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Mouthwash: why you need it, how to choose and use the right mouthwash. Mouth rinse is an effective, safe means for protecting teeth and gums What is included in mouth rinses

Recently, a huge number of dental and oral care products have appeared on the shelves of our stores and pharmacies. Mouth rinses are in consistently high demand. But are they really necessary or is it just a way to capitalize on the trust of citizens?

What is the rinse aid used for?

The American Dental Association states that for normal dental care, getting rid of plaque and preventing caries, it is enough to regularly brush your teeth with a properly selected brush with high-quality toothpaste, and also use dental floss. We are not talking about rinse aids. What then are they intended for?

One of the unpleasant side effects of the mouthwash is that the smell from your mouth often increases significantly after it is stopped.

It is necessary to learn proper dental care from childhood

They are believed to provide additional benefits, such as killing bacteria and freshening breath. Some of them contain extracts of medicinal herbs that have a beneficial effect on the gums and oral cavity. But none of the compositions can replace high-quality brushing of teeth and cleaning of interdental spaces with floss.

Types of rinse aids

All rinses on the market today can be divided into two large groups:

  • hygienic or cosmetic, intended for washing the oral cavity and eliminating unpleasant odors;
  • medicinal, intended to get rid of certain dental diseases.

Therapeutic rinses, in turn, are divided into types depending on their purpose:

  • From dental plaque and gingivitis. Such rinses slow down the growth of bacteria in the mouth. They usually contain antiseptics - chlorhexidine bigluconate or triclosan.
  • From caries. They contain fluoride, which strengthens teeth and thus prevents the development of caries. They are often recommended for people who wear braces.
  • Against tartar. They usually contain calcium citrate and fight plaque formation.

Is there a need to use them? (Video)

Only the attending dentist can give a comprehensive answer to the question of whether it is necessary to use a rinse aid, and if so, which one. If the patient has a specific problem, for example, increased plaque formation, gum disease, or problems with salivation, then a good specialist will help you choose the best remedy. In such cases, a specific medicinal rinse is recommended. Of course, they cannot be used without indications.

As for hygienic or cosmetic rinses, the advisability of their use is very doubtful. Indeed, if you rinse your mouth after eating, it will help cleanse the cavity and reduce the likelihood of developing caries and other diseases. But for this you don’t have to buy an expensive product; you can use plain water, green tea or decoctions of healthy herbs.

Relatively harmless rinses can be prepared at home from medicinal herbs purchased at the pharmacy. For example, you can brew a tablespoon of oak bark in a glass of boiling water and insist, or take a spoonful of mint and sage for the same volume of water.

The hygienic rinses themselves practically do not differ in composition and do not bring a pronounced effect. They mask the unpleasant odor well, but do not treat its causes, so their benefit is insignificant.

In addition, some rinses can even cause harm - for example, staining tooth enamel. Many products contain ethyl alcohol, so they are contraindicated for children. Of course, swallowing such liquids is prohibited, but even during the rinsing process, a small part of ethanol can enter the bloodstream, since it tends to be absorbed from the oral cavity. People with alcohol addiction should not use such drugs.

Only the correct use of rinse aid can be beneficial.

Also, we must not forget that alcohol-containing mouthwashes can destroy germs. This is generally touted as a good property that helps prevent plaque and tartar formation. But at the same time, they destroy the normal microflora in the oral cavity. In addition, such products can cause irritation of the oral mucosa and dryness.

How to use mouthwash correctly

If you still decide to use this product, then you need to remember some rules of use that will help you get all the benefits and minimize the negative effects:

  • It can be used only after brushing your teeth and eating.
  • The duration of rinsing should be at least 40 seconds, it is advisable to increase it to 2 minutes.
  • Be sure to first study the composition of the product and instructions for its use. Some rinses need to be diluted with water before use, others do not.
  • This procedure in no way replaces proper dental care - brushing and flossing.
  • Most products are not recommended for use more than three times a day.
  • They should never be swallowed, especially if they contain alcohol or fluoride.
  • For half an hour after using the rinse aid, you cannot eat or drink anything - this will negate the entire effect.
  • If the mouthwash contains fluoride, then it is better to take the paste with calcium.

People have probably always felt the need to take care of oral hygiene. Descriptions of the technology of brushing teeth are found in the Torah and the Koran, in the writings of Hippocrates and in many other historical sources. Moreover, most often these are descriptions of prototypes of modern toothbrushes. Does this mean that mouthwashes are a modern invention? Not at all! And although the first specific descriptions and recipes for preparing elixirs for rinsing are found in much later sources, due to its accessibility, this method of hygiene was much more widespread than brushing teeth. The compositions of the first mouth rinses were simple. All kinds of decoctions of herbs, flowers, bark, essential oils and much more were used as a rinse.

Types of mouth rinses

The entire variety of mouth rinses on the market can be divided into two main types: hygienic (sometimes also called cosmetic) and medicinal. The first perform mainly one function - refresh. Of course, they also help remove food debris, but they cannot help remove plaque and serious dental diseases. Also among them are whitening mouth rinses, but their effectiveness is questioned by many experts. The composition of cosmetic rinses does not vary much, and they themselves differ little from each other. As for medicinal rinses, they, depending on the active components included in the composition, differ in the direction of action. Among them are the following types:

  • Mouth rinses that fight plaque and gingivitis. Such rinses reduce and slow down the formation of bacteria in the mouth. Due to the antiseptics included in the composition, most often chlorhexidine bigluconate (CURASEPT ADS 205 mouthwash or paroguard chx from Miradent) or triclosan.
  • Anti-caries and strengthening mouth rinses. Such products fight the occurrence of caries and increased sensitivity of teeth due to the content of fluoride, which strengthens teeth (rinse Strengthening and remineralization of tooth enamel from Dofeel and 4-action Mouthwash from Biorepair. Most often, anti-caries rinses are prescribed to people undergoing orthodontic treatment with braces.
  • Whitening rinses that fight the formation of plaque come with active oxygen (whitening rinse GLOBAL WHITE), various extracts and hydroxyapatite (White Shock BlanX rinse).
  • Mouth rinses that fight the formation of tartar. The main component of these rinses is usually calcium citrate.
  • Special balms for irrigators, which are recommended for use by people with problem gums and those who have various types of restorations and dentures.

Who really needs rinses, and who can they harm?

In the question of which mouth rinse to choose and whether you need it at all, as in any other matter related to oral hygiene, it is best to rely on the opinion of your doctor. If you have a specific problem: an increased risk of tooth decay, increased plaque formation, any gum disease, a lack of saliva production, or something similar, your doctor will select the appropriate product for you and give recommendations on how to use mouthwash correctly. Naturally, we will talk about a medicinal rinse.

As for cosmetic, or hygienic, rinses, there is actually no answer to the question of which mouth rinse is the best. As mentioned above, they are not much different from each other, and they do not bring any particular benefit; they even only mask bad breath and do not remove it. However, some of them can be harmful if the manufacturer, in pursuit of profit, did not take care of the quality of the components included.

Some mouth rinses can stain enamel and even cause plaque. The mouthwash may contain alcohol, including ethanol, which can cause serious problems if it enters the body. Even if you do not swallow mouthwash (and you should not swallow any of them, even those containing alcohol), ethanol still enters the blood in microscopic quantities, since it is absorbed in the oral cavity. If you do accidentally swallow a mouthwash, be sure to check its label: if it contains ethanol or fluoride, it is better to consult a doctor. By the way, children under 12 years of age should use mouth rinses strictly under the supervision of adults.

especially useful during the period of wearing braces, when the risk of caries occurrence and development increases.

How to use mouthwash correctly?

So, if you are advised to use mouthwash as an additional means for oral hygiene, then remember a few rules:

  • First of all, study the label and, if possible, still consult with your doctor to determine whether this product is right for you and in what order it should be used - before or after brushing. The fact is that some rinses soften plaque and are therefore more effective before standard brushing, while others have a whitening or refreshing effect and are advisable to use at the end of the hygiene procedure.
  • The standard “portion” for one rinse is about 50 grams (two tablespoons), duration is on average 1 minute. But for medicinal rinses, this time can be increased to 3 minutes.
  • Never swallow mouthwash!
  • It will be useful to use a mouthwash in combination with a dental irrigator.

Mouthwash "Guava and Green Tea" Twin Lotus performs a disinfecting function, freeing the oral cavity from remaining food particles, and also strengthens tooth enamel and reduces gum inflammation. It’s especially nice that its use is not accompanied by dry mouth..

Therapeutic rinses are prescribed by the dentist, explains Yulia Klouda, head of the expert magazine about dentistry Startsmile. They contain medicinal substances and are designed to combat a specific problem, such as bleeding gums or increased plaque formation.

We do not recommend buying such a product without consulting a doctor - instead of the expected benefits, you may simply not get any effect. In the worst case, you will completely worsen the condition of your gums or teeth.

There are also all kinds of whitening rinses. However, do not expect that after using them your teeth will become 3-4 shades whiter. The effect of professional whitening cannot be achieved with a rinse aid, but due to the oxygen and hydroxyapatites it contains, some lightening of the enamel can be achieved. Plus, the product will help strengthen and remineralize it. Just remember: if you have an individual intolerance to hydroxyapatite, such rinses are contraindicated for you.

Therapeutic rinses: types and benefits

There are many rinses with a therapeutic effect, because their scope of application is quite narrow. There are no universal products to solve all oral problems at once.

The first type of rinse aid– those that are designed to combat increased formation of tartar. The latter is hardened plaque that forms both on the surface of the tooth and at its root. Of course, only a dentist can deal with subgingival calculus, but in addition to a toothbrush and toothpaste, a mouthwash can combat supragingival calculus. To do this, it must contain substances that destroy microorganisms and prevent the formation of tartar: calcium citrate, alcohol, chlorhexidine, which improves blood supply to the gums, and neovitin, which relieves inflammation and pain.

The second type of rinse aid helps prevent caries, strengthen enamel and increase mineralization of teeth. When rinsing, such a product must be kept in the mouth for at least two and a half minutes so that all the beneficial substances are absorbed as much as possible. The composition necessarily contains calcium and fluoride. This is exactly the product that orthodontists recommend to those who wear braces: due to difficulties with hygiene during orthodontic treatment, the risk of developing caries increases.

The third type of rinse aid helps patients with bleeding gums and a tendency to develop caries. Such products contain cetylpyridinium chloride, listerine and triclosan - all these substances destroy bacteria and relieve inflammation. And Listerine and triclosan are also effective against plaque and tartar.

Can medicated rinses cause harm?

Each of the substances described above in mouthwashes has side effects.

  • Alcohol, for example, can cause irritation of the mucous membranes and dry mouth.
  • Chlorhexidine is not recommended to be used too often, as it may cause black or brown spots to appear on the teeth, as well as dry mucous membranes and a burning sensation. Moreover, with prolonged use, chlorhexidine causes the opposite reaction - an increase in plaque and tartar.
  • Neovitin and cetylpyridinium chloride should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Calcium citrate can cause allergies in the form of a rash or itching, as well as stomach problems (pain, nausea, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation).
  • Triclosan kills not only harmful but also beneficial bacteria, and with frequent use, some of the pathogenic bacteria become resistant to its action.
  • With an excess of fluoride, fluorosis develops - red or brown spots appear on the enamel, it becomes fragile, and defects in the dental tissue gradually appear.
  • Excess calcium causes nausea, vomiting and constant thirst.

Of course, the content of all these substances in rinses is not so high as to necessarily provoke such side effects, but at the first sign of an allergy you should stop rinsing and contact your dentist.

So should I use it or not?

Mouthwashes are not capable of causing serious harm to health unless they are swallowed. But it is advisable to use them only after thoroughly brushing your teeth with a brush and toothpaste - only they can remove the plaque film through which the beneficial substances in the mouthwash cannot penetrate.

And it’s better to choose products from the same product line: they complement each other, and comprehensive care will help you quickly overcome the problems you are struggling with.

Dear visitors, we welcome you to our website. If you visited this page, it means that you are interested in the topic of our today’s review – mouthwash. Choosing this dental and gum hygiene product is much more difficult than it might seem at first glance. The reason is the lack of knowledge among many people about the composition, effectiveness, and safety of each product that is on the market. Many of them are specialized products for protection against caries, periodontitis, etc.

For daily use

Mouthwash - the choice is not easy. Especially considering the fact that many people have individual intolerance to certain components, and manufacturers are in no hurry to indicate them on the label. They hide them especially cleverly, calling slightly modified versions with a branded name. We have all come across phrases like “super effective new formula” for something more than once. A beautiful name usually hides a long-known compound, which, using simple reactions, has been slightly modified and renamed. Voila! We get a new product with the old composition.

Such situations are far from the worst. Often, specialized medicinal supplements and powerful antiseptics are found in bottles of rinses that the manufacturer recommends for daily use. Many buyers are looking for a suitable mouthwash for every day. But not every product presented on the market and advertised in the media is suitable for these purposes.

In retail chains you can often find products produced by ROKS, Oral B, Colgate and other manufacturers from the CIS, USA, and EU. The question “Which is better?” not entirely appropriate here. They are all different.

You can find “Tooth Elixir” in pharmacies. There are several types:

  • composition 1 – extracts of mint, St. John’s wort and nettle;
  • composition 2 – sage, mint, nettle;
  • composition 3 – calendula, mint, nettle.

It is not advertised on TV, but it quite successfully helps against inflammatory processes in the mouth and prevents the growth of bacteria. Next, we will tell you about other products – well-known and not so well-known. All of them have a number of advantages.

Breath freshening

- a common phenomenon. It even has a scientific name - halitosis. To combat it, only brushing your teeth does not always help. Therefore, you need to have an effective mouth rinse on hand that will remove odor for a long time. Simply freshening your breath is not that difficult. There are menthol sprays, candies, and chewing gums for this. And the paste itself does its job. But achieving a lasting effect is much more difficult.

You need to understand the biochemistry of the odor formation process. For example, the smell of garlic in your mouth cannot be eliminated. Because the substances that create it enter the blood, respiratory tract, etc. But ordinary odors are associated with the activity of bacteria. Within a few hours after brushing your teeth, there are millions of them in your mouth. What to do? Create a protective barrier on the teeth that does not allow it to adhere to the enamel. Drink more water, eat less sweets, use special mouthwashes.

Listerine “Strong Teeth, Healthy Gums” mouth rinse, in addition to its basic protective functions, perfectly refreshes the oral cavity. The taste is minty, slightly sweet. Smell: mint and licorice. There is no “chemical” taste.

The zinc-containing rinse aid “CB-12” performed well. But it has one drawback - the high price. In addition, it contains two powerful antiseptics - triclosan and chlorhexidine. It also contains alcohol and fluoride. Therefore, you should not use it constantly, and this option is not suitable for a child.

To protect and restore enamel

If you have demineralized teeth, you will need a special compound that strengthens the enamel. Fortunately, there is a wide range of such rinses on the market.

  1. One of these rinses is Biorepair “Professional restoration and protection” (Biorepair Plus Professional Collutorio).
  2. L’Angelica Collutorio also has good performance indicators.
  3. Splat Biocalcium is an excellent rinse for restoring enamel.
  4. ApaCare “Liquid Enamel” mouth rinse is a rarer guest on the shelves, but also interesting in its own way.

ApaCare Liquid Enamel Mouthwash


If you want a whitening mouthwash option, there is an inexpensive, high-quality option available on the market. This is Rox black edition. There are many advantages:

  • profitable price;
  • adequate composition without a bunch of harmful compounds;
  • Great for those with braces.

The bottle states that it contains no alcohol, fluorine or dyes. The cap serves as a dispenser. The standard bottle contains 400 ml. Contains 1% peroxide.

Splat “Whitening Plus” performed well. It helps well in the fight against plaque, freshens breath, and also does not contain fluoride (traditionally for this manufacturer). Contains biosol, zinc ions, the patented component Luctatol, which protects against “carious monsters”.

Third on our list is Listerine Expert “Expert Whitening.” The manufacturer promises an effect after two weeks of use. Contains natural essential oils and fluorides. The rinse provides remineralization of tooth enamel, effectively removes plaque, and provides protection for several hours. At the same time, normal flora is preserved.

Crest 3D White “Diamant” and “Multiprotection” are American products that have proven themselves to be excellent. Crest makes a variety of oral care products. The manufacturer is the well-known concern Procter&Gamble.

Video - Comparison of Listerine mouthwash with other manufacturers

Antiseptics in mouthwash

Most often on the market you come across products with, triclosan and their analogues. There are also options such as cetylpyridinium chloride, methyl salicylate, etc. They are certainly effective, but are completely unsuitable for daily use. The fact is that their composition destroys not only harmful flora, but also bacteria in general. Including neutral ones. As a result, dysbacteriosis begins in the mouth and dryness appears. As they say, a holy place is never empty. It is first occupied by pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, such rinses are used symptomatically in the treatment of periodontal diseases. To prevent such diseases, it is better to use herbal remedies. They can be used daily.

The most famous option with chlorhexidine is produced under the Lacalut Aktiv brand. It contains:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • chlorhexidine (0.25% solution);
  • aluminum lactate.

Another analogue is produced by TM Paradontax. In addition to fluoride and chlorhexidine, it contains eugenol. If you are allergic to this substance or its compounds, it is best to avoid using this mouthwash. But as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for gums, it is very good. If you don’t have allergies, but the symptoms of gingivitis are ruining your life, you can use this composition.

Asepta has similar properties. This is a Russian product that contains benzydamine, chlorhexidine and xylitol. It also cannot be used as a daily mouthwash as it will cause dryness and other problems described above. But it is a powerful weapon in the fight against exacerbations of periodontal diseases. Asepta can help you with complex therapy. The duration of the course is no more than two weeks.

Another interesting product with an antiseptic, but without chlorhexidine, is Kolgey t Plax “Comprehensive Protection”. In general, Plax is very popular in the CIS. It is relatively inexpensive, effective, and has a pleasant smell. Well complements preventative cleaning. It contains three key components:

  • potassium citrate (helps combat hypersensitivity with thin enamel);
  • sodium fluoride (to protect enamel from pathogenic bacteria that destroy it);
  • Cetylpyridinium chloride is an antiseptic.

If you have wounds or ulcerative stomatitis in your mouth, you should not use Plax mouthwash. It will slow down the process of eliminating erosions on the mucous membrane.

Another popular product is Glister. It is produced by the famous American corporation Amway. Those same network marketing specialists who have long stopped selling anything and are doing it with the hands of ordinary people. But it’s worth paying tribute to the product itself. It's effective. Another question is that the Amway people themselves position it as “herbal” and “chemical-free.” This is the main lie. It contains cetylpyridinium chloride, just like Colgate. This is an antiseptic that is known to everyone who has ever bought a medicine called Septolete. Therefore, this composition cannot be used often. Or a course of up to two weeks, like all analogues. Otherwise, you will get allergies, dry mouth and dysbiosis. Not at all because Glister is bad. It’s just that no one has canceled biology.

The next option, and a relatively cheap one, is PRESIDENT “Profi”. The packaging says it contains chlorhexidine and xylitol, plus extracts of chamomile, sage and lemon balm. No alcohol, no fluoride. The course can be used for up to three weeks. Including in children over 6 years old.

Rinses with extracts of medicinal plants

If you need an herbal mouthwash, there are several options. The choice depends, first of all, on the budget allocated for the purchase. For example, as an economical solution, you can offer products manufactured under the Forest Balsam brand. Despite the low price, the products of this brand are of very decent quality. Produced by the Kalina concern.

You can also often see advertisements for the “Witch Doctor” rinse from the Shante Beauty brand. The category we need includes “Healer. Healing herbs". It also contains silver ions, which provide an additional antiseptic effect. Perfectly freshens breath, helps against plaque, and does not harm the normal flora in the mouth.

Mouthwash - with or without fluoride?

Debates about whether it is beneficial or harmful have been going on for decades. On the one hand, this substance is dangerous, on the other hand, it helps protect the enamel from microbes. But fluoride does not strengthen it. This is a myth and a common mistake.

To strengthen, calcium compounds are needed, and active ones, capable of remineralizing the surface layers of tooth enamel.

As for fluorides, their use helps create a protective barrier against streptococci, staphylococci and other microorganisms dangerous to teeth. Many people remember Fluorodent products from Soviet times. It had its pros and cons, but on the whole people liked it because it fulfilled its functions. Now these funds are also represented in the markets of the CIS countries and retain their positions.

If you need a fluoride-free option, you should pay attention to the products manufactured by TM Splat. Who might be interested in such options? For example, residents of regions where the fluoride content in water is higher than the national average.

Splat Complete is made on the basis of biosol, polydon and nettle extract. It is made without alcohol. It also does not contain fluorine, chemical antibiotics and antiseptics that cause dysbacteriosis. Therefore, it is exclusively a prophylactic agent with a weak antiseptic effect.

To reduce sensitivity

If your teeth react painfully to hot and cold, it is worth including special ones in your oral hygiene routine to help effectively combat this problem. One such formulation is called Elmex Sensitive Plus from Colgate-Palmolive. It goes well with pastes of a similar type of action. For example, with Lakalut Sensitive and its analogues. The paste should be selected individually, including based on the abrasiveness index. Elmex contains sodium, potassium and fluorine compounds. The good thing about the mouthwash is that after using it, a protective film remains on the teeth for some time.

Speaking of Lakalut. They also have their own LACALUT Sensitive rinse aid. Attention! Contains chlorhexidine. Therefore, it should not be used for daily use.

DIY mouthwash

There are many people who do not trust store-bought products. We have some practical tips for them. You can make an excellent mouthwash without harmful chemicals. For this you will need filtered water and essential oils. Mint is used for a refreshing effect, and tea tree oil is used to protect against microbes. You will need approximately 3-4 drops of each oil per glass of warm water. Such a homemade product can be made at a time. It is economical and requires neither storage conditions nor costs. It is also suitable for a child.

You can also rinse with propolis, including those tinctures that are sold in pharmacies. But keep in mind that alcohol will dry out your mouth. Therefore, it should not be used for daily use.

Video - How to make mouthwash at home

How useful is mouthwash?

The harm depends on the composition. This applies to the amount of fluoride, the percentage of chlorhexidine, etc. Sometimes, in order to eliminate the likelihood of side effects, the manufacturer reduces the concentration of active ingredients. The result is a pacifier with a pleasant smell and taste.

Rinse aids containing alcohol should not be used frequently. Like other antiseptics, it dries out the mouth. As a result, you may experience problems with the mucous membrane.

In the United States there is a world-respected dental association, the ADA, which can indeed approve or disapprove of the next toothpaste or mouthwash. But very few products received this very “yes” from outstanding experts. Neither Colgate, nor Aquafresh, nor Oral Bee have it. They are allowed for sale and recognized as safe, but what is said in the advertisement is a publicity stunt. Are there any rinsers that have this “yes”? There are, but there are very few of them. For example, these are products from Natural Dentist and Tom's of Maine. Have you heard of these? Same thing. Even many dentists in the CIS do not know about them.

There are also natural remedies that have not received approval, but are included in the list of truly high-quality and safe ones:

  • Herbal Choice;
  • Jason Natural Cosmetics;
  • Eco-Dent;
  • Herbal Serenity and others.

Have you read unfamiliar names again? They are quite popular in Europe and the USA. But in our country and other post-Soviet states such goods are very rare.

How to use rinses?

In most cases, the manufacturer writes on the packaging how to use their product. Typically, such products have a measuring cap into which you pour the required amount of liquid from the bottle. It's hard to make a mistake - you won't pour more than you need. No need to dilute in water. Some bottles have a dispenser or are made in the form of a spray, like Glister.

Use in pregnant women

Not all substances are approved for use. It is recommended that you consult your physician before using any product. There may be certain contraindications for you or your unborn child.

It is definitely necessary to use additional products for oral hygiene. Because during this period, gingivitis and caries very often develop. Dental treatment during pregnancy is difficult. After all, many substances that are traditionally used in therapy/anesthesia are dangerous to the fetus or can cause allergic reactions and other unpleasant symptoms.

Purchase, prices

Most of the listed rinses are commercially available. They are sold through pharmacy chains, stores of household chemicals and personal care products, supermarkets, etc. The cost of a bottle of mouthwash in Russia can vary from 100-200 rubles to several thousand. It depends on what is included in the composition, who the manufacturer is, etc. There are products that cannot be found on the open market. These are various specialized formulations sold in all sorts of herbal pharmacies or dental stores. Glister is sold through individual entrepreneurs, like other Amway products. There are also those rinses that you can actually order, except perhaps with delivery from another country. Whether it's worth it in terms of shipping costs is up to each of you to decide.

In stores and pharmacies in Ukraine, the cheapest products are products of the Forest Balsam TM. They cost about 30 hryvnia (about 1 euro) per bottle. Colgate products are slightly more expensive. For a bottle of the same volume they will charge you 50-65 hryvnia. For a European, the amount is ridiculous. But many Ukrainians believe that this is also expensive. We found the glister for 188 hryvnia. And this, believe me, is not the limit.

10 best rinses in Russia:

Elmex - protection against caries. Manufacturer Switzerland400 ml - 1234 rubles
President Classic Plus. Manufacturer Italy250 ml - 260 rubles
Lacalut active. Manufacturer Germany300 ml - 482 rubles
Asepta. Manufacturer Russia150 ml - 241 rubles
Listerine. Manufacturer USA250 ml - 440 rubles
Parodontax. Manufacturer UK300 ml - 300 rubles
Glister from Amway. Manufacturer USA50 ml - 512 rubles
Splat Active. Manufacturer Russia275 ml - 111 rubles
Forest balm. Manufacturer Russia250 ml - 106 rubles
Mexidol dent professional. Manufacturer Russia200 ml - 207 rubles

Mouthwash - summing it up

Of course, it is a useful thing for the oral cavity and will come in handy around the house. Now you know how important it is to read the ingredients, you know how much a bottle costs, how to use it, etc. By the way, you can always read the ingredients on the Internet, and then, having chosen the right one, buy it where they offer an adequate price. It’s good to have two options at once - an everyday one and a more powerful one just in case. The first will provide regular protection, and the second will fight bacteria if inflammation occurs on the gums.

If you often experience gingivitis, a more powerful composition can be used more often or in short courses of 2 or 3 weeks. After such a course, you need a break so that the flora in your mouth returns to normal.

This concludes the review. We hope that the recommendations were useful to you. We promise to continue in the same spirit and look forward to your comments! study at the link.

Video - How to choose a mouthwash

Mouthwash is used to improve oral hygiene. Many manufacturers claim that their mouthwash has an antiseptic effect and eliminates bacterial plaque, gum disease and bad breath.

Is there a need to use rinse aids?

It depends on your needs. According to the American Dental Association, regular brushing with a good toothpaste and good quality dental floss is often enough to remove plaque and prevent tooth decay. At the same time, mouth rinses have a number of additional benefits, including an antiseptic effect and breath freshening. Some rinses contain fluoride for added protection against tooth decay and herbal extracts to protect gums. However, of course, mouthwash of any kind should not be considered a replacement for toothbrush, toothpaste and floss. Patients who have recently undergone periodontal surgery are often additionally prescribed a good therapeutic mouth rinse.

Types of Mouthwashes

Mouth rinses are conventionally divided into cosmetic and therapeutic. Cosmetic rinses:

  • sold without a prescription, usually in supermarkets or general stores;
  • have a pleasant mint taste, freshen your breath;
  • sometimes have some antiseptic effect;
  • have minimal effectiveness against plaque.

Therapeutic rinses:

  • As a rule, they are sold mainly only by prescription in pharmacies;
  • temporarily suppress bad breath;
  • help remove food debris after eating;
  • reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth;
  • freshen breath;
  • contain active ingredients that help protect against certain oral diseases;
  • have a significant antiseptic effect;
  • These products should be used with caution and under the guidance of a professional.

Can mouthwash cause harm?

Some rinses contain quite a lot of alcohol - from 18% to 26%. This may cause a burning sensation on the inside of the cheeks and gums. If swallowed or used in excess, these rinses can cause poisoning, especially in children.

What determines the price of a dental rinse?

  • From his category, of course. Therapeutic (professional) rinses are often more expensive than cosmetic (household) ones.
  • From the fame and authority of the brand. You will pay more for products from a well-known brand.
  • From the country of origin. Foreign mouthwashes are usually more expensive than Ukrainian and Russian ones. Although the latter are not necessarily inferior to them in quality.