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Frank conversation with a drug addict. Why do people become drug addicts?

Important information: those who have read to the end all the recommended materials listed here: - quit drugs.

Try it too! This works regardless of the duration of use and type of drug.

Psychologists are big fans of chasing black cats in a dark room, in my opinion. And they find a thousand and one reasons why they become drug addicts.

I do not agree with them in many respects, and I will describe the problem from my own, profane bell tower, not clouded by the psychological “Talmuds”.

Or rather, not even like that. I have read a lot of psychological and psychiatric literature, even a lot, but for some reason it does not make a stunning impression on me. And it doesn’t inspire confidence.

Why is Baba Yaga against it?

I, looking at these attempts and attempts to put a sock on an elephant, while looking at 200-300 drug addicts, whose personalities I observed on forums and not only, was interested in their life before drugs, their upbringing in the family and other things that could to give a universal answer, I came to the conclusion that the majority of drug addicts (90%) have the only one common feature. Well, there is one common life circumstance for everyone, for which they are not at all to blame.

The remaining 10% are special cases, and there is nothing to say about them, there are few of them and the notorious psychological trauma (rape at an early age and all sorts of other horrors) is most likely to blame.

But there is no point in talking about horrors. Let's better discuss those drug addicts, looking at whom, it is not very clear what made them live such a life, therefore, psychologists are knocked off their feet and find a lot of reasons.

But I insist that all these reasons are just made up. There is a circumstance and a common feature, yes. And everything else is just an idea.

I will write about this trait and circumstance below, but now I will say why I do not accept any of the psychological theories that try to create the image of a “universal and potential” drug addict.

That’s why I don’t accept that all the drug addicts I saw were completely different BEFORE using. Then - yes, then they became the same, like those two from the casket... And before use, they were all completely different and almost none of them had any special mental breakdowns or wild emotional traumas in childhood.

That is, in an amicable way, these injuries may have existed, but everyone has them! For everyone, absolutely every person. But, in my opinion, these injuries have nothing to do with drug addiction.

And in general, it seems to me that psychologists who are trying to create a “universal” drug addict simply do not fully understand how similar all active drug addicts become and how identical their thinking, habits, and understandings are. Most likely, psychologists draw a portrait of a drug addict before using, based on the state of thinking of the drug addict at the time of the active phase.

That is, confuse cause and effect, banal.

For the sake of reading interest, I will try to apply some of these statements to myself, who is not a drug addict even once. This, of course, is not entirely correct and reliable, but I am not aiming at the truth at all. But it sounds very interesting.

At the same time, take it as a dogma that, according to statistics, it is mainly young people aged 15-21 who “get into drug addiction”. The onset of drug addiction is always at this age, in 90% of 100%.

What assumptions and assumptions are there from the perspective of psychology about the personality of a “potential drug addict”?

Infantile people become drug addicts. That’s not true... I know drug addicts who, before using, were very purposeful and independent. Some of them opened their own small businesses at a young age, some entered universities on their own, some from a young age went through life on their own and did not count on anyone’s support, they made decisions perfectly and quickly, without looking at anyone’s approval... I also know drug addicts, indeed, infantile ones, who did not shine with their actions and did not stand out in anything remarkable. Both of them are equal.

Unambitious people who have no goals in life become drug addicts. And then - by! I know drug addicts who had wonderful goals in their youth, made Barbarossa plans, but the fact that they tried hard drugs at an early age led to the fact that drug addiction, after all, outweighed their dreams and endeavors. I know one dancer who worked hard throughout her childhood, which is typical - not under the influence of her parents and dreamed of becoming a ballerina. Can you imagine what kind of work this is and what ambitions?

I know a guy who wanted to go to America and, ideally, learned English on his own... I know another guy who persistently went to the gym and built up beautiful muscles, although he was sore before. he worked out because he dreamed of being a trainer in the gym, and in the future he dreamed of opening his own fitness center... I know one sailor who, without the help of his parents, again learned English, passed a very difficult competition, a sailor school, and finally got a job as a mechanic on a liner ... I know a guy, a wonderful guitarist, who dreamed of having his own rock band and studied guitar for many years. And these people are now drug addicts who have completely lost their bearings. They forgot long ago what they dreamed about and what they were going for. And some are no longer in the world, for example, a guitarist.

I also know a lot of drug addicts who had no goals or special desires in their youth, and I am one of them.

And here I am, not a drug addict, and as a teenager I didn’t have any special plans. I abandoned music school, was lazy to learn languages, played sports - and even more lazy. She grew like a weed and grabbed at one thing or another and brought almost nothing to the end. And I didn’t have any grandiose goals, absolutely. And I was not accustomed to working hard. I dreamed about money, yes. But I didn’t know how exactly I would get them.

Overly spoiled children who were allowed too much become drug addicts. Among drug addicts, there are those who are spoiled and those who are not. Well, there’s no way to put the sock on the elephant... I was allowed a lot, almost everything I wanted. My grandmother washed after me, even my panties, until I was 18 years old, until I got sick. I was not accustomed to cleaning my room. Folding things too. Doing homework too. No one really poked or punished me for this. I could listen to music in the room to the fullest, and any kind of music, even the Gaza Strip, even Yegor Letov... I was never beaten. Even when I came home drunk at 15, even when I started smoking at 15 and declared that I had the right... Even when I gave the piano to strangers, at 12, because I was against playing music... But I know there are a lot of drug addicts who, as children, cleaned up after themselves and came home strictly at 9 pm, and were afraid to drink because they were being watched.

Children who have not received enough maternal love become drug addicts. And this is not true. As practice shows, many drug addicts are overly loved by their mothers. They love them so much that they cannot cope with them when a drug addict begins to lie and degrade, because they are afraid to say the wrong word to them, they are afraid to call the police on them for warning... But I, motherly love, not only didn’t receive it enough, I didn’t receive it at all received. I had a foster mother who criticized me all the time, was always excessively dissatisfied with me, but at the same time, she did not pay much attention to my upbringing. And at the same time, I’m not a drug addict and I didn’t even try.

Self-centered people who think only about themselves and have no responsibility become drug addicts.. And this is not true. I know drug addicts who were quite altruistic in their youth. Many of them babysat their younger brothers and sisters, dragging them with them everywhere while their parents were at work, earning their first money and buying them all sorts of gifts, giving them money for their education. Isn't this altruism in adolescence? But for myself I can say just the opposite. I didn't really care about anyone but myself. And this happened not only in adolescence, but for about 25 years, for sure. Even my first daughter was too lazy to nurse and I kept pushing her off to my mother and grandmother...

Children with an “excellent student” complex become drug addicts. These drug addicts are just a tiny percentage, it’s just some kind of accident and their personal bad luck. Contrary to the common tale of teachers that C students grow up and drive cars, and A students become poor and dull people, in life it’s the other way around. Excellent students, and in general, all those who studied a lot and hard, are well settled in life, but C students remain just average, who don’t grab stars from the sky and drink on Fridays...

People who have excessively low levels of endorphin production become drug addicts.. And this is generally from the realm of fantasy. Ask every drug addict, do they remember the feeling of light happiness from childhood? For example, from the smell of leaves, from the first snow, the smell of rain, from the fact that the holidays have begun, from the fact that you are bringing home an “A”? I asked - they remember, they remember perfectly well. And what kind of lack of endorphins are we talking about? This is nonsense, simply indescribable nonsense. If they had a lack of endorphins, they would not have been able to enjoy little things even in childhood.

Drug addicts become those who lack basic trust in the world due to trauma in infancy. Here I won’t talk about drug addicts, because each of them, trying to find a thread that they can pull on to quit, ends up with a bunch of injuries. Some were not born until 9 months old, some were in a nursery, and, it turns out, some didn’t finish sucking their tits... So, I, not a drug addict, was taken to an orphanage at six months. And why am I not a drug addict, if according to this theory, I should wildly distrust the world? And I’m very trusting, by the way.

Teenagers who “rebel” against social rules become drug addicts. Not a fact, far from a fact... I know many girls and guys who are drug addicts, who in adolescence were considered “proper” nerds. They didn’t shout any Yegor Letovs with a guitar, like me and my gang, they didn’t do any 10-hole piercings in their ears, they didn’t wear any torn jeans, they didn’t smoke, they didn’t drink vodka with tap-cola, they didn’t use a hairdryer, they didn’t They were engaged in petty theft and fraud, they didn’t get tattoos at the age of 15, they weren’t into Satanism and didn’t even tolerate swearing. But, nevertheless, they are now drug addicts. But not me.

Teenagers who grew up in a disadvantaged area become drug addicts. Pure nonsense. There are drug addicts from very rich families and beautiful neighborhoods. Of course, there are much more drug addicts from the working-class outskirts. But the point here is not at all in the area, but in another factor that relates to general life circumstances. For example, I’m just from a residential area, where in the 90s drug addicts simply walked in packs and even wandered into our entrance, since they were openly selling “Shirka” there for many years.

Only those who dream only of pleasure and do not know their responsibilities become drug addicts.. But what about those drug addicts who were not drones all their lives, but worked, had businesses, and started families? After all, it’s not true. Among drug addicts there are a lot of hard workers who work not only for themselves, but for the sake of their family. Yes, then they degrade and become ossified, but initially, they lived like everyone else and had the same attitudes - like everyone else. There are also lazy people among drug addicts, with marginal views on life. But there are no more of them than drug addicts with normal concepts once, as their life stories prove.

What is a common personality trait among drug addicts?

She is there, she is! Every drug addict has a fairly significant overestimation of his own strengths, that is, there is a lack of healthy self-criticism.

They are not fully aware that they are people just like others. As teenagers, they are 100% sure that they are strong-willed individuals and no drug will destroy them. Because they are strong. Therefore, it is quite possible for them to try, because they are sure that they will not get used to it. Moreover, choleric drug addicts, sanguine people, and phlegmatic people thought so...

At the same time, they may even be afraid of a syringe, condemn drug addicts... Attitudes and fears do not matter here. Yes, after all, many drug addicts condemned drug addicts in adolescence, what a paradox! The main thing here is that they are not afraid of themselves...

And then they tried, due to a random and stupid coincidence of circumstances, and simply could not stop, because the same factor was at work: lack of self-criticism and overestimation of one’s own strengths. They simply didn’t admit to themselves that they already wanted it, at least a little, when they “tried it” the second time.

By the way, not only teenagers with a certain psychotype get into drugs. It also happens that adults, with children and obligations, who do not have normal self-criticism, get involved in drugs.

I heard a case where one dad did not agree with the fact that drug addiction is a disease and decided to demonstrate to his son: here, I will inject myself and see that I will not become a drug addict, since I have willpower! And what? He became a drug addict and screwed up his family. At over 45 years old, before this incident he was a businessman and a respected person.

And how many wives get into drugs for the same reason...They struggle and struggle with their husband’s drug addiction, and then a “brilliant” thought occurs to them - let me show him what a drug addict looks like from the outside! And they try, and turn into complete drug addicts, abandoning their children...

Judge for yourself, what motivates these people? Yes, the usual lack of self-criticism and overestimation of one’s strengths.

I can remember for myself that I was afraid to try hard drugs because I was sure that I would definitely get into trouble and my life would go downhill. Or maybe what was holding me back was that being so drunk, obviously drunk, was such a shame? Don't know…

What is a common life circumstance among drug addicts?

But this is a life circumstance that almost all drug addicts have, but I didn’t have this circumstance. And this is drunkenness.

In my house there was no drinking on holidays and in general there was no cult of alcohol. If I got drunk in the yard, then I could consider myself three times cool and don’t care about the opinions of my family, but the worm of conscience was still nagging at me... I “plugged” with one half of my brain, and the other was wildly against drinking and considered it a shameful thing. I was taught that drunkenness is a shame.

And I did not grow up understanding that this is a common and necessary thing for adults. I grew up understanding that it was shameful and that you could drink extremely rarely and on very big holidays (Fridays, church and other celebrations of everyday drunks were not included in their number). But drinking to tone up or just because is a shame, period.

I remember that I was even ashamed to say, as a teenager, that my parents were so unmodern and didn’t drink. Everyone drinks and it’s cool! And mine are suckers.

So, those drug addicts whom I know personally and in absentia, 99% of them grew up in families where drinking is not a sin at all. Moreover, their parents, not necessarily alcoholics, were quite prosperous and stable people, but they were loyal to alcohol and did not consider such “evenings” shameful. And their children did not consider it shameful to relax with the help of amphetamine or spice, that’s all...

Of our negative company, numbering 14 people, all subsequently became drug addicts (almost all of them are no longer in the world), some opiate addicts, some amphetamine addicts... Only I, one other girl and one guy did not become addicts. And, by a “strange” coincidence, their parents were also “suckers”, by the standards of the 90s, and did not drink...

There are drug addicts whose parents did not drink at all, but they are drug addicts. But they are some measly 1% of all and they, most likely, simply went against the strict rules and did not accept “correctness” too much.

In conclusion, what can we say? There is no point in looking for the reasons for the onset of drug addiction. If it already exists, it must be treated. And analyzing the origins of drug addiction will not yield anything, it will only delay the time to begin the fight against a relative’s illness.

Is it possible to acquit a drug addict? Looking at such people, you have probably asked yourself this question more than once. The only justifiable reason for drug addiction can be a person’s lack of confidence in himself as a person. He is trying to use drugs to fight himself or other reasons that pushed him to take this step.

If you conduct a survey among the drug addicted part of the population, you can easily discover the reasons on which their drug life depends, and what they want and can get from the dose.

Not every addict can answer these questions. Many people are not entirely aware of where their lives are heading. Their answers can baffle a healthy person. Sometimes their world is centered around a small dose, it replaces food and sleep. Such people may not even need a roof over their heads. By offering them a delicious dinner and an evening in front of the TV or another drug-fueled fun, there is no doubt about what they will make their choice. Many experienced drug addicts can no longer imagine their day without a high. There are, of course, individuals who, after many years of drug use, are trying to get back on the right path. But there are not many of them. In most cases, their life is short-lived and ends sadly.

What do drugs mean to them? More experienced users of needles and other “delights” of drug addiction may feel like normal people. They can sometimes overcome themselves and not take the next dose.

If a drug addict is just starting to ruin his life, for him the drug is like a pill for all diseases.

They have a principle: if you don’t take it in the morning, the day is wasted. The vast majority of drug addicts started with the words: “Cool! Need to try!" It is a misconception that drugs give a feeling of delight, euphoria, and some unprecedented sensations. This is only in the first days. Then there will be withdrawal.

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Drug addiction: services and prices

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Drug addiction treatment

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Medical tests

Causes of drug addiction

Every addict wants to get some kind of help by taking the next dose. Their emotional and mental state is already quite damaged. It is not difficult to recognize such a person from a general crowd. All these are the true reasons for drug addiction - to hide from life, to close yourself off from others, to withdraw into yourself. Such a person is helpless, it is difficult for him to be in society. He has many weak points, which add even more pain to his soul.

Maybe one day he was overtaken by failures at college or at work, the loss of family and friends, misunderstandings in relationships, betrayal of a loved one... All this can push a person to take drugs. This is the first step on the path to drug addiction. The dose makes him relaxed, bold, and even, as he thinks, beautiful. Lack of self-confidence, fear of life, inability to take responsibility for one’s own actions is what pushes a person to drugs.

Rehabilitation programs are aimed at identifying the causes of drug addiction and helping the person. Not only medical, but also psychological. This program always gives positive results.

The real causes of drug addiction can be a person’s internal state and his worldview.

People who take drugs told what prompted them to take this path. Constant failures, mistrust of loved ones, theft and lies drove them to drugs. They were looking for consolation and revitalization, and drugs helped them forget about their problems, at least for a while.

If you help a drug addict in time, you can cure his addiction. Don't judge him harshly, rather lend a helping hand. He can still return to normal life and become a purposeful and successful person.

Our consultants can provide you with complete information about drug addiction rehabilitation and prevention courses.

Modern society has long been sounding the alarm regarding the catastrophic situation with drug addiction. Drug addiction is becoming a real pandemic. Leading doctors, scientists and specialists are conducting a full-scale search for ways to help resolve the current situation. After all, millions of people die every year due to drugs. Therefore, finding effective ways to get rid of such a problem is an extremely important task.

But in order to conduct an effective and targeted fight, one must know exactly the culprit of the universal tragedy, or rather the causes of drug addiction, those factors that contribute to the high growth and spread of drug addiction. After all, in order to cope with a consequence, you should know its origins. And there are quite a lot of culprits behind general drug addiction. And you should know them all.

Drug addiction develops for many reasons, the most common of which lie in human psychology.

As when studying and considering the formation of all dependencies, doctors first of all take into account the presence of abnormal activity on a certain excitation of the central nervous system. The results of numerous diagnostic experiments carried out by both foreign and Russian specialists indicate a close relationship between a person’s emotional state and the biochemical processes that form in the cerebral cortex.

According to statistics, young people aged 20–25 years most often become drug addicts.

The deep causes of drunkenness, alcoholism and drug addiction lie in the existing serious imbalance that occurs in the brain and leads to an imbalance of neurotransmitters. The result of this disorder is various problems in the human psyche, which provoke:

  • emotional stress;
  • development of any obsessive states;
  • constant dissatisfaction with everything that happens.

The body itself sometimes unobtrusively suggests to its owner ways out of the current negative situation. And unfortunately, in the overwhelming majority of cases, this solution turns out to be the consumption of stimulants (drugs and alcohol). Scientists have found an explanation for the development of this cause of drug addiction.

The fact is that drugs successfully fill the space at the intercellular level (it remains free and becomes empty due to a significant lack of neurotransmitters). The lack of these biochemical substances affects the appearance of calm and relaxation in a person. Physiological culprits in the development of various kinds of addictions lead to the emergence of particularly persistent addictions, which become extremely difficult to cope with.

Definition of drug addiction

Psychological reasons

The culprits that lead to the development of drug addiction and originate from some problems in the psyche are also called “social problems.” Experts classify them into several types, depending on the specific direction.

Coming from family relationships

In the case when family members show overprotection, trying to strictly control and limit the teenager in everything, his desire to show his personal qualities and show independence suffers significantly. In this case, any manifestations of parental extremes have an extremely negative and dangerous effect:

  • tyranny in the parent-child relationship;
  • lack or excess of parental attention;
  • complete permissiveness and subsequent spoiling.

Such difficult, sometimes unbearable relationships and manifestations on the part of parents for harmonious growing up simply drive the growing person into a corner. And the only way to somehow defuse the oppressive situation is drug use.


Common causes of drug addiction are common curiosity, which in the case of the younger generation is sometimes interspersed with risky situations. The psychological nuances that are observed as young people grow up, their inherent maximalism, the desire to taste forbidden fruits, to experience new sensations, push teenagers onto the path of drug addiction.

For the first time, a surge in drug addiction occurred in the West

The first satisfaction of the interest in knowing what a drug is instantly paves the way to an already stable and conscious craving.

By the way, curiosity does not always arise with the participation of friends and members of the general company. Sometimes the desire to try a drug is dictated by one’s own unconscious self. The danger also lies in the fact that having tried an illegal drug for the first time, a person does not yet encounter negative consequences, but only receives a charge of buzz and euphoria, which gives the drug a feeling of harmlessness.

The desire to live up to idols

The younger generation is characterized by a desire to imitate someone and strive to reach the level of an idol. Unfortunately, many rock stars and action actors actually used drugs. If a teenager reads in an interview with an idol that he is “on” a certain drug, there will be a natural desire to repeat this “feat” - a risky and deadly experiment with health.

Presence of nihilism

Nihilism is based on the complete denial of any foundations, forms of morality, cultural traditions and moral values. And adolescence is characterized by protest moods and beliefs, the desire to deny all rules and social laws.

A teenager is characterized by behavior that is formed on constant attempts to demonstrate his independence and the desire to assert himself in the eyes of his peers, and to prove to adults that he is already a Personality.

But in the absence of intellectual and personal examples, the only way out for young people is to show their worth through nihilism. That is, by some protest actions and statements. Unfortunately, growing nihilists often provoke themselves with psychostimulants.

Drug addiction has ancient origins

Other causes of drug addiction

When interviewing former drug addicts, when asked why they become drug addicts, psychologists identified another layer of problems leading to addiction. Experts attribute them mostly to social reasons. They are as follows:

  • feeling of impunity;
  • influence of antisocial culture;
  • lack of personal discipline;
  • the presence of various internal contradictions;
  • lack of interest in leading a healthy lifestyle;
  • uncertainty and personal dissatisfaction with oneself;
  • desire to earn money and increase authority among peers;
  • exposure to the promotion of immoral behavioral norms;
  • a period of general crisis and a decline in civil and cultural values ​​(an unhealthy atmosphere in the country).

The desire to take drugs, born for psychological (social) reasons, is initially perceived by the future victim as a kind of tool for achieving euphoria. But rarely do any teenagers stop after “getting high.” He continues to dabble in drugs further, not noticing how a persistent craving for such a life is gradually forming. The person becomes a drug addict.

Consequences of addiction

The absence and inability to get the next dose leads the drug addict to a state of withdrawal (withdrawal syndrome). Unbearable torment pushes the patient into a feverish search for money to buy a new portion of the potion. And they decide to commit robbery, violence and even murder. The search for finance to buy drugs becomes the main meaning of life.

Reasons for the spread of drug addiction in Russia

Such a destruction of consciousness cannot but leave the psychological component of the personality without consequences. Drug addiction brings a person the following characteristics:

  • deepest depression;
  • unexpected sudden mood swings;
  • isolation and reluctance to involve relatives in their affairs;
  • constant irritability, which is replaced by attacks of aggression;
  • emerging passivity and indifference to those things that recently interested a person;
  • daytime drowsiness and night insomnia (this is more often observed when addicted to opiate drugs);
  • strange behavior (unreasonable laughter, sleepy, “nailed” facial expression, meaningless speech and thoughts);
  • unnatural pupils (when taking some drugs they narrow, when using others they dilate);
  • unexpected passion for specific musical styles (when taking psychedelics, drug addicts often use a noise effect in the background).

These behavioral problems are mainly characteristic of young people. Therefore, parents should pay close attention and notice the slightest deviations in the behavior of their children. Particular attention should be paid to such teenagers whom psychologists consider to be at risk. These children are distinguished by the following innate personality traits:

  • fearfulness and shyness;
  • isolation, closedness from everything;
  • impressionability and suspiciousness;
  • inability to build relationships with peers;
  • weakness and inability to overcome difficulties with dignity.

Classification of causes of drug addiction

Drug addiction ranks high on the list of deadly diseases. Moreover, 8 out of 10 drug addicts knew very well (before starting to use drugs) what consequences their risky step would lead to, but were convinced that they could stop at any moment and return to normal life. But the drugs turned out to be stronger and more insidious.

Drug addiction develops unnoticed by the person who uses drugs, and gradually the addict experiences complete personality degradation.

Based on large-scale research, leading narcologists have classified the main causes of drug addiction into four large levels. They are as follows:

  1. Biophysical. This includes various situations arising from heredity and genetic predisposition.
  2. Individual. Reasons of a psychological nature, which are based on the personal characteristics of a person with the addition of an inferior and destructive lifestyle.
  3. Social. This includes a wide group of reasons that are based on social policy, the level of organization of youth leisure, the inability to obtain good training and a prestigious job, low wages, etc.
  4. Microsocial. These culprits of drug addiction originate from the environment of the future drug addict. These are family, friends, school, youth environment and other components that become decisive in the appearance of drugs in a person’s life.

Our modern world is rich and full of bursts of negativity, chronic fatigue, severe emergency situations, depression and disappointment. All this has an extremely bad effect on a person’s psycho-emotional state, becoming involved in the development of drug addiction. Therefore, an experienced narcologist develops a drug addiction treatment plan with the mandatory involvement of a psychotherapist.

The tasks of a psychologist include identifying the true reason that became the “trigger” in the life of a certain person and redirected him onto the path of a fatal hobby. This understanding gives the specialist a competent determination of the direction in which to move during therapy. It should be understood that all available reasons are worth considering; in the vast majority of cases, what pushes a person into the drug world is not just one existing problem, but a combination of them.

Experienced narcologists and psychologists at the Ozoznanie rehabilitation center in Novosibirsk are ready to tell you why people become drug addicts, which groups of the population suffer more from drug addiction and who pushes them to this.

Some statistics:

people take drugs at least once a year

people suffer from drug addiction

rubles are spent on drugs every day

people die every year due to drug addiction

Physiological reasons

How do people become drug addicts? The physiological reason leading to the formation of persistent drug addiction is the high production of the joy hormone when taking them. Addiction to most psychoactive substances develops after 1-2 doses.

A person remembers what pleasure and buzz he felt while using a drug - this forces him to use it over and over again. The difference between psychoactive substances and alcohol is their powerful psychotropic effect.

Attention! There is a possibility that a predisposition to drug addiction is inherited, BUT no clear decision has been made on this issue.

The development of physical dependence is evidenced by a clearly manifested withdrawal syndrome. Without the drug, a person experiences severe muscle pain and cramps throughout the body, the heart rate increases, and the risk of respiratory arrest or heart attack increases.

Social and psychological reasons

The main reasons that provoke drug use and the formation of drug addiction in adolescents and adults:

Lack of parental love, need for attention and respect on their part

The psychology of a child is designed in such a way that he tries to do everything to attract the attention of his parents and feel warmth from them. Lack of love and care provokes children to look for other ways to stand out. Agree, after all, from early childhood a person knows that illness is a guarantee that you will be looked after. Some children find solace in drugs, especially when they are not experiencing financial difficulties.

Curiosity, the desire to try something new and unusual

In adolescence, a person is in search of “himself”; he understands that what the future will be depends on his actions today. The surrounding problems seem too serious and significant, and among the ways to hide from them, he identifies cigarettes, alcohol and drugs. Unfortunately, having become “curious” once, a teenager is unlikely to be able to give up the desire to experience pleasure and euphoria again.

Rebellion, the desire to demonstrate oneself

Constant encounters with problems in the family, at school or at work leads to the fact that a person withdraws into himself or seeks refuge elsewhere. Once in an unfavorable environment and under the influence of bad company, only a few will be able to resist its pressure. The temptation is great and the risk is high, but who thinks about it when the need arises to declare oneself and rise in the eyes of others?

Lack of sense of responsibility and discipline

The main risk group is children and adolescents, not only from disadvantaged, but also wealthy families. What is this connected with? Lack of discipline. The life of most of them is based on selfishness and a complete lack of responsibility to the family and the rest of society. Such teenagers have high demands on others, but they themselves cannot cope with a single problem.

Internal contradictions and conflicts

Boredom, depression and lack of interest in life among teenagers and already mature adults leads to them turning to drugs. Low self-esteem, lack of friends and motivation, lack of confidence in oneself and one’s actions provoke a transition to the “forbidden path” of using psychoactive substances.

Provoking factors

The average age of drug addicts varies from 13 to 25 years. Every year the bar drops lower and lower under the influence of provoking factors. They encourage a person to try a drug for the first time, which he subsequently cannot refuse.

Among these provoking factors:

  • Antisocial lifestyle. It becomes more popular every year due to the propaganda of nihilism and rebellion;
  • The desire to be like an idol (imitation) - these can be not only stars, but also charismatic peers;
  • Psychological or physical (including sexual) violence - drugs become a kind of way to escape reality.

Prerequisites for drug addiction

Who is most likely to become a drug addict? The vast majority of drug addicts are people experiencing difficulties in their careers or creativity, who are faced with a feeling of personal inadequacy. Scandals in the family, troubles in personal life and depression aggravate the situation, forcing a person to seek support from the outside.

For some, drugs represent an imaginary opportunity to realize themselves, to increase their ambitions, skills, creativity, intellectual and even physical abilities. Psychotropic substances allow you to sleep less, feel alert and active.

Research among drug addicts

We draw your attention to statistics based entirely on the opinions of drug addicts. Each of them was asked the same question - “Why do you use drugs?”

way to cheer up

getting rid of problems

opportunity to relax

so as not to feel lonely

way to establish communication

Does someone close to you suffer from drug addiction? Do not hesitate - seek professional drug treatment help at our rehabilitation center in Novosibirsk. Remember, the sooner you make a decision, the more likely it is that he will be able to return to a healthy, drug-free life!

Drug addiction: services and prices

▸ Call a narcologist

  • Service
  • Price
  • Consultation with a narcologist at home
  • from 3000 rub.
  • Departure of the intervention team (persuasion to undergo treatment)
  • from 5000 rub.
  • Relieving drug withdrawal
  • from 4000 rub.
  • Hospital at home (days)
  • from 6000 rub.
  • Single dropper
  • from 3000 rub.
  • Double dropper
  • from 5000 rub.
  • Standard detoxification
  • from 4000 rub.

▸ Drug addiction treatment

  • Service
  • Price
  • Initial consultation by phone
  • Consultation with a narcologist
  • from 1500 rub.
  • Calling a narcologist to your home
  • from 2500 rub.
  • Drug test
  • from 1000 rub.
  • Motivation by intervention method
  • from 5000 rub.
  • Accompaniment to the clinic/rehabilitation
  • from 10,000 rub.
  • Relieving drug withdrawal
  • from 6000 rub.
  • Detoxification of the body from drugs
  • from 7000 rub.
  • Diagnosis of general health
  • from 5000 rub.
  • Consultation with a psychologist
  • from 2000 rub.
  • Psychotherapy
  • from 2500 rub.
  • Drug filing
  • from 10,000 rub.
  • Inpatient rehabilitation
  • from 40,000 rub.
  • Outpatient rehabilitation
  • from 25,000 rub.
  • Adaptation of a drug addict after treatment
  • from 20,000 rub.


  • Service
  • Price
  • Initial consultation by phone
  • Visit of a narcologist and consultation at home
  • from 3000 rub.
  • from 10,000 rub.
  • from 20,000 rub.
  • Diagnosis of health conditions
  • from 8000 rub.
  • from 6000 rub.
  • Session with a psychologist
  • from 1500 rub.
  • Psychotherapy
  • from 2500 rub.
  • Compulsory treatment (intervention method)
  • from 10,000 rub.
  • from 40,000 rub.
  • Rehabilitation of drug addicts abroad
  • from 50,000 rub.

▸ Removing withdrawal

  • Service
  • Price
  • Initial consultation by phone
  • Visit and consultation of a narcologist at home
  • from 3000 rub.
  • Relieving drug withdrawal at home
  • from 8000 rub.
  • Relieving drug withdrawal in a hospital
  • from 6000 rub.
  • Ultra-fast opioid detoxification
  • from 20,000 rub.
  • Combined body detoxification
  • from 10,000 rub.
  • Observation by a narcologist in a hospital (24 hours)
  • from 6000 rub.
  • Appointment with a psychologist
  • from 1500 rub.
  • Psychotherapy for addicts
  • from 2000 rub.
  • Accompaniment to the clinic hospital
  • from 10,000 rub.
  • Unique rehabilitation program
  • from 40,000 rub.

▸ Medical tests

  • Service
  • Price
  • General urine analysis
  • from 400 rub.
  • Complete blood count, biochemical blood test
  • from 1500 rub.
  • Electrocardiography (ECG)
  • from 500 rub.
  • Blood for HIV
  • from 500 rub.
  • Blood for syphilis
  • from 500 rub.
  • Blood for hepatitis B (antibodies)
  • from 500 rub.
  • Blood for hepatitis C (antibodies)
  • from 500 rub.
  • Test for the presence of drugs in urine
  • from 3000 rub.
  • Genotyping analysis (hereditary risk of addiction)
  • from 10,000 rub.
  • Express genotyping analysis (hereditary risk of addiction)
  • from 15,000 rub.