager or sales representative will be able to find you a sufficient number of people who will be interested in your services. Moreover, managers can not only present the company’s products or services, but also conclude deals on the spot, which can be a plus for your business.


  • How to attract new clients easily and simply in 2019
  • how to attract clients to your company in 2019
  • Rituals to attract clients

Attraction clients- a whole science, having comprehended which, you will make your business more successful. Practical knowledge in your field (architecture, cosmetics, fashion) can no longer guarantee you success and prosperity; now it is important to also have the skills to sell your knowledge. Today there are several approaches that can attract new people to your business. clients.


The first approach is based on helping potential clients. Many trainings talk about “conflicting messages.” This is what we tell a potential client does not reflect. You must believe in what you are saying and sincerely want to help the client.

The second approach is “benefit focus.” The essence of this method is to focus your presentations on the benefits that a person can receive from purchasing a product or service. This is very simple to do: 80% of all information coming from you should be, and 20% should be about the detailed characteristics and other details of the product being offered. If you follow this principle, you will attract more clients, and if you are talking only about the characteristics - new clients It may increase, but it will be much less than in the first option.

The fourth step on the path to success is a network of personal contacts. Any accident can result in close cooperation. Go to all kinds of events and make sure that there are as many such casual acquaintances as possible, introduce yourself and tell them what you do. More acquaintances means a higher chance of success.

Don’t forget to use useful information in the right place at the right time.