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Basics of auditing and controlling personnel. This problem can be simplified when the project involves two different organizations, for example two schools. Standards should cover the most common and characteristic technological options and ranges

1. The essence and fundamentals of personnel controlling and auditing

Audit and personnel control as a new area of ​​activity in the personnel management system. Personnel controlling: essence, tasks, functions, types and main stages. Strategic and operational controlling. Subjects and objects of controlling and personnel audit. Critical control points (CCP): concept, requirements for CCP. Control system in real and advanced time. Proactive controlling and feedback in personnel management. Management accounting as the basis for personnel controlling. Audit as a function of personnel controlling, the basis for optimizing personnel management. The relationship between controlling, auditing and personnel monitoring.

2. Personnel audit as a form of diagnostic research

General concept of audit. Concept, purpose and objectives of personnel audit. Connection with known concepts: analysis, consulting, auditing, audit, control. Classification of types of audit. Directions of personnel audit and their content. Stages of the audit. Diagnostics of work with personnel. Audit levels: strategic, linear, functional. Comprehensive, situational and operational audit of personnel. Social and labor monitoring. Methods of analysis and basic tools for conducting personnel audits. Algorithm for conducting personnel audit, diagnostic model, database. Auditor's report and its structure.

3. Budgeting in the personnel management system.

Budgeting as a tool for personnel control. The purpose and objectives of budgeting in the personnel management system. Approaches to budgeting. Relationship between planning and budgeting. Technology of personnel planning and development of budget for personnel costs. Personnel budget structure. Deviation of actual indicators from planned ones: methods of analysis. Stages of budget formation for personnel management

4. Audit of personnel costs

Personnel costs: concept, structure, classification. Fixed and variable costs, direct and indirect costs, groups of costs according to the degree of their regulation, centers of responsibility in personnel controlling. Personnel costs are the most important labor indicator, the basis for the formation of all labor indicators. Audit of personnel costs: audit scheme, main indicators of analysis. Analysis of personnel costs, maintenance, indicators. Audit of costs for vocational training. Absolute and relative indicators, their use to assess the effectiveness of the personnel training and vocational training system. Cost audit for HR functions. Audit of costs for the functioning of the personnel management service.

5. Labor potential audit

The concept of labor potential. Compliance of labor potential with the actual level of its use and production requirements. Structure of labor potential. Methods of analysis and main indicators. Assessment of the value of labor potential. Determining the profitability of using enterprise personnel. Factor models of changes in profit per employee

6. Personnel audit based on analysis of labor indicators

Audit of personnel numbers and analysis of personnel movement: meaning, goals, objectives; analysis of work on planning and analysis of manpower, classification of types of manpower planning; analysis of the organization's staffing levels, indicators; personnel movement in the enterprise: external and intra-organizational; external movement of personnel (staff turnover, main indicators, and its impact on the economic condition of the enterprise); intra-production mobility, main indicators; analysis of the economic consequences of changes in the number of personnel.

Socio-demographic characteristics (age, gender, length of service, education, health, marital status), their content; the meaning, goals and objectives of the analysis of socio-demographic characteristics; use of analysis results to formulate personnel policies and optimal labor potential.

Audit of qualitative characteristics of personnel: meaning, goals and objectives; assessment of the professional and qualification composition of workers, deviations, improvement of quality characteristics; assessment of professional qualifications of specialists and employees, main approaches, indicators.

Audit of working time as an assessment of the use of the organization’s labor potential. The importance of working time analysis in increasing the efficiency of the enterprise and the use of labor potential, the goals and objectives of the audit. The concept of working time as an important economic category. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of working time. Structure of the enterprise's working time. Indicators of working time use and methods of their calculation, integral coefficient of working time fund, factor analysis, conclusions. Loss of working time as the main source of reserves for improving its use. Losses and reserves of working time. Regulated non-reserve-forming losses of working time. Unregulated reserve-forming losses of working time. The influence of reducing working time losses on increasing the intensity and intensity of work. Characteristics of lost working time, main indicators.

Labor productivity audit, meaning, goals and objectives; factor analysis; analysis of the labor intensity of products (normative, planned, actual, specific), main indicators of analysis; analysis of the impact of working time use on labor productivity; analysis of the impact of personnel structure on labor productivity.

Audit of labor standards based on the methodology for analyzing labor indicators. Goals and objectives of the analysis, the procedure for carrying out this work, directions of analysis. Analysis of the state of the regulatory framework of the enterprise, standards and norms, work rules, requirements and restrictions. The degree of coverage of work by labor standards, indicators used in the analysis. Analysis of the quality of labor standards, indicators, their use. Analysis of the organization of work on labor standardization, the procedure for revising standards, the scope of revision of standards, compilation of analytical tables, proposals for improving labor standardization (main directions for improving standardization, justification of proposals).

Ural Socio-Economic Institute

Academy of Labor and Social Relations

Examination on the discipline:

"Personnel audit and controlling"

option number 3



EZ groups – 504

Evgenia Volozhenina




2. Tools for conducting personnel audits

2.1 Interview

2.2 Questionnaires and relationship survey

2.3 Report analysis

2.4 External information

2.5 Experiments in personnel management

3. Standards for direct labor costs




The organization's personnel are the main value, the main thing in understanding the management process.

Ideas for changes or desired goals that arise from organizational leaders can be as wonderful as you like, but they are always brought to life by people acting on the basis of their vital interests. Directly related to this process are complex issues of motivation, leadership, conflicts of interest, and problem resolution. However, paradoxically, the study of working personnel is the weakest link in the management audit of an enterprise, which focuses on the problems of legal support for the activities of an economic entity, business projects, the nature and direction of financial flows, standardization and automation of the management system, but not the work of personnel.

An indicator of success in personnel management is the final economic indicators, the stability of the entire organization, its stability and position in the market, competitiveness, etc. But there are also specific indicators:

· effectiveness (efficiency) of the activities of structural units and individual employees;

· staff satisfaction with their work and belonging to the organization;

· staff turnover;

· compliance with labor discipline;

· presence of conflicts at all levels of relationships;

· the nature of the socio-psychological climate and the characteristics of the organizational culture in the organization. All the above-mentioned problems are intended to reveal a new type of management (organizational) audit for our country - personnel audit. In this case, the term “audit” means “an examination of the compliance of the organizational, functional and information structure, human resources potential with the goals, objectives and development strategy of the organization and the development on this basis of a program of organizational changes.”

Personnel audit is “a system of consulting support, analytical assessment and independent examination of the organization’s personnel potential.”

The main function of personnel management is to ensure the survival of the organization by forming and developing its human resources at a faster rate than the external environment of this organization changes.

The object is the personnel (labor) system of the organization as a sociotechnical system. The object of personnel audit is specified in the form of a personnel management system.

Subject - the effectiveness of the system for the formation, use and development of the organization's labor potential or the effectiveness of the personnel management system.

The purpose of a personnel audit is to improve the efficiency of the personnel management system.

1. Object, subject, goals and objectives of personnel audit

Personnel audit occupies a special place within the framework of management audit. Being systemic, it is incomparable with the diagnosis of individual aspects of the organization’s activities. Reflecting the integrative role of personnel management, personnel audit examines the following issues: management of the organization as a whole (controlled by the highest level of management of the organization); linear management of subordinate organizational functions (work collectives) in the context of its objects and functional (technical) work of organizational functions (including personnel management units). The levels of management audit interrelated with personnel audit can respectively be called an audit of organizational management, an audit of line management and an audit of organizational functions (audit of the organizational function “personnel management”).

Personnel audit can be used as a method for determining the effectiveness of the management decision-making system and monitoring the effectiveness of the personnel management system. For the latter purpose, it is advisable to regularly carry out internal audits of personnel.

The objects of the audit in this case are the personnel, the principles of organizing their work, management and activities, i.e. work results.

The audit gives line managers an idea of ​​the contribution of their departments to the success of the company, forms a professional image of managers and specialists of the PM service, and helps clarify the role of the HR service, which leads to greater stability within the company. Most importantly, it exposes issues and ensures compliance with diversity of laws. This explains the increased interest in personnel auditing in many countries in recent years.

So, personnel audit:

· shows the contribution of the personnel service to achieving the ultimate goals of the organization;

· increases the professional image of the PM service;

· stimulates the growth of responsibility and professionalism of PM service employees;

· clarifies the rights and responsibilities of the management service;

· ensures compliance with the strategy, personnel policy and practice of its implementation;

· identifies major personnel problems;

· guarantees constant compliance with labor laws;

· ensures optimization of costs for the implementation of personnel activities and maintenance of the personnel management service;

· stimulates progressive innovations in the field of personnel management;

· assesses the information support system for the organization's personnel work.

Intra-company personnel management is a set of forms and methods of influencing the interests, behavior and activities of personnel (individuals and groups) in order to maximize the use of their intellectual and physical potential to obtain an effective result.

Personnel management, its behavior, interpersonal and group relations is a special and specific activity in the organization's management system. The participants in the personnel management process are: the personnel management service, managers, employees, the board of the enterprise (the board of shareholders in the case of a joint stock company).

Each of these participants contributes to personnel management, being either a subject or an object of management, or both at the same time. Everyone performs certain tasks, both in the business sphere and in the sphere of relationships.

The concept of personnel management is a concentrated expression of management methodology in that part that constitutes the content of the socio-economic side of managing an organization and is directly related to people. Thus, UE is used in the following aspects:

· functions that a special group of people (personnel management employees) perform within the organization;

· the managerial force of the organization, including both its management apparatus and line managers.

The main function of personnel management is the direct day-to-day management of people in the process of achieving the main, strategic goals of the organization. This area of ​​personnel management has the following features:

· consistency and direct communication with employees. During the entire working time, employees are in the field of action of the manager who is responsible for their activities;

· the fundamental nature of management functions. The activities of managers are directly aimed at achieving the main goals of the organization;

· relatively large amount of power. The power of line managers over subordinates far exceeds the rights of functional managers.

The subject of personnel management is line managers at all levels. The line manager can effectively do his job of distributing and skillfully using the human resources at his disposal if his functions are clearly described and well accepted by the staff. If his new job is significantly different from his previous occupations, it is likely that some line managers will be concerned about the responsibility that comes with them.

The main functions performed by managers: planning, organization, personnel management, leadership, control. Together, these functions constitute the management process.

· Planning: setting goals and standards, developing rules and sequences of actions, developing plans and forecasting some possibilities in the future.

· Organization: setting specific tasks for each subordinate, dividing into departments, delegating some powers to subordinates, developing control channels and information transfer, coordinating the work of subordinates.

· Human Resource Management: Resolving the issue of Determining the standard for suitable candidates, selecting suitable workers, selecting workers, setting performance standards, workers compensation, performance appraisal, counseling workers, training and development of workers.

· Management: solving the problem of how to get employees to do their jobs, providing moral support, motivating subordinates.

· Control: establishing standards such as sales quota, quality, productivity level, checking that work is carried out in accordance with these standards, and adjusting them if necessary.

74. Personnel audit: concept, goals, objectives, methodology

Personnel audit - the essence of this procedure is to assess the compliance of the organization’s human resources with its goals and development strategy, as well as diagnosing the causes of problems caused by personnel with the formulation of specific recommendations for management.

Personnel audit:

Assessing the compliance of the organization’s human resources with its goals and development strategy;

Diagnosis of the causes of problems caused by personnel;

Personnel audit is an indispensable tool for managing the company’s human resources, which allows you to solve the following problems in the media and media holdings:

Assessing the candidate’s compliance with the job requirements;

Assessing an employee’s readiness for promotion to a new position;

Audit of professional characteristics of employees (including management audit, sales audit, audit of administrative and technical personnel);

Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of employees and candidates;

Employee compatibility assessment;

Determining staff needs for training and education;

Formulation of job responsibilities and requirements;

Assessment of the intellectual potential of employees and candidates;

Formation of an effective team.

Personnel audit is a system of consulting support, analytical assessment and independent examination of the organization’s personnel potential, which, along with a financial and economic audit, allows us to identify the compliance of the organization’s personnel potential with its goals and development strategy; compliance of the activities of personnel and management structures of the organization with the existing regulatory framework; the effectiveness of personnel work in solving problems facing the organization’s personnel, its management, and individual structural divisions; the causes of social problems (risks) arising in the organization and possible ways to resolve them or reduce their negative impact. At the same time, the main, global goal of personnel audit is to assess the efficiency and productivity of personnel as one of the most important factors ensuring the profitability of the organization.

The personnel audit is carried out on the basis of principles generally recognized for any audit: professionalism, independence, reliability, honesty and objectivity, comparability with international law.

The principle of audit independence is mainly inherent in external auditors who are independent of the organization’s management.

The object of the personnel audit is the organization’s workforce, various aspects of its production activities, principles and methods of personnel management in the organization. The personnel audit should be carried out in the following areas:

assessment of the organization’s personnel potential, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of personnel;

diagnostics of personnel processes and management procedures, assessment of their effectiveness.

The purpose of the human resources audit is to identify whether the organization has the human resources necessary and sufficient for its functioning and development; whether the staff is able to work effectively and in accordance with the chosen strategy. To do this, it is necessary to assess the actual composition of the workforce, as well as the characteristics of the personnel themselves, and whether the employees have professionally important qualities and characteristics.

Human resources assessment should include:

analysis of the payroll of employees by age, education, gender and other characteristics, natural attrition and its compliance with the organization;

assessment of staffing levels in general and by management levels, including assessment of the availability of personnel for the technological process;

assessment of the compliance of the educational and professional qualification level of personnel, the degree of their preparedness with the requirements of production activities;

analysis of the personnel structure for compliance with technology requirements and job classification;

checking and analyzing data on the use of working time;

assessment of staff turnover and absenteeism, study of the forms, dynamics, reasons for the movement of labor, analysis of flows of movement within the organization, the state of labor discipline;

determining the dynamics of the number of workers engaged in unskilled and semi-skilled labor, heavy manual labor;

research into the social aspects of work (work motivation, professional and qualification growth,

marital status, housing, etc.);

collection and analysis of data on the level of sanitary and hygienic production and living conditions (condition of workplaces, cabins, public catering places);

diagnostics of the managerial, innovative potential of the organization’s personnel, their ability to learn.

To develop and substantiate recommendations during the audit, not only the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of personnel should be studied, but also the entire range of personnel management functions through which the interests of the organization are achieved.

75. Personnel controlling: basic concepts, goals and objectives

Personnel controlling is understood as a system of intra-company planning and control in the field of personnel, which helps to transform strategic guidelines into planned values ​​and specific activities, as well as to formulate basic provisions for personnel management.

The scope of activities of personnel controlling includes the development and provision of tools to ensure the strategic and operational capacity to maintain the required labor productivity in the enterprise. The objectives of controlling in an enterprise can be divided into general and special. General goals, as a direction of activity, always coincide with the goals of the organization, since in essence they are determined by them. The general goals of controlling are expressed mainly in quantitative economic terms, for example, in achieving a certain level of profit, profitability or productivity of the organization, in guaranteeing a given level of liquidity, in minimizing the costs of the enterprise (more precisely, in optimizing costs), etc. The general goals of controlling do not provide an understanding of its uniqueness and difference from conventional enterprise management. Therefore, close attention should be paid to the consideration of the specific goals and objectives of controlling in the enterprise.

The main goal of personnel controlling is to create a mechanism for coordinating and optimizing activities within the personnel management system in changing environmental conditions, aimed at developing human resource management to achieve the goals of the organization, increasing its economic and social efficiency. As can be seen from the proposed definition, this goal is aimed at achieving a certain result in the management of the organization’s personnel. Depending on the level of development of the organization and its target needs, the economic goals of controlling the organization and the personnel management subsystem can be: increasing production or sales volumes, increasing profitability, increasing competitiveness, increasing business value.

The main task of the CP is to provide constant feedback between planning and analysis of deviations from plans. Typically, the following main functions of the control center are distinguished:

1. Information support - building an information system that covers all the necessary information: productivity, personnel costs, etc. This function is implemented, as a rule, by creating a personnel database at the enterprise, with the ability to generate reports.

2. Planned - obtaining forecast, target and regulatory information, for example, determining the need for employees (number, skill level) for the release of new products.

3. Manager - development of proposals to eliminate negative trends. For example, if a deviation occurs between the planned and actual costs of training per employee per year, the CP service makes recommendations to the HR department and the financial department about adjusting the corresponding plans and budgets.

4. Control and analytical - measuring the degree of achievement of the goal, analysis of planned and actual indicators for personnel. If the deviations do not go beyond the interval calculated by the controlling department, then control actions are not needed. For example, if staff turnover remains within acceptable values ​​(4-5%), but there is a tendency towards its growth, then it is necessary to signal this to the personnel management.

To implement the listed functions of personnel controlling, the CP service must solve the following tasks:

Provide information, services and services to the head of the personnel department;

Check the effectiveness of personnel utilization for the reporting period (usually once a year). The assessment is carried out by the management of the enterprise on the basis of methods and tools developed by the CP service;

Determine personnel requirements in strategic, tactical and operational aspects. These calculations are carried out by the CP service based on the following data: strategic and operational plan, types of products (services), their quantity, market segments;

Carry out the development, selection, stimulation and dismissal of employees, as well as personnel cost management.

In the CP, which is part of the controlling of the enterprise as a whole, operational and strategic directions are distinguished (see Table 1).

Strategic CP links prospects in the field of human resources with the company's management strategy. For example, if it is planned to enter new markets and improve product quality, then measures should be planned to attract (train) highly qualified specialists.

The operational command post implements tactical measures, focusing on strategic goals. At the operational level, the priority is to achieve economic efficiency in the use of personnel. For example, indicators such as output per person in rubles or physical units (tons, meters, etc.), personnel costs in the structure of production or total cost, cash flow per employee, etc. are measured and evaluated.

76. Audit of personnel management functions

Audit of the personnel management function (system) is the process of analyzing the company's personnel management system in order to identify problems and determine ways to solve them, searching for opportunities to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the company.

Audit objectives:

  1. Determine the compliance of the personnel management system with the company's goals - does the system contribute to achieving the goals?
  2. Determine whether the system is operating optimally - are we spending too much time, money and effort on achieving these goals? Are there any problems, errors, abuses?
  3. Evaluate the work of the function and individual performers - yes, yes, us too!
  4. Find ways to optimize the personnel management system and determine development prospects.

Performance evaluation criteria

  • Organizational effectiveness- if the company achieves its goals, operates successfully and has no problems, then we are working well, but if the company is not successful and there are many problems in our work, then our work is also ineffective;
  • Monetary criterion- do we fit within the approved budgets, do we save money for the company, do we optimally spend the company’s money (in comparison with benchmark companies);
  • Time criterion- “Are we doing everything on time” - are we fulfilling our plans, as well as how much time it takes us to complete this or that work. Here we can also be compared to benchmark companies;
  • Detailed quantitative criterion- our work can also be measured by the number of internal clients served, the number of people hired or fired, the number of interviews conducted, memos published, trainings or meetings held, staff turnover rates. Sometimes quantitative criteria show the effectiveness of work - for example, the ratio of the number of interviews conducted to the number of people hired;
  • Benchmarking criterion- we simply compare ourselves with a benchmark company - do we perform the functions in the same way and are we better or worse than them in terms of selected quantitative indicators;
  • Achieving your goals- if we are given or we set goals for ourselves that meet the “SMART” criteria, then the goal is measurable, that is, it already contains some measure by which the achievement of the goal can be assessed. For example, if we had to hire 10 people and hired 10, we reached the goal, and if we hired 8, then we reached 80% of the goal;
  • Effect evaluation- even if a SMART goal has not been formulated, all our actions have some kind of result by which they can be evaluated. If, as a result of training for sales agents, the company's sales volume increased by 1.5%, we can evaluate the effect of the training; if, as a result of changes in the incentive system, staff turnover decreased from 22% per year to 3%, we can also evaluate the effect of our work;
  • Stakeholder reaction or assessment- probably the most important criterion, since we all work with internal clients. Using this criterion, we evaluate our work based on its perception by our internal clients (employees, managers), their satisfaction, complaints, reviews, etc.

Crisis management

77. The essence and classification of crises in the socio-economic system. Causes, consequences, exit strategies.

Anti-crisis management is management aimed at overcoming existing crises.

The concept of crisis is associated with the concept of risk. Any socio-economic system in any form and form has 2 tendencies of existence:

1. functioning is the maintenance of life, the preservation of functions that determine the value of the system, its qualitative certainty and essential characteristics.

2. development is the acquisition of a new quality that strengthens life in a changing environment.

Functioning restrains development, and at the same time is its breeding ground. Development destroys many functioning processes, but creates better conditions for its sustainable existence.

A crisis is an extreme aggravation of contradictions in the socio-economic system.


1.by scale of manifestation:

General - cover the entire socio-economic system.

Local is only part of it.

2.on the issues of the crisis:

Macro-crises are characterized by large volumes and scales of problems.

Microcrises - 1 problem.

3.by the structure of relations in the socio-economic system (by differentiating the problems of its development):

Economic - crises reflecting acute contradictions in the economy of an enterprise (production and sale of goods). Financial crises are distinguished separately - financial contradictions in the economy of an enterprise.

Social - arise when contradictions intensify or the interests of different groups clash. Separately, they highlight political ones - the crisis of the political system.

Organizational - manifest themselves as crises in the distribution of functions and regulation of individual units.

Psychological - crises of a person’s psychological state.

Technological - arise as crises of new technological ideas, in conditions of clearly expressed needs, technological incompatibility, etc.

4.for the immediate causes of occurrence:

Natural - caused by natural conditions (earthquake, hurricanes, fires).


Environmental are crises that arise when natural conditions change due to human activity (resource depletion, environmental pollution).

5.according to the pattern of occurrence:

Predictable (natural)

Unexpected (random)

predictable can be predicted, caused by objective reasons. Their variety is cyclical crises.

6.- obvious - which occur noticeably.

Latent (hidden)

7.- deep crises (acute)

Light crises

8.- protracted


For the successful and efficient operation of an enterprise, coordinated and competent work of all personnel is necessary. Personnel audit and monitoring allows you to assess the personnel potential of an enterprise.

Personnel audit and controlling is a set of measures aimed at consulting support, analytical assessment and independent examination of the personnel potential of an enterprise.

The main and, perhaps, the most important goal of a personnel audit is to assess the effectiveness of the enterprise’s personnel, its level of productivity, as one of the most important factors affecting profitability.

Personnel audit allows you to solve a number of serious problems, which include:

  • determining the compliance of the company’s human resources with its main development strategy goals;
  • Verification of compliance of personnel activities and management systems with the accepted regulatory framework;
  • Determining the effectiveness of management related to solving problems facing staff;
  • Establishing the causes of emerging social and psychological problems and developing ways to solve them.

Personnel audit and controlling is one of the important monitoring methods and a management tool that allows you to solve any problem that arises in the field of labor relations. Auditing and monitoring of the organization's personnel is carried out in compliance with basic principles such as professionalism, honesty, independence, objectivity and compliance with international law.

Personnel audit is divided into several main stages:

Preparatory stage- at this stage, the main objectives of the upcoming audit are determined;

Gathering the necessary information- at this stage, all necessary documentation is checked, questionnaires and staff are interviewed;

Analysis of the information received- at this stage, data on the activities of the enterprise’s personnel is assessed by comparing the obtained data with established standards and data from similar enterprises;

The final stage- an audit report is being prepared and recommendations are being developed for streamlining work aimed at improving the efficiency of personnel.

Auditing and controlling personnel allows the management of an enterprise to assess the need for personnel, check the quality of the management structure of the organization, the innovative potential of the enterprise and the socio-psychological climate within the enterprise. Auditing and controlling are an important part of the management of any enterprise, because the optimization of all business processes and the successful implementation of the enterprise’s commercial plans directly depend on the optimization of personnel management.

If you want to improve the level of personnel management and labor efficiency, we suggest you use the services of personnel audit from JSC AK Hold-Invest-Audit. Qualified specialists of our company, with extensive experience and extensive knowledge, provide a wide range of services necessary for the high-quality conduct of all types of audits, including auditing and personnel monitoring.

We will not only conduct an audit of your organization's personnel, but will also help you increase the level of productivity and efficiency of your staff, which will help your business reach a new level!

Ural Socio-Economic Institute

Academy of Labor and Social Relations

Examination on the discipline:

"Personnel audit and controlling"

option number 3



EZ groups – 504

Evgenia Volozhenina




1. Object, subject, goals and objectives of personnel audit

2. Tools for conducting personnel audits

2.1 Interview

2.2 Questionnaires and relationship survey

2.3 Report analysis

2.4 External information

2.5 Experiments in personnel management

3. Standards for direct labor costs




The organization's personnel are the main value, the main thing in understanding the management process.

Ideas for changes or desired goals that arise from organizational leaders can be as wonderful as you like, but they are always brought to life by people acting on the basis of their vital interests. Directly related to this process are complex issues of motivation, leadership, conflicts of interest, and problem resolution. However, paradoxically, the study of working personnel is the weakest link in the management audit of an enterprise, which focuses on the problems of legal support for the activities of an economic entity, business projects, the nature and direction of financial flows, standardization and automation of the management system, but not the work of personnel.

An indicator of success in personnel management is the final economic indicators, the stability of the entire organization, its stability and position in the market, competitiveness, etc. But there are also specific indicators:

    effectiveness (efficiency) of the activities of structural units and individual employees;

    staff satisfaction with their work and belonging to the organization;

    staff turnover;

    compliance with labor discipline;

    the presence of conflicts at all levels of relations;

    the nature of the socio-psychological climate and the characteristics of organizational culture in the organization. All the above-mentioned problems are intended to reveal a new type of management (organizational) audit for our country - personnel audit. In this case, the term “audit” means “an examination of the compliance of the organizational, functional and information structure, human resources potential with the goals, objectives and development strategy of the organization and the development on this basis of a program of organizational changes.”

Personnel audit is “a system of consulting support, analytical assessment and independent examination of the organization’s personnel potential.”

The main function of personnel management is to ensure the survival of the organization by forming and developing its human resources at a faster rate than the external environment of this organization changes.

The object is the personnel (labor) system of the organization as a sociotechnical system. The object of personnel audit is specified in the form of a personnel management system.

Subject - the effectiveness of the system for the formation, use and development of the organization's labor potential or the effectiveness of the personnel management system.

The purpose of a personnel audit is to improve the efficiency of the personnel management system.

1. Object, subject, goals and objectives of personnel audit

Personnel audit occupies a special place within the framework of management audit. Being systemic, it is incomparable with the diagnosis of individual aspects of the organization’s activities. Reflecting the integrative role of personnel management, personnel audit examines the following issues: management of the organization as a whole (controlled by the highest level of management of the organization); linear management of subordinate organizational functions (work collectives) in the context of its objects and functional (technical) work of organizational functions (including personnel management units). The levels of management audit interrelated with personnel audit can respectively be called an audit of organizational management, an audit of line management and an audit of organizational functions (audit of the organizational function “personnel management”).

Personnel audit can be used as a method for determining the effectiveness of the management decision-making system and monitoring the effectiveness of the personnel management system. For the latter purpose, it is advisable to regularly carry out internal audits of personnel.

The objects of the audit in this case are the personnel, the principles of organizing their work, management and activities, i.e. work results.

The audit gives line managers an idea of ​​the contribution of their departments to the success of the company, forms a professional image of managers and specialists of the PM service, and helps clarify the role of the HR service, which leads to greater stability within the company. Most importantly, it exposes issues and ensures compliance with diversity of laws. This explains the increased interest in personnel auditing in many countries in recent years.

So, personnel audit:

    shows the contribution of the personnel service to achieving the ultimate goals of the organization;

    improves the professional image of the PM service;

    stimulates the growth of responsibility and professionalism of PM service employees;

    clarifies the rights and responsibilities of the management service;

    ensures compliance with the strategy, personnel policy and practice of its implementation;

    identifies major personnel problems;

    guarantees constant compliance with labor laws;

    ensures optimization of costs for the implementation of personnel activities and maintenance of the personnel management service;

    stimulates progressive innovations in the field of personnel management;

    carries out an assessment of the information support system for the organization's personnel work.

Intra-company personnel management is a set of forms and methods of influencing the interests, behavior and activities of personnel (individuals and groups) in order to maximize the use of their intellectual and physical potential to obtain an effective result.

Personnel management, its behavior, interpersonal and group relations is a special and specific activity in the organization's management system. The participants in the personnel management process are: the personnel management service, managers, employees, the board of the enterprise (the board of shareholders in the case of a joint stock company).

Each of these participants contributes to personnel management, being either a subject or an object of management, or both at the same time. Everyone performs certain tasks, both in the business sphere and in the sphere of relationships.

The concept of personnel management is a concentrated expression of management methodology in that part that constitutes the content of the socio-economic side of managing an organization and is directly related to people. Thus, UE is used in the following aspects:

    functions that a special group of people (human resource management employees) perform within the organization;

    the managerial force of the organization, including both its management apparatus and line managers.

The main function of personnel management is the direct day-to-day management of people in the process of achieving the main, strategic goals of the organization. This area of ​​personnel management has the following features:

    consistency and direct communication with employees. During the entire working time, employees are in the field of action of the manager who is responsible for their activities;

    the fundamental nature of management functions. The activities of managers are directly aimed at achieving the main goals of the organization;

    relatively large amount of power. The power of line managers over subordinates far exceeds the rights of functional managers.

The subject of personnel management is line managers at all levels. The line manager can effectively do his job of distributing and skillfully using the human resources at his disposal if his functions are clearly described and well accepted by the staff. If his new job is significantly different from his previous occupations, it is likely that some line managers will be concerned about the responsibility that comes with them.

The main functions performed by managers: planning, organization, personnel management, leadership, control. Together, these functions constitute the management process.

    Planning: setting goals and standards, developing rules and sequences of actions, developing plans and forecasting some possibilities in the future.

    Organization: setting specific tasks for each subordinate, dividing into departments, delegating some powers to subordinates, developing control channels and information transfer, coordinating the work of subordinates.

    Human Resource Management: Resolving the issue of Determining the standard for suitable candidates, selecting suitable employees, selecting employees, setting performance standards, employee compensation, performance appraisal, employee counseling, employee training and development.

    Management: solving the problem of how to get employees to do their work, providing moral support, motivating subordinates.

    Control: establishing standards such as sales quota, quality, productivity level, checking that work is carried out in accordance with these standards, and adjusting them if necessary.

The main function of personnel management is to ensure the survival of the organization by forming and developing its human resources at a faster rate than the external environment of this organization changes. This feature has the following features:

    fragmentation, episodic or inconsistent work with each individual employee. HR services deal with individual employees primarily on an as-needed basis, from marketing and recruiting to termination or retirement;

    predominantly auxiliary nature of the activity. Work with personnel consists of selection, training, consulting, etc. personnel, but not in direct management of them;

    comparative limited power. HR managers (functional managers) generally have less power than line managers and direct supervisors.

Thus, personnel management and management are closely interconnected. In the modern world there is a tendency towards their rapprochement and integration. However, these two most important areas of people management also have significant specifics, differing functionally and institutionally. The main tasks of personnel management:

    designing personnel management practices, i.e. development of theory, strategy, technology, methods and means of personnel management;

    deep critical understanding, rationalization of practical management of people and its orientation towards the requirements of economic (business) and social activity;

    encouraging managers to change models, techniques, style, methods and means of managing employees based on alternatives offered by science.

Achieving organizational goals depends on the coordinated, interdependent and interrelated actions of line managers and human resource managers. At the same time, the personnel management service does not usurp the powers and responsibilities of personnel management of each line manager. A professional approach to management involves dual responsibilities assigned to both line managers and the personnel management service, but the latter plays a major and effective role.