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Oriental cat breed. Oriental cat, features and description of the breed Oriental dental care

Having met an Oriental cat in his life, a person does not even suspect what a unique, affectionate and faithful animal he is. At first glance, a thin cat with disproportionately long ears looks ridiculous, but the breed is so kind and friendly that it will not leave any cat breeder indifferent.

In their external parameters and shape, Oriental cats are similar to their Siamese relatives, differing slightly in their coat coloring. This breed of pet gives the impression of a flexible and sophisticated predator.. However, in reality, the body structure of these four-legged apartment dwellers is very strong and muscular, as in the presented photo. The Oriental breed of the cat family loves to play, has an excellent character and is even trainable, remembering several simple commands.

Background to the appearance of the breed

The Oriental cat has a unique grace, inherent only to this breed. The homeland of Orientals is Thailand, from which the breed came to England in the mid-19th century, winning the respect and love of domestic cat breeders. In the Encyclopedia Britannica, whose publication dates back to 1903, there is evidence that among the cats imported to England from Asian countries there were specimens with a solid color.

In the United States, the first representatives of this breed of cats appeared in 1956 and within two years received a certain standardization. The Oriental received full recognition of the breed among American breeders in 1977.. At the same time, the breed took part in the world exhibition, entering the top ten representatives of cats from all over the world.

Today the breed is popular among both domestic and foreign breeders. The Oriental cat, bred by domestic catteries, has absorbed a harmonious appearance, which has turned it into a strong competitor in many international exhibitions.

Features of appearance and color

Based on the standards of Oriental cats, their breed has 40 main colors. Initially the breed developed from representatives with a uniform color– blue, brown, red and purple. Today, the most valuable are oriental cats with a tabby pattern - spots with stripes and marbled patterns that look original on the animal’s short hair. Also popular are pets with complex colors - fawn and cinnamon.

The Oriental cat has the following external distinctive features:

  • The breed has an elongated body shape as in the photo, a refined skeleton and strong muscles.
  • The Oriental's muzzle also has an elongated wedge-shaped shape, pointed at the end. The cat has a long neck and a straight nose. The cat's chin is of medium size and forms straight lines at the end.
  • The animal has asymmetrically large ears, widening near the base and slightly rounded at the ends.
  • She has beautiful, medium-sized eyes, set slightly slantwise, with a slight slope towards the end of her nose.
  • The cat's limbs are very slender, and the hind legs are higher than the front ones. Paw shape, oval.
  • The Oriental is the proud owner of a long and thin tail, tapering towards the end. Moreover, the length of the hair on the tail is much longer than on the cat’s body.
  • Short-haired representatives of the breed have short hair that lies tightly to the body. The long-haired breed has a long coat, without undercoat. Therefore, due to the strong adherence to the body, the fur looks much shorter than in reality.


Oriental cats have many different colors. Breeders have more than 300 different colors of animals. In Thailand - the birthplace of orientals Animals with blue and copper-brown colors are popular. Residents of Bangkok love to keep Himalayan cats at home.

Characteristics of the breed

Oriental cats have three distinctive character traits: immense love for their owner, need for constant communication and good appetite. The animal needs constant communication with people, but even if left alone, it will not meow pitifully.

Orientals have the following character traits:

Given its obvious advantages, friendliness and sociability, the animal is easily offended. This character trait was passed on to the cat from its predecessors.

How to care for Orientals?

Due to the fact that the elegant animal has short hair and almost no undercoat, it practically does not shed. Oriental shorthair cats groom themselves. Occasionally, the pet needs to be wiped with a special rubber glove, which removes dead particles of skin and hair. In the case of long-haired cat breeds, it is recommended to brush your pet no more than once a week.

The Oriental is a clean animal that does not need frequent water treatments. They don't really like water, which is common to all members of the cat family. G Oriental hygiene mainly consists of cleaning the ears and teeth, as well as nail trimming. At the same time, accustoming a pet to such procedures should begin in early childhood. In order for the family pet to be cheerful and active, breeders need to be patient and attentive when preparing for a number of specific procedures.

Feed your four-legged family friend only from a clean bowl. After the cat has eaten the dishes, be sure to wash them. The handsome thoroughbred is used to eating in silence and peace of mind, which must be taken into account when deciding on the location of the animal’s future dining room.

It is important to remember that the Oriental does not tolerate being overfed. It is necessary to maintain proper nutrition so that the animal is always slim and even a little thin, which is inherent in the breed. That's why the portion of one-time feeding should be small, approximately 30 Gy per 1 kg of weight. The Asian predator is fed no more than twice a day. If the animal's diet consists mainly of fresh foods, then it is advisable to give preference to raw meat and fish.

Diseases that pets are susceptible to

Despite all the strength of his health, Oriental cat breed is susceptible to a number of diseases.

  • Gingivitis is a disease caused by an infection that enters the body from dental calculus. The disease is accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the mouth, salivation and the animal’s categorical refusal to eat. To prevent gingivitis, you need to regularly keep your animal's mouth clean.
  • Liver amyloidosis is a disease that belongs to the category of hereditary pathologies.
  • Retinal atrophy is a disease that affects animals of any age. The symptoms of the disease occur unnoticed, and only a qualified veterinarian can identify the disease.
  • Flat chest is a syndrome characteristic of very small kittens. With a mild form of the disease, the kitten may well survive and continue to develop normally.

To avoid the development of various diseases, it is important to monitor changes in your pet’s behavior and visit a veterinarian regularly. Also need to remember that Orientals cannot tolerate drafts. This is due to the fact that the animal does not have an undercoat that can warm it in the cold. Because of this, they are not adapted to life on the street in our latitudes. But with proper care at home, this graceful predator can easily live 17 years.

How to choose the right small kitten?

If a person decides to have an Oriental, he needs to understand that this pleasure is not cheap. Therefore, the choice of an Oriental kitten must be approached with due responsibility. The price of a good-natured predator directly depends on its color and the presence of tribal marriage. Thus, by marriage we mean a hall on the tail or other physical features that interfere with the participation of cats in international exhibitions. But this does not in any way affect the character of the animal.

If you decide to buy a kitten like in the photo, then you need to select a cat older than 3 months. At this age, the kitten already has basic vaccinations and can feed itself. When choosing a pet, you need to pay attention to its ears - in purebred cats they are disproportionately large.

It is better to buy an animal from a nursery, which can guarantee the normal development of the kitten in the future. Plus everything the breeder receives all related documentation for the pet. Also, when contacting a nursery, a person signs an agreement for the purchase of an oriental, which is a guarantee of the seller’s honesty. If the buyer has doubts about the physical condition of the animal, he can contact the nursery owner with a veterinarian who can confirm the health of the oriental.

As you can see, the unique breed of Orientals that came to us from Asia is a very friendly, beautiful, playful and unpretentious animal. Choosing a pet it is important to familiarize yourself with his pedigree and, if possible, look at photos of his parents.

Particularly noteworthy is the distinctive appearance of the green-eyed Oriental cat, which, according to the description of the breed, is also distinguished by its slender build and playful character. It is very close to the Siamese, from which it inherited its elegance. The difference is the absence of a characteristic dark mask on the face. The colors of Orientals are more varied. These cats are distinguished by their gentleness, easy-going nature, and pleasant and musical voice. A striking feature of the breed are its long ears, which look very funny.

History of origin

Translated from English, Oriental cat translates as “oriental cat.” The progenitors are Siamese cats. The first mention of them is found in ancient manuscripts of Thailand. For a long time, the animal was restricted from traveling abroad and remained within the borders of its homeland. Only in the 19th century did Orientals come to the Old World, where they were presented at an exhibition in 1896 in England, then they did not make a splash with their “non-Siamese” color. It was only in the 1970s that breeders decided to breed a cat that would be similar to the Siamese, but with a solid color. The standard was revised in 1974.

What does an Oriental cat breed look like?

The animal has a slender build and long legs. In general, the cat is very similar to the Siamese. The body is muscular, graceful, flexible, long, with light bones. The wedge-shaped head is proportional to it. A striking feature of Orientals is their large and pointed ears. They can be seen from afar. The ears are set wide apart at the base. The edges of the ears continue the line of the head. Almond-shaped eyes are medium in size. Depending on the coat, the color may be green or blue.


Orientals are considered one of the most beautiful cat breeds in the world. They have the royal bearing and flexibility of a panther. Their elongated body has toned muscles and a toned stomach. The body length of an adult reaches about 95 cm, and the height at the withers is 27 cm. The weight of males is about 4-4.7 kg, and females - 2.5-3.5 kg. Most representatives of the breed have a short, silky coat. There is also an Oriental longhaired cat.

WCF breed standard

The Oriental cat is distinguished by particularly refined body lines, which are at the same time very clear. The animal's movements are graceful. Their figure is always fit, and the tendency towards obesity is minimal. The distinctive features of the pet are described by the breed standard:

  1. The head is medium in size with a sharp muzzle, triangular in shape, and the nose is straight. In profile - a long straight line from the forehead to the tip of the nose.
  2. The ears are noticeable from afar, large in relation to the head. The tips are slightly rounded. The line of the ears continues the line of the wedge of the head. They grow in the first three months of the animal's life, so the pet looks like Cheburashka. As they grow older, the size of the ears compares with the body.
  3. The eyes are almond-shaped and green. The blue tint is observed only with white coat color.
  4. The body is elongated, stately, with a graceful neck and strong muscles. The bones are refined, but not petite. The belly is not lean, the tail is thin and long, the front and hind limbs are slender, the first are slightly shorter, the paws are small and round.
  5. The coat can be short or long. A prerequisite is that it must be shiny. The pile fits tightly to the body, like that of a Thai cat.

Basic wool colors

The Oriental cat can be proud of a wide palette of coat colors. There are about 300 of them. This breed is one of the most variable in color. For orientals, almost any color is allowed - plain or multi-colored, with stripes, polka dots, spots. An oriental cat can be of such shades as:

  • chocolate (Havana) - uniform color, in which the nose is brown and the pads on the paws are pink-brown;
  • blue – uniform from the blue tail to the blue shiny nose;
  • fawn - light gray or beige coat, combined with pink pads and nose;
  • red - red fur without dark hairs, nose and paw pads - pink;
  • ebony – black color, one of the most beautiful among Orientals;
  • lavender, or lilac - distinguished by a “frost” coating without blue tints, paw pads and nose - pale lilac;
  • Cinnamon is a light brown shade with pink tip of the nose and pads.

Character traits

The Oriental cat differs from the Siamese in its friendly and trusting character. These creatures are very sophisticated, they are attached to their owner and are sensitive to loneliness. A cat can spend almost all its time next to a person, participating in all his activities. Thanks to their high intelligence, pets remember their owner’s habits well and adapt to them. Kittens are very inquisitive and never sit in one place for a minute. Other distinctive character traits of Orientals:

  1. Trust and friendliness. The four-legged dog becomes attached not only to the owner, but also to the house, and therefore feels discomfort in an unfamiliar place. He can show jealousy towards other animals only if he did not grow up with him from a young age.
  2. Energy and jumping ability. The pet loves to climb on top of cabinets and mezzanines. Don't be surprised if a cat jumps onto the curtain rod and ruins the curtains.
  3. Sociability and talkativeness. The animal loves when people talk to him and even tries to answer his owner. The pet needs constant communication with the owner. Orientals are noisy, so they get their way by meowing loudly. For this reason, you should not get this pet if you like calm animals.
  4. Observation and high intelligence. Thanks to its intelligent character, an animal can, by watching a person, even learn to open and close a door on its own. The pet will always find a way to get into places where they are prohibited from entering.

Oriental cat care

Even with all its exotic appearance, the Oriental cat is not demanding in care. Their unpretentiousness is another reason why the animal has won such love from fans. Even scratching should not be too frequent. You can keep your coat looking beautifully shiny simply by regularly using a rubber glove. Grooming involves examining the ears, eyes and claws.

How to properly care for your ears and eyes

Eyes should be wiped clean of discharge every day. To do this, you can use a cotton pad or soft cloth. It is recommended to carry out the procedure using tea leaves or warm water. Oriental ears do not require special care. Delicate and sensitive skin should be cleaned with cotton swabs soaked in Vaseline, vegetable or special oil. During the procedure you need to be very careful, not to make unnecessary movements or sudden pressure.

Features of hair care

Short-haired representatives are very easy to care for. You need to comb them at least once a week, changing brushes to remove dead hair. The frequency of brushing for long-haired Orietals should be greater so that the hair does not get tangled. There is no need to wash your pet often. In winter you need to bathe as little as possible, and in summer - when dirty, but not more than once a month.

Preventative nail care

At least once a month it is necessary to trim the animal's claws. You need to do this so as not to injure your paws. You cannot cut off more than 2 mm of the length of the claw. For the procedure, it is recommended to use special nippers or sharp scissors. In order for the animal to get used to this procedure, it is worth starting to carry it out regularly from an early age. The best option is to trim one nail every week.

The character of Oriental cats, both small and adult, is particularly energetic, so they need a place not only to relax, but also to play. A ball, mice, fishing rods with bows - this is only part of what such pets might like. Today you can find a variety of devices that will not let your pet get bored and will protect things from the claws of a playful animal.

Place to relax and play

A pet definitely needs its own place, and it should not just be a soft bed. An animal with a playful nature requires various scratching post structures, houses and other play elements. It is recommended to choose these devices immediately in large sizes, so that as they grow older they do not become too small for the cat. The main criteria are convenience and durable material, and it doesn’t matter whether the house is open or closed.

Scratching post and toilet

The choice of scratching posts is very large - free-standing, with a play area or a house, for mounting on the wall. If you want to prevent your cat from damaging your furniture, you should definitely purchase at least one of the listed ones. It is recommended to use a closed toilet so that the animal cannot throw the litter around. Orientals are very smart, so you can try to teach them to relieve themselves even on the toilet. To do this, place the tray next to it, and then gradually increase the level at which the toilet stands. It is then moved onto the seat and then removed completely.

Feeding pets

The four-legged diet must be balanced. It is not worth giving him food that the person himself consumes. This is especially true for sweet, salty, fatty and spicy dishes. Cats fed this way suffer from stomach diseases. For feeding, it is necessary to use premium food, which contains many vitamins and other useful substances. A cat should have 2-3 meals a day. To accustom an animal to a new food, you need to add it a little at a time to the old one until you can completely switch it to the right diet.

Calorie nutrition

The Oriental cat is valued for its slender constitution, so in no case should you overfeed it. The daily caloric intake for an animal should be calculated at the rate of 30 g per 1 kg of body weight. On average, a daily caloric intake of 300 kcal is recommended for a male, and 250 kcal for a female. Kittens need to be fed strictly according to the clock, up to 3-4 times throughout the day. Neutered animals need to be given less food, because they are more prone to obesity.

Inclusion of fats in the diet during natural nutrition

When choosing a diet, you need to pay attention to the amount of fat in your diet. They are necessary to maintain good condition of the four-legged fur. The following natural foods are recommended:

  • boiled meat - rabbit or turkey;
  • scalded raw meat - beef;
  • porridge;
  • sour cream;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese.

Among porridges, you should give preference to wheat, oatmeal, rice and buckwheat. It is not recommended to give your animal river fish. A bunch of small bones in it can damage your pet's esophagus. In addition, it is inevitable that your pet will choke while eating. Oily fish is also a contraindication. It negatively affects the animal's liver. Fish can only be given from the ocean and boiled.

Oriental kittens

The apartment, its inhabitants and the world as a whole - everything should revolve around the oriental kitten. If he doesn’t like something, if he’s sad or, conversely, happy, any of his body movements is accompanied by a loud “meow.” This kitten simply does not know how to remain silent; he will voice almost constantly. At an early age, the Oriental cat especially needs attention, and in its absence it suffers greatly. Another difference is energetic behavior. The kitten loves to run and jump, chase sunbeams and toys. The pet will force a small child to play with it.

Where can I buy

It is better to purchase an animal from trusted breeders. This way, the risk of buying a sick or not purebred animal is minimized. Among the well-known catteries where you can get an Oriental cat are the following:

  1. "JUNGLE" - http://jungle-cats.ru. This is a nursery in Moscow that has been dealing with this breed type since 1995. They have a Siamese Oriental, a Seychelles and a regular representative of this breed. The cats of this cattery participate in various competitions and exhibitions according to the FIFe system. Of all the club members, 6 are holders of the title “JUNIOR WINNER”. Three times the animals of the nursery became winners of the Grand Prix prize.
  2. “Cat Island” - koshkin-ostrov.ru. Located in St. Petersburg. The owners of the nursery will help you choose an oriental. The organization has been breeding since 2006. The cattery's cats take part in various exhibitions and competitions.
  3. “Charming girls” - http://aby-ori.ru. Another Moscow nursery where Abyssinian and Oriental cats are bred. Kittens are sold only with documents and from planned matings. Everyone has an origin story. On the nursery’s website you can get acquainted with the available kittens, study their characteristics, learn more about the breed and the conditions for caring for it.

How much does an Oriental cat cost?

In conditions of great competition among nurseries where Oriental cats are bred, prices may vary slightly. The average cost of a 3-month-old kitten with a pedigree is about 5 thousand rubles. Representatives of the pet class have a higher price - from 10 thousand rubles. A breed-class kitten will cost even more – about 25 thousand rubles. Show class is overpriced - 50 thousand rubles.

Health and hereditary diseases

As an artificially bred breed, the Oriental cat is susceptible to some diseases. For this reason, the pet’s health condition must be constantly monitored. The four-legged animal should not be allowed to be in drafts. Due to the lack of undercoat, they get very cold. Because of this, Orientals are not adapted to life on the street. They are characterized by the following diseases:

  1. Gingivitis. A disease caused by an infection that comes from tartar. Symptoms include bad breath, excessive drooling and refusal to eat. Regular teeth cleaning is recommended as a preventive measure against gingivitis.
  2. Hereditary amyloidosis of the liver. It is a metabolic disorder in this organ. The result is the deposition of a specific protein-polysaccharide complex - amyloid. This causes liver dysfunction, rupture or hemorrhage.
  3. Progressive retinal atrophy. Can develop at any age. Due to its asymptomatic course, the disease can only be detected through a special examination by a veterinarian.
  4. Flat chest syndrome. It is observed only in kittens. A slight deformity gives the kitten a chance to live. With growth, the chest begins to correct itself. If the deformation is severe, the animal may die.
  5. Cardiomyopathy. This is a myocardial disease, which is characterized by the development of stretching of the cavities of the heart. The pathology is classified as incurable. At an early stage, you can only slow down the development of the disease.

The main condition for maintaining the health of a pet is timely vaccination. The first vaccination is indicated at the age of 3 months. Before the procedure, the animal must be treated for worms using special tablets or creams. The doctor checks the pet’s health before vaccination. If the cat is sick, the procedure is postponed until he recovers. Subsequently, the animal is treated for worms every 3 months. If the kitten has become lethargic or changed its behavior, then you should consult a doctor for advice.

How long do oriental cats live?

Oriental cat breed - photo


Having met an Oriental cat, at first glance a person will not even be able to guess about all the advantages of this unique breed. These thin cats with long ears look quite comical, but they are so friendly towards people that hardly anyone will remain indifferent towards them.

The Oriental cat is one of the most sophisticated, graceful and sophisticated representatives of the cat family. The homeland of these cats is Thailand, and they appeared in England at the end of the 19th century, where breeders fell in love. According to the 1903 Encyclopædia Britannica, cats imported from Asia included solid-colored cats.

The first Oriental cat appeared in America in 1956, but the breed was fully recognized only in 1977. At the same time, an exhibition took place and an oriental cat entered the top ten best cats. Recognition of two-color Orientals took place in 1995, and longhaired - in 1997.

Today, even among Russian breeders, Oriental cats are very popular, and the cats that came out of Russian nurseries harmoniously combine appearance and extremeness, and thanks to this they are the strongest competitors at world exhibitions.

Appearance of Orientals and their color

There are more than forty colors of Oriental cats. Initially, the breed had only solid colors and cats were blue, brown and even red and lilac. The most valuable colors are tabby, as stripes, marbling and spots look great on short hair. Fawn and cinnamon colors are also known among oriental cats, but they are considered exotic.

Cats of this breed have a sharp, wedge-shaped head and a long,
slender neck. Their nose is long and level, their ears are large, with rounded tips and wide at the base. They are like a harmonious continuation of the head. The narrow and pointed muzzle has a pronounced chin. It is believed that the lines of the head and ears together should form an equilateral triangle. The medium-sized, almond-shaped eyes are set askew, but not strabismus. The color should be a deep shade of green for all cats except white cats - they may have green, blue, or mixed-colored eyes.

The body of Oriental cats is muscular, long, slender, and the skeleton is thin. Their hips should be wider than their shoulders. The legs are long and graceful, proportional to the body, with the front legs being shorter than the hind legs. The tail is very long, tapering towards the tip.

Shorthaired Orientals have fur that fits tightly to the body, is shiny and fine, with virtually no undercoat. Longhaired Orientals have a hair structure similar to that of shorthaired Orientals, only longer. Colors come in a variety of colors, but chocolate and black are the most common.

Oriental breed animals are generally medium in size, with female cats being larger than female cats.

Breed photo

Character of Orientals

Oriental cats differ from other representatives of the cat family in that they love people, chatting and eating. They require constant communication, but if left alone in the apartment, they will not scream or bother the neighbors. For owners of Orientals who are in love with this breed, such talkativeness does not bother one bit, because it is an integral part of the cat’s oriental character.

Oriental cats do not tolerate loneliness well and love to travel. Tactile contact is something that is vital for them. People who already have animals of this breed confirm the information about the tendency of cats to closely communicate with people. When the owner is at home, the cat will not get off his hands.

At the same time, Oriental cats are very sociable and playful. If no attention is paid to them, then the cats will begin to attract attention to themselves - not just by purring, but also by persistent meowing. They have melodious voices and are capable of producing a thousand sound tones. Cats of this breed are trusting, open to communication and flexible. They can
train, and they are happy to bring different toys and objects during games.

Orientals love to eat and this is one of their character traits. Although outwardly they are very slender, graceful and elegant, but in fact they can be called gluttons. They are always ready to eat, constantly ask for more and can steal something from the table. But if the owner indulges his pet and overfeeds it, this can lead to bad consequences - the cat may gain excess weight, and on top of that, he may develop serious heart problems.

Orientals treat children well, as well as other animals living in the same house as them. These animals are very active, love to play, and even in adulthood they retain this playfulness and activity. They have this for life. Both a small kitten and an adult cat will run after the ball with equal pleasure. Having decided to buy an Oriental kitten, it is important to know that he will be a real restless and restless companion. These cats have a very melodious voice, and they like to carry on a conversation with a person. They choose only one person as their owner, to whom they give all their attention and can accompany him everywhere.

Health of Orientals

Breeders all over the world have been attracted to Orientals not only by their original appearance, but also by their fairly good health. These cats do not have any specific diseases. They can live for a very long time, but with proper care, a balanced diet and proper maintenance. And yet, Orientals still have a couple of health problems. We are talking about flat chest syndrome and retinal atrophy.

The first disease is genetic, leading to chest deformation
cells. Its development occurs only in kittens at an early age, because of this the likelihood of death becomes higher. This deformation prevents the full opening of the lungs and the development of the respiratory system; the kitten cannot take full breaths, and as a result, oxygen starvation begins. If the disease is mild, the kitten can still be saved. There is a possibility that the kitten’s chest will expand during growth, but for this to happen, it must go through two periods of crisis - ten days and three weeks of its life.

The breeder or the owner himself can help the kitten. First, you need to minimize the stress on his chest. To do this, take bolsters or pillows and try to hold the kitten not on its stomach, but on its side. Secondly, every 3 hours during the day, conduct a physiotherapy session - a light chest massage. Breeder
and for such purposes they use corsets, which they make themselves. The severity of the deformation can only be accurately determined using x-rays.

The second disease is hereditary; it causes destruction of retinal cells and, as a result, the oriental may become partially or even completely blind. The disease can begin at any age. There are no clear signs of the disease, so there is no way to understand on your own that the animal is sick. If only examined at a veterinary clinic. But even if the disease is detected at an early stage, it is not possible to cure the cat completely.

Orientals are genetically closely related to the Siamese cat, and because of this they are at risk for developing dental disease, asthma, and upper respiratory tract diseases.

Rules of care

Orientals can be confidently called homebodies, since they do not need walks at all. But on the contrary, they really need to communicate with a person. Therefore, people who are at work all the time and come home only to spend the night should give up a cat of this breed. There are cases when cats began to experience real depression due to lack of attention from the owner.

Traditional cat care is very simple. You will need to massage it regularly, but infrequently (once a week is enough) with a brush or wipe it with a rubber glove. It will be good if, after thorough combing, you wipe the cat’s body with a piece of damp terry or suede cloth. After these manipulations, the Oriental's coat will have a shiny, beautiful appearance.

Another part of proper cat care is using cotton swabs to clean their ears.

Oriental cats have very long claws and grow quickly, so they will have to be trimmed more often than any other member of the cat family.

It is important that the room where the cat lives is constantly maintained at a comfortable temperature. Since Orientals have short fur and virtually no undercoat, they absolutely cannot stand the cold. This applies not only to short-haired, but also to long-haired representatives of the breed. Their wool performs only an aesthetic function, but does not warm the body.

Feeding rules

Although cats look quite lean, they are nevertheless prone to obesity. Therefore, the owner of the Oriental must take care of the muscular figure of his pet, and for this he cannot do without a balanced diet.

It is extremely difficult to maintain proper nutrition on natural food, which is why it is recommended to give preference to the highest class canned food and ready-made dry food.

Owners of cats of this breed need to know that for shiny and
For a beautiful fur coat, they need fat, for this you need to add a gram of butter to each serving.

The body of Orientals tolerates milk well, but it should not be the main dish in the cat’s diet; it is better to give milk a couple of hours after the main feeding.

Food for Orientals should be warm, the feeding process should take place in a calm environment, so that their easily excitable nervous system does not interfere with food intake.

For cats, the daily calorie intake is 300, for cats – 250.

If you follow all the recommendations for proper care and, most importantly, do not leave your pet alone for a long time, then it will delight its owner with devotion and charm throughout its long life.

It will be interesting to spend time with this cat, kitten and cat, because they are cute and fluffy, as they say, but at the same time they are also pranksters, just like a small child. Not everyone finds it easy to get along with them, so the choice should be made consciously and with mandatory prior familiarization with the characteristics of Oriental cats.

This article will help you learn basic information about the breed in order to understand exactly what you will encounter in practice and what situations may arise with this cat, as well as how to help it cope with this or that problem that most often appears.

Oriental cat breed and Oriental cat character, size and weight, height

The Oriental cat breed is distinguished by its playful character, intelligence and gullibility. The cat is energetic, restless and sociable, so it is not suitable for those who like calm “couch” pets. The weight of an adult cat is 4.5-7 kg, a female cat is 3-4.5 kg. The height of the animal at the withers is 24 cm.

Oriental cat character reviews advantages and disadvantages

The Oriental cat is a big fidget and talker. These features simultaneously serve as its advantages and disadvantages, since not all owners are ready for the fact that they will always be followed by the omnipresent and annoying “tail”. Orientals belong to the short-haired breeds, the advantage of which is the minimum amount of hair that flies around the apartment after its owner. However, the thin fur coat makes the animal at the same time very susceptible to cold. The remaining “harmful” traits of Oriental cats can be eliminated by proper education.

Siamese oriental personality traits

Siamese and Oriental cats are the same type of animal, the main difference being their body color. For Siamese, the point color is the standard; Orientals are evenly colored and do not have a point. Both cat breeds are characterized by affection for their owner and sociability. A simple “meow” in their performance takes on dozens of shades and intonations. The Siamese Oriental cat has a hard time with loneliness, and if it is not possible to be at home all the time, then it is better to get a cat of a different breed so as not to doom the animal to suffering.

Oriental shorthair cat character

The Oriental Shorthair cat becomes a faithful and devoted member of the family. She becomes too attached to her owners and suffers during their absence. Oriental cats retain their playful disposition and curiosity until old age. Animals of this breed do not keep their emotions to themselves, but immediately express them to the owner. Orientals can “talk” all day long, sometimes purring quietly, sometimes meowing heart-rendingly, expressing their opinion even when no one asked them anything.

Oriental cat description and characteristics, breed standard

A wedge-shaped muzzle and huge ears - when you first look at the cat, its appearance evokes conflicting feelings. However, soon the “Cheburashka” conquers the human heart with its grace, aristocracy and simultaneous simplicity. According to the breed standard, the Oriental cat looks like a figurine - an elongated torso, an even profile and, of course, wedge-shaped, slightly rounded large ears. Muscular and fit, the cat looks thin. This effect is also facilitated by short fur that fits tightly to the body. However, such a smart guy can’t be fat. The Oriental cat is active, energetic, friendly and sociable.

Oriental cat history and disadvantages of the breed

The ancestors of Oriental cats are Siamese cats. Orientals inherited from them a classic profile, elegance and grace.

Like any other cat breed, the Oriental cat has, in addition to generally recognized advantages, also disadvantages, namely:
- the animal is too temperamental and will not leave you alone even when you want it;
— the curiosity of cats of this breed knows no bounds. She can easily climb both onto the cabinet and inside it, opening doors or furniture drawers;
— the hyperactivity of the animal gives rise to an equally brutal appetite, but since the presence of fat is unacceptable by breed standards, the cat will have to be limited in food and fed no more than 2 times a day, choosing a diet that can satisfy its need for calories and vitamins.

Oriental cat common and rare colors

The most common oriental cats are chocolate, lilac, red, black, blue and cream. Rare for Orientals are tortoiseshell, brindle and ticked colors, although there is no clear distinction on this issue. Each animal is beautiful in its own way and has a unique exotic color.

Oriental bicolor cat breed, care and how much it costs

For a long time, the bicolor color for an Oriental cat was considered unacceptable. However, gradually the breed gained its adherents and the bicolor Cinderella became a princess. At the moment, the Oriental Bicolor cat is considered a developing breed, confirming the saying that there are no limits to perfection.
Caring for an Oriental bicolor will not cause much trouble. The animal has excellent health, is unpretentious and not picky in its diet.

The average cost of a kitten is $500.

Oriental cat and children, dog, parrot, allergies

Allergies in people to animals are considered one of the most common. Dogs, parrots, hamsters, rabbits, rats and cats can cause attacks of allergic rhinitis, asthma and conjunctivitis. The Oriental cat is considered low-allergenic, but before taking its word for it and getting a kitten of this breed, a person suffering from allergies needs to be in contact with the animal for some time and pay attention to the reaction of his body.

Oriental cat care and feeding

To care and feed an Oriental cat you need to purchase:
— rubber gloves for combing wool;
— shampoo for short-haired animals;
- toothpaste and brush for cleaning teeth;
— ear cleaners and cotton swabs;
- cotton wool for wiping eyes;
- hemostatic agents and nail clippers;
- bowls for water and food;
- a tray with a mesh (it is used without filler);
- high-quality food.

Oriental cat nutrition, maintenance

Literally translated from English, Oriental means “oriental”, which is associated with sophistication and ornate sophistication. However, the Oriental looks spoiled only externally. In fact, this is a hardy, muscular animal and its maintenance will not cause much trouble for the owner. The main problem may be nutrition. It is very difficult and troublesome to provide cats of the Oriental breed with all the necessary minerals and vitamins when feeding them naturally, so using ready-made food is preferable; it is only important that it is of high quality.

1 comment

    Orientals are great! But the article contains a lot of affirmative material, although in fact everything is individual.

Mighty Siam, covered in legends and myths, left behind not only an architectural heritage. A large group of Siamese-Oriental breeds firmly hold their position, inspiring people with their extraordinary appearance. Oriental cat is a typical representative of the East. Magnificent thoroughbred athletes look like a stretched arrow. The entire appearance of the Oriental speaks of activity and mobility, and their voice and character definitely help them achieve their goal.

Nobody questions the very origin of Oriental. The breed is ancient, glorified by the chronicles of the 14th century. European colonialists began exporting Siamese cats outside its borders already in the 19th century.

From this point on, the history of Oriental becomes more interesting. It all started with the fact that the British united all oriental cats under the name Siamese, and then, in 1923, felinologists completely settled on the selection of one single color option - the acromelanic Himalayan type with blue eyes. Other cat breed combinations were carefully culled.

The adjustments were made by the Americans, recognized enthusiasts in modern felinology: to begin with, they recognized the Havanna Brown, an oriental cat originating from English nurseries, as a breed. Actually, it was an Oriental Shorthair cat with a solid brown color, which was considered sufficient for breeding.

Then, after thinking hard, the breeders decided to restore justice and allow the Oriental to be itself in different colors, colors and even coat lengths. The cat breed was recognized in 1977 and since then its representatives have become champions more than once.

Today, the Oriental cat is recognized by everyone without exception as a “Rainbow” breed. More than 300 possible color combinations make her a frivolous fashionista, not at all similar to her fellow Siamese.

Description of appearance

The whole appearance loudly communicates swiftness. Oriental cats are strong, flexible and muscular, with thin but powerful bones. Narrow long limbs and tail, combined with a lean, stretched body, make these cats incredibly graceful.

The picture is crowned with the head of the Oriental, reminiscent of the tip of a spear or arrow: large ears and muzzle form a regular, sharp and long wedge, ready at any second to crash into its owner from an excess of feelings.

Incredibly active, Orientals create a cycle of events around themselves and a real stir of emotions, which is accompanied by constant comments, which, however, is a distinctive feature of the character of all Oriental cats.

The description of the breed itself is very close to the Siamese. In general, they and the Orientals are united in a group and compete for the championship in the same category:

  • body. The word “long” in Oriental can be used to describe everything: body, legs, tail, neck. Moreover, all parts of the body are incredibly proportional and harmonious. The bones are thin but strong. Cats exude muscularity and athleticism. Slender and elegant, representatives of the breed are proud of their distinctive feature, namely the smooth lines of the exterior;
  • The head of the Oriental, which has become the talk of the town and served as a source of inspiration for a dozen (at least) other breeds, is a feature of these cats. This is a wedge that starts at the nose with a long narrow point. Its continuation is the cat’s large, wide-set ears. In general, the wedge triangle on the muzzle has absolutely regular straight edges that are not disturbed by anything, even by whisker pads. The profile of the Oriental is a special pride; cats have neither depressions nor bulges. The wide, long nose simply merges with the forehead without transition. The chin is medium, in profile it forms a continuous line with the nose;
  • eyes. Oriental cats are not distinguished by their large eyes: they fit harmoniously into the wedge of the muzzle, set wide and at a slight angle to the nose. Most often almond-shaped, although American standards allow oval;
  • wool. Actually, this is not a breed-forming characteristic. Orientals come with short and long hair. The only peculiarity is the absence of undercoat and a satin texture: the hairs are thin, adjacent and very glossy.


The breed-forming characteristic that brought Oriental into the cat Champions League is the variety of colors. Actually, there are few colors themselves; diversity is manifested in their combination:

  • solid. Involves a very impressive solid color throughout the cat, right down to the nose and paw pads. Can be black, cream, fawn, chocolate, red, brown, purple or blue.
  • shaded and smoke. All previous solid color options are combined with coat typing: only the upper part of each hair is colored solid (shaded - 1/6 and smoke - 1/3), the rest is light in color;
  • cake-color. Tortoiseshell Orientals are stunning in their elegance: they combine black and red of any shade;
  • bi-color Cats are distinguished by their two-tone coloration, combining any of the colors available to the breed;
  • tabby. Orientals are happy to wear all the natural markings that a cat can have on their fur, in all the available color variations.

A feature of all cats is green eyes of any intensity, and only white solid can have blue or two-color ones.

Features of character and behavior

First of all, the Oriental cat is a social creature. It is vital for her to be in the center of events, attention, life. A true energizer, Oriental will be everywhere at once. When choosing a breed, it is also necessary to take into account such character traits as talkativeness. The cat voices its every step. The Oriental purrs, meows, or combines both at the same time - it will be loud and constant with the richest range of emotions available to a cat.

It is believed that Oriental has an unpleasant voice. No, that's not true: you just hear it more often than you might imagine.

The character combines absolute focus on people and the desire to constantly be around. Children especially like it. In addition, there is an important difference from the Siamese in character: they are non-aggressive and unforgiving. True, if we fully recognize their leadership in everything. At least that's what reviews from experienced owners say.


Oriental kittens immediately declare their social character: they appear in groups of 4–6 together and urgently demand attention. Nurseries provide them with the necessary vaccination card and at the age of 3-4 months they already have all the necessary skills for living in a family.

In principle, Orientals have good health without genetic defects, but sometimes their teeth, liver or heart require attention. Everything depends on adequate care, providing cats with maximum attention and regular examinations by a veterinarian.

The most important thing in the life of an Oriental is attention. This is the main part of care: the cat is everywhere and will always be there. Isolation can lead to health problems, lack of appetite and depression. Otherwise, everything is very simple and easy.

The fur has no undercoat, so even long-haired Orientals do not cause any trouble. A massage once a week with a rubber brush and happiness in the pet’s eyes (plus order in the apartment) is guaranteed. And, of course, the prominent locators on the cat’s head should catch your voice without interference: they need to be cleaned with cotton swabs when they become dirty, just like the eyes.

Orientals are very clean and they themselves demand that the tray needs to be washed. In addition, cats must walk, run, jump, and climb.

They need a scratching post, lots of toys and company to play with. Without this there is absolutely no way.


Very loud, bright, long - that's not all. In addition to this, it is also very gluttonous. Orientals are prone to obesity. It is better to feed them with prepared food. It is very difficult to calculate the calorie content of natural products when the cat even participates in preparing food for itself and its beloved.

Therefore, breeders insist that the process will be most painless if you feed the Oriental with dry or canned food. This way, at least you will be sure that you gave him as much as he needed, and not as much as he wanted.

Magnificent Orientals will appeal to people who need not only a pet, but also an interlocutor and, in general, a fulcrum and the center of the Universe. This is how you can characterize a sociable, affectionate and active pet.