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Huge male. The largest dog breeds in the world: overview and main characteristics. Central Asian Shepherd - proud and independent

Large dogs can bring a lot of joy to families whose pets they are. Naturally, they, like any other dog breeds, have their pros and cons. The positive side is their wonderful character - large dogs, with proper training, are usually very gentle, loyal and good-natured creatures. They are quite easy to train and do not require much exercise. As for the disadvantages of keeping such dogs, they include quite high food costs, since such large animals require a corresponding amount of food. Perhaps the most distressing factor is that representatives of large breeds most often have a much shorter life expectancy compared to their smaller relatives.
Despite the present disadvantages and the enormous popularity of small dog breeds, many people prefer to have a large dog in their home, which will not only be a faithful and good friend to all family members, but also a reliable protector and guard of the territory.
In this article we will look at the 30 largest dog breeds in the world. In compiling the rating, we primarily took into account the average body weight of dogs of each breed, as well as height at the withers (withers is the place on the spine between the shoulder blades, the highest point of the dog’s body). The top includes dog breeds with an average male weight of at least 40 kg and an average height of at least 60 cm.

30th place: Estrela Shepherd(other name - Portuguese Mountain Shepherd) is the oldest dog breed on the Iberian Peninsula, originally used as a herding dog. The average height of males at the withers is 65–72 cm, weight 40–50 kg, for females the height is 62–69 cm, weight 30–40 kg. In Russia, dogs of this breed are little known, because... rarely found outside of Portugal. Those who want to get a dog of this breed should know that Estrela Shepherd Dogs are completely unadapted to life in the city, but are ideal as hunting dogs.

29th place: - one of the most ancient breeds of European hunting greyhounds, mentions of which were first recorded in Scottish chronicles back in the 16th century. The average weight of males is 40-50 kg, females - 35-43 kg, the minimum height is 75 cm for males and 70 cm for females. Amazing sense of smell and excellent reaction make Deerhounds natural hunters. They are very active, resilient, balanced, love children, are easy to train and easily remember commands.

28th place: Cane Corso(other name - italian mastiff) is a breed from Italy, tracing its roots from dogs used in war by the ancient Romans. Cane Corsos are focused on protection and security. The average height of males is from 64 to 72 cm, weight 45-50 kg. The average height of females is 60-64 cm, weight 40-45 kg.

27th place: Russian greyhound is a breed of hunting dog that dates back to the 17th century. The height at the withers of males is from 75 to 86 cm, females - 68 to 78 cm. Weight is 36-61 kg.

26th place: Dogo Argentino(other name - argentine mastiff) is a hunting dog breed bred in Argentina in the 20s of the 20th century. The average weight of males is 45-65 kg, females 40-55 kg. Average height: males 60-68 cm, females 60-65 cm.

25th place: (another name is large Japanese dog) is a dog breed that arose in the United States after World War II on the basis of the ancient Japanese Akita Inu breed (the famous dog Hachiko belonged to this breed). Americans and Canadians do not consider the American Akita a separate breed, holding the view that the American and Japanese Akita are two varieties of the same Akita breed. Males of the American Akita breed weigh 45-66 kg with a height of 66-71 cm, females weigh 36-54 kg and a height of 61-66 cm. Japanese Akitas are shorter and lighter.

24th place: South Russian Shepherd- a shepherd breed bred by the landowner Falz-Fein (1863-1920) in the south of Ukraine. There is an opinion that the ancestors of this breed were brought from Germany, and the breed itself is identical with the Old German, Old French and Old English Sheepdog (this type of Shepherd almost disappeared in Europe, but in our country, thanks to large-scale sheep breeding, they multiplied as guards against wolves and were preserved). The average height of males is 65–66 cm, females 62–66 cm, the average weight of dogs of both sexes is from 48 to 50 kg. This dog is not suitable for older people and people with poor health, as it requires an active lifestyle.

In the photo - South Russian Shepherd and Fox Terrier

23rd place: - a dog breed originally from the Swiss Alps. The height of males of this breed is 65-72 cm, weight 50-64 kg, the height of females is 60-69 cm, weight 48-54 kg. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is not suitable for living in the city; it needs space, fresh air and exercise.

22nd place: - an ancient French breed of dog belonging to the mastiff group. In the Middle Ages they were used as hunting and fighting dogs, and today they are known for their excellent watchdog qualities and calm, friendly character. The minimum weight of these powerful, muscular animals is 45 kg for females and 52 kg for males. The height at the withers for females varies from 57 to 65 cm, for males - from 60 to 69 cm.

21st place: - a large breed of domestic dog, bred by English gamekeepers in the 19th century for the purpose of protecting estates. The height of bullmastiff males at the withers ranges from 64 to 71 cm, weight - from 50 to 59 kg. Bitches weigh on average from 45 to 54 kg, and their height varies from 61 to 66 cm. Brave, loyal, calm and balanced - this is how the character of bullmastiffs can be described. They are very disciplined, intelligent animals, easy to train and, having an excellent sense of smell, are wonderful bloodhounds.

20th place: - a service dog breed bred in the USSR. The average weight of males is 50-60 kg, height 72-78 cm, for females the following indicators: weight 45-50 kg, height 68-74. This dog is not for sitting on a chain. The Black Russian Terrier requires constant communication with the owner, the family in which he lives.

19th place: – An ancient breed of dog originally from Eastern Anatolia, Turkey, where it is still highly valued as a herding guard dog. The height at the withers, depending on the gender, can range from 71 to 81 cm, weight - from 40 to 65 kg. Kangals are very loyal, obedient, energetic, love children, have a sharp mind and are easy to train.

18th place: - a large breed of shepherd dog, known for its unusual appearance. Its massive body is covered with long white hair, curled into original cords. The average height of males is 70-80 cm, females - 65-70 cm, the weight of the former ranges from 50 to 60 kg, and of the latter - from 40 to 50 kg. Intelligent and balanced, Komondors are used as guard dogs; they are very affectionate and loyal, and easily adapt to life in urban environments.

17th place: - a breed of large working dogs originating from France. For hundreds of years, representatives of this breed were used by shepherds to guard livestock on the steep slopes of the Pyrenees Mountains. These gentle, strong-willed, good-natured and intelligent dogs have a strong physique and an elegant appearance. The height of males ranges from 70-81 cm, weight - 50-54 kg, as for females, their height at the withers is 65-75 cm, and weight is 36-41 kg.

16th place: Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound(other name - I want it) is an ancient breed of dog, common in Buryatia and surrounding areas. According to the breed standard, males must be at least 74 cm, females - at least 66 cm. Weight - from 45 to 70 kg.
Dogs of this breed have long lived at Buddhist monasteries and guarded herds of cattle, camels, and flocks of sheep. The Buryats and Mongols often used these dogs for hunting. Now Khotosho is a guard and guard dog, companion and bodyguard, used in searching for people in emergency situations.

15th place: Caucasian Shepherd Dog- one of the oldest breeds, whose homeland is the Caucasus. Representatives of this breed are characterized by a strong type of constitution and fairly large growth. The height at the withers, depending on the sex of the animal, varies from 64 to 75 cm, and the weight of adult individuals is 45-90 kg. Caucasian Shepherds have a decisive and courageous character and are distrustful of strangers. They are distinguished by their special endurance and undemanding nature, capable of adapting to any climatic conditions.

14th place: Kuvasz- an ancient breed of service dogs of Hungarian origin. In the Middle Ages, their status was so high that only royalty or people close to them were allowed to own a dog of this breed. The weight of males ranges from 48-90 kg, height at withers - 70-76 cm, average weight of females - 34-68 kg, height - 65-70 cm. Kuvasz are strong, brave, loyal dogs that are very easy to keep.

13th place: - a large breed of hunting dogs, which arose as a result of crossing dogs brought by the Celts to Ireland with local baiting dogs. It has the status of one of the tallest dog breeds in the world. According to existing standards, the minimum height should be 79 cm (males) and 71 cm (females), and the minimum weight should be 54.5 kg and 40.5 kg. Despite their impressive size, Irish wolfhounds are by nature very quiet and calm creatures. They are loyal and loving dogs, great with children and relatively easy to train.

12th place: Neapolitan Mastiff (Mastino Napoletano)- a service dog breed that appeared in the south of the Apennine Peninsula in ancient times. Since ancient times they have been used as guard dogs. Neapolitan Mastiffs have a strong, rough type of constitution. The height at the withers for females is 60-74 cm, for males - 65-79 cm. The weight of males ranges from 60 to 70 kg, females - from 50 to 60 kg. In addition to good guarding qualities, representatives of this breed are known for their playful and very friendly character in a home atmosphere.

11th place: (other names - Turkmen wolfhound or Alabai) is an ancient breed of dog, native to the regions of Central Asia. The average height at the withers for males is 70-75 cm, for females - 65-69 cm. Weight can range from 50 to 80 kg for males and from 40 to 65 kg for females. Dogs of this breed do an excellent job as guards and security guards. Although Alabais seem clumsy, slow and very calm, they have an explosive character, excellent reaction and a strong, muscular body.

10th place: - a large breed of dog, bred in 1846 in the German city of Leonberg by crossing St. Bernards, Newfoundlands and Pyrenees Shepherds. The height of males ranges from 72-80 cm, and weight – 54-77 kg. The weight of females is 45-61 kg, the height at the withers is 65-75 cm. The Leonberger is a large and attractive dog type. They have a unique character that has created a reputation as an ideal family dog ​​with a special love for children. Representatives of the breed are characterized as loyal, intelligent, easily trained, sensible dogs with excellent watchdog qualities.

9th place: Moscow watchdog- a large working dog, bred in the 50s of the 20th century in Russia by crossing the following breeds: Caucasian Shepherd Dog, St. Bernard, Russian Piebald Hound. According to breed standards, the preferred height for males is 77-78 cm (minimum height 68 cm), the preferred height for females is 72-73 cm (minimum 66 cm), the minimum weight for males is 60 kg, females - 45 kg. The Moscow Guard is a self-confident, balanced, independent and cooperative dog. It has excellent watchdog and security qualities. These dogs know no fear and never back down.

8th place: Boerboel- a breed of service dogs with excellent guard qualities, bred in South Africa in the 17th century. This is a large, hardy, powerful dog with good reaction and flexibility. The height of males at the withers is 64-70 cm, females - 59-65 cm, the weight of representatives of both sexes ranges from 70 to 90 kg. Boerboels need constant attention and care, which will consist not only of affection, but also of regular training and physical activity.

7th place: Newfoundland (diver) is a popular giant dog breed native to the northeast coast of Canada. They were originally used as working dogs for fishermen. With their webbed feet, water-repellent coat, and natural swimming ability, Newfoundlands are excellent lifeguards. Males usually weigh 60-70 kg, females - 45-55 kg. Some members of the breed have been known to weigh over 90 kg. The largest Newfoundland record holder weighed 120 kg. The height of male representatives ranges from 69-75 cm, and that of females - 63-68 cm. They are known for their gigantic size, enormous strength and extremely affectionate nature. In addition, they have high intelligence and the ability to make independent decisions.

As for enormous strength, this is not an exaggeration: the strongest dog in proportion to its own weight is a Newfoundland named Barbara Allens Dark Hans, weighing 44 kg, which dragged 2289 kg along a concrete surface in Bothell (USA) on July 20, 1979.

6th place: – one of the most ancient breeds, which served in the monasteries of Tibet as a guard dog, and also accompanied nomads in the Himalayan mountains. Height at the withers: males - 66-81 cm, females - 61-71 cm. Weight of males varies from 60 to 82 kg, females - from 40 to 60 kg. The Tibetan Mastiff is a very calm, reserved, obedient dog that combines the ability to guard the home and be a good friend to the family in which it lives. The main distinguishing feature of the breed is its amazing cleanliness (somewhat similar to that of a cat). Interesting fact: a representative of the Tibetan mastiff breed, named Hong Dong, is a breed for which a coal magnate from China paid 1.5 million euros.

5th place: German dog - tallest dog breed in the world. The minimum height at the withers for males is 80 cm, for females - 72 cm, the weight of males can range from 54 to 91 kg, the weight of females is 45-59 kg. The record holder of this breed is a gigantic Great Dane from Michigan named Zeus, whose height is 111.8 cm, and standing on his hind legs, he reaches 2.2 m in height. The giant's weight is 70.3 kg.
These large dogs combine power and nobility, strength and elegance. Great Danes can be described as kind, affectionate, loyal and obedient dogs.

In the photo - the tallest dog (Great Dane) and (Chihuahua)

4th place: - a breed of giant dogs, originally from Aragon, Spain. Representatives of this breed, which appeared in southwestern Europe in the company of Asian traders, were initially used as herding dogs. Pyrenean Mastiffs are very large dogs: the height of males is 77-81 cm, females - 72-75 cm. The average weight is 70-81 kg, although males weighing more than 100 kg can often be found. Pyrenean Mastiffs are known to be exceptionally intelligent and reliable dogs. Due to the remarkable qualities inherent in dogs of this breed, today they are often used as bodyguards and security guards.

3rd place: Saint Bernard is a breed of giant-sized dogs descended from working dogs from the Italian and Swiss Alps, which were originally bred as rescue dogs. These are very strong, large dogs, whose height is 65-80 cm in females and 70-90 cm in males. According to breed standards, the weight of a St. Bernard should be above 80 kg; the most common dogs are over 80 cm tall and weighing over 100 kg. A St. Bernard named Benedictine, who weighed 166.4 kg, went down in history as the heaviest dog. Another A Saint Bernard named Major F. was recognized as the longest dog in the world, its length was 2 meters 59 cm. The calm, sensitive and friendly nature makes St. Bernards ideal companions.

2nd place: - a breed of giant dogs whose homeland is Extremadura, Spain. Initially, the breed was used to protect livestock from wolves and other predators. The height of a male Spanish Mastiff ranges from 77-88 cm, weight - 80-120 kg, the height of a female at the withers is 72-88 cm, weight - 70-100 kg. This noble giant will be a wonderful friend to all family members and a reliable guard at home.

1st place: – an old English breed of dog, which has the status of the largest dog breed in the world. The average height of these giants is 69-91 cm, and weight can vary from 68 to 110 kg for males and from 54 to 91 kg for females. The record holder of this breed is a huge English mastiff named Aikama Zorbo, who was included in the Guinness Book of Records with a height of 94 cm and a weight of 155.58 kg. Aristocratic Mastiffs are known for their power, courage, poise and peacefulness. They cope well with both the role of a guard dog and the role of a companion dog.

Reading time: 14 min.

Crossbreeding of large dogs by breeders allows them to produce ideal pets for guard and security service. There is no optimal scale for determining the largest dog, but there is an opinion that such an animal should weigh at least 45 kg. The height of the dog under such conditions is unimportant, because representatives of individual breeds are tall and thin, or, on the contrary, have a moderate height at the withers, but a strong build. The magazine "Big Rating" presents the category "the largest dogs in the world" in the TOP-11 ranking. It should be understood that in each breed there may be record holders whose parameters may go beyond the criteria of any ratings.

  • other names: alabai, wolfhound, asian, turkmen shepherd dog
  • height at withers: 70-75 cm – males, 65-70 cm – females
  • weight: 55-80 kg – males, 40-65 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 11-15 years

The Central Asian Shepherd is an ancient breed originating from Central Asia. It is quite problematic to describe representatives of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog breed, since these dogs are very different in appearance. Of the nearly 20 variations of this species, most are crossed with each other or even with other breeds. The only thing these dogs have in common is their massiveness. Thus, among representatives of the breed living in Asia, there are specimens weighing up to 90 kg. Outwardly, Asians are practically indistinguishable from other guard dogs, but their physique is lighter and more athletic. Pronounced sexual dimorphism makes it easy to distinguish a male from a female.

Despite the apparent clumsiness and slowness, Asians have an explosive temperament, excellent reactions and a muscular body. These dogs are aggressive exclusively “on duty”, smart, hardy, easy to care for, and loyal to puppies and children.

  • other names: Hungarian Shepherd
  • height at withers: 75-80 cm – males, 65-70 cm – females
  • weight: 50-60 kg – males, 40-50 kg – females

The Hungarian Shepherd is a shepherd and guard dog. Its unique type of wool allows it to easily camouflage itself in a sheep flock. It is difficult to discern a dog in this shepherd dog at first glance; it is an awkward, huge thing, reminiscent of a clump of coarse white wool or a sheep. Because of its dreadlock-like fur, the Komondor appears taller, larger and heavier than it actually is.

In the absence of a potential threat, the Hungarian Shepherd is absolutely calm and balanced, but if it suspects something is wrong and will not hesitate to attack the enemy. The Komondor's attacks are not like those of fighting dogs: it delivers such powerful head blows that the opponent's bones are broken. This is how these shepherds break the backs of wolves attacking sheep herds. Komondors are hardy, courageous, intelligent and loyal to humans. And for those who were interested in the question “how does a dog see through such thick fur?” We answer: great!

  • other names: Irish greyhound, wolfdog
  • height at withers: 79-90 cm males, 71-80 cm females
  • weight: 55-60 kg males, 41-50 kg females

Wolfhounds are the national pride of Ireland and are surrounded by legends. The Irish Wolfhound was bred as a serious guard dog with a steely character. The dogs have a strong, muscular build and are distinguished by ease and swiftness of movement. At one time, Irish wolfhounds, in addition to fighting wolves, were also involved in deer hunting.

Current representatives of the breed are more characterized by a good-natured, calm disposition, shyness and some laziness than by severity and mercilessness. They are ready to lie on the sofa for days and expose the back for stroking. Although the Irish Wolfhound will not make the best watchdog, it will be ideal company for a morning run. Dogs love children and active games with them.

  • other names: Mastino Napoletano, Mastiff Neapolitano
  • height at withers: 67-75 cm – males, 60-68 cm – females
  • weight: 60-75 kg – males, 50-60 kg – females

These majestic dogs trace their pedigree back to ancient times. According to one legend, the Mastino was bred in the southern part of the Apennine Peninsula as guard dogs. According to another version, the Neapolitan mastiff is a descendant of Roman fighting dogs that fought with fighters and were used to bait animals. Dogs of the Mastino breed have a tightly built massive body with a wide chest, short legs and a large head. One sight of a powerful beast will discourage any villain from coveting other people's property.

Despite its impressive size, the modern Mastino Napoletano is a calm creature, infinitely devoted to its owner and loving his children. The dog, like his ancestor, is fearless, distrustful of strangers and terrible in anger. Training Neapolitan Mastiff puppies requires early socialization and does not require training to attack humans.

  • other names: leo, leon, “gentle lion”
  • height at withers: 72-80 cm – males, 65-75 cm – females
  • weight: 54-77 kg – males, 45-61 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 7-8 years

One of the most beautiful breeds, the Leonberger, was bred in Germany in 1840. The goal of the breeder, who crossed a Landseer, a long-haired St. Bernard and a Great Pyrenees dog, was to create a strong and powerful dog that would become a living embodiment of the lion depicted on the Leonberg city coat of arms. The result of the experiment was the appearance of a completely new dog of enormous size, weighing from 60 to 80 kg.

Leonbergers are active and intelligent, balanced and accommodating, obedient and friendly. They make excellent rescuers and children's playmates. Dogs are very attached to their owner and his family, they love, adore and obey them unquestioningly. At the same time, Leonbergs have first-class guard dog abilities.

  • other names: Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Caucasian Wolfhound
  • height at withers: 68-81 cm – males, 64-76 cm – females
  • weight: 50-90 kg – males, 45-76 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 10-12 years

The Caucasian Shepherd is one of the oldest dog breeds, as it was bred in the Caucasus to protect sheep flocks more than 2 thousand years ago. These dogs are, first and foremost, watchdogs. Caucasians have a very thick coat with a dense undercoat, which allows them to spend a lot of time in the cold. The dog has serious makings of a fighter, and given his size (height 70 cm, weight 85 kg) and distrustful attitude towards strangers, he easily turns into a huge furry monster.

Without respect for a dog, instilling in it the skills the owner needs is very problematic, since for centuries Caucasians have had the habit of analyzing the situation and making decisions independently at the genetic level. Caucasians are very smart and willful, so they require a strong hand and responsible training. Shepherd dogs are determined, courageous, resilient and adaptive.

  • other names: diver
  • height at withers: 69-75 cm – males, 63-68 cm – females
  • weight: 70-80 kg – males, 45-60 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 7-10 years

Huge dogs with long hair were originally used in Canada as labor for transporting goods, searching and rescuing people, including from water and fire. An interesting feature of these dogs is the presence of water-repellent fur and webbed paws. Together with a high level of intelligence and innate fearlessness, these factors allow dogs to still successfully work as rescuers.

The Newfoundland is a large and affectionate dog, cheerful and friendly. Dogs are not inclined to show aggression towards representatives of other breeds, animals, children and even strangers. But, although Newfoundlands cannot be watchdogs and bodyguards, they are ideal as a friend and companion dog.

  • other names: Saint Bernard's dog
  • height at withers: 70-90 cm – males, 65-80 cm – females
  • weight: 80-116 kg – males, 80-100 kg females
  • Lifespan: 8-10 years

There are several versions about the origin of the St. Bernard breed. According to the first, their genus descends from the dogs of Roman legionnaires - Dogues de Bordeaux, and the final standard of the breed was formed after crossing with Newfoundlands. The second version recognizes the Tibetan mastiffs as the ancestors of St. Bernards. What is known for certain is that the name of the dogs was given by the Alpine monastery of St. Bernard.

Saint Bernards are large, strong and hardy dogs, which, like their ancestors who lived at the monastery, are used to search for people, protect property and as a companion dog. Dogs can become a first-class children's nanny, protect the owner from attack, and pull a person out of fire or water. Saint Bernards are phlegmatic by nature, therefore they are not prone to mood swings, they are very accommodating, good-natured and love their owner.

  • other names: Tibetan dog, Tsang-hi, Do-hi
  • height at withers: 69-85 cm – males, 61-70 cm – females
  • weight: 60-85 kg – males, 41-60 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 14-16 years

The popularity of the descendants of Tibetan Great Danes continues unabated due to their first-class watchdog qualities. The impressive size of the shaggy beast and its low voice, which it delivers only at the right time, cause fear and apprehension even among the most seasoned burglars. At the same time, additional training for dogs is not required, since the sense of ownership and correct understanding of the zone of protected property is genetically inherent in the Tibetan Mastiff.

These dogs perfectly divide people into “friends” and “strangers”, and this applies not only to members of the owner’s family, but also to other animals living in the protected area. However, it should be remembered that the Tibetan Mastiff is an intelligent dog, but with character, and if it does not agree to obey an order, then it should be persuaded and not punished.

English mastiff

  • other names: mastiff, big pug, Old English mastiff.
  • height at withers: from 75 cm – males, from 70 cm – females
  • weight: 75-160 kg – males, 70-140 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 6-10 years

Many people associate the appearance of English mastiffs with the arrival of Celtic tribes in England. The first data on purebred representatives of the current breed date back to the 15th century, when mentions of them appeared in the literature. Over time, the breed fell out of fashion and shredded, so to restore it, dog breeders resorted to crossing dogs with American and Alpine Mastiffs.

The question of what is the largest dog in the world is subjective for each person, and there is unlikely to be a specific answer to it. Some representatives of large breeds have an impressive body weight, while others have tall stature and developed muscles. But, despite their size, such dogs are calm and non-aggressive; they rarely attack humans.

10 Giant Dog Breeds Around the World

Tibetan mastiff

A representative of a large rare breed of dog has retained almost its original appearance thanks to the Tibetan Plateau. In such natural conditions, only strong and hardy animals survived.

Thick long hair, especially in the collar area, and a powerful, proportional build are the main ones.

These dogs tolerate cold and heat well and stand out in appearance and characteristics even among other giant breeds:

  • weight and height at the withers of an adult male mastiff is 70 kg and the same cm, females – 60-65 kg and 58-61 cm;
  • the head is heavy, wide;
  • a neck with pronounced muscles and a lush collar that resembles a lion's mane;
  • the body is developed, massive, its length exceeds its height;
  • paws are smooth, strong;
  • tail set high;
  • The ears are triangular, medium in size, hanging.

The Mastiff is a devoted protector and guard. His menacing appearance is deceptive: the dog treats all family members equally, does not single out just one owner, is affectionate with children, and loves to play with them.

These huge dogs are sensitive to screams and conflicts: if people dear to them quarrel, they withdraw into themselves and hardly make contact. Such Tibetan giants should be walked regularly and taught to communicate.


The Scottish Deerhound is an ancient but rare breed. Every year, a little more than a hundred of these dogs are exhibited at competitions, and the organizers know the name of each individual. Therefore, it is almost impossible to purchase a puppy in Russia.

One of the versions of their origin is that once upon a time the Vikings had powerful large dogs that hunted with warriors, guarded their homes, and protected them during an attack.

The Deerhound is a huge, long-legged hunting dog with coarse hair.

The appearance is purebred and recognizable:

  • height of an adult male – 76 cm, female – 71 cm, weight – 50-40 kg;
  • a long, powerful and thin sinewy body allows you to run almost on par with a deer;
  • the fur is shaggy and thick; the muzzle, in accordance with the standard, should have distinctive eyebrows, mustaches, and beards;
  • color – mostly gray;
  • The ears are triangular and set high.

Deerhounds are natural hunters with excellent reactions, endurance and activity. But despite their impressive parameters, they have a calm character. Scottish greyhounds very rarely show aggression, almost never bark, and are easy to train.

Such dogs cannot live in a city apartment; they need a large yard area and regular long training sessions.

Scottish Greyhounds love children, but you still need to consider the size and strength of the dog before leaving him with them. You should not send your child to walk the Deerhound on his own: a dog that is carried away by running can easily drag him along and injure him.

The speed that the Scottish greyhound develops when moving in open space reaches 50 km/h. Representatives of this breed are characterized by acute vision, and they see far better than at close range.

Irish Wolfhound

This individual has a strong external resemblance to the Deerhound. But, unlike him, the wolfhound does not have a beard, and he looks prettier. The breed belongs to hunting dogs, to the group of wire-haired greyhounds.

There were legends about the strength and courage of such dogs - for example, that she could easily throw a rider off a horse or go into battle ahead of the entire army. But, despite such impressive legends, these individuals are very kind and trusting of people.

The Irish Greyhound is the largest hunting dog. Height – 80-86 cm, weight for a male dog – 55 kg, for an adult female – from 41 kg. In this case, the dimensions often exceed the values ​​​​specified by the standard.

Combined with this appearance, he is muscular, graceful and graceful. The coat is long, hard, and has almost no specific dog smell. The ears are small, hanging, slightly laid back.

The Irish Wolfhound is one of the most loyal dogs. This animal becomes so attached to its owner that separation from him leads the animal at least to illness. The good-natured nature of this giant dog makes it easy to interact with small children.

The wolfhound is very smart, senses the mood of its owner, distinguishes the intonation of human speech and the meaning of certain words. Therefore, when communicating with this breed, you cannot use rude and offensive epithets, not to mention assault.

Irish greyhounds mature slowly. A one-year-old dog often feels like a puppy and plays equally with small pets.

Wolfhounds are easy to train, which is why they are often used in films. These giants can be seen in the following films: “Pride and Prejudice”, “Robin Hood”, “Mad Max 3”.


These dogs are natural watchdogs; they are difficult to detect with the naked eye among a flock of sheep, and at the same time cannot be confused with a wolf. They are wary of strangers and can become aggressive when threatened. But this does not stop them from playing and having fun as adults.

The owner needs to have good control over the behavior of the Komondor. These animals are wayward and independent, who should not get away with even a little prank.

A good memory is one of the main characteristics of the Hungarian Shepherd. The Komondor recognizes a person with whom it once had contact, even after several years.


The breed got its name from the German city of Leonberg, which means “city of the lion.”

At first glance, the dog impresses with its power and size:

  • The height of a male dog at the withers is up to 80 cm, weight is 75 kg, while males are much larger than females;
  • the wool is soft, thick, with a wide range of standard colors - from light sand to dark red;
  • The main feature of the Leonberger dog is a peculiar black mask on the face, which contrasts well with the red color.

The dog's character is calm, calm and flexible. She is not characterized by aggression or the desire to dominate. She happily obeys her owner and his family members.

The Leonberger especially takes care of babies, protecting and protecting them. But this only applies to adult dogs. Children should not be left alone with puppies of this breed. But a gentle character and patience towards the weak do not in any way affect the watchdog and protective qualities of the dog.

If the owner is in danger, calm and phlegmatic Leonbergers instantly transform into formidable guards with whom it is better not to mess. This breed is the perfect combination of a reliable four-legged protector and a kind, affectionate friend.

Leonbergers are indifferent to loud sounds of any origin and are not afraid of them even without special training. They have an innately stable nervous system and a quick reaction, which helps them quickly switch from a calm state to an attack, and vice versa.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Outwardly resembling a teddy bear, such a dog will always protect its owner and his property. Caucasians are fearless, agile, and aggressive towards unfamiliar people and animals. The main thing is excellent guard skills.

The average weight of representatives of this species is 50 kg. Height ranges from 66 to 75 cm depending on gender. The head is large with a woolly mane, the body is muscular, and the chest is wide. The paws are massive and round, the tail is long and fluffy.

Caucasian Shepherds have good hearing and excellent intuition - they are able to hear even a slight rustle and instantly assess the degree of possible danger. When angry, dogs are scary - when angry, they can cause a lot of wounds and damage to an alleged attacker or rival. The upbringing and training of a Caucasian should be carried out by a person whose leadership is authoritative for him.

The Caucasian Shepherd dog fearlessly fights any opponent. But at the same time, in ordinary life she is often lazy and disobedient - which complicates her training.


The Canadian island of the same name is considered the homeland of these dogs. In Russia, Newfoundlands are often called divers. One of their features is membranes between the fingers. Since ancient times, this dog was considered a rescuer who could swim across considerable distances.

Newfoundland is a huge individual, strongly reminiscent of a bear. He appears clumsy, but is actually agile.

The external characteristics of the breed are as follows:

  • height – 66-71 cm, weight sometimes exceeds 70 kg;
  • the wool is long, thick, hard to the touch and almost does not get wet in water;
  • the skin fits the body well, so there are no folds;
  • the head is heavy, massive with a convex forehead and a developed nape;
  • triangular, slightly rounded ears look small relative to the rest of the body;
  • the eyes are moderately set, their color depends on the color of the coat;
  • the skeleton is well developed, the chest and back are wide and muscular;
  • The tail of a diving dog has a special function - it uses it as a rudder, so it never tugs on it.

Newfoundlands have a surprisingly gentle and docile character. The readiness of this kind, devoted dog to rush to the aid of a person in trouble, even if he is not a family member, is admirable. She treats well not only people, but also other pets.

Moscow watchdog

Many representatives of this species died in the Great Patriotic War, therefore, by special order of the Soviet authorities, the dog was bred in the Russian kennel “Red Star”. Military dog ​​handlers coped well with the task, obtaining a trainable breed with security skills and unpretentious maintenance.

The muzzle is voluminous, slightly upturned with a wide forehead. The ears are triangular and drooping. The color is white-red or white-brown, black markings on the muzzle in the form of symmetrical glasses are required.

The character of the Moscow watchdog is an unusual mixture of opposites. In the family circle, the dog is kind, affectionate, and children love to play with her. But for strangers it is dangerous, since its security and protective qualities are highly developed. Outwardly, the watchdog seems to be a calm, phlegmatic individual, but at the same time it fully lives up to the name of the breed.

These dogs require a responsible approach and attitude towards themselves; their stubbornness is smoothed out by persistent training. You should only take them for walks if you have a leash.

The Moscow guard dog does not bark when attacked - it protects the owner and guards the territory silently.

Saint Bernard

The name of the breed comes from the monastery of St. Bernard in the Alps. In the 17th century, huge dogs helped monks rescue victims of avalanches. A thick skin with warm fur reliably protected the dogs from ice and snow, and an exceptional sense of smell helped them find people.

The head is large with a convex forehead and a wrinkled muzzle. There is a black border around the eyes, lips and a large wide nose are the same color. The ears are small and drooping. The wool forms a warm collar around the neck. The back and paws are wide and strong.

The melancholy appearance of the St. Bernard confuses inexperienced people, causing associations with slowness. In fact, the dog is very smart, she has an instant reaction.

Saint Bernards really need family, attention and communication. They are obedient, affectionate, and not aggressive, but in case of danger for a loved one, they will fight on par with a lion, and they are unlikely to be defeated.

At the same time, such a dog is an excellent furry nanny for a small child, who will even give him rides. She is easy to train at home; her principles are trust and affection.

The famous St. Bernard Barry saved 40 people over 12 years in the 19th century. The most touching was the case of a little boy, whom a strong and brave dog carried for 5 km through deep snow.

Great Dane

This dog breed occupies a leading position in the ranking of the largest individuals. Male Great Danes at the withers reach a height of at least 80 cm and a weight of 70-100 kg. A characteristic feature of dogs of this breed is a rectangular head.

The smooth short coat does not require special care; its color is varied - from solid to spotted. Ears drooping or cropped.

The Great Dane is the most unpretentious among large dogs. All he needs from the procedures is regular bathing, nail trimming, walks and education. The dog is easy to train, but tends to be dominant. Therefore, the owner must immediately show who is in charge in their couple.

Having studied the largest breeds of dogs, you can once again be convinced of the accuracy of the expression: “Appearances are deceiving.” Most of these individuals only seem huge and intimidating, but in fact they are affectionate, kind and cannot stand loneliness.

And pets that look lazy and slow turn out to be agile, despite their size. But this does not mean that such animals do not need to be trained. Otherwise, an irresponsible owner may end up with a naughty and dangerous giant.

In total, there are about 30 particularly large dog breeds in the world, some of them are the heaviest. Dogs of the same breed can differ significantly in height and weight; this is normal, if it does not exceed accepted standards.

Record-breaking dogs from the Guinness Book of Records

The Guinness Book of Records includes several record holders representing the heaviest dogs in the world. All these records are amazing, but some of them have already been broken. Which dog is the heaviest? Representatives of some breeds deserve this title; there are about ten such breeds in total.

One of the record holders whose record is recorded in the Guinness Book is, nicknamed Hercules. The weight of this animal, in 2001, was 128 kg, neck circumference - 96.5 cm.

Among the representatives of the giant breed Newfoundland() a record holder was recorded with a weight of 120 kg, this is the weight of a newborn elephant calf.

The status of the largest dog breed belongs to English Mastiff, they are famous for their power, while they have a very balanced psyche, they are distinguished by their peacefulness. The representative of this breed, which, as a record holder, was included in the Book of Records, was a dog whose nickname was Aikama Zorbo, who lived in Great Britain in 1989, with a recorded weight of 155.58 kg.

Blue Great Dane, whose name is George, is recognized as the heaviest Great Dane in the world, this status was officially assigned to him in 2010, when he was 4 years old, weighed about 100 kg, and his body length was 221 cm.

The heaviest dog

The largest record recorded in the Guinness Book belongs to a heavyweight Saint Bernard, whose name was Benedictine, his weight was 166.4 kg, with all his impressive dimensions, the dog aroused only sympathy, due to his loving character and calm disposition.

When choosing the largest dog breeds, you should take into account the general impression of the appearance of their typical representatives, which combines several parameters - height, bones, muscles, weight. And even in this case, the choice will be very difficult.

The breed, which combines the genes of mastiffs and great Danes, took first place in the ranking thanks to two giants - Aikama Zorba (Great Britain) and Hercules (USA).

Zorba, listed in the Guinness Book of Records in 1989 as the “largest dog in the world,” weighed almost 156 kg with a height of 94 cm, and Hercules (with a meter neck diameter and weight 123 kg) joined the company of record holders in 2001.

In the 11th century, hunters exchanged one mastiff for a pack of 20 hounds and greyhounds - the dog’s fighting skills were so highly valued.

The “reconstruction” of the breed began in 1872, creating the Club of Lovers of the Old English Mastiff (this is a more accurate name for the dogs), and a year later the ancestor of the modern mastiff, Taura, appeared before the public.

Now this is the heaviest breed with impressive dimensions: the average weight of a male is from 75 kg, of a female - from 70 kg.

The second largest dog breed. This fact was confirmed by Zorba’s contemporary - a St. Bernard named Benedict, who made the scales jump to almost 140 kg.

Their ancestors are considered to be Tibetan (according to one version) or Roman fighting mastiffs (according to another). Saint Bernards are not only large, but also powerful dogs: in 1987, an 80-kilogram male moved and dragged a load of 3,000 kg 4.5 m.

Saint Bernards are loyal, friendly and obedient. They are extremely gentle with small children and loyal to adults. There is a minus - they don't like miniature dogs. There is only one way out - raise the puppies together. Another drawback is excessive drooling in the heat.

They live, on average, a short time - about eight years.

German dog

The list of the largest breeds of domestic dogs includes Great Danes and Irish Wolfhounds, which are superior to St. Bernards and Mastiffs not in weight, but in height.

From Arizona (USA), named Giant George, he entered the Book of Records due to his height at the withers (110 cm) and weight (111 kg). The dog died three years ago, a month shy of his eighth birthday.

After the death of George, the record holder's laurels passed to a resident of the state of Michigan - Zeus, who was significantly inferior to the Arizonan in weight, but was one (!) centimeter ahead of him in height.

The blue Great Dane Zeus lived peacefully with his owner's cat, but for long journeys he required a separate minibus. Zeus lived less than George (only five years), going to his canine forefathers in the fall of 2014.

Great Danes are calm and friendly: if they knock you down, take it as a sign of sympathy. Dogs simply do not know how to calculate their strength.

Irish Wolfhound

The breed, which originated from the Irish greyhounds, almost disappeared at the end of the 17th century. But in 1885, the Irish Wolfhound Club appeared, which became concerned with its reconstruction. And 12 years later, the breed was registered by the American Kennel Club.

A sheep at home, a lion on the hunt: this is a characteristic of the Irish Wolfhound, known throughout the world. The dogs supported the hunters by chasing wolves and deer. A modern representative of the breed will become your easy companion during your morning/evening jog.

These are muscular and very tall dogs: males grow up to 79 cm and above, females - up to 71 cm and more. Irish Wolfhounds captivate with their harmonious appearance and peaceful disposition.

A descendant of fighting dogs that fought in the arenas of Ancient Rome. The dogs were known as excellent watchdogs, so they lived in the yards of ordinary people, who almost did not engage in their targeted breeding.

The Mastino Napoletano standard was adopted only in 1949. Now these are dogs of impressive size with a strong skeleton and powerful muscles. Males stretch up to 75 cm (at the withers) with a weight of 70 kg, females - up to 68 cm with a weight of 60 kg.

Mastinos have not lost their guard skills and protect the territory well. Sociable and affectionate to the owner. The second quality can easily develop into jealousy, which will manifest itself as aggression. They do not get along well with other pets, and are not recommended for families with children under 12 years of age.


He is also an Asian, a Turkmen wolfhound or a Central Asian shepherd dog. Dog handlers are confident that this is not only the oldest breed (which arose from 3 to 6 thousand years ago), but also the least spoiled by selection.

An excellent example of a smart, wayward and independent Alabai lives in the Stavropol region. The bulldozer (that's the dog's name) is 12 years old, he has long since retired and, despite the diet, weighs 130 kg. He was recognized as the largest dog in the CIS and confirmed his title with numerous awards and titles.

Asians are kind to their owners, but do not trust strangers. They will protect everything that is dear to their breadwinner to the last drop of blood: home, relatives and children.

Tibetan mastiff

He has a wide muzzle, straight back and well-developed shoulders, as well as tall height (up to 71 cm) and impressive weight - up to 100 kg.

This is not only a selectively large dog, but also the most expensive dog on the planet. In the Celestial Empire, they did not spare $1.5 million for a red Tibetan mastiff puppy.

They are similar in intelligence to Great Danes. These mastiffs are calm and reserved towards both humans and other animals.

In order to unconditionally obey the owner, they require absolute leadership and understanding of dog psychology.

Scottish Deerhound

The middle name is Reindeer Greyhound. This hunting breed appeared in the sixteenth century, but gained official status later - in 1892. The Deerhound is classified as the largest dog due to its considerable height (up to 72 cm) and weight (up to 46 kg).

Dogs have a balanced character: they rarely get angry and almost never bark. They have developed empathy, responding to the owner’s mood. They love and take care of children. A priori, they trust strangers, which makes them practically unsuitable for protection.

They take their name from the island of the same name. In Canada they were considered working dogs, changing their “specialty” in Russia, where they are more often called divers (possibly due to the membranes between their toes).

Cynologists have not yet decided on a single theory of the origin of these majestic dogs with thick (brown/black) fur. One thing is clear - the breed completely lacks the hunting instinct. These dogs are able to inspire respect with their respectable dimensions: males grow up to 71 cm (gaining 68 kg), females - up to 66 cm.

The Newfoundland is not just an intelligent dog: in an emergency, it will make an independent and error-free decision.

Russian greyhound

Until the 17th century, the Russian canine was called the Circassian greyhound, receiving its current name from the “dog” (the wavy, silky coat) that distinguishes the dogs from other greyhounds.

The breed is characterized by high growth (75-86 cm), restrained muscularity, narrow build, and grace. The dog is indispensable for hunting: it sees perfectly, runs quickly (especially over short distances), and smells the animal.

At home, he demonstrates an easy-going character. The favorite dog of painters, poets and sculptors.