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Why do some people have cold feet even in summer and when it’s warm? Why do my feet get cold in summer?

Text: Tatyana Maratova

Why do my feet get cold even in summer, when the rest of my body is at normal temperature? In a healthy person, blood flows freely through the blood vessels, delivering oxygen to all tissues and organs. In that part of the body where this delivery is disrupted or stops altogether, problems with heat exchange may arise.

Pernicious anemia

Pernicious anemia is one of the main causes why are my feet cold? even when the ambient temperature is much above zero. This type of anemia means a lack of healthy red blood cells in the body due to a deficiency of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 ensures the production of sufficient red blood cells and also helps the nervous system function properly.

A deficiency of red blood cells in the blood reduces the amount of oxygen available to the body's tissues and can cause fatigue, difficulty breathing, dizziness, pale skin, headaches, and cold hands and feet. In this case, the question “why your feet are cold and what to do about it” has a very simple answer - change your diet to include foods rich in vitamin B12. On the other hand, pernicious anemia can begin due to the lack in the body of a special protein produced in the stomach and necessary for the proper absorption of B12. So, it is possible that in addition to adjustments made to the diet, a course of treatment with special vitamin complexes will be required.

Raynaud's syndrome

Raynaud's syndrome is an exotic and quite rare disease, which, nevertheless, can cause cold feet and hands. This disease is characterized by vasospastic attacks, which are random narrowings of the blood vessels in the fingers and toes. When blood vessels narrow, blood can no longer flow through them normally. This causes the hands and feet to become cold and numb, and the skin to change color from white to blue. When sensation returns to the limb, the skin turns red again and a tingling sensation occurs in the arms and legs. Very rarely, vasospastic attacks also occur at the tip of the nose. The exact cause of Raynaud's syndrome is unknown, but it is believed that the triggers for such attacks can be prolonged exposure to low temperatures or very long emotional stress, close to stress.

If a person’s feet are constantly cold, as a rule, this condition gradually becomes familiar to him, and he does not perceive this phenomenon as something alarming. As a rule, feet get cold in autumn and winter when shoes get wet or a person freezes in the cold.

However, if a person constantly has cold feet, even if he is in a warm and cozy room, the reasons for this phenomenon are associated with certain pathologies of the body. As a rule, such a symptom often worries representatives of both ages after 40 years. If your feet are very cold, most likely this is due to circulatory problems or disruptions in the function of the nervous system. If your feet and hands are cold, what to do will be discussed in the article below, where the reasons for this phenomenon are also analyzed.

Why do healthy people's feet get cold?

The legs are the temperature regulator of his entire body. After all, it is difficult for the heart to pump blood to the lower extremities. Therefore, strengthening your legs is very important. If you walk barefoot at home, and then walk barefoot on the grass in the same way in the summer, you can gradually become more resistant to the cold. You should always choose shoes according to the season. Sometimes, if a person is wondering why his feet are cold at home, all he needs to do is change his indoor shoes to eliminate this problem.

If you are wondering why your feet are constantly cold, the reasons may be related to the fact that you are used to wrapping yourself up and wearing warm socks at room temperature. Most often, in such cases, the toes of people with minor deviations in functioning become cold. autonomic nervous system .

If your feet are frozen, they will remain cold until they are warmed up. Even if the air temperature is normal and a person is warm, the feet that are in cool water or on a cold floor are frozen. This phenomenon is called « trench foot » , since it was in the trenches of war that feet often froze even at above-zero temperatures.

If your feet are cold, the reasons for this phenomenon may be due to the fact that a person sits with his legs tucked in for a long time, and the blood flow is disrupted. Gradually, the feet become numb and freeze.

After a person has once suffered frostbite , he periodically notes that his legs are cold from the knee to the foot. That is, the consequences of frostbite remain for life. Healthy people feel comfortable at a temperature of 15-17 degrees, but those who once had frostbitten feet feel that their feet are getting cold even at this temperature.

Extremities often get cold in people who adhere to very strict diets or starve.

Many people are interested in why their feet and hands are cold. The reasons for this phenomenon may be associated with a variety of factors. But most often the causes of cold hands and feet are associated with peripheral vascular disease. This disease affects the vessels that carry blood from and to the heart.


The answer to the question of why your hands and feet are constantly cold may be. With this disease, the vessels become very fragile, and there is a tendency to. Therefore, if a person constantly has cold extremities at a comfortable temperature, this may be evidence of the development of such a formidable disease as diabetes.

If the lower extremities become cold, this may also indicate the development of a serious complication called "diabetic foot" . With this condition, the nutrition of the leg tissues gradually deteriorates, and, accordingly, the likelihood of developing. With this complication, the risk of limb increases.

Raynaud's syndrome

Atopic dermatitis suffered in childhood

If a person suffered from it in childhood, then in adulthood he will complain that his limbs are cold. Allergic manifestations are combined with autonomic disorders and appear as white dermographism . This phenomenon is characterized by the fact that if you run your finger over the skin of the forearm, not a red, but a white stripe will appear, which indicates vascular spasm.

Use of certain medications

The extremities sometimes become cold if a person takes certain medications. This may occur if treated with beta blockers (, ). Chilliness is also caused by ergot preparations - they are prescribed for some gynecological diseases.

Acute allergic manifestations

With a sharp expansion of small vessels, which occurs with or, severe heat loss occurs and, as a result, chilliness of the legs is noted.

Peripheral nerve diseases can cause a feeling of numbness and coldness in the legs for a long time. This happens when radiculoneuritis lumbar segment, polyneuropathies , inflammation of the lumbar plexus, neuronomachus sciatic nerve.

The consequences of acute circulatory disorders of the brain, or, are accompanied by trophic disorders, in particular coldness of the skin. In people with The sacral and lumbar regions also often cause cold feet.

What causes chilly limbs?

If your knees, heels, and feet are cold, then, in addition to diseases, this phenomenon can be caused by the following factors:

  • smoking;
  • physical inactivity;
  • eating disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • nerve diseases.

If your limbs are constantly chilly, you need to take certain measures to feel comfortable. First you need to apply the simplest methods that will help warm your feet. You need to put on wool socks, take a hot water bottle or bottle of water, and prepare a foot bath with mustard. All these methods will help you warm up quickly.

If a person regularly expresses complaints like “I’m constantly cold,” what to do depends on the diagnosis. But provided that no diseases were identified during the study, it is necessary to take certain preventive measures.

It happens that the methods described above help for a short time, and a person does not know what to do if his feet and hands are cold. What to do in such cases? It is important to take care of long-term prevention measures by doing the following:

  • completely stop smoking;
  • always dress correctly, and in cold weather avoid things that tightly squeeze the lower part of the body;
  • choose high-quality and warm shoes that should not be too big or tight;
  • try to avoid stressful situations and strong emotional stress;
  • constantly practice physical activity - do exercises, run, swim;
  • consume more protein foods, also include in the menu a variety of hot seasonings and spices that have a warming effect on the body;
  • do not drink too strong tea or coffee, preferring herbal teas with lemon balm, mint, valerian.

If a person not only has cold feet, but also sweats, he needs to regularly take warming foot baths, adding mustard or sea salt to them.

To prepare a warming bath with salt, you need to dissolve pharmaceutical sea salt in hot water - two spoons and two spoons of milk. After the bath, you should immediately put on woolen socks.

Those who spend time standing at work throughout the day should take baths in the evening, adding mustard to hot water. This procedure helps to activate blood circulation, relieve swelling .

If signs of freezing feet appear, massage should be done immediately. To do this, actively rub the sole of each foot in turn and massage the toes. If possible, you should pre-warm your socks and put them on immediately after the warming massage.

Another effective procedure is suitable for those who do not suffer. You need to prepare two containers - one with cold water, the other with hot water. First, lower your feet into warm water for 10 minutes, then lower them into cold water for the same time. You need to change containers until the warm water cools down. This procedure is completed by immersion in cold water.

How to warm your feet - folk recipes

If a person has constantly cold feet due to a certain disease, the causes and treatment should be determined by a doctor. But if you need to warm up icy feet that are frozen in the cold, you can use one of the folk methods, of which there are a lot.

Cold feet can be relieved using the methods described below.

Compress with alcohol

For such a compress, you need to moisten the bottom of warm socks with alcohol and put on these socks after your feet have been warmed up in warm water. You need to put another pair of socks on top. After this, even at a temperature that is not too high, your feet will warm up well within a few minutes.


Hot ground pepper warms the skin well when applied to the feet. Pepper causes skin irritation, but this is temporary. Therefore, if the question of why your feet are always cold is pressing for a person, in cold winter weather you can pour hot pepper into your socks before going out into the cold.

Mistletoe leaves

You need to grind dry mistletoe leaves and pour a teaspoon of this mixture into a glass of boiling water. After infusion overnight, the infusion should be drunk before meals, 2 tbsp. l. You need to drink mistletoe for several months. Mistletoe tincture normalizes heart pressure and calms.

Sophora fruits or flowers

50 g of Sophora fruits or flowers should be poured with half a liter of vodka and left to infuse for one month. Drink the tincture three times a day, 1 tsp. within four months.

Gymnastic exercises

Exercise can significantly warm up your extremities. There is a whole range of special exercises to warm your feet.


When you shake your legs alternately, vibration affects the capillaries. The vessels then contract and blood flow is activated. You should lie on your back on a hard surface, raise your legs and arms so that they form a 90-degree angle with your torso. In this position, you need to shake your arms and legs for 1-2 minutes.

Reeds in the wind

This exercise is done while lying on your stomach. You need to relax your limbs, bend your knees. At the same time, you should imagine that this is a reed fluttering in the wind. In this case, the legs should periodically touch the pelvis.

Massage with walnuts

With this exercise you can effectively activate blood flow, relieve fatigue and stress. Place 2-3 walnuts between your palms and rotate them for several minutes. In this case, a certain amount of force should be applied so that the nuts are pressed tightly against the palms. Next, the exercise is repeated with the feet. This massage is done in the morning and evening.


If such methods do not help or are effective only for a short time, the causes of cold hands and feet are obviously related to diseases, and a doctor should look for them. A doctor can determine why your hands are constantly cold and your feet are frozen by conducting the necessary research. At the appointment, the doctor asks about complaints, conducts an examination, and sends the patient for laboratory tests. Sometimes an ECG, ultrasound of the blood vessels of the legs, consultation with a vascular surgeon, endocrinologist, or neurologist are required. Once a diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe treatment to eliminate the problem or reduce the severity of symptoms.

Greetings to all readers of my blog! Why do my feet get cold? Today I won’t talk about why this happens in winter. If your shoes are tight and wet, then this phenomenon is quite natural in the cold season. But there is another side to the issue. It is very unpleasant when such discomfort is constantly experienced, and not only in winter, but in the warm season and even in a warm room. Let's look at the reasons, perhaps later we will find a solution to this issue.

You've probably noticed that when it's cold, your extremities are the first to freeze. This is explained simply. The fact is that the palms and feet have a small number of muscle fibers that are capable of generating heat, and there is practically no fatty tissue on them that should retain this heat. The only source of heat is our blood.

Under the influence of low temperatures, blood vessels narrow and the amount of blood flowing to the limbs decreases. If this is a healthy person, then to warm them it is enough to warm your hands in warm water or massage them, blood circulation in the limbs will be restored and they will warm up.

If this method of warming the feet and hands does not help, this condition should not be ignored, as this may be the initial symptom of a serious pathology.

Feet are cold - reasons

The main reason for cold feet and freezing even in summer and in a warm room is poor circulation in the lower extremities (we won’t talk about the hands). This can occur with the following diseases:

    • Unstable blood pressure - with high pressure, the blood vessels are spasmed and it is more difficult for blood to reach the smallest capillaries; with low blood pressure, the blood pressure weakens and there is simply not enough blood pressure to reach the small capillaries of the foot.
    • Vegetative-vascular dystonia is characterized primarily by low blood pressure; the mechanism of blood supply at low pressure has just been explained.
    • Varicose veins - muscle tone of blood vessels is reduced, the structure of the walls of blood vessels is changed.
    • Hormonal disorders - often occur in older people if they have diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, or menopausal syndrome in women.
  • Anemia - a reduced amount of hemoglobin does not provide a normal amount of oxygen - the source of vital energy.
  • , which is often found in heavy smokers, whose blood vessels spasm under the influence of nicotine.
  • Stroke – the passage of nerve impulses is disrupted, resulting in paresis and paralysis, loss of sensitivity is observed.
  • History of frostbite.
  • Violation of water balance, when with insufficient water intake into the body, the blood becomes thick and the blood vessels spasm as a protective reaction of the body.
  • Advanced stage of osteochondrosis.

What to do if your feet and hands are cold

If the list of reasons includes your pathology, then the feeling of cold feet is one of the symptoms of the disease; only qualified medical help will help you here. But if your feet remain constantly cold and all your efforts to warm them remain ineffective, this is another reason to immediately seek help from a doctor.

Simple folk remedies that can be done at home will help you get rid of the feeling of cold feet. What can be done?

  1. Walk barefoot more often, if possible, on small stones, in the summer - and at home - on a massage mat.
  2. Sit less and move more: by bike in summer, in winter by skiing or skating.
  3. A contrast shower will help improve blood circulation throughout the body and strengthen blood vessels, including those in the legs. If it is not possible to do a contrast shower, then at least do contrast foot baths. I have already written how to do it correctly.
  4. Every morning, massage your feet with your hands, rubbing your feet first and then each toe. For massage you can use special massagers. And in the evening before going to bed, take pine foot baths or with sea salt.

And some more useful tips.

  • Never sit with your legs crossed – it is this position that causes poor circulation in the lower extremities for 10-15 minutes.
  • Get rid of bad habits, especially smoking, drink less strong coffee and tea. Spicy seasonings are not prohibited.
  • Do not wear tight and narrow shoes in the cold season, wear dry and warm socks.
  • Strengthen your immune system: in addition to strengthening it, when you eat foods rich in vitamin C (rose hips, currants, citrus fruits, cranberries, etc.), the walls of blood vessels will also be strengthened, and ginger and red hot pepper will help “disperse” the blood.
  • Don't forget about water, drink at least 2 liters a day. Remember that with a lack of water, the blood becomes thick and the blood vessels spasm.

What to do if the feet of older people are cold?

Older people's feet often get cold. This occurs as a result of a slowdown in their physiological processes, metabolic and circulatory disorders. With age, their muscle mass decreases and the subcutaneous fat layer decreases.

Impaired heat exchange in their lower extremities occurs quite often; even in a warm home, their feet get cold, thereby worsening their quality of life.

For older people, in addition to the treatment prescribed by a doctor, you can also use traditional methods of treatment. These are harmless methods that can be used at home in parallel with drug treatment.

To improve blood flow in the lower extremities, do exercises that have absolutely no contraindications and are easy to do. Watch these exercises in this video.

Cold feet - treatment with folk remedies

I remember how my grandmother, when I was a very small child, constantly warmed my feet over boiled potatoes to warm my feet. She placed a small board on top of the pot with potatoes, and wrapped a blanket over her legs and the pot with potatoes. She sat like that for about 30 minutes or until the potatoes cooled down. After that she always put on warm woolen socks.

Something similar can be done with mustard. I found this recipe on the Internet: as I understand it, add mustard to moderately hot water, so as not to burn your feet, and warm your feet for 20-30 minutes until the water cools down. After which the feet are wiped dry and warm woolen socks are put on.

Do rubbing – massage for the feet. Do stroking, kneading, patting movements 7-10 times on each leg. After this, apply apple cider vinegar to your legs and feet, preferably 6% (you don’t need to dilute it), rub the vinegar into the skin with light movements. After 5-10 minutes, after the vinegar has been well absorbed, put warm socks on your feet and lie there for another 15 minutes.

The most important property in this case is that it has a vasodilating effect and thins the blood, resolves blood clots and clots in the blood vessels.

Similar rubbings can be done with warm vodka, and some even do rubbings “the old fashioned way” with triple cologne. Judging by the reviews, such manipulations help.

Tincture with red pepper. For 200 grams of vodka, take 2 teaspoons of red pepper and place in a dark, warm place for 10 days to infuse. Strain the finished tincture and rub it into your feet before bed every day.

Warming cream. Add red pepper extract, rosemary essential oil, camphor oil to baby cream or Vaseline. The cream should be applied to dry, clean feet, after it has absorbed a little, put on warm socks. Be careful with red pepper: it can cause an allergic reaction or cause irritation.

Take hot foot baths. To 1 liter of hot water, add 10-15 drops of rosemary, clove or cinnamon essential oil and 2 tablespoons of milk to dissolve the essential oil. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, after which wipe your feet dry and put on warm socks.

To improve the general condition and restore blood circulation in general, it is recommended to carry out preventive courses every 3 months by drinking a honey-vegetable mixture. To prepare it, take:

  • a glass of carrot, beet, horseradish juice;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • 1 glass of honey.

Mix everything, take 2 tablespoons on an empty stomach before meals every day. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

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Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

All processes in the body are regulated by the nervous and endocrine systems. Thanks to them, the body temperature is maintained constant regardless of the changeability of the weather. This is achieved due to the constant consumption of energy, which is formed after the digestion of food.

However, not all people feel comfortable even in a warm apartment. Their feet are constantly cold and freezing. Considering this an individual feature is not entirely correct. Rather, it is a disorder that, for some reason, arose in a particular patient.

A healthy person's feet are cold

While the blood flows through the vessels to the lower extremities, it loses heat. And the process of microcirculation in distant parts of the body is not as intense as in the center. For these reasons, the feet receive less heat, which for a person is manifested by a feeling of cold.

The peculiarity of the structure of the legs is a low amount of adipose tissue, which is why heat is quickly lost into the environment, and energy reserves are not preserved. In a healthy person, the limbs are cold for the following physiological reasons:

  • Hypothermia. In cold weather conditions or insufficiently warm shoes, the body does not have enough energy to warm the feet. The situation improves at a comfortable air temperature or after a hot bath.
  • Squeezing of blood vessels. The flow of blood is disrupted if you sit for a long time with your legs tucked or placing them on top of each other.
  • Past injury or frostbite to an extremity. Damage to tissue structure that cannot be restored remains for life. In such people, the lower extremities are cold even at home and in a warm place due to insufficient energy production.
  • Clothes or shoes made from non-natural fabrics, which lead to the fact that the foot will constantly freeze or sweat.

In the absence of injuries or vascular diseases, a comfortable air temperature for the legs is 17 degrees. Nature intended it this way that the lower limbs are adapted for hardening or walking barefoot. But if your feet are cold even in a warm room, you need to see a therapist and then undergo an examination.

If your feet are constantly cold

Warming occurs through energy production and circulation, so chills or cold extremities are the result of peripheral vascular disease. Doctors call it the main cause of the disorder. In this case, blood flows normally through the main arteries, but is not sufficiently distributed through small arterioles or capillaries. As a result, some tissues do not participate well in microcirculation and metabolic processes.

Possible diseases

The reasons for women and men that lead to the fact that their limbs are always cold are the following:

  • Diabetes. The disease affects large and small vessels, which leads to poor circulation, thrombosis, and tissue trophic disorders. A well-known complication of this endocrine pathology is diabetic foot, in which gangrene occurs, and later, the inevitability of amputation of the limb.
  • Raynaud's syndrome. Occurs when the innervation of blood vessels is disrupted, which leads to their pathological narrowing. Spasms occur in response to most provoking factors - smoking, cold water, low air temperature, psycho-emotional experiences. The patient's feet, as well as fingertips, ears, and chins are cold.
  • Anemia– a condition in which a person has a reduced amount of hemoglobin. It is this protein that carries oxygen to all cells, so its deficiency causes tissue hypoxia, disruption of their functions and metabolic processes.
  • Venous stagnation. Varicose veins, phlebitis or thrombosis impede blood circulation, causing cold legs, swelling and pain.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia. Inconsistency in the functioning of the vascular and nervous systems leads to spasms of the capillary walls, as well as difficulty in getting blood into the foot. The person experiences chills or numbness.
  • Blood pressure surges. With an increased value, vasospasm occurs, with a decreased value, blood flow in the periphery worsens. Both disorders provoke a feeling of coldness in the extremities.
  • Obliterating endarteritis. The pathology is often found in smokers. Long-term exposure to tar, nicotine or other toxic substances leads to chronic inflammation of the inner layer of blood vessels and their narrowing as a result of spasm or blood clot formation. Blood flow in this disease is greatly obstructed. The limbs may become stiff and numb, and there may be pain when walking. The pathology is dangerous because over time it leads to tissue necrosis and then amputation.

Age-related changes

After 50 years, the body begins to age and menopause occurs. In addition to chronic diseases during this period, heat exchange disturbances become a common problem. The reason lies in the wear and tear of the body, as well as in the restructuring of the hormonal background, which regulates the functioning of all systems.

The amount of subcutaneous fat layer, which decreases as the body ages, also plays a role in maintaining heat. The situation is worsened by a weakened immune system, which allows infection to pass through and cannot suppress inflammatory processes.

Vessels in older people become fragile. They are not able to fully function and deliver blood to the most remote areas of the body. At the tips of the fingers and toes there are many small capillaries, which are the first to suffer from poor blood circulation. All this leads to the fact that a person’s limbs are cold under any environmental conditions, even when wearing warm socks.

How to warm your feet

If the cause is a systemic disease, simply warming up the extremities with warm clothes will not work, since the feeling of cold comes from the inside and occurs due to circulatory failure. Below is a list of tips to help prevent cold feet:

  • Dress for the weather. At the same time, it is undesirable to wear clothes that are too light or too warm. In the first case, you can really freeze, the vessels will narrow and impede the blood supply to the tissues. Overheating will have a bad effect on the health of the veins, activates sweating, and reduces the body's defenses.
  • Strengthen and train blood vessels. Doctors recommend daily contrast showers, swimming, walking, and sea salt baths in the evenings.
  • Warm your feet with a massage or a warm bath or hot tea. The temperature change should not be too sharp - fill the bath with warm water and do the massage with soft, non-traumatic movements. After the procedures, wear warm socks.
  • Do exercises every morning. This will help to immediately improve microcirculation and then feel better throughout the day.
  • Wear wool socks and do not take them off even at night. At the same time, you can begin to harden yourself or devote time to sports training, which will improve blood circulation and give a feeling of warmth to your limbs.
  • Choose shoes made from natural materials that are precisely sized so that they do not squeeze the foot and also allow the skin to breathe. Women should avoid wearing high heels.
  • Minimize stress. Psycho-emotional experiences negatively affect the condition of blood vessels, leading to their alternating expansion and contraction. Over time, the tone of the capillaries weakens, hematomas and swelling occur.

It is possible to improve blood circulation using physical methods (heating pad, sock). However, this approach is considered only symptomatic, since it does not eliminate the source of the pathology.


The causes of frozen feet, weakness and sweating of the feet are identified using laboratory tests or instrumental methods:

  • Blood tests.
  • Ultrasound of leg vessels.
  • ECG and Echo-CG.

The treatment regimen is prescribed by the doctor after studying the results. In addition to it, the patient will always have to follow the doctor’s recommendations and eliminate bad habits.

Traditional methods

You can combat the discomfort associated with freezing feet using folk remedies:

  • Vodka compress. Alcohol has a warming effect. Cotton socks are moistened with it in the sole area, and woolen ones are put on top. Within a few minutes your feet will no longer be cold.
  • Hot pepper. The raw materials are crushed and poured into shoes or clothing that comes into contact with the foot.
  • Tincture of Sophora. The product is sold in pharmacies or prepared independently at the rate of 50 g of fruit plus 500 ml of vodka. The medicinal liquid is taken orally three times a day, a teaspoon. The course of therapy reaches 4 months.


A reliable way to warm up is to start moving. To get rid of cold feet, it is recommended to perform the following exercises:

  • Shaking the limbs promotes vibration of the capillaries and their contraction. The patient lies on the floor, raises his arms and legs perpendicular to the body and makes shaking movements for 1 minute.
  • In a position on your stomach, relax your lower limbs by bending them at the knees. Imagine that you are a reed that is swaying in the wind and perform the appropriate movements back and forth, touching your butt.
  • Massage with walnuts or small balls. The object is placed between the palms or soles and rolled with firm pressure for 2 minutes.

Yoga classes are also considered useful, the movements of which are performed smoothly and emotionally calm.

Doctor's report

If the reason your feet are cold is hypothermia, a warm bath and hot tea will correct the situation. However, your extremities should not be constantly cold. If you notice a similar symptom while in a heated room, you should not delay a visit to the doctor. Since this may indicate the initial stage of problems with blood circulation.

There are people who sleep under a warm blanket and in socks even in spring and summer. And all because their feet are cold. There are several reasons for this malaise: adaptation of the body to the off-season, problems with blood vessels, fatigue. Moreover, neither adults nor children are insured against freezing feet. This means we will learn to take care of ourselves at home and warm our feet using folk remedies.

Cold extremity syndrome or advice for those who are freezing!

If you feel very cold in the off-season or just in a cool roomany parts of the body, especially the limbs - arms, legs, fingers, tip of the nose - this may indicate a lack of certain useful microelements in the body, as well as some ailments of the cardiovascular system. What else is the reason for this phenomenon and how to cope with it - neurologist, doctor of the highest category Alexey Lazutin talks about this.

Both old and young

Feeling of constantly cool, numb hands and feet may be a normal reaction of the body to a sudden change in temperature, but also a sign of not very good blood supply to the body! Most often, older people and heavy smokers face this problem, since as a result of bad habits and with age, peripheral blood circulation especially slows down. In addition, the older we get, the more the ratio of muscle and fat tissue changes: fat tissue increases, muscle tissue decreases, because of this, again, thermogenesis (heat production) in the body decreases.

Deterioration of blood vessels can also occur in younger people, or even teenagers, and can be a symptom of vegetative-vascular dystonia and other problems of the cardiovascular system! Also, poor blood circulation can signal hormonal imbalances (problems with the thyroid gland), elevated blood sugar levels (as a result, diabetes mellitus).

Another reason, due to which some people have cold feet, is a lack of one or another microelement in the body due to low-calorie diets and fasting days (for example, iron, and hence anemia).

Be that as it may, if you are worried about cold extremities syndrome, then you need to consult a doctor about your condition. Along the way, you can try to independently restore the blood supply to internal organs. There are several ways to do this.

We accelerate the blood flow

First, start living a more active lifestyle! This is especially true for older people. Moderate physical activity in the open air - walking, cycling, morning exercises, swimming - does not overload the heart muscle, but at the same time improves blood flow and prevents the reduction of muscle tissue.

Include in your diet hot liquid soups, bran, fiber, foods rich in iron. Taking iron-containing vitamin complexes, as well as calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, vitamins C and E, and omega-3 fatty acids (found in red fish or fish oil capsules) will also not hurt.

Start drinking ginger infusion– this remedy improves blood circulation like no other and has the ability to warm up the body! 1-2 cloves of fresh ginger or tsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over ginger powder and leave for 20 minutes. Drink the drink hot. You can also brew any tea with ginger by adding a slice of lemon, cloves and cinnamon (tsp each). Drink tea on an empty stomach in the morning and evening before bed. Yarrow-based tea also improves blood circulation quite well.

Helpful for vascular tone also various hot spices: red and black pepper, garlic (if there are no contraindications from the gastrointestinal tract), curry, turmeric.

Essential shower and massage

Improve blood supply to tissues, organs and the functioning of blood vessels, and warm baths or a contrast shower with essential oils of rosemary, tea tree and orange will help get rid of the problem of freezing feet. Mix 2-3 drops of oils with your regular body wash and use a medium-hard washcloth to apply the mixture to your body, paying special attention to problem areas. When drying off after such a shower, thoroughly rub your entire body with a terry towel - this is a wonderful massage for tone and vascular health! And make it a rule to massage your hands and feet every day before going to bed - preferably with the help of special warming ointments and gels (sold in pharmacies). Special massage insoles for shoes will also help to cope with the problem.

Pay attention to your wardrobe– tight shoes and clothing contribute to disruption of heat exchange and blood supply to the body. Stop smoking, which causes vasospasm.

Folk recipe

Get a good job done vessels and warm the limbs, the following recipe will help: 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder, 1 tbsp. l. Place coarse sea salt and 1 pod of red hot pepper (cut in half) in a glass container and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. Close the container and leave in a dark place for about a week, shaking occasionally. If the tincture has acquired a red tint, it means it is ready.

Before going to bed, apply a little tincture to a cotton pad and lubricate your feet and hands with it. Wear cotton socks on your feet that are prone to freezing, and special linen gloves on your hands, or keep your hands under a blanket. Carry out the procedure from two weeks to a month, and the result will not be long in coming!